#/hj idk if it could actually be considered that
mangomingus · 9 days
Jealous Oppa~
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A/N:saw this today and needed to write a short blurb
Warnings: use of Y/N, slightly suggestive, angsty, jealous!oppa hongjoongie, language, I think that's all?
Orange - HJ, Pink - You
•He's been mad all day since you told Seonghwa he had pretty hair
•why didn't you ever call his hair pretty? (You did, but suddenly he forgot every compliment you've ever given him)
•He didn't upright tell you that he was mad, but you could tell by the way he would not speak to you directly all day at the M/V shooting.
•Like he would tell others to deliver a message.
•"Mingi, tell Y/N to stop touching that."
•When y'all got back to the hotel, you did it AGAIN
•"Seonghwa-oppa's hair is so shiny." You had said, somewhat more to yourself as you sat down next man slumped on the couch.
•The side-eye he gave you from above his phone wasn't even funny. You didn't know what you did to deserve it.
•He looked at you just insulted his mother, or kicked his dog, or said that you were pregnant or smth.
•The way his cute eyebrows twitched as you uttered the words had you somehow questioning if you actually did insult his mother.
•After barely looking at you all day, when he did that was the look he gave you?
•"You really piss me off sometimes."
•You gasped at his comment in feign offence as he put his phone down and ran his fingers through his hair.
•"Wae~?" It was definitely more of a whine to him as you laid your head on his shoulder.
•"Just- Why can't I have pretty hair?" Hongjoong whined back to you, his cute lips pulled into a pout.
•You couldn't help but laugh at the reason he was ignoring you, to which Hongjoong replied with a loud sigh.
•You wrapped your arms around his cute, sulky self.
•"Joongie, you know you have the prettiest everything to me~"
•He nodded, he did know.
•"Yeah, but I want to be the only one who has the prettiest everything."
•You rolled your eyes at this, he was such a jealous guy.
•"That's dumb."
•"You're dumb."
•"No, I'm not."
•"No, you're not." He sighed again, his arms pulling you close to his warm body.
•"Joongie, don't worry about Seonghwa. Compliments and mind-numbing head are very different things."
•Hongjoong couldn't help but laugh, despite his pouty façade he was trying to display.
•You were just so out of pocket sometimes, but your head was mind-numbing.
•"It better stay that way then, yeabo." He had said, booping your nose.
•"Of course it will. The sounds you make are too beautiful to ever consider otherwise."
•Again that made Hongjoong laugh, but the way his cheeks tinged pink made you feel accomplished.
•"Wanna prove that to me?" Hongjoong said, his eyebrows wiggling and his bottom lip in between his pretty teeth.
•How could you ever refuse that offer?
a/n: felt cute, might delete later idk, literally wrote it while doing a final exam
hope y'all like it, requests are open ♡
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amarayys · 4 days
DRDT episode 13 theory. So.
so i was meant to be making a general episode 13 analysis video. but um. i dont have the energy for that. so what am i gonna do instead? TALK ABOUT TERUKO try find out wtf david is doing in this scene
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SO. time to find out what possibly the FRUITIEST look ever from david means!!! disclaimer:
I suck at theories. And formatting. Yipee.
I'm painfully unfunny so excuse any dumbass jokes i make.
I'm going to find any and all excuses to rant abt teruko. be prepared...............
4. I may repeat myself a lot. Forgive me if it sounds really repetative... :( 5. Any points surrounded by - these things - are just things that are unlikely, but I think should still be adressed.
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So, the context of these images is Teruko revealing "her secret"; You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them.
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(pls excuse the shitty quality.) She has to be either lying or MAYBE unsure about her secret. Here's why: 1. She had a conversation with Whit (and technically charles, but he was just listening in) about her family. She reveals that she's never known her parents and grew up in an orphanage. She did grow up with her biological brother, but he was adopted by another family when Teruko was five, and she says she doesn't remember him much.
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2. The wording of the secret is quite specific - You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. Like I've mentioned, she's never known her parents. Even if she *somehow* knew they were dead, why would she blame herself for it? I could see it maybe working in some way, but the next bit disproves it - SIBLINGS. Teruko has only mentioned having one sibling, and this wording is plural. This secret cannot be hers, she only has one brother. - To add on to this
2.5. Maybe one could argue that siblings and parents could be her friends/people she considered family in the orphanage she grew up in. However, the specific wording of parents and siblings, instead of just using the word "family", makes me think otherwise. - Okay, so let's dissect what this means. - I think if maybe she was unaware/TRULY thought that this was her secret, the only point that would support it is 2.5. Maybe she considered people she grew up with in the orphanage her "parents" or siblings", but its just not very likely. While I wouldn't be surprised if Teruko blew up an orphanage or something (/hj) , I think it's a stretch to say this secret is referring to that. - With that out the way, we come to one conclusion - Teruko is lying about secret. "Amari, we know that already, can we move on??????????" yeah yeah whatever i may have just wanted to rant about teruko. MOVING ON. So, what is Teruko's secret? It's pretty wildly agreed upon that Teruko's secret is the one regarding the killing game, which David recieved - "How could I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. The killing game is all your fault."
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We think that this is Teruko's secret because: 1. She's the only one that fits it smh. /hj 2. The guy at the start of the prologue (who is probably xander but that is a WHOLE other theory you can find here ) mentions having to kill Teruko Tawaki (how DARE they) after talking about ending the killing game.
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My interpretation of this is that Teruko is the reason the killing game is actually happening, though I doubt she's aware of this/the mastermind (or she could be, idk??). A really good theory that I feel explains what I mean by Teruko causing the KG but not being the mastermind is the time loop theory which is linked here. (accirax i love you for this theory /p) Obviously, this lines up with "The killing game is your fault." 3. David gives her THE LOOK right after she "admits" her secret, which sort of maybe kind of implies that he knows she's lying, which he does, since he has the secret. - As for the remaining secret: Xander's secret (which we assume min recieved) is the one Teruko claimed to have:
"You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them." Why do I think this? 1. In Xander's bonus video, it is VERY heavily implied that he has survivor's guilt as well as outright confirmed his family is dead. Go check it out for the full context.
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2. Xander's secret message on the DRDT tumblr is the definition of survivors guilt. Really self explanatory, huh?
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3. XANDER ACTUALLY HAS MORE THAN 1 FUCKING SIBLING. anyway. okay, this is getting a little confusing to remember, so here: Killing game: Teruko's secret, recieved by David. Survivor's guilt: Xander's secret, recieved by Min. (all remaining secrets remain the same.) MOTIVE
So, why would Teruko lie about her secret? I mean, shouldn't she just point it out? And why didn't David point it out? - 1. Teruko is aware that her secret is the killing game one and is lying because she's the mastermind or something. We see her thoughts, so I really doubt it. To further disprove this theory: Teruko has stated like 15 times (/ex) that she doesn't know which secret is hers, due to her having too many secrets. So, yeah, pretty unlikely she knows which secret's hers. Discard this theory. -
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2. a) Teruko doesn't know her secret, but knows it's probably bad, and therefore doesn't want to share it, so she lied. Pretty straightforward, really. Now, for the theory that I think is most likely: 3. Teruko doesn't know which secret is hers, but she knows neither of her secrets are the ones left unrevealed. She knows somebody is lying about a secret - but she's come to the conclusion that secrets are irrelevant to the trial and murder, so she's lying about her secret to avoid everyone getting off track once again.
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We know that's she's accidentally led the trial in the wrong direction twice now (motive secrets, time of murder) Also, this is the most in character.
As for David: A. David knows her secret, but keeps it hidden in order to cause distrust and just generally fuck Teruko over. He plans to reveal it either post trial or in a future daily life. B. David knows her secret, but earlier, he and Teruko made a pact to keep it hidden. However, since he's a little bitch boy (/j), he's going to reveal it anyway, either post trial or in a future daily life. - Just to add on to this point ^ - I know Teruko's protag and we see her thoughts and all, but Kaede happened, so I don't think this is out of the question. - I think the most likely combination is point 3. and point A. : Teruko's lying about her secret to avoid the trial heading off topic. David isn't calling her out because he wants to use it in the future to throw suspicion onto Teruko and cause havoc.
SO. Let's recap! Secrets: Teruko: "How could I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. The killing game is all your fault." Received by David. Xander: "You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them." Received by Min. Rest remain the same as canon. Why can't Teruko's secret be about her family? 1. Teruko never knew her parents, and never mentions them being dead. 2. Teruko hasn't seen her brother since she was 5, and she never mentions him being dead, just adopted. 3. The wording of the secret refers to siblingS, which is plural. Teruko has only one sibling. 4. The secret fits Xander much better - His secret quote is the defintion of survivors guilt, and his bonus episode heavily implies he has survivors guilt, and it is confirmed his family died in the same bonus episode. Why is Teruko's secret about the killing game?
• The guy at the start of the prologue mentions having to kill Teruko Tawaki after talking about ending the killing game. This implies Teruko is the cause of the killing game, whether on purpose or not. Motive for lying: Teruko doesn't know which secret is hers, but she knows neither of her secrets are the ones left unrevealed. She knows somebody is lying about a secret - but she's come to the conclusion that secrets are irrelevant to the trial and murder, so she's lying about her secret to avoid everyone getting off track once again. David knows her secret, but keeps it hidden in order to use it in the future to turn everyone against Teruko and just generally cause distrust in the group. He plans to reveal it either post trial or in a future daily life. **btw, just a fun afterthought - i think either whit or charles will eventually point out the conversation regarding teruko's unbringing and how it contradicts her secret - and david will use that opportunity to reveal teruko's secret. ANDDDD that's it! feel free to correct/add on any points you'd like. this took AGES but i had so much fun!!! i love you drdt. (ESPECIALLY TERUKO.)
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kevindayscrown · 17 days
Why do yall think kevin is gonna die first?
Context: this post
OKAY SO my reasoning is like
1) I like torturing my favourite characters and seeing them suffer /hj
2) Now, onto the serious reasons. What I said in the post; Kevin's formative years are going to come back to bite him in the ass. The abuse, the beating, the malnourishment, the excessive physical activity, the alcoholism and the stress, all that is going to result both to some chronic pains and a very poor quality of life. My headcanon is that when Kevin dies (if it's not from the Mafia business), it would most likely be from some heart problems. Just the stress alone he has experienced is enough to take YEARS off of ones life, much less everything else he has experienced.
3) This is debatable, but some arguments can be made as to Kevin pushing himself too hard. Idk how viable that is, considering we see him in the trilogy being very persistent about taking care of one's health, but we also don't know if he is gonna follow what he preaches, especially as he approaches retirement.
But yeah, tbf similar arguments could be made for most of the cast, but I think what sets Kevin apart for me is the Nest, his panic attacks, and alcoholism (which, if we go by Nora's word, we don't know if he ever actually manages to overcome completely).
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ellilyre · 30 days
If you had to choose one of OdyDio to canonically die in the Iliad, who would you choose? Odysseus or Diomedes?
What would be/is your favourite Iliad au?
How are you today?
How do you think Diomedes would react to Odysseus getting speared like a chicken kebab in the Iliad?
What do you think Athena would think about OdyDio?
1. Odysseus. (I didn't see you said in the Iliad until I finished writing my monologue TT )
By the time of the Iliad, Dio had a way harsher life. He was at war since he was 14yo, and probably never expected to survive most of the things he has been through. But it does get better, eventually.
Odysseus, however, had (to my knowledge) a pretty chill life until Troy. And it's only once he tries to get home that he really goes through horrible things.
You see, Dio's past is harsh, but Ody's future is even harsher. It's a parallel I like between them. Also I just posted about my HC of Dio being (passive) suicidal, so the fact that he outlived Ody would be very unexpected and interesting.
However if it's during the Iliad, as you actually said, I'd prefer Dio. Atm Ody's story barely started while Dio could be considered to be dead at his apogee.
2. Lately I have been thinking about... CoD x Iliad.... The guys of the Trojan war, they're SAS.... Idk if I'd call that my fav one, but it's definitely something i need to think more about.
I rly like au where Ody comes home to Penelope and Dio, and then they all live happy and together.
3. Great!! The bus ride has been pretty fun so far :3 rn it's 3am, I was half sleeping for the past 2h, and im torn apart between feeling excited and quite energetic and the urge to nap again lol
4. Listen, I am pretty sure Ody does at some point get kebab'ed. I have heard about that but. I genuinely don't remember reading about it (I forget many things I read). As I don't visualise the scene at all its a bit tough for me to answer sry TT (i knew I should've take my Iliad with me... /Hj)
5. She's happy to see her favourite mortals (I like to think she actually has a sweet spot for them both) being close, although sometimes it's a little too close (throw back to one of my last posts lol). Also I hc that (like most gods) she doesn't rly understand/care for the mortals' cultural laws, so she has none of the era's homophobia. It's kinda like you adopt 2 stray cats and one day you see them grooming each other, you're like "yay they get along great :)"
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
Hi it's me!🙋‍♀️
My roman empires these days:
■ the way Harry describes Draco's clothes in yule ball is one thing but funnier thing is when Harry thinks he looks like a vicar i love it lmao(idk is it considered as good or bad, compliment or...???)
■ in GOF Ron is the first one who notices Hermione's teeth length have changed, not Harry..guess whose details Harry notices 24*7? (skin colour, mood, height, etc)
■ Harry lied to MLE for Draco(at least talked in passive voice so it wasn't obvious who did those things) so why should Draco need a trial?! I think these two are impossible together, either MLE knows nothing about Draco's deeds and there's no trial or they know everything and there is a trial for him..idk did i miss something..
1) I don't think Harry meant it as a compliment. But also, it's notable that he's looking. What's up with that Harry? Draco also has opinions on Harry's clothes too - in one of the books he makes derogatory comments about Harry's Christmas jumper. They are both really out there like 'wow i hate that guy so much. and he has a terrible fashion sense. want to hear my detailed opinions on every outfit he's ever worn?' (Their friends must be so Tired TM).
2) Lol omg yeah good catch! Ron immediately notices when a tiny detail about Hermione, the person he has complicated and growing romantic feelings for, changes. Because he's hyper aware of her and what she looks like. Similarly, Harry catalogues every detail about Draco and immediately notices tiny differences - like his skin tone changing a bit in book 6 - before anyone else does. Hm... Wonder what could be up there...
3) Post book 7 a lot more information about Draco's crimes would be available. Draco would probably be rounded up as a known Death Eater. He's got the Dark Mark and other Death Eaters who were captured would have named him (especially given how hated his family became). From an outsider POV the fact that Voldemort was using the Manor as a base and was keeping prisoners there makes it look like Draco and his family were high up, favored members of the inner circle (and the postwar wizarding world would be unlikely to be sympathetic to "no actually he mistreated us too. we didn't even want him in our house. no really"). Draco would be seen as being complicit in the kidnappings, imprisonment, torture and murders that took place in his house. And to be fair, he was, however unhappily and unwillingly, complicit in all that. He was one of the jailers holding people prisoner there (albeit a minor one and quite possibly something of a prisoner himself in his own house, possibly even without the ability to release people even if he had wanted to). Survivors of that experience would be able to name him as responsible.
If any of the other Death Eaters who were on the Astronomy Tower survived and were captured they would also be able to name him as responsible for at least some of the events that occurred there (Harry's probably out there like 'nope. they're definitely lying. You're really going to believe the Carrows over me?' lolol /hj).
He also used Unforgivables on fellow Death Eaters on Voldemort's orders - probably there were other incidents like the Rowle incident that Harry witnessed - which some of his surviving fellows could reveal. Probably most wizards would not be receptive to the "no I swear I didn't want to do it. I was forced." argument. Except of course, Harry can actually provide evidence this is true due to his mental connection to Voldemort.
Therefore, I imagine he'd be on trial for aiding and abetting the Death Eaters, an illegal paramilitary organization, multiple counts of imprisonment and kidnapping, providing aid and material comfort and support to the wanted criminal Lord Voldemort (by being complicit in letting him use his house as a base), multiple counts of the use of Unforgivables for torture, accessory to murder (all the prisoners who were killed in his house), possibly some sort of insurrection charge (because they'd probably assume he actively fought on the side of the Death Eaters at the Battle of Hogwarts), possibly a generalized count of crimes against Muggleborns due to his involvement with the Death Eaters, AND if someone spilled the beans on the Astronomy Tower incident - one count of using the Imperius curse on Madam Rosmerta, multiple counts of attempted murder, and one count of accessory to the murder of Albus Dumbledore.
So yeah. Not looking great for him. Now there's a lot of important context around these charges. A lot of this context is information ONLY Harry can provide or verify. So Harry's testimony would be critical in proving that Draco didn't do some of these things or was coerced and in proving that he had a change of heart.
In fact, given the likely postwar climate and Draco's last name and seeming heavy involvement as a diehard Death Eater loyalist who was so favored by Voldemort that he was granted the rare honor of a Dark Mark while still in school, I take the fact that Draco isn't rotting in prison postwar (and apparently didn't do any prison time at all according to supplemental material) as incontrovertible evidence that Harry spoke for him at his trial. Which delights my drarry heart.
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oliver-crow · 4 months
hii i really liked your tags on the OM fishie boys, can you talk more about them? or maybe which aquatic animal you would personally headcanon each? no pressure =w=bb <3
Hi thank you ! I’m just a ocean nerd who looks too deep on mermaid designs
So for these guys I’m going to give them a shark and a different sea creature , mainly because I love sharks so much know more about them but also I have ideas for other creatures.
Obey me cast as sea creatures!
• so for a shark I think he would be best as a bull shark
•bill sharks are territorial and can kill (even if accidentally)
•other animal wise he would be a vampire squid
•mainly for aesthetics but also since vampire squids are seen as not actually squids and of their own genus . Like how Lucifer was a demon but not anymore and is something different
•idk it’s hard to write for him T-T
• I know what you all are thinking for shark mams, ‘he’s obviously going to be a mako’
• NO. mammon is a lemon shark through and through .
• why? Well lemon sharks sometimes form bonds with certain divers and get incredibly possessive and greedy for the divers attention to the point they will actively drive away other sharks .
• who else is possessive and greedy but also sweeter than most other shark demons well mammon of course
• he could also be a bluefin tuna cuz really fast but idk
my bias will show here lmao
• Levi is absolutely a thresher shark I mean he has the same energy as one !
• thresher sharks attack schools of fish ..schools of normies maybe?
• noooo it’s not just because thresher sharks are my fav and Levi is also my fav whattttt/s
•as for marine creatures Levi is an octopus
•they hide away and can change colors when scared
•Levi hides away in his room and changes colors when embarrassed!/hj
• Satan gives off big oceanic white tip shark vibes
•Both are incredibly territorial and can act aggressive.
•for marine animal I’m just kinda throwing stuff at a wall here and hoping it sticks
• he’s a dolphin . I’m debating making him an orca but I have a specific sleepy demon I have that idea for.
•dolphins can be aggressive but sadistic when hunting things
•dolphins are also incredibly smart .
• ok to be honest I do not know what shark to throw at this guy so this will be vague
•he gets a leopard shark since they are considered one of the prettiest shark species
•and of course for sea creature he is a jellyfish , specially a sea nettle jellyfish!
•sea nettles may not be deadly but they can cause painful stings while also being incredibly pretty
•there’s no doubt in my mind that this guy is a tiger shark!
•tiger sharks are big strong and beautiful but they will eat literally anything
•like. Anything. Some have been found with license plates in their stomachs
•as for another creature he’s like a giant grouper
•they also eat anything they can fit in their mouths but also get huge .
• so shark wise he is a pacific sleeper shark
•they are supposedly known for their sluggish and dozy nature
•for a sea creature he is absolutely an orca !
•orcas are intelligent and methodical.
•they also have never hurt a human in the wild and only in captivity
•belphie was in captivity and then hurt a human so he’s an orca to me.
Holy crap I’m sorry this took so long I’ve been busy and I also wanted to make this as perfect as I could lol .
Hope it’s okay , I might make this an au , maybe . If y’all want that lmk lol
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basil-does-arttt · 2 days
How do you feel about the new anime after seeing the teaser? Are you excited, maybe nervous, even worried about the course the anime takes?
I don't think its a remake of the mangas, although the rabbit is a reference to the manga. How do you feel about that? (Honestly I don't mind, itd be nice to have more lore to obsess over. I mostly just want the characters to be done justice and to be characterised properly)
I am very excited, it looks pretty cool so far and i cant wait to see where it goes.
Like you said, i dont think its a remake of any one thing specifically, rather it seems to be taking elements from everywhere in the series all at once for its story and design. (Including the reboot apparently, considering Dante is wearing a necklace that's very close to Donte's necklace.)
Its going to be different, considering it seems to be taking elements from the written material as well (dmc 3 manga, maybe even the novels) more than the games themself, and we dont even know if its going to be canon to the series yet or just its own fun thing (i saw someone saying its in the same universe as castlevania?) But regardless, i still think its going to be absolutely amazing in its own right.
Now i am nervous about one thing: Who did they cast for Vergil.
Its been confirmed he's showing up. I personally cant imagine him as anybody else other than Daniel Southworth, so i hope they casted him for Vergil. If they didnt, then i can only hope that they casted someone just as good (and just as nasally /hj)
I also do think its interesting they cast Nero's dmc 5 VA for Dante. It will definitely take me a bit to get used to it once the anime comes out and im actually watching it, but i dont think its a bad decision by any means. He's a wonderful VA.
And i am very curious to find out who that female voice in the trailer was. At first i assumed it was Patty, but if the anime goes in a younger-dante direction then it wouldnt make sense because Patty wouldn't even exist at that point. My second thought was Lady, which would be amazing to have her show up again (and hopefully have more of a personality other than "dante you owe me money"), but my last thought - if the anime is taking most of its inspiration from the written dmc material - was Grue's daughters. I havent actually finished the dmc 1 novel so idk how true that could be but its a thought at least lol.
Overall i am very excited and the anime seems to be going well. Now we just have to hope expectations live up to reality lol.
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Lucas and MMC Guilty as Sin? Analysis
When I first heard this track it immediately became one of my favorites on the album, the lyrics felt very forbidden love/star crossed lovers and so my brain made the connection back to EAA. I felt a lot of the lyrics could relate to Lucas’s route from his perspective, and the more I listened to the song, the more sure I was of it. Please enjoy my no doubt senseless yapping. I’ve decided to break the segments up into “themes” where I’ll include the lyrics and my thought.
Here’s the link to the song if anyone wants to give it a listen: https://youtu.be/OOYlWF6V8t8?si=R5QBsL-ANQ6F27Fd
Also shoutout @megatraven for hyping me up on this I’m sorry it took so long😭
CW: The lyrics being analyzed contain blatant sexual themes (idk if that’s a concern for this fandom but figured I’d include it)
The first section will be focused on Lucas’s duty to the crown
My boredom’s bone deep
This cage was once just fine
Lucas was born out of necessity, his father needed an heir. He was raised being told he would inherit a kingdom, and it never registered for him that he could be something else until MMC asks him what he would want to do with his life.
I dream of cracking locks
Throwing my life to the wolves
Or the ocean rocks
Crashing into him tonight
When Lucas is with MMC, it’s the first time he’s allowed to consider a life outside of being king, to turn his back on it and live with the love of his life in the lighthouse by the sea (also insert obligatory wolf joke with Ezra)
Am I allowed to cry?
This line makes me think a lot about that one scene after the battle with the Warlock where MMC tells Lucas that crying doesn’t make him weak (I cried). He’s being unconditioned from his harmful upbringing through unconditional love and while it may scare him he trusts MMC enough to be vulnerable with him (I could write an essay on that scene alone but I digress)
He’s a paradox
I’m seeing visions, am I bad?
Or mad? Or wise?
He’s never felt such strong devotion towards someone and it makes him question everything he has learned
This leads me into the next section, a focus on his relationship with MMC in his first two seasons (the pining/situationship stages, if you will)
I keep these longings locked
In lowercase inside a vault
Someone told me
There’s no such thing as bad thoughts
Only your actions talk
Lucas feels obligated to make his quest against the Warlock his priority and is guilty over his feelings for MMC, making excuses for himself to justify pushing his feelings aside
These fatal fantasies
Giving way to labored breath
Taking all of me
We’ve already done it in my head
I swear I remember there being a line where Lucas admits to fantasizing about MMC (i wanna say season 3? I’ll have to check). Anyway, the notion of “fatal” fantasies is pertinent, they’re all consuming, his feelings for MMC are all consuming and “distracting”(😏) him from his quest
I keep recalling things we never did
Messy top lip kiss
How I long for our trysts
Without ever touching his skin
How can I be guilty as sin?
This line could go either way for them tbh, it feels like their mid season 2 situationship era, the knowing glances and stolen kisses while avoiding the question of what it means (Alexa play Casual by Chappell Roan /hj)
Of course, they’re able to work through these issues (yippee). But when passion and infatuation becomes love and devotion, they have a new warlock to face: their contradicting futures
If it’s make believe
Why does it feel like a vow
We’ll both uphold somehow?
Despite their destinies leaving them in separate realms, Lucas and MMC are determined to make their love and the time they have left together last (even if they feel less hopeful for their future)
What if the way you hold me
Is actually what’s holy?
Lucas is left wondering if being his father’s heir will satisfy him as much as his relationship with MMC does, making him question where his loyalties lie
If long suffering propriety
Is what they want from me
They don’t know how you’ve haunted me
So stunningly
I choose you and me
This is the scene in the rose garden (another scene I could write an essay on). Lucas’s realization that he never wanted the throne, finally making the choice to live with the love of his life in the lighthouse by the sea (good for him)
ANNNNDDDDD that’s what I got for you! I’m trying to be better at not letting stuff sit and collect dust, but I hope this was worth the wait! And even if it wasn’t, I hope it brought you some enjoyment. I would love to do more of these at some point (and hopefully with much less delay)
- Lightkeeper
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just-a-carrot · 4 months
Hello carrot! Thank you very very much for making our wonderland (help I cannot stop thinking about this game it is actually becoming a problem everything reminds me of it please help) everything about this game is incredible to me and I genuinely don't think I'll be able to stop thinking about it for a very long while (which is honestly fine with me, I hold this game very dear to my heart)
Orlam ended up becoming my favourite character (much to the delight of my friend, who somehow predicted it at his first appearance) and I remember constantly swivelling from "ORLAM WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS" to "Orlam, oh no.. I desperately need someone to give you comfort" so uh thank you?? You have somehow made a character that makes me want to throw him off a cliff one moment then spend the next moment enjoying all of his antics (and also hoping that this man gets a break from all his misfortune like what the heck this man is a misfortune magnet sometimes) –Point is, I really like Orlam as a character okay I was so happy when we got to the end of his part in Arc 5 because I caN FINALLY ENJOY HIS ANTICS WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT
Okay the Orlam Paragraph™️ ended up way longer than I thought it would be uhhh
Genuinely, I really do love how you wrote all the characters ahhdjajdj I hold them all very very dear to my heart (and I have wept so very many tears over them)
I have a small question (just out of curiousity) if the main 5 ever met their past selves (more specifically, the ones that were twisted from wonderland (except for Genzou I guess considering his sunglasses were sacrificed to protect him from the corruptness of wonderland or something /hj)) how would they react? Would they try to do something to stop them? (Shwjjdjwdjw idk, I was just sort of curious for some reason)
owowowowo... this is so kind and sweet 😭💕 thank you so much for taking the time to write up your thoughts and send them to me!! i'm really happy that you enjoyed the game so much and enjoy thinking about the characters ldkjfasd
and that you love orlam so much weeppppp 💕
"You have somehow made a character that makes me want to throw him off a cliff one moment then spend the next moment enjoying all of his antics" -> it seems to be his shtick.............................
re: your question hmmm 🤔
i feel like the majority of them feel incredibly guilty and would try to change it if possible. gidget says as much themself. iggy doesn't quite say as much but he feels so sick about the things he did he couldn't face the others. we don't get to see much of bucks afterwards, but i believe she too feels intense remorse. intense isolation. intense loneliness. i think she definitely would try to change things if she felt like she could as in her right mind she would never have done something so horrific (and there is the implication that wonderland itself influenced saydie's death...............)
the only one i don't think so would be orlam, who said so himself that even though he has some regret he "doesn't think he would do it any differently" so i don't think he'd actively try to stop things from happening necessarily... unsure
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
atinytwt is so stupid and toxic oh my god i just saw someone "shading" kq for jongho ???? like okay let me put down my points
a. we don't actually know how they decide to let or allow jongho to only receive injections and medication. jongho's condition was explained by an indonesian orthopedic surgeon who said that NORMALLY injection and medication COULD aid and alleviate the pain but considering jongho's occupation and activity (i.e. dancing), recurrence is expected and it needed a more permanent solution. also, jongho is a grown ass adult, let's not baby him too much (despite me wanna go goochie goochie goo and tuck him into bed with warm milk and cookies) and think that jongho is incapable of making a huge decision for his own health no matter the consequence
b. "kq put them in crazy schedules" it's literally the pitfalls of being idols my ghawd do you want them to not tour and expand their reach and just sit pretty with one comeback a year ??? sure, they could do that but they'll need money to get better production quality like you buying one album per comeback or one album per version is not enough to even cover the shoe budget, do you think those things are cheap ??? considering album sales are not pure as it's separated as distributor and company and from the company's cuts, it's further broken down and ateez will only get a sliver if any, they have to depend on miscelaneous schedules like radio, tv shows, joint concerts, festivals, etc. And no it's not unfair because there are calculations put in place and no matter what you do, the cuts will never be enough but at least from what we see, ateez is living rather well
c. compared to the big 4 (ion even wanna get into TS, cube, mld, mbk, etc. bc yuck) kq is a far better situation for ateez and xikers. like we haven't heard much from xikers, but we know that ateez praises kq. hongjoong even said that kq's ceo goes everywhere with them on tour (hj said this on the singapore concert) except for the show in manila bc he had a prior engagement. and dude, the gifts the ceo gave ateez and the fact that kq didn't put ateez on diets they don't want and how the staff interacts with ateez and ateez with the staff. idk, i've only been seeing green flags so far. ofc no one is perfect but again, compared to jyp who made momo eat only ice cubes to achieve her target weight so she can debut, or shoving all of seventeen in one tiny ass dorm that didn't seem like there were any blankets around during pre-debut, or putting the members on a leash and treating them like dogs like infinite, i actually love kq. I've liked kpop for over a decade now, since i was like in 5th grade and i've truly never seen a happier group than ateez.
is there a way to not read stupid ass posts on twt or x or wtv and just save pictures from there ??? really i have low tolerance in stupidity bc i have to deal with my own on a daily basis
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cruscribbles · 8 months
okay so, there are a few brainrot ideas of a jjk × hp crossover that are currently occupying my head so i'll just dump right here before i forget (just in case i either want to actually write this myself or if someone wants to write it— please go ahead!)
for now, these are all gojo-centric because he's a little shit and i love him for it <33
[ p. s. as you can see, i am too lazy and demotivated to cook my own food /hj ]
1. gojo (ends up in the hp world and) goes to hogwarts :
a. as a student - okay, this is probably going to be a bit hard to pull off, considering the man is literally almost 30, but hear me out
i could see him in either the hp generation or the marauders generation (but mostly the former)
could be an age regression thing where he gets bombarded with a curse that propels him into the hp world and for some reason he's back to his younger self (child or teen, who knows, just as long as he's around the same age as the protagonists of that era)
or maybe an exchange student program (au where jjk sorcerers and hp wizards both coexist in the same world) so maybe when he's 15-16 he's a "spy" trying to learn things from the wizard side of things?
clashes heads with harry AND draco from time to time; harry because of their different morals and draco because he probably pokes fun at him
come to think of it, who WOULDN'T gojo beef with actually
the student teachers think is gonna fail because he looks so uncaring and aloof and then proceeds to be one of (if not) the top scorers on the board
probably bothers snape constantly in his office (and probably also gets detention from time to time for being so annoying to him)
minerva also being irritated on the outside but also heartwrench on the inside because he lowkey reminds her of the old marauders in a way
every time he comes across voldemort face-to-face, he will not hesitate to make fun of him (like he did with jogo)
gojo : haha you're such a loser. voldemort? really? that's your name? you couldn't have picked anything better? *freaking fortnite dances or some shit like that*
voldemort officially has an extra child added to his hitlist after that
b. as a teacher - some of the earlier points of him as a student also apply here, except he's obviously more mature and wise in this instance
possible mentor of harry? like i said, would bond over being the chosen ones
the teacher that is either well-loved or hated (both teachers and students alike)
always the one popping in and out of the faculty with new tea and gossip to dish out
tries to hold back a little bit on the hogwarts students because they're not his students but is still absolutely relentless to them (displaying powerful demonstrations and also teasing them a bunch)
mcgonagall and snape being his favorite staff members because they remind him of utahime and nanami (idk would be close in personality to shoko tbh, then again she has the same type of dead air energy as snape but feel free to correct me woohoo)
ironically probably beefs with albus bc they are kind of similar in a sense but idk hmmm (they could also have some tea on the weekends too)
gojo : i once had a person i loved dearly that turned out to be heavily racist towards the normal human race for something they can't help and we had a messy breakup to boot
albus :
2. gojo is reincarnated as/ends up in the body of harry potter - not gonna lie, i'm more of a fan of this idea because you could do so much with this + it would be funny as HELL
harry grows up "cocky" and "prideful" (obviously still with some trauma and kindness attached because it's gojo) and correlates to the next points :
dumbledore thinking that since the boy grew up in a muggle household that he'll learn to be humble and sweet and lo and behold, he was wrong
snape getting vivid flashbacks of james from gojo!harry because of how cocky he is (gojo doing this unintentionally by being his authentic self)
even better if gojo!harry ends up in slytherin LMAO
dumbledore also getting flashbacks but of a different person : he doesn't want another tom riddle to happen (esp if gojo!harry vocalizes his want to change the world) so he keeps a very watchful eye on him
from the earlier point : gojo!harry not missing a fucking beat trying to make fun of tom "tommy boy, voldymoldy the oldie" riddle every time they meet (and not hesitating to name drop him in almost every conversation out of spite)
okay obviously he'll have some form of self-control over it but i have a feeling he'll do it just to test him and his patience
i feel like he would be SO CLOSE to triggering the underage magic alarm (or maybe he does and that's a drama for a whole chapter)
i feel like he would absolutely have a habit of disappearing and reappearing (even without magic) and he does that alot at the dursleys (especially when he's older)
gojo realizing he could talk to snakes, and he gossips to them whenever he can
moreover, it would be interesting if he sometimes has conversations with the horcrux inside his forehead (back-to-back mockery)
gojo knows somewhat quickly maybe because the signature is likely the same as sukuna in yuji's body
a really crack idea where gojo solves (one of) the horcrux problems by just hollow purpling the darn thing (wouldn't push it pass him to do it in the battle in the ministry of magic tbh)
either never gets fooled by the quidditch cup or immediately rectifies it by being able to teleport back (a good idea for a crack fic, but maybe for a more serious one he could either be serious or really dazed/overstimulated from the previous events to even think of doing so)
3. gojo ends up in the same body as harry potter and acts as a co-resident — ngl i am warming up to this VERY idea because i know it would become HELLA chaotic
i composed the original draft of this post ages ago but what gave me this idea is this amazing jjk!/bnha crossover fic titled "a hero without limits" by anonymous567 (if you haven't already, please read it because it's absolutely AMAZING)
idk how this would happen considering the shard of voldemort in harry's head (third participant forced to watch maybe) but shhh
basically gojo popping in harry's head either from the start or a from an event that happens to him later on (like the inspo)
he also makes commentary from time to time in his head and harry's like "shut uppp" — and sometimes people look at him and go "yo what's up with him""boy who lived shenanigans maybe"
it sounds stupid but i like the idea of gojo manifesting either on harry's body like sukuna or his image and his spirit manifesting on reflective surfaces like mirrors (his friends going "WHO'S THAT" while they point at the mysterious man in the mirror)
harry's magic "retaliating" and defending him when he's near death which is just a shadowy, smokey manifestation of gojo with the brightest most piercing lights as his eyes
very curious about the chamber of secrets section bc now harry probably doesn't even have look at the darn thing ("don't worry harry, sensei's got it covered!" or smth like that idk)
harry automatically deciphering the sussiness of almost every sus character because, like i said, live gojo commentary (probably would have solved the pettigrew problem faster tbh)
any adult that was around during the marauder's era straight up being reminded of james from time to time, especially the times when gojo is in control
i can imagine gojo knowing the jig is up with the horcrux in harry's head, and maybe as part of a crack idea, "seals the soul" from time to time which is the magical equivalent of taping the webcam lens with a piece of paper
gojo and the hat duking it out with rebuttals during the sorting ceremony and harry slowly going insane because of it
commentary of the black family being similar to the zenin's in influence, attitude and power (feel free to correct me); in short, gojo noting down funny coincidences and similarities to his old world
anytime someone tries to use legillimens on harry, gojo goes "uh uh uh *wags fingers*" and promptly kicks them out, promptly leaving the caster confused (gojo being harry's built in occlumency security guard <333)
idk if i want him to still have six eyes and/or limitless when he's reincarnated as harry (because it doesn't feel like gojo without them, but also he'd be so op— then again he already is by default so why not)
i think i would keep them since they're both the core ability aspects of his character but obviously in this instance, he doesn't have the hang of six eyes yet (major sensory overload as a drawback if he doesn't cover his eyes with a blindfold or a pair of dark sunglasses) and he doesn't unlock limitless until he's a teen (maybe during the gof or ootp plotline)
either way, i'm sorry if this plotline is too ooc, and please pitch in your own ideas in the comments or if you want to correct me!!
+ a little sketch of #3 because i've grown really attached to the idea JENDJEJDJ
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itz-pandora · 28 days
Omg...I can't believe I missed so much...AAAAA- WHAT EVEN HAPPENED IN YOUR DOOM SONADOW AU!!
Where is the AU in the game timelines? In SxSH Gens?? Before? After? During?
I think I'm gonna die-
I might combust
We don't have enough for a funeral...
*Shakes you aggressively but affectionately*
*being shaken around violently* IT'S- NOT- FOLLOWING- CANON- CONTI-NUITY- BUT- IT'S- INSPIRED- OFF- SONADOW- GENER-ATIONS- TRAILERS- please- stop- shaking- me- now- 😵‍💫💫
This also doesn't follow any of my pre established AUs! It's something completely new, and it's actually based off the quote in the first batch of panels! Everything in this AU was caused by "Why don't you hate me?" "I could never hate you, and that's the problem." That's it, that's the AU.
This happens the time SA2 should happen! Shadow is deemed as a weapon and is still considered property of GUN, and his circumstances are generally a different, I actually haven't thought about Eggman being involved with him, because tbh GUN and Black Doom can do all the work.
Shadow knows nobody, so I'm still trying to justify Sonic's ungodly level of simping for shadow/hj
This AU is almost all improv. I only have a few plans and everything else is made on the spot.
I'll try to explain more as I make more comics, but idk how I'll explain stuff that doesn't happen after the current events. Flashbacks maybe? Idk how much I'll let be a surprise
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irrelevaantidiot · 3 months
I've legit given up on any hope that I'm gonna get a good night's rest it's literally 4 am so im gonna ramble about anything and everything
Also tree is staring at the huge ass ramble
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First of why he look like that anyways actual ramble time
I was on discord earlier and I was scrolling through my dms list in hopes I could find my friends dms, appearantly I didn fucking close an ex friends dm where she was guilting me like 6 months ago, also she still had a pfp of the character that I INTRODUCED her to like bro stay out of my fandom now grrr
Another ramble, I've been stuck on the same doodle for like. the last 2 nights? idek what it is I gues shrrrresjsjsjajjjwj
Also pinterest doesnt save my images sometimes like holy shit u guys do not realize how long it took for me to get this shit to download
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Bro is skedaddling
Anyways I also realized that i have a whole list of ocs I've projected on and idk how to feel
Akakakaksoeoeoekeoewwsseeeesjsjeeeesw my insane dreams are returning guys help
Also um. i think im becoming obsessed with mlp hsjekkee help!!!
Anyways I've been considering working on an astrobiology painting because brainrot is real i am normal about that shit even tho that's literally cringe eli you're shipping a tree and a blackhole that's physically imposible!! dont care!! anyways im blackhole
I've been meaning to work on my DPA gijinkas but I no no wanna rn man
Also umm dr fizz hyperfixation please send pics of him if u want I need to add it to a collection
Oh have I mentioned my astrobiology shrine yea I printed out some screenshots for it and it disappeared and I'm mad??
Liam plush has been doing well
Winner and blackhole are the realest characters ever /hj
I made an object sona and hes a bitch and I also want his gender
Need I say more I think I'm becoming a silvercandle fan like dude this whole scene was the most goofy shit ever
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Also tag urself I'm tree and I'm only bringing up this image because it reminds me of the time when I was 4 and I got my finger stuck in a soap bottle
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Also HAJSJJnnnsnwweee!
I'm excited for the omori manga dude!!!! Genuinely I love omori sm im so glad it exists
I realized I'm on tumblr and I can follow the tags for anything and everything I want and I'm happy
Anyways baller
This is literally me and my friend
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Sometimes i remember the very dark era like 3 months ago where I was a huge fucking simp for my own oc
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Sometimes I wanna write dialogue between my two characters that just. try to kill eachother
Radio session over thank you for coming to my tedtalk this is literally my face rn it is 4:50 am
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kenziedrawz · 3 months
give the akira wing au lore (please)
oh absolutely. In fact, I'll just give you all the fic outline since I don't know when I am going to actually write it.
the fic outline will be under the cut. it also includes a bit of lore explanation as well so...
but, timeline wise this does take place post near future. And in an alternate timeline of Near-ish Future where Hoshi's group didn't pick to investigate the temple/lake/statue. Quick warning for mentions of human experimentation as well.
also, another disclaimer but this au is subject to change at any time. As it's not as entirely fleshed out as I want it to be. I just wanted to give my boy(akira) wings. So this au may change plotwise in future.
[ Essentially, Akira has (secret, he doesn't know about them) wings due to getting kidnapped at fourteen-fifteen by the conspirators (something about being a potential vessel for Odeo or somethin, idk it’s not touched that much on) and experimented on. Yes Lawless did kick a lot of ass to save him, but that’s not entirely important. This is just backstory lmao. 
The actual fic portion opens up with Akira bitching about school and backpain(/hj).
And yes, he is in class while sulking, hence why Hoshi( still using the last name Asagiri) does come up and ask if he’s okay because Akira’s discomfort could be noticed from the fucking moon. Provide a bit of exposition here. Since this technically takes place in Near-ish Future it’s around a few months after the whole Odeo thing, at least over half a year since then. And during that time Akira had to start high school, which kinda sucks.
And, there’s also fuckass history project. Which is essentially picking a place in Nippori and investigating its history, Akira is silently thanking the gods that his group- which includes Hoshi btw- didn’t pick the temple(Lake of Unity) or Tsukuba Labs. You can automatically guess why he does not want to go to either of those places.
Back to the present, Hoshi points out that Akira’s been slouching a lot more lately and the fact that he seems more surly, Akira briefly mentally notes that someone would have had to actively pay attention to him to notice that, but Hoshi’s weird anyways so he brushes it off… For now, as there’s still the fact that Hoshi is just pretty weird in general under the surface.
It’s not like anyone other that Akira noticed it, considering he can (somewhat) read the other’s thoughts (it’s almost like something’s blocking him out)
Eventually, they wind up going to the nurses office- but the nurse is on vacation, or out, either way there is no nurse and instead of- y’know, just leaving. Hoshi decides ‘fuck it, we ball’ and essentially decides to at the very least, check Akira out to make sure nothing’s really fucked up. Cue a bit of banter and eventually Akira’s getting his back examined, yay!
So it turns out there’s two pretty large bumps near Akira’s shoulders, which is… probably not good since they practically are almost the length of his entire back. Now, Hoshi’s no medical professional, but he can tell there’s definitely something wrong here. Maybe even something of the supernatural variety. Which is pretty weird of an assumption to make in Akira’s opinion.
But, curiosity does take over, and he does touch one of them.
They feel weird, and Akira flinches at the touch. Odd. it’s as if there’s something moving under them.
And since Akira’s been peering into Hoshi’s thoughts for this, he freaks out a bit because what the fuck do you mean theres something under his skin Hoshi- Hoshi notices Akira beginning to silently, y’know, freak out and does attempt to reassure him- it works to a degree.
And then he gets an idea, which is essentially cutting open the bumps, which seem to be whatever is moving under Akira’s skin covered by layers of skin. Like something had grown underneath it. You can use this as a chance to maybe write body horror by the way. But, either way he asks Akira to trust him after he takes a quick search around the medical office and finds a scalpel and a local anesthetic. Akira, after a bit of deliberation, agrees.
So now we’re at the part where Hoshi cuts Akira’s back bumps open. But before doing so he lets Akira take one of his hands, asking him to squeeze it if it feels uncomfortable. And then it actually begins. Hoshi is careful to not, y’know, fuck up and hurt Akira because he’s under the anesthetic and won’t really feel it, but he gets the first thing loose. And there’s a pause.
Akira feels the urge to move, But Hoshi warns to not move ‘them’ until he’s done.
And so Hoshi continues, and the other thing is free. Thus, finally letting Akira move and- Oh, they’re wings.
Oh, they’re wings. Cue realization that this is what the conspirators had done to him at the lab around two-ish years ago. Which is, uh, not fun. He’d thought they just fucked with his mind because he had psychic powers, not this. 
But also, how the fuck did Hoshi get the idea that it might be like this?
As it turns out, Akira might not be the only one who’s gone under human experimentation in the past. But there’s more important manners to deal with now.
Such as how the fuck they’re gonna get Akira to brightsparks, or somewhere that isn’t school while hiding the fact he has wings.]
and that's all i have in the fic outline 👍 be aware that it may change as I work on the au more.
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coconox · 3 months
I HAVE,, quite a few thoughts tbh LOL
the size kink was fun to see. w the way the story was written it kinda felt like it was steering towards monster fucking territory w how mammon was acting
it was also giving "if only mc were more emotionally closer to mammon they would eat his ass" kinda vibes (yes there is a line in his butt story that says that). big disclaimer i've pretty much only read all of mammon's and juno's card stories (if this isnt a clear sign that im into submissive and breedable men idk what is LOL /hj), and there seems to be a bit of an emotional disconnect btwn mc and the devils? mammon was right on calling them out for having a perverted mind, which makes me inclined to wonder if mc actually loves one of the devils outside of what they can provide physically. it could also be a lack of context tbh, considering there has to be some sort of timeskip if mc is able to somewhat properly channel solomon's abilities compared to ch1 or ch4. idk, from the get-go the sole reason this story happened in the first place was bc mc was willing to protect mammon, and the thought process of that idea is what turned mammon on. he loves mc unconditionally and he hopes that one day mc would love him back, but it feels like mc is more lustful than anything
imma be real i have no idea how dating sims are supposed to work, i normally play sci-fi arpgs/roguelike strategy games and i sense more love btwn the chars and mc there than in an actual dating game HJGKDFHG
i could just be overthinking all of this LMAO ignore that rant 💀💀
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also this line without context is so funny to me HGJKDFHGK
overall i enjoyed reading it :] while sub!mc isnt really my cup of tea, it was interesting to see the more greedy side of mammon and how it could quite literally break a human HJGKFDH
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gracebethartacc · 8 months
considering possiblyyyyy including the rest of the 7 teens in the rewrite in some capacity but like not as ashas friends but not as background characters either bc I wanna keep them as a group to some extent but not like acquaintances yk?? If that makes sense? my idea is maybe they can also work in the castle like dahlia does bc iirc shes the only one who directly works there but everyone else just kinda either bummed around or helped her out but that was kinda it?? So I’m considering maybe I could make them work in other parts of the castle so like I said they can be considered a group/collective bc they work in the same place but don’t actually hang out or anything ? But yeah idk shrugs it’s felt a bit odd for me to straight up have them not in it at all bc making them just bg characters feels weird bc aforementioned Simon and dahlia being ashas friends would be kinda out of place/pointless reference wise if you didn’t have all the dwarfs together in some form or fashion
so uhhhhh reason I’m making this post at all is bc I’d love to have any suggestions for like their jobs or thing they do etc
also yes this is just an excuse to include bazima bc I love her but won’t fit in the current group dynamic /hj
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