#//annnd am not surprised
fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
pathological liar
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values axis quiz
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astralnymphh · 4 months
- 🩵
a/n + cw; OMGG AN EMOJI ANON i haven't seen you guys in a hot minute, but YESSS BLOCKBUSTER ELLIE!! specifically x customer reader. it's a cute duo! and let me relay why from my very scrambled 3 am jot-down. was going to make this a blurb, but it better translates through something more structured. ++ SFW! kinda mean!reader tbh (but ellie likes that), very fluffy you might squeet, quickly written, awkwardness, ellie being a nerd. [first pic from amoaeIIie on pinterest]
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Imagine Ellie, in her blockbuster getup, leaning her butt into the edge of the register counter, jamming to whatever is playing on her hand-me-down walkman; earsbuds in, eyes downcast, head bopping slowing - soundly unaware of you awaiting service on your over-due rental. "Hello?" your volume divides the soft ambiance of the store, but it isn't enough to rope Ellie's mindspace from the clouds. Calling out again, "Hell-looh?" you extend beyond the cash register and wave your hand - nothing, nada.
How the hell has this girl not gotten her ass fired yet?
After numerous roadblocks, a brazen last resort comes into play. You cut around the counter briefly to take things into your own hands (literally) because you have not the time, nor the patience, for her slacking off.
Beryl eyes drop sharply to the walkman in her pants pocket when a single earbud is spooled from her ear, assuming it fell - but to her surprise, it hung low from your finger, and a glance above that finger was your face. Risen of one brow, flat-lined of your lips; impatient.
And her entire focus blanks out when you begin to speak, curtly and satirically, "Hey, I know busting out your Dad's old walkman in public makes you feel cool and whatnot, but you're on the clock." handing the slim cord back over to a stunned girl, flushed behind the pop of her freckles. Maybe your tone of voice sent her higher into the clouds, past a coven of angels, because her lips part narrowly and remain still for a single second - save two or three. Or maybe it's 'cause you specified it as her 'Dad's' which was.. spot on.
And whatever excuse she had quickly cherry-picked for you, hesitated audibly in her throat before it split from it, "O-Oh, right, shit sorry - was about to end my shift n' thought the store was empty. My bad." scrambling to stuff the other earplug in her pocket and avert all attention to you. Very eagerly.
"Looks like you've got a late fee on this one.." her pitch pummeled deeper, and coarser as she concentrates on the clunky screen she hunches slightly to use. Scrunching the freckles of her face together, hogging the blue-lit screen. Poor girl probably forgot her glasses at home. "Annnd are you looking to rent the sequel?" she peeks her auburn head from the screen and holds up the cased movie, tracing her index over the plastic cleft, tapping twice. "To this - it has a second part."
There's no denying it: she is cute - and guilt rolls your guts around for being so snippy and sullen to her earlier. But based on her demeanor growing enthused the second she saw what movie you had in hand - she doesn't seem to care a hoot.
"Out of stock," replied you, indifferent-sounding - and strking; crossed arms, bent knee, stiffly-standing. Comparable to a millpond. "Guess I won't be the only person with late fees." you take a breath to jest, shaking loose strands of hair from your eyes.
"Haha," you're no world-class comedian; that joke wasn't all that funny, but the need to hurl any affirming noise at you, was necessary. Relenting to reflex. What can she say? Love at first sight! "Yeah, that seems like the agenda these days," Ellie sighs out, molding the plump of her lip under her teeth and reshapes it into a dorky smirk. Isn't she just a sweet chocolate-box of adorability?
"Hmm, bummer."
That hum and word trips into her ears, knocking some brain-cog, and an idea limns her features; they glow wide. "Actually - um, I've got a copy of the sequel at my place. Technically it's my Dad's, but.." her pitch fluctuates, mindlessly thumbing the case between two fiddly hands. "Maybe you can - if you want, not pressuring you or anything - come over?" she throws a pointed thumb backwards, motioning a potential future. "Watch it? If you weren't planning on watching it with somebody else."
Slick trick to seeing if you're single; of course you'd watch movies with your boyfriend - or girlfriend.
"Hmmm.." you hummed longer this time, and this time it admitted the mushrooming of an almost aggravating anticipation in her belly. Like you meant to torture her with 'hmms' and nothing but 'hmms' as your answer hung high in cloudy abeyance, until, "What's the name on your tag - ah, Ellie."
"Ellie," you confirm her name twice, and speak it to enthrall her full-scale attention. Made it sound fucking sugary sweet, through a swirly whisper and a twist of your head. "If you can give me a discount, or a full wipe on that late fee, then yes. It's a date."
Light panic ensues. "Date?" she croaks and laughs it off, "I mean - pshh, guess that's one way to put it." backtracking to her hunched, elbows-on-the-counter pose.
"You put it that way."
"Yeah, I just.. didn't wanna admit that." immediately, she uncurls her spine again, relaxing her muscles to somewhat peer at you. "Sure. No more fees." Rounded eyes lost - adamant on indirectly staring at you and the space below you, because Goddess forbid a stroke of idiocy flickers through her while gawking at you.
The store runs dead-quiet in the background of your conversation, leading you to one golden question. "Your shift over after this?"
Oh damn, her cheeks are pink. "Uh-huh," bet she's oblivious to that red-hot beam nearly bursting the seams to her face, too. Nasal lines fold as a severe smile tugs, shadowed by her bent thumb poking at it. "Takin' my car?"
And that's how you pick up girls at a video store in the 90s - the Ellie Williams way.
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this isn't even the full idea
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the--rebel--fae · 7 months
May i have a platonic one shot between alastor x mother!reader? BUT MAKE IT ANGST
Like dude goes with vaggie and charlie to heaven sees his mom and shes horrified
Or it can be fluff if you want shes like overjoyed and moved to tears about seeing her baby boy again 😭 i apologize if this is weird i just need more of this man and his mom
A/n Hello my dear! No, it's not a weird request at all! I think it was actually quite sweet! Now, I hope you don't mind I did a mix of the two so hurt/comfort. Annnd Alastor might be a little ooc here, but I mean c'mon, he's seeing his mama for the first time in centuries. That'd make anyone soft. Anyhoot! On to the story!
Pairing: (Platonic) Alastor x Mom! reader
TW: None! Unless you count Hurt/comfort as a warning
Word Count: 802
Forever and Always
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When Alastor asked to come with her and Vaggie to the meeting in heaven, to say she was uncertain was the understatement of the year. Hell, Vaggie was deadset against it. But Alastor was insistent. But it wasn’t his usual “Simply for entertainment!” excuse. He had this look on his face that was very un-Alastor-like. It was almost thoughtful to the point of seeming…hopeful or wistful. 
But as she and Vaggie looked at the scene before them, both with surprised looks on their faces, it made sense. It even made Charlie believe that Alastor wasn't as cruel as he tried to put on.
“Al? I-is that really you, my boy?” You said as you slowly stepped forward. You just barely came out of Heaven’s grocery store when you saw a group of people being led by Sera and Emily. One you recognized as Lucifer’s daughter–the resemblance was uncanny. And another must be her partner, with how she looks at Lucifer’s daughter. But the third person is what caused your heart to skip a beat. Could it really be? After all a mother never forgets her children.
For once Alastor dropped his usual uncanny smile that everyone was used to for a much softer one. Even the usual radio static was nowhere to be found in his voice. “Hello, mother.” He said softly.
“Mother?!” Everyone in the group exclaimed. 
“Now it makes sense why he wanted to come up with us Vaggie! Aww.” Charlie said.
Vaggie nodded but the stunned look never left her features. “Yea, I guess so.”
Sera cleared her throat. “Ehem, we’ll take our leave for now, but when you're done, just head straight to the building up ahead and the angel at the front desk will send for us. Come along, Emily.” She said as she gently pushed the now happily squealing seraphin forward.
You gave a nod of acknowledgment to Sera before coming to a stop in front of your son. You looked him over and felt tears prick in your eyes. “Oh Alastor, sweetie. You–you went to hell, didn’t you? And don’t you lie to me boy, I can see it plain as day with those clothes of yours.”
Alastor let out a sigh. He was looking forward to seeing his mother again, but this part? Not so much. “Not a thing could pass you, could it ma? Yes, I did indeed go to hell, but I can tell you I am thriving, why my radio broadcast is a complete hit down there!”
You let out a sigh of your own. You never would have thought that your precious boy would have ended up down there. You had a feeling in your gut that that might have been the case as the years went by and you didn’t see hide or hair of him up in heaven. “What could have you possibly done to end up in a place like that Alastor? I know I raised you better.”
Charlie and Vaggie both cringed at those words, he was definitely getting the old-fashioned parental scolding. But what they saw next, both Charlie and Vaggie wouldn’t have believed it if they didn’t see it for themselves. 
Alastor was frowning. 
Alastor looked down at the ground but then up at his mother’s face. He had to tell her. Maybe not all of it, but at least what started it all. Besides, who really wants to tell their beloved mother they became a serial killer? Not him. “I killed him, mother. I killed Father so he couldn’t hurt anyone ever again.” He met his mother's eyes practically begging her to understand. “I won’t apologize for it, he deserved it. For what he did to you, to us and he would have done it to multiple people that disgraceful–”
Before Alastor could finish his rant though he was cut off by the warmth of his mother's arms wrapped around him. His eyes widened in surprise. She was hugging him?
“I understand honey. Now I don’t approve of what you did and it saddens me you ended up down there, but no matter what I am your mother and I will always love you. Forever and always.”
Alastor felt his breath catch in his throat at his mother’s words. Forever and Always. That’s what they used to always say to each other back when he was alive. I will love you forever and always. He had to take a deep breath and shove any and all of his emotions back down to where they came from. He was still the Radio Demon for crying out loud! He had an image to keep. 
But he did hug his mother back. Because in this moment he wasn’t the Radio Demon. He was just his mother’s son. “Thank you, Mother. I love you forever and always.”
Hope you enjoyed the story! I'm usually not the best at angst, but I feel like I did pretty well on this one! Plus it's always fun making a not-so-soft character actually have a heart hehe.
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several-page long one-shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Hazbin Hotel!
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missyandthemisfits · 5 months
Tokyo Rev x Pretty Feet 👣
"Kiss It Better." - 1
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Your Tokyo Rev crush accidentally steps on your foot and you decide to get bold and tell them to "Kiss it better."
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Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano
"Oh dang, sorry 'bout that (Name)-chi!"
His apology is playful and his grin is shit eating and for a moment you have to wonder if Mikey did that on purpose-
Feeling playful yourself, and uncharacteristically bold, you hold up the 'injured' foot, bracing your back on a nearby wall
"Kiss it better."
He stops smiling - stops everything
Just...stands there with his mouth slightly agape with an unreadable expression 
You start to sweat
"J-just kidding-,"
Before you can say another word, he's down on one knee, lips on your exposed toes (damn you sandals), eyes never once leaving yours
An embarrassed blush finds your face and neck and he grins 
"I gotta say, I kinda like you bossing me around, (Name)-chi~"
You stand dumbfounded as he starts down the road still recovering from the fact your long-time crush, THE Mikey, just kissed YOUR mf toes-
Ken 'Draken' Ryūguji
"Oh man, sorry (Name)- I didn't hurt you, did I?" 
Actually moves to inspect your foot - he's a big dude and he knows it
Just then, something came over you
You knew full well Emma had a crush on him too. That said, he hadn't yet explicitly accepted or rejected anyone yet, so-
"Kiss it better...?" 
By this time, your foot is hiked up and there's an uncharacteristic, almost unseen blush on his face
"I- what the Hell, (Name)? Where did that even come from?"
You couldn't help but laugh 
Oh well. Maybe next time.
This nervous energy was enough for now.
Keisuke Baji 
"Shit, my bad! You okay?" 
He jumps back, crouching down to inspect it
Keisuke was so damn hot and the fact that he was this caring (though he'd often try to hide it) was even more attractive-
"You should," he perks up and you waver a bit, "Um... kiss it better."
His face is as hot as yours as he looks down then back up to you 
You practically scream, pulling your foot away- or trying to anyway 
"Wait! I...I didn't think you'd actually do it!"
"Then why the Hell did you ask?!"
"I-I dunno!"
It was, in fact, the weirdest confession of feelings ever.
Chifuyu Matsuno 
"Holy crap, I am so sorry, (Name)!"
He tries his best to keep his cool in most situations- totally freaks out about this minor incident 
Fingers are already caressing your calf, successfully assessing the damage and tickling you
You heart flutters at the sight of it all and your words tumble out faster than your brain can catch them-
"Kiss it better?"
Thankfully, you'd asked the question innocent enough. That didn't make the situation any less awkward tho-
"I-I mean...at least let me buy you dinner first...,"
He trails off on that last part but you definitely heard that one, loud and freaking clear-
"There's a ramen shop up the road!"
He stands upright, bright eyed and determined 
"Yea? Let's do it."
Another moment passes
"...Do you really want me to kiss your feet?"
His hand finds the back of his neck and he looks away with a blush identical to yours
"I- let's just pencil that, okay?"
Takashi Mitsuya 
"Oh- my apologies. Did I hurt you?" 
Ever the gentleman, ever the kindhearted cutie, he's sweetly glancing down at your painted toes, fingers lightly brushing against your arm in apology 
Oh Mitsuya~
"Kiss it better."
Annnd you said something stupid without thinking again...
Awesome job, (Name)
"I'm sorry?"
"Uh-," Sweats
Sweats profusely 
He smirks like the sly fox he is
"Well, now. Didn't take you for that kind of person, (Name)."
You take this as a form of encouragement 
"I'm full of surprises, Mitsuya."
Holy crap, are we flirting rn? 
He chuckles lightly 
"I look forward to discovering each and every one of them."
Your face is on fire...again
Hakkai Shiba
 "Fuck- I'm sorry, (Name)!"
He's got some pretty big feet and he knows that so he's lowkey (highkey) freaking out about it
Better respond quick, the longer you take to respond, the more anxious he gets-
"S'ok. Or... it will be when you kiss it better."
Pauses his haphazard inspection - partially because his breath hitches in his throat
What now? 
"I um...well, if you think it'll help, I don't mind..."
You almost don't wanna fess up to teasing him cause you dunno what you were expecting, but it definitely wasn't that
"I was joking, but now I actually kind of want you to?"
Laughter ensues and honestly it's all either of you can manage at the moment, totally embarrassed 
Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata 
"Whoops! Hey watch it, would ya, (Name)?"
This bitch-
"You are so damn rude sometimes like...what the actual fuck, Smiley?"
-Is what you said, but you were still pretty into it somehow 
He laughs, but does a subtle double take
"You're okay though, right?"
"No...I might need you to Kiss it better..."
He hums momentarily 
"Wow, (Name)- that's pretty kinky."
You're instantly regretting ever uttering
"I seriously can't stand you...," 
"Well, I didn't say no~"He sings
You sure knew how to pick 'em 
Exhausting, he is
Souya 'Angry' Kawata
" Oh my god- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't see your foot, I should have watched where I was stepping-,"
 Apologies profusely 
Full on nurse mode- breaks out the mini-first aid that he carries around (cause let's face it his brother and friends are walking disasters) and gets to work immediately-
It is... so endearing and yet so unnecessary at the same time 
You allow him to finish and thank him with a smile, almost feeling bad for the teasing about to ensue-
"Could you Kiss it better, Souya? Please?"
Freezes in place
Fingers are twitching around your foot
Face is beet red
Oh yea, the sight was definitely worth it
You laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it! You're just so cute when you're flustered! Thank you for the bandaids!"
He proceeds to bury his face in his hands, trying and failing to make himself as small as humanly possible, still crouched 
You promised him you wouldn't tease as much on one condition; a date.
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spextr1m · 5 months
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Enemies to Lovers with... Joker aka Ren Amamiya!!
A/n: I wrote this at 6 AM yall
Contains: MASSIVE spoilers, ew Kamoshida, Shido's a shit, Reader being dense ANNND a simp
GN! Reader (Referred as "You" later "They/them")
-You're confused.
-When they gossiped about the new kid and referred him as "Punk kid" you imagine him being more scarier only you've met a timid dude with a criminal record, you like the rest would've get intimidated and stay away from him.
-Not to mention, Kamoshida gives you an ick especially what he did to girls
-Everytime Ren tries to approach you, you either flinched or ran away because you're worried that he'll rat you out to Kamoshida.
-After Kamoshida's heart changed, you're also 100% confused about Kamoshida so you'd think that it has to be a joke that there's no way someone is capable of changing hearts like admitting the crimes.
-The more Phantom Thieves have more members the more you're even more surprised (Although you secretly envies that you want to be part of them).
-You got this thinking, does Ren felt the same as you or...
-Nope, it's definitely one sided while you're scared of his reputation but he just teases the hell out of you.
-When he approaches only you squeaked which he finds it amusing.
-Of course, Ann will knock your sense out that Ren's more than the criminal
-"How am I supposed to know??" "He didn't do wrong!"
-You're also type of person who freaked out when Ren's gaze is so intense that your soul exits your body which also freaks out others about your shenanigans.
-But why's your heart beats so fast when it comes to him?
-Guess Ann's words struck on you.
-Ren will spend his time with you if you let him and show who he really is, so you accepted it bit reluctant. However you're shocked that he shows his different side to you, you're now convinced that he's innocent and Ann's influence cause you to become more opening to him.
-The more you spent your times with him, the more your heart beats so faster so bad that you want to kiss his grinning face but worries that he's not gonna like you back.
-But if you're in Metaverse, of course the dude will PROTECT you like a knight.
-Ironically Phantom Thieves adopt you and you're closest to Ann
-Of course you confess your confusing feelings to Ann that when you like his voice because it's soothing to hear unlike Morgana Crowds blocking their own thoughts then you wish that you want to help him so sooner if it weren't for Shido.
-Of course, Ann will help you out and now proud that you're accepting him as a person.
-Only you accidentally blunder that Ren is so pretty and looks handsome especially his grinning face to wipe it out to your other friend yk what's funnier
-He actually heard it.
-"I knew you like me so sooner." You notice a shadow towering you which makes your other friend nudging you out of "Way to go dude, you confessed your love to him" which you look at him with a biggest grin you've ever seen in your life.
"Damn it I thought I was sneaky!" Their face now have red dusting and their hands lightly balled fist, oh boy you're now redder than the usual.
-And yes, you two are now a thing because he stole your first kiss by kissing your lips (with consent ofc)
-You ended up defending him when someone threatens you about you dating a criminal.
-When you see him being badly beaten up, you're so worried that you want to punch someone in the face.
-Ever since Shido's now in bars, he's now freed man which you can't help but to cry in tears with happiness that your wishes.
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Continuation of the previous post! Probably like 2/3, MAYBE 2/4 I don't know hghghgb
1) So, I proceeded to the Rauh Ruins! Earlier when I visited this place I somehow ended up in the pool with giant hippo through weird jumping and found Spider Scorpion Ashes! Then I died for a dumb reason and then got lost in the labyrinths, and ALSO died for a dumb reason 🤡
But this time, I checked the door I've skipped previous time to check later, and turned out it WAS what I needed 🤡🤡🤡
2) I found this cool tailsman:
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.....and then got killed by a fly guy who corner-guyed me 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
3) Later down there, I killed a strong Crucible Knight, who appeared to be a new named character!
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I really like these vgfhhb I have love/hate relationship with Elden Ring's like, 400 characters including all non-respawns and mentioned. It IS nice that the word is so full, but it plays a cruel joke with my autism towards wanting to remember every name XD
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4) Okay so, remember I boasted about having killed all Furnace Golems? To my delight, there was one more here! XD annnd it was gone. It is okay, though, I can always bully them again in NG+ 😎
5) My objective, though, was a Horned Knight I saw from afar earlier where Cross and Dane's letter were but couldn't reach due to big height. I kept trying to figure out the way to reach them, but had to give up. It is just so weird how I sometimes notice an enemy and get strong fixation on trying to kill it gggfhgfh
6) The next half an hour was....... bad, on the other hand. -_- In the next underground building, to my surprise, I've noticed some Hornsent using the blood-flies swarm magic not unlike Vare, and yeah, I know there were some Bloodfiends here earlier, but yes later that would be a point of interest!
But.... ohhh my fucking God. I kept getting lost, or so I thought?? I skipped the elevator and ran to kill a couple of Horned Knights, and then ended up in a small place with bloodloss variant of hounds and a Bloodfiend with A BIT TOO MUCH HEALTH 🤦‍♂️ I died and what I, like (questionably) sane person decided to do? RIGHT tried again 🤡 But later I took another turn
AND THERE WAS A POOL OF SCARLET ROT AND GODDAMN RED variant of Kindred of Rot!! I could not get anywhere NEAR the first one because it kept shooting the X2 VARIANT of Pest Strings at me!!!!! I barely was able to progress! Later somehow I ended up in another Rot place, and got invaded by Vengeance-Seeking Hornsent! Whom I almost killed but my plans got ruined by me stepping back and getting CORNER GUYED BY ANOTHER KINDRED OF ROT!!!
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I screamed, I cursed, I messaged @val-of-the-north "WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO" and "WHICH ONE OF AT LEAST THREE """FORWARDS""" ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT". I found the double variant of Pest Strings as an incantation, I could not understand why Hornsent wasn't invading again, turned out I kept running in another place and somehow accessed previous one without remembering how, turned out I needed to take that one elevator I've skipped and so I did area backwards, turned out in the first room there was a lever I NEEDED to use but was not seeing 🙄🤦‍♂️.... But, at last, I figured this place after 500 attempts and killed the guy too!
6.1) Yes, he dropped his set and weapon. :> ..and the caterpillars mask. The descriptions of which I've already read prior, because people kept telling me he was a Potentate himself. XD I covered why it was not likely the case earlier in this ( x ) ask reply regarding the topic!
Ironically, here I found an evidence in favor of that claim, because not far away from this spot there was a Potentate Cookbook that allowed to create Hefty Rot Pot! So it could be a reasoning for him oddly being in this place: learning what to do with materials here! Doesn't change the timeline contrivance though so not convinced.... besides, Romina turned out to be from Belurat originally, which he also comes from, so maybe he was seeking old friends / went nuts finding her and hearing more from her.. But yet AGAIN, this is a surprise tool that will help us later!
6.2) Huge waste that he never got any dialogue though! What, are we just supposed to assume that he went insane after testing revenge? :p Explain yourself, "partner in arms"!!
7) In the area afterwards, I recall hopping on the roof and killing an unusual variant of a Horned Knight!
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^ this was not what they dropped there; I got their chest piece drop later! What they DID drop was leg piece and, if I remember correctly, their incantation of sending many golden feathers to attack them! I just don't remember if they dropped it or I found it nearby.. Chest piece was a later drop on my other run after dying, but I found it more interesting!
So, you know how herald of God of Death, at least in some quantity, is the Twinbird? This chest piece mentions being given special favour by some golden birds! Meanwhile, description of Winged Scythe mentioned white maidens/angels as envoys of death? (Yes, Katy, of course everyone here remembers one of like 600000 descriptions in this GIANT game 🤦‍♂️) ... so I think, maybe whereas white/silver/whatever are Death(rite) birds, the golden birds are "life" birds! Especially with the reoccurring gold+silver theme in Elden Ring! So, while Bird Knights were the Knights of Gold life birds, those "angels" were this to White death birds 👀 Guys.... second half of the Twinbird...
8) So, I've found Church of the Bud, golden fog and all, but continued to explore every nook and secret I could before going there. Found an interesting Crucible in a secret spot!
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9) I swear I checked everywhere for now. Still had something left with that bridge and a golem shooting arrows from there, but I just decided to go fight the boss already.
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I've had a big, long sigh.. I hoped for a cutscene because I saw very minor spoiler for this boss and from the design I believed there would be SOME stellar appearance! I even expected the VOICELINES! However, the battle just started. And, like... it has been very easy. I was tense, not letting myself relax! I just KNEW it could not be this easy! There HAD to be a catch, like second healthbar after this first phase is over!!
..but, no. I just killed her and that was it. It was frustratingly easy. ;-; No cinematic, no voice, no second scarier phase like Goddess of Rot.. I don't know whether I accidentally collected TOO many Scadutree Fragments, or adapted too well or both, but it is what it is... ;-; At least, it was very beautiful.
10) I checked her items at Enia's, kinda want to get both if I still have a Mausoleum free! Scarlet Rot is my fav status effect to torture enemies with! XD
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... what followed was like, 3 hours long conversation with @val-of-the-north about the lore.
So, it started with him pointing out that translation is a bit inaccurate and he read elsewhere it says more like "she discovered a divinity and clung to it" + "like sinister Scarlet Rot", which I already believed more because Scarlet Buds straight up said that they were not always infected by Scarlet Rot! But turned out I completely missed the fact that Romina did appear in the second DLC trailer holding the bud that became her weapon, where Messmer was burning Belurat!
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I honestly didn't remember it when I saw her weapon, in my memory it vaguely left a trace as "some guy holding a sword" hfhggvn
So we had red buds initially growing in Belurat, yet still not Rotten, and her relocating them in Rauh (conveniently, as Messmer doesn't touch this place anymore thanks to Salza). But also they only became infected with Scarlet Rot later, IN Rauh, yet some infection WAS left in Belurat as it is also full of giant scorpions and fly people and has poisonous swamp! God of Rot was scorpion-like though, and giant scorpions are associated with 'saint of the bud'!
So, I think what she let live back in Belurat, more to worse than to better, was the source of fly disease, and Scarlet Rot is a later variant of that poison, probably appearing over long stagnation! She nurtures buds that will never bloom, what can be MORE stagnant? They're like eggs that never got to hatch but layed around enough to go bad!
But seriously... that convo was LONG. Maybe even longer than 3 hours, actually. We covered everything in my weird obsession to understand what happened here. The fact that Deathblight, Scarlet Rot and Formless Blood all have connection with plants and flies like ugly triplets of sorts, what Abyssal Serpent could be, how came story of Romina's discovery is similar to how Bloodfiends discovered Formless Mother in the shadow of their ancestors corpse. Whether Outer Gods reach out, are born at the place of misery, or both. If maybe the 'stagnation' uniting three concepts was something dumped in Abyss and not burnt by Abyssal Serpent yet and Messmer could maybe accidentally open a portal in there if he went TOO wild with his fires, so creatures from there try to escape! And Eiglay and Winged Serpent and Formless Serpent and what all of them are jfghhb
The brainstorming got so intense that I was not able to keep playing and... went to bed, as it was past 1 AM xD Conversation of the century, of course, but it requires a separate post! In fact I did have an ask about Romina I neglected to look at until I meet this boss, I probably should pick it up now!! I want to, just.. in several days when I have my computer ;-;
So I went to bed and the rest happened today! I will share in the next post!!
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yuh-l8t · 3 months
For all those people who want to absolutely top
This is for you.
At first you were surprised at the fact that he would ask you such question
“Will you top me? I- I mean like….kinda boss me around and tell me to do things and like…..make me do stuff..”
You opened your mouth to say something but stopped to form your next words…. “Yeah sure why not…but what kind of bossy? Like nice bossy… a in between…. Or mean bossy?”
you cannot convince me otherwise that this man would say anything else except “mean bossy”
boy he regrets saying that
you told him to tell you when he was going to come (yes bc I already got intimate) you are giving him a handjob with his hands tied behind his back. He is laying down on the bed struggling not to come (obviously biting his lip bc you do it that good) annnd poor baby comes but it’s his fault he asked you to be mean bossy cus now you gotta punish him for not telling you when he was going to come
you teased him all night,(if you want smt more specifically detailed tell me I’ll edit it in) never letting him come even once. He whined at how you wiggled your ass and how you teased him for it, he then started to beg you to let him come no he pleaded……na who am I kidding he stroke a deal with you (you ride him and let him come and he buys you whatever you want for 2 weeks) you took that deal and poor baby, he’s going through so much teasing while your riding him (yes you were on a round that’s not round 2((it’s round 5)) ) poor baby passed out from how hard he finally came.
Ofc you gave him good after care with some water and food (tbh I think that he would ask you to do it a lot more)
If u want a different ending to this story (I have something in mind) I will include that
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
I spy open requests 👀
could you do a little drabble about reader catching Kaveh sketching Alhaitham while the latter is reading a book close by? And then reader teasing Kaveh about it annnd.... Alhaitham's suddenly standing behind them
I am in love with this trope already!<3
Content: gender neutral reader; bit of teasing; otherwise safe and fluffly
Word count: 900 words
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Being friends with Kaveh meant that you would often hang out with him. You were one of the few people who knew about his current living situation, often teasing him for it in private.
But since you were hanging around him when he was at "home", you were bound to get closer to Alhaitham as well, seeing as he was the actual owner of the house.
Though he was indeed sometimes cold and analytical, you found that you could talk to him quite well, which made it all the more easier for you to quickly view him as one of your friends.
Alhaitham, who at first found your constant presence to be annoying, kind of got used to it at this point. And it wasn't like you were constantly bothering him, you respected his wish for privacy and peace.
One day, you were over at his house again, mainly to catch up with Kaveh since he had been gone for a few days and you got quite a lot to tell him, as well as catch him up to the latest gossip he so enjoyed to partake in.
As you were talking, Kaveh had pulled out his sketchbook. He often did sketch things here and there while he was having a conversation with you. He claimed that it helped keep his mind grounded and somewhat focused, so you didn't mind it. After all, he was paying attention to you, so you just chatted away, while he hummed in response from time to time or gave you actual answers when he had something to say.
"I'm just gonna go the the bathroom quickly.", you said, standing up from your spot on the couch you had been sitting on for the past hour or so.
Kaveh simply hummed, indicating that he heard you, but he didn't look up from his sketch. You threw a quick glance over at Alhaitham, who was sitting on the opposite couch, quietly reading his book. Nothing was heard from him the enitre time except the occaisonal turn of a page.
Once you returned after your bathroom break, you planned on sitting back at your usual spot, but when you came up behind Kaveh, you caught a glance of what he was painting at the moment and you almost didn't believe your eyes.
Walking up closer to him, you indeed confirmed that Kaveh was actually sketching Alhaitham this very moment, capturing his form while he was reading his book, completely unaware.
"Wow..", you whispered at Kaveh's skills with the pencil but the man got spooked by the sudden sound, trying to hide his painting, but he knew that it was too late and you had already seen it.
"W-what are you doing there, standing behind me like that?", he yelled, pointing an accusing finger to you, but it didn't held much weight seeing how red his cheeks turned.
"What? Are you embarrassed?", you laughed, not able to resist teasing him. It was just too easy to do and he always reacted in such an adorable way.
Like this time, his cheeks turned an even darker red at your words. Unable to form another word, he just simply turned around and started sketching again. There was no use in hiding it from you anymore, so he could as well just continue on with it.
"I-It's not like that.. I just got scared from you suddenly speaking from behind me, that's all!", he tried talking his way out of this.
You just smiled and crouched down behind the couch, watching him as he continued his sketch. You noticed his hand shaking slightly, but he still continued on, trying not to let the sudden attention get to him.
"You're really good at this, Kaveh.", you complimented, making the blonde look at you with a surprised face. Then, he quickly averted his eyes again, but said nothing else.
"Really, I mean it! What do you say, Alhaitham?", you asked and looked up to said man, only to discover that he wasn't on his previous spot on the couch anymore.
"You're right, it looks good.", his voice suddenly spoke from behind the both of you. Both you and Kaveh quickly turned around, while Kaveh was trying desperately to hide his sketchbook now. It was one thing if you saw it, but a completely different case if his roommate saw his sketch. Yet, obviously, it was already too late again..
"You really did good work, I look rather good, I must say.", Alhaitham continues, then turns and walks over to the kitchen like nothing had happened just now.
You both looked after him until he was out of sight, then you turned to look at each other. While Kaveh's face exploded in a shade of red you had never seen before, you burst out into laughter.
He was throwing the sketchbook onto the ground, grabbing one of the pillows and threw it over his face, crying about how he just made an absolute fool out of himself. You kinda felt bad for laughing at him, but the situation was just too hilarious to you, it couldn't be helped.
Now, every time you get the chance to, you remind Kaveh of this encounter and it never fails to get him absolutely whailing out of self-pity and embarrassement. It was the perfect thing to tease him with relentlessly..
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cariantha · 11 months
Hunger Pains
Book: Open Heart, Post-Series
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks)
Rating: Explicit
Warning: 🔥NSFW, ⛔18+ Only, contains explicit sexual content
Category: Fluff, Smut, Halloween
Word count: 2.6K
Summary: Sawyer is in a bad mood. Ethan helps her calm down.
🫦From Anon: Can I get a fic with Ethan giving MC a love bite or hickey?
☀️From @peonierose: Ethan & Sawyer + “sunshine”
🍬From @jerzwriter: "Actually, I like candy corn!"
🎃For @choicesoctober event: Costume / Halloween / Vampire / Meme
🥰For @choicesprompts Flufftober 2023 event: I want to take care of you.
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“Mr. Cox. An appropriate name for such a dick,” Sawyer thought to herself, blood boiling as she exited Room 513. 
The patient being cared for inside could easily steal the title of “Biggest PITA” away from the infamous Nigel Platt. And only making matters worse, her consultation had been interrupted multiple times by a cocky intern eager to show off. 
Once the door closed behind her, she spun on Dr. Perkins. 
“How many times have we told you not to interrupt when your resident or attending is speaking with a patient? If you do that again, I’ll make sure you are written up.”
Sawyer strode to the nearby nurses’ station to update Mr. Cox’s chart. The obstinate intern followed. 
“How am I supposed to learn anything around here if I’m not allowed to ask questions?” he argued.
“You start by shutting the hell up and listening. Had you done that in the first place, we wouldn’t be standing here having this conversation. If you were really trying to understand something back there, you would have directed your questions to me. Instead you attempted to conduct a medical history interview, on an extremely agitated patient, minutes before he goes to surgery,” she scolded. 
“This is–”
Her patience wearing thin, Sawyer spoke over him. “Jaaackie, get Dr. Know-It-All away from me before I go all Ramsey on his ass,” she demanded through gritted teeth. 
Jackie, having caught the tail end of the exchange, looked up from her tablet. 
“I think you just did,” she answered, “...and Perkins, the patient in 506 needs a new catheter. Now.”
“But that’s not even my pati-” he started to complain.
With one harsh look from the Chief Resident, Dr. Perkins finally tucked his tail between his legs and sulked down the hall.
"You're breathing fire today," Jackie quipped as she rounded the desk to leave.
Sawyer ignored her and continued typing furiously on her tablet.
Down the hall, Jackie and Bryce traded places getting on and off the elevator.
“Hey, have you seen Brooks? I mean Ramsey. Brooks-Ramsey?” Bryce guessed, not sure what to call his friend since she and Ethan surprised everyone by eloping a couple weeks ago. 
Jackie pointed in the direction of the nurses’ desk. “I hope you brought snacks. She’s in a mood again,” she warned as the steel doors closed between them.
A minute later, Bryce slunk next to Sawyer, bumping shoulders to get her attention.
“Finally. What took you so long?” Sawyer rebuked, shoving the tablet towards him. “Here, take this guy away. And while you have his head open, feel free to poke the part of his brain that disables his speech.”
“Well, aren’t you a pocketful of sunshine this morning,” he teased.
“After a few minutes with this asshole and you’ll understand why,” she said, storming off.
“Annnd, Dr. Ramsey it is,” he decided. 
Shortly thereafter, Sawyer sat in the diagnostics office and stewed in silence as the team meeting ran over schedule. Her annoyance grew more intense with each passing minute as Ethan and Harper debated, and Tobias egged them on for his own amusement. No longer able to take it, she interrupted. 
“Do you need me? Because, if not, I have patients who do.” 
Her three colleagues snapped their heads in her direction, surprised by the bite in her tone. With raised eyebrows, she looked at the team leader and challenged him to respond. 
Ethan cleared his throat. “Uh, let’s see how the labs come back and continue this discussion when we have more information.” 
Harper and Tobias quickly got out of Dodge as Sawyer stacked her notes and gathered her things. When she stood to follow, Ethan reached for her hand and held her back.
“Hey, what’s wrong? What’s got you so wound up?”
She exhaled deeply, his touch instantly calming her.
“I’m sorry.” Frustrated tears welled in her witch-green eyes. “I'm super cranky. These third-trimester hormones are no joke. My mood the last few days has been…” 
A single teardrop fell down her cheek.
“Come here,” he urged, pulling her into his lap. “It’s been, what?” 
“It’s either been hangry or hornery or both,” she pouted and sagged her shoulders.
Cracking a smile at her dramatics, “I know what ‘hangry’ is, but 'hornery?'”
“Horny and ornery.”
With a shake of his head, Ethan caressed her swollen belly. “So, what I hear you saying is you’re irritable because you're either hungry or horny…”
“Right now, it’s both,” she interjected, her fingers seductively dancing up his chest.
“And the cure for this condition is to either feed you … or fuck you?”
“Look, I’m not saying food and sex would solve all my problems, but it would sure help me calm the hell down,” she admitted with a coquettish grin.
“Well, as much as I’d like to help you satisfy your hunger pains, all I can offer right now is this.” 
Ethan reached for the bowl of Halloween candy on the conference table.
“Boo,” she scowled playfully. Sawyer stood and sifted through the options, “I’ll take the candy corn off your hands and leave the chocolates for you. I know they’re your favorite.”
“Actually, I like candy corn,” he said, ripping a small package open with his teeth and pouring them all into his mouth.
“Seriously?” she asked, surprised.
“My dad loves them. We always had a bowl out during the season. I used to push them up on my canines when I was a kid and pretend I was Dracula.”
“Aw, cute. Well, if that’s true, then I’ll take some of these too,” she reached back into the bowl and stuffed her pockets. “Supposedly, chocolate is a good substitute for sex. Feed two birds with one scone.” 
A couple hours later, Sawyer was down at the lab demanding the results for one of her patients.
“What do you mean it’s going to be another four to six hours? I ordered these tests yesterday!” 
Her raised voice began to draw the attention of others, including her indirect supervisor. Ethan was just finishing a consultation with the hospital’s lead hematologist, when he heard the uproar. 
The lab assistant snapped back. “Look, lady, we’re doing the best we can. The tech will run the test as soon as he’s back from lunch.”
“Lady?! Do you see this badge? That’s Dr. Brooks to you.” 
Sawyer spewed red hot anger as she spun on her heels. From several feet away, Ethan could practically feel the heat radiating from her. Her neck and cheeks were crimsoned and her fists clenched at her sides. 
“That’s enough,” he admonished, taking Sawyer by the wrist and swiftly pulling her into a familiar and dark supply closet.
Ethan loomed over her as he backed her into a corner.  
“I know… I’m sorry,” she apologized. Sad cat-like eyes pleading for forgiveness. 
“This kind of stress isn’t good for you or the baby,” he advised. “This is serious, Sawyer. You leave me no choice but to help you calm down.” The corner of his mouth began to turn up in a sly grin, as he ran his hand over her hair. 
“Oh, thank god,” she sighed, crashing into his lips.
“We’ll…have to be…quick…and quiet,” he murmured between desperate kisses.
As Sawyer slipped out of her shoes, Ethan lent a hand, sliding her pants and underwear to the ground. As she stepped out of them, Ethan unzipped his pants and pushed them down to expose his rising need. Their white lab coats provided a curtain of privacy in the event that anyone walked in on them. 
Lifting her up around his waist, Sawyer tried to wrap her legs around him. With several extra inches around her midsection, she had a hard time locking her swollen ankles behind him and finding a comfortable position.
“Ethan, my belly. This isn’t working,” she squirmed under his hold.
Determined to make this work despite the cramped space, Sawyer slid down. She shrugged off her lab coat, turned her back to him, and placed her hands on the wall.  
Ethan took the hint immediately. His hands began to roam under her shirt, starting at her sore back. His thumbs applied light pressure as he worked his way down the length of her spine, earning a few grateful groans. He also spent a few seconds massaging her ass, finishing with a gentle squeeze. 
Closing the small gap between them, Ethan reached around and tenderly appreciated her baby bump. Then slithering his fingers into the cups of her bra, he ghosted around her sensitive nipples. 
Sawyer felt his breath next to her ear and turned her head to meet him in a passionate kiss, his erection poking and teasing her backside.
Navigating in the dark, Ethan leaned back to align himself with her entrance. “God, Sawyer,” he gasped, easily gliding between her slick folds. “You are so ready for me.”
She looked over her shoulder with a smile and jokingly reminded him of her libidinous mood swings. “What’d I tell you? Me so horny.” 
With an amused shake of his head, he pulled back gently, then began to pump his hips. Slow and soft at first.
“Mmmmm, that feels so good, babe,” Sawyer mewled.
Ethan picked up the pace. He pushed harder and deeper, but careful not to get too rough with his pregnant wife or her precious cargo.
“Ohhhh,” she let slip a little too loud.
“Shhhh, baby,” he breathed heavily, working up a sweat.
As her legs began to tremble, Sawyer kept her hands firmly braced against the wall for support. 
“I’m close…cover…my mouth,” she panted.
With a hand on her hip to hold her close and steady, Ethan reached around with his other and gently covered her mouth. He leaned in and pressed his chest against her back, resting his chin in the crook of her neck. “Let go, beautiful,” he mumbled against the feel of her rapid pulse.
After a couple deep pumps, Sawyer’s whole body shuddered. She moaned her satisfaction into Ethan’s hand. The vibrations pulsing through her body, and the warm breath against his palm, provoked his own release. Clamping his mouth onto her neck, he muted himself.
The euphoria made her forget all her aches and pain. So, when Sawyer tightened her muscles around Ethan’s still bursting length, it hardly registered when he bit down hard on her throat.
To avoid getting caught, they didn't spend much time basking in the afterglow. Ethan gave his wife a loving kiss, and when he was certain she could stand unsupported, he pulled up his pants and helped Sawyer step into hers. 
With a quick peek into the hallway, Sawyer checked to see if the coast was clear. “Hold on…it’s Wen,” she whispered, holding up a hand to halt him. 
When Dr. Wen disappeared around a corner, they exited the supply closet.
“Do you think she heard us?” 
“If she did, I’m sure she assumed it was only one of the ghosts that she believes haunts these halls,” Ethan chuckled. “The more important question is, are you feeling better?”
“Much better, thank you.”
“Well, let’s make doubly sure and head up to the cafeteria for some lunch.”
Later that night, at home and in the shower, Ethan pushed wet hair away from Sawyer's neck and discovered the frightful bruising.
“Oh, Soe, I’m sorry,” he expressed, carefully skimming his fingers over the bite mark. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Sawyer touched the tender spot and moved around him to see her reflection in his shaving mirror. 
“Oh my gosh!” she laughed as she traced her fingers over the imprints of his teeth. “I married a freakin’ vampire!” 
“I’m sorry. But, hey,” he innocently smiled back in the mirror, “...only a vampire can love you forever.”
He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into her neck. “Mwahahaha,” he snarled at her ear, before placing a delicate, healing kiss to the love bite.
The next day, the newlyweds arrived at work hand in hand and walked toward the attendings’ locker room. Pausing just outside the door, Sawyer turned to face her husband. 
“Hey, just a reminder I volunteered to help in the clinic this morning. Carrick said he would do rounds for me.”
“I remembered,” Ethan said, bending down to give Sawyer a quick but loving kiss on the lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. I’ll see you later,” she returned, reluctantly letting go of his hand.
Stepping into the locker room, she spotted a familiar face. Well, sort of. 
“Whoa, that looks soooo good, Elijah. Gross, but so realistic,” Sawyer awed. 
“Thanks! Those of us in the research department agreed to dress up like lab experiments gone wrong.”
“Well, mission accomplished. And, Happy Halloween, by the way. I know it’s your favorite day of the year.” 
As Elijah excitedly talked about his zombie character - which of course was inspired by a new John Carpenter video game - Sawyer tugged on her white coat and checked her reflection in the mirror. 
The bruising on her neck was much more prominent the day after and under the harsh fluorescent lighting of the hospital. She tried to adjust her hair and fix the collar of her jacket, but it was no use. She dug through her bag searching for her makeup case, quickly realizing she left it at home.
“Shit,” she thought to herself. 
“Aren’t you dressing up this year?” 
Elijah’s question brought her back to the conversation, and an idea popped into her head. 
“About that…do you have any more fake blood?”
“Yeah, there’s a tube in my locker. Help yourself,” he offered on his way out.
Down in the free clinic, Sawyer examined a very inquisitive eight-year old who noticed the bite mark and the two drips of dried blood on her neck. 
“Say ‘ahhhh!’” she instructed, using a tongue depressor to check the back of his throat. “Good, no swelling back there.” 
“Doctor! Did you get bit by a vampire?” 
“I’m afraid I did,” she admitted, putting on a bit of an act.
“Was it Dracula?”
“That’s still up for debate,” she laughed to herself, picturing little boy Ethan with candy corn fangs.
“Did it hurt?”
“Did he suck your blood?”
“Justin, for goodness sake,” his mother chided and rolled her eyes.
“It’s fine,” Sawyer waved her off.
“Did he make you into a vampire too?”
“No,” turning her back to the young patient and facing his mother, she muttered, “...he just got me pregnant.” The patient’s mother cackled out loud.
That afternoon, Sawyer was on the fifth floor to check on a patient, when she spotted Ethan stepping into the hallway with Esme and her intern. When they were safely out of the patient’s earshot, he wheeled around on the intern and launched into a stern, and familiar, lecture. 
“...It doesn’t matter that you’re still learning…Whether this man lives or dies is on you…There is no room for mistakes…”
When he was done with his tirade, Ethan marched over to the nurses’ station and began tapping away on an iPad. 
“Don’t sweat him. He’s all bark and no bite. Isn’t that right, Dr. Brooks?” Esme asked as Sawyer approached the scene. 
Mrs. Ramsey shook her head vehemently. “Oh, no,” she spoke loud enough for Ethan to hear, “he bites alright.” When he looked up with a raised eyebrow, she winked and kept walking. 
A couple minutes later, Ethan’s phone pinged with a text notification.
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Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @potionsprefect @jamespotterthefirst @annfg8 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @inlocusmads @txemrn @trappedinfanfiction @mvalentine @takemyopenheart @openheartforeverinmyheart @coffeeheartaddict2 @genevievemd @starrystarrytrouble @hopelessromantic1352 @kyra75 @lsvdw-blog @rookiemartin @headoverheelsforramsey @zealouscanonindeer @lilyoffandoms
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yu-huuuu · 2 years
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥;; 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘳𝘩𝘦𝘦
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[ 🌸 ] because this blog cannot be complete without our women uwu
characters: sakura haruno; ino yamanaka; hinata hyuga; tsunade senju; kushina uzumaki; konan
genre: fluff
warnings: none, fem!reader, umm mentions of the word v*gina i guess?, also mentions of blood, menstrual pads annnd colics...
part 1;; part 2;;
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sakura haruno
* This girl is going to take care of you
* She is Tsunade's assistant and student
* Knows what to do
* Even so, she will do her best to take care of you
* Did you say hugs? On my way
* Oh no, do you feel bad?, she will make you a special tea for that
* "Y/N, I peeled an apple for you to eat"
* Sakura is a good girlfriend, only she is not very patient to say
"Sakuraaa can we hug?"
"Sure, but this is the fifth time today"
"Sakura, just hug me"
Take care of her as she takes care of you ❤️
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ino yamanaka
* oh
* The flower girl
* She is so sweet
* Smug girl with a big heart, she reminds me of mean girls 😂
* In any case!
* She will take care of you, like if she sees you wince while you walk or if she sees you in a little ball in bed
*Ino is not very good at consoling you but she is trying
* "Y/N I brought you flowers to make you feel better!"
* She always brings you yellow flowers
* Because according to ino they are unique and beautiful like you 💛
* (Also because they remind her of her 😂)
* She also brings you scented candles with your favorite scents so you can enjoy them at home while she goes to work.
"Y/N look what she brought!"
“Mm? What is ino?"
"I brought you your scented candles with your favorite scent! Surprise!"
"Oh my-!, thank you love!"
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hinata hyuga
* shy girl
* ummm
* Yes, she won't know what to do
* She is too shy to ask what you need (menstruation in her clan was taboo to talk to someone)
* Even so!
* she will see what to do to help you
* Does she see that you are hungry? she will make you a feast
* Fortunately this shyness only happened the first time you had your period together
* "Y/N-N a-are you alright?"
* she always asks you if you're okay 🥺
* Hinata is a good girlfriend, she really is... she's just shy, even so she'll do everything to take care of you when you need it
“Y-Y/N I brought you c-cookies”
"Thanks love"
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tsunade senju
* ohh, it's a sweetheart (when she's not mad)
* In any case
* will take care of you
*She is the hokage so she is always very busy but she will send Shizune to come see you
* I just imagined her coming home and she sees you in a little ball and she's like; “aww my girl is not having a good time🥺”
* Only her giving you hugs to make you feel better 🥹
* Are you hungry? Well stay where you are she'll go get you something quick to eat
* You want a drink? Do you want tea or wine?
* She will stay watching bad shows if it makes you feel better
"But Tsunade, you must be tired-"
"Enough, I won't let you go through this on your own."
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kushina uzumaki
* so
* You're dating the warm-blooded habanero, huh?
* Out of all women, you chose a dangerous woman
* Anyway
* She is an impatient woman but at the same time she is soft with you
* Like: "I know you're having a hard time, so I'm going to be nice to you more than I usually am."
* Also because she already knows that you are having a bad time
* She will take care of you
* Do you want to make a pillow fort and then hug us? Sure just let her bring the blankets you bring the pillows
* Do you want to eat ramen? Sure, she's going to make it and then you two can sit together while you eat.
“Y/NNN!, the ramen is ready!!”
"Kushina! Thank you honey"
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- - -
* serious girl serious girl serious girl serious girl serious girl
* she already knows what to do 😂
* She is a busy woman, since being the right hand of the akatsuki leader is not easy
* Still she will make room in her busy schedule just to be with you
* If she is too busy and she can't come to see you, she will send an origami bird to send you a letter asking how you are
* She has a soft voice with which she will sing to you sometimes to make you sleep better
* She will always hold you against her chest at night when the cramps won't leave you alone
* Konan is a sweetheart 🧡 she is a good girlfriend she really is and she will always do whatever it takes to take care of you
"Did you get my letter, honey?"
"Konan! Yes, I received it and I love you too, love"
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* Also, have you heard that when a group of women are together their periods can come at the same time? Yes? Now I imagine a sleepover like this with these girls, HAHAHA. And maybe I'll do a part two aaa🥞
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plothooksinc · 2 months
Tagged by @loadthebases
Turns out if I search by mentions I can find it immediately! I'm so clever. (And yet. I only just went "oh hey".)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22! I am not as prolific as some-- a lot of these are one shots. |D And most of them are ancient.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The fandoms I write for that are published are Rurouni Kenshin, Final Fantasy VII, and TMNT '03, '07, and ROTTMNT. Unpublished I also have One Piece, Tiger & Bunny, SPN, FFXIV, annnd The Untamed, most of these just being snippets etc etc. (And then RP is another bag entirely, writing in a different format-- you can include Blade of the Immortal that way.)
4. Top five fics by kudos?
It was only recently I managed to clock the 1000 mark, and I did it on two fics at once, lmao. Uhhh--
Underdark - 1089!
No Rest For The Weary - ....1089. (You guys really are neck and neck still.)
The Zaibatsu Project - 291
Some Rest For The Weary. As A Treat. - 221
Snowblind - 174
Not altogether that bad, considering Ruroken is such a dead fandom these days. /o/
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yup. Unless someone is leaving a whole stream of one word OMG/!!!!/EEEK in which I'll probably just answer the last one they left. I did go through a very long period where I did not because I was too tired, but I started again around the 2020 mark when I actually started reading fanfiction again. And started engaging, etc etc.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I write angsty endings? :|a 404 File Not Found. I think the closest I got was the tiny ficlet I wrote for Ruroken which was just Kenshin being depressed in the rain after Tomoe's death, and I'm not sure that really counts. That was like three paragraphs of "well my life sucks" lmao. It never made it to AO3. (It's on ff dot net still, though.)
...OH. But I can tell you which one's going to have the angstiest ending and that's The Legacy. Which given the last chapter I had finished with Raph holding onto his dead not!girlfriend, I would assume most readers are not gonna be surprised by this fact. (File Soon* To Be Found.)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Idk man I tend to angle for happy endings in general, so that is very hard to answer as it comes under YMMV - people have different views of happy endings, after all. Probably Underdark as the most distinct "Yes, everything is okay now" ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nah, not really. I did have one serial reviewer that reviewed every chapter of Tanabata Jasmine back in the day with a lot of backhanded compliments and condescending comments? And one person who started off reviewing Misconduct with "well my friend told me to read this" and two chapters later said "okay I'm bored now bye", but none of this is hate. The only actual "hate" I got given was not actually ...for me? I don't think? It was someone who literally said: Why did you delete your slave fics? BITCH!! And I'm like... I have not now nor will i ever write... one of those...? So yeah. Think they mistook me for another author or something. Maybe Kikide. EH. Not my division.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover?
Zaibatsu Project is a Rurouni Kenshin/Cyberpunk 2020 crossover, so that's taking all your 19th century samurai types and ditching them wholesale into 2029 Tokyo. It's fun. Maybe one day I will even write more of it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Outright? I don't think so. Buuut I've certainly had people ping me in the past to tell me someone's lifted a chunk of it wholesale or "they've written Snowblind, only with smut!" or there was one person who wrote a BNHA fic which followed the same plot of Underdark complete with dialogue borrowed directly from the fic. That last one I contacted the author and they apologised and offered to take the fic down and I told them they could keep it up provided they credit me for the inspiration somewhere. I'm sure by now some AI has scraped my stuff, but largely I write in fandoms that don't get lifted and sold like others do. And honestly, the above examples are more kinda flattering than anything else.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I believe most of my longer works have been translated into Russian, at the very least. I found Tanabata Jasmine back in the day being re-released onto a Russian forum site and I had a lot of fun translating the site to read responses (and laugh a bit at the machine translations because they kept telling me the readers were legless). Underdark has for sure. I've also found Snowblind.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I wrote a few pages of one with @shadowbends at one point! But we didn't get far in and we both got distracted with other projects. And I also wrote half a fic to set up the other half for an author, but she didn't end up going ahead. Alas. So.... kind of?
14. All time favourite ship?
I'm honestly not much of a shipper. I mean-- actually, I ship a lot of different pairings, but only kind of superficially for the most part? Like I really enjoy reading ships but I still vastly prefer gen. I will very rarely read an outright romance fic, there's gotta be a plot. (Or at the very least some interesting smut, god.) It's easier for me to point out ships that make me go UGH GOD NO rather than a preference. (In RP I'll ship a little more if the dynamics between our characters work out really well, but I still won't be crushed if nothing comes from it. This is a hard question for me to answer. I definitely don't have an all time favourite in this lukewarm pile of ships, that's for sure.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Any of the WIPs that I have that I never bothered publishing have been abandoned. Anything I want to finish will get finished. It will just take some time. This is assuming I have a long life; I mean, if I'm scheduled to die, say, three years from now, the only thing that might get finished is Infinite Ricochet, lmao.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Action scenes! /o/ Pacing and tension. The most common review I get is from people vibrating from delighted stress, lmao.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Connective tissue. I can get really bogged down in getting from A to B. You can really see it in the early days of a fic where I'm still writing set up and wondering how to scale up realistically to the things I really want to write. Once everything starts going wrong, it gets much easier, rofl.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Depends on context. Like many I started writing fanfic at the time people tried to pepper as much Japanese into their dialogue as possible for realism or brownie points or whathaveyou - you can see that in my first fic on ff dot net lmaooo. Don't do this. Not unless you have a foreign phrase that just loses its flavour when translated through to English. Or, alternatively, when you actually have a non-English character who keeps dropping into their own language, or some try hard teenager who keeps trying to show off how much Spanish they know, as an example. There are always reasons to do so and reasons it will work. But if you're just going "LOOK AT THE WORDS I KNOW"... I recommend not doing so, you will look back years later and go "oh god".
19. First fandom you wrote in?
....look, technically the first fandom I wrote in was Inspector Gadget self insert fic. But I was nine so I feel I should not be judged. /cough
First time I sat down to write an actual story that was based off a show was for the old Defenders of the Earth cartoon while I was ...15? And then when I moved out my one sofa chair was surrounded by notepads as I wrote out my first 1987 TMNT fanfic. I didn't know it was called fanfic back then. In fact I didn't know anyone else did it at all and I was just weird. Please understand that when I got onto the web proper in the late 90s and found fanfic sites I was over the moon.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
It's gotta be Underdark. That thing is its own island by now. It's closely followed by the more recent There Is No Gravy, which much like Underdark wrote itself and also ended up far longer than I intended. It was just fun. It was a soft warm hug for the Rise fandom, okay, I love it.
Thank you! This was fun to reminisce about tbh. :D
I tag: @calliopechild, @radishhqueen, and @bobtheacorn ♥ No pressure, have at it if you like
* please note that the author's definition of soon may vary to yours. She has 13 year breaks between chapters sometimes, after all.
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chaosabound · 4 months
This is just going to go into more detail about the main 5 and the au, and at the end is art soo yippee!
Remember, this. Is. A. Crossover. Au. And that I'm probably not the best writer, so yeah.
Characters (The main 5 anyway)
The “main” character
Girlfriend’s s/o
Pico’s Ex
Likes: Gf, Rapping, S*x(No duh)
Dislikes: Gf dying, Her parents, Frieza’s murder attempts
The Daughter of Mommy Mearest and Daddy Dearest
PopStar, Music player
5’ 6”
Boyfriend’s s/o
Unknown Ex
Likes: Bf, Music, Her friends
Dislikes: Her parents attempts to kill Bf, Frieza’s attempts to kill Bf, Mentions of the deal
The former Emperor of the universe
Bi + Asexual
Son of King Cold(Who is dead btw), and younger brother of Cooler
Quick to anger
Racist to an extent
Likes: Power, Control, Wine, Just some peace and quiet
Dislikes: Being powerless, Gf stopping him, Not being in control, Saiyans, Being called a “Powerbottom”, The deal
The hitman
Bi or Gay
5’ 1”
Boyfriend’s Ex
Harboring a criminal
Friends with Nene and Darnell
Likes: Getting hits, Earning Money, his friends safety, His guns
Dislikes: Not getting hits, Losing too much money, his friends getting hurt
The Criminal
Trust issues yippee
A liar
Nicer than Frieza, at least
Is able to tell if someone is lying, basically a walking lie detector test
Likes:his safety, life of luxury
Dislikes: His reputation, Frieza(For now at least), being on the run, Nene(She scares him)
Summary of basic ass story
Sooo anyways, let’s say this happens like sometime after the T.o.p and like a month after the base game of fnf. Bf and Gf were chilling when Gf was notified about someone coming over temporarily because of an arrangement. Surprise, surprise, it’s Frieza. Everything was chill, at least till Bf did something stupid, yet Frieza was forced to put up with it. Little did the trio know that the date Frieza would leave was delayed indefinitely.
Meanwhile Frost somehow found his way to universe 7 (Look, when fnf is involved, anything can happen) and ran into the trio of Pico, Darnell, and Nene. Long story short, Frost was almost seriously injured before Pico stopped the attack. Seeing potential in the blue ice-jin, Pico partners up with Frost to help make his job easier to a degree.
(give me a break, not only am I tired while writing this, I can barely write for shit bc idk autism, these aren’t exact events so y’all can do your own twists)
Relations yippee
(Also of the main 5 bc this post is long enough)
Bf + Gf : Dating soo pretty obv
Bf + Pico: Ex’s but on good terms
Bf + Frost: Meh, Bf mistook Frost for Frieza when they first met soo idk
Bf + Frieza: Bf has almost died several times to this mf, Frieza also started to call him a monkey after he did something stupid
Gf + Frieza: Friends?
Gf + Pico: Friends! Gf wants to help him with the whole Frost situation
Gf + Frost: Acquaintances, mixed feelings on Frost’s end
Pico + Frost: Partners in crime basically
Pico + Frieza: Don’t talk much, but they chill
Frieza + Frost: Strained to hell and back. But somehow getting better.
Other facts!
-The characters harbor traits from the people who were them in the stupid vrc thing (Ex. Frieza doesn’t really get much sleep, and possibly is very mentally unstable)
-Other series would come into play! It is a crossover au and fnf, anything can happen!
-Gf’s parents are overprotective
-In the vrc thing, most of, if not everyone is played by autistic people
-The vrc thing aint canon, just inspired this
-Pico and Frost sometimes stay with Bf, Gf, and Frieza
-Gf made Frieza play Hating Simulator… it was an interesting experience
-Bf and Gf are Hatsune Miku fans, while everyone else is more fond of Uta.
Annnd that’s all for now! Btw you can ask stuff about characters and I can answer them to the best of my ability, with drawings as well! Anything for motivation ig.
ANYWAYS, tine for the art!
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Pretty explanatory
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Gf, but with wings! She doesn't use them often.
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The Hating Simulator incident. Also Senpai reveal hello-
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Bro hyper, redraw of the results screen of fnf.
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Annnnd here is a thing I probably will never expand upon, considering I don't have the motivation to write anything sooo... idk. Also for those who have seen Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris.. hi.
K now I'm done, I'll see yall again when I randomly come alive with motivation.
Edit: not this taking over 3 tags 😭
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kafkasmjjw · 1 year
Hi :) can you recommend your top 5 moonjo/jongwoo (jongmoon?) fics?
i’m going to link my top 5 post-canon, canon divergent and aus because i’ve been in this fandom for too long to choose only 5. these aren’t ordered by preference, and i’m choosing complete fics and only one per author. please heed the tags and ratings in case any of it makes you uncomfortable!
origins by mslunita
Moonjo is hardly protected by tissue; his body is rough-cut. Bone-fed. It’s easy for Jongwoo to break the skin and feel as if he’s sharpening his teeth on the skeleton itself.
monsters call it love by finalizer
He looks like a statue, an impossible man cut from white marble—neat and composed and perfect. Jong-woo wants to ruin it. Poke at it, prod at it, mar it with his fingertips and his teeth. Something so perfect has no right to exist. He wants to destroy him.
since we’re feeling so anaesthetised by eris
Jongwoo flexes into the pain, fingers twitching around the phantom contours and pressure mapped out on Moonjo's throat. From somewhere almost outside himself, he says, “Would you have let me kill you?”
no angel speaks to me by gfriendly
“Want to know how I remember it?” Jongwoo asked.
if i were a carp by theletterv
“Eat me.” It’s a quick answer, and the disorientation of it just as quick. Jongwoo turns so fast it pulls something in his neck, blinks at him owlishly but the peace on Moonjo’s face never falters. “Eat you?”
special mention to 'choose happiness' by ennui_ing because their fics are absolutely stunning and a must-read. top tier characterisation.
canon divergent:
pyre by anthean
And really, why is he surprised? Jongwoo is special. He’s precious. Moonjo wants to know him inside out, skin to muscle to bone to marrow, in every way that he can. That Jongwoo wants him too only cements Moonjo’s own desire.
tender sugar by angelas
“Uhm, sorry,” Jong-woo says, “I think maybe I should lea—” “Oh,” Moon-jo intercepts. “There’s someone special in your life.”
on the seventh day we rest by SLq
“Are you lost?” Jong-woo looked up. A man stood at the bottom of the hill. He watched Jong-woo steadily, generous mouth curled in a smile.
как в старой сказке, я не знал, кто волк // i didn't know who my enemy was, just like in an old fairytale by fia_lka
“So the only way you could help me right now, ahjussi, is if you dropped on your knees right there and sucked me off instead of her. Would you do that?”
dangerous beginnings by uhlee
Honey, I like this side of you. Take what you want from me. You use me so well, jagiya. Is it good, jagi? Am I good?
flower by mayday0329
I thought he would give up after that. But instead he smiled again, and fumbled in his pocket for something, before taking out a tung flower. It had withered a long time ago, but one could still see that it had been a startling white before. He pressed it into my hand, along with a crumpled business card. Will you come find me again, then?
do you ever feel lonely, jagiya? by sweetnsimple
“Do I make you feel lonely?” he asked. Jong-Woo opened his mouth. Swallowed and tried again. “Yes,” he said.
pray we never meet at the wrong hour of the night by mslunita (i know i said one fic per author but carli’s writing is a weakness of mine)
Moonjo laughs at the last one. “Cannibal,” he says aloud, a glint in his eyes. He clears his throat. “Well. This is quite the macabre list.” He drags his eyes from the screen back to Jongwoo. “You’re something special.”
why did it have to be you? by tooprofessional
“Are you going to punish me?” He took a step closer, slowly looking up the younger man’s frame, eventually meeting his gaze. He tilted his head to the side. “You know, for causing a scene.”
they live in the dark by vivisextion
“You know, I’ve heard supernatural presences can lower the temperature of a room…” Jongwoo shuddered. “Please don’t remind me.”
annnd that's it for the complete fics. as for wips, im currently devouring second circle of hell by reddiary. a true fucking masterpiece. and hell at your heels by an anonymous writer who should know they changed the trajectory of my life. ennui_ing's how much can you change before it's some kind of murder? has me by. the. throat. fills me with a good dose of dread every time and the characterisation is gorgeous. ANNDDDDD of course, this hotel au 'all the ghosts are in the garden', by b that is so so SO well-paced and in character it's actually insane.
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terrahlee-cup · 2 months
*Inhales* I have like three hours of sleep time to read NLW and write down my reactions by chapter! Surely this can only go well. (I am so sorry in advance.) @raphaelesbian I have thoughts look at them.
Oh we’re fully just starting with Raph fighting off a panic attack this poor baby oh my gosh. Like a paragraph in and I need to stick this child in a pile of blankets. Good.
Hehe, “Storkman.” Deserved.
“And how would that work out for us, exactly?” Leo, honey, your brother is so fucking traumatized by when he was controlled of course he’s willing to rush in to get someone else out. Someone please give this dumbass the brain cell <3
Okay please give ANY of them the braincell. Teenagers I swear lol.
Oh that would be the trauma this bodes well for Raph dealing with Karai’s situation uh-huh. Aw, Casey to the rescue though love him.
“My pet dumbass.” You’re all dumbasses you’re like 15.
Oh hey having your own experience mirrored back doesn’t end well I wonder why I’m not surprised. Ouch his arm jeez- annnd Casey saving the day again by way of bonk nice.
This kid has had like 3 panic attacks in one day and this chapter ends with “FUCK. MY SAI.” Perfection I love it /gen
I will repeat what I have said before: AN ACTUAL BABY. HE IS 15 (or 16? I… how old is he during this fic I can’t remember if this has been mentioned-) AND HE IS TINY AND I HAVE A LITTLE SISTER HNGH MUST PROTECT. I have the incredibly strong desire to create a turtle burrito with this kid he is not allowed to be sad anymore it is BANNED. So yeah this is really good so far thank you for the suffering <3
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minifrau · 8 months
Little self surprise
So I don’t know if I mentioned this… BUT I FREAKING LOVE THE GUARDIANS OF GA’HOOLE
LIKE LOVE LOVE IT. And as an early Birthday present I may or may not have recieved one of the 100 signed script copies made.
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Even after atsv lol
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quietbluejay · 23 days
Betrayer 15
Battle of Nuceria time
sadlyy for Lotara she doesn't get to do any orbital bombardment she's missing Lhorke though, he went down to the planet
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lmao i love the mental image of a dreadnought playing cards
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its deeply ironic that they're also killing all the slaves so Lotara has had like nothing to do for 6 days
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yeah and Lotara's astropath head shows up Lotara: I swear if this is yet more about Lorgar's song….
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well good news Lotara, you won't be bored now
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yep the Ultramarines have caught up to them meanwhile they're waiting to attack the final city of Nuceria "no swift, clean attack"
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well if Cyrene's going to suffer at least she gets to do it prettily her statue makes her taste bile
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and then, suddenly, one of the mausoleum thralls starts talking to her despite them supposedly having taken vows of silence
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and he spoke to her in the language of Monarchia
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yes ADB weighs in on how her name is supposed to be pronounced if you wanted it to be pronounced that way maybe don't spell it identical to the anglicization of an ancient city that IS pronounced sy-reen
i shall ignore it like I ignored what Sanderson said about Kelsier also yes this guy is a perpetual his name is Damon Prytanis and iirc he did show up briefly in Unremembered Empire
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so the Cabal are apparently interested in her i am curious as to how they found out it's only been about a month and then he grins and tells her to come with him, which is the point she yells for her guard
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and Eshramar burns him to death with his flamethrower
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back to Lotara they're facing 41 ships and since most of the World Eaters are off raiding Ultramar… but Lotara isn't hopeless
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Lotara likes void war because it's a thinker's war which is funny
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Lotara is basically playing ddr on ultra difficulty what with all the Ultramarine ships the Fidelitas Lex is dying
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oh hey it's Cyrene's bodyguard his task as you may have guessed is to get Cyrene off of the Lex
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lmao this really does have some good black comedy sometimes anyways he's killing everyone in the way except the crowds seem to be endless
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he's dragging her as gently as he can, which is unfortunately still painful annd their escape ship is blocked of annnnd someone just headshotted Eshramar so Cyrene draws her knife and charges the thralls that shot him
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so this is how Cyrene will eventually show up in TEATD I guess back to Lotara and poor Lehralla is dead (the legless scrymistress) Lotara: RAMMING SPEED
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that's a unique comparison two warships colliding being compared to mating sharks don't think i've seen that one before
Lotara finally gets to fire the very expensive ursus claws despite their efforts, bunch of ships got through and they're being boarded
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hey Delvarus is doing his job
getting Kargos'd was instructional annnd Ultramarines have arrived on Nuceria
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man I guess they didn't have time to fix things up after Calth Guilliman's leeroy jenkins strikes again also Erebus jumpscares Argel Tal, as he is wont to do
Erebus: Kharn is doomed to die under a grey sky at dawn. and what do we have here, eh? eh?
Lorgar stands dramatically atop a land raider and starts thinking about what a waste this is, killing people just because they're in the way
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lol Lorgar looks up and watches the Fidelitas Lex die Lorgar: welp Lorgar: man sucks for Cyrene
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I'm honestly surprised no one's done a comic of this bit oh back to Syrgalah and the guy who is Keeda and Toth's boss is now the princeps and is not dealing super well with his first walk this guy: WEVE CRUSHED HOW MANY TANKS WHY DOES SHE STILL HUNGER FOR BLOOD
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