#;;Fiery Fists (Yang Xiao Long)
pxrifiedmxniac · 4 years
tag dump... (part 2)
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santoverdugo · 4 years
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With hair as fiery as her personality, Yang Xiao Long tackles all problems head on, literally. There are very few things that can stand in her way when she puts her mind(fists) to it.
"Instead of 'sweetheart,' you can just call me 'sir!'" -Yang
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ari-shipping-stuff · 5 years
Freezerburn Week 2020
Day Seven - Free Day Aging Soulmate AU
i especially enjoyed writing this one, so i hope you enjoy reading it ^^
au: once a person reaches eighteen, they stop aging. but when they meet their soulmate, whether they know it or not, time unfreezes so they can grow old together
if your soulmate dies however, the aging process stops until you meet their reincarnation. the aging process gets faster, or it doesn't. the circumstances lie on just how said soulmate died.
A puff of smoke floated out of Malachite's lips.
"She slipped past us."
"Yes, again," said Little Miss Malachite. It might've been the smoke, but her Southern accent seemed to thicken as she went on. "She's good. Better than her past five lives. Maybe a memory or two stuck."
A small groan left Weiss Schnee's throat.
"Then you'll just have to work harder," she forced through gritted teeth. "She can't hide forever. Even if she remembers dying since 500 AD."
Malachite raised an eyebrow.
"She hasn't been seen by anyone since last month. It'll take a while."
Weiss eyed her suspiciously. "Since when were you of all people worried about how long it'll take to find someone?"
"I'm not worried about finding her, darlin'," Malachite chuckled, fiddling with the cigar between her fingers. "I'm worried for what the time's gonna do to you. Will my client still be here to pay me by the time I find this Xiao Long girl?"
Weiss sent her an icy glare, walking closer to her table. Most of the time, Little Miss Malachite had personal guards at her sides. But not when the audience was Weiss Schnee.
Weiss Schnee, who'd been a client of theirs for fifty years now, and from the start had enough authority and money to shut down their business and have them all killed.
If the Schnee wanted them alone, she would have that choice.
"I assure you, Malachite," she gripped the edge of the desk, leaning forward. "I'll be damned if I die before she does. I have a company to run. And if it goes down with me, so will you. Don't forget who protects this little business of yours."
Malachite narrowed her eyes.
"S'that a threat?"
"Wouldn't be the first time, now would it?"
Weiss twirled Myrtenaster then jabbed it forward, flickers of fiery energy shooting forward and straight into the Ursa. It let out a last roar before distinguishing into smoke.
Weiss had to admit, Forever Fall was an unpredictable yet ironic place for Yang to hide. It was crawling with all sorts of Grimm. Especially now, after the disbanding of the Huntsman Movements. Not to mention the history they shared in this forest.
Let's just say some of the trees weren't always red.
She treaded quietly, wanting to minimize as much noise as possible. As far as she knew, she could pull off a sneak attack. Like many times before. But killing her soulmate got just a bit harder every time. Maybe being murdered in every life by the same person instilled some instinct in her to hide.
Either way, Weiss needed to be quick. She was growing more twenty-one by the second. And she was not going to let thousands of years of bringing up her family name go to waste.
Weiss raised a hand, her fingers spread out. A white-blue glyph formed at the tips of her fingers.
She scanned the area for anything, but it was dirt and stone and autumn leaves for miles. And she was certain she didn't step on anything.
But as she turned to check behind her, a shot flew past, narrowly missing her head.
Weiss ducked behind the nearest tree, cursing when she realized she'd dropped Myrtenaster. Her glyphs formed over both hands, slowly crackling with energy.
She heard someone jump into the clearing.
"Guess you found me."
Weiss paused. The same voice. Always the same.
"Guess I did."
It was a blur from there. Weiss jumped out, Yang brought down a storm of golden shots. The glyphs, first on Weiss's hands, were suddenly everywhere, keeping her mobile.
"Why do you want to kill me so bad?"
Yang was sent flying backwards with a soft 'oomph'. She landed roughly against a tree, jumping to the side to avoid the hold of Weiss's gravity glyph.
"We've had this same conversation for thousands of years."
"I know. Yet you never answered."
She thrust herself fists into the air, throwing out shots like tongues of fire.
Weiss held out a hand, and her semblance stopped all the bullets midair.
"Not important."
"But it is!" Yang cried.
Weiss took the moment to enclose one of Yang's wrists in her glyph.
Yang gasped at the discomfort in her arm. As if the energy was holding her in place by rooting itself into her arm. As if one wrong turn from her could rip her arm off like a toy.
It wasn't long before Weiss got a hold of the other arm.
Yang grinned, pulling away from the force. Trying, rather. Her heels dug holes in the ground and her eyes grew red, but her efforts were all in vain.
Meanwhile, Weiss just stood there. She drew as gun from her coat. One bullet to the head and she'd earn herself another twenty to a hundred years. But she hesitated. Like always.
Despite the hardening she'd done over the years, there would always be that nagging in the back of her head telling her to stop. Don't kill Yang. She was her soulmate, after all. What did she do to deserve constant death? Why not finally settle down and stop this madness? Get an heir. Rest. Let it go. And she'd thought about it. More than once.
Weiss fought with her hesitance. The hand holding her gun trembled and she felt her face s]well, as if she was about to cry. Yang saw. And she was already crying. With a mere blink, tears fell down her stained pink cheeks. Her eyes faded to a dull lavender. Smoky. Dark grey.
Part of Weiss wanted to see that purple light up again. Even an angry red. Anything else.
"You.. Still didn't answer the question." Yang sniffed.
Weiss clenched her teeth, trying to steel herself. Stop being a fool.
She raised the gun.
A sad smile graced Yang's lips.
"Maybe the next life then, huh?"
Weiss sighed in a breath, moving her glare away from Yang. She didn't want to see.
"Maybe I'll knock some sense into you next time around, Ice Queen."
She pulled the trigger.
The gunshot echoed throughout the forest, and soon, Weiss's head. A tear slid down her cheek.
well.. that was a ride. i fell asleep while typing last night
i do really love this au tbh. all the random storylines you could make with it is incredible
— ari
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ask-beacons-finest · 6 years
GrimmAge!Yang, leaning against the outside wall of a tavern, standing beneath an overhang as it rains, waiting, picking at her nails with a dagger: ...
GrimmAge!Girl, violently flying out of the tavern into the muddy road, a fearful look in her eye as she scurries to regain her footing: I-I apologized, I meant no offense by it, surely! I'm simply not in that line of work!
GrimmAge!Scumbag, casually stepping out of the tavern, two others behind him, placing his hands on his belt as he glares down at the woman: I didn't ask if you were a whore, I told you you were. Let's see you say "no" with your tongue slit from your mouth.
GrimmAge!Girl, nearly in tears, stumbling away from the three with terror as they step towards her: P-Please, please no.
GrimmAge!Yang, without losing focus in her nails, speaking up: Hey, shit heads.
GrimmAge!Scumbag, stopping, slowly turning his attention to Yang, snarling: What did you call me, girl?
GrimmAge!Yang, looking up, her face void of emotion, letting out an unimpressed puft of air from her nose: Hmph. Gods, look at you three. Even a donkey would say no. Though I'm sure you'd treat it no differently than this woman here?
GrimmAge!Scumbag, stomping his way up to Yang, easily towering over her: Excuse me?
GrimmAge!Yang, uncaringly goes back to her nails: Have you shit in your ears? I called you a mule fucker.
GrimmAge!Scumbag, quickly grabbing hold of Yang's shoulder, nearly screaming in rage: You should watch your mouth girly, less our titles become blonde bitch fuckers.
GrimmAge!Yang, smirks, the hand free of a dagger grabbing hold of the scumbag's wrist, slowly looking up to him with burning red eyes: I'd sooner be fed to the Black Beasts.
GrimmAge!Scumbag, trying desperately to not show any outward signs of the pain his wrist is in, struggling to maintain his furious look: You...I'll feed you to the dogs...do you know who I am?
GrimmAge!Yang, with a yawn: No.
GrimmAge!Yang, narrowing her eyes, a powerful aura of fiery light immediately engulfing her as the three lowlifes, as well as the girl and passerbys, look on in horror: And quite frankly, I don't give a shit.
GrimmAge!Scumbag, before being able to say anything, drops to his knees and screams on agony as Yang easily snaps his wrist with a flick of her own, his pained screams are cut short by disgusting gurgling as the dagger in her other hand slams into his throat: GRRRAAAAAGGH-GRRKBBLLT
GrimmAge!Yang, smashing her fist into the chest of one of the lowlifes that was foolish enough to lunge at her, with the force of the punch alone she lifts him into the air and then quickly smashes him into the wet earth, blood shooting from his mouth onto her face: This will TEACH YOU-
GrimmAge!Yang, slowly stands up straight, cracking her knuckles as she glares at the remaining lowlife, who had fallen to the ground in terror: To commit such vile acts.
GrimmAge!Yang, slowly stepping over to the remaining lowlife as he whimpers and pathetically scampers in the slippery mud to get away, stomps her foot down onto his chest, pinning him in place, glaring down with contempt: This village, and its land, is under not just my protection, but others like me. Others who are even stronger than I am. I will let you live. I will let you scurry like a rat back to whatever shithole you call home, and I will let you beg your comrades to uproot and leave this land, for if you don't...
GrimmAge!Yang, the aura of fire dying, a smoldering heat left within the air, her eyes shifting back to lilac: It will not be me who deals with you, it will be someone far less merciful.
GrimmAge!Yang, slowly leaning down, whispers: Now run.
GrimmAge!Yang, watches a bit as the lowlife runs out of the village screaming in terror, casually steps over to the corpse where her dagger lies, turns when she feels a tapping upon her shoulder: Yes? Oh! I...I apologize you had to see that, I meant no harm to you.
GrimmAge!Girl, winces slightly in fear when Yang turns to look at her, slowly standing strong again: Y-you use the Light?
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding, turning back to the corpse and rips her dagger from the throat, wiping the blood off on the dead man's coat: Aye, that I do. And I used it to save you. See? The Light can be used for good, the Council lies.
GrimmAge!Girl, shielding her eyes in disgust as a fountain of blood pours from the gash within the throat, speaks a silent prayer as Yang begins to rummage through the deads' pockets: N-no I...
GrimmAge!Girl, speaking in a low whisper, as if terrified of her own words: I believe you...I believe that the Light can save us all, I believe the Council is...is not...well, good.
GrimmAge!Yang, looting a coin purse, a smile on her face as she wipes it clean of blood: You believe correct, say, let us speak more of this over some ale, yes? Calm your nerves.
GrimmAge!Girl, nodding: Thank you...
GrimmAge!Yang, holding out her arm, smiling: My name, Yang Xiao Long, traveller, mercenary, bandit technically but I prefer other titles. Yourself?
GrimmAge!Girl, slowly taking Yang's arm, quietly: My name is May. May Zedong. Archer. Hunter. Traitor to not one, but two Councils.
GrimmAge!Yang, laughs, stepping into the tavern with her: My my Miss Zedong...I like you already.
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mikotyzini · 6 years
What Defines Us - Ch. 32
Gotta run, but managed to find time to post this morning!  
“Weiss?” Ruby asked as the platform locked in place - her feet giving a little jolt against the ground as it did so.  
Glancing at the new environment, she found that the platform they’d taken into the arena was now a seamless part of the battlefield - which was nothing more than a massive oval covered in large, white tiles that shimmered with hidden energy.  Surrounding them were huge risers that towered into the sky.  The seats of those risers were filled with spectators - most of whom were on their feet as loud cheers rained down to the arena floor - whistles, claps, shouts, and everything in between.  
The seemingly never-ending cheers kickstarted Ruby’s adrenaline and filling her with an urge to fight and be awesome for everyone in attendance.  She was ready to do her best - no matter how good or bad that might be.  
But, she was also confused as heck.  Because why was Weiss here?
Well, duh.  Of course Weiss came to take their teammate’s place.  Why had it taken Ruby so long to figure that out?  It was exactly the type of gesture she expected from Weiss - who was, without a doubt, one of the sweetest people in existence.
As her heart swelled with gratitude for the girl standing in front of her, she smiled.  
Who cared if her partner was too busy to make the trip?  Weiss showed up like she always did.  Whenever Ruby needed something, Weiss was there to be supportive or encouraging or just really, really pretty to look at.  Those were only some of the reasons Ruby liked her so much.
And honestly, she’d rather spend time with Weiss anyway.
“You’re gonna fight with us?” she asked, taking a step forward and reaching out.  But this time, unlike all the previous times, Weiss didn’t move closer.  Instead, she stood rigidly in place and never broke Ruby’s gaze.
“Oh look!” one of the announcers shouted from above their heads, making Ruby looked up in surprise to find groups of large speakers placed around the giant arena.  “The whole team’s here!  Put the photo up on the screen, Ren!”
The whole team?
“I’m not in charge of that -”
“Someone put the photo up!  Team RWBY is back!”
What did they mean by the whole team?
“Weiss?” she asked again, taking a step closer only for Weiss to remain fixed in place and nod to something above Ruby’s head - towards the ceiling of the stadium.  Following Weiss’ gaze, Ruby found a video screen hanging high above them with ‘TEAM RWBY’ emblazoned on it for the audience to see - with a video clip playing underneath showing -
The four of them.
Wait, it was RWBY?  Not RUBY?
W...as in, Weiss?
W as in what??
“Yes!  Ok, I wanna do the intro - let me do the intro, Ren!  We have the fiery Yang Xiao Long in yellow, and her feisty partner, Blake Belladonna, in black.  I’ll tell ya - don’t make EITHER of them mad.”
“You would know, Nora…”
A ripple of laughter rolled through the crowd as the announcers’ voices echoed from the loudspeakers.  But Ruby found it just a little bit difficult to focus on what they were saying because...the video...it was kind of showing...
“And thennn we have the super poised Weiss Schnee in white, and her partner, aka team captain extraordinaire - the one, the only, the super speedy, Ruby Roseeeee!”
The crowd erupted in cheers at her name - their applause becoming a wall of movement that blurred together around her.  But what she’d just heard - Weiss Schnee in white.  Her partner -
“This year we’re not giving you guys any cover!” the girl announcer explained before laughing gleefully.  “There’s nowhere to hiiiiideeee!”
“The first round will be Beowolves -”
“And they look hungry!!”
On cue, Beowolves began materializing from thin air around the edge of the circular platform Ruby was standing upon.  Ten, twenty, thirty, forty - too many to count.  The creatures let out growls and howls that sent shivers of anticipation down Ruby’s spine while the crowd gasped.  A large timer appeared on the video screen, counting down from thirty to the beginning of the first round.
Cool, Beowolves, but that was nothing compared to what she’d just learned.  
Even though there were hundreds of Grimm and thousand and thousands of people watching, the only person she cared about was Weiss.  And Weiss was watching her closely - her eyes never leaving Ruby while waiting for a reaction.  On the outside, Weiss looked calm, but Ruby could see that her free hand - the one not clutching Myrtenaster - was trembling.
Glancing up again, Ruby took a good look at the video playing on a loop above their heads.  That was her - and that was Yang - and that was Blake - and that was definitely Weiss…
“I’m sorry I’m late,” Weiss finally called out, raising her voice to be heard over the crowd.  “This wasn’t how I wanted you to find out, but...it took me a while to find the courage to be here.  I hope you can forgive me.”
It was true??  
“Wait,” Ruby said, shaking her head in disbelief.  All the signs pointed at one conclusion, but sometimes it was smart just to come out and bluntly ask.  “You’re our teammate??”
All this time it was Weiss?  But that didn’t make sense!  
Or did it?
Raising Myrtenaster to just below eye level, Weiss gave a tense, sad smile while the audience counted down from five.
“The best teammate you ever had,” she said softly before racing towards the Beowolves when the timer reached two.
Dumbstruck, Ruby turned to Yang for answers or...something.  But Yang just shrugged and tapped Ruby on the shoulder as the timer reached zero and the Beowolves lunged forward in unison.
“Come on, Ruby - let’s show ‘em you haven’t lost a step.”  
Pounding her fists together, Yang raced off to engage the nearest pack of Grimm, leaving Ruby to turn to Blake for advice.
“Fight now, talk later,” Blake recommended before tearing off after Yang.
Fight??  How was Ruby supposed to fight right now??
The first Beowolf to reach her lunged towards her head, but she cut it down in two quick moves.  
“You guys!” she whined as the next Beowolf disappeared just as easily.  Defending herself on autopilot, she searched for Weiss at the other end of the arena.
Weiss.  Her partner.  
Three Grimm leapt towards Ruby at once, forcing her to use her semblance to spin herself in a series of rapid circles that caught them all in her blade.  Without Thorn, that move had been impossible because the force of the motion tore Crescent Rose from her grasp - now it was as easy as eating pie.  
Turning in a half circle, she launched her weapon into a crowd of approaching Beowolves, watched them disappear, then summoned her weapon back to her.  Catching Crescent Rose in one hand, she swept low then high to dispatch a group of Grimm that thought they’d gotten the drop on her.  They hadn’t, obviously, because now they were dead.  Er - or gone.  
Even though this was a simulation, it was lifelike enough to get her adrenaline pumping.  And with her adrenaline pumping, it felt like she was prepared to fight a war on this slick and empty arena floor.
Maybe fighting would be easy.  So what if a bomb had just been dropped on her life?  She could focus on the enemies. That wouldn’t be hard to do, especially with the swarms of fake Beowolves in all directions.  Plus, she loved fighting with Weiss!  Maybe because -
Nope.  Focus, Ruby.  The fight!
Picking a clump of Beowolves, she blasted into them and sliced them to bits in seconds.  More replaced them as soon as they fell, but that only meant there were more for her to kill!
The simulated Grimm looked real - and their movements were real - but when they were destroyed it became obvious this wasn’t real at all.  A cloud of black didn’t disappear into the air like in the wild, but instead the Grimm shattered into shimmering pixels that vanished in far less time.  The effect was actually pretty cool - it was like a shower of silver confetti!
Letting a group of five surround her, she jumped in the air and used her semblance to blast herself in circles - extending Crescent Rose to create a circumference of death.  A shower of silver glitter burst into the air before her feet even touched the ground.
Beowolves were pieces of cake.  Not literally, although that’d be much more scrumptious.  But they were easy to slice through - like butter!  With every jab and pull and spin, more fell.  More replaced them, but then they fell as well.
In a brief interlude, Ruby picked out her teammates to make sure no one needed help.  Blake and Yang were fighting together, and Weiss - Weiss froze a line of eight Grimm to the ground before using a glyph to shoot through them like an arrow.
So cool.  That was Ruby’s partner.  
Oh!  Should she be fighting next to Weiss, like Yang was with Blake?  The plan had been everyone for themselves, but partners stuck together, right?
Spooling up her semblance, she decided that maybe she’d take a lap around the arena and see if Weiss needed any help.  It was pretty obvious that she didn’t, but Ruby could still offer, right?
Crouching her knees before blasting towards the nearest Beowolf, she destroyed it with a single slash of Crescent Rose before continuing in an arcing path that swept her through as many Grimm as possible before nearing the side of the platform Weiss had on lockdown.  
Out of the corner of her eye, Ruby noticed a huge group of Beowolves spawn in the middle of the map and race towards Yang and Blake.  Figuring that her sister had that situation under control, Ruby cut through another Beowolf and flew towards an isolated group of three at full speed.
Lifting Crescent Rose into an attack position, Ruby was just about to take care of this last section of Grimm when they suddenly disappeared - and left Weiss standing in their place.  
Slamming on the brakes, Ruby tried and failed to stop in time - and collided with Weiss instead.  Not hard enough to knock her over or anything!  But hard enough that it was a weird forced hug of sorts.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Ruby mumbled while quickly separating herself from Weiss and blushing profusely.  
That had been a lot of touching…
“It’s alright,” Weiss replied with a blush of her own before briefly turning away and scanning for more enemies - although there were none nearby since she’d just cleaned up the last of them without Ruby’s delayed attempt to help.
After staring at each other for a second too long, they both flinched in surprise when a massive explosion shook the arena.  Turning towards the sound, Ruby watched a giant fireball shooting into the air - taking the rest of the Beowolves with it while a loud chime rang out.  Glancing up, she saw that their countdown timer had stopped as well.
Apparently, the Grimm got a little too close to Yang.
“Kaboom!!  I told you not to make her angry!”
“Er...good job!” Ruby said to Weiss while Blake and Yang regrouped with them for the next stage.  
Wow, she felt awkward.  About as awkward as Weiss currently looked while rubbing at her elbow.
“Thank you…”
Ruby’s focus had been so tunneled in on the Grimm that her attention to the rest of the stadium had faded to the background.  Now that the enemies were gone, the noise of the crowd came back to her ears - cheering and clapping and whistles of appreciation.
“This one time I beat Yang in an arm-wrestling competition.  She was so mad, she pushed over a wall in the cafeteria!”  
“Nora, that was you.”
“I demand a rematch!”
When the crowd laughed, Yang chuckled - her eyes still red from battle as she swung her arms back and forth.  
“How’re you doing?” she asked Ruby.
How was she doing?  Well, there was that whole Weiss thing, but when they only had thirty seconds until the next round started - time that was already ticking away - right now didn’t seem like the best moment to talk about that.
“That was great!” she said instead, focusing on the fight and not all that other stuff.
She’d been worried about making a fool of herself or getting them disqualified in the first round, but they’d made it through no problem!  And now her veins were practically vibrating with energy. So much adrenaline!!  That first round hadn’t been bad either - it was actually pretty easy!
“Team RWBY breezes through round one, as expected.”
“I’d say Team RWBY ‘schneezed’ through round one!”
“No, Nora.  We’re not doing that today.”
“What’s next?” Ruby asked while bouncing on her toes.  She was ready for more pretend Grimm - or something to keep her mind occupied for a bit longer.
Low, dangerous growls were her answer - the deep rumblings causing the crowd to collectively draw in a breath.  Pumping one fist, Yang then pointed over Ruby’s shoulder.  
“Hell yeah!  Ursa!”
On the bright side, at least someone was excited to see the rows and rows of giant, towering Grimm with cinder blocks for paws.  Seriously, their claws were probably longer than Ruby’s arm. Ok, that was an exaggeration, but not by much!
“Those are big…” she muttered to herself, clutching Crescent Rose in anticipation while the Ursa shook their heads and sniffed the air before letting out more growls that sounded really, really angry.  
Big was only a good thing when used to describe pieces of cake or bowls of ice cream.  Big Grimm usually meant powerful Grimm.  And powerful Grimm meant hard to kill Grimm.
“They’re clumsy and slow.”
Turning to her right, Ruby was surprised to find Weiss standing near her elbow.  Not too close, but close enough that it would look like they were standing together to an outside observer.  
Because they were standing together!  And why was it surprising that Weiss was here?  Of course she was here!  She’d come to fight with Ruby, just like Ruby wanted.  
But she’d also wanted to meet her partner - which she’d already done like forever ago when Weiss showed up at dinner.
Ugh.  This was so confusing.
“Uh, well I hope so!” Ruby replied, sparing a quick glance towards the rapidly disappearing time until the potentially-deadly Grimm decided standing around wasn’t fun anymore.  
Turning to the side, Weiss gave Ruby a small smile.
“Use your semblance to get behind them, and you’ll be just fine.  Promise.”
Wow, that was super easy.  With one simple promise, Weiss wiped most of Ruby’s nerves away.  Of course, she already knew how Ruby should handle the Grimm because - yeah, nevermind that for now.  Use her semblance, get behind them. Sounded like a piece of cake!
“Thank you, Weiss!” she replied with a grin.  Her gratitude was genuine, but Weiss responded with only a half smile before turning her full attention to the Ursa horde in front of them.  
If the Ursa were clumped together like this, that probably meant that as soon as the round started…
When a chime rang out, the Ursa did exactly what Ruby expected - meaning they all charged forward as one giant wall of angry Grimm.  One Ursa was intimidating...this army was formidable, to say the least.
“I’ll keep their attention.  You guys get behind ‘em!” Yang shouted over the growls and thumps of stampeding feet.
She had no idea how Yang was going to ‘keep their attention’ by herself, but she trusted that her sister knew what she was doing.  Seeing no other options, Ruby did what Weiss suggested - searching for an opportunity to sprint through the oncoming Grimm.  Her eyes were glued to the incoming horde while looking for a sliver of an opening that she could burst through without getting caught between two or more Ursa.  The opening didn’t have to be very big.  It only needed to be enough for her to slip through - there!
Darting forward, she squeezed her way through the first two rows of Ursa before skipping to the side when the Grimm in back blocked her original path.  For the briefest of moments, she was stuck in the center of a deadly mass of claws and glowing red eyes, but the back rows presented an alternate path that she took without hesitation.  Brushing past several Ursa, almost knocked off balance by several more, she managed to make it through unharmed.  
Well, almost unharmed.  Their awful stench hurt her nose!  That was one added bit of realism she could’ve gone without.  The sounds were great and the designs were awesome, but did they really have to add the smells?
The second she found fresh air, she slammed Crescent Rose into the ground and propelled herself through a quick about-face.  Tightening Thorn when the momentum attempted to separate her from her weapon, she released perfectly and kicked up her feet as she flew forward - drilling into an unsuspecting Ursa’s back.  At the speed she was going, there was enough force in the blow to knock the Ursa into the one in front - three of them colliding and tumbling to the ground like bowling pins. Strike!  
Huh...maybe it’d be cool to have drills or some kind of weapon in the bottom of her boots to do more damage!  
One of the Ursa in the back of the crowd noticed her, so there was no time to think through that idea before engaging the creature.  As expected, Weiss’ advice was spot on - they were slow and kind of dumb.  Ruby was a lot faster.  
Ducking under a huge paw flying towards her head, she burst behind the Ursa so quickly that it nearly tumbled to the ground just trying to track her movement.  WIth the creature off balance and exposed, it only took five perfectly-placed blows to send silver sprinkles into the air.
That was her first real-fake Ursa kill!
Most of the Grimm had continued to Yang, who was managing to hold them at bay while Weiss, Blake, and Ruby thinned them out from behind.  She had no idea how Blake and Weiss had gotten through the horde, but they must’ve catapulted over somehow.  Could they jump that far?  Blake probably could.
Solving that mystery would have to wait because what mattered right now was killing Grimm as fast as possible.  That was definitely something Ruby could do!  And, since they were only simulations, she didn’t need to be concerned about her health!  Well, she should be a little worried...she didn’t want to get knocked out of the round by doing something stupid, but for the most part she could fly around killing Grimm with everything she had!
One Ursa, two Ursa, three Ursa, four.  Distracted by Yang, the big Grimm were surprisingly easy to get rid of, and their ranks dwindled by the second.
Now Ruby understood how Yang planned to hold their attention - by allowing them to surround her then relying on her strength to physically push them back.  It seemed just a little dangerous, but she was handling it ok so far!  Plus, at the rate they were moving - with Blake and Weiss knocking down one Ursa after the next - Yang only needed to hold out a little longer...
In the middle of zipping around, then through, another Ursa, Ruby suddenly felt her feet skip unnaturally across the ground while hearing a weird clank-ing noise beneath them.  
What the heck was that?
“Ruby!” Blake shouted over the sound of Ursa growls before ducking underneath a paw.  “The arena’s going to spin!  Hold onto something!”
That didn’t make any sense, but Ruby still tried to search for something while also dodging a huge set of claws hurtling towards her head.  What was there to hold onto though?  The entire platform was nothing but flat, white, super-smooth panels.
In crazy unison, her teammates all skipped away from the Ursa - Yang jumping and planting both feet into a poor Ursa’s face before propelling herself out of the crowd.  Blake immediately plunged Gambol into the ground while Yang landed a safe distance away and punched her arm through the floor.  Weiss used Myrtenaster to create her own lever to hold onto.
By the time Ruby thought to use Crescent Rose, her feet had flown out from underneath her and she hit the floor - sticking her arms out at the last instant to soften her fall and keep her from potentially breaking her jaw.  The remaining Ursa had also fallen over - not that it mattered because the next second she was sailing off the edge of the arena towards the risers filled with people.
The Ursa instantly disappeared once they slipped from the platform, but Ruby wasn’t bound by whatever program ran the show.  Nope.  She flew right towards the crowds - until an ice white glyph appeared directly in her path. Without thinking, she spun, planted her boots squarely on the glyph, and rocketed back to the arena.
Just like the grapes had done!
And, just like the grapes, she was now shooting entirely-too-fast towards the still-spinning platform.  
She tried to stick the landing, but all she ended up doing was tumbling forward before sliding towards the other edge of the arena.  With no leverage to use Crescent Rose, she tightened Thorn’s fingers - causing an awful screeching sound to rip through the air until the reinforced metal broke through the floor panels and stuck tight.  Locking Thorn in place, she hung on until the world finally slowed to a stop.
Of course, her world was still spinning when she got to her feet.  After taking one wobbly step forward, she stopped and leaned on Crescent Rose for balance.  Her ears were still working though!  Fine enough that she could hear applause over the sound of one of the announcers giggling.
“They had NO idea that was coming!”
“Ruby almost flew into the stands, but got last-second help from her partner.”
Upon hearing the word, Ruby immediately sought out Weiss - finding that she was walking over to join them.  Each step looked like it was measured, as if she was trying not to stumble like Ruby knew she would if she tried to walk right now.  Blake was walking normally, of course, but her balance was crazy good. And Yang was stumbling, but she made it to Ruby first.
“Should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy,” Yang huffed while dusting debris from her hand.
“That’s probably what got the first team,” Blake added before her eyes drifted up to the clock and then back to Yang.  “We need to be ready for it to happen again. Or else Ruby will get to say ‘hello’ to her fans.”
“I mean, that’s fine with me!  But I’d rather no land in someone’s nachos!” Ruby answered before laughing and turning to a rather silent Weiss.  “Thanks for the assist, Weiss.  You really saved me there!”
“Of course, Ruby,” Weiss answered with a smile and small nod.
“This is pretty easy!” Ruby observed, avoiding that topic while swinging Crescent Rose from side-to-side.  “I kinda thought we’d get knocked out already!”
“The first two rounds are usually easy.  This is where it gets interesting.”
As Blake spoke, two giant creatures began to form on the arena floor - one on either side of them.  Coiled like garden hoses, the Grimm grew larger and larger by the second.  Their identity was revealed when unmistakable forked tongues, huge fangs, and red eyes appeared.  Ruby’s own eyes followed the snakeheads as they rose high into the air, towering above the arena floor and weaving back and forth while locking onto her and her teammates as prey.
“Oh...my...god…” she breathed out.  
It was a King Taijitu.  Two of them. And they were huge.  Like really, really, really huge.
“Ohhh Ruby loves these!”  
Ruby turned towards the speakers - the source of the commentary - before looking back at the snake in front of her.   
“I don’t think so…” she muttered to herself.  
How could she possibly love these things?  They made her skin crawl.  And look at them!  There was nothing lovable about them.  Ursa were kind of cuddly, like bears.  Beowolves had the whole ‘somewhat relatable to dogs in a weird way’ thing going on.  King Taijitus had none of that. They were scaley, and big, and had two freaking heads!
“Split up?” Yang suggested, looking to Ruby for approval.  “You guys take one - Blake and I take the other?”
When Ruby numbly nodded, Yang grinned and slapped her on the back of her shoulder.  A little hard, but that was only because Yang was so amped up right now.
“We’ll take the left!”
“They’re fast.  Be careful,” Blake added before turning towards the left King Taijitu with Yang.
“Goooo Ruby!  Tie ‘em in knots!”
The chime sounded, the round started, and Ruby watched the snakes slither forward.  But they approached far more cautiously than the Ursa or Beowolves had.  So...they were bigger, faster, and smarter.
Eh, so that confidence she’d just been feeling was now gone!
“They’re fast, but you’re faster,” Weiss said quietly while they watched and waited.  “You can do this, Ruby.”
Without another word, Weiss slid smoothly to one side, drawing the attention of the white snake’s head.  The black snake remained focused on Ruby - unnervingly, unblinkingly focused.  When she took a step to one side, the head moved with her.  Moving to the other side, again it followed.  Unlike the Ursa and Beowolves, this Grimm was waiting for her to attack first.  It wasn’t going to throw itself at her willy-nilly - it was strategizing as much as she was.
Which was interesting.  That meant she’d have to outthink it.  This wasn’t just plowing through Grimm fodder - this was a game of who’s smarter.  That did make this a bit more fun than the first two rounds - strategery was always fun!
When Weiss was in place on the opposite side of Ruby, the King Taijitu stopped moving with both heads trained on them.  They were standing just outside of where the snakes could lash out and reach them.  At least, she hoped they were standing far enough away.
But time was wasting away.  They needed to get this done fast, but she didn’t want to rush into anything and get destroyed!  The sound of shotgun blasts rang out from behind her, interspersed with rapid bullets and an occasional hiss of anger while the crowd cheered in earnest.  Yang and Blake had just engaged their King T. - now it was time for Ruby to stop waiting!
Tie them in knots...actually, that was a good idea.  If they were fast, maybe they were too fast.  That was a problem she had a lot of the time.  That’s why she ran into stuff a lot (at least, that’s the excuse she used).
With red eyes trained on her, she began jogging in a slow circle around the beast.  The eyes followed as the head swiveled to track her progress.  The white snake’s head hardly acknowledged her when she passed behind Weiss, but the black snake trailed her the entire time.  Perfect.
Picking up the pace for the next lap and moving within striking distance, Ruby kept a lookout for the incoming attack out of the corner of the eye.  Another lap was made without incident, so she moved even closer and hoped that Weiss understood what she was trying to do. The bait had to be perfectly timed…
Fangs suddenly shot out towards her - faster than she’d expected, but thankfully not fast enough that she couldn’t blast forward out of the way.  The King Taijitu flew past behind her and immediately turned to follow as she raced towards Weiss.  
Right on cue - even though there’d been no cue - Weiss feinted forward and taunted the white head into an attack.  When it flashed forward, both of them dove out of the way and the two heads collided together with a smack.  Rolling back to her feet, Ruby briefly smiled when the sound of laughter reached her ears - but there wasn’t time for much else as the giant snake struggled to reorient itself, shaking both heads and hissing in very loud, very scary anger.
“Don’t give it time!” Weiss shouted while sending streams of red Dust towards the eyes to prevent them from locking on again.  Nodding, Ruby raced towards the creature at its nearest point to her - prepared to attack.
That’s when she heard it again - a clank as her feet stuttered against the ground.  
This time she reacted instantly, slamming Crescent Rose into the ground and locking Thorn in place as the floor suddenly spun in the opposite direction as before.  This instance was much shorter than the first, and she released herself the second the platform stopped - timing it perfectly and propelling herself straight towards the white King Taijitu with Crescent Rose raised in greeting.  The Grimm jerked backward as she slashed at it - making her miss by mere inches before her feet jumped again.
Leaping away as a set of fangs whipped past her ear, she waited until the last possible second to plant Crescent Rose in the ground as the arena spun - using the momentum to swing herself around and launch herself back to the creature the instant she’d lined up the perfect trajectory.  
The arena was still in motion - the King Taijitus ducking their heads while spinning in a rapid circle - and Ruby was now flying through the air as one of the creatures unwittingly approached her path.  
A matter of milliseconds before they collided together, one red eye locked onto her and immediately attacked.  A giant mouth snapped towards her - jaws open, fangs fully extended.
Drawing Crescent Rose back, she flung the weapon forward and watched it slice through the soft, exposed skin of the Grimm’s inner mouth.  Immediately recalling her weapon, a second blow was delivered from behind as Crescent Rose shot back to her and a last-second blast of ice shoved the white head to the side before she ended up inside its mouth.  
As the white side of the King Taijitu began to fall, Ruby caught Crescent Rose and spun in the air to strike out at the black head pursuing her while she fell to the ground.
At least she’d been planning to attack, but a white blur shot through the snake’s head from below and sent a shower of silver in the air as Ruby landed and slid a step backward before everything came to a complete stop.  A few seconds later, Weiss dropped from the sky and landed in a crouch with Myrtenaster still at the ready.
She looked so cool.  Like a huntress from the movies or something.  It was rude to stare, but Ruby couldn’t help it.  Weiss was so poised and pretty and awesome!
After briefly glancing at Ruby, Weiss turned to the other side of the arena.  Ruby’s gaze followed to find that the other Grimm was already half crippled and had somehow gotten one of its fangs stuck in Yang’s grasp.  While it struggled to escape, Blake sent a flurry of blows to cut it down.  In a matter of seconds, she must’ve hit the beast hundreds of times - and she could’ve done even more if it hadn’t disappeared in a cloud of glitter an instant later.
But they were done.  They’d done it!  The crowd was cheering and everything!
“That wasn’t so bad!” she told Weiss, both of them breathing a little heavily from exertion.  When Weiss smiled in return, this time it was a real smile.
“I knew you could do it.”
“Not without you!  Teamwork!”  Giving a little hop of joy and a grin, for a split second it felt like nothing had changed.  It wasn’t until Yang and Blake rejoined them that Ruby remembered that tiny little bombshell from a few minutes ago.  But this was still awesome and fun!  And she was glad Weiss was here versus some stranger.  Plus, they made a good team - what with Weiss pretty awesomely taking out that King Taijitu right when Ruby had caused enough distraction that it was vulnerable.
“Team RWBY has little problem with the arena this time - dispatching those King Taijitus easily.”
“They need to spin the floor faster!  Can they do that?  Can I be in charge of that?”
“For the safety of our contestants, I’m going to say no -”
“Oh nevermind, I thought of one!  The ‘RW’ part of Team RWBY will make you ‘rue’ the day you messed with them!”  
“Really, Nora?”
“This is fun!” Ruby said, bouncing up and down while the announcers bantered and the clock rapidly ticked down to the next round.  Not having any type of cover was a little weird but made things more interesting.  And the spinning was actually pretty cool now that she knew when it would happen!  Plus, the simulated Grimm were just awesome in general.  Could they get one of these things in their backyard?  She wanted to fight Grimm at home!  That’d be the best thing ever!  Although it might freak the neighbors out...
“Ren, I’ve been wondering - could they ‘BY’ anymore ferocious?”
“Alright - time for round four.”
“How do you think we’re doing on time?” Yang asked while glancing at the clock, slightly breathless.
“We’re not going to have much left.”
“Damn.  What’s next?  I wasn’t paying attention.”
Yang was still speaking when their next enemies materialized on one end of the arena.  The yellow stingers held high in the air immediately gave the creatures away - Death Stalkers - a lot of them.  Big ones, too.  As soon as they were fully formed, their claws clacked together in anticipation while they shuffled side-to-side on those strange rows of tiny legs.  A few whipped their stingers forward like they were warming up - the speed enough to send an audible snap through the air. Their thick armor plating was pristinely white and marked with veins of glowing red.  
Almost too perfectly marked, but that didn’t make them any less intimidating.  They were big.  And something about that clacking sound made Ruby’s stomach turn.
“Weiss…” Yang said, her voice carrying that same warning tone Ruby recognized from whenever she was thinking about doing something stupid.
“You’ve got them,” Weiss replied, lowering Myrtenaster while Blake and Yang flew across the field when the chime rang out.  Ruby watched in dumbfounded awe as the Death Stalkers tried to swarm and collapse on the two girls, but between Yang’s fists beating them back and Blake’s shadow clones and ribbon twisting Yang about, the Grimm could never get a drop on the pair.
The crowd roared when Yang grabbed ahold of one of the stingers and Blake seamlessly separated it from the creature before Yang slammed it into another.
But while they were fighting, Weiss seemed perfectly content to stay on the far side of the arena.  Which was confusing. Why would Weiss want to stay here? Ruby wanted in on the action!  Her adrenaline was still running full force, but she also didn’t feel like she could leave Weiss’ side.  They were partners!  In every sense of the word!
Undecided, Ruby turned back and forth several times while weighing her options.  They were running out of time, but Weiss wasn’t moving!  Leave her here and help Blake and Yang?  Or stay here until Weiss decided to move?
“You want to go?” Weiss finally asked, turning towards Ruby with a knowing expression.
“Uh...yeah, kinda,” she answered honestly.  There were Grimm to be killed, and she wanted to do the killing.
Nodding, Weiss placed her palms together and briefly closed her eyes.  A glyph spun around her feet before swirling into the air in between them; another one appeared further away towards the Death Stalkers.  When Weiss opened her eyes and looked at Ruby, it was with eyes clearer than she’d ever seen.
“Want to try something new?”  
There was a hint of a smile on Weiss’ lips as she tilted her head towards the glyph.  Grinning at the invitation, Ruby bent her knees, spooled her semblance, and rocketed towards it.  
Weiss’ glyphs were like beautiful works of art with so many hidden secrets.  What Ruby knew about them was that they could bounce grapes really well, kept her from flying into crowds of people, and allowed Weiss to move around like she was on skates.
Now it was time to find out what they could really do!
Leaping through the air as she approached the first glyph, she tucked her legs and spun around to land her feet squarely in the center.  Bouncing off, her speed increased - like finding a nice, smooth patch of ice to slide across...only ten times better.
Quickly understanding the potential, she pushed her semblance harder towards the next glyph Weiss had created - this one leading Ruby directly to the nearest Death Stalker.  This time as she spun and planted her boots firmly on the glyph, she pulled Crescent Rose in front of her while preparing to strike.  
The poor, poor Grimm never saw the attack coming.  It was only after Ruby flew past and struck out with Crescent Rose that the creature lashed out at her with its stinger, but she was already headed in the opposite direction thanks to the second glyph Weiss had prepared.  Another attack, and another.  It took five total blows to the creature’s underbelly before it disappeared in silver confetti.  
And that was Ruby’s first real-fake Death Stalker kill!  Courtesy of Weiss Schnee, the incredible glyph-maker.
There was no time to rest though - because Ruby was already blazing towards the next closest Grimm.  Bouncing between Weiss’ glyphs like a super fast pinball, Ruby sliced and diced the Death Stalkers wherever she saw the chance.
With Weiss guiding the way, Ruby never had to think about where to go next - the only thing she had to do was find the next glyph, which Weiss had already placed in the perfect location.
And Ruby was flying.  So fast.  Her semblance was spraying rose petals like a fire hose sprayed water.  Really, how was Weiss even able to track anything at this speed?  She must have some crazy fast mental reflexes.
Crazy fast and crazy perfect.  The Death Stalkers never even came close to touching Ruby, but she got close to them!  Their unarmored underbelly was ordinarily tricky to get to, but at the pace she was going there were inevitably opportunities that opened up - like when they raised up in the air and tried to snatch her with their giant claws.  Precisely at moments like those, Weiss zipped Ruby down to the ground and flew her underneath for several deadly blows before whisking her away.
This must be how Yang felt using Blake’s ribbons - the ability to change directions on a dime was awesome and so helpful!  Plus, there was this...trust might be the best word.  Trusting that Weiss was making the best strategic decision from afar, all Ruby had to worry about was what was directly in front of her.  
Attack, get to the next glyph, attack.  It was so easy.  Maybe that was one of the reasons having a partner was so awesome.
For every destroyed Grimm, the crowd cheered - loud enough to briefly break through Ruby’s concentration as a tiny blip on her radar.  Knowing that people were watching only made her want to be even better and go even faster.
Now she understood what Yang had been walking about - they were here to impress!  They were here to show how skilled they were so that everyone could sleep at night.  Have no fear - huntsmen were here!
Spurring her semblance into an even higher gear, Ruby pinged through the glyphs like she was on fire - destroying Death Stalkers in the process.  The angles Weiss chose were perfect.  Some were clever; others were straight genius.  A lot of them Ruby wouldn’t have seen from so close to the battle, but Weiss saw each tiny window and sent Ruby to exploit it.  The gaps were sometimes microscopic, but they were quick, efficient, and deadly.  
Halfway between two Death Stalkers, something caught Ruby’s attention out of the corner of her eye.  When the crowd collectively drew its breath, she knew it was something worth watching.  
Risking a peek towards the shape, her jaw dropped as a giant soldier formed out of thin air - towering above the arena with his massive sword clutched in one hand.  His white armor shimmered majestically, while his posture was poised and ready for whatever would be thrown his way.  
Ronnie - the name Blake suggested.  It made Ruby grin just to see him - with his goofy, not-at-all scary name.  He was still the coolest thing she’d ever seen.  
Suddenly, the glyphs rotated and led Ruby directly toward the soldier, whizzing past Grimm and drawing more and more attention as she went.  The creatures turned and snapped out at her, but never caught more than air and maybe a few petals left in her dust.  There was a strong urge in her chest to keep engaging the Grimm, but she trusted Weiss and followed the glyphs anyway.  With a tumbling horde of skittering feet on her heels, she was bringing a small army of the Death Stalkers directly to Weiss’ soldier.  He was going to do something cool, right?  Had to be.
As she approached, running straight towards him at full speed, he bent down on one knee and held one giant palm open for her.  Not even blinking, she hit the brakes and slid right into his hand. Now, running into the clutches of a giant wasn’t usually recommended, but this was Weiss!  Er, Ronnie! Ruby trusted both of them completely.
The next second, her feet were jerked from the ground, and she was given a light toss back the way she’d just come.  ‘Light toss’...it sent her soaring at least fifty feet above the ground while Ronnie smoothly stood and took a wide swing at the Death Stalkers underneath her feet.  Twisting her body around in midair, Ruby saw that she was going to land behind the Grimm - whose attention was now solely drawn to Weiss’ soldier.  
They’d lost track of Ruby flipping behind them.  Brilliant.
Landing in a crouch and sliding several feet backward before coming to a stop, Ruby hardly had time to straighten before two blurs shot past her.  With the Death Stalkers preoccupied, Blake and Yang were taking advantage of the weakness.  
And Ronnie served as an excellent distraction - absorbing the Death Stalker’s attacks similar to what Yang had done with the Ursa.  The Grimm tried to crowd around him, snapping their stingers forward like whips while clambering over each other to try to catch him in their grasp.
Bursting forward with her semblance, Ruby caught up to Yang and Blake - then the three of them plowed into the Death Stalkers from behind.  By the time the creatures noticed them, it was already too late.
Or it would have been too late if Ruby hadn’t suddenly felt a great weight press down on her shoulders, nearly forcing her to the floor.
Without warning, the arena shot straight up into the air - the upward momentum nearly plastering her and her teammates to the ground with a slew of Death Stalkers slowly turning towards them.  
As abruptly as the feeling had appeared, it disappeared.  The weight vanished, and suddenly Ruby was floating - her feet leaving the ground as she was left suspended in midair.  Briefly looking around, she found that they were outside of the arena now - high enough that she could see all of Beacon’s grounds in the distance.
Weightlessness only lasted for a second before she was falling - chasing the arena floor back to its starting point.  That’d be all well and good if she was falling by herself, but the Death Stalkers were still close - close enough that they could lash out with their stingers.
Lifting Crescent Rose to deflect a stinger that shot towards her, she was surprised to see a glyph appear in front of her at the last second.  The Death Stalker slammed its stinger into the glyph at full speed and shot it backward at itself.  
So...she was hurtling towards the ground at terminal velocity, but the Grimm was now disoriented from hitting the glyph.  There was no way she could pass an opportunity like this up.
Clutching Thorn around Crescent Rose, she drew back and threw the weapon as hard as she could towards the creature - making sure to account for the upward wind speed and her lack of leverage.  The blade sliced through the air and hit the Death Stalker exactly where she’d placed it, succeeding in separating the stinger from the end of the tail.
When a glyph appeared near her feet, she immediately shoved off of it and went flying after her weapon while tapping out the code to recall it.  Seamlessly catching Crescent Rose before latching onto a piece of the Death Stalker’s armor with Thorn, she attacked in rapid succession to dispatch the creature.
Meanwhile, to her side, she watched Blake rope one of the Death Stalkers and pull herself to it - fluidly looping around the stinger as it tried to attack before tugging Yang after her.  When the two dismantled the Death Stalker and moved to the next one in the same fashion, Ruby grinned.
They didn't even need to be on the ground to be awesome.
Her own feet found another of Weiss’ glyphs and sent her shooting to another Death Stalker, where she was surprised but also excited to meet up with Weiss.  Weiss deflected the stinger with Myrtenaster before Ruby followed up as fast as she possibly could - throwing herself off of the creature while hooking Crescent Rose around its tail and yanking her weapon free.  
Another glyph bounced her away from danger as the other Death Stalkers attempted to spear her, but...the ground was rushing up to greet them pretty quickly now…
“Look down, Ruby - get ready!” Weiss shouted as they re-entered the stadium.  Doing as she was told, Ruby looked down at the arena and watched as four glyphs swirled into existence.
Out of reach of the Grimm, Ruby watched as they plummeted towards the glyphs.  Timing her drop as best she could, she crouched her knees and felt her legs sink in, as if stepping into pudding or molasses.  Almost immediately after, she shot back up into the air - whereas the Death Stalkers continued their descent and crashed into the arena in a heap of Grimm that quickly became a hurricane of silver sparkles.
Except for one.
Dropping to the ground from a much more manageable height after using the glyph, Ruby found the sole remaining Death Stalker dazed and disoriented by the fall - which it had only survived by landing on the backs of its former companions.
“I got it,” Blake said before sprinting towards their last foe.  When Yang obediently stayed behind, Ruby did too.  
They watched the creature swipe at Blake, hitting nothing but clone.  Its tail struck out at another before it swung its entire body to the side trying to pinpoint Blake’s position.  Nothing but clone, clone, and more clone.  
Suddenly, there were a lot of them.  More and more clones appeared and disappeared in rapid succession around the Death Stalker.  Soon there were so many that the Grimm was blocked from view - the only thing they could see was a massive growing cyclone of spinning clones and darting blades.
A flash of silver and the shadows instantly disappeared, leaving only Blake standing on the arena floor where the Death Stalker had once been.  While the crowd cheered, she gave Yang a smug look that clearly said, ‘There.  Was that good enough for you?’
“Wow,” was all Ruby could think to say.  She’d never seen so many shadow clones before!  
Yang let out a laugh that was part surprise, part pure glee.
“I’m so in love with that girl,” she said before bounding off to join her partner.
“A clonado, Ren!!  That was awesome!!”
“That was very well done.”
“Oh lighten up poo-poo head!  That was one of the coolest things we’ve seen!”
The announcers were right about that!  A tornado of clones!  
Watching Yang lift Blake off the ground, it was out of the corner of her eye that Ruby noticed Weiss walk up beside her.
“That was pretty cool, huh?” she asked, her breathing slightly labored from the energy expended that last round.  Weiss nodded but didn’t say anything while watching Yang and Blake celebrate.    
“Your glyphs too - those are awesome,” Ruby added, but Weiss only gave a small smile at the compliment.  
“I’m glad you like them,” she replied with a slight dip of her head.
Urg...were things going to be this awkward forever?  It felt like everything was ok there for a second, but now it was all weird again!  Hopefully this wasn’t going to last for long.  They were almost out of time, and then they could talk.  They probably needed to talk.
“As usual, speed isn’t an issue for Team RWBY.  They have ten seconds left for the final round…”
“They’ve already blazed past the other teams here today!  Get it?  Blazed?  Ren, you get it, right?”
“There will be one announcer’s position open after this, if anyone would like it.”
“Awww don’t be like that!”
While Blake and Yang jogged over, something began to form at one end of the arena - and it didn’t take long for Ruby to figure out that it wasn’t any type of Grimm she’d seen before.  For one thing, there was no black!  It was almost entirely silver and kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger…
That was all Blake had to say, which was a pretty appropriate reaction to what they were looking at.
“That’s big,” Weiss agreed with a nod.
It looked like a beefed up Paladin, with far more armor than necessary.  Like way too much armor.  And the guns - sweet Dust, the guns.  The rockets alone were enough to destroy multiple skyscrapers, but machine gun turrets too?  That was way overkill.  And were those grenade launchers??
It looked like someone had crawled into Ruby’s imagination and dragged out the most insane contraption of firepower imaginable.  It probably couldn’t move very well because of all the armor, but that wouldn’t matter with the damage it could spray in what looked like every direction.
“That thing looks awesome!  I wanna fight it!”
“Maybe later, Nora…”
A loud whirring noise filled the air as the turrets began to spin, combined with several clunking sounds of rockets being loaded into launching bays.
“What do we do, boss?” Yang asked, turning to Ruby for an answer.
Trying to come up with a plan, Ruby looked up at the video screen.  When the round started, they’d have ten seconds. That wasn’t much time at all.  Their only option was something drastic.  And fast.
Sizing up the machine, she said the first thing that came to mind.  Usually those were the worst, and therefore best ideas.
“Split him in half!”  
Clenching one fist, she gestured up in the air before drawing a line to Yang’s arm.  All three of her teammates looked at her like she was absolutely crazy until Yang started laughing.
“You know, that just might work,” she replied with a couple nods of appreciation.
“He’s all yours,” Blake said, smiling and standing back.  After pounding one fist into her palm, Yang set herself into a fighting stance.
“I’m ready for him.  Weiss, you ready?”
A line of glyphs appeared - marking a straight shot to their last enemy - and Weiss nodded.  Crouching down like a sprinter, Ruby ignored the sounds of the machine preparing to fire and instead listened to the crowd counting down to zero.  Every fiber in her body was ready to send her shooting forward as fast as possible.
If this didn’t work, oh well.  At least they’d tried!
The instant the chime rang out, Ruby took the line of glyphs like she had rockets strapped to her boots.  Traveling in a straight line, she opened up her semblance and pushed herself as fast as she could go.  She needed to be faster than...well, bullets, basically.  Which she was.  
With Weiss’ glyphs giving her an extra bit of propulsion, she made it to the machine before the glowing rocket tubes were even able to fire.  There was a loud pop when she slammed Crescent Rose deep into metal and jumped with everything she had, using the glyph under her feet to launch herself into the air.  The crowd noise seemed to die away as she used her semblance to carry her up as far as she could, feeling the enormous weight of the machine dragging behind her.  
As her momentum faded, she reached the tipping point.  Again, she found that feeling of weightlessness as she briefly hung suspended above the stadium, but gravity quickly kicked in.  Rotating her grip and locking Thorn around Crescent Rose, she flipped around to face the ground and used every last bit of energy she had left to propel herself downward.  The added force dug her weapon deeper into the machine’s plating and cemented its impending demise.  With her semblance maxing out, she steadily gained speed while the ground rushed up to greet her.
“Ember One, this is Ember Two - coming in hot -” she murmured while exhausting the remnants of her semblance.
With a giant monster in tow, she leveled off the angle and tapped her last bit of reserves to burst forward across the arena floor.  She didn’t need to see where Yang was - she knew that her sister would be there as she dragged the machine at supersonic speed straight into a burning fist.  
It was like a freight train crashing into the wall of a mountain.
There was another loud pop as Crescent Rose suddenly broke free, and Ruby immediately hit the brakes - finally sliding to a stop on the far side of the arena.  The crowd was back; the people in front of her had their jaws dropped before they were on their feet clapping - the sound adding to the cheers going up throughout the packed stadium.
Turning around, she found one half of the machine lying where it had stopped dead at Yang’s feet, while the other half lay smoldering between them.
But that actually worked!  How ‘bout that??
“That was INCREDIBLE!  Did you see that, Ren?  Did you see that??”
“I don’t think anyone actually saw it, Nora -”
“Imagine it then!  That was so cool!  One second, it’s there.  The next second it’s split in half!  Welcome back, Ruby!  We’ve missed your crazy self!!”
They’d done it!
When her ears picked up the crowd cheering for them, Ruby grinned.  “RWBY, RWBY, RWBY!” they chanted over and over again while her heart pounded in the same rhythm.  Spinning in a slow circle to look at the wall of spectators, she raised her gloved hand in a wave before her eyes fell back to her teammates.  Her team.
Beaming proudly, Yang raised one fist to Ruby in a ‘success’ gesture.  Walking up beside Yang, Blake placed one hand on her partner’s shoulder before giving Ruby a small smile, ears twitching happily.  And Weiss...Weiss watched Ruby carefully.  When they made eye contact, she smiled hesitantly, closed her eyes, and gave Ruby a half curtsy.
There was no good way to describe how she felt right now, as the chants of the crowd reverberated in her chest and her teammates stood in front of her.  Ecstatic.  Happy. Elated.  All those good things, but it also felt like something was stirring inside of her.  It felt familiar...like maybe she’d been here before.  Like maybe this feeling of success wasn’t as foreign as it should be.  
What Blake had said was true - Ruby could feel it.  She’d made it back.  Maybe these were only simulated enemies, but they were programmed to be lifelike in their difficulty.  Maybe this had been a controlled environment where she’d never been in any real danger, but she’d still managed not to make a fool of herself, and they’d finished all five rounds in the process.
She could do this.  She could be a huntress.  It had been her goal for such a long time, and she’d finally reached it.  The early mornings, the late nights, the endless training and physical therapy.  All the times she’d been so tired and sore she could hardly move.  All the times she’d been so frustrated she wanted to give up for good.  Somehow she’d found a way through all of that, back to this moment.
She’d once been a huntress, and she could be one again.  She could get back a part of what she’d lost.
But when her eyes were drawn back to Weiss, she felt a strange pull at her heart - one that was stronger than the cheers lifting her up.
Weiss - the mysterious stranger who’d shown up out of the blue.  The girl who’d quickly found a way into Ruby’s heart. Weiss was her partner.
All this time, Ruby never even tried to find her partner - not until the perfect opportunity had presented itself.  Still, how had she been so blind?  
In her defense, she didn’t have much information about her partner other than she was supposedly super smart, which Weiss was.  Nothing had been said about how sweet and kind she was.  Or how funny or how pretty she was. Or how when she smiled, it felt like the sun started shining no matter what the weather was.  And if she laughed -  
Oh crap.  
Ruby had a crush on her partner.
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razieltwelve · 6 years
Challenge (Final Rose AU)
“Today, I defeat you!”
The students around Victoria rapidly cleared a path for Sigrid as the pink-haired girl leapt onto the table, so she could glare down at her cousin.
Victoria calmly finished drinking her can of cola before slamming the empty can down onto the table. “Let’s take this outside.”
After the first such skirmish between the two cousins, Professor Ozpin had made the sensible decision of keeping at least one training ground free for their use each day. It was occasionally inconvenient, but it was a lot cheaper than having them wreak havoc in a less easily repaired part of the academy.
“Hand to hand,” Sigrid growled. 
“Fine by me,” Victoria replied. “Besides, we’ve got class soon. We’d be here all day if we could use our Semblances fully.” She smirked and gestured at the crowd of students that had followed them over to the training yard. Their little sparring matches had gotten quite famous. “And hand to hand makes it easier to put on a show.”
Sigrid smirked and then reached up to toss her hair back before turning her lilac eyes on Victoria. “Are you ready?”
Victoria shifted into a fighting stance. “Please… I was born ready.”
Sigrid chuckled and then vanished in a blur of motion. Her fist shot through the space that Victoria’s head had occupied only an instant earlier as the dark-haired girl ducked and pivoted away. She followed her more straightforward attack with a wide hook and a spinning kick that would have snapped a tree in half. 
Victoria blocked the kick, her boots digging into the soil before she tightened her hold on Sigrid’s leg and hurled her cousin at a nearby tree. The other girl gave an almost contemptuous laugh before flipping in mid-air, so she could brace her feet against the tree and push off it. The pink-haired girl lanced back toward Victoria, one foot extended.
“Saviour Kick!”
Now, most people would have laughed at such a ridiculously named move. Heck, most people would have laughed at the thought of someone actually naming their moves. Victoria wasn’t most people. Not only did she name her moves too but she had also been on the receiving end of this move before. It was no laughing matter.
At its core, Saviour Kick was just a massively Aura-enhanced kick. However, by boosting herself with Saviour for a split-second, Sigrid was able to increase the power of the strike even further. The current version of the move racing toward Victoria had enough power behind it to turn a school bus into confetti and leave a crater more than a dozen yards wide.
Which is exactly what it did when Victoria dodged.
A sound like thunder rippled outward from the impact as bits of grass, rock, dust, and other debris filled the air. Victoria turned and threw a kick at Sigrid’s head as her cousin struggled to get her balance back after missing… or so it seemed. Sigrid smirked, and her eyes flashed crimson for a moment before she twisted under Victoria’s outstretched leg.
For an instant, Sigrid’s front was pressed right up against Victoria’s back.
“Heh. You’ve kicked me in the head enough times for me to see that coming,” Sigrid whispered. “Consider this payback. Saviour Suplex!”
Victoria squawked as Sigrid jerked her up off her feet and into a suplex that deepened the crater they were standing in. The impact would have killed almost anyone else, but Victoria was more angry about being caught by the attack than actually injured. She scrambled up to her feet, but Sigrid was faster. The other girl swept her feet out from under her and drew one arm back.
“Oh… crap,” Victoria muttered.
“Saviour Chop!”
The Saviour Chop was a technique based on Averia Yun-Farron’s habit of occasionally giving Diana Yun-Farron a gentle chop on the head whenever she was saying or doing something especially ridiculous. Sigrid, however, used it slightly differently. It was more along the lines of what her other parent, Yang Xiao Long, would do. 
It wasn’t gentle. Instead, the Saviour Chop was designed to pulverise whatever it hit.
Victoria sailed out of the cloud of dust and debris and crashed through several trees before coming to a rest at the end of a long trench that her impact had dug out. She got back to her feet and rubbed her jaw. She’d definitely felt that one, even if all of the injuries were already healed. It was always nice to see what knew combinations and ideas her cousin could come up with. Sigrid was very inventive like that. However, it wouldn’t do for her to let the other girl get too many hits in.
As Sigrid rocketed toward her, Victoria launched herself forward. The dark-haired girl faked an attack of her own before slithering around Sigrid’s strike with an agility she’d developed from years of climbing people as a little kid. Sigrid’s eyes widened as realised what Victoria was about to do. 
Grinning impishly, Victoria named her move. “Ragnarok Flying Squirrel.”
“Seriously - oof!” 
The breath rushed out of Sigrid as she was tossed into the ground hard enough to leave another crater before Victoria grabbed her by the scruff of her shirt.
“Ragnarok Uppercut!”
The blow hurled Sigrid up into the air which was exactly where Victoria wanted her. She leapt after her cousin and then brought her elbow down in a thunderous blow.
“Ragnarok Elbow Drop!”
Sigrid hit the ground again, leaving yet another crater, but she managed to scramble to her feet in time to avoid the followup “Rangarok Shooting Star” kick that would have made her day considerably worse although the attack did do a wonderful job of deepening the crater.
As Victoria leapt out of the crater, Sigrid attacked again. They exchanged blows at a dizzying pace. Punches were ducked, blocked, or caught. Kicks were checked, blocked, and avoided. Sigrid fought with an eerie combination of mechanical efficiency and furious abandon, short, sharp blows interspersed with sweeping strikes and lunging attacks. For her part, Victoria moved with predatory grace, giving ground when she had to before darting forward to strike like a snake, her attacks coming in from unusual angles and at odd times, each blow aimed at disrupting her opponent’s rhythm and letting her go on the offensive.
They had just broken apart to look for a better angle of attack when their little match came to an end. Gigantic columns of ice rippled into existence, and the temperature dropped. Snow began to fall, and there was no mistaking the absolutely colossal Aura signature headed their way.
“She’s your sister,” Victoria said. “You deal with her.”
Sigrid grinned. “I’m already on it.” She looked at Victoria. “How are my puppy dog eyes?”
Victoria nodded in approval. “Good. She won’t stand a chance.”
Eira stomped toward the pair with a glare. “Do you two know how long you’ve been fighting? You’re late to class, which is why the professor sent me to make sure you two attend.” Her eyes narrowed. “And don’t even think of running. You will be attending.”
Sigrid stepped forward, her puppy dog eyes at the ready. “But sis…”
Eira hastily turned away. “Luna, deal with her.”
Eira’s team leader grabbed Sigrid and hoisted her over her shoulder. “Sorry, kiddo, but I can’t let you puppy dog eyes your way out of class. If it didn’t work for me, it’s not going to work for you.”
“As for you…” Eira gestured, and a tendril of ice grabbed Victoria. “I’ll be escorting you to class.” As she walked off with Victoria dragging along behind her, she stopped and nodded at a member of the audience. “Yasuko, can you fix this?”
The dark-skinned girl with green eyes smirked. “Sure.”
X     X     X
Author’s Note
This is set in an AU in which Elsa/Averia/Yang is a thing. As a result, Sigrid is Averia and Yang’s daughter, she’s a bit more fiery than standard Sigrid. Throw in Victoria, and it’s not a surprise that the two get into some hijinks.
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nezzfiction · 6 years
ENMY Chapter 70 - Of Ash and Ember (Part Three)
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Chapter Synopsis: The finale of the Atlas Arc is here. War between Yang and Cinder versus Weiss, Ruby and Blake will meet its end. Destiny will be realized. Victory will be granted. And what it all means in the end...is anyone's guess.
Series Synopsis: Team RWBY is disbanded, and Yang must find herself new allies. For her, that might very well be yesterday’s enemies. Joining up with the likes of Emerald, Mercury, and Neo, the four will comprise Team Enemy(ENMY).
Links to read the series: Ao3 or FF.net
Or hit the jump below
Of Ash and Ember (Part Three)
The first time I met Yang, I knew she was special.
Raven and Tai understandably had their concerns. The thought of their daughter possessing the Reaper’s Semblance was a constant burden in their thoughts. A burden that only weighed heavier as Yang grew older.  
I felt guilty never telling them the truth. I could have saved them much pain and anxiety, but I think some truths can’t be told. Instead, they must be discovered. Not just for Raven and Tai’s sake, but for Yang herself.
I can see things…
Special things.
There were complications with Yang’s birth.
Raven had been in labor far too long. All of us could see the suffering she endured, her life being stretched thin. Just watching and not being able to do a single thing for her.
I’d never seen Raven fight so hard in my entire life. And if Raven is anything, she’s a fighter.
Right until that moment, she spoke to me about her worries. How often she had nightmares of killing her own child. How her Reaper’s Semblance spelled death for anything and anyone she touched. I could only think how silly that was, while watching her pour every ounce of her body and soul into keeping her yet to be born daughter alive.
The worst was coming to pass. I knew what Raven was thinking. She was ready to forfeit her own life if it meant her child was safely delivered into this world.
And then, I saw her. Yang Xiao Long.
Little bundle of fire. Tiny, curled fists punching the air. Cries that pierced your heart. She showed Raven’s spirit in her already—her tenacity. So warm and full of life in my arms.
And I knew Raven died giving birth to her.
I watched the last wisps of her life fade. At the time, I wished with everything in my heart for the power to rewrite what fate designed. But there was nothing.
Tai and Qrow were in a panic. I could only watch, frozen in my own sorrow. Until I felt little Yang wriggling in my arms. Something indescribable flowed from her. A light.
I knew what she wanted. She reached out for her mother and I brought her near.
As soon as Yang touched Raven…
Life sparked her body once more.
It wasn’t long until everyone celebrated the miracle. Raven was dead for five full minutes. The doctors said it was a rare occurrence but nothing unheard of. Qrow had witnessed the very same thing himself.
Sometimes, the body simply found in itself the will to persevere, with just a little help from luck.
But I knew.
I, alone, knew Yang was the one who saved Raven. It’s why I never worried about what the future or her Semblance held in store for her.
She embodied Raven’s fire, as well as Tai’s kindness. She would grow into someone who strengthened those around her, emboldened them beyond what they thought they could be. There would be tough times ahead of her, but I knew for certain she would conquer the challenges life threw her way.
The first time I met Yang, I knew she was special.
She would be a Life Giver. She would be the heart of her loved ones and the backbone of her allies.
And in their darkest moments, when they were most lost—
Yang would be the one to guide them home.
-Summer Rose, Diary Entry XXXX
Cinder awoke to find her surroundings frozen in time.
She was still in the Never Realm. The ruins of Gjallarhorn remained below, sinking into the rising level of lava and strange winter frost.
An injured Weiss kneeled on a lone iceberg, looking up in shock. Seemingly retreating to a distant stalactite, were Ruby and Blake. And there—
Sideways standing in stout protection of her, was Yang. Her partner wore an expression mixed of worry and surprise.
I remember now.
Cinder pawed the left side of her face. She felt nothing but blood and carved flesh, where her eye used to be.
I lost it saving Yang’s life.
Hmph. No wonder she looks so dumbstruck.
What compelled me to do something so foolish?
The voice resounded with a clarity behind her.
Cinder turned and saw a tall woman in broken armor standing there. Half her helmet had been ripped apart from the right side, exposing half her face. Her body was stained in dark red. It was as if this person simply entered fresh from a battlefield. But what was probably the most distinguishing feature of the apparition were the two horns resting on her head.
One burned with an ashen fire, while the other cascaded with frost and ice.
“Romia, the Queen of Rebellion,” Cinder muttered.
“You can refer to me as your great grandmother, child.”
“Hmph. What is happening? I was wounded, but I shouldn’t be delusional.”
Cinder’s great grandmother breathed an exasperated sigh.
“You surely are my descendant. This vision is real, Cinder. I have appeared due to your act of Selflessness.”
“Hehehe…. HehehahahaHAHAHA!”
Tears swelled at the edge of Cinder’s eye as she fell into childish laughing fits. Her arms braced her sides that grew sore. She couldn’t remember the last time she experienced something like this. It was simply too hysterical.
“Are you quite finished?” Romia asked tensely.
“You are joking.”
“I am not the type to joke.”
“You have appeared to announce my worthy succession of the Fall Maiden’s Inheritance? Truly?”
“A succession I can still revoke.”
“Hm.” Cinder stared at the ghost of her relative, still finding humor in the situation. “This is quite the convenient test to appear in my time of need. Have you been watching me for some time now?”
“Yes. ‘We’ have.”
“I was being tested by yourself and another? Who?”
“Who do you think?”
Cinder thought for a moment before turning in the direction of a frozen Yang.
“She spoke to you?”
“Much less ‘spoke’. She did, however, communicate her intentions. That girl is very special in that regard.” Romia sauntered to Yang’s side and laid an armored hand over her fiery heart. “The hours she spent, words unspoken in the training room during quiet moments of meditation— knowing full well nothing may come of it. An honest, passionate soul of this caliber is hard to find. You would be remiss not to make her a true friend and ally.”
“Yang… acted to awaken my full Inheritance.”
“Should you ever deviate from your foul behavior and seek to do good for another benefit’s outside your own, your succession would be proposed for validity—is vaguely what she expressed. I doubt she ever knew your defining moment would come in the form of her own salvation.”
Cinder thought back to all their training sessions. How Yang helped her manage the erratic bouts of hysteria. How she spent time and time again honing her temperament of something she could barely control. All of it was sincere. Never once a lie in her intentions.
We united under a contract of business partners, you and I. We were an ends to fulfilling each other’s wishes. I would grant you what you desired. And you would assist me in my ambitions.
Nothing more and nothing less to be gained from either side.
Nothing more, nothing less…
Cinder let out a soft laugh, a warm tickle in her heart.
This certainly has become more than we bargained for, hasn’t it, Yang Xiao Long?
Cinder bade a silent thank you to her unlikely friend, and something took root in the pit of her chest. A gentle nature that immediately hardened upon returning to the discussion at hand.
“So, I’ve passed your test?” she addressed the ghost of her ancestor. “I must say, I can’t imagine a single selfless act enough to prove my embodiment of the Fall Maiden’s virtue.”
“Sometimes, it is not the magnitude of one’s actions, but its distinction. The divergence from what we know and what is safe.”
“I have done nothing remotely close to living my life in safety.”
“You’ve always done what you know would prolong your survival. Raven taught you to seek, exploit, betray. You taught yourself to compel obedience, inspire fear. But trust—that is something you never truly learned, but is second nature to others.”
“A roundabout way of informing me I have trust issues.”
“And you’ve learned to close your heart to the warmth of others. Only in the stoking fire of your ambitions, did you ever take any measure of it.”
“…You preach too much, great grandmother. If you have a point to make, get on with it.”
The Queen of Rebellion gave a half smirk.
“You’ve changed, Cinder Fall. You have allies you rely on implicitly, even if you delude yourself into thinking they are disposable tools.” She paused. “And you deluded yourself into thinking you hate someone, who you feel the most kinship with. Not a rival, not an enemy, but almost a sister.”
“That will be enough.”
“No, my great granddaughter.”  
A chuckle echoed around Cinder.
“It is only the first step.”
X  X X  X  X
“Cinder..!” The voice came from a distance.
“Cinder!!!” Now, coming closer.
“Cinder! CINDER!!!”
“Enough, Yang.” The Fall Maiden took the Spring Maiden’s arm and helped herself up. “I am awake. Cease your incessant worrying. You’ll give me a headache.”
“…But your eye.”
“Hm,” Cinder flashed a brief, but earnest smile. “…A small price to pay for your foolish life...”
“What was that?” Yang asked, not quite hearing her.
“I said, ‘you owe me a heavy debt in its place’! From this moment forth, you will be my left eye. Do you understand?”
Yang sensed something, an abrupt change in her ally. Not just in Aura, but in persona. The quality of life in Cinder shone with a new vitality. A fondness lingered underneath her tone.
“…Sure thing, Cinder,” Yang replied with a kind smile. “Sure thing.”
“Good. In the meantime—”
There was puff of smoke and a shadow leapt to cut Cinder down. A hand darted out and deftly caught Blake by the neck, while the assassin was mid-strike. Dark miasma then, leaked out like a tapped fountain, as if it had been waiting to be released for a while now. The toxin carried the presence of death and malcontent. It blanketed Cinder in her entirety, seeping into her pores.
But a single, amber eye shone deep in the shadowy haze. It colored of wrath and ruin, and of a most deadly light. It leaned out of the smoke and rested beside Blake’s ear.
“Curse yourself for not taking better advantage when you had the chance, little kitten.”
Cinder’s grip tightened around the soft tissue between Blake’s jaw and neck. Her nails sunk into the skin like a vise lined with knives, drawing thin trickles of blood. The corruption of the Semblance having nowhere near the effect it once had—not with the Fall Maiden’s true succession to her title.
The ring Regalia on Cinder’s finger faded and disappeared. In its place, a glass slipper took form around her left foot. It glowed with Runes and sunk its teeth into the wearer’s heels. The blood and flesh sacrificed to it elicited an illumination of power. Truer than a ring, the glass slipper signified the Regalia marking Cinder’s ascension.
The heel ignited with jet fire, blasting Cinder and her quarry across the “sky”. Unable to break the Fall Maiden’s grasp, Blake was rammed through several floating pieces of falling mountain with impunity. They came to a stop only in the deep crater of the cavern’s wall. The cat Faunus’ body nothing more than a bloody pulping mess by the end of it.
As the remains of the corpse started to regenerate, black mist transported the girl to a safe place for resurrection.
“Hmph,” Cinder scoffed and returned to Yang. “Another life taken, true to my word,” she announced upon landing.
“All ready for the finale, then.”
The two launched themselves near the ceiling and stood side by side. Each held a hand aloft, and hovering above their palms, an ethereal object manifested. A fiery crown spun in Yang’s hand, while a glistening, glass slipper formed in the other. Upon the appearance of the two artifacts, the whole underground environment shifted.
A brilliant star expanded overhead in the blink of an eye. It demolished the mountaintop and absorbed the debris through its gravitational pull. The celestial-like object pulsed with a beating heart, each reverberation sending small solar flares through the atmosphere.
At the same time, the sea of lava rose. Streams of molten liquid flowed towards Cinder. They wove together like tapestry, threads sown of their own volition. The magma coalesced at a single point and extended. Its temperature was so high, that one drip from the forged weapon burned scorch marks in the Never Realm’s reality.
“No way…” Ruby could only look up in awe.
“Ruby,” Weiss called from below. “We don’t have a choice. We have to hit them with everything we have left.”
Ruby nodded and joined her. Blake reappeared with a limp, not quite recovered from the punishment Cinder put her through.
The Winter Maiden tried to form her armor, but her legs gave out. The ambush against Yang took its toll on her body. She could not physically be part of the fight.
Weiss held her hand aloft like Cinder and Yang were. A miniature, ceremonial sword levitated above her palm. She poured her will into it and countless Glyphs answered her summons. An army of knights born into existence. Each of them accentuated a customized weapon, armor, and combat style.
Something in the motion of the other Maidens compelled Ruby to mimic them. Her hand held aloft, a vague image shaped to her calling. Its silhouette defined with more concentration until it became a key. A key that unlocked the gate to a forest. And in the forest, slept many terrible things.
Crimson vines sprouted from Ruby’s cloak and enveloped Weiss’s knights in thorns. The briar foliage extended to cover the whole base of the mountain. And in the middle of that forest, brought forth by Ruby, a giant clothed wolf snarled hungrily. Rose petals trailed from its fur as it shook itself. The little red riding hood mounted the creature’s back, like it was her rightful place. Her silver eyes matched the gleams of her wolf’s as both stared at the two Maidens in the sky.
Blake was the last to act. Although she was already suffering the aftereffects of consuming Bane, she popped several shards of the substance into her mouth. There was nothing left but to gamble the rest of her life into the next moment. There wasn’t a future worth having if it wasn’t hers to attain.
Blake opened her palm and a Grimoire materialized from the dark ether. Tattoos inked across her skin at the cursed tome’s appearance. Something strange took her over. Her consciousness barely registered her actions, as if the girl’s body was not her own.
The pages of the book flipped rapidly until they came to a stop on a certain emblem. Its design floated from its confines and activated. An etching of a wilting rose.
Shadowy mist blanketed Weiss’s knights, enhancing them further with an aspect of madness. Their weapons and armor took more sinister aesthetic, but greatly heightened ability. Horns grew atop their heads, similar to Adam’s. Their blades coated with a crimson tinge with matched markings. They twitched, unable to keep their sanity for much longer.
And so, the five faced each other as the beginning of their battle. A war of Maidens. A war that determined Rule, Justice, Love, People, and Life.
The last fairytale would be written by those who achieved victory.
—Only by those who fulfilled their Destiny.
Yang closed her hand and the star shrunk into the palm of her grasp. It rumbled, fighting to escape like a nova trapped into a mortal fist.
Cinder cooled the lava-painted weapon she wove into existence into a beautifully, elegant arrow the length of her body. Her glass slipper formed into a bow for her to notch the projectile.
The wolf Ruby rode, unhinged its enormous maw with the girth of a crocodile’s. It then, leapt with insane agility, leading the charge.
Countless summoned knights followed the rose warrior into battle and to their certain ends.
Yang plummeted towards Ruby. Her younger sister’s mount looked to devour her, while she pitched forth her strongest fist. The might brought with it, that of an undying flame that sparked soul and life.
Cinder unleashed her arrow that flew with a single hollow note. It reverberated across the plane, a hum that sung of cataclysm and a world’s end.
Gjallarhorn would never exist again after that moment. The section of the Never Realm would remain forever lost, wiped out beyond recoverability by the conflict that transpired there.
An immortal scar marking the end of an epic battle.
X  X X  X  X
The five reappeared in the lowest chamber of the lowest Tower.
Ruby, Weiss, and Blake laid unconscious on the steel floor. They showed no signs of waking anytime soon.
Only Yang and Cinder remained with their senses. The unquestionable victors of this contest of Maidens.
“That… was certainly challenging,” Cinder panted.
“That’s all you have to say?” Yang asked, also out of breath.
“I believe we should take a reprieve after today. Not a long one, mind you—but a deserved one nonetheless.”
“Not just yet.”
“Time to make good on the original part of our deal.”
“I see. Yes. One condition of many.” Cinder paused. “I am so very sorry, Yang. You’ve served your purpose well, but I think now is the time to break our contract.”
“You must have known this was coming. Do not worry. I will make your death a swift one, free of pain.”
“………Was that actually a joke?”
“Was it not good?”
“No. Not at all,” Yang waved her hand. “You’re even worse than Weiss.”
“Hm. Was it the delivery?”
“No, there’s just a time and place for it.”
“Was this not it?”
“No. It just wasn’t really good.”
“I see. Well, then. I shall endeavor to—”
An argent shield bashed into Cinder’s back and pinned her face down. A sword held slightly cutting into her neck.
“…Jaune,” Yang barely eked out.
The young man ignored her, paying only attention to Cinder.
“It’s time you paid for what you’ve done!”
“Well, this is embarrassing. To think we were so fatigued, we failed to notice this one hiding in the background.”
“Jaune! Stop it! It’s over!” Yang shouted.
“It’s not over until she dies!”
“I’m warning you, Jaune! If you kill Cinder, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life!!!”
“Your threats mean nothing to me! She killed Pyrrha! You told me you would avenge her, but you lied!”
“Hm,” Cinder muttered. “The boy has a point.”
“Cinder, could you please.”
“Worry not, Yang. The boy won’t do it. He doesn’t have the stones.”
“WATCH ME!!!” Jaune cut his sword in a little deeper.
“You’re not a murderer, Jaune!” Yang inched closer, her fist aimed at the ready. “Cinder’s right about that. You don’t have it in you to do it.”
“I can’t believe you’re willing to protect her! AFTER EVERYTHING SHE’S DONE!”
“Pyrrha wouldn’t want this for you. She’d never tell you to get revenge.”
“Pyrrha isn’t here! Only my sword in her neck is! I don’t care what happens to me after this, I’m putting an end to you now, you bitch.”
“Language, Jauney boy. Did you kiss Pyrrha with that mouth?” Cinder laughed.
The moment of blind rage exposed vulnerability—a moment the Fall and Spring Maiden did not miss, especially with their Semblances.
A minor explosion from a Rune Cinder drew, sent Jaune jolting slightly up. In the next breath, Yang dashed forward, nailing the young man with a left cross.
“Ugh…” he groaned.
When he came to his senses, Yang stood over him with a grim look.
“You’ve really changed, Yang.”
“We all have.”
“You’ll thank me for this.”
“No, I won’t.”
“Yeah…… you will.”
Yang dropped her fist, sending Jaune into concussive sleep. She looked at him for a long time as Cinder brushed herself off.
“How long do you plan to stare at him? Feeling guilty? Honestly, what’s one more betrayal now?”
“No, it’s not that,” Yang said with a curious tone. “I never noticed, but I think I see a little of Pyrrha’s Aura embedded in Jaune’s.”
“Hm. She must have been the one to unlock his Aura…” Cinder paused. “Will it assist you?”
“Ups the success chance a bit, definitely.”
“How fortunate. I am elated that my being taken hostage has served more purpose than a mere distraction.”
“Yeah. Let’s get started, Cinder.” Yang stepped away from Jaune.
“Let us rewrite what fate had previously designed.”
X  X X  X  X
With that, Cinder brought forth a glass queen chess piece. A smoldering memory harbored in its polished, obsidian body. She set it onto the floor with a soft clink.
In her other hand, she produced a certain circlet. It was bronze-colored, elegant in design, but durable and made with practicality in mind.
Cinder pressed her fingers together.
The Tower hummed with life. Vast amounts of Dust were consumed as the past replayed itself according to Cinder’s command.
And then, they were at a Tower. Not the one in Atlas, but the one at the top of Beacon.
It was a memory replayed far too many times, but this would be its last.
Cinder spoke to the scarlet warrior kneeling on the ground.
“It’s unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours.”
She circled her opponent like a predator its wounded prey. Cinder took the defeated’s chin in her grasp and looked deep into her bright, green eyes.
“But take comfort in knowing that I will use it in ways you could never have imagined.”
The tone wasn’t spoken in the harsh manner it once was. Instead, it carried something else, something indescribable.
The reality of the memory warped at the small change from the past, but Cinder resumed without a care.
“Do you believe in Destiny?”
She frowned at the question, and then smiled.
Cinder took aim at Pyrrha’s heart and pierced it with her arrow.
Death encroached the girl’s life.
The Fall Maiden strode coldly to her and reached out. She placed the circlet she held onto Pyrrha’s head. As the warrior’s body was about to fade to flakes of burning ash, Yang stepped in and pressed her palm against Pyrrha’s back, right over where her heart would be.
“Time to come home, Pyrrha.”
The world around them folded in and out, like a delirious kaleidoscope.
Suddenly, they were no longer at the Tower, but standing on the surface of an endless ocean. A night sky full of shimmering stars stared down at them and reflected off the pool of waters.
“This is the realm of your soul, I take it?” Cinder scanned the horizon curiously.
“Yeah. Come on, no time to look surprised. We have to move quick and—”
“Yang. There!” she pointed.
A star twinkled and started to fall from the sky.
“It’s Pyrrha! After her!”
Yang and Cinder sped in pursuit. Below them, the shadows of two behemoth creatures swam just underneath the surface.
“You called for us?” an elegant voice came from the phoenix.
“Yeah! Help me save my friend!” Yang commanded.
“As you wish.” The dragon charged ahead to the descending constellation.
It burst from the waters and caught Pyrrha’s soul in its mighty jaws. Using its own body, the dragon softened the impact as they both fell. A great number of tidal waves rose upon the action.
The phoenix quickly joined its partner, caressing the dying soul. When the light teetered on darkening, it reignited it, like keeping a fragile candle burning.
Yang and Cinder finally caught up to them and reached for the star held by the personified Semblances.
“Together, now!” Yang shouted.
Cinder nodded.
The two pressed their hands against the surface of the warm glow. They poured everything they had into the fledgling sphere of light. They felt the emotions and memories carried within. Pyrrha’s birth to her untimely death. Pride, love, and then sorrow.
Ruin and Rebirth intertwined.
The end—
And a New Beginning.
X  X X  X  X
(The night Cinder was freed)
Yang and Cinder stood on the snowy rooftop of Junior’s nightclub.
“I can revive, Pyrrha Nikos—if you were to assist me in my ambitions.”
(Weeks ago, in the training room of the Mantle Mansion)
“The Queen of Rebellion brought her lover back to life, huh?” Yang pondered. “Could she do it for anyone?”
“Unfortunately, a number of conditions must be met. The main one of them being the one who lost their life had to have been at the location of a Tower.”
(Earlier that night, waiting in the Tower’s main chamber)
“I wonder if she’ll forgive me—if it works, that is.”
“Having second thoughts, Yang?”
“Bringing someone back to life… It’s so selfish. What if she’s at peace?”
“She most likely is.”
“But you know… I think peace is extremely overrated.”
(The Present)
Her eyes blinked with resistance, like she had been asleep for far too long. Her body prickled with a returning sensation from numbness. She could feel the cold floor, the warm arms bracing her.
When her vision readjusted, she saw a girl with blazing hair looking down at her.
“Um, hello,” she greeted uncertainly.
Yang sniffed as tear drops fell from her eyes. She struggled to make a straight face but failed. Emotions overflowed as she barely managed to speak.
“Hey, Pyrrha. Welcome back.”
“Back?” the scarlet-haired girl sat up, while rubbing her forehead. “What do you mean—Hm? Yang, you look a bit different.”
“Ahaha… a lot of stuff happened.”
“What? Wait, what happened? Where are we? What about Beacon?”
As she took in her surroundings, her eyes widened at the girl posturing against the wall with her arms crossed.
“No! Nope! Pyrrha, it’s not what you think,” Yang held Pyrrha back from attacking Cinder.
“But, she…!”
The next thing she saw were the bodies of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Jaune strewn across the floor, heavily injured. Pyrrha gasped in horror.
“Perhaps, we should have cleaned up before attempting this,” Cinder suggested all too late.
“Did she…?”
“Well,” Yang scratched her head awkwardly. “Actually, she and I did that, but it’s complicated.”
“You know what, why don’t you just go see Jaune? I’m sure that’ll make him happy.”
“Uh… Uh…” Pyrrha’s mouth opened and closed repeatedly like a goldfish.
Seeing that Cinder made no move to continue their previous battle, Pyrrha made her way to an unconscious Jaune. Her hands pressed against his chest, as she poured her Aura into him, stimulating his recovery.
After a few seconds, Jaune began to stir.
“Jaune? Jaune, wake up!”
“Mm. Pyrrha?”
“Yes, it’s me.”
“Can we please just skip Professor Port’s lecture today?”
“No, Jaune. Wake up! Something a little weird is happening.”
“………I miss you, you know.”
“Huh?!” Pyrrha blushed.
Jaune looked up at her with tears in his eyes.
“I love you. I’m sorry I never found the courage to say it.”
“Jaune?! What are you—!”
The boy took her hand tightly.
“Please, don’t go.”
Pyrrha looked back and forth between Jaune and Yang. Completely lost, she honed in on the one who made the most sense of the two.
“Yang?! What’s going on?! What happened?!”
Yang only sighed and fell flat on her back from exhaustion.
“It’s been a long story here, Pyrrha.”
She laughed cheerfully.
“It’s been a long story.”
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aureumdraconeus · 4 years
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Ya’ll know what time it is, time for a tag dump
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sunder-the-gold · 8 years
Yang Xiao Long – Flames
Yang’s Semblance officially has nothing to do with fire. Yet, she creates fire anyway, regardless of whether she’s taken damage, and apparently without using Dust. No one who sees her do this seems to think this is odd, but then, no one comments about Blake’s and Qrow’s sword-beams, either.
Yang has displayed only two or three tricks with these flames.
The first technique is a fiery punch. Twice in the Yellow Trailer, the camera slows down and focuses on Yang’s fist to show us Ember Celica beginning to glow and steam. When her fist connects, it produces an explosion of heat and concussive force.
The second technique is a similar explosion, but under her foot. She uses these blasts to help her begin a dash when she doesn’t want to use Ember Celica.
The third trick is only debatably a technique. Yang can produce a fiery shockwave from her entire body, but she has never been observed to use this against an opponent close enough to do any harm. The most she’s achieved with it is property damage and possibly intimidating her opponent. She may not even be trying to use it effectively, so much as flexing her might in a tantrum.
She seems able to spend the Mien energy generated by her Semblance to fuel her flames, judging by the larger and easier explosions when she activates her Super Mode.
(go here for the old, longer version of this post)
back to my sub-index for Yang Xiao Long
back to my Semblance index
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pxrifiedmxniac · 6 years
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Why am I getting a serious Anguirus vibe from this Grimm?
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shaevira · 8 years
Old Times
a/n: i got bored and decided to write a portion of the doujinshi in my head as fanfiction. modern freezerburn au that takes place like...6 to 7 years into the future of where the story actually begins so it may not actually make sense lmao. just practicing my writing skills. my writing is shitty hurrah. drabble. err something i just wanted to write.
word count : 1662
“Alright class, that’s enough for today. Good job everyone and I’ll see you in about two days for our next class. Remember to stay hydrated, and to keep stretching.” Her voice echoed throughout the rather large studio that was filled with mirrors and foldable mats. Yang Xiao Long was no longer a bumbling, hot-headed, seventeen year old but now successful twenty-five year old trainer and professional fighter. She held her own line of Xiao Long Dragon workouts that were known for her intensity and fire.
“Thank you for coming.” she repeated to every attendee that had been there. Each giving her a grateful smile, high-five, or a thank you of their own on their way out. She watched as every person now slowly exited the room.
With that, she let out a long sigh of relief. It’s not that she was tired of her work, or hated the people she trained it’s just that...there was always something missing. She knew what it was. She knew how it happened and everyday it taunted her in the back of her mind. After eight years, Yang still wasn’t over it. She wasn’t over the break up. The one that really got to her. If it weren’t for her two younger brothers, Yin and Ryota. Well, she would have probably given up everything by now.
Yang sat down in the studio near an outlet where her phone laid idle, and plugged into the charger.
1 New Message: Yin Xiao Long
//Ryota won’t stop yelling at me. :(//
//Aren’t you the older brother here?//
//He’s a feisty thirteen year old! If I beat him up he’ll just cry!//
//Are you two playing street fighter again?//
//Yes. :D//
//And here I thought you had an ACTUAL problem.//
During the time Yang was texting her brother, a visitor had entered through the door. Which was indicated by a small chime as the door had been opened. “I’m sorry, but we’re closing now.” Yang exclaimed not looking away from her phone.
“Yang, Yang Xiao Long?” a familiar feminine voice called out to her. Yang’s heart did a somersault. She instantly recognized the voice and looked up.
Standing in front of her was a very short woman, skinny with a remarkably white/silverish mane that flowed from her head it was held tight in its usual one-sided ponytail position. Her attire looked as expensive as ever. It was a simple white summer dress, with a jacket that seemed to have matched her outfit and shoes that had made her an inch or two taller than she actually was.
But woman was not alone, she was carrying a small child. No older than three years of age. The child’s icy blue eyes matched the mother’s.
Yang instantly stood up in a hurry. Yang seemed tower over the shorter woman though this was not unusual. “W-weiss?” she stammered out. Yang quickly eyed over the woman and her child. Who seemed to be gazing at Yang.
“I heard you worked here. Or well, that you own this place and a lot more...I mean it’s good to see you.” Weiss’s eyes wandered nervously, to the floor, to Yang, to the front door. She knew she was rambling, but how does one honestly reconnect with an old flame? Weiss knew she wasn’t the same person she was back then. The same could be said for Yang.
“Ahh, yeah.” Yang followed Weiss’s eye movements. “I didn’t think you’d be in town. Or back here...at all.” she abruptly stated. Weiss slowly nodded.
“I’m in town for the next few weeks.” She switched the child from one arm to the other. “I was hoping we could catch up.”
Yang raised an eyebrow. Her suspicions rose. “You came here without warning, and expect me to hang out with you after…” she paused as she noted her fist had begun to clench. She promised herself she wouldn’t get angry like she had done in the past. Her hot-headedness had the tendency to get her in trouble, but she was no longer like that. She took a deep breath and let it out before continuing. “Fine.”
At first Weiss looked a little shocked to hear the words coming out of Yang’s mouth, she was sure that she would’ve said no. Or at least offer up some sort of excuse not to. She wouldn’t have blamed her, had she. Yang too was a little surprised with herself. But when it came to Weiss, she was always a little weak.
Weiss then smiled, “Thank you, Yang.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem...so…” she began now unplugging her phone charger from the wall and going behind the studios counter to grab the rest of her belongings, which wasn’t much. Just her jacket, wallet, and car keys. She looked back at Weiss, who was staring at her expectedly. “Who's...this?” she motioned at Weiss’s arms, to the child in question as she put on her jacket and now held out her arms. Wanting to hold the mysterious child.
“Wynne.” she handed the little girl to Yang, which was unusual for Weiss. As Weiss wasn’t normally one to hand her baby to people in general, but Yang was no stranger. Yang was her first lover. Yang, to her, was family. Even if she never said it. Yang took the girl in her arms, and held her. Making silly faces at her and talking to her in a very childish manner.
“Reminds me of when Ryota was little.” Yang commented, now steadily holding the girl who seemed to be rather relaxed in her arms. She walked towards the door, as Weiss followed her. Yang turned off the lights with one hand, keeping Wynne steady in her arms. Then proceeded to lock the door as Weiss exited the building.
“You always were good with children...which I might ask how are Yin and Ryota?” she twiddled her thumbs idly as they stood outside in the dark; it was probably around six o'clock which meant bedtime for Wynne soon . She wasn’t used to being empty-handed anymore. Though, she had to admit it felt nice to be a little free in this sense.
“They’re fine. Yin started his last year, he’s a senior now. Ryota is just hitting puberty.” she sighed, “I missed it when they were little.” she shook her head and remembered how just last week Ryota had the nasty habit of leaving his dirty underwear in odd places. Not that this was any difference from three year old Ryota. It just was....grosser.
Yang and Weiss had begun their walk towards the parking lot. “I’m parked over here.” Weiss stated pointing at a white BMW. Figures. Yang walked next to Weiss. “You..you think I’ll be able to see them?”
“Huh? Yin and Ryota? I’m sure they’d love to see you.” Yang admitted. Yang knew more than likely Yin would be ecstatic to see Weiss. Weiss, after all, was his favorite person. (Asides from Blake, who he had continuously pined over at the age of thirteen.) Ryota, on the other hand may or may not remember Weiss, but he certainly loved her too.
“You think so?” she smiled now unlocking her car with a simple push of a button. She opened to where the backseats were. She held out her arms towards Yang who look a little puzzled.
“Oh right.” She said as she had remembered she was carrying Weiss’s child in her arms. She handed the now sleepy child over to Weiss to which she put her down in the carrier. She lightly shut the door, careful not to wake her up completely. She opened the door on the driver's side, and stood their looking at Yang.
Yang raised an eyebrow at first, but it was quickly replaced with a sad look in her eyes which was accompanied by a sad smile.
“I missed you.” Yang mumbled.
“I missed you too.” Weiss looked at her with an equally sad smile.
It shouldn’t have ended like this for them, Yang thought to herself. But Weiss was here, now. Could she eventually change that all around? Even after what they both had been through?
“You can come over Friday, if you’d like. I’ll be free then and Ryota and Yin won’t have homework to do. It can be just like old times.” Yang offered.
Weiss nodded, “I’d like that. But does old times also include…” she drifted off remembering the good times her and Yang had.
“If you’d like it to.” a cocky smile now brightened her face. The old, flirtatious and fiery Yang was still alive and rearing to go.
Weiss didn’t answer but instead approached Yang, and lifted herself up onto her tiptoes. Even in heels, she was still pretty short compared to Yang. She lightly kissed her on the cheek. “I’d like that.” she answered in soft whisper.
Weiss slowly pulled back, hoping Yang would reel her in. Just like old times. But she knew better, as did Yang. Yang wasn’t truly prepared to go gungho with Weiss. She wasn’t prepared to get hurt again. Whatever this was. Whatever they had. Would take time. It was another chance that Yang had been hoping for and this time, Yang would make sure she would get it right.
She wasn’t sure if Weiss would be truly willing either. After all, Weiss was the face of the Shnee Corporations along with her husband who had married into the Schnee family, but only for the sake of an agreement between two powerful and wealthy corporations. An arranged marriage, one would call it. Yang wasn’t sure if Weiss was capable of giving all of that up.
There just had to be a way.
By then Weiss had already entered her car and Yang watched as Weiss drove off, waving as she did so. Yang shoved her hands into her jacket pockets and walked towards Bumblebee. She revved up the engine and put on her helmet.
“Just like old times, huh?”
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pxrifiedmxniac · 6 years
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The gang’s all here!
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pxrifiedmxniac · 6 years
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Team RWBY with their respective adopted dinos.
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pxrifiedmxniac · 5 years
Tag dump (RWBY) / New Additions
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pxrifiedmxniac · 7 years
Tag Dump P.2 (Other Tags)
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