#//writing but then starting to think about jin au's? oh yeah
doomxdriven · 2 years
// I know that fandom-wise The Bount aren't exactly the most liked thing (you know bc filler and all) but I still think the idea of 'Bleach's version of Vampires' is still a very cool concept.
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Another cool thing I find is that the Bount (and Jin rlly in this case), on account of basically being Vampires (not literally but they are the Bleach World's equivalent to them) can translate pretty well into AU's and such-- I have yet to actually write any AU'S IN DEPTH, but even just spitballing some potential ideas here, there's a lot to consider, such as;
Chainsaw Man: Jin is the literal Vampire Devil (albeit he takes a more Bount-y spin on the idea of a Vampire), and akin to his quest in other verses, he's, for the longest time, been slowly working toward vengeance against the various Devil Hunting organizations across the world (although perhaps there's a bigger one he's aiming at) who he see's as having oppressed his 'people'-- i.e, Devils, Fiends, etc, but also the countless people he has contracted with and/or 'turned' by way of his sphere.
I do have an idea for something Fire Emblem related, too, specifically Three Houses since that's the only Fire Emblem I've ever really played JHGSDFGHJSDFGHJSDGHJSDGHJSDGHJSD, but?? Something involving Jin, a 'Bount' (Vampire-like entity) coming from a foreign land seeking the power of the Crests to use in his plan for revenge against some group in his homeland.... or something. Still trying to work that out.
Jin being an ancient sorcerer/curse user or maybe even a type of curse/human hybrid (hey death paintings exist so why not SDHJFGSDGHJ) with a Bount-ish/Vampire-ish slant (who, along with his followers, may actually be responsible for the legends/myths of Vampires in the JJK world) in a JJK AU is also an idea I've thought about as well. Don't know where he could pop in timeline wise but him appearing as some kind of larger scale villain who's out to take some kind of revenge on the Jujutsu Headquarters or maybe the society of Jujutsu Sorcerers worldwide seems like it could be interesting.
Honestly a lot of these AU'S still need to actually be worked on in depth but, I think these are good ideas for the most part?? Maybe I will actually delve into them via threads at some point SDJHFGDSGHJ
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kroosluvr · 30 days
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i lowkey have too many notes to write down properly KDFHKDS but ill write them down for Future Cele so i can read it later and be like omggg past cele ur so fun and interesting
in general, the more "color" the scenes have, the closer it is to "real life" as opposed to the muted/hushed winter blues of maruki's reality
i.e. the dark frames w akira smiling and the very last panel are when reality sinks in: first for akira, then for goro
by the way this is long winter au but sumire is still brainwashed. this also works for canonverse but i just had long winter au in mind:o
youve heard of laundry and taxes now get ready for coffee and pastries
in every panel, akira is smiling! :) and goro is very much not smiling.
intentionally his face is hidden in the last 2 pages so its unclear whether it's the "ideal reality" already (akira/goro's daydreams/wants/desires), or if goro is still fighting akira on making sure he picks the right choice
the smoke from the first page kinda leads into the 3rd page omfg COMPLETELY UNINTENTIONAL BUT REALLY COOL LMAOOO
that's nameless and belladonna in jazz jin!!! i love them. I LOVETHEM. i miss them so bad is it obvious
the cafe is loosely based off of caffe strada @ uc berkeley LMAO. my parents used to take me there a lot as a little kid so that's the first cafe i think of when i imagine one. its like right on the streetside, basically on the sidewalk, so its very bustling and people are always walking by... probably a little disconcerting to see everyones summery bright smiles despite the bitter cold and snow
in long winter AU, the Ideal Reality starts before 1/1 so yeah they get to see the new years fireworks together (or something)
also intentional that they wear the same winter outfits in the whole comic although it Probably does not take place at the same time. in maruki's snowglobe, time seems frozen in place... but akira and goro are both acutely aware that the sands are running thru QUICK
goro's frustrated expression on page 3 is one also of disdain: "don't speak FOR me you fucking imbecile" type of expression.
goro, who's never lived a normal life and therefore doesn't know much abt "normalcy" nor really actively seeks it. this 3rd semester is basically purgatory for him and he doesn't care to try and go through the motions the way akira does. akira what do YOU know about the type of "normalcy" i deserve? how do YOU know if i "deserve" that?
im thinking that this is a naive akira who is mostly set on taking the deal because he feels hopeless... seeing all his friends with good happy lives while goro and himself are alive and miserable and shouldering the weight of the world during the horror of long winter......
oh but if he takes the deal they could all be good and alive and happy!!!.... and goro knows this. i feel like in any other universe (i.e. akira is 100% certain on not taking the deal and goro knows this) then goro would be happy and carefree to do these little indulgences for himself and akira's sake, to just enjoy the snowglobe world while it exists.
but this goro is discontent. he sees how akira is enjoying the snowglobe and knows maruki is depending on this. goro has to be the one to remind akira that none of this is his to keep........ in this fucked up world, routine is dangerous. becoming comfortable is dangerous. they cannot keep any of this.
on that note, goro says "i hate you" in a halfhearted sort of way (it's not true and akira knows that.) but he's trying to think of a way that he can dissuade akira from picking the wrong choice.....
and i think the thing is, goro thinks all of this, but he still falls into the rhythm of routine with akira anyway. in a way, goro feels hopeless too.
all of this is maruki's doing........ paralyzed by the inability to choose... whatever you do, you lose. goro needs to hold akira at arm's length so the stupid sentimental fool doesn't get too attached and falls into the wrong universe. akira needs to make a concentrated effort to detach himself from goro even though he wants the simplest thing in the world: just one more unremarkable day with him. it's lose-lose..........,
also i liked drawing the tentacles in the last pic the freaking blue lines on them were SO satisfying to draw
edit: also the last page: the blood flooding the panel….. the idea of the ideal world being built off of the blood and sweat and tears and bodies of the people who could have been. of those lost in the actualization, of those destroyed, of those stitched together and brought back to life. all just for a little false happiness. goro sees it but akira doesn’t, and it’s a grim sight.
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
hii i hope ur well!! just wanna say i absolutely adore ur writing it's so addictive ahaha <33 here's a request i have, if u don't mind: so basically jin and the reader are in a relationship and jin was pretty confident with the relationship at the start, but he feels like after y/n met the other members they spend more time with each other than jin + y/n, and then one day something happens thats just the last straw for him so his jealousy is now visible + a hot make out sesh if u dont mind lmaoo
End of the Line ༓ KSJ (m)
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✑ Summary: Your relationship with Seokjin hits a bumpy path when he notices you've been spending more time with his friends than him. It's an understatement to say your boyfriend has had enough of it.
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pairing: seokjin x reader
au/genre: fluff, little bit of angst, some crack, suggestive smut, established relationship, drabble
rating: m, 18+
word count: 1,392
warnings: seokjin is jealous and a bit pompous lol, seokjin just wants oc to pay attention to him again 🥺, reference to super tuna bc I couldn't resist, also yeah some crack at first bc its Seokjin, swearing, light fighting, hot make out session as requested, ass gr*pping, manhandling, feat. jhs, myg, & kth
now playing: super tuna
a/n: This was very fun to write anon! 🤩 tysm for your kind words!! It means so much to me 💗 I really hope you like this ☺
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You and Seokjin started out as friends—always accompanying the other to weddings, karaoke nights, nature walks, and even fishing trips. It was when Seokjin caught a super tuna on one of his trips to sea that you were beyond proud of him. You didn't hesitate at all to pull out your phone and take a picture of him with his catch.
Seokjin marks it as the day he knew he couldn't just stay friends with you, so he asked you out. It wasn't every day that he'd meet someone who'd get as excited over super tuna as he did after all.
'This tuna will not be released back into the water!' he promised to himself while smiling at the camera with you behind it.
Ever since that day you and Seokjin have been going out as a couple for three months. At first, the two of you were inseparable. You went on multiple dates a week; three at least.
But that all turned upside down when he took the plunge to introduce you to his inner circle, his main guys. Now whenever he asks about your day or your whereabouts you tell him you're out with Namjoon or hanging out with Jimin.
It couldn't be more obvious that you prefer spending time with his friends over him—your boyfriend. Well, he's World Wide Handsome, so whatever this thing is will end today.
Seokjin stands in front of his full-length bedroom mirror, plain white t-shirt, and classic denim jeans. The front pieces of his hair are pushed to either side of his face to make a clean middle part. "This should get her attention." He takes his phone from his pocket and snaps a mirror selfie. "I look damn good today." He sends the photo to you right after.
Seokjin: Having a good hair day, don't you think? [sent an image]
He eagerly waits for your response which typically only takes a few short minutes. But when the time on his phone jumps ahead twenty minutes without a reply, he just knows something's up.
Jagiya 😘: it's nice ❤😊
"Unbeliveable," he scoffs. "That's all you have to say?" Seokjin nearly glares at the screen as he types out a response.
Seokjin: Where are you? I miss you and want to see you 😞
Jagiya 😘: I'm home bby. We can go out if you want??
Seokjin lights up at this. He hasn't been able to see you all week between work schedules and oh yeah...you hanging out with his friends. The last part has him scowling. He's glad you get along with his buds and all but did you have to get so close to all of them?!
Seokjin: yes, come over as soon as you can! We can see a movie or go for lunch 😀
Jagiya: okay, I'll be there in half an hour.
Mission complete. Seokjin slips his phone back into his pocket and combs his slender fingers through his hair.
"Congratulations bro, your girlfriend's yours again!" He gives himself a pat over the shoulder then heads to the living room to wait for you.
When he hears fists pounding on his door he leaps to open it with a big grin plastered on his face.
"Hey hyung!" Seokjin's grin melts when he sees Hoseok, Yoongi, and Taehyung standing in the hallway outside his apartment. You're in between all of them, touching a little too close in his opinion. Seokjin tosses you a 'what the fuck' look instantly.
"Kook, Joon, and Jimin had other plans so they couldn't make it. The rest of us are free though. What movie are we seeing?" You say, oblivious to your error.
Seokjin doesn't reply but clutches your wrist and pulls you towards him, more aggressively than he meant. He then slams the door before the others can walk in.
"Seokjin! What the hell are you doing?" You shake your wrist from out of his grasp, bewildered by his sudden temperament.
"What am I doing? I'm asking you the same thing! I said I wanted to go out with you today, not the peanut gallery!"
"Hey, fuck you man!" On the other side of the door Yoongi cusses. Seokjin pays no attention to it as he's far too concerned with you.
"I'm sorry Jinnie—" you start, realizing he wanted this is be a date. "I ran into the guys on the way over and invited them because I thought we were just hanging out. The more the merrier..."
Seokjin's eyes widen, the vein in his neck slightly protruding. His eyebrows knit together too. "Hang out? Since when do we just hang out? Are you my girlfriend or not?"
"Of course I am—"
"Then why are you bringing them everywhere you go?! This isn't a polyamorous relationship, you know? We used to go out all the time but now I have to compete with five other men plus Jungkook!"
"Jungkook's a man!" Taehyung's baritone voice pipes.
"Shut up Tae, they're fighting in there," Hoseok shushes. "I really think we should leave. I feel odd standing out here."
"I second that," Yoongi turns to head to the elevator at the end of the hall.
"Oh, oh I think they're calming down now." Taehyung has his ear flushed against the apartment door. "I don't hear anything..."
"Yeah?" Hoseok leans his ear to the door too. Yoong watches them from a few feet away, arms crossed—he will not be one to fall into the door when it opens. "You're right," Hoseok speaks again. "It's dead silent in there."
From inside the apartment, Seokjin stares at you with his hands on his hips. His eyes rake up and down your body with a mix of pissed off and turned on. You look exceptionally stunning today, he observes.
"So this is all because you're jealous that I've been hanging out with your friends?"
"Yes, I'm jealous." Seokjin's hands fly up, further expressing his annoyance. "You're always too busy giggling with Jungkook or clinging onto Namjoon's biceps than going out with me, your boyfriend!"
"You are so exaggerating it. I'm just having some fun with them. And I'm not touching Namjoon's biceps so I don't know where that came from. Unless...." you narrow your eyes at the man. "You think they want to sleep with me don't you?"
"Well, why wouldn't they want you? Have you seen yourself?"
You'd be flattered by the compliment if you weren't already fuming at the fact your boyfriend is being so unbelievably unreasonable. "I can't believe you'd say that about your own friends Seokjin!" you say.
"I've known them longer than you have, so trust me. I know what I'm talking about okay?" Seokjin takes a deep breath. "I'm happy you're all friends. I just want to see you more..."
You sigh and walk up to him, hand reaching out to soothe him. "C'mon...we're just platonic. You know I love you right? I'd never do anything like that and they wouldn't either."
"I know. But fuck, you make me so crazy," he huffs and closes the distance with you. Rough hands press on your waist as he pulls you into himself. His plump lips lean down and kiss you with full force.
You let out a muffled whine and thread your fingers through his soft, fluffy hair. "Seokjin-"
He shuts you up with his tongue that pushes into your mouth, licking every crevice he can find. He gives your ass a little squeeze too, before walking you backward and against the couch.
"Does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?" You pant when you're given a breath.
"No," he says, forcing you to sit down on the soft cushions. "I'm still mad because it seems you've forgotten who your boyfriend is around here and need reminding."
"Oh, wait—" you say when he starts climbing on top of you until you have no choice but to lay on your back. "Shouldn't we deal with them first?" You flick your eyes to the door where the guys were still patiently waiting; eavesdropping more like.
Seokjin traces his thumb on the bottom of your lip with a dangerous smirk. "Well, you're the one who brought them here, didn't you? And they came for a movie, no?"
You slap his chest at his antics. "No, absolutely not. Get off me. I'll tell them to beat it myself."
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a/n: hoping this was okay? Lmk 💗
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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leonscape · 10 months
jin is a strong guy. those muscles are for showing off, yes, but they do come in handy when he sneaks into your bedroom. on the second floor.
although he is large, he is quite nimble and surprisingly quiet. he crawls into your bedroom window, careful not to wake your parents a few paces down the hall.
“see, i told you i didn’t need you to leave the door unlocked,” jin boasts.
“you could’ve just asked me to let down my hair,” you teased.
“i’ll remember that for next time, rapunzel,” he chuckled. the two of you get settled into the bed start a nice cuddle session. “hey, so… your dad… he’s not gonna like- come in here and kill me, right?”
“what? why would he do that?” you asked.
“i don’t know, maybe because he doesn’t like me?” jin said. “i don’t want to die in my sleep.“
“he’s not going to kill you. you’re completely safe, and you have nothing to worry about,” you reassured him.
“well, if it ever came down to it… i think i could fight your dad.”
“yeah, right.” you rolled your eyes. “maybe this is the reason why he thinks you’re bad for me.”
“oh so he does hate me?”
“he doesn’t hate you, he’s just being a protective dad. i’m sure you’ll understand when we have our own kids.”
jin grins widely. “when? not if? okay, when do we start? now? we should probably get a head start.”
“absolutely not. at least not until way later in the future.” you pinch him.
“you’re probably right,” jin sighs, “wouldn’t wanna be caught by my future father in law.”
“if we got caught, you wouldn’t live to see the day where you get to call him father in law,” you giggled.
“don’t worry, i could fight him,” jin said with confidence.
“are you threatening my dad?” you raised a brow.
“no, i’m actually a really big fan of his,” jin said. “i mean look at his beautiful daughter. simply a masterpiece. how did he manage to raise a woman as good as you? he must’ve done something right.”
ok i just wanted to write this but it’s actually from my ikepri au. it would never see the light of day and no one would read it, so i just decided to write it in 2nd person and share it as a little one shot
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littlesmartart · 2 years
(Hope it’s okay that I come in with an askbox and say something). Your most recent NieYao drawing gave me all the feels. I liked the tags too, especially the “what’s your rage hiding” with Nie Mingjue. Even if he’s relatively straightforward he’s not necessarily a simple character, and his whole attitude toward Jin Guangyao especially probably requires multiple essays and diagrams to sort out. So yeah. I liked what you drew and it gave me thoughts.
ah, I'm so glad to hear that!!
oh boy, "what is the rage hiding" is actually a character starting point that I got from @ellethinthewoods whilst we were writing our AU @greenhills-woodtoburn-fic! NMJ is such an interesting character... whilst it is true that in a sense he wears his heart on his sleeve - bursting into tears at the slightest emotion, god bless you wang yizhou for your acting choices - I think he also uses rage to hide a lot, not only externally but also from himself! NMJ is not a person prone to introspection or self-reflection (and neither is JGY lmao but for different reasons), and I do believe he is exceptionally good at duping himself by slapping anger over whatever he doesn't like and pretending like he has no clue there's anything else under it. and obviously this gets less conscious and more uncontrollable the closer to qi-deviation he gets, but this is a tendency he exhibits from earlier in the story, when he is still more or less stable, so I definitely see it as a key character trait.
like, people enjoy hating on LXC for willfully ignoring stuff, but... hello, NMJ also uses anger to do that too???? he deliberately chooses to ignore a whole BUNCH of shit!!! so often he takes one look at a situation and goes "this is my opinion and I have decided that it is objective truth, and if anyone or anything disagrees it will be easier to simply Get Big Mad About It(TM) rather than consider that I might be wrong or whether there are more complicated emotions to address". he does it with Huaisang. obviously he does it with JGY. NMJ is really really good at refusing to see things - only in his case, he is usually refusing to acknowledge things that might refute his negative opionion.
so yeah. not sure where this is going, but I love NMJ's character! I think it's really interesting how he can be both our beloved self-sacrificing, loving, cares-so-much-he-cries da-ge, aaaaand also a big fat stinking pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps hypocrite who is sticking his fingers in his ears going "lalalala can't hear you" when an emotional situation might require something more complex than getting pissed off because feeling angry is easier than feeling pain or remorse.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
So glad to see hanahaki-fic still on there! Do tell us some more 👀
ah yes! this is one of those funny fics that's like "oh this is a trope I said I wasn't interested in writing, but then somebody sent me something that got me thinking and"
I don't even remember what the trigger was, exactly? I think maybe it was just someone asking about hanahaki aus and if I'd write one, and somehow I started thinking about "hmmm but what if hanahaki au only really leaning into the body horror of it all" and then I went "hmmm what if body horror of it all and specifically xuexiao" because horror + xuexiao is always a good flavor and also messing up xue yang for fun and profit
and then read a post recently about how hanahaki aus and specifically the way that it's a device having to do not so much with unrequited love as repressed feelings that, unexpressed, create physical suffering, which I actually also like even more and makes it even better for xue yang, who is legitimately like. not even aware that he's got repressed feelings because he doesn't even recognize what his feelings are when he has them. it's not even so much "repressed" as just "unacknowledged." this might require some rewriting of the first couple pages (though maybe not, I might leave the initial understanding in there and have it only become clear later what's actually happening), but I think it'll also make for a better fic.
I haven't actually gotten into the xuexiao part, since most of what i've written is just setup which contains a jin guangyao + xue yang exchange that I'm very fond of:
“Huh,” Xue Yang said. “Why don’t people just…stop?” 
Jin Guangyao raised his eyebrows. “Stop?” 
“Yeah,” Xue Yang said. “Stop caring. Just say fuck it, I’m not dying for this.”
Jin Guangyao’s eyebrows crept higher. “Are you proposing that someone will themselves out of love?” 
“Why not?” 
Jin Guangyao did laugh a little, at that, and shook his head. “A unique perspective indeed,” he said. Xue Yang narrowed his eyes.
“What’s that mean?” 
“Only that it doesn’t work that way for most people,” Jin Guangyao said. For just a moment his face fell a little; when the smile came back it was a little less real. 
“Sucks for them,” Xue Yang said blithely, and moved on, just making a little note at the back of his mind that if he ever did hear about any case he was going to make sure he had the chance to look into it. It seemed like an interesting way to watch someone die, and maybe he’d learn something he could use.
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cloud-somersault · 1 year
I noticed your wukong didn't have anything to do with putting the brotherhood in the scroll and personally putting azure in the underworld himself (putting it seperate because im actually unsure if canon wukong was implying he did also put azure in the scroll or just the underworld). Would that change anything later on in your AU's season 4?
yeah!! oh wow, someone noticed WOW!! sorry, i didn't think anyone would.
I think, in canon, Wukong put them in the scroll. But in this AU, he did not. You are correct.
That would change a lot of how season 4 would happen. In addition to Macaque and Wukong's relationship being....much different, let's say, Azure being freed would still have to happen. and would happen since it's heavily implied one of the ten kings/judges of Hell did that.
So, if Azure was freed in this AU, he would not hold a grudge against Wukong. And that would change their relationship drastically. And it also changes Azure's relationship with MK, because he wouldn't be using him to get what he wants.
I wonder how it'd go (i'm kidding i've already thought about that extensively)
that's also why Yin and Jin were allowed to go free. I thought "if i ever continue this and write season 4 in this verse, I want to leave that open so it can start the same way."
not saying i'd do that -- maybe if there's enough interest...and it'd need to be shorter chapters, too. like maybe 8K. but no promises.
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leporschespam · 2 years
tag 9 people you want to get to know better
[the thing is 9, but i've got 4 :) ]
i was tagged by @braceletofteeth
fhfhf thank you sm <333
i was asked yesterday on tellonym is there anyone you want to know better and i thought of my tumblr moots so hell yeah let's go~~
(i say all enthusiastically as if i have the ability to start conversations 😔✋️✋️)
three ships
no stop there is no possible way for me to narrow this down to three, i've watched far too many shows
we shall attempt 💪💪
- kinnporsche
vegaspete could definitely be up here too, but i'll stick with kinn and porsche (also porsche is my all time favourite character so of course he's up here)
- moonjo x jongwoo from strangers from hell
whatever they had going on was not heterosexual and i will be standing by that
- sae-bom & yi-hyun from happiness
a healthy relationship being on this list? fake marriage, childhood friends, found family, of course they're here. happiness has to be one of my favourite shows and bfhfhdh i adore them
first ever ship
i definitely had some in childhood but the one that i'm really thinking of has to be mulder and scully from the x-files
they consumed my 10/11 year old brain, and continued to do so until i was maybe 12/13
last song
timezone by måneskin
their new album is actually so good, and this is probably my favourite song from it
it's giving kimchay au imo
nah i really need to write a kimchay fic because i've got ideas but the words aren't wording
last movie
eternal summer, and i think this letterboxd review summarises it very well [spoilers firstly]::
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it was a solid 3.5/5 i'd say, but especially considering it's from 2006- oh my god,,
currently reading
i literally haven't read a whole book since about summer last year and i feel awful-
various stuff on ao3, mainly kinnporsche, but a few gap stuff, some goncharov (the fics are so good istg), and yeah dude a lot
i've got 488 fics downloaded–
currently watching
- gap
let's fucking go sapphics
it's perhaps a bit all over the place, but i have been in desperate need of sapphics, and it hasn't disappointed
- all of us are dead
(rewatch) korea just does zombies so much better. su-hyeok x cheong-san, and mi-jin x ha-ri supremacy
- between us
i haven't watched it in a little while because i wasn't feeling amazing and wanted stuff i knew well, hence going back to aouad, but i've got to ep 4 (and omg omg), and will be resuming at some point soon hopefully
i'm also gonna mention stuff i recently finished because aaaaa
- vincenzo
went in expecting a dark mafia show, got a comedy mafia show (and i am SO here for it)
- till the world ends
i need other people to watch this for my own sanity, had me sobbing at 2am last sunday when i finished it
currently consuming
do you consume oxygen–
currently craving
no more writers block would be nice :)
i haven't had it for so long and i thought i was free, but uh no :(
i am vaguely writing though besties (30 wips 😩✋️ send help)
of course there's no obligation to continue this <33
@saturnskyline @kinnporsche-n-chill @spookyspiderseb @achilleanskops
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nightscapepersona · 2 years
Fly V to the Moon - Ch. 22 (mini bonus scene)
“The one where impatient friends want to know how it went”
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Hello again! Here is a mini bonus scene of the morning after the date… This was supposed to stay on my head but I wrote it down to try getting into the writing groove again and defeat that writer’s block. And why not post it? So here it is! :) Leave a like if you enjoy it... it genuinely means a lot! :)
Pairing: Taehyung x OFC
Genre: Fluff, Idol AU, Coffee Shop AU, Café Singer OFC, Slow Burn
Warnings: Light swearing, but it’s all for banter. Again, this is fluff.
Word count: 670 (Super short chapters, so there will be a lot of chapters.)
Recommended Songs: Boy With Luv — BTS
Summary: She’s a foreign elementary school teacher by day, a charming singer by night. Taehyung and company discover her at a small garden jazz café where she had a gig one night, only to find out from Jin that she was an arts teacher at a local school in Seoul — Jin's nephew and niece’s teacher, in fact. Taehyung finds himself on a surprise adventure to the moon.
✻  ✻  ✻
Fly V to the Moon — by Nightscape Persona
Chapter 22: “The one where impatient friends want to know how it went” (mini bonus scene)
It was just a few minutes after she finished texting Taehyung. Finished, because she couldn’t find it in herself to text him more even though she was craving to keep on chatting—on maintaining any type of communication—with every inch of her body. The nerves were just too much, okay???
So she giggled through her shower and through breakfast thinking of him and of Wednesday which was soon but not soon enough, ignoring her phone, long forgotten in a corner of her apartment.
She had to come back to real life eventually, though. Back to her phone. And the million chats waiting for her. So putting Taehyung in a little corner of her mind for the time being, she tapped her phone.
Well shit.
Her lock screen unlocked to a string of 13 magnificently incoherent texts in all caps sprinkled with a couple f— and sh— words from none other than Jihyo.
Another 4 texts from Siyeon, 3 from Gayeon. Both demanding for her to tell them everything next Monday during rehearsals.
And 40 from the band’s chat. A quick glance let her know it was just full of banter from her bandmates aimed towards herself. Yeah, she could skip those. Why dignify the apparent children with an answer, you know?
Lia answered Jihyo with a plain smiley face.
Aaaaand soon her phone was ringing with the face of Jihyo plastered across the screen and she could simply not take the call lest she wanted a petty, resented Jihyo for who knows how long.
Lia sighed. This Jihyo.
She started debriefing the date for Jihyo, following up with their conversation from that morning. Jihyo who hummed and squealed through the line, reacting to every little thing while Lia’s own embarrassment got her blushing soon enough.
“He wants to meet on Wednesday again.”
“Oh my god.”
She did not tell her why, though.
There were some beats of silence as Jihyo processed everything Lia told her and Lia processed everything that happened for a new time. So much had happened in less than 24 hours. Crazy, innit?
“I can feel your dumb smile all the way through the call.”
Lia spared a giggle for Jihyo. A serious thought crossed her mind, though, and she decided to just tell her friend. Why not?
“I think… I think I’m falling.”
“I’m so down.”
Jihyo stayed quiet on the other side. Then, a sigh made it through the line. From the way she sighed, Lia expected for her to give her some deep, motherly line about life or, who knows, the thrills of young love.
Anything but that.
Lia broke down in laughter.
“She realized, y’all. Finally.”
This Jihyo.
“Okay, okay, I’m gonna go squeal for you off-call and see if that works to wake up my family by scaring the shit out of them at nine o’clock in the morning on a Sunday for no reasonable reason. You go have fun before that single life is over for you and you’re like me, a responsible grown-up.”
“Love you. Text him. See you tomorrow. Bye.”
She hung up.
This Jihyo.
She always managed to make Lia laugh.
She shook her head and prepared to answer a new string of texts from Siyeon and Gayeon complaining that she still hadn't replied and how was her date and what had they spoken about and had she spoken to him again.
These girls.
Lia knew they’d never make it til Monday to hear all about it.
Such an eventful morning already.
And yet….
A new text appeared.
           tvh: so
Okay, okay, okay. Keep cool, Lia.
            tvh: what did you have for breakfast?
            tvh: tell me all about your morning
She giggled like a schoolgirl, her face and her body buried deep into the couch. One unlucky couch pillow got thrown across the living room. Her heart, too, hummingbirded its way across the room and out the window.
Keeping cool? What’s that?
✻  ✻  ✻
✻  ✻  ✻
All chapters: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5  — Chapter 6  — Chapter 7 — Chapter 8 — Chapter 9  — Chapter 10 — Chapter 11 — Chapter 12 — Chapter 13 — Chapter 14 — Chapter 15 — Chapter 16 — Chapter 17 — Chapter 18 — Chapter 19  — Chapter 20 — Chapter 21 — Chapter 22 — Chapter 23 — Chapter 24 — Chapter 25 — Chapter 26 — Chapter 27 — Update on Part 2 — Part 2 Preview
5 notes · View notes
ahundredtimesover · 2 years
The Light of Dead Stars (Epilogue) | KSJ
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Pairing: Seokjin x (f.) Reader; side Seokjin x (f.) OC; side Reader x Namjoon
Genre/Tags: arranged marriage, fake romance, boss/workmate aus; angst, drama, fluff, smut; slow burn
Chapter Warnings: Foul language; talks of pregnancy; explicit sexual content (breast play, fingering, unprotected penetrative sex) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 10.5k
A/N: We have reached the end! I wished this story got a bit more love, but regardless, it was wonderful being able to write about Jin and falling in love with him even more. To those who read with me and to those who are just about to dive in, thank you. The messages have been so lovely to read. I hope you enjoy this, too.💕
Series Masterlist | Muse Moodboard | Setting Moodboard
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Status: Complete
Series summary:  Your unconventional arranged marriage with your company’s President, Kim Seokjin, is necessary, practical, and simple - both your families benefit, and he minds his own business and so do you. But when a slip-up causes his parents to believe that you and he are in love, you have no choice but to pretend you are, especially with the trip to France for his brother’s wedding coming up. When you get back to Seoul, things start to change, and Seokjin is faced with the most difficult decision he has to make.  
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Jin takes the carry-on bag from your hand and puts it over his shoulder, then holds your now-free hand and smirks before he kisses it.
“Smooth, huh?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“You’re so cheesy, stop it,” you chuckle, nudging him to the side.
You’ve both just checked in the airport and are wandering around before heading to the lounge for lunch. You and Jin decided to leave on a Thursday afternoon, while the rest of your family and friends opted to leave the next day. You don’t want to be too harassed when you arrive in Spain, and you also want to make sure that everything is settled for your guests when they get there.
You’re buzzing with excitement. You’ve been reading up on all the Michelin-star restaurants in San Sebastián and all the other markets and famous dishes in the city, and you can’t wait to try them all. You’re finally able to fully enjoy another country with your husband without the stress of work, and no, France doesn’t really count. There are food tours, cooking classes, and a ton of nearby cities to explore and get lost in. And the fact that you’ll be enjoying some of them with your family and friends adds to the exciting feeling.
You’re about to make a turn for the first-class lounge when a familiar face startles you, and you immediately call her name.
She looks up from her phone, her face contorting in surprise before she gives you her genuine, sweet smile.
She scurries to where you are and excitedly bows to you. She’s a lot more shy and conscious towards Jin, though, and you don’t blame her. The last time they met, he was angry and walked out on her, and you’d been the one to defend her to him during the time when things had gotten too much. 
“Hi! It’s nice to see you again,” you greet her, then you tug your husband’s hand.
“Hey, Seri,” he greets. “How have you been?”
Her face relaxes and you’re glad she’s found her joyful spirit again. 
“I’ve been great! I laid low for a while since, uh, yeah… and there haven't been any unfortunate instances since I spoke with Sejeong,” she responds. “She’s been checking up on me and that’s been incredibly helpful. How about both of you?”
“We’re doing fine, too. Things have looked up for us and we’re going on a vacation, actually,” you smile. “What about you? Where are you headed to?”
“Oh, that’s great! You two do deserve a break,” she says quite shyly. “And I’m heading to Japan. I actually got the courage to apply for a position in our Tokyo office and I fortunately got accepted. What you said stuck with me, you know? About not letting that whole experience ruin me for anyone else, especially for myself, and, well… I also kept thinking that I’ve just been settling for all these years.”
She glances at Jin as she says the last bit, and he catches it, too. It’s not out of spite, you could tell, as somehow she still says it with a glimmer of fondness in her eyes. 
“I realized that maybe if I take a step out of my comfort zone, things can surprise me, and moving to Japan felt like the first step - still a little bit familiar but still new. And I’m really excited.”
“That sounds great, Seri! I’m glad that the thought stuck with you. It was all I could offer at that time,” you reply.
“It helped a lot, so thank you. And thanks to Jin, too. I’m really happy for the both of you, and I truly mean it.”
Jin offers her a smile; he thinks it’s all he could give her, other than an apology.
“I just want to say sorry for how I acted the last time,” he says, looking into her eyes to let her know he means every word. “I was completely out of line and acted like we didn’t share anything in the past. ___ had to knock some sense into me but she shouldn’t have had to. I shouldn’t have been an asshole and put the blame on you, so I apologize. I hope you can forgive me.”
“It’s okay, Jin,” Seri responds. “We do things we don’t mean when we’re hurt and angry, and I understand. I’ve forgiven you a long time ago, so I hope you’re not hard on yourself. You copped yourself an incredible woman; I’m kinda jealous,” she giggles. 
The twinkle in her eyes and the sweetness of her laughter is back, and there’s that feeling of acceptance and joy that overtakes him. So much has happened between them in the past few years and more seems to have happened to them individually in the few months since they’ve last seen each other, but he feels that sense of relief that this is how they officially go in their separate ways. 
Seri was that sweet and charming young woman who was just trying to figure out her place in the world when they first met. And Jin was that seemingly confident man who had to keep going despite the pressure and expectations put on him. It was in each other that they found that little space of comfort, of pleasure, of fleeting happiness that would eventually end. 
And now here they are. Seri is off to start a new phase of her life in another country, and Jin will be starting his with you, the woman with whom he’s found his permanence - of joy and love and excitement and comfort. 
“Well, we’re really happy for you, too,” you say this time. “And I’d tell you to say hi to my brother, Jung Hoseok, for me, but I’ll be enjoying our vacation with him, so maybe next time?”
“Oh my goodness! You’re siblings?!” She gasps. “I should’ve put the pieces together! I can’t believe this. I admire him so, so much! And he’s also so handsome.”
“He’s quite the Casanova there, I heard,” you chuckle, even more when she looks visibly embarrassed at outing herself to you. “But I’m really excited for you, Seri. I hope this new start is all you imagined it to be.”
“Likewise,” she smiles. “I’ll go ahead. Have a safe trip, you two! Bye!”
Jin waves her goodbye and glances one last time as she heads the opposite direction.
And just like that, the light, the star, has been extinguished. 
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Loading your luggages in the trunk of the car, Jin speaks to the chauffeur before guiding you inside.
“Oh come on, you speak Spanish, too?!” You exclaim.
Jin laughs at your shocked face. “My closest friend during grad school was Spanish, and we would teach each other our native languages and cook each other food. He was a good teacher and I learned the basics from him. He was just a pretty bad cook so I didn’t get to appreciate Spanish cuisine from him.”
“That sounded more than basic, though.”
“Maybe advanced basic?” He chuckles. “I try to practice. Father always says that learning another language is good for business. But I’m not all that good. I can assure you, however, that we’re never gonna get lost here.”
“Hmm, nice. Adds to the list of reasons why my husband is pretty hot and amazing,” you hum. 
“Ah, so that exists. So tell me, did you think it was hot when you first heard me speak French?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“Not really, I just thought it was cool. I didn’t really give a shit about you in that way during that time,” you tease. 
“Ugh, brat.”
It's an over-an-hour car ride to your hotel, and Jin switches languages to speak with the chauffeur who is helpful in suggesting places and nearby cities to visit. You and Jin plan to set your schedule during this whole trip later, and perhaps surprise your guests with little luxuries, too.
The hotel that Jin chose sits at the heart of the city. It’s grand and breathtakingly beautiful, and your suite has stunning views of the sea; you’re excited to know how your family will react to this, and you’re glad you’re able to spoil them like this as well.
Once the butler leaves, you drown yourself in the comfort of the couch and true to form, Jin comes over and rests his head on your lap. He asks for a kiss, claiming he didn’t get to do much of it given the full-day of traveling, and you indulge him, complete with the head massage that he loves so much.
You take a shower and rest for a bit before you head to a nearby restaurant for dinner while going over all the things you plan to do for the week. You then decide to enjoy your hotel’s offerings of pintxos and wine in your balcony while overlooking the beach to end the night, and of course, some lovemaking because somehow, the air in this region is making your husband much more irresistible.
You spend the next morning finalizing all the wedding details - from visiting the venue, doing a tasting of the dishes to be served, and then trying on your outfits for the big day. It feels so intimate going through your wedding preparations like this. You didn’t plan the first one, and you were frankly too preoccupied with work to be even remotely sentimental or emotional about that.
But it’s different this time, as Jin wants it to be perfect. He’s gotten your taste in food and design to a tee so you don’t have much to comment on. You’re just amazed that he’s able to plan all of it on his own, and he credits it to being decisive and having connections in the industry. He was able to book everything without a hitch, after all. 
After having lunch at a seafood restaurant, you welcome his siblings and your friends, who all took the same flight, and then some time after, your family arrives. Jin’s parents make it in time for dinner at a restaurant that overlooks the sea, and the sunset is spectacular as you all enjoy amazing food amidst the conversations going on.
“We’re really thankful that you all could make it on such short notice,” Jin says as the chatters die down. “It means a lot to us that you could join us on this special occasion.”
“Yeah well, you offered to pay for it,” Jungkook pipes in. “We wouldn’t have made it otherwise, so thanks, Mr. Rich Handsome Man Jin. I’m glad we could be here for you and my best friend, too.”
“Thanks, Kook, how sweet,” you playfully roll your eyes. “And Jin, you’re too formal. This is a special occasion for us, yes, but also for our loved ones here. We’ve come a long way, I could say. And we’re just really happy that you’re all here. I mean, my sister is here! It rarely ever happens that she gets days off.”
“Don’t be surprised if my brother paid off her employer to let her go for a week,” Taehyung laughs, prompting you and your whole family to look at Jin in shock, who merely shrugs and tries to act innocently, and you know you won’t get a straight answer from him if you asked.
“Please, enjoy dinner. The tab is open in the bar under our name,” Jin says, to the delight of your friends. “And if you could keep your afternoon and evening free tomorrow, that would be great. We booked a spa day for everyone and then we’ll have dinner at the hotel.”
“What is spa day, Uncle Jjan?” Geonhoo asks. “Do we get one, too?”
Everyone chuckles at the little one’s question, but you tell them that they get to spend the day at the children's center while their parents get pampered, and that seems to be good enough for them. 
Jin’s parents seem to be just taking everything in and not speaking much, perhaps trying to get used to being around both of you again. But they send you soft smiles when you look their way, and that’s really all you could ask for. They’re here and they seem happy, and they were really the missing piece that you and Jin needed for this trip to be all that you want it to be.
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You and Jin spend the next morning with your family, as you rarely get to be with them. You see Miyeon twice a year at most, so you want to spoil her as much as you can. You join them as you explore the city, past churches and quaint alleys, past street side food halls and boutique stores. 
Your family is in awe of everything, and you made sure that you got to pay for their trip and give them something memorable in return for all that they’ve done for you. Of course, that includes feeding them amazing food as well. You promise them only the most delicious things to eat during their stay here. 
There’s a bit of time to rest before your schedule at the spa, and it’s one you’re quite excited about. The last time you had something similar to this was during your “honeymoon” in Saint-Tropez, and it was an interesting experience, as you and Jin reminisce while you stay in the hot tub of your assigned suite. 
“It was so awkward trying not to be awkward while we were getting our massages,” he laughs. “I couldn’t look at you and the therapist was looking curiously at me for being so conscious.”
“You could’ve just acted sleepy the whole time, you know, or at least, acted interested without being creepy,” you say, sipping your lemonade. 
“Ah, well, there were lots of times during that trip wherein I wasn’t sure how to act,” he replies. “Things were changing for me and I was confused and that spa day was a challenge. I wanted it to end so badly.”
“I just tried not to mind you,” you chuckle. “I’ve never been pampered that way and I had to savor it so sucks for you.”
“Now, though, I want to take our time here.” 
“And do what?” You arch your eyebrow.
“Hmm, you know…” he hums, asking for your hand and pulling you to sit on his lap. His mouth immediately going to your chest to suck on your pert nipples and kiss your chest. “This and more.”
You moan in pleasure, your hips reflexively grinding against him as your head lolls back. “Ah, this is what you plan to do, huh?” You say, whimpering as he makes it to your neck and licks a spot he nibbles on. “We might not make it to dinner on time.”
“We will, that’s why I scheduled it for 8,” he responds, reaching your lips now and kissing you deeply. 
His tongue slides in, entangling with yours passionately that you feel yourself get lost in his taste, in his movements, in his hand that’s kneading your breast. With you tugging the ends of his hair, he moans into you, and you pull away before you get tempted to sink into his hardened cock that's poking your belly; the tub isn’t the safest place to have sex, after all, and you don’t want to risk it.
“I’ll be tempted to do more if we keep going, love,” you giggle, nibbling his lower lip before you completely let him go. 
“That’s why we’re on a honeymoon,” he whines, making you sit in between his legs after you remove yourself from him.
“We get married tomorrow, so the honeymoon starts after,” you correct him. “We still have to behave, especially since our family and friends are here. Just a few days, and you’ll have me to yourself again. You planned that.”
While you and Jin will be staying in the city during your entire stay, his family will be heading to Portugal, your family will travel to Madrid, while your friends - including Yoongi, whom Jin instructed to take a break, too - will be staying in Barcelona. You’ll at least have some time with them before they leave, and you want to make the most of that, too.
“I know. I also planned to have you the entire afternoon with me here,” he says, kissing your cheek now.
“Hmm, the San Sebastián air really got you crazy for me, huh?” You tease. 
“You underestimate me, ___. I’m crazy about you all the time!”
“Shush, I’m not used to you being cheesy.”
You tease each other until you both make it out of the hot tub, then you call the therapists for your 1-hour body scrub, which you spend giggling like teenagers because you wanted to know if the scrub tasted like coffee, too. But you do feel much cleaner and even lighter, and you’re both left alone, knowing you have time before the next session begins.
Jin’s hands have a life on their own once you enter the shower to rinse, as he just can’t take them off of you - they’re all over you, feeling and caressing you in places as if you won’t be having a massage later on. He helps you clean yourself and you motion for him to switch places with you so you could do the same. It’s really just an excuse to feel him up. 
Your husband is built in an intimidatingly handsome way. It’s deceiving, really, as his long limbs make you think that’s all he is, but underneath the clothes are his delicate-looking yet wide shoulders, his toned arms, and his smooth and honey-skinned chest that flows down to his gorgeous abs and tiny waist. He feels so good under your touch, especially when it causes certain parts to harden even when you just graze them. Somehow, he looks even more breathtaking all wet from the shower, and you have to will your heartbeat to slow down.
Or not. You control your time here, as Jin reminded the therapists that you’ll buzz them whenever you’re ready for the next service. And so you don’t mind, as your hand travels to where he needs it most, and he responds with a grunt and his deep, dark brown eyes boring into you. 
He kisses you desperately, cupping your cheek with one hand while the other cups your cunt, massaging it, sliding his fingers inside it, and playing with your swollen nub.
“Fuck,” he moans. “Want you so bad.”
“Need you,” you groan, as you feel yourself start to shake.
He turns you around, his arms caging you against the wall. He shuts the shower off and there’s nothing but the squelch of his fingers as they go in and out of you, and your joint moans of desire and pure lust as you continue feeling each other. 
Wanting more, he lifts your leg at an angle that allows him perfect access, and that’s what he does - his hardened cock enters you slowly until he’s snug inside you, feeling your warm walls take all of him in, and your sounds of pleasure urging him on.
“So good for me,” you keen. “Always so good for me.”
He kisses you again, slower this time, as he tries to match the pace of his body against yours. It’s intimate, loving, and really just the start of it because pretty soon, he’s securing your head in his hand and he’s quickening his thrusts. You feel the assault on your pussy and it feels so good, especially when he tells you to touch yourself, and the pleasure is so overwhelming that you come easily, without a warning, and even he moans at the feel of your slick on his cock.
“Can you go another round?” He asks, heaving and kissing your forehead, and you know he’s still got more left in him. 
You pant your yes, and immediately after, he removes himself from you and leads you to the bench in the shower, urging you to sit on his lap. You align your entrance with his dick, sinking down; feeling him in this angle is different but just as good, especially with his eyes following your every movement, with him sultrily biting his lips as he revels in the way you like when you’re positioned like this. 
He starts with his tongue doing wonders on your hardened buds, teasingly licking the tips to let you feel just enough of the sensation. 
His hands guide you up and down after, and everything is so euphoric that all you could do is hold onto his shoulders to keep you steady, even if the rest of your body is hurting so good with the pleasure and the physical effort it needs to feel all this.
“It’s okay, just relax,” he says, feeling your muscles tense now. “Let me do the work. I’ll take care of you, just hold on tightly.”
So you do, and he grips your thighs, secures his hold, and starts hammering into you from underneath. He pushes himself up and you clench around him so you could hear that sweet sound of his moans. You take control of the kiss this time, wanting him to reach his high, too, and it’s your tightening walls once he hits your end that does it for him. 
“Shit,” he heaves, slowing down now. “I could do this everyday. Screw work, let’s just fuck all the time.”
“Hmm, you’re funny,” you say, moaning as you continue to grind against him. Jin looking and sounding sinful has caused that coil in your belly once more.
You start feeling it again, and he stops your attempt at touching yourself so he could do it himself, liking your fucked out look as he pleasures you while he softens inside you, but he swears he’s starting to get hard again. You moan his name, feeling it build up once more, so he pulls you close and sucks that sensitive part near your ear while he continues pleasuring your clit, and add to his growls, you start to completely lose it, shaking on his lap now as your thighs start to tire. But the pain feels so good and that’s what sex is like with him - it’s absolutely heavenly. You come again, and you lean on his shoulder as you come down from the high.
“Did I make you pregnant?“ He asks once you’ve recovered, but you recognize the playful tone of his voice. 
“Oh, is that what you wanted?” You arch an eyebrow.
“I’m teasing. I know you’re not ovulating yet.”
“How’d you know?”
“You shared your tracking app with me, remember? But I know we still have to meet the doctor and all,” he says. “Gotta make sure everything is safe and ready for the little Kim that’s gonna grow inside this sexy belly of yours.”
“How is it that you make everything sound ridiculous,” you chuckle, accepting his help to get off his lap. 
“Seriously though, I can’t wait for us to become parents. Maybe I should plan a baby-making trip, too. What do you think? What’s the sexiest city in the world?”
“Oh goodness, I can’t believe I’m married to you sometimes.”
Jin thankfully behaves for the rest of the session. After your massage, you have your facial treatment, then you get your nails done, then your hair. You feel like a new person, but more importantly, you feel ready for tomorrow’s big day. 
Your friends and family say as much when you meet them for dinner, and later that night, as you fall asleep in the safety of your husband’s arms, he whispers just how much he loves you, and that he hopes he gets to say everything he wants to in front of all the people you love, so they could feel, too, all that he feels for you.
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The perfect weather greets you the next day, as you and Jin enjoy your breakfast on your balcony. You plan to stay in in the morning before you get fixed up and head to the venue before your guests do. Something about doing things differently the second time around makes you want to surprise them, perhaps to show how you and Jin are together. They haven’t seen the venue nor your outfits, and you can’t wait to see them be surprised at how everything has been set up, including you.
Jin helps you zip up your dress and puts on your accessories. It’s not typical for both bride and groom to be dressing each other up but you think it’s part of the fun this time, including ogling each other as you both look at yourselves in the mirror.
You have on a simple strapped, sweetheart dress. It’s tea-length and flowy, and you twirl around to show your husband the freedom of movement you have, unlike your long-trained, lace gown from your first wedding. Jin, like you, is in a gold polo and white suit and trousers, and as you expected, he’s stunning with his side-swept hair and brown sunglasses. 
“Shall we, Mrs. Kim?” He turns to you.
“We shall, Mr. Kim.”
He takes your hand and you are driven to a nearby quaint town where the winery, which sits between picture-perfect mountains and streams, is located. The venue for the ceremony overlooks a stunning view, and you could already imagine enjoying a good meal as the sun sets. 
You stay in the holding room while your guests arrive, and not long after they’ve settled in do you and Jin walk down the aisle hand-in-hand, looking like the 100-100 good-looking power couple that you are. 
Everyone gushes, and true to form, Dara yells how, for the first time, she’s crushing on you more than she’s crushing on your husband, but that he’s “pretty close.” Geonhoo squeals your name and how pretty you are, while Ji-hoo screams how handsome her Uncle Jjan is. It’s such a chaotic yet intimate moment, and it’s really what you expected. You don’t expect Jin’s parents to look as emotional as they do, though; it’s the surprise you’re happiest about.
The event is more symbolic than anything, as the minister states. He shares a passage about love and friendship and family, and it’s the perfect lead up to your respective vows. 
“I’ll do the honors. May I?” Jin takes the mic, and you nod your approval.
He begins with thanking everyone present and why he was adamant on having this wedding here, and this soon, and with only the most important people in your lives present. 
“We’re making our promise to love each other to you, too,” he says, turning to them, “and we hope you promise to help us keep that promise to each other as well.”
Your friends and Taehyung, as expected, are the most vocal, and you glance at your parents and Jin’s, and there’s really nothing like their soft smiles and approving nods. 
Then, on a more serious note, Jin takes your hand and kisses it. 
“Hi again to my 100,” he cheekily smiles. “So we’re here in this gorgeous place, yet I still think you’re more beautiful than any view in this world.”
Everyone laughs as he immediately cringes, and you playfully smack his arm because that was “incredibly cheesy.” 
“I tried to practice it with a straight face but I laughed every time,” he explains. “But anyway, ___, we’re here, and I didn’t really think that in this lifetime, I’d be marrying the same woman twice. But if the first time was out of obligation, this time it’s out of choice. And it’s an unbelievable feeling to be doing this now, to be as in love as we are with each other, and to be excited for all that’s to come.”
You give him a smile. His voice sounds so sweet but you do spot a hint of nervousness in it, and it’s also quite adorable. 
“But as we and all those present know, it wasn’t always easy,” he huffs. “We held onto our own stars for years because they shone so brightly at one point, and we kept thinking that they will continue to, because for a long time, they were all we knew.”
The stars. Of course. You suppose that conversation with him at the Han River stuck with him like it did with you.
“But the universe finds ways to surprise us, I guess, because just as we were both learning to let go of those stars, we found each other and learned that, well, there’s something much better, brighter, closer, and that they’d been there the whole time; we just never really bothered to look. Or maybe you did, once, but you said I wasn’t your type so you didn’t really take a second glance, and imagine missing all this,” he adds, causing everyone to laugh again. But you nod vigorously because you insist that it’s true. 
“You took my hand and leaped with me, and we found ourselves in the most bizarre arrangement that, in hindsight, actually allowed us to be comfortable and real and vulnerable with each other. And that’s what did it for me - I’ve known one path my whole life and you… you keep me there, while also taking me to side streets and alleys, to paved and unpaved roads, to scenic routes and dark tunnels, all the while joining me in struggles and joy, laughing with me, joking with me, loving me. 
And like I said, it wasn’t easy; I almost lost you. More than once. But we chose to love even when we didn’t think we could again, even when it felt like the whole world was against us, even when it was the most difficult thing to do. I don’t think I could’ve done all that for just anyone, ___. It had to be you; it would only be you. Because you taught me that. That’s why I’ll be loving you for the rest of my life. I’ll be loving us and our future family for every day of my life.”
He ends with a wink, and the tears slide down your cheeks the same time that you laugh, because his ass just had to conclude it with a flirty yet silly gesture, but you also know it’s his trick to not cry. He seems to only prefer doing that with just you. 
You take his hand now and look him in the eyes; you know this unnerves him and he wiggles his eyebrows as his defense mechanism.
“Kim Seokjin,” you start. “You are probably one of the last people I ever thought I’d marry, let alone fall in love with, because you’re right, you’re not really my type.”
He scowls at you and you can’t help but laugh with everyone else. 
“You’re incredibly handsome, you’re brilliant and hardworking, you make me laugh, you cook me the best dishes after my mom, you listen to me, you take care of me, you protect me, keep me safe… you keep your promises, and you never leave my side. That’s why, because before you, I’d known no man who’d done all of that to me.”
His eyes soften, and he knows of all the pain that you had to bury, that you had to get past, just so you could open yourself again to someone else. 
“You showed me that we could be vulnerable and bare to another person while still being their strength. And like you, I think that’s what did it for me. We got to be ourselves while learning, laughing, eating, bickering, and holding each other when things were tough and scary and unfamiliar. And I know that every day we spend giving each other headaches and the best laughs and the warmest hugs, is a day I’ll want to have for the rest of my life - together, and hopefully with a little 100 in the future, too.”
He gives you a smile this time, and it melts your heart just how easy it is for both of you to get lost in each other like this. You could hear people sniffing and you already know it’s Jimin and Dara. 
The minister finally instructs you to seal the deal once again and Jin, being the dramatic man that he is, half-dips you into a deep and passionate kiss, the exact opposite of the very first one you shared. 
You pinch his ear because of that surprise and he yelps then laughs before finally hugging you. 
“I love you so much, ___. You make me so happy. My ear also hurts now.”
“You deserve that,” you hug him back. “But I love you, too.”
Your guests cheer and it’s a pretty long moment of hugging and greeting all of them while the servers prepare your early dinner. With amazing food that you and Jin chose, against the darkening sky over mountains and little villages - it’s all so perfect, even more when you and your husband finally have your slow dance that he insisted on, because he’d only ever do it in front of your families and friends. 🎵
“Do you remember our dance during our first wedding?” He asks, as you lean on his chest and listen to the beating of his heart in tune with the ballad playing.
“No. We didn’t have one.”
“Exactly. We said it would be weird.”
“It was awkward enough that we had to look in love; dancing would be over the top,” you chuckle. 
“I agree. All we did was laugh during our wedding because we were so amused at how we were able to make them believe that we were secretly dating,” he adds. 
You hum. “We could be actors, Jin. If this whole food thing doesn’t work out; we always have another option.”
“Nah, it only worked because I was comfortable. Like I said, that’s why,” he says, turning to you. “I didn’t feel like I had to impress you or anything, or act like some perfect, flawless being who was so sure of himself. I always felt like I could just be me when I’m with you.”
“Yup. When I tell my teammates you’re actually annoying and you have a weird laugh and you’re like a child sometimes, they don’t believe me.”
“Wow, way to maintain my image, ___,” he pinches your nose. 
“I’m showing them you’re human, okay?” You argue. 
You both go back and forth in bickering again, until your father asks for your hand, and Jin happily lets you go. 
“No more surprises this time?” Your father asks as he secures his hold on you. 
“Maybe the only surprise is that I’ve attracted a good man this time,” you joke. “And that I’ve learned to love one, too.”
“What’s important is that you didn’t give up on it. And I’m so happy that you didn’t,” he smiles, kissing your forehead. “And that he didn’t give up on you, too.”
There’s warmth in your heart at his statement, at the thought that even without talking much about your past, your father knows how hard it was, and just how much being with Jin now means to you. 
“Come to think of it, it’s like I took that bullet for you, too.”
He, as always, makes light of that incident, but he speaks the truth; it’s what got you here, after all.
You smile in agreement and look at Jin with his own moment with his mother, who cups his cheeks and looks at him like his eldest son again.
“I’ve missed you so much, you know that?” She says lovingly.
“Yeah? I almost thought you and Father were going to disown me,” Jin chuckles. 
“Never, my Son,” she pouts. “We may have overreacted a little bit, and we’re truly sorry; it was all so new, being disappointed in you. But you know us, we’d never be able to resist you. You’re our firstborn, Seokjin. We’ll always love you, and we’ll always want the best for you.”
“I love you, too,” he embraces her. “I guess I’ll learn more about this whole love thing when I become a father, huh?”
“You will. And guiding you in that role is something your Father is truly excited about. He talks about it a lot, he’s just a little shy to tell you directly.” 
Jin and his mother both laugh as they glance at the man in question, being forced by his grandchildren to dance to the song that’s playing. True to form, he can’t resist the little ones, too, so he takes their hands and twirls them around. 
Jin softens, thinking of his old man and his moments with your future kids, too. 
Then he finds you, laughing as you referee Jimin and Jungkook who are fighting over who gets to dance with you first. Jimin wins rock-paper-scissors, so you waltz with him first and trip on your second step. Next to you, Dara rejects Jungkook’s offer for a dance and asks you if she can dance with your husband instead.
“Sure, just don’t scare him,” you tease.
Dara scurries to Jin, who takes him from his sister, and she gasps as she takes her position.
“Holy shit, my best friend really hit the jackpot with you. And I can truly say that you, Mr. President, do not have any pores.” 
“I, uh, I’m human, Dara. I have those,” he laughs. “Is… that why you wanted to dance with me?”
“Partly. But also,” she glances around, “I just want to know if it’ll be weird if I ask your secretary out on a date. I have been waiting! I’m the one who always pursues my man and I wanted Yoongi to chase me this time but he’s sooooooo slow, I am losing patience! And I don’t know if it’s because he might think it’s weird so I want to know if it is because if it isn’t, then I’m now going to profess my love for him and—”
“Wait, I thought you just wanted to ask him out on a date…”
“Yeah, after I profess my love for him. I’ve made up my mind already, okay? I want him to know that I’m serious about him,” she pouts.
“Hey, of course it’s not weird. Yoongi just gets shy sometimes; he just needs a little nudge. So go there and tell him how you feel,” Jin says. “And do it now because he’s glaring at me and I’m afraid he’ll hate me forever.”
“Uh, okay! If this fails, I will take back what I said about my best friend hitting the jackpot with you.”
Dara leaves Jin hanging and walks to the bar where Yoongi is, and being free now, the little kids take their chance to dance with their other cool uncle.
On your end, you’re now dancing with your brother, and Hoseok’s smile is, and will always be, a ray of light to you. 
“You know, I told Miyeon everything that happened the past months, and she couldn’t help but cry,” he says. “She hates that she was too far away to comfort you, or to even know what was going on. She wishes she got to be with her big sister when things were hard.”
“Did you remind her that she was?” You smile. “During those dark days, she was always going to my dorm to make sure I was eating. You know I didn’t want her to worry about me this time; I didn’t want any of you to.”
“We can’t help it. We’ll always be protective of you, you know that.”
“I know,” you hum. “But you don’t have a reason to be anymore. Not as much, at least. Someone else is sharing that role with you. He’s a pretty cool guy, I’d say.”
“You really love each other,” Hoseok grins. “There’s that sparkle in your eyes I’ve never seen before. And that man bows down to you, ___. He literally worships the ground you walk on. It’s great to see.”
You nod in agreement and you both continue to talk about their Barcelona trip, until Dara’s voice echoes through the open space.
“He likes me, too,” she wails as she holds Yoongi’s hand while his other one covers his face in embarrassment. 
She pulls him closer to where you are, now joined by your husband in amusement. 
“I can’t wait for our fancy double dates!” Dara chirps.
“Hey, we’re part of that, too!” Jungkook chimes in.
“Couples only, Kook,” Dara shakes her head.
“Jimin and I can fake being a couple! We’ll just ask these two experts here and we’ll be fine!”
You smack Jungkook repeatedly and he yelps in fake pain because it’s him and he’s too built to feel that. 
“I’m kidding!” He laughs. “Even if it’s true.”
You scowl at him as you all fawn over the new couple, and you and Dara giggle as she tells you just how Yoongi shyly admitted that he’s liked her for a while but didn’t know if she was ready for a relationship. You take her up on the fancy double dates suggestion and tell her you’re glad that your own love story led her to the man of her dreams.
The party continues until later in the evening, and once the little ones have started to doze off, Taehyung suggests going to a club for the after-party.
“Tab’s on me,” he says. “No alcohol for me and my wife so we’ll be your babysitters. Let’s enjoy; the night is still young!”
Everyone cheers, and Jin’s parents offer to care for the kids so that Sejeong and Hyo-seop can join, too.
It’s a half-hour ride back to the city and you take the time to take a breather in the car, snuggling next to your husband who caresses and gazes at your ring-bearing hand.
“I never really took the time to appreciate this before,” he says. “I wish I got us new rings.”
“Well, it’s a good reminder of how we started,” you say, kissing his cheek. “We made something good out of it and now we’re here.”
He hums in agreement and kisses your forehead. Seeing you wiggle your feet, he asks for them as you say they’re starting to hurt. His adept hands massage them, and you moan internally at how he’s hitting the spots that hurt the most.
You make it to the club shortly after your friends do, and they’re already at the bar with Taehyung getting their orders, reiterating that he and Hyun-a will just enjoy the show tonight.
It’s a relatively chill place with good music and great booze. You already had some drinks during your reception but given your high tolerance for alcohol, you and Jin are still fine. 
Jungkook and Jimin are already partying it up with other tourists, dragging Miyeon and Hoseok with them; Sejeong and Hyo-seop are being all giggly college sweethearts in their own world; and Dara is already grinding on Yoongi who seems to be enjoying it all. You could swear the man is blushing, but he eventually takes control and just pulls her flushed against his chest, hugging her affectionately and now you swear that Dara is probably crying tears of joy. 
You’re seated on a stool, resting your feet a little bit and watching your group to make sure they’re still  alive, while Jin stays next to you, bopping his head to the beat. Neither of you do much of this back home unless Tae drags you, at which point you give in because your friends want to go, and you both end up babysitting everyone. But it’s your wedding night and there are other people who will be the responsible ones for the evening, so you nudge Jin and ask him if he wants to dance.
“Okay, but can we make out on the dance floor?”
You’d choke on your drink if you had one because he’s being so adorably sexy right now. “Is making out in public one of your fantasies, too?” You giggle.
“Sort of? I know it’s so tame but it’s not like we can do it back at home. This just seems like the place to do it. Am I too boring?” He pouts. 
“Love, of course not. I’m not that… spontaneous or exciting, either. But sure, let’s go for it.”
He helps you off the stool and you turn to your table where everyone has returned.
“Hey, so I'm gonna make out with my husband on the dance floor. Please don’t look, but also make sure that no one’s filming or something.”
They look at you puzzled before they start laughing.
“Do you want us to barricade you while facing the other way?” Jungkook jokes, and he yelps when you smack him again. 
“Go on, lovebirds. We’ll pretend we don’t see anything,” Jimin smirks.
So you and Jin head to an area a little farther from them, but it’s not a large space so you know they can still see you. You turn to Jin, whose hands are already on your waist, and you smile as you catch him admiring you. 
“You are so in love with me, there’s no denying it at all,” you tease. “I’m telling my team that you’re a closet hopeless romantic, Kim Seokjin.”
“I’m kidding, I won’t,” you say, kissing his nose as you both sway to your own beat, which is slower than the music currently playing. “That’s a thing between us. I get to hold that secret of just how loving and affectionate you are, Mr. Kim.”
“That, I am. And only for you,” he replies, kissing you deeply. “It’s probably the San Sebastián air and the post-wedding bliss.” He kisses you again. “And the thought that when we get back home, we’ll start seeing the doctors and maybe have a little one on the way, too.”
He cradles your belly, and the thought of you being pregnant with his child, the child you'll both create out of love, makes his heart swell with joy. That’s another kind of love he can’t wait to feel for another person, something he only gets to feel because of you.
“Hmm, that sounds nice. I mean, babymaking always weirded me out but it’s so sexy when you talk about having babies with me,” you moan, diving into his mouth now with your tongue seeking entrance. 
He meets your hungry kiss, moaning as well. His hand tightens its hold on your waist while yours grips his collar. He tastes so sweet, so good, and you feel that dampness in your sex that makes you want to go back to the hotel now and have him under you. 
Jin pulls away and kisses your pouty lips. 
“My body’s reacting,” he says. 
“Hmm, same here,” you smile, melting into his hug and pecking his cheek. 
You both sway off beat again to the music, and not far away, you spot a foreign couple smirking at you, motioning for your husband and somehow you just know what they want.
“Jin, I think that couple wants a foursome,” you tell him, and he follows your gaze and sees the couple. “Is that a fantasy of yours, too?”
“Nope,” he answers right away. “I’m perfectly satisfied with just you. Plus, I can’t let anybody else fall in love with you. Why… do you want to try?” He asks nervously.
“Hmm, nope. You’re overwhelming enough for me,” you turn to him. “And I can’t have anybody falling in love with you, too.”
“Alright, good. Now that’s settled, should we call it a night?” 
“Sure,” you giggle. “Let’s ditch them.”
You both head to your table and announce that you’re leaving, with Dara, unsurprisingly, stating that “the newlyweds are gonna do their thing now.”
You roll your eyes and instruct all of them to message you or Jin once you’ve gone back to the hotel, if they even will. They wave their goodbyes and you leave. 
When you get to your suite, there’s less of the lust from earlier and more of the need to just be in each other’s arms, so you both decide to just enjoy a warm, relaxing bath and watch the sky slowly turn orange. It’s early in the morning and you hadn’t even realized you’ve been out the whole day, but oddly enough, you don’t feel as tired as you expected.
Sitting in the tub with your back against Jin’s chest, you take his arms and wrap it around you. 
“You feel like home, ___,” he mumbles. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.”
“Yeah, I’ve had your dick poking my back before but you never said that though,” you tease, and he tickles your sides before he tells you to take him seriously.
“I’m sorry,” you laugh. “You know we’re not always good with sweet stuff and we’ve reached our quota today since your vow melted my insides but I feel the same way with you,” you turn your head to face him. “You’re that large home with so much space because I feel free but you’re also quaint and cozy and you smell like my favorite home cooked meals and my favorite coffee. It’s the kind of place I want to grow old in.”
“I am, huh?“ he blushes. 
“You’re a lot of things, Kim Seokjin. Home is definitely one of them.”
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The rest of your trip is as amazing as you expected. 
You sleep in the day after your wedding but spend the afternoon lounging at the beach and then the pool. 
Jin’s grandparents call and say that something will be waiting for both of you when you get back in Seoul, and there’s less of the guilty feeling this time. Because of the short notice trip, they couldn’t make it, as they’re currently in some pilgrimage. They did eventually get wind of the whole fiasco, but Taehyung and Sejeong were so good at making it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. You’re glad that whole thing is over, and while you and Jin gave up on ever truly getting justice on your and even Seri’s behalf, you at least know you’re stronger than anything that comes your way. 
You take a day trip after that, to the northern Basque Country and visit a few coastal towns. They’re all quaint but beautiful and less crowded, so full of history and lively sceneries that your parents appreciate greatly. It’s also everyone else’s last day, so Jin’s parents treat all of you to a lovely dinner overlooking the sea, and it’s one of those moments that make you feel so thankful that you get to live this life.
The days after they all leave, you and Jin take cooking classes and do food tours, then you visit Bilbao and go to the Guggenheim Museum of modern and contemporary art.
“It’s a must-see,” Jin says on the day you visit. “It looks too stunning not to explore. Is that okay?”
Somehow his question means more but you don’t say much. You’ve come to know art because of Namjoon, but you appreciate it for its existence as art - it’s beautiful by nature, even if you don’t always understand it. 
You don’t think you’ve been to an art museum without Namjoon since, well, since he went away. It was that bitter and immature part of you that was jealous because he left you for it, and somehow being here reminds you of all those emotions that you kept in for years because they didn’t seem fair, nor rational; they just hurt. 
Jin lets you take the lead, and you really just go around and towards things that catch your eye. You soak in what you see, and if before you wanted so badly to understand them so you could see it in Namjoon’s eyes, now you’re just… seeing, and appreciating it for what you see. Perhaps that’s how it is when you’ve truly let go of something, you think. A part of them stays with you, but not big or deep enough to taint your vision.
“This was nice,” you say on the ride back to San Sebastián. “I appreciate you taking me there. Did anything catch your eye?”
You. Always you.
“The colored cherries,” he replies, cracking you up because it’s the same thing you thought.
“I believe they were tulips, Jin,” you say, taking his hand. “But they were pretty. There’s more of the pretty things I’m only really appreciating now.”
He hums and pulls you close. He knows nothing else needs to be said.
On your last day, you go crazy with shopping that you have to buy a separate luggage just for all the wine, cheese, cider, anchovies, and other local ingredients that you’re able to pack and bring home. Everyday since you’ve been here, you find a new restaurant or eatery to fall in love with and you wish you have more time to just soak up the city and enjoy the cuisine a little bit more, but you guess that’s what all the shopping was for - to bring San Sebastián home with you. 
Still, your time here feels enough. You were able to spend time with your friends and family, and be with your husband without the demands of work keeping you both busy - he made sure of that. You’re reminded of how much you love food, and that it’s a privilege that you’re able to share that love with the man you love.
And as you watch the pretty views of the Basque Country disappear as you ascend in the air, you think to yourself this time that you’ll always have Spain. All the memories and words and emotions shared will be kept with you as you continue to live this life with the person who makes you laugh and gush and happy the most, the one who lets you finally see things and their beauty for what they are. 
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You pick up from where you left off when you get back to Seoul. Your officer-in-charge managed while you were away, and you’re glad you have less paperwork to deal with, given your jet lag that you’re somehow still suffering from despite being back a week. 
But it’s okay, you think, as Jin continues to spoil you by massaging your body and making you broth every night just because. He’s still quite the romantic, but less in words now since he’s back to bickering with you as his default, and you really won’t have it any other way. 
Still, you know something has changed. Other than the repaired relationship with his parents, there’s this joy in your husband’s eyes that shows itself as a glimmer, and it’s the kind that you know he can only pull out from himself. You’d know; it’s the same glimmer in yours. 
You didn’t think that marrying him again could give you closure - with your past self, with the stars you held onto, and even with the marriage you have with the same man. 
Perhaps there’s something different with starting again, and it’s not just the redesigned wedding rings that Jin’s grandparents arranged for you to have because “those second vows are the ones that matter, even if you’d both kept the promises you made the first time.” It’s knowing that this is your life now, the life “after” you married him, the life that’s made up of side streets and alleys, paved and unpaved roads, scenic routes and dark tunnels, and you’re here, navigating it all while holding his hand. 
You hold his hand, too, months later, on the day you see your stars on a bright Saturday morning.
You’d just capped off a tiring week of product evaluations and Jin has been taking day trips outside of Seoul and the country for meetings. 
There’s a newly opened cafe in the nearby neighborhood, which serves coffee from beans taken from different parts of the world. It’s got an artsy vibe to it, too, and you want to try out their pastries and see if it’s going on your long list of favorite places with your husband. 
Walking next to his side, you check out the menu some feet away from the counter, and your indecisive asses decide to order 2 sandwiches and 2 slices of cake. It’s in the middle of paying when you hear a familiar voice, prompting you to turn to the side.
He calls your name, and your smile is immediate.
You walk towards him and his embrace is immediate, too, one that you instantly fall into. 
You haven’t seen him since that trip to France, and you’ve only spoken a few times since you canceled that Hong Kong trip to see him. You’d told him briefly about the scandal, the fallout with Jin’s family, and the second wedding you both had. Seeing him again after so long feels new, refreshing; somehow you think it’s meant to be, too.
Namjoon still has that pine scent you liked so much. He still has that deep, low sound of his voice that used to calm you down whenever you were missing him, and that almost child-like laughter that reminds you that he’s also still a kid at heart. There’s that smile that launched a thousand love letters from you, with the dip in his cheeks and the crinkle in his eyes that used to make your heart flutter.
Namjoon still feels and smells like comfort, just a different kind.
“Hey,” your husband approaches him. “I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Jin.”
Namjoon takes the hand that’s reached out for him, mirroring the smile of the man he’s heard so much about; the man he lost you to because he’d been too comfortable living in his own world to give it up for you. 
“And I’m Namjoon. It’s nice to finally meet you,” he says. “It’s nice to see you both here. I hope we don’t disappoint.”
“This is yours?!” You ask excitedly.
“Well, I’m looking after it for a friend while he’s on business trips and I’m staying in Incheon. This is a good space to work and it’s nice to see familiar faces,” he replies.
“So, you took the offer, I see?”
“Just recently. I took a job in Austria before this but something just pulled me back,” he says longingly. “I think I’ve been away from home too long. I’ve forgotten what it felt like.”
“Well, you were never meant for just one place, Joon. I think I realized that some time ago,” you reply. 
I realized it too late, you internally correct yourself. 
“Maybe, but it’s good to have a base. Even if I still have to travel every month, there’s at least somewhere that’s familiar.”
“That’s good,” you smile. “I’m glad it worked out for you.”
“And for both of you, too,” Namjoon hums, softly eyeing Jin’s hand that mindlessly envelopes yours. 
There’s something different. More than one thing, Namjoon thinks. It’s more than your smile and the glimmer in your eyes, and the cheeriness in your voice. It’s your stance, your aura; it’s your other hand and where it affectionately stays.
“Is it, uh, is it rude to ask?” He chuckles.
“Not if it’s you,” you giggle. “So yes, you may.”
“How far along are you?”
Perhaps it’s the different curve of your body; you remind yourself he knew you at one point, too. Maybe it’s also your outfit that doesn’t hide the bump; you and Jin are out for a walk, after all, as prescribed by your doctor. But somehow you also think it’s your smile, or that glow, or for a man who, at one point, knew everything about you, it’s just natural that he’d know. 
“Four months,” you smile. “We’re really excited about it.”
“That’s wonderful,” he chirps. “Congratulations to both of you. I’m sure that baby is going to feel so loved growing up.”
“Yeah. They're obviously going to be well-fed. And spoiled. They have a bunch of chaotic aunts and uncles who can’t wait to meet them,” Jin laughs. 
He turns to look at you and that smile you have on as you look at him, and somehow, he knows this meeting was meant to happen, too.
“But, uh, I think our child would do well to grow up learning about art, don’t you think?” Jin smiles shyly at Namjoon. “Would you know anyone who’d like that role?”
“Ah, I may know someone,” Namjoon grins. “And he’d really, really like that.”
You look at both men - one whom you loved for years, and another whom you’ll love for all the years ahead. This child is the luckiest to have Jin as their father, and having Namjoon in their life is something you didn’t think would make you this emotional, this thankful. 
You grip your husband’s hand - in thanks, more than anything. Namjoon made sure you didn't break beyond repair; he made sure you felt enough love that you’d still believe in it despite everything, even if it wasn’t enough for him. And that’s why he’ll always mean this much to you - you can’t forget the love that kept you whole; you can’t forget the love that made you hope. 
“Our child would really, really like that, too, Joon.”
The barista calls Jin’s name and gives him the tray. You both look around and see the full-house cafe, so Namjoon offers his table. He’s got to check inventory, after all, so he steps aside and lets you and Jin sit next to each other on the wooden bench against the wall.
“Duty calls,” he says, then heads to the counter to pick up the phone. 
“Thank you,” you tell your husband, and you know he just knows all the reasons why you’re saying this. 
“He’s always meant a lot to you,” Jin responds. “I get to love you because he loved you; you get to love me because you let him.”
You hum, basking in his sweet words that still surprise you to this day. You look up and catch Namjoon’s eyes - deep and dark and beautiful, and they glimmer back at you with that speck of acceptance, of clarity, of care. Of love that may have changed in nature, but hasn’t diminished one bit. 
He’s still the stars in the sky, but he isn’t something you look at unknowingly as a thing of the past. He’s here to still shine brightly above you, maybe to guide you, but more than anything, he’s a beauty to still admire. You just know there are more years for this star; it won’t be extinguished any time soon.
The rest of your night sky, your moon, your sun, your trees and flowers and everything else - he’s right next to you, and you’ve both created something so wonderful with the love you both choose everyday. 
Through side streets and alleys, paved and unpaved roads, scenic routes and dark tunnels, you will both love this little 100 with your whole, twinkling hearts.
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx​​​ @di0rgguk​​​ @thequeen-kat​​​ @fan-ati--c​​@cravingforhotchocolate​​​​ @adoraminie​​​​ @helenazbmrskai​​​​ @weasleyswizarding-wheezes​​​​ @preciouschimine​​​​ @gukssunshine​​​​ @nch327​​​​ @kookxin​​​​ @petuliii​​ @yoursthv​​​​ @libra04​​​​ @fancycollectormoon​​​​ @twixxxpie​​​​ @ignoretheskies​​​​ @ohmydarlin-g​​​​ @bids97​​​​ @minyoongiboongi​​ @main-bangtansmauyeondan​​​​ @investedreader
Series Taglist: @iwishselena​​​ @neverthefirstchoice​​​​​ @jungoomoles​​​​ @yoontaethings​​​​ @scuzmunkie​​​​ @aerastus​​​​ @seanachais​​​​ @rjsmochii​​​​ @xiaonismo​​​​ @petalsofink​​​​ @bastard--bunny​​ @little-dark-empress​
297 notes · View notes
minisugakoobies · 3 years
Kiss Me | KSJ
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Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
Genre: smut, fluff, friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, College!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, drinking, kissing, fingering, dirty talk, dry humping, Jimin's an annoying Cupid, Jin's a shaggy-haired BMOC heartthrob
Word Count: 5.9k
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Somehow all the videos you've taken all year star no one but Kim Seokjin. When did you fall in love with your best friend?
A/N: This all stems from a TikTok video montage of Jin set to "Kiss Me" by Sixpence None the Richer. Jin is truly just a 90's dreamboat living in modern times, so why not write a fic about that? Thanks to @thatlongspringnight @miscelunaaa @lavienjin @wwilloww @reliablemitten @dntaewithluv for encouraging me to do this! Dedicated to all my possums. 💕
Fic is set in the mid-to-late 1990s. Unbeta'd as usual. I would love to hear what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
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“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Jimin greets you as he enters the editing room. You’ve been sitting alone, drumming your fingers on the desk while you waited for him to arrive. “The ad guys needed me to sign off on a few things and you know what talkers they can be.”
“No prob,” you shrug. “So what’s up? You said it was some sort of emergency?”
When you first read the email from your editor earlier that day, you’d panicked a little, fearing the worst. As head videographer of your college’s yearbook staff, ‘the worst’ meant that something had happened to the multiple videocassettes you’d dropped off the other day. Those tapes contain every event you’ve attended over your entire junior year. Without them, there basically is no video yearbook.
But when you got to the editing room and found the tapes right where you’d left them, you figured Jimin was just being his usual overdramatic self. Probably just needed you to help him pick out a font or something.
He crosses his arms. “Did you watch any of the tapes before you brought them in?”
“Enough to confirm that I actually recorded stuff, yeah, I watched them a little.” You frowned. “Why?”
“Did you notice anything… unusual about them? Any recurring themes, perhaps?”
“Uh….” Themes? You were a videographer, not a cinematographer. “Can you please just tell me what the hell you’re talking about?”
“Oh, I’ll do you one better. Let me show you what I’m talking about.” He clicks on the main tv and presses play on the VCR. As a tape whirs to life, a handsome face flickers on the screen.
It’s a face you’ve seen nearly every day for the last 3 years. Your best friend, Kim Seokjin. He smiles brightly on screen, dark hair hanging in his warm eyes, and your heart flutters as if he were looking at you and not the lens of a camera. From the outfit he wears, a warm-up suit in your school’s colors, you guess this is the video from one of his tennis matches.
After a few shots of him hitting a few serves, he’s replaced by another Seokjin, this one dressed casually, a bright pink and yellow t-shirt and matching shorts, playing hacky sack on the quad with some other students. The camera stays on Seokjin even when he’s not the one juggling the sack. His squeaky laugh fills your ears, making you smile.
“Did you start editing these together?” you ask. “Interesting choice to segue from Jin to Jin.”
“Hmmm, yeah, interesting,” Jimin replies drily.
Hacky sack Seokjin is gone now. Your brow furrows as you watch yet another Seokjin cavorting on the tv, this one shirtless, wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of swimming trunks, chasing members of his fraternity with a hose. Clearly this is from the fundraiser car wash they’d had a few weeks ago. Water drips from his wet shirt, which clings to him as he pretends like he’s going to spray the camera and you audibly gulp.
There’s Seokjin in his choir robes, making you swoon as he sings a solo in his crystal-clear tenor. Seokjin wearing one of his many pastel hoodies, tutoring several students in the library. Seokjin dressed in formalwear, looking like a model rather than a college student, winking at the camera.
But why were these all cut together like this?
Jimin presses pause and the footage freezes midwink. “Do you see the problem yet?”
“I don’t know if it’s a problem, but it’s certainly an unusual approach for a yearbook to focus on only one student, Jimin.”
“Yeah, no shit! That’s the issue,” he sighs.
“Okay. So… why did you pick all of Jin’s shots? Why not throw in some other students?”
Jimin stares at you. “Are you… are you kidding me? I didn’t choose Jin’s shots, I used the only shots you gave me! Each tape is filled with nothing but Kim Seokjin!”
Rolling your eyes, you huff, “Well, it’s not my fault that he’s in every freaking activity and organization on campus! Tennis, choir, President of the environmental club, President of the photography club, President of Beta Tau Sigma… do I need to go on?”
Jimin gives you a stern look. “Sure, he’s the big man on campus who apparently never sleeps, but he’s not the only person in those activities! And yet you made him the star of every video!”
“Fuck off, no I didn’t.” Jimin raises an eyebrow at your protest. “Oh, come on! There’s no way. You’re being a real butthead right now - if there’s a joke here, I don’t get it.“
He pops the cassette out and exchanges it for one with ‘baseball championship’ scrawled across it in your handwriting.
“Ha, Jin doesn’t even play… baseball.” Your elation sputters out as the camera pans over the crowd at the biggest game of the year, only to stop and zoom in on Seokjin, who is trying desperately to start the wave. He’s eventually successful, which you discover because the camera never pans away. Not even when a loud roar goes up as something exciting happens on the field. Possibly the game-winning home run that clinched the tournament for your school - you’re not sure, because all you see is Seokjin.
Jimin stops the tape. “Explain that.”
You can’t.
He sighs, patting your arm. “It’s okay. I was once where you are, a young, lovesick puppy following my crush around. You’ll grow out of it.”
“First of all, you’re only 3 weeks older than me, so you can drop the enlightened elder routine, dude, and secondly, I am not a lovesick puppy!” Seokjin is your friend. Jimin knows that. Why is he being such a tool right now?
Jimin says your name in the most condescending “oh honey” tone he can muster. “You really need to figure some things out, huh?” He hands you the tape of his edits. “Here. Maybe this will help.”
“I don’t…”
“The good news is, I think I can still cobble something together using your tapes and the footage provided by our other videographers.” He winces. “I might have to deploy, like, John Woo-levels of slo-mo in order to pad it out a little here and there, but I’ll figure it out.” He clicks off the tv and stands, and you automatically do the same. “I need some java if I’m going to survive a late-night editing session. Want to hit the coffee hut with me?”
“No thanks. If we’re done… ?”
Jimin nods. “Yeah, I’ve got it from here.” You start to leave and he stops you, calling your name. “You should really watch the rest of that. It might clear a few things up for you.”
“Whatever,” you reply, waving over your shoulder.
As you wander out of the student center, you barely take note of the students who call your name and wave to you on your trek back to your dorm. The video is still in your hand. You gaze at it as if it’s a snake, expecting it to bite at any second. What are you supposed to do with this?
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Well, obviously there’s only one thing you can do with that tape.
You watch it.
Thankfully, you are alone in your dorm room, since your roommate is at her boyfriend’s for the night, so you don’t have to explain to her why you’re watching a Kim Seokjin compilation. You’re not sure you could explain it. Especially when you don’t fully understand it yourself.
The scenes you’d watched with Jimin roll by, a montage of Seokjin moments that already live in your head 24/7. You reach the shot of him in his rented tuxedo, mingling with his frat brothers and their dates at their winter formal, and can’t help but admire your friend again.
Jimin chose not to cut to another clip of Seokjin here, though. Instead, he let the tape play.
On your little tv screen, Seokjin sees you aiming the camera at him and laughs, sweeping his long black bangs off his forehead. “Are you going to stay behind that thing all night?”
The camera shakes slightly as your giggles float through the speakers. “Duh, of course. I’m on official business tonight.”
Technically, you were there for the yearbook. But Seokjin didn’t have a date for the evening, so you were also attending the dance with him. Wearing a satiny floor-length gown in your favorite color, the one that really made your eyes pop, you hoped you looked the part of a stunning date even if you were just the best friend helping out.
“Besides, you’re one to talk.” You zoom in on the beloved vintage Fujipet in Seokjin’s hand. You were used to seeing the shiny black and chrome camera at special events. But tonight he’s hardly been without it for more than a few minutes. Mostly during dinner, while wolfing down his meal. “That thing’s practically glued to your hand.”
Seokjin immediately sets the Fujipet down. “Okay, your turn.”
“Jin,” your voice whines, “stop. I can’t!”
“Aish, you take that yearbook too seriously. You’re missing out on so much!”
“Uh, as if! I’m literally capturing everything!” you retort indignantly. Seokjin knows how seriously you take this.
One night, many months ago, while reveling in the freedom of being young and very drunk, you’d given Seokjin an impromptu sermon about your hobby.
“Life is fleeting, Jinnie,” you’d slurred, waving your bottle of beer around. The two of you were sitting on his fraternity’s stoop, enjoying a surprisingly warm winter night. “It’s so fucking short! You have to - have to try to hold on to those moments, you know? Because you blink and poof! They’re gone. That’s why I want to record them all.”
“Them all what?” Seokjin, a bit of a lightweight, struggled to follow your speech.
You both dissolved into giggles as Seokjin leaned against you. After a few seconds, you started again. “My point is, you have to capture those moments if you can. So they live on. That’s what I want to do. I wanna grab that magic and store it away to share with others when they need it. I want to - to capture the world!” Throwing your arms up, you accidentally smacked Seokjin in the face, and the rest of the night disintegrated into drunken laughter and apologies after that.
He knows this is important to you. Maybe that’s why he resorts to begging.
“Yeah, you’re capturing it. But you’re not experiencing it! Come on, put it down for a minute and dance with me. Just one dance! Please?” Seokjin pleads with a pout, throwing you his best puppy dog eyes. He knows you can’t resist that look, and offscreen you hear yourself sigh.
“Fine. One dance. Let me pause.” The image jumps wildly as you place the camera on a table at the edge of the dance floor. It must be lying on its side, based on the way everything suddenly shifts, and you can hear a click like you’ve pressed something, but the tape keeps rolling.
How long is this scene going to run? Jimin must’ve thought it was vital to his little clip show, so you flop over onto your bed, tilting your head to better watch the strange angle on the tv screen. Maybe watching nearly upside-down will bring you more clarity than watching it right-side up did.
Seokjin holds out his hand and leads you to where other couples are already swaying to the music blasting from the dj booth. Since you’re alone now, you grab the remote, cranking the volume high. It’s one of your favorite songs - ‘Kiss Me’ by Sixpence None the Richer.
He draws you close, long arms wrapping around your waist, a comforting weight settling against your back. He’s warm under your touch, soft, but also solid, the silk of his collar brushing against your fingertips as you rest your hands on the nape of his neck.
The camera can only watch from a distance as the two of you begin to dance slowly, but it’s not like you really need the video. You remember that night pretty well, given that you stayed sober so you could film everything. You’d learned your lesson about manning the camera drunk after you tried to record your roommate’s birthday party one year and ended up with 2 hours of nothing but lens cap.
“See?” Seokjin says after a few seconds. “Isn’t this better?”
“Eh,” you shrug, a teasing smile on your lips. Seokjin laughs.
How could you be blamed for wanting to focus on such a gorgeous man? The camera isn’t zoomed in right now, but you don’t need that machine to show you what’s already so strongly emblazoned in your mind. Those expressive eyes that glimmer as he gazes at you. The way his pouty lips part, revealing that brilliant smile you love so much.
“Thanks for coming with me tonight.”
“Of course! What’s a best friend for?” You beam up at him.
“Right…” he replies, chuckling softly. “Best friend…” He trails off, eyes scanning the couples around you as he leads you around the floor.
Even without the aid of the microphone, you swear you can hear his heart beating loudly as you rest your head on his shoulder, just like you heard it that night.
The camera watches as Seokjin says something that makes you lift your head. And once again you’re struck by just how gorgeous he is. But he’s so much more than that. He’s the funniest. The smartest. The sweetest.
Why not make him the center of your videos? The yearbook needs to be interesting, to entertain people, captivate them, make them want to watch it over and over, maybe wishing they could be there, at those games or concerts or even in the quiet moments you’ve filmed, like this one, just you and Seokjin, slowly spinning around the room in one another’s arms, you smiling up at him like there’s no one else in the w-
Sitting up quickly, the blood rushes directly to your head and you tip backwards into your pillows, woozy. But it’s not just the sudden flush that makes you feel dizzy. A dozen questions pop into your head, causing emotional vertigo.
How the fuck have you been so blind to your feelings? When exactly had you fallen in love with your best friend? And if Jimin knows, does anyone else?
The scene finally ends, and the image of you and Seokjin dancing becomes him spearing trash along a highway with the environmental club. But the song starts up from the beginning again - Jimin must’ve dubbed it overtop. What a ridiculous flourish.
The video carries on, Seokjin after Seokjin after Seokjin flashing on screen (god, how many of these events did you attend together? All of them??) After a few minutes, you begrudgingly applaud Jimin’s skills, because he really cut the shots so perfectly to line u-
“What is this?”
“Fuck!” You bolt upright as Seokjin’s voice scares the bejesus out of you. Scrambling for your remote, you smash the stop button before turning around.
He’s standing in your doorway, eyes wide underneath his messy bangs as he stares at the tv. One hand grips the strap of the backpack hanging off his shoulder while the other plays with the cords on his oversized blue and white hoodie - a nervous tick you’re well-acquainted with.
“I - I didn’t hear you come in,” you stammer.
“Yeah, figured you couldn’t hear me knocking over the music,” he replies, still staring at the blank screen. “Door was unlocked. What was that?”
“The song? ‘Kiss Me’ by Sixpe- “
“Not the song.” He finally glances at you. “I know the song. What the hell were you watching?”
“Well, uh… how long have you been standing there?”
He gives you a look.
You could lie. Make up some sort of excuse, maybe something technical that he might not understand, but you don’t think about it for more than a second. This is Seokjin. Your best friend. You can’t lie to him.
You gesture for him to sit. “It’s something that Jimin edited together for me.”
Seokjin plops himself down on the other end of your bed. “He made you a… a music video? Starring yours truly?”
He seems puzzled. It’d be so easy for you to reach out and press your thumb to the little worry lines between his brows and soothe them away. The urge is overwhelming.
How did you not know you loved him?
“What do you mean, kinda?” He laughs a little. “That’s definitely what it looked like. Like watching an Mnet broadcast from an alternate dimension.” He pauses. “But why did Jimin make this for you?”
Nervously, you fiddle with your remote. “He went through all the footage I handed in for the yearbook. Apparently, you’re the focus of every video. Doesn’t matter what I was supposed to be shooting - games, parties, whatever - I only recorded you.”
He looks slightly bewildered at this, even with his thriving confidence. “Only me?”
Nodding, you avoid Seokjin’s eye, feeling heat creeping along your neck. It’s embarrassing trying to explain this. “Yeah. Nothing and no one else. I basically filmed a whole year of The Kim Seokjin Show and he… wanted to point that out.” You shrug, trying to play it cool, but still don’t look at him.
Seokjin’s unusually quiet for a few minutes as he contemplates your answers. Then he scoffs, shaking his head. “Let me get this straight. Jimin put this video together just to critique your work? Seems like a dick move.”
“Yeah, well… if it weren’t for the other videographers, we wouldn’t have enough footage for a yearbook, since mine is basically useless, so maybe his dickishness is a little justified.” You sigh, biting your lip as you realize that you’d pretty much let Jimin and the rest of the yearbook staff down.
“Ah. I see.” He tugs on his hoodie drawstrings, pulling them back and forth. “But would a dick go to the trouble of adding a soundtrack?”
“Honestly, I think he was just showing off with that,” you snort. You finally hazard a glance and find him regarding you carefully.
“Look, I get it,” Seokjin sighs, tossing his bangs out of his eyes as he reclines on your bed. “It only makes sense that you would end up making me the focus of all your videos. I mean, come on.” He gestures broadly to himself, and your lips quirk at his more than healthy self-esteem. “Jimin can’t fault you for that. But if you really wanted some good shots of me for your personal collection, you could’ve just asked for a private performance.” With an exaggerated wink, he throws you an air kiss.
“I’ll remember that for next year,” you roll your eyes, but giggle nonetheless.
He grins. “You should. Anyway… wanna grab dinner?”
“On campus?”
“Nah, let’s do takeout.” He starts rattling off a list of options and you just hum along, relieved.
Thank god it was Seokjin who came through the door and not your roommate or one of your friends. There’s no way any of them would’ve let you off the hook so easily. This is what Seokjin always does - he comforts you even in the most awkward, stressful situations. Like trying to explain why you seem to own a highlight reel of your bff’s greatest moments. He cracks a joke at his expense, makes you laugh, and breaks the tension.
No one else is as thoughtful as he is. No one else cares for you the way he does.
No one else.
“Jimin wasn’t being rude,” you start again when he’s finished listing restaurants. “Well, maybe a little, but no more than usual. I think he was also trying to help me.”
Seokjin twists his drawstrings. “Eh, you’re a great videographer, you don’t need his help.”
“That’s, uh, not what I mean. He was just… it’s that…”
It’s hard to find the right words to explain. All you can do is try. Seokjin’s eyebrows lift, encouraging you on, and you smile, grateful for his patience as you gather your thoughts.
“...he was trying to help me realize what’s been in front of me this whole time. I don’t know when something changed, but it did, and,” you pause, “and, I’m only realizing it now, but I… I…”
He must sense something from your tone, or the way you keep stammering, because he’s suddenly serious, dark eyes studying your face carefully as he says your name. “You what?”
Maybe you should be afraid to tell him. But you’re not. He’s your best friend.
You take a deep breath. “I love you, Jin.”
As long as you’ve known Seokjin, you’ve never seen him stunned silent. He always has a joke or a quip for any situation. Always. But your declaration has rendered him speechless. His face goes completely blank, too. It freaks you out a little.
Panic starts to set in. Did you make a mistake? “It’s okay if you don’t - don’t feel the same way. I just needed you to know.” You give him an out.
No response. His eyes shift, landing on your tv. The screen is still blank but the way he gazes at it makes you wonder if he’s seeing something there. If only you could record whatever’s going on inside his head. Replay it over and over until you understand.
The quiet stretches on too long, eating away at you until you can’t take it anymore.
“Please say something,” you finally implore him.
“I…” he blinks. “Okay.”
“Okay?” What’s okay?
“You love me?”
You nod.
“Okay. I… gotta go.” He slides off the bed and slowly backs away.
“What??” You rise up on your knees, mouth dropping open as he essentially moonwalks to the door. Rooted to the spot, you can only stare as he glances at you, his expression still alarmingly vacant.
“I’ll, uh… yeah….” he mumbles, and the door closes behind him.
Dumbfounded, you stare at it.
“What the fuck?!”
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20 minutes pass, according to the clock on your nightstand. You haven’t moved a muscle since he left. It’s like you’re frozen, kneeling on your bed. The air around you feels a little cold, as if he took all the warmth from the room when he left.
It’s strange that you haven’t cried. Seokjin breaking your heart should leave you a sobbing mess, but your eyes are dry. You’re not even sure you know how to cry right now. Maybe you’re in shock.
How could he just walk out like that? His best friend confesses that she loves him and he just says “Okay” and bounces?? Was he that repulsed? Unable to bear the thought of you having feelings for him?
There’s no reason to keep staring at the door, but you can’t tear your gaze away as you wonder what will happen next. You’re supposed to meet him for breakfast tomorrow, before class. Will he skip? Go by himself and pretend not to know you?
Or, simply show up like normal and act like nothing happened?
Somehow, that feels like the worst possibility.
Once again, you’re sinking in endless questions, so you shake yourself free and climb off the bed. You need to get out of this room, get as far away from the tv and that tape, that damn videocassette that started it all. Maybe some ice cream would help. The cafeteria should be fairly empty this time of night, so you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing you when you inevitably break down over your Chunky Monkey.
But instead you yank your door open and Seokjin is there and suddenly you remember how to cry.
“What the fuck…” you utter before you’re too choked up to speak. Tears stream down your cheeks.
Seokjin doesn’t miss a beat. He steps into the room, sweeping you into his arms for a tight hug. “Whoa, whoa, don’t cry! Please, I’m sorry!” He sort of wobbles you around, walking backwards clumsily as you blubber into his shoulder until your legs hit your bed, gently coaxes you to sit. “Shit, I knew I shouldn’t have left like that.”
He grabs you a tissue from your nightstand and you accept it with a glare. A soggy glare, but a glare nonetheless. “Then why did you?”
“Because I needed a minute. I’m sorry, I know it was messed up to just run out on you, but I had to think.” He drops his backpack on your bed and unzips it, pulling out a black metal box. “And I needed this.”
“You needed a photo box?” Sniffling, you pick the box up and turn it over in your hands. There are no labels, nothing written anywhere on the box. You shoot him a confused look. “Explain.”
Seokjin pries the lid from the box and tilts his chin. “Take a look.”
A stack of photos sits inside. The top photo is you, video camera in hand, standing near a chain-link fence. You’re lit from behind by the sun, a bright halo radiating around you.
“That’s at my last tennis match,” Jin informs you.
The next photo is you again, camera held up to your eye as you stand on the quad, head tipped way back, mouth slightly open as snowflakes swirl around you.
“First snow, last year. You were trying to film a snowball fight on the quad, but you kept trying to catch snowflakes on your tongue.” His laugh squeaks like a rusty hinge as his eyes crinkle. “The video bounced so much it gave me motion sickness.”
One by one, you examine the photos. They’re all the same. Caught in profile, you’re the star of every shot, Seokjin’s camera gazing at you while you view the world through your video camera. You keep flipping as Seokjin keeps talking.
“I think Jimin must’ve been exaggerating. Unusual for him, I know,” Seokjin cackles, and you can’t help but grin. “But you have to have recorded other things, other people. Because if you were only watching me, you would’ve seen me only watching you.”
The lump in your throat returns as you look at him. “I don’t understand.”
“I think you do,” he replies softly. “You told me once how much you wanted to capture the world. That stuck with me.”
“It did?” Placing the photos back in the box, you push it aside.
“Yeah. It did.”
“But… these are only photos of me?”
“Right.” Seokjin shuffles nearer, until his thigh rubs against yours. He slides his thumb across your cheek, through the tears that cling there, and your eyes fall shut at his touch. “Don’t you get it? You’re my world.”
Your eyes flutter open. “Jin. Kiss me.”
He leans in and you meet him halfway as his mouth presses against yours. It’s soft, chaste almost, your lips just brushing. Then he tilts his head, cupping your face to bring you closer, and suddenly you’re kissing. Really kissing, mouths parting, tongues colliding, your hands in his hair, his hands tugging you into his lap. You breathe him, touch him, taste him. Him, him, him.
Your Jin.
God knows how much time goes by before you break apart. Jin’s face is bright red as he grins at you. You trace your finger along his plush lips. They’re even more plump now, swollen from the many nips you’ve given them.
“You’re lucky I like you so much,” you murmur, “because that was a pretty corny line.”
“Not a line. The truth,” he replies huskily, kissing your fingertip. “But excuse me, I thought you said you loved me? Not liked me.”
“Ugh, of course the linguistics major would argue semantics.” Will you ever tire of that ridiculous laugh? “I love you, you nerd.”
“You know I love you too, right?”
Joy sings in your chest, spreads through your body. “I was hoping, but you didn’t actually say it….”
“Every day for three years.”
He beams as you look at him skeptically.
“All three years? Every single minute?”
“Yep. Every moment.”
“Prove it,” you challenge him with a raised brow.
“You want me to go get my other photo boxes? This one’s just junior year.”
You weren’t expecting him to back up that claim with photographic proof. You were just trying to get him to kiss you again.
“Say it again,” you command, lips crashing into his. “Please. Again.”
“I love you,” he declares, laying you down. “I love you.” He settles himself on top of you. “I love you.” He nuzzles your lips, your cheek, your neck. On and on, covering you in burning kisses and softly murmured words.
You push him away for a moment, long enough to pull your top off and toss it onto the floor. He sucks in a breath as you unhook your bra and drop it as well.
“Goddamn. Would you look at those,” he marvels. Your head drops back as you laugh. He’s the most attractive man you’ve ever met, sure, but he’s also the biggest dork.
“Do you want to touch them?”
He nods enthusiastically, and you lie back on your pillows, motioning for him to follow. He does so hungrily, mouth immediately sucking one of your nipples in. You keen as his tongue flicks over the tiny bud, waking it up. His hands join his mouth in caressing every inch he can touch.
“Jin,” you sigh, clutching at the hood of his sweatshirt, pulling him back up so you can kiss him. He obliges, but then he’s gone again, lips tracing down your clavicle and running over your other breast. He lavishes both with attention until you’re breathless with want. With need.
His hand plays with the top button on your jeans. “Can these come off?” he asks, eyes round as he peers at you. As if he needs puppy dog eyes right now.
You nod, and he wastes no time undoing the buttons and sliding them down your legs. Then he reaches behind his head and yanks his hoodie off, taking the t-shirt underneath with it. You’d love to tease him about his eagerness, but it would be hypocritical of you, and besides, you’re too busy gawking at his bare chest. His baggy clothes hide the way his broad shoulders taper down to his waist, where the band of his Calvin Klein boxers rides above his sweatpants.
He slides back up your body to kiss you again. This time he lingers, and as his arms come to rest on either side of your head, he rolls his hips into you and you can feel how much he wants this, too. His hard length presses against your core and you whimper into his mouth, running your hands down his chest.
“Jin!” He repeats the movement, your hips lifting to meet his. His hand snakes between you and he slides a finger under the band of your panties.
“Can these come off, too?”
“God yes!”
With a laugh at your zealous response, Jin removes the last bit of clothing you wear. You laid your heart bare before him earlier, and now the rest of you is exposed, too.
His lips hover over yours as his fingers hover above your clit. He slowly draws a circle around the sensitive pearl as he swallows your moan.
“Tell me if you want me to stop,” he rasps, and as you nod, his finger plunges inside.
You’ve always admired Jin’s hands. Those long, slightly crooked fingers move adroitly when he’s playing with his camera or typing on his keyboard. But right now, his lithe fingers are simply pure magic, stroking, rubbing, dipping in and out. You’re spellbound, your kisses getting sloppier as you pant and groan against Jin’s lips.
“Oh god, don’t you dare stop!” you demand, eyes closing in bliss. One of your hands tangles in your bedspread, pulling the blanket up as you grip at it, while the other curls around his bicep, holding on tight.
“I won’t. I’m not stopping until you’re cumming all over me.” Jin’s voice breathes in your ear. You shudder, from the heat, the touch of his lips, the filthy promise. You’ve never heard him use that word before. It sounds so good on his tongue.
“T-tell me,” you moan. Opening your eyes, you see Jin watching you with an expression of lust that makes you clench around his fingers involuntarily, and he draws a shaky breath. He grinds his hips into the bed and you whine at the sight.
“Tell you what?” He drops his head to your neck, sucking gently, painting your neck with red marks that will fade to black and blue by morning.
“What you w-wanna do. To me.”
He lifts his head in surprise. “You like that?”
Other guys had tried talking dirty with you before and you’d played along, but it had never done a damn thing for you. Not until this moment.
“Yeah. Wanna hear you. Tell me what you wanna do to me, Jinnie,” you beg, voice breathless and sweet, and he groans, capturing your mouth in a harsh kiss before pulling away again.
“Fuck, I wanna do everything to you. Make you cum on my fingers, my tongue, my cock.” You mewl loudly, helplessly, at that last word, and he drags his thumb over your clit, agonizingly slow. Keening, you try to encourage him to speed up by bucking your hips towards him. “Oh, you wanna cum on my cock? How do you want it - deep and slow?” He starts to pump his fingers fast, and your whole body feels tight tight tight, like you’re about to snap. “Or fast and hard? Is that better? Throw your legs over my shoulders and fuck you senseless?”
“Ahhhhh, I want it all, please give it to me, please please pl- “ Your voice breaks as your body breaks, comes apart in Jin’s deft hands. You feel his hips bucking into the bed and then he hisses, burying his face in the valley of your breasts.
“Did - did you just - “
“Yeah,” he groans, voice muffled. “I just came in my pants like a fucking teenager.” He lifts his head, looking sheepish. You laugh, affectionately, amazed at how he can be so sexy but so cute at the same time, heart overflowing as he rolls behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“So,” you drawl after a few minutes of content snuggling, “about those things you said you want to do to me…”
“...are you waiting for a formal invitation, or…” You grind your ass against him and he tightens his arms around your waist, huffing a laugh into the crook of your neck.
“I’m gonna need some dinner first.” He nibbles on your shoulder. “Let’s take a break. We’ve got the rest of the night. And tomorrow. Every day after that.”
You twist in his arms. “Every day?”
“For as long as you’ll have me.” His gaze is so warm. It’s incredible that you never realized that look in his eyes was the look of love.
“I love you, Jin.”
“I love you too.” He grins. “Now... how about that takeout?”
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© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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gloriousmonsters · 3 years
comprehensive list of every MDZS character that has made a ‘are we in a relationship/is this gay??’ post in an au where everything is the same except reddit exists and people use modern terminology when it’s funny
obviously, wei wuxian. ‘i’ve been playing gay chicken with this guy and sleeping in the same bed as him and he’s really quiet but he hasn’t been telling me to quit it like he used to and also he looks at me strangely sometimes and buys me drinks and we actually wound up having sex the other night--’ responses tend: ‘you’ve had sex how many times? yeah, that’s not technically a bromance’
lan xichen makes one while on the road with meng yao, lovingly detailing how they’ve been doing chores together and meng yao thoughtlessly called him a ‘good boy’ while doing laundry and it made him blush really hard, omg, and he wants to believe something might be there but meng yao is just so smart and talented and the situation’s difficult so he doesn’t want to presume even though meng yao keeps touching his hands while teaching him to mend clothes and seems to have a special smile just for him, etc etc. responses: people going ‘op just go for it’ and a bunch of people just calling him a sub
xiao xingchen and song lan make posts at the same time about their amazing friend that they share a common dream with and we kind of casually hold hands sometimes and call each other endearments but like, platonically? i think? reponses: ‘oh my fucking god *posts screenshot of the other one’s post*’. they wind up having a good laugh over it and making an update post about how they’re together now
years later xiao xingchen makes a post about how he’s been cohabiting with this guy who keeps on making jokes to make him laugh and teasing him by calling them ‘married’ and like, they are living together and sort of raising a teenager, well mostly she’s raising herself, but anyway - he thinks he’s getting signals but he’s had some trouble with relationships ending messily before, and he doesn’t want to presume something and make his friend uncomfortable, what they have is so precious... responses: a-qing’s burner account saying the guy is sus, don’t go for it. xue yang’s burner saying ‘he’s 100% into you. jump his bones’
jin guangyao makes a post asking ‘if a guy you really like and sort of had a summer romance with asks you to be sworn brothers, but like... also sworn brothers with your ex, what does it mean?’ and deletes the post after accumulating a bunch of responses demanding more info
jiang cheng demands to know that if you’re best friends with someone and they’re sort of your adopted brother but definitely your sect brother and they PROMISED with their OWN MOUTH to stay by your side and then they dump you to go off and cohabit with ANOTHER MAN and a bunch of refugees but that bit’s not important, that’s like, a breach of contract, right? because you’re in a relationship, right? responses: a number of people directing him to r/AITA. ‘op is this even a romantic relationship or is it a bro thing’ jc replies saying IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT IT IS and deletes, but not before screenshots are everywhere
xue yang makes a post about how he was like, sort of faking being into this guy for lulz but now he’s kind of caught feelings and the flirting-to-make-the-other-guy-uncomfortable has escalated to morning kisses and the dude keeps leaving candy on his pillow and like... do you guys think he’s just playing along with the joke, or is it serious? responses: ‘oh my fucking god op’ ‘yeah you’re dating. you’re like 75% married’ and a-qing’s burner account telling him he’s reading too much into it
su she makes a post detailing how he’s had a crush on his boss who’s also his friend for a while and so he doesn’t want to let his hopes make him assume anything but his boss is extremely touchy-feely with him sometimes and asks him to work late alone together on... projects, it’s not important what, and maybe he gets playfully called a ‘work boyfriend’ a lot and his boss goes out of his way to compliment him sometimes, etc... Multiple responses point out he’s listed like 80 kinds of HR violations. su she replies it doesn’t matter. responses assert that yeah, it kind of does, also did you mention your boss already has a boyfriend? red flag op. sms gets pissed at nobody addressing his actual question and deletes the post
jin guangyao makes a post asking how many times you have to ‘jokingly’ call someone your boyfriend and spend late nights working on projects while finding excuses to touch before you acknowledge maybe something is going on. he gets a few OH MY GOD IT’S YOU... MR HR VIOLATIONS responses before swiftly deleting
wen ning has attempted to write a post several times throughout his life and undeath and always chickened out and deleted what he wrote at the last moment. he finally just makes a post about regrets and wishing you’d asked things outright and shared your feelings on r/offmychest or something. it’s very moving and gets shared a lot. wwx absolutely sees it and comments ‘man the dude in this story must be an asshole to not realize op’s feelings’ with 0 self awareness. for my own happiness this absolutely is the start to an endgame ningxian postcanon au
lan wangji makes an account post guanyin temple to ask ‘if a man tells me ‘I like you, I love you, I whatever you, I want to fuck you every day’, does that mean we’re in a relationship?’ he ignores every response except the first person to just say ‘yep’, replies ‘thank you’ to that person and then never returns to xianxia reddit
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Easy Does It || reader x KSJ
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Pairing: reader x KSJ
Word count: 2.2k
Rating: M / R (18+)
Genre: established relationship au, slice of life, fluff (and lots of it), just a dash of smut
Summary: Lazy weekends are always the best, and getting to spend a whole lazy Saturday in bed with your boyfriend only makes them even better. inspired by The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars. 
Warnings: copious amounts of cozy cozy fluff; a very handsy Jin; tickle attacks; light smut/sexual content
A/N: this is lowkey corny as heck and I am here for it because I love fluffy boyfriend seokjinnie so much :') I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. this one was a lot of fun. shoutout to @onmypillow-onmytable for beta-ing, banner creds, and whatnot! thx! ly - robyn
T/N: yeobo = a Korean term of endearment meaning honey or darling
P.S. As always I do not own BTS or their likenesses, nor do I own the music of Bruno Mars, lol, they simply inspire me.
inspo playlist here
Sunlight floods into the room, through the cracks of the curtains, with the promise of another beautiful spring Saturday morning. You blink open your eyes, slowly, adjusting to the brightness, and gradually becoming aware of your boyfriend’s arm, wrapped around your waist. You smile, turning around to look at him. Jin is still asleep, eyes closed, breathing slow and even. He’s even more handsome when he’s asleep, if that’s even possible. You start to slide out from under his arm without waking him up, wanting to run to the bathroom while he’s still out, but as you’re about to get up you feel his grip tugging you back towards him. 
“Hmm,” he says sleepily, eyes still closed. “Not yet.” 
“I’ll be right back,” you say, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “I just need the bathroom. Promise.” You try to leave again, but another tug keeps you from going anywhere, this time pulling you flush against his bare chest. “Come on, Jinnie, let go of me. I really have to go.” You try moving his arms from your waist again, but they won’t budge. 
“No!” he says firmly, a smile making its way onto his half-awake face. It’s hard to argue with a face like that, as if it were sculpted by one of the Greats themselves. It’s even harder to argue with the call of nature, though. 
“Thirty seconds,” you plead. “All I need is thirty seconds.” 
“Okay. Fine.” He releases you. “But I’m holding you to that.” 
You hop up quickly, do your thing, and then scurry back to bed. Jin is fully awake now, leaning on one arm. “That was way longer than thirty seconds,” he says accusingly. “What are you going to do to make it up to me?” He’s attempting to look serious, but his still sleep-rumpled hair doesn’t do much for the effect. 
“It was not,” you insist, tucking yourself back under the covers. “But, well, if you’re really set on me making it up to you…” You pull him in for a kiss, locking your lips with his plush, full ones, surreptitiously tangling your tongue with his. “How about that? Am I forgiven?” 
“Hmm,” Jin says, smirking mischievously. “Not quite. It’s a good start, but I can think of something else you can do for me.” He slides a hand up the side of your thigh, and under the oversized t-shirt you’re wearing. “You know, that’s one of my favorite shirts,” he says, toying with the hemline. “It looks better on you than me, though.” 
“Really? I thought everything looked good on you,” you say teasingly. 
“Oh, yeah. Most everything does.” The tips of his fingers brush against your bare stomach, sending tingles up your spine. “I really think this shirt in particular would look much better on the floor. Don’t you agree?” 
You can’t help but let out a snort. “You know that’s corny as hell, don’t you? Did you really think that would work on me?” 
He chuckles. “Well, after last night I figured it was worth a shot.”
“You…” you say, tapping him on the chin, “are ridiculous. But I’ll allow it, because you’re cute. Just this once, though. Don’t make a habit of it.” 
“What a blessing.” He wraps you back in his arms again. “Good morning, by the way. Did you sleep well?” 
“As well as I could, which is to say, pretty well.” you say, snuggling closer to his chest, still facing toward him. “And you?” 
“Of course,” Jin says, leaning in for a kiss. “I always sleep well when I’m next to you.”
“Aw.” You smile, reaching over to touch his cheek. “I’m glad.” 
It feels nice to be here, warm and secure in his arms, nothing needing your attention, nowhere to immediately rush off to as soon as you wake up. You wish that you could stay here forever, that every morning could be like this: lazy kisses and quiet murmurs, lost in each other's eyes. You'd never really thought about contentment before, what it would look like for you - but this must be it. Happiness. 
"What are you thinking about, yeobo?" Jin's voice enters your thoughts, gentle breaths brushing your ear. "You’re all quiet now."
"Nothing." You tuck your chin. "I just…I'm glad to be here. With you, in this moment. You make me happy.” A warm blush crawls into your cheeks. “Oh, I’m just being sappy now. Forget I said anything.”
He tilts your face back up to look at him. “You make me happy too, y/n. All the time.” He plants a kiss on your nose. “What do you say we continue making each other happy, and pick up where we left off last night?” He grins conspiratorially and moves to dive-bomb the crook of your neck with fluttering kisses.
“Stop.” You giggle, nudging him away gently. “Don't you think about anything other than sex?"
"Occasionally," Jin muses. "It's not easy when I'm with you." He tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, allowing his hand to linger near your face. Your stomach picks that moment to grumble loudly. "Hungry?" he teases. 
"Some of us do have to eat actual food sometimes, you know." You put your hands under your chin, and muster up your cutest facial expression. "Please, Chef Jin. Will you make your beloved y/n breakfast?"
“Ah!” He groans. “You know I can’t say no when you make that face. So what am I making for my beloved y/n?”
“Mmm,” you hum, biting your lower lip. “French toast? With the strawberries I bought the other day. And coffee. That’d be nice.” 
"You have a five-star restaurant chef completely at your disposal, and all you want is French toast and coffee?" 
You shrug. “What can I say? I’m a simple girl.” 
Jin laughs. “Okay. Coming right up. Don't move an inch. I'll be right back.” He disentangles himself from the covers, pulls a shirt over his head, and disappears, followed shortly by the aroma of cinnamon and coffee wafting up the stairs. You inhale deeply, the pleasant smell and distant sound of Jin moving around in the kitchen slowly lulling you back into a hazy slumber. 
The smell of toast and coffee seems to get even closer, and you open your eyes to your handsome boyfriend, standing there like an angel with the fruits of his labor, arranged neatly on a tray. He cocks his head to one side, wearing an amused smile. “I think you might be the only person I know who can fall asleep when she’s supposedly starving.” 
“I’m an excellent multitasker. Plus the food comes faster if I’m not awake while it’s being prepared.” You smile, stretching as you sit up. “I hope that’s for me.”
“Well, I suppose I could share.” He sets the tray down on the bed and sits, handing you your favorite mug. “French toast with strawberry compote, and coffee, as requested.” 
“You're a prince,” you say. “An absolute prince.” You drape your arm around the back of his neck to pull him closer, letting your fingers tangle in his hair. His forehead bumps gently against yours.
“So I've been told,” he says, dropping a kiss on the corner of your mouth. 
“Oh? By who?” you demand, narrowing your eyes. 
“My mom? She used to call me her little moon prince when I was a kid." Jin smirks. "Y/n, don't tell me you're jealous of my mom.”
“I’m not jealous,” you pout.
"You are! Don't worry. I think it's cute." He pats your head. “Come on, go ahead and eat or it'll get cold.” Jin nudges the tray toward you. Still sulking, you pick up your fork to dig into the impeccably plated French toast. “Well?” He looks at you expectantly as you take the first bite. “What do we think? Best you’ve ever had, or what?” 
“Hmm,” you hesitate. “It’s…okay.” 
“Just okay? I’m hurt.” He throws a hand across his heart as if he’s deeply wounded. “See if I ever make you breakfast in bed again.”
“Only kidding. It’s perfect, as usual.” You fork up another bite and hold it out to him. “Here, try it for yourself.” 
“Hah!” he snorts. “You think I don’t know my own cooking tastes amazing?” He snares the bite off your fork. “Of course it’s perfect.” 
“Thought you might like a refresher.” You cut yourself another piece. 
“I could use another one.” Jin looks at you pointedly, so you hold out the fork again. He ignores the fork in your hand and plants a sloppy kiss on the side of your face. 
“Hey! What was that for?” you ask. 
“You had strawberry on your face.” He smirks. “And can I just say it tasted extra-sweet on you?” 
You laugh. “I suppose you can, you big goof.” 
“Aish! So rude!” he complains playfully. “I’m only ever good to you, and what do I get in return? Nothing but attitude.” 
“Aw, I know,” you say, patting both of his cheeks. “You’re so good to me, Jinnie. And I appreciate every bit of it.” You take turns feeding each other bites of toast, leaning comfortably against Jin’s broad chest. “So what are we going to do today?” you ask, sipping the final dregs of your coffee. 
“Well, it’s Saturday. I don’t have anywhere to be, and I’m assuming you don’t either,” he muses. “I’m happy to do whatever you want to do.” 
“I like the sound of that.” You glance up at him. “It’s a nice day. We could go for a walk, or a bike ride.” 
Jin groans. “You’ve been talking to Namjoon, haven’t you? Remind me to pay closer attention to who you’re spending time with.” 
“But it’s so pretty outside.” 
He shakes his head. “Nope. It’s the first Saturday I’ve had off in a while. I don’t even want to think about leaving the house. Even if it’s just for a walk.” 
“What happened to whatever I want to do, hm?” 
“I’ll do anything else you want, but as a matter of principle I refuse to do anything physical unless I have to.” He cocks one eyebrow mischievously. “Although I could be convinced if it means getting physical with you.” Jin wraps his arm tighter around your waist, his hand drifting toward the hem of your shirt again. “Are you planning on wearing this shirt all day?” 
“No, why do you ask?” You narrow your eyes in an attempt to look serious.
“Well, maybe I could help with its removal.” He smirks. “I’m always happy to assist, if you're finding it difficult."
You toss your head back with a chuckle. “Not this again.” 
“You didn’t say no,” he teases, and grabs at the hem of the shirt, purposely brushing past your most ticklish spot, which sends you into peals of laughter. 
“No fair!” you giggle, gasping for breath. “You know how ticklish I am!” Your arms flail around uncontrollably in an unsuccessful attempt to evade Jin’s attacks, as his nimble fingers seem to find only your most ticklish spots. Unfortunately, one of your hands comes into solid contact with his nose. 
“Yah!” he exclaims. “So we're playing dirty now?”
You turn to him, attempting to stifle your laughter. “Aw, I’m sorry, Jinnie. But that’s what you get for poking me in the side.” You rise up on your knees to peck the tip of his nose. “All better?”
“Okay,” he relents, his indignant expression dissipating. “You’re forgiven.” 
You snuggle back up to him, and he lets his arm wrap around your waist again. "Well, we've got a whole day in front of us, nothing to do and nowhere to be," you muse, clicking your tongue. "What do you think we should do with this rare occasion?"
"Can I make a suggestion?" Jin asks. You look up at him. "This might be crazy, but…what if we just don't do anything? What if we just stay here, in bed, all day? Clothing optional, of course." He pinches your bare thigh lightly and smirks. 
"Oh, of course," you say, trying to hide your smile. 
He continues: "We stay in bed all day, only leave for snacks, and you know,  other necessities. Then maybe we make something delicious for dinner, once again clothing optional. Or not, though if we order delivery at least one of us will have to put clothes on. What do you think?" 
"I don't know, that is kind of crazy," you say. "I've never spent a whole day in bed before. My mom would always yell at me if I slept past ten." Growing up the only time it was considered acceptable to stay in bed all day was if you were sick.
"There's a first time for everything."
"And what am I supposed to say when people at work ask me what I did this weekend, hm?" Your coworkers are usually nice, if not invariably nosy when it comes to everyone's supposed weekend adventures during your Monday morning coffee break.
"Absolutely nothing?" he says. "They don't need to know. Or you can just tell them you spent the weekend having loud, raucous sex with your boyfriend. Your choice." 
“You know if I did that no one would be able to look me in the eye ever again.” 
“So?” he says, his arm tightening around your waist. “That means I’ll be the only one who can look at you.” He presses a kiss to the side of your forehead.
“Oh my God." You chuckle. "Am I really about to spend a whole day in bed doing nothing?" 
"No one said we had to do nothing," he says, grinning devilishly. "There's plenty we can do without leaving this bed."
"Oh yeah?" you say, with a coy smile. "Why don't you come over here and show me?"
©2022 by mrworldwideshoulders
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beckysworld7 · 3 years
The Winter Getaway (Part 4)
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Synopsis: Imagine being stuck in a quaint and cozy log cabin during a winter storm with these seven men for the weekend.
Paring: OT7 x Reader
Genre: 18+, smut, angst, vacation au, f2l au
Warnings: fingering, exhibitionism/ voyeurism, impact play, pain kink, daddy! Namjoon, multiple partner play, fingers kink
Rating: NC-17/ 18+ / Mature
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Again… sorry this took forever 😅 Oh and this was purely self indulgent.
Part of
❂ Lovers at Yule Writing Game
⁂ Hosted by: Professor Solaris through @bangtansorciere
⤐ AU Type: friends 2 lovers
⤐ Themes: vacation au
⤐ Kinks: exhibitionism/ voyeurism, impact play, pain kink
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Parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ML
Everyone sat silently waiting for you to say something. You had first entered the room full of frustration and anger, ready to give everybody a piece of your mind. But now, sitting here with everybody looking at you expectantly, you find it hard to decide exactly what to say.
You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. You just want the craziness to stop. This was supposed to be a weekend vacation full of fun and friends. Not a weekend full of tension and frustration compounded by the fact that you're all trapped here, unable to escape each other, until the snow storm clears.
"Ok, so," you begin in a tone softer than you'd originally intended. "Let's start with yesterday…"
"Y/n," Namjoon interrupts. "Look, you don't have to explain anything. Your choices are your choices and I'm, no wait, we're sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable."
You smile over at him, thankful for the apology. Your smile turns a bit sad as you remember he doesn't know about everything that's happened.
"Thank you Joon, really," you reply.
"But there's other things, more stuff that needs to be addressed." You pause and look away shyly when you note the curious expression on his face.
"Yeah, so," you continue on. "You guys have been my friends forever. And now it seems like things have changed and some of you may like me. I… and I may like some of you too. But I don't want this to get messy!"
You sigh and look up at the ceiling trying to come up with a way to express what you want to say next.
"Well it doesn't have to…" Kookie speaks up, his voice trailing off toward the end.
"Huh," you ask confused.
Yoongi looks in your direction for the first time since sitting beside you on the couch, "I think what Kookie is trying to say is that we can do this, without it being... messy."
"Do what," you question, even more confused now.
"Love you," Jimin answers softly. "Like we always have."
His answer shocks you and the shock continues to grow as you notice everyone else nodding in agreement.
Jin smiles fondly at your expression. "You have no clue do you Princess?" He asks, still smiling fondly.
"I told you we should flirt more," Tae adds before you have a chance to respond.
Hobi grimaces at Tae's remark, "Hush, you," he scolds Tae lightly from beside you on the couch.
"Y/n," Yoongi says your name gently from your other side, drawing your attention to him. "Breathe," he reminds you.
You let out the breath you'd been holding while listening to this exchange. Looking around the room you realize they are all waiting for you to respond, each with a different expression on his face. Jimin's expression is hopeful. Kookie's expression, timid. Namjoon gazes at you thoughtfully. Tae watches you, amusement showing in his eyes, while Jin's eyes are full of fondness. To your right Hobi smiles patiently and to your left Yoongi looks at you with concern and love clearly showing in his eyes.
Years of memories with them all come flooding back. The teasing, the flirting and all the attention they'd given you resurfaces with more meaning now.
"Oh," is all you're able to say at first. "So, um, like all of you? Like do you mean… are you suggesting…," you voice trails off.
"That maybe you have seven right guys," Jimin picks up the sentence where you'd left off. You think back to what he'd previously said about it being ok to wait for the right guy.
"Seven right guys?" you repeat as it starts to sink in.
"Yeah seven," Namjoon answers first. A chorus of "Yeah seven" spreads through the room as all of them agree.
"That is, of course, if you love us all back," Yoongi adds. "No pressure."
All eyes are on you now as they wait for your response. Laughter erupts from you at the "no pressure" tacked on at the end of Yoongi's remark. Realizing how inappropriate laughter is at a moment you try to stop while holding up a hand in a "give me a min kind of way".
"I'm sorry," you manage to get out as you try to calm down. "It was the "no pressure" that caused me to laugh. I'm sorry."
"Ok. Ok.," You take a deep breath to steady yourself before continuing. "Yes, um yes. I'm not sure how the hell we'll make this work, but yes. I do love you all dearly," you finish.
Yoongi pulls you in close to him, "Are you sure Princess?"
You smile at him, his kindness and concern for you making you blush now that you truly understand it's origin.
"Yes Yoongi, I'm sure," you reassure him. To make sure that you're understood you lean over and kiss him softly before turning to Hobi and doing the same.
Much to your surprise Hobi reaches out and gently pulls you closer. Your lips part slightly. Hobi takes this opportunity to deepen the kiss. It feels wonderful and makes your heart race. You want more. But instead he traces your bottom lip with his tongue before giving it a light bite and backing away.
"Damn," you whisper, savoring the kiss. "That was, yeah," you finish unable to make a coherent sentence.
You begin to wonder if the other guys, the ones you haven't kissed yet, do it just as awesomely. The question pops out of your mouth before you have time to stop it.
"There's only one way to find out." It's Tae that answers you, a challenge in his eyes and smile as he gets up and walks over to you.
Memories of watching him this morning flash through your mind. The sight of his long fingers wrapped around his cock as he pleasured himself with you watching was mesmerizing. You remember wondering for a brief moment how his fingers would feel inside of you, stretching you as he got you ready to be fucked by the same cock he was pleasuring.
He kneels on the floor in front of you between your legs, bringing you back to reality. You lean forward in anticipation. He runs his long fingers down your cheek in a soft caress before placing his hand behind your neck and using it to guide you forward, closer to him.
He bites his bottom lip while gazing at you. You begin feeling shy under his watchful gaze, shy and excited. You close the gap between the two of you and as your lips touch his, he lets out a pleased moan. You can feel the bass of it emanating from him in your core and you squeeze your thighs together in response. You feel the couch shift on both sides of you as Hobi and Yoongi get up and someone else takes their spots.
As you kiss with Tae continues you feel a hand on your left thigh. It travels up your thigh to the waistline of your sweats. You feel a small tug on the fabric there as a voice whispers in your ear.
"We should take these off Princess." The voice belongs to Jin.
You answer by trying to lift your hips off the couch. As you wrap your arms around Tae's neck for leverage he wraps his arms around you to assist you, pulling you up and forward. Two pairs of hands, one from your left and one from your right, pull both your sweatpants and underwear down and off you.
The shock of both the cold air and you being pantless make you break the kiss with Tae.
"It's ok Noona." You look to your right where Jimin is now sitting at your side smiling at you reassuringly. "Let us take care of you," he continues as he pulls you toward him for a kiss. His lips are plump and soft as they meet yours. You smile and mumble "ok" as you let go of your reservations trusting them with all of you.
Jin fingers graze your wet core as the kiss with Jimin continues. The pleasure causes you to gasp and Jimin slips his tongue inside your mouth and begins massaging your tongue with his.
Jin's fingers trace a path from the wetness at your entrance up to your clit and begin rubbing it in a small circular motion. The sensation causes you to throw your head back, breaking the kiss with Jimin.
Movement in front of you causes you to look away from Jimin to see who's approaching you now. It's Namjoon. There's a predatory gleam in his eyes as he looks down at you. Kneeling down on his knees between your spread legs he speaks one word, his tone firm. "Wider," he says motioning toward your thighs.
"Listen to Daddy," Jimin whispers into your ear from your right side as he nods in the direction of Namjoon. Jin removes his fingers from your dripping pussy, also nodding in Namjoon's direction.
"Ok," you respond to Namjoon.
A sharp sting spreads across your inner thigh as Namjoon's palm connects with it drawing your attention fully to him. He removes the glasses that grace his face and then he looks sternly at you as he sits them aside. He runs his fingertips over the stinging area, a delicious contrast to the pain. One you realize you really like. The whole situation is making you wetter by the moment.
"Eyes on me," he says sternly. "And it's 'Yes Daddy'. Let me hear you say it darling," he continues in that same stern tone.
Everything about him in this moment has you turned on, even the slight sting, caused by him, that you still feel on your inner thigh.
All eyes are on you, waiting to see how you'll respond. Without pause you reply looking into his eyes breathless with anticipation as you spread your legs wider, "Yes Daddy."
Tag list: @xoxostrawberrymilkxoxo @ot7nem @s0seo @lhlovenhope
Post A/N: Don't hate me! I know I left you hanging, but I promise… promise promise promise we will finish this vacation together soon and hopefully survive it. Lol 😉
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
JC adopts stray/rouge cultivators after the war au to cope with the destruction of lotus pier. also i love your writing so much!!
Gratuitously Acquired - ao3
At first, he took anyone who would join, needing numbers – needing people. There were plenty of cultivators that wanted to be associated with a great sect. Plenty, too, that were barely more than criminals, wanting to use the smoke and ash of war to obscure the past, to cover up old crimes and wash themselves clean.
Jiang Cheng wasn’t in any position to refuse them. Soldiers were soldiers.
After the war ended, though…
Some he cast out. Others, even more despicable, he slaughtered for what they’d done.
A few –
“Yan Qiao.”
The female cultivator in question, who had been sneaking out of the still mostly ruined Lotus Pier at night in flagrant violation of curfew, froze in her tracks.
“Uh,” she said. “Sect Leader Jiang. Fancy finding you…here…now…at this time…”
Jiang Cheng looked at the basket of buns in her hands. “You’re stealing leftovers from our kitchens to feed orphans among the common people,” he said. “Again.”
She blushed. “No one wants them now that there’s better available, Sect Leader! Really, they’ll only go stale, and then rot – and I never stole when it was the army eating them!”
“That’s not the point,” Jiang Cheng said irritably. “Tell me, how in the name of heavens did you really get branded as a criminal? Distributed too many alms? Did too much charity?”
Yan Qiao coughed, turning red. “I told you before, Sect Leader. I killed a man.”
“He must have done something particularly heinous, then. You’re shitat killing.”
“Now I am. Sect Leader, if you don’t mind…”
“You’re one of the ones who wants my surname, right?” he interrupted. “Consider it granted.”
Yan Qiao – no, he supposed he’d better start thinking of her as Jiang Qiao – gaped at him. “But…Sect Leader!”
“I’ve barely granted it to anyone, so you’d better live up to it, you hear me?” Jiang Cheng said in his best threatening voice. He’d been assured by several people that it was really quite threatening, anyway. “I don’t want any excuses. Now go feed your damn orphans, and in the morning I want a report on how you think we can do it in a more structured manner. I can’t have you sneaking off every night anymore! Now that you’re a Jiang, you’re going to have work.”
When they were done with war and started firmly on rebuilding, the Jiang sect’s name was firmly reestablished as a Great Sect once more, it was the opportunists that came.
Smiling faces, sycophantic voices, cowards one and all – like beetles crawling out of the woodwork, not willing to risk their lives, but willing enough to beg for scraps and advantages later on when it seemed safe enough to do so.
Jiang Cheng wanted to chase them all away, but his sect was still weaker than he wanted to admit, still rebuilding, still more army than civilian operation. They had valiant soldiers by the dozen, but they needed more than that. They needed administrators, supervisors, artisans, smiths, merchants, laundry-women…
They needed workers. The ones they got – well, cowards they might be, but skills they had.
He still rejected most of the worst of them.
“Bo Zhou,” he said, inspecting the surprisingly flush list of taxes they’d collected that quarter, and the man in question turned to grin unrepentantly at him. “You’d tell me if you were a con artist in a previous life, right?”
“A previous life, Sect Leader?” Bo Zhou said. He was still grinning, but then, he was always grinning. He had a crooked leg and an even more crooked heart, and he’d probably steal candy from little children if he happened to have a hankering, but he was amazing at getting people to do what he wanted. Too amazing, really. “Why limit yourself? What about thislife?”
“…Bo Zhou. Tell me you aren’t a former con artist.”
“I may or may not have had a sideline selling snake oil and protective talismans before I became a cultivator,” Bo Zhou admitted cheerfully, and Jiang Cheng pinched the bridge of his nose – less out of actual irritation and more to keep from actually laughing. The only person he knew that was more shameless than Bo Zhou was Wei Wuxian; he couldn’t wait to introduce them once Wei Wuxian stopped skulking around in wine shops long enough to get back to doing his job as Jiang Cheng’s head disciple and right hand. “Who would’ve known that making all those fake talismans ended up making me pretty good at making actual talismans when I became a cultivator? Really, who could have called that?”
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. “Who taught you how to cultivate, anyway? Can I – I don’t know – seek vengeance on behalf of the rest of the world or something?”
Bo Zhou rolled his eyes right back at him. Shameless! “Is this about the taxes? Just be happy I got them all!”
“I can’t just be happy! What if this money is stolen property?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Sect Leader. They’re what we shouldbe getting, and from all the right people. You told me this was the right amount yourself!”
“Yes, but no one ever actually pays the full amount!” Jiang Cheng enjoyed the way Bo Zhou’s jaw dropped. “I just wanted to see if you could actually do it.”
“I’m hurt at your lack of trust.” Bo Zhou paused, considering. “Also a little impressed at you for keeping a straight enough face to trick me. Well done, Sect Leader.”
“Yeah,” Jiang Cheng said. “You too, Jiang Zhou.”
“It’s Bo…” He trailed off, comprehension arriving and speech departing, and this time he didn’t have a quick retort. He’d been nagging Jiang Cheng on and off for the Jiang surname for the last few weeks, more joking than anything else – he knew that Jiang Cheng hadn’t given his surname to the vast majority of the new people in his sect, only the very few he thought were worth it.
Jiang Cheng enjoyed the newly dubbed Jiang Zhou’s moment of speechlessness thoroughly, since he was moderately sure he wasn’t going to get another one anytime in the next – ever, possibly.
“You proved your worth and your trustworthiness,” he said, patting Jiang Zhou on the shoulder. It occurred to him that he should probably come up with a courtesy name for the man, although he wasn’t sure the man would want one. “Also, congratulations, you’re now the person in charge of tax collection. See if you can think up some new thoughts about supplementing our income, will you? We have so many costs, and I don’t want to rely on Lanling Jin more than I can help it, not like Gusu Lan…”
“Oh, really?” Jiang Zhou interrupted, abruptly excited. “I have so many ideas! How ethical do you want to be about this?”
Jiang Cheng paused. “…very?”
“Be reasonable, Sect Leader!”
“…moderately?” he tried, a little more desperately.
“I can work with moderately. I don’t suppose you’d accept ‘thin and barely plausible veneer’?”
“Oh well. Moderately ethical it is!”
Most of the Jiang sect was slaughtered during the attack on the Lotus Pier. Disciples Jiang Cheng had grown up with his whole life, had expected to see by his side in the future, his friends, his family, even his petty childhood enemies – all gone.
Well, not all gone. There were some Jiang disciples that had been away from Lotus Pier at the time, whether on some errand or a night-hunt or other reasons; they rushed back to his side as soon as they could, of course, and formed the core of Jiang Cheng’s new Jiang sect. When he’d felt utterly alone, when even Wei Wuxian was missing, they had been there for him. They’d preserved their lives and then they’d promised them to him, and it wasn’t until they knelt before him that he really felt like a Sect Leader.
There was no way he could give any of them up now.
“Jiang Meimei, you can’t go,” he said, having completely abandoned all shame in favor of clutching at her robes as if he were a child. “I need you!”
“I’m not even a proper Jiang disciple!” she exclaimed, exasperated – or possibly just annoyed that her grand plan to sneak out in the middle of the night had been stymied by his ambush. “Just because my surname is still Jiang doesn’t mean I didn’t get kicked out, remember?”
“I thought you just left,” Jiang Cheng said, temporarily distracted. “No one ever really talked much about it, actually, but to the extent anyone did, they said that you’d decided that your inclinations were more suited to being a rogue cultivator. That you didn’t want to be weighed down by sect expectations –”
“Hah!” Jiang Meimei tossed her head. “As if it wouldn’t be better to be a roving sect cultivator than a rogue cultivator! I won’t deny that I had a fair bit of wanderlust in my youth –”
“You’re only ten years older than me, you’re not that old.”
“Shut up, brat.”
“You can’t tell me to shut up, I’m your sect leader.”
“You’re my baby cousin is what you are, and, again, I’m actually not part of the Jiang sect!”
“That’s ridiculous,” Jiang Cheng argued. “You’ve been at my side during the entire Sunshot Campaign.”
“I wasn’t going to let my baby cousin get himself murdered, now was I?” Jiang Meimei sniffed. “But I’m still a rogue cultivator. They kicked me out when I wouldn’t accept a marriage, and I’m still firm on that.”
Jiang Cheng blinked. “Wait, you don’t want to be married? Really?” he asked, concerned. “But what about poor Liu Lingling? You shouldn’t be sleeping with her if you don’t intend to be serious about it! I’m pretty sure she’s just waiting for the current project you’re working on to finish to find a matchmaker to exchange birth characters –”
“They wanted me to marry a man,” Jiang Meimei clarified, but her habitual frown had eased considerably; she looked almost on the verge of a smile. “A-Cheng, you’re being dense again. You’re the Sect Leader of a Great Sect now. You know that that means you need to have alliances, marriage contacts with other sects, and that means using your subsidiary branches.”
“Jiang Meimei, you’re the one being dense,” Jiang Cheng said. “You think I’d force you into a marriage? I don’t have subsidiary branches. I barely have a sect, even after all this time. I’m not Wen Ruohan, handing out my surname to anyone who wants it – I only give it to the ones that matter, the ones I want to keep, and those of you that actually share my blood are even rarer, even more precious. How could I give you away?”
Jiang Meimei pursed her lips.
“I really do need you,” Jiang Cheng said quietly. “You weren’t part of the Jiang sect at all, not really, but you still came to help me – you were there from the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign, and you’ve never strayed, never left. You’re my right hand. I can’t do without you.”
Jiang Meimei turned her head away. “It’s not that I want to leave you,” she said. “But becoming a rogue cultivator was hard enough the first time. I couldn’t rely on any of the things that I had always had, everything always changing. I was young and angry then, I could handle it, but things are different now. I’m less flexible, less compromising, older, more tired – I can’t just walk out on a whim and just rough it anymore. I have a girl who, yes, I want to eventually marry; I want to have children. I need certainty. Are you going to give it to me?”
Jiang Cheng looked down at his hands. He’d known it was going to have to come to this, but he’d been dragging his feet, not wanting to succumb to a reality that already existed. Had existed for longer than he wanted to admit, as if simply denying it would mean that it wasn’t the truth.
Like a child.
“Yes,” he said, though it tore his heart out of his chest to do it. “I will. Jiang Meimei…will you take the position of Head Disciple?”
Wei Wuxian wasn’t coming back. Jiang Cheng had already cast him out of the sect, just like Jiang Meimei had been, except in Wei Wuxian’s case it had been something that Wei Wuxian himself had demanded. He was living in Yiling now, and by all reports was quite happy there with his little Wen sect family that he’d picked over Jiang Cheng and all his family.
He was never coming back.
It was time to move on.
“Yes,” she said, and shoved her pack into his chest. “Now go unpack that for me. Consider it payment for driving me to extreme measures!”
“I’m your sect leader, you know,” he grumbled. “Officially, now. You could show me some respect.”
“Would you rather pay for my wedding down the line?”
“I’m going, I’m going!” And then, as he scurried over away, he shouted over his shoulder: “As if I wouldn’t be paying for it anyway! You think my Head Disciple’s going to be married in anything other than top style? Better start planning…”
“Don’t rush me! Brat!”
Jin Ling wasn’t surnamed Jiang, but he was the most important person in all of the Lotus Pier – and Jiang Cheng wanted to make sure everyone knew it. It hadn’t been easy for him to get the chance to help care for Jin Ling, especially here, so far away from home; Jiang Cheng had expected to barely be allowed to visit, to have to cool his heels outside of Lanling City begging just for a glimpse of him. Being able to take him home to raise for half the year, even if it was due to the dangerous infighting amongst Lanling Jin, was more than he’d ever dreamed.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t clear that Jin Ling himself agreed.
“He’s still crying,” Jiang Cheng muttered, rubbing his eyes. “Surely he’s got to stop sometime? I mean, just – physically?”
“They say a boy resembles his mother’s brother,” Jiang Meimei said, echoing the gesture. “If he’s got your lungs and stamina, Sect Leader, we’re doomed.”
“I’m rethinking the whole having children thing,” Liu Lingling said blearily, having fallen asleep on her soon-to-be wife’s shoulder several times, only to be woken up by the next round of crying. “I need sleep.”
“Go get some, both of you,” Jiang Cheng ordered. When his cousin scowled at him, he scowled back. “I’m serious. If he keeps this up, we’re going to need to go into shifts. I can last a bit longer.”
“That’s a filthy lie.”
“It is not. Your sect leader has given you an order – get to it!”
It was a filthy lie.
Jiang Cheng opened his eyes when the crink in his neck grew too irritating to ignore, at which point he realized he’d been asleep – and, more importantly, that Jin Ling was somehow not crying.
He sat up with a start, suddenly terrified: had something happened to him? Had he been silenced forever? Had Jiang Cheng failed this one last duty he had to his sister?
“Shhh, little one,” someone was whispering, not far away. “Let me tell you the one about the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd, yeah? You seem like someone who’d appreciate stars. It all started –”
Jiang Cheng went to go look.
A teenage girl was rocking Jin Ling in her arms and telling him a story in murmured tones, and Jin Ling was yawning and trying to gnaw on her shirt. She wasn’t even a cultivator, as far as Jiang Cheng could tell. Her clothing suggested some level of poverty, her accent the countryside – how’d she even end up here?
He wasn’t sure he cared.
Jiang Cheng didn’t want to disturb her, but he did anyway; a shift of his weight, a scuffling of his feet, and the floor creaked. The girl jumped, startled, but luckily Jin Ling was already most of the way asleep and just grumbled a little instead of starting to screech.
“How’d you do that?” Jiang Cheng asked, nodding at Jin Ling. “Make him stop crying.”
“My mother had seven kids after me,” the girl said, answering automatically. “And her sister had six. Someone had to learn to deal with all those babies, and it ended up being me. Think it’s just habit after this long.”
Jiang Cheng couldn’t handle one baby. He couldn’t even imagine.
That’s when the girl seemed to remember herself, and bit her lip. “Uh, sorry,” she said, hanging her head. “I heard him crying and I couldn’t resist...I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to be here. It was an accident.”
“How did you get here?” Jiang Cheng asked, because accidental or not, a security breach was still a security breach. “And who are you, anyway?”
“My name’s A-Hua. I’m here to work in the kitchens, just got hired this morning; the fourth cook is my uncle’s wife’s cousin, she got me a job, said it was a good place to start – I was trying to find my way out so I could go to the servant’s quarters to get some sleep, but then I got lost…”
More likely she’d decided it was better to try to stay somewhere indoors than go out in the pouring rain to try to find her way to the right set of quarters, Jiang Cheng thought to himself. “Give me your hand.”
“Uh. What?”
He ignored her stare, took her hand and felt her pulse. There was a little bit of natural talent there, though not much; she might, if she tried hard enough, become a cultivator, but she’d never be more than a servant.
Unless, of course, she did something unusual to impress someone.
“Forget the kitchens,” Jiang Cheng told her. “You’re hired on a provisional basis to keep an eye on Jin Ling.”
The girl nodded, eyes wide as saucers. “Can you – do that?”
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. “Yes, I can. What’s your surname? You can’t go around being called A-Hua, we have at least seven people that I know of that go by that name.”
The girl looked distressed.
She probably didn’t have a proper surname. Some people in the countryside didn’t.
But they really couldn’t go around shouting “A-Hua” every time Jin Ling was crying, which was basically all the time.
“Fine,” he said, giving in. “Do well, and I’ll consider letting you use mine. But only if you do well!”
Jiang Cheng was covered in mud thanks to a successful-but-at-what-cost night hunt and angry about it, stomping around the lotus pools on his way back to town, when he heard the familiar sounds of someone having a panic attack.
He slowed, involuntarily, and took a look: it was some teenager dressed in black, heaving miserably by a tree.
Jiang Meimei had once said that Jiang Cheng was a bit weak when it came to teenagers.
Jiang Cheng said that was nonsense.
Jiang Hua chimed in, quite loyally (if perhaps not with the best timing), and said he wasn’t.
Jiang Cheng yielded the argument at once to keep Jiang Meimei from laughing herself sick.
In view of that, he was better off ignoring the kid. After all, what was it to him that some kid was having a fit of anxiety right next the same old lotus pool that he used to have his own teenage fits of anxiety next to, under the shade of the same old tree that had sheltered him – one of the few places that remained untouched by the Wen sect’s aggression, one of the few places that was exactly the same?
Jiang Cheng groaned and walked over. “Okay, fine. What’s your problem?”
The kid looked up at him. He had dark circles under his eyes. “I think my heart’s about to explode.”
“That’s just the anxiety,” Jiang Cheng said, and sat down next to him. “What’s causing the anxiety? Don’t say that someone is better than you and your parents are disappointed in you.”
“What?” the kid blinked. “No, it’s not – it’s not that. I’m about to screw up the very first job I ever got.”
Jiang Cheng considered that. It was just different enough from his own issues that he didn’t suspect a plot, and yet close enough that he might actually be able to offer some expertise.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked reluctantly.
“Not to some mud-man,” the kid said, and – hey! It wasn’t that bad. He thought, anyway. Actually, it probably was that bad. “I just…I’m the only one left. I have to make something of myself!”
Jiang Cheng’s eye twitched. “What do you mean, you’re the only one left?”
The kid stuttered through his story. It wasn’t as bad as Jiang Cheng had initially feared, but it was still pretty bad – his small village had had bad harvests, and there had been starvation, a bad winter; the kid had been sent out to get help, but it had taken too long and he’d arrived back to find them all already gone. He’d been lost, but some traveling cultivator had agreed to take him on as a disciple provided he proved himself, had taught him all sorts of skills, cultivation and talisman-writing and music –
“Music?” Jiang Cheng asked. “Not the sword?”
“There was only the one,” the kid explained. “Obviously he kept it for himself.”
Jiang Cheng didn’t think much of that – surely this cultivator, whoever he ws, could have shared, just long enough to teach? – but he didn’t comment. It seemed fairly clear that the kid didn’t actually think very highly of his teacher, although he was very earnestly trying to be appropriately filial.
It was a little cute.
“…and I was supposed to wait here for someone when they came by here, some fancy rich person, and then get them to follow me, but it’s been ages and no one’s come by at all!” the kid wailed. “I’m such a screw up!”
“You don’t even know who you’re waiting for?” Jiang Cheng asked, and the kid shook his head. “How were you supposed to get them to follow you, then?”
The kid scratched his nose. “My master said that if I showed off some of my cultivation, they’d follow me right away.”
Jiang Cheng suppressed a smirk. “It must be very impressive cultivation, then.”
“…not really. I only know one trick,” the kid admitted. “But it’s not that hard, and it looks impressive – here, see, wait; give me a second, I just need to whistle –”
Zidian crackled to life on Jiang Cheng’s finger before the kid finished the first stanza.
“Stop that!” he cried out, leaping to his feet, and – startled – the kid stopped, blinking owlishly at him. “Is that what your master taught you?!”
“Yes?” the kid said. “Did I do it wrong?”
Jiang Cheng gnashed his teeth. “That’s demonic cultivation. Never do that, okay? Ever.”
“But then how am I supposed to get the fancy rich person to follow me, assuming he ever showed?”
Jiang Cheng’s eyes narrowed. If he hadn’t tripped over that branch and fallen into the mud – if he hadn’t taken an extra half-shichen to struggle out of the mire – if he’d walked by in all his usual finery, rich person that he was, and seen some kid practicing demonic cultivation…
He’d have given chase in a heartbeat.
More to the point, everyone knew he would. His reputation had been pretty much set in stone by this point.
“Let’s go find that master of yours,” he said. “Right now.”
Of course, that ended up leading Jiang Cheng straight into the bastard’s trap, which would have been a problem except that he’d taken the time to send someone to tell Jiang Qiao, who’d been waiting for him back in town, that he’d be a bit late and not to worry, just wait where she was.
She’d ignored his instructions and arrived just in time to knife the demonic cultivator – a human trafficker whose operations Jiang Cheng had shut down with extreme viciousness only a few months before – right in the belly, gutting him like a fish in a swift easy motion.
“I think I’m getting the hang of it again,” she said, smiling at the knife, and Jiang Cheng made a mental note to ask exactly how manymen she’d killed to get that criminal brand of hers, except the poor kid was sinking down to his knees with a horrified look and, shit, that horrible bastard, evil as he might have been, was probably the last person the kid had in this whole rotten world, wasn’t he?
“Does Jiang Hua still have those beginner manuals we dug up for her?” Jiang Cheng asked, and Jiang Qiao nodded. “Good. Tell her that starting today, Jiang Jianwen here’s her little brother. She’s been pining over raising someone ever since Jin Ling got to be too old to snuggle.”
The kid looked up with wide eyes.
“No, you don’t get a choice on the name,” Jiang Cheng told him. “Whatever name this piece of crap gave you, just forget it, you hear me? You can do better than him. But no more demonic cultivation!”
“I wish I could visit the Lotus Pier,” Wei Wuxian mumbled, looking wistfully downriver. They were very close by, but he still didn’t dare, even though Jiang Cheng had grumpily extended an invitation through Jin Ling. So much had happened – he just didn’t know where to even start.
He didn’t want to get into all that messy history with Jiang Cheng.
He just wanted to visit, that’s all.
He missed Jiang Cheng, but he missed the Lotus Pier, too. The food, the places, the air…
“I just need a secret way in that even the sect leader doesn’t know about,” he sighed. He’d once known them all – but there was a different sect leader now, and a different Lotus Pier. He couldn’t risk it: Jiang Cheng might find out that he’d snuck in and feel hurt, thinking that Wei Wuxian was avoiding him, when he was just avoiding the conversation; that would just make everything worse.
Lan Wangji would have distracted him, but Lan Wangji himself had been distracted – some man in Jiang sect colors with a heavy limp and an excited sort of air had rushed over, shouting something about wanting to talk about tax policy and possibly also games of chance, and Lan Wangji had all but fled. It had been so funny that Wei Wuxian had nearly laughed himself sick.
“I know one,” someone said, and Wei Wuxian glanced over: it was a young man in Jiang sect disciple robes, little more than a teenager – only a few years older than Jin Ling, if he had to guess. He was smiling, ducking his head a little; he looked proud of himself. “I mean, if you really want. But only if you don’t mean any harm!”
How adorable, Wei Wuxian thought, and grinned at him. “I just want something spicy without having to go through the whole process of greeting people, is that a crime?”
“Not at all!” the kid exclaimed, beaming, and Wei Wuxian almost felt bad for conning him. Almost.
“Do you really know a secret way in?” he asked, pretending to be doubtful. “Really?”
Sure enough, the kid – Jiang Jianwen, apparently, he must be the kid of one of the ones that survived the massacre – was easily lured into insisting that he did know, and then to agreeing to act as guide.
And, moreover, it turned out he really did know his way inside, which made this the easiest infiltration ever.
Or so Wei Wuxian thought right up until he felt a knife point touch his ribs.
“Well done, Jianwen!” a young woman – also in Jiang colors – said, reaching out and ruffling Jiang Jianwen’s hair.
“Aw, it was nothing,” he said, just as bashful as he was when he’d been talking to Wei Wuxian. “I couldn’t have done it without shixiong luring off Lan-er-gongzi.”
Wait, that’d been part of this, too?
That was worrisome.
“Hardly nothing,” the older woman standing behind Wei Wuxian said. She had a certain sort of rock-hard steadiness that was more worrying than the knife she was holding on him – she was a powerful cultivator, familiar with killing and scarred with a criminal’s brand, and yet she seemed entirely at ease in a way that suggested a strong sense of righteousness, with no guilt or weak points he might exploit to make an easy out. “You successfully conned the Yiling Patriarch into following you right into a trap.”
Wei Wuxian wondered if he could deny it.
“I don’t know, shijie, that doesn’t seem that hard,” the first woman said. “Isn’t he the kind of person to run head-first into danger at the first instance?”
“Head-first into danger, and like his tail’s on fire away from dogs,” the older woman agreed, and – damnit. There was clearly no denying it; they actually knew him. Though from where, he had no idea. “A-Hua, Jiangwen, let’s go – we don’t want to be late for our meeting.”
“I don’t suppose I can convince you to tell me who we’re going to go see?” Wei Wuxian tried, putting on his most charming smile. “Or, perhaps, who you are, and what you have against me…?”
“Jiang Jianwen you know,” the woman said, rather unexpectedly. “I’m Jiang Qiao, and this is Jiang Hua. Our shixiong is Jiang Zhou – he’s the one that makes Lan-er-gongzi lose his wallet every time he’s forced to visit Yunmeng.”
Wei Wuxian was almost distracted with the tantalizing prospects of stories about Lan Wangji. Almost.
“You’re all surnamed Jiang?” he asked, surprised: he might have believed it for Jiang Jianwen, maybe, he was young enough to be the son of someone in the last generation. But Jiang Hua and Jiang Qiao looked absolutely nothing alike either to each other or to Jiang Cheng, and at least Jiang Qiao was old enough that he should’ve recognized her if she’d been a Jiang. There’d been a lot of people in the old Jiang sect, even if you limited it to those surnamed Jiang, but he’d been Head Disciple back then – he’d known almost all of them.
“We’re adopted,” Jiang Jianwen said. He looked very proud. “Sect Leader Jiang took us into the family as part of the branch lines.”
Wei Wuxian had never once in his life wanted to have the surname Jiang, not even when he’d been mocked for not having it. He’d never even thought about it. Not ever.
He felt a stab of envy at the word family, though.
“He gave you his surname?” he asked, and tried not to feel jealous when they all nodded. “Oh.”
It made sense, he tried to tell himself as they walked through the back streets of the Lotus Pier. The Jiang sect had been demolished, and Jiang Cheng practically the only survivor but for whoever happened by coincidence to not be at home – the Jiang sect would need branch family members, and adoption made sense. There was no reason to resent the idea of Jiang Cheng giving the name he had always treated as being so precious to a branded former criminal, to a con man, to a commoner from the countryside, to a –
“You were a what?” Wei Wuxian exclaimed.
“A demonic cultivator,” Jiang Jianwen said bashfully. “Not a very a good one, though.”
Wei Wuxian wanted to say something to that. He didn’t know what, but something.
“Enough chatter,” Jiang Qiao said. “We’re here.”
Jiang Hua opened the door and Wei Wuxian stepped inside.
Then he tried to step back out, only to be crowded in by the others.
“No, no, no,” he said. “No, I was willing to play along until now, but this is a step too far. You don’t understand! She’s going to eviscerate me!”
Jiang Meimei – older than the teenager he remembered her being when she left the sect, but still unmistakable – grinned with her teeth bared.
“Oh good,” she said. “At least your brain is still working. Now come on and have a seat, and we’re going to talk about how you’ve been treating my baby cousin recently…”
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thebiscuiteternal · 2 years
“I’ll post right after lunch!”
::promptly forgets like a dumbass::
Anyway! Here we go with some more twitter ideas too short for their own posts!
You know what would be painfully ironic? If the Jin/Nie captain that Meng Yao killed had already been destined to die in the war, and he jumped fate’s gun by doing it himself. If he’d just waited, like a week, the asshole wouldn’t have been his problem anymore without being the catalyst for his eventual fallout with both Nie sibs. For bonus points: he discovers this somehow right after Nie Mingjue’s death.
post-Sunshot, pre-Wei Wuxian death sangyao, where a collective night hunt at a conference goes catastrophically wrong and a sadistic asshole of a demon gets awakened. It agrees to let everyone go if Jin Guangyao and Nie Huaisang agree to compete against each other in a game of strategy for its amusement. Loser has to see the person they love the most suffer a potentially fatal disease. Everyone’s expressing sympathy to Nie Mingjue, thinking he’s a goner, but Nie Huaisang pulls out a surprise turnaround at the last moment and wins. And then, to the shock of everyone (including Jin Guangyao) promptly crumples to the ground in a delirious fever.
I think Huaisang deserves to find a nest of weird-looking eggs he’s never seen before, decide to hatch them to find out what kind of bird they are, and wind up with a pack of microraptors who obey only him.
Fem!NHS AU: Meng Yao gets recognized (barely) instead of being tossed down the stairs, but Jin-furen wants him gone, and his father figures the most lucrative way to get rid of him would be to sell him off to another sect in marriage. ... Oh, hey, doesn’t Chifeng-zun have a disgrace of a little sister he can’t seem to get anyone to marry? Win-win for everyone! (but mostly him). MY: If you agree to let me doll you up for the engagement announcement, I’ll never push you to leave your aviary again. NHS: ::sus squint:: MY: Okay, fine, if my father or his wife were to have heart attacks at seeing you actually look like a noble, I wouldn’t be unhappy about it. NHS: Deal.
Modern-day sangyao zombie apocalypse AU where an unearthed artifact is raising the dead and mutating the living left and right and land surveyor!Jin Guangyao is very surprised to find out his flighty hippy art conservationist coworker is actually a pretty competent zombie killer. NHS: (decapitates a zombie by swinging a road sign like a bat) Oh, yeah, Da-ge made me do survivalist training every summer from the time I was eight until I started college. Never thought I’d actually be using any of that, though.
While considering a previous idea I’d had (TGCF-flavored AU where Nie Huaisang was kidnapped and killed before he ever made it to the Cloud Recesses during the Sunshot Campaign and comes back as a Calamity), how fun would it be if all of his “facial expressions” were just interchangeable masks he switched with a wave of his fan, a la Hexadecimal from Reboot?
And again, pretty much everything else is too long to cram in one post... maybe I should do a few more “Things I Will Probably Never Write” posts soon. 
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