#/ were it not for ade. nox would never have found their way back
I'd love to read any of your HC posts about the older brothers having a trying time when their younger brothers go through the rebellious teenage stage.
Undertale/Horrortale Sans & Papyrus - Papyrus was complicated to deal with. As he grew up, Sans struggled to stay updated about his personality changes. One day he's all bubbly and overconfident, the next day he's goth and doesn't want anyone to talk to him anymore. He's a bit confused about what's going on. Added to that, Papyrus' ways to dig into people's stuff that everyone found cute when he was little turns out to not be so cute anymore so he struggles a lot with loneliness and his inability to make friends. He comes home late, or he doesn't even come home at all, which worries Sans a lot. It became worse when Papyrus started talking about his yellow flower friend that Sans had never seen, so Sans got a little more worried for his brother. But the fact he could talk to at least someone -imaginary or not- is a relief, because that was never Sans' best skill.
Underswap Sans & Papyrus - Honey never really had a rebel stage. Around his teenage years, he shut down and told nothing to his brother anymore. Blue felt guilty, because, with his dreams to enter the Royal Guard, he kinda pushed away his brother a little bit because Honey was too needy and holding him back. Blue tried to talk to him, but never got more than a growl or a nod as all answer. It became worrying when he found more and more cigarettes and bottles of alcohol around the house, and Honey immediately became defensive when he tried to talk about this, saying he didn't need help. The brothers were not really close during that time. Honey got self-aware of this after a few months and tried to get closer to Blue again, but Blue was in training for the Royal Guard and clearly didn't have time for him. So instead of talking to someone, Honey fell into depression and just kinda let the world move on without him, waiting to see what would happen.
Underfell Sans & Papyrus - "I JOINED THE ROYAL GUARD." "the hell you mean you joined the royal guard?! you're barely 15!" "YOU SAID YOU WERE TIRED TO HAVE ME AROUND AND TO BE USEFUL FOR ONCE!" "i didn't mean enroll in the army and go die stupidly for monsters who don't give a shit about you!" "WELL THAT'S TOO LATE NOW SO PISS OFF." Yeah. Edge was something. It's mainly Red's fault though. Red never asked to raise a child on his own and he was harsh on Edge, doing his best to teach him how to survive, even if he had to be mean to do that. He didn't mean Edge to enter the Royal Guard though, he never wanted that. But Edge never listened to him anyway so he didn't have the last word on this. He didn't have enough anxiety, you know. Now he has to live with the fear his brother might die any day.
Swapfell Sans & Papyrus - That's around Rus' teenage years when the brothers stopped talking to each other. Nox entered the guard at a young age, while Rus was manipulated by rebels and educated on how bad the Queen and the Royal Guard were. Obviously, when Rus learned his brother joined the guard, he got mad, and then left the house and didn't come back. Rus met the wrong people, and he slowly let them convince him to try alcohol as a solution to any problem, which obviously didn't help him feel better.
Fellswap Gold Sans & Papyrus - Wine was very conscious about Coffee's different ways of seeing the world. He didn't know what autism was at the time, but he knew for sure that his brother didn't understand the way the world worked and that eventually, the world would have crushed him before he got a chance to defend himself. So Wine, young captain at the time, kept him locked and busy so he didn't get killed. With his new status, he knows Coffee is more protected but also more of a target, so he's scared to find only his ashes in the morning. That actually makes Coffee's social anxiety even worse, as Wine prevented him to develop any social skills. Coffee was only talking with his brother and that weird Temmie he sneaked in when Wine was leaving in mission. He had several rebellion phases, where he escaped the house and gave his brother panic attacks, but Coffee almost died during one of the runaways and decided Wine was right, even though he's sick of being locked in the house all the time. Wine has definitely a part in Coffee's social problems, and safety doesn't explain everything.
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ask-healthy-light · 9 months
To the others' relief, not only had Spike not noticed their knowing glances or solemn nods, but his smile brightened after Stygian's compliment, and his wings fluttered excitedly for a moment, before he thanked the Princesses for their help; and after Stygian bowed to the Sisters, he politely asked them if they could tell him how Starswirl was doing, or whether he or others could help in any way.
With a kind smile on her face, Celestia said there was some trouble, but apart from this, Starswirl was doing much better than before, and he had even requested to see the other Pillars; and they had returned to the Castle to look for a couple of mirrors, large and small, to enchant, to give to the Pillars back in Ponyville and Starswirl respectively, through which they could talk to one another.
In an instant, Spike leapt into the air, and offered to help, at least until the others got back to the Palace for lunch, which briefly made the others' hearts ache, but they hid it with a smile, and gestured for Spike to lead the way; but as they followed him upstairs, the group trotted past Nox's room, where Luna stopped for a moment, and sighed, before she perked up again, and closed her eyes.
From the Crystal Empire to the Dragon Lands, Luna reached out to Nox through the Void, and politely asked her about the massive bag of trinkets she got from the Market, and whether she had also found a small, hoofheld mirror, by any chance; for the Bearded said that he would like to see his friends of Old again, and her Sister had formed a plan to link a couple of mirrors for him and the Pillars.
As soon as she started to talk to Nox, Stygian and Celestia heard her voice in their minds as well, and they asked Spike to wait before he flew too far away, whereafter they turned around to see Luna quietly sitting in front of the door to Nox's room; but after a moment of silence, just as Celestia took a step towards her Sister, they heard Nox's quiet voice answer her, and they sighed in relief.
When they heard both Luna and Nox's voices grow emotional as they spoke with each other, the others did not utter a word, and they focused their attention elsewhere as best they could, at least until Mother and Daughter sweetly said goodbye; and after the two wiped away their tears, as Nox followed the path to the Scorched Plateaus, Luna asked the others for a moment as she stepped into her room.
After Luna returned, and had kindly thanked Stygian and Celestia for giving her some time with Nox, she revealed a small mirror that she got from a bag in Nox's room, which she bought while they were at the Crystal Market; for after she was given permission, Luna managed to find her bag of trinkets under a cloaking spell, though it would have taken the others much longer to find where she hid it.
Even though it was a truly beautiful mirror, with brilliant blue crystals of various hues inlaid on its frame, and Luna had promised Nox that they could easily find another small mirror for Starswirl to use, she was all right if they used it for their purpose; for she admitted it was neither unique nor valuable, since the vendor stand she purchased it from had more than a dozen identical mirrors.
Apart from this, she added that Nox also wanted the others to know their company was nearly off the slopes of the Great Volcano, and despite a couple of hiccoughs, as well as a few moments of strife, fortunately, everybody was all right; and she promised Luna that she would stay in touch to let her and their friends know about their journey, which she dearly hoped would be over within a few days.
But at that moment, just as Eclipse flew downstairs to tell Celestia they had sent the letter, Luna realised what she had said in front of Spike, whose eyes lost their warmth as he sombrely landed on the ground; for while he knew that their friends were away, it never crossed his mind that it would take such a long time for them to return, especially given the ways they could teleport to and fro.
As a small and kind smile grew upon his face, he politely asked the Princesses:
"Could you please try to send them the baked goods we made? Or at least, mention these to them?"
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
Send an ask or request! | Start at the beginning! | Next part!
Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Solar Eclipse and Twilight Sparkle as Twilight Eclipse from @asktwilighteclipse
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tomtenadia · 2 years
Arrivals - an ALB Outtake.
Hello everyone. I have a surprise for all of you. It’s fluffy and I hope you love it.
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Winter in Orynth was always challenging and cold. Snow was a permanent feature from late September all the way through to March and sometimes until a very early April if the winter had been bad. That year the snow had arrived at the very beginning of September and the meteorologists had predicted a very harsh winter.
Rowan stared at the outside world from the rolling doors of the firehouse and sighed. The storm had been raging since the early hours of the night and it was not meant to let go for another day.
They had a few call outs and the drive had been hellish. Ansel and Nox had guided both truck and engine through the streets of Orynth under a snowstorm and very poor visibility. He had driven the ambulance with nervousness. He knew Nox had changed the tyres and was always on top of maintenance, but even with that reassurance he had hated the drive. When dispatch alarm went off he ran to the ambulance and joined an apprehensive Elide.
“Here we go again.” She whispered, while reading the details of the call on the onboard computer. This time it was just them. 
His phone on the dashboard pinged but he ignored it as he parked the ambulance and jumped to work.
A heavily pregnant Aelin exited her car, wrapped in the coat and walked to the familiar doors of east station. The apron already covered with fresh snow, the tyres trails faint on the snowy tarmac. Keeping it clear was impossible. She entered the side door and found the apparatus floor empty and her heart sank. She hoped they were all fine. That was an aspect she always hated. If a call came through on such horrendous conditions, they had to respond. It was the job of a first responder. She stomped her feet hard to remove the snow and walked quickly to the bunks room and dumped her stuff on Rowan’s bed remaining only in her polo shirt and TFD track suit trousers. Her uniform had soon become very uncomfortable so she had started wearing more comfortable clothes.
She then walked back in the common room and sat heavily on the sofa. Rowan had begged her to join him at the station as soon as her shift at the academy was over. She had just entered her last month of pregnancy. Both the commissioner and her husband had been nagging her to finally go on maternity leave but Aelin had asked for another week. There were a few thing she wanted to get ready before she went on leave. They both had resigned at her stubbornness. On that day though, Rowan had begged her to stay at the firehouse. If power failed they had backup generators and she would be safe. He did not want his pregnant wife alone in a cold house.
It was a few minutes later when she stood again and made her way to the kitchen. She was not feeling great and hoped some warm green tea might help. With the finesse of a stranded whale she landed again on the sofa and her hand went to her bump. It had been feeling tight and sore all day. She shrugged and grabbed the remote and relaxed until the team was back.
It was an hour later when she heard the familiar sounds of the rolling doors being activated and the vehicles being parked on the apparatus floor.
She stood and slowly walked to the big room knowing that it was very likely that Rowan was not there yet.
Aelin stared at the team jump off the vehicles and smiled but the pang of sadness she was expecting never came.
“Aelin!” Shouted Brullo who had been the first one to spot her.
“Hellish call?”
“Roof cave in,” added Manon while she removed her bunker gear “All of this snow is crazy.”
Aelin chuckled “Guess that will keep you busy, eh captain?”
Manon sighed “I have already three reports waiting for me in the office. No rest for the wicked.”
In the background she heard Asterin giving orders to the team and she smiled. Aelin was not worried about her station as she left it in very capable hands. Manon had become a wonderful captain very quickly and Asterin had stepped up to her role of lieutenant on truck with the same easiness. 
“Shouldn’t you be stranded on the sofa?”
Another strange pang of pain and Aelin nodded and followed the team inside.
“Cap, fancy some lunch with us? Rowan and Elide had to go to med. They will be back soon.” She smiled back at Brullo and the man joined Ress at the stoves. As the smell of food started to rise in the air she began feeling sick and thought she had far too many doughnuts for breakfast. One of her students of the class that was about to graduate had brought in sweet treats knowing full well how much she loved them. She ignored her upset stomach and kept sipping the hot tea in the hope it would settle the stomach. Rowan and Elide waltzed back in not long after. Her husband’s stare landed on her and he smiled at seeing her safe.
“Buzzard, your whale of a wife has landed,” she announced, extending her arms to him.
Rowan walked to her and kissed her deeply then brushed her bump “Hi Maya, being nice to mum?”
Aelin sighed “she has been very active today,” another flinch escaped her and Rowan did not miss it.
“Are you okay?” And from his tone she knew he had activated his fussy mode “do you want me or Elide to check on you?”
She shifted uncomfortably “No Ro, I am fine.”
He sighed and walked away but she knew the battle was not over yet.
Aelin had been feeling lousy all afternoon, and worry started to rise in everyone when she barely ate.
“It’s just false labour,” she kept repeating “I think Maya is getting ready, and she has been swimming all day.”
Surely her daughter had decided that her bladder had become a squeeze toy as she stood to walk to the restroom for the billionth time that day.
It was on her way back to the common room when the pain started to get worse. Aelin landed heavily back on the sofa and swore at the stabbing pain in her abdomen.
“Aelin?” Rowan was at her side immediately “What is it?”
She grabbed her belly as what now she was positive was a contraction rocked her abdomen “I think….” She breathed out in a desperate hope to chase away the pain “I think I am in labour.”
Rowan turned his head to Elide and the woman jumped into action, coming back a few minutes later with Manon “My quarters are free. Go, check on her.”
Rowan helped Aelin up and the two paramedics accompanied her in the captain quarters and lay her down on the bed. Her husband grabbed the jump bag Elide had passed him “Ae, I need to check on you.”
They both removed her trousers and Rowan donned his gloves and proceeded with his checks and then gasped “Aelin, did your water break and omitted to tell me?”
She stared at Rowan with curiosity “I—“ she did manage to finish the sentence as another contraction followed really quickly “Maybe this morning in the shower…”  more pain rippled through her “I have no fucking clue, Rowan,” she growled.
“Damn,” he resumed his position between her legs “Aelin, you are well advanced in your labour and almost fully dilated.”
He stared at his wife close her eyes and grit her teeth as another contraction rippled through her.
“It’s too late to take you to the hospital, we are delivering here.” Elide looked at him and nodded in approval. Plus, considered the weather, Aelin would probably end up delivering in the ambulance along the road. No, the firehouse was a safer location.
“Ro, I just thought it was false labour.”
“Yeah, well, our daughter seems to think otherwise, fireheart.” Rowan gave her a big smile and tried to be as supportive as possible.
It was when Aelin screamed out loud once more that he noticed his daughter’s head crowning.
“Fireheart, Maya is coming.”
Elide took position behind him but let him deliver his daughter. She trusted his skills and was ready to jump in if needed.
“Ae, I need you to push at the next contraction,”
And so Aelin did, over and over and over until Rowan held their crying daughter in his strong arms “You did it, my love.” Aelin was positive her husband was crying.
Elide grabbed the baby and checked her while Rowan went to kiss Aelin “You have done so well, my love and she is gorgeous.”
While Elide was cleaning and checking on the baby, Rowan enveloped his crying wife in his arms “Is she okay?” She sobbed hard.
“She is healthy,” added Elide while passing the baby to Rowan “But we should go to the hospital as soon as it’s safe.”
Rowan nodded and Elide left, probably to give the good news to the team and also to allow the new parents some privacy.
“I am sorry baby,” cooed Aelin as Rowan passed Maya to her “I just thought you were being very active, sorry my love.”
Rowan chuckled “Well, it will be a very interesting story to tell. You are so stubborn you ignored that you were in labour.”
“Maya, don’t listen to him, your dad is a mean old man.”
Rowan kissed his daughter’s head and in that instant the baby girl opened her eyes and pine green meet green.
“Ro, she is a mini you.”
His arm went behind Aelin and he pulled them both close “I love you so much,”
“She is here…” whispered Aelin almost incredulous.
Rowan placed his pinky in her tiny fingers and she gripped softly and at the gesture he almost cried on the spot again.
Elide came back ten minutes later and while she checked on Aelin, Rowan grabbed Maya and decided to introduce the little girl to the crazy band of aunties and uncles.
“Now, my love, we are going to meet a lot of people who will probably love you just as much mum and I do.”
His daughter looked up at him and cooed happily.
He entered the common room and silence fell.
“Are you all ready to meet Maya?” He turned to allow everyone to look at the tiny bundle in his arms.
Joy spread in the room and then Rowan turned to Brullo “I can’t keep her away from Aelin too long but I want you to be the first one to hold her,”
The man’s eyes were moist with emotion and with extended arms he took the baby from Rowan.
“Welcome to the world, Maya. You have been part of this family since the day your dad told us Aelin was pregnant,” he kissed the girl’s head “You will always be welcome in this house.”
Slowly Maya was passed around all the members who were eager to finally met her, but when she started fussing, Rowan claimed his daughter back and joined his wife once more.
“Did she meet them all?”
Rowan smiled and placed his daughter in her mother’s arms “she did, and they are all in love already. Brullo cried.”
“Did Elide check on you?”
Aelin nodded in a tired way “she wants to go to the hospital as soon as possible, though.”
He brushed huis wife’s hair “I agree. We need to check on both of you.”
“Is the storm still raging?”
Rowan nodded “we’ll go very slowly. I hate this but I want to make sure you are both okay.”
His wife nodded tiredly and Elide came back in that instant “Nox did a quick check on the ambulance and I called the hospital in advance.”
Rowan, reluctantly took Maya back from her mother and passed her to Elide, while he lifted his wife in his arms.
“I will make sure to leave you a five stars review for service.”
Once in the ambulance he passed Maya back and covered them both with a blanket and nodded to Elide.
“I will stay with the two of you. We’ll let the man drive.”
The drive to the hospital had been long and painfully slow. Rowan was positive he broke road rules for slow speed, but he was not risking all of their lives.
At the emergency room they were met by Sorscha who had a doctor and a paediatrician ready. Elide and Rowan both followed and lingered in the waiting room for the all clear.
The doctor came back ten minutes later “They are both fine. Aelin is exhausted and we are keeping an eye on her while her body finishes the afterbirth process,” she explained “your little girl is healthy too and she is busy having lunch now.”
Rowan relaxed. They were both fine.
“Go and see them before we head back to the station,” Elide pushed his elbow and nodded towards the door.
Rowan walked to the room’s doors and once inside his heart melted at the scene. Aelin was sitting in bed, in her arms Maya was nursing and he stood immobile for a moment. Incredulous that he had a daughter and a family.
“Come, Ro.”
At his wife’s voice he took a step and then another and sat down on the bed at Aelin’s side.
“She was so hungry.”
“Like mother, like daughter.”
“Hey,” retorted Aelin in false indignation “She looks like you, I am glad she took something from my gene pool.”
Rowan kissed her head and stared at his daughter. He was itching to hold her and touch her again but didn’t want to disturb the baby while she was feeding.
“Elide and I will have to go back to the station. Our shift will be over tomorrow morning, I will come and see you then and bring clothes for both.”
Aelin looked at him and went for a kiss “Please drive safely.”
He kissed her deeply and then kissed Maya’s head inhaling the scent of a newborn baby “Love you both.”
It was three days later when Aelin was finally discharged from the hospital and Rowan was happy it had happened on his day off. The storm had abated a day earlier but Orynth was still covered in a thick layer of snow. The roads were clear but he still drove carefully while Aelin called him grampa.
Their house in the outskirts was surrounded by heavy snow, but Rowan had spent the morning cleaning and gritting the driveway.
He got out of the car and ran to his wife’s side and opened the door “M’lady,” he then ran to the the back door and removed an attentive Maya from her car seat and passed her to Aelin.
Once in the house Aelin started walking around while Rowan was unpacking all of their belongings “Welcome home, Maya.”
Rowan was busy preparing lunch when he walked back to the living room and saw Aelin standing in front of the fireplace with Maya in her arms, swaying her gently. He leaned against the doorframe and took in that image, treasured the infinite happiness that he was feeling.
“See this, Maya?” Aelin nodded at the box with the piece of metal from the hangar “A cold January four years ago, that’s when I met your dad,” Aelin turned to Rowan and winked at him “He was grumpy and a mean old man,” Rowan walked closer and pulled Aelin against his chest while his arms circled his wife and daughter too “See? They were bad at fire prevention, so mum had to go and save him. It took me a while but I finally had him to fall in love with me.”
Maya cooed happily and gave her parents a gummy smile.
“Yes, you just listen to mum.”
“Fireheart, I let this pass because you had our daughter and I honestly I don’t care,” he nibbled at her ear “What matters is now. Our family and our future.”
“Maya, you should also know that your dad is an old sap.”
Rowan squeezed them both “And I wear it like a badge of honour.”
Aelin hummed in approval and let him sway them both. While they stared at the piece of metal.
For years since that cold January day. Since the fire that changed their lives and fate threw them together.
Through pain, through loss, through hard times and happy memories.
Rowan looked at the piece of metal and realised that it had all been worth it. The journey there to the day in which he would hold his two most precious women in his arms. 
“Come on, bottomless pits, time to feed you both.”
Aelin grabbed Maya’s tiny hand and gently smacked Rowan’s “Brute.”
The echo of their laughters filled the house.
@rowaelinismyotp​ @swankii-art-teacher​ @whimsicallyreading​ @elentiyawhitethorn​ @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj​ @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories​ @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire​ @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck​ @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee
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darkapples13 · 1 year
Running, That was all I had to do to get away. To be free once and for all. But I never thought I would be free like this, no, I never thought I would be free due to a bloody battle. The image of the disfigured and bloody bodies laying fresh in my… mind? Circuit board? I didn’t know anymore.
Running farther into the unknown land, I believe they called it a forest, I didn’t care, I didn’t have time to think of names. The farther I went the more mist there was, I ran and ran until I couldn’t see clearly anymore. I slipped and fell in the slick mud, trying to stand up over and over only to fall back into the mud.
“Hello.” A voice cut through the mist. I sat up and scooted back I may not be able to run but I can crawl away just enough. “Do not worry friend I mean no harm I can stay with you until my friends come along to help you escape.” The person said. I couldnt move frozen in fear, I shook trying to bring up the courage to talk. “Would you like a story while we wait? My name is Dream by the way friend.” Dream said. I nodded it seemed to be the only thing I could do.
“Once upon a time there was a lush green valley, with a giant tree one bigger than any of those skyscrapers you’ve seen. And it grew these beautiful apples, golden apples and ones as dark as the night.”
And there were two guardians one of the positive golden apples, and one of them was the guardian of the dark negative apples. We shall call them Diem and Nox.
One day strangers from a distant land came to the beautiful and peaceful valley bringing things that the two brothers had never seen before. The youngest brother Diem was amazed by the technology and promise of wonder. But the eldest brother Nox was more cautious of the strangers warning his brother of the dangers the strangers could bring to their valley.
Diem did heed the warnings of his brother for a small amount of time before his mind was whisked away by the wonder of the strangers. The strangers called themselves the Technologia, they brought the promise of prosperity. Nox didn’t trust them, so he kept his distance from the people while he let his younger brother visit the visiting strangers.
The villagers soon found that Diem gave off a strange sort of aura, one that gave positivity and hope to all of those he was around. Nox was singled out and hurt for being the ‘useless’ twin, the one they would turn into a monster.
Diem was young, and he only saw the promise of wonder and amazement. But Nox saw the flaws in the society and the gaps in their ‘promises’ but the villagers decided that it was time to get rid of him. Diem was heartbroken when Nox wasn’t there at the tree when he came back from the village.
The villagers made the ‘split second decision’ to take him in, to help him in his time of sorrow and need. He was taken to the doctors for a small ‘checkup’ they said. They said it wouldn’t hurt, they said they wouldn’t hurt him. They said that I would be fine! They said nothing would HAPPEN!
But… of course they lied. But for now Diems story has come to an end, Nox was taken and experimented on as well. He was taken to a fighting ring where he met his rivals and friends, Killer, Horror, and Dust. Three murderers who were all taken from their homes to fight for entertainment.
Killer was the sharp one, he could run dodge and strike his enemy with more percision than Horror and Dust combined. His main weapons were knifes. A human took over his world and made it reset over and over until he killer got bored. So he killed everyone in his path including the human. When the villagers found him his world was in ruin, when they experimented on him they added an experimental substance called DT.
Horror had a large amount of damage done to his head, which at times made him sluggish and slow. But he made up for it in brute strength and intimidating appearance. His world suffered from a famine caused by an unjust Queen who took all of the food for herself and her people.
Dust was unstable. He was from a world where an evil human took control of his world and reset it when they lost or got bored. Dust murdered everyone in his world, and when the villagers took him they added DT to him.
What they did to Nox? They didn’t give him the same treatment they gave to the others, no they substituted the DT for the juice from the apples the guardian protected. It caused his soul to turn black and his body to seize and jolt, as black corruption spread through his entire body enveloping him and grabbing every wire he could get his hands on.
Absorbing it and adding it to his amalgamation of a body, creating a monster that no one would want to recon with. Oh his first day in the arena he quickly became the new champion defeating Killer Dust and Horror, quickly earning their fear and respect.
But… that wasn’t the end of the story.
Walking into my new room I quickly saw the three fools I had the pleasure of wiping the floor with today. “Well well well… it seems like we get to share a room doesn’t it?” I said. The three flinch and back into the corner, the largest one pressing the smaller two closer to him, trying to keep them safe from me and as far away as possible.
“My name is Nightmare, and you three will do what I say or you will be getting to personally know the floor.” I say. The three cowards nod and watch me as I go to sit down in the chair the room had. They didn’t argue, although I doubt they would want to with my earlier threat.
A few hours of boring silence later it was mealtime, I went forward to the food and had my new appendages help me carry all 4 trays. The largest one, Horror I believe, was watching me like a cat. I sit down and start to eat, the large one looked away and started to focus on the other two in his lap.
I managed to eat 3 out of the 4 trays and chuckled when I saw the three cowards in the corner sleeping, it reminded me of something… something familiar. It hurt to forget, I tried to remember and then it struck me, Dream.
I shot up rousing the large one from his sleep, I run to the door panic rising, I was so focused on trying to get out I didn’t even notice Horror coming up behind me. He touched my shoulder and I tried to get him off of me, I tried to shove him to the floor but he wouldn’t budge. He hugged me, I could feel him tense waiting for something to happen, but what he expected never came.
I hugged back, my appendages sinking back into my body. I collapse into his arms, and that’s when he realized, I was just a kid I could feel it. He picked me up and brought me to the makeshift cuddle pile, I fell asleep a few minutes later.
Years and years passed. But I never got to see my brother, he was never in the audience and he never came to save me.
Little did Nox know is that Diem was stuck, he was stuck in his own personal hell. Producing positivity like a heater, he hated it because he was still aware of everything. Aware that his brother was stuck in a place he hated, and aware that he and his brother were suffering and that there was nothing they could do about it.
Until one day when Nox, Horror, Killer and Dust broke out of the arena. They ran and ran looking for some way to escape and that’s when they saw him. Diem was in the center of town being used like some sort of appliance to be thrown away. Nox ripped his brother out from the socket he was plugged into and took him and the others to safety.
Making sure that they weren’t being followed by anyone or anything. And that’s when Diem woke up, scared and slightly confused on who took him out of his spot, until he heard the familiar voice of his brother from the strange goopy skeleton who had a TV for a head. And now that he thought about it the other three he was with had strange TV heads as well.
But then he realized he also had a TV for a head instead of his normal skull, he started to freak out and scream, he begged for this to be a bad dream. But he never woke up, eventually he came to find that he was in a sort of stasis and that the strange goopy person was his brother and that the villagers had tortured him.
They did find a happily ever after though, one way or another. They went around freeing people from the tyrannic reign of the people who enslaved them, and helping the good people in need.” Dream finished. About half way through the story he helped me up and started to lead me towards a house of sorts where he helped me get cleaned up.
“So what’s your name I don’t think I ever asked?” Dream asked. I fiddled with a pen I found lying on the table infront of us, before I looked at him. “My name is Blue it’s nice to meet you Dream.
And that is the start of my AU! The name is still a work in progress but so far I’m leaning towards ‘Haywiretale’
Here are the Dream and Nightmare(passive-ish) in all of their glory!
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astarab1aze · 6 months
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the worldeater - is an extremely complicated entity that is equally as extremely intertwined with very old, old lore i share with ( @elysiumtouched ). we're talkin' years, baby!
they eat. a manifestation of the universe itself. they who devour the stars, the very gods, the heavens, the hells, themselves. they eat, and within them is born a new universe, a new time, a new land, with new names, new cultures, new people, new gods, new suns and moons. they are the embodiment of rebirth, chaotic in demeanor, but rigidly adherent to the structure and function of sunjatta as a whole, which is why every outer god, ascendent or not, must also serve a purpose ( take, for example, loux and his eventual ascendency - his purpose, to stoke and carry the flame of ambition, passion, love, and courage, heroism in a place you least expect to find it (in a bastard of a scoundrel), fire itself ).
they represent more than just rebirth, but new beginnings, atonement, obsession, parenthood, grief, transformation and change, vanity, pride, snakes, lizards, dragons, demons-- they can take many forms and have many names, but few have persisted over the unfathomable amount of time they've existed, and such are the forms of a man with white hair and a wyrm spanning the milky way's diameter, perhaps larger in fact. nox, nocturne, endrbinger, worldeater. on the surface, they are a forgotten god - too old to remember the prayers for, the magic required to commune - but in reality, they are ever-present, inevitable, a viciously unpredictable being ( by mortal standards ) who has no moral code to speak of until it pertains to the things that are important to them specifically, and even then... perhaps even more so.
they are not the first of the gods to exist nor will they be the last, but they are the god and they will not be disobeyed.
i've included under the cut a story of sorts about them and their relationship with their mate, from another time, another place, another version of them - but no less canon.
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     Nox was the prince of demons. Truly the baby of the family, no one really wanted him to take the throne or to be god of gods, king of them all, but they’d little choice. It was prophesied. He was king regardless of what they felt was wrong or right.
     So his eldest brother, the schemer and maniacal god of death, chose to play the long game, and propped him up. Paraded around as his only true support, carefully selecting male and female consorts to stand at his side when it came time to produce an heir, gathering armies, etc etc.
     While at the same time plotting to use him as a tool, to manipulate him into doing as he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted. Nox could trust him! He’d given him support when all their other siblings sought to lead him to slaughter, to tarnish his reputation and somehow put an end to his reign before it’d ever even begun.
     He meets his mate on the night of his coronation.
     A young god of only a few centuries old, thrust into the arms of a lesser demon a mere few thousand years older than he, whose bloodline had been carefully modified in order to meet the requirements laid out by the gods themselves. Ade, who was extremely bitter (and rightly so), wanted little to do with Nox and abused him regularly, but being foolish and young, believing his own manipulative siblings had his best interests at heart, he really didn’t know what was good or bad, so abuse became a common theme in their dubious and unwilling relationship.
     A few centuries go by and Ade has come to…at the very least, seem like him, so the abuse between them slows to a halt and they’re able to live their lives as normally as two demons might. They are gentle with one another now, loving even, and have so decided to mate properly and without the context of ‘king and consort’. In this universe, dragon- and otherwise reptile-like creatures are capable of reproducing asexually or with any gender as their populations have been so devastated that only a few remain. This goes double for the gods, especially those of primordial origins - like Nox.
     And so, Nox lays his first clutch of eggs.
     But on a day he is away from his nest, to bathe in the Oblivion Pools, one of his siblings (the god of assassination and trickery), destroys his nest and savagely murders Ade.
     As Ade’s bloodline had been altered by the gods for one specific purpose, he is reincarnated over and over and over again, to suffer the very same fate…over and over and over. And Nox is helpless to stop it as he has no understanding of what’s happening or why. He may be primordial, but he is not omnipotent, and over the many thousands of years this process repeats, he is forced to lay his clutches or watch Ade lay his own, and summarily suffer through loss after loss.
     This gradually pushes him into embracing his role as the demon king and Endbringer his brother was shaping him to be in the first place. A disconnect forms between himself and his memories of Ade, and he can no longer recognize him as his mate, so the cycle of abuse returns at full force. Though, Nox had become the abuser.
     He regularly mistreats Ade, goes out of his way to personally destroy each and every clutch they have between them (if he doesn’t, someone else will, and he’s not willing to suffer at the hands of anyone else again). So much time passes that he forgets why he’s as cruel as he is anymore, he forgets what made him, he forgets why he made the choices he did, why he loved Ade. And this cycle repeats for another thousand years.
     It isn’t until Nox is gearing up for a mass-scale demonic war and Ade is reincarnated for the millionth time that he realizes (or even begins to think) that what he’s done is wrong.
     He knows he is beyond any redemption of his own, so he doesn’t bother to seek it out, instead choosing to cease causing Ade any further pain and treating him more neutrally than anything. Jarringly so. He keeps a close eye on Ade from the time he comes of age until he has a few thousand years on him, protecting him through the use of his most valued and trusted spies and advisors.
     As Ade grows older, he grows colder, and rightly so, and this instills within Nox so heavy a feeling of regret, he eventually comes to rethink his decision not to seek out his forgiveness… Every step taken is slow and thoughtful, every word spoken careful and ringing clear with his intent to mend their bond. In this time, he realizes everything he’d done, who Ade truly is to him, and desperately tries even harder to fix what was broken.
     Ade is unkind to him, entreating him to much of the same treatment he’d endured for the many lives he’d lived as Nox’s consort. Yet, though it may have taken centuries more, Ade had begun to soften and in so doing he came into his role as an Endbringer, a Worldeater. Despite an equally broken heart, Nox was proud of him, happy that he had become his true equal.
     After yet more time, they left the Hellplane - together - and now live within Nox’s own belly, a temple built from stardust as a testament to what they shared, both for better and for worse. In effect, they are married, consider themselves so, and have had only one successful clutch of eggs between them insofar. Of course, they are open to the idea of more as children just grow up so fast, don’t they?
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elentiyawhitethorn · 3 years
When Passion Rules the Game | Part Seven
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CW: NSFW, language
AN: Wow, I wrote seven chapters in seven days and I feel so accomplished! This fic has been so fun to write, and I hope everybody enjoyed. (Last chapter btw)
Part Six//Masterlist//2835 words
By some miracle, Aelin made it through the rest of the day. She introduced herself to Nox, showed him the ropes, and got some work done. And as soon as she had completed the day’s tasks, she just about bolted out to her car, headed to Rowan’s apartment.
There was no hesitation in Aelin’s mind as she firmly knocked on Rowan’s door. He would let her in, explain, and she would realize that this was all some cosmic joke.
Aelin heard footsteps approach the door, and she braced herself, straightening her back and plastering a smile on her face.
But the door never opened. After a moment, Aelin heard the footsteps retreat, and she blinked in confusion.
She knocked again.
Another minute passed. No more noises sounded within the apartment, and Aelin started to scowl. What right did he have to ignore her? She was his boss! Well, not anymore—but that was beside the point.
Aelin reached for the handle and jiggled it, but it was locked.
“Rowan,” she called. “Please let me in.”
“Dammit, go away, Aelin.”
She hadn’t been expecting a response, and to hear that animosity toward her frightened her. Rowan must have quit because she was sleeping with him, and he wasn’t comfortable with the situation. Aelin had never done anything like this before, never unintentionally harassed someone out of their job, and her heart started aching. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
Coming to terms with the fact that Rowan wasn’t going to let her in the door, Aelin pulled a bobby-pin from her hair and inserted it into the lock. She had been a rambunctious teenager, always causing poor Aedion and her parents trouble, and picking a lock was second nature to her.
She smiled internally as the last tumbler fell into place and the lock clicked. Aelin absentmindedly discard the bobby pin in her purse and turned the knob.
Rowan was sitting on the couch, hunched over with his head in his hands, clearly upset about something. His head snapped up the instant Aelin walked in, and his eyes narrowed. “How did you—”
Aelin shut the door, cutting him off. “Why did you quit.” She was slightly angry at herself, and it came out in her tone.
Rowan sighed. “I resigned.”
“Same difference. Tell me why.”
Rowan stood up, but still kept his distance. “I found a new job. I thought it would be a better opportunity for me.”
Aelin scoffed. “You were just relocated to Terrasen. Don’t tell me you’re moving again.”
“I’m not moving. I got a job at Salvaterre Enterprises. It pays more.”
“If you wanted a raise, I—”
“I left. It’s done. There is nothing to say.”
Aelin frowned, trying to cover up the fact that her heart was fracturing in her chest. “But—”
“Do you always break into the homes of employees who decide they don’t want to work for you anymore?”
The ice in Rowan’s voice had Aelin trembling. “I want to know if you’re leaving because of me.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you’re sleeping with me!” Aelin yelled. “And you’re quitting because you’re worried about it or you’re not comfortable with it or something and I can’t just let you do that! I can’t just sexually harass one of my employees and let them leave.”
Rowan’s eyes widened. “You’re not… Aelin, this is not your fault.”
“Then what is this?” she rasped. “Why did you even apply at Salvaterre Enterprises anyway?”
She could see the hesitation in his eyes. Rowan took a step forward, then paused. “I can’t… I just needed to go. I’ve never been uncomfortable around you, Aelin, I swear.”
“Then why, Rowan, did you go? Because I’m going to keep believing this is my fault if you don’t prove otherwise.”
He hissed out a breath and turned around, running his hands through his hair. “It’s because I…”
“Because you what?”
“I can’t… I shouldn’t say.”
“Tell me,” Aelin’s demanded. She dropped her purse on the floor so that she could cross her arms.
“Because I’m in love with you!” Rowan shouted, spinning back around. “Because I love how passionate you are about your work, and how funny you are, and how you pretend to have an attitude but spend your whole life trying to help people. I love the way you tuck your hair behind your ears when you’re nervous, and how red your face gets when you’re embarrassed, and I even love the way you eat your gods-damn bagels with a fork. And I can’t do it anymore!”
Aelin couldn’t summon words. Rowan loved her?
He was breathing hard, surprise evident on his face. Maybe he hadn’t meant to say all that.
“I think you should go, Aelin. Don’t feel bad. You’re not to blame.” Rowan sighed, turning his head.
He expected her to leave. To walk out and pretend this had never happened, to forget about him. Aelin didn’t know what she was going to do next, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to forget about him.
Rowan took a deep breath, then looked back at Aelin, who wasn’t breathing at all. “I’m sorry, Aelin. But I need you to leave now.”
Aelin didn’t do that.
Rowan gasped in surprise as he felt Aelin’s lips crash into his. She had mindlessly surged forward with no intentions of stopping herself. Aelin fisted her hands in his shirt and pulled him closer, tangling her tongue with his. Rowan kissed her back for what could have been a minute or an hour; Aelin was too lost in him to tell. When he finally pulled back, they were both panting.
“What does that mean?” Rowan gasped out.
“I think I might be in love with you, too.”
Rowan yanked her back to his mouth, and Aelin felt herself melting into his touch, trying to get closer and closer, touching as much of his body as she could.
They parted again, and Rowan raised his hand to her face. “You really feel the same?” His thumb stroked her cheek and Aelin leaned into the touch.
“Of course I do. You’re amazing and kind and hilarious, and despite your protests to the contrary, you’re a total sweetheart. I love you, Rowan. I should have noticed it a lot sooner, and I must have been blind not to until now, but I see it now. I love you.”
Rowan leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together. “I love you, too. I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve cared about people, but no one has ever driven me so insane.”
Aelin laughed. “I drive you insane? I have never broken so many rules because of one man. And that’s really saying something.”
“Oh, I know,” he replied, their noses brushing. “No goody two shoes knows how to pick locks.”
“Don’t ask me about that,” Aelin said, laughing. “Or I’ll ask you why you have a picture of a scowling teenage boy with chains dangling from his jeans hanging up on the wall.”
Rowan groaned. “My mom made me hang that up when I moved in.”
“Oh, you’re a mama’s boy, then?” Aelin teased.
Rowan smiled, but the expression turned fond as he leaned forward that last half-inch and kissed her. It was nothing like any of the kisses they’d shared before; this one was soft and sweet. This one was full of love.
When they pulled apart this time, Aelin whispered, “I still can’t believe you love me.”
“Neither can I,” he replied softly. “I never expected you to say it back. Though I’ll admit, I wasn’t surprised to find you stubbornly knocking on my door.”
Aelin smiled, then tugged Rowan down to the couch, plumping onto his lap. “So now that we’ve gotten the love confessions out of the way, maybe we can try to be in a relationship? Be together?”
Rowan smiled. “I would love that. But I might have to dump you if you ever call me a sweetheart again.”
Aelin let out a choked laugh. “But you’re so sweet. Like a little cinnamon bun.”
“I really hope you did not just say that.”
Aelin grinned. “Now that we have all this sorted, you’ll come back to the company? Nox was good at the job, but he doesn’t have your work ethic, and I had to tell him how to—”
Rowan smiled sadly and interrupted her. “Babe, you would be my boss. We may be able to keep a lid on friends with benefits, but you think no one’s going to be upset to hear you’re in a relationship with me?”
“I don’t care what people think,” Aelin insisted, despite the sinking feeling in her gut.
He tugged her farther onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s still wrong. I can’t do it.”
“But… Rowan, you can’t give up your job for me.”
“I’m not. And if it came down to it, I probably wouldn’t. And neither would you, I would guess, should you ever be in that position. Your dedication to your career is one of the things I love about you.” At Aelin’s sad nod, he added, “But I got job with Salvaterre Enterprises, remember?”
Aelin rasied her brow.
“I wasn’t lying,” Rowan said with a grin. “I got a good position there, nothing worse than I had with you. I’ll miss working with you, but I’m excited to be working there, and I’m excited to be with you.”
Aelin bit her lip. “Okay, but I don’t care that you already got hired. I’m sending a recommendation for you. Not just because I love you—never because of that—but because you are an amazing worker. Besides, I know Lorcan.”
Rowan blinked in surprise. “Lorcan Salvaterre?”
Aelin flashed a grin. “We went to college together. Like you, he pretends to be an ass, but is super sweet.” Rowan scowled, and she laughed. “And he’s head-over-heels for Elide. I’ve been trying to set them up for ages.”
“Wow,” Rowan said.
“Underestimating my connections?” Aelin asked snarkily.
“Just shocked that you have friends with money. After all, you just about swiped my savings last time we played poker.”
Aelin smirked. “Lorcan always paid up in other ways.”
“I really hope you didn’t just imply…” Rowan trailed off.
“Imply what?” Aelin asked innocently.
“Did you sleep with my new boss?” Rowan asked, dreading the answer.
She laughed. “No, I was just kidding. I made him do my homework for a month every time he lost.”
Rowan breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ll admit, I’m surprised you would trust someone to control what grade you get.”
Aelin snorted. “Oh, I wouldn’t. I turned in my own work. I just wanted to make him do it for the fun of it. He went ballistic when he found out I never turned any of his hours’ worth of work in. He’s been trying to get me back for it ever since.”
“Um, perhaps I won’t tell him I’m in a relationship with you, then?”
Aelin cackled.
After another hour of chatting and laughing, Aelin decided she would tell her cousin and friends about this tomorrow, and Rowan said he would do the same by calling his mom. She could barely contain the joy that flowed through her thinking that people would know about them, that he cared about her enough to tell his mother already.
The hand that Rowan had resting on her thigh started stroking her, and Aelin started trying to recall what underwear she had put on his morning. Hopefully something nice.
Aelin ground down on Rowan’s lap, and he stood in one sudden movement, pulling her legs around his waist. Aelin sighed against his neck as he carried her to the bedroom. It sure as hell wasn’t the first time she’d been in here, and it wouldn’t be the last.
Aelin smiled into Rowan’s shirt, but that smile dissolved when Rowan threw her onto the bed. She smiled up at him prettily, the epitome of virtuous and wholesome. Rowan just snorted and said, “Take your clothes off and touch yourself.”
Feeling blood race to her face, Aelin sensually stripped off each piece of clothing, a bit more urgently than she’d been attempting to do. It was hard to act sexy when Rowan was shirtless and smirking at her.
Once she finished, Aelin lay back and spread her legs slightly. She let one hand tug on several strands of hair, delighting in the way Rowan’s eyes tracked her hands.
Then Aelin licked her lips and moved one hand to her stomach to stroke the smooth skin. She smirked at Rowan as she moved her other hand to her mouth and sucked on her thumb, making sure he was able to see as her tongue swirled around the digit. Aelin brought her wet thumb to her nipple and rubbed it roughly, parting her lips in a breathy moan.
She noticed the bulge in Rowan’s pants becoming more apparent as she played with her nipple and teased him with the hand moving on her lower stomach, and she grinned. “Get on with it,” Rowan growled.
Laughing, Aelin spread her legs farther and trailed her hand down, pressing a finger into her entrance. She immediately gasped and inserted another finger, unused to having control over when she got what she wanted.
Knowing exactly what she was thinking as she started thrusting her fingers harder, Rowan smirked and pulled his shirt off. No matter that seeing him watching her made her even wetter, Aelin couldn’t concentrate on what she was doing when she looked at him. She averted her eyes to ceiling and started pumping her fingers in deeper, groaning.
But it was not to be. “Look at me,” Rowan commanded, and Aelin had no choice but to obey.
Holding his gaze, Aelin thrust her hips into her hand and and brought the second hand down the rub furiously at her clit. She was moaning now, making more noises than she did when she was by herself, turned on by the way Rowan rid himself of his pants and started pumping his own length.
“Stop,” Rowan ordered, right as she felt release nearing. She couldn’t. She couldn’t stop. She was so close, and just few more thrusts and she would be at the edge and—
Aelin’s hands were forcibly removed from her pussy, and she cried out as she was flipped over on the bed and spanked.
“What did I tell you?” Rowan’s voice was the sharpened edge of a blade, and Aelin shivered.
“You told me to stop,” she whispered.
Rowan’s hand smacked her ass once more. “And did you?”
Aelin whimpered. “No, sir.”
He spanked her again, his hand stinging the sensation flesh of her bottom. “Why not?”
“Because,” Aelin rasped, trying to summon even a single coherent thought, “I needed to come. I needed to.”
“Hmm,” Rowan said, trailing his finger along the curve of her ass. She shivered at the sensation. “But you knew I wouldn’t let you. And look where we are now.”
Aelin squirmed in his grasp. “I’m sorry.”
“Are you?” He brought his hand down, the slap sound filling the air. “Or are you just saying that so I’ll stop?”
“I’m sorry. Please, I’m so sorry.” Aelin clung to the sheets, burying her face.
Rowan hummed thoughtfully and spanked her again. But before Aelin could beg him to stop again, callused hands gripped her thighs and spread them, Rowan’s cock filling her almost instantly.
Aelin moaned loudly into the sheets. “Rowan, gods.”
He grabbed her hips, pulling her onto her knees and farther onto his cock. She whined and lifted her ass higher in the air.
Rowan’s grip was bruising as he slammed into her. He started pounding into her, and Aelin wondered how she was supposed to walk into work tomorrow and concentrate on her job, let alone walk at all.
The fingers Rowan had on her hips dug harder into her skin, and Aelin felt even wetter knowing that he was marking her right now. His cock was hardening fully inside of Aelin, and the immense awareness she had of him was driving her crazy.
Rowan’s balls slapped her pussy and she screamed into the sheets, her orgasm forcing its way over her body in a shattering earthquake of pleasure. Rowan kept moving, fucking her senseless as she shook and screamed, finally coming and spilling into her.
Once he separated their bodies and rolled over, Aelin turned on her side and put both an arm and a leg across his body. “I love you.”
Rowan kissed her neck. “I love you, too, darling.”
Aelin snuggled closer and, instead of reflecting on her previous shortsightedness and poor judgment, thought about how much she was looking forward to a life being teased, laughed at, fucked, and loved by Rowan.
Little did Aelin know, Elide would owe Dorian twenty bucks after losing the bet about how long it would take them to confess their feelings. What an interesting day tomorrow would be.
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all-hallows-evie · 3 years
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Chapter 1: Marooned
Rating: T, for language, Canon Typical Violence/Action. Honestly, this chapter isn't that bad, the T rating is just in case I forgot about something lol
Wordcount: 3,776
Warnings: Canon typical violence and adventure, female OC with name × Tech slowburn, but not too slow lol, NOT BETA'D, because if I have to stare at this first chapter again I'm not going to post it.
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There were bad ideas, really bad ideas and then there was this.
The ship hums under her feet as it trudges through the far corner of the mid rim, chugging along on it’s route without any sign of trouble or disruption from it’s preplanned course.
It should have been a routine pillaging, something she had placed firmly in the ‘great ideas’ list but instead it had turned into a routine mutiny and finished the day as a routine marooning. She sighs as she lays her head back against the seamless panel behind her.
Fucking pirates. 
She has been stranded on the old freighter for at least two moons, but it was hard to say with certainty. The droids that man the ship have no need to eat so more often than not they forget to pass along anything to keep her mounting hunger at bay, adding along to the lack of any kind of panel to the outside world, getting her bearings is proving to be more difficult than usual. 
She hisses a swear to drown out the low growl of her belly and focuses her gaze on the far corner of the room. Another day, another chance to count the diamond shaped tiles above her cell, she swears the number changes every other time she counts. She doesn’t get farther than eighteen when the door of the maintenance room blows open. 
The dust fills the room, hiding everything under its grimy shadow. The grit in the air crackles as it’s pushed against the red of the electron walls that keep her prisoner with the ships cooling coils and a water filtration unit that has calcified and has never been fixed.  
"Well look at that, we found it! Lucky break!"
"Luck had nothing to do with it, if you had studied the schematics of this cruiser like I had asked-"
"Yeah yeah yeah." The first figure, a hulking shadow in the doorway brushes off the smaller one as he stomps into the suddenly too tiny room.
"The memory core should be at the end of the-" the smaller of the two figures stops in front of her cell as the big one charges towards the end of the room without stopping. They launch themselves into the piles of junk thrown haphazardly inside, "That's concerning."
"Concerning? You see someone in a cage and you go with ‘concerning’?" She replies as she pulls herself up to standing. She takes in his armor, modified clone armor from the looks of it painted pale with a bright red stripe down his chest, his eyes slightly magnified by the goggles on his face, the rest hidden by the elongated helmet.
"According to the intel we were provided there weren't supposed to be life forms aboard." He seems irritated to see her.
"Good old Republic intel, still living up to its reputation."
The other clone approaches, he rips open the metal box in his hands and yanks out the core as if the casing was made of thick flimsy and nothing more, "I've got the thing, time to go!"
She watches, dumbstruck for a moment as her ticket out starts to head for the gaping maw that used to be a door, "Wait, you're taking the old database?" The two of them stop and turn, "It's not complete! It's missing pieces of the coordinates!" Firefek she didn't want to sound desperate but she was.
"Likely story-" The big one chuckles.
"I was trying to steal it too, I almost got all of it before my crew turned on me!"
"A mercenary or a pirate? No matter, I trust you even less now."
She had never wanted to punch anyone's face as hard as she wanted to punch his, "Check the core Goggles, I swear to you! It's missing pieces!" He hesitates and in that baited pause she knows she has him, "Please, just let me out and drop me off wherever you dock next. You can have my data chip. No harm, no foul, just get me out."
The one with the goggles glares at her, the yellow tinted transparisteel of his visor snapping downl before he turns to the bigger man. Klaxons ring all around as he scans the core with a handheld device, but it's taking up time they do not have.
The two clones share a look, silently deciding her fate.
The bigger one caves first, "Aww c'mon Tech, we can't leave her! You saw what's on this ship, she'll be a goner on some mining planet!"
"Under normal circumstances I might agree but she's caged for a purpose, and I'm disinclined to put any trust in her."
"How much damage can she do? She’s smaller than you are!" 
Tech, the one in the goggles, sighs before he turns back around to face her, "If we spring you, you play by our rules. You follow our orders, no complaints, no rebuttals and if you put one toe out of line-"
"Out the airlock, understood." She nods furiously, hands pressed against the panel as she watches Tech short out the electron wall holding her hostage, the panel shudders and then it spews sparks on to the ground as the red fades and she's finally able to step through. 
"Lets go shortie!" 
"Wait, let me just grab-" She scrambles to the other side of the wall, trying to pull at something from the top of a shelf. The bigger clone reaches over and tosses the crate to the floor. She throws open the top and snatches out a bantha leather bag and a helmet.
Tech doesn't have to tell her twice, the three of them bolt out of the door and into the corridor, the lights above flash in time with the klaxons. There is a low rumble that joins the hum of the hyperspace engine, as whatever security droids are on board begin to activate.
"Back to the ship, short stuff!" 
The three of them book it down the darkened halls, ducking behind walls and crates as the first cluster of security droids pass through.
She tosses her bag across her shoulder, slinging it against one side of her hip, clipping it into place with snaps sewn into her jacket. They watch three more droids pass them by before she speaks again, "My name's Nox, by the way." 
"Doesn't sound like a girl's name." The big one chuckles, so deep and rumbling it almost feels like a growl.
"Well it's the only name I've got. My parents named me a bit of a mouthful, Nox just works better."
"Clear." Tech calls out and they continue on their way heading to the service hangar where their ship hopefully was waiting for them.
"How'd you end up out here?" The big one asks, with every flash of light above them she can see more of the large scary face painted roughly on his helmet, lines thrown on haphazardly only to be scraped away by carbon scoring.
She is about to answer when she is shoved back into a corner by Tech. He slaps a hand over her mouth before she can yelp, the leather slightly singed, it smells of electricity and grease.
"I'm getting tired of all this sneaking around, I say we blow our way outta here!" The big one growls.
"We’re almost there Wrecker, it would be pointless to try now."
She shoves Tech's Hand away, "Blow your way out of here, are you insane? With the amount of baby on board you'd blow us into the next dimension!"
There are a few beats of silence before both helmets turn towards her.
"Baby?" Wrecker repeats but is shushed by Tech.
"You don't mean baradium-"
"Bisulfate? I absolutely do! There were containers of the stuff in the holding bay."
"This Imperial ship is headed somewhere to mine thorilide?" He repeats, tone stressed over every syllable in the word ‘Imperial’.
"That or some unlucky planet is about to be wiped from existence."
"The location of the Republic thorilide mines have been kept under the utmost security for ages, not even the Jedi Council was ever advised of its location."
"Can’t say I blame them, I barely trust them with those glowy sticks of death." She murmurs, making lightsaber sounds with her mouth as Wrecker snickers.
"Stop that. Do you know where this ship was heading? Do you have a copy of the manifest?"
"What, your amazing Republic recce didn't get you that information shiny?" He glares back at her, brows pinching together behind the dark frames of his goggles, "Maker! Did those cloners take your sense of humor? Yes, I know where this ship is going."
"Bet Cid’s contact would pay more for that bit of info." Wrecker’s grin can be heard even through the plastoid of his helmet.
Tech meanwhile has typed something to a com on his wrist, "Hunter, there's been a complication."
"What kind of complication?"
"There is more on board this ship than just the republic database-"
"What do you mean?"
"This ship is a mining vessel, out to mine thorilide."
Tech’s wrist comm goes silent, just quiet static while the voice on the other line thinks, "Ordinance?"
Both clones look at her, she nods emphatically, "Ordinance, med supplies, if there was coaxium on board I wouldn't be surprised, this place is the motherlode."
"Quite a bit of supplies on board, it would seem."
The comm goes quiet again for a few moments, "We don't have time for this, it's only a matter of time before they realize that your cruiser is stolen. Grab what you went in for and leave."
Tech shakes his head, it's so tiny and quick that if she wasn't looking at him in that moment she would have missed it, "Where is it being kept?" 
"Up, five or so floors unless I've miscounted."
"Tech, Wrecker, Get out of there, now!" The voice on the other end grows more and more irritable as they stand around in silence.
"We'll be out as soon as possible." Tech replies curtly as he cuts the comm. He makes it sound so easy like they were stopping by the nearest market to pick up fruit, instead of about to hijack high quality explosives from Imperial custody, "Lead the way."
"What? Just like that?"
"Are there, or are there not these items on board?"
"You swear?" Wrecker leans in close, hovering over her.
Tech nods, "Vital signs are stable, no signs of heightened stress-"
"What if I'm just a really good liar?"
"You can try all you want my dear, but the data doesn't lie."
"Does he do this to you too? I'm finding it a bit creepy-" She asks Wrecker as her eyebrow raises.
"You get used to it."
"Weird, so weird…" she mutters to herself as she turns and peeks around the corner. She looks around for anything that is familiar, when she sees a maintenance lift at the very end of the hall to the right. She motions them forward, and silently they sneak their way closer to the lift. She turns her attention to her side as she digs in her bag, her fingers grasp at the odd collection of junk in her pockets until her hand finally wraps around the cool metal of her code cylinder and she can finally stop holding her breath.
Tech's hand on her shoulder pulls her back to the task on hand as he drags her back a few steps. The catwalk above them from here to the lift is no more than a shoddy looking set of grates that creak as a group of security droids march along their patrol, oblivious to the three of them below. 
“The maintenance lift?" Tech sniffs as they come to a stop at its doors. He raises hand to push his goggles back into place, "Perhaps you have failed to notice but none of us are maintenance droids, the moment you try to access that panel they will -”
“They’ll what?” She asks as she jams the cylinder into the port, the lift clicks open silently and she steps inside. 
“The alarms-”
“What alarms? According to this," she snaps her code cylinder from the panel and drops it back into her bag, lost again to the chaos of the random junk held within, "I'm a maintenance droid doing routine inspections. How stupid do you think I am?”
"Hey hey, this one's pretty smart huh Tech?!" Wrecker is thrilled.
"Pirate." She reminds, "You don't see many my age that aren't intelligent and I'll give you one guess as to why."
The doors silently click open and before they can step out a team of at least half a dozen well armed sentry droids roll past. 
They all leap from the inside of the lift and fall into a crouch behind a stack of supply crates. They wait for a few moments before Tech quickly peeks over, "They don't seem to have spotted us."
"Fuck, there weren't this many when we tried this the first time." She swears a few more times under her breath.
"We should do this my way." Wrecker offers.
"What's that mean, what does he mean?!" Nox looks nervously over to Tech, "He doesn't mean-?"
"Explosives and violence? He absolutely does," Tech sighs, “ and I'm afraid we are running low on options and even lower on time. Wrecker, what does your ordinance look like?"
“But you said I couldn't bring any?”
“Yes, and when was the last time you actually listened?”
Wrecker, the fun if not absolutely homicidal one, pulls out a couple of detonators, a roll of plastic tape, a half dozen hand grenades and three droid poppers.
“Great, nice to know you could have turned us into a small sun if I hadn't told you about the baby on board.”
"Everything save for the poppers is far too dangerous to use around those crates." Tech hisses, "Any more of those brilliant pirate ideas floating around in your head?"
She chews on her lip for a moment, wracking her brain for anything else that might be useful as she ignores Tech's sarcastic tone. Apart from the crates on this floor littered with treasure, there didn't seem to be anything of any use...except for the busted water filter. “How big of a distraction do you think it would take to get all those sentries away from the haul?”
“It would need to be something quite large or destructive enough to threaten the integrity of the ship.”
“The water filtration system on board is completely calcified, I don't think it was ever fixed since there are only droids on board. If you could flood that with enough pressure the entire pipe should burst-”
“And flood the entire floor, along with the engine room, that might just do it.” He’s on his data pad before the words are even out of his mouth, he scans the room all around and matches it with the wireframe schematics on his screen. He stalks his way backwards until he finds the panel he is looking for. He pops it open easily and then begins to slice into the mainframe of the ship, “On my count, take Wrecker to wherever the baby is, let him handle it. You get your hands on as much of the medical supplies as you can, the security onboard is a little tighter than I would have preferred so I will have to stay here and continue to flood the filter.”
“Oh, easy.”
“Think you can handle all that tiny?” Wrecker’s thundering chuckle threatens to give away their location even with the steady moan of the alarms overhead.
She grins, Wrecker is back to being the fun one, “Try and keep up.”
There is a sound of roaring water all around them as tech funnels every liquid on the ship into the filter, then a sound like an explosion a couple of feet below them rocks the ship like a lightning strike. 
The sound of the alarm overhead changes as every droid on the floor turns away and heads to a lowering platform, all instructed to assist with the burst pipe.
“That’s our cue!” 
She shoves Wrecker forward playfully before they both break into a sprint toward the storage rooms where their bounty is being held. She points to one of the rooms as they approach, "This one's your big boy!"
The door is sealed shut, but not for long. Wrecker doesn't slow, instead he hunches low, bringing his shoulders down and tucking his chin into the collar of his armor before he barrels straight through, punching a hole through the doors with enough force to make even her teeth rattle.
She dips into the storage room across the hall, thanking the stars that her haul wasn't locked away like his was. She rips open any crate within arms reach, tossing open the tops and letting them scatter around the room wherever they land. She snatches bacta patches and hypos by the handful and packs the crate as full as she can, slamming her entire body weight against it to get it to close. She drags it out into the hall, placing it by the door before she bolts into the room right beside the one Wrecker is standing in. 
Wrecker watches her disappear into the room, the four small crates of explosives tucked carefully under his arms, “Wait, where are you-”
His question is answered as another crate hits the floor beside him. She comes running out of the room, grabbing this second crate by the handle and yanking it along, “Perfect! Not a single explosion! Love that for me!”
Wrecker bends down to offer her a hand but she has already snatched up the first trunk and is flying down the hall with them. She's faster than Wrecker would have believed she would be capable of with the two crates almost her height. She almost trips over herself as she stops and with a swift kick, the second crate lands at Tech's feet, “Come on 20/20, cut her loose, let's go!”
“What’s in that- I specifically ordered you to only carry medical supplies.”
“Yeah well, it sounds like you are used to not being listened to so, ship. Now!”
Wrecker races past, hopping off of the side and down to the level below, the halls are empty as all hands are called to help with the floor that is flooding. 
Nox peeks over the side, she watches as Wrecker sets the small boxes of baby down beside him, "Toss your crate!" He calls up. She nods and yanks the crates handle, flipping it up and off of the edge with a nudge from Tech. 
She helps him in turn, as they gingerly haul the crate full of ordinance over the edge before tossing it below. 
Wrecker sets the crates to one side before turning back to catch Nox, but she's already climbing down. Her fingers dig into spots on the wall where she should not be able to have any grip. She finds her own way down and with a little hop, lands right beside Wrecker as Tech lands beside her. The clang of his boots echoes down the empty hallway. "We'll need to make our way through the flooded floor of the ship in order to get back to the hangar." Tech types away at his data pad again before picking up the side of his crate.
Nox follows close beside the two clones, tossing the crate up onto her back to avoid making any unnecessary scraping sounds as they get closer to the flooded area, the sound of pouring water gets louder and louder with every floor. The next floor they walk through has the water barely deep enough to wash over the toes of their boots, but it rises rapidly after that. By the time they are on the same floor as the hangar, the water has risen up to their knees and Nox has a harder time trying to distract her mind from where all of this stagnant water has been hiding this whole time.
“Holding out ok over there tiny?” Wrecker chuckles. 
She turns to answer, when everything becomes...not alright. Her next step slips out from under her and she goes flying forward, crashing face first into the dark disgusting water, the crate on her back keeping her under the surface as she struggles to pull herself back up to standing. 
A hand at the back of her collar pulls her back up into fresh air, slimy water pours from her mouth and nose as she gags. She doesn't need to clear the water from her eyes to know what the dark figures that are starting to line the hallway are. Tech and Wrecker are on either side of her, blasters raised as the sentry droids file in.   
“I'm hoping you can fight better than you can swim.” Tech calls over as Wrecker leaps over them both and charges straight into one of the sentries.  Tech keeps a few of the others at bay, clipping them with bright bolts from his twin deecees, but it's not enough. She rubs the slime from her face and charges right behind Wrecker, using her entire body to check a droid in her path, she grabs the blaster from its hands as it goes tumbling backwards and into the water. Techs shots ring out around her as he stays behind, watching over the crates behind him. Wrecker tears through any droids that get within reach, sparks flying on to the water before they sizzle and die. She concentrates her fire on any droids Tech misses until the hall is clear.
"There'll be a second platoon on their way, we better get a move on." Tech calls back to them, she tosses the almost empty blaster into the water beside her.
"Are you always just, you know?" She makes growling and ripping sounds at Wrecker.
He laughs, "Not often enough." 
She stifles her laughter behind her hand as she walks back to where Tech is to retrieve the case of medical supplies, for a brief moment the last couple of days are forgotten and even the slime on her skin is the last thing on her mind. For a brief moment she was back with her men, waiting for that score of a lifetime, but when she grabs the handle of the crate and looks back it’s the clone armor that reminds her she is in fact alone. The sudden quiet of sadness doesnt last long as the doors behind them open and a new series of drods begin their march towards them. 
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Tag list: @themarvelbunch @agentwhiskeysdarlin @pascalisthepunkest @ashotofspotchka
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bonjovian · 3 years
Never Let Me Go: Chapter Five
Masterlist Chapter Four Chapter Six
Word Count: 2,098
Noctis, Gaia, and the others are yet again aided by the mysterious Ardyn, but find the Regalia missing. The group now has to make a trek on foot, for Noctis has another trial from a god...
Ardyn leaned against one of the walls of our new transport. "Oh, thank the gods I found you." He sounded relieved, but we still had our suspicions.
"And what will you do with us now?" Ignis asked, crossing his arms.
"Why, grant you safe passage just as I said," Ardyn responded.
Prompto spoke up, sitting next to me. "Pretty generous offer for an imperial," he spat.
That seemed to offend Ardyn a bit. "Come now. Is it fair to begrudge a man the circumstances of his birth?" He asked.
"Well, no, I guess not."
Ignis sat down with the rest of us. It was clearly time for another group meeting.
"So what do we do after he drops us off?" Gladio asked, looking at Ignis and Noct.
"Go get the car," Noct responded.
"Can't leave her unattended for long," Ignis agreed before standing back up and approaching Ardyn. "Chancellor. If you truly wish to aid us in our efforts, then I request you release us this instant."
Ardyn smiled slightly, putting his hands on his hips. "This instant? It's a long way down. Perhaps the army could break your fall." His tone changed to be more authoritative, "Or perhaps you could simply sit back and enjoy the ride. you needn't worry: you're in good hands with me."
I rubbed my face tiredly. Had I known this would be how the day was going to go, I would have made sure to sleep last night. It wasn't long before we were let out of the airship. "Here's hoping you find that car of yours," Ardyn said with a saccharine tone.
We sat outside the caravan at the Chocobo post. Days had passed with no sign of the Regalia. To add to it, the rain seemed to never end. I sat near the radio, listening to a newscaster talk about the new imperial blockades in Duscae. High Commander Ravus Nox Fleuret, huh? I asked myself. I jotted the information down in my journal, leaning over it to assure the pages stayed as dry as possible. "Sounds like we're only going to encounter more and more imperial soldiers," I sighed before walking over to the others.
"I still can't believe it. I mean, shouldn't the car have turned up by now?" Prompto asked.
"We should wait until Cindy's done asking around the local garages before we despair," Ignis reassured.
Gladio, however, was a lot blunter. "Let's not fool ourselves. The empire has it."
"Then maybe we could ask Ardyn to help us out again, right?" Prompto looked over at Gladio with a hopeful smile.
"The imperial chancellor." Sarcasm was heavy in Gladio's tone as he crouched to be at Prompto's level.
"He represents a problem, not a solution," Ignis responded.
"So where does that leave us?" Prompto's smile became more of a worried one.
"Stranded, awaiting word from Hammerhead."
"In the meantime, we'll have to hoof it," Gladio added.
"Damn, just when I got used to being crammed in the backseat like a sardine," I laughed.
Prompto nodded before getting distracted by something. "Look! It's Umbra!"
I looked over to where he was pointing, seeing a small black and white dog. "Aww, such a cutie!" I smiled. Noctis walked over to the dog, who began running off.
"Now this is what I'm talking about," Prompto laughed as we followed the pooch.
"Someone's sending us a message," Ignis smiled slightly. Noct ran forward once Umbra led us to a small group of trees nearby before turning to notice someone.
"Gentiana," He seemed surprised. Before us stood a pale woman with black hair. Her outfit was beautifully intricate, not something you'd see an everyday woman wearing. Umbra sat right at her side. She kept her eyes closed as she addressed Noctis.
"Hear me, O King of the Stone," She spoke softly. I raised an eyebrow at the way she addressed Noctis. I've heard him called "highness" before, but never something that formal.
"By the Stormsender's blessing will the path to the Stone be opened. The Oracle goes hence in her King's name," she continued.
"Luna... Where is she now?" Noctis asked urgently.
"The eye of the Storm. When the covenant is forged, the Oracle and the ring shall await their King at the Walls of Water. Stray not from the path." And with that, she was gone. I looked over at the others. There's no way she could just disappear.
"She's a messenger, a spirit faithful to the Oracle," Ignis clarified, looking at me and Prompto.
Prompto was just as stunned as I was. "For real?" he asked.
Gladio chuckled and crossed his arms. "We're going beyond real now, pal."
Umbra walked over to Noctis again, and Noctis knelt in front of him. He grabbed something from the dog's harness. A journal. He flipped through the pages, determined to find something. He placed a hand on a page before looking down. He wrote something after a moment and returned the journal to Umbra. "Let Luna know I'm okay, and she won't have to wait much longer. We'll be together soon," he told the dog before standing.
I jumped at the sound of thunder. It seems the rain is getting worse.
"Lady Lunafreya has done well to keep the ring from falling into enemy hands," Ignis praised.
"All we need to do is hit Altissia," Prompto smiled at Noctis.
"That entails passage aboard a ship. Caem may serve us now as it did them then."
Gladio nodded. "The hidden harbor. Just might work. I'll have Iris set it up."
"So in the meantime," Prompto started.
"We head into the storm," Noctis responded.
"Another day, another deity."
"So Lady Lunafreya. She's the Oracle, correct?" I asked Noctis, "And judging by what you told Umbra, I am guessing there's something between you and her?"
"We're supposed to be getting married," Noctis responded. "At least, if we can get to Altissia."
I couldn't help but smile. "Congratulations! I hope we can get there soon, then."
He nodded slightly. "Yeah. I hope so too. Let's get going."
We started on our journey yet again, this time on foot. Walking along the road, I overheard conversations of people complaining about the blockades.
"How come that lady's helping you out anyway?" Prompto asked.
"Gentiana?" Noctis asked in return.
"Yeah. Is she like your fairy godmother or something?"
"I think she's more a Messenger of the gods."
"Sounds like something straight out of a fantasy novel," I responded in awe.
The wildlife here seemed rather calm, given the heavy rain. I didn't know where Noctis was leading us, but he seemed to know where to go.
"So is Gentiana, you know, human?" Prompto asked.
"Not quite. While not exactly gods, Messengers are divine entities," Ignis responded.
Noctis continued, "Just like the Oracle speaks to the gods for the people, the Messengers speak to the people for the gods."
"So she's Lady Lunafreya's partner in divine!" Prompto quipped.
I raised a hand in a joking threat to hit him. "Booo, bad joke."
We continued talking about Lady Lunafreya as we walked. "Hold on," I interrupted a conversation, holding my arm out. "There's a dropship over there. Think the empire is looking for Ramuh as well?"
"Looks like we gotta fight some more," Noctis responded.
"Magitek Armors, Imperial soldiers and Magiteks," I listed off what I saw. "Looks like they're taking this rather seriously."
"Guess we're getting close to wherever we need to be."
We summoned our weapons and engaged the small group. I readied my axe and swung it at one of the MA's legs, hoping to take it down quickly. Prompto fired a few shots in its direction, helping me defeat it.
"Hard to believe you have such great aim," I teased.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Prompto laughed. "I'd like to see you try using a gun."
"Nah, not for me," I laughed.
"That's what I thought!"
By the time we had taken out the MA, the others had taken out the imperial soldiers, so we continued down the road. Another dropship had landed nearby, with a few Magitek swordsmen patrolling the area. Noctis threw his sword, teleporting after it and striking one of the magiteks. I winced as it let out a metallic shriek.
"Not pleasant on the ears," I complained, attacking one of the other magiteks. Another battle wrapped up quickly, though it was starting to get a bit exhausting. "I really don't like that screaming noise they make."
"Yeah, it's freaky," Prompto agreed. Lightning struck close by. "Hey, at least we're close."
"Hopefully we don't need to fight another god," Gladio chuckled. We followed a path leading to a strange tree-like stone. Lightning crackled around it as Noct approached. I chose to keep my distance. He held his hand out, and the lightning stored in that stone seemed to reach toward him in return.
After a moment, he put his hand back down. "I remember... back in Tenebrae with Gentiana," he said softly. He placed a hand against his forehead for a moment.
"What is it? Another headache?" Prompto asked.
"Oh no, that doesn't sound good," I sighed. "That's the last thing we need."
"I heard her," Noct responded. "Gentiana."
"Divine voices in your head again?" Gladio asked.
"Hopefully it won't amount to the same headache it did with the Archaean," Ignis responded. We were all worried as we followed Noctis. He stopped and held his head again.
"You alright? What did she say?"
"Uh," Noct paused for a moment. "That Luna's awakening the Six." His tone sounded a bit grim.
We walked in silence for a moment, Gladio pulling out his cell phone to call someone. "Come on, pick up," He groaned.
"No luck?" Prompto looked up at Gladio.
"Probably got her phone on silent."
I realized he was trying to call Iris. "From what I could see of her, I'm certain she can handle herself if there's any trouble," I smiled slightly. I looked up at the horizon, seeing lightning striking another spot repeatedly. "Suppose that's our next spot?"
Noctis nodded in response.
"Amazing. The power of the gods in the palm of your hands," Gladio chuckled after a moment.
"Never dreamt I'd see lore come to life before my very eyes," Ignis agreed.
"Leaving Insomnia was eye-opening, but this is mind-blowing!" Prompto laughed.
"Honestly when I decided to try to tag along with you guys, I didn't expect this much of an adventure," I shrugged. "I can't complain though, beats boring mercenary work any day."
"Well, now you're stuck with us," Noctis laughed.
We got back to the road, deciding to follow it for a bit.
"Oh man, that was my first time flying on a ship like that!" Prompto was practically bouncing with excitement.
"One more item to cross off the bucket list," Gladio chuckled.
I nodded slightly, my smile fading a bit as I decided to stay quiet. We eventually switched back to being off-road.
"After Ramuh, we go see Leviathan, right?" Gladio asked.
"Indeed, I daresay Lady Lunafreya seeks the Hydraean as we speak," Ignis responded.
"Which means another rite and a heavier burden. Hope she can hold up," Prompto said softly.
More imperial dropships signaled that we were getting close to the second stone, which meant more fighting.
"Yeah, this just settles it, the Empire is out for the gods too," I sighed, ducking away from a Magitek swordsman's attack. "Is it just me or do these swords look more like giant bread knives?"
Ignis chuckled a bit as he tossed his daggers at a nearby imperial soldier. "I suppose so, given the serrated edge."
We ran to the second stone, Noctis yet again having to pause because of a headache. "Noct, you okay?" Prompto stopped at Noctis's side, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Noctis nodded and looked over at him with a smile. "Yeah. Another reminder to receive the blessing," He responded.
"That divine power's just waiting for you," Gladio stated calmly.
More lightning seemed to crackle around this one as Noctis approached. He held a hand out again, seeming to draw power from the stone before putting a hand to his head. Another headache. I looked over at the others. "Do the gods or Messengers have any other way of communicating with Noct? One that doesn't cause a migraine?" I asked.
"The last one's in the cave," Noctis said as he turned toward us again.
"Let's hurry up and get this over with," Gladio nodded.
Prompto was just as excited as ever. "Finally! Time to meet with the Stormsender!"
His excitement was contagious and I smiled. "Yeah, let's do this!"
We set out for the cave Noctis was talking about. Fociaugh Hollow.
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ask-healthy-light · 7 months
After they finished tapping out the message they heard within their mind, Light let out a deep sigh as they put their head in their hooves, and they quietly groaned in pain, before Nox placed Courage next to Inferno; and as she sat down next to Light, she worriedly asked them how they were feeling, to which they merely politely greeted her in return, before they said that they would be all right.
Even though they had never before felt such a terrible headache when speaking through the Void, for some reason, listening to Boom's encoded message had cost them a lot of energy, only to receive the news that they would be separated for a while; but although Light figured that he could handle such a dangerous area on his own, they feared for Boom's internal health, and for the safety of Courage.
To their immense relief, one of their concerns was alleviated mere moments later when Courage leapt to the ground, and brushed his head against Light's legs with a quiet whine, which briefly startled them; but Light could only sharply inhale before they realised that it was Courage, and they slowly exhaled as they reached out one of their hooves to the little Pup, keeping the other on their head.
At that moment, Nox sweetly asked Light to look at her, as she could help ease their pain a little, and after they slowly turned towards her, still with their eyes shut, she gently placed both of her paws on their head and chest; and after she closed her eyes to focus, Inferno watched as Nox's horn started to glow faintly, while Light felt a familiar calmth and a strange warmth flow through them.
Mere moments later, after Nox lifted her paws off of their body, Light realised that their headache had completely faded, and as a bright smile grew upon their face, they took a deep breath, and they opened their eyes again to look upon Nox, who had started to smile warmly as well; and Light looked at Nox in awe, to which she replied, with a slight blush, that she knew how to cast healing spells.
Unfortunately, Nox said that even the simplest of these spells were already incredibly difficult to cast, and for most beings, they would not be able to do more than ease a headache, or at most, tend to a light burn, or small cut; and she did not even know whether her Mother and Aunt, or Starswirl, or she, were clever or strong enough to be able to cast the greatest of these spells without issue.
For a split second, Light wanted to ask Nox about the healing spells, and to show them the greatest spells she knew of when they returned home, but they merely solemnly nodded to her, and thanked her for her help, before they turned away to dry their teary eyes; for they desired little more than to help all the friends they had ever made, but they knew now it was impossible in more ways than one.
When they turned back around to Nox and Inferno, who noticed that their face was stained with a few tears, yet did not utter a word, Light asked the Dragonesses if they should do as Boom said, and to continue travelling East without him; for not only did they not have any maps of their own, but the treacherous fog made it nigh impossible to see, just to assure they were still on the correct path.
On top of this, Nox added, she could hardly hear her voice through the fog, and she would not allow them to travel with the constant risk of someone in their group accidentally being left behind; but since she found Courage when a flare shot past her, which had punched a hole through the dense mist all the way to the ground, she knew it had to be possible to part the fog, and to safely head East.
Although she was not certain whether it was the speed, or the heat, or the brightness of the flare, or a combination of the three, she asked Light and Inferno to help her find a way to lift the mist; and after Courage leapt onto Nox's back, she led Inferno and Light to the mouth of the cave, whence she and Inferno flapped their wings, to no avail, and she and Light lit torches, which also failed.
But when Inferno sighed in frustration, she breathed out some fire, which parted the mist…
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
Send an ask or request! | Start at the beginning! | Next part!
Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Boomlord from @thedumbguywithaheart43
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secret-engima · 4 years
*kicks down door* Okay so I’m so sorry you’ve had a bad week, and since I am physically incapable of coming over and giving you a hug, I shall give you bby Dionysus being adorable with his (dead)relatives and Deleantur getting shipped by the local Galahdian bear woman instead!
     The man shrugged and played with the edge of his cloak, “You may call me Herodotus. Or,” he added when he saw Dionysus’s face screw up at the long name —so many of his dream relatives had such long names that were hard—, “you can just call me Wander.”
     The soft smile grew bigger, mischievous, “It’s a nickname. I’ve never really been the kind of person to stay in one place for very long. Will that suit, Little Traveller?”
     Dionysus mouthed the word, then nodded, “Wander.” He looked around them in curiosity, at the glowing flowers and living magic lights and trees bigger than buildings, “Where are we?”
     “One of my memories,” Wander answered as he leaned back against the tree trunk, “my … safe place I suppose. Though I have had many over the years, this one was my first, so I suppose it is my favorite.”
     “But where?” He’d never seen anything like this outside of storybooks. He wanted to go see it for himself when he woke up next.
     Wander shook his head and looked amused, “I’m sorry, Little Traveler, but this is not a place you can find on Eos.” Dionysus stared at him with big eyes and Wander leaned in with a whisper and a gesture at his cloak, “When I was younger, I met a wonderful group of people who liked to travel as much as I did, and they showed me many things. Some of those were places that you could not, and will never, find on any map of Eos.”
     Dionysus leaned closer, “Like the story of the magic rock that secretly led t’ the world of Hiso Hiso al’ens?”
     Wander’s eyes glittered and his magic that draped around them felt like delighted laughter, “Just like that, yes. But my doorway wasn’t a rock.”
     Dionysus looked all around in awe. He was in a secret world just like in the stories! Or the memory of a secret world anyway. He looked back over at Wander, “Did you fight an evil copy of your frien’? Did the copy try t’ de- delete the whole world ‘till you an’ Serah stopped it an’ saved all the Hiso Hiso?”
     Wander’s shoulders shook a little, then stilled, “No. Nothing quite so exciting. But I did meet a woman with cat ears and a tail, and we did become good friends.” Dionysus gasped in excitement, and when Wander stood up and held out his hand, Dionysus took it without hesitation, “Come on,” Wander chuckled, “I’m afraid I cannot show you any aliens or evil copies, but I can show you a few other places I’ve been that no one on Eos will find.”
     And he did. A few steps into the woods and the trees all turned to hills of sand and shimmering waves of sunny heat. Strange creatures with humps on their backs plodded slowly by in the distance, and in front of them was a tower that reached up to the sky all by itself. Wander told him that it was a dungeon, and that anyone who managed to reach the treasure at the very top would become a king and get magic of their very own. Dionysus asked him if he’d ever done it, if he had dungeon magic, but Wander shook his head and said he already had magic, so he’d let a friend take it instead. They plodded their way through a few shifting steps of sand and suddenly they were out of the hot sand and on an island in the sky. There was a strange ceiling high-high-high above their heads, and Wander told him that this was not one floating island, but a hundred of them all stacked on top of each other, each one just a bit smaller than the last so they didn’t block out all the sunlight for the levels below. Dragons swooped off in the distance, and when Wander led him to the edge and held him tight so he wouldn’t fall, Dionysus leaned over and saw nothing but thick clouds drifting below them.
     They stepped back and the world became an ocean. They stood on the wooden deck of a ship and around them was bright blue water and flapping sails and before them was some kind of creature so big it was an island, it’s long legs plodding slowly through the sea with trees and buildings on its back. Wander told him that talking animals lived on the back of the big creature, and that very few people could find the island unless they were born there because it was always moving. He led Dionysus below decks and then they were on an island with a tree growing in the middle that was so tall and so big it had another, much smaller island sitting in its branches. The air tingled with old-friendly-amused magic that felt like laughter and mysteries, and Wander told him that this was the island of fairies.
     He showed Dionysus a bunch of places, each one different and strange and amazing, each one with a little story to go with it that made Dionysus want desperately to know and explore more until the next one came and he wanted to see that one instead. Wander held his hand the whole time, steady and sure, making sure he never got lost or stepped too close to something dangerous. It was amazing and weird and exciting, and Dionysus decided he liked Wander a lot. Wander was different from the others, even Grandma Crepera. He didn’t seem to have any questions, and he didn’t mind answering all of Dionysus’s. He wasn’t grumpy, or loud, and there was … something about him. About his soft voice and the look in his eyes that reminded Dionysus of his dad.
... (And here’s Deleantur!)
     He sensed someone approach through the outskirts of the crowd. Not that it was easy to miss someone as big as Chief Ligeia considering she stood a head taller than most of the other people here. He tipped his chin to her in greeting as she came to a stop next to him, a mug of something that smelled like alcohol in one hand. She grinned at him, all teeth and good humor, “Going to just watch? Or are you going to go have some fun?”
     Deleantur shrugged and went back to crowd-watching, “I am having fun.” It wasn’t a lie, he found it both fascinating and entertaining to watch the party unfold before him. Galahdians weren’t all that different from the mainland in how they celebrated, but there were differences that were interesting to see. For one thing, there was a lot more dancing and singing. Even people taking a break at the makeshift feasting tables were all but dancing on the benches, feet tapping, heads bobbing- there was never a moment of stillness even from the groups lingering on the outskirts of the party to talk rather than dance.
     The dances themselves were a lot more vibrant and energetic too. There were no royal waltzes here, but circle dances that dragged everyone nearby into them, or spinning dances where partners traded off at dizzying speeds. There was also a vaguely alarming number of somersaults, backflips, and instances of people climbing up trees and rubble like squirrels to better perform an acrobatic flip in time to the music, and not just from the children and the teenagers. He half suspected that the only reason the Elders weren’t doing such stunts were because they were physically too old and arthritic to pull it off.
    Chief Ligeia scoffed, “Just watching is never fun. You should go out there and dance. Don’t want Stella to think you’re ignoring her, do you?”
     Deleantur blinked at her, then glanced into the crowd where Stella was currently spinning and flipping in time with her little brother Eventus like some kind of circus performance rather than a dance for a party, “She knows where to find me if she needs me.”
     Chief Ligeia slapped one of his shoulders hard enough that he had to bite back a hiss, “Not the point. You should be out there dancing with her. It’s good for young people like you two.” Deleantur gave her the flattest look he could manage and barely refrained from telling her that he was currently two thousand years removed from his date of birth —though that distance was technically in reverse—, even if he only looked to be twenty-six. But that wasn’t something he told anyone, especially not a party-happy stranger. Chief Ligeia rolled her eyes, utterly undisturbed by his look, and slapped his shoulder again in an effort to get him moving, “Go on.”
     Deleantur raised an eyebrow and didn’t budge, “Why do you care?”
     The Behemoth of a woman took a long drink from her mug, then answered blithely, “Because Candor is my second cousin and Stella is the best niece I ever had and I want her to be happy. You dancing with her will make her happy. So,” the woman moved with astonishing speed, so fast even Deleantur’s instincts and borrowed experience couldn’t stop her from bodily lifting him by the back of his tunic with one hand and all but toss him into the flow of the crowd, “go dance with her!” Deleantur staggered into the crowd, trying to catch his balance, then yelped as his hands were snatched up by a passing dancer and he was pulled into the flow.
... (and here, have a long snip of Buckler too)
     They camped on the nearest Haven for the night, and Axis cooked dinner without comment while Nox fussed over his uncle and the redhead just sighed and complained about losing his shirts. He listened to them bicker, watched the way their shoulders slowly relaxed the longer Axis went without recoiling from them or acting afraid, and came to a decision. It was a reckless one, a stupid one even but … but it felt like the right one. He hadn’t asked about what happened, or how Ardyn had magic, but he knew what he’d seen and so did they. He knew not just one, but two of their greatest secrets now —that Nox was a Lucis Caelum, that Ardyn was a Lucis Caelum and couldn’t die—.
     In the morning, before they could wander off into the wilderness again, Axis invited —ordered— them to come with him to Meldacio HQ. The two exchanged nervous glances before obediently following him on the trek up to the Vesperpool area.
     If his wife was surprised when Axis turned up a week later with not just Nox in tow, but Niflheim’s Chancellor, she didn’t show it. She just smiled and welcomed them into their tiny house with a gesture and a promise of dinner soon. Nox’s eyes were wide as they shuffled in and Axis had known Ardyn long enough to spot the nervous edge in his sweeping bow.
     Both of them went totally still when they spotted the playpen taking up most of the living room floor, filled with ratty stuffed toys that Axis had either purchased from Outposts or had been gifted by members of his, Tredd’s, and Luche’s Clans. Inside the playpen, Axis’s triplets —his treasures, his children, his greatest and most precious secrets— cooed and babbled eagerly at Axis, waving their hands and crawling around. His last visit hadn’t been that long ago, and they remembered him —the fact that he had been gone for long enough stretches when they were smaller that he’d been a stranger to them would always hurt—. Venia, his smallest and boldest, spotted Nox and Ardyn and babbled at them, fearlessly crawling up to the edge of the playpen to look at them. Axis reached in and picked her up, kissing her forehead and tickling her stomach with a hand to hear her laugh before turning to watch Nox’s and Ardyn’s reactions.
     Nox was still staring at Historia and Spiritus in the playpen, a bright-eyed look on his face and a shiver of power in the air that felt protective. He looked at them like any of Axis’s remaining clan did, or how Tredd and Luche had first looked at them. Awe and protectiveness and already blooming adoration. Axis glanced at Ardyn.
     Ardyn was staring at Venia, and the look on his face took Axis’s breath away. There was pure, open adoration there, wonder and a bright-edged fear, like just being near her would be enough to break her. Venia spotted Ardyn staring, dressed in all his clashing layers and colors, and giggled at him. She had never been afraid of strangers, and she didn’t hesitate to flail her hands in his direction, babbling with all the energy of a healthy nine month old. Ardyn flinched faintly away, even though her hands were nowhere near him, his own hands curling shyly inside his long sleeves like he was terrified of touching her.
     Something in Axis’s heart broke a little.
     No one as unexpectedly kind as Ardyn should fear being near a child.
     “Her name is Venia,” Axis murmured, “that’s her sister Historia, and her brother Spiritus.”
     “They’re so little.” Nox cooed as he crouched just outside the playpen, watching the two babies who stared back with far less fearless curiosity than their sister had —but not outright fear, Axis wondered if they too could feel Nox’s magic swelling around the room, rumbling with protective and already loving emotions—. Porrima reappeared at Axis’s elbow, reaching past him to pluck Spiritus out of the playpen. She gave their guests a considering look, then calmly reached out and plopped their son into Nox’s arms. Nox’s grip tensed, but his arms shifted into a proper position with a speed that looked instinctive, “Hey, wait-!”
     Porrima ignored Nox’s breathless squawk and Spiritus’s wary coo, just picked up Historia and turned to face Ardyn, who had gone stiff as a board and deathly white, “Madam,” Ardyn said tensely, “I don’t think-.”
     “Are you going to hurt them?” Porrima asked.
     Ardyn’s jaw tightened, “Never, but I don’t-.”
     “Are your arms so weak you’ll drop her?”
     “No, but-.”
     “Are you sick?”
     Ardyn shook his head but kept shying subtly back, “I-.”
     Axis sighed at his wife as she exchanged Historia for Venia, then turned and fearlessly stepped into Ardyn’s space to put their boldest daughter in the arms of Niflheim’s Chancellor —and the king’s unknown relative—. Ardyn went stone still as soon as Venia was in his arms, hands cradling her like she was fragile as glass and his eyes huge. Axis bounced Historia in his arms a little as he scolded, “Porrima. Don’t force them to hold the children if they don’t want to.”
     “But they do want to, and it’s good for the triplets to meet new safe people,” his wife sniffed back. Then she flitted back to the kitchen without waiting to see the fallout of her actions.
     Sometimes his wife trusted his judgement and choice of houseguests a little too much.
     Axis sidled closer to Ardyn and held out an arm, “I can take her back if this really makes you uncomfortable.”
     Ardyn stared down at Venia with the roundest eyes Axis had ever seen. Venia blinked up at her new handler, looked over at her dad, then looked back at Ardyn and clumsily patted his cheek, grabbing curiously at his red-violet hair a moment later. Ardyn inhaled, and Axis felt a second magic flood the room, old and powerful and monstrously protective. Where Nox’s was deep like the ocean, powerful but … subtle, like currents under the surface, Ardyn’s magic felt wild. It felt like the ripple of spotted fur in the jungle, the glimpse of fangs and teeth of a feral beast. Nox’s protective adoration of the little boy he was bouncing in his arms was like the pull of the tide, sweeping in and out with each breath, but Ardyn’s-. Ardyn’s was the rumble of a Coeurl’s purr as it curled around its cub, the singing edge of bloody steel, promising death to anyone that so much as looked wrong at Axis’s triplets.
     Ardyn very slowly sank down onto the floor, legs crossed to form a lap for Venia to flop on, and when he looked up at Axis, his normally blue eyes were a brilliant, Coeurl gold, “They’re beautiful.” He whispered hoarsely.
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noxyfied · 4 years
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This, is Noxy/Noxyfied/Nox. This is the character I identify as online, and I want to tell you my story with this adorable Arctic Fox because it is one heck of a tale from not so long ago
Things did begin rough at the beginning of my persona’s history. I honestly can’t recall how I came up with it, only how I inserted my love for something and went with it.
From the early years of 2017 to 2019 I was all paper and pencil. Ah yes traditional art was my big thing for a couple of years during that era of 2013 to 2020. I had a time where I wrote stories about characters I made, and not much. No fan art, no nothing, I wanted to stick to my own original ideas at first before I took the step to do something that I did not own; it was a weird mindset I know, I couldn’t hold myself to want to be original and develop to be good enough to draw other things.
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It took me some time to develop, hell even to this day I still am unsure of my own skills but I enjoyed trying new things. I don’t reject much criticism even if it comes harsh it still lingers in my head when received anyway. I needed someone to identify as online, a persona who I would have an identity through as I was moving forward on this hopeful career I want to make with my art.
Idea #1 draw my own self accurate to how I look 
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Scratch that...
Nononono, I am too bad at showing my face, even at that I don’t like myself.
So I had to come up with something else, 2019 was ending with my skills rising up to something neat. I had Fire alpaca and a wacom cheap tablet which I used time to time back then, and with how I moved foward I said “why not, lets draw a glaceon.
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Not bad, not bad. I do enjoy anthropomorphic animals, and for a anthro Glaceon it wasn't so bad. Even back then I did not enjoy much of this picture but the idea sparked. I did roleplay around online a lot as a Glaceon. People always had referred to me as a Glaceon when talking, because furry friends tend to be like that and I don’t mind. It had definitely sparked the idea of identifying as one for my persona.
I had a hard time how I would draw this character, a more personalized Glaceon with my own flare of the art style I carry should be nice, should I make it tall? short? anthro? feral? the questions rose up. Even more as time passed, took some time unsure of it, Unluckily I had a Glaceon FURsona, not a persona. (Yes those were two separate things as I carried 7 fursonas as individual characters in their own stories).
But soon one day in class, my artsy self was bored and it just sparked.
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This is it! yes! I love it! something about this just clicked for some reason, it was like nothing I had seen before I could not look away at it, this was it.
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After class I went home and played some games. The idea was there but man am I tired. Things did go slow, but not for long as of January, the classes I took gave me the ability to better understand this Adobe Photoshop, an amazing tool for editing pictures but also... To draw?!? I have heard of using Photoshop to draw but was amazed to have the ability using such program. During my time 2019 I would doodle around on Photoshop in my school or at home (thanks to the campus giving me a cheaper prize to use it for assignments) Not bad, not bad, the program was for sure something nice to use. Look! I even drew my Fursonas there too, ain’t that nice
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2019 was something for sure. It had just begun making 2020 quite the year as I took my wacom tablet, opened Photoshop, and on January there it was.
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Oh how cute! I felt so proud of myself, firealpaca was nothing like how clean and pretty Photoshop was, I was amazed at this ability.
“I made this?” that would be what I ask myself everyday. Time to time I would, and still, look at my phone to my drawings and remember what I used to make some pieces, I will not forget how I used thick outlines with the line too from photoshop, added some depth on the eyes. But most importantly, I had a persona, and I introduced it
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My friends loved it, I could not believe I am starting to do the shift, my days of traditional art were at a halt. Not at a complete stop since I do use traditional art for a few other things of course, this was just my main focus now.
This little creature was everything to me, cute, easy to make, helped me throughout a few months as I practiced with my digital art.
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I also perfected it’s look, but something looked rather familiar about it. Could not put my finger to it, so I went on drawing it.
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that was a few exceptions where I shifted the proportions for “it”
“It” “it” what was this thing supposed to be, I myself was unsure how to identify myself with this persona. Male? no, female? no. The issue was there, who am I really inside, who was my persona gonna be.
I still cannot tell you exactly what my persona was for the longest time. I at times felt lost and confused with my identity, it did not help that 2020 did its mumbo jumbo and a pandemic happened, it was a lot of time on my own at home just questioning really who I had been for the longest time. Classes were minimal so my free time was big around April and May.
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I was always unsure of who I was exactly, through my early years late 2000′s I had in me that my body was uncomfortable for looking the way it did, 2010′s went silent but there was something in me I did not understand. why did I feel this way, why do I feel as I am not happy with who I am, and who I identify with.
This persona was the wake up call to who I really wanted to be. I saw it in me that I knew being a male was the main issue in me feeling unhappy. Throughout my life I did not enjoy masculinity as much as other kids, yeah I had some boy traits but it was rather minimal, I enjoyed other things more. I enjoyed a lot of things about being female it was something I had never seen before. as hard or confusing things tend to be from me to explain, its a rather hard thing for myself to explain. But that how it felt “confusing” I researched and looked for things and to my conclusion I had come to be, I come to identify as a MtF trans.
I felt relieved in me of it and I already enjoyed my days more after from it. The only issue is “who do I tell..?” I was timid to tell this to anyone, friends or even family. Especially family, those I come to admit they will never be told of what my decision was because of how hard headed they are. It is a tragic story to tell since most families are such closed minded people of rejecting others.
“My friends tho, my friends? I would feel bad if I told them” that was the mindset I had for a while before admitting to them time to time, one by one. This was a chapter in my life that had changed me early 2020′s but I felt a lot of joy in me to be who I wanted to be, I no longer took anyone else's guidance for controlling who I am, I just went with my own flow.
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My persona was.... more comically confused, it could be either so I just left it how my mood wanted it to go for when drawing it. So, things went well, in 2019 with the money I got I found myself enjoying a lot of second handed games, with a game coming real soon that had me pumped for I had to get a console I wanted for so long
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A PS4 for the the Final fantasy 7 Remake, I was so pumped waiting for the game, I got a used PS4 for it and even bought couple other games for it to get to know the console: Final fantasy 15, destiny, and later on this Persona 5 game a lot of people talked about. Hmm ok, well lets try it out and oh me oh my, a few days later:
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The art style captivated me, can you tell I went all out to trying anything with my persona? I cannot believe I was my own guinea pig for these sorts.
Going around some friends and they will tell you that I used this pfp quite a lot back then, as well as updating it with a new oc I had come up with
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A tale in due time will be told about this gal.
well, it was set and forth that this was me, my persona, this glaceon was who I was. People loved it, my friends really liked it, and I had a blast having this first pure year of digital art only. Meeting new friends, and admiring their art. Having old friends come back, and even losing a few others on the way. During the time of june, to July I was rapid about drawing my persona in many ways, short, tall, anthro, feral
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even metallic.
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 But there come some time I did not grew tired of. But a little worried that I had to rely on a franchise for my own identity, of course there is nothing wrong for those doing it. But reflecting on myself, back then when I wanted this art career to happen, I wanted to go all out letting out my imagination  with my own creations. I had to make the decision, it was time to move on...
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...To a new art program and new drawing tablet
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No, it wasn’t that. I had to branch out from this Glaceon, but keep my identity, my legacy of this persona in check, but with a new coat of paint of course. did not take a long time before choosing that I had to use a real life animal as inspiration for this change. Something at least close to it, ah yes of course! the inspiration of the Glaceon was an arctic fox, well those are some good stepping stones to begin with so what happened one day is that I began sketching, not before saying good bye to this old self that helped me begin. It was weird, this is me but it was old me?
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Tested the new Brushes from this amazing program called Clip studio paint, and I gotta say I love the program. Sincerely the best choice I made to leave Photoshop for this.
At last, this is it. the new Me!
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Familiar looking isn’t it,baby steps we can say.
I cannot blame the people for calling my new persona a “Glaceon-alike”
I headed to the right direction stepping away from it, but it was hard to let go
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new program, new tablet, new me. the later half of 2020 went onto a lot of changes with myself, the chibi small version did not make me happy to make anymore, I was losing the touch and with the few comments I got of looking like a “powerpuff girl look a like” did set me off to do a drastic change I am thankful to do. This new me had some weird phases, don’t we all tho?
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where else to brainstorm than back to the traditional old ways. Now, you may see this and ask what was I thinking when making this. the order of when i started and finish goes as: Top right: ok what if it was feral, nah nah scratch. Top left: Can I still make it cute with a round face and features I had from before? ew no! that looks scary Bottom right: lets make it more natural and wow hey! yes yes yes! this looks hundred times better. Bottom left: It is time I go all out and make it humanoid, it was how I found myself enjoying drawing most things but still did some anthropomorphic things. I was just not the best of it.
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Back to digital and.... Amazing, I really out did myself this time, lets go for it, lets keep going with this
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I even got a cool sword too!
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My practice continued from here, the second half was great and fun. New persona got me in a place where I was happy with and through October and December I was having a blast with the more possibilities with it. I went on to practice with even more suggestive things after a life drawing class I took, proportions mattered to me and with this new persona I went out to make more better looking proportions that were attractive and stylish.
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This persona was great, and I managed to make so much of it. even Drawing the more suggestive stuff had left me with an answer for this persona. Just make it gender fluid, my selection for this character being male or female made me so tired I did not know why I just made it gender fluid since the beginning. My mood swings for this character, and I can’t resist drawing it either way. Was I finished? of course not, this persona still had some work around to do. The hair became a pain to make to keeping up with  consistently.
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2020 ended, with a year of exciting new things coming for this new year. I went through quite a lot in my life and my art career took a shaken with this new digital life style, my persona became the identity I saw myself through, something im happy with drawing to represent Me.
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That isn’t to say that I gave up on drawing Me Me.
I drew who I hope to be, and will use this from time to time, nothing fancy but something.
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It has been a year already since I began identifying myself with this persona from last year from now. ever since I sketched that doodle in class, it has been a happy trip through memory lane writing it and I am happy how things turned out. 2021 is what I hope to be as good as 2020 was (by that I mean drawing only of course) In 2021 one more change was made that had made me just as happy to continue on with.
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I got more hair! as crazy as it is yes. More hair, and a different front style has been to this day what I been using.
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I even made a discord emoji for all the warm hugs to have with my fursona!
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and my first ever animation I have ever done before!!
I am always experimenting new things, and i’m proud to be an artists to go out there and leave my art out there to be noticed by anyone. The love and appreciation friends and others leave me are the best thing I could ask. I look foward to see what is up ahead, for me, my career, and Noxy.
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mango7889 · 4 years
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The sun was setting on Canterlot, concluding another day at the castle medical office for Nurse redheart. That being said, medical is never to be unstaffed. Redheart had just finished packing up her days supplies and cleaning her work station.she then headed over to check on Aurora, seeing as she would be leaving the clinic in her hooves, and she was still finishing her training.
Aurora was getting her station organized when she heard Redheart start to talk from almost directly behind her.The loud voice made her jump. “I hope you’re ready to take over for the night Aurora. I’ve been training you for the past 8 months, so you should be more than ready. I don’t expect much to be going on, but be prepared for things like guards with sprains or scraps or any other minor injury that Glacial insists on rushing them in here with.”
After quickly composing herself, Aurora spent most of that nodding diligently, adding “yes ma’ams” here and there. She was taking it all in expecting her to go into another one of her rants But she stopped short and simply gave her the keys for medical. Aurora stood up straighter. “I won’t let you down ms.Redheart. When you get here in the morning it’ll be just how you left it, I promise!”
Nurse Redheart squinted her eyes. “Riiight, I’ll be holding you to that you know. I hope you still remember what happened last time you left a mess for me in the morning.” Aurora visibly shivered at the thought.
As Aurora shook her head she noticed Nurse Redheart was already heading for the door. “Good night ms. Redheart! I’ll see you in the morning.” Redheart waved to her as she left the office. With the office now in her hooves and having nothing else to do, Aurora sat back in her chair and pulled out her book, and started reading.
Night passed as uneventfully as Aurora thought it would. She was enjoying it though, sitting back reading while casually taking bites of the cake her sister Eclair made for her shift.
Nice and calm.
The door to medical slammed open as two guards barged in with somepony on a stretcher, bandages wrapped around their face. From the pained moans he was making it sounded pretty bad. Aurora’s eyes shot wide as she jumped out of her skin for the second time tonight. She quickly ran over to her station and waved them over. The guards set the wounded bat on the table. “He’s hurt pretty bad doc. I wasn’t allowed to know what had happened on orders from director Brass Tax. All I know is it’s pretty bad damage to his eye. We were told to leave him with medical and report back.”
Aurora’s mind was going a mile a minute as she tried to process what she was being told. The guards started to walk towards the door when Aurora came back to reality. “W-wait you’re just leaving him with me!?” all she got was a yes ma’am before the door closed behind them. “Oh dammit why tonight while Redheart is out? Oh we’ll just leave you this seriously wounded guy with no explanation of what caused it! It’s fine you’ll figure it out’.”
As Aurora was pacing in circles panicking, the bat pony spoke up. “Miss I don’t suppose you have any painkillers. Not to rush you or anything but this does hurt pretty bad.”
His comment snapped Aurora out of her panic. “I’m so sorry! I’ll get started right away!” Grabbing a nearby by bottle of painkillers, she shook out two pills and grabbed a little paper cup and filled it with water.
Aurora gave him the medication and pulled over her tray of tools and supplies. “ That should help ease the pain while I get started working on your injury.” He took the meds as Aurora cutaway the bandages to see the injury for herself. Getting through the layers of bandage she started to see the part where blood was soaking through. Most of it was around his left eye area, primarily on the eye itself. Once the last of the bandage was carefully removed she was able to take stock of the damage. It was bad. He had a deep gash in an upwards direction that started just beneath his eye and crossed over the eye itself, ending just above the eye. He also had a cut on his cheek that would probably scar but it was the least of her worries. Without even needing to take a closer look she knew his eye would never work again. The cut was incredibly deep, and she could make out parts of the eye that had been completely destroyed.
The work she had to do could not be done while he was awake, that was for sure. “Sir I’m going to need to put you under for this. It’s going to be a while and I can’t have you moving an inch.”
He nodded as best he could. “Got it. The names Nox by the way, and I’m assuming it’s pretty bad?”
As stoic as he was trying to act, Aurora could tell he was feeling nervous and worried. She grabbed the small mask that was hooked up to a canister and placed it over his muzzle. “Don’t worry Nox, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Now just try to relax and let the anesthetic do its job.”
Nox tried to say something along the lines of ‘I trust you’ll do fine, what Aurora actually heard was “Ib truffulduu fiii” before he passed out completely. With Nox fully sedated now she was able to start her work on repairing all the damage to his eye. As her work continued she found that, while the eye was a lost cause, the damage didn’t go any deeper than the eye. The socket was fairly intact with only some light superficial damage. The cut above and below the eye would scar for sure but it would also heal up rather quickly. The cheek cut was a little deep but didn’t pierce it so the mouth was safe. Once the area was clear she stitched up his cheek as for his eye, she had to sterilize it since it was just one big open wound. Once the eye was sterilized and sealed, Aurora put a large patch bandage over it with some antibiotics to keep the area free from infections.
Her work was done at this point, nothing left to do but watch over him and change out his bandage when needed. She only wished she knew him other than just his name. Aurora would usually try and contact friends and family at this point but Aurora figured she’d just have to ask him when he came too.
A little over 2 hours had passed when Nox finally woke up again. Aurora heard the sharp inhale come from him as the painkiller was wearing off. Aurora quickly hopped over to Nox to check on him as she reached him she also got another dose of painkillers and some water in case he needed it.
Nox rolled over to lay down on his stomach rather than on his back. He reached up to rub his eye reflexively when Aurora quickly swatted his hoof away. He looked at her as she blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. “Heh, s-sorry about that, just habit. Um…please don’t rub your eye, I don’t want the stitching to come free. Oh and don’t move your face muscles too much. And don’t lay on your face… Just try not to do much with your face at all really.”
Nox laughs a bit before giving her a much more somber look. “I wanna know though, how bad was it. You mentioning that it’s stitched probably means I won’t be seeing out of this eye again right?”
Aurora sighed. “The eye was completely gone. No matter what I could have tried it was never going to heal. Luckily the wound wasn’t as bad as it could have been.”
She paused for a moment before asking the question that’s been eating away at her for the whole process. “I have to ask…What exactly happened? I mean it’s not every day sompony comes in here with a real injury and your’s was really bad.”
Nox giving his neck a rub tried to look anywhere that wasn’t Aurora. “Honestly I can’t actually say. That information is kinda lock and key if you know what i mean. The best I can give you is that I was asking the wrong questions in the right places and not covering my tracks very well.”
Aurora’s eyes lit up a bit. “Oooo, that sounds so cloak and dagger! Are you a spy or…a… Right can’t tell me. Regardless try and be more careful, Nox. If whoever did this was able to do the damage they did they probably could have killed you.”
Despite the pain in his eye Nox tried to ease Aurora’s worry. He gave her his honest attempt at a genuine smile. “It’s not as bad as it looks”
Aurora was trying to prep his replacement bandage she looked over at him with a knowing and worried look. “I’m not sure you’re a good judge of that right now.” She finished readying the bandage and slowly removed his current one. She was happy to see that her work was holding and there was no sign of additional bleeding or infection. With his bandage replaced she figured now was time to ask about friends and family to contact.
Aurora put away the supplies she was using and grabbed a quill with paper. “So Nox, I need to fill out who to contact, friends, family, that sort of thing.”
Nox smiled but Aurora could feel his slight dis-interest in the subject. “Well most of my friends probably already know, or will know pretty soon. As for family, I have a sister named lavender. She’s probably at home so you can send a runner to my address. Don’t bother filling out the space for parents, Mom’s dead and I have no interest in seeing my waste of space father again.”
Aurora felt a little bad from the sting on the way he said ‘father’. “Got it. I’ll send for your sister right away. For now please just try and get some rest.
Things had finally calmed down again. Aurora was now sitting back next to Nox reading her book while he got some much needed rest. Two chapters into her book and Nox sound asleep at this point, things were good.
The door to medical slammed open once again. Aurora jumping out of her chair in a panic and only managing to end up sprawling on the floor. Nox meanwhile jumped to his hooves in a defensive stance. When Aurora looked up she saw a young, wide-eyed, lavender coloured mare standing in the door looking frantic. When she spotted Nox, she let out a gasp before sprinting over and taking him in a seemingly bone crushing hug.
The lavender mare let go of Nox but still kept him in her hooves. “Sweet stars! Are you alright!? What happened!? Who did this!? Are you going to be able to see again!? How long have you been here!? Do..”
Before she could go on Nox gently put his hoof over her muzzle. “Calm down, Lavender. It’s alright! I’m fine thanks to Aurora over there.” Aurora still reeling at the situation, just raised a hoof and waved.
Nox gave a calm smile and continued. “There was a complication with work. Sadly that’s all I can say, and it’s for your own safety. But all you need to know is I’m fine now and it’ll be okay. I’ll be honest, I won’t be seeing out of this eye again. But before you say anything, I knew the dangers of this job before I jumped into it.”
Lavender let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “I know you’re okay and that you knew the risk. It’s just..just.” She once again threw her forelegs around Nox but in a much softer hug. Tears started to stream down her face as she cried into his shoulder.
Aurora finally got up went walked over to close the door, giving the two a bit more privacy. She also decided it was best just to go sit back at her desk on the other side of the medical office and read to give those two some time together.
A little while later and Lavender finally let go. Watery eyes looked up at Nox. “Please never scare me like that again. You’re the only family I have left, and I don’t know what I’d do if ever you didn’t come home.”
Nox was softly petting her mane. “Sis you know I can’t promise that…But I can promise to try my very best to make sure that never happens. Remember, if anything like that ever happens to me, Glacial’s already said she’d look after you in a heartbeat.
Lavender clearly didn’t like the idea, but she grit her teeth and nodded. She let go of Nox and walked over to Aurora. “Thank you for taking care of my brother, Aurora. I really appreciate what you did.”
Aurora giggled a little at Lavender’s timid thanks. “No problem sweetie, it’s why I’m here. If you’d like, he’s free to head out with you. Just make sure to keep him balanced until he gets used to only using one eye.”
Aurora then looked over at Nox. “And you, remember to check on your eye in the morning and look for any signs of infection. Also if you start feeling any pain, remember to take your medication. For any other problems, you’re welcome to come right back.” Now dropping her more serious tone in favour of a softer one, she continued. “And please try and take care of yourself out there.”
A swift nod and thanks from Nox and the two of them headed out, leaving Aurora once again in a silent and calm medical office. And a rather messy one now that she looked at it, probably should have been cleaning in the down time.
Aurora was just about to start cleaning when for the third time in that night, or rather unfortunately dawn now, The door swung open. Once again startling the hell out of Aurora as Nurse Redheart flew into the room.
Her eyes scanned the room and then immediately landed on the now prone Aurora. “What in tartarus happened last night!? I hear that an intelligence operative is wounded severely and in your care, the office looks like a disaster, you didn’t feel the need to contact me about something so drastic, AND you’re just laying on the floor!”
Aurora gave a sheepish grin with a look of terror on her face. “U-uh…I can explain everything?” With Nox healed, for the most part, and Aurora getting reamed out by Redheart, things were back to normal once again.
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slytherinliththorne · 4 years
Lith Thorne’s Profile
New Template by  @cursebreaker-lilith​​
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Name: Ailith Thorne Rosas.
Nicknames: Lith, Witchling.
Name Meaning: Idk man I don’t remember :b
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 16
Birthday: December 10
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Sexuality: Biromantic asexual
Ethnicity/Nationality:  Mexican
Height: 1.65
Build: Slim
Eyes: Golden
Hair: White
Skin: White
Misc:  She has a rune in her chest product of her curse. A small scar in her forehead from when she was little and fell, it’s almost unnoticeable.
Material Items:
Clothing: Hogwarts uniform mostly. Lith has almost no fashion sense, so she resorts to comfy hoodies, plain shirts and jeans. She also owns a few stylish and girly clothes, but won't use them unless necessary.
Accesories: An amethyst earing in later years, a necklace with a feather of Talbott’s and a teeth of Jacob.
In their school bag: Her sketchbook, pens, pencils and chalks, a deck of cards, her wand, a woven bracelet,  her amethyst charm that becomes an earring in later years.
Face claim: None
Voice claim: None
Lucky: For some reason, Lith has super good luck for the most trivial things, like managing to get a cauldron just before Potions class starts because she forgot hers. She assumes it must be the universe’s compensation for cursing her.
Resourceful: To any problem she encounters, from a forgotten homework to escaping death, she will always have a set of solutions already elaborated in her mind. They might not always work as she wants, but they certainly save her ass.
Intelligent: She is a nerd and an overachiever. She enjoys learning and hyperfixates on a lot of interesting subjects during the course of her life.
Introverted: While she can handle big groups, Lith gets stressed out quickly. She prefers being on her own or with a few friends.
Daydreamer: Lith’s head is always on the clouds, she has whole worlds inside, but never actually gets to express them, not that she minds. She also has a very vivid imagination.
Insecure: She gains more confidence as she grows older, but she will always doubt her abilities and her own worth.
Workaholic: No matter what she does, she has to give her best. That causes many sleepless nights and some eyebags once in a while.
No emotional intelligence: When it comes to matters of the heart, she has no clue how to proceed. She finds it difficult to read the mood of a room or identify when someone is feeling down. In the same way that she has a hard time figuring out her own emotions and naming them.
Something something I’ll write it later
Likes: Solitude, art, books, muggle trinkets, sweets, winter.
Dislikes: Blood supremacy, loud places, summer, heat.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hogwarts House: Slytherin.
Astronomy: E
Charms: O
Flying: A
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Apparition: O
Divination: A
Charms: O
Transfiguration: A
History of Magic: E
Muggle art
Best Classes:
Charms: Lith was taught charms by Jacob since he began Hogwarts when he noticed his sister had a particular proficiency with them, so when Lith arrived she was a bit ahead of her peers and continued to hone her skills on more advanced charms on her own.
History of Magic: Lith has always been a History nerd and History of Magic was a class she enjoyed and easily excelled in. Not much because of the Professor but Rowan and the study groups they would organize.
Worst Classes:
Flying: When in her human form, she is terrified of heights and hates flying.
Herbology: Lith and plants is something that is just not meant to be.
Favorite Professors:
Silvanus Kettleburn: He is eccentric, he is encouraging and he cares not about the world except for his beloved magical creatures. Lith admires his dedication and appreciates a non conventional teacher like him.
Patricia Rakepick: While Lith never fully trusted the curse breaker, she would be lying if she said that she did not enjoy Rakepick’s classes. She was probably the best professor of DADA she ever had.
Least Favorite Professors:
Severus Snape: Despite being her Head of House, Lith never liked Snape. He could mean well and she would be grateful for that but please be at a minimum distance of 6 feet apart. His attitude was the opposite of encouraging and she hated it.
Madam Hooch: She is scary :(( please don’t yell at her for not knowing how to fly she doesn’t need a broom anyway ;-;.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Slytherin House
The House of Thorne
Circle of Khanna
The Werewolf Support Squad (with Jae, Talbott, Chiara and Rowan)
The Silver Coven (with Summer Charn and Catherine Stark)
Freelance curse breaker.
Independent Rescuer.
Part-time artist and painter.
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1st Wand:
Willow wood
Surprisingly swishy
Unicorn hair core
“Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.” (Pottermore.)
2nd Wand:
Macpalxochitl wood
Slightly Yielding
Huactli feather core
Disclaimer: this is my own lore.
Macpalxochitl, or the Devil’s Hand Tree, became a popular wood to make wands out of when the afrancesamiento of Mexico began. Old chroniclers would often refer to this tree as “worthy of any castle and palace”, so it was sought by wizards of high status. Nowadays it’s existence is very rare and only a few wandmakers are allowed to handle this tree. Wands of this wood tend to be stubborn, but they will remain loyal to their first owner. It is said that it’s better suited to healing magic, but that doesn’t mean it’s not able to turn to the Dark Arts.
The Huactli  is a strange eagle-like bird that feeds on snakes. Its peculiarity is that it’s is able to speak the language of men and predict their future. It is said that if you hear it laugh, it means good luck, but if it mutters sadly, it can translate in danger, sickness and death. Wands of this core make powerful spells, but are often unpredictable and difficult to tame. Their loyalty is easily gained and easily lost, though this may vary depending on the wood. 
Form: A big twisted grackle like humanoid with bright golden eyes.
Riddikulus: The grackle suddenly doing the chicken dance.
What they smell: Hot chocolate, books and oil painting (turpentine lmao).
What they smeel like to others: Mint, paint and parchment.
Form: Jaguar (for Jacob), Eagle (after Talbott).
Memory: Family reunions on her Mother’s side of the family. All her cousins running around while the adults played cards.
What they see in the Mirror of Erised: Jacob and her, side by side, with the marks of their curse erased from their chests. As the years pass, more people are added into the picture behind them, like Chiara, Rowan, Talbott and Jae. After Rowan dies, their image takes Jacob’s place by Lith’s side.
Father: Daniel Thorne.Pureblood wizard.
Curly white hair (not due to the curse tho), white skin and golden eyes. Her dad is her greatest supporter, anything she wants to do he is right behind her cheering for her. He is a little bit eccentric but he loves to indulge his children's interests and spoil them. However, he is not available in the emotional department, he doesn’t know how to deal with those problems.
Mother:  Perla Rosas Villareal.
Muggle. Curly brown hair, brown skin and brown eyes. Her mom is strict but loving. Lith always seeks her for emotional support, she listens patiently and offers help only when asked. She is the one who makes her question things and they often get into arguments because of that.
Brother: Jacob Thorne Rosas
Half-blood wizard. The reason for all this mess. Curly silver hair, brown skin and golden eyes. An introverted and sweet guy, but very naive and trusting. The relationship between the Thorne siblings had always been good. Sure, they fought and argued, but they got along pretty well. After the Vaults, Lith became wary of her own brother, but when it all ended they began to reconstruct their relationship, though it will always be damaged.
Onyx (Grackle): He is not exactly her pet, he is the other half of her soul aka her Companion.
Nox: A black cat that stayed back at home with her parents.
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Best friends:
Rowan Khanna
Chiara Lobosca
Jae Kim
Good friends:
Badeea Ali (they are art rivals but in a friendly way)
Charlie Weasley
Bill Weasley
Tulip Karasu
Penny Haywood
It’s Complicated:
Love Interests:
Talbott Winger (he is the only one I have a description for atm, the others are in another post if I remember correctly lol)
They met when Lith was trying to break her curse via the animagus potion, a thing that obviously didn’t work.
After the failure of the potion (of which Talbott is not aware), they began to notice they shared similar hiding spots, such as the Owlery, and started to acknowledge each other’s existence by simply saying hello.
Then Lith started to get closer again, asking him about the potion and being an animagus. He got suspicious and ended up discovering Chiara and Lith were trying to turn Jae into an animagus to accompany them during Chiara’s werewolf transformation.
He agreed to help them and became a member of the Werewolf Support Squad, a little bit against his will but he warmed up to them eventually.
They started to get close during those night escapades. They hung out more together (with the Squad) even after the full moons.  
Recovering Talbott’s necklace was the first time they got close one on one. It was also the moment they began to develop feelings for each other, even if they couldn’t name them yet.
They like being alone together, and started acting as a couple before they actually became one.
The moment Talbott realizes he has fallen for Lith is a morning after the full moon, when they are all in the Room of Requirement trying to get some sleep and the only thing he can look at is her.
For Lith it takes more time to realize her massive crush. It happened when Talbott fell asleep in the library while studying together. Tulip comes in and says something like “could you tell your boyfriend to wake up, Lith Thorne? We are having a House meeting soon.” Lith’s like “he is not my boyfriend tho??” and Tulip just answers “Really? Thought you were dating for months.” And leaves. That’s the moment when Lith looks at sleeping Talbott and omg he is cute and we certainly do look like a couple oh fuck.
Yet neither of them thinks the other is interested, so they continue like normal.
Until they stay behind in the Room of Requirement one time and they accidentally confess and bam guess they are a real couple now.
They graduate. Talbott gets his own place and works as an auror, Lith travels the world as a curse breaker. They meet sometimes and go on dates.
The year of Voldemort’s uprising, they have a fight and they both go their separate ways, though they never once mention breaking up.
They reunite in the Battle of Hogwarts, Talbott almost dies and they apologize to each other.
Lith moves in with Talbott after that and they marry and adopt two kittens.
Merula Snyde
Ismelda Murk
Rowan Khanna
Doesn’t interact:
Merula Snyde
Ismelda Murk
Diego Caplan
Bea Haywood
Merula Snyde (formerly)
Patricia Rakepick
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Lith was born in a middle low class family in the Valley of Mexico, with a malediction in her blood. Her early childhood consisted of playing with the children in the same street and Jacob. Since insecurity was still not that high in the city, her mom would let them go out of the house on their own. They attended a public elementary school until Jacob received his letter. After that, Lith couldn’t bother with school anymore but was forced to attend. As she grew up, children started to distance themselves from her, all the neighbourhood thought it was suspicious that her brother had gone to a boarding school when they barely had the money to pay for all their expenses. It got worse when Jacob disappeared.
1st Year: Befriends Rowan, Ben, Chiara and Penny. Makes enemies with Merula. Finds Ice Vault. The Werewolf Support Unit is formed by Chiara, Rowan and Lith.
2nd Year: Ben Cooper disappears. Befriends Bill Weasley. They enter another common room. They open the Ice Vault.
3rd Year: Befriends Tulip, Barnaby and Talbott. Tries the Animagus potion. Attempt to turn Jae into an animagus. The Werewolf Support Unit becomes the Werewolf Support Squad with new members Jae and Talbott. They open Fear Vault.
4th Year: Befriends Charlie Weasley. Patricia Rakepick arrives at Hogwarts. Sleepwalking curse. Open Forest Vault. Goes to the Celestial Ball with Rowan and on a “date” with Talbott.
5th Year: Befriends Jae Kim, Badeea Ali, Liz Tuttle and Diego Caplan. Detention in the kitchens. Beatrice Haywood is trapped in the portrait. Rakepick becomes the new DADA teacher. Lith realizes she has feelings for Talbott. They open the Portrait Vault.
6th Year: Ben goes dark. Lith and Talbott start to date. Rowan dies. Meets Ty Blackwood and finds out they are related. Circle of Khanna.
7th Year: Who tf knows?? :))
After graduation: Lith goes to become a cursebreaker, taking jobs others would not. She quickly gains a reputation among shady witches and wizards. She lives like this for a year, not having a stable place to stay and traveling from country to country carrying only her backpack. She grows tired of it and decides to drop it all. She goes back to Mexico and moves in with a few muggle roomies. She studies plastic arts at a university and graduates early. She goes back to England to return to her curse breaker activities when Voldemort comes back.
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War: Lith never joins the Order of the Phoenix. She becomes an independent Rescuer, working by herself or for third parties (the Order included) to rescue Undesirables and get them out of the country. She even crafter fake papers to get them out. She does get in contact with members of the Order sometimes, like Carewyn Cromwell, who is one of her main contacts within the Ministry. She fights in the Battle of Hogwarts and saves Talbott’s life after reuniting with him.
Post-War: She decides she has had enough adventures for a while and moves in with Talbott, who quits as an auror and becomes a poet. They get married in a small ceremony which basically was just signing the papers and getting dinner with friends afterwards. After Jacob dies and her nephew Icarus is left orphaned, she takes him in with Talbott and they all move in with Ty at his much bigger home. Lith returns to her curse breaking job to support the whole family, since she doesn’t want Ty to pay for all of their expenses. Charlie moves in too after dating Ty for a while, which was a surprise for all. And they all live together whoo.
Old Age & Death: After retiring definitely, Lith dedicates the rest of her life to art. She even sells some of her works. She paints until her hair starts to turn black and she grows feathers, she paints until her arms don’t obey her anymore. She dies on her bed, with her precious Companion resting on her chest, as they both merge together, accompanied by Talbott, Icarus and her loved ones.
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When they were children, Jacob lost one of his fangs during a sudden transformation and a collision with the door. Lith keeps it as a necklace charm and gifted Jacob one of her own feathers. Because of this, she believes the first black quill is the one he carried as a necklace charm too.
Before they start dating, Lith gives Talbott one of her feathers, which he wears alongside her mother’s. Lith also wears one of his as a necklace, but when she grows older she turns it into an earring. This is one of the reasons why people believe they were already together.
Lith has a habit of drawing on her skin, which is why she sometimes has her legs covered in little doodles. She later starts drawing on her friends.
She hoards art supplies.
She is a gambling addict, so she will get intense during exploding snap games. She knows a lot of card games from her Mother’s side of the family, challenge her at your own risk.
She never learned how to drive.
She learned a bit of mexican magic from her cousins, who attended Aztlán (the mexican wizarding school) created by @tsikuri.
She definitely sings in the shower, but not during her Hogwarts years.
Her taste in music is broad, listening to almost anything except banda.
She has a sweet tooth and cannot stand spicy food, causing the teasing from her whole family, who all, as proud Mexicans, eat chili with everything.
After she graduates, her schedule shifts entirely. She wakes up at 2 pm and goes to sleep at 3 am.
Her love languages are physical touch, but she is too shy and hyper aware to actually approach people and touch them, and gifts.  
If you give her food, you will now be on her “Good human, Angel from Heaven :-:” list. 
Her wand core comes from a bird that can predict death and misfortune, this curiously can be linked to her manifestation of the curse.
Most people think her new wand is ugly, and she did too. But she had to carve it herself to obtain it from an old Mexican wandmaker. The form is also inspired in the flower from the wand wood tree.Lucky: For some reason, Lith has super good luck for the most trivial things, like managing to get a cauldron just before Potions class starts because she forgot hers. She assumes it must be the universe’s compensation for cursing her.
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plexinics · 3 years
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Beyond the rocky walls of Duskwillow, hidden between the dark alleys of Bridgeborn, Tuck Elsie sought out Gideon. He was angered, confused and of no surprise he had been drinking.
Tuck arrived at Gideon’s hideaway, which to his surprise there was nothing secret or hidden away like he was expecting, it was simply an old wine cellar and for that reason Gideon was most likely never bothered.
“Open this door! I know you’re there!” he hissed.
A faint voice could be heard “It’s unlocked, Enter.”
Upon hearing this Tuck stormed inside slamming his hands on the table where the one an only; Gideon sat calmly.
“How long!? How long have you been working with Naveya?!” Tuck shouted.
“My, my, you’ve become rather paranoid haven’t you? Alas your daughter has yet to grace me with her presence.”
“Lies! It’s all lies Gideon. She was on her way here not long ago, all those kids were.” his yelling continued
“I assure you she wasn’t, you my old friend are the only one who truly knows who I am.”
“I don’t believe you. Nothing, none of it.”
Gideon shook his head as a sly smile spread across his face, “What is it that you don’t believe? The gifts I can bestow? The souls I can collect? Magic only I posses? Do tell me.”
“You swore to me that I too would have the very magic you speak of, I’ve done everything you have told me to do, and still I am given nothing!” Tuck’s voice began to quiver with desperation.
“Tucker, you should know better, I can’t just give you the same powers I have, all magic comes with a price, you know this.”
“I gave you my wife’s very life, what else do you want!?”
Gideon began to chuckle angerly, “You gave me nothing! You sat back and watched your wife die slowly, I was the one who took it so effortlessly! You merely gave me the opportunity!” he spat, “Besides, you’re not worthy to use this incredible gift. Don’t delude yourself.”
“You don’t get to decide that Gideon! I’m worthy! I’ve done all that you’ve asked; I’ve made it to Duskwillow just as you had asked of me, we live in your old home. I even found all of your old spell books and texts...Everything is in order Isn’t that what you wanted.”
These new developments struck Gideon, perhaps Tuck wasn’t a waste of his time, “Of course it is! But do you see my books and texts with me? That is the problem, I don’t have any! Fang cast me out after he begged me to bring his boy back...but do the people of Duskwillow know that? Of course not, they only remember me a beast, a cursed being, a MURDERER! Now I have nothing.” 
Tuck scoffed, “But that’s exactly what you are! You’ve lured travelers to Duskwillow and sacrificed them so you could prolong your life! That was why Fang closed the way to the valley. You betrayed everyone there.”
Gideon cocked his head to one side, “Who’s betraying them now Tuck? All I asked of you was to find my spell books and return them to me.”
“Return with me! Then we can take all of Duskwillow for ourselves.”
“You don’t seem to understand Tucker, I’m far too weak.” He lied, “I cannot kill on my own, I need you to do that for me.”
Tuck more than willing agreed, “I will do so in your place.”
“You know the ritual, do you not? I need another soul to carry on.”
 Offended by the question Tuck grew more agitated, “Of course, how could you not trust me, I’ve been practicing your spells.”
“Then I leave it in your capable hands, Tuck.”
Tuck nodded then slipped into out the front door into the night. 
“Damn that curse! If it weren’t for the Draft of Nox...” Gideon spat “The one potion I failed to research fully, foolish, foolish, foolish!”
Gideon sat anxiously as memories of that night Fang pounded at his door asking for help so many years before. It was long before the darkness had a hold of Gideon, that night was the very night Gideon became a slave to his own magic.
Draft of Nox was and is a very powerful potion indeed, brewed with the blood of dark wizards - those even before Gideon's time, this potion was so powerful it was said to heal even the most gruesome of injuries and even reverse death. It read within his spell books;
“Once given to an individual, Draft of Nox can -in a way- sense what has gone wrong and immediately begins to repair what it needs to bring life. In order for this potion to fully work , the one who brews it must add their own blood to enhance the magical properties.”
So eager to see it’s potential Gideon agreed to help Fang, but he failed to realize the warnings for the potion.
“Once administered, the one who added their blood will be bound to the revived, the soul of the revived will be housed within the creator until a Midnight Oath can be preformed. Said soul can not be used to prolong creators life. Use with caution.”
Remembering clear as day that he’d messed up he lied to Delores and Fang, telling them they owed him, “ A life for a life” but it never came for soon after, he was banished, and he soon realized he would be living in fear for the rest of his life until he knew what the Midnight Oath was.
Accepting that they would live in fear never knowing what would become of their son, Delores and Fang did all they could to save Kai, and even going as far to allow Tuck into their village knowing that rumors of dark magic surrounded him just as they did with Gideon. 
Little did they all know, Tuck and Naveya would be the answer.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years
Old Wounds
Summary: In which Erisine reacts understandably poorly to learning Vaylin is under a kind of mind control very similar to what she was once subjected to and forbids Garen from using it, and a disapproving Valkorion has no meaningful sense of boundaries and no qualms about outing Eris’s trauma to Garen without her consent to try and convince Garen she’s being irrational and making a mistake.
Tags: No Archive warnings apply, mind control aftermath/recovery, implied/referenced mind control, hurt/comfort but it’s pretty light this time, KOTET spoilers
Find me on AO3 at Dragonheart37!
Reactions to Garen describing the events aboard the Gravestone and the news about Vaylin's keyword varied.
Nox recoiled, eyes wide and brow furrowed as if she wasn't sure how she felt about this revelation, only that it wasn't a good feeling. Zashiil startled almost as much, glancing across at the rest of the council like she was looking for reactions too. Theron swore under his breath and pushed himself away from the table to pace across the back wall, shaking his head. Lana rubbed a hand over her face, thoughts flickering behind her eyes too fast to read.
The Commander, whose opinion on this development mattered most of all, did not startle, or pace. A split second of shock flickered across her face, and she went very, very still, lowering her gaze to stare at the holotable. Her fingers might have been a fraction tighter on its edge than they had been a moment ago, but Garen had been watching her face, not her hands, so she couldn't be sure.
Lana was the first to speak. “We could use that to stop Vaylin. If we can just get close to her – we can stop her.”
“I don't like it,” Zashiil muttered. “Taking someone's free will from them. Separating them from the Force. It's wrong.”
“So is massacring a hundred thousand people to catch three fugitives, but Vaylin hasn't had any problems doing that,” Lana countered.
“Zashiil's right,” Theron said, turning back to the table and running a hand through his hair. “We can't justify everything with what our enemies are willing to do, or we're no better than them.”
“Lana might be right about this one,” Koth added, though he didn't sound certain. “Vaylin has to be stopped somehow. She's a monster.”
Zashiil glanced at Nox, as if expecting support, but Nox was staring at the table, fingers clenched around her own biceps as she crossed her arms, silent. The Barsen'thor hissed between her teeth. “I hate Vaylin as much as anyone, but it's not right. You know that.”
“Enough,” said the Commander. The word wasn't loud, but it drew the whole room's attention back to her somehow. She was still staring at the holotable, face carefully neutral, but her voice was sure when she spoke. “This isn't an argument worth having. It's not an option.”
The collective shock at the decisiveness of that rippled through the Force. Lana blinked, clearly taken aback. “Commander?”
She looked up now, green eyes hard as chips of jade. “I'm not arguing about this, Lana. I'm taking it off the table. Zashiil and Theron are right.”
Koth made a shocked noise in the back of his throat. “Commander, you can't just – this is Vaylin we're talking about. I don't like it either, but we need every edge we can get.”
“You will not use Vaylin's programming against her,” the Commander said, turning to look Garen square in the face. It was so small Garen could have imagined it, but she thought she heard a tremor in the Commander's voice. “That's an order, Master Garen'ishta.”
Garen recoiled a little despite herself, startled. An order – the Commander so rarely gave those, or at least rarely said it so bluntly, to her councilors. Lana leaned forward. “Commander, I understand your hesitation, but -”
“But nothing,” the Commander snapped, then paused to take a breath. When she went on, she sounded calm again. “I understand the risks and prices. But I won't allow it. There are depths even I won't stoop to. Let whatever price we may pay be on my head.”
Lana didn't get a chance to respond to that before the scene froze, colors fading.
Valkorion's voice interrupted. “Commander Ganne. Such a brilliant woman. And yet so foolish sometimes.” He circled around behind the Commander, shaking his head. “Such an obvious mistake, and she's walking right into it.”
“She's right,” Garen retorted. “It's wrong to – to manipulate Vaylin like that. Even Vaylin.”
“Vaylin is a danger to herself and everyone else,” Valkorion said, eyes narrow. “Your Commander would agree, were it not for her past. She allows her fear to get the better of her.”
Garen hesitated. “Her – her past? What are you talking about?”
Valkorion smiled grimly. “Vaylin is far from her first experience with such programming. She served my Sith Empire. She knows what it's like to have a leash.” He tilted his head, examining Erisine's frozen face. “She was dangerous, too. In a different way. She killed a Dark Councilor; she could have killed more, perhaps. So she was brought under control.”
Garen's brow furrowed as she turned that over in her mind. She hadn't known this; the Commander had never spoken of it. Which no doubt meant she wasn't supposed to know. “None of this matters.”
“Oh, but it does,” Valkorion disagreed. “She's making a critical mistake, one that might cost thousands of lives, all because she's letting her emotions override the logic that tells her she should know better. She sympathizes with Vaylin because she's been Vaylin. That doesn't mean my reasons for controlling my daughter weren't sound.”
Garen gritted her teeth. “Why are you telling me this? You can't expect it to change my mind.”
“Perhaps not. But I hope it will, and that you won't let the Commander's irrational emotions dictate your actions.”
“You're wrong,” she insisted.
“So be it, then.”
The world came back into focus as Valkorion's presence receded. Garen spoke, aloud this time. “I'm not planning to use Vaylin's keyword, Commander. You have my word.”
The Commander's shoulders relaxed slightly, a little of the tension going out of her, as if she'd been braced for Garen to fight her on this. “Good. Now that that's settled, we should talk about Arcann and how to handle him.”
For a moment, Lana looked like she might still protest, but the tone the Commander spoke in brooked no argument, and after a beat of hesitation Lana sighed. “Very well. If you're sure about this.”
Garen found the Commander standing on the edge of the balcony, leaning against the railing with one foot propped behind the other, staring out over the forests of Odessen. She hesitated a few meters away, not wanting to interrupt the Commander's thoughts.
The Commander nodded slightly without turning around. “Garen.”
Garen blinked, then moved up to the railing next to her. “How did you know it was me?”
Erisine smiled dryly, still looking out toward the horizon. “Footsteps. Yours are the lightest out of anyone on the council. And no one outside the inner circle ever comes to find me out here.” She snorted. “Well. No one who isn't Kaliyo, anyway. But she wouldn't have hesitated to bother me.”
Garen shook her head. “You never cease to amaze me.”
“I have to keep some tricks up my sleeves.”
They stood quietly for a moment, while Garen tried to formulate a way to broach the subject she wanted to gracefully. “So, uh,” she started, hesitantly, ignoring Valkorion's disapproval seeping through the back of her mind. “You seemed... pretty upset about Vaylin.”
Erisine turned to look at her, long enough for Garen to start getting uncomfortable before she spoke. “He's told you something you're not supposed to know about me, hasn't he?”
Garen winced. “I'm sorry. I didn't... I can't always shut him out.”
“Don't apologize. It's not your fault.” Her fingers tightened on the railing. “What did he tell you?”
She could feel him projecting himself standing behind her; she ignored him as best she could. “He said you know what it's like to have a leash. You sympathize with Vaylin because you've been Vaylin. That...” She pulled one lek over her shoulder to fidget with it uncomfortably. “That you're letting your emotions override logic, even though you know we should use Vaylin's programming against her. You – you get the idea.”
The Commander's lips tightened a fraction. “I see.” She looked back out toward the horizon again. “I have to ask you to keep this to yourself, Garen. It's true I know Vaylin's... situation better than almost anyone. But I assure you, it's no longer relevant.” She took a beat to swallow, and Garen tried to pretend she hadn't felt the echoes of old hurt in the Force, too strong to block out completely. “I undid my programming a long time ago. It's not a security threat.”
“I know,” Garen said softly. “You wouldn't let something like that compromise the Alliance.”
Before she could say more, she felt Valkorion step further into the front of her mind. “She's wrong,” he said, circling around into view behind Erisine. “She may no longer be under control of a keyword, but her past is a threat to you. She sympathizes with Vaylin.”
Garen frowned. “I wouldn't use Vaylin's programming against her even if the Commander hadn't ordered me not to,” she replied silently. “It's wrong. No matter how much of a threat Vaylin is.”
“And when innocents die preventable deaths because you wouldn't do what was necessary to stop her?” he challenged, arching one eyebrow. “What will you say then?”
That made her falter. What would she? What could she possibly say?
No. Don't let him break you. He was just looking for weaknesses – things he could exploit to manipulate her. She'd come this far and done this much good without needing to justify horrors; she couldn't start now.
He'd felt the hesitation, though, and Garen felt his satisfaction seep into her mind. She focused for a moment, pushing him back into the background again. Time caught up with her – she hadn't even realized it had stopped this time – and the Commander was looking at her, half a question in her eyes. Before Garen could say anything, Erisine said, “He was talking to you.” Garen nodded. “You get this – look on your face. Like you stop registering everything else for just a second.”
Garen sighed. “Valkorion has this trick he likes to do sometimes where he slows down my perception of time so he can talk without being interrupted. That's probably the look.”
Erisine shook her head. “I'll never understand the Force.” She smiled dryly. “He say anything I should know about?”
Garen flicked a lek dismissively, though even that was half-hearted. “Badgering me about agreeing with you. About Vaylin, I mean. Nothing important.”
Erisine mmed understanding. After a beat of silence, she asked, sounding hesitant, “Does he do that often?”
“Badger me?” Garen shrugged wearily. “Not usually like this. He's always listening, and he likes to give annoying commentary. We disagree on a lot of stuff.”
Erisine laughed. “I can imagine.” She sobered again, then said quietly, “I am sorry you got stuck with this. I don't really understand how it all works, but I've had a voice in my head, even if it wasn't a ghost of the Force or whatever. It's not easy.”
“You've had a voice in your head?”
She waved a hand. “Weird – brain stuff. Side effect of the programming. Turns out the human brain doesn't respond very well to external control being forced on it.” She huffed a half-hearted laugh and added dryly, “Can't imagine how that might apply to Vaylin.”
A vague sense of disapproval from Valkorion floated through Garen's mind. She ignored it, again. “I do wonder how much it was his... choking control on her that turned her into this,” Garen admitted softly. “I wouldn't blame her for rebelling, against that. Even if she's taken it much too far.”
Erisine pursed her lips. “No. I can't blame her for that much either.” She looked down, staring blindly over the railing for a long stretch of silence. “Garen, I don't want you to feel like I don't care that I'm putting you at risk. If I didn't think you could beat her...”
Garen reached out to touch Erisine's elbow lightly, just a brush of fingertips. “I know,” she assured her. “I wouldn't use it even if you'd told me to. It's not right.”
Erisine snorted. “Telling your superior you'd disobey a direct order? Brave.”
Garen let a smile crinkle her face. “A Jedi never lies.”
“I think the Barsen'thor would disagree,” Erisine replied, smiling back. She shrugged her arm away from Garen slightly, and Garen took her cue to withdraw her hand from where it still lay against Erisine's elbow. “It's good, I think. To have people willing to push back against me and tell me when I'm wrong. That's one thing the Empire was never good at. Perhaps the Alliance can do better.”
Garen looked out again over Odessen, over the dock below. “We'll pull it off,” she promised. “We'll beat Vaylin. And we'll set things right. All of us, together.”
Erisine nodded. “I hope you're right.”
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
MCC 24 JUL 21
Green Guardians and Pink Parrots Part 1/2
Alright I’m finally back! I’m only half watching while I clean my room but it’s fine.
I’m watching Fundy’s POV on my main screen and Ranboo’s on my phone where I’m typing this.
Ranboo pre game stream let’s gooo.
I’m so very entertained by the background Tubbo noises.
He’s so happy. I don’t know if I have it in my to watch Fundy’s POV even though I’m cheering for the Green Guardians.
Sands of time. Let’s go!
We are going to hear these boys in each other’s backgrounds.
This has “mom can we play Minecraft at our sleepover” vibe.
Phil’s streaming. Where is the fox boy…
Boys trying to out noise each other.
Please tell over to tubbo about how loud he is being. It would be funny.
It’s so much fun watching this boy achieve his goals. I love watching people achieve their goals.
Actual MCC server!!!
Good time for screeny. Nobody is chilling.
I saw him! I saw that fox run past!
“Ahh” - Ranboo
“Aaaa” -Tubbo
“Ahhhh” -Ranboo
“Aaaa” -Tubbo
High school ish age boy in competitive scenario. This will be so much fun.
Microphone magic time!
Hey I hear the boys!
And it works well.
It does echo???? How???
“It was a joint effort. I came up with some bad ideas you came up with the idea that works.” -Tubbo
Also known as every other group chat I’ve ever been in.
Lmanburg flag at rally?
No. Let’s do free clout.
Ranboo being a problem.
Why is everyone in that VC?
What problems are these children causing.
Fundy is live! Where is my iPad time to dual wield streams.
Dual spatulas.
It’s time to start!!!
Where is the fox?
You know. I might reverse it. I might have to watch Pink Parrots mainly and just ignore green guardians.
I’m going to put Wilbur on my iPad so I can see the chaos man. Now to decide which POV I’m listening to. Probably Ranboo. Wilbur on mine is slightly behind.
They asked if Wilbur was going change his skin? That never happens. He had to wear the sweater of shame at Christmas time.
I have them both almost perfectly sinced but it’s at the point it almost sounds echoed.
No it’s just tubbo who sounds echoed.
Nope can’t get it to sync. Just listening on my speaker.
No surround sound here. Unless I get really board.
Manifesting the win?
Manifolding the win.
Time to annoy the other teams.
From here on I’m going to try to be productive while I watch. Wait no. The music isn’t in sync with the one I’ll mostly be watching.
Oh I forgot TapL was there. Nope it’s not syncing. Just going to have Ranboos on my phone be secondary.
Wilbur POV let’s go.
We trash talking. Look at them go.
Ahh. English area codes. What the enigma.
Let’s win pink parrots!!! How do I always end up cheering for this team…
I need to make pink parrot art.
Oh no. Just Wilbur.
Oh no. It’s all Tubbo.
Wilbur reminds me of a good camp counselor motivating his team. Not like one of my coworkers.
My brother isn’t home today so we can’t have a watch party like we wanted.
My mom is confused with my and my brother’s investment in MCC but we told her it was the national championships of Minecraft.
Oh poor Fundy tagging on the other side.
I need to remember to collect channel points.
I’m sorry why is my internet acting stupid. Work you!
Pink and purple. The tween girls second most idea color pallet.
They are over motivating the Soot.
Thought Wilbur was going to explode from peer pressure there.
Yooo. I figured out how to watch Fundy! I can split screen my ipad between the app and the website. Tiny Fundy screen and big Wilbur screen and tiny Ranboo screen on my phone.
They can’t warn fast enough.
Time to watch and ad and support Wilbur because it got too far behind for my liking while I fought with the tiny Fundy screen.
I need to put away the books I’m pressing flowers in. But I don’t want to mess up the flowers.
Wonder how soon I’ll have to start a new post because I ran out of bullet points.
Nah I’m not keeping Fundy’s POV open. I want full screen Pink Parrots.
Music brain made the lyric connection.
I could drink 3 bottles of water every round.
The boys with the superior bladders.
What happened with Wilbur? What I didn’t see anything happen with the stream.
Nox crew role play??? What?
Wait. Did red team just fall into the void?
I found a skirt and I’m wondering why I don’t wear it more often.
It goes down to my knees I could even wear this to church.
Offhand wool!
Time to battle in the box!
Exciting death boots.
Go!!! Do wool! Get em!
Oh wow. They both died. At the same time.
They can hear the Tommy. That’s how well these dudes know one another.
Bragging on each other.
Everyone surprised that Wilbur is entering his old man years.
Random history moments with Tubbo.
Woohoo (again)!
Ranboos just going to jinx it.
Oh no I need my charger!
Got my charger! Rejoined at “Minecraft butts make big… videos” and am quite confused.
Skilled boys!!
Poof goes the Bur.
They beat Dream???
Casually refolding every bandana I own while watching battle box.
I found a peppermint tea bag.
Come on get mid! Noooo.
Pink parrots doing pretty good from what I see in MCC live.
I thought Ranboo had an actual burger on his face cam. I was so confused for a moment.
Yelling across the room casually.
Wilbur is back. You can hear him.
Wilbur is like a kid trying to get a duck out of the pond.
Sky battle?
Shake? Shake shake shake?
Oh no. Now all the chat is crying over Ghostbur. Myself included.
Pink parrots on top so far! Never mind that didn’t last long.
Go Wilbur! Go Tubbo! Go Ranboo! Go TapL!
Wilbur go poof.
3rd atm.
Oh we’ve gone down.
No he was not good. But he paved the way for TapL.
We’re in 2nd?? Are the other teams dead or something?
If we’re going down and yelling timber.
4th. Not bad.
Go green guardians!!
So proud of them.
Pants and Boots!
Still in 6th for sky battle.
Bless his heart TapL is so worried.
Red Rabbits and Green guardians are close.
My streams are out of sync. So confused.
We’re in lead!!
My iPad is struggling with Will’s stream but it’s going!
Come on Parrots!
Alright got it up again. Got it up again.
If I were a streamer I wouldn’t be good at MCC. I can’t competitive properly. I just like making jokes and being goofy.
Not a good lead but oh well never mind we don’t have the lead.
Red Rabbits YUM.
“Do not engage” as they set off tnt.
Get those stupid rabbits! Or whoever is attacking. I’ve never been good at any sports.
First again!
Hold on guys!
They won!!! With Wilbur hovering on the edge of the void!!!
PINK PARROTS FIRST PLACE (for now but I’m still excited)
Talented team!! Look at them go!
Get your screen shot little Y/N fan boy.
Not surprised we’re more popular than the olympics.
Had to go brag to my parents that there are more people watching MCC than the olympics. They were also not surprised.
Sands of Time. The wildcard game.
Sand sand sand sand.
We have a key for a vault already?
Putting away shoes. Nothing to make you be productive like watching Minecraft peeps play a competitive game.
“Everywhere is a way into somewhere”
Come on boys.
Time to switch to Ranboos POV. See if I can spot that N with my grown up can spot things vision.
Nope don’t see this mysterious letter.
TapL if you got nothing to do bother Ranboo to help him find that N.
Calm Tubbo. Tubbo chill.
Really. The map is broken and they are taking forever helping.
Key!!! Fight Fight Fight.
Ranboo apologizing.
If his team loses this kid will blame himself.
Go Tubbo and Ranboo.
Vault open!
Out of sand = prepare to book it.
1:30 (90 sec) let’s go.
Less than a minute. Evacuate!
Oh no Ranboo is lost. Hurry kiddo!
They made it?
They made it.
Off goes the Wilbur. Now to wait.
Come on pink parrots.
Is it bad I can’t see sands of time coins in MCC live or am I just crazy?
5th. Better than I expected.
Barely. But they are.
We get to vote now?!?
Quick to the voting!
I had to fight Twitter to vote.
The app didn’t want to work.
What’s the acronym one?
I’m sorry did I just hear that Wilbur taught Tubbo how to spell fuck?
Ranboo has the iron bladder.
I drank so much water but I just kinda do that.
Listen to Wilbur getting soft and encouraging Ranboo in his first game.
And Wilbur wanting him back. And planning to manipulate Scott.
Doesn’t surprise me that Wilbur would manipulate Scott. I know he probably doesn’t but still.
Look at all us audience beings.
Hooray David. I don’t know who you are but sup.
I’m sitting on a yoga ball to type and I about fell off. That wouldn’t have been fun.
All of Wills chat blessing him.
David just did the vocal equivalent of 👍🏻
Ooo I found a dollar.
And of course Tubbo likes the olympics. Trampoline boy should love them.
Nooo. Not tubbo!
Whoopsy. There go the parrots.
Why does my Wilbur stream keep goofing. See this is why I don’t actually liveblog I am so behind it’d be delayed anyway.
Instead of replacing with Phil replace with Kristen.
Keep it up Pink Parrots keep it up. *clap clap*
Where is my old cheerleading book?
Oh this is so behind. I saw ranboo fall on his POV then waited a few moments to see him on Wills.
Let’s reset it again for now. Look like it’s close. And I got an ad this time.
If it gets super behind again I’m going to just switch to Ranboo on my iPad and see if that works.
Wills is slightly ahead now. That’s how I like it.
Wilbur is such a motivating human. I swear I keep thinking that I’m hearing my coworkers encouraging campers at a kickball game or something.
Oh we’re dropping. But we’re still going.
How the actual hay are we still here.
Keep it up TapL!!
300 and a bit to get back to first.
Look at Ranboo and Wilbur. So happy.
Ok singy boi with the ability to do one sound for a long time.
I want TapL on DSMP. It would be funny I like this guy. What does this guy stream? I want to start watching him.
Ace Race? I love ace race.
Ooo buildmart. Used to be my favorite but now no one hates it anymore.
I like least liked games. Least liked games act as great equalizers. No one is happy and it’s funny.
“You have such a way with words” -TapL (?)
“Thanks I’m a song writer” -Wilbur
Why are we doing dramatic monologues?
Sounds neat. I like this deep story.
Who is dying? What? I zoned out for a minute.
Cant wait to see that audio appear on tiktok.
You go Wilbur. I believe in you.
You go Ranboo become a lover or hater of Ace Race.
“I keep on stabbing people in the butt with my fork” -Ranboo
Again can’t wait to see that audio appear on tiktok.
I love Wilburs angry “which glitch” he’s experienced all of them.
No don’t stop Wilburs channel! I’ll watch an ad but let me watch ace race.
Ranboo has learned to dislike ace race.
Feels like a achievement. You have made Ranboo hate ace race.
Tubbo did it! Whoop!
Good job Will!
Good Job team!
Second team to finish!!!
Wait it says they are in 3rd on MCC live?
Phil Head!
Hey 1st. Good job Parrots!
The perspective I watch doesn’t matter. All I see is shifting at Wilbur either way.
Ranboo booked it.
Techno. Oh how we miss him. He was there last MCC but still.
Wait why are they in the soggy? I missed it?
Dunk tank?
End on build mart! Everyone sounded so sad! I’m so happy! I picked the right team!
Oh acronym is terra swoop force!!! Go Philza.
I’m practical shot who will win.
Pink Parrots doing actually pretty good according to MCC live.
Good job guys!
Resetting Wilburs stream while nothing is happening so I don’t miss anything later.
Oh final text block. I’m going to have to make 2 posts.
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