#// baby goth in the making/j
drachliebe · 4 months
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bold whatever applies | italics what sometimes applies [ both if it's perfect for your muse ] | strikethrough what doesn't apply & tag people. repost; don’t reblog!
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black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. ghosts. dark alleys. empty streets. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. suspicion. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the American South. the American Northeast. England. analog cameras.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw marks. bite marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking. backpacking.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. books. stitches.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at unseen things. iconoclasm. black ooze. old photographs. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. passing shadows. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. cut wires. character masks. scrunchies. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms. empty rooms. killer in plain sight. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots. a noise in the distance.
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TAGGED BY : @collectalong ty!!!!! <3
TAGGING : @inkmimicry @gorgonacorali @peculiarbeauty @mariotime @dreamsofalife @all-fleshed-out @cutdeepshiver and you!!
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8 notes · View notes
various updates and facts about my family
my mother huffed raid bug spray and ate wallpaper paste as a child. my grandfather believes my autistic sibling is an alien and is asking him to provide the winning lottery numbers. my sister tried to kill her boyfriend recently.
My dad is getting married to his seventh wife.
And my little brother (J) is smelting pawn shop jewelry in efforts to make silver bullets to load in .22 casings
My grandfather swears he was abducted by aliens and they modified his cum.
In 2009, he attempted to trade firearms for an alleged crystal skull which he believed contained the blueprints to rebuild Atlantis.
In 2012, my family created a convey of six cars all loaded with guns, ammo, canned food, etc. in order to prepare for the apocalypse. In December of 2012, my grandfather led us to where he believed our family would hold off the forces of evil, a last bastion for our bloodline- A fucking Super8 motel in Forsyth GA.
My mother used to drink blood in the 90s and beat the shit out of football players as a hobby, so she could beef up for roller derby. She raises baby animals, and has more than once attempted to kill a man during intimacy.
All if my dad's ex wives have tried to kill him. He's had attack dogs sicced on him, beaten with a crowbar, chased with a hammer, run over with his own car, and pushed out a vehicle. His new wife was a pen pal he met when she was in jail.
My aunt believes she convenes with the angels when she's hopped up on ambien and percocet, so she's like the goth version of Mama Murphy from Fallout 4.
I was conceived in a crack den in North Carolina. My mother's organs don't like having kids, so much so that both me and my sibling (J) were born dead and had to be resuscitated. In both cases it was due to the umbilical cord playing a game of Hangman.
My little brother (J) taught Igor, our Vulture, to vomit on command. Nobody knows how.
He has been using the infestation of rats at my family's cabin to do... something. He's been running a rat cannibalism fight club, in an attempt to fish out a Super Rat which he plans to do... Something with?
My little brother (M) spends his spare time firing at passing cars. We have managed to make sure he's using BB guns, is the compromise. (J) went through a similar phase when he was an early teen, and would shoot a bow and arrow at the neighbor's house. I did the same with a potato cannon in my youth. It's a tradition.
My dad is missing his appendix. He has no idea where it went and has no record of it ever being removed.
My grandmother reluctantly admitted to having an affair with a ghost in her 40s.
My brother (M) used to love botany. By the age of 6 he could tell you anything you wanted to know about the flora of southeast GA. He had a garden. And he also grew weed for my step-dad until my mom found out. After that he was banned from gardening and picked up junior robotics as a hobby after i gave him K'nex and some Lego Mindstorms stuff years ago. He took apart an air conditioner in a motel once. To this day we don't know what he did with the screws. He builds airsoft guns from scrap and is a mechanical prodigy. He is almost illiterate.
My brother (A) disturbs me. He was raised by the internet and YouTube. He is whatever this new generation is personified. He's frighteningly... Normal.
I am waiting for the shoe to drop and for him to reveal some darkness to him never before seen in my family.
He's just. A normal kid. A little zoomer that watches Mr. Beast and YouTube long plays. He's also the straight man to most of all my family's bullshit. He's dangerously genre savvy. He also has a weird interest in law???
My sister (H) is your average country girl. She's attempted to kill more than one of her boyfriends (will clarify that they were abusive), has totaled three cars and always walks away from these nightmarish accidents unscathed. She was found on the side of the road last year hitting her vape and flagging down a car, while her own was stuck five feet above a ditch in a tree.
She has a job and plans to go to New York to "see what them city twinks got goin' on"
My other little sister (C) is the only other queer member of my sibling roster. She's a lesbian, and enjoys shooting things. Sometimes living things. She, like (A), is dangerously genre savvy and doesn't play into my family's religious fanaticism. She wants to be a firefighter because she is also a pyromaniac and wants an excuse to see "big things burn".
A bit more about (J)- He claims to speak to the dead, and has used this to become my grandfather's right hand man, and the beneficiary of his estate. He is an autodidact, self taught with blacksmithing and metalworking. He dresses well, and also has a hidden laboratory in my grandfather's shed where he has taken a fixation in herbal tinctures and remedies. He knows they're bullshit. But my family buys his potions, and he uses the money to buy pawn shop jewelry and scrap metal to build stuff. He believes firmly in werewolves, and is convinced Furries are a psyop to prepare the general public for their emergence in society. Which is why he's making silver bullets.
I wish to stipulate that not a single word of this is a joke. This is on god, IRL bullshit I have to contend with.
I should probably update this to remove real names what the fuck
3K notes · View notes
hannie-dul-set · 7 months
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SYNOPSIS. wherein your friend offers a room for you to crash in while your dorm is being renovated, but fails to mention that your new housemates don’t know how to talk to women (oh, and they also have an ongoing bet about you, too).
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PAIRINGS. choi soobin, choi beomgyu, lee heeseung, park jongseong, sim jaeyun, park sunghoon x female! reader. GENRE. housemates! au, rom-com, sitcom, reverse harem time baby. WARNINGS. the usual amount of swearing and ruining the lives of men, jay goes through an crisis, mentions of hairballs, mc is extra menacing this chapter. WORD COUNT. 3.8k.
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NOTE. here....it is..... this has been long overdue and i'm so sorry AHAHAH but i did say that i'm gonna update this whenever i want. anyhow, this is the jay chapter! and i hope this makes up for the one month long delay! enjoy, please let me know what you think<3
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CHAPTER 7 — sexy goth jellyfish.
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YOU DON’T THINK YOU’LL EVER GET SICK OF WAKING UP AND GETTING LULLED BACK TO SLEEP BY THE MOST COMFORTABLE MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. Seriously. You’re considering hoarding it back to your dorm once you leave at the end of the month. 
It’s the best thing about this house. The second best thing is having your breakfast cereal already laid out for you in the kitchen the moment you step downstairs. This princess treatment is going to get you spoiled. 
The odd thing about today, however, is that your usual bowl of Cheerios is nowhere in sight.
You rub your eyes, proceeding to squint at the counter because maybe you just aren’t awake enough yet. But it’s still not there. You look over to the sink. There is no evidence that someone ate your cereal. What happened? Did your cereal robot sleep in today? Did he die? Are you gonna have to make your own bowl of cereal from now on?
“Good morning.”
Sunghoon greets you upon walking into the living room, cereal-less and still groggy. Beomgyu is also there, cross legged on the couch and playing something on his phone. “Good—” you greet back, scratching your hand underneath your shirt with a big yawn, “—morning.” For some reason, Sunghoon suddenly looks scandalized. You ignore it and stretch out your arms above your head with another yawn.
“Please— oh my god, please don’t do that. I can see your un—underwear.”
You pause mid-stretch, arms up in the air, shirt hiking up a little. “What color?” you ask. 
“Grey! Why would you ask me that?!”
“Ooh, correct.” You drop your arms down. “I thought you were kidding. Sorry, my bad.”
You grin and shoot them a peace sign. “Sunghoon, go get the PD&J,” Beomgyu announces, eyes not leaving his phone. Your expression quickly moltens into a glare and a grimace. Dammit, you’ve been careful all this time. You blame your lack of early cereal nutrients for this carelessness.
“I’ll pay later,” you grunt. “Anway, where’s Jay? He didn’t make my cereal today so I’m assuming the worst.”
“Is he your slave?” you hear Beomgyu retort. You’ll deal with him later.
Thankfully, Sunghoon is normal(?) and answers your question promptly. “Out on the deck,” he tells you, and you look over to the open glass doors past your dining setup leading up to the sunlit deck outside. You squint, unable to spot a life form of any sort at first, but after a moment of letting your eyes wander, you finally see it.
Jay is laying flat on the wooden floor, shades on, facing directly at the sun. “What’s up with him?” you ask Sunghoon. There are pieces of paper with unidentifiable contents scattered around the motionless man. You fear he might be actually dead.
“He’s photosynthesizing,” he replies. You should’ve known better than to expect a correct answer.
“He’s not a plant,” you scrunch your nose. “It’s past nine. He’s not getting any more vitamin D at this hour.”
Sunghoon simply shrugs and Beomgyu is still busy yelling profanities at his phone. You sigh. Time to take care of things yourself, so saunter over to Jay’s tanning bed and crouch down near his head, arms crossed. Is he asleep? you furrow your brows and peer down a little closer. His pitch black sunglasses are making it impossible to tell.
“Wow. This is the first time I’ve seen you upside down.”
And he’s alive.
“Hey,” you call out. “What are you doing?”
Jay has his hands symmetrically placed on his abdomen, and he remains unmoving when he opens his mouth to reply. “Brooding,” he says, and you are granted more questions than answers. 
“Don’t people usually do that in the dark?”
“I don’t conform to society’s standards.” Jay sits up, so you lean back. You watch him as he adjusts the shades on his nose bridge, ruffles his hair as if there’s a camera pointed at him, then says, “I’m absolutely fucked. I don’t know what to do.”
Woah, there. Looks like Mr. Easygoing is going through some troubled waters.
“Alright.” You shuffle out of your crouching position, dropping to paneled wood to cross your legs for a more comfortable position. “Lay it on me,” you announce, ready to sunbathe and hear a very very long story.
Jay stares at you. There’s a wrinkle between his brows. 
“Go ahead.” You nod decidedly. 
After another pause, Jay shrugs and sets his head down on your crossed legs, laying back down but with you as his new pillow. That’s not what you meant, but you roll with it. This is an opportunity to braid knots his hair. “So I took a summer class, right,” he starts, and you dig your fingers into the dark strands. “Women’s wear design. Thought It’d be useful for androgynous clothing ideas, but anyway.”
Wow, it’s so soft, you think, finishing a single braid. “And then?”
“Well. For our final project, we need to have a live model to wear our design prototypes. To test their functionality and all. A friend of mine already agreed a few weeks ago, but she suddenly canceled yesterday, so I’m pretty sure I’m fucked.”
His hair slips out of your fingers. The gears in your brain start to churn. “When’s the presentation?”
“Have you asked someone else?”
“Yeah. I’ve already tried calling everyone I know.”
“I ran out of people,” he says. “I’m screwed, right?”
“I feel like there’s more to this.”
A third voice suddenly pops up and you flinch. “Holy shit,” you turn to see Heeseung sitting next to you. He looks like he’s been there for a while and you make your surprise very evident by how wide your eyes are staring at him. Jay props up, also looking at him. “When did you get here?”
Heeseung ignores you. “Jay,” he starts. You’re gonna get back at him for that. “What did you tell Eunmi when you asked for her help for the project?” 
Eunmi is a familiar name. You’re pretty sure she’s the one that stormed out of the house the other day. “I told her that I had a problem and asked if she could do me a favor.
Your brows knit together. Wait a minute. “And what else did you say?”
“I also asked if she didn’t mind taking her clothes off,” he says. “Why?”
Silence sets in. It simmers for a while. You and Heeseung share a look. “Jay,” you call out. He gets off of your lap and sits up, turning to face you. You press your lips together. How do you break it to him? 
“Dude, I’m pretty sure she thought you were asking to hook up.”
You double over and nearly let out a gasp. So the mysophobe isn’t hasn’t completely eroded his social awareness. You are both horrified and impressed, and he’s looking at you like he can hear your thoughts, visibly offended. 
“Heeseung’s right. Girlie probably thought you’d be using your measuring tape for something else outside of measuring.” They both give you a look. Maybe you gave Heeseung too much credit. “What? After measuring her tits and ass, imagine her disappointment when you went off to measure her ankles next.” 
“Well, I’m a fashion major, what did she expect?” 
“I don’t know, maybe some dressmaker-themed BDSM shit!” you huff. “Don’t you know you know anyone else that can model for you?”
“I’m pretty sure all the girls in his contacts have him blocked,” Heeseung says. 
You grunt and lean back, the deck warm on your palms. “Okay. I didn’t want to do this, but—” You sigh. Your shoulders slack, and you run your fingers through your scalp with a deep inhale. Jay and Heeseung nudge themselves closer. You give them three more seconds of suspenseful silence— one…two…three. 
“But we don’t have much of a choice.” 
His dumb sunglasses are still keeping his eyes hidden, but you’re pretty sure Jay is looking at you like you’re the second coming of Christ. On the other hand, Heeseung looks suspicious. You assure them that you’ll take care of, telling Jay to go upstairs and prepare his design prototype in case he needs to make any alterations, and Heeseung follows you to the living room, where Sunghoon and Beomgyu are still lounging around.
They turn their heads the moment you enter. Sunghoon and Heeseung’s eyes are trained on you as you approach Beomgyu, who has now settled down his phone to give you a disgruntled expression— impatient and nervous because, “what the fuck are you up to this time?” he voices out. You spare him an extra second of agony and tell him what you came for.
When the words leave your mouth, Beomgyu nearly chokes on the air.
“I’m sorry, what?” 
His eyes are wide, looking up at you. 
“What did you just say?”
“I asked if you can pretend to be a woman for a day,” you repeat. Beomgyu is looking at you like you’re insane. 
“What the fuck?”
“C’mon!” you exclaim, hopping down on the plush sofa cushion next to him and he jumps and flinches away. There’s a reason why you adore fucking with Beomgyu the most. “It’ll only be for a day! Do it for Jay! Whoa. That rhymes.”
“Why me?!” he shrieks. The reason is he fights back. He makes it all the more satisfying when he inevitably admits defeat. 
“Because you’re arguably the prettiest one of the lot!” You bounce closer, trapping his between the armrest and your enthusiasm to see him in a fucking dress. “Have I ever told you that your eyes are like, really, really pretty? And your facial structure is already so nice and elegant, I really don’t need to do anything with makeup, you’re already perfect!” 
With each word you utter and with each centimeter you lean closer, Beomgyu’s face gets increasingly redder and brighter. “Your— your flattery won’t convince me to fucking cross dress in public, you psychos!” 
Before you can get the chance to say ‘so you don’t mind doing it in private?’ Beomgyu tries pushing you off, but he’s too flustered to put any strength in. The opportunity to grab his wrists and pull him closer simply just presents itself. “C’mon!” you tug him in. “Swallow the toxic masculinity, Beomgyu! I believe in you!”
He manages to roll off the sofa and retreat to his room. As Beomgyu’s heavy and hasty footsteps fill the air, the sound growing weaker by the second, you turn over to Sunghoon, who is sitting on the individual seat. He meets your eyes. “No,” he says before you could open your mouth. “Absolutely not.”
Sunghoon doesn’t waste a second to get up and follow Beomgyu’s escape pattern. “Sunghoon! Sunghoon, wait!” you yell after him. When he pads up the stairs, you stop at the bottom of the flight and watch as he scurries up the floor. “Are you upset that you’re the second choice? That doesn’t mean anything! You’re pretty too! I love your nose and your pretty face moles and—”
And he is gone. You turn back. “Well, I tried,” you shrug. Heeseung is wearing an expression you can only describe as severe perturbation. “Soobin and Jake aren’t home. That’s a bummer.” Then again, Jake would probably be down for it, which is no fun. And you can’t risk making Soobin cry again. Your list of crimes is already long enough. Beomgyu has the copy. 
“Of all the solutions you could come up with, I didn't think you’d go for the crossdressing route.”
Heeseung is leaning against the sofa, arms resting on top of its plush back. “Actually, I never even considered it,” he adds. “I thought you’d volunteer to model for him yourself.”
You make your way back to the living area with a yawn. Shrugging, you say, “I am.”
His brows scrunch, eyes narrowed. “Then why did you—” Heeseung stops thinking. He gives you a look of distaste. “You’re pretty evil, you know that?”
A laugh escapes your lips, and you hop on the couch Heeseung is leaning again. He visibly flinches when you do, but he doesn’t move away. So you sit up with your legs still on the sofa, knees sinking into the cushions, and you poke your nose forward so that it nearly bumps into his. 
“What are you—”
You inch your face closer. “It’s not my fault that you guys are easy targets.” You can literally hear his breath getting taken away. You flash him a wide grin. 
“Calm down. I’m moving away, moving away. No need to run.” When you flop back to lie on the sofa, Heeseung’s pink-tinted face is in full view, and he’s trying his best to hide it from you all while still trying to shoot you a glare. At some point he’s going to snap at you, for sure. Until that happens, you’re free to mess with him. “Anyway, I’ll be off to Jay’s secret lair. That is unless you man up and take one for the team, and—”
Like the other two, Heeseung stomps away. You let out a huff of air. “You’re all weak as shit,” you call out. Maybe one day you’ll get the chance to give one of them a makeover. Maybe one day you can paint their nails and do their eyeliner.
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Jay can’t express just how grateful he is for you.
No, really. He can’t. He tried telling you that he owes you his life when you told him not to worry about it and just go upstairs and prepare his things, but all that jumped out of his mouth is a measly, “you’re so cool,” before leaving you with Heeseung. 
That won’t do it. He’s gonna say thank you and a million more once you show up in the storage room-turned-office-slash-workspace next to his bedroom, and you’re going to be so impressed by his thanking skills. But the feeling is all muffled and fuzzy inside his chest— like a way too stubborn hairball he can’t cough out. So when you knock on his door and take a peek inside the extension of his room, all he can say is, “I made the carpet. Pretty cool, right?”
Jay watches as you crouch down almost immediately upon his mention, feeling the mishmas of fabric texture with your palms. Your hands are running through a patch of faux fur, stitched to some leftover corduroy. You’re stepping on denim, and in between you and him is a large swab of linen. “Holy shit. This is pretty cool.”
There’s a thump in his chest. He’s pretty sure you’re the first person to say that after the other dozen people that have been here before you.
Then again, Jay’s pretty sure you’re the first for him on a lot of things.
He fears the hairball lodged in his throat just multiplied.
“So.” You pull yourself up from the ground. “What are we doing?”
“Oh,” he blinks. “Let me show you the clothes first. It’s a dress. It may not look like one, but trust me it is a dress—” he quickly explains, walking over to the mannequin in the corner of the room, pulling it out from the corner with a bit of a struggle because the wheels get caught in the stringy fabric of his carpet. “You can try it on, but it’s made with Eunmi’s measurements. Tell me if anything doesn’t fit right so I can alter it.”
“Holy shit,” you breathe out. “Hey, I may make fun of you guys a lot, but this time I’m being serious— this is so cool! What the hell, Jay?”
Well, that was a surprise. He didn’t think you’d like wearing something so avant garde. After Eunmi’s reaction to seeing it, he was pretty sure you’d be hesitant. “This will swallow my entire figure! I’d look like a jellyfish! You know what, I was already disappointed when you suddenly started jotting down my arm width. I’m going home. Don’t call me,” was what she said before storming off. But you’re all ooh’s and aah’s as you dig your nose into the thin sheets of intricately sewn on sheer, black fabric. 
“I was also serious about the carpet. Hold on let me try this on—”
You struggle taking the dress off of the mannequin. Jay helps you out. “You can change in my room.”
“Gotchu,” you shoot him a thumbs up, running off to the door with the dress flowing in your hands. “Don’t you dare peek. I don’t have any more spare change to throw into that stupid jar.”
“What if I pay for you?”
“Great. Door’s unlocked. Open if you have the balls.” Then you close the door with a still thinly open gap. It’s really is easy to talk to you. You don’t give him a weird look after he says a few words. He can hear your swearing slipping out of the crack in the door. Maybe he should have left you to fend for yourself against his admittedly unconventionally constructed dress.
“Need any help?” he asks, hesitantly inching towards the door.
“I can handle it— fuck, wait, where is my neck supposed to—”
After hearing a thump from inside the room, Jay believes he might have to intervene, else it’ll end up with either a torn ligament or a torn three month long project. He lands a knock on the door. “I think you need my help.”
“Give me a minute! I got this!” A minute. He starts counting down from sixty. And mentally counting down in nothing but silence and the occasional profanities from the other room is giving him some time to think. To think about how even though he’s gone through numerous dates, talked to numerous women, but for some reason they never last long. Well, all except you. You and his mother.
He’s lost count of the times he’s been ghosted (a ghost dress does sound like a pretty good idea), but the times they do communicate— they all communicate with a very familiar script:
“Maybe we should start seeing other people.”
Maybe his bonfire joke wasn’t as funny as he thought.
“Hey, Jay, is it supposed to look like this?” you call out before his sixty second countdown is over. “I think I’m wearing it wrong.”
When he opens the room to his door with a creak, his breath hitches in his throat. 
And it’s not the metaphorical hairball that’s been annoying him. Shit. Something about seeing you in a design he’s crafted with his own hands, conjured up with his own brain, is tying all sorts of knots in his stomach. Even when you put your arm in the wrong hole.
“You’re wearing it wrong.” Jay walks up to you next to the bed. The clothes you’ve shedded on in lieu of the dress he made is scattered on his mattress. He swallows hard before laying a discreet hand on your shoulder, tugging on a loose part of the clothing to reveal the armhole.
“Oh! That explains a lot,” you say, slotting in your arm into the correct gap this time. The dress still looks a little off. “I haven’t zipped it up yet. Can you help me?”
He lets out a cough. “Sure.”
Ah, what is going on with him? He’s been sleeping in this same room for nearly a year now, but for some reason the air right now is arid and stuffy and it’s making his head spin. Jay turns you around, a hand on your hip, and zips up the dress that suddenly feels like fire. That doesn’t make sense. It’s supposed to mimic water. Why the hell are his palms burning? 
The moment the dress is secured, you quickly look into the mirror. “What...what do you think?” he asks hesitantly. Maybe you don’t like it as much anymore now that it’s on you. Maybe the dress is also burning you. Maybe this design is a failure after all— and he feels that fear being confirmed when your back is turned towards him, and you spend a good minute looking at yourself in the mirror in silence. 
Dammit. The damned hairball is back in his lungs.
“I feel…” you start talking. His heart is pounding. Holy shit, he’s never felt this nervous before. “I feel like a sexy goth jellyfish. This is crazy. I love it.”
And just like that, air starts flowing back into his chest.
He grabs you by the arm, spinning you around so he can look at you, and the dress fabric flitters along in the air. “Whoa!” you squeak out. He steadies you by the arms. You look at him, wide eyed.
Jay breath’s are bated. The sunglasses he’s got perched on his nose this entire time got crooked from the rush, falling down to the tip of his nose, revealing a look on his eyes that he didn’t know he was capable of making. “You get me,” he breathes out. “You totally get me.”
Something swirls inside the confines of his room. It’s dark. The only light coming in is from the crack into his office and the warm bedside lamp you turned on.
The both of you stay like this for a moment. Until there’s a knock on his door and a voice rips through all of the tension.
“Okay, fine!” 
It’s Beomgyu’s voice entering the room along with the sound of the door swinging open. 
“Fucking fine, I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it as long as—”
It’s not just him. Heeseung and Sunghoon are also there, squeezed between the frame of his now open door. “Oh,” someone says out loud. He’s unsure who. “Oh.”
Somehow, Jay isn’t feeling your arms anymore. He blinks, and you’re not in front of him anymore. He turns his head and sees you in between him and the three other guys outside. “Are you ready to become a sexy jellyfish, Beomgyu?” you taunt, moving further away from him by the second. 
Beomgyu looks at him. Then you. Then keeps his eyes on you. “I never said anything. I’m gonna go—”
“C’mon! Don’t I look great? You’d look just as— no, maybe even prettier than me if you wear— wait!”
And just like that you and his dress project run away from the room. Sunghoon’s head whips back and forth between him and wherever you’ve run off to before going after you and Beomgyu as well. Heeseung stays, albeit out the door. “So, did it go well?” he asks. Jay is still staring at the spot where you’d left.
“It went well,” he replies. “I think I’m gonna get a good grade.”
Well that’s not the only conclusion he’s come up with after all that. In spite of the loud noises, the yelling outside, and the threat of his dress getting ripped apart in the crossfire, he’s sure of two things. He is not only sure that he’s gonna ace this final summer project— Jay is sure that he might have just half fallen in love with you, too.
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HOME FOR THE BITCHLESS. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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478 notes · View notes
perotovar · 4 months
baby, i'm-a want you — (prologue) "session zero"
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gif by me
pairing: javier peña/shane morrissey (just this time. main pairing is still javi/joel) rating: E (18+) mdni word count: 1.6k content: unprotected p in a, one (1) use of the word "daddy" (this is gay porn what do you expect), shane being the biggest goth twink, javier being a good dom, swearing, smoking dividers: @saradika-graphics beta: @qveerthe0ry (ily ♥)
summary: javier peña has been doing this a long time. he's really good at his job. joel miller? not so much. he started doing this to get some extra cash to support his daughters. what happens when they're supposed to do a scene together? aka, the au where most of the ppcu boys are gay porn stars~
series masterlist
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Javier Peña was good at his job.
“Fuck, harder–”
Really good.
He got millions of views on his page every month, and made enough to be comfortable as well as spend a little extra if he wanted to. He also got to have sex as frequently as he wanted because of that. He wasn’t bound to a schedule, but he filmed often just because he liked to. 
“J-Javi, I’m gonna come, please.” The cute young thing below him moaned weakly and turned back to Javier, looking up at him with the biggest and wettest eyes. That would probably be the thumbnail of the video.
“Yeah?” He grunted, a smirk plastered on his lips. He lifted a hand and landed a hard slap against the young man’s right cheek, the left one gripped tightly in Javier’s free hand. The young man – Shane – whimpered and trembled below him, arching his back to fuck himself on Javier’s cock. “Mmm, si lo eres,” Javier hummed, rubbing Shane’s tattooed side comfortingly. He landed another loud slap against Shane’s tender flesh and watched the skin ripple with heat in his eyes. (Yes, you are.)
Javier made it a point to take care of whoever he was doing a scene with. Especially if they were pretty green. This was only Shane’s second ever official one, after a scene where he gave Din a blowjob. He leaned over Shane’s clammy skin, pressing chest to back and tangled his fingers into Shane’s sweaty, dyed black locks. “You doin’ okay?” When he asked, the hairs above his lip tickled Shane’s ear a little. His voice was soft enough that the mics or cameras wouldn’t pick up on it. He kept up the pace of his hips, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing in the mostly-empty “bedroom”. 
Shane bit his lip, eyebrows downturned in pleasure and nodded as subtly as he could. He let out a weak grunt, a single tear falling from one of his eyes. “J-Javi–! There!”
Javier grinned and kissed along Shane's shoulder blades before he gripped the younger man’s hips tightly and started slamming into him, angling directly where Shane needed him most. Shane’s head hung heavily between his arms as he put most of his weight on his elbows. The chains and earrings he wore clanged against each other with every rhythmic beat of Javier’s hips, making him moan and whine louder. 
“C’mon, pretty boy,” Javier grunted, pressing a large hand to Shane’s lower back to keep him steady. “C’mon.”
Pre-cum dripped onto the sheets from Shane’s throbbing cock as it swung between his legs, lightly slapping against his lower tummy. Shane let out one last pathetic whimper before he stilled and came hard, thick ropes hitting the sheets and head thrown back, mouth open in an obscene O. Perhaps a little overdone, but Javier didn’t think the young man was faking anything. He’ll get there.
Shane’s entire body trembled as he looked back at Javier. “I-inside,” he panted. “Please.”
“Yeah? You want me to fill you up, pretty boy?” Javier grinned, hips still moving rhythmically.
Shane’s cock twitched in overstimulation, but he nodded anyway, whining weakly.
Javier knew his own body better than anything in the world, so he knew that it would only take a few more strokes and he’d be finished. “C’mere,” he grunted, gripping onto Shane’s torso to heave him up onto his knees so he could press Shane’s back to his front. Shane wailed as Javier sped up the beat of his hips, now only focused on getting what Max, the director, called “the money shot”. Even if he’d done this a hundred times, it always felt good, and a depraved little part of him loved seeing himself stake a claim over his scene partner.
Javier let out a punched out breath, grunting as his hips stilled, then moved in a slight staccato, pumping Shane’s ass full of his cum. “Fuck,” he groaned, rolling his hips in slow waves until the last drop left his cock. Shane let out a weak sob as a final, pitiful spurt of his own cum landed on the sheets in front of them. Javier hummed and gently laid Shane down on his side away from the mess, and slowly turned him onto his stomach a little.
One of the camera men got closer to zoom in on Javier’s cum trickling out of Shane’s cute little hole, Javier’s big hands spreading his cheeks. “Good boy,” Javier hummed happily, teasingly prodding at the top of Shane’s puffy, used rim. Shane giggled shyly as he looked back at Javier, a blush high on his cheeks. His eyeliner and mascara was completely ruined, faint tracks running down his cheeks.
“Thank you, daddy,” Shane recited shyly, biting his lip.
“And, cut! Very good, boys.” Max’s booming voice cut through the tension like a knife.
Javier’s shoulders deflated a little, a tired smile crossing his features. “You alright, kid?” He asked, voice rough. 
Shane smiled and nodded up at him, that deep blush still present. “Y-yeah. You’re amazing, Javier.”
Javier snorted and held a hand out for him as he stood from the bed. Slowly, Shane crawled off the bed, the cum trickling down the back of his thighs. Javier took him by the hand over to the small rack of robes and handed him one. “Thank you. You weren’t so bad yourself. They’re gonna love that face of yours,” he winked, nudging Shane’s chin with the knuckle on his index finger.
Shane smiled shyly and nodded, eyes downcast. “You’ve got a scene with Joel tomorrow, right?”
Joel. He was an interesting one. Javier had done a scene with him before and it went… really well. It’s one of Javier’s most viewed videos on his page. Javier doesn’t get a chance to bottom very often, and if he does, it’s usually with Pero or Dave. But after Joel… Well, he had to take a couple days off after that one. He didn’t get to talk to Joel much after their scene, but he seemed to… change once Max called cut. He wasn’t quite so… intense. While filming, Joel seemed to shift into a completely different person; he was all grunts and furrowed brows and some of the filthiest dirty talk Javier had ever heard. It was one of the first times Javier actually felt… submissive. Small, but not in a bad way. Like Joel would take care of him. Javier may play the part of the aloof, dominant top, but he likes being held sometimes too. The idea of getting to do that again was attractive to him, but more than that, he wanted to see if he could get a chance to properly talk to Joel. He seemed almost as new as Shane, but showcased it in a completely different way.
Javier cleared his throat and nodded, tying his own robe around his waist. “I do,” he hummed, turning toward one of the assistants, a young red headed girl whose name he couldn’t place at the moment, and motioned for a cigarette. She nodded and took off toward where he left his things.
Shane sighed dreamily, “I wanna do a scene with him.”
Javier smirked and laughed lowly. “Maybe get some more under your belt and you will. Think he’d like you,” he winked.
“Your cigarettes, Javi,” the assistant – Amy, that was her name – said, tapping the yellow pack against his shoulder.
“Thank you,” he nodded once toward her, hitting the bottom of the pack against his hand a few times before turning it around and doing the same thing there. He pulled one out and lit it after he stuck the butt in his mouth. Lighting up, he sucked in the smoke and exhaled, his mind clearing already.
“I feel like I should be flattered,” Shane giggled, sipping on some water as he sat, one leg draped over the other. “Needing a cigarette after our scene. How very 70s of you.”
Javier rolled his eyes, but smirked, roughing up the kid’s hair playfully. “Yeah, yeah. You were good.”
“Javi, can I talk to you for a sec?”
Javier turned to Max Phillips, the director and owner of the website, and nodded. “Course,” he mumbled, the cigarette hanging from between his lips. “What’s up?”
Max pulled Javier to a secluded room, which made Javier raise a brow. Max waved him off and smiled. “Just wanted to tell you that the last scene you did? With Marcus? Just hit 2 mill last night.”
“Shit, really? People must really like the FBI/DEA storyline,” he hummed, part amused, part sarcastic.
“Yeah, so we’re thinking of doing a second part. Like a followup, where–”
“How’s tomorrow?”
Javier frowned. This is the part of his job where he got to pull rank a little. He didn’t normally, but he really wanted to do that scene with Joel. He wasn’t going to miss his chance to pick Joel’s brain a little. 
“What about Monday? I’ve got a scene with Joel tomorrow.”
Max exhaled, like he knew it was coming, and rested his hands on his hips, popping a knee dramatically. “You sure?”
Javier nodded. “‘M sure. I know my job, Max. And I haven’t done a scene with Joel in a while,” He paused. “You can’t argue with the numbers my last one with him pulled.” He knew exactly which buttons to push with Max. His relationship with his boss was fine, but Max could be a real douchebag at times. Javier wasn’t afraid of him or anything, but he also didn’t want to get reprimanded at best, or lose his job at worst.
Max chewed on his bottom lip for a minute. “Fuck,” he sighed. “Alright, fine. Still wanna do the one with Marcus?”
Javier nodded, a triumphant little smile on his face. “Course. He’s got a pretty cock.”
“Very true. Alright, go get yourself cleaned up, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Javier nodded, sucking another drag off his cigarette. His stomach grumbled and he groaned. Maybe he’ll get Chinese tonight.
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kennedyslvr · 1 year
Hey bby!! Could u do smut but its vendetta leon x a goth reader??? I mean like, romantic goth?? I was thinking him n the reader experimenting with new kinks??? Idk
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warnings: nsfw, m.reader, age gap!!! (leon is late 30s reader is early 20s), choking, pain play, mean leon :(, daddy/master/sir kink, marking and bruising, aftercare!!
word count: 1079
note: this was so sweet to write ty anon!!
“leon, can we talk for a second?” leon placed his beer bottle down before turning away from his computer to face you, he gave you a gentle smile before beckoning you to his lap. you happily sat on his lap, he noticed that you were holding his journal. ah shit. “don’t get mad but…i read through your journal and…do you really wanna try that impact stuff with me?” he stared at you blankly before letting out an airy laugh, “let an old man have his fantasies, geez kid.” you felt his leg start to bounce making you giggle, it’s not like you weren’t flattered at the long paragraphs written about all the different ways he wanted to hurt sexually you. “tell you what mr. kennedy, i’ll let you try out the whole impact play shit you’ve written about me. that’d be pretty fun hm?” leon instantly perked up at your words, he was instantly intrigued. “babe…have you read it? i feel like you should-“ “i’m a grown man, i know what i want. and what i want is you, leon.” time for prepping!
you and leon went through everything you needed to before starting, safewords, nonverbal cues, what to do and not to do. he was very cautious since he could easily get caught up in what he was doing, he just wanted to keep you safe. “again, baby, if you want to change your mind now you can, i promise i won’t be mad.” you placed your hand on his cheek before peppering his face in your black lipstick, “it’s okay leon, i promise. i know what to do if it ever gets too much.”
‘i want to hurt him, i know it sounds bad but the thought of hurting him and leaving bruises on him makes my cock throb. i want to see him cry from all the pain and the names i call him. i want to see him bruised up and wanting for me, i couldn’t possibly tell him this though. he would definitely think i’m a fucking creep.’
you let out a pained cry as his hand came in contact with your soft cheeks again, you couldn’t focus on anything but the pain he gave you. your face was burning and your thighs were scarred and bruised, everything hurts on your body but it feels so good. “how many?” what? how many? “h-huh?” you looked up at him confused, what the hell did he mean how many? “how many times have you been hit today, hm?” you we’re trying to remember, you were trying your very best. you couldn’t focus with him staring daggers into you, you squirmed in discomfort. “…i-i don’t know…” leon looked annoyed and frustrated, you looked down ashamed with yourself. “i-i’m sorry! i’ll try to remember-“
you fell over holding onto your cheek, he continued to hit the back of your thighs and ass with a riding crop. you tried to crawl away from him, only to feel his hand push the back of your neck down, effectively locking you down. he placed his knee on your lower back and applied only a little bit of pressure, you wiggled under his weight. “don’t try to run away, slut. you wanted this, and i’m going to give it to you.” you whimpered at the harshness of his voice, he yanked you on your back to see your face covered in tears. he smiled at his hand work, his eyes trailed down to your hardened cock that was wet with your precum. “aw look at your pathetic cock, want me to touch it? want me to make you feel good?” you nodded frantically, raising your hips to feel any type of friction on your sensitive cock. “pl-please i’ll be go-good. i’ll be s-so good! just j-just make me cum please…pleaseee…?” he thought for a moment before taking the tool in his hands and dragging it across your twitching cock, you groaned in discomfort, you just wanted to cum and he was being so mean to you.
“here the deal, im not gonna touch your slutty cock. so i’ll just use my favorite toy on you, you don’t even deserve my touch.” “w-wait no! d-don’t use-“ you let out a loud cry of desperation and pain as he started to smack your cock around, aiming directly for your wet tip. each hit sent painful shocks throughout your body, but it somehow still felt so good. you quickly felt yourself nearing your orgasm, “puh-pleaaasee can i cum? please please please?” you grabbed onto his shirt desperate for his approval, you wanted to cum on his terms. “tch, desperate slut.” he used the tip of the tool to quickly run against your sensitive tip, you arched your back at the sudden action while letting out a loud shriek.
“what do you say when daddy gives you what you want, hm? don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten.” you felt his hand grab onto your throat, hard enough to knock the wind out of you. “th-th-thank you d-daddy- mph- i-im cumming thank you!l” his grip on your throat didn’t falter, it only got tighter as your orgasming hit you full force. you grabbed onto his forearm trying to gasp for air, your back was stuck in a permanent curve, your toes curled, your cock jumped with each rope of cum that spilled out of it. you couldn’t breathe but the orgasm made up for it, your eyes were rolled back as you slowly started to fade. “baby, look at me, are you alright?” you we’re tired, your body ached, and your throat was killing you. you could only manage to nod at his question while giving him a small smile, he returned the smile before picking you up bridal style and walking to the bathroom.
“gonna get you nice and clean up okay?” you nodded, he never let go of you during the cleaning process. keeping your hand firmly in his, gently washing the sweat and sore spots of your body, kissing places that you winced at. when it was finally time for bed he dressed you himself, tossing you in one of his shirts and wrapping you in a giant blanket burrito. “you did so good for me, such a good boy.” your face warmed at the praise, he kept you firm against his chest before you felt the warm of sleep taking you over. “so cute, good night lovely.”
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Black Butler Masterlist
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Sebastian Michaelis 
Ciel vs Sebastian over you
Reaction to your Pregnancy
Domestic HC with your child
Father and Husband
Clingy sebastian
Relationship w/o sex
Not believing his confession
Distancing yourself
Missing and returning with a present 
Throwing yourself into a river
Pagan, Pansexual, Crossdresser
Framed to Death sentence 
Married to Ciel
Sebastian HC
His need for Validation
Sick s/o
“Cheating” on him
Haunted House + Hunted Down
Unwillingly hurting his S/o
Angel trying to seduce S/o out of their Contract
Angel stealing his S/o & Child
S/os child being their “one and only love”
Ciel having a soft spot for his S/o
Demon trying to replace sebastian for his S/o
Independent S/o
Crush trying to hook him up with someone else
Fluff HC
Nature loving S/o
Gold digger S/o
Stubborn S/o refusing to take medicine
S/o on her period
Physically disabled s/o
S/o with cutting scars TW
Kissing Seb as he pretends to sleep
Easily flustered s/o
Punishments HC
Witch s/o who attracts cats
After sex cuddling
Capturing his darling
S/o being the favorite parent
Sebs children trying to take his S/o away from him
Someone attempting to ‘save’ Sebs S/o
Neko S/o
Emotion HC
Arguing wih S/o
Demon S/o rejecting him
Trying to distract him with cats to escape
The difference between Normal and Yandere demons HC
Introducing your baby to the Phantomhives
Grell trying to harm S/o
S/o turning into a cat
Darlings already mated to a powerful demon
Empathetic and sweet S/o
Marrying Sebastian
Finding a way to make human s/o immortal
Smol and delicate s/o
Giddy/Energetic S/o 
Ciel and the servants figuring out Sebastians dating
Darling that cant cook but makes him something anyways
Ciel and the servants figuring out Sebastians dating
High class noble darling that doesnt pay attention to him
Celebrating Halloween with his kids
S/o invested in a book
Noble S/o whose parents doesnt want them talking to seb
Bringing home a stray puppy
Smart yet weak Neko S/o
S/o who has a tendency to climb and get stuck ontop of things
Touch Starved Sebastian
Stupid S/o
Taking Seb to a cat cafe
Nephilim S/o
S/o has a kid from a previous relationship
More Fluff
Taking care of a overworked S/o
Domestic Seb w/ darling
Fighting w/ his kids trying to take S/o away from him
Romantic Darling
S/o’s afraid of cats
Darling being ridiculed for coming out of the closet
Meeting S/o’s overprotective family
Sexuality and Gender Idenity HC
Spoiling his S/o
Darling w/ small Titties
Goth S/o
What music Sebastian listens to
Making a contract with S/o
Yandere Alphabet: D,F,H,R,T
S/o who loves loud aggressive music
Darling has an Eating Disorder TW
Yandere Alphabet: A,J,K,W,Z,I,Q
S/o is afraid of ghosts
Comforting Depressed Darling TW
Comforting S/o w/ the stomach flu
Darling that curses a lot
Loving a small, cubby and cute reader
Darling who always makes degrading comments and jokes about suicide TW
S/o who fears and avoids Sebastian 
Bathing darling
S/o who smokes TW
Dominant S/o
Taking care of a greedy food aggressive cat
Getting matching piercings 
Demon S/o
Finding out Darling has a crush on their best friend
S/o whos nervous at any sensual touch
Modern day Satanist Darling
S/o getting upset when finding out about his past affairs 
Reaction to his darling dying
S/o admits to loving his true form
Celebrating darlings birthday
S/o shutting down when kidnaped 
Fluffy Morning and Night Routine HC
Darling with Major Trust Issues
S/o who doesnt want kids
Darling who can turn into a chibi neko
Being reunited with S/o after being separated for a few years
Demon S/o having a family together
Schizophrenic Reader
40 year old male reader thinking your too old for him
Worker S/os employer abusing them
S/o who constantly has mini break downs
Autistic S/o
Short Tempered Darling
Platonic relationship w/ a  young neko
Disabled S/o who used forearm crutches 
Helping S/o through a Asthma Attack
S/o that loves playing with his hair
Avoiding him due to think demons are only manipulative 
Even More Fluff HC
S/o whos happy to be kidnapped 
Darling saying “I Love You” for the first time
Comforting S/o w/ daddy issues
S/o being sadistic in a strict way
Doing his makeup
Ciel Platonically being Yandere over Sebastian's darling
Placing cats ontop of you to wake you up
S/o wanting to do his skin care
S/o w/ a bad immune system
Play fights w/ sebastian
S/o who likes teasing him
S/o who cant speak english
Another demon wants to steal sebastian's S/o
Would sebastian understand memes?
S/os tics/adhd sounds are like cat sounds 
Spending a day at the beach
Would Sebastian use S/os mental disability against them?
His daughter bringing a dog into the house
Mermaid S/o
Phantomhive servants are platonically Yandere for Sebastians S/o
How Mayrin treats Sebastians S/o
Ciel accidentally calling sebastian's S/o “mom”
Collector s/o
Kittens love language is touch
S/os already married to a human
Writer S/o using sebastian as a reference for the villain
Meeting his wealthy yet not noble S/o
Being romantic w/ his kitten
How he goes about confessing and courting S/o
How he interacts with his new born child
S/os whose personality is bitchy/mean
S/o w/ ADD and MDD
Gifting him cat themed items
Romancing his kitten
S/o that blushes easily
Using his tailcoat as a blanket
Where he likes kissing his kitten & why HC
Loving care HC
Leaving gifts around the manor for his kitten
Building you a home HC
S/o thats bad at cooking trying to join him in the kitchen
Kitten who writes poems for him
Asking him to teach you how to fight
S/o giving him all sorts of affection
Giving back love to his affectionate kitten
S/o willing to give up their soul to save ciels 
What a average day with your new child looks like
“You look so beautiful like this…covered in all of my marks.”
 “This is what would happen if I didn’t take care of you.”
What life is like for the kidnapped S/o
“You’re weak. You need me.”
 “I love you, and I know you love me too. Even if you refuse to admit it.”
S/o who wants to travel the world with him
Demon S/o wants to spar with him
S/o whos a major sweettooth
S/o responding to his flirts with "Good joke, but you're a demon right? You're not supposed to feel. " 
The purge
Watching horror movies with Sebastian
Kidnapped S/o who refuses to look at him and makes rude comments 
Denying him by saying stuff like "you're like a father to me"\
S/o is a stoner
S/o has nipple piercings 
General HC
How Sebastian expresses himself to his Kitten
Playing GTA/RDR with sebastian
S/os basically nocturnal 
Styling sebs hair
Stalking HC
Asking him to dance
S/o gets extremely fatigued at the end of the day
S/o trying to tickle him
Caring for S/o after top surgery
S/o loves dancing to Kpop songs
Platonic S/o caffeine addict
S/o has 5 dogs
S/o imitates him constantly
Platonic seb adopting a young demon
Servant S/o works for a family that regularly abuses them
Sebastian vs Agni
Grell making Seb jealous via flirting at his s/o
Playing human games w/ his child
Running into poor S/o adoring cats
Kidnapping HC
S/o bothered by how much time he spends on contracts
S/o is feisty constantly fights against Seb
Seb baby fever HC
S/o having baby fever
Comforting S/o after their father suddenly passed
Matching tattoos
S/o using him as drawing inspiration
Yandere Alphabet M,K,A,L,U,Y 
Hunted down
Nuclear Apocalypse 
Platonic Babygirl is half demon half human
Life Threatening and Supernatural situation
Life threatening situation
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Claude Faustus
Stalker prompt
Kidnapping HC
Affection HC
Pregnant S/o
Demoness S/o who wont give up without a fight
Innocent S/o
Hunted down
S/o uses ariel silks
Famous Violinist S/o
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Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel vs Sebastian over you
Haunted House + Demon
Becoming your Suitor
Rejecting his advances 
Recognizing Crossdressed Ciel
Fluff HC
Independent S/o
Matching your outfit with his
Comforting S/o on their period
Ciel Platonically being Yandere over Sebastian's darling
Childhood friend S/o
Ciel accidentally calling sebastian's S/o “mom”
Platonic HC
Shy s/o
Falling for a Maid S/o
Servant S/o works for a family that regularly abuses them
Platonic Seemingly absent minded S/o is actually v smart 
Yandere Alphabet I,K,Y
Trick or treat
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Clingy S/o
S/o trying to escape
Kidnapping S/o
Cheering him up
Aggressive S/o 
Killing his rival
How he shows love
Rival threatening S/o
Loving s/o being treated unfairly
Fluff HC
S/o who “wears the pants” in the relationship
S/o can see/talk to ghosts
Darling that defies gender norms
Celebrating Halloween with his kids
Scary Movies
Ticklish S/o
Capturing S/o during a escape attempt
S/o wants a cat
Darlings into steampunk
Naga Undertaker soft affections hc
Half reaper S/o
Yandere Alphabet T,V,X,Y 
Hunted down by vampire undertaker
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Alois Trancy
“youre mine do you understand? you belong to me”
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Tough and Blunt S/o
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Relationship HC 
S/o scared to accept Grells proposal
Figuring out what Grell is
FtM S/o
Not fearing what grell is
Grell raising their kid
Dealing with a man that persistently bothers you
Reacting to S/o singing the 5th verse of WAP
Celebrating Halloween with her kids
Childs now an adult
S/o doesnt want their child to be around the Phantomhives
Family w/ grell HC
Grells child angry theyre hidden 
Married life HC
Loving her S/o whos self conscious about their body
S/o who curses a lot
Platonic relationship with Kid Witch 
S/o who has MILF energy 
Kid Witch gets hurt by an angel 
Pregnant S/o
Loving a chubby S/o
Jealous HC
Kid Witch whos traumatized from getting attacked by an angel
Cuddling after a long days work
Comforting S/o during a Anxiety attack
Soft S/o
Affectionate S/o
Attempting to escape
S/o who walked around the house naked
Humanitarian/empathetic S/o 
Spoiling Grell with affection
s/o saw her kill Madam Red
S/o not believing grell has genuine feelings towards them cause she simps for so many others
S/o who trusts people to easily
Taking advantage of her S/os mental disability making them rely on her
Being with grell in her butler form
S/o absolutely fawns over grell
Platonic young reaper darling
Yandere Alphabet A,B,E,L,V
Vampire grell
Witch S/o
Life Threatening situation
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S/o trying to escape
Spoiled, aggressive S/o
S/o breaking down for the first time
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Elf s/o whos anxious about their ears
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Ronald Knox
Yandere Alphabet L,M,U,Y
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Edward Midford 
Tailor Apprentince S/o who shows skin
Cold and distant S/o
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William T spears
Platonic timid sibling reader just became a reaper
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Sebastian Michaelis
NS FW Headcannons
Period kink
S/o giving a bj 
Heat HC
Bedding his S/o at a high class ball, bondage
Claiming S/o infront of her fiance
Punishment HC 
Sebastian murdering the competition and taking his S/o
Darling going through their first Heat 
S/o losing their virginity 
Bratty S/o 
AFAB darling calling him Daddy 
Face sitting HC 
Making darling squirt for the first time 
AFAB dry humping
Noncon & Breeding TW
Breeding Kink
Favorite Position & Orgasm control
Dubcon & Body Worship TW
How Vocal he is
Male Incubus S/o 
S/o likes pain during sex
Vampire Sebastian Breeding
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Claude Faustus
Darlings first heat 
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Naga NS FW
Foreplay HC
Body paint NS FW
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Sex addicted AFAB S/o 
S/o has trouble orgasming 
Body Praise 
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ideas-4-stories · 4 months
NOOOOOOOO I LOST THE AU I WROTE FOR YOU 😭😭😭 I LITERALLY SENT IT AND TUMBLR SAID "NETWORK ERROR". L FOR THE WIFI. L. Not cool I'm literally crying I thought that AU was genius. It was a Teacher!Buggy AU with Crocomom and Dadhawk. + Shanks co-parenting Luffy with Crocodile. That note was so long I literally spent like 45 mins writing it here on your ask and it was just. Gone. Or I think it did. Why does life hate me. I'm just gonna be brief with this cuz I still think it's golden lmao. Croco and Mihawk work long hours so their kids (Luffy, Zoro, Perona) have to wait for a few hours until they're picked up by their parents. The school doesn't have school buses bc I said so (no I am not cruel it's just out of my budget /j). So Buggy takes the responsibility to keep them comfortable and entertained while they wait. Croco and Mihawk meeting this charming (and clown looking) blue-haired guy and they start courting him. Shanks gets dragged in on the courting bc of Luffy. Also he was already courting Buggy. I didn't write their process of courting I basically skipped and went,, their wedding will take part in a Goth castle. And the design are all sunshine and rainbows (literally). Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Vivi, Zoro and Luffy being in a class along with other kids. Franky, Robin, Jinbei and Brook are in higher classes. Chopper is atom. Not here in the world yet. Perona is like, 2-3yrs older than her brothers so. Yeah *awkwardly shuffles* (I love perona I swear-). Implied Zosan. Some rando: but you didn't imply shi— Me: Shhh I did. *gaslighting*. Law is also there in the classroom with lower grade strawhats. He's suffering. He only attends 3 days a week tho, he's mostly homeschooled bc of his sickness. He's homeschooled by Cora. (You can pry Law and Cora from my cold dead hands. You can separate them when I dissolve into ashes). Don't worry as he gets older his sickness is cured. Ofc he's cured by Cora. He's saved by Cora in every universe. In every AU. Every Era. Every life they will ever live. I will die on that hill– *applies the nobody dies/everyone lives tag on this AU* let my babies be happy pls. Let my man Cora live and travel the world with this emo boy (Law). Doffy isn't real, he can't hurt anyone. Ace is there. Sabo is there. Every One Piece character is out there somewhere. They're like hidden stones and you have 0.02% of finding them. I thought I was just making a Teacher!Buggy AU but then it turns into a Modern!AU for everyone. Let's gooooo. Sora divorces with Judge and remarry with Zeff so now Sanji lives with all his brothers and his sister. They get separate classrooms tho, and reiju is perona's age so she's besties with her. (I do not play by canon's rules with ages bc i live in my own world) They both tease their brothers (Sanji and Zoro) about their crushes on each other. The heart crew is there. Bepo is a dog, a very fluffy one. Kuina is alive. Kaya is there, same classroom with Usopp. I have no idea how to continue this lmao, but I do hope you find this interesting bc Buggy is 100% great with kids and probably teaches well bc he is a big nerd and makes lessons interesting. (Also, the whole reason why I wrote this instead of letting the idea slip through my mind like the others is bc the image of two goth men courting a clown looking mf was funny to me. So here we are lmao. The way I wrote this makes Shanks look like he's the person they let into their open relationship twice lol I'm so sorry 😭😭)
That's really sad, I really like this idea (though I see Shanks and Buggy more as siblings, but I understand the idea of Shuggy) It's fine that this became about so many people, I really like this.
Teacher!Buggy sounds so cool, you know that he's the flashiest and maybe one of the craziness of the things he'll do to get his students good things that will boost their learning. He knows that every kid might not have the same learning paths as others.
How many classes does this man teach? Who knows, too many for how much he gets paid. All teachers needs to get paid more.
I would think Jinbei and Brook being other fun teachers in the school, like Tom could be as well!
I really like this idea, and the imagine of two gothic men trying to court a clown-looking mf is really funny to me as well.
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meowjuniper · 1 month
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ones own miniature horses (individuals bellow cut)
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rainbow mane 6 rainbow mane 6
some headcanons:
pinkie pie: has dwarfism. is audhd :3 aroace + lactose intolerant (sorry weird al) her and twilight are qprs \o/
applejack: deaf/hard of hearing. unspecified chronic pain disorder (won't admit this) dating rarity and rainbow dash, separately
fluttershy: committed goth. turned batpony, born a pegasus. autistic (obviously) has arthritis. is also dating rainbow dash
rarity: has fibromyalgia. has bpd (beautiful princess disorder/j) if you complain about her being green idgaf + idgaf. dating applejack
rainbow dash: ambulatory wheelchair user (injury caused damage to her hind legs. after PT, she can still stand and walk, but it causes pain) adhd and dyslexic. (fun fact; her wings are modeled after real bird wings specifically built for speed!) dating applejack and fluttershy, separately
twilight sparkle: has vitiligo and type 1 diabetes. autistic (duh) and OCD. never becomes an alicorn because im still an alicorn twi hater 10 yo me was MAD! (in my rendition alicorns cannot be made, only born. twilight faces discrimination of sorts for being the first non-alicorn princess of canterlot) (yes this makes flurryheart not special idgaf fuck that baby 🖕) pinkie's qpr
thank u for reading if u even care
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godisg4y · 2 years
He's a 10, but-
Tokyo revengers
TMG edition
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A/n : please if u have any good ideas you'd like to add to my ones, pls reply them in the comments. I would LOVE to hear more of these, tyy
>Mikey, draken, mitsuya, chifuyu, takemitchi, baji, kazutora, smiley, angry, hakkai.
-He's a 10, but constantly bothers you to buy him food (mostly doyaraki)
-He's a 10 but talks about his motorcycle more like it's his gf than you 😭. "Ah, listen to my baby, isn't she so beautiful?" Mikey, it's a FUCKING BIKE.
-He's a 10 but sometimes he kills people and all his friends on a dark impulse lmfao
-sorry that was uncalled for, anyways
-He's a 10 but he falls asleep on you (or any surface really) CONSTANTLY. Like you just be ranting abt smth and realize you're not getting replies and when you look he's passed out next to you with a half eaten doyaraki in his mouth.
-it's a cute but seriously it's happened way too many times now, even in the weirdest places
- He's a 10 but almost burned down your kitchen trying to make ramen. Don't ask me how he managed that but he's not allowed in the kitchen anymore
-He's a 10 but makes wierd noises when he's bored. Like you just be chilling and this mf stars making pterodactyl noises???
-He's a 10 but you cannot watch a movie with him cause he constantly asks STUPID FUCKING QUESTIONS. Like idk if his brain just blanks or he gets sidetracked or what but it's irritating.
-"who's this one? Do we know him?" that's the Mc Mikey, it's abt him. "Didn't that guy die??" no that was his twin! "wtf there's 2 of them? Since when?" since the beginning-. "Oh, wait is that his gf???" no Mikey that's his mom "that's his mom?! No way, she's too hot" MIKEY!!
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-He's a 10. Actually no, he's a 20. That's all. Thanks for comming to my Ted talk/ jk jk
- He's a 10 but has to constantly bend his body to walk through every single door in your place (or most places for that matter)
-He's a 10 but can't pick up on any social clues related to flirting. Like he immediately picks up on when his friends are sad or need help but try to flirt with this guy, all u get is a blank stare and a "wtf" reaction LMAO
-He's a 10 but his room sounds like a hanime at night 💀( it's Canon bc I say so now stfu)
-He's a 10 but enjoys jazz music??
-He's a 10 but went through a mid life crisis and decided to go bald at 27.
- DOrAkEgG-kun
-I can't think of anything else
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- He's a 10 but communicates his problems with his cat instead of you
- He's a 10 but rants to peke j about your dates with him like love struck schoolgirl (don't ask me how I know he does that, I just do)
-He's a 10 but cancels plans with stupid excuses bc he's scheduled his whole Saturday to reading manga. (me too bby.. Me too)
- He's a 10 but his favorite genre of anything is romance
- He's a 10 but only listens to breakup or crush related pop songs, not the passable ones, the kind that gets cringey af after you hear them constantly (like Olivia Rodrigo's)
- He's a 10 but sometimes he gives pick me Boi vibes, not the ones that would openly put others down but the type that like goes out of his way to seem likeable if he wants ur attention. Like he's only pick me-ish when it comes to you, not the vast majority.
-He's a 10 but despite being so cheerful and confident he's shy af when it comes to cute ppl / ones he likes. He has 0 game whatsoever likes he's super chill and fun with everyone but when it's his crush he goes braindead and awkward LMAOO
-He's a 10 but if he has a crush on you, he will 100% stare at you CONSTANTLY but never have the guts to talk to u.
- He's a 10 but religiously believes in big tiddie goth gf supremacy.
-unrelated to the post but I'm almost positive this guy is pansexual
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-He's actually like an 8 ngl, I don't make the rules. anyways
-He's a 10 but he got caught lacking TWICE
-jk jk, he's a 10 but sometimes he holds ur little brothers hand instead of yours 💀
-I'm sorry I'll stop. He's a ten but pretended to be a super hero all the way up till 8
-He's a 10 but he uses so much hair jel it's actually unhealthy
-He's a 10 but he thinks wearing baggy and sagging pants makes him cool
-He's a 10 but he accidentally called you mom once, we act like it never happened (not in a sexual way dw)
- He's a 10 but all his shoes look like they were popular in the 80's
-He's a 10 but his room gives the feeling of deadbeat father and a 5 yr old problem child in one (I can't explain this one)
- He's a 10 but he goes into a corner and plays that snake game on his flip phone in solitude whenever he feels socially awkward somewhere
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-He's a 10 but tries to convince you to commit arson with him whenever he's bored
-He's a 10 but get random bursts of energy to litterally runs up to something then kick it. It's like this:
you're walking together
Monke sees action baji sees trash can
processing said trash can
*impulse activated*
run to trash can
kick as hard as humanly possible
-He's a 10 but has a habit of doing the most regular things a little too aggressively, it's not really his fault cause it's not on purpose, it just happens. Like he accidentally slams doors and draws or places things down too roughly where it makes loud noises and ur a lil concerned ngl. (like glass bowls n shit)
-He's a 10 but uses two in one shampoo. Never does his hair either it just styles itself so perfectly like man.. fuck you
-He's a 10 but punches random guys for fun LMAO
-He's a 10 but pesters you for food like a 5 yr old, also he still likes his "Dino nuggies" but don't tell his friends that...or do, he doesn't care
-He's a 10 but his mom does all his, laundry and still tiddies his room whenever
- Not that he bothers her to do it for him, she just does
- He's a 10 but his mom is a fucking 20, don't @ me
- He's a 10 but he can't read...or spell. But we love him, precious dumbass <3
(Hey I'm baji, I'm 19 and I never fucking learned how to read)
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-He's a 10 but he constantly gaslights you for the most mundane things.
*takes off light*
*walks out and comes back in to se light on*
"Babe didnt I switch this off?"
"no it was just like this"
-He's a 10 but if u mention his younger self hair style he'll threaten to hit u with a wrench (playfully ofc!...unless)
-He's a 10 but one time he accidentally killed his friends brother and went to juvie LMFAOO, life's just like that. It eez what it eez
- He's a 10 but uses the phrase "I went to jail once mother fucker I'm not scared to go again" almost everytime someone picks a fight with him
-He's a 10 but he's overly skeptical of ALL your friends and family. Like whenever u take him to your get togethers or family gatherings he just fucking sits there looking at everyone with the most judgmental expressions ever.
isn't that your "creepy uncle" who went to jail For smth?
Was it pedophilia?
Idk, he just looks like a pedo to me
-He's a 10 but gets genuinely upset when you borrow his jackets, like most guys find it cute and he's like "Hey that's mine! Give it back u rat!"
-He's a 10 but gives cringey emo boy/anime villian worthy speeches about life whenever you two argue
-He's a 10 but had a crush on one of his teachers a time
-He's a 10 but he has daddy issues... And mommy issues... And just issues in general
-He's a 10 but tells you the most weirdest conspiracy theories he has. About the government, aliens, lizard ppl, the pyramids, the Bermuda triangle, everything.
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-He's a fucking 20+. Fight me
-there is litterally no fault in this man. He is perfection.
-OK fine, he's a 10 but somehow goes through episodes of depression and workaholicness in one like?? Pick a struggle, just one
- He's a 10 but his beard/ mustache started growing when he was only 14
- It causes it to grow very quickly now so if he goes a day without shaving u will see a little stubble there lmaoo
-He's a 10 but organizes your shit for you the same way he does for his sisters lmaoo. I guess it's just a force of habit
-Like he'll notice a few of your stationery scattered around your desk and he's already re-organizing everything.
-He's a 10 but he steals your plushies to practice his sewing skills.
-Makes mini sweaters and clothes for your them, and whenever you can't find them and ask, they're in takashi's room "modeling" as he claims
-He's a 10 but he makes your family love him more than they love you without even trying. Like fuck you omg
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NAHOYA (smiley)
-He's a 10, but he tries to "play" fight you every single time you two are left alone together.
-like the others would go inside McDonald's to order food and then come back out to find you two acting out some sort of fake karate moves on each other
-you also beat up eachothers shadows and act like ur getting hurt 💀
-He's a 10 but you have to LITTERALLY beg and plead with him to not murder guys who catcall you. He still throws hands left n right tho
-He's a 10 but he sends u the most random shit at 4 in the morning. And when I say random, I mean RANDOM
- He's a 10 but calls you "bro, dude and bruh" as affectionate nicknames
-He's a 10 but never wears matching socks. Like it's become a habit now to just grab whichever ones are closest and he honestly does not care. "whatever they can't see my socks anyways"
-they can. But according to him it's a fashion statement
-He's a 10 but brings his little brother to your dates sometimes
-then gets jealous when u give souya more attention than him. But who can blame you? We Stan our blueberry little bean. Must protecc
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SOUYA (angry)
-He's a 10...actually he's like a 12 tbvh
-He's a 10, but sometimes he treats you more like a mom or big sister than his actual s/o 💀
-He's a 10, but he gets lost easily, so he clings to your arm like a fucking koala EVERY time ur in public together
-he also follows you around like a lost puppy, EVERYWHERE. Mf waits outside the washroom untill ur done-
-He's a 10 but he MUST. ALWAYS. be the little spoon when cuddling, ALWAYS. (I see this as an absolute win)
-He's a 10 but he has a habit of stealing your blanket in the middle of this night and discarding his own? Or if it's one blanket he just hogs all in his sleep.
-mfs lucky he's so cute otherwise I would've started throwing hands for this shii long ago.
-He's a 10 but he just can't make decisions for himself istg. He will ponder everything for 10 minutes, not decide, ask your opinion and when u give him it he always goes with your opinion. I mean that's nice but sweetie... Think for yourself atleast sometimes T-T
-He's a 10 but he once thought his big brother liked you so he tried to ignore your very existence lmfao but nahoya thought it was his way of being awkward with you. Untill a day he found him crying about it and got the real reason
(proceeded to explain that he didn't like you like that and you're like "one of his homies". Also helped him get closer with you)
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-He's a 10 but he's more romantically interested in mitsuya than you, his s/o
- I'm joking, I'm joking... not really we all know it's true
-Also he's not a 10, he's a 100. I will fist fight anyone who disagrees
-He's a 10 but he's super awkward around any other female or femmine like person except you (if ur a gorl) and yuzuha to the point where he seems rude
-He's a 10 but similar to souya he also can't really make desicions on his own so he just uses yours
-He's a 10 but he acts more like your lil bro that u look after rather than a bf. It just happens cause you're so close with yuzuha and u guys are always treating him like your precious baby that he just automatically reacts like that.
Walking together
-He's a 10 but he sees you kinda like a sugar mommy. Despite being rich, he just likes the feeling of when u get him the things he wants and he knows u like getting him things so there's no problem with asking, not that he ever has to ask bc the second u see him interested in smth ur already getting it for him.
Sees cute Keychain
Oh! Y/nn~ look at that panda chain! Its so cute
*immediately buys him said Keychain*
-He a 10 but he has actual mommy issues and needs you to take care of those needs for him. Which is why he feels so nice when u get him things and do stuff for him. Always making sure he's okay and showering him in affection. He feels the most loved like that.
-He's a 10 but has a, picture of his soulmate "best friend" as his wallpaper and not you
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Jasumm and Kahali hcs?
Jason and Kahali are the cooler Bruce and Stephanie /hj
Really though,Jason pretended to find Kahali annoying but nobody except him bought it and that lead to an emotional scene of Kahali sobbing that his own team leader dosen't love him and Jason reassuring him and listing off the reasons he does and a tender hug
Obviously he was never mean to him out of nowhere because Summer would never allow it but they bickered tons and still do but in a different,softer way
Summer was Kahali's first mentor and Kahali latched onto him more than ever after his mom's death as his new mom and they were so close by then Summer happily took the role on and tbh it wasn't hard with experience as a caretaker of kids that started at 10 when he demanded in helping raise Jon
This adds on to why Jason calls Summer a milf as a joke but not really(calling him a milf that is,Summer is one and he's not joking)
Jason is berryblast,Kahali is cherrywatermelon and Summer is cotton candy
Summer also cracked Kahali's egg by introducing him to Mcr and Jason got him to go full on goth so he calls him 'My Baby Bat'
They have inside jokes and select bonding tactics(Kahali is the only nonblack allowed to touch their hair,though mainly because he did extensive research how to and practiced with Stephanie so they trust him with it)
Kahali is a Dead Sidekicks Force member
Summer took Kahali to Senior Prom as his chaperone after him and Tim went back to finish school so they could be real high school sweethearts
Speaking of which,Jason is unironically convinced Kahali has awful taste for liking Tim and makes fun of him for it and dosen't see how the faults he points out in him are actually more accurate to JASON HIMSELF
Nicknames:Didi and Bhadhi,Lili and JT and Summ and Blud
Whimsigoth/Goth punk/Pastel punk solidarity
Jason and Kahali /j /lh
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And Summer and Kahali!! /platonic
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kings-lone · 2 months
Hello uhh… ✨~pinned~✨? I guess? Haha
She/Her only, please
Hello, I’m Shoko. You can also call me Terra if you’d like.
My main sona/mascot is also Shoko! Art of her will be linked here!
Visual artist, animator, vocalist, lyricist, and writer!
I do vocals for a doom metal band called Kage Musume.
Love designing lesbian goth girls.
Important social links:
🖤 17 years old
🖤 Lesbian, polyamorous, demisexual, autosexual 🏳️‍🌈
🖤 Goth, pagan and satanist
Special interests: Japanese horror/mythology/culture, music (specifically metal), Bloody Panda, King Woman
Music genres: Doom metal, j-metal, j-horror, sludge metal, post-metal, black metal, drone, experimental, punk rock, noise, hardcore, post-hardcore, folk punk, trip-hop, freak folk, shoegaze, and almost anything gothic metal/rock/punk related
Bands: King Woman, Bloody Panda, Yoshiko Ohara, Gallhammer, Boris, Frayle, Made Out of Babies, Battle of Mice, Julie Christmas, Elizabeth Colour Wheel, Vaee Solis, SubRosa, Windhand, X-Ray Spex, Eyehategod, Thou, Jucifer, Gouge Away, Ragana, Foxtails, Blacklab, and many, many more
Movies: Ju-On, Coraline, Ringu, Houseハウス The Shining, Isle of Dogs, My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, The Cat Returns
Shows: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Adventure Time, Over the Garden Wall, Gravity Falls, Invader Zim, SpongeBob, The Owl House
Games: Little Big Planet, Little Nightmares, Omori, Death Forest, Cult of the Lamb, Minecraft, Splatoon
Extra, for funsies! Comfort characters: Kayako Saeki (Ju-On/The Grudge), Rosie (Hazbin Hotel), Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Six (Little Nightmares), Coraline (Coraline lol)
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wandawiccan60 · 1 year
A Boy Name Thomas A.K.A.(Lazarus)- 80's AU
A Tom Hardy X Violet(FemOC) Story
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!🥳🎉🍾🎇🙌🏼 I hope you all are or had a wonderful New Year with family and friends I want to end the last day of 2022 with this mini blurp that I thought would be a nice idea. So it just came into mind while I was listening to the Black Celebration album by Depeche Mode. But it also inspired me by this photo of a young Tom Hardy with his baby face down below👇🏼Thank you for this wonderful photo that I am happy to share with you all. I hope you enjoy it as always and please comment, like, and reblog it'll help the page thank you to all of my 200 followers as of right now. For your support and for reading my stories. I'll see you all in 2023 guys and once again Happy New Year.
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Summary: On one magical night in Oxford two unique characters from different backgrounds, a singer and a fan together share a lovely evening together not believing she just spent time with her celebrity crush. And what if Tom became a goth singer winning over the hearts of his adoring fans of many but only one caught both his eyes and heart?
Here is the ultimate album for inspiring me to write this story 🤍🖤🎤✨🙌🏼🎼
TAGS: @hecatemoon87, @i-love-th-characters1, @kittycatcait219, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @zablife, @jarvisrocks, @theshelbyclan, @evita-shelby, @solomons-finest-rum, @omgeternal, @pottersolomons2, @professor-alfie-solomons, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @thefics-that-drip, @tea-atfive, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @itsdelicioustea, @rikki-b-lake, @queenofthefaceless, @quarterpastmidnight, @queencoraline3, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @veddieiscanon, @darklydeliciousdesires, @mollybegger-blog, @edwardthomashardy1, @lovebitesimagines, @97freaknik, @alfiesolomons-treacle, @jollysoulfestivalfreak, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @star017, @ao3feed-symbrock, @symbean, @weirdgirl16355, @twvstedsouls, @integalacticspacemonkey, @grungebabyblu
Word Count: 3,676
WARNING 18+: Light Cussing, & Lots of Fluff!
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Oxford, United Kingdom- 1986
Violet and her best friend Ivy waited patiently outside of the stadium in Oxford. It was finally the day that the girls would see their favorite band, This Dark Plague. Ever since they first heard their first album, it was nothing like they have heard of before. The voice of Lazarus, the lead singer of the band, took their souls away. His voice was like they sent it from the heavens from above, silky, smooth, and yet hauntingly beautiful. Being gifted with such a rare voice is something few people hear in the music industry. Knowing that there was pure talent in the young boy. Once the front doors of the stadium finally opened, Violet and Ivy squealed amongst themselves. As both girls held hands together while doing small hops. 
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please,” said one security guard as he said the following, “welcome to the show. We would like for you all to do us a favor before going in. Please have your tickets ready for us to stamp. And for anyone who has bags, we will check them after we mark your tickets. Once again, have your bags and tickets ready to make the queue go faster. Thank you and have a wonderful time here on the tour.”
“Oh my gosh, Violet, I can’t believe we are already here. Tell me this is all a dream?” Said Ivy, still holding onto her friend’s right hand, not wanting to let go.
“Are you being a joker, Ivy? Of course, this is not a dream we are here, don’t you see? We are about to see Lazarus in the flesh. You and I have to at least be in front of the stage as much as we can. I’ll make a run for it, yes?” Violet said, giving a cheeky smile along with a wink at her friend, which Ivy giggled at her gesture.
Once their tickets were stamped and luckily didn’t bring bags. Violet made a run towards the floor of the stadium, hoping to find a suitable spot for both her and Ivy. After a small jog, she then finally made it where there were at least a group of 7 people. Violet heaved in and out of breath, still not believing that she was going to see her dream band in person. She pressed a gentle hand against her chest, feeling her heartbeat ceasing down little by little. Ivy made it some minutes later, standing next to her friend as they now patiently waited for This Dark Plague to come out to sing. 
“What type of perfume do you think Lazarus might wear out for tonight?” Ivy then asked some time later as more people came along the floor, becoming warmer and clamped together.”
“Oh, I bet it is something pleasant, but what I care about the most is to hear that angel like voice he has. And those eyes oh god those dark blue eyes of his how can I can’t say no to him,” Violet gasped out picturing Lazarus in that wonderful black leather jacket he became iconic for with that soft trimmed dark brown hair that seemed to be soft to touch and that baby face oh god can you ask for more,” she said feeling her cheeks turn pink seeing she couldn’t take that image off of her head now anymore.
After what felt like hours going by slowly, the stadium suddenly became loud and full. While some other songs from other popular bands that Ivy and Violet know were played in the background. Just so the atmosphere doesn’t seem to be gloomy or boring, it made some people dance to the best of the music. As they played the last song of the night, the music paused. Only you can hear people speaking to each other. Suddenly, the time of what Violet and Ivy came to see was about to begin. Cheers and claps erupted in the air as Ivy and Violet squirmed under their breaths as the stage went dark while an ambiance sound played on.
“Oh my god, Ivy, they’re coming, they’re coming!” Violet said excitedly as the music continued to play louder.
A dark purple light illuminated the stage as a small cloud of fog spread out across the stage. Without the girls realizing, the band members came out. One by one, only three members appeared through the white fog, getting to their positions behind each instrument they play on. Violet was confused where Lazarus could appear, but out of nowhere, that voice suddenly spoke through the big speakers.
“Good evening,” he said in an echo tone, making everyone in the crowd cheer erupted, including Ivy and Violet, “welcome. This first song you all might know of and I want you all to join. And it goes like this.”
The music changed into a deep ambient sound with haunting chimes. Like something you’ll hear from a children’s cartoon, but with a dark twist. Then it happened again, that voice, that enchanted voice that you can get hypnotized to.
 Let’s have a black celebration
Black Celebration
Violet and Ivy screamed their hearts out once they saw the shadow of Lazarus between the fog and purple lights. He continued seeing he had on his black leather outfit with black sunglasses and his hair fixed back with gel. 
To celebrate the fact
That we’ve seen the back of another black day
His full-on appearance made the stadium scream for more than his voice continued to sing his heart out. 
I look to you, how you carry on when all hope is gone
Can’t you see?
Your optimistic eyes seem like paradise to someone like me
I want to take you in my arms
Forgetting all I couldn’t do today
Black Celebration
Black Celebration
Violet and Ivy danced to the beat of the music, singing along to the lyrics while Lazarus held the microphone closer to his lips. 
To celebrate the fact
That we’ve seen the back of another black day
He then knelt down to where the girls were standing, reaching out their hands while Lazarus gave a side smirk at them. Violet didn’t notice at first until she felt his leather glove hand against hers. Everything went in slow motion until he sang again as they both made eye contact.
I look to you and your strong belief
Me, I want relief tonight
Consolation I want so much
Want to feel your touch tonight
Take me in your arms 
Forgetting all you couldn’t do today
Black Celebration
Black Celebration
Black Celebration
(I’ll drink to that)
Black Celebration
Black Celebration
(I’ll drink to that)
Black Celebration
Once the singing came to a full end, they both shared another small moment or two until he kissed Violet’s right hand. Lazarus tilted his black glasses down, revealing those blue eyes of his. Giving her a quick wink, he stood up on his feet and the fans cheered once again.
“Thank you. How are you all doing tonight?” He asked the millions of fans and they all roared with cheers, “righ’ then I am amazed at how many have come today. It’s madness. You all are beautiful, really. Let’s get the show goin’ yea?”
And so, the rest of the night was nothing but an unforgettable and mesmerizing show. Filled with enchanting music, dancing, and living the dream that Violet and Ivy could ever ask for. Once in a while, Lazarus would come their way, which was strange for Violet. Thinking why she and not anyone else in the crowd while other girls were screaming his name out to get his attention. She would try her best to ignore it as both friends continued to sing their hearts out. As the show came to a close end, Lazarus and the rest of his bandmates took a bow and thanked everyone once more.
“Thank you very much and good night,” he said, his voice echoing through the large stadium, disappearing into the thick fog. 
Backstage, however, Lazarus had other thoughts in his mind besides accomplishing another successful night. But not just anything out of the ordinary, but he focused on the girl in the crowd with raven hair, dark amber eyes, peachy light skin, a very intriguing black long-sleeve shirt with a black long skirt. 
I wonder who she was???
Both girls felt a bit exhausted and tired, but it didn’t stop them from going around the corner to get a late-night bite. A small group of people were inside the restaurant shop, so Ivy suggested waiting in the queue. While Violet would find a table for them to sit at. It took a couple of minutes for her to find a table looking from one side to another. Feeling like giving up on the spot, however, her luck didn’t run out just yet. From far away, there stood a group of young boys, laughing. One of them was smoking some cigarettes while they continued eating. But one of them stood out from the crowd, which made Violet nervously panic on the inside. It was This Dark Plague themselves of all people, seeing them here amongst the fans. But they were half dressed differently from when they were on stage. She recognized them right away, thinking if this was true or not. Lazarus then looked to the side, noticing Violet standing far in the distance with a smile on his face. He had his black sunglasses on, still wearing that leather black jacket, but underneath it; he had on a band shirt. While resting his back against the brick wall of the restaurant, both Lazarus and Violet made eye contact. He removed his glasses after seeing the girl he saw earlier at the stadium. Startled, she looked away, pretending he didn’t see him trying to walk the other way. It was too late until she heard someone calling out directly at her.
“Hey excuse me miss,” said he reaching out to her with his hand gently placing it on her left shoulder.
She became stiff like a statue, nervous to turn to face the person she knew who it was. Though Violet didn’t want to look foolish in front of him and so she slowly met eyes with him.
“Sorry to bother, but I see you having trouble finding a place to sit. If you like, I and my mates have space at our table. You’re more than welcome to maybe want to sit with us. I insist, of course,” he said, giving a friendly smile. Violet returned the gesture with some shyness.
“Oh, that’s very kind of you really, but that won’t be necessary really I-.”
“Violet, is that who I think it is?” Ivy exclaimed, holding two plates of fish and chips in both hands. Her mouth and eyes opened in awe, “Oh my god it’s you Lazarus. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Well, I’m glad to meet you girls. I’m telling your friend here that we have some seats open over with the boys. And you two are welcome to sit with us,” he said as one bandmate saw the entire scene going about.
“Oh, do you? That sounds grand, Violet don’t be rude come on let’s go sit yea?” Said Ivy already making her way toward the table leaving Violet and Lazarus alone.
“You know you didn’t have to do that,” she said, seeing her best friend greeting the group as the boys welcomed her with open arms.
“Well, I just thought it would be fair, since this place is quite full. And I see you had a hard time looking for a place to sit, you know,” he said nervously, folding his hands together while biting on his bottom lips.
Violet didn’t say a word, hugging her arms together and looking back at Ivy, who she was now speaking to one of the boys. Seeing she was having a pleasant conversation about whatever made one of the band members laugh.
“Look, I didn’t mean to be such a disturbance to you and your friend. I want to say I’m sorry for ruining your night if I did that,” he said apologetically, hoping that she won’t see him from a different perspective.
 At that moment, Violet felt like a big ungrateful brat for questioning and denying her favorite singer’s offer. Seeing that he was just being generous, welcoming, and a massive sweetheart. 
Wow I’m such a fucking dick…
“I’ll just let your friend know you’re not feeling alrigh-.”
“No, please I- I want to say I’m sorry. It’s not your fault, it’s mine. I don’t know what got into me for sounding like a cunt. I’m the one that should apologize,” Violet admittedly said, feeling her cheeks warm with embarrassment sounding like a total fool in front of her crush.
Lazarus saw this happening in front of him and, without saying a word, he placed a hand on top of her left shoulder. Violet felt his large hand as she looked back at those deep blue eyes of his.
“Don’t be ok and don’t say you’re a cunt either, we just got on the wrong side of things. But know this right, I’m not that type of prick that gets offended easily. Trust me, I’ve heard and encountered far worst characters,” Lazarus said with a side grin. Violet only smiled bigger as he continued, “but none of that now. How about we join with your friend and my mates, eh? I like you to meet everyone.”
“Yes, of course, and actually let me reintroduce myself properly. My name is Violet. It’s wonderful to meet you, Lazarus,” she said as they walked their way toward Ivy and the band.
“Ah well, it’s lovely to meet you, darling, and Violet. That’s a beautiful name. I got to say I like it,” he said, giving her another side smile. Suddenly, she felt her body become warm once more. 
As the night went on for what felt like hours, Ivy and Violet were enjoying the band’s company very much. Seeing a different side of each band member, including Lazarus. Ivy never stopped asking Dracu, the synthesizer player, about why he chose such an instrument, why he joined the band, and so many that he generously asked away. While the others laughed and talked about other things and sometimes made fun of their friend, seeing how Ivy is such a chitter chatter. But Dracu didn’t care because he found her company enjoyable and never talked this much to someone like this before, especially a girl. Violet and Lazarus, meanwhile, were more into the most serious talks. Talking about if he never was a singer, what would he be doing if he would choose a distinct career path than being in a band, etc. He would, mostly, give her some very intelligent and in awe answers that Violet never thought she would hear. It made her feel awestruck and would listen to him for hours and hours day and night. Blade, the back vocalist, would eavesdrop once or twice on Lazarus’s and Violet’s conversations. Seeing and hearing how open and expressive he sounded towards the young woman. It was rare to see him socialize with other people for past reasons. The last time Lazarus did this sort of thing was with his then ex-girlfriend 2 years ago. It was alright from the beginning, but once the band gained more recognition to the public, things went downhill in both the relationship and mostly for Lazarus. On the night he came back home from the recording studio, it shocked him when he saw Bella with another man in the bed they both shared. Heartbroken and not saying anything, he stayed over at Blade’s house on that same night. It hurt to see his friend with anger and sadness in his heart. But after some time passed, Lazarus got over it mostly. He did loved her unconditionally but Dracu, Blade, and Vlad, their “manager” of the band, had this bad feeling about Bella. She liked the attention, but not in a good way. She never left Lazarus’ side for one moment and worst yet she demanded to be in a music video but for her own selfishness. Bella cared more about being in the spotlight than the band, but those days were over. What Dracu cared to see is Lazarus being open again and looking more comfortable than he did before.
“Oh Christ, look at the hour. It’s getting late. Thank you again for a wonderful night. It was a pleasure, boys, and Dracu,” Ivy cheekily smiled at him. He felt his face flush red. “good luck on your other shows too. I hope you all have fun.”
“I’m glad you girls enjoyed our company. It was nice to meet some civilized fans unlike before,” Vlad said sarcastically, taking another drag from his cigarette. 
“Don’t be such a dick mate,” said Dracu, lightly pinching him on his right shoulder, which he only chuckled.
“Awww, we’re flattered, really. Thanks again for being so marvelous,” Ivy said, smiling at her friend, who did the same.
“By the way, if you ladies want, we can take you two to your homes or hotel room. I insist again. If that’s fine with you both,” suggested Lazarus Ivy cheerfully said ‘yes’ quickly in a heartbeat. 
Sometime later, after saying their last goodbyes to everyone, Lazarus and the girls made it back to the hotel that was close to the restaurant. Ivy and Violet made their way out of the car as Lazarus did the same. 
“Well then, I hope you two have a good night’s rest. I appreciate you both for coming to our show and being amazing fans. Really, it means a lot to us and from my heart,” he said, sounding grateful, and the girls smiled big at the compliment.
“Aww, you are so kind and thank you for bringing us to our hotel. It means a lot. But have a goodnight and have fun in your next concerts,” said Ivy, looking back at Violet saying ‘thank you’ as well.
Before Violet went inside the doors of the hotel while following Ivy behind, she then heard her name being called out.
“Violet, ummm, do you have a moment if that is alright with you?” he asked shyly asked, but Violet nodded her head in agreement.
“Is everything alright Lazarus?” She asked, a bit confused why he wanted to talk to her alone.
“No, nothing is wrong. I just… I thought whenever I have time off for myself, we might stay in touch and talk. Of course, when you’re also free and not doing anything, what I’m trying to tell you is that this was a lovely night and I just think you were a very interesting girl and I-.”
“It’s Thomas,” he snapped. Violet eyebrows formed in confusion but he continued on, “call me Thomas. I know it’s strange to say my real name to you, but I wanted to say it. I oddly felt like I needed to tell you my stage name is just a character from the real me.”
Violet only nodded her head slowly and never thought of hearing such a thing, especially the front man of This Dark Plague.
“I’m sorry for making all of this awkward, truly I don’t know why I asked in the fir-.”
“Thomas, hey it’s alright don’t worry. I have to say I like your real name more than your stage name. I think it suits you better. And I’ll gladly like to stay in touch with you. You make the call and I’ll be there yea?” Violet said, giving him a reassuring smile, which he then let out a small sigh of relief.
“Sounds good then. I should let you know it’s getting cold out here. Nighty night, Lady Violet, I hope we see each other again soon,” he said, smiling back at her while she chuckled at his gesture.
“You have a safe trip, Sir Thomas. We will speak again and call me when you are free. Here, I’ll give you my number.
Do you have a paper and pen for me to write?”
“Oh yes, I give me a moment,” Thomas said, going back inside the car and retrieving a pen and a piece of paper.
Once Violet wrote the phone number of her hotel room in the end, she put a small drawing of a heart. He found this adorable in his eyes, his heart jumping from inside.
“I’ll keep this close to me, I promise. Goodnight, love,” he said, finally making his way to the car. Violet looked on, waving a small hand at him.
As he drove into the night, Thomas couldn’t stop looking at the small price of paper with Violet’s number and heart drawing. Not believing how this night turned out, then what he thought at first.
4 weeks into their tour, both Thomas and Violet did indeed end up talking to each other as he promised. It started slowly at first, but as one concert went to another, a small blossom grew behind the scenes. Both the fan and the singer had many things in common, but the two wanted more than just being friends. Just before autumn arrived, Thomas surprised her after Violet told him she was going back home to Epson, which wasn’t far from his hometown of Hammersmith. Before going home, he instead drove to Violet with an enormous bouquet of roses in his hands with a love note in the middle. Arriving in front of her house, he walked his way up to the door, knocking. As they opened the door, to his surprise, it was the person he was looking forward to seeing. 
“Thomas, I’m so glad to see you, my love,” she said between her big smile hugging him around his neck. Both exchanged a sweet, welcoming kiss on the lips.
“Hello my darling, I’m finally back home with you. I’ve missed you so much.” 
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thenightling · 7 months
Well, now that I've updated my favorite Christmas songs list. Here is my list of favorite Halloween songs. Note, this list is subject to change based on my mood.
Bonus: Locked Within the Crystal Ball by Black Moore's Night. It's not actually Halloween related but it has a very elemental magick feel to it so I felt it was worth a mention.
Also bonus mention for Queen's A Kind of Magic.
25. Witch's brew by Omnia. The lyrics are directly taken from Shakespeare's MacBeth but because the play is considered to be cursed the song may be cursed. The story goes that the scene with he three witches was based on an encounter Shakespeare had with some actual witches and as punishment for making them characters in his play, the play was cursed. Now actors and theatre crew consider it bad luck to say the name of the play. It's often referred to as "The Scottish Play" and the only time its name can be said is when you are talking specifically about the character. So because it might be cursed, I put it very low on the list.
24. Lost in the Shadows from the Lost Boys soundtrack. This is an old favorite as I used to watch that movie every summer but I associate it more with summer than Halloween which is why I put it so low on the list.
23. The Master's song, sung by Renfield in Dracula the musical by Frank Wildhorn.
22. Life after Life from Dracula the musical by Frank Wildhorn and sung by Dracula and Lucy.
21. Anything can happen on Halloween sung by Tim Curry for the TV movie version of The Worst Witch.
20. Hex Girl from The Hex Girls for Scooby Doo and The Witch's Ghost. From the Wiccan Eco Goth equivalent of The Spice Girls.
19. Touching old Magic AKA The Halloween song from the Halloween door episode of The Real Ghostbusters animated series. Surprisingly good for a song from an animated series from the 80s.
18. Halloween by John McCutchen. This was a pain to track down. I heard it on Halloween radio and liked it and it took me a while to find a decent recording of it.
17. Halloween by J. P. Ashkar. This song was a Tiktok hit last Halloween and the full (longer) version of the audio can be found on Youtube. It's really very catchy.
16. Creepy Crawlies by Scary Bitches. This song was (for many years) the unofficial theme song to the Spirit Halloween store. The first time I heard it was on the radio in a Spirit Halloween store.
15. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) by David Bowie. Not quite Halloween related but it plays on Halloween radio and so does Magic Dance (which is listed under this one). The album Scary Monsters (and super Creeps) inspired Danny Elfman during his Oingo Boingo days.
14. Magic Dance by David Bowie for the movie Labyrinth. Sung by Jareth, The Goblin King, and his goblin minion, to entertain a human baby.
13. The Witches are back to the tune of the similarly named Elton John song, from Hocus Pocus 2.
12. One way or Another. The Hocus Pocus 2 version sung by Bette Midler.
11. I put a spell on you. Bette Midler's cover from Hocus Pocus.
10. Horror in Action by Kayak. For some reason this song makes me think of Cain and The House of Mystery horror anthology comics by DC.
9. You won't survive by Count Crow. A parody version of "I will Survive" sung by Dracula to his victims. I just think it's darkly funny.
8. Fright Night from J. Geils Band. This is the title track for the movie Fright Night from 1985 starring the late Roddy McDowall as a hasbeen horror actor who is dragged into the world of the supernatural when teenager, Charlie Brewster, believes his neighbor to be a real vampire. Peter Vincent must overcome his fears and becomes the hero he always pretended to be. Roddy McDowall's voice is even sampled briefly in the song.
7. Monster Mash by Bobby "Boris" Pickett. How can I not love this classic? But my favorite version of it is a recording I actually only heard relatively recently. Vincent Price's cover from the 1970s.
6. Thriller by Michael Jackson and Vincent Price. I mostly love it for the iconic dance but most especially for Vincent Price's poem / "Rap" and of course his iconic cackle at the end of the song. My friend Sarah used Vincent Price's cackle from the song as my ringtone on her cellphone for many years.
5. Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr. This one is a childhood favorite. The title track to the original Ghostbusters movie and the theme song for The Real Ghostbusters animated series. The animated series inspired me to study parapsychology and made me want to be a parapsychologist when I was thirteen.
A recent interview with Ray Parker Jr. revealed that he loves the song because it always makes people smile. No one is ever crying when the Ghostbusters song is playing. He said how even little kids will answer "Who you gonna call?" with "Ghostbusters!" And that's what he likes about the song, it brings people joy. There's no negative emotion attached to the song. And I realized he's right. It's just a fun song.
4. Pet Sematary by The Ramones. Deliberately misspelt, this song was the title track for the movie of the same name, based on the novel by Stephen King. I actually like the song more than the movie. The song is from the point of view of someone who doesn't want to be raised from the dead. In role playing games I always made this the favorite song of my original character, Shelley.
A cover of the song was performed by Plain White Ts for the soundtrack of Tim Burton's remake of Frankenweenie (he was remaking his own short film but as stop motion). I actually prefer the original Ramones version. Though I do love it's use for a Frankenstein story.
3. Weird Science by Danny Elfman / Oingo Boingo. I love the song for it's bouncy nature. Yes, it's "Mainstream' but so what? Oingo Boingo fans who refuse to like any of their "mainstream" songs are (in my opinion) kind of pretentious. Yes, it was written for a cheesy teen comedy that later became a 90s teen sitcom on USA Network. But so what? The song is from the point of view of a scientist / sorcerer or alchemist attempting to create life. It's heavily inspired by Bride of Frankenstein and the version used in the opening of the Weird Science TV series samples clips from Bride of Frankenstein.
In role playing games I often made this the favorite song of my "therapist for monsters" character Percy Van Helsing.
2. Dead Man's Party. This song will now always remind me of a wonderful time I had with my cousin and soul sister, Jessica Louise Conroy and her son, Joey, at Six Flags last Halloween season. It played a lot over the speakers there and was already a Halloween favorite of mine. It's by Danny Elfman from when he was the lead singer of the rock band Oingo Boingo. And it makes reference to the scary story "Room for One More." Today Danny Elfman uses it as his encore performance at the end of his Nightmare before Christmas concerts but between 1996 until 2015 he did not perform it live. Now it's tradition that he adds it to his annual Nightmare before Christmas concerts. And the song became the basis for Six Flag's Halloween stage show of the same name, "Dead Man's Party."
1. This is Halloween. Written by Danny Elfman for Nightmare before Christmas it finally reached the Billboard Top 100 for the first time this year. My favorite recording of it is the demo version sung by Danny Elfman himself because it sounds like Jack Skellington is giving you a tour of his home town.
Another Bonus: I also love Halloween Bash by Irving Fink. I didn't put it on the list before because I couldn't remember who recorded it. I knew it as "Monster Bash" from Halloween Radio, a song I heavily associate with my dearest friend Lorie Pringle
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babygorewhore · 11 months
Hey idk if you're still doing the 'tell me about yourself and I'll ship you with an evan thing' so ignore this if you don't wanna do any more but ty if you do!
I'm non binary, I use all pronouns in my every day life cause I'm from a non-English speaking country, but I prefer they/them the most, im queer sexuality wise, i want top surgery more than anything else rn, I'm currently OBSESSED with across the spiderverse, I love video games, nostalgic shit (I just got a DVD of the first few episodes of a childhood show of mine lol), manga, comics, fashion designing (hoping to make it a career!), lego, makeup, plushies and musicals! (So you like show tunes, doesn't mean you're gay, it just means you're awful. I watched all seasons of glee... I hate myself. /j) Oh and cats. I love cats. Specifically hairless ones and cheetahs. (THEY COUNT IDC).
I have short (pixie cut) super dark brown hair that I usually dye blonde or other colors, I have greenish-brownish eyes, and no piercings cause I'm a wimp and to add to the wimpiness I am 5'3 (most of my friends are taller than me I am in HELL). I like to dress in all sorts of clothing, androgynous, masculine, feminine, y2k, goth, pastel. When I'm in fem clothing I either dress in like an elegant goth, cute pastel stuff with mostly green, pink or orange, but whatever I wear the earrings always have to be Giant. In my every day life though most of my clothing is fun T shirts, long sweat pants or shorts and a hoodie. Oh and sandels. Lots and lots of sandels. I love winter because I get to wear all my favorite hoodies, and get to snuggle up in my bed eating soup while watching some dumb Christmas movie no one wanted to see but Netflix made cause money.
I have ADHD and generalized anxiety disorder and currently trying to figure out with my psychiatrist what else I have. I'm a very sensitive person but I usually mask so if I'm hurt I will not show it, but I'm also very petty and spiteful? I don't act on it though. I'm a morning eagle AND a night owl, I'm just a ball of chaotic energy that doesn't die, I AM HELLFIRE INCARNET! BOW BEFORE- coffee? We dont know her. I try to be funny? My friends think I'm funny but idk. You tell me.
Again tysm if you do this and have a nice day!
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Okay bet. So Kyle here would absolutely love your interests and he would absolutely LOVE MUSICALS. I feel like people wouldn’t think so because he’s a frat boy but he totally would.
He would be really supportive in your expression of style and he would love having a non binary partner! I feel like he’s extremely accepting.
He would have such respect for you for sticking to your authentic style and oml…HE WOULD LET YOU BORROW HIS HOODIES!!!! He would love how they hang on you he would find it so cute!!!
He would love to see you design for your fashion and even give you a little fashion show of all his fits! I feel like he also has a lot of energy that he’s dying to show. He would love to stay up late for you so much.
And he’s very sweet so since you’re a sensitive person, he would be very protective of you and give you lots of kisses if you unmasked! WE LOVE OUR BLONDE ANGEL BABY KYLE!!!
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sp00kymulderr · 4 months
Congratulations on 2K followers! That is 2K people who've been touched by your writing and your kindness and that is amazing ❤️
✨ fmk--- hehe I'm going to start this ask with pure violence. FMK, Ezra, Joel Miller and Dieter Bravo 😈
🎧 what song do you associate with me? I'm curious. Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees makes me think of you.
📝 self rec -- Persistence this is probably my favorite thing I've ever written. It's Ezra x f!reader but it is an AU that I don't know how to explain or properly tag. What if one of them is dead? What if both of them are dead? What if no one is dead?
Hi J! Thank you so much, I'm forever grateful to have a wonderful talented moot like you for such a while now!
First of all, Persistence was GORGEOUS. I'm sure I read it before but it got lost in the ether, so I'm so glad you brought it up here and I got to experience that again.
 “—-love you anyway.”             “I love you too,” says Ezra, tears flowing free, and he hears you inhale like you mean to say more and the call drops.
Absolutely broke me. And the ending. Oh, it was so beautiful and heartfelt.
As for the FMK - mean but manageable for me! Fucking Ezra because isn't that the dream? 🫠 Marrying Dieter because he is my baby boy and unfortunately my obsession. Killing Joel oops, but he doesn't stand a chance against the others for me lol.
Now the song! First of all, Spellbound is one of my FAVES!! When I was getting in to my goth phase as a young teen my dad used to burn me cds full of old school goth adjacent music and that was one of the songs that really struck a chord with me back then! For you, Apprentice of the Universe by Pure Reason Revolution - it's also an Ezra song for me and so also makes me think of you of course!
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ginanddonuts · 6 months
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It’s been a minute since I did one of these, but in a year that started with the death of a legend , and saw music infrastructure fracture even further into hyper-niche corners, I found myself more engaged than I’ve been in a while with new rap. Maybe the sheer impossibility of staying on top of everything freed me up to just hear what I hear and rock with what I like, or maybe I just finally burnt myself out playing Starlito tapes on repeat and needed something to switch it up with, but picking 50 was actually kinda tricky. Who knew?
In alphabetic order. Got em’ in a YouTube and an Apple Music playlist for easy listenin'
Armand Hammer - Y'all Can't Stand Right Here (prod. Steel Tipped Dove & Messiah Musik) AyooLii - Shmackin Town (prod. 2PHONENOAH) Baby Osama - Only Girl in the NBA (prod. ?) Babyface Ray ft Los & Nutty - Luh Tyler Flow (prod. TanaFyeThatShitUp2) BabyTron ft Luh Tyler - Kai Cenat / Old Days (prod. Hokatiwi) billy woods - Rapper Weed (prod. Kenny Segal) Bobby Too Tact - Real Facts (WhoRunItNYC Performance) (prod. Lowkeymali) 2HUMPY x 2RARE - 2HUMPY Anthem (prod. 2HUMPY) Certified Trapper - Over Seas (prod. Certified Trapper) Christ Dillinger - Ima Go Out Fighting Like King Von (prod. Seepy) Connie Diiamond ft Jenn Carter - Ghetto & Ratchet (prod. DJAaronOnDaBeat & Milan Made It) CrackWhite - Black Pain (prod. RAN) Danny Brown ft Bruiser Wolf - Y.B.P. (prod. SKYWLKR, Kassa Overall) DJ Fresh ft E40, Larry June & Dreebo - Pop My Shit (prod. DJ Fresh) Earl Sweatshirt - Making the Band (Danity Kane) (prod. Evilgiane) FLEE - Hunnibun (prod. Natt Carlos) Gabe 'Nandez - Long Reach (prod. Argov) Ice Spice - Deli (prod. RiotUSA) IceColdBishop - Last Night (prod.BREGMA, Jeremy Uribe, David Emanuel & Bubbs) ICYTWAT - Black Card (prod. Rocco Roy) Jay Hound ft Jay5ive - Ukraine (prod. DoubleM) Kari Faux ft Devin the Dude - DOG (prod. Phoelix) KARRAHBOOO - Running Late (prod. Gentlebeatz & Yovng Blake) Key Glock - In And Outta Town (prod. BandPlay & Hitkidd) Killer Mike ft. Future, Andre 3000, Eryn Allen Kane - Scientists & Engineers (prod. André 3000, No I.D., DJ Paul, James Blake & TWhy) King Vision Ultra ft Lord Kayso - Media Training (prod. King Vision Ultra) Maiya The Don - Dusties (prod. Pliznaya & Derrick Milano) Maz G x AyooLii - Jack TAP (prod. AyooLii) Niontay ft Earl Sweatshirt, El Cousteau, & MIKE - Real hiphop (prod. Tony Seltzer & Vinny Fanta) Noname ft $ilkMoney & billy woods - gospel? (prod. Gaetan) NR Boor x OT7 Quanny - Body 4 Body (prod. Pyro-Z5) Oodaredevil - No Regular (prod. Cade, Giannii) Paris Texas ft Kenny Mason - DnD (prod. Paris Texas, Dilip, William J. Sullivan, Julian Ali, Romil Hemnani) Rent Check ft Baghead & Vazh - Full Court(prod. Baghead) RXKNephew - Matching moncler (prod. Warheart) Sexyy Red - Shake Yo Dreads (prod. Kat Lightning & AyoCBass) ShyBelligerent-Trynna Make It Out (prod. SheeeshJon) SieteGang Yabbie - Everybody Eats B (prod. 500K?) Smokingskul - Blue Zan (prod. Pdf) Stonedda5th - Changed (prod. CYOUNGBEATZ) That Mexican OT ft Paul Wall & Drodi - Johnny Dang (prod. TobiAli) Tisakorean ft Sunny Galactial - uHhH HuH.mP3 (prod. TisaKorean) TREE x Vic Spencer - Suede on the Roof (prod. CJ the Kid) Treety - "Making Love" (prod. Blaqnmild) Valee ft 03 Greedo (prod. Harry Fraud) Young Nudy - Pancake (prod. Coupe) Young Thug ft Slime & Lil Goth - Hoodie (prod. Southside & Metro Boomin) Zelooperz - 4Inju (prod. Carlo Anthony) 41 - Run That (prod. Touchamill, Jake Krumm, Kshawn Van Huner & Hunter Tomeo)
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