#//this was fun. also it said one headcanon i said No.
heartfe1t · 11 months
(dream wedding headcanons)
mimi st. james has had thoughts of her wedding since she was very young. she has attended a LOT of weddings over the years, so she's gotten a taste of a lot of different things, to know what she does and doesn't like. she is jewish, so that's incorporated into parts of her wedding ceremony too.
what mimi's dream wedding looks like for her... she's going to have a big wedding, simply because of who she is, and she doesn't really get much of a say in that. but she's a very classic girl when it comes to certain things. pretty, classic white gown for the ceremony. very classic silhouette, long train, all that jazz.
and then something different for the reception, more unique and hers... potentially vintage or even archival, if not custom designed for her like the ceremony dress is. this for example- chanel spring 97 couture. pretty, dainty, flowers... not obnoxiously floral, but- it's more unique than like- her GORGEOUS but very classic ceremony gown.
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that juxtaposition throughout the wedding tbh, the ceremony is very much feels v classic, soft details, the flowers tied with satin or even that ribbon wrapped with lace, that sort of thing. the reception is less constrained, more fun and lots of dancing and generally enjoying yourselves. there are themed tables with cute little decorations, signature cocktails, etc. she's able to actually let loose and enjoy herself. versus the ceremony is more classic and restrained, because the focus there for her is on the getting married, not on the Event of a wedding. she knows it's going to be in magazines, but for her the wedding ceremony is about marrying her partner. she wants that love and bringing a family together to be what people are focused on. she looks beautiful and she knows it, and so does her wedding party, but this is her day please and thank you.
idk if she'd want a destination wedding necessarily, unless her partner had somewhere in mind, but since she typically marries an american, no matter where they get married, it'll mean Travel for a good amount of people, and that will all be covered for their guests, and especially the wedding party. her father will be paying for everything. he frankly insists because that is his baby and she will get the perfect wedding day bc like- she only gets to do this once. that said- her planner, hired by her parents, takes care of a lot of the things for her, which she really appreciates, bc she gets her voice heard in what she does and doesn't want, but she also doesn't have to Handle it. she has a lot of conversations with her wedding planner, alone, but also with her mother and soon to be mother-in-law. family is very important to her, and that's very much a part of the wedding for her.
i'm going to stop now because i could go on all day tbh. this was a fun thought exercise
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
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Nico referring to his mom as "Mama" implies he most likely at least used to refer to Hades as "Papa" and i 100% headcanon he still does but mostly in the manner of him having the entire Underworld wrapped around his finger for being the baby of the family
#pjo#riordanverse#nico di angelo#headcanon#my art#nico flexing youngest child privilages by pulling out the most pitiful expression he can manage#anyways i find it fun to explore character word choices#cause yknow no two characters are going to select their words the same way#or even necessarily think about it to the same degree#i like to think Nico thinks about his word choice a lot#so of course every time he uses ''papa'' he fully knows he's pulling the Baby Of The Family card#Hades definitely knows this too but falls for it every time anyways#cause Nico hasnt called him ''papa'' regularly since getting his memory wiped - just detached ''father'' or at best ''dad''#so it just reminds Hades of How Much He Just Wants His Children To Be Happy Like The Old Days#and how much poor Nico has been through and he's just the baby of the family and-#cue Nico smugly staring at the camera cause he knows how much power he holds#also i say Nico is Hades' only son cause mythologically even when Zagreus *is* Hades' son (rarely) he's. dead.#a major part of Zagreus' mythology is that he died#and im p sure every other deity said to be Hades' children are all goddesses and also are like 50% of the time not his#theres also only like 3 of them. and as far as we know in riordanverse canon one of them is implied to not be his daughter#so Nico is Hades' only son and also youngest in the family (cause Hazel is older by a month chronologically or 1 year biologically)#(and everybody else is a deity if children of hades at all)
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rainbowpufflez · 1 month
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Team RR but it’s their mugs 🤯
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anonymouscheeses · 2 months
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I'm gonna be shitting and screaming and starting fights if Sera becomes a villain. I can't take sibling angst, Sera loves Emily I swear guys believe meeee.
#im making a fanfic of two and a half halos and the mc is Emily and it focuses alot on her and sera's dynamic#ill probablg send it here when im done. in 100 years because i havent finished a fic in 20 centuries#hazbin hotel sera#seraphim#hazbin sera#emily hazbin hotel#hazbin emily#hazbin hotel emily#emily seraphim#hazbin hotel#PLEASE DONT MENTION HAND PLACEMENF PLEASE /S#I WAS DRAWINF THIS AT 3 AM AND I KEPT BLACKINF OUT BUT I KNEW ID LOSE MOTIVATION IF I DIDNT FINISH#I DIDNT NOTICE UNTIL I WAS DONE SO PLS JST- IDK. JST LOOK AT MY BABIES#i headcanon Sera as trans. for pride month i have the idea of putting every ship and character under their pride flags#sooo sera is gonna be covered with a trans flag and emily... also trans becauze everyone is trans becauze o said so#charlie is ALSO trans because i said so#i came up wit trans sera on my own(idk if it existed be4 but i jst thot of it and got all happy cuz she is so trans idc) but#i freaking love trans emoly and trans charlie so for a bit i felt wrong for hc so many characters as trans#rhen i woke up one day and was loke. yeah idgaf they all trans cuz theres not enoigh#like im not gonna ALAAYS depict them as trans except sera(she is 100% trans to me) i like the other hcs for fun. im so srs for sera i 💜 her#sera just wants to hug her huggable sister sometimes and thats ok! 💜💜#art#fanart#artists on tumblr#digital art#*in stupid egg boy voice* i wish Sera would hold ME in her arms... 😔#gave them snouts because i cannot deal with the no noses. it genuinely disturbs me. have yall SEEN velvettes side profile omfg 😨#my babies... i just want them to be happy. why must there be sibling angst... they jst want to do whats right ☹️#im gonna fight to protect Sera from spme of yall fr fr cuz she do not deserve to be SO hated. JST. JST GET TO KNO HER I SWEAR SHE COOL#like i get it. what she doin is wrong. but if you was in her shoes you know you would do the same dont even lieeee 😨
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nolassolace · 4 months
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✨Fiiine boy Friday ✨
Hey Nicky you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind hey Nicky hey hey Nicky🎶💕
Anywhore he's bbygrls design (of course I'm biased)
Here's your reminder that Nick was the star player in both timelines💕
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beybuniki · 4 months
one thing i noticed (form personal experience and by observing other artists) is that the longer you draw and create, the more boring it gets to simply replicate references, especially when it comes to characers' fashion choices.
with bnha, i keep mine pretty simple and basic because teens ARE very trend-loyal, but mainly im just lazy lol, but when i AM motivated, i love to think about characters' personal style, what could influence them, but also more trivial things such as budget into account, which is why i love to draw Deku in basic tees or clothes provided by his school (while bakugo gets to wear ed hardy and shoto wears arcteryx). i also love to limit the items like its just more realistic to me when someone as ordinary as deku wears the same 5 crewnecks all the time
which brings me to my actual point, namely that the more frequently you draw, the more you learn to do research andto combine your findings into sth new rather than staying faithful to one reference, and i think that's what makes good art so good, being able to draw inspiratioin from all kinds of niches and creating something that feels very authentic and suspends the spectator's disbelief. sometimes i see art and i know exactly which fashion editorial or which kpop idol was referenced, and I'm not insinuating these are bad things i do that too (less frequently now but i sure did!), my point is it's kind of nice to see how ALL artist start out with rather derivative art but eventually move on to create more authentic art that is less about drawing beautiful and perfect people and more about trying to individualize them and that ALSO means giving them weird clothes, scars, asymmetric eyes, a receding hairline etc. like drawing the same beautiful character 200 times gets so boring and it's just more fun to try and make them a bit more human
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crescentfool · 2 months
having the hc that minato is ace is incredibly funny sometimes when you think about how ryoji is oh so very bi because it's like. "ah. death stole my ability to be attracted to people," in the same way that ryoji stole minato's eye color and energy level. like wow, thanks ryoji, you just keep finding things to steal from minato!
#persona 3 spoilers#minato arisato#hc and au nonsense#lizzy speaks#happy international asexuality day to my fellow aces out there i hope you know that you are loved!!! 🎊🎉🥳#i like viewing minato with the lens of him being gay / ace. esp bc it stems from my own experiences so it's fun to look at-#him from that perspective even if that's not what was intended by atlus y'know?#and im sure others have other hcs from me that are informed by their own life experiences and i think that's great ^_^#something that i found interesting while playing FES was how. stilted? minato's animations felt when hugging the girls#you could definitely go with the perspective that it's a graphical limitation or they didn't have time to polish the animations#and that's def true!! but sometimes i see the hug @ yakushima beach + the other hugs and then i compare it to the sou/yo hug in p4#and there's like... a noticeable difference to me with how intimate and close together the hugs are...#that said i do know that the animations for reload are updated and the hugs are much more natural (good on them tbh!)#the other thing is (pensive sigh). the way you couldn't reject any of the girls when doing their social links in FES#objectively speaking i'm glad that they did away with that and i like how the rejections were handled in reload. it feels naturally written#but also a part of me enjoyed looking at the “hey atlus what the FUCK” moment and thought of how to interpret it differently#specifically with the idea of minato having like.. little to no autonomy and kind of going along with the relationship#it kind of reminded me of myself tbh with like going along with the rship without considering what you want bc#it's what others want or expect out of you... LOL. i dont think atlus intended for someone to interpret it this way but#eh i think that's the fun part of hcs and looking at characters with certain lenses!#regardless of how you perceive minato i do think there's something to be said about him being the kind of guy who molds himself-#into someone that is needed. not wanted. but needed. important distinction here.#the one caveat my brain runs into when im like “minato is ace!” is when i remember thanatos exists and i go#“you know what these ideas can exist simultaneously” GKLHFHDFHD when in doubt schrodinger's headcanons#anyway that's all i've had this thought in my brain in awhile and haven't sat down to share it properly until now 👍#have an excellent weekend everyone !!! lizzy loves you all lets all nurture our inner yippee!!! 🥺💙
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fuedalreesespieces · 6 months
one thing that always gets me whenever i read inuyasha modern au fics is that inuyasha is supposedly "the slacker" or the guy who doesn't try hard on anything academia related, and that always struck me as odd bc you're telling me inuyasha wouldn't be competing with, say, koga for rank 1? that he wouldn't study his ass off in the subjects he's actually interested in? that he wouldn't pour his everything into extracurriculars he cares about? he has his aloof moments in canon but ultimately he's a hard worker and i think that trait should be reflected in aus!
plus if we're thinking about the setting here, inuyasha's canon behavior is greatly influenced by his upbringing (and later lack thereof). putting him in an environment (modern au, lack of youkai discrimination) where his talents are cultivated instead of looked down upon would give us a very different character. it's always interesting to me whenever i see canon-typical inuyasha behavior in an au where his mom is alive because it suggests that his mistrust and gruff behavior are just part of his personality and not largely a result of childhood events. i feel like modern aus are an opportunity to see how he might have grown if not for the death of his mother + father & the consistent threat looming over him as a child. what would his personality be like then? how would his first meeting with kagome go considering that? his dynamics with his older brother? his goals? it's something that could be explored in a fic taking place in the feudal realm but it's kind of difficult to just subtract the discrimination aspect that comes with that setting...just things to think abt ig!
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idk if this is still the case but when i was really In It in animorphs feelings a couple years ago because i was unemployed for the first time in my adult life / temporarily living alone in the last house my family lived in / freaking out about climate change / generally Going Through It, and like poking around the animorphs scene on tumblr, there was this notion commonly expressed that rachel and tobias were "toxic," the major piece of evidence for which was the scene in 33 where she "tries to trap him in human morph." which like first of all i'm SOOOOOO SORRRY that the fucking fifteen-year-olds secretly fighting a guerrilla war in which their greatest threat is the mind-controlling slugs they're trying to save humanity from but their second greatest threat is the diminishing hourglass of their collective sanity as they all have to work steadily harder and more desperately to not just completely lose their shit entirely from all the violence and literal 24/7 constant threat and murder that is happening, like i'm sorry two literal children who have managed in this ongoing horror show to forge a bond of loyalty and affection and care and attraction and understanding that can act as a kind of solace neither of them have any other way to access, sorry those actual murder babies sometimes have some communication problems. lmao. but also it's insane to me that people read that scene (in which they're dancing to, i'm not making this up, iris by the goo goo dolls - i mean they don't tell us the song but it's a slow goo goo dolls number that even tobias knows, so - they're dancing to iris by the goo goo dolls at a school dance that is not going well because they are both awkward about the newfound public Officialness of their relationship and rachel who is the only one of them who has ever been capable of socializing like a normal person is in a particularly bad mood because of the emotional hangover of her starfish adventure [great concept executed terribly in the previous book], and then like after two entire minutes of letting himself feel some nice emotions tobias spots the clock and starts leaving to go demorph and then rachel runs after to him to awkwardly attempt to share that she is very fucked up about how insane she has become and she wants to hold on to things like school dances and also this is all happening in a hallway by a student poster on red tailed hawks that states their lifespan of a handful of years in the wild, it's so good) as rachel trying to trap tobias in morph, when like, first of all, "good thing happening -> time to punish myself for feeling nice for 5 whole seconds " is like THEE tobias thought pattern because he's the number one kidlit trauma baby of all time, like truly the first time i dove back into the series i was struck by how well his narrative voice captures Child Of Insane Family Dysfunctionality, he is NOT a reliable narrator on this, but also second, and more saliently, like, believing this scene is rachel attempting to trap tobias in morph requires that you believe rachel, all by herself, made a plan in advance and then attempted to execute it, which is a skill we literally never see her demonstrate even one fucking time outside of the comfortingly familiar hunting ground of the mall
#animorphs#i have a hard visceral aversion to personally adopting ADHD headcanons in general#(you do you idc about people's headcanons but like#this is one that reliably does not do it for me [person with ADHD] and which also often makes me feel weird for vague reasons#but again like this is not an Argument or a Criticism have your fun it's simply not for me)#BUT. someone once said they headcanon rachel as ADHD.#and that is... the ONLY time i have ever read that and been like 'oh wow no okay yeah that tracks'#which honestly thinking on it now i feel like sort of helps me articulate why i'm usually like 'her?'#bc i feel like i tend to see it as like 'this would be cute/relatable/fun to project on to' (you do you not for me)#or i see it based on like... a perception of general ADHD Vibes#which like. on the one hand i get. there can be Vibes. there's a reason the set of people i Enjoy A Lot has ADHD overrepresented on it.#but personally i am like. but where are the scenes of them ruining their own life for reasons attributable to ADHD traits#i don't personally get anything out of lumping people into a DSM category with me if they are not also constantly ruining their own lives#like i can just relate to them because we have similar Vibes. that's plenty.#but rachel.................#the scenes of rachel constantly ruining her own life because of her inability to think for 5 seconds before speaking or acting ever. like.#that's in every book rachel ever has#she literally has a line at one point like 'i don't know why i say these things. they just pop out of my stupid mouth.' girl same...#anyway. speaking of ADHD. i have GOT to stop letting myself 'just check tumblr a little bit' while i'm waiting for the adderall to hit
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yardsards · 2 years
s1 luz was at least a little bit gay for willow i will not be told otherwise
idk if it was a full on crush but it was at least one of those types of nebulous not-quite-romantic not-quite-platonic "hahaha, unless..." type friendships that a lot of queer teens have, u know the ones
#girl was just walkin around sayin shit like ''you're right! my friend IS very cute!''#which can be just regular platonic bc luz is friendly like that but in this case i feel like it's A Little Bit Gay#eliot posts#toh#the owl house#luz noceda#willow park#just. remembering why i liked willuz/willumity so much.#i kinda headcanon willow as grey-aro and polyam (this literally came to me in a dream)#and i feel like her ideal relationship IS a kind of ambiguous sorta-but-not-quite-romantic sort of dealio#tho i also like the headcanons that she's just plain bi or pan or lesbian in this context too#bc again that sort of ambiguous friendship seems to be VERY common among queer teen friend groups (and not just aspec queers)#like it was A Thing between some of my high school friends and many other queer ppl i've talked to have said similar lmao#tho i also find the headcanon that she's 100% aroace and also uninterested in any relationships outside if friendship to be v fun#just like. basically everyone falling in love w her but her being totally uninterested#but being her friend is so Delightful that none of em rlly have any complaints there#like that scene in carmilla where dani turns down kirsch and says she just sees him as a friend and he gets really excited like#''yes! i am in the friend zone! she sees me as a friend!!! she's so cool i am excited to be her friend!''#willow taking after canon aroace icon lilith ''constantly turning down suitors but keeping their gifts'' clawthorne#my sister is just straight but this one time when she was in hs a guy asked her out w a massive tub of cheese puff balls#(she was obsessed w those things)#and she turned him down but kept the cheese puffs and ate them for like a solid month
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Shout out to the tiktok doctor who fandom, you do not understand the meaning of a headcanon and are annoying as hell about it
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clanoffelidae · 4 months
As much as I totally get that the Master was being shown as a domestic abuser as much as they were allowed to for a family program in ‘The Last Of The Time Lords’, I choose to instead believe that he was just extremely reactive due to, you know, having just run away from a war that scared and traumatized him so severely that he disguised himself as a human at the END OF THE FUCKING UNIVERSE in order to hide from it, and Lucy just tried to hug him from behind or something when he didn’t know she was there and so he immediately threw a punch on reflex; because it is infinitely funnier to me that way.
Lucy: -walking up behind the master- good morning hone- :)
The Master, an extremely anxiety-ridden and traumatized war veteran who just escaped said war: AH- -throws a punch on instinct-
The Master: -clutching at his hearts as he tries to calm down-
Lucy: that’s it i’m shooting him
Like it’s just so much funnier to me that way. Free my man he did everything wrong but I don’t care.
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ennard-is-near · 1 day
“I know it was an accident” (from the SL secret night) get slept on so hard. I think about that line every day and I’ve never seen anyone else talk about it.
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hunterontheedge · 10 months
Hey I think everyone should draw their faves fat. Or at least draw a fat person once in their life bc variety is lovely to see but also do you know how fun it is. Do you have any idea. With enough practice it will be like second nature it will be fun. I do not care how much sense it makes btw :)
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wingsofgoldandstars · 3 months
Random appearance headcanons for Wei Wuxian, Yiling Patriarch, Mo Xuanyu, and Wei Wuxian as Mo Xuanyu
Wei Wuxian:
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- Wavy hair, messy but also kinda neat
- Hair is in a high ponytail
- Jewelry that Jiang Yanli probably gave him
- Light tan
- Roundish relaxed eyes, a light grey
Yiling Patriarch:
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- Same hair as Wei Wuxian except it's not in a ponytail
- Still wearing the jewelry Jiang Yanli gave him
- Gucci eye bags to hold the recently acquired trauma and accidental fatherhood
- Eyes relatively relaxed but also tired, more a stormy grey
- Pale skin
Mo Xuanyu:
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- Fluffier hair than Wei Wuxian, is as messy as he is
- Wide terrified amber eyes,
- No jewelry
- Pale skin and makeup messier than his hair
- Messy bun
Wei Wuxian as Mo Xuanyu:
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- Same hair as Mo Xuanyu but in a messy low ponytail instead
- Makeup is gone, skin is clearer than ever
- Still no jewelry
- Relaxed, tired eyes. They are now a stormy grey like Yiling Patriarch to show that Mo Xuanyu no longer occupies the body(eyes are the windows to the soul and what not)(in aus where Mo Xuanyu and Wei Wuxian share a body, the eye colors switch between the two)
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clownsnake · 25 days
okay nonbinary character in Orv alert. slay
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