#/hater rant over
attractthecrows · 4 months
god truly the one thing that's putting me off the new [redacted for my safety] series is how fucking FANFICTION it feels. the writers and actors all have ao3 accounts that i would not touch with a 20 foot pole. Bet
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iamespecter · 14 days
I have a question. Feel free to respond privately and I won't ask further, what disappointed you about ruin? Sincerely, another skeptical and cautious fnaf fan from the very beginning of this fandom (thus why i get if you wanna respond privately, fnaf fans can be brutal :/)
To be completely honest? Ruin felt like an entire fanservice sandwich shoved down my throat forcefully
There's a lot of things that rubbed me the wrong way with Ruin, just the general vibe was so off and it emanated an aura of Steel Wool going "guys!!! look!!!!! we put EVERYTHING the fandom asked for, even if it would not make sense for the general plot!!!"
Which, is fine and all if done right, but it just feels like listening to feedback, without really addressing the series' main concerns. Like, putting a band-aid with your favorite cartoons on it over a bullet hole. Do you get what I'm saying about this?
Anyways so sorry about that small rant here's a stupid little doodle I made back then when I was still a Sai user (I think)
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silverthelovebug · 2 months
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We never really got to see them hang out one on one during the events of Camp Cretaceous (except once, and they were competing to see who’s lack of a childhood gave them the better skill set so) Idk, we only get a snippet of their dynamic in Chaos Theory, I just think their friendship (especially as adults) would be pretty interesting :3
(Yes, some of these are headcanons ^^)
(Look, you don’t just sprain/break your ankle on concrete and not have lasting consequences without the proper treatment. Yaz was running on that foot on the daily !! And you can see it still affected her all the way through Season 3 !!! So, yeah, Hits her with the chronic pain beam)
( ‼️Also Major Chaos Theory Spoilers ‼️)
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yxngchen · 10 months
how are u gonna be an atla fan but be “anti aang” mf did u watch the show lmao
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laurrelise · 2 days
once again rambling about five and lila because i’m fucking pissed. enjoy
“five and lila were perfect for each other because they had so much in common” yet so many perfect couples have absolutely nothing in common???
they could relate to each other in ways that made them hate each other and that’s why they were SUCH good foil characters, i don’t understand why the romance had to be necessary.
there is absolutely no reason that this romance plotline should’ve been created. it was so ridiculously off-focus from what the plot was (AND should have been) and it literally only made the season so much worse.
do writers understand that not every single character has to fall in love with one another? i mean genuinely?
personally i don’t believe five is aro (though he could be ace) because i can’t help but love five’s love for delores (even if she wasn’t real) but i completely understand five aroace truthers because he truly can be independent romantically as we saw in the show.
i cannot wrap my fucking head around the fact that the writers saw two awesome, dynamic, badass characters with arcs and goals outside of love and attention and decided to turn their personalities inside out and upside down for a dumbass dead-end romance that makes zero sense.
five and lila were the only two people on god’s green earth who could understand each other and hated the other for it. why couldn’t they just be frenemies and call it a day?
god fucking damn it i’m so upset
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shoutout to 13 year old 58 year old five hating lila and 29 year old lila despising the fuck out of little five !!! <3
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fuck you to the worst, most nonsensical couple of all time and space ❌❌
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one-strugling-bean · 2 months
Thinking abt Hater n Peeps...
thinking about how they probably started out as friends with similar interests. Two losers with a damaged heart and a need to feel respected (and loved) meet and decide to conquer the world that wronged them before together
Thinking how at first they probably saw each other as more of a means to an end: ill make him do all the boring paperwork stuff while I actually conquer everything vs ill let him believe he's the number one and show his face while I pull the strings from behind type of shit. but eventually grew to appreciate each other's company, found interests in common, and went through shit that forced them to grow closer
(especially since they were probably each other's first friend. imagine the giddiness over finding someone you just click with after a whole life of being lonely)
thinking bout how much hater must have soaked in peepers praise from the start. Peepers being the 1st person to have ever called him cool. to support his dreams. even if hater hides it under a "sure you can tag along, if you do everything I say" kind of facade, he actually becomes super addicted to (and dependent on) peeps right from the get-go
Thinking bout how peepers must have been the opposite. He sees the potential hater has from the start, but for all the praise and admiration to become more than a way of manipulation it takes a bit. Still, it's only a small matter of time before peeps drowns in all the charisma and power being with hater brings. besides, he's found in Hater companionship the likes of he'd never felt before with anyone.
When he decides to make Hater the nº1 villain in all the galaxy, he knows he's sealing his fate - but he doesn't regret it one bit.
They essentially become best friends (also each other's 1st and only friend), though they never properly talk about it because ew feelings, and "they're supposed to be villains, and villains aren't friends". but they still see each other as friends and act accordingly
but then their pipe dream actually starts looking like it could work, and what before sounded like a make-believe game the two played with each other while they travelled the galaxy together, starts looking like a reality
They are ecstatic. they buy a customized ship. peepers convinces his people to fight for their cause and suddenly they have an army as well! hater steadily learns how to behave like a terrifying overlord instead of an edgy teen, and suddenly their fame is spreading everywhere!
they're unstoppable! hater is on his way to becoming the biggest threat to the galaxy and peepers is the 2nd in command that made it all happen! everything is perfect!
then, hater hurts peepers with his powers for the first time and things are... different.
They're both shocked that 1st time. hater has hurt many people by that point, but he never lost control on someone close to him. even if he was upset... peepers is also shocked because by that point he trusted hater with his life. he saw himself as a valuable part of their team, - their partnership! it felt like a betrayal. to both of them, actually
and slowly, these excuses become the reality. hater hurting peepers physically and verbally becomes the norm, and perhaps in an unconscious bout of retaliation, peepers becomes hater's biggest critic, just as he is his biggest fan. He's the first to point out hater's mistakes (under whats acceptable of him) knowing exactly where to press on his insecurities to make it hurt more
but they don't talk about it, just like they never talked about whether they were friends before, so separately, they start making excuses. Hater is the leader - the greatest Villain in the Galaxy - of course he shouldn't spare anyone! and Peepers is working for him right? If he makes a mistake, of course he should be punished! they were always using each other for their own goals
...there can't exist a betrayal of something that never existed, right?
they stop hanging out informally as much because "they're not friends it's just a mutual partnership". they still do hang out sometimes, because they're still lonely and have no other friends but its less... carefree
time passes and the empire grows. the more it does, the more they fall into their make-believe roles - the evil villain and his assistant. hater becomes crueler, peepers becomes more obsessed with his work (and crueler) and slowly they lose that spark that started them out in the 1st place
Then wander and sylvia come around and the make-belief starts to crack.
things start getting out of control. Hater's cruelty doesn't kill the enemies. peepers work isn't efficient enough. the two are once more thrown into unlikely situations together that force them to be closer, and the occasional chaos breaks the carefully crafted characters they'd built over themselves for so long.
they start being seen as jokes again. the empire is losing its edge and so are they. all the while, they start losing that shadow of subordination that had been controlling their relationship for so long
but wounds and misunderstandings have been piling up for years, and there's only so much "casually hanging out with my friend-turned-toxic workplace relationship-turned-sorta friend again" they can do before something gives
and by the end of season 2, hater's fate seems inevitable - he'll let go of villainy sooner or later. but what about peepers? the other half of the same pipe dream, the other half of the same messy relationship.
Was he gonna be able to let go of it too? What was going to weigh heavier in the end? The fractured friendship? or the pipe dream?
were they meant to be able to solve their issues and regain that initial connection that drove them to conquer the stars together in the first place? Or just... break apart, for good.
...god i rly want a season 3
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enixamyram · 7 months
I have tried really hard to ignore anti nonsense. I just wanna focus on the good and positive side of this fandom and just enjoy the series in general. But it's also hard bottling up thoughts when I'm used to ranting for the sake of getting my thoughts and feelings out and moving then on.
So I'm gonna put a couple reactions to Anti-Related Hazbin things under the read more just to get them out! Because my god, some of these are bullshit!
Chaggie - I've seen so much bullshit citicizm for this ship. People claiming they're boring or bland or badly written and I have yet to see a legit reason why other than that they don't have any typical relationship drama (which, for the record, I personally am so relieved about) or because they're not being overly affectionate every five minutes of screen time. And you know, this especially drives me crazy because they have some of the sweetest little gestures, whether it be holding hands, hugging, swinging each other round or even just the constant damn heart eyes they have when looking at each other in the background! They're so damn precious and if you can't see that, you don't know what a legit established relationship is supposed to be past the honeymoon phase.
Charlie - People once again have claimed she's badly written. I don't know why people seem to hate happy kind hearted females so much but I have seen this exact complaint about many characters who are similar to her. None of which are actually badly written. They're just not the new stereotype "bad asses" that seems to be the only acceptable way to write a female character lately. Which is ironic since a lot of the so called "bad ass" female characters I have seen are often so one dimensional. Yet we have Charlie, a kind hearted but also sometimes naive girl who is doing her best while also learning with the rest of her friends and ya'll are gonna try and claim she's not amazing? The more I rewatch the show, the more I wanna reschedule my favorite character list because there's not a second I don't adore having her on my screen.
Niffty - This one really makes me want to slam my head against the wall. I have seen so many people complain and claim she acts like a child. Bare in mind, I've just watched episode 3 - you know, the one where Niffty is fully ready to throw herself into the BDSM that Angel takes them to. The only thing close to evidence that I have seen for her acting like a child is the episode where she gets drunk except she's still not acting like a child there, she's acting like a drunk! When some people are drunk they're silly and dumb and very "child-like". Otherwise, the only reason I think people call her a child is because she's is literally small like one. Yet, if you actually look at anything past her basic physical appearance, she's a crazy murder machine and I don't know many children I can also give that title to.
Angel - This is so old and everyone else has said this all so much better than me but I just really want to repeat: Just because it's not YOUR representation doesn't mean it's BAD representation. Just because you dealt with your sexual assault in a certain way does not mean everyone deals with it that way and it sure as hell doesn't give you a right to dismiss others. I have seen so many people say they identify with Angel's character and his hypersexuality, so it is so annoyingly arrogant to see people trying to shut them down entirely because Angel's character isn't portraying their personal reactions. It's just so amazingly self-centered to be saying that if you can't personally relate to it exactly, then it shouldn't exist at all. Seriously, grow the fuck up.
Loser Baby/Poison - Again, this has been said so many times before by other people but I'm gonna add/repeat. Some people take these songs and videos so damn literally. I saw someone claim Angel was happy during his dance with Valentino in Poison which apparently made the whole character a contradiction? Completely ignoring the parts where he's clearly miserable or the part where he's clearly putting on a fake smile or even the part where he all out says he dissociates to get through. And then you have Loser Baby where people are outraged that Husk call Angel a loser and is apparently trying to compare their situations? I mean, he's obviously not saying they're situations are the same if you think about it for more than two seconds. Like, are you seriously this literal? If I said the message went over your head, would ya'll look up?
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ping-ski · 20 days
TW RANT/VENT ab work + LOTSA SWEARING kinda closer to how i talk irl sorry
(scroll along for your safety/comfort and i hope yall are doin alright <3 hopefully i'll post art soon!)
i dont give a fuck if sound like a little bitch for this but 8+ hour shifts are too fucking long for a human being to work ever (same opinion on school btw)
like what the fuck dym i was at work from 2pm-10pm yesterday then im back here from 8am-4:30pm to open?? there's some serious fuckery about here. some grade A bullshit- cause what the hell?? (often times im at work from 2pm-11pm like what the sfvisje)
nothing you could say could justify why anyone should HAVE TO work this long?? to work this damn much?? i work in retail as a second job and work as a caregiver as a main job (respite, hab, attn.) tell me why i should have 2 fucking jobs to survive bro??
cause girl how the fuck am i supposed to fit sleep and free time for myself or the shit i wanna do?? i got a life to live bro 😭 aight rant over my lunch ends soon
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Open letter to the Avatar (TWOW) fandom:
Hello! Media literacy is free, please utilize it.
Thank you!
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Holy shit I love that this community is so supporting of chubby characters! The horrors of fat phobia I've seen in other fandoms is crazy especially the regretevator discord server the mods there are just scary..
EXACTLY!!!! like obviously theres still gonna be those people that get some violent rage and hatred over seeing someone draw a character fat but ive noticed theyre mostly.. a minority in the phandom? not even a VOCAL minority i just barely even see them and ngl its actually really refreshing
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rattkachuk · 3 months
some random man on the street clocking my oilers hat and taking that as an invite to say how much he hates the oilers and it should never have gone to game 7….like yah it fucking should have? they all played their hearts out and were playing good fucking hockey??? game 7 was the product of exactly that, what are you on about???
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shopcat · 6 months
omfg people really need to calm the fuck down about people disliking some characters like it's not always a deep seated prejudice or an inability to empathise it's because we are human beings with our own experiences and normal biases and fictional characters are not real and it doesn't matter if you don't like them for pretty much any reason at all and doesn't make you suddenly x just because the character is y it just means you don't like them. obviously other indications of actual prejudice or a repeated pattern mean something else entirely but you can just dislike a character because get this they're a character and not a real person. you can dislike real people too even it's almost like we've got free will. please oh please can we get out of the torture chamber together.
#🐾#just saw the dumbest post ever i wish you could take away someone's keyboard#saw someone say it was inherently misogynist to not like zuko's damn mom like omfg#she's literally a 2 dimensional nothingburger i'm sorry i don't give a FAUCK 😭 people are so damn annoying#i don't like her cuz of the way she treated azula and OBVIOUSLY!!! because my own mother hates me and abandoned me but loves her other#children. and OBVIOUSLY!!!! this means i seriously don't give a fuck about her and honesrlt wish she (ursa) were dead and You know what..#it doesn't MATTERRRR SHES NOT REAL. GET A FUCKING GRIP 😭 FICTION IS A REFLECTION OF REALITY#obviously i would and do feel differently about complex family dynamics irl but you know what's not real irl either. FIRE MAGIC#YOU BRAINDEAD IDIOTS SERIOUSLYYY#every actually ridiculously insane motherfuckerrrr who claims all ursa ''haters'' are inherently morally Wrong just make me hate her more#like awww yeah it is so sad. it's so sad to abandon your children and favour one over the other and also enable all of your husbands#actions that's so sad#ngl i don't really care that much but people who act like the wife of the colonist is 100% innocent is crazy#and treating her like some sad trapped victim who also has no free will is like... Well it's not NOT racist#like she was not actually trapped considering she you know left and was always fully capable of doing so#okay this was obv a rant i won't delete it but like tldr harmless biases like this seriously don't hurt anything and don't make ppl who#don't like her Woman haters. esp bc most ppl who don't like who do it bc they Do love azula 😭 but for me personally it's just like sorry#she's a bad mother. and i have no mother anymore. So i'm allowed to hate her. ..
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Ok so ima just ask this since I feel like im not the only one who wants to know,
But is it okay if someone were to make an AI of some of the fantasy au charters on charter.ai? Cause if we can I mightttt make one but I doubt it cuz im lazy </3
i would ask that you please Refrain! i mean technically i can't stop you 'cause they're not my characters & you can do what you want.
but personally i'm very against "A.I" and don't want to associated with it
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rainingmbappe · 6 months
The rise of "let people enjoy things" is single handedly the backbone of the rise of anti intellectualism
#i need to talk about this#disclaimer : im beyond terrible at putting my point across#so with that being said let me attempt at it#let's take look at the hate and misogyny women receive for liking a certain genre of books#that is so often simply countered with let people enjoy things#but we cannot let that narrative take over a whole as if critical thinking is “bad”?#booktok has made it so that disliking a popular books makes you the person with the superiority complex who should just let people enjoy-#-things#but when did criticizing actively target audiences who like that peice of literature? When did that become the narrative?#its all mindless consumption without a second thought to the actual material which can easily be credited to the tropification of books#the enemies do turn into lovers and the best friends do fall in love 10 years down the line#classifying books into tropes and then fulfilling that promise gives books an illusion of being “good” since it checks those boxes-#-that the reader picked up the book for in the first place#the act of reading has kind of been substituted by the act of being a reader and just owning stacks of books#we have turned away from any form of analysis or criticism#if it scratches the itch then its automatically the perfect book without further thought#i cant help but contribute the mere existence of that “itch” to how mordern books are classified into tropes with set plotlines#intelligenctualism is almost always looked at as elitism#reading only classics doesn't make you an intellectual individual but looking at any book with a critical lens may it be a classic or a rom#-com does#criticizing certain aspects of your absolute favorite books is intellectualism and not bullying people who like anything but classics#that distinction is so far lost in translation that talking about how a popular book is objectively bad is being a “hater”#well then im a hater#this is not a hate post for people who actively enjoy booktock or the more popular books#im just trying to introduce any amount of nuance into the conversation thats all#i can honestly go on forever but i think ill end my ranting here#literary criticism#literature#books#anti intellectualism
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buckera · 4 months
i know i should be posting week two of my pride set today but i am so not in the mood to make anything... all this continuous effort being put into hating a gay character for no reason is really dragging my mood down, even though I know it's coming from kids half the age of the actors who have been chronically online since they've been born and never been socialised properly thanks to covid... it stills annoys the shit out of me ngl
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instagram reels are their own special realm of hell
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