resiliencewithin · 1 year
To anyone who needs to hear this:
If you’re feeling disconnected from the positive spectrum of emotions— from the enjoyment you get from spending time with your favourite people, from the comfort of your go-to show, from the satisfaction of engaging in your creative hobbies, from the relief of something hard ending, from the happiness of any situation that on paper should make you feel good…
You’re not broken.
You could be tired, exhausted, not sleeping well, stressed, burnt out, depressed, experiencing symptoms from a multitude of mental illnesses and disorders.
All these things can pass, be temporary, be medicated, or worked on and alleviated.
You’re a complex little human, not meant to always be happy (nice as that would be), so ride it out, do the things that will help without expectation of immediate success and you will get there.
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Eurovision is chaotic, a million things are happening at the same time, everything is all over the place until you get on stage and do your part. Even so, Eddie finds plenty of time to recall all the moments in which he talked About Stef- Steve when he was around, thinking he wouldn't understand any of it.
After the Turquoise Carpet, Eddie can't look him in the eye anymore, his strong desire to get to know Steve more even through the "language barrier" has been overcome by the embarrassment of his situation.
For better or worse, Corroded Coffin is assigned to perform in the second Semifinal, while Italy (being one of the Big5) is presented during the first but will go straight to the Final, meaning that Eddie only has a chance to see him again if they qualify.
Except that Steve, by giving a little tease to the press of what had been going on between them in the past few weeks, had lightened up a fire hard to extinguish. Even if Eddie hadn't managed to see him after the carpet, he and the rest of the band are asked about him constantly by the press, social media content creators, fans, and even by a few contestants.
In a span of a couple of days, his band got, completely by accident, into a competition for Stefano's heart and Eddie is the least willing participant.
The night of the Second Semifinal arrives and Eddie hasn't really seen Steve in four days, not that he's counting. Maybe seeing Steve before his semifinal would've helped with his nerves, an ideal scenario would include Steve confessing that he actually didn't know English until he met Eddie and he used Duolingo to become fluent just to talk to him (which would mean that Steve is the actual linguistic prodigy but he wouldn't really complain).
For a long second, Eddie thinks that his daydreaming skills must've reached new levels as he imagines Steve walking into the green room, where all the contestants hang how as they wait to perform. Then, with horror, he realizes that there has been no improvement in said skills and that Steve is actually there, walking towards their couch with an Australian flag on his shoulders.
"Hey guys! Thank you for inviting me!" Steve says as he reaches their spot.
"Thank you for coming, I'm sure you're super busy as we all are" Jeff replies, revealing himself as the culprit (aka the one guilty of betraying Eddie by inviting his crush behind his back).
"Oh yeah, these days have been crazy! But I always have time for my favorite contestants" he winks at the group, before sitting in the small space between Eddie and Jeff.
Steve turns around to face Eddie and says “ciao” lower than his previous tone, as if Eddie is the only one meant to hear.
“C-ciao” Eddie replies, still stunned by Steve’s presence.
Steve seems to have the time of his life teasing Eddie “mi sei mancato.”
This one takes a little longer for Eddie to understand. He knows he said something along the lines of “I missed you” but it takes him a couple of seconds more to understand that Steve is talking about the messages and the gifts he stopped sending to his changing room since Sunday.
Eddie could give him a million excuses, come clean about his embarrassment, ask him out on a date on the spot, or even play dummy and change the subject quickly.
Instead, he mutters one of the phrases he remembers learning in the past few days “mi dispiaci.”
His Italian must’ve been better than he thought, judging by the big smile forming on Steve’s face.
“It’s okay” Steve pats his hand on Eddie’s knee and squeezes it for half a second, still smiling at him as if they’ve been sharing a big fat secret just between them. Maybe they have.
The rest of the evening passes in a blur. They keep on playing their game of “who’s Stefano crushing on?” By sitting together in compromising positions (still keeping it family friendly of course) every time the Australian booth is in the frame during the performance breaks, and each time with a different member of the band.
By the time Australia has to perform, the internet is already filled with screenshots of each moment and it’s captioned with “What is going on between Italy and Australia?” Or “Oh to be Italy with 4 beautiful Australian boyfriends”.
When it’s time for them to go on stage, Steve whispers a “buona fortuna” to Eddie’s ear and quickly exits the green room.
Corroded Coffin does an amazing performance, Eddie feels giddy and full of energy after spending the whole night with Steve sitting by his side.
If the performing part passed in a blur, the wait for the votes is painfully slow. With no beautiful Italian Greek-sculptured god sitting by his side, Eddie is left to his bad habit of overthinking: “We should’ve done that in a different way” “What if it sucked for the people watching at home?” “If we don’t pass, we won’t be with Steve for the final”.
But alas, he’s put out of his misery by the hosts announcing Australia as one of the finalists. The band and their team jump off of their seat, waving the Australian flag to the camera that is showing their celebrations for the people at home.
Eddie is too caught up in the moment to notice Steve approaching them as the announcements keep going.
He feels someone tapping on his shoulder and he barely has time to turn around before he feels Steve’s lips pressed on his.
It’s a quick peck on the lips but it leaves him stunned nonetheless.
Steve smiles at him mischievously as he says “ci vediamo in finale.”
And he’s off as quick as he came, leaving Eddie to process what just happened.
What a night to remember.
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moodysullie · 2 years
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a.k.a the reason why I rewatch this movie
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fenicenera83 · 25 days
The fact that they keep calling Marius villain and comparing him to real villains is somehow becoming amusing. Mainly because i don't understand how it is possible to not understand or indeed deny the meaning completely of a story or a character. Oh yeah there is hiding behind the mythical creature the lady ' interpretation' 😆 Marius has always been the figurehead of almost all vampires in the chronicles, he is a good-hearted character with iron morals, the one who always tries to do the right thing and harm as little as possible. And Anne has always described him as so noble of heart, elegant and wise. Of course, of course there's also this other nonsense talk of ' we don't care what the author says or explains about the character' well then don't read her books. To completely upset the meaning of what is written is just childish bullying and disrespect for the meaning of the story and the author. And this is another symptom of how sick the current fandom is, which is bored right to take the 'interpretation of a text to turn its meaning upside down and denigrate and deny the truth that is written in black and white. I, too, sometimes disliked several things during my reading of the chronicles, but I had to accept them and make peace with them because I am not the one who created this story or these characters. And that's what has to be done and if it's not possible then you have to move away from that material and not interfere with it.
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matthewsblue · 1 year
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Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark
Show me the places where the others gave you scars
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friendsofabracadaver · 4 months
I watched the gameplay trailer. I told myself I wasn't going to get too excited.... I failed.
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lycemagee · 4 months
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I was in an incredibly bad mood today so what did I do? Yes. I just have drawn @rou-luxe OC Juniper again but this time with my IkeVil OC Flo(rence) :>. Hope you don't mind it. I just can better relax drawing Ocs PFFFFFFF!
Just another Coloured version I liked, so don't mind me posting them too
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schumi-nadal · 1 year
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Rafa: That was so hot, Roger.
Roger: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenerate dog and told him I hope he gets dragged through the streets.
Rafa: I'm so in love with you.
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miyamiwu · 2 months
yesterday, somebody stole my cheese spread and condensed milk in the dorm fridge. today, somebody took the food I ordered for both lunch and dinner from the lobby where the delivery guy left it. This was food from a shop I don’t usually buy from because the menu is quite expensive for me, but as I’ve been having digestive issues lately I gritted my teeth and splurged on something healthy for once… only for somebody else to fucking take it 😔
that was literally almost half of my remaining money for this week, so it was a big blow on me. I’m already really tight on money these days because dumb me forgot to account for June’s dorm rent and had only prepared enough money for July, and now something like this happens. (Context: May-June was extremely hectic as I rushed to finish the previous semester, so the June rent totally slipped my mind. it also didn’t help that the dorm manager put the June and July fees in one bulk billing instead of two separate ones like how it is in other dorms 😔)
On top of all these, my scholarship stipend from last semester still hasn’t arrived. I’m also no longer eligible for free tuition, so now I actually have to pay for college 🥲🥲🥲
There’s a scholarship in my uni that I plan to apply for, but they haven’t opened applications yet for this year. The processing time for that is also gonna take a while, so I might not make it to the upcoming semester’s registration deadline
I’ve been applying to different jobs to cover future expenses, but who knows when HR will deign to respond to me.
in the meantime, if you guys have any spare cash, can you help me out by donating to my Ko-fi?
Just really need some buffer time to get my finances together 😩
any amount will help. USD when converted to my currency (PHP) is quite high, so a little really goes a long way
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empressofmankind · 3 months
Did anyone ask for a cross-over between @tiredemomama and mine One Piece content with Camp Cretaceous?
But I am doing it anyway because, boy, do *I* want to read that??
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9-444 · 8 months
really like that frank became one of the most tortured anime protags ever. great. why did he make him go through horrors beyond mortal comprehension leave my boy alone?!
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kingmieczyslaw · 1 year
“You two are already attached at the hip,” Hen comments, trying to make light of the situation.
“Well, we’re not attached at the hip in the way I want,” Eddie says without any control and snaps his mouth shut with horror.
All of the sudden, Eddie finds the ceiling of the ambulance very interesting. Focus on it on the silence that follows.
“You could blame it on the head injury,” Chim offers.
Eddie has a concussion. Suddenly he can't lie.
It would be fine if he wasn't trying his best to not confess his undying love for Buck.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Sorta inspired by the Desmond/Adha swap idea , but Desmond and Adha as twins? Either in modern times where Adha is reborn as Desmond’s twin and is a badass protective big sis (by a full minute) , or as Desmond reborn in Altairs time so the both of them can give Altair a bisexual awakening. Or both of them reborn in any other time period (or crossover)
The Desmond/Adha swap idea for those interested.
So let’s say that Desmond gets reborn as Adha’s twin during the 1160s.
Note: This one would cover a lot of my headcanons for Adha
There’s no ‘real’ date of birth for Adha but I headcanon she’s a year younger than Altaïr (mainly so she would die the same age Desmon did to hammer in the fact that they’re a lot alike XD) so for this, we’ll set their birthdate as March 13, 1166.
Their father is an informant of Umar although he’s not part of the Levantine Brotherhood. More like a ‘freelance’ information broker and a traveling merchant.
Which means that Desmond and Adha traveled a lot growing up. They have only met Altaïr a few times (like maybe three or four times) when they were young but it was enough for them to grow close.
Of course, Desmond easily got close to Altaïr because he remembers his past life and already has a soft spot for Altaïr. Their parents and Umar think that Desmond and Altaïr have some kind of puppy love going on. Their parents assume it’ll turn into brotherly love when they grow older but Umar is quite certain that his son is falling in love with Desmond. When the talks of arranging a marriage between Adha and Altaïr starts, Umar is more reluctant than he should have been because he can see how cruel it would be for Altaïr and Desmond if they do fell in love but Altaïr is honorbound to marry Adha.
Adha doesn’t care about any of these marriage stuff. She’s more concerned with making sure Desmond stays out of trouble. Keeping an eye on Desmond is the reason why she’s getting better at freerunning… and lying.
Umar still dies and Desmond can’t do anything about it. With his death, any arranged marriage plans between Altaïr and Adha dies as well and they don’t see Altaïr for years because he’s in Masyaf training and their father is oddly against going to Masyaf that Desmond chalked up to him trying to not look suspicious and just an ordinary traveling merchant.
Their parents die later on (peacefully but still a sad day for Desmond and Adha) and Adha promises to take care of Desmond and that they’ll be together forever. Desmond knows she’s making a promise out of grief and fear but he can’t help but want that forever as well. He thought he was okay with his life as Desmond Miles but having experienced how it is to be loved by a family and have a sibling that will always stand by his side, not shrouded by the artificial feeling of being in the Animus or knowing it’s just a Bleed, Desmond cries on her shoulder.
It’s when they’re sorting their parent’s stuff (there wasn’t much) that they learn of their lineage. How their father was a descendant of one of the early settlers in Alamut, supposedly even before the Brotherhood (which he writes down as ‘Hidden Ones’) even started their construction of the castle. Their family left when there was some kind of ‘hidden war’ or something as they didn’t want to get in the middle of any of that, taking with them the stories of a great underground ‘city’ created by those who came before.
Desmond realized that this city was an Isu city (or maybe temple?) and that Adha had been looking for this and found it in the original timeline, most probably taking knowledge from the city that would lead to her being called the Chalice.
A part of Desmond doesn’t want to get anywhere near all these Chalice business, he just wants to live his life as peaceful as before…
But he knows he can’t. Not when the Chalice is meant to unite the factions. Whatever Adha found in this lost city… It could help bring peace and maybe… just maybe… change Altaïr and Adha’s fates.
Unorganized Notes:
Anyway, the whole Altaïr’s Chronicles storyline starts up but, this time, the Chalice is supposedly held by one of the twins. Adha insists it’s her. Desmond keeps telling everyone it’s him. Altaïr is pretty sure one of them is protecting the other and it’s giving him a headache trying to guess which one is the Chalice (or has the Chalice or drank from the Chalice or fused with the Chalice or… seriously, Desmond keeps changing the story and Adha always backed him up and Altaïr is pretty sure it’s another one of their ruses)
Desmond is torn concerning his relationship with Altaïr. He knows he loves Altaïr, had loved him for years now but he also remembers how Altaïr had loved Adha in the original timeline and, really, he was willing to let Altaïr go if it means the two most important people in his life would be happy. Then there was Maria Thorpe and Desmond feared the day she would appear in Altaïr’s life and take him away from Adha… and from him.
In this scenario, either Adha thinks of Altaïr as a younger brother (“I’m older than you.” “Little brothers should shut up when their big sister is talking, right, Desmond?” “… give it up, Altaïr. You won’t change her mind on this.”) and she thinks Desmond is being stupid if he thinks Altaïr would ever be taken away from him by her of all people (“Have you seen how he looks at you???”) or by some stranger. She’s also willing to be their beard and marry Altaïr so they can all live in the same house without it being that strange. Getting pregnant though is up for debate because he doesn’t like Altaïr that way. OR
Adha also loves Altaïr and she’s actually aiming for the whole “We’ll share Altaïr.” ending and really, she needs these two idiots to stop worrying (Desmond in believing Altaïr doesn’t love him the way he loves Adha and Altaïr in believing that something is wrong with him for loving both of them). OR
We add Maria Thorpe later on and this turns into a polyfidelity where they all love one another and are all in a relationship (except Desmond and Adha who see each other as siblings… they’re close and Desmond likes to make Borgia jokes no one gets but they’re not romantically or sexually together) OR
Adha and Maria falls in love and they become Altaïr and Desmond’s beards and they all live in the same house and raise their children all together.
Take your pick. XD
In a modern setting, I think a lot of things would remain the same or get setup as similar but the lone exception is that William Miles would be their father. In this scenario, Adha would act as Desmond’s big sister (even if they’re twins) and try to protect him as much as possible. They’d always be compared and Bill would be more disappointed at Desmond even though the reason is that Adha is trying hard so that Bill won’t focus on Desmond while Desmond hates training so much that he just works the bare minimum. In the end, Adha is the one who suggest they run away and they do.
… This one could end with them both being captured by Abstergo and they’re both put in the Animus with Desmond reliving Altaïr’s 1191 while Adha relives Altaïr’s 1190.
…………… This could also be a case of old Assassins being reborn in the present like in Project Eurydice so Altaïr could be the one leading the Assassin team that saves them and he’s surprised because…
To him, both Desmond and Adha remind him too much of Adha.
(I guess in this case… Desmond and Adha are the reincarnation of Adha split into two during conception)
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whats-a-reading · 2 months
Every once in a while, I think about the nonsense van zieks spouts
Not the racism, since that's more of... abhorrent vitriol than silly nonsense
I mean shit like this: 'There is nothing more refreshing than cold tea.'
I know that english tea is different. I just drank some english breakfast cold because I forgot about it. And... what the fuck??? It's so mid when it's room temp. And I doubt he's talking about iced tea
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deityforged · 11 months
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anyone miss us~?
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thistleburr · 1 year
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Good morning, ship
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