scalproie · 10 months
I need to fucking kill those writers Im no longer joking
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demonsfate · 1 year
me, who ships sub-zero and scorpion hard and have drawn many fanarts back in 2019: i wonder what changes will be in mk's new timeline!
mk's website:
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evilbihan · 5 months
Kuai Liang is not "nice"
This is technically the second part of my character analysis for Kuai Liang, so be sure to check out the first part focusing on Kuai Liang's personality, goals and his relationship with his brothers and Harumi.
This part will focus on how Kuai Liang treats other characters and upon closer inspection, the image of the "sweet wholesome guy everyone adores" that the fandom crafted for him starts to crumble very quickly.
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Kitana and Mileena:
Mileena: My bond with Kitana can't be broken. Scorpion: I'd once thought the same of mine with Bi-Han.
Why exactly is Kuai Liang trying to make Mileena doubt Kitana's loyalty to her? We have all seen Kitana's tower ending. She has gone out of her way to secure her sister's reign, she defends Mileena fiercely and is genuinely worried about her. It upsets her to see other members of the court conspiring against her sister. Kitana is nothing but loyal to Mileena, in a way Kuai Liang was never loyal to Bi-Han.
"I'm disappointed in my brother's decisions and therefore everyone else's siblings suck too." That's not a healthy or mature mindset. He's projecting his own family issues onto Mileena and Kitana, who actually share a wholesome bond, and tries to create distrust and dispute where there is none. And why? Out of jealousy? It's hard to tell, but this was uncalled for.
It's particularly awful because Kitana is actually trying to help fix Kuai Liang's relationship with his own brother while it seems Kuai Liang is trying to ruin hers with Mileena.
Kitana: You've broken Kuai Liang's heart. Sub-Zero: It won't be the only part of him I damage.
Kitana: I understand congratulations are in order. Scorpion: How did news of my marriage reach Outworld?
Kitana: Weapons. Soldiers. Whatever you -- Scorpion: I have all that I need to defeat Bi-Han.
She's also offering him her and Outworld's support and is really just being nice to him, yet he never once shows gratitude and even tries to plant doubts about her in her sister's mind behind her back.
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Scorpion: If you would only feed on lower species -- Nitara: Humans are a lower species.
"Lower species"? What species exactly is Kuai Liang talking about here? What's his definition of a lower species? Tarkatans? Netherrealmers? One could assume he means animals, but then why doesn't he say so? Instead, he's using a term that's often used in f*cist language. Who or what he's referring to isn't specified either, but it's definitely a questionable choice of words regardless.
Let's be honest, the mindset that there's "lower species" that are not deserving of life, as Kuai Liang basically implies by claiming Nitara should feed on them instead, says quite a lot about the kind of person he is. No matter what he's speaking of here, I still think this is pretty fucked up from any standpoint, especially because Kuai Liang doesn't explicitly say that he's talking about animals.
This is just my opinion, but even if he were to "only" be talking about animals here, I think it's downright wrong to say any animals are a "lower species", given the fact that we very much depend on certain animals for our own survival. Even if we give Kuai Liang the benefit of the doubt, he still sounds incredibly uneducated and ignorant. To not value the life of other creatures is not a good look on him, but then again we've seen how much he values his own brother's life so the bar is quite literally in hell.
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Scorpion: Liu Kang's revelation has shaken my faith in him. Raiden: Understandable, given what he chose to hide.
Reptile: Am I right to put faith in Liu Kang? Scorpion: He's always proven worthy of mine.
Oh, has he now?
Kuai Liang is beginning to sound two-faced. He's certainly not conflicted because he still continues to follow Liu Kang and advices others to do the same. He also doesn't openly criticize or doubt Liu Kang like Tomáš and Bi-Han do. But he himself has lost some of his faith in Liu Kang, yet he judges Bi-Han for having done the same thing? Where does any of that make sense?
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Scorpion: You would shed your brother's blood? Sub-Zero: Because you choose to stand in my way.
The first blood shed was Bi-Han's, not Kuai Liang's, but because Bi-Han doesn't bear a visible scar, no one acknowledges that.
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Kuai Liang is once again showing manipulative behavior here. Blaming everything on his brother and pretending he did nothing wrong. Guilt tripping Bi-Han for something he himself has done.
Kuai Liang's actions are not even the biggest problem here. You can somehow justify what he did with him being hurt/angry when he found out about the true circumstances of his father's death. It's the fact that he refuses to take any responsibility for what he did and acts completely innocent although he's anything but, that shows he's not who the fandom makes him out to be.
Even Bi-Han stands by what he does. Kuai Liang can't even own up to his actions.
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Liu Kang:
Liu Kang: You allow vengeance to consume you. Scorpion: I should not punish Bi-Han for his crimes?
So, Liu Kang seems concerned with Kuai Liang's thirst for vengeance. What's even more noteworthy is that we have Kuai Liang, a mortal, speak to Liu Kang, a literal god, about punishing someone else as if he's entitled to do so? Should it not be up to Liu Kang to decide whether Bi-Han deserves forgiveness or punishment? Do we need to add a god complex to the list of Kuai Liang's flaws?
There's nothing honorable about vengeance. It's honorable to be the bigger person and to forgive.
As Chinese philosopher Confucius said:
“Love thy neighbour as thyself: Do not do to others what thou wouldst not wish be done to thyself: Forgive injuries. Forgive thy enemy, be reconciled to him, give him assistance, invoke God in his behalf.”
Kuai Liang has none of that honor he claims to value.
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Tanya: Liu Kang says we can trust you. Kuai Liang: As long as Outworld's goals don't conflict with Earthrealm's.
Let me translate it: "No, you can't. I'll stop being a reliable ally and might betray you as soon as our interests no longer align." Which is fair enough, he doesn't owe Outworld his loyalty. It's, however, funny that that's exactly what Bi-Han did with Liu Kang/Earthrealm too, but for some reason Kuai Liang is still delusional enough to think he's a more honorable man than his brother?
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Kung Lao:
Kung Lao: I bet I could be Shirai Ryu. Scorpion: First, you must learn humility.
Also Scorpion:
Ashrah: I'd do well to follow your example. Scorpion: Then start by studying my kombat.
Quan Chi: Your brother told me of all your weaknesses. Scorpion: A short conversation, sorcerer?
Kuai Liang is a hypocrite who doesn't practice what he preaches. These are just two of many dialogues in which he comes off as overly confident and boastful. He will try to force his own values and ideals onto others but will not uphold them himself. These dialogues are not even the only example of his hypocrisy, but more of that to come later.
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Smoke and the Shaolin monks:
Scorpion: Was it worth it, training with the Shaolin? Smoke: Let me show you what I learned.
Yet another example for Kuai Liang's arrogance. "Was it worth it?" What's that even supposed to mean? Admittedly, this might not sound as bad compared to everything else he's said but I invite you to go and listen to this specific intro and pay attention to the tone of his voice. To me, it very much sounds like, as a former Lin Kuei, he thinks there's nothing the monks can teach him and Tomáš anymore and therefore he sees training with them as a waste of time. Overall, Kuai Liang seems to hold little respect for his allies. He might not outright say it, but there's definitely a superiority complex there.
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Scorpion: Your mansion was unduly extravagant. Johnny Cage: It came with the megastardom. Package deal.
What gives Kuai Liang the right to judge Johnny for what he does with his money that he's earned from his movies? Judging people and acting like he has the moral high ground over them in any situation is something Kuai Liang does a lot. That alone might not automatically make him a bad person, but it's tasteless and impolite nonetheless.
Johnny Cage: With your skills you'd be a hit, Kuai Liang. Scorpion: Do I look like an entertainer?
Again, if you listen to the actual intro, the distaste in his voice is obvious. He seems to not have much respect for Johnny's profession or for most of his allies' professions, really. Remember his reaction to Tomáš training with the Shaolin monks?
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Scorpion: Like a dog, you bit the hand that fed you. Rain: You've no right to judge me, Earthrealmer.
He doesn't -- because did Kuai Liang not do the same to Bi-Han? It doesn't matter that Bi-Han chose the wrong side, Kuai Liang's oath was to his grandmaster, not to Earthrealm. Bi-Han broke his oath to Earthrealm and by breaking his own oath to his brother, Kuai Liang is no better. And as I already explained in the first part of my analysis, Kuai Liang always meant to overthrow Bi-Han, even before Bi-Han abandoned his duties to defend Earthrealm. Bi-Han gave in to corruption and became a traitor, Kuai Liang was always a traitor in disguise. Kuai Liang is yet again being a hypocrite in this situation and displays double standards.
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Scorpion: Do not let Sento become a crutch. Kenshi: I could win this fight with or without it.
Does anyone else think this comment sounds a lot like ableism? Who is he to tell a disabled man how to handle his disability? Kenshi is a badass, he's proven that countless of times and he doesn't need Kuai Liang's advice, but Kuai Liang has a habit of acting like he knows better than others.
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Bi-Han (again):
Shang Tsung: It was all too simple, pulling your brother's strings. Kuai Liang: It sickens me that he was so easily exploited.
Bi-Han fell victim to Shang Tsung's manipulation, yet here Kuai Liang is, blaming the victim. Meanwhile, Tomáš:
Smoke: I rue the day I ever met you. Quan Chi: No sense dwelling on the past, Tomáš.
Tomáš regrets ever meeting the sorcerers because he rightfully blames the people responsible for this whole mess, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, not Bi-Han. Kuai Liang is miles away from the same level of emotional maturity Tomáš has.
Scorpion: "Bi-Han's trail has led me to Sun Do." Li Mei: "I'll abide no vigilante justice, Kuai Liang."
Scorpion: If you know where he is, tell me. General Shao: As if I would spill your brother's secrets.
Scorpion: I need help to find Bi-Han. Johnny Cage: Y'know I was only a TV detective, right?
Kuai Liang is making his own family feud everyone else's problem.
SPOILERS: At the same time, when Bi-Han will crash Kuai Liang's wedding in the dlc according to leaks, Kuai Liang will "apologize" to those who attended that they got dragged into his war with Bi-Han, once again painting his brother as the villain. Could he be any more duplicitous? I think the main reason why Smoke is not mentioned in any leaks is because the writers might deliberately not want him to be there because the way Kuai Liang acts (wanting to kill Frost, leaving Bi-Han to suffer and die) would go against everything Tomáš believes in and they can't have someone make Scorpion look bad, so they decided to just have Tomáš not be there at all. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what will.
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Kuai Liang:
Scorpion: I won't be consumed by vengeance. Scorpion: How can your father's death not burn you.
You know it's bad when your own alternate self starts judging you and criticizing your ways.
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Scorpion: I want to see the moment my father died. Geras: You are not ready to receive that knowledge.
I wonder why Geras denied Kuai Liang's request. Is he concerned that actually witnessing the event will make Kuai Liang lose his mind completely and he will make even more of an effort to kill Bi-Han? He surely seems to think Kuai Liang is too unstable to receive that information. But then again, Kuai Liang already wants to kill Bi-Han, he already tried to do it and he already knows what happened. When will he be ready in Geras' opinion? Once he already forgave Bi-Han (which seems like it won't happen at all)? Would that not just reignite his old hatred? Could it be that there's more to the death of Kuai Liang's father than we know? Is there something Geras is trying to hide from Kuai Liang on purpose?
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Ashrah: Bi-Han can be redeemed. Scorpion: I don't see how that's possible.
It sounds a lot like Kuai Liang doesn't want it to be possible. He wants to deny his brother a chance at redemption. He's also once again acting like he knows better than everyone else. It's getting to the point where he seems self-righteous and out of touch with reality.
So, tell me again, after all that, why are we calling Kuai Liang a nice guy?
To conclude this, Kuai Liang only appears "nice" in direct comparison to Bi-Han, not necessarily because he's a better person, he's just the more agreeable one of the two. Take Bi-Han out of the picture and it's plain to see Kuai Liang is really not that nice. I also don't see how Kuai Liang is the poor, traumatized victim that never did anything wrong in his life, as fans like to describe him as. Yes, he suffered as well, but victims can also become aggressors. There are plenty of situations in which that's the case for Kuai Liang. Again, this is not hate or an attempt to completely demonize him, just to show that the fandom has a wrong idea of who Kuai Liang is and what he's like.
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n3ptoonz · 6 months
'Sigh of Relief'
Pairing: Kuai Liang!Scorpion/GN!Reader
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)
Warnings/tags: Smut!!! Explicit!!! technically exhibitionism/public sex, implied size kink??, mutual sexual frustration, missionary to doggy, creampie, you two are like some horny ass teenagers, not proofread
Word count: 1.8k+
shoutout @valyrra for the prompt she came up with that inspired me writing this!!
additional tag: @genesiswrld since you were there in the comment section LOL
Explicit content under the cut
These past few days have been excruciating for the both of you. Every spot you thought was secure, someone would always be walking past or looking for one of you. It would always start with kissing and touching, but even before an article of clothing could be lifted, you were back to ground zero.
You couldn't even help yourselves. Throughout the mission there'd be subtle moments where you'd purposely brush past his arm or his hand remained on your shoulder for a moment longer than he should've in front of everyone. It was a dangerous game to play, but that aspect alone riled both of you up to new levels.
To make matters worse, the group always moved together. Be damned if somebody were to slip away for a second to even use the bathroom. It was understandable at some points since you all were appointed for something important, but still!
Kuai Liang always held his duties with high regard and respect...but damn it was hard to focus whenever you were in uniform. The way you walked, the way you talked, the way you fought, he felt so lucky to call you his--even if your relationship had to remain a secret for the time being.
While the groups were a bit separated from each other and looking for clues in pairs, you and Kuai Liang took off to wherever looked the least occupied, hands locked with each other's. Once you reached an area deemed fit, you shamelessly started making out behind a large tree. All out of breath and quickly grabbing at each other because you both knew it wouldn't be long before someone noticed you two were gone.
He nipped at your earlobe and slightly exposed neck from pulling your uniform shirt apart with care. Your chest heaved from your breath being taken away by just running a minute ago but also, Kuai Liang just had that effect on you. His warm hands tucked under your shirt and squeezed at the flesh on your torso, making you gasp and him chuckle before kissing you once more.
"Kuai..." you mumbled against his lips, halfway caring about being caught if you two didn't stop soon. "We have to..." your words trailed off again. You hummed against him and glided your hand over the top of his head. You were mindful not to accidentally make his bun become undone because then all types of questions would arise.
He pulled away with a disappointed look on his face, resting his forehead on yours. "I know, baby, I know...I don't know how much more of this I can handle." he whispered. He pecked you on the lips before reluctantly backing up and surveying the area.
Like clockwork, you heard some of your teammates calling out your names in the same direction you both ran from. You both groan in frustration.
"You think they would freak if we didn't show?" you asked, already knowing the answer and what his reaction would be. Was he opposed to ditching his responsibilities just to take you where you stand? Of course not. But that stern look he always gives you never failed.
You didn't even need to respond since you both understood the situation at hand, it just really sucked you were interrupted before he could get into character.
Nightfall came and everyone has finally been able to settle down into their respective camps. Another painful day of barely being able to touch each other has passed, and it feels like you both will go nuts. While at the campfire Kuai Liang never took his eyes off of you. It was only the few times someone would ask him to hand him an item that he'd avert his gaze. Otherwise, the light from the fire bounced off his beautifully sculpted features and made his eyes look all the more tantalizing.
Everyone has now began to fall asleep. So you'd think it'd be simple to just sneak over to the other's tent, right? Wrong. With there being patrol shifts, the universe was truly against you two relieving stress.
You were starting to drift off while waiting for a good chance to strike. With all these twists and turns it was seeming like good sex was just not in your itinerary.
You took a quick nap, although it felt way longer than 20 minutes. You whirred awake to the feeling of another presence in your tent. When you looked up and saw Kuai Liang just chilling next to your sleeping form, it startled you. He quickly looked over and covered your mouth with his palm, his index finger up to his lips to signal for you to not be loud.
"How did you-" you said. Your question was muffled but he could put context clues together. You get that he's a ninja, but damn!
"You left your tent flap open. Was that on purpose?" he asked in a hushed tone and a growing smirk on his face.
You removed his hand and sat up to sit like he was, rubbing your eye to wake yourself up more and crawling into his lap. It's a good thing everybody was provided with roomy tents, but you probably couldn't cared less about the size especially in a situation like this.
"Maybe it was." you whispered. You held his face in your hands and gazed down at him as you kissed him slow. He kissed you back without hesitation, removing your hands to wrap around his neck. He did the same thing as earlier, except he made the attempt to remove your clothes this time. He unbuttoned your shirt and pulled the remaining over your head. Now you were half bare before him, slightly shivering from the lack of layers.
But obviously that would last long when you were with a walking space heater. He too discarded his shirt before pulling you close once again to let his lips dance with yours.
Kuai Liang gently flipped you over to lay on your back while he discarded the rest of your attire, wasting no time leaving a trail of kisses from your neck to your abdomen as more layers came off. It wasn't long until he did the same. He softly hummed in content at the sight of you before him. In his eyes you were nothing short of perfect for him. He wanted to ravish and cherish you with every last fiber in his body.
He leaned over you to where your noses were barely touching. You've made eye contact with him and plenty of people plenty of times, but it was rare times like this it made you a nervous wreck while you still wouldn't dare to look away. He looked at you with such love and respect, you'd almost forget he would wake the whole camp up if he was really about that.
"Stay as quiet as you can, okay?" he said softly, caressing the side of your face and dipping his head into the crook of your neck. He didn't even wait for an answer before filling you with all he had. It had been a long time since you've been intimate with him. His duties were always his main focus, but he'd never purposely disregard your needs. That's why it didn't bother you very much.
He wasn't huge, but he wasn't small either. A perfect medium length and width wise. It took everything in you to quiet yourself as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Your own hand resting over your mouth so you don't just suddenly give the camp a scare with your moans.
He kept panting in your ear. He had truly forgotten how good you felt around him, it made him nearly start to hallucinate.
"You still- feel so good-" he said with strain. Every thrust of his hips connecting between your legs made you want to cry.
You just quietly moan in response. What else can you really do? Surely you can't call his name out in ecstasy or tug on his hair to make him do the same.
At this rate you both were nearing the finish line, but neither of you wanted to stop just yet. It had been too long of too many nights of just settling for hugs and kisses. Nothing wrong with it, but you'd never expect him to have the energy to put a dent into the mattress after a long day of leading a new clan.
He shakily pulled out, making your eyes shoot open at the lost feeling inside you. He sat up with his chest heaving and sweat running down his toned chest.
"Turn over." he said in between breaths. He took his bun out and ran his fingers through his own hair. You haven't seen him look this determined since the day he came home with recruits. You did what he wanted without question: now on all fours and impatiently patiently waiting.
If he was doing what you think he was about to...it was about to be even more challenging to not make a sound. He simply pressed himself back inside you, and before you could even think to audibly react, you now had a mouth full of his massive bicep wrapped around you. And in an instant, there was not a thought behind those eyes. Imagine a windows shutdown sound, that's exactly what's going on here.
Kuai Liang had no problem fucking you as if there was nobody else around. How he was able to make it feel like your body could fall limp at any second while keeping the sound of his hips hitting your ass at a minimum should be studied.
Your hands balled up the sleeping mat that was underneath you. If only you could see yourself now: cross eyed and drooling over being caged in like this. Kuai Liang is a big guy; it runs in the family. You didn't need to be so little in order for him to tower over you physically or figuratively.
It was about that time. The growing hot sensations in the pit your stomachs was about to pass through.
"Almost there." he huffed out.
At the climax, he pulled you against his chest and kissed you, drinking in any sound you just couldn't hold back any longer. He just held you close to him while he pumped you full of his warm seed. Once he backed up he remained still inside you, keeping your balance while you came back to reality.
You collapsed into each other's arms on the sleeping mat, still catching your breaths. You let out a sigh of relief as you held him. Thank the Elder Gods your tents were all spaced out, otherwise you would've definitely been heard. Though, nobody would dare to question the Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu or who he lays next to at night.
a/n: thank you for reading! i hope this was good this took a while cause i have a cold 😵‍💫 i'm so tempted to write some of the mk cast taking care of me reader LMAOOO also happy holidays everyone!!
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vampiric-tempt · 8 months
if you don’t mind, could you write kung lao, Raiden, smoke, scorpion, sub zero, Johnny cage, and kenshi being waken up with head by the reader?
↳˳❝ mk1 men waking up to receiving headੈ♡˳🎀
✦ headcanons w/ kung lao, raiden, tomas vrbada, kuai liang, bi-han, johnny cage, & kenshi takahashi
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Kung Lao ➤ As heavy of a sleeper that Kung Lao was, his body was very reactive to your ministrations. He shifted and jerked from the way your mouth sucked his dick, your hand cupping his balls to heighten the sensation. His eyes eventually flickered open and his hand immediately shot down to grip your hair for leverage, groans leaving his lips. "Fuck, what did I do to wake up to this babe." He tosses his head back. "S-so good!"
You couldn't help but hum, causing vibrations on his member and driving him to lose himself within the pleasure. Cum soon coated the insides of your mouth when he reached his climax, brows furrowed as he emptied himself. He panted as you crawled up and gave him a cheeky smile. He gives you a lazy smirk. "Does this mean I can wake you up like that too?"
You chuckle. "I don't see why not, but I doubt you'll wake me up as good as I did you."
Kung Lao raises a single brow. "Is that a bet?"
Raiden ➤ He was already squirming in his sleep, brows furrowed and small gasps leaving his lips. You watched as Raiden tiredly opened his eyes and gripped the sheets when you bobbed your head just right. "Y-y/n?" He moans and tries his best to push himself up with his elbows, tired eyes watching you pleasure him, but one of your hands reaches up to push his chest down and he let's you. Too tired and drunk with pleasure to really do anything. "I-it feels so good," He whines. "Y/n, god, you're too good for me."
You pulled away just before he could cum and wiped your lips. "I thought I'd reward you for winning mortal kombat. So stay down and let me please you, my love."
He nods eagerly. "Please continue, I wanna cum so bad."
A glint of mischief reaches your eyes as you slowly trail down to his leaking member. "Then be a good boy and I'll give you what you want."
Tomas Vrbada ➤ Baby boy is whimpering in his sleep. As soon as he opened his eyes at the sight of his dick in your mouth, Tomas let's out a little whine and tiredly thrusts his hips to meet your pace. Your eyes gleamed with pride seeing the effect you had on the man. He couldn't even muster a word as he desperately raced to his climax, head leaning back and groans escaping him. His hand laid atop of your head, just resting there as you continued to swirl your tongue and torture the poor boy. His hand then slightly eased your head down as his hips stilled, cum shooting down your throat and a loud moan falling past his lips.
"S-swallow all of it please." He whines. You do just as he says and when he finally collapses back into the bed, you lean over him, a smile on your face.
"Good morning Tomas." You coo.
He huffs a little and pulls you down onto his chest. "I admit, I'd like to wake up like that more often. I-is it okay if I do the same to you?"
You let out a small laugh. "Of course Tomas, it goes both ways."
Kuai Liang ➤ Just as your lips encircled the head of his dick, his brows furrowed and thighs tensed. You began to suck and bob your head to the best of your abilities around his cock and later felt the palm of Kuai's hand on your head. You peered up to be met with your husband's tired eyes peering back down. Of course it wouldn't take long for someone like him to wake up.
"Couldn't wait to wake me up huh?" He teases, but gets cut into a groan as you stroked his lower half with your hand. He lets you suck him off, hand guiding your head up and down and hips thrusting up into your mouth. He was light-headed and still sluggish, but he was enjoying every damn second of it as quiet groans left his mouth. "Almost there, keep going my love. You're pleasing me so well." He grunts, hips jerking to hit the back of your throat causing a muffled choke out of you. You quickened your pace and let out a satisfied moan as Kuai's cum filled your mouth. You gasped from how much he came, only being able to swallow some of it as the rest leaked down the sides of your mouth. Kuai chuckles and leans up to wipe some away with his fingers.
"What was the special occasion?" He asks, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Nothing, I just wanted to surprise you."
Kuai hums. "I liked the surprise, thank you."
Bi-han ➤ Quiet grunts left Bi-han's mouth, brows scrunched as his sleeping figure felt the suction of your mouth. You admired the way his body reacted beneath you, his groans becoming music to your ears. Tt didn't take long before Bi-han's eyes slowly opened and quickly took in the sight of your reddened lips around his glistening cock.
He growls and puts a hand over your head with enough pressure to control your pace. "Naughty little one, sucking off your grandmaster while he's sleeping." You choke a little as he positions himself up, now on his knees as he peered down at you with his hair draping down his shoulders. "Naughty consorts should be punished, don't you agree?"
You try and answer but moan feeling him push his hips into your mouth, completely gagging you. He groans beginning to fuck your throat, his cock abusing the back of your mouth over and over. You were already a drooling mess as tears pricked the corner of your eyes. "It's time I reteach you the differences between you and your grandmaster."
To say the least, you were not upset with the outcome of your surprise and neither was the Lin Kuei's grandmaster.
Johnny Cage ➤ He was a moaning mess, dick twitching in your mouth, and hand unconsciously over your head. To him, he probably believed he was having a really realistic wet dream until your actions shook him awake, sloppy wet noises filling the dimly lit room. Johnny's eyes blinked open and he immediately smirked looking down at you.
"Damn, now this is something worth waking up to." He bites his lips, feeling his hips jerk to meet your pace. "K-keep going babe, almost there." He groans. His hips quickening to reach his climax, small curses leaving his mouth as you hollowed your cheeks just right which caused Johnny to choke out a whimper. Finally, a loud moan escapes his mouth, thighs shaking as cum spurted into your mouth. You quickly lapped up the juices and gave Johnny a wink.
Johnny returns a tired smile and quickly switches your positions, your body now beneath him. "My turn babe, don't be complaining when I can't have enough of you."
"Oh, I think I'll be too busy moaning your name Johnny."
"That's what I like to hear."
Kenshi Takahashi ➤ The man woke up rather quickly, his sense of touch more sensitive than others. He was squirming under your touch, small grunts coming out of him.
You smile, lifting your lips to kiss the tip of his dick. "Good morning Kenshi." You say, before enveloping his cock into your mouth once again.
He hisses, tatted hands now entangled in your hair. "Ngn- i-it's a very good morning indeed." He jerks his hips lightly. Kenshi was having a hard time not cumming, the feeling of your tongue swirling his length as you bobbed your head in a torturous pace. He felt everything with such higher intensity and it was so intoxicating for the man. He let's out a loud grunt, tossing his head back when he finally reached his breaking point. Cum filling your mouth as you happily swallowed it with a satisfied hum. You crawled up to him and began biting and nibbling his neck, more moans leaving the samurai's mouth.
"God, you drive me so crazy." He says, tilting his head back for you. "Is there any specific reason for all this, hun?"
You smirk. "Just a little surprise s'all."
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╰┈➤ masterlist
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darkdrin6 · 3 months
The thirst to write some crap prevailed over laziness, hooray! Or it was spring that breathed a thirst for life into us, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that some time ago we came across a very controversial post from @evilbihan. The post.
We agreed with other posts by this author regarding MK1, but here we still want to object on a number of points. It is inconvenient to write all your notes in the comments, but there is something to say, which is exactly why we are writing this.
!Attention!: This is not an attack on the author, not a belittling of his dignity, not some kind of hatred and dislike. We want to note the controversial points in his statement and that's it. And if we've sorted it out, then let's go.
For convenience, we will split the post into the same blocks. We do not disagree with the whole post, but we will note these blocks too.
One more important warning: here we will only talk about the MK9-11. MK1 sucks cock like the latest harbor whore.
"Kuai Liang has always stood on the shoulders of others" and "Tundra as a character does not exist."
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(Screenshot, so as not to be unfounded)
Considering that we are talking about the version of Kuai Liang from MK9-11 from here on, we will only touch on this version. But let's mention that the statement "Kuai stands on the shoulders of others" became legitimate only with the release of MK1, when he was given the role of Scorpion. More precisely, not even a role, but just a name that no longer stands for anything.
In other versions, adopting the name Sub-Zero made sense. And it was a plot event that was important to the character. It's like saying that Hanzo has never been able to protect his family and that makes him a bad character. No, this is the event that shapes the character. This is an important plot point for the personality and for the further path of life, a defining event, if you want to call it that.
In addition, it is confusing to mention that the character is supposedly less active because someone else saved him. In MK, characters often save each other. Yes, in the context of the post it makes sense, but in the context of the story itself, this is a completely logical development. No one broke out of the Cyber Initiative's control on their own, so it makes sense that Kuai was saved by someone. The very fact of the rescue says little about the character. Only that he was dear enough to someone to convince others to help. Besides, let's remember that he was immediately sent to spy, so it wasn't just kindness that played a role here.
"Tundra has never been relevant in Mortal Kombat until he took the mantle of Sub-Zero."
Well… yeah? Because that was the point of it. We had never seen Kuai before he became Sub-Zero, assuming the title after his late brother. This is literally his plot function, the point of entry into the plot. An event that also defined him as a character. This is analogous to the death of the Hanzo family for Hanzo himself (an important plot event) and his enslavement to Kuan Chi.
This statement is equivalent to saying that Hanzo, as a character, did not exist before being reborn into a ghost, and Johnny did not exist as a character before entering the tournament. It's just that the original source didn't bother to tell at least something more about Kuai (they just apparently didn't come up with this). As players, we simply don't have the "before" materials, because the creators didn't create them. In the plane of the foreseeable plot, the Tundra did not exist, but here we are trying to evaluate the characters as living people, and living people do not appear out of thin air. In the plane of lore, Kuai had years of life before becoming a Sub-Zero, but we just don't know anything about them, so this is a very controversial statement. Because it is based on some undescribed events about which we have little idea.
"The best proof of that is the fact that Raiden never even considered him for his team of Earthrealm's champions."
Raiden did not consider anyone from Lin Kuei as champions at all (he took Tomas to the team in MK9 because he was in the right place at the right time). And the reason for this is not that Kuai is an empty character, but that Lin Kuei are murderers, secretive and cruel, who indirectly collaborated with Quan Chi (their Grandmaster for sure, he took a contract from a sorcerer in Mythology). At the same time, Raiden does not express distrust of Kuai. So to say that Raiden ignored him because Kuai is not capable enough or not diligent enough is wrong. Because Raiden definitely didn't do it. In addition, it is with the adoption of the title of Sub-Zero that Kuai essentially comes to Raiden's attention.
Here, with all due respect, the stretching of the owl on the globe begins. From here on out.
Speaking of earning the mantle, a little clarification. "Scorpion" is just Hanzo Hasashi's call sign, which means nothing without Hanzo himself. This is not some kind of mantle/title in lore MK and never has been. You may have other information, but we've never heard of it. At the same time, as "Sub-Zero" it is not just a title, but a ancestral title that is obviously passed down in one family. Bi Han inherited it after his father's death, when he was very young. It is logical that after Bi Han, his offspring or his brother would have received the title. Because to be a Sub-Zero, you have to be a cryomancer, and cryomancers are now represented by one bloodline (not counting Frost). This is supported by the fact that cryomancers are descended from people from Edenia (which was confirmed not only in MK11). Their abilities are innate (genetic) in nature and cannot be transferred to someone else. Perhaps earlier, when there were more cryomancers, the title really had to be earned, but there are no more cryomancers (the reasons for their disappearance are probably degeneration, natural extinction of abilities, as well as violent deaths, since cryomancers belonged to Lin Kuei and moreover, they founded Lin Kuei).
In addition, this title gives nothing but a target on his back (metaphorically, of course), because even as a venerable warrior bearing such a title, Bi Han directly said that he could be killed for violating orders or failing. Outside the clan, the title of Sub-Zero is more of a minus than a plus. And within the clan, it is also a rather difficult burden. So Kuai didn't win anything by getting this title. Moreover, he got it legally, so the word "stole" does not fit here at all.
It is also worth adding here that Kuai really wanted to avenge his brother, since Bi Han's death turned out to be a heavy loss for him. From Kuai MK9's biography, we know that they are the only ones who were stolen at an early age (all other members of the clan, based on their biographies, were recruited in various ways at a more mature age), so it is logical to assume that surrounded by adults, Bi Han and Kuai were very strongly connected with each other. If you think we're wrong, then let's just remember Kuai's behavior in MK9. Smoke warns him that adopting the name Sub-Zero will attract unwanted attention, but Kuai says it's a way to honor Bi Han's memory (he doesn't even consider it a common title, which should have belonged to him anyway). He is definitely not without empathy, but in an attempt to catch up with his brother's killer, he leaves Sonya with a wounded Jax in her arms. He openly demands that Shao Kahn arrange a fight with Scorpion for him, although he must understand perfectly well that Shao Kahn is a powerful ruler, and the colosseum is located in the very heart of his empire. And it is very dangerous to make demands on the emperor of the Outside World in such conditions. And he doesn't care about that. His goal is revenge for his brother. If Kuai's motivation is false, then to whom and what does he want to prove? Who does he want to fool with this? Why would he pretend? Logically, he is blinded by grief, too young and reckless, and it seems to him that killing Scorpion will at least calm his grief and pain a little. It can be said that he really loved Bi Han (as much as it was possible in the conditions of their growing up, of course), because people take revenge for those they love.
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Kuai Liang's biography in MK9. What is in the original, what is in our localization says the same thing - abducted, unlike other members of the clan. (we don't want to waste time installing MK9 right now to take one screenshot, so a photo from the screen may well be suitable).
Summarizing this block and responding to the last paragraph, which talks about people who considered Kuai MK9-11 to be kind and forgiving, we can only say that the fans really greatly distort Kuai's character, excessively whitewashing and softening his character. But Kuai is really not that kind of person - his personality has both positive and negative traits. He was not forgiving. The only time he showed strange mercy was when he let Frost, who knew the location of Lin Kuei Temple, leave. The scriptwriters could fix this by saying that Frost escaped on her own, and was not expelled.
But on the other hand, the statement that MK1 made Kuai a completely different character is also true. And then we will try to explain why.
Next @evilbihan provides an analysis of the dialogues of Kuai and other characters in MKX and MK11. And before we start talking about this, the most important clarification is that not all dialogues are canon. Usually people understand this, but we'll explain why just in case. Not all of them occur in canonical events (almost all of them occur in non-canonical events, to be honest). It can be assumed that the characters met off-screen before or after the events of the game. But, for example, in the MKX, the Revenant variations open up unique dialogues for a number of characters. Jax the Revenant has a unique intro with Takeda and Cassie, although he was healed before Cage was born (and probably Takeda too). Not to mention guest characters, characters who died in or before the plot, or mirror matches. That is, the characters could not meet, these dialogues could not happen, which means that there is a precedent for non-canonical dialogue. This in turn means that the canonicity of all dialogues is not absolute and it is completely wrong to believe them. The dialogues, which are strange and simply contradict the logic of the plot and just logic, can not be considered canonical completely. Nevertheless, this scheme mainly works for MKX and MK11, but MK1 claims to be more canonical intro. However, we will not yet claim that everything intro in MK1 is canon, because there are precedents for non-canonical events (the multiplicity of the canon is a separate topic, and we hate MK1 for its laziness and mediocrity).
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About Scarlett: Kuai calls her a "perversion" because Scarlett is an artificial creation of Shao Kahn. Even if a different version of Scarlett is presented to us in MK11, for Kuai Liang she is still the same person that Shao created from blood. In MK9, she is a golem, in the MKX comic, she tells Mileena the phrase "I am the same "daughter" of Shao Kahn as you, half-breed", confirming her artificial birth. This is also confirmed by her ability to absorb blood through her skin (D'vorah says that she is aware of her abilities, so this cannot be attributed to learning blood magic from Reiko). In MK11, she says that Shao found her an orphan, but was it really? Or does she remember what Shao wanted her to remember? No one but her confirms this version. Scarlett in MK11 is obsessed with blood and longs to marry her "father", as she says in a dialogue with Sindel. She even has an equipment called "Shao Kahn's Seed". So Kuai is right in his judgment: She's a perversion.
About Jacqui's improvements: Kuai has undergone a violent transformation into a cyborg. This in itself is a cruel blow to the psyche (just read how people in reality react to trauma or a traumatic change in their body or appearance), not to mention that his mind and free will were suppressed. Kuai bluntly says that because of the CyberInitiative, he does not trust technology. He is a technophobe for quite logical reasons. At the same time, he does not call Jackie weak and does not belittle his talent, he only pays attention to the fact that she uses improvements, but there are no negative connotations in his statement.
Kuai does evaluate opponents, but from a purely practical point of view. He does not give a value judgment as a rule, but simply notes a fact or interprets a fact.
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First, D'vorah is literally threatening Kuai. She is the first to say that this is their first and last meeting, making it clear that she is going to kill Kuai. What should he say to that? Be happy? This phrase has nothing to do with Kuai's words in MK1 about lower species, there is literally nothing in common here. Secondly, it is partly xenophobia. And you may be unhappy with this fact, but in the MK setting, xenophobia is justified, because there people are forced to deal with creatures that are mentally and biologically different from human beings and literally pose a danger. MK has never been smart enough to suggest a method of resolving differences between the races of humans and, for example, Tarkatans, let alone everyone else. Thirdly, the two above phrases are in no way similar to Bi Han's words about tarkatans. What kind of "elitist" worldview are you talking about if Bi Han literally expresses an adequate point of view regarding Tarkatans? They are dangerous. They are sick, they turn into bloodthirsty creatures who cannot control themselves. They're still eating other living things. There is no effective medicine yet, only something that relieves the symptoms. And it is available only to Mileena, who in the plot just showed that tarkata affects not only physically, but also mentally. Yes, these are living beings, and Bi Han's point of view is radical, but tarkata is like a mixture of schizophrenia and anthrax (or plague, if you like). It's not "elitist" thinking, it's damn common sense. And this cannot be tied in any way to Kuai MK1's words about "lower species" or to a response to a direct threat.
Tarkata is one of the cancerous tumors of this plot (ironically), and there are many problems and understatements associated with it. But we will talk about this in more detail in some other post. And now let's be brief.
NRS tried to show an allusion to AIDS, but in the end they created a really difficult topic that would not be discussed properly in the plot. It's easier to pretend that Tarkatans are just sick people who can integrate into society. But they can't. Bi Han expresses a radical point of view, but it is not without meaning. Yes, it would be more merciful to provide them with comfortable isolation and allow them to depart from the other world humanely (they die from tarkata, as we know from the plot). The creation of some kind of closed hospices would be an option, but Edenia does not have it. It turns out to be interesting. Bi Han, with his rather sane approach, is considered a cruel bastard because of this phrase, but the merciful Sindel, who simply exiled sick subjects to the wilderness, where they had to die of disease and starvation, who took care of creating a cure only when her daughter became infected, is kind in this plot.
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No, it literally proves nothing, because it's not even some kind of specific formulation in a specific situation. And they literally talk about different things. Here, friend, you keep stretching the owl around the globe.
The use of the same words in different situations (and approximately the same ones too) does not mean similarity of views. Because, you know, dictionaries tend to be limited.
(By the way, here Kuai literally shows that he is not very good at the history of his native world, because in the history of the Earthrealm there were at least Mongols - a nomadic people who built a fairly large state. That's a strange remark. MK11 dialogues seem like a neural network was writing, to be honest.)
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As we said above, no one but Scarlett herself confirms this version. For Kuai, she is still considered a golem, as in MK9 and the MKX comic. Besides, Scarlett is his enemy. They are literally on opposite sides of the barricades. Scarlett faithfully serves the one who longs to enslave the Earthrealm, and who has already made attempts before, which led to the fall of Lin Kuei, to the cybernization of Kuai, to the invasion of the Earthrealm and many victims. Scarlett is an enemy of the Earthrealm, and Kuai does not care about her marital status. Why should he care at all? Moreover, why should he be polite or sympathetic to a crazy lady who is asking to join his clan, even though he didn't even invite her? It is not quite correct to compare it with MK1 and Tomas. But Bi Han does not reproach him for being an orphan, he only says that Tomas is not Lin Kuei by blood. That's all. He's actually right, Tomas is adopted.
Just what is the logic of this claim anyway? Scarlett and Kuai interact only within the framework of an open confrontation, they have no other points of contact. Scarlett is one hundred percent the enemy for the Earthrealm and for Kuai. And Kuai protects his world, he's like a soldier on duty. He shouldn't be interested in the life of some random blood witch and sympathize with her. It's like blaming all the characters for not wanting to understand Shao Kahn or anyone else. And don't pretend that Scarlett is better. She literally tortured Jade in the plot and did it with pleasure, she is not some unfortunate hero worthy of sympathy.
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Correction: Frost joined the clan when Shirai Ryu was considered to have been re-exterminated by the hands of Havik (who possessed Fox). Frost joined the clan when the clan was just trying to start existing again. Frankly speaking, it is completely unclear where she got so much respect for the traditions of the clan, which she did not know before, and for Bi Han, whom she had never met. We are not going to say for sure, but it is much more likely that Frost was influenced by someone from the old Lin Kuei staff (because they could have survived and escaped from the CyberInitiative). Because Kuai has definitely been making the decision to reconcile with Shirai Ryu for a while. And yes, Frost hasn't really established herself as a decent character. Throughout its history, it has desired power and strength that it could not handle. Besides, if we turn to dialogues here, then in one of them Kuai asks if he was a bad mentor, to which Frost says that he was a hindrance. That is, she had plans to take Kuai's place during her studies, BEFORE alliance with Shirai Ryu (because after her escapade, she was expelled). The only complaint against Kuai Liang here is that he did not kill Frost. He let go of a man who is clearly unkind and who knows about the secret location of the Lin Kuei Temple. This could be solved with one correction from the screenwriters - the phrase that Frost ran away on her own.
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Maybe (just maybe!) our localization is a little different, but Fujin is not saying that Kuai wants to kill his brother. He's asking about it.
Oh, yes. He also asks a question in the original.
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The lie here is to claim that Kuai did not want his brother to be reborn. Bi Han is reborn like the rest of the revenants and probably cannot be healed without Quan Chi's presence (by the way, later in the post you refer to the need for Quan Chi's presence and the fact that his death essentially put an end to the return of enslaved champions). Kuai was lucky that Raiden's magic worked at a specific moment in a specific way. How lucky both Hanzo and Jax are. It was further stated that Quan Chi must be alive to save the Revenants. And Bi Han is a revenant.
Besides, Kuai has no reason to hold on to the title of Sub-Zero, because it gives nothing but danger. He is not useful, he is not honorable (five generations of Sub-Zero before him were murderers and made enemies). He does this because there is no one to transfer the title to. He wears it like as bloody chevrons, as a sign of his service to the Earthrealm.
We will not argue about the rest of the dialogues that relate to Bi Han (with Cetrion or others), or with Bi Han himself. The game acts very strangely and seems to be trying with all its might to put Kuai and Bi Han against each other as enemies. We have already written about this here and do not want to repeat it.
Since the block with rhetoric and analysis of dialogues is over, we will summarize. Kuai Liang in MKX and MK11 is a man who has been through a lot. He was kidnapped in early childhood, deprived of his family and normal growing up (we still remember about his biography MK9, which says that ONLY he and Bi Han were stolen, the rest joined voluntarily in adulthood), his brother was killed, his clan was turned into soulless iron, he himself was turned into soulless iron, he was murdered Sindel (by the way, who was resurrected by order of Shao Kahn and sent by him to massacre the champions; that is, Shao is indirectly responsible for Kuai's death, which means that his henchwoman Scarlett has even less chance of gaining any sympathy from Kuai Liang, even if she were an orphan three times). Kuai was enslaved first by the CyberInitiative, then by Quan Chi. Against his will, he participated in the invasion of the Earthrealm, and the memory of the horrors that he had committed consumed him with guilt. In the comic (which is still canon in many ways), Kuai literally talks about wanting to die. After that, he entered the service of Raiden and began to look for a Kamidogu for him, which is why he was cursed and again fell under someone else's control. Which again led to casualties. What did he say to Bo Rai Cho? "I have to do hara-kiri." The topic that Kuai is broken by these events and wants to die has been raised twice. He decided to revive the clan with the light hand of Raiden (it was Raiden who sent applicants to join Lin Kuei). In the new clan, Kuai finally finds solace, but in the end his own student, whom either out of mercy or stupidity he did not kill, breaks into the temple and kidnaps his people. Kuai has gone through a lot of traumatic events, just turning into a revenant is worth it. It took Jax years and years to suppress his PTSD, and he didn't fully recover. Kuai wants to protect his home, his homeworld. He makes claims to Ryden for not coping with his role as a defender. This is not very fair in the big picture, but Kuai saw with his own eyes the two invasions and the arrival of Shinnok. Will you say that Kuai does not want to defend the Earthrealm? Well, for some reason, it was he who led his clan to defend the Sky Temple and faced the legions of Kotal. It was Lin Kuei who took the hit and gave Cassie and her team time. Not the glorious Shirai Ryu, who just got into a fight with the special forces, messed up with their grandmaster and just disappeared without participating in the defense of the Earthly Kingdom.
There is no point in comparing Kuai MK9-11 and Kuai MK1, because the life of the second one is literally sugar. He did not survive a fraction of what Kuai Liang experienced in the previous chronology. Comparing them is like comparing a veteran and a loud cadet. Kuai in MK11 has every right to be grumpy, demanding of others and himself, suspicious of enemies and even allies. The events of his life encourage such thinking. From the height of his experience - both life and combat - he can be somewhat arrogant and proud of his skill. Because Kuai MK9-11 has a moral right to do so. Kuai-Scorpion does not have this right, he is just a loud brat who jerks off at his father and traditions (if we were Bi Han, we would evict him from the temple and issue a restraining order) Like a fucking fanatic. He doesn't have the same qualities, experience. Nothing. Even biology failed, depriving him of cryomancy. In fact, the personality of Kuai in MK1 is formed in a completely different way than that of Kuai in MK9-11. Because both the events of life (the social factor) and the biological basis are different. This is literally not the Kuai Liang we knew. This is another person who happens to have the same name.
Also completely overlooked is the fact that Kuai, in his dialogues, not only criticizes everyone and everything, but shows respect to other characters (with whom he is not in confrontation). So he suggests that Jade join Lin Kuei (probably because they have lost a significant part of their personnel and need new personnel). He recognizes Sonya's fighting spirit. He literally thanks Raiden for saving his life (although he remembers that Raiden has a dark and light state). He pays tribute to Liu Kang when he speaks about Kuai's own discipline.
Most of his statements are neutral or caustic (depending on the dialogue), Kuai shows hostility to those characters who are in confrontation with his side (the Outworlders or the Black Dragon), but nothing more.
And since we've dealt with this, we'll move on.
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Kuai Liang's motives for revenge and forgiveness are actually as clear as possible when you remember that more than 20 years have passed. Why do you overlook this fact? 25 years have passed between the events of MK9 and MKX (the main plot) (Jax mentions this). Shinnok's invasion ended 25 years ago. And the reconciliation of the two clans took place five years before the events of MKX (this is stated in the plot). Kuai initially rushed to take revenge because he was blinded by grief, his pain was fresh. But then the events of MK9 happened, and now he is a former revenant, crushed by life, with the realization that he did terrible things. With a years, the thirst for revenge subsides, but the moral obligation suffocates. After all, your dear man died, how can you just let go of his death? Here we will allow ourselves to say that the motives of revenge are close to us because of personal experience. That's why we know what we're talking about. To come to terms with loss is, among other things, to let go of the thirst for revenge, to get rid of a destructive moral obligation. Kuai has had at least 20 years to think about it. Scorpion's death will not bring his brother back to him, will not soothe his pain. He believed that Bi Han was lost forever. He must continue to live, which means that he needed to put an end to a long-standing and senseless feud, especially considering that the real culprit is Quan Chi. It is he who must be punished.
To claim that Kuai was indirectly involved in the deaths of other Revenants is a clear misconception. Because, first of all, Kuai needed to give himself the moral right to end the senseless clan feud. Secondly, to protect your clan from a new conflict with Shirai Ryu. And third, damn it, this conversation (in which Hanzo found out the truth) took place five years before Quan Chi was captured. Five years! It's a long time. The fact that Hanzo has not thought with his own head in these five years is only Hanzo's problem. Should Kuai have foreseen this years in advance? He has enough headaches of his own, and at that moment he didn't know Hanzo well enough to anticipate his actions. Hanzo Hasashi is the only one to blame for what happened. It was he who decided to attack the special forces, not listen to anyone and cut off the sorcerer's head. No one pushed him to do this except himself, although literally everyone around told him to wait. Hanzo has shown himself to be a stubborn ass who doesn't know how to listen.
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The scene of the conversation and the conclusion of peace between Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu (chapter 9 "Scorpion").
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Quan Chi has not been seen since the invasion was stopped. Sonya and Jax talk about it here (Chapter 8 "Jackson Briggs")
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The same thing is in the Sony chapter (chapter 5 "Sonya Blade")
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The claims that Kuai reorganized the clan just to elevate himself are simply taken out of thin air. Because although Kuai Liang is deservedly proud of his skills, there is not a single objective sign that would indicate that your statements about him are true. Where did this statement about him being narcissistic come from? Selfish? Kuai literally has no other life, he has put all his remaining years to protect the Earthrealm and hunt the scum within it (as he tells Kano). What is the selfishness here? What does he get besides constant pressure?
Perhaps there is reason to believe that Kuai wanted to put an end to Lin Kuei's dark legacy, but then again-who wouldn't? He talks a lot about honor, because he saw with his own eyes how dishonor and betrayal (the actions of the last Grand Master of the clan) led to the downfall of not only Lin Kuei, but also to larger tragic consequences. This is not selfishness, not a desire to "giving themselves a pet on the back." This is common sense and awareness of mistakes and their consequences.
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Where did you get this from? The intros above do not suggest this in any way. Friend, it seems that you believed in what you came up with about the character. Kuai Liang strives for iron discipline, because he is well aware of how much damage has been done to him by the events of his life. And if he lets himself get weak, he'll just break down. And if he breaks down, who will stand at the head of Lin Kuei? Who will join the ranks of the defenders of the Earthrealm? As a responsible soldier, Kuai cannot hang a weapon on the wall because he is tired. And we have already cited above what confirms our thought (his sad experience, his desire to avoid repetition, the moral test that Kuai went through, etc.).
In addition, Kuai's envy of his brother (which is in no way confirmed by the game itself and other media) can only be said that many people would envy Bi Han, since he was really talented. It is said about him that he mastered in his youth what other cryomancers before him mastered only in old age. But again, this does not indicate Kuai's envy of his brother. There is not a single confirmation of this statement.
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The whole subsequent text to the end of the block seems completely insane. To claim that Kuai was the only one who constantly survived, not because the writers wanted it, but because… for some other reason. The only reason is the desire of the screenwriters. Or perhaps an outright misunderstanding of what to do with the characters of Hanzo and Kuai (and many others). Where should they be placed? They look more like a reference in MK11 and MKX than full-fledged characters. Okay, Hanzo has more plot weight because he's the creator's favorite. But everything else is just a weak plot, not the character's fault or intention. There is literally no place to analyze him as a living person, because Kuai appears only functionally in the plot. Well, maybe the studio hates him because so much shit has fallen on this particular character. He was enslaved three times, his family and friends are almost completely dead. It is wrong to say that he did nothing to bring Smoke back, because, as we remember, Quan Chi is needed to revive the revenant, there is no proven scheme, Quan Chi himself has been hiding for twenty-five years, and collectively the chances of revival are negligible. Personal aspirations are on one side of the scale, on the other is a job that will provide the homeworld with another faction of defenders. Kuai, who has gone through the horrors of two invasions, obviously will not choose personal aspirations. In addition, Smoke does not appear in the final chapters of MKX (only in flashbacks from the time of Shinnok's invasion), and it is unknown where he is. With Quan Chi's death, he can be considered completely lost (the rest of the Revenants are considered lost for the same reason, and there is no problem with that). And the fact that Bi Han survived in Soulnado was not known at all before the events of MK11. He was believed to be dead. Who should Kuai be trying to bring back? Ghostly shadows of long-gone loved ones? Prefer the dead to the living?
We can agree that Kuai's behavior in the intro and his ending are collectively confusing because they somehow contradict each other. But here you can find a dubious, but time-bound explanation. Considering that in all intros the Kronika is mentioned as still alive and active, it can be concluded that these fights and dialogues, respectively, take place in parallel with the plot of MK11. Which lasts… How much? A couple of days? In this light, it can be assumed that all of Kuai's strange reactions in the dialogues are either a defensive reaction, or simply the result of AI work (seriously, sometimes one part of these dialogues is not connected to another).
Oh, right, rhetoric again.
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These dialogues are not connected in any way at all. There are only two identical words here that don't apply in the same context. This is not a common lexicon in this case and not the same specific reaction to the situation. These are literally different dialogues. And here you are really engaged in unfair interpretation.
We have already written about this above and we will not repeat it.
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A fair comparison, however, the different circumstances that lead to this phrase. Bi Han in MK1 encourages Kitana to be more independent. Kuai in MK11 wants to get a valuable fighter into the ranks of his clan to protect his world. They use similar words, but in different situations and for different purposes.
Here we can agree on the similarity by about half (due to the difference in circumstances, and therefore the messages themselves).
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We repeat that Kuai Liang in MK9-11 literally caught two invasions and the return of Shinnok. The latter happened because Raiden's Shinnok amulet, which he was supposed to protect, was stolen. That is, Raiden actually failed at his job. Yes, in the end, all three events ended well, but Kuai, as a man who laid down his life to protect his world and serve its interests, has reason to be angry at Raiden for his mistakes.
In MK1, Bi Han denies Liu Kang's authority for reasons that are still unclear. Bi Han wants more, but what does this have to do with Liu Kang? We, as players, know what Liu's mistakes are, but Bi Han doesn't know that. At the same time, we do not know why Bi Han is so fiercely against Liu's authority (he literally tells Kenshi, "give him time and you will understand," hinting that his dislike has some deeper reasons, but we do not know about them yet). It is also incorrect to compare these dialogues. We think there is no need to explain the reasons. Their context is strikingly different.
How is Kuai Liang considered the "good brother" when they both use the same vocabulary and share the same views?
The fact that they use similar words, but in different contexts, can only mean that they speak the same language, and not that their views are somehow close to each other.
Making such a statement is like saying that if a conditional user uses the words "cosmopolitan", "economy", "corridor" and "carte blanche" in his speech, then this makes his views close to one notorious Austrian artist who used the same words in his speech in 1939.
This is absurd and meaningless.
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Yes, people say that because Bi Han literally demonstrates the character traits and biographies of Frost and Sector. He's not the best version of Kuai, he's not even a pale version of himself. He is a lazily written man who, in modern works, must be evil simply because. Bi Han in the old chronology was really interesting for his tragedy. He never wanted to be a part of the clan, he had no choice in this matter, in the original MK1 (literally in the very first game) in his ending, he leaves the clan because he doesn't need it all. His life was taken away cruelly and unfairly, he was just a man in thrall to circumstances, he was not shy about being sharp-tongued. After all, Bi Han from the past chronology, with his tragedy both during his lifetime and after his death, is many times more interesting than the piece of evil cardboard that Bi Han was turned into in MK1.
We will not stop at the fact that the decision to make Kuai a Scorpion is disgusting. We will not argue with this, because it is pointless to argue with the truth. Is he the best Sub-Zero? At least he was interesting, one of the few who really developed and changed as a character. As a result, his entire progression, motivation, and personality foundations were rewritten. Kuai Liang, whom we respected, although in some places we condemned, simply ceased to be. We hope that the NRS will choke on their money and never touch this story again.
And now to the comments that were posted. They are too small, so we want to answer in more detail here.
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We literally took apart your entire post from beginning to end, not touching only what concerned Kuai MK1, because we want he burns in hell. And we still say that you are trying to substitute concepts. Their vocabulary is in no way similar (for the reasons we mentioned above). And as we have already noted, Kuai Liang MK9-11 grew up in different conditions than Bi Han MK1.
Lin Kuei himself is obviously different in different versions. If in MK1 we understand that this is closer to the traditional clan, which is connected by blood (both parents were in the clan, there is an opportunity to form a family, Bi Han refers to Lin Kuei's blood), then the early versions of Lin Kuei are more like the cult of assassins, who are united by the desire for influence - political, material and td. What kind of parenting with the idea of superiority are you talking about in the framework of MK9-11, if we have already found out that Kuai and Bi Han were abducted as children, and all the other members of the clan joined him. The biography of the Sector in MK9 literally says that there was no doubt that the Sector, being the son of a Grandmaster, would join the clan. Cyrex joined the clan as an adult, and previously he was from among the Tswana and trained among the warriors of his people. Tomas is from Prague and was also recruited at a fairly conscious age, because he attracted attention with his abilities. His exact age has not been named, but it is said that he does not remember his childhood, which means that he was hardly a child at the time of recruitment. Based on this, Bi Han and Kuai Liang are the only children who were raised in the clan. This means that there was no general idealogical system for education (we don't know much about Lin Kuei at all, but the Grandmaster decided to make everyone cyborgs for absolute submission, so we can assume that there were precedents for disobedience). The clan system in MK1, although it requires following orders, does not threaten death. But in MK9-11 (for which Mythology is still canonical), the mistake is inexcusable. Bi Han bluntly says that his failure or disobedience would mean his death at the hands of his own clan. Lin Kuei's in old chronology is a violent militarized cult, not a family. Yes, it is possible that one bloodline is present there, but it is needed only because of the special abilities (cryomancy) that give the clan an advantage.
See the difference? This already denies the possibility for Kuai MK9-11 and Bi Han MK1 to grow in the same conditions. Hell, even Bi Han MK9-11 and Bi Han MK1 are different people because of their different upbringing and different life experiences. We think that it makes no sense to explain that a personality is formed on the basis of a biological basis (psychophysiological features) and social impact, life experience. With a difference in life experience, different personalities are formed. It is for this reason that we consider the ending of the Scorpion invasion to be simply insulting and sad. The very concept of multiple timelines essentially contradicts the concept of personality. But this is such a truism that it makes no sense to explain it. In MK1, people have the same names and partially similar biography elements. And this already means, in fact, that Mileena, Kitana, Raiden, Lao, Bi Han and all the others are not the same ones we saw in previous games. These are literally other people.
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slimeclimbtime · 7 months
mortal kombat x fe3h?
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these are definitely some questionable placements, but this is what role i feel like these characters would suit if they were in fe3h! i also did my best to try and balance them out a bit in terms of numbers
black eagles are ambitious and have strong moral compasses, with ashrah, mileena, rain, and bi-han all being characters with goals and strong convictions. as to who would be the edelgard of these four, i have no idea, but the closest i could say would be bi-han (which would be ironic, considering the association BE has with fire)
blue lions are more noble and righteous, with a hefty dose of trauma somewhere in there. everyone in this list is on the more collected and calm side, but can show terrifying vengeance and anger if driven to it, especially raiden and kitana. geras would be a bit more of a mercedes, while scorpion could perfectly suit the dimitri role (and thus, make the bi-han kuai liang rivalry even worse, which is perfect!)
golden deer are full of lighter-hearted characters, but everyone knows when to get serious, especially tanya who's the clear outlier of these four. everyone here is clever in some way or form, especially johnny. i would say the claude of this group would be either smoke or kung lao, as both can make jokes but also think up of plans on the down low. also being the neutral party between the brothers would extra suck
ashen wolves are outcasts and those that have been driven to the shadows for numerous reasons. everyone here is either radicalized such as havik and nitara or shunned by an outside group like baraka and reptile, making them the perfect group of wolves. would definitely say reptile is probably the (unlikely) leader of this group, as he shares a lot of similarities with yuri and is a kind soul at heart
church of seiros is essentially just the outworld entourage. as the church of seiros in fe3h is full of a wide variety of characters, there's a pretty colorful cast here as well. li mei would make a great seteth to sindel's rhea role as the archbishop, and shang tsung would be a formidable tomas or jeritza, as part of well, the real enemy along with shao and reiko
kenshi being byleth is definitely the weirdest pick here but hear me out. dude with a magic sword who gets blessings from spirits? along with a darker backstory of working for a neutral/bad party? that sounds an awful lot like a byleth to me. kenshi losing his sight could be part of the story and him getting it back with sento with the help of liu kang could be his awakening
liu kang being sothis is pretty self-explanatory i feel. i almost made geras sothis bc time associations, but liu kang doesn't really fit anywhere else, and he WAS a keeper of time, so i mean... either way, him being close with kenshi would be pretty canon too
some extra notes (with fe3h spoilers; exercise caution):
- ashrah is more of a representative of petra, being an outsider compared to the other three characters, and as someone whose ambition is more self-centered - while bi-han wouldn't be noob saibot, he would probably have some of his traits as part of his trauma on being experimented on by shang tsung. this would estrang him from kuai liang entirely and wipe his memory of being his brother - speaking of brotherhood, the dagger that's so important to the dimi-edel storyline would definitely be the ice dagger that bi-han attacks kuai liang with in mk1. i would say it stays frozen forever and is held by magic in order to not to be noticeable as ice and give away the whole story - raiden was definitely not put into blue lions because of his thunder magic i swear he wasn't nope ahahhaahaha just a funny coincidence - kung lao and lorenz are awfully similar in demeanor which is rather hilarious. tanya would also make a great lysithea, being the serious one that isn't taken very seriously - while reptile would be a great yuri, baraka and havik are both more akin to balthus in form while nitara is closer to hapi. also would love the idea of reptile triple-crossing his three house members in cindered shadows - reiko would 100% be aelfric, being the simp he is for shao. alternatively, he'd also be cyril in that sense, even tho sindel is rhea - fuck gender-locked classes, li mei would 100% be a wyvern lord - scanning amiibo and seeing the double byleths could actually just show two liu kangs, one from when hes not keeper of time and one from when he is canon classes? (assuming no gender locked bc fuck gender locked classes IM STILL MAD ABOUT THIS. that and ignoring final classes for the house leaders + byleth):
ashrah - swordmaster
mileena - assassin
rain - dark flier
bi-han - war monk
kitana - falcon knight
raiden - mortal savant
kuai liang - assassin
geras - gremory
johnny cage - grappler
kung lao - sniper
smoke - bow knight
tanya - holy knight
baraka - grappler
reptile - hero
havik - wyvern lord
nitara - valkyrie
li mei - wyvern lord
sindel - well technically she only has her personal class so uhhhh
shang tsung - also has his own personal class
shao - dark knight
reiko - grappler
kenshi - has his own personal class, but otherwise would be a swordmaster
liu kang - non-playable (we were ROBBED)
okay imma stop yabbering bc im gonna just keep on going for too long
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beecanons · 7 months
Hello!!! :D Hi, could you do Raiden and Kung Lao (MK1) or maybe Hanzo and Kuai Liang (MK11) agere headcannons? Pleeeeease? Also have a good day, and it's okie if you can't!! :3
hi! im not sure if you wanted them individually or as pairs so i gift you!
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Regressor mk1 trio headcanons, featuring Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Raiden!
i know you didnt mention liu kang and as much as i love kung lao, i cant seperate these guys theyre best friends.
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raiden would absolutely be a cg for regressors liu kang and kung lao though he would be a bit of a strict and stern cg he would be very caring and keep them out of touble but when he says no, theres no changing his mind.
liu kang or kung lao could easily be a baby sitter for one another but with raiden as cg theyre best buds or even sibs on a playdate
this does include playfights
kitana is either a standin cg or babysitter at least for liu kang, maye not as much for kung lao but will look after them together if need be
raiden's the best at giving sublte and vague excuses for the three of them to leave when needed no one questions him but the other too often suck at it and stumble over or generally mess up the excuse
not very independant regressors, they normally wont even regress unless prompted somehow
raiden picks up on everything knows the moment they feel little and need something hes very attuned to them and can read them easily
angy liu kang has set things on fire didnt always mean to does apologize after time out
liu kang would be maybe 4-5 kung lao might be soemthere between 4-10 depending on the day
kung lao needs some sort of safety precaution on his hat he's allowed to have it, they tried telling him he cant and that was a mistake but when he's little they put something on the bladded rim and he'll sit and pout about it for a bit
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regressor Scorpion(Hanzo) and cg sub-zero(Kuai Liang)!
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this gif just defines their relationship for me "no, hanzo, this way, there." "oh i see" "good job"
hanzo regresses around age 6 he's a very curious kid but hes also very stubborn and grumpy
hanzo wont often ask for help kuai liang will notice when he needs help and will usually ask first but knows hanzo wont admit to it and will find ways to help him out without causing a fuss
gumpy kiddo will sit next to him and pout until the other takes the hint and gives him a hug doesnt really like cuddles but is okay with hugs or being held for a short time
"hanzo dont do it...noo..." something proceeds to light on fire and be put out with cold "thats it, time out, little one" "no!"
its a fight to get him to settle down he's easier to handle and tuck in for a nap or sleep after he's tired himself out kuai liang will find things to direct his energy towards to keep him busy until he tires or gets burnt out so he can cool down with a nap (pun intended)
its hard to find little gear he wont burn when he gets upset a make shift bottle or sippy cup is just a metal waterbottle. plastic will melt and wood will char, so metal things are about the only material that can withstand his outbursts.
after being grumpy and angry, hes really sweet and helpful at the end of the day hanzo wants to help kuai liang as a thank you for helpng him too he feels bad after he gets upset, so he wants to be helpful and do something nice and be a good kiddo to make up for it.
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i love mk so much i hope these were okay!
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ryukang1995 · 1 month
Mortal Kombat characters, according to me (part 1)
- Johnny Cage - The clown/simp. Some folks love him, but I don't...at least not later incarnations of him (the Midway and 1995 versions can stay though).
- Kano - The Aussie scumbag. He can be delightfully nasty.
- Raiden - I actually like him the most when he's Christopher Lambert. His canon self is either a boy scout (New MK1) or an idiot who sucks at his job (NRS timeline).
- Liu Kang - The champ. A true badass and legend. The undisputed main hero of the franchise.
- Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion - The fan favorite. Some will say he's the GOAT, but while I beg to differ, I still think he's awesome.
- Bi Han/Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot - The troll. Possibly the bane of many players' existence, besides the boss characters.
- Sonya Blade - Waifu #1. I'd have her hook up with Liu Kang, despite Johnny Cage being her canonical ex.
- Syzoth/Reptile - He's at his best when he's "the Green ninja". His New MK1 version isn't too bad though.
- Goro - A nightmare in every sense of the word. He's actually the best sub-boss in the entire franchise.
- Shang Tsung - The best villain in the whole lore. He can be sympathetic as he is wicked and deceitful.
- Kuai Liang/Sub-Zero/Scorpion - The GOAT (besides Liu Kang). Some prefer Hanzo, but I always liked this guy more.
- Kitana - Waifu #2. Arguably the sexiest MK female (though she's tied with Sonya for me). I'd have her hook up with Kuai, despite Liu Kang being her main love in the canon.
- Mileena - I prefer Kitana, but she's kool, if not very crazy and monstrous, lul.
- Kung Lao - Best bro to Liu Kang. Has great potential that doesn't get fully reached, but he's still awesome.
- Jax - Sonya's kool uncle (in a way). He's awesome too.
- Baraka - One ugly motherfucker. Still badass though.
- Tomas Vrbada/Smoke - Best bro to Kuai Liang. He's kool as both a ninja and a cyborg.
- Jade - Best sis to Kitana. Some will say she's a waifu or the sexiest, but while I prefer Kitana and Sonya, she's great too.
- Kintaro - Tiger Goro. He is arguably tougher than Goro, but I never felt that he was as memorable.
- Shao Kahn - Every MK fan's worst nightmare. 'nuff said.
- Sindel - The queen with a strong voice. She's at her best when she's a caring mother to Kitana, and fuck the MK11 version.
- Stryker - For a while, he was the Poochie of MK, but he did get a glow up in MK9, so I can't really rag on him too much. Plus, there have been worse MK characters over the years.
- Cyrax - The Yellow cyborg aka Mustard. He's kool.
- Sektor - The Red cyborg aka Ketchup. He's kool too, but I do prefer Cyrax.
- Nightwolf - Awesome design. Not too much to say about him.
- Sheeva - Lady Goro. If I have to be honest, she's more memorable than Kintaro.
- Kabal - Weird but awesome design. They can't seem to settle on whether he's truly evil or not though.
- Ermac - Probably one of the best ninjas in the franchise, besides Scorpion and Sub-Zero. I do prefer him as "the Red ninja" over him being mummy-like though.
- Rain - The Purple ninja named after the famous Prince song. He has a kool move set, but his personality just makes you want to punch him (though I think that was the intention).
- Motaro - Fuck. This. Guy. I always hated fighting him.
That's all for now. I might make more posts about how I view MK characters. If you agree or disagree with any of these, it's all good. Feel free to reblog or leave comments.
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scaryspears · 11 months
Mileena: Thoughts and Opinions
These are my thoughts and opinions on Mortal Kombat that a bunch of people probably won't care about, but I thought I should post them here. Now I will be using past games as reference, even though every character's interpretation/counterpart is different, they still play part to the canon storyline.
[Warning: This post is very long. Revealing cosplay.]
I always saw Mileena as eccentric rather than crazy. The eating people thing? She's not human and is a fang faced creature, we are not to be surprised.
Appearance: Now before Mkx the female characters were sexualized for marketing purposes, but a lot of the fandom recognises Mileena to be the go to when it comes to sexualization. Even when Mkx took the designs more seriously Mileena still has that flare of... marketing. In mk11 that goes out of the window. Now mind you, I like the costumes and skins for Mileena in this game, I'm a sucker for kimonos, and that kimono still has a titty window and comes off as more revealing than Kitana's. Even when you put Mileena next to Kitana, knowing what she looks like without the mask, she's still seen as the 'hotter one' out of the two.
I think it's just the fact they babied her. And when I say they babied her I don't just mean her childish attitude that is significantly different to mk9, I'm talking about her face model. In another post I headcanoned that Kitana is 17-19 in human years because I genuinely believe she looks like she's around that age. In the previous games Kitana and Mileena both look like they are in their mid to late 20's which is how they were able to get sexualized.
Because of the redesigns I think it retconned the interactions that took place between the characters.
I find it bizarre that most of the male roster roasts the hell out of her, yet have an undertone of flirting based on interactions I've seen. Now, that's probably me being delusional and pulling at strings just to make a ship happen, but it's there.
Mileena + Kung Lao (If I'm feeling bold), Liu Kang (If I'm feeling bolder), Kuai Liang, Hanzo (childhood ship), Takeda ("You can look but you can't touch"), Stryker (watched Sonic XD's mk9 sucks video), Erron Black (I mean he did date Nitara and Skarlet), Bi Han/Noob Saibot
Out of all these ships I've listed I feel the most strongly about shipping her with Bi Han. It's mainly because of a post I saw, which was based on a meme. 
Kitana: Am I ugly?
Liu Kang: No. 
Mileena: Am I ugly
Bi Han/Noob Saibot: Yes. 
Mileena and Bi Han are dating in this meme, btw. I think it was built on the fact that Bi Han can see her for the tarkatan she is but it doesn't disturb him. I don't think he goes out of his way to mock her, either, he's merely analytical of her. Following one of my headcanons, he takes things literal, meaning he has no intentions of harming her emotionally.
Yes, I ship him and Sereena, but I like to try new things.
"We have met before." - Mileena
"In the Netherrealm, where I consumed your soul." - Bi Han/Noob Saibot
That wasn't supposed to sound sweet, but it did. To me. There's also this video.
They both have sibling problems and were killed unfairly. Mileena's crown was snatched from her while Bi Han was made a slave alongside Scorpion. You know, the guy that killed him. They fought Kabal together.
Oh, and they can both teleport :).
It could be argued that Noob has a better chance with Skarlet since she reminds him of Sereena, but I like her interactions with Sub Zero.
I'm starting to think I should write a yandere Liu Kang/Kung Lao x Mileena (one sided), I mean Kung Lao wanted Kitana too so he could see Mileena as some kind of replacement.
I think Shao Kahn does feel some kind of fatherly attachment to her, although I headcanon that he's a narcissistic father. In Mk11 story mode he was ready to kill D'Vorah the second he found out she killed Mileena. Protective dad. I think some of it comes from the father-daughter bond he has with Kitana. While Shao Kahn did say that he kept her around just to appease Sindel, he had no need to do that after her death, so he technically adopted Kitana just because he could. And then teenage rebellion kicked in and he had her replaced by Mileena.
"Where's this boldness been hiding, Kitana? Had you shown it before, I'd have no need for Mileena." I think Shao Kahn did care for Kitana but not in a way that his mind can fully address. But he prefers Mileena, as she's the version of Kitana that won't betray him. Even though Mileena was created as a replacement he still recognised her as an heir, and his daughter.
I also think Shao Kahn can't produce children... I mean I still see Skarlet as his adopted child. Dude's straight up just picking up daughters.
Shao Kahn being a dad:
"Raiden chooses champions poorly." - Shao Kahn
"This from the man who chose Mileena?" - Liu Kang
"Do not mock my daughter!" - Shao Kahn
"Those who betray me suffer, Black." - Shao Kahn
"Our contract died when you did." - Erron Black
"You should've served Mileena." - Shao Kahn
"You'll pay for Mileena, D'Vorah." - Shao Kahn
"This one did Outworld a service." - D'Vorah
"And so shall I." - Shao Kahn
"With Sindel's return our family is complete." - Shao Kahn to Mileena
"Daughter, you have returned." - Shao Kahn
"To reclaim my place at your side from Skarlet." - Mileena
"First prove yourself her better." - Shao Kahn
Yeah, he's a narcissistic parent.
"You didn't teach me blood magic." - Mileena
"Sorcery is Skarlet's gift, not yours." - Shao Kahn
"You'd never know, you never gave me a chance." - Mileena
That sounds like sibling jealousy, Skarlet was certainly adopted.
"Back from the dead, I see." - Rain
"You must answer for scheming against Mileena." - Shao Kahn
"Your daughter got exactly what she deserved." - Rain
Bonus: Kitana
Kitana is just so out of pocket. Now to be fair, she reacted in a way that is understandable. If I found out someone cloned me and I was face to face with that clone I would freak out too. But it's what happens afterwards. Kitana claimed that Mileena attacked her when it was the other way around.
Now if we follow the events of mk9 and not the events that came before it, Kitana never got to even know Mileena, so that comment was uncalled for. Not only that, but Mileena was welcoming towards Kitana upon first meeting her. While she was created to replace Kitana, that was not her priority when she woke up and saw Kitana for the first time. It's very clear that Kitana has absorbed Shao Kahn's narcissistic habits.
Now with some interactions:
"You're more my sister than Mileena." - Kitana
"So why must we fight again?" - Jade
"Where there are siblings there is rivalry." - Kitana
"I don't suppose you have a sister." - Kung Lao
"There is only Mileena." - Kitana
"Thank you. I'll pass." - Kung Lao
I think Kitana actually carries pride over being the pretty one. I also think she took pleasure in making Kung Lao uncomfortable.
"You will be queen of the damned." - Noob Saibot
"That honour is Mileena's" - Kitana
Out of pocket, no one said Mileena's name yet Kitana brought her up just to insult her.
Skarlet and Mileena should've had a bond of some kind that wasn't antagonistic. I already wrote a post about this some years ago on my old Tumblr account, but I deleted it so I have to start over with this post. In Skarlet's original story (before the retcon) she was created in the flesh pits and even appears a few times during the mk9 story mode, so by that alone Mileena and Skarlet have a connection.
In the retcon Shao Kahn is the one to teach Skarlet blood magic, but I always saw sorcery as Shang Tsung's speciality since Shao Kahn has his kingly duties to fulfil so I think it would be much more fitting if Shang Tsung taught her under Shao Kahn's orders, that way her and Shang Tsung have a bond of their own being teacher and student to compliment the fact that he created her back in mk9.
Now, Kitana has Jade so it was an opportunity to have an evil doppelganger situation with Mileena and Skarlet. They both like gore, they both hate Kitana because Kitana was mean to them, and they both don't like Jade. They both also have a thing for Sub Zero, which means they have similar tastes. They should get along. And for them to not get along I think it should've been the normal sibling dynamic where they would easily get into fights and do little things that annoy the other, but deep down are fond of each other. Something that counters Kitana and Jade's you're like a sister to me that you don't see real siblings experience.
If we're gonna follow the fact that they should get along, then Skarlet could've been the cool older sister. She had a boyfriend (Erron), she is good at what she does, and she's just as feral as Mileena but is more laid back. I can picture her helping Mileena with her makeup and her training. The sister that Kitana never was and refuses to be. On Skarlet's part it could be a thing where she remembered how it felt for Kitana to belittle her and for Jade to shun her for not being Edenian, and decides that she refuses to be the same to Mileena.
I have said a bunch of times that Shao Kahn sort of adopted Skarlet or sees her as a child of his. He took her away from the streets because she showed fire, and that's how a lot of adoptions go from what I heard, there's something about the kid that sparks something in that parent. But I think because Skarlet doesn't have royal blood and is a street urchin is what doesn't make her worthy of the title of daughter in Shao Kahn's eyes even if the bond is potentially there.
As much as I would love them to get along, Skarlet is jealous of Mileena. The fact that a clone was able to be given the title 'daughter' in a blink of an eye in comparison to Skarlet who had been serving him for more than centuries. "Shao Kahn needs no more Kitana clones!" is her way of saying that she wants to be recognised, loved and appreciated. "A pity you will never be his daughter." from Shang Tsung wasn't just any statement, he can see that this street urchin orphan who will not be mourned wants a parental figure in her life, and that unfortunately became Shao Kahn. There could've been the potential that it would be Shang Tsung, but we all know what he's like, he would see her as nothing more than a student who wants something more.
Skarlet lusts for power, and I theorise it is because she's trying to fill a hole, which is common in people who lack certain things in their life such as emotional stability and parental support. Having power will give her that sense of control over her life, supposedly.
Following my headcanon that Skarlet desiring Skao Kahn is a sign of her insanity, her need for security, appreciation and love has been perverted by the very thing that gives her power. Poor Skarlet.
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1-up-chump · 9 months
Hello, I share your indignation about the new part of MK. Everything was changed too much and strangely. Can you write down the moments you didn't like? For example, I’m not happy with this whole situation with Kuai Liang - Scorpion, Tarkata - a disease, Raiden - Liu Kang 2.0, Fujin - Raiden’s sister, who is Kung Lao’s lover, seriously?
I WILL STATE that i have not bothered to look at everything myself but hear from reliable sources of the basic information of the game so i cannot give a full and fair critique. And i will not give this game anymore attention than i already have given it since it is just NOT a mortal kombat game.
Lets talk about the reasons you listed bc i agree.
Kuai liang as scorpion and in role reversal:
I am not a fan of this even remotely being "canon" Although the idea should be explored by fans WHO UNDERSTAND BOTH KUAI LIANG AND HANZO HASASHI AS CHARACTERS ORIGINALLY. It completely disrespects hanzo as a character and erases his connection to scorpion being a "gimmick thing to slap onto someone" as a title rather than a personal journey of meaning. And kuai deserves more respect as well, originally being an assassin whose clan tried to "modernize" by removing free will of warriors to ensure obedience and make their spirits and talents disposable. Trying to fight against that. It seems ironic in the end his fate is nothing more than to be toyed with by this unoriginal and uninspiring "role swap au lolz"
The tarkatan race being a disease:
I shouldn't even have to clarify how fucked up this is. Right after in mk 11 we saw tarkatans just being another race living in outworld minding their own business, and kotal fucking up (kotal khan is a wasted character but thats for another post) so we got what was once a "bad guy evil race" to something better. AND THEN THEY FUCKED IT UP AGAIN like isnt that, at best, the most tone deaf shit after what happened in real life with a certain disease and people being uber racist??? And dont get me started on how they messed up mileena with that too. (God damn the writers fucking hate her just as much as kung lao)
Raiden role reversal:
Let me tell you as a raiden enjoyer i fucking HATE them making him a basic ass protag like they did with liu kang (i love liu but lately they just removed all personality from him) its so fucking uninspiring and boring as shit AND THEY MAKE HIM CHAMPION INSTEAD OF KUNG LAO???? THE ABSOLUTE DISRESPECT WHAT THE FUCK i love raiden but he doesn't deserve champion title, that belongs to KUNG motherfucking LAO.
Fujin being a sister????:
Listen i havent seen it but this is the dumbest ass shit i have ever seen in my entire life. As if they couldn't show how little they actually care about fujin......
And the shallow fans who care little about fujin other than a "pretty fuck toy to do teh yaois with uwu" which is also what they did to shang tsung now which is like YOU FOOLS! CARY HIROYUKI TAGAWA-SAMA IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE!!! YOU SEXUALIZE HIM WHEN HE'S AN OLD MAN TOO OR YOU'RE A COWARD AND A SHAM!
And then there's the absolute nothing plot that really shows they ran out of ideas and just slap together bullshit. The villains arent really villains and they suck, its just "stop evil shang tsung but hes not actually evil bc theres this other timeline-" ITS FUCKING LAZY AND PATHETIC WRITING it shows that they want to have it all just to appease fans to take their money. Thats it, thats all this story boils down to. A shoddy scam to bullshit a story to take people's money. I mean you cant even get shang tsung or marjory of fan desired characters without dlc and the base game is like 60-70 bucks like the fuck????
As a regular fighting game? Mid but enjoyable i guess. But as a mortal kombat game? No, thats not even mortal kombat thats just some dumbasses wattpad fanfic after they watched avengers endgame in their crusty batman shirt
I'll end this with a small side note: if my opinions offend, I'm sorry im passionate about a series that was a part of my childhood and made me appreciate Japanese and Chinese culture and kung fu cinema in general. Im sorry if the memories of playing a fun game and caring about the characters having strong bonds of friendship in a violent world designed to be a "kill or be killed" system and despite that choosing to do the right thing in their mind.
Sorry if i seem to be playing a different game bc i am.
Its mortal kombat: shaolin monks for the ps2
-gets head ripped off-
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bihansthot · 10 months
the way scorpion says "get over here" will never get old for me. 🤤 when he said it in chapter 1 movie, i wanted push kung lao over the balcony and immediately suck kuai liang off.
get over here = this ho gotta job to do
I missed this on thirsty asks night haha my bad, I was pretty trashed. Someone needs to show that poor guy some love, I feel like no one has been thirsty for new Kuai Liang and like I get it, it’s weird he’s Scorpion now but damn if he isn’t pretty good looking. Like I can’t be thirsty for him because he’s like a brother to me what with him being my brother-in-law but I’m happy that there are people finally getting thirsty for him. Suck away my fellow thot! Suck away!
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sasorikigai · 10 months
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I am so fucking livid at this recontextualization of Hanzo Hasashi's canon (starting with Kuai Liang being the new Scorpion). While I see the connection between Scorpion's MK11 ending (which I absolutely hated too), I am not vibing with this alternate version of Hanzo scouring the multitudes of timeline in search of reality where his wife Harumi does not get brutally butchered.
The reason why I absolutely fell in love with Hanzo/Scorpion's character is his utterly bleak and tragic backstory; the entire Hasashi family were killed in the Shirai Ryu massacre committed by Lin Kuei, and being reborn as a Revenant full of vitriol vengeance. As if Hanzo's canonical story wasn't absolutely heartbreaking and depressing enough that he became an undead spectre, he has once again, descended into an explosive spell of rage and vowing to burn MK1's timeline to the charred rubble.
This is literally where Lin Kuei has stolen everything from him, desecrated everything that was his worth and character. It took him decades to amend with Kuai Liang (in MKX), and finally come to a realization that he has been a very selfish man who nearly caused Earthrealm to be extinct because of his impulsive, vindictive actions. And I would most definitely like to believe that Hanzo/Scorpion has acted this way not solely because he himself was killed in the massacre, but because of Harumi and Satoshi. His love for Harumi Hasashi goes beyond the realms (literally, enough to become deathly obsessive of searching for a reality where she lives, finally), and his transformative character in MK11 as Grandmaster Hasashi proves that every action he effectuates is due to his eternal love for her and Earthrealm, even for Lin Kuei.
TL:DR; this is such a disservice to Hanzo's character, and this will never bring Scorpion's gratification (further destruction and annihilation never does anything good). This relinquishment from all of Hanzo/Scorpion's character evolvement absolutely SUCKS.
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gophergal · 1 year
But what if Scorpion is Kuai Liang?
In mk12? I believe it would be a dumb choice. But it also wouldn't be the first stupid choice that I think nrs has made for this franchise
Not to be the "they changed it, so now it sucks" person, but I really don't like the majority of things in the reboot timeline. MKX is an exception because it feels fresh, but keeps the core of certain characters (such as Kuai being a mentor). Otherwise, I dislike the setup of 9 (because I actually like Armageddon and it retcons the story to make Taven a pointless character) and the introduction of time travel in 11 destroys the stakes of the universe. The only thing that would make it worse is if they added a multiverse. Time fuckery and multiverse bullshit are fun in fanfic and non-canon stories, but I hate when franchises add them to the main storyline.
Sorry for that aside. Ah, my point is that I think that Kuai being Scorpion would be a dumb choice, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. I have little faith in NRS
Regardless, I'm not playing it, since I don't have a PS5, and I'm not interacting with the plot/story/ect as an act of self care
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vampiric-tempt · 9 months
Kinktober | 04
≡ noncon | havik x gn!reader (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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tw ➤ nsfw, smut, noncon, mentions of blood, abuse, extremely dark content, forced oral, gender neutral
a/n: Havik makes me a feral woman �� ⋆ · Yes, this is a NONCON. Read at your own risk!!!
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❥・*。After the mission with your brothers, Kuai Liang and Tomas had no choice but to leave you behind. Things didn't turn out how it was supposed to be, with Bi-Han's betrayal and being overwhelmed by General Shao's forces. You were captured.
You expected to be killed on the spot, but instead, you were thrown into a dirty cell. Your whole body ached, wrists tightly bound by thick chains. Sure, you were a Lin Kuei assassin...if the clan was still here by the end of everything. But you were the weakest amongst the three brothers. Of course you'd be the one reduced to a lowly prisoner for Shang Tsung.
Loud footsteps could be heard approaching your cell and you mentally prepared for who it'd be. The figure appeared to be Havik. He sneered at your form on the ground, or what appeared to be one. Afterall, you witnessed what Kuai Liang did to him.
You chose to remain quiet. You weren't a fool to mock the person with a greater advantage.
"Fucking weak." He spat. "Nothing but a waste of space here. Why the sorcerer decided to keep you here is a mystery."
"I'd like to ask him the same thing." You say calmly.
Havik slammed his fist against the metal bars making you straighten your composure. He was dangerous, you'd be a fool to lower your guard.
"HA! Do you think your brothers will come and save you? You'll probably be dead by then." Havik mockingly tilted his head, peering down at you as you sat cross-legged, clothes battered in dried blood and dirt. He'd be lying if he didn't find you attractive like this.
"I have faith." You mutter under your breath.
"Foolish earthrealmer." He says lowly. "I should punish you for what Scorpion has done to me, but I rather like my new look."
He shifts in his spot, beginning to unlock the cell doors. You furrow your brow and remain steadfast. Havik chuckles as he dangerously approaches you while kneeling down to your form. "I think I know a way to make yourself useful."
You glare at him.
"I like that look in your eyes. It's like looking at a small little fire that I'd be more than happy to diminish." He suddenly grabs your face harshly and slams your head back into the wall. The impact straining a scream from you. "Ngh!" You grunt.
Havik groans at the sound, a bulge forming in his pants. "Yeah, I have the perfect idea." His eyes hungrily looks you up and down. He releases your face and grabs a knife from his side. He angled it at the edge of your clothing, ready to tear it in a swipe.
Still dazed from the impact, your eyes widened in realization. "Not that, fuck no!" You tried to crawl away but Havik was quick to slam the dagger into your shoulder.
"AGHh!" You shut your eyes, realizing he had pinned the knife to the wall through your fucking shoulder. Panic began to settle in. "Please, you must be joking. Why not torture me instead?!"
"That was the initial idea," Havik grips the collar of your outfit. "But taking a good look at you I realized how fucking hot you were. And to be fair, I haven't had sexual pleasure in awhile." And he rips it apart. He made quick work until you were completely naked before him. His eyes preying down on you. You shamefully huddled within yourself, trying to hide whatever you could.
Havik let out a satisfied growl, standing back up to his full height. He fumbled with his trousers till he held his hardened cock in his hand, stroking it lightly. You looked away in disgust, refusing to look at the man. He took a few steps closer and grips your hair to look back at him.
"Yeah, this angle is good. You look so fuckable." He laughs. "Now open that mouth and suck. If you try anything, I'll cut off your fucking legs."
You hated this, you hated him. Slowly opening your mouth for Havik to enter. He let you do your thing. Giving him licks and sucking as much as you could, but Havik grew impatient, shoving his entire length down your throat.
"Mmph!" Tears pricked your widened eyes as the intrusion burned your throat. He began to throat fuck you, his fingers gripping onto your hair to keep you still.
"Oh fuckk." He growls, abusing your throat for his own pleasure. "Yeah this is good, I needed this." He throws his head back in ecstacy. Meanwhile you were internally begging for his ruthlessness to end.
Eventually he pulled out, finishing out of your mouth as he shoots his cum all over your face and body. He practically moaned at the sight.
Tears drenched your face, hair in disarray, and still dirtied from the previous battle. Havik tucks his cock away and he steps back to admire his work. "I'll come back later, but next time, it’s your pretty little heat that's gonna be fucked." He laughs. "And I'm gonna leave you out for display. Filled with cum so when your allies come and save you, they'll find you ruined and fucked out. A worse punishment than death. Humiliation."
You panted eyes watery as you listened to his words. He soon left you in that cell, naked and bleeding from your shoulder.
"Hurry...please..." You begged helplessly in your cell.
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╰┈➤ other kinktober 2023 mk1 works
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Dray is a work in progress, she's an old mk oc from when j was a kid and the highest I had access to was umk3, things will probably change with that out of the way I present you with my lil sorceress.
Her father gave her to qaun chi when she was a baby cause he didn't want a female heir and qaun chi wanted a sorceress with strong power and an affinity to raise the dead. Around this same time he got scorpion, while qaun chi doesn't know how to dad he's trying and asking Hanzo for advice to the point that Hanzo just kinda takes the child and shows him what to do, awkward dad hours. That being said when scorpion was freed and left qaun chi (see divorced) he took Dray with him cause awkward dad isn't the best for her. She ages slowly but during her time escaping and being dragged back she met rain.
They became friends, more on that later. One night she was practicing magic and got sucked into chaos realm and met havik, fast friends but with a touch of distrust. Four years there and two deaths later she finds out her mom was from there and she heals via cryomancy. She also learned how to hop between realms and she finally gets home to the fire gardens and Hanzo cries like the precious dad he is and not let her go for 7ish hours.
He then asks where she's been what she's been up to and how did she survive chaos realm.
She blanked and said mp3 player and Taylor swift and now haviks favorite artist.
She of course told him is the healing via cryomancy and dad was not happy but will accept it. She vibes but of course she decided to tell him that her training will continue in out world. To which she's grown now and it's not so scary with Kotal as Khan, she runs into rain again and offers him a safe haven cause he did that for her once apon a time ago. He's sceptical at first but enjoys her island and becomes a wonderful house husband so he doesn't exist now in mkx cause he's vibing on the island with her living dolls and the inhabitants of said island.
Hanzo and Qaun Chi hate her marring Rain, Raiden is against it but hey she's safe and Rain isn't causing problems. Speaking of problems she takes care of all things chaos realm. Or that Raiden and fujin can't handle.
She's a sweet but cautious girl that tries her best not to let her past define her. She becomes calmer the more she gets a handle on things, her best friend is Sub-Zero/Kuai for obvious reasons.
Her ship is Rain, though I might tweak something's and have it as havik sometimes.
Her family is Hanzo and the shirai ryu, she looks forward to jaquis wedding to her lil brother figure.
And her dream is to make peace in all but chaos realm and protect her family.
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That's it for now.
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