#//He's such a fucken idiot
dutybcrne · 2 months
I have seen the hc of Dottore being Clervie Bio dad bc of the ties he and Crucabena had and I just dkjfbgfkfh
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mercymaker · 5 months
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Shame on us, doomed from the start May god have mercy on our dirty little hearts
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leadendeath · 2 months
random secret-share time.
i used to have tf/2/ blocked in my tumblr savior (remember those days before the built-in blacklist, and it was only available on desktop? tumblr olds like me remember) because, like with many medias, seeing it everywhere pissed me off.
i am brutally killing past me from around 10 years ago with my bare hands and also rocks
imagine two pictures of me. one picture is labelled “past synth (t/f//2/ disliker)”. one picture is labelled “the COOLER current year synth (loves t/f/2)”.
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warlordfelwinter · 1 year
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thinking about him...
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genderfreakxx · 7 months
Uncle at the Thanksgiving table: It’s HE and SHE. That’s what it is. HE/SHE and- and, uh…..he/she and, uh…….whazzit….he…she...and...HIM AND HERS, yeah, that’s it, uh-
[resting my faggot chin on both my tranny hands:] Go on you’re doing SO good right now and you sound SO smart :)
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petorahs · 1 year
personal but there comes to a point in my shipping where if i like it for long enough i come up with an otp tag for it and theres no set time for this but i really cant wait to know what my mind comes up with for shuake.
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
an idea that i think would be funny: a fic in which nhs wants to Do Something. he is genuinely very bad at it and is flying by the seat of his uhhhh underpants all the time. i repeat: no hidden genius powers. he is not very smart, and struggling all the time. however, because he’s also god’s favourite little comedian, somehow some things happen to have good results, some have bad results but people magically don’t notice, and in some cases his squirming actually helps someone. he is incredibly stressed and tired all the time and nmj is like “what the fuck, he’s not even doing anything” and, yes but he’s Trying (and failing, and it takes energy too)
#i'm talking like. nhs wants A and B (unrelated; some randoms) to get along but in the process he makes A think B is their enemy#therefore A conjures up a wonderfully idiotic slapstick-level assassination plan that nhs now has to stop#but in the process of THAT he somehow helps B voice their feelings for C#it's like. a pouch filled with deadly poison falls from the ceiling aimed precisely at B's head but they lean in to kiss C. danger avoided!#but wait! C seems surprised. do they... not...? B steps away about to apologize for their misunderstanding -- but they step on nhs's hand#and almost fall! only for C to catch them and confess THEIR feelings!#(nhs's hand was there because he wanted to snatch the poison pouch away and dispose of it)#stuff like this. i think it would be neat#idk if it needs to be said again but just in case: i am not calling nhs stupid with the intention of offending him. it is vitally important#for me to have idiot representation. his brain shows the highest immunity to academic/cultivation knowledge lqr has ever seen BUT he can#stay at his rooms and paint for SHICHEN UPON SHICHEN without even noticing the passage of time! isn't it cool!#(no. this is how you get a young master nie who SPRINTS out of his room to find a toilet (has been ignoring his bladder for hours)#but who swoons (because he also forgot about eating) and bangs his head on the wall and a disciple notices him like NIE GONGZI?!#YOU'RE HURT WE NEED TO TAKE YOU TO THE HEALERS' PAVILLION and he's like Oh God OH Fuck No i just wanted to PEE :(((#if he's actually super smart but only pretending then what's the fuckening point. where's the punch that comes with the realization that an#innocent boy who loves art poetry and leisure has turned into a ruthless adult driven by revenge who doesn't even care how many people die#on his path to it!!! if he's protective od nmj and hypercompetent then what's the poooooint!#he must be stupid and in an ideal world Stupid He Remains.#thanks for coming to my insanity. i'm about to have breakfast at 3pm. cheers#shrimp thoughts
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brilliant-soul · 2 years
Super spicy flavour of depressed tonite
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this-should-do · 2 years
i should replay opposing force if imma truly shift into adrian mode
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
You get a very dumb cat that loves Simon
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Gnreader and Beans the Cat!
Fluffy Fluff Corniness! 🌽
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Or Gofundme
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• Being the long term partner to Simon 'Ghost' Riley definitely had its up and downs. One of the downs however is how lonely you'd get when he left for missions
• So after a particularly long Mission were your love was gone for months, you decided that a pet was a good way to help cope with the worry and hollowness.
• You'd gotten a cat from a shelter and had it for only a few weeks before Simon returned. One thing you had realized in the short time you had owned the cat was... he wasn't the brightest
• After returning from picking Simon up from the airport and sharing in more kisses then you knew was possibly Simon walked through the door with a happy sigh at being able to return home till he spotted the changes and the cat sitting dead center of the livingroom-
• "What the Hell is that thing?" He says gesturing to the feline staring up at him with his tongue hanging out.
• "I got a cat!" You say cheerfully, Gesturing to the feline he was staring at. Simon stares at the cat. Watching it blink one eye then another as he took a heavy breath.
• "His name is Beans!" You said cheerfully, Simon raiding an eyebrow at this. Before looking back at the cat and could clearly see there was no greater thought behind the damn things eyes as he meowed at him.
• Simon closed his eyes like he was trying to keep himself from either laughing or crying at the same time-
• "Fucken Hell-"
• He finds Beans to be a constant reminder that some creatures don't need brain cells to survive. The cat while sweet is a fucking idiot, it likes to stare at nothing get what you call 'Zoomies' at the most random times and it perplexes Simon how the damn thing survived more then a day. Especially when it clips a wall during one of these Zoomie moments and he has to turn away to keep from laughing.
• The only time he gets mad at it is when he's doing the Dirty with you and feels a pair of eyes staring at him. Turning his head to see God Damn Beans in the doorway staring at the two of you getting it on.
• "Damn that fucking cat-"
• After a few weeks home and with Beans, Simon wakes up from a terrible nightmare/panic attack. Panting as the shadows of his mind had creeped in on his dreams and plagued him with fear and reliving the worse in his life.. Getting up gently as to not wake you he ventures down to the living room to sit and watch TV to hopefully settle his mind just enough to sleep.
• He sighs still sweating from the panic attack and takes a seat on the plush old couch, Running his hand over his naked face as he tried to relax- feeling the itch to grab his balaclava just to add some security to his troubled mind. He heard the gentle sound of bells catching his attention as he watched Beans get up from his fluffy cat bed and walk to him.
• Jumping onto his lap Beans began to gently knead Simon's chest and stomach region. He remembered you saying this was called 'Making Biscuits'
• "Tryin' to comfort me eh?" He questioned as he gently began to pet the cat who was continuing its late night action.
• After a while of this which did distract Simon enough to feel the panic attack start to fade away, Beans curled up high on his chest and begun to purr loud and hard. Vibrating the whole man's chest like a old school massager.
• He felt himself start to relax as the gentle sound of purring began to lull him to sleep, his hand still on the back of the cat gently as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
• The next morning when you get up you walk downstairs to see Simon sitting on the couch with Beans still asleep on his chest, curled in a relaxed ball under his warm hand.
• You take at least 100 pictures of this.
• After that night Simon is more okay with the cat and Beans just adores Simon now. Following him everywhere and sleeping on the soldier at every opportunity.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 6 months
Insecurities Part 2
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Part 1 ~ Part 3 Part 4
Buggy X Fem Reader
Buggy was unreasonably angry, he knew it. He couldn’t understand why you had been continuing this ruse for so long. He slammed the bathroom door, leaving you in there and looked around, detaching his hands to grab clothes and get dressed quickly. He stepped on a piece of your discarded costume and it filled him with rage and sadness looking at it.
Quickly he grabbed a bag and rummaged in a chest to set some berries aside. He couldn’t have such a distraction around him anymore. He quickly gathered your things that had been placed in a few places in the room and stuffed them in the bag. He listened to see if you had moved in the bathroom and was slightly relieved that you hadn’t come out yet. The face you made before he left had broken his heart but he was sure that it was all apart of the act you had started playing so long ago.
Once most of your items were gathered Buggy grumbled leaving the room, if he had missed anything you could grab it yourself. He needed to be gone, his resolve would break if he saw you again. He stormed out of the room heading to his office to cool off, not even bothering to put his makeup on for the day.
        It wasn’t until late at night that Alvida was the one to break Buggy’s silence. He had made it clear he didn’t want to be disturbed and seeing the former captain saunter in with a knowing smirk pissed him off to no end. “Must’ve been an eventful night~” She laughed sitting down in a chair pouring out some wine for herself, “I haven’t even seen Y/N all day. You really must be gentler with her.”
        That name made Buggy go over the edge, “Never mention her in front of me again” he slammed his fists on his desk and glared at Alvida who seemed genuinely shocked at your outburst. “If she knows what’s good for her, she’d be gone by now.”
        “What does that mean? Buggy you didn’t kick her out, did you?” Alvida stood up, her normally composed self disappearing, “She’s been here since before me!” Buggy threw a knife in her direction.
        “She shouldn’t have played with fire then” Buggy was seething, he had almost forgotten that you were a senior member of the crew and it brought another wave of betrayal and anger to wash over him.
        “She wasn’t playing with fire you idiot” She slammed her mace down onto Buggy’s desk and got in his face, “I was so fucken sick of listening to her swoon over you that I convinced her to take her shot.”
        Buggy stopped for a second thinking about words he just heard, “That’s impossible Alvida and you fucken know it. Now get out of my fucken face.” There’s no way anything between the two of you had been real.
        “Fine but I better see that poor girl tomorrow otherwise there will be hell to pay.” Alvida murmured slamming the door on her way out. Buggy sat back down angry, He guessed Alvida was right, he couldn’t just kick you out entirely. You did have rather large roles. Best to demote you and avoid coming into contact, but to just kick out someone whose been apart of the crew for so long would be insane.
        He certainly wasn’t going to talk to you so he sent word through Cabaji to let you know of your new position. Much to his dismay though he couldn’t find you anywhere. Your roommates hadn’t seen you since yesterday and all your items were still in their quarters but no one had seen a single sight of you.
        Out of frustration Buggy stormed to his own room, assuming you hadn’t even left yet. He burst into the room nearly taking the door off its hinges but stopped when he looked at the bed. He quickly noticed that the bag he had prepared for you was missing, but the satchel of berries was laying right there. He looked else where in the room and found nothing else disturbed before his eyes glanced over at his vanity, noticing a neatly wrapped box.
        He grabbed it, and sat of the bed, no doubt this was your work, no one else would even bother wrapping anything, opting to just hand it to Buggy instead. He slowly ripped open the box, his breath hitching at the content inside.
        He thumbed the pages looking at your handy work, “Always the sentimental type,” He muttered under his breath looking at a neatly written paragraph explaining the photo right above it. As he flipped through, he was shocked to see drops of water appear on the pages below him and without realizing it he was full blown crying.
It had been a couple of days since you disappeared, everyone had hoped that you’d come back since you left, to their knowledge, without any money and without most of your belongings. They had assumed you were just sulking somewhere and that you’d come back once you calmed down, but as the days passed the outcome became bleaker.
The first couple of months from the crew were hard. You were use to the daily grind of preparing for a show and making sure the service was running smoothly. Ignoring your relationship with Buggy, you were also the main trapeze artist and escapist act for the circus, and you were in charge of assigning groups to missions on your off days from the circus.
        On top of going from island to island, you had to be careful as you were still a wanted criminal. Your bounty being 20 million Berries, made bounty hunters come looking for you, as soon as word got out that you, we no longer on Karai Bari. Early on Cabaji and Alvida also tried to get a hold of you but you ignored it, answering the bare minimum questions that you were alright and alive before hanging up. You didn’t know why they were contacting you but it hurt too much to hear voices of people you couldn’t see again. Opting instead to sell your transponder snail to help change your appearance enough to not be recognized.
        You dyed your hair and put made sure to wear clothes that covered every tattoo, choosing to look like a normal islander over the performer/pirate you look you had grown accustomed to over the years. You never stayed on an island for too long, a week or two at most to evade prying eyes from realizing who you were. You still needed to time to figure out what you’d be doing from now on, where’d you go. You thought about all the previous times you had restarted your life, how every time it was by no choice of your own.
The thought to join another pirate crew had crossed your mind but immediately left a sour taste in your mouth, you didn’t want to follow someone who wasn’t Buggy. He was your one and only captain, even if he no longer wanted you. Your thoughts wondered towards the circus and how happy it had made you to just preform. Hearing the applause as you swung across a chasm or got out of a box made your heart beat with joy. It was risky to get back into the business, it’d put you in center of attention again. Ultimately though, you thought it’d be best to do something you enjoyed rather than wander the world lonely.
After much thought throughout the weeks, you decided it’d be best to save up the money and start your own circus, certainly not on the grand line, that’d be too close to Buggy. You set your sights for the South Blue and let yourself relax now that you had a goal in mind. For now, you were still very much in the New World and needed a way to 1) make money and 2) get there.
What was also starting to concern you was the lack of period you had experienced since you had left, although the thought wasn’t really there. In the past, your period had stopped for 4-5 months before because of stress, and you certainly were in no lack of stress at the moment. For now, you’d rather sleep the night a little more comfortable now that you had decided on your path.
Alvida was able to get a hold of you for a quick conversation but you had kept it short and non-descript, not answering any questions about where you were or where you were heading. Buggy had faced Avida’s wrath for chasing away her favorite crewmate but he was dealing with a lot more emotions than just that. When Cabaji tried calling you, you had answered but he quickly realized you weren’t going to say anything.
The longer without you the more everyone realized just how much you did. When Buggy created his delivery service most of his crew choose one side to stay apart of, the circus, or the service. But you had somehow managed to do both, arranging practices and new routines for acrobatics while also overseeing groups training and sending the appropriate groups to whatever battle needed it. It was stressful having to catch up with what jobs you were no longer doing. And having to explain your disappearance was more painful, making Buggy push everything onto Mohji or Cabaji.
Buggy went through your belongings, one of your roommates bringing the chest of items when he demanded it. He pushed aside some clothing and Knick knacks before he laid his eyes on a journal that looked well-loved. He sat back as he untied the leather string that kept the journal closed. The first page seemed to have been dated 13 years prior. He flipped to the back of the journal, still a decent amount of empty pages but he finally found the last entry, dated just a day before he had kicked you out.
~4 months~
You couldn’t ignore it anymore; you had somehow made it to the beginning of the Grand line but with a more dire matter rearing it’s head you had to stop and figure it out. You had gained a significant amount of weight, ‘popping’ within the past 2 weeks as some of the people you were traveling with said.
        Right now, you were on a semi-busy island, one that most people stop at to re-stock their ships before venturing further and you were waiting in a small doctors’ office. You had tried to deny it but it was becoming a nuisance. The nausea at the smell of foods, the waking up to puke. And what would you do? It was painful to think about how you ended up where you were.
        The door opened stopping your thoughts and the doctors closed the door behind her, “Well Y/N, congratulations. It seems your about 17 weeks pregnant. Although you are much larger than an average pregnancy.” Your heart stopped hearing these words, “I’d recommend you stop you’re travelling. With how fast the baby is developing I wouldn’t be shocked if you had a short pregnancy.”
        You sit there thinking for a second, “What do you mean a short pregnancy?”
        “Well, most pregnancies are around 9 months. But that’s with 2 normal humans.” The doctor got out a small chart you’d never seen before, “We’ve noticed that when people copulate with others, say Fishmen or Giants for example, the gestation period can be much shorter or longer. And based on the information you’ve given us I’d expect your due date to be somewhere within the next month or two.” The doctor pointed out the information on the chart as she explained it to you.
        Your head was reeling, was Buggy not human? You knew his nose was different but that didn’t mean he wasn’t human. The doctor took your silence as a way to continue, “I’d highly recommend you’d settle down until you give birth. Traveling could put you and your child in danger. Would you like to contact the father? We have a great office of the island that can track down most anyone.” She rubs your arm a bit, “Until then I’d like to see you in the office at least once a week, especially since you’ve been out on the sea without any pre-natal vitamins this entire time.”
        You sit there placing your hands on your stomach. You couldn’t continue your journey like this, and what’s more what will you do when they’re born? Tears brimmed your eyes, “Ah- Of course we do have other options if you’d rather not have the child” The doctor quickly added seeing you slightly tremble.
        You snapped your head up and then looked down at your stomach again. Despite everything, you couldn’t bare the thought of giving them up, “No- ah sorry. I’m just, I’m overwhelmed at the news. Is there a place I could stay for a while?” You rub one of your eyes before looking up at the doctor with a meek smile.
        The doctor sighs a bit seeing you calm down, “Of course, I have a friend who has a spare room, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping you out.”
Buggy hasn’t been the same without you. He was easier to anger and started doing more dangerous acts, pushing everyone to work harder. His crew didn’t know whether he was encouraging everyone to work their hardest or if he was trying to push them over the edge and no one tried to figure it out either.
He had taken his time to read through your journal when he got lonely and realized he never got to actually know you. His heart sank the more he realized that he just forced you to go with his own current, not caring about your life. He read as your life seemed bleak and dark before taking a uphill turn when you joined his crew. He smiled as he read your first impression of him as, “A charming blue-haired savior.” And he vaguely remembered the day himself.
        He had mistakenly decided to raid an island that had a celestial dragon on it, apparently the island made a tribute every couple of years by offering a maiden as a slave. You were there in the cage, contorting you body to make it easier to escape, the movements had intrigued him and he offered you a spot on his crew. He remembers you being surprised that he was even there, your doe eyes staring up at him before you smiled, revealing a key between your teeth that you used to unlocked yourself from the restraints before taking his hand. He couldn’t help but to remember a few tears fall from your eyes despite your smiling.
        His heart ached at all the memories that were resurfacing, before continuing to read your journal. Every big adventure written in remembrance, the read of your admiration towards him for changing plans when “the idiot in a straw hat” came by and it made Buggy chuckle as your recollection of the events. Closing the journal whenever he couldn't read anymore.
~6 Months~
Gin helped you to your appointment. When you had met him, you were on guard, but he’s the first one to open up to you about being an ex-pirate himself and how he settled down to help those in need. Just like how someone had helped him when he was starving. He didn’t seem to mind that you had stayed longer than expected and even offered you the place until you felt the child was old enough. Even pushing for you to raise the child a bit before continuing your adventure, after you had told him you wanted to start a circus, so that you wouldn’t have to worry about the newborn.
        But much of that talk was hushed as your stomach was now ballooned and you hadn’t felt any contractions as of yet. Dr. Shiegi was already waiting for you in her office when you arrived. Gin was about to sit in the waiting room when you looked back, “You know Gin. If you want to come in you can,” It was a friendly gesture, he had become like a protective brother since you’ve met him and he seemed overjoyed for a second before calming himself back down to be composed as he walked into the office and taking a seat there.
        Dr. Shiegi was mulling over papers after doing all the normal check-ups, “Are you sure the father isn’t from elbaf???” She was stressing herself over your due date and how large you were becoming. “I just can’t seem to pin-point anything, if I knew more about the father maybe-“ She stopped herself as she realized it was a bit of a sore subject for you.
        You sighed while smiling, a hand gently placed on your stomach, “As long as the baby’s healthy I don’t mind waiting.” The doctor across from you sighing heavily.
        “This is making me as stressed as when I was a student Y/N. How are we supposed to prepare anything if you have no idea when you’ll go into labor??” She took a deep breath before getting up to get herself some tea, pouring you a cup as well.
        “Well, there’s no use in stressing over what you can’t control,” you muse taking the cup from her extended hand, “So how was everything else?” Taking a sip.
        “You and the baby both seem to be healthy as can be, I cannot stress though you shouldn’t be working right now. Don’t think Gin hasn’t told me about you trying to sneak out to help in the garden or build things. You need bed rest especially with this unknown due date,” She stressed her words as she sat back down.
        “I feel fine, besides I’ll go crazy if I don’t do anything. I’m use to moving around a lot and I’m sure my baby agrees,” You smiled a bit as she groaned and you could feel Gin’s worried stare in the side of your head, “But if it makes you feel better, I’ll cut back a little bit.” Dr. Shiegi sighed a bit leaning back, willing to accept this small compromise for now.
        “By the way Y/N, have you thought about any names?” Gin seemed to perk his ears at this as you hadn’t talked to him about it either.
        You chuckled a bit, “I know it sounds silly but I was thinking of Benji or Azure. Either way I’ll raise them for the spotlight” Truth be told you were hoping for a girl and you couldn’t help but to imagine what a cute baby with a bright red nose would look like.
        “Not the weirdest I’ve heard, and if you’re raising them for the circus the names fit in well,” Gin piped into the conversation again a small twinkle in his eye at the thought of a child running around. You could tell he had taken on an uncle role already with how much he was doting on your unborn child, every now and then he let his hard shell fall to reveal it.
Another lonely night led Buggy back to your journal, this time to an entry of his time in Impel Down. You had been worried about your captain's well-being and if you'd ever see him again, only sighing in relief when you got the news that he had escaped only to be terrified when he had appeared in the Paramount War, broadcasting everything for the world to see. You had written about how it was stupid of him to go in there with little to no plan, but how it was exactly who you knew him to be. Proud that he hadn't changed while behind bars.
The more he read the more he realized how much you had been watching him for much longer than you had been sleeping with him. There was even mention on how Alvida bullied you about your school girl crush on the captain and how your first night with him had been because of the domineering womens interference.
Buggy had realized all his mistakes, even with his own self-doubts he was regretting everything. He never thought that anyone would truly love him, nor would he have ever thought they’d put up with how obnoxious he was all the time.
"We have to find her,” Buggy demanded bursting into the room. He brought his closest advisors into the meeting, Mihawk and Crocodile were meant to be there but they’d be damned if they were to actually be bossed around by him.
        “What do you think we’ve been doing this entire time behind your back,” Alvida mumbles, using a file to fix her nails, “Do you really think I’d ever let her escape without an attempt at finding her?”
        “The problem is she knows how to disappear,” Cabaji chimed in, “we lost track of her after she was seen escaping some marines a couple months back.” Buggy’s heart quickened at the mention of marines.
        “Why didn’t you report to me on any of this, What if she’s in trouble?” He demanded slamming a fist into the table.
        “What so you could tell us to fuck off and that your decision is final?” Alvida glowered at him, “Besides if marines caught her there would have been news on it, I’m sure she’s off hiding somewhere. We just have to look for what she loved and follow any leads.” And so started the full-scale project to find you.
~8 months~
Dr. Shiegi was stressing beyond belief, you were much larger than any pregnancy she had seen before and was starting to get worried about your own wellbeing. And you had to admit, it was getting much harder to walk around with a stomach the protruded as far out as it did. Gin was more than happy to let you sit and do everything for you, but you didn’t like being doted and waited on, you’d much rather be out and about but it seemed as though your child had other plans.
        Gin had also noticed how lonely you got at times. You had seen an updated bounty poster of Buggy on the street and had taken it without a second thought. You read of how he had been moving around, making waves in the New World. When you thought you were alone, you’d look and talk to the poster as though it were Buggy you were talking too.
        You weren’t sure how your old Captain would take the news of having a child soon, but it didn’t matter. He wouldn’t be a part of their life, but it brought you some solace to just talk about your dreams of raising them to be an amazing performer, a headliner no doubt for the circus you were sure to start when your body was your own again.
        Gin would sometimes listen to you through the doorway without you realizing, usually making noise to alert you to his presence. He had convinced you to stay on the island until your child was at least a year old, and you hadn’t told him yet but you were thinking of settling down and starting your circus here. No one knew who you were here, or if they did, they didn’t care. There were enough other ex-pirates or people hiding their identities on the island that people didn’t pry, they were happy with the present and didn’t question the past.
        You felt a rather hard kick against your stomach and Gin glanced over at you with concern, “I think it’ll happen any day now,” you say soothing your stomach.
Buggy was going insane, he had sent troops out to every nearby island to look for you. Every convoy came back empty and Alvida was beating on him every day there wasn't a sign of you. "There's no one else competent around here," She had yelled at him throwing her club in his direction.
The longer you were away the more reckless Buggy became, making a larger impact on those around him, and more importantly, the world around him. He had ransacked a couple Navy bases and didn't show signs of stopping.
~9 Months~
Dr. Shiegi was stationed at the end of the bed and Gin was wiping your forehead with a wet towel. It had been 30 hours already and you’ve never felt this pain before. You were gripping the bed with all your might listening to Dr. Shiegi’s commands. Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea, thoughts of Buggy kept rising up that brought waves of a different pain. Would he approve of this? You doubt it, the last time you looked at him he only held hatred for you.
        Soon enough though, you could hear a crying and breathed a sigh of relief hearing ‘it’s a boy’ before you felt another jolt of pain, letting out another scream. Your baby was quickly handed off to Gin as Dr. Shiegi took her place again concern filling her face.
        After a long process you finally felt a relief. You were to dazed to hear what was being said and let darkness befall you.
You woke up to Shiegi wiping your forehead and looked around trying to sit up, “Hey calm down everything’s alright. You need rest right now.”
“Where’s my baby?” You ignore her concern and adjust to lean against the back of the bed, wincing a bit in pain. Your doctor and friend sighs before leaving the room for a second.
She comes back in holding a bundled blanket, Gin following behind her with another bundle, “Y/N. I’m an idiot, I never thought of the possibility of twins,” You look at the two blankets registering her words, “So I’d like you to meet your two healthy baby boys,” She smiled handing you one baby as Gin sat next to you holding the other.
You look down holding in a gasp, The newborn in your hand had a few locks of blue hair and a nose the was similar to his fathers, you quickly look at Gins arms and he takes the hint to settle the child in your other arm. Twins. They looked exactly the same, the flood of emotions you felt as you stared at your beautiful babies was too much that you started to cry a bit.
The pain was worth it, the months on this island was worth it, you couldn’t think of a single thing better than that of the two bundles of joy right in front of you.
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cupidscrule · 5 months
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Stepdad!Leon X Fem!Reader
Cw - p in v, daughter chasing after dad, stepcest, noncon(?) Unprotected
WRD- 1.5k
You always knew your dad was hot, total babe back in the 2000's ever since you were a kid your friends always gushed over him, and it was fair, always thought it was gross though. Like he's YOUR dad, stepdad yeah but he still raised you, sure he had a cute face, big arms, his pornstar tits were an add on. But he was Dad, nothin' more, But fuck the way he cups your cheek when your sad, hugs you, gives you that awkward Dad kiss. Just makes you yearn for him, which is wrong you know it's wrong but it's like that itch.
Your friends are always tellin' you how lucky you are, not only is Dad hot, he's nice y'know? Real good dad, picks you up everyday, gets you real nice things. Best guy honestly can see why Mom picked him!
"Hi kiddo, you wanted to check out that new place-?" Dad said opening your bedroom door, stupid fucken smile on his dumb hot face
'bury your face in my tits'
"Oh no -! It's okay- really I'm real tired"
'fuck me till I can't breathe'
"Huh- alright, come down soon dinners gonna be ready, and sorry Moms not home yet she said she'd be here in a few weeks 'k?"
'i wanna scream your name'
"Oh it's alright, and of course dad!"
With that he left, shutting the door halfway, dick move but it probably wasn't on purpose, the smell of his colone in the room, only imagining Dad stuff you up. God your disgusting, this is dad. Fourth something year old DAD, since when did you have these thoughts about him, as a kid sure you always thought he was cute 'ohhb I would totally date someone as big and strong as my Daddy!'
But it was LIKE, not actually him. But you can't stop thinkin' about him, wanting Dad to shove your face in the mattress pull on your hair, do the shit they do in pornos. Nasty thoughts, feeling gross and hot imagining all the shit you wanna do with the poor guy, as he just stood there not knowin' thinking your his innocent little daughter who could do no wrong! Oh no she would never have sex before marriage! Oh no my little girl doesn't even cuss!
Yeah right Dad, mhm. Actin' like in middle school my friends weren't blushing over you, whenever you walked in.
Fucken idiot, your little girls not pure, she's not good. She ain't innocent, hell she fantasizes about fucken you every day. It doesn't matter, nothings ever gonna come of this right? Just walk downstairs, eat dinner with dad and go back in your room and sleep it off.
"Sweetiee you finnaly came, how was your day?" Dad says sitting across from you, he didn't even cook. Fucken liar this was clearly some bullshit from a 4 star restaurant he just put on a plate. "Oh it's fine, nothin' much." You say staring at the table, trying to distract yourself from him, how he smells, how he sits, how he opens his mouth, the way he moves his bangs out of his dumb face, his breath. The intoxicating feeling of just bein' near him now.
"Are you okay?"
"Why'd you ask that? You know I'm always fine-" you say in response, playing with your fingers, avoiding his gaze. God feels like a crush in primary school, messin' up words and giggling to your friends about the fastest guy. "You just don't seem like yourselfer Hun, you can always talk to me you know that?" He says, feeling his eyes on you, not in a creepy way more an endearing way which somehow made your entire situation worse. "yeah- I know, don't worry it's fine!" You mumble, lookin' up at him, god he really was dreamy, just wanting him to- NO no more fantasy's.
You finish up, so does he. He just gives you that concerned Dad look before you get up and run back up the stairs like a bitch and lock yourself in your room, typing into Google
'how to stop liking your dad'
'is it normal to have a crush on your dad'
'is it illegal to fuck your step dad'
Jesus Christ your search history, just laying on your side in your bed. Thighs squeezed together tryna' stop thinking about dad, you've seen him shirtless before. Yeah you felt a little hot in your core before, anytime he hugged you you felt so- just so warm. Not the lovey Awee dad and daughter warm, more like if your boyfriend hugged you nice and tight! Feels good, feels warm and fuzzy, pit in your stomach that can only be filled by one thing.
Tossin' and turnin' it's only 6:00pm shit, Dad's still downstairs probobly watching some old movie, he really likes thoughs for some reason, and westerns it's kinda creepy but your the one who wants to fuck him so you really can't be judging. your thoughts are too much to bare, a girl can only last so long on the edge, panties soaked thinking about shit, and hell when you can actually recreate what you want, Nothing's stopping you. Other then ethics but who even cares anymore, walking downstairs to Dear ol' Daddy, bingo.
"Mm- Dad-? Can I talk to you?" You mutter walking up behind the sofa he's laying in, playing with your fingers, how do even address this like,
'Oh yeah dad! Can you just bend your daughter over and fuck her till she's blubbering nonsense, you raised her since she was seven but y'know !!'
"Hm, yeah of course, what's the problem bunny?" He says sitting up, glancing behind him to your miserable face, little frown on your lips. He raises a brow seeing your face, you felt all fuzzy feeling your throat get dry, the hell were you supposed to do?
"Uh Dad, can- can you come upstairs" you mutter looking at him, feeling your chest get heavy. Of course dear Daddy doesn't wanna disappoint you so he gets up and walks over to ya
"What's wrong, Hun?" He says, so sweetly fuck. Looken' all concerned for you, just fall into his chest, even though Dad was in shape he had fatass boobs, real nice to put your face in whenever he hugged ya. Just like always as a concerted Daddy does he puts an arm around you, pulling you nice and tight, "Baby?" He says in that same voice, pullin' your face away from his body, looking down at you.
"Can- can we just sit down" you say grabbing his hand forcefully and leading him to the nice leather sofa, you didn't know much about Mom but she really liked expensive shit and this was the only thing at home she bought..
You push him onto his back, his head resting on the arm, he looked kinda confused, like a puppy! You crawl over on top on him, ass rested on his lower pelvis. "Hey Bunny this is a little- whats wrong?" Dad says trying to carefully lift you off of him, awe stupid Daddy actin' like you're just gonna listen to him
"Dad just let me do this- please, you love me right?" You say looking at him in the eyes, pout on your stupid lips, he just nods slowly as a response. Unzippin' his jeans, wow this really is a shitty porno plot.
'Cute stepdaughter seduces and fucks her Dad while Mom isn't home!'
Jesus Christ you fucking creep.
With his pants open pulling out is fat cock, he wasn't hard which kinda hurt, you were being all cute and all dad did was just sit and stare in shock. Like sure you were gropen him and stuff but he could put some effort in it? Whatever doesn't matter-? You sit on his thighs pulling off your night pants, your panties were already wet from earlier, sadly it seemed Dad didn't really wanna reinact your fantasy so you gotta do all the work, flicking your garments to the side, crawling back onto him. Placing your hips over his Dick, and taking it in, feeling his tip touch your cervix "Mm- fuck-" you murmer, taking a second before getting used to it, slowly moving your hips back and forth, feeling ever little movement. It was euphoric, hands on his chest, looking at his face he looked like he was trying to not enjoy it, but you could tell he was. You felt his breath get heavier anytime you went faster, such a good boy.
His fat dick bruising your womb, your walls squeezing against him, you could hear Dad muttering curse words under his breath, made you feel kinda better about this whole thing. Going to your high and getting that numbing feeling, stomach felt warm, brain all fuzzy and messy collapsing onto him, feeling that warm stuff leaking out of you, pulling yourself off Dad, laying on his chest, glancing up at him, seeing his flushed and disturbed face, awe it was so cute!
He probably felt horrible but you felt amazing, fuck best experience. Putting your arms aside his
"I love you Dad.." you spout into his shirt
"Your Mother can't hear about this B-bunny.." he replies, putting one of arms on your back, you could feel his chest go up and down so cute.
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kachowden · 1 year
Yandere Ex & Reader? Hell yeah.
Tw: Harassment, physical assault (not towards reader), weirdo behavior, Chris is a dickhead, suggestive mentions.
His skin prickled aggressively. Teeth clenched together, grinding against their own enamel.
“Christophe? man? You seein anyone new recently?”
His eyes trailed listlessly to the right of him. Nick wasn’t anything special in his mind. Average teen with slightly above average looks in the eyes of the campus. A constant pain in his as, but- useful. Very useful.
“You know I’m not. And don’t call me Christophe.” His tone did little to hide his irritation, though Nick seemed oblivious to it. Or maybe he just didn’t care.
“Yeah yeah whatever man. Does that mean you’ve gotten over that Ex of yours?”
Christophe’s shoulders tensed violently.
“So they’re on the market then right?”
“Fuck yeah dude!”
Two other members of their group laughed crudely, their names so insignificant that Christophe hadn’t made the effort to remember them. They weren’t useful.
His brows furrowed deeply in agitation, and he was quick to shoot the two teens a burrowing glare. “You shut your fucken mouth.”
Nick laughed awkwardly, patting the fuming blonde on the back. “Now now Chris…they’re just messing with ya…”
One of the other members didn’t seem to agree, his own confrontational personality showing light as he crossed his arms moodily. “I don’t see why your panties are in a twist. Last time I checked you two broke up sophomore year. Don’t you think it’s about time you move on and let the rest of us have a taste?”
The moronic teen made a crude hand gesture towards his friend, who seemed to recognize the tension in the air, and made the wise decision to glance away from the act.
Smart move on his end.
The thud of a body against tile echoed the empty corridor, the perverse male choked and sputtered against the hand that crushed his throat.
“I’d watch my tongue if I were you. With all the shit you spew I’m surprised someone hasn’t cut it out yet and saved the rest of us the headache.”
Blue eyes stared at brown eyes, so dark they looked black, and made quick work to try and wiggle his way out of Christophe’s hold.
“F-fuck Off-!” A fist in his gut made him nearly hurl, his eyes straining and bugging painfully in his sockets from the blood rising to his face. His stomach heaved incessantly, and at this rate he found he might die from asphyxiation on his own bile. Not that he knew what asphyxiation was.
Christophe watched boredly.
“D-dude chill out-“ the other nameless tried to de-escalate the situation, but was quick to stop when he saw the look in Christophes eyes. “J…just say sorry man..” that was directed at the pinned idiot, his smart mouthed friend.
The blue faced male was sane enough to try and spew out an apology, it sounding disgustingly gurgled, though it was the best he could manage while on the verge of passing out. Christophe sneared, dropping the male to the floor.
The blue eyed teen landed to the floor with a heaving thud, his body contracting in its vicious attempts to breath again, his buddy sliding next to him and trying to keep him alive.
“Let’s go.”
Christophe’s indifferent tone was appealing at best, as he made his way down the corridor.Nick was quick to follow.
“You think they’ll snitch?”
A scoff.
“No. He’s stupid. Not suicidal.”
There you were. Mindlessly reading. Fitting, since you were in a library.
This had become routine for Chris.
He found it in himself to admit he could stare at you for hours. And he had before.
It wasn’t hard too. What drew him to you now was the same thing that drew him to you before.
You were so….you. It was weird in a painfully charming way.
You were such a normal person. You had your own quirks, like everyone did. But you didn’t stand out. You weren’t popular. You weren’t a social outcast either. You were just…kinda there.
It was enthralling at the best of times. Irritating at the worst. Perfect at most.
He could acknowledge that your normalcy was intoxicating. Especially in his day to day life.
Christophe would never acknowledge however, the way he still clung to the sight of you after all these years. That your departure from him had affected him as much as it did. That would be soul crushing. Because it meant you still had power over him, which he very much knew you did. But he’d never admit it. Even to himself. He’d die parading it as some morbid interest in your breaking point. In his desire to study you like a lab rat. Someone he’d poke at until he got the reaction he wanted.
And he always got what he wanted.
But even then. Even if he claimed that, his interest in you was not romantic. Was not what it once was years ago.
Your skin looked so empty now, and he physically ached with the desire to leave marks on it like he once did.
He knew deep down he was lying.
The staring quickly became unsatisfactory, and with little hesitation he made his way over to your table, his hand slamming beside yours as he hovered over you, a cruel grin stretched on his lips.
“Looks like the nerd decide to hang out in its natural habitat today.”
He fucken hated when you ignored him.
“Your friends finally ditch you Y/n? Surprised it took this long.” He didn’t mean that. If your friends had any sense they’d never leave you alone.
“Go away Christophe.”
He loved it when you said his name. Something primal always sprang forward, and you were none the wiser to being the only one who could call him that without getting a broken nose.
“Why? I just wanna hang out with my favorite person in the whole wide world~” his expression was pulled into a pitiful frown, though he knew you could see through his bullshit. You always could.
He growled deep within his throat, hand darting forward and snatching the book from your own
The sudden grin on his collar didn’t register until it was choking him, and his eyes were met with the sight of your scalding glare. Your noses bumped together, and it took everything in Christophe to not look at your lips, otherwise he knew he’d try to kiss them. He had very little self control in moments like these.
“Fuck off Chris. Give me back my book.”
Fuck he wanted to listen to you so bad, his thighs were quick to clench together in anticipation, licking his suddenly chapped lips as he trembled in your hold. Though not from fear like you probably suspected. If you were even paying attention to details like that, which- god he prayed you were.
“Careful-! Wouldn’t want the faculty seeing you manhandle their favorite student” He tossed the book to you, and once you caught it you dropped him to the ground.
His eyes darted upwards, the visual of you above him, staring at him like the filth on your boot was burned into his retinas.
Fuck fuck fuck.
“You’re pathetic Christophe. When are you gonna get over me.”
Never. Never, he would stay hooked on you for the rest of his life and he’d known that even before you both broke up
He’s craved you for years. Ages. You’d never know the true extent of how pathetic he was.
“Like I’d still be interested in someone like you Y/n. The end of our relationship was like a blessing. I’d never felt so alive.” Liar. Liar liar liar. It was painful saying these things. Even if your expression was exciting, the way he got to see it almost wasn’t worth it. They burned his tongue.
Being away from you was like being wrapped in heavy cuffs and weights. He felt more suffocated then ever. He needed you.
“Whatever. Just leave me alone this week. I have enough bullshit to deal with right now.”
He had so many questions. He wanted to ask what was wrong. To hold you and tell you that you could talk to him. That whatever, or whoever was bothering you, he’d beat the shit out of them if you asked. He’d do it even if you didn’t too.
But he stayed quiet. And he watched as you left him their on the floor. You cared so little for him.
He savored the backwards glance you threw his way.
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genderfreakxx · 11 months
It really makes me so sad that Ronnie Radke is transphobic in that very Twitter specific way
#why does he have to be so ignorant#I don’t know much about him tbh my friend loves him endlessly and#ze has invited me to a free ride concert to see FIR twice now and all I’ve seen from his twitter is that he’s anti vax and anti mask and now#I guess fucken ignorantly transphobic?? like. he thinks all trans people want women to be forced into being called birthing people.#he thinks tampon brands are hiring Dylan Mulvaney to be their spokeswoman#he said ‘well I identify as black so if you disagree you’re a bigot’#like it’s the Idiot Transphobe 101 shit#and I don’t know anything else I’m just. like. he puts on a good show and I personally love the revamped I’m Not A Vampire#and the original!! his music speaks so much to me as an overly dramatic asshole with addiction issues!!#it just sucks. why do people have to be so chronically online.#and his audience is SO fucking queer#it’s just. sad.#they really really love him. and he’s just out here spreading false ideology that will both abstractly and directly harm them#and I hate that he’s built such a platform on being an asshole- which I normally love- that he’s using this to avoid educating himself#he literally doesn’t even call trans people ‘trans people’ he just says ‘trans’#like. ‘why would Tampax allow trans to be their spokesperson’#dude. cmon.#blithering on#I hate how much he means to people who are queer and how he’s just. being fucking STUPID#god I’m angry at a random dude. fuck me and fuck this dude I’m an asshole and so is he but he’s just. Touch grass for the love of christ
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gocryaboutitt · 5 months
Someones a little sick
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back at it guys. same character yknow the shit by now
your point of view;
As im walking around my house fixing up things that were broken or covered in dust, i hear my phone start to ring which results in me letting out an aggravated sigh while picking up the phone.
"Hey sweets" i hear tommy sniffle before the phone gets snatched out of his hands, "Jess, you need to let us in, NOW!" demands mick as im finally allowed to speak. "Hello to you guys too, why do i need to let you in exactly? You idiots will mess up my house", "because we're sick and don't know what to do" argues mick as he begins to cough, "ugh, fine" i say while slamming the phone on the reciever and walking to the front door. While i bask in the feeling of a clean house, i open the door to reveal the four man-babies.
"Jess, help me!" screams vince as a runs up to me, while might i add, sniffling "how did you guys even get sick? was it from one of the many groupies, did it finally catch up to ya?" i say while widely grinning, and stepping aside for them to walk in.
"If any of you idiots mess up my place i will make you suffer in silence" i snicker while ushering them to the living room. "Go sit down and tell me what happened".
"Promise you wont laugh," begs nikki "can't make any promises, nikki" i say while walking to the kitchen to make tea "I got sneezed on by a groupie when i was making out with her," him saying this resulted in me letting out a wheeze before regaining my breath. "And the rest of you?", "he went around the studio sneezing into the air!" whines vince as his voice is barely able to keep one pitch. "Mhm, and i reckon it affecting you the most isnt it blondie?"
I chuckle while walking into the living room holding a tray of teas, "Yes! It is! I can't sing without my voice breaking" he groans while taking one of the hot beverages.
"Shut up blondie" whined both tommy and nikki as mick sat there drinking the tea, "atleast you don't have to worry about playing an instrument while youre coughing up a lung" groans tommy. "well this is the last time im taking care of you guys," i say, sighing "i guess you imbeciles are going to want to stay here tonight, right?"
"Can we, please?" asks mick as he finishes the drink, "yeah i guess, since youre my favourite mick, you can take my room" i suggest while softly smiling at him.
"Really? are you sure-", "yes, im sure, mick, go on the beds made and there should be a bin nearby" i stop him mid sentence with a light chuckle. "Thanks, jess" he smiles with a nod and walks up stairs.
I sit down in his seat while the other look at me in disbelief, "How come he gets your room?", "he gets to be so close to you panty draw, and i dont?!" i groan while rolling my eyes "because he's actually tolerable". "I'll be sleeping out here if it makes you guys feel better, god this couch sucks ass" i say with a groan as i get up and lay on the floor. Tommy was the first one to move and took this as his chance to lay his head across my thighs, this was followed by vince laying on the oppsite side of my body but with his head on my stomach, which was later followed by nikki laying across my chest.
"What the fuck do you guys think i am? a pillow?" i sitfle a groan as one of their bodies shift against mine, "a pretty damn comfortable one," grins nikki as he buries his face in my chest.
"so fucken help me, if i get sick from you idiots" i start as im cut off with a sneeze from vince which somehow racks through my body, "awh man im sorry" he sheepishly apologises "im going to kick your guy's ass's" i say while giving up and laying there.
"What ever you say, sweets", "shut up tommy, just go to sleep".
roughly 4:04 am
i woke up to someone snoring, fucked if i know who's, up shoots vince as he runs to where im hoping is the bathroom. I prop my body up against the couch as he comes back into the room looking a bit too pale, "hey blondie, are you alright?" i ask as he sits down beside me "yeah, 'm just tired" yawns vince as he nuzzles into the side of my body, "go back to sleep, vinny, i'll still be your guy's pillow" i whisper while raking my fingers though his hair "Mm, thanks doll" he groans, practicly asleep.
I flick on the tv as i decided i wasnt going to be able to sleep any time soon, as i flip through the channels i decided on The Karate Kid movie.
It was around 8:13 am, and i had resulted in watching any movie that came on, i was silently watching The Breakfast club as i felt nikki and tommy begin to stir. "Morning, guys, sleep well?" i softly ask as they sit up and adjust to the light, "yeah, thanks for being my pillow," snickers nikki as he stands up and walks into the kitchen, "how about you, t-bone?" "mm, it was good thanks sweets" he yawns while shuffling up to me, "how are you feeling?" "like shit" he groans while leaning onto me "its alright,t-bone you'll get better eventually" i smile while raking my fingers through his hair.
"Mm, i hope so." grins nikki as he walks through the door "dude! you took my spot" he whines "be quiet nikki its too early, and blondie here is still asleep, here" i slightly open my legs "even better" he smirks before sinking down in between them "shut up dude, you hogged her boobs all night anyway".
"what the fuck did i just hear?" groans mick as he walked into the living room, "how are you even comfy with them on you, it looks like a doggy pile", "it is mick, i havent moved all night" i sigh while look up at him "you poor thing" chuckles mick as he sits behind me on the couch.
that was fun lmao. i hope you enjoyed it
love you guys
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strangerxperv · 5 months
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Roommate Eddie Munson x Perv fem Reader
Filling a Complaint
NSFW/ MINORS you aren't invited to The Fuckening 2: Electric Boogaloo
(maybe a new au that I come back to)
Reader has a major crush on Eddie since the beginning and it turned into love. He doesn't know because she flirts with everyone (she doesn't think he'd like her anyways) and sleeps around. Eddie slowly falls in love with her but he can't hide it from anyone. Essentially both characters are oblivious.
Eddie watches as another man leaves your room with an exhausted expression and disheveled appearance. He takes a long drag from the blunt to sooth the rage bubbling in his stomach. His jealousy sits heavy on his sturdy chest before pooling in dark eyes. They glare at the man making a dash for the apartment door.
It's not long until you're leaving your own room to join the lanky man lounging on the sofa. He doesn't look at you when you ask for a hit but he passes it to you. You return it to Eddie as you heave on air and smoke.
"I hate protected sex." Dark curls swing wildly as he stares at you in shock, mouth agape. "Condoms take the satisfaction out of sex and I miss the way cum drips out... I wanna be filled!" You whine out with a defiant pout.
You wanna be filled. Holy fuck. Holy fucking shit, oh my God, you wanna be filled. Deep breath, eddie.
"Is it that the condoms keep you from being satisfied or the guys you're sleeping with can't make you cum?" Be cool Munson.
"What? They make me cum."
"No, no they don't." Eddie fills his mouth with beer to gather himself, "I can hear you, you know, and I know when you cum. I can hear when you cry out from your favorite vibrator. The way you whimper in overstimulation as you go again for a better orgasm." His eyes meet yours and lock you in place, "Sure those idiots might make you feel good but they don't actually make you cum. If they did you'd let them stay longer for another round."
Eddie's large hand slides from the bottle as he places it onto the table before landing on his clothed cock. The grey sweats do nothing to hide his straining erection. He palms it and never breaks eye contact with you, who is staring. Eddie's huge.
"You make me hard every time you cum, fuck." He grinds into his own hand, "Angry every time they don't make you cum because I know I could satisfy you. I could make you see stars before I ever stuff you with my dick."
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