#//cant follow bc side blog but hi!!
starlightkun · 1 year
okay so i think a big part of why im finding it difficult to get back into writing for ayakashi is the elephant in the room: yukhei's character. i took my unexpected break kind of in the middle of when all of the stuff with him was happening, so i never really got a clear picture of it all. and since coming back, i can tell that nctzens haven't even come to a consensus on whether or not they still support him either. and then he's of course "on hiatus" in neopurgatory too, so...
anyway, i don't have a firm grasp on the situation, nor do i think i ever will. before i left i was debating retroactively swapping him out for sungchan (primarily to preserve the height, which is an integral part of the character).
i think that's still where i'm leaning towards, but if y'all have any feedback for me abt this, please lmk!!
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rassicas · 2 months
hi guys! im back. i went tokyo for a few days. got back at 7 this morning after taking an overnight 7 hour bus ride.... that i did not sleep on bc i cant sleep in moving vehicles. this will be something closer to a proper blog post i guess. splatoon related convention? experience below
i've kept my mouth shut about my plans to go because its not as well known on the english side of the fanbase and i didnt wanna make people too jealous sorry LOL , but i went to splaket 22! it's an unofficial, splatoon-only doujinshi market/artists alley. this was my first convention-sort-of event ive been to since i was... in high school. i also dont really get to meet many other hardcore splatoon fans irl. i was nervous about it because i don't know a whole lot of people on the JP side nor do i have a lot of confidence in my japanese speaking/listening, but in the end it was SUPER fun. i wish i couldve talked a bit more to the artists i did encounter to comment on what i liked about their works but. Skill Issue very few non-japanese people at this event of course but one of the only english speakers i saw i called out to bc they were wearing a shirt with this exact image printed on it no video and no photos outside of designated areas were allowed so i got like. zero pics of my own. but there was a lot of cosplayers i saw! oh and here's the Loot Haul. a few doujin, a clear file, stickers, microfiber cloth and a keychain. im surprised at how little i got, i think i shouldve gone a bit crazier with it
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the one with Tao Blu and oonie in the top left (by sachikazerick) I came across by chance and bought because it was cute, featured splatband characters, and also because it all in some familiar inkling language (the last point of which i told the artist as i was buying) when i finally got home and saw the back credits...
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SMALL FUCKIN WORLD LOL (i tweeted at the artist afterwards to let him know i came by the table and to thank him for using me and my friend's inkling language fonts!) though truly, i think ardnin deserved the credit more rather than me since he made most of those fonts! ah well, still cool to see more and more fan works using deciphered inkling language. top middle book is a story with some salmonid characters that i havent read yet but im looking forward to it, the art is lovely. top right one was the first thing i bought. the artist is rk_splaworks, whose art i love, and we've been mutuals for a few years and have talked a bit here and there! i was so fucking nervous to meet them in person since my japanese sucks LMAO but they were happy to meet me too and we got a selfie together yippy <3 also havent read their doujin Yet since ill have to rub all my brain cells together and huddle over the dictionary, but i want their oc lore
ok that's all i'll say, next splaket is...june 22. very soon....im already thinking ill. go again. yknow. while im still in japan and all that. i guess ill have to study harder on my jp in the meantime teehee ...i doubt it, but in the off chance anyone following me is going to the next splaket in june lemme know!
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que3rduckling · 3 months
Hi!! I am the person who runs the Queen, Void, Jasmine and Barc rp Blogs on here and on those accounts I have all the rp accounts that I know of followed there (with my following on public so everyone can see them).
But I feel like it may be easier for everyone if I made one complete list for everyone to see!!
So here it is, my current and mostly updating complete list of JRWI rp Blogs here on tumblr!!
@lala-queen-lala (mine!!)
@cherrymoonflowers (oc)
@licensedtherapistofmana (Therapist)
(I don’t not know if they are still active but there is also @the-wish-doctor )
Prime defenders:
@emily-in-the-afterlife l
The Suckening:
@void-the-cat (Me!)
@renwickeventplanner(who partially inspired me to make this!)
@bow-needs-a (oc)
@catsandkindred (oc)
@c0ck-pr1nc3-0f-la (oc)
@bestdemonever (oc)
@salvatore-jonas (oc)
@eloisebathroy (Oc)
@tev-is-a-vamp (Oc)
@theraddestrarestcowboy (Oc)
@cryptid-fever (Oc)
@thesecondcoolestfang (Oc)
@thelocalalleyfox (Oc)
@rachelmaddoxlicensedtherapist (Soda’s therapist)
Blood In The Bayou:
@bestdogbarcode (me aswell)
@willow-bleak (oc)
@jasmine-the-mascot (me too!!)
Monster Control Services:
One Shot:
Little side note: I have discovered tumblr has a 50 @ limit so not all of these have an imbedded link but they are all their real and updating accounts!!
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Can I get some sub!Andrealphus headcanons please? 🥺 I love him so much but so much of his content is with him as dom
I did sfw and nsft bc I love him and wanted ti share personal hcs of him!!
Also I haven’t seen anyone do any sub for like, any characters??? There’s so few other blogs for sub charas in this fandom?! Like I found 6 blogs with sub charas…and I’m nearly half of them…(I have one hidden side blog I don’t publicly use I’ve been posting about on)
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Cw: eye licking (canon kink), gore mention, death mention, torture mention, horn play, mockery halo play, capture roleplay, bath ***,
You’re basically his only friend or family so he spends most his free time with you, even when he’s not hanging out with you he’ll often follow the group your with to keep you safe from a distance
He ask you to hold his hands in public so he doesn’t get lost, bump into someone or thing, or trip, even though he somehow notices when there’s items on the floor you don’t see and pulls you out of the way. He claims he just mis stepped as you clearly notice he avoids stepping in minor obstacles
He likes being close to you and loves you touching him, he sometimes just ask you to hold him, then he will just fall asleep and magically only wake up when you stop holding him
If you ever get tired he’ll give you a horseback ride (you have your legs around his hips and he holds your thighs while carrying you) all the way home. You notice he somehow doesn’t need you to warn him of any obstacles as he gently carries you, trying to avoid moving you as much as possible.
He feels bad for accidentally startling you a few times and to make up for it he pretends to be startled by you for your enjoyment. You have actually startled him a few times at to your amusement he visibly jumps when you run up from behind and hug him. He just doesn’t know how to react!
He’s good hearted but silly, and doesn’t know what humans like, so he starts giving you angel wings as gifts, but…they are preserved, he tells you they are valuable like that and that any devil (and a few angels) would want them for a high price
He doesn’t let angels get near you, in fact the angels usally are past tense when you finally get to see them, there isn’t a lot to see, just blood and angel remnants…though to your confusion the angels he takes wings from (for you not himself) have…been left alive and were at the mercy of the devils around them.
Canon kink: Oculophilia: deriving sexual pleasure from licking another persons eyeballs
He has tried to lick your eyes without asking before and upon freaking you out he’s confused, you come to the agreement he can only do it if your eyes are closed, it’s still weird and uncomfortable but he deeply enjoys it. He doesn’t do it often, and it’s usually if he’s in a mood and excited. When you did it back to him he actually just straight up creamed himself.
Sorry, the wings stay on during s*x, I don’t make the rules…
You’re his first…he actually never really had anyone to tell him what to do, so he genuinely just will let you do whatever you want and he practically just enjoys making you feel good, he’s a service sub
He is very quiet until you play with his horns, then he’s loudly moaning for you to keep going, where to rub, twist, scratch, etc. He does actually enjoy you playing with the halo, it’s tied to his horns with magic so he can feel you touch it through his horns
He…did sort of catch you off guard with requesting you to pretend to be an angel hunter, and he want to play as a angel and let you ‘torture’ him, then push it further to you only stopping once you ‘corrupt’ him into a fallen angel. (He uses his wings and halo for it.)
Andre likes when you do capture role plays, he enjoys being at your mercy, he even tries to teach you how to hogtie and other forms of restraining him.
You once started jerking him off in a bath and he now cant bathe with you without getting excited, he says it’s just an intimacy thing, since he’s not used to being so exposed
He will randomly ask to feel your face while you two are fucking since he wants to remember your expressions, he gets more excited if you let him
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bakubunny · 7 months
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daddy!hizashi headcanons
a/n: if you've been following me for any length of time, you've likely come across at least one or two bits of daddy kink content. it's not exactly hidden or in small quantity. thus, i bring you daddy!hizashi. this has been in my drafts for months as well so have fun.
*this was written with f!reader in mind but most of them could also work as gn!reader.
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look, we all know hizashi is an absolute babygirl, but listen. i want to expand on (or reiterate) this hc bc daddy!hizashi makes more sense than you might think.
he's pretty soft as far as doms go. actually he’s less of a daddy dom and more of a dilf/sugar daddy but still.
high social emotional intelligence. someone who leads with love and guidance even if he's not a dom.
i don't see him as the 24/7 dynamic type, but it's also more than just in the bedroom. that said, he's a grown ass man and will communicate if/when he needs you to take the lead.
like i said he seems aloof but he's playin 3d chess over here. he's the one who draws it out of you without having to say it.
maybe you weren't sure if you were into that kind of thing, but one day, it slips from your lips; you call him daddy, and while he might blush a little the first time, it's pretty much settled. no teasing, no weird looks or strong reactions, no awkward conversations (save your own embarrassment)…. it feels natural without a lot of effort.
"daddy's little listener." that's all i'm saying.
he spoils you with the cutest clothes and lingerie.
if you’re a little: he started and continues to add to your stuffed animal collection. sugar daddy!hizashi’s got a whole playroom just for you.
not big on rules and punishments, but he does see to it that you take care of yourself/are taken care of.
not a sadist, but he might spank occasionally and will say yes if you ask nicely.
unless you don't want him to, he's gonna be holding your hand to cross the street and giving you a peck on the lips when he buckles your seatbelt, i don't make the rules. he also likes to walk on the street side of the sidewalk, hold doors, and pull out your chair. it's not a chivalry thing. he likes taking care of you.
i stand by my "leaves cute lil notes with ur lunch every day" hc. he also sends cute or teasing texts on the regular just for the fun of it.
big on praise, giving and receiving, though he might not admit the latter at first.
his fav nicknames for you: sugar, sweetness, babydoll, kitten, princess, kiddo
you might be his kitten, baby, princess, etc. but he loves it when you take the lead.
i’m gonna say that he’s like izuku in that he has a pretty substantial dildo toy collection, many of which are custom pours. it’s just one more way he likes to spoil you… and himself.
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if you’d like to be added to my tag list, let me know. ♡
gremlins: @callm3senpaii @arlerts-angel @dcsiremc @darkstarlight82 @bookcluberror @neon-gothicc @zazter-den @breadandbutter33 @i-literally-cant-with-this @she-who-writes-for-multi-fandoms @rinalouu @stvrfir3 @r4td0lll @emmab3mma @aria-chikage @mhadabiandhawks4eva @yazminetrahan @doumadono @dreamcastgirl99 @maddietries @jazzafayesworld @karebear5118 @unofficialmuilover @cherriluvs35 @erensslut @citysweet @ruu-https @hana-yuri @keiva1000 @katsul0vr @trickster-kat @ayeohoh-blog @dinomeow @flamgosstuff @mistressreaper @anonymously-ominous @hisconsistency @amberexe2
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subskz · 9 months
i don’t know why, but jisung gives off serious energy of someone who’d say, “ooh you wanna kiss/fuck me so bad~” during an argument… and he’d be so fr abt it too 😭 severe brat behaviour smh. honestly he’s too cute so if he said that, i would just prove him right… </3 omg i am always caught lacking on this blog when it comes to him 😮‍💨
we’ve established that he’d appeal to your soft (n maybe not-so-soft) side by crying when you’re angry, but other times, i think he’d also try childishly teasing u nonstop in order to get out of an argument, so that u finally reach the breaking point and snap, releasing all your frustrations by ruining him into tomorrow (reminds me a bit of ‘pay attention’… pls excuse me as i go reread that masterpiece of a fic for the nth time)
yknow, with minho being the funky lil guy he is might say it too just to throw u off, i mean god knows he does the most outta pocket things sometimes. would say it with that trademark straight face, but then ! then see the little pastel blush tinting his ears !! how could u ever take his little facade seriously when his body tells all his secrets ♡ gets unreasonably surprised when u actually follow through with his snide remark, like he would get so shy if u pulled him by his shirt collar into a kiss even though was the one who initiated it
same goes for seungmin when he gets into one of those hyperactive puppy moods of his n just wants to play with u, so he’ll bother u out of affection n say whatever he thinks will get the best reaction out of u
waitt i could also picture chan saying it in the heat of the moment if you’re just playfully bickering bc secretly he’s always wanted to say smth like that but then immediately getting SO embarrassed n shy with himself ^^; cue him hiding in his sweater paws n letting out soft, high giggles of embarrassment (i know you know the kind i’m talking about </3)
— 🌸
we must be on the same wavelength bc i immediately thought of jisung lino and seungmin when someone asked a similar question as well 😭 our insufferable lil trio
hannie would be so fr abt it…the moment he realizes he’s losing the argument he’d say it without an ounce of shame lmaoo it can be so hard to make him take anything seriously esp when he can get a lil petty when he’s emotional…he is not above resorting to crying (sometimes he doesnt even mean to…sensitive baby) or throwing out the most childish retorts to try n get the upper hand, but he’s kinda endearing abt it and laughably obvious abt what he really wants. he might not be content w losing the argument but he is content w surrendering the moment u decide to put him in his place and wreck him until he can’t run his mouth anymore 🙏
what u said abt lino got me so good also…it’s the most lino thing on earth to throw out a provocative comment like that just to get a reaction out of u, and then crumble the instant u actually return that energy to him…like the way he gets all up in ppl’s faces then shies away when they actually lean in…kitty can dish it but he cant take it! the lil sputter of surprise he’d let out when you pull him in and kiss that crooked smirk right off his face would be so adorable, he breaks instantly ): and his ears would absolutely be on fire!! no matter how smart his pretty mouth is, his body is always betraying his true feelings~
seungmin’s hyperactive puppy moods 💔 he can be just as good at lino at saying exactly the right thing to get u riled up…but in his case you’d get that irresistible proud puppy grin bc he knows exactly what he’s doing n isn’t even trying to hide it! but what he doesn’t expect is for you to follow through n leave him w the cutest wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression staring back at you…the one surefire way to make him short circuit so he has nothing clever left to say anymore <3 he’d definitely try to use it later n claim that he won the argument w his irresistible puppy charms
and CHANNIE! i hadnt even considered him but ur absolutely right…him and his tendency of not thinking it through before saying the most deranged things known to man and flustering himself so bad 😭 u wouldnt even have to do anything for him to just fold immediately and break out into those infectious squeaky giggles, cringing so bad…he’s losing the war against himself but just like jisung he’s cute enough that he gets away w it every time ㅠ imagine how shy and red-faced he’d get when you pull his sweater paws from his face and kiss him just like he wanted…i think his brain would fizzle out!! never has an attempt at teasing backfired so spectacularly
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petewentzisblack1312 · 7 months
I was gonna ask you this anyway actually bc you know a lot of artists but I just kept forgetting bc adhd is kicking my ass rn but since you wanted asks: do you know of any cool online stores or artists selling stickers? im trying to decorate my new laptop and I bought a few on etsy but I wanna get more
made in a lab to answer this question bc all i do is look for artists that skew cool. i will also give artists that skew cute. some artists are in between these categories, that is, they have a cute artstyle with subject matter that at least at times skews cool. my metric for whats cool and whats cute is pretty much 'based on aesthetics if this were being sold at a basement show in the 90s to 00s would someone get called gay'. if the answer is yes, its cute. if the answer is no, its cool. i dont know if this makes sense but im gonna use this categorizing anyway. i will tag the artists who are on tumblr but otherwise im naming everyone by their instagram handle because thats where i look at art and im on my phone and cant link everyone without losing my sanity
coming back after writing this list i have GOT to put this under a cut
@cursedluver: cute/cool, mostly cool to me, very bright and colourful and his starpions are really fun
ummmheather: cute/cool, mostly cute but shes got some stuff thats silly in a more cool way if that makes sense.
strikegentlyco: cool, they only recently started making stickers so the selection is a bit limited but they do have lots of enamel pins
sheselle: i would say firmly on the cute side of things in aesthetics but i think her sense of humor can be interesting. new to me though. i think you will really love some of her stuff and not really be into others.
@sweatermuppet: cool, lots of queer political stuff
luluvanhoagland: cool but with a soft artstyle so it feels cute.
@sofftpunk: cute/cool, lots of lgbt stuff
thegraveyardrave: mostly cool, they do have a tumblr blog but its specifically for clownposting so i will not tag him
leestrawberrryshop: cute with a cool tilt, mostly white and pink with just lineart but its an interesting scribble/doodle style. memey at times
prettybadco: cool but lately this guys been doing so much i think you should leave fan merch and its not bad but i dont watch i think you should leave and its not what i followed for. the original stuff is pretty neat though
catcoven: medieval. giving this one its own category on the grounds that thats pretty self explanatory and more precise than cool/cute
interrupted by finding a bee in my bedroom while drinking slightly warm tea (house is closed and the windows in my room (also closed) have mosquito nets)
@verdant-succubus: cool but there is body horror and guts and stuff so tread lightly if youre sensitive to that sort of thing.
radhia rahman (knivesmeow): cute but i feel cool when i look at her art
abprallenuk: cool but the colour palletes are strictly pastel
svv.art: very cool
smdefelice: cool. mostly does screenprinting but i am pretty sure they do stickers also. however the shop is currently closed for con prep do i cannot confirm
lilboatboutique: cute/cool has a homesick at space camp sticker which is currently on my water bottle and which i own in 2 variants as an enamel pin.
kerin cunningham: cool. emo. the goat. what else is there to say.
@darbydraws: cool. quite like her stickers although her bread and butter is t shirts. also emo
xraeart: cool. alt streetwear brand so. yknow.
skullingway: cool. theyre one of my favourite artists hands down. not a lot of stickers tho
jordandebney: cool. this guy makes the coolest stickers but most of it is for his subscription box which is fine. theres 2 stickers not behind a paywall
elrosabel: cool stuff, cute style. she kinda like. soft closed. to do polymer clay sculptures. but she might have reopened? i know shes selling stuff under this project again
piratesarrrt: cool but in a soft style. similar subject matter to luluvanhoagland. which is to say weird girl heads.
seankeetonart: cool.
@moonlume: cute. the concepts are cool though
jimibiscuits: cool. this is one of my favourite artists i have. so many of his pins. he doesnt have a ton of stickers though iirc
@8pxl: i am going to invent a category called 'pretty'. i love pixel art and this is my favourite pixel artist ever.
i gotta fuckin stop
go forth and get some stickers
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princeanxious · 1 year
are you out of the TSS fandom for good, do you think? just burned out on lack of updates?
I mean, it's complicated.
Edit: pressed answer instead of save to drafts while trying to back out, tumblr what the fuck
Anyway, it's complicated. I've become burnt out creatively lately, and I've been part of the sanders sides Fandom since 2018, it's been a big portion of my life, I'm not letting it go that easily.
However, this is my main blog, and I cant really shift everything to a new side blog, so I do feel bad for those who followed me exclusively for sanders sides are now seeing a v distinct lack of it.
But for the most part, yeah, I'm burned out on a lack of updates, I was a fander creator doing as much as I could to create content to entertain myself just as much as for others in-between the hiatus-gaps while awaiting updates. I love these characters with all my heart, but every gap in between has gotten longer and longer, I can't keep waiting for a year at a time for one single update even if the finished product is grand and *absolutely worth* the time it took to make. I was scrambling, bc I no longer have the time I used to to create my own fanart and fanfiction and animatics for this fandom, and I can only reread the library of my favorite saved works over so many times before I feel hollow and under-stimulated.
It'd be one thing if the rest of the fandom was as active as it used to be, I bounce off others creative energy far easier than single handedly manifesting my own inspirations all the time. But it's not, and interaction with my own content slowed way down. (Not to say that I'm leaving just bc of this or anything, but its become a struggle to feel motivated to keep going when there's literally nothing new from Canon to keep riffing from.)
I have the want to finish my remaining fics, specifically The Lost Guardian in particular at the very least, but I just can't solely be a sanders sides blog like I used to be.
I'll be here when that season finale comes out, but at this rate of progression, I think Thomas has overestimated the fact that this could very well be a series finale, not season finale. And I've come to peace with that, if only Thomas would be more transparent abt it.
Sure, Thomas has other content, but funfact, I've had very relatively low interest in getting super into it, there isn't the same level of comfort in shipping characters of a single person with the versions themselves when other characters played by other people are involved, especially when u know that they are alot of his v close friends. I don't ship real world actors together, especially if they play a character very close to representing themselves. The characters they play, maybe, but that's why I'm far more entertained and comfortable with animated media.
In short, I'm tired and burnt out and for now-for *whatever* reason- the silly lanky clown jesters from fnaf have more of a grasp on my brain than sanders sides does. I'm following the serotonin.
I may still create sanders sides content in the future, but getting maybe 100-500 notes on a piece when u have a fandom following of roughly 11.5k followers from over the years has spoken volumes on how active the community is rn. I'm not leaving, but I can't be stagnant and hyperfixate on this anymore after doing so for almost 6 years straight. Yknow?
And for those who have always left a comment, shared my work, interacted with me in any capacity over the years in this fandom, and have made my time in this fandom worth while, thank you. I love you. U have made every second worth it💜
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neopuppy · 3 days
i follow both your nct and enha blogs, so i saw your reply to an ask on your enha blog which also mentioned renjun and it felt wrong messaging you abt him there so i will just message you abt him here haha. hope you don’t mind!!!
have you seen renjun’s message on bbl where he exposed a sasaeng’s twt account? that was bravery right there. i hope that’ll serve as an example to idols and warning to crazy fans
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I was going THROUGH it last night bc of this jcjejcjdjd I genuinely dont know if I’d be as concerned if it was anyone other than Renjun only given the circumstances(SM ent. and their long history of torturing idols- plus what was also happening with cbx/exo yesterday)
going to say this as someone who is on my 3rd SM group that I’m watching fall apart in real time once again, this is likely Dreams last run(the irony) as a properly promoted group. the only reason they even still get so much is because they are huge in Asia and have always been(PROBABLY BC SM HAS NEVER ONCE TRIED TO BREAK THEM INTO THE WESTERN MARKET THE WAY THEY DID WITH 127 BUT THATS BC 127 WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR US FANS- we know how that went). its so hard to watch your favs literally cry for help and you cant do anything when its their own company working against them.
sasaengs are kept alive by INTERNAL staff that have access to information such as private schedule locations, hotels, flights, etc. why else would the SAME people always conveniently ‘show up’ to unannounced events that were never for ‘fans’ to begin with?
Renjun is one of the handful of actual talented idols we have in the age of 2024 where all kpop idols need to do is buy an entirely new face to debut and be deemed “it boy/girl”, makes me sick to my stomach that he cant do his job peacefully bc of people who relentlessly stalk him, purposely sit by him on planes, call his phone day and night.
I’m fr just a normal person, not famous just living my life and my anxiety is BAD. way worse when I was younger and would have physical panic attacks to the point of throwing up. I got help(therapy, meds, etc) fortunately and learned how to calm my anxiety but I always think abt how idols have to deal with this especially when I’m at the airport. like INTL travel is so fucking stressful and taxing on the body, I cannot imagine camera shooting at me the second I step off a 16 hr flight where weird ass ssngs followed me to the bathroom and took pictures of me SLEEPING the entire time! only to run after me in mobs after going through customs.
like idfk why anyone would defend this animalistic behavior. if an idol feels desperate enough to share their mental health issues with us as fans- coming from a place and industry where this is very stigmatized- WE NEED TO LISTEN, AS FANS WHO RESPECT AND TRUST HIM. I wish I could do something, but I cant, and I would beat up every ssng to exists if it held no repercussion bc famous or not these are HUMAN BEINGS, and they dont deserve this.
I really worry given the kpop track record of idols choosing their exit instead of finding help. I am so proud of Renjun for putting himself first and taking this time off to heal himself. like there is just so many things and I am worried abt all of Dream, they debuted so young and have some of the worst ssngs out of all of kpop with a company who wont lift a finger to protect them. in this case they truly only have us(the actual fans)and Renjun going public with this proves that.
I hope anyone who has invaded their privacy feels ashamed, and this goes for ‘fans’ that follow them around the world/are constantly in fan calls/fan signs etc- you are weird. period. nothing normal about that one-sided parasocial relationship that you brag abt online, and instead of spending $1000’s upon $1000’s on bothering an idol who will never fuck you, maybe consider investing in a much needed grippy sock vacation.
I think these people are beyond help, and unfortunately they have the funds or limitless credit to endorse their madness. I need more idols to see this and start calling out these weirdos. NO ONE SHOULD ALLOW THIS BEHAVIOR TO BE NORMALIZED, end of story.
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ocprompts · 3 months
pardon my language but FUCK i wish i found this blog earlier. these are the minor details that i NEED for my ocs. i see your inbox is open to ranting so I'm going to take the chance to talk if that's okay.
now this alone may out myself to my friends on the off chance that they find this blog and that this is posted but i have over 500 ocs and counting because my brain wont stop generating new characters. id love to make a piece that includes ALL of them somehow but i really don't think my tablet or my sanity can handle doing that but its a nice thought
anyway out of those 500 only a good handful have some kind of storyline to them and somehow the one with the most normal life managed to become a fan (friends) favorite. he's a "short" white British guy who didn't realize he was bi until he hit college and it only happened bc he started to like his dormmate. he used to be ginger and my friends called him a leprechaun. the worst that happened to him is that he's had a shitty love life. even so i love him and my friend's oc aka his former dormmate aka his current bf. i draw them together all the time bc i think their dynamic is great and ngl my friend's oc is very pretty. like. very. but that's a box to unpack later
another oc i cherish is my first dnd oc which I'm not too worried about sharing bc I'm 95% sure the people I'm worried about finding this oc in particular don't use tumblr or at least arent on this side of tumblr. anyway she's a high elf wizard and shes so COOL even if her appearance is so different compared to the standard high elf. i gave her bright blue hair and bright green eyes when i was like 8 and I've kept them like that (but made the colors much duller). she has a large scar that branches out from the middle of her back to look like lightning bc she did a witch bolt on like 3 health and killed the boss and I'm still not over that and i dont care that that scar doesn't make much sense. her best friends are a halfling who thinks nearly getting killed every adventure is fun and a goblin the halfling and her met on their first adventure together. the halfling makes fun of the goblin 70% of the time but its okay bc they're all friends who work under a magic school and its great
like i said i have 500+ more but i think these are some highlights. honorable mentions include a girl who was arrested by her own gf and then broke out with her friends' help, a superhero oc i made when i was like 6 or 7 that has fire wings and her dad was originally manray from Spongebob somehow, a werewolf lady who is a walking red flag, a guy (gender neutral) who got high once and began being followed around by a demon right after it kicked in, and all of the ocs i made on roblox.
thank you sm if you read this I'm sorry this went on for so long i just cant be quiet about my own characters
no need to apologize EVER, if i didn't want people to ramble in my inbox, i'd close it!
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princesssmars · 2 years
something new
Tumblr media
a monet de haan x reader
your first gala in the upper east side, and a certain princess catches your eye...
first | previous | next
a/n: need her bad idk.
warnings: maybe a little bit of monet being ooc? idk ill set it up in the future 😭. neglectful or just kinda a hole parents bc all these kids are messed up. enjoy .
wc: 1.731
when you're parents told you they were moving the company's main office (and essentially your whole life) to new york city, its safe to say you were more than just a little upset. like, upset enough to crash one of your dads cars, but you managed to hold yourself back from doing that. barely.
granted youre family had moved around a bit when you were younger, but youd been in maine for 3 years now and had finally settled in and made actual friends. and the scenery wasnt half bad either.
but as you ride in your parents limo down the streets of manhattan, you cant help but feel isolated. cold. like the citys skyscrapers are mocking you. and dear old dad lecturing you on proper gala etiquette is not helping.
"and remember, everything you do and say reflects on us and the company. be smart about your actions and choose your words wisely. especially to your new peers. none of that sarcasm you oh so love."
ah, yes. the students of constance billiard. the children of the powerful and rich, the next great minds of our future...
a glorified description instead of calling them all a bunch of annoying privileged assholes. granted you were also privileged, but you knew how to at least act like a decent person.
the limo eventually rolls to a stop outside of a grand building, the flashes of paparazzi cameras slightly blinding you. you put on a fake smile anyway.
once inside your parents leave you to mingle with potential new business partners. or a new social circle. same thing.
so here you are, wandering the halls and rooms of the museum, eventually making youre way to the open bar and grabbing yourself a drink. non-alcoholic of course, wouldnt want drunken you causing a scandal and ending up in the gossip blogs by the morning.
"sure you dont want something stronger?" a voice sounds from your right. it comes from a man, or a boy rather, probably around your age. hes tall with pale skin, tired eyes, and sunken cheeks. "trust me, around these...vultures, youre gonna need it."
you laugh through your nose, tipping your head and glass torwards the stranger. "believe me i would if could but uh...expectations and all that. you know how it is."
"hm, sounds familiar. but uh, no, my dads are more the "we'll always support you and ignore the stupid shit you do" type. which i guess works out great for me." he says, taking a long sip of his drink.
he seemed a bit troubled, but then again, every kid here was. comes with the cash.
"try having your parents be both overbearing and absent at the same time. mindfuck isnt even the word." you sigh, smiling when he chuckles after you.
sharing this much with a stranger isnt the smartest move, you know. but youre feeling reckless.
as you both continue witty conversation, you feel eyes burning into your side. you glance to your right, and you luckily manage to keep your eyes from widening as a pretty pair of brown eyes connect to yours.
the boy (whos named you learned is max) follows your line of sight. his eyebrows raise and he wears a sly smile.
"ah, see you've caught monets eye. wish i could say shes harmless but..."
monet. you repeat the name a few times in your head. you like it.
you're brought back to attention when you feel a cold hand on your shoulder. max smiles at you and nods torwards the other side of the room.
"cmon, let me introduce you"
"who is that?"
"hm?" luna hums, too busy on her phone to pay much attention to what her best friend is speaking. she needs to pick the best pictures of julien tonight to post, after all.
monet sighs, tapping the dark-haired girl aggressively on the shoulder and pointing to where max sits at the bar, indulging in what seems like a pleasant conversation with an attractive stranger.
luna squints her eyes and hums. "hm...they do look familiar... let me check." she goes back on her phone, quickly tapping before showing the screen to her best friend.
"her name is y/n l/n, daughter of edmund and marianne l/n, renowned for their investments in colleges and college funding. family is in between old and new money. only recently moved here to new york. she's most likely going to go to constance so we should see her around..."
the girl trails off her sentence as she notices the other still staring contemplatively in your direction. she realizes and laughs lightly. "i see youve picked your next prey."
she tries not to laugh louder as monet's head whips torwards her, an unconvincing scowl on her face. "no, its because shes new and already talking to max. we need to make sure shes not a threat. thats all."
"whatever you say, hun." luna sighs, texting a blunt message to the afromentioned boy.
come over. bring that girl with you.
there werent many times in your life you were nervous - enough that you could count them on one hand. but now, being led over to some of the hottest most intimidating people you've seen tonight by a boy youve know for 10 minutes, its safe to say youre a little on edge.
"y/n, i, regretfully and against my will," he starts, whispering the last part under his breath making you purse your lips trying not to smile, "introduce you to my group of friends."
the next few seconds of silence makes you feel like a 7-year-old introducing themselves to their new class. luckily, one of the girls, with light brown skin and buzzed down hair gives you what seems like a genuine smile. "hi there, y/n, im julien. this is obie, luna, and monet. its nice to meet you."
she introduces herself and her friends that sit to her right; a boy with curly brown hair and an abnormally large forehead, a tall girl who wears a pretty but almost...scheming? smile, and then the most gorgeous girl youve seen tonight with brown skin and brown twists.
you meet the gaze of the last one. monet. shes staring you down with lidded brown eyes that watch your every move like a hawk. you stare back challengingly. the corner of her mouth raises with a smile.
"sit down. we dont bite." there was a glint in monets eyes as she spoke, hoping you pick up on what she wants to say. unless you want me too.
you unwillingly break eye contact when you sit down across rom her and next to max. he slightly nudges you, and laughs when you see his expression and roll your eyes.
"so y/n, are you new around here? how are you liking ney york so far?" the one called obie asks.
you squint your eyes as you think over your answer. "yeah, my parents just moved here for their business. and the city is fine. a little...duller than what i had in mind."
"maybe you just arent looking in the right places." monet speaks up, moving her hand from propping up her face to reaching over her leg.
"really?" you ask, resuming the charged eye contact between you two.
"shes right, most generic tourist shit is worn out by now," max speaks up, lifting his drink up in the air to you. "us natives would be happy to show you around to all the truly unique spots."
you dont show it but his enthusiasm to include you makes you feel warm inside.
"i'd...really appreciate that. thanks. but only if its alright with the rest of you. wouldnt wanna intrude in your little social circle."
you turn towards the other four, waiting for their responses. julien and obie look inviting enough, luna looks indifferent yet intrigued. monet is wearing a blank expression.
luna whispers into her ear.
she smiles.
"we'd be happy too."
max smiles and claps his hands.
"fantastic. welcome to your own little circle of hell."
the night continues and so do the conversations. occasionally throughout the night you go back into the habit of observing people and direct it to your new acquaintances.
how obie doesnt look quite that comfortable around his so called friends since childhood.
how luna and monet stick together like the creepy ass twins from the shining.
how juliens side of the conversations sometimes go stale.
how max drinks and drinks.
rich kids with rich kid problems.
eventually the night ends and you say your goodbyes after exchanging information. you smile and laugh with max, whos not quite hammered but does have the slurred speech and looseness in his body of someone who does, who is glad to have a friend who "doesn't have a pogo stick far up their ass" and eager to show you around the city in the forthcoming weeks before school starts up again.
as you wait outside on the curb waiting for the valet to bring your car back around and parents to stop smooching up to the other business people that went to the gala, you spot a figure slowly coming up to your left.
"ive gotta say, youve made quite the little introduction tonight, l/n" her smooth voice directs to you, staring out ahead of her before she looks to you at your slight chuckle.
"i barely did or said anything, max was the one to introduce and talk for me most of the night."
"you didnt need to. you're fresh meat. everyones going to be intrested in you regardless."
you smirk. "is that why you were staring holes into me all night?"
she moves her mouth to speak before who you assume to be her mother walks up beside her and tells her their car is here, the girl nodding as her mother leaves yet again.
"you're lucky you met us tonight, l/n. we'll knock you into shape soon enough." she tells you before walking after her mother. it sounds like a promise and a threat wrapped into one.
you meet eyes before she gets inside her car.
you feel the tap of fathers hand on your shoulder, urging you to get inside your vehicle.
as you sit inside the car, your parents conversation dulls as you watch the city streets pass you by.
they all seem a bit brighter, you think.
ooo the way i had to force myself down and finish this. i feel like the way i wrote this and y/n in general flip flopped but idk i'll fix it. thinking of making this a series but dont wanna get ahead of myself. sorry this took so long 😭😭
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heat--end · 7 months
hi hi o/ i've actually been thinking about getting into gundham bc of lurking on your blog for a while lol, is there any specific order i should watch the different series in for lore/Optimum Vibes or does it not really matter?
HELL YEAH i am glad to help 🫡🫡🫡
as for gundam watch order, the answer is KIND of complicated. theres the universal century timeline of gundam stuff, which is like, the "main" gundam timeline so to speak. if you genuinely truly cant find a starting point, id say you start there, and there is a watch order you could do there, but even going by release order is fine.
for UC, itd be:
original mobile suit gundam anime or movie trilogy > mobile suit zeta gundam anime (trilogy has a non-canon ending) > mobile suit ZZ gundam > mobile suit gundam char's counterattack > mobile suit gundam unicorn > mobile suit victory gundam > gundam f91. this isnt counting the side story stuff like war in the pocket
a little long but you get the general idea.
BUT. there are also the AUs, and that's where stuff gets a bit looser. there are like. several gundam AUs.
and honestly, id reccomend just looking at the various gundam AUs (mobile suit gundam seed, mobile figher G gundam, witch from mercury, etc.) and just kinda looking at them and if you find one you think is cool? fuck yeah. start with that. thats what i did. i just started with G gundam because Me Shonen Brained and now here we are. the AUs arent connected so tbh you could hop in anywhere and enjoy yourself. even if its as simple as "that mecha looks cool" or "i like that character design" you can hop in there and be perfectly fine. (in a similar case of not having a good idea, id maybe reccomend mobile suit 00 gundam. its cool)
of course, this is to say in general, hop in wherever you want. if you end up where you wanna start on CCA and work your way through everything else then fuck yeah do that. whatever works baby. but yeah, you can essentially follow that kind of philosophy and be alright
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selfundiagnosed · 4 months
Insane that my mom ran the most popular patrick stump archival blog on tumblr + was a full time lawyer + was raising two mentally ill kids + doing culinary arts school + having a cookie business. I think its her autism i wont lie. But now its all catching up to her and she has no energy which would be the ehlers danlos fault this time.. tried to convince her to steal her old url back but on cohost so she made an account but couldnt immediately make side blogs but boy oh boy. she would be giving the fall out boy fandom what they want and more. Shes like i cant do it again i have no idea how i did it before im like ma! its called having boundaries. Shes like i cant do that when i have a special interest its called autism. Im like right but queue posts for once a day and find 30 pictures from a photo set and boom one months worth of posting fall out boy and you can conserve your energy. But she doesnt know how to do her special interests in moderation. Im honestly just glad she went and accepted a bunch of access to her mega archive folder thingy. But shes so mad she doesnt have access to like her actual archive bc the website she used go archive everything changed their subscription plans and she has so many photos it would be like a zillion dollars she doesnt have 😭 like bogus i remember photo storing websites were so free. Take me back to 2010 for real :T Anyway she used to get so mortified when i told my friends as a teen about her blog i actually told her coworker once and her coworker somehow RETAINED the url and went home and looked at her blog and she was so upset at me 😭😭 but now like she kinda doesnt give a fuck anymore bc fall out boy was her special interest for an entire decade and she’s over it. Obviously still a big big fan but not in bandom anymore. Her new special interest is a band i introduced her to when i was 13 and its kinda cringe so i dont talk about it but she also ran an archival blog for THIS band and i told my friend at a sleepover who liked this band about her blog and they fucking FOLLOWED HER and shit bricks and my mom was MORTIFIED. But anyway yeah she doesnt gaf now if i tell people she was this blog and i even posted a tiktok about it once and people started doing detective work that would make her autistic self so proud…. Bc thats what she was good at! sleuthing stalking detective work on the band. Pete wentz privately answered several of her asks on tumblr i’ll see if she can send me the asks and their responses. But yeah she doesnt care anymore. her original url was scrubbed by tumblr and shes very angry about it bc it was an original bandom url for patrick stump so shes like wtf ever i dont wanna touch this im so mad. Which SAAAAME. ive done that so many times. She started permitting access to people who requested it for one of her photo archive website thingies she left in her last post. But yeaaaahhh… she was patrick stump for halloween in like 2008 and she won the costume contest bc she had rhe coolest sideburns and looked so much like him. My first ever concert was a fall out boy concert in spring 2007 i was 6 turning 7 within the next few months lemme just say the music video for carpel tunnel of love played on the screen as they played the song and my brother and i was so traumatized. But then immediately they played this aint a scene after that and we were like HELL YEAAAAAAAAA. And my brother (5 at the time) and i knew every single song and sang along and my mom went look at everyone else no one else knows these songs. You guys are so cool. And we looked around and yeah no one was singing the songs and were sooo excited! Oh and theres that one time she recorded us singing keep it simple by cobra starship and THEY PUT IT ON THEIR MYSPACE PAGE AT THE TOP WE FLIPPED SHIT. i wish THAT video was still up. Shes also met fall out boy so many times and walked away from patrick stump while he was talking to her bc she didnt want to take up his time at a meet and greet. Omg. so many memories. I was literally raised in online bandom thats so insane. Maybe thats why im a homosexual
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idyllic-affections · 5 months
Oh my! There seem to be a war in this blog. How interesting, wanna know what i do with wars? I fuel the flames ;)
*pulls out a power point presentation* Hi there! Today allow me to give you 3 top reasons why you should pull for Xiaoyun!
1. Xiaoyun is a good support for Xiao!
As you have said in an old post, you are a Xiao main and he has been sadly being underused (from what i see). Xiaoyun is to be said a good support for Xiao, so people will start using him more with Xiaoyun buffing him. So wouldnt you want your dear boy to have someone to give him good support? Xiaoyun is a good old friend of his and wouldnt you want to have Xiao have a friend fighthing by his side just like back when he was still with the other Five Yakshas when they were alive? Your Xiao would definitely like it (although he would probably be a bit of a tsuntsun at first)
2. Let Xiaoyun fight alongside her daughters! (Also her friends but were focusing on the family aspect first!)
While idk if you have Shenhe and Ganyu but wouldnt it be cute to have the adepti family together? Imagine Xiaoyun fighthing side by side with her daughters as they take down any foe that comes their way! With Shenhe buffing Ganyu and Xiaoyun buffing Xiao, the four of them would be unstoppable! Dont you want to have Xiaoyun see how much her daughters have grown stronger? I think she would be pretty proud of herself but that cant happen if you dont get her yk? Also lets not forget about Zhongli and Yaoyao! If Zhongli joins the team, im sure he will be reminded that he does have someone to share osmanthus wine with, even if everyone is not here. And dont you remember that Xiaoyun had taken such a liking to Yaoyao that she made Yuegui just for her, im sure Xiaoyun will be happy that Yuegui is working as intended!
3. The Mama Xiaoyun series
We all want this and you cant deny this, just like how Kaveh have his dad series, Xiaoyun will gonna have her mama series that you said will come when she is released. You also said you need to have her voicelines and such to understand her so wouldnt it be a perfect to get her to understand her character more? We need to see more cute mama Xiaoyun and [name] posts please! Also idk if im correct but im pretty sure Xiaoyun is a better parent than Arle (please dont kill me bc i havent played the Fontaine Archon Quest yet but from what i’ve seen, Arle is too sus of a parent that i just have mixed feelings about her)
And that is the end of my presentation, thank you for listening and i hope you make the right choice :)
- 😼 Anon
(Ok but jokes aside, pull her if you really want to. If you think you could grind more primogems for Arle, then go ahead, if you dont think you can, then dont since you could always wait for Xiaoyun’s rerun. As to quote a certain stellaron hunter, “When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret”)
(Also I love your Huohuo younger sibling post, glad to know you expanded on the idea)
xianyun would buff my team IN GENERAL and she can be built as a healer.... which means..... if i WANTED to...... i could remove kokomi (she's mainly only there to heal my xiao during his burst) and restructure my team entirely........ AND xianyun's healing is based off of her attack....... which means she can do DamageTM and heal simultaneously.......... and her healing follows the on field character...... oughgh. it's like xianyun was designed specifically to target ME *head in hands*
i don't acually have shenhe, ganyu, or zhongli haha. only yaoyao! i was going to pull for zhongli but i don't like shielders much. they would all be so cute together though you're right fr i won't deny that
no you're right LMAOOOO arlecchino is actually a very bad father. i just like to pretend she's not 😇 i believe she DOES genuinely care about her children, but she also grooms them into being blindly loyal to her and the house of the hearth family. So. yeahhh....... xianyun is DEFINITELY a better parent than she is........
(tbh i was probably always going to pull for xianyun. i can't even lie haha--i would see her banner and i would NOT be able to resist. she's just designed perfectly for my team and i love her character. there's no telling if i would actually like arlecchino's playstyle, even if she does become playable. i would probably still pull for her, but it helps when i like the playstyle AND the character.
also, i'm glad you like the huohuo post!!!! she is very dear to me <3)
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rinbowaman · 10 months
Hiii love your work and always cant wait for the next chapter!!!! But I was just reading some of your works and then a thought came to my head. What if YN lost somebody important but she didnt want Heethan to know so she tried hiding it. Just wondering if Heethan would like find her sobbing after finding out and tried comforting her or it would end some other way? Also a quick question I think you usually describe reader as foreign so what if the funeral was in a different country would Heethan let her go by herself or would he follow?
Once again love your works and I quite literally scream every time there is a new chapter to anything!!!
Hello!! Thank you so much for the compliment! I love it when I hear ppl enjoy the content on this blog, makes me so motivated and happy. ♥️ today my parents and I are returning from a family trip so DT and MT chapters are coming in hot.
so heethan literally is attached to you like glue. Even when you’re in classes, he has a specific seat he wants you to sit in, and it’s one that’s by the window across from parking so he can see you. Or he’ll pop in your classroom and just hide in the back and watch you until your class iss over, bc he’s on his last year and no one is going to tell heethan what to do (everyone is afraid of him) so seeing you upset and noticing it is very high. If you���re sobbing about something, he’s going to catch you doing it bc he’s always with your or got some type of sight on you. He also loves you (too much) that he notices every single little thing about you, and he’ll notice with you’re acting out of character and upset. So after he finds out you’ve been crying, he’ll console you and embrace you, literally have you on his lap and just shelter you with his arms doing the whole “shhhh shh shh shhhhh” thing he’s known to do from time to time. He’ll run his fingers through your hair and ask you what’s wrong and the moment you tell him, he’ll sympathize with you greatly and conduct every single means possible to comfort you. When you tell him about the funeral, he won’t let you go by yourself, but he will clear everything on his schedule and take you. He’ll get the plane tickets or get everything ready with the car, either way, and take you back home where he’ll bring you to the funeral himself. He’ll watch over you while giving you a moment of peace and allow you to say your goodbyes, while standing off to the side and giving you some space to mourn for the deceased. When all is said and done, as you make your way back to him when leaving the funeral home or cemetery, he’ll embrace you and take you back to the hotel or wherever you guys are staying and will continue to give you some space to mourn while attending to your every need.
He’s very compassionate and understanding when he’s not so enraged, bc he loves you so much that he would do anything for your happiness and comfort. Even when he is mad, he does things that aren’t correct, but he does it out of love for you. So when seeing you upset, he’d dedicate himself to you and would find a way to always hold you, but wouldn’t let his sexual nature get the better of him, despite the fact ghat when seeing you cry, he wants to “love” you bc he knows he can make you feel good and take your mind off of the matter, but in this case, he’d control himself as best he can but I kind of foresee him losing the fight the more hr sees you cry, so he’d initiate it but wouldn’t at all be rough or nasty with it like he usually is. It would be a straight up, romantic, beautiful, gentle, caring, sweet sweet lovemaking event that starts with soft gentle kisses and a slow introduction so you can get in the feeling of it. He’d display teh very soft and compassionate side of his sexual nature like his Ethan side did when he got to see you for the first time after the whole Scott and tiff thing had happened.
so yeah, as much as heethan can be a brute, he really does care and love you and that’s….kinda why he is the way that he is. Sometimes I get messages where ppl express like…a strong dislike for heethan or just will straight up be so mad that they want him gone or something bad to happen to him, or even want someone else to come and take you away from him, and I can understand how they feel but I hope that they all see that heethan does things out of an insane sensation of love and obsession that he has for you. He’ll never truly harm you to the point where you will have seriously bodily injuries, but you might be emotionally (and…mentally) tormented by his punishments from time to time bc he isn’t always right (he’s admit that a lot) but he can’t control it bc he’s so yandere for you that’s literally like a disease. He shelters and keeps you fro himself to keep you safe and his way of thinking is, if he teaches you lessons and keeps you sheltered, you’ll learn to follow his rules which are in place to help keep you safe and happy. So…lol yeah. Very conflicting and unhealthy but, idk bout you all but i love and dig it.
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anacecherry · 1 year
Ace Lore
Everyone in my friend cycle is posting their lore and Louie gave me the idea to make my own as well so here we go. Kept switching between 3rd person and 1st person because I felt like using both so the phrasing may seem weird
This isn't in any order I wrote them down as they came to my mind
Named Ace because of Among Us
Had a Danganronpa phase in 2020
Was a mod in dr-transparents
Also had a dr edit blog have fun trying to find that one
Used to be homophobic but one day during breakfast I asked my mom if being gay was a sin and she just thought for a second and said no so I stopped being homophobic
Dad in jail (out in march 9 😎)
Watched the entire mcu once
Goes to one of the greatest schools around the area and its shit
Watches how to learn Turkish videos despite being turkish
Has been pirating movies ever since I started using computers because I didn't know you had to pay for it until 3 years ago
Has an """uncle""" and """aunt""" thats younger than me (the aunt is a toddler)
First experience with the sonic franchise was that flash fangame based on sonic advance 2 and I thought Knuckles was a girl
Has an evil twin named Allo, who likes reddit and men
Knows every single frame of animation in Rise of the TMNT
funneylizzie follows me. I forget about that a lot.
The only person that never misread Penosh's og url
.w batman
Will :handshake: me
The CEO of Rise Casey Jones (Cassandra)
The mere sight of Cjj is enough to fill me with rage
Got kicked out of a toh youtubers server bc I tried to explain the owner that the potion coven was, in fact, a real coven and not just a track that they only teach at Hexide
Once woke up and saw a short weird girl with long black hair watching me from the side of my bed, she disappeared after I closed and opened my eyes again. No it wasn't sleep paralysis.
Has a sunflower seed addiction
I was Penosh's first follower I think that should be here
The 6 kittens we took care of after their mom died, most didn't last 2 months alive, the 5th one ran away like an idiot and the 6th lives with our neighbors and hates us
Most likely had a crush on my middle school best friend
Says "Lan" a lot in real life my friends think it's funny
Grew up near the sea so Im immune to the smell of fish
Remembers her first earthquake in 3rd person
When I clear out likes it takes a long time and I end up rebloging a lot of posts, and it might happen again & will be real big this time so be prepared
The Ralsei icon is traced from the og sprite from Deltarune and I will never ever change it it is a part of my identity now
Url used to be tsundere-blue-cherry before I changed it
The first time I remember throwing up might be one of my core memories. did you know you cant talk when you're just about to vomit
Has headaches forever ever since elementary school
Had a budgie named Şans that flew away because mom kept forcing us to keep the windows open
When I was ~6 I a dream where a Caillou toy that I had came to life and I got so scared that I tore it apart and ran. When I woke up I checked the drawer I put the toy parts in and he was still there and greeted me I screamed and slammed it shut and never looked at that drawer again
Ayıcık the teddy bear
Had 2 imaginary friends and one of them was a mirror
Diagnosed as American
I have cherry in my url but cannot eat cherries bc when eating cherries I realized it had worms in it and it happened twice and I have not been able to eat cherries without drowning in anxiety ever again
My youngest sister called my middle sister Dede despite her name not having those letters in it and the word dede meaning grandpa in our language. We started calling her that as well
Had a dream, before the sonic 2 trailer came out, where the trailer released and it was normal except Boom Knuckles was there as a separate character from normal Knuckles and had his model from the show
Made up number lore when I was younger
Uses light mode
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