#trying to learn :)
ichiosart · 19 days
So I found the animation function in procreate and needed someone to test it on ✨🍎🦌✨
Here are some of the individual pictures for the animation and in the end the animation itself ✨🫶 I’m already thinking about things I can do with the new discovered possibilities 🤫
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leafirefly · 5 months
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Indeed, what could possibly go wrong…?
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vinnyberries · 4 months
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Found my old pencils
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Heres a cropped ver
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daltongraham · 1 year
Question: does cripplepunk gatekeep for mental disabilities? I've shied away from using that tag because I thought I saw some Discourse, and I'm not into gate keeping; a disability is a disability. You're a spoonie if you self-identify as one, I say. Could some of my peeps educate me about this?
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blackberries45 · 8 months
Does anyone have what I would call, "self punishing" intrusive thoughts with OCD? I don't mean like self harming. I mean like repeated thoughts on a loop about something that bothers you? Let's say like a jack in the box because those terrify you, so your brain keeps thinking of them at times when you feel very out of control or under stress?
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lunarheiress · 7 months
If any of ya’ll have any advice/resources/sources on the most basic of basic beginners courses for programming I would be ever so grateful if you’d share them with me. I took one (1) computer class in high school and stopped immediately because the teacher was an asshat (he taught all four levels of the computer science courses at that time so i kind of just gave up hope) anyways I would love to learn myself but google is useless as usual. Ive been able to find a bunch of books but they all start with an assumption of some prior programming/coding knowledge.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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A small oh came from Lucas, as Vy chuckled slightly, letting his hand run over the scales. He remembered the book, he remembered every word that was written in it, and seeing the amount of damage done to, and repaired in Lucas’s body he could feel anger boil under his skin.
Lucas: Vy? Vy: Oh.. sorry, I got a bit lost in this. -he forces a smile- I have never seen anything like it, but I am almost sure it comes from your accident. Dragons have large protective scales, they don’t usually show in this form.  River: Does it affect the egg or him? Vy: No, like I said both Lucas and the egg are perfectly healthy and good. -he heard the tinge of panic in River’s voice- This is “leftovers” from when his body healed.
The scales he understood, the lines, those were more of an odd thing for him. They seemed to be his magic, almost like ley lines running through the damaged area. Maybe the book had some more info, he would really need to read that again, as little as he wanted to.
Lucas: Ah.. I guess that makes sense.
Beginning - Previous - Next
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honey-and-fires · 7 months
Nobody talks about the trauma of having shame for what happened to you. Nobody talks about how it forces you to want to stay because you feel the violation makes you unworthy of anything better. Nobody talks about how narcissistic you feel and know you look but are so petrified to move. Nobody talks about how all this affects you as you try your best to not hurt others and not knowing how to stop so simply believing you deserve the trauma, the violation.
Nobody talks about how abuse survivors feel they deserved it and so they hurt anyone who tries to give them something different. Because why would someone want a dirty, used rag when they can have anything else.
And the worst part? The pain of knowing it’s your fault for passing on that hurt and the pain of knowing you’ll never be able to help that person heal from your hurt. Because trauma survivors are empaths. And so they suffer their own pain, and those that they hurt.
Sometimes, the person who is acting emotionally unstable is the one who is being emotionally abused.
But nobody wants to talk about that. Because it’s easier to think people are black and white and good or bad. Not that good people do bad things. And bad people do good things.
If you are that someone. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. I know you’re hurting and I know you’ve hurt. But you aren’t your mistakes and constantly hating yourself will only keep you in this cycle. Please be kind.
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southerngothicaf · 1 year
How am I supposed to treat things less intensely if everything matters so much?
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autistpride · 1 year
I'm fairly sure somebody has already told you, but seeing "un-alive" is like getting suckerpunched in the face here. Unless "unalive" is a personal preference of yours, please do try to stick with uncensored versions of the word, or any of the many euphemisms there are. You won't get blocked.
Much love!
Actually no one has told me that.
I'm fairly new to this platform.
I'm not even sure (I can't remember) when I've used that or anything mentioning it on here.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
I've used that phrase because I know people who are triggered by some of the uncensored versions.
Just like they are mindful around me due to some words and things being triggering to me due to my past.
But because I'm learning and growing, I'll not use that term here on this platform.
I honestly don't know what any euphemisms for it are. So if someone could send me a message or something explaining those that would be helpful.
I have attempted to learn and asked trusted people and they were unsure as well.
Thank you for letting me know and helping me learn. :)
*Edited after looking through all my posts I've mentioned death three times.
I've used the word
grief on a snippet post
unsolvable murder in my cross stitch HC for Remus and Regulus
And attempted unaliving as a reblog to a post made by aithusarosekiller talking about only children writing sibling dynamics.
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dickandballsdotgov · 1 year
Genuinely trying to learn and understand! How do he/him lesbians work? I'm guessing it's something to do with gender and pronouns and sexuality being separate, but are he/him lesbians still attracted to women? Am I overthinking this and I should just live and let live?
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trvlytylar · 2 years
Be loyal to your future, not your past.
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mateuszo · 2 years
Almost finished another document for my hobby-project-community.
Decided to study JS number methods. I hope to learn the terms a bit and write them down, then look at Discord Developer documents to see how I can make my Discord bot respond to me asking if it's alive.
Right now the bot is alive - but it's refusing to acknowledge or respond to commands
Bot: *wakes up*
Me: are you alive?
Bot: *blank stare*
Me: ... Are you functioning well?
Bot: *blank stare*
Me: *Looks at my script in confusion* -- well it's obvious alive but it is refusing to perform any actions...
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thesanguinepaladin · 2 years
Okay so real quick:
Gender dysphoria is considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but it feels somehow like treating GD like a disability is wrong because it's arguably not as impactful as "real" disabilities, but hear me out:
- requires major effort to work around for the person with the disability
- can massively influence major life decisions
- benefits from destigmatisation
- can result in discrimination due to status
- basically allows you an additional culture
The reason I say all this is because I've found that comparing GD to physical disability has been really effective at communicating just how soul-breaking something as seemingly silly as "I didn't cry from this sad movie" or "I don't want to sit with the boys" can really be.
It's not just a matter of not being able to do something you want to, it's also the underlying anxiety of an unanswered "why?" and the social stigma of being seen as "broken" or "other". The wrongness of your instincts telling you one thing and society/ your body telling you something different.
Anticipating tears at an emotional display but finding only emptiness and dry eyes. Reaching for an object with the hand you should have. The joy at finding a way to do that thing that had been denied you.
I don't have a physical disability, so I welcome corrections or additions from those with disabilities and the realisations that others have had, disability or no.
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0sbrain · 4 months
alternatives for ai to design ocs
hero forge
the fucking sims 4
your local furry artist
shitty photoshoped collage
DeviantArt bases
making edits of your favorite character
searching "dress up game" on the app store
learning how to draw
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thegraceofganja · 2 days
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I think I might try to paint this picture I took on my phone…
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