#// also hi uh i hope ya'll are doing well!
ofnghtfall · 2 years
someone pls give me more motivation to get on here because i miss Fiona a lot
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jinxthequeergirl · 1 month
The Ol Switcharoo (pt2)
Stan pines x reader /ford pines x reader
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Summary: Your family vacation lasted longer than expected. When you return home to Stanford, you realize quickly something wrong.
Warning: NONE
Hey! Just some housekeeping before you read on
☆Thanks for all the love ya'll it means bunches
☆this part is shorter do to me wanting to pace this better, but I hope yall enjoy none the less!
☆a few of ya'll asked to be tagged so I'm starting a tag list if you'd like to be included don't hesitate to ask
☆additionally I did have a Playlist for this specific series and if ya'll would like me to post the songs for it also lemme know
Stan felt himself freeze up, his heart race and mind go blank, why couldn't he think? Why couldn't he move?
He watched in horror as his brother floated up backwards through the air into the gaping hole in space and time.
"Do something!"
"What...what do i do!?" He asked meekly, looking around for something to help.he watched as parts of his brother slowly disappeared, and as he reached into his coat pocket and tossed something at him. "Hide my research...CALLL Y/N ANYTHING-"
Stan shielded his eyes as a bright white light filled the room and knocked him back onto the floor. The room was suddenly quiet.
"Ford!?...Ford! Come back!" He wasted no time to get back up and bang on the machine, hoping it would start back up like an old appliance. "Please!"
He raced to the lever a few feet away, desperately pulling and yanking at it, but it didn't budge.
"Stanford!?...Ford!? Are you home yet!?" The small coo of an unfamiliar voice snapped Stan from his nightmare.
"Hello!?" The voice echoed out again. He quickly got up, reaching for his only form of security. A baseball bat.
The voice had gone silent, but he could still hear someone moving he took a long pause, then opened the door swinging his bad.
He stopped swinging the bat and stared down at you.
"Call y/n! Anything-"
"Yes, it's me, Ford! I haven't been gone that long have i?"
He cleared. "No not at all we have some catching up to do."
You could tell there was something ford...well stan (you'd have to get used to the sudden name change) wanted to tell you while you sat across from him. Like he wanted to give you bad news. But he seemed to be thinking of the right way to put it.
"So..stan...what made you want to change from Ford to stan? Did your family have that much of an impact on you?" You tried to joke to lighten the tension that seemed to linger in the air.
"Well...something like that...listen y/n-"
"Are you OK? You seem...different you seem nervous...more nervous then when I left.." You placed your hand over top of his and offered a reasuring smile.
stan didn't know you...he had no right to lie to you. But Ford seemed to trust you and judging from the photo on his desk in the basement, how fondly he seemed to write about you in the journal...the scrapped drawings of you in the garbage you meant a whole lot more to him then stan could understand right now, you must have felt the same way about his brother.
He remembered how worried his brother had been in making sure he understood you were absolutely under no circumstances to not touch the journals or anything pertaining to it again.
"My closest friend y/n and I have been working on this project for months now...I should have listened to her but I didn't...I need you to get rid of this journal she can't be near any of this when she returns."
"Did something happen with the portal?...with that...creature? And what happened to your hands!" You said now, pulling both hands into yours to examine them.
Besides, you already seemed so worried. He couldn't be the one to break the news to you. Not now.
Besides, he had a plan.
Sort of.
So he did what he did best.
"Well...uh while you were away, I had a little accident. I had to get surgery...yea surgery, and the accident you know was from the portal...so I said, Forget the whole thing! "
He Tried to say it in a way that would convince even himself.
"Stanford, what do you mean? What happened? Are you just going to give up on everything we worked for?"
"I have to, I just need some time."
Neither of you noticed at first that you were holding hands as you spoke. Stan was the first to notice the closeness. It was the first time in what felt like years that anyone had shown him this kind of affection, let alone the kindness you were demonstrating with your concern.
"I don't know what happened while I was away or when you even had time for something to go wrong or why you would even start working again without me!" He noticed the slight annoyance building up and squeezed your hand.
And you took a breath. "But I understand and I won't pretend to know what happened and if you aren't ready to tell me I can respect that...things got a little rocky between us before I left and I'm really just hoping things can go back to the way they used to be with us. If a longer break and time is what you need... then I am 100% behind your decision."
He felt a wave of relief wash over him at your words. Maybe it wasn't your words but the kind-hearted look in your eyes, or maybe it was the way you still held his hands in yours.
You'd be the first two admit two things about your current situation.
One, Nostalgia was a funny thing. You knew when something was off about your bestfriend, the man infront of you was was a changed man, while his story didn't add up he looked shaken and defeated...after all this was the man you trusted with half your life. And you wouldn't lie, you had clung so desperately to the memories of college and spring through winter, it was that glimmer of hope and a mix of Nostalgia for your good times together that made you believe him.
And two, You always knew better then to trust your heart you and Ford would joke about the idea of following your heart and not your brain, how silly a concept it was that the organ that pumped blood through your body had such a pull on your decision making it made your thought process stop.
Yet here you where.
Following your heart.
"How about a few drinks and I can tell you about my trip?" You offered standing and being the first to break the lock between your hands. "And I can tell you about the plans I have for this place!"
"Sure! I mean, we aren't doing our science junk anymore, so we need to make money somehow, right?"
You set down two glasses.
You sat down, you listened to him explain how he had already done a few tours displaying whatever you had already had laying around and how people where eating it up.
"Stanford you've never been one for the gimmicky tricks, you've always cared more about the real deal...WE'VE been about the real deal...why lie to people?"
"Trust me y/n do a tour with me tomorrow try to show the people a real life monster and whatchamacallit and put it up against my made up creature."
You laughed. This wasn't what you had expected Stanford pines to spend his break away from work doing. It was out of character for him. But refreshing somehow.
Just like that, the seasons changed, and it was spring again
You learned quickly people didn't like the truth.
Real monsters and ghouls seemed to only upset or bother people so you and stan collaborated a way to make attractions that seemed real enough but also gimmicky enough that tourists would eventually laugh at it.
You learned pretty quickly that you were not only a pretty crafty person but an excellent storyteller.
You and Stanford seemed to almost pick up where you left off bonding and cracking jokes. It was like he was more confident than when you left him, more relaxed and full of life. You two fit right back into place with eachother with out missing a beat.
It's exactly what you'd been missing.
Soon, you were renovating half the house to be a showroom and giftshop, and soon after you were selling and wearing t shirts, you began putting up a sign. By the following summer, you were basically an operational business.
The mystery shack felt more like a brain child of you and Stanford and you cared for it like such.
It was something fun.
Something that didn't seem to be running Stanford down like the science stuff did. You could see a genuine smile on his face as he showed some local kid the corni-corn.
It was silly. You couldn't remember the last time you'd done something silly and adventurous.
It felt good.
"Another day another dollar y/n my dear." Stan said, flipping the open sign to close and placing his little red fez cap on top of your head.
"Soon enough, we'll have people from all over the place coming to get a piece of the mystery shack." He said, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, leading you back to the section of the Mystery shack that was still your shared home.
"Yea, we have a real Walt Disney start-up story, don't we stanford." He laughed loudly before suddenly getting serious.
"Listen. I wanted to say thank you for sticking with me through this. It means a lot."
"Of course, stanford." You reached up and planted a small peck on his cheeks. "We've been through everything together. I'm not going to stop now."
You could see stans face flush slightly as you stretched and yawned. "Anyways goodnight stanford."
"Uh yea...goodnight..." You heard him mumble as he touched his cheek where you kissed him.
Things where looking up.
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hwathinker · 7 months
"aww, why are you crying baby? come on, i'm gonna take a break now can i?"
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pairings ; best friend!yunho x fem!reader warnings ; i don't think there is.. (i'm joking.. there's cockwarming, blowjobs(?), petnames) just yunho being a tease and annoying.. i really love the cocky + nerdy concept on yunho ;) wn ; hey! i finally got a free time today, so i decided to spend it on writing something. i'll be taking requests by the way! i'm hoping to see some smutty reqs from ya'll hahaha
"come on y/n, its not that hard to memories these shit." yunho said, poking your head which was buried to the book you were supposed to read. you had spent over an hour in his apartment, just for a study session. you also promised yourself to study for real this time but i guess the tiredness and laziness in you held you back. you shook your head aggressively, making him stop touching you. "y/n, we have a really tight schedule and i know you know that. plus our presentation is in 3 days. spend your time studying so you won't have to struggle to go out with me." you shot your head up as soon as yunho mentioned about going out. your parents doesn't really let you go out unless you do something great in school. but with pleasing them by doing house chores, you know you could get out easily. well, not every time.
"ugh.. how many times do i have to read these?!" pointing at the open book, you looked at him. "if you really want me to memories this then how about you?" you held the book up close to your face, shooting your eyes up to him then at the book back to make sure he isn't peeking. yunho sighed, letting go of his pen and turning to you. he looked at the book title, making a face to remember something. "well, physics huh.. what page are you in?" he asked, shifting his body and putting his arm on the table so that he can rest his head on his fist with his cheeks. you quickly went to the first page, knowing that he doesn't pay that much attention on a first page of a book. "uh.. page one. i'm not telling you what it is though." you said, burying your head to the book once again and shifting you gaze between the book and yunho every 4 seconds. yunho smiled, pretending to remember what was on the first page. "physics is the natural science of matter, involving the study of matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force." you read what was on the page along with what he said, your eyes slowly going wide as he do.
"the fuck?! how in the earth did you remember every damn word in this one ass page?!" you slammed the green book on the table, going up close to him with rage in you. "i don't know, maybe i started to pay attention to the first page now. or maybe not, because i'm smart." he said, going back to his position and continue his revision. "or maybe.. you could help cover for me?" you said, leaning your head on the table as you puppy eyed him as you smile. yunho gave you a silent answer, which was a no. "come on yun, i know you like obeying me." you teased again, smiling ever so widely. "how about you study or i fuck that mouth off." he shift his gaze to you, placing down the pen under his palm.
you pouted, covering your face with your hand. yunho let out a small chuckle, grabbing you by your waist to get you more close. "i've never seen you this shy, y/n. you always fight back my teasings." he said, laying head head on the table too, close to your covered face. "i'd rather have a cock inside me for long enough than having to suck one that has a possibility of piss on it." you mumbled, hoping he won't hear a single thing when he's just right there, in front of you. yunho took your hand away from your face, meeting his eyes that was already staring at you. "do you want to try?" he bit his bottom lip, smiling lightly. you think, furrowing your eyebrows and pouting your lips. "i don't know. so you're hard?" you looked at his reddening face as your hand quickly went to his.. harden clothed dick. oh he is. yunho slaps your hand away quickly, holding them in his big ones. "suck it." he ordered, watching your smile grew wider. "why so needy? were you already planning this all along?" you said, shifting closer to him so there's no more space between the both of you. "sure. i'll do it. but you'll have to do a favor for me, too." you said again,getting up from the table and wait for him to strip. he stood up, sliding his sweats down and place them beside the table. but this time, he went to the sofa, sitting on it then leaning comfortably back while manspreading.
you looked at him with lust, his tongue going over his bottom lips, wetting them then biting them afterwards. he watches you walk towards him, your knee purposely hitting his crotch as you lean in to give his jaw a nice lingering kisses, to his lips. "how long have you been keeping this from me, hm?" you mumbled in the kiss, enjoying his taste. "ever since you appeared like a damn angel in front of me and decided to become my friend." he held your jaw with his hand, caressing them. you ran your hand from his bicep, down to his chest. gently touching every part as possible to make him shudder. you pulled away from the kiss, going down as he watches your every move. your tits, holding onto its dear life in the top you had. it looked like it want to pop out in any second you make a risky move. and your tight low rise jeans. ah, don't mention it anymore. he loves it when you wear that kind of clothes.
after you had took off his boxer, his dick sprung out, precum leaking to his base. "fuck, who are you going big for? me?" you said, grabbing his cock gently, kissing the pink aching tip. he hissed in pleasure, throwing his head back. "who else do i have to keep this dick for? of course it was for you, angel." oh god, that nickname has you every time. you licks his cock slowly, going down and fitting the whole base in your mouth. as you suck him off. him, on the other hand are sweating, tears started to form in that boy's eyes. he had his hands placed prettily under your chin so he has a better view while the other caress your hair ever so sweetly. he is this sweet when receiving a blowjob? oh you could do this everyday if it means he is. "mmh, such a good girl. other boys must not be this thick, right? i know you enjoy this so much, baby." he said in between moans, grunts. you swirl your tongue, making a popping sound when letting his cock go. he felt empty, and cold.
yunho pouted, watching his dick being held and watched by you. "y/n.. why did you do that? more please.." he begged, grabbing your free hand and holding them in his. "i want a favor back." you gently pump his cock, watching him biting his bottom lip. "what is it hm..?" he hummed, thinking about what you possibly want. you leaned and lay your cheeks on his cock, looking up to him. "i want you to cover for me for the presentation soon."
and that, you were being sat on his lap while he does his revision. your top thrown away even god don't know where, your jeans and red panties thrown at the sofa. now, you're being forced to sit on his dick that has cummed a few times because you moved a little. you were facing behind, hugging him so tightly, hoping to not make a certain move or he takes a break to play with your hardened tits again. i said, again. you shuddered at the feeling of his liquid constantly coming out and its touching your walls. "y/n baby, don't move please? i've said this a thousandth times already." as he put his pen down, he pulled you so that you're leaning on the edge of the table and facing him. "aww, why are you crying baby? come on, i'm can take a break now can i?"
hehe a small yunho smut for ya'll <3 i miss this man so much and have you seen his airport look? god damn i would devour every single inch of it. and have ya'll seen seonghwa's gianna boyfriend?? goshh if he's not putting a shirt on i'm gonna suck those tits LMAO lmk if theres any error guys.. and remember to drop some hot ass smut thoughts on my inbox please im beggin u
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Don't Hug Me Neighbor
《You and your friends find yourselves in a new Home.》
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《Inspired By: [post] [post], fan artists as well》
《Warnings: the subject matter this ARG has are potentially disturbing. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. Welcome Home was created by Clown @ partycoffin. DHMIS also obtains potentially disturbing content, be mindful.》
"I quite like this place!" Duck remarked, gazing through one of the opened windows from the house.
"Yeah, I do too, it's peaceful." Red Guy said, watching the sun rise from beyond the orange-colored sky of this new place.
You nodded at the two, settling yourself beside Yellow, asking him for his thoughts.
"I.. uh, I don't really know.." Yellow replied, the young boy yawns tiredly. His head rocking back and forth as he tries to stay awake with his family. You smile at Yellow, "well, let's explore later in the day, it's a bit early, isn't?" You said affectionately, picking up the puppet carefully as he snuggles into your neck.
"Hmp, I want to explore now." Duck whispers under his breath, but follows you and Yellow back to your rooms.
You pause, looking back at Red, asking him if he was gonna head back with you. Yet he remains silent, his focus on the outside world, much different from the one you all knew.
You tuck Yellow back in his bed, patting his messy blue hair before whispering reassuring words to see him when he woke up. Duck heads back into his bed as well, mumbling a sleepy "good-night".
You, however, don't go back to bed. Instead, creeping back downstairs to see Red still in the same place where you left him. His mind still elsewhere, hopefully somewhere happy, you hoped.
You open the fridge, clicking your tongue in distaste, peeved at the stains of blood decorating the inside. Opting to ignore it, you focus on a few items you needed to make a pleasant breakfast.
You were so thankful for the stove to be working today.
"I reckon if there's any coffee left," Red states, walking over to the fridge, but finding it empty.
"Is there?" Duck asks, looking through his crossword puzzle as Yellow happily munches on the crepes you made.
"Any in the pantry?" Red questioned you, watching you clean around the pantry door. "No, sorry. I guess will have to stalk up today for groceries."
"Oh yay! We- we can explore this place today!" Yellow cheered, Duck recoiled in disgust. "Close your mouth when you eat, it's rude to talk with your mouthful."
You throw away a red-color stained rag in the trash, coming over to Yellows side of the table. Wiping away the crumbs on his cheeks as Red brightens up at the idea of heading into the new environment.
"Yeah! It's evening now, I think we should be fine."
"Hmm, lemme finish this first," Duck says, looking over his puzzle. "What is a six-letter word for an action, but also a group of birds."
"It's a murder." Yellow says, you wince at the words, but dutifully take away the dishes from the table and place them in the sink.
"That can't be right..." Duck utters, scratching the tip of his pencil on his head.
"Can we please just cut away to the exploring bit, please."
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[Hiya! Thank you guys so much for such the positive comments! I need some more, I crave. Readings ya'lls reactions are the best and make it easier for me. Thanks! Art is always appreciated!]
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lutawolf · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 4
If you haven't read the others, they can be found here.
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Ahhh, nothing gets me going like a sub wearing what their Dom picked out. That subtle ownership. Why yes, I do pick out all my husband's clothes except the dreaded work clothes. I refuse to take the blame for those tacky things.
Right off, we can easily see that this is not an M/s situation. The fact that Segasaki is asking Yoh what he wants to do, tells us exactly what we need to know. Yoh is explaining what he is going to do. That is not something a slave would ever even think to do. We can easily tell that he is a subby sub though, cause when Segasaki brings out the Dom, Yoh eases back.
OMG, that chin grab! @bl-bam-beyond pretty please gif that chin grab.
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That chin grab with the "No." Ugh, how all my lovely subs doing? Are you still here? Have you been able to finish the show? Or are you stuck here on rewind?
Yoh actually questions Segasaki as to why not. Anybody still thinking Yoh a slave? Cause not to be rude, I can't fix stupid. This boy, a brat. Fuck, this whole scene is really showcasing their dynamic. "But we made a promise." "Tell her that you can't go anymore. Do it. Do you even know why you are in this house." And once again, we're back at the misunderstanding stage.
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A fangirl, I see. OMG, this is adorable. Yoh is like, sure. Let's look at the tie of my Dom, bestie.
Yoh calling with Segasaki standing over him. This episode is killing me in the best possible way. Don't revive me! (No! I have not taken my ADHD meds, don't judge me!) "I was ordered to stay home." Hahahaha! Then the ahhhh, after he tells her that he will make it up to her. Letting you know he was likely just punished by Segasaki. Yes, my mind went here.
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Then the reward of the head pat, "you did good."
She showed up to check on him! Woot! Haha, she is about to find out who is boyfriend is. Hahaha. I'm dying. Meanwhile, his boyfriend is like, "guess it's time for a face off." Ya'll I'm not okay. I'm laughing so hard.
And Yoho stepped over a line and got put in his place. But he is too busy having a crisis to care! 🤣🤣🤣 Her face is my favorite.
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That effortless lie. He wasn't feeling well. Uh huh. I love these two dumbass friends. I need sake too!!! I'm dying. Shit, I can't breathe through the laughter.
Now it's Yoh's turn to be jealous. Ahh, he got drunk and fell asleep on the floor. The places we find comfortable when we are drunk.
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Nope, he doesn't want to go to the bed. I love the outer dialogue we are getting. I really enjoy that we get Yoh's side of things and from his perspective, but this rounds it out a bit for me.
And look at that beautiful smile when Segasaki finds out she's married. "Are you in your rebellious phase." Does this sound familiar to certain people whom I will not mention by name!?! Hmmm! Brats! Stop breaking my heart! Make him stop Segasaki, make him stop!
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Fuck, I love these two so much. Everything he is describing is very much a Brat Tamer. Bossy but gentle. Controlling but caring. Charming and unreasonable. Brat Tamer.
The way his squishes Yoh's face! Ahhh, these two are gonna kill me!
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"It would be nice if you stayed drunk forever." Because of the honesty. Segasaki likes Yoh's quirks, but he also wants the honesty and the connection.
I need the curry story now! But apparently, I must wait. Heavy sigh.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know in the tags if you did. 💜💜💜 See you next time.
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sulumuns-dootah · 9 months
25.12. Satan - Letter to Santa (18+)
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A/N: We've finally made it to the kings! Two kings a day and a smut for each. This is my special treat for ya'll! ^^
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
₊˚⊹.* The Yule festival of Hell *.⊹˚₊
‎‧₊˚✧ 18+ Minors Do Not Interact‎ ✧˚₊‧
'Y/N, can you come see me in my room? It's about your letter.' a message from Satan pops up on your phone and the blood in your veins runs cold. Not that letter. The letter that you wrote while shitfaced thanks to Paimon taking you out for a girls' night. The one that you thought was funny to address to Satan instead of Santa. Or at least you thought in that state that it was funny. The letter that you thought was somehow destroyed after you wrote it, but don't remember that happening due to your blackout.
So the letter made its way to him. This probably wouldn't be as horrifying if you actually remembered what you wrote in it. Or maybe worse. Either way he's read it and now you're considering surrendering yourself to angels. Angelification can't hurt worse than the embarrassment of facing Satan after he's found out your inner fantasies about him. What if they're too much even for him? Will you be cast out into Abaddon for being too kinky?
The whole walk to Satan's room is like being led to execution. It will most likely be like one too. The demons you meet along the way look indifferent.
Finally you arrive tot he doors into Satan's bedroom. You reach out for the handle but before actually making a contact with it, your hand stops. You're unsure. Maybe you can still run away to Paradise Lost and change your name. He surely won't be able to find you there.
“Oh for fucks sake, just come in. I'm not gonna bite your head off.” a voice from the other side booms. He knows you're here. So there is no way out of this other than to go forward. You take a deep breath and open the door.
Satan is sitting on his bed with the letter opened beside him. When his eyes land on you he's immediately sporting his smirk. So far so good. His legs are slightly spread apart. Definitely intimidating at all.
“So what did you want?” you meekly ask, not moving away from the door that's now closed even though you don't remember closing them.
“Yeah, about that. Come sit.” he pats one of his thick thighs and spreads his legs even further apart. A growls leaves him when you don't immediately respond to his request and he's quick to close the distance. Picking you up he returns to the bed and sets you on his thigh.
“Now, where were we?” he reaches for the letter next to him and holds it up with one hand while the other is around your waist as to ensure you don't run away. The letter is even worse than you've imagined. Your writing is messy and some of the words are just scribbles. There are also some lipstick kisses. You don't even remember wearing lipstick that night a all.
“So in your letter you wrote some interesting things-”
“Satan, I was drunk. Paimon took me out drinking and I must've drank way too much.” you cut him off, hoping to make him go easier on you.
“Oh, so you don't mean any of these things, then? Or did the alcohol only help you loosen up to admit to these fantasies?” his red eyes are mischievously glowing at you.
“It uh...” you don't want to admit, that it's the other option and you did want to do things with Satan. Why are you even so anxious? Knowing him he'd most likely be down. Coem to think of it, you've never seen him turn down steamy offers from other demons.
“Aw, too shy? Here, let me help you.” Satan chuckles and throws the letter to his side. His now free hand quickly grasps your thigh and makes you straddle his lap. You heart starts beating in your chest as well as somewhere else.
“W-what are you doing?” you squeak out and slightly instinctively wiggle your hips.
“I'm only doing what you've told me you want to do in your letter. Do you want me to read it out loud to refresh your mind?” he says holding your chin in his hand while the other moves who knows where.
“I... You don't mind it?” you whisper, being well aware your face must be red.
“No, in fact was about to jerk off to the scenario, but I figured you'd like to partake too. It's your fantasy, afterall. ” he shrugs and chuckles. His words go straight to your clit at this point.
You blink a bit to fully process what has just happened and Satan uses this as an opportunity to attack your neck with bites and kisses. The way his sharp fangs graze your neck make you dizzy and so you try to anchor yourself in his hair by tangling your hands in it. Soon enough your hands are near the base of his horns and you can't help but to tug on the hair around it, which makes him growl and grow inside his pants.
Your hips automatically start grinding down on him and he responds with small thrusts to meet you. His head rises from your neck and you can see how flushed he is. You tug his hair harder to tilt his face up and he moans only to be silenced by your lips. The hands which were previously on your hips now work on undoing your clothes.
You top is the first to go and you try to make him equal by undoing the zipper on his overall and taking off his t-shirt. His muscles are so perfectly sculpted underneath and now they're flexing underneath your touch and only for you. You can't help but scratch his pecks to mark them as yours and Satan moans in response. The red marks seem to get only redder and redder by the second.
“Nngh.. I can't wait anymore..” Satan growls and tears your pants clean off alongside your underwear. He's breathing heavily as he's sheds the sleeves of his overall and pushes it low enough to be able to free his cock. The shape and color of it is just so enticing. You're quick to position yourself and have it enter you. This has to be the best dick you've had and he's only pushed inside.
As if Satan can feel your excitement, he starts slamming you onto him with barely any work from your side. His hands envelop your waist and hold you close so he can bury his face in your tits and leave lovebites all over them.
Reaching back to your anchoring point, you return your hands into his hair around the base. This time you also dare to stroke the base itself, which makes Satan dig his claws into your body, giving you the most pleasant pain you've ever experienced.
Satan bites and sucks one of your nipples, making you squeal. If he wants to play like that, then why not. You reach higher from the base of his horns higher and start slowly stroking them. This causes Satan to howl and start slamming you onto him with even more force and at faster speed.
Neither of you are able to last longer with the others actions and so the two of you come almost simultaneously from the pain and pleasure. After a short while of the both of you catching your breaths Satan speaks up with a slight chuckle: “Now, about the other fantasies you've mentioned in your letter...”
But wait, this demon also has a gift for you!
"Seeing how much you enjoy pain from me, maybe we should experiment and maybe I'll let you use it on me, hm?"
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wildlife4life · 9 months
foaming at the mouth over the nfl au ❤️
I am honestly gobsmacked at how popular NFL Buck is considering American Football isn't the most popular around these parts. So I will never deny sharing a snippet of a much beloved fic. Here is a bit from the Ocean's 911 arc.
Eddie tries his damndest not to squirm under Hen and Chimney's annoyed glares. He shouldn't have said a word. He should have lied and said something along the lines of 'Yea my house was searched too. Was up all night cleaning.' But nope. He was honest to a fault and possibly now considered a traitor. "Why pray tell were you excluded from the search warrant?" Hen asks with a slight scowl. He clears his throat and looks anywhere but towards his fellow firefighters, "I have a good lawyer." Correction, Buck has a good lawyer and the moment he heard about the police wanting to question Eddie, Kameron's car was booked. "Uh huh. The blonde in the Armani pants suit and killer stilettos?" Hen questioned. "Mmhm. Her names Kameron Kane. Do you um, want her card? She could probably help the rest ya'll out." That earned another scowl from Hen and a snort of discontent from Chimney, "Pretty sure we can't afford the same lawyer that represents several professional athletes and other millionaires." Chim remarks. Eddie winces and grips his coffee cup tighter. Kameron was well known now a days, but when Eddie first met her, she had literally barged her way into Buck's room, drunk and bawling her eyes out about Connor, Buck's roommate at the time. She was only a first year law student and didn't even blink at seeing the future NFL star naked in bed with another man. Just stuck her clammy hand out, when she did notice Eddie and said, "I'm Kameron, Connor's-whatever. How the hell did Buck score you?" And became one of their closets friends. Evan hired Kameron the moment she passed the bar and immediately fired the lawyer on Maddie's self-defense case, replacing his misogynistic ass with Kameron. She won, made Maddie a national icon, and insured every dollar of Doug's estate went to the brave woman. Kameron's been building her empire ever since and she was a glaring link between him and Evan Buckley. So he really hoped his co-workers don't follow it to back to the quarterback. "Sorry. Honestly she told them that I really don't have much of a motive." Translation: The detectives found out during their investigation that Eddie was Evan Buckley's partner and robbing a bank for the amount of money that was missing was barely a drop compared to Buck's income. As for the diamonds, more than affordable for the millionaire quarterback (just look at Maddie's jewelry collection). The detectives probably also kept their search warrants away from Eddie after Kameron threatened to sue the entire department if even minute whisper about Evan's private relationship got out. Police showing up to the quarterback's home to search it would have been much louder.
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breanime · 2 years
Since I hear you’re lacking in the Buck gif department
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I will probably (read: definitely) send more
"And there she is," Chim cheered as you walked into the firehouse, "our new full-time firefighter!"
You laughed as Chim, Eddie, Hen, Ravi, and Bobby clapped as they stood in front of the firetrucks. "Thanks, guys!" You had just finished the last of the paperwork to go from a probationary firefighter to full-time, and the squad couldn't be prouder of you.
Except the whole squad wasn't there. You didn't see Buck.
Hiding your slight disappointment, you let the others congratulate you, your head on a swivel, looking for a sign of Buck.
"Alright," Bobby announced, his voice loud and clear, "Let's get you situated!"
"Huh?" You turned to him, and as you turned, Ravi plopped a helmet on your head. "Oh!"
"Alright, newly minted 118 firefighter," Chim sang, "Let's get you in your gear."
Again, a laugh escaped from you as your team--well, most of them--fully got you in gear.
"And here's the most important part," Eddie stepped up, clipping your radio onto your lapel, he stepped back, grinning proudly at his work, "Hope this works."
"Hope what works--" you asked, but then you were interrupted by your radio hissing, and then a voice, clear and loud, came through the feed.
"Congratulations!" Buck's voice filled your ears. "We're so proud of you!"
You pressed the button to speak back. "Buck?" You chuckled. "Where are you?"
You could practically hear the smile in his voice, "Look up."
You did. Buck was standing on the balcony, a huge grin on his face, smiling down at you as he pulled his radio closer to his face, "You look good."
Your cheeks grew warm, and you laughed as the team cooed and teased you both. They all knew you and Buck had... a thing, and after a few rounds of paperwork and a couple of talks with Bobby, well... The thing between the two of you was starting to become... more than a thing. You grabbed hold of your radio, eyes never leaving Buck, and responded, "10-4 Buckley," you grinned, "and right back at'cha."
Buck's answering grin made your heart flip. His smile was your favorite thing to see, and his happy voice was your favorite thing to hear.
You had it bad.
The radio buzzed again, and Buck leaned over the railing as he spoke, "How about a drink tonight, just you and me?"
"Okay," Hen chuckled, shaking her head, "if ya'll are about to get all cutesy in here, I'm out."
"Actually," Ravi spoke up, a finger in the air, "I should go too, I need to, um, work on some... things..." He nodded, "Yeah, so... Congrats again, Y/N!"
You barely registered him scurrying off, your attention still on Buck.
"Yeah, I've got some... stuff on the truck to check," Eddie said, already walking off.
"Mm hmm," Bobby gently pushed Chim away, "Let's get back to work while these two... do whatever this is."
"We should get those two their own channel on the comms," Chim said as they walked off, "I mean, I love a rom-com as much as the next guy, but come on..."
You giggled to yourself, at both the way your flirting cleared the room and also that boyish grin on Buck's face. "Drinks, you and me tonight," you confirmed on the radio, seeing the smile widen on Buck's face, "and what about... breakfast?" You asked. "Tomorrow morning?"
You watched as Buck's eyes widened, and then he was running down the stairs and in front of you in seconds, "YES," he breathed out, chest rising with the effort it took to move that quickly, "So, uh..." He grinned again, and you could see the joy and anticipation in his bright eyes, "...It's a date."
You grinned back, taking a step closer to him, "Yeah...
...it's a date."
Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think! I'm still new to writing Buck and the Firefam, so let me know how I did, please!
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annymation · 6 months
What things annoyed and infuriated you the most in Wish 2023 (or Canon!Wish)?
OOOOH BOY! You just gave me permission to open a whole can of worms! Let's gooo!
Okay so here's a list:
I don't like how weak the reveal of what Magnifico actually does is. Asha finds out that he doesn't grant all the wishes, awesome, that would be a cool reveal, except, it's not a reveal, she freakin KNEW THIS! Asha herself said to a kid "It could be you someday" COULD! Asha, you said COULD, as in, there's the POSSIBILITY he'll grant that kid's wish, not a certainty! Not to mention if he only grants ONE wish per month then OF FREAKING COURSE not all wishes are granted. Okay, case in point, there's no grand reveal that the king is doing something no one knew, Asha apparently just forgot how their kingdom works.
Now hear me out, I am NOT one of those people that says Magnifico is a hero and Asha is a villain, I wanna make this clear, because although I find people who legit think like that kinda funny and I reblog their takes from time to time, I also find it frustrating that Disney managed to make a STRAIGHT, WHITE, MAN, IN A POSITION OF POWER, MORE LIKABLE THAN THEIR SECOND BLACK PROTAGONIST! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? IT'S SO EASY TO MAKE US HATE HIM!!!-ahem- But, although Magnifico is the most likable character in the movie, I do not see him as a hero, no no no, keeping the wishes away from the people of Rosas is bad, pretending that he'd grant Sabino's wish only to say SIKE was bad, saying he'd never grant Asha family's wishes was bad. So, am I saying Magnifico is a villain?... No. That's topic number 2, Magnifico wasn't a villain, he was a jerk. A jerk does not a villain make. I didn't feel threatened by that man for not a single minute, and that's including when he was possessed by the evil book, speaking of which.
That dang book both ruined and saved the movie honestly, because yeah, although it's a stupid way to make Magnifico an actual villain, but in a way that makes us sympathize with him since he's not in his right mind, and the last thing you want is for the audience to feel bad for your villain... Well, there's exceptions of course, but that's a whole other subject. But even though the book caused all this damage, it also gave us King unhinged, campy, straight up evil, fruity, voiced by Chris Pine having the time of his life Magnifico, and I loved every second of it, I ate possessed Magnifico up, I was living for every cringe cliche evil dialogue that came out of him, like hell yeah, that's what I've been waiting for, that's what it's all about WOOOOOO!!! I loved him so much I just copy pasted his personality into the Magnifico in my rewrite, although, my version is actually willing to kill teens, while Canon Mag seemed more hesitant for some reason, my headcanon is that Magnifico was fighting the curse deep down, and that's why his magic actually didn't hurt anyone, so... That's sad, hope he breaks out of the mirror and kills them all Idk
We're on topic 4 and this is not even half of my problems oh my... Anyway, Asha is boring. And I mean like, in a way that feels intentional, how did they do it? It's fascinating how she has nothing going for her, she doesn't stand out, doesn't have any internal conflicts at the start of the movie, something ALL Disney princesses have: Belle doesn't fit in with her village, Mulan struggles to make her family proud, Mirabel struggles to make her family proud x10.000, Moana wants to explore the sea but can't, Ariel wants to explore the land but can't, Jasmine wants to get out of the castle but can't, Cinderella is a victim of domestic abuse, ya'll get the idea, all these girls get their struggles that make them compelling, what's Asha's struggle that has been with her for most of her life?... Uh... Her grandpa, this dude we just met and seems pretty happy... Doesn't have his wish granted yet... Ok, what else? Oh yeah everyone in town seems to love her and dance along with her to show tourists how cool the kingdom is... Uhum... So yeah she has no compelling struggles that hook us with her from the start, and the conflict she DOES get, as I explained before, feels underwhelming.
The setting, oh the setting. Like, don't get me wrong, the architecture is pretty, but nothing about it screams SPAIN to me, where is the cultural food? Where are the bulls? Where's the stuff we associate with the Iberian Peninsula? They did such a good job in Encanto, what the heck happened? Oh and did I mention that most of the animals that appear in the forest are not even native to the Iberian Peninsula, there would be no racoons in a medieval setting there, considering they're an invasive species that was brought there from North America, something that, I assume, wouldn't be possible back then, as I don't think the americas were even discovered yet, but anyway, there they are, racoons hanging upside down from their tails, something they can't even do. Sorry for expecting biology accuracy from my disney movie guys, but you can't just make Encanto, that was freaking amazing with it's inclusion of so many gorgeous latin American animals, and then do whatever Wish is, like bruh where were the Lynxes??? They're an endangered species there, Disney could've raised awareness!!!
The music...
Valentino was absurdly annoying, and it would be SO EASY to make a baby goat cute! Baby. Goats. Are. Cute. SO WHY DID YOU MAKE HIM UNFUNNY GOAT THAT MAKES BUTT JOKES???
Characters were unmemorable, Asha's mom didn't do anything, Sabino, whose supposed to be the backbone of the story, is barely a character, and again, it's not like Disney hasn't made likable elderly people before, Moana's grandma, Mama Coco, but my guy Sabino was just... There.
Aaaand I probably could go on and on but I can't think of anything else, feel free to share your own problems with the movie yall.
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tangerinesgf · 1 year
Happy Birth- Father's Day??
Clint Barton x Fem!reader
Summary: reader tells Clint that she's pregnant on his birthday. (Not MCU Canon at all)
Tags/warnings: mentions of pregnancy, hints at an asshole dad, fluff, cute stuff, bit of bickering, hints at smut but nothing happens
A/n: this was suposed to be for Clint's Birthday yesterday which also happened to be fathers day. But I got busy and only finished it today, oops. Anywaaayy hope ya'll like it.
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“You know what day it is today?”
You can see the surprise on Clint’s face while he turns around to face you as you practically burst into the room he was just working in. “The 18th?”
“Well yeah, Captain Obvious I got that.” You say, rolling your eyes playfully.
“Then why did you ask me?”
“It’s not about the date, it’s about what we’re celebrating today.” There is this teasing look in your eyes that he can’t quite place, you’re definitely up to something.
“My birthday?” He sounded unsure, as if he might have confused his birthday with another date.
“Yeah that too, but there’s something else happening today.”
“Celebrating my amazing existance isn’t enough for you?” He chuckles.
“Ofcours it is, baby,-” You give him a quick kiss on the cheek “-but this is the rare occasion where these two things are happening on the same day and I gotta take advantage of that.”
“Alright so.. what’s today then?”
“It’s father’s day!” You say with a little more excitement than probably necessary.
“Honey, you know I don’t celebrate that.” Clint’s face falls a little at the mention of it. “My dad was.. well my dad and as far as I can tell there’s no kid running around here.”
“Well.. what if there was?”
Clint looks confused at first, but when it finally hits him his eyes move from you stomach to your face over and over again as if asking the question with his eyes. There’s a bright smile on your face as he starts to realize what the reason for your weird behavior is.
When his eyes finally stick to your face he looks at you with wide eyes that are almost puppy-like. You’ve never really talked about when you would like children, hell the two of you hadn’t even discussed if it was a thing you should do in the first place. But Clint couldn’t deny that there had been moments where he’d imagined a little boy or girl running around in the garden with a toy bow and arrow.
“You.. uh.. you’re pregnant?” You spotted a little gleam of hope in his eyes, as if he wasn’t exactly sure this was happening, but really wanted it to.
“Mhm” You nod. Your face is practically glowing with excitement as you wait for him to react. Sure a part of you was also nervous, what if he didn’t want to be a dad? What if he was scared to end up like his own dad? Were you even ready to be a mom? All these questions had spooked through your mind before, debating on how to tell him this news.
But as you were standing here and you slowly watched your man’s face light up at the confirmation that you were indeed expecting a little kid, all those worries fell off your shoulders.
Clint Barton had never been a man of many words. So he didn’t need any to tell you how happy he was when he basically ran up to you and embraced you in a hug, spinning the both of you around the room.
When he finally let you go, it took you a while to find your footing again and Clint had to steady you to prevent you from falling over. Before you could fully find your balance again, he pulled you in for a kiss. Not the usual quick kiss that you’d give each other before going to bed or when you woke up in the morning. No, this one was long, deep and passionate and told you more than all the words in the world could have.
After the need for air became too strong he finally pulled away, only to look into your eyes with that same sense of affection for you, a bright smile on his face. “So this is really happening? I’m gonna be a dad?”
You nod again. “And an amazing one at that.”
“You really think so?” He asks with a hopeful gleam in his eyes and you can tell he’s not so sure about that.
“I do. You are a good man, Clint Barton, and any kid would be lucky to have you as a father.”
“You have no idea how much that means to me, darling.” He places his hands carefully on your stomach and looks deep into your eyes. “And you.. are gonna be the most wonderful mother, you know that? We’d be lucky if the little one is even half as amazing as you are.“
A slight blush spreads across your cheeks at the compliment and you give him another kiss on the lips. “We’re gonna do great, baby. I mean look at all the other kids. Kate, Wanda and Pietro turned out pretty good.”
“They are not my kids.” He insists.
“You keep saying they’re not, but they kinda are.” You remember not even a few weeks ago when Clint had taken Kate to the dentist because she had to have her wisdom teeth removed and took care of her every need afterwards.
“They’re a pain is my ass, that’s what they are.”
“Maybe.. but you love them anyway.” You point out.
“Yeah, but don’t tell them that.”
Clint may act tough, but you know that underneath there is one of the kindest men you’ve ever met. He’d never actually tell them he loves them, but they know he does, his actions show that more than enough.
You raise your hands up in defeat. “Fine, but you better give them a ‘thank you’.”
“For what?” He looks at you with puzzled eyes.
“They made you a cake.”
“And they didn’t burn the kitchen down?” He exclaims.
You give him a slight nudge on the shoulder. “Be nice, they put a lot of effort into this.”
“Fine.. but you’re tasting it first.”
“No way! I’m pregnant, it’s your birthday, you eat it.” As much as you loved those kids, you didn’t entirely trust their baking skills not to kill you yet, especially with that mentality of ‘who needs a recipe’.
He chuckles and then takes a deep breath as if preparing himself for whatever the three of them cooked up. “I’m gonna have to endure 9 months of this now, am I?”
You hum in acknowledgement. “Yep, but you love me anyway.”
“Hmm.. that I do.” He pulls you in for another kiss before the two of you start walking towards the kitchen where the cake is waiting for you.
“You know, I can’t wait to see you all fat and bloated.” He says, a cheeky grin on his face as he looks at your still mostly flat stomach.
“See.. you claim you love me, but then you say stuff like that and it makes me wonder if you really do.” You chuckle.
You let out a yelp as Clint suddenly lifts you up from the ground and into his arms, bridal style. He turns around and starts walking into the opposite direction of the kitchen.
“I’ll show you how much I love you.” There’s a grin on his face and you know exactly what he’s planning as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck.
“What about the cake?”
“Cake can wait, wanna taste you first.”
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A/n: would love to know if you liked it, so don't hesitate to leave me a comment. They really motivate me. I don't have a taglist for Clint yet, but if you wanna be tagged in any Clint fics I write, lemme know!! Love ya'll <3
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 month
Sober buddies Chapter two: Email chains and party facts
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Summary: Y/n is new at college and trying to find a footing in everything. When she meets a guy who introduces her to something that could really help find her path.
warnings: Swearing, Alluding to SA, Y/n getting hurt
WC/ 3.029k
AN/ Hey Ya'll welcome to my series I'm so excited to make this series. So it will use some plot lines from season six but a lot will change including CJ but his key character notes will still be there. Without further ado enjoy Sober buddies.
I got the divider from
Firefly Graphics
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Friends…I haven’t had one in a while. Jack, Jen, Joey, Pacey, even Audrey, and I had become quick ones. I just hope I won't mess up these friendships too. Joey was going through the ringer right now. I know how it feels. She and Dawson always seemed to have something pulling them apart from what I've been told about their previous years as friends.
I went out to get some coffee and doughnuts hoping that would cheer her up. “Hi, can I please get three americanos and some chocolate glazed doughnuts?” I told the underpaid employee. 
“Yeah, sure.” I reached into my pocket, pulled out a twenty, and handed it to her. Her face lit up. “Thank you!” 
“No problem. Thank you, and have a great day!” I was mostly focused on the coffee and food that I almost ran into with my sober buddy. “Hey CJ, what’s up?” He looked down at the close mess in my hands. 
“Coffee, it looks like it needs some help?” 
“Oh my gosh yes please!” I handed him the coffee. 
“Where we heading?” 
“My dorm,” I happily replied. We walked and the morning air was still a little crisp and the sunlight was hitting the trees to make pretty shadows on the sidewalk. 
“So, are you excited to start training?” CJ asked me as I was a little distracted by the lighting. 
“Yes I am, it's also going to be good to be away from Audrey and all her dramatic flair. I mean, she’s great but it's like looking through a mirror sometimes.” 
“What do you mean by that?” CJ asked and I realized what I said and tried to backpedal. 
“Uh, you know, girls being girls.” Ok, that was not a very good response. “So who’s training me?” I try to distract both of us. It works. 
“Me.” I stop in my step. 
“That’s awesome!” I excitedly say. 
“You get happy easily, don’t you?” CJ half commented and half asked me with a chuckle. 
“Is that a bad thing?” I hope it wasn’t- it’s kind of what I’m betting on I thought. 
“No no, it’s kind of refreshing.” We had already arrived at my dorm. I stopped to look at him and to think about his response- no one had said that to me before. I looked around and it seemed, for just a second, time stood still. 
“Well, thanks for the help and I’ll see you tomorrow,  ok!” I grabbed the coffee and went into the room, pushing him out. 
“You’re wel-” I closed the door. It was getting a little too… real.
The sight I walked into was sad. Joey was hunched over her laptop, agonizing over this email to Dawson that she hadn’t even sent. I put down the drinks and food, walked over and turned off her computer. 
“Wha- Y/N!” Joey whipped around. 
“Joey, you have been staring at that screen for two hours, the entire time I’ve been gone, and you still have only ‘Dear Dawson’ written. You need a break.” I picked up her doughnut and coffee and handed them to her in her baffling state. “Which is why I got you these.” She breathes in deeply. 
“You’re right, thank you Y/N.” 
I sit down on my bed and turn to Joey. “So, now you have caffeine and food. You want to tell me why you haven’t sent the email yet?” I finished by sipping my coffee. Joey sighs looking into her cup almost wishing she could drown in it. 
“I’m stuck.” 
“Why?” She gets up and starts to pace back and forth. 
“Because of the way we left things were so awkward and I just wanted to scream and hug him at the same time.” I patted the seat next to me and she sat down. 
“It sounds like you know what to say.” Joey looks puzzled. “Joey, Dawson is one of your best friends. Whatever is in that email, at least you have gotten it out. I'm sure he’s stressing out over a similar email to you.” She seems unsure. “You can always blame me if it goes wrong.” I joked as I bumped her. She smiled at that. 
“Thank you Y/N, you’re a pretty great friend.” 
“You are too, Joey.”
That night as I was closing my eyes, my mind was active. My life is going pretty great! I have friends that like me, a job I help people with, a guy that is-
I screamed as I tumbled out of bed causing Audrey to wake up too. “WHAT IS IT? EARTHQUAKE- A FIRE?!” I responded as I was half asleep and panicked disorderly grabbing my robe. 
It was Joey who screamed at me. “No, nothing like that!” I paused to look at her. 
“Then why the Hell the military wake-up call!?” Her face was red from being embarrassed. 
“I sent the email to the whole school!” My eyes went wide as Audrey replied. 
“Well, why did you do that, sweetie?” 
“Audrey! Not helping!” I told her over my shoulder. She grubbles and falls back down with a flop. 
“I don’t know what to do!” She sat down throwing her hands in her face. 
“Okay, this is what we do: we ignore it.” She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. 
“Y/N! What do you mean, ignore it!?” 
“Well, it’s not like everyone knows you so maybe you can get away with it?” I tried to help but honestly, she would just have to face the music.
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Thankfully I hadn’t heard about the email, but to be fair, I hadn’t been in a lot of classes. I walked into The Stand building and saw CJ sitting on a desk looking over some papers. He was so focused on it that he didn’t see me enter. 
“What are we looking at?” I slide right next to him. 
“Y/N! You startled me.” He put his hand over his chest as if I caused a heart attack. 
“Sorry, I thought you saw me.” 
“It’s okay. I’m looking over a few practice questions to ask you.” 
“Great, I’m ready!” He smiles at my enthusiasm and sits down in the chair. 
“Okay, question number one….” 
It had been about an hour into our session ten questions in and I had been nailing all of them. “Wow Y/n you’re a natural at this,” CJ exclaimed. 
“Really?” He nods his head agreeably. 
“You will be answering phones in no time.” I blush and try to hide by turning my head down when my ears peak an interesting conversion. 
“CJ- give me one sec, okay.” I didn’t even let him answer before I overheard another conversation and listened in. 
“I mean, did you see that email? It’s so pathetic.” A redheaded girl was sitting on a desk laughing at her boy-toy whose eyes were going right up her skirt. 
“Yeah, it’s so pathetic haha,” He mindlessly responded. Of course, he didn’t have an original thought. The only thought he did have was what was below the waistline. “I mean who writes about sex like that.” She laughed again and this time her laugh really irritated my ears. 
“Hey guys!” I walked over to them, taking a friendly approach- maybe I could go about this peacefully. The redheaded girl looked me up and down and scoffed. 
“What the fuck do you want loser?” My eyes widened at that and CJ turned his head to hear that. 
“Linsey!” Even the boy-toy was surprised at her response. CJ walks over quickly ready to defend me. 
“CJ- it’s okay, I got this,” I said to him making sure that he didn’t get too mad. He steps back but is disgruntled. I turn back to Linsey. 
“It was Linsey, right?” She gets up off the desk and in front of me. 
“Yeah, what’s it to you?” 
“Well, I’m just wondering why you’re making fun of a girl that you don't even know when you’re working at a helpline. Seems kind of hypocritical, don't you think?” Lindsey is left speechless and her face turns beat red. 
“I- You-” She stomps out. “Ryan let’s go!” She yelled after him. 
“So, you doing anything after this?” The guy tried so smoothly to ask me. 
“RYAN! LET’S GO!” She yelled after him. 
“I think your owner is calling for you,” I responded and his F-boy smile disappeared. 
“Whatever bitch, you could have had all this.” I now scoff at him. 
“Yeah, if all it takes for you to stay is an open invitation to someone’s legs who makes fun of strangers like that, then I think I’m good.” I nod at him. He goes running after Linsey. “Sorry CJ about that, what was the next question?” I walked back over to him and he was just staring at me. “What is it?” 
He shakes his head, “Nothing, you just seem to surprise me every time we meet, Y/N.” He finishes with a smile. 
“Well, I have to keep you on your toes somehow.” We just laughed at my joke and I’m left with this feeling of…comfort that I hadn’t felt in a while. It's nice.
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A couple of days have passed, and luckily the email talk died down a little. I didn't tell Joey about Linsey because it would have just made things worse for her. I was studying when Audrey came running into the room. 
“Y/N what are you doing?” I looked at the book and then back at her we really needed to work on context clues. 
“Studying, Audrey, which you should be doing too. We have a test next week.” She comes right next to me. 
“Y/N, all you do is study.” 
“Not true… I eat too.” I chuckled at my own joke Audrey did not. 
“It is the biggest party of the year! You’re coming!” Before I have time to reject she grabs my book and locks it in her chore.
“You will get it back at the end of the night.” She saw my disappointed downfall look and got to my level. “You need some fun, Y/N, you are twenty-two; the books will be there tomorrow, but tonight will not.” I thought about it, Audrey was right. I needed to let loose- hopefully the loud music and friends would help that. 
“Okay, I’ll go.” Audrey claps in happiness.
“You’re not going to wear that are you?” I look down at my simple outfit. 
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing- nothing, you look great!” Audrey responds in a not-so-sure voice.
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We had gone into a bar to meet up with Jack and Jen. “Hey guys.”
“Hey.” Audrey goes to call Pacey while the three of us chat. Suddenly, Audrey comes back to us with a sad face. 
“I think I’m going to go home guys.” Jen and I both look at each other as if to say: really. 
“Audrey, the whole reason I came out was because of you.” I took her hand in mine and gave her a small smile. 
“Pacey can’t come out.” I now understood the change-up from her party mood, things between Pacey and Audrey have been strained to say at least. 
“I’m sorry, but we can still have fun, isn’t that right guys?” I called out to Jack and Jen. Jen grabs Audrey’s other hand. 
“Yeah, I want to forget my troubles like a typical college girl, dance on tables screaming ‘Whoo whoo’ and it will be all for nothing if I don't get reminded of it in ten years by you.” She gripped Audrey’s hand. 
“Alright, you’ve convinced me.” I jump in excitement. 
“Yes! Okay, all hands in!” We all put our hands in. “1,2,3!” Our hands fly up in the air of the promise of a fun night.
The four of us were just walking to the party when I realized that I didn’t know where the party was. “Uh, guys, do we even know where the party is?” I asked out loud to the three of them. They all shrug their shoulders. “So we are just wandering around.” I laughed at the situation as we crossed the street. 
“Ohh…ohh! I think I know where the party is, I think it’s in that house down the alley next to that free food bin store.” I was puzzled by that. 
“Audrey, that's a grocery store. You are supposed to put the food in the little baggies and pay for them.” 
“Really?” She questioned when she was walking backward and then ran into someone. “Pacey?” 
The party was what you think a college party is, loud, bright, and dark somehow at the same time filled with tons of drunk people. Audrey was going on about how Pacey was not contributing anything to their relationship lately, especially tonight. 
“I’m sorry guys, we are supposed to be having fun tonight and I just keep on going.” I get up and put my hand on her shoulder. 
“It’s okay, I’ll get you some water.” She was already a little tipsy. I didn't want her to get worse. I knew it could, very easily, from my own experience.
“I’ll come too.” Jen got up and caught up with me. 
The bar was tiny and was half-assed by the frat boys that lived here. Lots of people were crowded around it of course. 
“Hi, can I get a beer,” Jen ordered for herself. 
“Water for me please,” I ordered. We turn and Jen comes in chest-to-chest with CJ, spilling her beer all over him. 
“Oh, my God. Look what l did.” she starts trying to rub it out. I give him a little wave and he nods back. 
“That's okay. it was my fault, really.” 
“Oh, no, jeez. You don't even– l mean, you're-- You don't even drink. Like Y/N. And I’m sure it's cold and smelly, and I’m touching you…and I’m gonna stop.” She pauses and just stands there for a second. “Hi. Okay. You caught me. I’m drunk. Yep, I’m a drunkard. Escaping reality. That's me. But you know what? This is a party… and at parties, people drink. And maybe that bothers you. Maybe you think it's weak. But you shouldn't go to a party where there's gonna be drunk people because that's what's gonna happen. Drinking. It’s just a party fact.” I wonder if she really thinks I think less of her because she drinks. 
“You think I’m the lamest person on the earth, don't you?” CJ countered.
“No. No. Not at all. I’m sure you're, like, tons of fun.” She bit back sarcastically. 
“Okay Jen, I think you need this water more than I do. Why don’t you go back to Audrey to check on her?” She grabs the water and walks back to our friends.
“I’m sorry CJ, that was my first time seeing her drunk as well.” I look at his shirt. “I know a trick to get that out.” I pointed at the beer. 
“That would be great.” We go to the bathroom. I open the cabinet and look for some hydrogen peroxide. 
“Um, can you take off your shirt?”  
“Sure.” He pulls it off so easily. I grab it and pour water and hydrogen peroxide on it. 
“So now we just wait thirty minutes and when you wash it the stain shouldn’t be there.” 
“No problem. I just realized that this is the first party where we can use the sober buddy system,” I said. He gives me a smirk and grabs my cup giving it a sniff and a sip. 
“Yep, just like I thought- you’re good.” The silence was long but comfortable. “So how long have you been sober for?” He asked me. 
“For about two years, you?” He looks down into my cup. 
“Four years.” 
“Four years- wow, that is amazing! I can’t wait to get there.” He grabs my hand in silence. 
“You will.”
We had left the bathroom walking when I saw Jen arguing with someone on the steps upstairs. “Jen, what’s going on?” I ask with concern CJ right behind me. 
“This guy took Audrey upstairs and she’s about to pass out.” Adrenaline mixed with worry flooded my veins. 
“Move,” I said to the guy blocking us.
“Look, my friend is good, you don’t have to worry.” I’m about to pull out my inner Batman. 
“Then it won’t be a problem that we go check.” CJ shoved the guy aside. Jen and I practically run upstairs. Luckily the room was open. “Audrey let’s go.” I gently grabbed her hand and Jen took the other. At this moment, the promise that we would have fun tonight was broken.
“Hey let go!” The guy shoved me back into the wall to grab back onto Audrey. 
“Y/N!” Before he can do more CJ grabs him by the collar. 
“You want to try that again!?” The guy throws his arms up in truce CJ throws him on the bed. 
“You okay?” He helped me up. I nod trying to swallow my tears. 
“Let’s go.”
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Unlike the earlier comfortable walk with CJ, this walk back to my dorm was filled with melancholic silence. Jen had gone to her grandma’s house but not before checking on me. 
“You sure you’re okay?” 
“I am, I'll call you tomorrow.” We hug.
I put Audrey in her bed and she fell asleep instantly. I get a glass of water and aspirin to put on her side table. I step outside the room to breathe and process and CJ is there. “Hey, you stayed.” I walk over to sit next to him. 
“I wanted to make sure you were okay.” I wanted to hug him but I didn’t. 
“Thank you but I’ll be fine. About what happened tonight- I don’t want to think about what would have happened if I wasn’t there.” He puts his hand on my knee squeezing it. 
“Well, you were there, and again, you are a great friend.” I smile at that. 
“And thank you for your help.” 
“What kind of friend or sober buddy would I be if I didn’t?” I finally recognize that feeling I’ve been having: it’s of a true friend. 
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beneathh-the-brine · 1 year
Hi so I know this is some of the most autistic shit ever autismed but
I wanna rant violently about 'Partygoer redesigns' today, and how a lot people kinda mess up with them. This may have some salt to it so bear with me:
I've seen so many people redesign Partygoers, but a lot of them just- don't really seem to understand what makes a Partygoer a Partygoer? It's not just the name y'know! Here's a list of notable features to KEEP when making a Partygoer redesign or headcanon design! Despite being termed 'redesign', they should NEVER stray too far from the original source or no one is gonna know what you drew!
The boxy head. I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH how important this is to not forget. The image below is using my style of Partygoer, but it should get the message across well enough. It can be a rounded box, have slight skeletal features etc, but it NEEDS TO STAY BOXY. You can't make it round, you can't make it a diamond or a normal human head shape, it NEEDS to be boxy or else you are taking a VITAL aspect of Partygoers away! They also don't have noses really! NO HAIR EITHER, NUH UH!
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Boxy heads are essential to Partygoer drawings!
The eyes. The eyes must be slits in some way or have some form of sign they can be stylized as slits. Partygoer eyes usually vaguely resemble the = part of the =) smiley emoticon. You don't need to keep strictly to the blank emoticon, you can make them show all sorts of emotions, just keep the slit eyes! It can go all the way up the head like my examples, or just end at the slits alone!
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Eye examples, not limited to these expressions, they can be just as expressive as any other species too!
The hand mouths! VERY VERY IMPORTANT. Partygoers simply aren't Partygoers without their hand mouths! You can make them not visible on a ref, but make sure to include in notes that they do in fact exist!
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Lamprey hand mouths are valid too! I just prefer to draw the hand mouths like this!
Hope ya'll liked my weird sickness-induced Partygoer rant, follow me for more spontaneous bullshit!
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gojocp · 1 year
Can I request a fluff oneshot with Donald Na?
Donald Na has a long time crush for reader and whenever he sees reader from afar, he would stop and just watch them. But one time, one of reader's friends noticed and told them someone was watching her and he almost got caught. So he just decides to confess his love for reader.
It depends on you on how it ends ><
admiring from afar
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cw: fluff, probably ooc (so sorry), bro's lowkey staring like creeps LMAO featuring: donald na
a/n: I AM BACK YA'LL!! also, tysm for the request, this idea is so cute omg !! hope you enjoy, lmk how this is!
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"donald? are you listening?" kingsley asks, for the nth time this week. it was starting to agitate him since he wanted to tell donald about what was going on in the union, and he just didn't seem to care! "donald." kingsley repeats.
"huh? oh, yes kingsley, what is it?" donald asks, tearing his focus away from you and to the man trying to talk to him. with a raised eyebrow, kingsley asks, "are you staring at (y/n) again?"
"no, i'm not staring. i'm simply observing. they're a real nutcase, that (y/n)." donald replies, almost having his cover blown. resulting in an unimpressed "uh-huh" from kingsley.
"well, regarding the fight between jimmy bae and.." kingsley begins. 'aaand, he's not listening.' kingsley thinks. he look at donald, then at you happily talking with your friends, then at donald again. 'he cares about them more than the union?' .・。.・゜✭・.
"are you still staring at them?" kingsley asks. "again, not staring. i'm-" "yes, you're observing." kingsley interupts, cutting donald off. he recieves a pointed look, but donald lets it slide.
a small, fond smile is apparent on donald's face as he watches you from afar. and it disappears as soon as it could be seen, as your friend takes notice of his "observing".
"(y/n), do you know that blonde guy?" your friend asks. you turn around and make eye contact with him for a split second, before he averts his gaze. "yeah they do! that's their boyfriend~!" another friend teases. "he's not my boyfriend, we're just friends! he's my class and i think he's kinda cute.." you say, taking a sip of your drink. "well, boyfriend or not, he was staring at youuu~!" your friend sang out, wriggling her eyebrows at you.
"no he's not!! donald's probably looking at something else." you deny, feeling your cheeks grow warm. "well, donald's looking again." she responds. you turn to look at donald and catch him looking at you. you hold eye contact for a bit before turning away. "okay, maybe he is looking at me." you say with a flushed face. "but, whatever! i'm sure it doesn't mean anything.." you continue, taking another sip from your drink. .・。.・゜✭・.
the next day, you recieve a text from him.
'meet me in my office at 5.'
'why does he want me to go to his office?' you ponder. nonetheless, you arrive there at 5 and knock on the door. "it's (y/n)." you call out.
donald quickly opens the door and stares at you. "can..uh- can i come in?" you ask with a sheepish smile.
"yeah, yes.. come in.." he responds, opening the door more to make space for you. "uh- here, for you.." he says bashfully, holding out a bouqet of flowers.
"thank you!" you beam, gratefully accepting them from his hands and taking a seat.
"listen.. i'm just going to get straight to the point.." he starts, taking a seat in front of you. "i like you.. a lot." he continues, staring at the flowers in your hand. "and..i was wondering.. if i could.. be your boyfriend.." he trails off, feeling his ears turn pink.
"i- wh- yes!" you sputter, stunned at the sudden confession. "i would." you smile at him.
"yes? okay.. okay, i have a meeting soon, but meet me at ____ restaurant at 6?" he asks standing up, the corner of his lips curling upwards the slightes bit.
"of course, i'll be there." you respond, placing a soft kiss on his cheek and walking out the door.
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tomatoswup · 1 year
i had this silly idea i told my friend about what if the Trigun Stampede gang run in to a runaway teen reader and then the reader’s part of the gang. The reader’s in their rebellious phase of course and kinda argues with Wolfwood a lot. Can you write headcanons for this please? (°▽°)
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A/N: i’M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE IT WAS A REALLY HECTIC MONTH😭😭😭😭 honestly, this was really fun to write heheheh,,, i can kinda see reader being a pain in the ass but with good intentions….maybe… But god i can imagine how crazy the stampede crew would be if they had a teen,,, i love it😌☝️☝️☝️ Hope you enjoy!!!(*´∇`*)
warnings/tags: none!
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Well aren't you a little anomaly in the bad deserts!
When you first encounter the gang, it wasn't a very...proud encounter.
To be exact, trying to steal Vash's gun in the middle of a busy bar was a very brave choice knowing that the Humanoid Typhoon was trying to eat spaghetti, and in the flesh!
Bold dare I say but, besides that, you were getting hunted by a group of thugs that had been going through town and uh, you sure did cause a bit of trouble.
And by trouble I mean you stole their car keys and went out for a joy ride.
Yup, crashed that shit rightttt into a boulder.
And of course Vash, who's a bit too kind for his own good at times, wanted to help someone so young to Wolfwood's disbelief. Meryl and Roberto? They've witnessed what he did for Jenora Rock so they kinda expected it.
After that first meeting, you naturally stuck to the wacky group and often times when needed, you tried to help them in exchange for saving your life.
Of course with payment :D It's a hard world for a runaway teen out here!
Don't worry you don't make them pay...sometimes...
Young and free they say hahaha!!...Yeah you had literally no more bullet to spare so time to get workin~
You often had Wolfwood reminisce his times back at the orphanage. He's lived there for so long and he's dealt with kids of many ages, but goddamn did you give this man a mf headache.
Sorry, correction, a migraine.
I damn right knowww he goes through twice the number of cigarette packs when you're around.
"Alright kid, no more grabbing shit or starting fights. Zip your mouth if you're gonna be tagging along-"
"Do you really think I'm gonna listen to a priest?"
"Same thing"
"No it's not!"
You glanced at Meryl for more input.
"...Okay I can see where they're coming from-"
You got Wolfwood this close to Homer Simpson choking you out.
Sometimes Vash can't help but watch the both of you headbutt eachother.
He's the type of person to try and stop the fight and maintain the peace but bestie, when you're against a rebelling teenager anything is possible.
He understands tho bc he's also gone through his little phase, that's how he got his little earring :D
But asides from that, when he tries to stop ya'll you guys just ignore him lmAOOO
They say teens are rebellious while trying to find others who they can relate to or have a connection with and well, although you didn't really have a permanent home anymore like you use to, you slowly found yourself getting fond of this little wacky group.
And at some point while you guys got closer, Wolfwood tended to look after you a little more.
Was it because of his past? Or were you just a kid who needed the right guidance forward?
Either way, he tries his best to give you good advice,,, advice to keep you alive.
A practical guardian you could say,, Or kinda like an uncle?
And you know what, you don't mind it.
"Did your sticky little hands grab another fucking wallet? Seriously?"
'No I did not!" You narrowed your eyes at him "It's a map get it right. I also only steal from the rick-looking men Wolfwood cmon now-"
You ended up getting a bonk on the head from him, which led you to looking at Roberto, who downed another drink.
"What are you looking at me for?"
He really doesn't care lMAAOOO Most unphased man alive.
As long as no one dies!
And maybe after all of this time, even after those two years after what happened to July you guys will reunite again :)
You still a lil' shit tho
"does anyone have gum?"
"I haven't seen you in two years and you're asking me this?"
"...It was just a question..."
-Meryl gets tired one night driving?
-"I'll drive for you!"
-Everyone regrets letting you touch that wheel.
-That poor car looks like if you were shaking a bag of skittles when you drive full speed over those sandy hills.
-You got Meryl thanking to god she put her seatbelt on
-Vash holding onto the back of the driver's seat for his life,, I think his nails left cuts in the seat itself jeez!
-Roberto's holding a hand out against your chest so you don't FLY out of your seat when you guys go airborne.
-And Wolfwood honestly wished the sandworms from earlier had eaten him.
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Hello, i'm cheese anon's evil (not really) alter ego, theorist anon and i've come here to tell you my theory or uhh... actually personal hc of what happend to bruno (headcanons are like theorys but less fancy shut >:[), (i tweaked it a bit to fit your context just a tad better as i have some ideas with how you portrayed bruno (or well part of him))
SO. First of all i have to say i liked the uniform you gave bruno, very cute tbh, but more than pizzeria it's giving ice cream or candy shop thb, not that is a bad thing just saying so uhh fuck it pizzeria no more he runs an ice cream shop now in me mind
Ok so. Once upon a time this italian guy called Bruno runed an ice cream shop with his wife, pizzahead saw how succesful they were on their own and said "shiiid imma need that" so he made a deal with the happy couple. BUT then he tried to bribe and trick them into giving up pretty much all rights to uhh.. i don't have a name for the ice cream shop actually lmao, just think of amything. anyways, they said no bc the ice cream shop was something they hold very dear to them, they have been saving for this for literal years and risked it all to get it running so who would want to give it all out like that really? But pisshead can't accept a no for an answer so what did he did? He just killed them in the spot. If they aren't gonna sing these papers might as well just kill the guys so they stop growing you know? He cannot afford ANY sort of competition (even tho he sells horrible pizzas and they are a fucking ice cream shop). But then he realizes "shit i fucked up imma get sued" so he just tried to recreate bruno using his brain as a base, couldn't replicate the wife tho, he accidentally shot her in the brain without thinking he would have to clone her too oops.
Anyways they go thru the cloning process but uh oh the clone isn't perfect, guy doesn't even remember who he was. The solution? Lie that they sold their shop and flew out the country with the money without telling anyone, aslo they changed their numbers you cannot find them ^-^. Btw the shop closed down literal months after he "acquired" the shop, the ice cream was bad it tasted like pizza :(.
That gets us to today, pizzahead now found some new guy to torment and since he had the clone laying around he just kind of managed to make it change looks so it can look like peppino and then used them as a boss on his tower.
Ok i'm done talking :] hope you like this mess of a theory imma go, cheese bitch wants to take control again mkay bye was a plessure to speak to ya'll <3
(Ohohoho, Theorist Anon! What a delight to read!
I cannot confirm nor deny your theory, but I will say that part of it is pretty spot-on! And it's generally an interesting story regardless!
Just some silly and goofy pizza man absolutely snapping and killing a couple bc he's a jealous bitch, and then he goes 'whoopsie daisy' and remakes one of them, and uses them to torment another guy??? Incredible
If dear Cheese Anon allows you to return, I'd love to read any more theories you have! (And I will continue to smugly grin as I do not confirm nor deny them)
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ALSO, I totally get the ice cream shop vibes from the outfit, not intentional, but it is very funny to imagine Pizzahead taking over a non-pizza related place and making bad pizzas or pizza-flavoured ice cream!
Who knows! Maybe the tower warped Bruno's Ice Cream to Bruno's Pizza, bc it is Pizza tower and not Ice Cream tower hehe
Also, Pep does love ice cream, but that's maybe unrelated!)
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals: Way Down
Geoff's cover of Way Down was released on the 4th of June, 2022, and it is one of my 3 favourite videos (no particular ranking/order) on his channel so far! I might hit image limit for this one, I'm not sure, but I'm not gonna try and be conservative with my screenshot taking, because this video is too much fun! So let's go!
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This was filmed at Pattycake Productions Studios, and I wanna know who was in charge of/helped with set design for this one. Was it Geoff? Was he the one that made the mess? 😝😂
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(And yes, that genuinely is the track image/graphic for the track on Spotify and other music streaming platforms!)
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*looks left, nobody there*
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*looks right, nobody there*
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"Alright down I go!" 😂
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Thumbnail moment! (Also he kinda looks a bit different with his hair like that doesn't he?)
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Geoff says in the description of this: "I had a LOT of fun making this one, and I hope ya'll enjoyed it too, despite the um...terrible dancing." It certainly does look like he had a ton of fun with this one, but I beg to differ on the "terrible dancing" bit! He enjoyed himself, he looked amazing, and I love every second of this video! Terrible my foot!
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He just looks so happy in this video!!!
Honestly I kinda sorta wanna learn this choreography (or at least parts of it) myself, but I don't exactly have enough empty space in my house to be spinning around a broom like he does at one point here 😅
(And of course I have to give a shoutout to Eli "lighting whiz" Jacobson for the lighting design!)
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Speaking of Eli, that's a hella strong eyebrow raise! Eli got competition! 😝
(Also kinda jealous because my eyebrows absolutely refuse to work independently of each other like that, rip)
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Right, so the first glove comes on at about 1:24...
(Also lighting change on the curtains in the background!)
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Hey there, Jeff! Nothing to see here! 😁
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Hi, Jeoph! 😋
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I'm not posting a screenshot of it, but if you've seen the video (of course you have, that's why you're here reading this), you know FULL WELL what Jeoph and Jeff are reacting to here 🤣
Geoff really did that, he really put it in the video and everything! (We have to stan, obviously)
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Geoff did the chair-walk(?) dance move thing! Not easy to do, especially with chairs like that on a smooth, glossy/shiny floor, and it looks like he only just landed that based on the way it cuts away, but still, I'm impressed!
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Jeoph and Jeff are impressed/surprised, too! 😄
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And the whole janitor outfit/uniform gets removed at about 1:58, meaning those gloves were worn for just a little over 30 seconds 🤣
(Also nice shirt 👀)
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Rip Jeff
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Jeoph: Waayyyyy dooowwwnn
Jeff: "wait since when could you sing like that? And when were you going to tell me?" 😂
(Joke stolen from a Youtube comment, just too good)
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No amount of screencaps could do it justice but goddamn Geoff's hips do not lie in this video! He got moves! (Sure, he has people to help him with choreography (shoutout to Chris Dupre for this one!), but knowing a choreography routine is one thing; being able to do it and do it well is another)
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"Oh uh, hey there boss! What a surprise to see you here! Nothing much happening right now, totally!"
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Someone in some Youtube comment, on a reaction video I think, referred to Geoff "flirting with the camera" in this video, and I was like "hey yeah, he's totally flirting with the camera here!" (do it more)
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Man, if I had a nickel for every time there was a brown-haired dude living in Florida who was good at singing and sometimes did songs with "clones" of himself, who had different names/nicknames and interacted with each other, well, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice!
(Even weirder is that the other guy used to be one of my previous hyperfixations, and when I eventually got around to watching this video last year, I kind of got a feeling of "oh no it's happening again!" 😂😅)
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Yes I love him, what about it?
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So apparently the names/nicknames for these three came from the various incorrect ways that Geoff has seen his name spelled. And it's like... okay, "Jeff", yes, I've seen that on a couple or so Voiceplay videos (his name is literally in the description! And there are always comments that talk about him! (but it is still the somewhat more common spelling of the name I guess)), "Goff" is likely just a missed-letter typo, but "Jeoph"? Jeoph??? Who the heck came up with that misspelling? 🤣
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"Way onnnnn d o o o w w w n n n n" (subharmonic C1!!!!)
And yes, I've officially hit picture limit, so no screencaps of the mini bonus scene at the end - you'll just have to go (re)watch that part yourself! 😁
Can you believe that Geoff does not only the singing and performing on screen, but also the arranging, producing, and editing for his covers too? And he directs or co-directs them!
This video is 3 minutes of complete and utter serotonin and I love it. I really hope we get to see more of Geoff dancing in 2024, whether on his channel or with Voiceplay. And honestly with the super-wide variety of music content across the two channels, it's entirely possible!
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