#//  let a big scary demon hunt you down in some deep dark woods.
hellguarded-moved · 2 years
//  hide and seek in the forest with a feral demon turned sexual when
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iceprincessviviane · 1 year
Chapter 2 - The arrival.
Heritage series.
Paring: poly!BTS (demons) x Female!Shy!Skinny!Chosen!reader
Type: dark romance, horror au, soulmate au, poly relationship, slowburn, yandere.
Warnings: Horror themes, some religion themes (mostly demonic), gore, blood, manipulation, witchcraft, magic themes, death (side characters), mentionings of forced marriage, mentioning about past, loss, yandere, obsessive, possessive, swearing, low self-esteem,dealing with grief, sugestive content and silly jokes created by me. (If there is more to add let me know.)
Previous chapter. Next chapter.
Summary: Arriving in new, unknown place can be scary or anxious. Thanks God that welcoming is suprisingly warm and nice.
Author's note: please note that the whole place even if idea was based on Canadian town, is pure imagination. Also it's fiction so the same goes for all court and some procedures. Again if you are struggling to imagine a mansion, please search for Croft Manor from Tomb Raider games - Legend and Underworld mostly. A lot of its changed (we don't need this big pool and training area) but still I will try to describe and elaborate everything. English isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes. Taglist will be in the end of chapter.
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In the less than week Y/N was ready for a trip. Whole thing was discussed in details with officials. She'll arrive around 11 a.m local time and will be picked up by someone, then they'll drive to Grand Hillsam, this can be long drive around two or three hours. She searched the information about the town - it's not big, around 10.000 people is living there between mountains and forest, lake was nearby. In the area there are couple of really old wood cabins which were hunting/vacation houses for rich people from big city around one hour before - Welland where population was way more bigger, around 150.000 people and it had big car fabric and some high tech instances. Grand Hillsam was first a small village, but the rich people didn't want to live among common people or wanted to be closer to the nature so they started to build houses and mansions there. Y/N looked at the photos, yes the view was stunning, but leaving deep in the forest? Now it was easier with phones and Internet but then? Her distant family had to be crazy.
Her research told that indeed aunt Elizabeth, like she liked to say about late, last family member was part of old lineage, which was very powerful in that area their good luck ended unexpected around three hundred years ago and then they didn't come back to their greatness and before the IIWW family left the city. By the information given by the court, her aunt was living in London since the beginning and till the end of her days.
Y/N closed her notebook with little sigh, the plane was just about to land, so she put everything down, waiting for the end of a fly. Everything later went smooth, passengers were transported into airport from deck, than all the controls and taking bags. Someone was meant to wait for her, but honestly how they'll find each other. When she left the depart rooms, a lot of people were leaving with her and small crowd formed. There were persons holding signs with names and Y/N found herself looking at them in search of her's. Almost in the end of a crowd she found it, a tall man with black hair tie into manbun, leather black jacket and black jeans. A simple paper with Y/N written in the middle. He smiled, when she stopped and approached him carefuly.
"You have to be Y/N." He smiled and they shook hands gently.
"Yes it's me, nice to meet you." She smiled a little flustered.
"Welcome, I'm Jeon Jungkook."
"Y/N L/N."
He was tall and well built, but had cute face with sweet bunny smile. He screamed handsome and she felt little uncomfortable when a warm feeling spread in her chest, then on her cheeks.
"Let's go, the trip will take a little." He said and reached for her bags." And let me take those."
"Thank you."
Looking closer Y/N noticed the pierced lip and tattoos peaking out of sleeves. He walked confidently and her things didn't seem to be heavy for him.
"How was the flight?" Jungkook asked when they were leaving the airport and went into parking.
"Peaceful. I slept a little and read some documents send to me." She responded honestly.
"Actually my condolences." He smiled bitterly.
"Thank you, but I didn't know aunt Lizzie." Y/N shrugged a little.
The officials informed her that person which is going to pick her up will know why she is there to avoid any mistakes or being lost in foreign country. It was a good point. They reached a big, black pick up and he put her lungage in the back then opened door like a real gentelman. She thanked in small nod. Inside car strangely was smell of chocolate, when Jungkook got inside, he adjusted her seat and helped with belt.
"If you wish to sleep again it's okay." He showed his bunny smile. "But later road can get rough. I don't also mind a comfortable silence."
"We'll see." Y/N smiled plesantly shying away from his gaze.
Jungkook nodded and turned on engine which came back to life with a loud roar. He was driving smoothly and confidently, Y/N found herself glancing on hid hands and arm from time to time, but the view was getting prettier. When they left the airport town they drove into mixed forest.
"Sometimes during evenings or night it can be colder, especially with thick clouds and rain."
"Is it common here?"
"Well it can happen two or three days in a row. Sometimes there is a big storm and none is actually going outside, we had it last year."
"Thanks God I packed variety of clothes." Y/N giggled a little. "View is stunning."
"Wait till we reach the hills or mansion." He smiled cutely.
"You know where it is?"
"Yea... it's kinda hard to miss it, even that far and in that small town. I sometimes go for trips into wild and mansion is a little away from the main town. It's on the hill."
The drive went peacefuly, sometimes Y/N was asking questions about the town. It turned out Jungkook is local traveller and has known this place since birth. He's enjoyed all trips into forest and mountains.
"Would you like to stop by to eat something?" He asked glancing at her .
"Yes, it would be nice."
"We'll stop in Welland outskirts, I want to avoid car traffics and I know a good place here."
"Very well then."
As he promised they've stopped in bar which was near the road. Y/N ordered nuggies and some fries when Jungkook took whole ass two sets - burger with fries and chicken leg with fries. Well he was a big, built man probably he needed that much food. After eating he drove through back roads in Welland, as he said earlier to avoid car traffics. When they left town for good, she again started to admire the view. Road suddenly went up and seemed w bit challenging, but he was a skilled driver.
"Are there any wild animals?" She asked looking at thick, mixed forest.
"Shit I should warn you. Yea there are wolfes and bears along with deers and mooses. But don't worry I didn't see them that close to town. Your mansion is on the hill and surrounded by high wall with a gate. Nothing should come inside. If you would want to go deeper in the forest which is around manison - because actually it's the farest point in town, you can meet maybe something. Especially if you will go down to the lake." He said with a little frown.
"The town and area around must be very beautiful." Y/N said and smilled a little.
"It is." Jungkook replied glancing at her for a second.
Unwanted blush crept on her cheeks, so she turned head to again look at the forest. The drive was filled usually with silence, sometimes she was asking some casual questions, but didn't want to distract him, when road seemed a little difficult. Y/N played a little with a necklace, well the reason of the trip wasn't very plesant but she enjoyed it anyway. She didn't noticed how Jungkook's eyes traced the necklace and it's chain. He bit his lip and tried to focus on a road again.
Around the 4 p.m the have arrived in town, which was indeed was smaller and placed deep in the forest and mountains. It was stunning and Y/N could spent there a lot of time if circumstanced were different. He stopped on central square, which was surrounded with some shops, restaurants, big supermarket and town hall, in front of which Jungkook stopped.
"I believe mayor will have all the info you need. I'll wait here." He said putting on sunglasses, because the sun started to be a problem.
"Thank you." She flashed him beaming smile and got out of the car.
In her backpack were all the files she needed so, she entered the building. In reception she got to know, that mayor will be aviable in five minutes or so. She felt little anxious of her case, but after all assistant asked her to come in. Inside the room, behind the desk was older man maybe around his sixties, he got up and shook her hand firmly.
"Good morning miss L/N, how was the flight and drive? Mr Jeon didn't bother you too much?"
"No, he was very nice and helpful."
They both sat down and she took out the docs and her ID. He checked everything once again then lean on chair.
"So... the case is kinda important and complicated." Man sighed. "According to law, you'll inherit the mansion, but there is a lof of buts."
"Actually I didn't know that I had distant family." She sighed unsure.
"Mrs Elizabeth Balfour didn't know too. She only got to know, when she was working on her last will. Around year ago she got diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, she wanted to clear things before passing away. She meant to make an mansion a museum, actually she gave away most her things with historical records, rest went for charity." He said looking at his files.
"So why I have been called to court if she wanted mansion to become museum?"
"Well... it's about the general Balfour lineage will. Mansion is always passed to last family member, that will is above Mrs Elizabeth's will. It's going to become a museum only if it's proven that last family memebr can't afford to take care of mansion." He explained slowly.
"Well, it's kinda obvious. I don't know how rich the aunt was, but by the search and files I can tell that she was richer than me." Y/N smiled nervously.
"Yea, I understand that." Mayor nodded.
"So... now I need to give up on mansion officialy? It'll become museum and it's all?"
"I wish it would be that easy." He giggled. "Now the mansion need to be inspect and everything inside need to be write down and cataloged, unfortunately you have to be present during the whole process."
"Oh..." Y/N's eyes widened at the news.
"Don't worry, actualy Mrs Balfour cared about the mansion, it had general redo three years ago, the sweres, electricity and heating system was modernised. Also we have Internet here and good signal finally. The rooms aren't damaged or something. Mrs ordered to clear one of master bedrooms, when she decided to make it museum, so you can stay in the mansion not in motel." Mayor stated with encouraging smile.
"Sir are you sure? I won't destroy anything?"
"Well, it'll be difficult with those old, wooden furnitures. And you don't seem like some clumsy person." He joked a little.
"Well, I'm sometimes clumsy, but actually I love history and old staff like those." She admitted little nervously.
"Oh perfect, maybe staying in the mansion wouldn't be that bad? Actually I know it's kinda troubling, you are probably working but I can arrange some official files to prevent you being fired."
"It's all right I have already talked with my boss, I can do homeoffice. If Internet is good here, I can work."
"That's nice to hear actually. I hope we will make it work..." he sighed. "Another issue is that we need a specialist, which goverment must find and send here, only he or she can start cataloged things in the mansion."
"So now we have tied up hands?" Y/N asked with sigh.
"A little. We have old list of historical heritage, but the specialist need to describe their state and what it exactly is. We as common folks can only point that 'this' thing is in the mansion."
"How much is there?"
"A lot." Mayor frowned. "The list include all books, statues, paints, furnitures etc."
"Yes, there is a huge librrary."
"Oh my." Y/N huffed. "It looks like tough work, but I think, I can help."
"Thank you Miss L/N. I'll tell higher ups tomorrow about everything and I'll send you the list too. You need time to rest and accomodate yourself in the mansion."
"Thank you Sir." She smiled a little.
They both stood up and he lead her to exit, outside Jungkook was waiting in the hall, sitting in armchair. Mayor smiled at him.
"Can you take miss L/N to the mansion young man?"
"Yes, that's why I'm waiting." He also stood up.
"Great." Older man took off a two sets of keys from his pocket. There were more than fourty keys in total. "Those with red ribbon are keys for garden and cellars, blue is everything in mansion. A black key decorated with a rose is a main garden, silver key decorated with a crescent moon is the key for mansion and a golden key decorated with sunrays is for main gate."
Y/N took them looking at sets with little surprise, she touched the necklace. "What a coincidence..." she muttered.
"Let's go." Jungkook encouraged.
She nodded and they went outside, then into a car. He drove to the north, soon the view has been covered by trees once again. Road was still going up, after around fifteen minutes the mansion emerged from the corner, really the wall around was maybe six or eight meters high. There was some space in front of the gate but behind was a proper parking. They stopped and Y/N took the golden key and opened the gate slowly with Jungkook's help. It creaked just like in the movies, once they entered inside, green but a little neglect grass welcomed them. Right under the wall were parking places, on left side the stone road was leading to a mysterious garden with high hedge on right side was a nice space with big, spacious tree and old swing. The middle stone road was leading to mansion and probably once in time was decorated with flowers. A lonely nightingale was sitting on a tree, whole scenery was stunning, just like from an old tale.
"It's beautiful." Y/N whispered with shining eyes.
"Let me take the suitcase." Jungkook ofered with bunny smile and he went for that.
Mansion was big, probably had two floors except ground level and it went all the way back. The windows seemed to have all glass untouched and actually it didn't look as neglected as she thought it'll be. Jungkook came back with her bags. Actually she found it amusing how he was looking like total bad boy, but seemed to soft inside. The smile which mayor gave him in the office was genuine and he had to help in town a lot.
"Thank you." She said sincerely.
"Come on I'm lifting way more heavy things."
She lead the way inside and with silver key opened the mansion doors. Strangely the lock was very heavy to flip. Inside greeted them smell of old things and a lot of dust.
"I'll come if you want and oil all the locks in the mansion." He offered putting down the suitcases.
"If it won't be a problem. This on main door was a little challenge. I don't want to break the key."
"Do you have that much of strength little one?" Jungkook teased.
Y/N bit the lip and looked away. Currently they were in a little vestibule, on left were solid, heavy doors probably leading to cellars or working areas, on right decorated, wooden doors. In front of, separated by old, classic columns was a very big space, reaching the high of the main roof with fire place, coffee table and two couches. Some painting was above the fire. In the wall in front of them were two door on right and left side. In the middle on left wall were stairs, parting on left and right and those lead to first floor, which was also separated by railings and agains columns, but it had only four doors on both sides and next stairs leading to the second floor. So there was in count eight rooms on left on both floors and eight rooms on right. Through big window there was view on the garden, the closed part.
"That's a big space." Y/N turned around and looked at first floor.
"Yes I agree... that's bigger that I"ve ever imagined." Jungkook also looked around.
"One of the bedrooms should be usable." She went carefuly up by the stairs, which sometimes were creaking too.
Y/N opened the first door, he followed her but the bags were left down below. It come out that it was a nice little office with huge desk, big bookshelves and couch with coffee table, everything in old style and wooden pretty furnitures.
"Well it looks like place to work." Jungkook summed up.
"Yeah, I might end up using this."
They enetered the next room which came out as cleaned master bedroom. It also was giving the old mood. There was another desk, couch with coffee table, on left smaller room serving as old wardrobe, kingsize bed on little platform with canopy, on the right entrance to spacious bathroom, which was remade for sure not long ago.
"All right we found it." Jungkook smiled widely.
Y/N nodded looking around, she really liked how the mansion looked, the old vibe, a little mystery that it was kinda hidding.
"Well the rest of the mansion probably needs big vaccuming... I also need to figure out if everything is working and where are certain rooms." She said with little sigh." Not gonna lie, I am excited a little."
"Do you need any more help?" He asked honestly.
"Oh no, no please I took too much of your time."
"Well, for now I don't have too much to do, I might just help." Jungkook offered scratching his nape.
"I think, this oil will be fine." Y/N giggled nervously.
"Let me take the suitcases."
When he left the room, she looked closer at furnitures, well it could use some clearing. There was still some dust and wiping. He came back fast.
"Can I get your number if something would happen?" He asked a little awkwardly. "Also we don't usualy have a guests here, so I might be helpful with navigate through the city."
"It's good idea." They exchanged the numbers. "Also maybe you'll know then if I can rent a car?"
"Oh yes, I think I know someone who can rent a car."
"It'll be a difficulty to go to the town by feet..."
"Good, I'll talk to them, we'll see maybe tomorrow it'll be done." Jungkook nodded in excitment.
Y/N smiled at his energy and cute behaviour. He really was a good boy with bad boy looks for now.
"Won't you be scared to stay here alone?" He asked concerned.
"Now when you asked I might be." She looked around nervously. "I can lock the door here and when we saw the dust I can assume none was there in long time."
"Yea, I mean who would climb up the wall?"
"Yeah..." Y/N giggled nervously.
"See you tomorrow and remember to check the door and gate later." Jungkoom said and high fived her.
She walked him to the doors, he left waving to her. When door closed, silence started to ring in her ears. She decided to open all doors in sight and it came out that those on first level near the entrance - solid ones were leading to small storage probably once for servants and further to cellar. Decorated were leading into old fancy dining room with long table, big window and chandlier, also there was door to the kitchen, which was also modernised and working, after turning on fridge it started to get colder. Opposite doors in main hall were leading to big library - on left and ballroom on right. She decided to explore it later. It came out the rest of the rooms are bedrooms except the first one of the each floor - those were offices. Y/N came back to her room and started to unpack, the called her friends and boss. Signal was strong and net was working pretty fast.
When she ended the things in the room, her stomach get itself known and the night has fallen upon the city. The mansion was plesantly silent, it seemed like she got used to it pretty fast. Luckily Y/N packed some sandwiches and decided to eat them as supper, but deffinitely she was going to go on shopping tomorrow. She grabbed the small fleshlight in case and went to close the gate, in the main hall she kept smaller lighting on wall, but didn't use fake big chandlier on the roof and some fancy lightning on railings. The whole mansion didn't need to be lit up for now, so in some corners were dark spots and shadows. Y/N didn't seem to noticed when sometimes they would fade out when she was closer and darkened when she was far away. For sure she didn't noticed some shadows shifting. The gate closed with the same creak, she checked also all rooms, but they were closed and came back to master bedroom and started her night routine. Sleeping in such big building will be strange for sure and probably will include some small lamp being turned on the whole time, but nobody was going to know. When she entered the shower the shadow shifted outside the mansion, Jimin jumped out straight from it and landed quietly on stone path. He turned back looking at buliding, smirked and jumped again, turning into nightingale, then felw out into the dark night.
DOWN BELOW LIL SILLY PIC OF MANSION ROOMS PLACEMENT (you are allowed to laugh only three times at this so be carefuly with those.)
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@hadesnewpersephone @lalavione1309
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Egotober Day 12: High Flying Adventure
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Prompt: Cloud
Summary: Eric and Illinois go on another adventure, and Illinois finds something a bit more valuable than gold or jewels.
Warnings: none
Interestingly enough, Eric hadn’t been aware that he was afraid of heights. But he was.
Eric and Illinois had snuck out of the city again to go on a little adventure. An adventure to a city that Eric had been too busy watching Illinois as he was explaining the name and history of the place. Seeing Illinois talking about something he loved was always so enthralling.
Then they stepped into a hot air balloon and Eric realized they were taking off the ground, it wasn’t until they got up a certain height that Eric understood why Illinois insisted he bring a sweater. It got colder the higher up they got, the sparse, thin cloud line misting over them.
Illinois was chuckling next to him as Eric screwed his eyes shut and held onto the explorer. “You’re fine sweetheart, I got us.”
The adventurer hadn’t intended the effect of bringing Eric up into the clouds to be that Eric had grabbed onto him, but he certainly wasn’t complaining. However he hugged his shy boyfriend back, “Dulcito, look at me.”
Eric peeked open his eyes to look up at Illinois.
“How can I help you dulcito?” Illinois asked. “You wanna get back on the ground?”
“Don’t you need to be up here?” Eric whimpered.
“Not for much longer, we’ll be on the ground soon,” the adventurer maneuvered so that he could pull on a pair of fire-resistant gloves and take out an almost clear golden orange gemstone. One of his vast collection, sacrificed for a nobler cause.
Illinois managed to convince Eric to sit in the basket so he couldn’t see the ground as Illinois tried to do the ritual almost blindfolded. The last adventuring party had to wait five whole years to get the phase of the sun right. It resulted in the two lead explorers marrying some of the locals and almost giving up to settle down in the area before they were able to actually perform the ritual.
Thankfully with aerial technology, they could skip all that uncertain planning. Illinois took out a laser pointer and tried to angle it, hoping that by some miracle that he was lucky enough to get the angle right.
Even with his normally abnormal luck it took over five minutes to get the angle right. The gem caught fire and disintegrated.
Only then did Illinois start their decent back towards the ground.
“We-We’re go-ing d-own?” Eric looked up at Illinois with huge eyes.
“Yeah, we just—” Illinois smiled and a strong gust of wind hit them, causing Illinois to need to fight to get the balloon under control and back towards the ground.
Eric was the first to leap out of the basket and jump towards the ground as Illinois and another attendant helped secure the balloon down and then Illinois pulled Eric away as another tourist group was scheduled to get into the balloon.
Illinois chuckled a bit when Eric held onto his arm as they walked into a nearby forest. “You sure you’re okay.”
The more timid young man shook his head, “H-H-appy to be on the gr-ound.”
“Got it, got,” Illinois laughed. “No more balloon trips.”
“Y-Yo-ou’re being mean,” Eric complained angrily.
With another chuckle, Illinois stopped to kiss Eric on the top of his head before leading him into the forest, Eric still holding onto his arm.
Illinois lead them deep into the woods where there was a clearing where the ground normal sat with dirt, grass and brush, but in the spread out roots of one of the trees a hole had ripped open in the ground and showed a passageway.
Quickly Illinois tossed down some rocks he’d collected on their walk over before jumping down and then helping Eric down.
Unlike every other excavation he’d ever done, the tunnel led into a small alcove that had a tall stone box that showed every damage, as if something inhuman had clawed and punched at the box. Almost like the creature had been trying to get something out. There were scorch marks against the walls were someone had been attacked and scorched and the wall had been protected from the elements.
But when Illinois walked up to it he could easily pull the empty box open to examine it.
“We’re t-too late?” Eric stammered.
“Oh yeah,” Illinois told him. “Over a hundred years too late. Big expedition team came in to try and deal with a demon that reportedly had impersonated a local spirit, once things were explained to them they were happy to see it gone.”
“Oh, umm, okay,” Eric trailed off, looking nervously at the marks. “So, uh, what made the, uh, marks, there’s n-none inside.”
“So far I don’t like that means anything big,” Illinois promised. “They got the big scary demon out of the area, never bothered the village again. Wait, no, technically not true but he wasn’t intending to harm this place, I don’t think he even remembers this city exists.”
Eric went quiet as Illinois took some pictures, but blushed madly when the adventurer snapped a couple images of Eric and immediately sent them to another file.
“Ills,” Eric complained.
“If my phone’s not full of pictures of your lovely face, sweetie, then I gotta take more,” Illinois grinned.
“Stop it!” Eric’s face was beet red, grabbing onto the front of Illinois’s shirt.
Illinois just laughed before he inclined his head a bit, “Only if you believe me.”
Eric’s smile dropped, and he looked away, “C-Come on, Illy.”
“It’s true,” Illinois reminded and reached over to inspect the inside of the box. Then he took out a necklace, “Okay, let’s dig up some secrets.”
Just watching, Eric took a step back and after a few hushed words in a language that Eric didn’t understand and the whole room exploded. There were almost like flashes of color. Illinois helped Eric out of the hole and they saw a red energy flash, it had a humanoid shape with a black energy mass around it. There were grey figures advancing on them, one of them had light swirls of colors around him and a book in his hand. Suddenly the black mass began shaking and the red figure disappeared. The man with the book had something that made his hand flash in and out of sight. Then the cloud seemed to get sucked into what looked like a large urn and the grey figures moved into the hole. Not too long after the red figure came back and followed the hole.
Illinois said something and the auras dissipated. “Yeah I know how that ends. I was looking for this adventuring group, I needed to make sure it was them.”
“Is it them?” Eric asked.
“Oh yeah,” Illinois smiled and figured that there was just an empty cave with no artifact or anything to steal beside an empty stone box. He figured that if anyone could get it out in the first place when it had nothing to do with the landscape or history, they deserved to have it. “Let’s get you back to town.”
Eric let the conversation drift to another topic and for Illinois take them back to town. He was mostly talking about the local delicacies and some street performers. While Eric was watching a movie that night and Illinois stepped out for what he promised would be ten minutes, and it turned into thirty and he walked back in with a smile and apologized for it taking so long.
Illinois took them to what seemed like a pub, they were talking and ordering food and then when someone Illinois was waiting for he got up to go stand by the bar.
“Ahh, Mr. Philly,” the man smiled as he walked up. “Still here I see.”
“Course, Sig,” Illinois smiled. “You have my report?”
“Yes, if you have my payment, it was hell-a-half digging them out,” he warned.
“A word of warning,” the man leaned closer. “I’m not sure your boss would want you bringing these guys back to his place.”
“Thanks,” Illinois evaded.
Quickly the notebook and money were exchanged and the man left to grab himself a drink as Illinois walked back over to the table where Eric was sitting. It was a nice, guarded place, Illinois was proud that his boyfriend had learned a lot from him.
They ordered something to eat and Illinois hunkered down to read the journal, setting aside a few old pictures to examine them later as he read the accounts of the adventurer who went around “witch hunting” and that term got an eye roll out of Illinois.
Eric was flipping through the pictures and smiled, “Aww, wh-what a cute little kid.”
Illinois looked over to see a team of twenty men and almost right in the center was what looked like a three-year-old boy. He had an oversized safari hat that matched the other men, except he had a huge smile plastered to his face. The man standing next to him had a rather stern expression with a bushy mustache.
Taking the photo he saw the picture was dated 1894, winter. “Guess he is,” Illinois agreed, already having a bit of a suspicion who the kid was.
Illinois smiled, “Hey, dulcito, wanna hear a secret?”
“S-Sure?” Eric said uneasily.
The adventurer pointed to the small kid, “That is a very young Warfstache.”
“No,” Eric gasped, leaning in. “Bu-But he’s s-so small. Is Dark in th-the picture?”
Illinois scanned back over the picture, “Nah, don’t think so.”
Eric thought for a second, “Are there any baby pi-pictures of D-ark?”
“Ehh, there’s probably a cave wall somewhere with some black paint on it,” Illinois joked.
They ate their food, went back to their hotel and after sleeping in a bit, started heading back to Egoton. Illinois reading through the journal and finding some pretty interesting spells. Each one for containing spirits and demons, and Illinois that Dark would want to take a look at that.
Scene I sadly had to cut:
Wilford and Actor Mark’s father: Okay so we’ve got the dangerous demons that we’ve been trying to track down for years, team. Bad news, that vase we put it in won’t hold the powerful one. So I’m asking for some suggestions.
Damien and Celine’s father: we could bind it to your house. That gaudy thing should contain it.
Wilford and Actor Mark’s father: No I— how dare you! First off, me and my family live there. Second, I am not binding a demon to a house. My very well designed and decorated mansion.
Damien and Celine’s father: we can either bind it to your house or it’ll escape from mine with all my magical artifacts.
Wilford and Actor Mark’s father: shit!
(And then they put the Entity in the House)
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The Sky Beast, New and Improved
Eeeek I wrote another Mothman Ryan fic!!! All inspired by @q-unsolved ‘s amazing art :D
Ryan Bergara is 100% human until they shoot the Mothman episode. They didn't find anything but Ryan might have brought a piece of the investigation home with him.
Or: A bit of Mothman attaches to Ryan and he gets pretty cool perks. Shane is a fan.
Find it on Ao3 here or read below!
"Eeeeee, last chance!" Ryan pinched his voice two octaves higher, poking his head out the car window to squeak into the woods on the side of the dark road.
"I think you've offended the Mothman." Came Shane's reply from beside him, the words tinged with mirth. Despite the horrid noises that the older man had made earlier for his moth call, he still somehow found Ryan's imitation extremely hilarious.
"Shut up, Shane," Ryan grumbled with a grin, starting up the car again. It had been a long day of shooting, and they were all more than ready to get back home.
If he was being honest he didn't really believe in the whole Mothman concept, and it boggled his brain that Shane could trust these crazy 'enhanced' natural creatures more than he believes in ghosts and demons. His friend was leaning back in his seat, but not tilting it back so much as to be in Mark's way, a self-assured smile on his face.
The hunt hadn't been entirely fruitless, Ryan reminded himself, their calls had attracted something, at least, just many much smaller somethings with sharp canine teeth.
There is a dark shape that appears out of the corner of his eye at night. With his irregular nocturnal patterns demanded by the nature of his work and spontaneous late-night research sessions, Ryan had first chalked it up to sleep deprivation. It is an actual phenomenon proven by science, Shane would have said, when your eyes don't get enough rest they start to bail on their job and show you random shit. But is the phenomenon normally limited to the hours after sunset?
There were nightmares too, way more frequent than what usually follows an especially creepy investigation. The dark shadow was there too, and in the once or twice that Ryan had managed to take control of the dream long enough to look, there would be two bright red spots at the top of the shape, then the figure would shoot off to the corner of his vision again, wings hardly moving despite the swift movement.
And the migraines, so fucking many of them. He just feels a pressure building up in his ears, like they were picking up something high pitched that his brain cannot register, but some primal part of him recognized as wrong, abnormal, dangerous, run . Then the pain would explode through his eardrums and stay lodged in his head for hours. Ryan went to his doctor after the third time he had doubled over in pain, the hospital did all sorts of scans but could find nothing wrong.
It was all stupid, the Mothman trip wasn't even that scary, why the hell was the thing showing up in his head? Why can't it leave him alone?
(two weeks later)
Ryan's alarm goes off at 6:00, and he flings out a hand to swipe it off without opening his eyes. He shifts a little, relishing the feeling of down against his back, keeping away the slight November chill. Yes, this was LA and the temperature never dropped below freezing, but a guy needs some soft fluffy blankets come wintertime, sue him.
The alarm keeps blaring. He tries again. And again. But the damned screen isn't recognizing his fingers.
"Nnurgh." He grunts, lifting his head from the nest of pillows he had curled up with the night before. It was sort of unusual for Ryan to sleep face down, but it had just been the most logical choice at the time. He pushes himself up to his elbows and rubs at his face, while his hand tries futilely to shut his phone up. "Why do I wake up so early." He grumbles to his palms, maybe his phone was broken, yes that would explain why prodding at the screen has been doing nothing--
Ryan stares at his hands, both in front of him. Then he turns to look at his phone.
There is a dark thing hovering over the buzzing device, surface shimmering slightly from the dim light peeking through the curtains. He jerks away from it, letting out an entirely unmanly squeak as the thing moved with him, curling around and behind him faster than he could turn around in his still sleep-relaxed body. A soft warmth closes on his back on the right side, solid and fuzzy in a way that eerily mimics the softness on the other side. Oh god, the thing's on his back.
For a few moments, Ryan can't convince his body to move and just stays half crouched on his bed. The slight chill that glances his front only accentuates his panic. Slowly rising to sit back on his heels, Ryan whips a hand back as fast as he can manage in the attempt to grab at the thing. Do not be afraid, do not be afraid--
The weightlessness hits him hard when the thing suddenly soars up and away until the only points of contact are two spots between his shoulder blades. The rush of air and following pull from those points lifts him clean off the bed, plunging him into blind terror for a few seconds as oh god he is in the air , hovering above his bed with arms flailing. The twin spots on his back strains with the effort as the thing flaps with quiet, powerful whooshes. After a solid five seconds, the thing finally stills, dropping him on his ass onto the bed with an ‘oof’.
What, the fuck.
Ryan gives his weird job all the credit for his ability to maintain the state of calm--or shock, honestly, he wouldn't be able to tell-- enough to climb off the bed and walk to his closet. At least the thing isn't moving now, though he can feel the weight of it on his shoulders. And okay maybe he does miss the warmth on his back, just a little, monster produced or not.
Heart thumping in his chest, he peeks at himself in the mirror, terrified that he'll see the thing's eyes staring back at him. His own hair is disheveled, his eyes wide and beady in the way that would have made Shane laugh. And oh yes, the thing was there, arching off from his back with a terrifying eight-foot span, dark-colored and still shimmering slightly in the dim room. He quickly turns to look at his back, wide eyes not missing the way the tip of the thing curled in to avoid hitting the closet door.
It takes his brain a minute to catch up to what his eyes were seeing.
Wings. He has wings .
"The fuck?"
As if in answer, one of the black wings flips down to slap him upside the head, as if to say: took you long enough you doofus.
"Ow!" He complains, but however he tries, and god knows he did, his hands could come nowhere near the damn things as they moved in every which direction with fluid ease, putting his body off balance in the process when they flapped around.
If this is the result of Shane taunting some demon he is going to kill him.
“Eeeargh! Eeeargh! Eeeargh!” His phone screams from the bedside table. Right. He almost forgot about his damn alarm amidst all the crazy.
Snatching it up from and turning off the awful noise, it doesn't even quite register in his mind as his fingers move across the screen until it was showing Ryan that he is calling Shane. The man picks up on the 7th ring.
"Ry, wha?" His voice is gravelly and scratchy from sleep and Ryan's shoulders lose some of their tension at the familiar sound.
"Shane can, uh, can you come over? Now?" He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes, only jumping a little when the wings, his wings, settles against his back again in a warm blanket.
"Now?" A groan, Shane wasn’t a morning person, "Are you okay? Did something happen?"
"Just, come over. Please." Ryan adds, leaning his head against the cool glass of the mirror. His head feels too hot, even when his front is still cold.
"Okay, okay. Hang in there buddy, I'll be there in twenty."
Shane gets there in fifteen minutes. Ryan hears the sound of approaching footsteps from his curled up position on his bed and is wrenching the door open before Shane has the chance to knock.
"Thank fuck." he breathes, grabbing onto an arm and pulling the taller man into his apartment, shutting the door behind him. He keeps his back tucked against the door, the wings sparing his body from touching the icy surface.
Shane is studying his face with a perplexed expression and two thermoses of coffee in his hands, hair sticking out on one side in a horrendous cowlick. "Ryan, what happened?"
"You, um, might want to set those down and sit." He says, waving at the steaming cups of energy in Shane's hands, he's totally going to inhale one of those once his nerves are a little less shot.
Shane does so, expression tilting more and more towards worry as Ryan stays at his spot by the door.
"I'm going to show you something, and, and I'll need you to not freak out okay?" Ryan's voice shakes a little, and he holds his hands out in a placating gesture.
"For the record, if you just killed someone, first I will commend you for your productivity at six in the morning; second, I'll help you hide the body."
"Wha--no." Ryan huffs a laugh, the tension momentarily forgotten. They had known each other long enough that his big gangly friend knew how to get him out of panic mode. He gulps down a deep breath, and slowly steps away from the door, coaxing his wings to stretch out on either side of him. He has to admit, once he had stopped trying to grab the things they have been much more cooperative and responsive to his mind.
Ryan glues his eyes on his bare feet, cause he doesn't know what he would do if he looks and sees disgust or, or fear in Shane's face. "I woke up and just had these," the wings flap on their own volition, almost preening, Ryan realizes with mortification, "I-I don't know how it happened, they feel real Shane. What the fuck am I going to do? I don't know if its a demon thing or something to do with Mothman cause I've been having nightmares about it ever since we came back from Virginia--"
"Ryan, Ry calm down." Shane's out of his seat again, gripping onto Ryan's shoulders firmly to stop his rambling, "We'll figure this out, just, breathe."
Ryan let his head fall forward until his forehead’s pressed against Shane's rumpled hoodie, letting the steady beats of Shane's heart slow his own breathing. When he looks up again, Shane's staring at his wings with unabashed curiosity. Then he gets a light slap to the face to bring his attention back down to Ryan, courtesy of his right-wing. Huh, Ryan muses distantly, maybe having semiautomated wings does have some perks. The baffled expression on his friend's face right now is definitely worth it.
Chuckling in surprise, Shane once again pokes his head past Ryan's shoulder to get within an inch from the wings, his eyes crinkling into crescent-moon shapes. "They look less feathery and more, I dunno, maybe like deer velvet? They're quite fuzzy-looking." He pauses for a second deep in thought, and his hand on Ryan’s shoulder twitches like he wants to touch the wings. "The Mothman idea has more traction, I don't think if demons existed they would use their time to do this."
"I still can't believe you think Mothman is real but not demons." Ryan sighs, poking Shane in the chest with a finger. This has the unfortunate side effect of making him very aware that he does not currently have a shirt on. How had he not realized that? Will he have to cut holes in his shirts now? Fuck can he even go to work with wings sticking out of his back--
"Hey, stop that." Shane's hands on his shoulders give a light squeeze, and Ryan makes the effort to stop his brain from running away with his wits and hurling itself off a cliff, for both their sakes.
"Take your own advice and sit down." Shane's voice is gentle, and Ryan let himself be guided towards the couch and smiles gratefully when a warm cup is pressed into his hands. A few sips of the still too hot liquid goes a long way to ground him back into the normality of his morning routine. His wings find their own place to be, which turns out to be draped across the back of the sofa, their tips just peeking over the length of it.  
"I-I can fly." He blurts out, and a hysterical giggle bubbles out from his chest, and soon both of them were laughing and wheezing as the potentially fun part of the whole situation hit them suddenly.
"For real though, what are we going to do about this?" Ryan says in between giggles, gesturing at himself in general. "I mean it would be different if I can make them invisible or something but that's not--"
"Ryan," Shane's eyes are wide as he stares at the sofa, and his voice is full of wonder, "look."
Ryan cranes his head back to glance at where his friend was indicating and is, for the second time that day, shocked to hell and back. Seriously, if he is going to at least try to live a decent lengthed life, he's gotta get used to seeing strange shit. He can still feel his wings against the sofa, but they were not there. He reaches his hand back tentatively to where his limbs would have touched, and it's like his hand is passing through a dense, dry mist. His wings, but invisible.  
"They're still here." He murmurs in awe, moving his hand along the top of the sofa to stroke along the strange feeling of dense air. "They're invisible now."
"Oh, this is going to be so much fun." Ryan turns and with a flicker of darkness, his wings are back in physical form again, his hand resting gently against its fuzzy surface. Shane is full-on grinning, eyes alight with mischief, and he manages to say with complete seriousness, "Ryan, you're gonna be the new Mothman now."
And the strange thing is, Ryan doesn't feel repulsed by that idea. Far from that, the thought sends a thrill through him, awakening an almost primal part of him, the possibilities flitting through his mind faster than he can fully grasp each.  He grins back at his friend.
"Yeah. I guess I am."
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rykerandersdrabbles · 4 years
Drabble 44
Blood, Growling and Snowing - March 3, 2021
Ryker usually didn't panic when he was put into crazy situations, after all the job he worked every day was notorious for making him uncomfortable so he had grown accustomed to it. Today was different though, it wasn't like Ryker didn't grow up on a ranch and couldn't handle the outdoors, the vibe he was getting right now was off though, his mind was racing in multiple directions. What was out there and were they actually being hunted? Had everyone else been attacked and taken off somewhere? He had always thought those scary horror movies about what happens in the woods were never true, but they could be. People had always reported seeing Bigfoot even though that was some kind of myth. Ryker glanced around, seeing nothing but trees surrounding them, it was still lightly snowing and it just seemed gloomy and as if something was definitely going down. He stopped and turned to her to answer her question. "I'm not really sure what I found, there are some pretty big claw marks on a tree, but Chas." He paused and took a quick deep breath. "I saw blood on the ground but don't panic yet.." He said trailing off the yet part because he thought that she might since this wasn't even her type of scene, to begin with.  "I'm not sure whose blood it is though, I mean it could be someone from the area, but it could also be just a wounded animal." His gaze moved right past when he heard another loud noise off in the distance. He couldn't tell what it was but it did sound like it was getting closer. "Get whatever you need right now, come on." He already had his backpack over his shoulder but walked the few feet over to her table so she could get hers also. "We need to get out of here now." He said moving his gaze away from her and keeping it locked in the area where he had originally heard a couple of noises coming from. Ryker's concentration broke away from the distance he was staring into when he heard Chas' voice, at first, her question didn't really register with him as he felt like his thinking was now cloudy. 'So, you mean to tell me that there’s a creature in the woods on a killing spree?' He shook his head a little rapidly, almost enough to make himself dizzy it seemed. "I don't know what's out there Chas." His attention turned back to her to see if she had gathered her stuff and was ready to go, they needed to start moving now. Her next question kind of hit home for him. 'Before we break, I gotta ask… We are going to survive, right?'  Of course, he wasn't going to answer that with a no or even a maybe. He knew that he didn't want this girl to really get scared, for one he had no idea how she would handle the truth so he had to make her believe they would be fine. "We are going to be fine Chas." That was all he could get out before he heard loud growling. What in the world was that he thought. It was so close he swore he could feel the vibration in the ground and shoot right through his body. Without even thinking he grabbed Chas' hand and tugged at her to get moving, they needed to run and run fast. "We have to go now!" Ryker picked up his pace and pulled her with him, who knows what was heading their way, but whatever it was wasn't good. After running for a few minutes he stopped and pulled her behind a large tree moving her against it and he peeked out around it to see if anything was close to them that he could see in the distance. Luckily it was still early in the day and they would have plenty of daylight left to keep moving. He moved his face back around from looking out and in front of hers. "What's going through your mind right now?" He asked as his honey hues met hers.  "Are you freaking out?" That was probably the dumbest question he could ask her right now, but it just came out because maybe there could be some chance that she was handling this better than he thought she was. Ryker's gaze moved back away from Chas as he looked back from around the tree, still no sight of anything. Was this thing hunting them and why in the daylight he wondered. Maybe that's why he hadn't actually seen it yet. Since the sun was still up maybe it was just stalking them. "I don't know what you could be thinking about, maybe you think we are going to die." He stated with a little shake in his voice, this was getting very real to him. He knew he couldn't die, it wasn't his time for that again, at least not just yet. His head started to shake at her question about their friends being alright. He really had no idea about any of them. "Chas, I really don't know how to answer that, why would they just disappear and how did we not hear anything going on." His gaze stuck in the distance while he tried to watch for any signs of anything moving at all when all of a sudden he felt his body jerk uncontrollably. That noise was something so loud and nothing he had ever heard before, a mix between a howl, cry and growl now. It just sent every hair on his body to stand up in every direction possible. It scared him like a big bang would unexpected.  "I've never been this deep into the woods though, I'm not sure what's out there, I can only imagine what it could be, but I do not want to stick around to find out." He glanced at the time on his watch and it was nearing later into the afternoon already, nearly five pm, it would be getting dark before they knew it. "I don't think we are going to make it out of here by dark." He said, his attention turning back to her, fear seeming to now start to take over his mind, he didn't want to say anything that would get Chas in panic mode, but this was reality and she may need to fight for her life. "Maybe we'll come across an old cabin or something, somewhere we can hideout." Ryker's attention turned away from her once something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, his gaze tried to zero in on it but he couldn't make out what he saw. "Let's go!" He said sounding worried at this point and back away from her to get moving again. Ryker's imagination was already getting the best of him, with the number of horror movies that he has seen in his days, anything could be stalking him and not just some mountain lion or bear, this thing sounded way bigger than that.  "Chas, where else do you think they would have gone? They wouldn't just up and leave, we always let each other know where we are going in case someone doesn't come back then we would know to go look for them." He said with a heavy sigh, he was taking this very seriously because he knew this was out of the ordinary for the way things always happened out in the woods. You always tell people what you are doing, being so far away from help and phones not working, it was just the right thing to do. When Chas made her comment about it being a demon that really made Ryker start to think. Is this even happening for real, does stuff like this really happen out in the woods, as many times as he had been why not then, why now. Where had this 'thing' been living that it hadn't been taken care of yet, he had so many unanswered questions and no one to even ask them to. As Chas and he made their way through the path his eyes were peeled ahead of them for any kind of signs for life, anyone hurt, just anything to show him that they weren't the only two out here right now. 'If we come across a Chick-Fil-A I'm all in on that, maybe I'd finally get that date from you.’ He heard her joke with him and he knew she was trying to make light of the situation they were in.  When they came up to the footprints he narrowed his gaze on them studying them for a moment. "Alright let's go, maybe it'll lead us somewhere safe." But then again it could also lead them right into more danger, besides, how many of these creatures were out in the woods right now. What if a couple of them was stalking them, he really needed to shut his brain off, or this situation was about to get the best of him. As Ryker and Chas continued along the pathway they had decided on taking, as she spoke to him it kind of went in one ear and out the other. He was way too much in his head right now to pay much more attention than his own deflected thoughts about what they were going to experience at this point. The only thing he had remotely heard was something about someone eating Chas' limbs. "What?" He said and stopped in his tracks, he had glanced over at her but something past her had caught his eye. It looked like an old abandoned house or what was left of it anyway. From what he could see it looked like some of the windows were broken and slats of wood were falling off the side. "Hey stop!" He told Chas when he brought his attention back to her and realized she didn't stop when he did.  "Look there's a house." He said pointing in the direction of where he had spotted it. "Let's take a closer look." He suggested and took off walking in that direction, luckily they weren't too far from it maybe about fifty yards away. Not taking too long to make it over there Ryker stepped up onto the front porch steps, the old boards creaking below his feet with each step that he took, he thought he was about to fall through the floor for a moment it sounded so bad. Maybe there were people who already had and they were buried beneath there.. His mind was definitely playing tricks on him now. He walked up to the window next to the front door and shaded his gaze with his hands when he pushed his face against the glass to see in better. It was dimly lit, he could see furniture sitting around, it wasn't anything worth having it looked like, pretty old and falling apart. "I'm going in." He told Chas and walked around her, his hand grabbing the doorknob. "It's unlocked." He said as he twisted it and pushed it open, the creaking of the door sounded like something straight out of a horror movie. "Come on, let's see what's in here, we're going to need a place to stay for the night." Ryker glanced back at Chas to see if she was following him in at least.  "Even though it looks abandoned someone could still be living here." He said as he walked straight from the living area and into the small kitchen. "Have you not seen The Goonies?" He asked glancing back at Chas, he knew the movie was a classic straight out of the eighties, she probably had never even heard of it but that was the best he could do. Throwing out a horror movie probably wouldn’t be the smart thing to do, the last thing he wanted to do was get them all creeped out. "That place looked abandoned and people were still doing stuff in the restaurant. They had a freezer full of ice cream." He said through a light laugh, he was starving and why didn’t he bring his box of donuts with him he thought. A little hesitant to actually want to look in the fridge or freezer, the place smelled rather musky and outdated. Who knew what he might actually find if he went looking through cabinets and other crooks and nannies. Of course, that didn’t stop his curious side from showing. The house definitely gave him the creeps, with each step he took the floor creaked. He wandered around for a few moments and stopped at the stairs that led up to a second landing. What if there were people up there, he also knew that the house would have a basement since most were built that way and with crawlspaces. 
He stepped up to the stairs that lead up, his hand moved over the wood railing and shook it slowly, it was about to fall down. "Maybe we shouldn’t go up there." The stairs might not be able to hold their weight, they looked in really bad shape, the only way he was going up was if he had to at this point. Next to the stairs was another door, that one more than likely leading down to the basement. "I don’t have a very good feeling about this place, Chas. Just because no one is here now doesn’t mean someone can’t show up later." He said beginning to feel like they shouldn’t be there now. Ryker still wanted to look around though and see what he could find, a good chance there isn’t actually food but who knew. He ended up back in the kitchen and called Chas over to him. "Come over here, if I’m going to find some crazy stuff I’m not doing it alone." He said through a light laugh, that was actually buying him time to get himself prepared. Ryker’s brow perked up at Chas' question he really couldn’t help but laugh, this girl was definitely from the city. "A phone? I wonder who pays the bills around here, surely they want to keep their phone working even though their electricity is turned off." He said while he flipped the dead switch off and on a few times. He hadn’t even thought about eating until she mentioned she was hungry, he was way too much in his head right now. Spinning around on the old wood floor beneath his feet Ryker walked right over to the fridge, though the power was off nothing in there if anything at all would not be good obviously. 
His curiosity about this place was getting the better of him now. His fingers gripped the handle on the cold door handle and he pulled it open, his honey hues, if they could, would have popped right out of his head. His free hand clutched his stomach and his other hand slammed the door closed shaking the area where the fridge was sitting, his body made an exit right out the front door. Wailing over the front porch Ryker gagged until he couldn’t any longer, his stomach was instantly in a tight knot. What he had just seen had him trying to throw up what wasn’t even in his stomach at this point. The smell alone was something that he had never experienced in his life and he had been around some pretty gruesome crime scenes in his days. Only a few seconds later he stumbled back to the door, feeling completely lightheaded from what he had just experienced. His voice was sure to be shaky when he mustered up what he was trying to get out. "Ch.. Chas.. we need to get out of here right now!" Before she had the chance to ask him anything his gaze zeroed in on the roof of the living room. "Did you hear that?" He asked in a soft whisper. "Something is up there!" Ryker was on the verge of running like a madman away from that place but he knew that he wasn’t about to just leave Chas standing there. His gaze moved to her for only a brief moment then shot past her when movement on the stairs caught his attention. "RUN!!"
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Don’t Fear the Reaper Chapter 69: Pain
Sam Winchester x Reader
1250 Words
Story Summary: You are a reaper, actually one of Death’s favorites.  You’ve been following the story of the Winchesters for a while, staying out of sight, never letting them see you. You slowly fall in love with Sam, even though he doesn’t know you exist. But that all changes one day. Set in Season 5
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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As Dean drove through the night, you cuddled against Sam, resting a protective hand on your belly. That fall had been scary, the thought of losing this baby upsetting you more than you expected. You wanted to have this baby. To have a chance at some normal resemblance of a life with Sam.
Secretly, you wished this baby was completely normal. That it would take mainly after it’s father, leaving the special powers to you. It didn’t need to grow up, hunted by hunters and the supernatural alike. You wanted her to grow up, knowing she was loved by her two parents.
“Y/N, everything okay? You’ve been pretty quiet.” Sam whispered before pressing his lips to your temple.
“No, everything’s not okay.” Meg muttered from her backseat. “Cas is MIA, we’ve got a freaked-out prophet, and we’re hiding from Angels and Demons alike.”
“He’s not talking to you.” Dean sassed back.
“I’m okay.” You assured Sam, smiling as his hand rubbed soothingly against your arm.
The next couple of hours in the car passed silently. Meg staring out the window, a dark frown on her face. Kevin curled into the far corner, holding the tablet tight to his chest, fear tensing his entire body up. Dean had a frown on his face, his fingers tight on the steering wheel. Sam kept his arm around you, holding you as tight against him as he could, his hand resting on top of yours on your slight bump.
There was complete silence in the car. Not even the radio was on, leaving the car eerie and still, as the trees blurred past. It lulled you into a sense of security, a sense that your small group was all alone in this big world.
As quiet as the car was, the unmistakable pop as Castiel appeared in the car had all three of you moving fast. Dean swerved the car, grateful there was no oncoming traffic. Kevin cuddled even tighter against the car door, his hand reaching for the handle. Sam gently pushed you away, so he could turn and see the new threat, all the while making sure you stayed safe behind him. And Meg? She didn’t move, didn’t flinch. Just smiled as the familiar Angel plopped into the seat beside her.
“Cas!” You exclaimed, grateful to see that your friend had made it back unharmed.
“You okay man?” Dean asked him, his eyes using the rear-view mirror to glance back at his friend.
“I am.” Cas answered, reaching over and bopping Kevin’s nose, which frightened the poor kid even more.
It was only about an hour later Dean was pulling in front of a rustic cabin, shutting the engine off. No one made a move to climb out, and you were seriously wondering how it was going to hold all of you. Sighing, Dean climbed out of the car, heading to the porch where he knocked over the old wooden statue sitting on the side. Pulling the key from its hiding spot, he opened the door and went inside, not even waiting for the rest of you. “Let’s head on in.” Sam muttered, gently pulling you out of the car.
Kevin followed close behind, with Meg staying by Cas’ side. Stepping into the small cabin, your nose wrinkled at the smell of dust and mildew. “Well this place could use a cleaning.” You muttered, raising an eyebrow at the lumpy couch placed in front of an old TV. The kitchen was small, the Formica counters peeling at the corners. Opening a cupboard, you frowned at the small can of beans covered in cobwebs at the back. “And a supply run.”
“There’s a bedroom in the back, a basement down below.” Dean explained, coming through the back door with a pile of wood in his hands. “Y/N, why don’t you stay here with Kevin and Cas, while Sam and I go on a supply run?”
Nodding, you grabbed a strip of paper off the counter, wanting to make sure they picked up the right things. “What am I, chopped liver?” Meg complained, her arms crossed as she stood at the door.
“Meg, I know you helped out Cas, but now I really don’t care what you are.” Dean grumbled. “You can leave anytime.”
“I’m coming with you.” She argued, making Dean roll his eyes.
“Make sure you get all of this.” You insisted, handing Sam the list.
“Pickles and ice cream?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Hey!” You argued. “I can’t help my cravings.”
“Might as well buy the whole store.” Dean muttered. “Who knows what she’ll be craving next.”
Slapping his shoulder, you watched as the three left the cabin, leaving you with a freaked-out prophet and a clueless Angel. Sighing, you finished the task of starting a fire, needing to ward off the chill of the cabin. As soon as it had started warming up the small space, you turned to Sam and Kevin. “Okay, this place is a mess. I need your help cleaning.”
Ordering Cas down the stairs to see what items were in the basement, you put Kevin in charge of sweeping. The easy household chore seemed to calm the younger man, and he started humming as he worked. You turned to the kitchen, cleaning the counter top and the cabinets, trying to search for anything that was salvageable.
The time passed, and the sun filtered through the windows Cas was currently attempting to clean. You had made your way to the little bathroom stall, which consisted of a tiny shower, a toilet and a chipped sink. Getting down on your hands and knees, you began scrubbing everything you could reach. As you reached into the shower, you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen, making you double over and cry out.
“Y/N?” Cas called out, as you took deep breaths, trying to relax. Another sharp jab made you cry out again, letting go of the rag to hold tight to your belly. With tears in your eyes, you saw Cas race into the bathroom, Kevin close behind him. “What is it?”
“I don’t know. A pain, right here.” You mumbled as another sharp pain wracked your system.
Helping you to your feet, Cas guided you to the bedroom, where a large antique frame bed stood in the middle. “Kevin, pull off the quilt.” Cas ordered, seeming partly back to himself. Kevin complied, dust flying everywhere before Cas gently laid you down. Frowning, he noticed where your hand pressed, right against the side of your belly.
“Y/N, is the pain still there?” He asked, his hand coming to rest beside yours.
“Not as bad. Maybe I overdid it.” You wondered out loud, missing the worried glance in the Angel’s eyes.
“That could be.” He answered, but you could tell he wasn’t buying it.
Just then you could hear the Impala pulling up out front, Sam and Dean’s voice carrying through the wall. “Let’s not tell….” You tried saying when another pain hit you, making you fold in on yourself.
“I don’t like this.” Cas muttered, wringing his hands together, before disappearing all together.
“Y/N, what do I do?” Kevin started freaking, just as Sam’s voice echoed through the hall. “I’m going to go get Sam!”
Before you could gather the strength to speak, Kevin was gone, yelling for Sam. Closing your eyes, you wished you had some sort of manual for this. Wondering if a Reaper’s pregnancy was meant to be so painful. Knowing that as soon as Sam stepped through that door, his worry would be on you, and not on stopping the Leviathan. Or figuring out how to keep Kevin safe.
Sam Tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @barbedwireandbubblegum @jared-padaloveme @lenaabs @sadmac356 @sizzlingbearpolice @sortaathief @queen--glitch
DFTR Tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @aknerdchick @avengerstrxsh @bikylove @bookchic20 @craving-cas @cobrakai1967 @dead-lee-15 @dreymin  @jared-padaloveme @krystalreign @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @living-beauty-nightmare @milligan-writes @mycatissatan666 @neverenough24 @pottergirlpotterworld @randomthings077 @ronnie248-blog @supernatural-assbutt-universe @the-trenchcoated-angel @tiffanycaruso @xcyber-queenx
Forever Tags(Closed):  @16wiishes @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @anxuanpham @artisticpoet @atc74 @babydanixox @bambinovak @bea789 @be-amaziing @beltz2016 @benjerry707 @bish-its-me @bohowitch @boxywrites @bradygabrielle-blog @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @buffytheangelslayer @camelotandastronauts @cantsleepian @cascar24 @castielhasthetardis @captainaudreystark @captainemwinchester @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @createdbybadappreciation  @criesateverything @crystal923  @darthdeziewok @delessapeace-blog @destiel-addict-forever @disneychic8 @dixonsvixon2017 @docharleythegeekqueen @dontslurp @dslocum89 @duckieburns @easelweasel  @edward-lover18 @emmazach @emoryhemsworth @emmysthougts @ericaprice2008 @evyiione @essie1876 @extreme-supernatural-lover @faegal04 @freakintasticfan @freddy-fuckboy-tammy @gabriels-trix @generalgoldfishldrm @ginamsmith @gloria1097  @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @haleyhay96 @hetsgrinch @hollandisstilinski @hunterpuff @iliketowrite02 @imboredsueme @impatient-witch @inlovewithbja @iriyelle  @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @jayankles @jenna-luke @jensen-gal @juatanotherbandgirl @just-another-busy-fangirl @jenna-luke @katelynbkool @keelzy2 @likesiriusly @linki-locks11 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork @livingasafangirl @loricwizardbluetoastedcake @love-untiltheresnoloveleft @lowlyapprentice  @mariahoedt @marvelandwinchesters927 @maui137 @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @moosesamdeancasbees @mrsbatesmotel53 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @myplaceofthingsilove @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @naviwhite  @nerdybookwormsinger @ohgodjensen​ @oneshoeshort​ @padackles2010​ @pancake-pages @percussiongirl2017​ @pilaxia​ @pizzarollpatrol​ @plaid-lover-bay25​ @jayankles @procratsinator​ @quiverhope​ @randomthings077​ @ria132love @riversong-sam​ @rosegoldquintis​ @roxyspearing​ @sai-kida134 @samisimportant @sammysgirl1997 @sandlee44 @sanity-is-overratedxp @saoirsewhittle​ @sgarrett49 @sgtbxckybxrnes @shamelesslydean @simplycheyenneautumn @spnbaby67 @spnbaby-67  @spn-dscc @starstruck-sugg @summer-binging-spn @superbadassnatural @supernatural-jackles   @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @tatortot2701 @thebikiniinspector @the--blackdahlia @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @thoughtsoftheantagonist  @tokentransboy @trashforwinchesters @tunadean @upon-a-girl  @vvinch3st3r @walkslikesummeractslikerain @waywardmoeyy @winchester-writes @wonderange @zombiewerewolfqueen
45 notes · View notes
joehertler · 7 years
30 Modern Horror Movies For Your Spooking Pleasure (Updated for 2018)
Dearest Friends and Fellow Rainbow Seekers,
as you may know, I am rather obsessed with horror movies. Over my lifetime, I have submitted myself to thousands of hours of horror cinema, but such extended exposure has come at a cost. It is true that I sometimes lose sleep over the fear of grinning demons sitting at the foot of my bed, or perhaps finding the bloated corpse of a drowned girl crying in my closet. But dark thoughts, as such, are typical to those who willfully endure the macabre. As a horror fan, nothing is more terrifying—or more gratifying—than clammering your way through the black swamp of terrible movies in search of the diamonds in the rough.
I have done the work for you, dear reader. I have hunted through hundreds of faux haunts and I have identified those that are genuine. And if you’re willing, I would be honored to serve as your guide through this realm of dark cinema. A concise list lies below, consisting both of films widely recognized, and lesser-known cult classics. They are united only by their modernity and their overall awesomeness. This is a list of films to be watched by all fans of cinema. So I urge you, dear reader, to call your significant other (or the one you desire to be your significant other). Then, put on your favorite onesie, and get ready for spookiness!  Because the night is dark and full of terror—and you deserve to be spooked by those films most worthy of spooking!
The Babadook - 2014 [TRAILER]
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This might be my favorite on the entire list, so I'm gonna stick it right here at the top. But really, if there's one movie on this list that you should watch, it's the Babadook. Sure, you might have to suspend your disbelief on a few occasions, but it's totally worth it. It seems so rare that horror movies transcend their linear plots into something deeper, but the Babadook succeeds to descend to wonderfully cerebral depths. Without spoiling too much, the plot centers around a mother, grieving the loss of her husband, and her ADHD trouble-child, who come across a creepy kids’ book. An emotional and psychological haunting ensues that dares viewers to venture into the realms of depression and mania.
Let the Right One In - 2008 [TRAILER]
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I've been bored of Vampires since Harry Potter, but this little charmer bit me right in the jugular. The plot centers around a boy who befriends a young female vampire—and yes, for you vampire loving people out there, it does get kind of romancy (in that innocent kid way). Apart from the totally on-point acting, the film maintains an oddly delicate balance of emotional tenderness and intimacy to total blood-chugging brutality. It is easily the best vampire movie to date, and if Swedish subs aren't your thing, there's an American version, Let Me In, that is equally as good.
It Follows - 2015 [TRAILER]
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With one of the most original plots I've ever experienced in a horror movie, It Follows is being touted as one of the best movies of 2015. It's a film best left to experience without outside influence, but I can say that this film will be well enjoyed by those who appreciate speculation, interpretation, and subplots involving the exchange of STDs. It follows tread along a straight forward plot, but contains a wonderful amount of depth to sift through afterward. The film also has top-notch acting and is beautifully shot (much of it shot in Detroit). Make sure you see it with a few friends so you can talk about it afterward!
The Orphanage - 2007 [TRAILER]
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I love me a sad, creepy ghost story, and there's something even better about them when they involve dead children. Like many of the films on my list, The Orphanage, produced by Guillermo Del Toro, has just that. But in all seriousness, this film has a wonderfully emotional story that’s rarely found in the horror genre. It's a well-known classic amid fans of the horror genre, a film that masterfully builds writhing tension to evoke its scares.
Lake Mungo - 2008 [TRAILER]
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Lake Mungo offers a long-winded but mature examination of loss and grief. Its presentation is almost dreamlike, with a plot that focuses on the horrors experienced by a family after the drowning of their daughter. Lake Mungo exceeds as a film in the way that it relentlessly builds upon a wrenching sense of dread. Made with a tiny budget, but supported by solid acting, this film is surprisingly believable and captures the vulnerability, isolation, and confusion experienced after the unexpected death of a loved one. Simply put, this movie is completely terrifying, yet contains almost no cheap scares. It's a 100% unrelenting, slow-roast dread that doesn't let up until well after the credits.
REC - 2007 [TRAILER]
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The original REC is a deliberately fast-paced film that sandwiches its doomed characters between compounding layers of dread, resulting in of one of the best modern horror films in years. The pseudo-zombie plot derails right from the get-go, and later smashes into the supernatural for a terrifying climax. But the disgusting monster at the end? That takes the cake for one of nastiest creepers ever to make it into cinema.
The Curse (Noroi) - 2005 [TRAILER]
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There is a goldmine of Eastern horror out there, and the Curse represents the genre as one of the best. It's a Japanese, low budget, faux documentary, that—amid scenes of complete ridiculousness—manages to be completely and dreadfully effective. Noroi presents an engrossing, slow-burn mystery that carefully leaks the details of an ancient demon-curse. If you're interested in venturing into classic eastern horror, definitely check this one out.
Kill List - 2011 [TRAILER]
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In some ways, Kill List tries to be a deep character study (and I'd say for the first 45 minutes, this might hold true), but then it’s quickly upstaged by an eerie crime drama, which later transforms into a totally effed cult-terror-gore-fest. Somehow, it all seems to work together, leaving you with a disturbing, yet surprisingly thought-provoking mess to discuss with your friends. This is a film to be viewed with others, and I highly recommend it for those who love cults, mysteries, and gore.
28 Days Later - 2002 [TRAILER]
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While I wanted to avoid the obvious choices for this list, I couldn't leave out 28 Days Later, because...Well, it's just too good to ignore. With fast zombies, sympathetic characters, and incredible production, Danny Boyle has created one of the best pieces of apocalyptic horror ever made. You’ve probably already seen it, so you might as well see it again.
The Descent - 2005 [TRAILER]
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The Descent stars six women, all part of an extreme adventure club, who decide to explore the creepiest cave in the entire world. In this cave, of course, dwell terrible, fanged, amphibious slime creatures who have an affinity for jump scares and standing directly behind the backs of the characters...but the real horror of this movie is the cave. The movie absolutely excels in conveying intense desperation and suffocating claustrophobia. Despite solid reviews, I had low hopes for this movie, but ended up really enjoying it. Highly recommended.
Cabin in the Woods - 2012 [TRAILER]
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Horror fans tout Cabin in the Woods as a modern classic. Is it particularly scary? No. But it does provide an ample serving of self-aware humor and cliche-bending twists. I don't care much for self-aware horror movies, but Cabin in the Woods does it right, offering one of the best works of pop culture entertainment that the horror genre has ever seen.
Suicide Club - 2002 [TRAILER]
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With an opening scene of 50+ Japanese schoolgirls jumping in front of a train, I can confidently say that Suicide Club is one of the most hardcore horror movies of all time. The movie follows a wave of unexplained suicides and slowly pieces together a rather nebulous mystery. Answers, however, are few and far between, and I am still not sure if I actually like this movie. But for anyone who is looking for something a little bit darker, this is for you.
Battle Royale - 2000 [TRAILER]
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Before the Hunger Games, there was Battle Royale, which happens to be set in a  similar dystopian universe, wrought with unemployment, crime, and malcontent. Each year, a randomly selected 9th grade class of Japanese, khaki-donning schoolchildren are outfitted with exploding shock collars and given an assortment of weapons. They are then forced to hunt each other down until there is only one left. Long story short, it's the hunger games with an R rating, and if I am not mistaken, this controversial child-massacre-gore fest was banned for a time. But for real, this movie rules, topping its big-budget, modern successor with tons of style, as well as a healthy dose of dark, humorous cynicism. If you felt that the Hunger Games didn’t have enough teen gore, then this movie is for you.
The Devil’s Backbone - 2001 [TRAILER]
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A haunting allegory of the Spanish Civil War, Guillermo Del Toro's film presents a chilling school house ghost story that stands as a masterfully produced piece of cinema. It's heavily atmospheric, emotionally fraught, and above all else, spooky. This fable is one of Del Toro's best and is a must watch on this list.
Creep - 2015 [TRAILER]
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Laced in dry humor, Creep is another slow burner that masterfully builds upon a foundation of discomfort and creeping uneasiness that relies little on jump scares (although, it does not forgo them). The two fold script prompts some of the best acting on this list - and rumors state that much of it was improvised. Creep is proof that you don't need to have a big budget with CGI jump scares to make a compelling horror movie. Did I mention that it's available for Netflix streaming, too?
Gerald's Game (89% RT) [TRAILER]
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The plot begins with a dude named Gerald, who, with his wife, depart to an ocean side cabin for a sexy-time retreat. Except their sexy time, in typical Stephen King fashion, goes horribly wrong. Next thing you know, Gerald is being eaten by a dog and she's handcuffed to the bed and then the boogieman starts to come out at night. Hopefully I didn't just ruin the movie for you, but for real, it gets really good - and the boogieman is one of the best horror spooks I've seen in a long time. The wife, Carla Gugino, gives nothing short of a stellar performance, too.
The Witch (91% RT) [TRAILER]
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The Witch centers itself around a (Puritan?) family who is banished to the outskirts of the New England wilderness in the 1600s (where an ancient and foreboding evil lurks). Shortly after, the crops die, people get possessed, someone's nipple is eaten by a demon crow, and Satan appears as the family goat, named "Black Philip." Despite what I just said, the Witch bares little, but what it does reveal is absolutely brutal. But the real horror is not what hides in the woods, but rather the evil that makes its way inside of the characters. Overall, it's an exceptionally well made period piece that will marinade you in dread... and thus the Witch is one of my favorite horror movies of all time.
Under the Shadow (99%) [TRAILER]
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Under the Shadow is an art house masterpiece that serves as one of the greatest horror movies ever made, yet it is mostly unknown outside of horror circles. The movie is about an Iranian mother and daughter, living in a bombed out Tehran in the middle of the Iran-Iraq war. Her Husband, a doctor, is drafted to serve at the war front and they are left behind when an undetonated missile comes crashing into their apartment building (followed by a superstitious neighbor spouting about how the missile brought with it a middle eastern demon, or Djinn). Things start to get creepy when random items being to go missing, the daughter's behavior becomes increasingly erratic, and the Mother is plagued by horrible nightmares. But most unnerving of all is the isolation and desperation of a mother and daughter trapped in urban chaos.
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An ancient, child devouring evil lurks under the town of Derry, Maine, who manifests itself physically as the apex of one's fears. Over the centuries, It has developed a taste for children (whose fears are easier to conceptualize, apparently), and thus It's preferred manifestation is that of a google-eyed, drooling, and mildly pedaphilic clown named Pennywise. Without drenching this write-up with my slobbering love for this movie, please know that the director and actors absolutely nailed it. The book presents 1200+ pages of historical world building with time-jumping plot lines - and the movie does an amazing job portraying the phantasmagoric and fantastical, yet demon-beleaguered town of Derry. Director, Andres Muschietti and co. deserve every penny of the 300 million dollars it has grossed since release.
It Comes at Night (89% RT) [TRAILER]
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It Comes at Night is a psychological slow-burner, relying on the fears of the unknown, of mistrust, and of post-apocalyptic desperation. The plot revolves around the plight of a family, isolated and hidden, in their forest home as an undefined and unnatural blight ravages the outside world. One day, another destitute family comes stumbling into their home, who are cautiously taken in. Paranoia and mistrust slowly begin to boil between the two families, awakening an evil greater than the zombie-esque disease they seek to hide from. It's an unnervingly fantastic film that will stick with you long after viewing.
Get Out (99%) [TRAILER]
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You can't have a “best of horror” list without mentioning "Get Out." The plot, which involves a bi-racial couple making a visit to the girlfriend's (white) parent's house, is both sharp and nimble in its often satirical portrayal of racial tension. The over-the-top plot initially focuses on a particularly awkward form of racial envy, which quickly derails into something much more sadistic - all the while tinged with director Jordan Peele's trademark humor. It is a movie that gives hope to the genre and has absolutely cemented itself as one of the best horror flicks ever made.
Train the Busan (95%) [TRAILER]
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A father and daughter find themselves fleeing through the countryside (via train) amidst a zombie apocalypse. It's predictable, gory, and over-the-top, but in our cinematic world, over-peppered with every kind of zombie flick conceivable, Train to Busan still explores nuances amidst its campy and relentless action. Simply put, "Train to Busan" is a well-made and exceptionally entertaining film that still offers a dose of originality from within its South Korean setting. Just try not to take it too seriously.
The Wailing (99%) [TRAILER]
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In a quiet south Korean village, a strange visitor appears, and soon after people start violently killing each other. In a panicked desperation, the police consult the occult to aid in solving the mythical blight that threats to spread beyond the village's outskirts. The Wailing is best enjoyed without knowing too much, but this phantasmagoric and gritty film is a cemented gem of Korean horror. It has some flaws and is exceptionally long, but the exploration of creepy eastern cult-mythology makes it well worth the trek.
The Banshee Chapter (75% RT) [TRAILER]
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A man goes missing after consuming some CIA branded psychedelic research chemicals - and his friend decides (with the help of a gonzo-inspired journalist) that she’s going to track him down.  They acquire the aforementioned chemicals and proceed to smoke them, which apparently allows an evil deity to invade their lives (this particular deity takes the spooky meter and sends it to level 10). The plot is, admittedly, pretty lame, but if you can embrace the campiness, you'll find the movie is legitimately terrifying. I was prepared for a b-movie cheese fest, but for real, this movie is exceptionally spooky.
Hell House (76%) [TRAILER]
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A malfunction occurs in an Halloween attraction set on the site of a hotel with a nefarious past, causing the death of 15 people. A half decade later, a documentary crew decides to investigate the tragedy and end up acquiring some tapes of the incident. It's a bit cheesy, but the plot and the acting are pretty damn good for a straight-to-VOD, found footage B-movie. Most importantly, though, is that "Hell House" is extraordinary creepy; completely worth watching for the thrill of horror.
Hereditary (89% RT) [TRAILER]
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Cemented by Toni Collette’s wonderful performance, Hereditary is easily the best horror movie of 2018. The movie presents one menacing sucker punch after another as it rips apart the ground beneath the security of home. Both devastating and anything-but-subtle, Hereditary is recommended to those who like ancient demons, candle lit seances, and the occult.
A Quiet Place (95% RT) [TRAILER]
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A Quiet Place’s plot, both affecting and inventive, throbs with (at times) agonizing, hold-your-breath tension. At the core you will find a family of four, struggling to survive in a world inhabited by invasive, sound-sensitive creatures who would prefer the extinction of humans. John Krasinski serves as both director and acting lead, which is good news for those of us who could care less for the recent stream of superfluous action movies he’s been producing.
A Dark Song (91% RT) [TRAILER]
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Brooding and methodical, A Dark Song is set-piece pagan horror at its finest. It features only two characters: A mother in mourning and an arrogant occultist whom she seeks the aid of. The duo lock themselves in an old mansion to enact a lengthy and risky ritual, one that (ideally) results in a wish being granted. The acting is both fantastic and believable as the characters, in typical horror movie fashion, make mistakes that send them into a descent of madness. It’s witchcraft-gone-wrong; a slow burner with the relentless dread and chaos of a waking nightmare. This is one of my all time favorite indie horror movies. Highly recommended. 
1922 (89% RT) [TRAILER]
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Unreliably narrated via the confession of a father who murders his wife (and who also ropes his hesitant son into the act), 1922 is a brooding tale of a man driven to madness by way of guilt. There are no jump scares to be found, as the movie favors the father’s slow-rot suffering and his futile and increasingly desperate attempts to bury his festering guilt. Psychological horror at its finest, this King adaptation is another excellent addition to Netflix’s diverse and original collection of horror movies. The Ritual (71%) [TRAILER]
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While imperfect at best, this B-movie, set in northern Sweden, provides an interesting set (creepy, frost-dusted hinterlands) inhabited by four bros and an imaginative monster who’d prefer they were hiking somewhere else. Ankles are sprained and tempers swell as the friends become increasingly lost amidst a forest of their misjudgment. This movie is the definition of “pretty decent” with enough substance to hopefully see you through to the “less than decent” finale. 
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Half Hearted
Summary: You go for a dangerous walk with your friend in the woods at night. Thankfully, Sam, Dean and Cas are there to save the day. But there’s something about Cas’ eyes you can’t avoid but be mesmerized by.
Word count: 1,606
Warnings: hmmm kinda scary scenery? If creppy feelings is not your thing don’t read. Also mentions of friend death. Nothing graphic though.
Pairing: Reader x Castiel
Hi! This is my first attempt at fanfiction so please go easy on me! If you liked it please let me know, I’d be happy to hear it. Also, constructive criticism is more than accepted, just don’t go around spreading negativity, thank you! If you find any mistakes let me know thanks! :)
“I’m pretty sure every single aspect of this is illegal, like, very illegal” You said as you followed your friend F/N through the woods.
“We’re not getting in trouble, trust me, I’m an expert at this” F/N said as they scanned the area and turned left.
“You’ve been in jail, and you were arrested twice!”
“Imagine how many times I should have been! As I said, expert”
You couldn’t avoid giggling at their remark because, after all, it was pretty accurate.
You walked behind your friends trail until they stopped dead on their tracks “We’re here!” F/N said and started climbing a 3 foot tall fence that stood tall right in front of your eyes.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, we can’t invade a factory”
“Why not!”
“First of all, it’s illegal”
“Just like anything we’ve done on this walk”
“And it smells like rotten”
“Don’t be a pussy, jump in Y/N!”
You stood still pondering what to do, jump the fence or turn around, but as you saw F/N standing on the other side of the fence, all the doubts and ways it could go wrong disappeared with the wind, why not live a little, right?
You quickly climbed the fence and followed your friend inside and you were right, it smelled like something was dying in there.
“God, what did I tell you about the smell!”
“I have to admit, it’s a little prominent, but just forget about it sweetheart” F/N said as they walked confidently around the place, leaving you clueless about what was about to happen.
“Why did we come here anyway? There’s nothing cool about this place”
“Oh you’re about to be epically surprised then”
Your friends tone seemed off to you but you shrugged it off, after all everything seemed off in this place, you could almost see the walls talk, ridiculous, you though, there’s no such thing, so you just followed your friend absentmindedly, too occupied to think, distracted by the feeling haunting you around that place, uncertainty, doubt and fear creep in the air like oxygen that filled your lungs in big lumps, darkness around you engulfing you like the was no escape. Everything and everyone felt distant. The air felt sharp, and you couldn’t avoid but hold your breath.
Your friend stopped abruptly making you bump into them “we there yet?”
“Oh, you have no idea”
“LOOK OUT” you hear an heavy voice that steals your attention, making you turn around facing the hall you just walked through. A guy runnning towards you with a weird looking gun moved closer and closer “RUN”.
For some reason, instinctively you ran towards that man, something about the situation you were in and the fact that your friend was acting weird created a reaction deep into you maybe. You ran as fast as you could down the narrow and small corridor “GET DOWN” you did as they said, right before they shot in your friends direction, and you watched them run away from it at the speed of light. What the hell? F/N can’t run like that.
“You okay?” You look up to the handsome man in front of you, giving you a hand getting up.
“What is going on?”
“DEAN!” You saw two other man down the corridor walking towards you and the man apparently called Dean.
“It got away! Cas, take her outside”
“Of course”
A man with a trench coat, apparently called Cas, put his hand on your back, leading you to the door, giving you shivers all over your body.
“No! Wait! What’s going on?”
“He’ll talk to you outside, don’t worry”
For some reason, those three men seemed trustworthy to you, and way to tall. You followed Cas to the factory’s door and got out
“So, care to explain?”
Cas looked in your eyes “your friend is not your friend”
You squinted your eyes at the absurd statement “uhh, care to elaborate?”
“A shapeshifter took the form of your friend”
“Like those in the movies?” You asked with your mouth agape
“Not exactly like the movies ” Cas shrugged a smile out of their face, he was as handsome as the man inside “it’s a little different, somewhat more… complex”
“Uh… I see… and you are?”
“I’m Castiel”
“Yeah I know” you laughed a little at this mans misinterpretation of your question" I mean, who are the three of you? And why are you here?“
"Oh, Dean and Sam are hunters, they hunt monsters”
“Wow” you whisperer, surprised and out of words “And you- you do too? Hunt monsters?” you stuttered a little to the contemplation of that possibility.
“No, I’m just an angel”
“A What?” You said and opened your mouth in disbelief.
“An angel, those biblical creatures in hea-”
“I know what angel means! I just, I mean, I… what?”
Cas looked at you confused.
“Is it real, angels, heaven and hell?”
“Yes, all those are real”
You felt like cameras were ready to jump out and some guy would tell you you’d just got punked, but it didn’t really happen. Your life questions, at least some of them, where just answered at that very moment, and it was…hard to digest, to say the least.
“I know it sounds difficult to believe, but you’ll get used to the idea”
“Uh” you couldn’t bring yourself to formulate words, you just stood there with your mouth agape, with Castiels eyes locked in your face, admiring every aspect of you “what are they doing inside?” You looked up to find Castiel’s eyes locked in you, his face growing red.
“Killing it, if they’re lucky”
“And where’s F/N?”
“Dead by now”
“Oh” you couldn’t say anything, you couldn’t believe your friend was dead. You didn’t know them for a long time, maybe a few weeks, but still it hurt a little.
“My condolences”
“It’s-It’s alright”
You waited a few minutes more for Dean and Sam with tears forming in your eyes. Your friend was dead and you couldn’t help but blame yourself. Sam and Dean abruptly opened the steel doors of the entrance of the factory, washed in blood and gore.
“The shapeahifters taken care of” said Dean.
“Found the victims?” Castiel asked
“Yes, they were locked up upstairs”
“And… F/N?”
There was an awkward silence that lasted a few seconds in the air.
“They’re… dead… I’m sorry” Sam said.
“It’s-it’s okay”
“You have anywhere to go?” Dean asked and you looked up at him.
“Not really, I was crashing F/N place, but I don’t really have keys”
“You could stay with us” Sam said “I mean, we’re staying at a motel, you could stay there”
“Yeah, I suppose… thanks by the way, the three of you”
You looked at each of them and locked your eyes with Cas at the end, while Sam and Dean grin. You couldn’t bring yourself to stop, his eyes were mesmerizing, a shade of blue you had never seen, well, he’s an angel, he certainly wouldn’t be ordinary.
You sat on the backseat of what seemed to be Dean’s most valuable possession and rode off to a motel not far away from there. You got a room next to Sam and Dean’s because apparently Cas didn’t need one because he didn’t sleep, a perk of being an angel.
The lady in the counter gave you your keys and you followed Sam, Dean and Cas to their room, you didn’t want to be alone in a room for a while.
They tried to explain you the reality of it all to you, demons, angels, monsters, heaven, hell, it all seemed bizarre to you, but it could explain a damn lot of things.
“So you locked the devil himself in a cage?”
Dead filled his face and chest with pride while Sam just laughed and looked down “Yup, that’s right” said Dean
“Does he look like that? Tritan, horns, tails and stuff?”
They were all laughing now “Not really, he looks more like a normal guy” Sam explained you.
“Oh, okay… and God, does he looks like people think he looks?”
“Not really, he’s a normal guy as well. And his name’s Chuck” Dean said
“Wow, that’s the most… I don’t know how to explain i-”
“Dissapointing?” Dean suggested
“Not quit-”
“Bizarre?” Sam’s turn
“Yes, but no… it’s more…”
“Surprising.” Cas stated and looked in your eyes, locking you with his without escape.
“Yeah… surprising” you looked at him for what felt like forever, and at the same time only a minute. Sam and Dean looked at each other, both feeling the tension between you and Cas.
“Well” Dean loudly interrupted, making you shift your eyes to him “ I’m getting sleepy so why don’t you” he pointed in your direction “and lovebird here” this time pointing at Cas “hit it off in the room next door, not too loud please”
Your face was growing more red each second.
“I don’t sleep” Cas stated
“Oh, we know buddy” Dean laughed while making that witty remark.
You got up from you chair and tried to hid your face “Yeah I’m tired as well, good night!” And you turned around heading to the door
“Wait!” Cas said and got up, following you, looking perplexed at his reaction and looking around, surprised “It’s-it’s better if you sleep with pro-protection… I’ll watch over you!”
Dean and Sam were amusingly smiling in the background.
“Okay…” you said as you opened the door to let Cas pass “Good night!” You said before closing the door.
“Goood night!” Both Sam and Dean said in unison.
This was going to be interesting.
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unclefestive · 7 years
A true story about where I spend my summers
So I was going to post this on the @sixpenceee​ story contest thing but I never got my confirmation email so here goes, I’m gonna post it here. 
Trigger warning: Blood and Gore
This story is true. There might be some details I got wrong, but this is stuff that I have grown up seeing.
I don’t have a title for it, so here goes.
I wouldn’t say I scare easily. I grew up in the city. First 10 years in lower Manhattan, ever since then in Brooklyn. I see myself as tougher than the average kid. I spent my summers in a small lake community up in westchester, and I used to go to camp and interact with the locals, so I think I can say with good authority that city kids are tougher.
I know a lot of people say “Oh this story is true,” and then talk about some crazy encounter with a ghost or a demon or something, and you’re sitting there thinking “Wow, I’m spooked, but there’s no way that was real.” I’m telling you in all honesty this is a real story. It actually only happened a couple days ago, so if there’s any updates I’ll be sure to let you know.
So this aforementioned summer community is surrounded by some woods, especially the houses up the hill. We’ve had a lot of animals turn up dead because of a coyote or something. Once we even had a moose running around during the winter when the park was closed. I heard it got run over out on the highway before the season started.
My friends like to joke that this community is like a cult. It’s a really tight knit group of people. Don’t really like outsiders. I remember once I was the main topic of discussion because I brought outside friends up a couple weekends, and that made everyone angry. People I never even talked to confronted my parents about it. A lot of these people don’t have much to do other than sit around and gossip, so nothing really stays a secret. Over the years, there have been some weird occurances.
Like for one, Women’s underwear started going missing. It wasn’t like sexy underwear either. It was tennis underwear, spanx, stuff like that. And it was all stolen from these old ladies. That was probably around 10 years ago. I remember there was a boy, Jack, around my sister’s age (3 or 4 years older than me) who was renting a bungalow that summer. He couldn’t have been older than 11, but because he was an outsider everyone blamed him and basically ran his family out of the community. Needless to say, we never heard from them again. I don’t know if the thefts stopped after he was gone, all I know is that my Dad never believed it was him. I was like 7, I don’t even remember the kid’s face. I couldn’t really grasp what my neighbors did to him, or how it must have made him feel.
Another one was more recently, 3 or 4 years ago. A family came up for the first weekend of the season (I believe there were renovations going on in the park all winter, but not in their house) to find all of the wife’s shampoos and soaps missing, and on their bed a big black dildo. The dildo was sent to the police to try to get a DNA signature off it, but because nothing valuable was stolen, the local police didn’t see it as a priority. There weren’t any signs of forced entry, and the only point of access was a small window that a person couldn’t fit through. People theorized that someone could have opened the window and thrown the dildo onto the bed, but that wouldn’t explain the missing soaps. It’s still a puzzler, and there wasn’t a renter for people to blame.
On top of these weird things, the other kids and I were always convinced the place was haunted. Living in the city, you don’t get to experience any ghosts. In movies and TV it’s always the cabin deep in the forest, or the house on top of the hill that has the demon. Suburbia is haunted to shit. The city is different. You hearing strange footsteps? It’s your upstairs neighbor. Banging on the walls? That’s the couple next door. Everything has a logical explanation when everyone lives in apartments. In the community, our imaginations could run wild. Something going bump in the night had to be the ghost of a disgraced Native American chief, or a homeless man who wandered into the social hall and died. We started a Ghost hunting club and signed our names on the wall. It later turned into the biking club and I was forced out of it. Politics.
Everything that happened we blamed on ghosts. One day there was a huge hole in the door of the boat house that hadn’t been there the day before, that was a ghost. We found an old ornately carved knife propping open a window, that for sure had to be ghosts. The most haunted part, at least to us, was the stairwell to the bathroom.
The downstairs bathroom was absolutely terrifying. I never went in there for fear that my soul would be dragged down to the underworld, or something. It was dark and dirt and smelly, and the worst part was the door leading to the outside with a giant hole at the bottom, big enough for a human to crawl through. A couple years back they renovated it, now it isn’t so scary. It’s actually pretty nice. There’s art on the walls and shit.
During one ghost hunting expedition, we came upon the stairwell door and stopped. We had all collectively decided it was haunted already, so it seemed like the logical place to look. One boy, Jason (I’m changing all the named to maintain privacy), turned to me.
“Ava, you go investigate it.”
Jason was never very nice to me. A lot of the people in the park are related, and I’m not related to anyone but my sister. I think that made me an outsider, and you know how they feel about them. I couldn’t have been older than 7 years old, and I had this really active imagination, so naturally I was the Shaggy of the group. I might have well said “Zoinks!” and refused to do it unless I got a scooby snack. I guess because he was always mean to me, I felt this urge to please him, so I just agreed and walked into the dark.
Well, that was a mistake. As soon as I was in there, Jason shut the door behind me and had his cousins help him hold the door. These were three boys, each 2-3 years older than me, all with 6 packs. I was 80 pounds soaking wet, I had no muscle and I looked like a bobblehead, there was no way I could overpower them. The darkness quickly got to me. At first I was banging on the door, but after about 15 seconds I realized that was fruitless. I curled up in a ball and started screaming and crying, the terror seized every bone in my body. I couldn’t move, I could barely breathe. I realized later that it was my first ever panic attack.
I have some mental health issues. I have anxiety and depression and ADD, so I get panic and anxiety attacks a lot now. I know how to deal with them. When I was a kid I remember not being able to breathe sometimes and hearing people call out my name, and now I know that I was just having panic attacks. When I start hearing voices that aren’t there I know what’s going on, but back then I believed that it was ghost calling out to me. I used to sleep fully under the covers out of fear.
That day in the stairwell, I didn’t hear a voice. I heard footsteps. Creaking footsteps coming up the stairs towards me. I’ve never hallucinated sounds like that, or at least I haven’t yet. So I can’t say whether or not that place is really haunted, all I know is that my mental instability caused me to believe it was until I was 16, when I found out what the voices actually were.
So yeah, weird shit has happened in the past, but nothing compares to what happened this weekend.
Well, I found out about it this weekend. Best guess, it’s been happening for weeks.
There’s a woman (the Grandmother of Jason) who lives kinda on the edge of the woods. She’s found dead animals out by her house before, like I mentioned, we’ve got coyotes. The last 3 were different.
I’m not sure what order she found them in, but there were 3 little animals (could be bunnies could be something else, I don’t know the specifics) that didn’t look like they were eaten by an animal, they looked like they were murdered.
I’m no animal expert, but I’m pretty sure that Coyotes don’t commit murder, they kill to eat. These bunnies weren’t missing any meat.
One had its throat slit, a clean cut, like with a knife.
One had its head severed from its body. I’m not sure if it was chopped off or ripped off, but it was no longer connected.
The last one seems the most gruesome to me. The poor animal’s heart had been torn out. The thing had no other injuries, just a bloody hole where its heart should have been.
You always hear stories of serial killers as kids, they would murder little animals and keep trophies. So at first, I thought it was a little budding serial killer. I guess I was just happy it wasn’t me.
A little background: I’m a bit obsessed with serial killers. I’ve stated that If I was raised in a less stable environment, I would already have a body count. When I watched Dexter I got a little jealous.
So yeah, I guess it could be a baby Gacy. There is another option.
There’s this legend that exists in the park. We all think it was just something that Jason’s Grandfather made up. Or, at least, thought. I’m not so sure anymore.
Jason, his two sisters, and his two cousins used to camp out every memorial day weekend (Sunday to Monday) in search of the Memorial Day Monster.
His parents, his uncle, and his grandfather used to talk about the monster a lot. The story goes that the park used to be owned by one couple and their son. They had a house near the top of the hill, and none of the trees had been cleared out yet so they were surrounded by woods. There wasn’t another house for miles, this was early 20th century, maybe even 19th. I never got a good timeline.
One memorial day, the boy went out exploring. He did this a lot, so there wasn’t much for his parents to worry about. Only this time when he went out, he tripped on a branch, tumbled down a steep hill, and blacked out. When he came to, he found himself in a completely dark and unknown part of the forest to him, with his leg bent at an awful angle. He called out, screamed for help. No one came for him.
Reports vary as to whether or not his parents gathered a search party. Some tellings say they were too busy to care that he was gone. Some say they searched night and day until their eventual deaths.
Reports also vary as to what exactly turned that boy into a monster. He began to live off the land, like an animal. His hair grew long and matted, his teeth became large and sharp, his leg healed in that same position, causing his posture to change and have him run on all fours. It is also said that he can run at incredible speeds. His eyes are said to be completely covered in cataracts, but he is still able to see better than any human, he can also smell your fear from a mile away.
One year Jason received a letter allegedly from the monster. I don’t even remember what it said, I’m sure it was stupid, but it was written in blood. I’m pretty sure that was his Grandpa messing around. I was always sure it was his Grandpa messing around.
I started thinking it couldn’t be a coincidence that these animals were left in front of that house. His Grandpa lives there, his Grandpa is the one that began telling all the stories.
I don’t think I’ll ever find out the truth. Is it a little kid practicing his knife skills? Is it the Memorial Day Monster?
If so, I think the message is clear.
Stop Looking.
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castielinparadise · 8 years
Wanna Have Some Fun, Baby? (3)
Summary: You’re introduced to the world of hunting when you come across a body. Along the way, you fall for your fellow hunter. But does he fall back?
Chapter Title: Baby
Chapter Summary: You think about your feelings for Dean as he burns off steam in the woods. It begins to get dark, and your worry for dean's safety increases as a deep purr is heard yet again. This time, closer and louder than before.
Pairing: DeanxReader
Word Count: 1,187
Warnings: Swearing, near death experiences, angst, possible smut (not sure yet), etc.
A/N: So this is probably my longest chapter ever (so far)?!?! I’m really proud of it too!!! Also, go check out this video!! It’s amazing and I love it!
It had been 10 minutes since Dean stormed out of your car, and he still wasn’t back. You started to get worried. Even though you’d just met mere hours ago, you couldn’t help but worry about his safety. It was just something about him. The way he made you feel when he’d tilt his chin down and look up at you with a furrowed brow and those gorgeous eyes was like nothing you’d ever felt before.
Wait a minute.
Nonono. I am NOT falling for Dean.
That’s absolutely ridiculous!
I can’t be..
No matter how much you told yourself that you weren’t head-over-heels for him, you couldn’t help but realize how you felt looking down at him when you found him, or when you were talking before and he smirked. Just thinking about the memories made your gut go crazy with butterflies and your cheeks flush.
While you were fantasizing about Dean, he’d been walking through the woods near the ditch you crashed in.
20 minutes had gone by before Dean convinced himself to go back to you in your car. You were, in fact, trying to help him.
On his way back, a tingle shot through his body as the deep purr of an engine filled the air.
“Son of a bitch!”, he said, a slight tone of joy heard in his voice.
You were sitting in the exact same spot Dean had left you in when you heard that same purr as before. You panicked and dropped your gun. Thankfully, the safety was on. You mentally smacked yourself for not remembering to switch it back on after Dean introduced himself.
Dean still wasn’t back, and the purring was growing into more of a growl. You realized that you might have to leave Dean behind if he didn’t come back soon. And that was not something you wanted to do.
Just when you were about to give up on Dean and save your own ass, you heard rustling in the dark woods in front of your car. Your heart started racing as the memories of Dean telling you about what monsters reside in the dark filled your mind.
The rustling grew louder as the purring grew louder. It got to the point where you couldn’t even hear your own breathing before Dean burst through the tree brush, almost giving you a heart attack in the process.
“What the hell, Dean!?!?!”, you said, as you pushed on your chest and took deep breaths to try and calm down your heart.
He didn’t respond. Instead, he jogged right past you and your car, heading towards the noise.
“Dean, what the hell are you doing?!?!”, you exclaimed, “We should be going away from the scary noise. Not towards it!!!”
Yet again, he ignored you and continued to go towards the noise.
You hit your head against your seat, all while repeating “Shit!” over and over. You knew you had to go after him. You wouldn’t forgive yourself if you didn’t and something happened to him.
“Fuck, Dean!”, you groaned.
You swung your car door open and ran after him, pistol in hand since you didn’t really know what you were going to meet when you caught up with him.
What you saw when you did was not at all what you were expecting.
Dean was hugging a man and laughing.
Who the fuck..?
What the fuck..?
You couldn’t figure out exactly what was going on in the scene in front of you.
Just when you were about to question it further, Dean noticed you watching and waved you over, a big, goofy smile plastered across his face. Reluctantly, you walked towards him and the new stranger.
Once you reached them, Dean opened the rear car door for you and gestured for you to get in.
“What about all my stuff in my car?”
“Is your car locked?”, the man said. His voice was a bit deeper than you expected it to be just by looking at him.
“No, it’s not. I was too busy being worried and running after this asshole,” you explained, gesturing towards Dean.
“Don’t worry,” the man said, a small smile cracking his lips. “We’ll stop by it before we head to the motel.”
“What motel?”
Dean chuckled.
“What is it??”
“Just get in the car Y/N. We’ll explain it all when we get there.”, he said with a small smirk.
“Fine. But there better be some food at this motel cuz I’m starving.”, you said as you reluctantly got into the car.
“Of course, malady”, he said, bowing and closing the door behind you.
~~Arriving at the motel~~
“So your name is Sam Winchester? The Sam Winchester? Dean’s brother?”
You had finished introductions with the new stranger. You hadn’t realized this was the brother Dean was talking about.
Sam chuckled. “Yeah, I am. Why? Dean been talking shit about me again?”, he said with a goofy smile.
“No! It’s just-”, you stopped, not sure if you should continue. When the boys’ faces grew concerned, you finished. “He told me about what happened to your mom, and then the whole demon blood thing and killing the demon that used you. I guess I just thought you’d look a little less.. normal after all that.”
When you finished talking, an awkward silence filled the motel room. The smile that was just on Sam’s face faded, replaced with a sort of regretful expression. Dean began to fidget, and eventually he cleared his throat.
“Well! How about we have some of that delicious food we bought, huh?”, he said, as he stood up off the chair he was previously straddling and walked over to the food.
You stood up off the bed and went over and joined Dean. Due to your request, you’d gotten burgers. Dean had happily agreed to that, and told Sam to go to the nearest burger place so he could “have some freaking food”.
“I’m gonna go get some air,” Sam said, letting out a deep breath and walking out the door.
“Fuck,” you said, smacking yourself in the forehead.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N,” Dean reassured, placing a hand on your shoulder and squeezing slightly.
Just then, you looked up at him, and his eyes were glowing green from the light hitting them. A small gasp escaped your lips and your eyes widened slightly.
You realized you were staring, and your ears began to burn with embarrassment as you looked away.
Did he notice?!?!
Oh god. I hope he didn’t notice.
Dean let his hand slide of your should and land back by his side. Your shoulder immediately grew cold where his hand had lie, and you began to miss the warm touch of his hand.
“I uh,” he cleared his throat. “I should probably go check on Sam. See if he’s alright. You go ahead and go to sleep. Got a long day tomorrow.”
As he was leaving, he looked back at you and gave you a smile. Then he shut the door.
You fell back on your bed for the night and stared up at the ceiling.
I’m so screwed.
WHSF,B? Tags: @xxsexybedheadxx, @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms
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glitterrhowell · 6 years
Spirits In the Night
Title: Spirits In the Night
Series: Spooky week 2018
Pairing:  Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (Phan
Word count: 3.2k
Warning/Genre: scary/Halloween/spooky’vlogging/ghosts/possible demon
Phil decides to film a Halloween video with PJ and Sophie and an abandon hunted house and Dan is less than keen on going.
Read on Ao3
Read on Wattpad
This is part of a collection of eight stories I have written over the last few months for Autumn/Halloween. I am titling this series spooky week and will continue to update every day up until Halloween day!
A huge thank you to my other half Christy (Fadingcrystalvoid) for being with me since the start of the series listing to me rant and proofreading for me. Also for last minute betaing all these stories for me!
“Come on Dan it’s going to be fun!” Phil whined.
“Phil I told you that I didn’t want to go,” he sighed.
“But you have to go it's Halloween!” he pleaded. “Pj and Sophie will be there,” he added hoping it would get Dan to change his mind.
“Plus you promised the fan’s a video. And it won’t be much of a video without you,” he reminded him.
Dan rolled his eyes, “Fiiine I’ll go, we’ll do it.”
“Yes!” Phil grinned pumping his fist in the air in victory.
Turning to Phil, “What time do we have to meet them there again?”
Phil glanced down at his phone, ”Shit we probably should have left already.”
“Really Phil?” he exclaimed as he frantically tried shoving his shoes on his feet.
“Well if somebody hadn’t of waited to the last minute to decide they were going it wouldn’t have been a probl-.”
Dan turned around and glared at him.
Not wanting to fight, Phil held his hands up in the air in defeat.
The house planned to “ghost hunt” was a fairly known place. For years there had been rumors of the awful things that had happened there. One of the main stories was that there was a family living there in the 60’s and one night the father had murdered the entire family including the family dog. The other main story people liked to tell about this place was that back in the 1900’s the place used to be a small mental hospital where the doctors performed unspeakable experiments and acts of torture on the patients that had resulted in several deaths. Of course, no one knew if either of these stories were true or not but that hasn't stopped people from sneaking into the house over the years trying to see if the ghosts were real.
And since the house was out in the middle of nowhere they had to rent a car instead of taking a cab. Because when Phil had called to set this all up the cab company outright refused to take them since it was so far out of town.
They have never been known for their punctuality but this was ridiculous, Dan thought as they drove in silence. They had promised a video with PJ and Sophie to the fans and he hoped they hadn’t left or started without them.  
Dan fidgeted in the passenger's seat of the rented car, too nervous to sit still. “Who’s idea was it to film a video in an abandoned haunted house again?”
Phil glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, ”Hey you ok?” Dan nodded his head. “Are you sure? We don’t have to do this.” Concern showed on his face. “The fans will understand.”
“No, I’m fine. Besides, they’ll never let us live this down if we don’t do it,” he chuckled, giving Phil a shaky smile. Phil reached over and placed one of his hands on Dan’s leg. Dan let out a little sigh of relief just feeling Phil’s hand made him feel safe and comforted.  
They pulled up to the big iron gates that sat a few hundred feet from the house. When Phil had talked to the owner of the property they had told him that they would have to walk up to the house from there. He had explained if he left the gate open it tended to draw in people who just wanted to come in and squat in it or vandalize the house.
Seeing PJ’s car still there made Phil sigh in relief knowing they were still there he just hoped they hadn’t started without them. Phil took ahold of Dan’s hand and they started walking up the dark winding path that leads up the house. The path was small and overrun with bushes and shrubs making it almost impossible to see.  
The house came into view as they rounded a tree Dan’s heart dropped in his chest. Why had he agreed to this? What idiots went to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere on Halloween night of all nights. Plus it was a fucking full moon to boot.
Phil took out his iPhone and started to record himself.
“Hey, guys! So after a long drive, we are finally here! Who’s excited to see some spooky things?” He then turned the phone to record the exterior of the house. The house was huge, dingy, and the grey paint flaked on the outside, the window panes were smeared with age and dirt and its brickwork was crumbling away. And like the path leading to the house, the path going up to the door was also overgrown with bushes and brambles.
“So Dan are you ready to see some ghosts?” Phil joked as he panned the camera over to him. He couldn’t see his own face at the moment but if he had to guess he probably looked terrified. He tried as hard as he could to plaster on his video persona, “So yeah here we are. Uhh, so we're going to try and catch something spooky and fun for you guys.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “So yeah here we go, and I guess if this video never gets put up then that means we died,” he chuckled, being slightly serious about the dying part.
Phil turned the phone back to himself and said a few more things about the history and the supposed stories of the house before he hit the stop record button.
Seeing he wasn’t recording anymore Dan grabbed Phil’s hand “Phil I don’t know about this,” he said, expressing his uncertainty.
Phil chuckled,” Come on it isn’t so bad.” Dan looked back at the house. Yep, still as bad as it had been a minute ago.
“Oh look there’s PJ and Sophie.” He waved over to their friends who had just walked from around the house.
“We thought we heard talking.” Sophie smiled brightly at them.
“Yeah, we just got here,” Phil said as he pulled Dan’s shivering body closer to him.
“Hey, guys we weren't sure if you were coming or not.” Their friend’s jogged over to them.
“Sorry uh, we lost track of time,” Phil explained.
Dan squeezed Phil’s hand letting him know that he was grateful he hadn’t mentioned how he had been scared.
“We were just recording the back of the place anyway, we didn’t want to start without you guys,” PJ said pulling his camera out of his bag.
Turning it on he pointed it and him and Phil, “Look how it is guys! Dan and Phil have offered to come on this crazy adventure with us! So are you guys ready?” PJ grinned despite the camera not being able to see it.
Phil smiled, ”You ready?” he asked, turning to Dan.
Trying his best to sound neutral,” Umm yep. Let’s go find some ghostussy,” he nervously jokes.
Everyone chuckled at his joke, Phil made some joke to the camera in PJ’s hand about Dan needing to be stopped.
Pulling his iPhone back out, Phil started to record as they made their way up the front steps of the house. Up to the rotting door that separated them from what laid inside the house. They all took a deep breath before Phil using the hand not holding his phone to pushed the heavy door open. The door creaked as it slowly swung open. That would be a great shot for the video Dan thought. Phil was the first one to go inside dragging Dan along with him. PJ and Sophie stumbled in after them.
Phil and PJ panned their cameras around to catch everyone’s initial reaction to everything.
A cool shudder trickled down his spine. He glanced around nervously. Cold, hesitant light streamed in through a cracked window, casting eerie shadows on the walls. What was left of the abandon furniture was covered in sheets that had once been white but are now brown with years of dust and grime that had settled on them.
“This is so cool,” PJ whispered to his camera.
Phil nodded his head in agreement, ”Oh look at those portraits on the wall. The people almost look like their looking right through you!” he took his iPhone and zoomed in on a creepy looking painting of a man in a suit and top hat.
Dan shivered again, “What’s that smell?” he asked in a small voice. It smelt like a combination of rotting wood and cigarette smoke.
His question went unanswered as Phil, PJ, and Sophie started exploring the first few rooms of the house. Pulling out his own iPhone to get his own footage he walked into what he assumed was as the dining room. In the middle of the room, there was a huge wooden table with a layer of dust covering it. He heard a rattle and looked up as a broken chandelier swayed in the draft. Trying to keep his wits, he showed the audience the swaying chandelier, “Looks like the ghost and ghouls are already performing for you guys.” Chuckling, he turned his attention to a small chest in the corner of the room, but just as he was about to open it and film what was inside he heard a scream.
“Shit!” Phil screamed from the adjoining room.
Shoving his phone in his pocket he sprinted through the walkway between the rooms, “Phil what’s wrong are you alright?”
Phil was clutching his chest breathing heavily, “Yeah I just thought I saw something move in the corner over there.” He pointed his phone towards a corner of the room, “Turns out the house isn’t as abandoned as we thought, there’s a family of rats living here,” he breathed out chuckling nervously.
Just then PJ and Sophie came running in the room, “What’s wrong?”
They quickly explained what had happened, Phil now chuckling at how much he had freaked out. But they ultimately decided that it would probably be best if they stayed together just because if something else did happen they didn’t want to scare someone else who might be on the other side of the house.
Once again both PJ and Phil pulled out their devices, recording as they walked through to the kitchen. Which was located in the back of the house.
Phil was showing the camera something on the counter when Dan stopped dead in his tracks, ”Did you hear that?” he whispered.
“What?” they all looked at him questioning.
“I swear I heard footsteps above us,” he pointed towards the ceiling.
“Come on Dan you're not being funny,” Sophie hissed, “Stop messing around.”
“I’m not trying to be, I know what I heard,” he defended himself.
“I’m sure it was nothing,” Phil said, walking up and giving him a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.
Dan glared at them, ”I know I heard something!” he insisted
PJ turned his camera on himself, “Well guys Dan thinks he heard something upstairs I say we should go investigate don’t you think?” he said giving a cheeky grin to the audience.  
“Yeah let’s go!” Sophie chimed in clearly excited.
Phil turned to him, “what do you think?”
He took a hold of Phil’s hand knowing it would have to be edited out later. “Let’s go,” he said, trying to sound brave.
Phil chuckled and turned the camera back on himself, “It’s settled lads we’re going upstairs to investigate!”
They explored the upstairs without hearing anything else. They had decided it would be alright if they split up as long as they stayed in pairs so he and Phil were currently in one of the bedrooms. While PJ and Sophie went to investigate another room on the floor.
The bedroom was just like the rest of the house: everything in it was coated in a layer of dust.
“Dan come over here!” he heard Phil say from across the room.
He walked over to see what Phil was looking at. He rolled his eyes at what Phil had written. His iconic signature with a smiley face as well as, ”Phan forever” right next to it.
“Defacing property now Lester. What would the fans think of innocent Phil now?” he giggled.
“Hey it’s not permanent so it doesn't count!”
Dan giggled again as he leaned in and gave Phil a soft kiss on the lips.
“Dannnn that’s just more editing,” Phil whined.
“And isn’t it just a coincidence you said you would do all the editing on this video Lester,” he grinned.
Phil huffed and accepted the second kiss Dan planted on his mouth.
A shiver curled through the hairs on the back of Dan’s neck.
“Hey, you alright?” Phil asked.
“I don’t know I just got a funny feeling all of a sudden.”
Phil looked at him concerned.
“Is it me or did it get really fucking cold in here?” he shivered violently.  
Phil started shrugging his jacket off. “Here you can have my jack-.”
When a loud crash interrupted him. Both of them jumped and screamed.
“What the fuck was that?” Dan asked as his heart ran a marathon inside his chest.
In his shaken state, Phil managed to answer, “Looks like the wind blew the door shut.”
“Phil are you really trying to me that was the fucking wind?!”
“What else could it hav-”
Phil’s face went white as he hissed in pain.
“Jesus Christ what happened?” Dan questioned him.
“I don’t know, I had a sudden pain in my back like something had burned me!” he screamed.
Phil finished taken his jacket off and lift his shirt up trying to see his own back. Finally admitting defeat he turned his back to Dan, “Do you see anything?”
Dan felt all the remaining blood drain from his face.
“Well do you see anything?” Phil huffed.
“You have three scratches on your back,” he whispered.
“What was that,” he now turned around to face him.
“I said you have three long scratches going across your back,” he said a little bit louder.
“What? This isn’t the time to be pulling jokes, Dan,” Phil scolded him.
Offended that Phil would think he was kidding he put his hands on the scratches, “You think I would lie about that.” he asked pressing just enough into scratches that he could feel them.
Phil hissed, ”Jesus Christ!” he yelled.
“I told you,” Dan said flatly.
“I think we should probably find the others and leave,” Phil said after a moment.
Dan just nodded his head in agreement.
As they were exiting the bedroom there was a loud crash behind them. Spinning around to see the window that certainly wasn’t broken a minute ago was no broken with shards of glass all over the floor.
Without a second thought, they turned back around and stumbled out of the room, “PJ! SOPHIE!” Phil yelled. There was no answer as they ran down the hallway to the other bedroom. They throw open every door on the floor and still couldn’t find either of their friends.
“I’ll be right back I think we forgot that room at the end of the hall,” Phil said pointing to the room.
Dan didn’t want to stay there by himself but it felt like he was wearing concrete shoes his feet wouldn’t listen to his brain.  
Once again Dan felt the temperature drop and out of the corner of his eye he saw a dark shadowy figure dart behind a door right next to him.
He screamed at the top of his lungs and fell to the floor sobbing. Phil came rushing back down the hallway,” Dan! Dan! Are you ok?”
He sobbed and shook his head. Phil enveloped him in a hug. “Shh, Shh it’s alright.” He tried soothing him by rubbing circles on his back.
Eventually, his sobs turned to whimpers, “Phil can we please go home now?” he pleaded.
“Of course, come on.” He helped Dan to his feet and wrapped his arm around his waist. With Phil’s help, they made their way down the creaky old staircase.
Once they made it safely back outside Dan buried his head in Phil’s chest. His salty tears now drying on Phil’s shirt.
“I’m so sorry Dan, it was my idea to do this,” he said guilt in his voice.
He snuggled himself closer to Phil, ”It’s alright Philly. Besides, I agreed that it would be an excellent video, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but you tried backing out at the last minute and I made you come.”
Dan cupped Phils face with his hand, “You didn’t make me do anything. Now come on let’s go.”
“Ok. Yeah, let’s see if PJ and Sophie went back to the cars.”
Dan shivered as they started making their way back down the winding path. “Here take this.” Phil said as he draped his jacket that he was carrying over Dan’s shoulders.”
“Thanks,” he said burying his nose into it and taking a whiff of comfort and Phil.
They could see before they reached the cars that both their friends had obviously abandoned them earlier as they were huddled together sitting on the hood of Phil's rental car.
“Where did you guys go? We looked all over for you,” Phil yelled angrily.
Shocked, PJ tried defending himself, “Sorry, Soph thought she saw something and got scared. We couldn’t find you guys so we figured you had come out to the car without telling us.”
“That’s no ex-”
He was cut off by Sophie, “I’m so sorry. It happened so fast and all I could think about was getting out of there,” she admitted. “Oh god Dan did something happen? You look shaken.” She wrapped her arms around him bringing him in for a hug. He stayed limp as she hugged him.
Phil grunted as he took hold of Dan’s arm, “Listen I’m sorry guys we can go over footage and stuff later. We’re both pretty shaken up and need to get home.”
They said goodbye to each other with the promise that sometime over the next few days they would get together and go over and footage that they had.
The ride home was as silent has it had been on the way there. Neither of them said anything until they were safely back in their apartment.
“Listen, Dan, I feel so bad,” Phil said rubbing the back of his neck.
He was a little more calmed down then he was before so he leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on Phil’s lips. Pulling back. “Phil I already told you it’s not your fault. That place was just creepy as hell,” he tried to smile. “I can’t explain anything that happened tonight, but I do know that none of it’s your fault.
Phil still didn’t look convinced but after a few minutes he spoke, “Do you want me to make some hot chocolate and maybe we could snuggle on the couch and watch a disney movie?” he asked hopefully.
He smiled, “Of course. Let’s go.”
A smile appeared on Phil’s face. He took Dan’s hand and lead the way up the kitchen to get their drinks.
“Remember you're still the one editing the footage,” Dan teased him.
Phil chuckled. Some weird things happened tonight but it would most certainly make for a great video.
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