#//haha... yep
inside-my-gay-mind · 10 days
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orion-kenobi · 1 year
I absolutely love how the alleged Virgin Birth of Anakin Skywalker is (at least in film) never elaborated on at all ever. We don’t know how it happened. Nobody in universe knows how it happened. It just did. 12 year old Anakin asks Obi-Wan where babies come from and Obi-Wan explains as delicately as he can, then adds “Not you though.” Darth Vader’s fun fact about himself at Imperial getting to know you activities is that he just spawned one day. Luke and Leia aren’t even phased when they learn this because their dad was Weird Enough already.
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sparkdoesart · 4 days
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filurig · 4 days
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realised i didnt include good profile shots of my Blorbos when making refs of them (lazy) so i doodled these relatively quick for Reference ...
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the-overanalyst · 26 days
has anyone else noticed the parallels between mizuki and emu bc there's actually so many. to get the surface level stuff out of the way first, they're both pink girls who like cute things and are really close with their older sisters. beyond that, they're both outwardly the happiest member of their unit but only because they bottle up any negative emotions. both of their friends have to push so hard to get them to open up. they're both afraid of endings, but they deal with the fear in different ways. mizuki keeps her distance and tries not to get attached, while emu clings to everything as tightly as she can. that's because emu's goal is to preserve good memories while mizuki's is to avoid repeating bad ones. it makes me wonder what the dynamic between them could be like
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brainman1987 · 1 month
could you draw kremy and gid dancing?
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Lovely gay people
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datakisser · 6 months
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im so normal about this
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
I just. I don’t know, I can’t help but feel sad for Collector’s ending.
His greatest fear was to be alone. His greatest desire was to have friends and family.
But he leaves. Back to space. Where he will be either alone or with his shitty family.
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ygodmyy20 · 9 months
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gallery-piece · 3 months
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got possessed and this appeared uhh og image + notes under cut image id in alt text. (i think the shading is all wrong but i really just wanted to get done with it)
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tbh i kinda just. really didn't want to do a background so i just edited the model out as best as possible. i have sooo much to say about kris but uhh. yeah. also i literally have no clue if i did the hair correctly? i checked with like 4 people but i still feel like something is wrong with it. anyways i cannot see kris being that pale so i used sinlizard's design as inspiration ^^
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0p1er0 · 8 months
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(Haha, is it obvious I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing)
For Herring!
@shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck For the draw it yourself ÓwÒ
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mzarb · 11 months
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Just missclicks!
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dykeinthedark · 1 month
the thing about having a radical butchformation (like transformation but. butch.) is that people are starting to perceive me as a trans man and someone at the coffee shop i go to told me that they respect the LGBT but that boys trying to be girls and girls trying to be boys is too far and then she added that i'll always be a girl no matter what. like thanks? but also kill yourself
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drenched-in-sunlight · 11 months
I gotta say I did not expect I’d love Miles this much, enough to look up shit like Secret War and Civil War II reading order, and worse, subject myself to Bendis’ writing of all things (he’s the reason why I stopped being a comic stan 5 years ago. I were a DC/ Superfam fan. You know the beef was BEEFING). Like, my tolerance of that dude now only stops at him being one of Miles’ creators. So that better writers can do the kid justice years later. That’s it.
Like, why is the “r u and Ganke together haha” a whole shtick that comes up multiple times during his run? It’s so annoying and painful to read. Miles can go around being paired up with different girls but the moment THAT question came up you know he gonna be super defensive and >:( about it which, eh, just does not line up with anything else happening in whatever story is happening at the time. At all.
The only silver of light is that Miles actually never says he doesn’t like boys, he just denies ever dating Ganke. Like, he could just say he doesn’t swing that way and the question would have stopped, but he doesn’t. So I know he be running around kissing the punk-est boy in the whole spider verse, ha!
Idk I’m near the end of Bendis’ run and some of it r good but a lot of them put me thru excruciating pain (cringe) so I have to complain about it.
Did I mention I were a DC stan 6 years ago? I were a DC stan 6 years ago so this isn’t even my first rodeo with white dudes writing weirdest things in American comic, but I just can’t believe I got dragged into this again because Miles blinks his bambi eyes on screen and makes me want to rotate him in my brain so I need to know the lore of him in every medium, apparently.
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