#/ non-sorcerer au.
fanta2y · 3 months
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The Little Things
a little drabble inspired by @rrairey and her post on sukuna peeling an orange so THANK HER FOR THIS CUTE LITTLE THING
@archive-network (ooo you wanna click it so bad)
cw: none
word count: 697 (very short)
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The door of your shared apartment swung open as you walked in, practically dead on your feet from the long and tiring hours of work today. You wanted nothing more than to curl into bed, cuddle with your personal furnace of a boyfriend and sleep for the next week. 
But you knew Ryomen was probably having an equally, if not worse day than you. And being disgustingly in love with him, you would push aside the tired ache that felt bone deep, for him to come home with a hot meal. 
You were stopped in your tracks when you realized that his shoes were already propped by the front door, his nice suit jacket hung up on the rack. 
“Ryo?!” You called out, your voice echoing along the walls. You walked through the apartment, making your way into the kitchen. When your eyes landed on a plate, wrapped in plastic wrap with your name written on it. 
The food looked delicious, the steam getting trapped inside the wrap. It brought a smile to your face as you grabbed the plate and made your way to the bedroom. Where you assumed he would be. 
“Ryo?” You called to him again, opening the door of your shared bedroom. The plate still in hand, you found him laying blissfully on the bed. His shirt no where to be found, his pajama pants hanging lowly on his hips as he flipped through a book. 
He hummed, his eyes flicking up from his book to meet yours. 
“Welcome home.” He said, his voice gravely and soft. The tone only you got to hear from him, the smile never left your lips as you made your way over to where he was laying. Placing the still warm plate on the bedside table, you leaned forward to kiss him. 
“Did you make me dinner?” A teasing lilt to your voice as you whispered the question against his lips. 
“No.” His signature smirk adorning his face, as you giggled. 
“No?” You shook your head at his antics, kissing him once more in a silent thank you. 
This is the way Ryomen functioned. He could never admit that he had done something for you. Either flat out denying it or coming up with some excuse as to why it was easier for him to do it, or why he had to do it instead of you. 
No matter what he said, the warmth that it left in your heart never dimmed. Knowing that the way he showed his love and care for you was not through sweet words or gifts, but through silent acts. Making dinner for you when you come home, folding your laundry for you after hearing you complain about it, making you coffee in the morning before you wake up. 
Its the little things that make you fall so much more in love with him. The silly excuses you both knew were false could never falter the love you shared with him. 
“It was the coffee fairy.” He would say, barely being able to hide the smirk with his book. 
“I don’t even know where your clothes go.” He would argue, both of you knowing that he was the one who helped you organize your closet when he first moved in. Being a stickler for organization and him knowing exactly where everything goes. 
You teased him often by calling him a control freak and he just scoffed and rolled his eyes at you while you giggled away at his antics. 
“Well thank you, whoever it was.” You said, moving away from his side of the bed. Grabbing your plate before getting yourself comfortable. 
Enjoying the homemade dinner thoroughly, and knowing to bring two forks because if you knew Ryomen, you knew he would try and sneakily steal your food whenever you ate infront of him. He said he was simply collecting his taxes from you, like some king of a medivial kingdom. 
It never failed to make you smile. These calm, soft moments with him. Knowing him more intimately than anyone else, filled your heart with sweet joy and satisfaction. Which made your dinner taste all the more delicious. 
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authors note: EEEKKK this one is really cute, i love the way it turned out !! i love me some soft sukuna :))) hehehehe i hope you guys enjoyeddd !! and thank you for readinggg <3
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hoenoredone · 10 months
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tags: sfw
chef!nanami who keeps his work station immaculate, who hones his knives at the end of each day and sharpens them at least once a month.
chef!nanami whose favorite part of the day is making his partner a simple breakfast of cocoa topped cappuccino and a homemade pistachio cream croissant. he reminds you every time that he is not a pastry chef, and you should not expect anything spectacular out of the croissant he presents you. it's quite literally the flakiest, most decadent pastry you've ever had.
chef!nanami who never yells at his sous, whose kitchen is as calm and quiet as it can be for two star restaurant.
chef!nanami who personally trains culinary school student!yuuji because he sees so much raw talent and potential in his rough hands. sure, he messes up three different times while making a simple demi glace, but once nanami takes him through the process step by step he remebers it and performs it perfectly.
chef!nanami who insists you bring your friends to his restaurant so that he can impress them with his skills and subtly show you off to his staff. he might not be the best at expressing it, but he is a proud man.
chef!nanami who almost gets offended when you suggest going out for dinner instead of staying home and letting him cook for you. what, suddenly you don't like his dishes anymore?
chef!nanami who melts when he understand it's actually quite the opposite. you see how drained he looks after a long, busy night at the restaurant, you don't want to put any more pressure on him. he still acts offended for the drama.
chef!nanami whose sole purpose in life is to see you smile once you take a bite of the butter seared scallop he placed on top of the black rice risotto with lemon zest and micro-basil he made for dinner.
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spit-on-me-nanami · 1 year
NANAMI follows your frame across the room with his eyes, noting every sway of your hips and every tap of your fingers against the walls and surfaces you pass by on your journey toward him. you innocently drag a fingertip across the stair railing as you edge past a couple near the bottom, and his gaze drops down to your ankles, strapped up tight in the sexiest high heels he's ever seen.
it's a pity, he thinks, when you sit down beside another man at the hotel bar. it could've been him taking you home, keeping you entertained, but he doesn't want to push it. after everything nanami has experienced this week with the crashing stock market, he isn't sure he has the energy to compete with another man.
he nurses a glass of scotch, quietly studying the other guests at the event, and as he does his eyes continually seem to find you, and he hates it. why can he not simply look at anyone other than you, why can he not simply find someone more attractive to stare at? he can't help it when his eyes finally rake over your entire form and he gulps at the way your dress perfectly accentuates every part of you.
it's a crime, the way his hand reaches out on its own and he taps your shoulder. he may be stealing from another man. you are not his prey, he is not meant to have you tonight. but when you turn your head and your eyes light up at his wide pupils and his hungry glare, he thinks maybe he can steal you, guilt-free, from the man who is boring you with some question about the stock markets.
"yes?" the single syllable leaves your mouth perfectly. nanami can't explain it. your voice is art.
"are you an investor?" he reckons that's a good way to start.
"actually, i am — and i was hoping someone at this event might strike me a good deal. are you interested in convincing me?"
"actually," he starts, and a sly smirk crosses his mouth to replace his pursed lips, "i am."
you're bent over the edge of his bed minutes later, in his hotel room and with a bottle of wine from his mini bar open on the bedside table, each having taken a few sips before losing control of your instincts. paperwork is strewn across the duvet beneath you, a fistful of the stuff crumpled between your fingers as his hips work into yours and you cry out beneath him.
he couldn't be damned if you actually sign your funds away into any stupid account he runs — but he definitely needs to feel every inch of the velvetine walls that perfectly shape around his cock as he works his way into you, listens to your pathetic whimpers and chuckles at your shaking knees and the tears streaking down your pretty face and ruining your makeup and the bedsheets under you.
no, he couldn't be the least bit damned about your money, but he'll let you damn him all the way to hell if you just keep whimpering like that.
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yuesya · 9 months
If Toji goes through some major character development maybe I’d be on board with him being near Shiki but nuh uh get that man away from her now
Lol I guess people like seeing conflict. xD
Shiki/Toji where both of them are non-sorcerers and married only due to the pressure from their clans is a marriage where both of them are miserable. Neither of them really like each other. Toji was already planning to leave the Zenins when he got roped into this marriage, so he's already coming into this with a bad attitude. He also takes one look at Shiki, and... even though she's like him, in that they're both non-sorcerers, she has a sorcerer brother who loves and protects her. A brother who's the honored one.
Shiki, on her part, is not pleased by how Toji treats their marriage like it's her fault (It's not, they both know it's not, but Toji doesn't have anyone else to lash out at). I imagine that there are many arguments, and probably a few cases where things nearly slide into violence, where Satoru intervenes on his sister's behalf, and the arguments just get worse from there.
When Toji leaves, Satoru goes, "Good riddance," while Shiki quietly breathes a sigh of relief.
(In this AU, Shiki knows some basic self-defense, but she was never trained as a sorcerer. Against someone like Toji, with his Heavenly Restriction?
There's a very good reason why Satoru despises Toji.)
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So. So. Imagine Gojo popping up as a sorcerer only after the start of the Culling Games Higuruma style. Idk if he’s still a Gojo in this AU, probably shouldnt be, but i dont care i dont want to think og another surname so whatever. Gojo Satoru, the singer, the popular idol
But yeah, suddenly unlocking and speedruning all this power genius style. And then arriving to help against the big bad with Yuuta in tow (cause he met the kid by accident and just thought he was troubled but had potential and made him a little idol too. Like he clocked that stuff happens when the kid is upset and everything and Rika is there but kinda went “well happens, idk if its a ghost or he’s just troubled, but it can be solved anyway by giving him a good environment and support :)”. Also he adopted Tsumiki cause after Zenin got to Megumi she was sent to the orphanage. Cause i said so)
Hehehe :)
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seoafin · 8 months
how do u feel about polyau megumi referring to stsg as his mom’s husbands when he’s talking to someone else 🥸
I think megumi refuses to acknowledge stsg in any relation to you. in his mind you are single. stsg are the gay uncles that are there like occasionally.
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cryptid-called-ash · 1 year
Witcher thoughts
Sorcerer Jaskier / Yennefer (version one)
Just after the mountain drama
jaskier get blinded by a bruxa on his way down the mountain.
So he decides fuck it he’s had enough with people for the next decade
He dyes his hair and becomes a pseudo- hermit, throwing himself into perfecting his magic
He starts going by Julian again
Yennefer hears about this mysterious sorcerer living in the mountains who helps the local village and goes to investigate
Lo and behold it’s jaskier
She shocked, confused, but not angry. She can’t bring herself to be. Not when he invites her into his cottage for tea
She very quickly becomes angry, but not at jaskier, no her fury is solely on geralt for leaving jask alone
Winter falls and jask asks yenn to stay with him
They start getting close and before they realize it, they’ve fallen in love
They decide to wed for real
Rip geralt he’s got two angry sorcerer newlyweds to deal with now
Witcher jaskier
Do y’all watch the Witcher George on YouTube? You should. Go watch the school of the leshen video! I’ll wait.
School of the leshen Jaskier.
His dad, Alfred, is also a Witcher of the same school, he had jask before undergoing the mutations.
A 22 year old newly minted Witcher Alfred is out on a contract in lettenhove and runs into the woman he had a one night stand with, and surprise, he’s a father.
She gives a rather neglected 5 year old Julian to his father.
Panicking about his new status as a father, he takes his son back to the elder keep and raises Julian as a Witcher.
 Julian has a surprising affinity for signs, Axii in particular, which he learned to incorporate into his voice. Earning him the nickname ‘siren in the wood’
{oc time} the Witcher Berek Ebonstone is roughy around Julian’s age and the two become quick friends. Even traveling together when they become full witchers
Jul gets sent to study at oxenfurt and bring new information back the the school, where he takes up his infamous persona of Jaskier the bard
Julian is out on a contract in Posada, having just completed it when he meets geralt.
Now Julian, ever the little shit, decides he wants to see what all the fuss over the white wolf is about.
Things play out as normal, albeit with jaskier always seems to have more coin when geralt comes back from a contract than when he left, there always seems to be one less contact too. He’s sure it’s nothing though.
It’s not until the infamous break up that things really change.
Jaskier seemingly drops off the face of the earth.
Berek and Julian are once again hunting together regularly, occasionally interacting with the other wolves but, blessedly, never running into geralt.
Julian knows his luck won’t hold, and he’ll have to face geralt eventually and tell him the truth. But he going to wait until he has no other choice.
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satorusluver · 6 months
Once again thinking about that JJK college AU I mentioned a while ago and I'm dying to know what majors you think the guys would have??
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fushigurro · 7 months
feeling insane and delulu enough to say out loud imagine an au where you and sukuna keep megumi locked up somewhere nice and safe because he’s so ✨special✨
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softjaegerhours · 8 months
i need someone to explain why they’re obsessed w choso. i wanna like him as much as y’all do
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sorcerous-caress · 8 months
You know how in Sharess's Caress, each worker has an archtype they fullfill?
Like Drow twins with the oversexaul and "exotic" drow culture that they overplay to attract people.
The strick librarian old lady who mainly appealed to wizards who are into bdsm.
If your Tav worked there, what would their overplayed archetype be. Or on a different note, what would each companion's archtype be?
I can see Laezel turning heads with her "ruthless gith" roleplay.
Halsin will definitely be a niche but stable choice for his bear form.
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hoenoredone · 10 months
MISHAPS – gojo satoru
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contents: satoru comes home after a gruelling day at work to his house looking like it was traversed by a hurricane. tags: sfw, fluff, enstablished relationship, parenting is hard, gojoxfem!reader, non sorcerer au, married au, megumi and tsumiki are gojo's biological children - i don't make the rules, very domestic, sort of traditional gender roles?
no way in hell gojo was going back to work tomorow, not after the absolute mess of a calendar his secretary had left him with. meetings and conferences back to back, he had barely had any time to take a single bite out of the lunch you had prepared for him the day before. gojo had made it through the day by only relying on pure spite against his secretary – yes, he was still seething – and the thought of coming home to his wife and kids.
as he exited his car he could already hear tsumiki's laughter through the open kitchen window and your gentle redirection for what he could only assume was an attempt at teaching the kids some independence by having them make dinner with you. if he had to be honest, gojo did think it was a little early for them to hold a knife – even if it was barely able to be considered one, seeing how it was completely blunt ceramic – tsumiki being six and megumi being almost three, but ultimately you knew best considering all of the parenting books you had devoured in the last seven years. not that he hadn't put in any effort at all – he had actually spent several nights studying to prepare –, he simply did not want to see his kids grow up so soon.
"no, tsumiki, that's sugar!" gojo hears you hurriedly yell at your daughter, and he can't help but chuckle at the horror in our voice. you must be too busy trying to fix your little one's mishap to hear him enter your home, because once he crosses the threshold and removes his coat, the only one to greet him is a tired looking megumi.
"hi, daddy," the boy says between a yawn and a clumsy stumble towards his father, and gojo's heart couldn't be fuller than in that moment.
"hey there, little man," he whispers to his son as he picks him up and lays him on his shoulder, "how's mommy doing?"
gojo only receives a mumble and a nuzzle as a response. he tries to make his way to the kitchen holding megumi with a hand rubbing soothing circles on his back, however he has to skip and hop every couple of steps over some forgotten toys and books scattered on the living room floor.
once he reaches the kitchen he can't help but stand back and observe the barely controlled chaos of the stove. sink full of utensils, table stacked with bowls he can only assume had been taken out of the dishwasher when it hadn't finished yet, givien the water droplets falling on the wood, and his two favorite ladies hunched over the stove.
"okay, no- that's okay, actually! tomato sauce always calls for a pinch of sugar," you say as you lift tsumiki off of the stepping stool in front of the stove and step in to add some freshly picked basil – you had insisted on having some potted herbs on the windowsill – and a generous amount of salt.
"wait, why, mommy?" your daughter asks jumping up to try and see the pot.
"why what, baby? the sugar?" you ask before tasting the sauce and barely holding back the look of surprise that paints your face. it must have turned out fairly decent, in the end.
tsumiki nods enthusiastically.
"ah," you step aside and let her climb back on the stepping stool, "it's to cut the acidity of the tomatoes. you could use some milk too, but we don't because we don't want daddy's tummy to feel upset."
"we all have our flaws," gojo says while repositioning megumi on his shoulder, and he swears he sees all of the cogs in your brain work at lightning speed to make the split second decision to hide tsumiki behind you and grab the nearest knife on your counter before you realize it's just your husband talking.
his arms ache from his son's weight, his back is in knots from sitting at his desk all day, and his heart is so, so full of love.
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haharuspex · 1 year
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my main dnd trio and the songs they’d listen to <3 composing this kind of playlists was hella fun!!
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cursedvibes · 2 years
It always irks me a bit when I see people say Geto would be a good teacher because he "cares about young sorcerers". Thing is, that only applies to who he deems worthy of the title "sorcerer". Panda and Inumaki probably would've survived his attack on Christmas, didn't look like he hurt them too bad, but he sliced Maki up and ripped her leg off without an ounce of remorse. If Yuuta hadn't shown up when he did, she would've bled out very quickly. In his eyes she is just a "monkey" and therefore worthless no matter how talented she is in other aspects. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want someone like that around children, much less teach them.
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seiwas · 8 months
Sel I’m gonna have a breakdown over megumi :’)
ALEKS DARLIN :(((( hsdbgsdjbh i am here giving u hugs we can breakdown together 😭😭😭
i trust he is ok 👆 TRUST 👆
megumi nation rise please we must band together 🤧
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melaniem54 · 8 months
Review: A [Non] Comprehensive Guide to Sea Serpents (Sorcerer's Grimoire #1) by A.J. Sherwood
Rating: 5 🌈 I’m never quite sure which way one of Sherwood’s series is going to go , whether it’s a bit dark or lighter in tone, but I’m always excited to dive in for the journey . A [Non] Comprehensive Guide to Sea Serpents could have gone dark so deeply with our introduction to how Sorcerer Adrien Danvers rescued not one but two young street boys who will become his apprentice and found…
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