#/agnostics it’s not even celebrated on the day of the birth of Jesus
Hey. Adrian Crick is canon Jewish and wouldn't celebrate Christmas. I respect the fuck out of your holiday spirit but just as a reminder
Hey bro I have something for you
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Happy Hanukkah
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I have a question about catholicism. So, my family is from portugal and my grandpa is of course, Catholic. I once had a conversation with him in which he said "we are Catholic" as if I have no choice in it. I have seen a couple of people say that being Catholic is similar to being Jewish because if your family is Catholic you are Catholic by birth. True or false?
Hey! I think different people probably have different opinions about this one. I also may not word this super great so if anyone wants to swoop in and add more info, please do.
First off, I do not think this question of being “born Catholic” is exactly the same as being born Jewish -- when that is said of Judaism, it’s about Jewish people as an ethnic group. Catholics are not an ethnic group -- rather, we come from a whole bunch of different ethnicities & cultures! 
What is going on here, then, is that many times, those cultures have been so influenced by Catholicism that members of the culture may talk of being “__” Catholic (Portuguese Catholic, or Irish Catholic, or Latine Catholic, or Ethiopian Catholic, etc.) as being a culture...in itself?* Something like that. 
I think that the question of whether one is Catholic “by birth” or “by choice” is contextual -- many of us are born into a Catholic family, who usually get us baptized as infants -- and once baptized, we are indeed considered part of the Catholic Church “forever.” 
But, Catholicism also offers each person the chance to claim the Catholic faith for themselves once they’ve reached an age at which they can make that choice on their own -- that’s why the Sacrament of Confirmation exists (something that in the US at least usually takes place when one’s in 8th grade). 
So while your family chose Catholicism for you as an infant, that does not mean you have “no choice in” being Catholic now that you are old enough to choose for yourself -- you can say no to embracing Catholicism as a faith.
And you have a choice whether to identify as culturally Catholic as well. You don’t have to claim that identity if you don’t feel like Catholicism is part of your cultural experience. But if you do feel like parts of your culture / how you experience family life has been shaped by Catholicism, calling yourself culturally Catholic makes total sense to me.
According to the Pew Research Center, a good number of people consider themselves Culturally Catholic, even if spiritually they belong to a different or no religion: 
“Most of these cultural Catholics (62%) say that for them personally, being Catholic is mainly a matter of ancestry and/or culture (rather than religion). But majorities also point to religious beliefs and teachings as key parts of their Catholic identity. For example, 60% of cultural Catholics say that having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is essential to what being Catholic means to them. Likewise, 57% say the same about believing in Jesus’ resurrection. A similar share (59%) say that working to help the poor and needy is essential to their Catholicism.”
*To offer a couple examples that show how for a lot of people, culture and Catholicism are pretty tightly intertwined:
I recently interviewed a Latina Catholic trans woman for my podcast (ep’s not out yet) who talked about how for her, the way she participates in community when she visits her hometown in Peru is largely through Catholic feast days and church events and the like. Even members of the community who aren’t Super Devout participate in these events, because it’s how they connect to the community at large. .
For another example, there’s my family -- we are Irish Catholic in heritage. And as a white middle class US citizen, one reason I really love being Irish Catholic is it is the only bit of my heritage to somewhat survive assimilation into the white American “melting pot.”  I have other ancestors from other countries, but their traditions have not survived into my family today, sadly.  My family -- including our atheist / agnostic members -- still connects to our Irish heritage through Catholicism: a lot of our names are Irish (tho often “Americanized” versions of the Irish name); we’ve got St. Brigid’s cross (she’s an Irish Saint) above every bedroom door; we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day; when I was a kid we’d sometimes go to Irish dancing events; and at church we would pray and sing Irish hymns, etc.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
How is Easter celebrated?
Before kids
After kids
Any traditions from either family that remain
Easter egg hunts?
Easter bonnet parades?
How spoilt are the kids from the grandparents
For Ethan and Casey and Tobias and Casey
Easter is very different in Ethan/Casey-land and Tobias/Casey-land. Let's take a look below:
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Ethan and Casey are both agnostic, therefore, Easter is really not a big deal to them.
Prior to having Emma, they usually volunteer to work that day at the hospital, because they know it's a special day to others.
Even though they don't celebrate, Ethan gets Casey a large chocolate bunny each year to satisfy her sweet tooth.
When Emma is born, their feelings on religion don't change, but Casey is eager to share some of the traditions from her childhood with her daughter. This includes dying Easter-eggs as a family, Easter Egg hunts, a big Easter basket and dinner with the family.
While at Edenbrook, they still offer to work sometimes, though other doctors of different faiths, or no faith, do offer to work it after Emma is born. Even though it is a secular holiday to them, they know sharing the day with their daughter is still important.
When Tobias & Casey met, she was surprised to learn that, while not practicing, Tobias had a rather strong faith. He was raised by a strong mother who felt teaching her sons the Christian faith was important, and that served as a foundation for him throughout his life.
No, he clearly didn't buy into a lot of it, especially during his "shady-Tobias" years, but he believed in God, he believed in Jesus, he knew he wasn't doing all he felt that he should, but there were many times his faith still carried him though.
Casey was agnostic, and while not a point of contention with them, he wished she had faith, if not for anything, to give her something that could help pull her through life's difficult times. But, you can't make someone believe. They respected their differences.
After the chemical attack, Casey started to question things, but she still wasn't sold. But it awoke something in her, and she was more accepting.
After the birth of her children, she started believing in the general concept of God, but not in a traditional sense. Not as an all-knowing power, not in the fire and brimstone way, but she began to believe that there was more out there than she knew of and there was too much that could not be explained. So, while she didn't subscribe to official religion, she did begin to have faith. And while he never made a big deal out of it, Tobias was secretly very pleased.
While Tobias and Casey did not raise their girls in the church to the extent Tobias had been, they were christened, they did teach them the basic principles of Christian faith (but not the nutty parts...) and, yes, they celebrated Easter.
To make Vivian happy, the girls got fancy dresses and little hats each Easter and they attended church as a family.
In the days leading up to Easter, they'd dye eggs and make Easter bread as a family.
After Church, the girls came home to elaborate Easter baskets... from Mom and Dad, from Grandma Vivian, from Grammy & Gramps, from several aunts and uncles... they were quite spoiled on that day and Casey had to hide the candy away, they'd be eating it all the way to the next year.
Casey & Tobias started their own tradition of the Easter candle. Each year, after their daughters went to bed, they'd light a candle together and ask for blessings for their family in the year to come.
This question came at a perfect time, as I have been exploring the role religion/faith would play in their lives as I start to work on my HC's for each couple a bit more. Thanks Tash!
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awed-frog · 4 years
“The big flaw with this is that it completely misunderstands who JK Rowling is and why she wrote the books. Simply put, this novel is a Christian tale. You miss that, you miss the entire point of everything it has to say.” Elaborate? Sounds interesting and I haven’t heard that before.
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Well - I love this to bits and sort of wrote my thesis about it, so here we go.
Basically, you’ve got several kinds of heroes, but ‘left-wing hero’ is almost a contradiction in terms (more on this later). There’s your average Greek hero, whose status as a hero is more of a social class than it is a job and who generally doesn’t have any morally redeeming qualities (have you met Theseus?). Then there’s the medieval Christian hero - he comes in different flavours, but what’s relevant here is the Perceval model: basically the village idiot, whose only power is his good heart and who has no desire to challenge the status quo (because kings are divinely ordained and also poets tend to work for them, so ‘That vassal guy of yours has rescued yet another damsel’ story is going to be better received than ‘Your tax system is corrupt and this knight will now implement direct democracy’). Next you have the modern superhero, who was born in a very different historical context (the vigilantism of 19th century US) and as such has very different priorities. Namely: in his world, there is no higher authority and it’s up to him to use his superior skills to be judge and executioner so he can protect the most vulnerable. This understandable but toxic narrative will later get mixed up with WW2 and then the rampant capitalism of the last 30 years, resulting in the current blockbustery mess.
Anyway - if you’re a Western writer, it’s basically impossible to escape these three shaping forces we’ve all grown up with (classical Antiquity, Christianity, and US-led imperialism/capitalism), so most books and movies of the last forever decades can be analyzed through this lens. In the case of JK Rowling, what you have is a Christian author who openly used her YA series to chart out her own relationship with God. This is not a secret, or a meta writer’s delusion, or anything: she’s discussed it in several interviews. Her main problem, which is most believers’ main problem, is how to reconcile her faith in a benevolent God with the suffering in her daily life; and something she’s mentioned more than once is how her mom died when she was 25, and how this was very much on her mind especially when she was writing Deathly Hallows.
Now, I don’t want to write a novel here, so I won’t analyze the entire series, but what it is is basically a social critique of British society, mixed up with Greek and Roman elements in a cosmetic way only, and - crucially - led by an extremely Christian hero. 
In every way that matters, Harry Potter is a direct descendant of Perceval: he’s someone who’s grown up in isolation as the village idiot (remember how he was shunned by other children because he was ‘dangerous’ and ‘different’), randomly found a more exciting world of which he previously knew nothing (he’s basically the only kid who gets to Hogwarts without knowing anything about the magical world, just like Perceval joined Arthur’s court after living in the woods for 15 years), and proceeded to make his mark not because of his innate powers or special abilities (he’s average at magic, except for Defence against the Dark Arts), but because he’s kind and good and humble. And in the end, he willingly sacrifices himself so everyone else can be saved: a Christ-like figure who even gets his very own Deposition (in the arms of Hagrid, the closest thing to a parent his actually has). 
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(This, by the way, was the only reason why Hagrid was kept alive. JK Rowling had planned to kill him, but she absolutely wanted this scene - one of the most recognizable and beloved image in Christian art - in the books.)
And even if he ultimately survives his ‘death’ (like Jesus did), Harry refuses the riches and rank he was surely offered and chooses to spend his days in middle-class obscurity as a husband and father (if I remember correctly, Harry and Ginny’s house isn’t even big enough for their three kids). And no, of course he doesn’t stand for anything or challenges the status quo: that’s not his job. His job, like Jesus’, was to defeat evil by offering himself up in sacrifice; and the entire story - especially the last book - is a profound, intimate, and very moving reflection on faith.
(“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's”, remember? It’s not your job to change anything in the temporal, material world; your job is to nurture your immortal soul and prepare it for the true life that comes after death.)
Like - I don’t know how it was for younger readers, but for me, reading Deathy Hallows as an adult, it wrecked me. Even as an agnostic, I read it over and over again, and I kep finding new meaning in it. The whole thing is basically a retelling of the Book of Job, one of the most puzzling and beautiful parts of the Old Testament. That’s when Harry’s faith in God Dumbledore is tested, when his mentor, the cornerstone of his world, disappears; when Harry has to decide whether he’ll continue to believe in this absent, flawed figure despite all the bad things he keeps uncovering or give up his faith - and thus his soul - completely. The clearest, most startling moment exemplifying this religious dilemma is when Harry decides not to go after the wand. Getting it is the logical thing to do, the only way he can win, but Harry - while mourning Dobby - decides not to do it. That’s when he recovers his faith, and starts trusting his own kindness and piety (whatever happens, he will not defile a tomb) over everything else.
Another key moment is King’s Cross - here, and once more, Harry forgives his enemy, thus obeying Jesus’ commands. He sees Voldemort, the being who took everything from him - and he pities the pathetic, unloved thing he’s become. This is what sets him apart from everyone else and what makes him special: not his birth, not his magic, not some extraordinary artefact - but simply, like Dumbledore puts it, that he can love. After everything that’s bene done to him, he can still love; not only his friends, but his enemies. He forgives Voldemort, he forgives Snape, he forgives Malfoy, he forgives Dudley; and I see so many people angry about this, ranting about abuse victims and how hate is a right, but I think they’re missing the point. This is a Christian story; from a Christian perspective, your enemies need love more than your friends do. 
(“It is not those who are healthy who need a physician” and all that.)
And in any case, a hero is inherently not left-wing. The whole trope relies on three rock-solid facts: the hero is special, and he can do something you can’t, and that gives him the right or the duty to save others who can’t save themselves. Whether it is declined in its Christian form (the hero as self-sacrificing nobody) or in its fascist form (the hero as judge and king of the inferior masses), that is is the exact opposite of any kind of left-wing narrative, where meaningful change is brought about not by individual martyrdom or a benevolent super-human, but by collective action.
So, yeah - Harry changes nothing and is not the leader of the revolution, but it’s unfair to link this to JK Rowling’s politics. It’s just how the trope works. And, in fairness to her, many kind and compassionate authors who write books concerned with social justice tend to lean towards this kind of hero because the only workable alternative - the fascist super-hero - is way worse. Had Harry been that, for instance, he would have ended up ruling the wizarding world. Would that have been better for its democracy? A 19-year-old PM who knows nothing about the law or justice or diplomacy? A venerated war hero drunk on power? Instead, JK Rowling chooses the milder way out: Harry and his friends do change the system - little by little, and within the limits of the genre. Hermione becomes the equivalent of a human rights lawyer, while Harry and Ron join the Aurors (and I know there’s a lot of justified suspicion towards law enforcement, but frankly having good people in their ranks is still the only way to move things forward. It’s been years and I still haven’t heard a practical suggestion as to how a police-less nation would work). As for the government, it is restored to a fairer status quo - again, not the revolution many readers wanted, but also not the totalitarian monarchies or oligarchies or the super-hero’s world.
And as to how one can write a story that’s actually revolutionary - I don’t exactly know. Some writers rely on multiple narrating voices to try and escape the heroic trope; others work on bleak stories which point out the flaws in the system and stop short of solving them. I guess that, in the end, is one of the problem with left-wing politics: they’re simply less eye-catching, less cinematic. On the whole, it’s dull, boring work, the victories achieved by committees and celebrated with a piece of paper. From a literary point of view, it just doesn’t work.
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sadnessandbadness · 5 years
Would it be advisable for you to Celebrate Christmas?
The greater part of the world sees Christmas as a Christian holiday dependent on the introduction of Jesus Christ. In any case, a gander at the holiday's birthplaces demonstrates that it is definitely not Christian. Furthermore, a glance at its celebration today demonstrates the equivalent. Will you observe Christmas this year?
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During Western European venture into the remainder of the world, Christian pioneers adjusted agnostic conventions into satisfactory practices by supplanting numerous components with Christian images and practices. Outstanding amongst other known cases of this is the update of the Roman celebration of Saturnalia, praising the introduction of the sun, into a Christian celebration of the introduction of the child of God, Jesus Christ. Numerous Christian convictions and agnostic customs have been intertwined in what we presently known as the Christmas season.
Jesus' Birth
Recorded proof in the Bible record of Christ's introduction to the world and different sources discloses to us that Christ was not really conceived in December, yet rather in October. This assurance can be founded on climate pieces of information in the Gospels that show that the shepherds were laying down with their groups in the fields around evening time at the season of Jesus' introduction to the world, something that the cool stormy season that falls in December would have made incomprehensible.
Extra proof originates from known the date of Jesus' passing and his age at his demise. He was 33 and a half when he kicked the bucket on Nisan 15 on the Jewish schedule, which was April 3 out of 2007 and will be April 20 out of 2008. Tallying in reverse or advances a half year (since he was 33 and a HALF) places us in October. So we realize that Jesus was conceived in October, not December. Commending his introduction to the world on December 25 was an approach to Christianize agnostic conventions.
Strangely, there is no direction in the Bible that Jesus' introduction to the world be commended or saw in any capacity. Its accurate date isn't recorded, in spite of the way that numerous different dates are safeguarded and examined more than once in the Bible. Furthermore, truth be told, the sacred writings appear to demoralize any birthday celebrations, saying that the day of one's demise is superior to the day of one's introduction to the world (Ecclesiastes 7:1) and offering just 2 instances of birthday events in the Bible, in which horrendous killings occurred (Genesis 40:20-23, Matthew 14:6-13) including that of John the Baptizer. Jesus was close-by during Herod's birthday celebration, however the sacred writings clarify that he didn't visit.
Nonetheless, Jesus himself directions that his demise be honored at the keep going dinner, which happened on Passover and was to have its spot (Matthew 26).
Santa Claus
The customary image of Christmas is Santa Claus (otherwise called St. Nicholas, Pere Noel, Father Christmas, and numerous different titles far and wide). The Santa we know today just truly turned out to be solidly settled in the American Christmas convention in the mid 1900s, however he showed up as right on time as the 1800s.
Refined after some time into the carefree, fat, red-fit hairy man we presently know, Santa Claus is accepted to be situated to a limited extent on a genuine individual, Catholic Bishop Nicholas, or St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas evidently conveyed blessings to poor youngsters and was bolstered by nourishment (treats, nuts, natural product, and so forth.) forgot about by guardians and parental figures as he ventured to every part of the wide open.
Another hypothesis of the starting point of Santa Claus, and one maybe better bolstered by the proof, is that he is gotten from either or both the Norse divine beings Odin/Woden or Thor. Thor is an especially decent match as the lord of Yule (or Christmas time, subsequently the Yule log), who is charactized by a husky man with a white whiskers, with red as his mark shading, a home in the northernmost pieces of the world, a flying chariot drawn by goats, and relationship with smokestacks and chimneys. He was additionally joined by mythical beings.
Different hypotheses related Santa plainly with Satan the Devil, bringing up that St. Epithet is excessively intently connected with the demon's normal name "Old Nick" in British and American vernacular, and different types of "Scratch" in various dialects. The extensive article SantaClaus: The Great Impostor" really expounds with extra data on the beginnings of Santa Claus.
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crashdevlin · 5 years
Holidays, not Holy-Days
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Red Queen Chronicles Masterlist
Author’s Note: Originally posted to ao3 (This is an edited and improved version) Part Two of the Red Queen Chronicles!
Summary: Cassie Campbell brings her teammates and friends together for her first ever Christmas dinner. 2 aliens, an atheist, her boyfriend's ex-wife, her ex-boyfriend and an all-American lab rat worried about her mental health. What could go wrong?
Word Count: 8148
Pairing(s): Phil Coulson x OFC (Past), Clint Barton x OFC, 
Story Warnings: 18+, HERE BE SEX!!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!, kitchen sex, protected vaginal sex, oral sex (fem rec), identity issues, panic attack,
"Because, Clint, I know that at least two of us, probably three, have never had a Christmas dinner and Wanda hasn't had one since she was orphaned. You guys are my family and I really want everyone here. I've got this big old house to myself and I don't want that on Christmas. I know Nat's not busy. You're retired. You can't say 'no'."
"What about Laur-"
"I asked Laura. She wanted nothing to do with it. Apparently, she and the kids don't leave the house much around Christmas just in case Barney comes home. I think that's probably a real depressing place to be if he doesn't show, so come to Washington. Spend Christmas with your girlfriend and your friends."
Static came through the phone as Clint sighed. "Who is gonna be there?"
"Well, Pepper confirmed for her and Tony, but I'm gonna double check with him. I think I've caught Thor's attention, or at least Heimdall's, so I'll hear from him soon. I sent Steve a paper invite via snail mail a week ago, so I'm gonna call to see if he got it. Wanda and Vision both confirmed and Sam said he has to see what's going on with his family, but he would probably stop by. I'm gonna call Phil after I get off with you, invite him and his people."
"You gonna have enough food for all those people?"
"I'm making a goose, a turkey, and a ham, three kinds of potatoes, four casseroles, homemade rolls, store-bought rolls, cranberry sauce from scratch and 6 different kinds of pie. I have a chart to make sure everything is ready at the same time. I got this. Now, I just need you."
"Oh, tug at my heartstrings. Fine. I confirm for me and Nat. See you on the 22nd, babe."
"Love you, Hawkeye." She hung up and wiped her hand down her face. "Visit or call? Visit or call?"
Cassie sighed and hit the buttons on her landline to call Coulson. "Cassie. How's Seattle?"
"Rainy, but beautiful. Exactly what I expected. So... how's the... lack of hand?" She grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee.
"It's... bad. I'm having issues. My robotics guy is behind on making a prosthetic because our biologist disappeared and they were joined at the hip, but... is that why you called, Cass?"
"No, actually. Well, kinda. I know that the last several months have sucked for pretty much everybody and I'm thinking that we all need a bit of happy. I am hosting a Yule feast on the 22nd, and I'd like you and your A-Team to come."
"Yule Feast?"
"Yeah. I'm inviting a Viking God and a couple atheists, so I didn't want to go too religious on it. That's why I'm doing it early and calling it 'Yule'. It's gonna be great and I'd really like you and yours to be there."
"Even Bobbi?"
"Uh, yeah. Actually, I have a gift specially for her."
"Really? Aren't you dating Barton?"
"I am. Since before Sokovia, actually, since I know you wanna know. No, I developed a thing in my Stark Tech lab that I think screams 'Mockingbird'. I got Tony to agree let me give the prototype to her. If she has any complaints, it'll help me tweak it before any sort of production."
"So... you're calling to invite me and mine to Yule dinner?" There was silence for a few seconds, then Coulson asked, "Are you making sweet potatoes?"
"And sweet potato pie. Mac and Cheese casserole, mashed potatoes and those rolls I made on your birthday."
"What can I bring?"
"Just you and some presents."
"We'll be there."
"Great. See you in a few days." She turned off the house phone and took a drink of her coffee. "Call Tony," she demanded of her cell phone.
"You know who you called. Leave a message."
"The Boss is unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?" The Irish accent of FRIDAY came through the speaker.
"Oh, come on! FRIDAY, tell the man to answer his phone. Tell him I burned down StarkTech Olympia and the insurance guys are gonna be calling next."
"That's not funny." Tony's voice came through the speaker next.
"But effective, wasn't it, Boss?" Cassie asked, with a smile.
"What do you need, Campbell?"
"A vacation and a raise, but beyond that... Pepper RSVP'd for the two of you and I just wanted to make sure she even mentioned it to you before she did that."
"RSVP'd... to your little Christmas thing?"
"Yeah. I told her to. We're good."
"Awesome. Everyone's gonna be here. Well, not everyone. Still can't seem to get a bead on Banner and he doesn't really seem like the Christmas type, but... Clint, Nat, Vision, Wanda, Sam, Phil and his crew and you and Pepper are definitely coming. I have a raven to Asgard-don't ask- and an invitation traveling USPS to New York for Steve. It's an actual paper Christmas card. Hallmark just says some things better than me."
"No. You just wanted to make Rogers feel at home. All those words you throw around, no one could say it better than you."
Cassie chuckled. "I got a blank snowman card and wrote inside it. You know me so well, Tony."
"Do you need me to bring anything? I mean, do you need me to tell Pepper we need to bring something?"
"If you want liquor, you have to bring it. I've been keeping a dry house. And... I know how you are about the holidays, so... that's what you should bring."
"All right. Next week. And StarkTech Olympia better be standing and ready for a walk-through when I get there."
"You're gonna make me give you a tour of the lab on Christmas?"
"The 22nd isn't Christmas. I don't even think it's Yule this year."
"Actually, it is. I looked it up."
"Uh-oh. You aren't getting into all that occultist weird stuff that Hitler got your daddy into, are you?"
"I'm insulted, Tony. Even as a joke, that's insulting. I was trying to be more accommodating for the aliens and agnostics on our team, all right? I'm still a Christian and I will be celebrating my savior's birth, likely alone, a few days later. This isn't about the Holy-day, this is about family."
"Yule isn't about family. It's about the God of the Sun dying and being reborn. It's kinda like Easter, without the fertility symbols."
"Oi, don't shit on my religion, Stark. Easter is not about the bunny or eggs, it's about Jesus becoming the Walking Dead. Just be here on Yule and bring booze. I have the feeling we're gonna need it." She hung up before he could and stretched her neck to relieve some of the stress.
Clint showed up the night of the 21st, calling forth a squeal from the superheroine. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. "House smells like pie," Clint said.
"That's 'cause there's three pies in the oven."
"Three? Thought you were doing six?"
"Apple, pumpkin and sweet potato are in now. I've got a no-bake chocolate and a lemon meringue in the fridge setting and I did a pumpkin cheesecake yesterday. Bonus, I wanted to know if I was any good at pecan, so I made an extra pie."
"Wow. You got really into this, didn't you?" Clint asked, flicking a sprig of mistletoe hanging in the doorjamb between the foyer and the living room.
"I didn't have Christmas for twenty years and then, Phil was usually working on Christmas. This is the first time I've ever had a chance to do Christmas. I bought a whole bunch of ornaments and stuff. I've got a real freakin' pine tree in my living room. Real mistletoe that I had to buy through a florist. The dinner. I'm excited."
"How excited?" Clint asked, wagging his eyebrows at her.
"Are you asking for Christmas sex, because I am severely behind on my mise en place?"
"Your what?"
"Food prep. You know, giant meal tomorrow."
"And if I help you with your preparazione del cibo, you can come take a break and show me what you've done with your bedroom since I helped you move in."
"It's been months, Clint. You think we'll even make it up those stairs?" she asked.
"Love it when you turn the modesty off for me," he said, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into a deep kiss.
She moaned into his mouth and tried not get pulled into the feeling of having Clint's hands on her hips again. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed back from him firmly. "No. I... Clint. There's a lot to do still."
"And sixteen hours 'til the other guests come through that door. You said it, babe, it's been months." Clint brought his fingers up and began to unbutton her green cardigan. "This is adorable on you, by the way. Can we take it off for a sex... I mean, sec."
"Clint. What if the pies burn?"
He pulled the sweater down her arms and tossed it toward the counter. It landed perfectly, hanging from the corner of a slightly open drawer. "We don't even have to leave the kitchen."
"That's not very... sanitary," Cassie breathed out as Clint pulled her camisole top over her head and threw it over to hang with her sweater.
"You have seen my apartment in Bed-Stuy, haven't you?" Clint asked, turning her around and pushing her so that she was leaning over the counter. "How much do you think I care about sanitary? Thank you for wearing a skirt." He kissed the back of her neck as his hands glided down her legs to pull her skirt up around her hips and hooked his fingers in the band of her panties.
"There's really only one thing in this kitchen I've been dying to eat, Cass, and it's not in the oven."
"Oh. Don't be vulgar."
He pulled her panties to her feet and kissed his way up the back of her thigh. "You love it when I'm vulgar." He picked her left foot up and pushed it to rest on the counter. His tongue delved quickly into her as his left hand came around to rub her clit. His right hand dug into his back pocket and tossed a condom onto the counter. It landed perfectly on the back of Cassie's hand, as Clint continued his assault.
She ripped the foil open and handed it backward to Clint, who stood, pulling his jeans down and rolling the condom over his mostly-hard length. "Wasting no time, huh?"
"Hey, you're the one that's worried about pies. And I've been thinking about this since before I got on that plane. I'm more than ready enough. You need more foreplay?"
"God, no. Just fuck me, we can do this the right way after the guests leave."
"My thoughts, exactly." He lined himself up with her, putting his left hand on her shoulder and his right on her hip. He pushed the head of him into her, both of them closing their eyes at the sensation. He swiveled his hips forward until he was completely sheathed in her. "Did I mention how much I've missed you?"
"Missed me or missed this?"
"It can't be both?" He asked.
"Such a charmer," she whispered as he pulled back until he was just barely inside her. She bit her lip in anticipation and let her head fall forward as he began a fast-paced piston motion. "Fuck, Clint."
"Gotta visit more." Clint groaned as he attached his mouth to the junction where her shoulder and neck met.
"Oh, yes. Please. I need more of this in my life." She whimpered as Clint brought his left hand around to rub furiously at her clit.
"I'm gonna cum. You gonna cum with me?"
"Harder, Clint."
"Bossy," he breathed in her ear, but his next several pumps were harder and he pressed his fingers into her clit with much more pressure. As the muscles inside of her began to clench, Clint grunted his approval and emptied into the condom.
Cassie reached forward and grabbed several paper towels, as Clint pulled the condom off and tossed it into the trash. She handed the paper towels to him and reached down to pull up her panties. "I love you and that was great, but... I have to wash my hands and check on pies. Why don't you go put your bag in the bedroom?"
"I love you and that was great." He kissed her cheek and walked out of the kitchen, fattening his jeans.
Thor's arrival brought rain down on the house, harder than the normal Seattle drizzle, and made slush of the December snow. "Thor! A-and Sif!" Cassie said, pulling the door open. "I wasn't expecting you to bring Lady Sif."
Thor gave a huge smile as he passed through the doorway to greet Pepper, Clint and Tony. Lady Sif stopped in front of her and smiled. "I've heard much about you, Lady Cassie. Thor has regaled us of your warrior personality and your great intelligence. You'd do well on Asgard."
"Regaled you? Wha-"
"Yes, the Allfather and I both greatly appreciate the tale where Loki came to you disguised as one of your advisors and you caved in his chest with one great kick."
Cassie blinked at the giant woman. *The Allfather. Thor still doesn't know. Shit.* "The Allfather... that doesn't seem like something he'd care about."
"On the contrary," Thor said, placing a long, poorly-wrapped pole against the wall next to the tree. "Father enjoys hearing about you. He especially loves to hear about Ulysses Klaue's ship."
"Ah, yes! How you were able to redirect the witch's influence and break out of her hold while Thor and his companions were all stuck inside their minds. That you, a small Midgardian woman, had to carry the mighty Odinson to safety never ceases to amuse."
"It doesn't strike any of you as odd that Odin would care, at all, about what some Midgardian woman's doing?"
Thor clapped a hand on her back and smiled. "You are more than just a Midgardian woman. You are my friend and teammate and, though your marriage to my brother was short and involuntary, I consider you my sister."
"I believe it is your connection with Loki, his obsession with you, that spurred Odin's interest. He's ordered Heimdall report your actions weekly."
"And the ravens are watching me. That's how I got the message to you."
"Just Huginn," Thor answered.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna say it: you ever think Odin might be Loki in disguise?"
Sif and Thor looked at each other, seriously, for a moment before filling the foyer with loud laughter. "You did not tell me she was so adept at the art of jest, Thor!"
Cassie smiled, awkwardly, as Thor put his hands on her shoulders and walked her into the living room. "What's funny?" Clint asked.
"The absurdity that my brother might've gone back to Asgard, where he is a wanted man set to be imprisoned for the rest of his existence for crimes against the Nine Realms, and somehow took over Odin's life and position as King."
"That is funny. Even Loki isn't crazy enough to go back to Asgard," Tony said, a glass of suspiciously thin eggnog in his hand.
"What if he did it when you thought he was dead; before he even came back for me?" Cassie whispered.
Everyone in the room looked around as they realized she was serious. "Kid, where's this coming from?" Tony asked.
"Odin has taken an interest in her. My tales of her mightiness have made her an interest for him. She thinks this odd." Thor responded.
"You guys are right. It's absurd. Loki would never have made it to the throne room. Heimdall would've seen. He doesn't ever miss anything, right?"
"Exactly," Thor said, with a smile.
Cassie nodded and walked toward the door as the chime rang through the house. *Planted the seed. Nothing else I can do. Except admit that I've known since I was Joanna and I should've told them when I got back from Austria and Thor needs to go depose Loki from the Allfather's throne. Which will stall their trust in me, and rightfully so. Erg. Just not on Christmas, Cassie.* "Phil!" she said, with a smile as she opened the door. She wrapped her arms around him, then turned to the tall blond. "Bobbi, nice to see you up and about. How's the knee?"
"Better than the lung. Leg only hurts when I move."
"Lung hurts when you breathe. Gotcha. Well, I don't have any medical personnel here, but I've got several scientists and Nat and Clint might have some of those SHIELD un-approved pain killers that Phil's supposed to act like he's never taken because he's Director now."
"Uh-oh, Coulson. You sure you wanna introduce us to your (super young, by the way) ex? Might learn some stuff about you." A woman with wavy brunette hair and a black leather jacket said.
"'Skye', right? Wait, 'Daisy' now. Nice to meet you. Cassie. And yeah, young, but strong and awesome and mature for my age."
"You mean, 'our age', right? I mean, if we aren't the same age, then you can't be much older," Daisy started.
"That's not- our relationsh- She's young, but-"
Bobbi laughed. "Let's get inside before Coulson pulls out the whole 'Age ain't nothin' but a number' spiel."
"Ooh, or the 'she seduced me' argument," Daisy replied, as the women walked past the hostess into the foyer where they took off their jackets.
"More likely, the 'You know how hard it is to find someone who understands the job'," Bobbi said, disappearing into the living room.
"We didn't bring any presents. Except Coulson," a sad Scottish accent said as the skinny man who owned it stepped forward.
"That's okay. Got food for you, anyway, Fitz."
"How do you know us all?" Fitz asked, stopping at the doorway.
"I have cultivated an unusual and unexpected friendship with Nick Fury. He put your team together so he told me about you."
"You're friends with Fury?" Coulson asked, surprised.
"Yeah. I showed a little due respect and he showed it back." She pushed the men toward the living room and shut the door. "You know, Fury doesn't have a problem with me dating Clint."
"Probably because Barton isn't old enough to be your father," Natasha called out as they walked into the living room.
"Nat! When did you get here?"
"She walked down the stairs a few minutes ago," Pepper answered.
"Clint left the window unlocked, didn't he?"
Natasha gave her signature smirk. "You shouldn't keep pizza in your bedroom. You'll get bugs."
Cassie turned her gaze to Clint. "There's pizza in my bedroom?"
"I got hungry after you went to sleep. Amazing Nick's is open until 3 am."
"But why is the pizza in the bedroom?"
"The real question is, how'd you miss that when you woke up?" Daisy asked.
"I fell asleep on the couch 'cause I was still cooking. So, he got a pizza at 2 am and took it up to my room to eat."
"I like to be comfy when I'm overloading on carbohydrates and cheese."
"There better not be grease on my comforter."
"Hey, calm down! It's Christmas!" Clint said, with a smile.
"Oh, you got jokes, Barton, but we all know I can kick your well-toned ass, so go get the pizza out of my damn bedroom."
Clint chuckled. "Yes, ma'am."
Daisy and Bobbi watched as he bounced up the stairs, two at a time. "Wow. It's weird that you're the grown-up in your relationship. Was it like that with Coulson, too?" Daisy asked.
"Um... Phil and I were both, kinda, the grown-up when we were together. I was grown-up about the domestic stuff and he was grown about everything else."
"Which wasn't much. He wasn't around often," Natasha said, casting her eyes on the Director.
"Fury had me running all over the world, chasing dangerous tech, people and aliens. New York for Stark, New Mexico for Thor and Dr. Selvig. Hong Kong. Portland." Cassie gave a tight smile to the room at the mention of Portland, sitting down next to Pepper. Stark patted her hand as Phil continued. "I was busy, and Cassie knew that I was going to be away a lot. She knew what she was getting into."
"At, what, twenty? She knew what she was getting into?" Pepper chided.
"All right, back off of Phil a little. This isn't the season of shaming. It's the season of giving. And I have presents for most of you, food for everyone. Speaking of, I have to go check the turkey," Cassie said, standing up and heading for the kitchen.
"Need any help in there?" Bobbi shouted.
"No, no. I'm good for now. Might need help in a while but... ooh, actually, if you wanted, I have a crudité platter in here. You could come grab it." Cassie pulled the platter from the fridge and handed it to the gigantic blond woman. "Hummus, ranch, veggies. Nothing that should be offensive to anyone... except maybe the carnivore Asgardians. I don't know if they even eat vegetables."
"I'm sure it's fine. Hey, you know we're just taking the piss out of Coulson for the hell of it, right? It's nothing against you or your relationship. I'm sure it wasn't anything sordid."
"It was true love... for a few years. And then it wasn't." Cassie sighed, pulling open the oven.
"But you've got Clint now. He's a good man. And if you can deal with the infantile way he deals with life, you'll be fine."
"I know. And I can." She stood, baster in hand, and shut the oven door. She looked at Bobbi. "You ever get that feeling, where something is great... it's amazing and awesome and you love it, but something isn't quite right? It's just askew."
"Yeah. Sometimes."
"My whole life is like that. Everything is just a little off center. And I don't know why, so I question everything now... even good men."
Bobbi opened her mouth to say something, but the bell rang again, prompting Cassie to nod at her and walk toward the foyer. "Steve! Wanda and Vision! Hey! Welcome, welcome, and happy holidays!" She stepped out of the way to let the Avengers into the house.
"Happy Christmas!" Wanda said, hugging her.
"Fröhliche Weihnachten, meine Freundin." She gave the brunette a squeeze and turned to Vision with a smile. "Great to see you. I was afraid you'd think this Christmas, or Yule, stuff would be silly."
"Wanda explained the importance. I'd never detract from your rituals. I was, admittedly, a bit lost about what to bring."
"We didn't have much money, but we think you'll be happy with zem," Wanda said.
"I'm just happy you're here. Living room is straight through there. Everybody's already here."
"Sam said he'll be here for dessert," Steve said, closing the door. He looked around the hallway, decked out in reds and greens. "The lights out there are nothing compared to this. You went big on the decorations."
Cassie shrugged. "First Christmas."
"Does it surprise you that Hydra didn't feel the need to tell me about Christmas?" she asked as Steve took his blue coat off and hung it neatly by the door. "I learned about it while I was in the Fridge, through books and stuff."
"You've been out for almost five years, now, right?"
"No one to celebrate with. Fury always made sure Phil was out during the holidays... and after I moved to New York... no one to celebrate with," she repeated.
"I'm sure Nick didn't do it on purpose."
Cassie smiled. "Yeah... he did. He wanted Phil out and away from me as much as possible. Nick and I have discussed this. Anyway, Merry Christmas, Steve."
"Merry Christmas, Cassie," Steve responded, eyeing the mistletoe above her head. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her cheek. "Come on."
"All right, that's everybody except Sam, who won't be here before pie." Cassie walked into the living room and stood next to the tree, Steve leaning against the doorjamb. "So, we can do presents before or after the feast. I'd recommend before, though, 'cause who wants to open presents when they're fighting a tryptophan nap?"
"Break out the presents. That big one, there, that's for me, right?" Tony asked, pointing to a large flat present.
"Actually, yes. Were you shaking gifts while I was out of the room?" she asked, handing the gift to him. He ripped the paper off to reveal a mosaic picture of Iron Man made of thousands of pictures of Tony. "I had a little time while waiting for things to finish at work, so I came up with this. Do you like it?"
"This is... amazing. Look, it's me.... made out of me," Tony said, turning the frame so everyone could see it.
"You had to play to his ego, didn't you?" Pepper joked.
"I knew what he'd like. Okay, so.... Pepper, here you go. Clint, babe. Natasha," Cassie said, handing wrapped boxes to everyone as she said their names. "Now, open them one at a time. I wanna see your faces as you open them. Pepper, you first."
Pepper smiled and tore into the box. "Oh, my. Did you make this?" she asked, pulling up a teal knit scarf.
"Yeah. I tried to make as many of the gifts as I could."
"Where did you find time to learn to knit?" Phil asked.
"Um... I learned to knit a few years ago. I was working on socks... and a blanket." She looked down, then back up with a big smile. "I was gonna do a sweater for Vision, but I decided against it. Natasha, yours next."
Natasha looked down at the long box in her lap, then ran her finger along the end of the paper and slid the box out. Inside was a knife, almost a foot long from end to end. The Russian smiled slightly as she pulled it from it's sheath. "Fallkniven A1 survival blade. 6.375 inch blade, 11 inches because it's full tang. Beautiful, perfectly balanced... this is amazing. Thank you."
"You don't already have one, do you?"
Natasha shook her head. "No. I don't. Thank you."
"Clint." Clint's box was long and when he opened it, a shiny, purple leather quiver greeted him. "I mean, it's obviously not for Tactical work, but... I like it."
"She knows your favorite color? We were married for two years before I knew your dirty secret." Bobbi seemed offended.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with a man liking purple. I just don't tell anyone because some people disagree with me about that."
"That might be my fault. His first suit was all purple and blue, with a big mask. I told him he looked like a big, gay circus freak," Natasha responded.
"Mostly right," Bobbi responded.
"Seriously?!" Clint glared at the gymnast and the ballerina, before leaning forward to kiss Cassie. "I love it. I'm gonna use it at the farm everyday."
Cassie smiled, a blush creeping across her cheeks. She cleared her throat and walked to the tree, grabbing another object that definitely looked like a picture frame, albeit much smaller than Tony's, and handing it to Wanda. Wanda smiled and pulled open the wrapping paper. Her face dropped into a sad look as tears began to form in her eyes. Vision put a hand on her shoulder as she hugged the small canvass to her.
"Okay, knitting, I get, but when did you learn to paint?" Phil asked, deeply impressed by the detail in her painting of Pietro.
"I got the basic lessons from this little old lady in Hohenheims. She was painting a mural of the Nativity on the wall of Father Nathan's office and I just watched and learned for a while. I work on it when I have time."
"How do you have so much time? You work sixty hours a week at the lab and you go to school. When are you painting and knitting and making mosaics of Tony?" Steve asked, crossing the living room and picking up the painting to examine it as Wanda set it on the couch and hugged the artist.
Cassie smiled. "I make time for my family." She grabbed a small box and handed it across to Coulson, who shook it.
Phil pulled the wrapping off, revealing a small plastic box. He flipped the top off and gasped, "Are these-"
"Mint and vintage. The guy tried to sell me reproductions, but I could tell the difference. I've seen the real thing. I heard what Fury did to yours and I knew it must've broken your heart once you got back from TAHITI."
"These must've cost a fortune!" Phil whispered, flipping carefully through the cards.
"Well, after I caught the guy trying to cheat me, I pulled up some footage of Sokovia on my phone and showed him that I, you know, could put the hurting on him, he gave me a good deal." She smirked as she handed a box to Bobbi.
"Are you sure you wanna give me a present?"
"I'm sure. Go on."
Bobbi tore the package open and pulled out two batons and two bracelets. "Do these... go together?"
"Yeah. The, uh, the bracelets snap on and activate and that way, you can throw your batons and the magnetic pull between the bracelets and batons will bring them right back to your hands."
"That's amazing!" Bobbi exclaimed, testing out the balance of the batons. "These... if they can do what you say... when I get back in the field..."
"If," Coulson responded, still looking at his cards, mesmerized.
"It does! And you will get out in the field again. Okay, who's left? Steve! That box," she said pointing to a big box next to the tree.
He leaned down and ripped open the box, pulling out a stack of albums. "'Music Through the Decades'."
"Starts on the ‘50s and goes on through now. I also added a few albums that I really like. Green Day is real good and Nirvana."
"If there's not any Sabbath in there, then what's the point?"
Cassie smirked at Tony. "No 'Iron Man' but I'm pretty sure 'Crazy Train' is on one of those vinyls."
"This is great, Cassie. Thank you. And thank you for... picking vinyls."
"Of course. They're coming back into vogue, so it's easier to find them."
"Everything old is new again," Clint mumbled.
Cassie giggled before turning to Thor. "I'm still working on yours. It was a tall order and I thought I could get it done before now but I... just haven't had time. I'm working on a communication device that will work between Midgard and Asgard, so you can call Jane or we could call you. Not everyone on the team has Heimdall and Huginn watching them."
"A tall order? I assume this means a difficult thing and yes, that would be a 'tall order'. Even Asgard doesn't have such a device."
"If anyone can do it-" Clint started.
"I can. But if I don't care to try, Cassie's got you," Tony said, taking a drink of his nog.
"I'll figure it out. Promise."
"Wow. She's an amazing gift-giver," Daisy mused, taking one of Bobby's batons and tossing it in the air.
"Yeah. Now it's her turn. Grab a gift." Natasha pointed at the tree.
"Allow me." Thor volunteered, grabbing the poorly-wrapped pole as Sif handed her a pair of gloves.
Cassie looked between the Asgardians in confusion. "I need gloves to open my present?" she asked. They just nodded, smiling, as the SHIELD agents looked up, nervously. She pulled the gloves on and looked down.
"That's not..." Phil set down the cards and stood, looking to Thor as he handed the pole to Cassie.
Cassie ripped the paper down and gasped as she was met with a bright silver staff, etched with Asgardian runes. "Oh, my. This is beautiful."
"That's a Berserker Staff. Nobody touch it," Daisy warned.
"Are you sure that's a good gift for-" Phil started, looking worried.
"She is mighty. She can handle the Berserk." Sif answered.
"Okay, somebody explain this one to me. Berserker Staff?"
"Cass, it's, uh, an Asgardian weapon. It gives you a massive dose of adrenaline and then, it pulls on all of your worst memories to give you a rage like you've never felt before. It's supposed to be really good in battle, but you can ask May... it's pretty horrible."
"She is mighty, son of Coul. She pulled herself from the dream this witch created when even Thor could not. If there were ever a mortal strong enough to handle the Berserker staff, it is she," Sif responded.
Cassie looked down at the staff on her lap in wonder. "Horrible but really good in battle. It's the Hulk of alien weaponry. Thank you, Thor, so much. I know this must be a huge deal, to give a Midgardian one of these."
Thor smiled his bright white smile again. "You are not just a Midgardian. You are my sister. It is no huge deal, Lady Cassie."
"I don't know if she can handle-" Bobbi started.
"On the May-to-Ward scale of handling shit, where would you place her, Coulson?" Daisy asked.
"Well, I... think that's a question for Barton. 'Cause she didn't really have any rage when I was with her, so I don't know how she deals with it."
Cassie stood as Clint opened his mouth to answer. "How about that's a question for me. I deal with my considerable rage just fine. I became a superhero with it. I don't dwell on it, but I use it, every time I fight. If that's what this thing does, then good. And don't ask my ex-boyfriend if I can handle something, Daisy." She set the staff against the wall and smiled at Clint. "Your turn, babe."
Clint grabbed a box from under the tree and a Christmas card from the mantel over the fireplace. "Box is from me; card is from Katie."
"Ooh, the other Hawkeye sent me a gift? She's never even met me."
"She insisted."
"When do I get to meet Miss Bishop?" Cassie asked, opening the card.
"Uh... sometime when Bobbi and Nat aren't around. Too many of my important women in one place... three of you makes me nervous, four would kill me."
"'I know how stressful working with Barton can be, I can only imagine how dating him must kill. De-stress on me. Merry Christmas.' Holy shit. This is a wristband for Aphrodite Day Spa. This is the most amazing spa in central Washington. It's several thousand dollars for an all-inclusive wristband. I feel bad, now. I didn't get anything for her."
"Don't worry. I've told you her daddy is rich, right? What do you get the hero who has everything?"
"Wow." She set the card down and opened the box. "Oh, my. Is this a real Henkel?"
"Euroline. That's the one you wanted, right?" Clint asked.
"I... barely mentioned that I liked it. This is... awesome."
"He got you a kitchen knife? Lame," Tony muttered.
"A ZWILLING J.A. Henkel chef knife. This is, like, the filet minon of chef's knives." She defended. "Thank you, Clint. You are amazing."
"I think we should probably go next. 'Worst for last' is not the way, you know?" Wanda said, grabbing Vision's hand and each grabbing their gifts. Cassie smiled and opened the box Wanda handed over. "I know you spent a bit of time in Austria. Thought you might want to have a bit of Europe to eat."
"Hey! Mozartkugel!"
"What the hell is Mozartkugel?" Tony asked.
"It's pistachio marzipan and nougat covered in dark chocolate. It's amazing. Helga got me addicted before I could even pronounce 'Mozartkugel'. Thank you! How'd you know?" Wanda looked down, sheepishly. "You took it from my head. That's okay. Thank you."
Vision handed her a small box, which she quickly opened, pulling out a small ceramic Santa figurine. "Aww. It's cute! Thank you, Vision." He nodded at her.
"In the vein of 'let us not leave worst for last', me next," Pepper said, pushing a card into her hands. "It's just a gift card."
"To... Sephora? High-end make up. You rock, Pepper. I was just telling Clint that I need to learn how to do my makeup."
"And I was telling her she doesn't need it."
"Well, that's a thing Barton does well," Bobbi said to Natasha, who just nodded.
Cassie smiled at Barton and thanked Pepper. Steve looked sheepishly at the group. "I, uh, feel pretty horrible about my gift. All these great gifts and... I went practical with mine."
"An umbrella is very practical," Vision said, causing everyone to cast their eyes down.
"An umbrella. For Seattle. I get it. Cute, practical. Just like you, Steve," Cassie said, with a big smile.
"All right. My turn," Tony said, handing her a large jewelry box. "It was my mother's."
Cassie was breathless as she looked down at an Art Deco necklace with an opal and two large diamonds set into a platinum pendant. "Tony... you can't... I can't."
"Pepper doesn't do opal," Tony said, pulling the necklace from the box and holding it up to her neck. "It's gonna look great on you."
"But this was your mom's."
"My mom would have loved you. She was a strong woman, too, you know. Had to be, to put up with my father's bull. Look, I'm not wearing it and I've got two important women in my life and one of them doesn't do opal."
"He really wants you to have it," Pepper whispered, encouragingly.
"But, this is..."
"You always argue when I try to give you stuff. You should know it's futile, by now," Tony said, clasping the necklace together behind her neck and stepping back to marvel at how it looked on her. "Yup. I was right. Hangs just right."
"Here," Natasha said, pulling a bow out from behind the couch and handing it to Cassie. "It's a compound, not a longbow, but compounds are easier to learn on. Or so the guy at the shop told me."
"Wow, thanks so much." Cassie looked around and smiled. "Well, if that's everything, turkey should be-"
"That's not everything. Coulson brought something," Fitz said, walking out of the room.
Phil nodded and walked away, grabbing Cassie's hand and pulling her out of her house and into her front yard. "So, I remember how much you liked LOLA and how much you enjoyed that motorcycle run we did from Malibu to San Fran, so I had Mack and Fitz put together this..." He opened up the back of the black van they'd arrived in, revealing a Harley Sportster. "It's an '03 XL 1200. Still got the endorsement on your license?"
"You... motorcycle?" She was dumbfounded.
"Not just a motorcycle. You think he'd have us work on a regular motorcycle?" Fitz asked as Coulson rolled the bike out of the van. "Well, Mack, maybe, but not me."
"Fitz is the guy who made our stealth tech work," Coulson said, proudly. "And he made quick work of the science that makes LOLA hover. Meet HARLEE. Hover Aircraft Requiring a Little Extra Effort."
"That's a horrible name," Clint commented.
"It's better than his first idea. Wanted me to figure out a way to make the acronym PHIL," Fitz responded.
"Oh, like LOLA was named after his first love," Daisy said with smile.
"This is amazing, Fitz. Did you do the whole thing?"
"Well, Mack did a lot of the work on the... the normal motorcycle parts, but the... additional bits were all me," Fitz replied, leaning down to examine his work on the HARLEE.
"This is amazing," Cassie repeated, hugging the Scotsman, who stiffened. "Thank you, Fitz."
"Thank him? Where's my thanks?" Coulson asked.
"How much help did you give the poor overworked Leopold Fitz?" Cassie asked, releasing the man and turning to the SHIELD director.
Coulson lifted his prosthetic hand. "I couldn't help much with this."
"Oh, has he been using that as an excuse since Mack cut it off?" Natasha asked.
Bobbi, Daisy and Fitz all nodded. Cassie laughed. "Thank you for thinking of it, Phil. I love it! Now, let's get inside, it's freezing out here. Let's go eat some turkey!"
Steve smirked. "I'm fine in the cold. Mind if I stay back, appreciate your present?"
"All right, but don't go becoming a Cap-cicle again." Cassie smirked as she ushered everyone else into the house.
Steve grabbed Clint's arm and pulled him away from the door, close to the Harley and forced him to bend to look at the bike. "She's not sleeping."
"Yeah? How'd I sneak a large 3-cheese past her at 2 am, then?"
"There's no way she had time to do everything and still get sleep, Clint. She was either exhausted from her insomnia, or she took something to make herself sleep."
"Lorazepam. That's what Banner gave her when she came back from Austria."
Clint pulled back, standing. "How do you know that?"
"Because I was worried." Steve stood, too. "When she came back from Austria, she should've been rested. Happy. But she wasn't. She was exhausted, I could see it when you walked in, so I went to Banner after you and Natasha debriefed me and she was passed out in his lab. Bruce told me that he'd given her anxiety meds that let her sleep. He told me that she'd been having nightmares, terrors that persisted until she saw Dr. Garner."
"So, what, you think she's dreaming of Loki again?"
"I don't think she was dreaming of Loki before, Clint. What did she learn from that first session with Doc Garner?"
"That she wasn't evil like she thought."
"And the nightmares stopped. It wasn't Loki that caused her insomnia in Austria. Heck, she dealt with a Loki dream in enough time to pick me up and carry me off that ship in Africa. So, what could possibly be causing her insomnia now?"
Clint looked down, thinking of the plane ride to Sokovia. Wanda had gotten her to admit that she was afraid of whatever pieces of her were leaking. If anything was keeping her awake at night, that would be it. "She's fine, Cap. Don't worry about her," he lied as he turned away.
Steve watched as Clint walked into the house. "Fine. I'll talk to her about it."
As he walked into the dining room, Cassie held up a postcard. "So, I got this a few days ago, wanted to share it with you. Postcard, no return address, it looks like it's just blank, but... run a black light over it... Bam! QR code." She pulled her phone out and scanned the invisible code. "When scanned, it brings us to a far corner of the Dark Web housing just one video."
"Merry Christmas, guys," a familiar voice called out from her cell. "From scenic all-points nowhere. As you can see, but not enough to determine my location, I'm back doing what I should always be doing. I'm helping people, I'm not hurting anyone. I haven't had an incident since Sokovia and I'm gonna keep it that way."
Cassie paused the video as Steve sat down in the empty seat next to Natasha. "Despite the next part... I've analyzed it, of course, but I'm sure some of you will want to try it yourself."
"Please, stop looking for me. I can't be an Avenger, anymore. I can't come back because then I'd have to be Him and... I can't lose control again. Please, let me be. Merry Christmas, Avengers, and have a great New Year."
Natasha reached across Clint and snatched the card away from Cassie. "Did you analyze the paper stock?"
"I wanted to leave something for you to do, Natasha. Merry Christmas," Cassie said, walking away from the table to the kitchen. She returned with the turkey platter on one arm and the ham platter on the other. Steve stood and followed her into the kitchen as she grabbed the dishes carrying the sides. He stacked what was left onto his arms and carried them to the table behind her. "Thank you, Steve. Such a gentleman."
She walked to the head of the table and smiled at everyone. "I really wanna thank you guys for coming. You know, this is first Christmas... for a couple of us, and I..." She cleared her throat as tears started to sting her eyes. "I am so blessed to have you all. I've never had a family. Phil was the closest thing... And now, I have a... feast full of people who wanted to spend the holiday with me. I finally have people to share my life with and I could not be happier."
Clint reached out and took her hand in his, stroking his thumb across the back of it, reassuringly. "Anyway, thanks. Um, let's eat," she said, picking up a carving knife and a fork and leaning forward to cut into the ham.
"What, no Grace?" Tony smirked.
"Religious dinner shall be had at a later date." As she sliced into the meat, a flash of memory hit her. A man tied to a chair as a knife sliced through his thigh. His eyes clenched tightly in pain as he ground out 'Patrick Mackenzie, SHIELD level 5'. Cassie dropped the fork to the platter, her fingers tightening around the knife handle.
"You okay?" several guests chorused.
She blinked and cleared her throat. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just emotional. Somebody wanna- Wanda, stay out of my head," she instructed as she set the knife down and slipped away from the table.
Phil took over cutting the ham and Clint pulled the turkey into arm's reach, as Steve excused himself and followed the hostess. He knocked, lightly, at the bathroom door. "Hey. You all right?"
"I'm fine," she croaked.
"You're crying." It was a guess, but not a particularly hard one.
"Well, it's an emotional day."
"Are you sure it's that? Are you sure this isn't more of whatever's keeping you up at night?"
"You know, I told Wanda to stay out of my head, I figured it went without saying for the rest of you."
"Come on, Cassie. Talk to me." The lock clicked and Steve pushed in, locking it back behind him. She was sitting on the sink, eyes already red and puffy. "What's wrong?"
"Me. I'm wrong." Steve stood silently and waited for her confession. "I... I'm remembering."
"And that's not a good thing?"
She shook her head. "I'm remembering Hydra. I'm remembering being Vierhundert Zweiundfünfzig. I'm remembering who I was with them. I think I hurt people, Steve, maybe even killed."
Steve placed his hand firmly on her shoulder. "Cassie, it's-"
"Don't patronize me, Steve. Don't tell me it's okay because it's not okay," she snapped.
"It's not okay. But mostly, it's not okay because of how it's affecting you." Steve reached his free hand into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, sweeping it across her cheeks. "Whatever you did when Hydra had you, that wasn't you."
"You don't understand. If... if I remember that, if I remember who I was... doesn't that make me her?"
Steve sighed, pulling her down from the sink. "I think that's a question for Doctor Garner. Have you talked to him about this?"
She shook her head. "He was on vacation and... he hasn't answered my calls since he got back. He's busy helping Phil with the whole... Inhumans thing."
"And Fury? He must know who you were when he grabbed you from Hydra. Did you try him?"
"He told me not to ask. Said I wouldn't like the answers."
"Nick's never been big on questions. Look." Steve pressed the handkerchief into her palm. "You have people, you know. What you were saying about having family... you should talk to them. If there is a group of people who knows how to deal with... bad pasts and fuzzy memories, it's us. You aren't wrong. You're perfect the way you are."
Cassie nodded and smiled, slightly. "Thanks. Let's go eat."
As they watched everyone get into their cars, Cassie leaned her head on Clint's shoulder. She could tell by his protective and comforting stance that he knew something was wrong, but he wouldn't ask. He was great that way. "Merry Christmas, Cassie."
"Merry Christmas, Clint. You gonna stay for a couple days?"
"Of course. Long as you want me here."
"I love you. Wanna go in and call Laura, see if Barney ever showed?"
"Yeah. Come on." Clint turned and pushed her through the door.
KITCHEN SINK TAGS @heyitscam99 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mrs-meghan-winchester @henrymorganme @lonely-skys @allykat2108
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Alright. I’m writing this Tumblr post for the sheer purpose of venting about transmasculine stuff. If you don’t like vents, or the LGBTQ+ community, please do not read on.
First thing’s first, some of the stuff I’m going to explain is in this post. Also this one. So go and read those first. (Don’t worry, they aren’t long.)
The venting starts now. (Sarcasm may be included.)
Ahhh, Easter! The day that Jesus resurrected! It’s a time of celebration, and worship! For me, since my family is Christian, every year on Easter, we have to dress up and go to church and do stuff like listen to the service, Easter egg hunts, etc. This may not sound like a big deal to anyone else, but to me, it’s a nightmare. Why, you may ask? Well... I happen to be...
And worst of all...
Still in the closet.
As you know, at church, people assigned female at birth, even the closeted transmascs...
Have to wear...
I know other people have no problem wearing them, but for me? UGH, forget about it. I already have a negative mindset about my body (gender dysphoria AND body dysmorphia), and dresses don’t really help all of that. And on top of THAT, I’m a high-functioning autistic, so they’re also as uncomfortable as all hell!
And, this “all plays out in my favor too”! Again, I’ll say it: my family is Christian. And they’re the type of Christians which... *is now on game show* *points to door 3*
And that’s my situation. There’s no way to tell my loving relatives that their beautiful daughter is, in fact, not their beautiful daughter, but instead is their beautiful son. Also, some more proof. I just heard my father say the other day that trans people would always be their assigned gender at birth, no matter how many chemicals they pumped in their bodies. Even though I don’t plan to start testosterone in the future (gonna try to maintain a sort of androgynous look), this completely and utterly devastated me. But all I could do was play innocent and ask him, “What chemicals?” which also made me feel worse. He didn’t answer.
So, I have to wear a dress the whole day, with more and more relatives and friends and other people telling me I’m beautiful. Which will feel like a Minecraft diamond sword stabbing straight into my mental health. Which sucks.
And, I was just informed yesterday that I also had to go to a family event. I know I should appreciate having a family, and them being able to have events, and blah blah blah, but that just means more pretending I’m their pretty little daughter. More diamond swords stabbing into me. And then I go home. I’ll probably reblog this post with an update at this point, if you guys want.
Yeah, that’s pretty much the whole layout of my day today. At least I went to see The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical yesterday. And bought a plush squirrel with a little lightning bolt sweater.
So at least I have that. And I have you guys to talk to. I appreciate it. Thank you for reading this whole post. DM me if you want about it, idc. Have a good Easter, Tumblr.
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ialinite · 5 years
Facts About the Origin of Christmas and History of Some Christmas Traditions
In the early long periods of Christianity the fundamental holiday was Easter. In the fourth Century church authorities chose to have the introduction of Jesus celebrated as a holiday and Pope Julius I picked the date of December 25 for Christmas. The holiday, at first called the Feast of the Nativity, spread to England before the finish of the sixth Century and to Scandinavia before the finish of the eighth Century.
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Church pioneers initiated Christmas during winter since that season was prominent for the celebrations of numerous agnostic celebrations. The expectation was that Christmas would likewise turn into a holiday that would increase much notoriety. The congregation chiefs accomplished the objective of having Christmas celebrations, become prevalent throughout the winter solstice, yet they were not able control other agnostic like celebrations during Christmas. Devotees would go to chapel on Christmas and after that take an interest later in unruly and plastered celebrations.
The celebration of Christmas in Europe changed in the mid seventeenth Century when Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans picked up power in England in 1645. To expel debauched conduct from the general public, Cromwell dropped Christmas. The Puritans noticed that the Bible doesn't make reference to any birth date for Jesus. Christmas celebrations returned in England around 1649 when Charles II was reestablished to the position of authority.
Christmas was not a holiday in early America on the grounds that the Pilgrims who came to America had significantly stricter convictions than Cromwell and the Puritans. Christmas celebrations were even banished in Boston from 1659 to 1681. Anybody found taking an interest in any occasion or action identified with Christmas needed to pay a fine.
After the American Revolution it ended up disagreeable to participate in English traditions and Christmas again lost notoriety. Thusly, Legislators in Congress worked together on Christmas Day in 1789. It wasn't until June 26, 1870 that Christmas was proclaimed a government holiday.
Christmas in the United States picked up prevalence as a holiday period during the nineteenth Century. It likewise changed around then to turn out to be more family-focused as opposed to being jamboree like.
Numerous exercises identified with observing Christmas as we probably am aware it presently developed from societies in Europe, before Christianity began. They would balance evergreen branches over their entryways and windows since evergreens were accepted to avert witches, apparitions, underhanded spirits and ailment.
Among basic things utilized in Christmas enrichments are the holly and the mistletoe. Both are utilized basically in wreaths and laurels. The Druids began the convention of utilizing the mistletoe as brightening things to commend the winter season. They accepted the mistletoe would bring good karma and avert insidiousness spirits. They additionally accepted that it had a recuperating quality and could be utilized for everything from mending wounds to expanding richness.
In Scandinavia, the mistletoe was viewed as a plant of harmony and agreement and was related with the goddess of adoration. This affiliation is presumably what prompted the custom of kissing under the mistletoe.
In the Victorian time frame, the English additionally would balance mistletoe from roofs and in entryways during holidays. The propensity built up that on the off chance that somebody was remaining under the mistletoe, another person in the room would kiss that individual. Such conduct was not by and large found in Victorian culture.
The utilization of the mistletoe in Christmas celebrations was once restricted by the congregation as a result of its relationship with agnostic conventions, and the utilization of holly was recommended as a substitute.
Poinsettias are another conventional enlivening bloom utilized at Christmas. It is local to Mexico and is named after Joel Poinsett, who was the first U.S envoy to Mexico and who acquired the plants to America 1828. Mexicans accept the plants were an image of the Star of Bethlehem and that is one reason they are related with Christmas.
Sending greeting cards during Christmas and the holidays is as common today as the custom of giving presents. Religious pictures of Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, the heavenly attendants, shepherds and Wise Men are generally put on Christmas cards. A few cards today likewise incorporate pictures of Santa Claus, winter landscape, Christmas trees and present bundles.
The possibility of Christmas greeting cards began in Britain in the late 1830s when John Calcott Horsley began to deliver little cards that had bubbly scenes and a holiday greeting composed inside. Comparable cards were likewise being made in the United States at about a similar time by R.H. Pease, in Albany, New York, and Louis Prang, who was a German worker. The custom of sending the greeting cards during Christmas picked up notoriety in the two nations around 10 years after the fact when new postal conveyance administrations began.
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newsrecording · 4 years
Spirituality and Addiction Recovery
          Originally posted on Futures Recovery Healthcare
Addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, now referred to as alcohol use disorder (AUD), and substance use disorders (SUD) have become more prevalent in our society today. It’s very likely that everyone either is or knows someone who has struggled with – or continues to have –  some type of addiction issue.
And while the increase in AUDs and SUDs is not desired, the silver lining is that there has been a significant increase in research in the field of addiction. More and more is being learned about the disease of addiction, yielding growth in treatment options. This increasing variety of addiction treatment programs reaches even more people living in addiction to get the help they need and find long-lasting recovery.
The Evolving Face of Sobriety
In the early 1900s, anyone who suffered from an alcohol problem did not fare well. So little was known and understood about alcoholism and addiction during that time the alcoholic was often sent to asylums to live out the rest of their days in misery.
During the late 19th century, alcoholics were referred to as inebriates and the physicians who treated them were called inebriate specialists. It was common practice that these ‘inebriates’ needed to be detained in asylums in order to help them overcome their addiction to alcohol.
Luckily for anyone struggling today, much progress has been made from these early days of addiction treatment.
1935 saw the beginnings of what would become one of the strongest and longest-lasting alcohol support groups in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This twelve-step group, founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, AA was the first support group of its kind and saw substantial and impressive results. The premise of AA, was for one alcoholic to help another and together, with trust in a Higher Power, they would have a daily reprieve from the deadly disease of addiction.
From AA birthed Alanon, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), and many more twelve-step groups helping people with addictions to many things to recover and go on to live healthy and happy lives. These groups continue to grow and thrive today with AA having an estimated number of members more than 2 million across the globe and about 1.3 million in the United States alone.
AA and NA have no doubt helped many people successfully recover from AUDs and SUDs, however, with the continued research about the disease of addiction and progress, different and very effective alternative approaches to addiction treatment, addiction support groups, and addiction programs are becoming part of the mainstream.
From addiction treatment centers with programs that are music-based and activity-based to high-end luxury rehabs with specialized programs for individuals in high demand occupations and those who are first responders, today’s options for recovery are varied.
However, one of the common tenants of many of these programs is the spirituality aspect. And while individuals in these programs can all be successful without leaning on the spirituality piece, time and time again those with long-lasting recovery tout the benefits and help spirituality has given them.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a twelve-step program that relies heavily on the spiritual experience, belief in a Higher Power and using these tools, along with fellowship and service to help a person with an AUD or SUD to get and stay sober. For many years, AA was the only support group or help for anyone with an alcohol or substance use issue. For some, the Higher Power or God concept drove them away from the program. This led to the establishment of some agnostic AA groups and even a group, not affiliated with AA, Agnostica AA for those turned off by the spirituality aspect of twelve-step groups.
Everyone is different, their alcohol or substance use issues unique, and what will best support their recovery can also be varied. As the understanding of AUDs and SUDs grows, so too do the support groups and approaches to recovery. Some of the more popular support groups include Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery. The first two encompass a spiritual piece, however, the last, is a secular-based recovery support group.
Spiritual Tools in Recovery
Spirituality is defined as being concerned with the human spirit or soul not material or physical things. Whether Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Transcendentalism, Islam, or any of the many spiritual groups, many spiritual practices or beliefs are the same throughout.
There are some spiritual practices that many with long-lasting recovery practice whether they are in AA, Refuge Recovery, or neither. Here are five spiritual tools to help enhance and solidify recovery:
Meditation or prayer
It is essential to learn to quiet the mind and go within to heal, especially in recovery. Most all spiritual groups promote the use of regular meditation and/or prayer. AA’s 11th step states ‘sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him…’. This time of quiet prayer or meditation brings peace of mind and direction for the day. This is particularly vital for anyone in recovery as the mind is often racing and decision making can be encumbered. Many people since the beginning of time have used prayer and meditation to find peace and guidance.
From the universal Law of Attraction to religious groups, learning to be thankful for what we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is key to healing, growing, and enjoying more amazing things life has to offer. For many, writing a daily gratitude list is the first thing they do in the morning. Just this simple practice can turn around your day, weeks, and eventually life.
Service to others
A fundamental part of AA and many other groups is the aspect of service or giving back. From the Buddha to Jesus and even secular groups, helping others is a great way to get out of self-pity (often common in active addiction) and feel better about one’s self and life. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, taking an active role in a recovery support group, or holding the door for a stranger, being in service to others is an amazing way to feel good.
Being part of a community of like-minded individuals provides one of the most basic human needs of belonging. Everyone has a deep inner desire to belong and many times those new in recovery are starting anew. Finding and becoming active in a community is a key component of getting and staying sober. Whether it be a church, recovery support group, or your local town, being a contributing part of a community is another way to solidify your recovery and spirituality.
Mindfulness or presence
There is a saying that if you are depressed you are living in the past and if you are anxious you are living in the future. If you stop to think about it, this is very true and leads to the idea of mindfulness. With mindfulness, a person pays attention to the present moment and nothing else. This leads to the alleviation of stress, depression, worry, and anxiety. These mental health issues are some of the most common associated with an alcohol or substance use disorder. When an AUD or SUD occurs with another mental health issue, this is a co-occurring mental health condition. Practicing mindfulness or presence helps to combat these issues so commonly found with addiction.
If you want to learn more about addiction treatment programs and spirituality in recovery Futures Recovery Healthcare is here to help. Contact us confidentially online or by phone at 561-475-1804. There is help for addiction and hope. Take the first step today.
      About Futures Recovery Healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare is a specialized addiction and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment provider with residential and outpatient programs in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Contact Futures Recovery Healthcare
701 Old Dixie Hwy Tequesta FL 33469 United States
(561) 475-1804
Website: https://futuresrecoveryhealthcare.com/
The post Spirituality and Addiction Recovery appeared first on NewsRecording.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/3jgaw3g via News Recording
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newstvstation · 4 years
Spirituality and Addiction Recovery
          Originally posted on Futures Recovery Healthcare
Addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, now referred to as alcohol use disorder (AUD), and substance use disorders (SUD) have become more prevalent in our society today. It’s very likely that everyone either is or knows someone who has struggled with – or continues to have –  some type of addiction issue.
And while the increase in AUDs and SUDs is not desired, the silver lining is that there has been a significant increase in research in the field of addiction. More and more is being learned about the disease of addiction, yielding growth in treatment options. This increasing variety of addiction treatment programs reaches even more people living in addiction to get the help they need and find long-lasting recovery.
The Evolving Face of Sobriety
In the early 1900s, anyone who suffered from an alcohol problem did not fare well. So little was known and understood about alcoholism and addiction during that time the alcoholic was often sent to asylums to live out the rest of their days in misery.
During the late 19th century, alcoholics were referred to as inebriates and the physicians who treated them were called inebriate specialists. It was common practice that these ‘inebriates’ needed to be detained in asylums in order to help them overcome their addiction to alcohol.
Luckily for anyone struggling today, much progress has been made from these early days of addiction treatment.
1935 saw the beginnings of what would become one of the strongest and longest-lasting alcohol support groups in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This twelve-step group, founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, AA was the first support group of its kind and saw substantial and impressive results. The premise of AA, was for one alcoholic to help another and together, with trust in a Higher Power, they would have a daily reprieve from the deadly disease of addiction.
From AA birthed Alanon, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), and many more twelve-step groups helping people with addictions to many things to recover and go on to live healthy and happy lives. These groups continue to grow and thrive today with AA having an estimated number of members more than 2 million across the globe and about 1.3 million in the United States alone.
AA and NA have no doubt helped many people successfully recover from AUDs and SUDs, however, with the continued research about the disease of addiction and progress, different and very effective alternative approaches to addiction treatment, addiction support groups, and addiction programs are becoming part of the mainstream.
From addiction treatment centers with programs that are music-based and activity-based to high-end luxury rehabs with specialized programs for individuals in high demand occupations and those who are first responders, today’s options for recovery are varied.
However, one of the common tenants of many of these programs is the spirituality aspect. And while individuals in these programs can all be successful without leaning on the spirituality piece, time and time again those with long-lasting recovery tout the benefits and help spirituality has given them.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a twelve-step program that relies heavily on the spiritual experience, belief in a Higher Power and using these tools, along with fellowship and service to help a person with an AUD or SUD to get and stay sober. For many years, AA was the only support group or help for anyone with an alcohol or substance use issue. For some, the Higher Power or God concept drove them away from the program. This led to the establishment of some agnostic AA groups and even a group, not affiliated with AA, Agnostica AA for those turned off by the spirituality aspect of twelve-step groups.
Everyone is different, their alcohol or substance use issues unique, and what will best support their recovery can also be varied. As the understanding of AUDs and SUDs grows, so too do the support groups and approaches to recovery. Some of the more popular support groups include Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery. The first two encompass a spiritual piece, however, the last, is a secular-based recovery support group.
Spiritual Tools in Recovery
Spirituality is defined as being concerned with the human spirit or soul not material or physical things. Whether Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Transcendentalism, Islam, or any of the many spiritual groups, many spiritual practices or beliefs are the same throughout.
There are some spiritual practices that many with long-lasting recovery practice whether they are in AA, Refuge Recovery, or neither. Here are five spiritual tools to help enhance and solidify recovery:
Meditation or prayer
It is essential to learn to quiet the mind and go within to heal, especially in recovery. Most all spiritual groups promote the use of regular meditation and/or prayer. AA’s 11th step states ‘sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him…’. This time of quiet prayer or meditation brings peace of mind and direction for the day. This is particularly vital for anyone in recovery as the mind is often racing and decision making can be encumbered. Many people since the beginning of time have used prayer and meditation to find peace and guidance.
From the universal Law of Attraction to religious groups, learning to be thankful for what we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is key to healing, growing, and enjoying more amazing things life has to offer. For many, writing a daily gratitude list is the first thing they do in the morning. Just this simple practice can turn around your day, weeks, and eventually life.
Service to others
A fundamental part of AA and many other groups is the aspect of service or giving back. From the Buddha to Jesus and even secular groups, helping others is a great way to get out of self-pity (often common in active addiction) and feel better about one’s self and life. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, taking an active role in a recovery support group, or holding the door for a stranger, being in service to others is an amazing way to feel good.
Being part of a community of like-minded individuals provides one of the most basic human needs of belonging. Everyone has a deep inner desire to belong and many times those new in recovery are starting anew. Finding and becoming active in a community is a key component of getting and staying sober. Whether it be a church, recovery support group, or your local town, being a contributing part of a community is another way to solidify your recovery and spirituality.
Mindfulness or presence
There is a saying that if you are depressed you are living in the past and if you are anxious you are living in the future. If you stop to think about it, this is very true and leads to the idea of mindfulness. With mindfulness, a person pays attention to the present moment and nothing else. This leads to the alleviation of stress, depression, worry, and anxiety. These mental health issues are some of the most common associated with an alcohol or substance use disorder. When an AUD or SUD occurs with another mental health issue, this is a co-occurring mental health condition. Practicing mindfulness or presence helps to combat these issues so commonly found with addiction.
If you want to learn more about addiction treatment programs and spirituality in recovery Futures Recovery Healthcare is here to help. Contact us confidentially online or by phone at 561-475-1804. There is help for addiction and hope. Take the first step today.
      About Futures Recovery Healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare is a specialized addiction and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment provider with residential and outpatient programs in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Contact Futures Recovery Healthcare
701 Old Dixie Hwy Tequesta FL 33469 United States
(561) 475-1804
Website: https://futuresrecoveryhealthcare.com/
The post Spirituality and Addiction Recovery appeared first on News TV Station.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/34HmSNS via News TV Station
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mountainpostgazette · 4 years
Spirituality and Addiction Recovery
          Originally posted on Futures Recovery Healthcare
Addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, now referred to as alcohol use disorder (AUD), and substance use disorders (SUD) have become more prevalent in our society today. It’s very likely that everyone either is or knows someone who has struggled with – or continues to have –  some type of addiction issue.
And while the increase in AUDs and SUDs is not desired, the silver lining is that there has been a significant increase in research in the field of addiction. More and more is being learned about the disease of addiction, yielding growth in treatment options. This increasing variety of addiction treatment programs reaches even more people living in addiction to get the help they need and find long-lasting recovery.
The Evolving Face of Sobriety
In the early 1900s, anyone who suffered from an alcohol problem did not fare well. So little was known and understood about alcoholism and addiction during that time the alcoholic was often sent to asylums to live out the rest of their days in misery.
During the late 19th century, alcoholics were referred to as inebriates and the physicians who treated them were called inebriate specialists. It was common practice that these ‘inebriates’ needed to be detained in asylums in order to help them overcome their addiction to alcohol.
Luckily for anyone struggling today, much progress has been made from these early days of addiction treatment.
1935 saw the beginnings of what would become one of the strongest and longest-lasting alcohol support groups in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This twelve-step group, founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, AA was the first support group of its kind and saw substantial and impressive results. The premise of AA, was for one alcoholic to help another and together, with trust in a Higher Power, they would have a daily reprieve from the deadly disease of addiction.
From AA birthed Alanon, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), and many more twelve-step groups helping people with addictions to many things to recover and go on to live healthy and happy lives. These groups continue to grow and thrive today with AA having an estimated number of members more than 2 million across the globe and about 1.3 million in the United States alone.
AA and NA have no doubt helped many people successfully recover from AUDs and SUDs, however, with the continued research about the disease of addiction and progress, different and very effective alternative approaches to addiction treatment, addiction support groups, and addiction programs are becoming part of the mainstream.
From addiction treatment centers with programs that are music-based and activity-based to high-end luxury rehabs with specialized programs for individuals in high demand occupations and those who are first responders, today’s options for recovery are varied.
However, one of the common tenants of many of these programs is the spirituality aspect. And while individuals in these programs can all be successful without leaning on the spirituality piece, time and time again those with long-lasting recovery tout the benefits and help spirituality has given them.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a twelve-step program that relies heavily on the spiritual experience, belief in a Higher Power and using these tools, along with fellowship and service to help a person with an AUD or SUD to get and stay sober. For many years, AA was the only support group or help for anyone with an alcohol or substance use issue. For some, the Higher Power or God concept drove them away from the program. This led to the establishment of some agnostic AA groups and even a group, not affiliated with AA, Agnostica AA for those turned off by the spirituality aspect of twelve-step groups.
Everyone is different, their alcohol or substance use issues unique, and what will best support their recovery can also be varied. As the understanding of AUDs and SUDs grows, so too do the support groups and approaches to recovery. Some of the more popular support groups include Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery. The first two encompass a spiritual piece, however, the last, is a secular-based recovery support group.
Spiritual Tools in Recovery
Spirituality is defined as being concerned with the human spirit or soul not material or physical things. Whether Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Transcendentalism, Islam, or any of the many spiritual groups, many spiritual practices or beliefs are the same throughout.
There are some spiritual practices that many with long-lasting recovery practice whether they are in AA, Refuge Recovery, or neither. Here are five spiritual tools to help enhance and solidify recovery:
Meditation or prayer
It is essential to learn to quiet the mind and go within to heal, especially in recovery. Most all spiritual groups promote the use of regular meditation and/or prayer. AA’s 11th step states ‘sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him…’. This time of quiet prayer or meditation brings peace of mind and direction for the day. This is particularly vital for anyone in recovery as the mind is often racing and decision making can be encumbered. Many people since the beginning of time have used prayer and meditation to find peace and guidance.
From the universal Law of Attraction to religious groups, learning to be thankful for what we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is key to healing, growing, and enjoying more amazing things life has to offer. For many, writing a daily gratitude list is the first thing they do in the morning. Just this simple practice can turn around your day, weeks, and eventually life.
Service to others
A fundamental part of AA and many other groups is the aspect of service or giving back. From the Buddha to Jesus and even secular groups, helping others is a great way to get out of self-pity (often common in active addiction) and feel better about one’s self and life. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, taking an active role in a recovery support group, or holding the door for a stranger, being in service to others is an amazing way to feel good.
Being part of a community of like-minded individuals provides one of the most basic human needs of belonging. Everyone has a deep inner desire to belong and many times those new in recovery are starting anew. Finding and becoming active in a community is a key component of getting and staying sober. Whether it be a church, recovery support group, or your local town, being a contributing part of a community is another way to solidify your recovery and spirituality.
Mindfulness or presence
There is a saying that if you are depressed you are living in the past and if you are anxious you are living in the future. If you stop to think about it, this is very true and leads to the idea of mindfulness. With mindfulness, a person pays attention to the present moment and nothing else. This leads to the alleviation of stress, depression, worry, and anxiety. These mental health issues are some of the most common associated with an alcohol or substance use disorder. When an AUD or SUD occurs with another mental health issue, this is a co-occurring mental health condition. Practicing mindfulness or presence helps to combat these issues so commonly found with addiction.
If you want to learn more about addiction treatment programs and spirituality in recovery Futures Recovery Healthcare is here to help. Contact us confidentially online or by phone at 561-475-1804. There is help for addiction and hope. Take the first step today.
      About Futures Recovery Healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare is a specialized addiction and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment provider with residential and outpatient programs in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Contact Futures Recovery Healthcare
701 Old Dixie Hwy Tequesta FL 33469 United States
(561) 475-1804
Website: https://futuresrecoveryhealthcare.com/
The post Spirituality and Addiction Recovery appeared first on Mountain Post.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/3hCcJFT via Mountain Post Gazette
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newsperception · 4 years
Spirituality and Addiction Recovery
          Originally posted on Futures Recovery Healthcare
Addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, now referred to as alcohol use disorder (AUD), and substance use disorders (SUD) have become more prevalent in our society today. It’s very likely that everyone either is or knows someone who has struggled with – or continues to have –  some type of addiction issue.
And while the increase in AUDs and SUDs is not desired, the silver lining is that there has been a significant increase in research in the field of addiction. More and more is being learned about the disease of addiction, yielding growth in treatment options. This increasing variety of addiction treatment programs reaches even more people living in addiction to get the help they need and find long-lasting recovery.
The Evolving Face of Sobriety
In the early 1900s, anyone who suffered from an alcohol problem did not fare well. So little was known and understood about alcoholism and addiction during that time the alcoholic was often sent to asylums to live out the rest of their days in misery.
During the late 19th century, alcoholics were referred to as inebriates and the physicians who treated them were called inebriate specialists. It was common practice that these ‘inebriates’ needed to be detained in asylums in order to help them overcome their addiction to alcohol.
Luckily for anyone struggling today, much progress has been made from these early days of addiction treatment.
1935 saw the beginnings of what would become one of the strongest and longest-lasting alcohol support groups in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This twelve-step group, founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, AA was the first support group of its kind and saw substantial and impressive results. The premise of AA, was for one alcoholic to help another and together, with trust in a Higher Power, they would have a daily reprieve from the deadly disease of addiction.
From AA birthed Alanon, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), and many more twelve-step groups helping people with addictions to many things to recover and go on to live healthy and happy lives. These groups continue to grow and thrive today with AA having an estimated number of members more than 2 million across the globe and about 1.3 million in the United States alone.
AA and NA have no doubt helped many people successfully recover from AUDs and SUDs, however, with the continued research about the disease of addiction and progress, different and very effective alternative approaches to addiction treatment, addiction support groups, and addiction programs are becoming part of the mainstream.
From addiction treatment centers with programs that are music-based and activity-based to high-end luxury rehabs with specialized programs for individuals in high demand occupations and those who are first responders, today’s options for recovery are varied.
However, one of the common tenants of many of these programs is the spirituality aspect. And while individuals in these programs can all be successful without leaning on the spirituality piece, time and time again those with long-lasting recovery tout the benefits and help spirituality has given them.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a twelve-step program that relies heavily on the spiritual experience, belief in a Higher Power and using these tools, along with fellowship and service to help a person with an AUD or SUD to get and stay sober. For many years, AA was the only support group or help for anyone with an alcohol or substance use issue. For some, the Higher Power or God concept drove them away from the program. This led to the establishment of some agnostic AA groups and even a group, not affiliated with AA, Agnostica AA for those turned off by the spirituality aspect of twelve-step groups.
Everyone is different, their alcohol or substance use issues unique, and what will best support their recovery can also be varied. As the understanding of AUDs and SUDs grows, so too do the support groups and approaches to recovery. Some of the more popular support groups include Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery. The first two encompass a spiritual piece, however, the last, is a secular-based recovery support group.
Spiritual Tools in Recovery
Spirituality is defined as being concerned with the human spirit or soul not material or physical things. Whether Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Transcendentalism, Islam, or any of the many spiritual groups, many spiritual practices or beliefs are the same throughout.
There are some spiritual practices that many with long-lasting recovery practice whether they are in AA, Refuge Recovery, or neither. Here are five spiritual tools to help enhance and solidify recovery:
Meditation or prayer
It is essential to learn to quiet the mind and go within to heal, especially in recovery. Most all spiritual groups promote the use of regular meditation and/or prayer. AA’s 11th step states ‘sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him…’. This time of quiet prayer or meditation brings peace of mind and direction for the day. This is particularly vital for anyone in recovery as the mind is often racing and decision making can be encumbered. Many people since the beginning of time have used prayer and meditation to find peace and guidance.
From the universal Law of Attraction to religious groups, learning to be thankful for what we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is key to healing, growing, and enjoying more amazing things life has to offer. For many, writing a daily gratitude list is the first thing they do in the morning. Just this simple practice can turn around your day, weeks, and eventually life.
Service to others
A fundamental part of AA and many other groups is the aspect of service or giving back. From the Buddha to Jesus and even secular groups, helping others is a great way to get out of self-pity (often common in active addiction) and feel better about one’s self and life. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, taking an active role in a recovery support group, or holding the door for a stranger, being in service to others is an amazing way to feel good.
Being part of a community of like-minded individuals provides one of the most basic human needs of belonging. Everyone has a deep inner desire to belong and many times those new in recovery are starting anew. Finding and becoming active in a community is a key component of getting and staying sober. Whether it be a church, recovery support group, or your local town, being a contributing part of a community is another way to solidify your recovery and spirituality.
Mindfulness or presence
There is a saying that if you are depressed you are living in the past and if you are anxious you are living in the future. If you stop to think about it, this is very true and leads to the idea of mindfulness. With mindfulness, a person pays attention to the present moment and nothing else. This leads to the alleviation of stress, depression, worry, and anxiety. These mental health issues are some of the most common associated with an alcohol or substance use disorder. When an AUD or SUD occurs with another mental health issue, this is a co-occurring mental health condition. Practicing mindfulness or presence helps to combat these issues so commonly found with addiction.
If you want to learn more about addiction treatment programs and spirituality in recovery Futures Recovery Healthcare is here to help. Contact us confidentially online or by phone at 561-475-1804. There is help for addiction and hope. Take the first step today.
      About Futures Recovery Healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare is a specialized addiction and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment provider with residential and outpatient programs in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Contact Futures Recovery Healthcare
701 Old Dixie Hwy Tequesta FL 33469 United States
(561) 475-1804
Website: https://futuresrecoveryhealthcare.com/
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lakeviewgazette · 4 years
Spirituality and Addiction Recovery
          Originally posted on Futures Recovery Healthcare
Addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, now referred to as alcohol use disorder (AUD), and substance use disorders (SUD) have become more prevalent in our society today. It’s very likely that everyone either is or knows someone who has struggled with – or continues to have –  some type of addiction issue.
And while the increase in AUDs and SUDs is not desired, the silver lining is that there has been a significant increase in research in the field of addiction. More and more is being learned about the disease of addiction, yielding growth in treatment options. This increasing variety of addiction treatment programs reaches even more people living in addiction to get the help they need and find long-lasting recovery.
The Evolving Face of Sobriety
In the early 1900s, anyone who suffered from an alcohol problem did not fare well. So little was known and understood about alcoholism and addiction during that time the alcoholic was often sent to asylums to live out the rest of their days in misery.
During the late 19th century, alcoholics were referred to as inebriates and the physicians who treated them were called inebriate specialists. It was common practice that these ‘inebriates’ needed to be detained in asylums in order to help them overcome their addiction to alcohol.
Luckily for anyone struggling today, much progress has been made from these early days of addiction treatment.
1935 saw the beginnings of what would become one of the strongest and longest-lasting alcohol support groups in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This twelve-step group, founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, AA was the first support group of its kind and saw substantial and impressive results. The premise of AA, was for one alcoholic to help another and together, with trust in a Higher Power, they would have a daily reprieve from the deadly disease of addiction.
From AA birthed Alanon, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), and many more twelve-step groups helping people with addictions to many things to recover and go on to live healthy and happy lives. These groups continue to grow and thrive today with AA having an estimated number of members more than 2 million across the globe and about 1.3 million in the United States alone.
AA and NA have no doubt helped many people successfully recover from AUDs and SUDs, however, with the continued research about the disease of addiction and progress, different and very effective alternative approaches to addiction treatment, addiction support groups, and addiction programs are becoming part of the mainstream.
From addiction treatment centers with programs that are music-based and activity-based to high-end luxury rehabs with specialized programs for individuals in high demand occupations and those who are first responders, today’s options for recovery are varied.
However, one of the common tenants of many of these programs is the spirituality aspect. And while individuals in these programs can all be successful without leaning on the spirituality piece, time and time again those with long-lasting recovery tout the benefits and help spirituality has given them.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a twelve-step program that relies heavily on the spiritual experience, belief in a Higher Power and using these tools, along with fellowship and service to help a person with an AUD or SUD to get and stay sober. For many years, AA was the only support group or help for anyone with an alcohol or substance use issue. For some, the Higher Power or God concept drove them away from the program. This led to the establishment of some agnostic AA groups and even a group, not affiliated with AA, Agnostica AA for those turned off by the spirituality aspect of twelve-step groups.
Everyone is different, their alcohol or substance use issues unique, and what will best support their recovery can also be varied. As the understanding of AUDs and SUDs grows, so too do the support groups and approaches to recovery. Some of the more popular support groups include Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery. The first two encompass a spiritual piece, however, the last, is a secular-based recovery support group.
Spiritual Tools in Recovery
Spirituality is defined as being concerned with the human spirit or soul not material or physical things. Whether Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Transcendentalism, Islam, or any of the many spiritual groups, many spiritual practices or beliefs are the same throughout.
There are some spiritual practices that many with long-lasting recovery practice whether they are in AA, Refuge Recovery, or neither. Here are five spiritual tools to help enhance and solidify recovery:
Meditation or prayer
It is essential to learn to quiet the mind and go within to heal, especially in recovery. Most all spiritual groups promote the use of regular meditation and/or prayer. AA’s 11th step states ‘sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him…’. This time of quiet prayer or meditation brings peace of mind and direction for the day. This is particularly vital for anyone in recovery as the mind is often racing and decision making can be encumbered. Many people since the beginning of time have used prayer and meditation to find peace and guidance.
From the universal Law of Attraction to religious groups, learning to be thankful for what we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is key to healing, growing, and enjoying more amazing things life has to offer. For many, writing a daily gratitude list is the first thing they do in the morning. Just this simple practice can turn around your day, weeks, and eventually life.
Service to others
A fundamental part of AA and many other groups is the aspect of service or giving back. From the Buddha to Jesus and even secular groups, helping others is a great way to get out of self-pity (often common in active addiction) and feel better about one’s self and life. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, taking an active role in a recovery support group, or holding the door for a stranger, being in service to others is an amazing way to feel good.
Being part of a community of like-minded individuals provides one of the most basic human needs of belonging. Everyone has a deep inner desire to belong and many times those new in recovery are starting anew. Finding and becoming active in a community is a key component of getting and staying sober. Whether it be a church, recovery support group, or your local town, being a contributing part of a community is another way to solidify your recovery and spirituality.
Mindfulness or presence
There is a saying that if you are depressed you are living in the past and if you are anxious you are living in the future. If you stop to think about it, this is very true and leads to the idea of mindfulness. With mindfulness, a person pays attention to the present moment and nothing else. This leads to the alleviation of stress, depression, worry, and anxiety. These mental health issues are some of the most common associated with an alcohol or substance use disorder. When an AUD or SUD occurs with another mental health issue, this is a co-occurring mental health condition. Practicing mindfulness or presence helps to combat these issues so commonly found with addiction.
If you want to learn more about addiction treatment programs and spirituality in recovery Futures Recovery Healthcare is here to help. Contact us confidentially online or by phone at 561-475-1804. There is help for addiction and hope. Take the first step today.
      About Futures Recovery Healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare is a specialized addiction and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment provider with residential and outpatient programs in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Contact Futures Recovery Healthcare
701 Old Dixie Hwy Tequesta FL 33469 United States
(561) 475-1804
Website: https://futuresrecoveryhealthcare.com/
The post Spirituality and Addiction Recovery appeared first on LakeviewGazette.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/31iJB0k via Lakeview Gazette
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dailyposttribune · 4 years
Spirituality and Addiction Recovery
          Originally posted on Futures Recovery Healthcare
Addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, now referred to as alcohol use disorder (AUD), and substance use disorders (SUD) have become more prevalent in our society today. It’s very likely that everyone either is or knows someone who has struggled with – or continues to have –  some type of addiction issue.
And while the increase in AUDs and SUDs is not desired, the silver lining is that there has been a significant increase in research in the field of addiction. More and more is being learned about the disease of addiction, yielding growth in treatment options. This increasing variety of addiction treatment programs reaches even more people living in addiction to get the help they need and find long-lasting recovery.
The Evolving Face of Sobriety
In the early 1900s, anyone who suffered from an alcohol problem did not fare well. So little was known and understood about alcoholism and addiction during that time the alcoholic was often sent to asylums to live out the rest of their days in misery.
During the late 19th century, alcoholics were referred to as inebriates and the physicians who treated them were called inebriate specialists. It was common practice that these ‘inebriates’ needed to be detained in asylums in order to help them overcome their addiction to alcohol.
Luckily for anyone struggling today, much progress has been made from these early days of addiction treatment.
1935 saw the beginnings of what would become one of the strongest and longest-lasting alcohol support groups in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This twelve-step group, founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, AA was the first support group of its kind and saw substantial and impressive results. The premise of AA, was for one alcoholic to help another and together, with trust in a Higher Power, they would have a daily reprieve from the deadly disease of addiction.
From AA birthed Alanon, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), and many more twelve-step groups helping people with addictions to many things to recover and go on to live healthy and happy lives. These groups continue to grow and thrive today with AA having an estimated number of members more than 2 million across the globe and about 1.3 million in the United States alone.
AA and NA have no doubt helped many people successfully recover from AUDs and SUDs, however, with the continued research about the disease of addiction and progress, different and very effective alternative approaches to addiction treatment, addiction support groups, and addiction programs are becoming part of the mainstream.
From addiction treatment centers with programs that are music-based and activity-based to high-end luxury rehabs with specialized programs for individuals in high demand occupations and those who are first responders, today’s options for recovery are varied.
However, one of the common tenants of many of these programs is the spirituality aspect. And while individuals in these programs can all be successful without leaning on the spirituality piece, time and time again those with long-lasting recovery tout the benefits and help spirituality has given them.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a twelve-step program that relies heavily on the spiritual experience, belief in a Higher Power and using these tools, along with fellowship and service to help a person with an AUD or SUD to get and stay sober. For many years, AA was the only support group or help for anyone with an alcohol or substance use issue. For some, the Higher Power or God concept drove them away from the program. This led to the establishment of some agnostic AA groups and even a group, not affiliated with AA, Agnostica AA for those turned off by the spirituality aspect of twelve-step groups.
Everyone is different, their alcohol or substance use issues unique, and what will best support their recovery can also be varied. As the understanding of AUDs and SUDs grows, so too do the support groups and approaches to recovery. Some of the more popular support groups include Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery. The first two encompass a spiritual piece, however, the last, is a secular-based recovery support group.
Spiritual Tools in Recovery
Spirituality is defined as being concerned with the human spirit or soul not material or physical things. Whether Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Transcendentalism, Islam, or any of the many spiritual groups, many spiritual practices or beliefs are the same throughout.
There are some spiritual practices that many with long-lasting recovery practice whether they are in AA, Refuge Recovery, or neither. Here are five spiritual tools to help enhance and solidify recovery:
Meditation or prayer
It is essential to learn to quiet the mind and go within to heal, especially in recovery. Most all spiritual groups promote the use of regular meditation and/or prayer. AA’s 11th step states ‘sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him…’. This time of quiet prayer or meditation brings peace of mind and direction for the day. This is particularly vital for anyone in recovery as the mind is often racing and decision making can be encumbered. Many people since the beginning of time have used prayer and meditation to find peace and guidance.
From the universal Law of Attraction to religious groups, learning to be thankful for what we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is key to healing, growing, and enjoying more amazing things life has to offer. For many, writing a daily gratitude list is the first thing they do in the morning. Just this simple practice can turn around your day, weeks, and eventually life.
Service to others
A fundamental part of AA and many other groups is the aspect of service or giving back. From the Buddha to Jesus and even secular groups, helping others is a great way to get out of self-pity (often common in active addiction) and feel better about one’s self and life. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, taking an active role in a recovery support group, or holding the door for a stranger, being in service to others is an amazing way to feel good.
Being part of a community of like-minded individuals provides one of the most basic human needs of belonging. Everyone has a deep inner desire to belong and many times those new in recovery are starting anew. Finding and becoming active in a community is a key component of getting and staying sober. Whether it be a church, recovery support group, or your local town, being a contributing part of a community is another way to solidify your recovery and spirituality.
Mindfulness or presence
There is a saying that if you are depressed you are living in the past and if you are anxious you are living in the future. If you stop to think about it, this is very true and leads to the idea of mindfulness. With mindfulness, a person pays attention to the present moment and nothing else. This leads to the alleviation of stress, depression, worry, and anxiety. These mental health issues are some of the most common associated with an alcohol or substance use disorder. When an AUD or SUD occurs with another mental health issue, this is a co-occurring mental health condition. Practicing mindfulness or presence helps to combat these issues so commonly found with addiction.
If you want to learn more about addiction treatment programs and spirituality in recovery Futures Recovery Healthcare is here to help. Contact us confidentially online or by phone at 561-475-1804. There is help for addiction and hope. Take the first step today.
      About Futures Recovery Healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare is a specialized addiction and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment provider with residential and outpatient programs in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Contact Futures Recovery Healthcare
701 Old Dixie Hwy Tequesta FL 33469 United States
(561) 475-1804
Website: https://futuresrecoveryhealthcare.com/
The post Spirituality and Addiction Recovery appeared first on Daily Post Tribune.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/3gmfQjE via Daily Post Tribune
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businesstribune · 4 years
Spirituality and Addiction Recovery
          Originally posted on Futures Recovery Healthcare
Addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, now referred to as alcohol use disorder (AUD), and substance use disorders (SUD) have become more prevalent in our society today. It’s very likely that everyone either is or knows someone who has struggled with – or continues to have –  some type of addiction issue.
And while the increase in AUDs and SUDs is not desired, the silver lining is that there has been a significant increase in research in the field of addiction. More and more is being learned about the disease of addiction, yielding growth in treatment options. This increasing variety of addiction treatment programs reaches even more people living in addiction to get the help they need and find long-lasting recovery.
The Evolving Face of Sobriety
In the early 1900s, anyone who suffered from an alcohol problem did not fare well. So little was known and understood about alcoholism and addiction during that time the alcoholic was often sent to asylums to live out the rest of their days in misery.
During the late 19th century, alcoholics were referred to as inebriates and the physicians who treated them were called inebriate specialists. It was common practice that these ‘inebriates’ needed to be detained in asylums in order to help them overcome their addiction to alcohol.
Luckily for anyone struggling today, much progress has been made from these early days of addiction treatment.
1935 saw the beginnings of what would become one of the strongest and longest-lasting alcohol support groups in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This twelve-step group, founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, AA was the first support group of its kind and saw substantial and impressive results. The premise of AA, was for one alcoholic to help another and together, with trust in a Higher Power, they would have a daily reprieve from the deadly disease of addiction.
From AA birthed Alanon, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), and many more twelve-step groups helping people with addictions to many things to recover and go on to live healthy and happy lives. These groups continue to grow and thrive today with AA having an estimated number of members more than 2 million across the globe and about 1.3 million in the United States alone.
AA and NA have no doubt helped many people successfully recover from AUDs and SUDs, however, with the continued research about the disease of addiction and progress, different and very effective alternative approaches to addiction treatment, addiction support groups, and addiction programs are becoming part of the mainstream.
From addiction treatment centers with programs that are music-based and activity-based to high-end luxury rehabs with specialized programs for individuals in high demand occupations and those who are first responders, today’s options for recovery are varied.
However, one of the common tenants of many of these programs is the spirituality aspect. And while individuals in these programs can all be successful without leaning on the spirituality piece, time and time again those with long-lasting recovery tout the benefits and help spirituality has given them.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a twelve-step program that relies heavily on the spiritual experience, belief in a Higher Power and using these tools, along with fellowship and service to help a person with an AUD or SUD to get and stay sober. For many years, AA was the only support group or help for anyone with an alcohol or substance use issue. For some, the Higher Power or God concept drove them away from the program. This led to the establishment of some agnostic AA groups and even a group, not affiliated with AA, Agnostica AA for those turned off by the spirituality aspect of twelve-step groups.
Everyone is different, their alcohol or substance use issues unique, and what will best support their recovery can also be varied. As the understanding of AUDs and SUDs grows, so too do the support groups and approaches to recovery. Some of the more popular support groups include Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery. The first two encompass a spiritual piece, however, the last, is a secular-based recovery support group.
Spiritual Tools in Recovery
Spirituality is defined as being concerned with the human spirit or soul not material or physical things. Whether Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Transcendentalism, Islam, or any of the many spiritual groups, many spiritual practices or beliefs are the same throughout.
There are some spiritual practices that many with long-lasting recovery practice whether they are in AA, Refuge Recovery, or neither. Here are five spiritual tools to help enhance and solidify recovery:
Meditation or prayer
It is essential to learn to quiet the mind and go within to heal, especially in recovery. Most all spiritual groups promote the use of regular meditation and/or prayer. AA’s 11th step states ‘sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him…’. This time of quiet prayer or meditation brings peace of mind and direction for the day. This is particularly vital for anyone in recovery as the mind is often racing and decision making can be encumbered. Many people since the beginning of time have used prayer and meditation to find peace and guidance.
From the universal Law of Attraction to religious groups, learning to be thankful for what we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is key to healing, growing, and enjoying more amazing things life has to offer. For many, writing a daily gratitude list is the first thing they do in the morning. Just this simple practice can turn around your day, weeks, and eventually life.
Service to others
A fundamental part of AA and many other groups is the aspect of service or giving back. From the Buddha to Jesus and even secular groups, helping others is a great way to get out of self-pity (often common in active addiction) and feel better about one’s self and life. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, taking an active role in a recovery support group, or holding the door for a stranger, being in service to others is an amazing way to feel good.
Being part of a community of like-minded individuals provides one of the most basic human needs of belonging. Everyone has a deep inner desire to belong and many times those new in recovery are starting anew. Finding and becoming active in a community is a key component of getting and staying sober. Whether it be a church, recovery support group, or your local town, being a contributing part of a community is another way to solidify your recovery and spirituality.
Mindfulness or presence
There is a saying that if you are depressed you are living in the past and if you are anxious you are living in the future. If you stop to think about it, this is very true and leads to the idea of mindfulness. With mindfulness, a person pays attention to the present moment and nothing else. This leads to the alleviation of stress, depression, worry, and anxiety. These mental health issues are some of the most common associated with an alcohol or substance use disorder. When an AUD or SUD occurs with another mental health issue, this is a co-occurring mental health condition. Practicing mindfulness or presence helps to combat these issues so commonly found with addiction.
If you want to learn more about addiction treatment programs and spirituality in recovery Futures Recovery Healthcare is here to help. Contact us confidentially online or by phone at 561-475-1804. There is help for addiction and hope. Take the first step today.
      About Futures Recovery Healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare is a specialized addiction and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment provider with residential and outpatient programs in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Contact Futures Recovery Healthcare
701 Old Dixie Hwy Tequesta FL 33469 United States
(561) 475-1804
Website: https://futuresrecoveryhealthcare.com/
The post Spirituality and Addiction Recovery appeared first on Business Tribune.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2QaUgUN via Business Tribune
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allthetimenews · 4 years
Spirituality and Addiction Recovery
          Originally posted on Futures Recovery Healthcare
Addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, now referred to as alcohol use disorder (AUD), and substance use disorders (SUD) have become more prevalent in our society today. It’s very likely that everyone either is or knows someone who has struggled with – or continues to have –  some type of addiction issue.
And while the increase in AUDs and SUDs is not desired, the silver lining is that there has been a significant increase in research in the field of addiction. More and more is being learned about the disease of addiction, yielding growth in treatment options. This increasing variety of addiction treatment programs reaches even more people living in addiction to get the help they need and find long-lasting recovery.
The Evolving Face of Sobriety
In the early 1900s, anyone who suffered from an alcohol problem did not fare well. So little was known and understood about alcoholism and addiction during that time the alcoholic was often sent to asylums to live out the rest of their days in misery.
During the late 19th century, alcoholics were referred to as inebriates and the physicians who treated them were called inebriate specialists. It was common practice that these ‘inebriates’ needed to be detained in asylums in order to help them overcome their addiction to alcohol.
Luckily for anyone struggling today, much progress has been made from these early days of addiction treatment.
1935 saw the beginnings of what would become one of the strongest and longest-lasting alcohol support groups in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This twelve-step group, founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, AA was the first support group of its kind and saw substantial and impressive results. The premise of AA, was for one alcoholic to help another and together, with trust in a Higher Power, they would have a daily reprieve from the deadly disease of addiction.
From AA birthed Alanon, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), and many more twelve-step groups helping people with addictions to many things to recover and go on to live healthy and happy lives. These groups continue to grow and thrive today with AA having an estimated number of members more than 2 million across the globe and about 1.3 million in the United States alone.
AA and NA have no doubt helped many people successfully recover from AUDs and SUDs, however, with the continued research about the disease of addiction and progress, different and very effective alternative approaches to addiction treatment, addiction support groups, and addiction programs are becoming part of the mainstream.
From addiction treatment centers with programs that are music-based and activity-based to high-end luxury rehabs with specialized programs for individuals in high demand occupations and those who are first responders, today’s options for recovery are varied.
However, one of the common tenants of many of these programs is the spirituality aspect. And while individuals in these programs can all be successful without leaning on the spirituality piece, time and time again those with long-lasting recovery tout the benefits and help spirituality has given them.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a twelve-step program that relies heavily on the spiritual experience, belief in a Higher Power and using these tools, along with fellowship and service to help a person with an AUD or SUD to get and stay sober. For many years, AA was the only support group or help for anyone with an alcohol or substance use issue. For some, the Higher Power or God concept drove them away from the program. This led to the establishment of some agnostic AA groups and even a group, not affiliated with AA, Agnostica AA for those turned off by the spirituality aspect of twelve-step groups.
Everyone is different, their alcohol or substance use issues unique, and what will best support their recovery can also be varied. As the understanding of AUDs and SUDs grows, so too do the support groups and approaches to recovery. Some of the more popular support groups include Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery. The first two encompass a spiritual piece, however, the last, is a secular-based recovery support group.
Spiritual Tools in Recovery
Spirituality is defined as being concerned with the human spirit or soul not material or physical things. Whether Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Transcendentalism, Islam, or any of the many spiritual groups, many spiritual practices or beliefs are the same throughout.
There are some spiritual practices that many with long-lasting recovery practice whether they are in AA, Refuge Recovery, or neither. Here are five spiritual tools to help enhance and solidify recovery:
Meditation or prayer
It is essential to learn to quiet the mind and go within to heal, especially in recovery. Most all spiritual groups promote the use of regular meditation and/or prayer. AA’s 11th step states ‘sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him…’. This time of quiet prayer or meditation brings peace of mind and direction for the day. This is particularly vital for anyone in recovery as the mind is often racing and decision making can be encumbered. Many people since the beginning of time have used prayer and meditation to find peace and guidance.
From the universal Law of Attraction to religious groups, learning to be thankful for what we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is key to healing, growing, and enjoying more amazing things life has to offer. For many, writing a daily gratitude list is the first thing they do in the morning. Just this simple practice can turn around your day, weeks, and eventually life.
Service to others
A fundamental part of AA and many other groups is the aspect of service or giving back. From the Buddha to Jesus and even secular groups, helping others is a great way to get out of self-pity (often common in active addiction) and feel better about one’s self and life. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, taking an active role in a recovery support group, or holding the door for a stranger, being in service to others is an amazing way to feel good.
Being part of a community of like-minded individuals provides one of the most basic human needs of belonging. Everyone has a deep inner desire to belong and many times those new in recovery are starting anew. Finding and becoming active in a community is a key component of getting and staying sober. Whether it be a church, recovery support group, or your local town, being a contributing part of a community is another way to solidify your recovery and spirituality.
Mindfulness or presence
There is a saying that if you are depressed you are living in the past and if you are anxious you are living in the future. If you stop to think about it, this is very true and leads to the idea of mindfulness. With mindfulness, a person pays attention to the present moment and nothing else. This leads to the alleviation of stress, depression, worry, and anxiety. These mental health issues are some of the most common associated with an alcohol or substance use disorder. When an AUD or SUD occurs with another mental health issue, this is a co-occurring mental health condition. Practicing mindfulness or presence helps to combat these issues so commonly found with addiction.
If you want to learn more about addiction treatment programs and spirituality in recovery Futures Recovery Healthcare is here to help. Contact us confidentially online or by phone at 561-475-1804. There is help for addiction and hope. Take the first step today.
      About Futures Recovery Healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare is a specialized addiction and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment provider with residential and outpatient programs in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Contact Futures Recovery Healthcare
701 Old Dixie Hwy Tequesta FL 33469 United States
(561) 475-1804
Website: https://futuresrecoveryhealthcare.com/
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