#;;Snow Flower (Weiss Schnee)
Hello, saw your posts about RWBY Characters' Allusions. A question, does team rwby have another character allusion?
A lot of characters have more than one allusion, and team RWBY is no different. These allusions often have a character fill a complementary role of a significant figure in another fairy tale.
Let's start with Ruby Rose. She is of course Little Red, but there are also other characters she embodies. The Wolf in the story is known for his big & shiny eyes, a very notable feature of Ruby (that was pointed out by Ozpin in the first episode, just like the fairy tale). She is also her own huntsman, equip with an "axe" weapon of her own.
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Weiss Schnee is Snow White, but also takes other roles of the story based on her summons. Her Boartusk represents the huntsman, who killed a boar to spare the princess. Her Knight represents the noble prince who saves her. Her Queen Lancer represents the Evil Queen who plagues her. Weiss seems to take after the Evil Queen the most, with her friends often referring to her as "Ice Queen".
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After reading those first two, you can probably now understand why Blake is based on both Beauty & the Beast. She has Belle's beauty, part of her name, her love for books, her relationship to "Adam" and her tendency to run away. But like the Beast, she has animal traits that she hides, is haunted by a rose, prefers living in isolation, and eventually falls in love with a human girl. She is often seen in Forever Fall, a forest with wilting red flowers, representing the wilting rose that curses the Beast.
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Yang is Goldilocks with her destructive nature & yellow hair, but can also be seen as Baby Bear, the child of the Papa (Taiyang, blue eyes) & Mama (Raven, red eyes), resulting in Yang being a mix of both (purple eyes). Each parent compares Yang to the other, and she learns to embrace the good and bad traits of both in order to become "just right".
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The tale of Rose Red & Snow White, two young girls based on Little Red & Snow White, can be the inspiration for the partnership between Ruby & Weiss. The two were sisters, which is represented by the ever-growing bond between Ruby & Weiss. Weiss's fairy tale, Snow White, could also be the reason for Ruby's theme, Red Like Roses, which is how the Evil Queen described how red she wants her lips in the original tale (in some stories she compares it to blood in the snow, both line up perfectly with the Red Trailer & Players & Pieces).
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Weiss also represents the story of the Snow Queen. She is called Ice Queen. She has a male companion (Kai/Whitley) who is cold, distant, & rude. She sets off to find the Snow Queen (Winter) in V5, during her trip she meets a talking corvid (Raven) & a robber maiden (Vernal). Weiss also gets pierced by evil glass like Gerda.
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Gerda’s most cherished memories is being young playing in the rose gardens with her friend. They shared many happy memories here. This rose garden takes the embodiment of Ruby Rose, who befriends Weiss & takes her on adventures. Weiss reminisces about Ruby in V4 after the attack on Beacon, missing the days when they had fun together. A frozen rose garden is seen in Weiss Character Short, representing her longing for Ruby (innocence, fun, freedom).
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Blake & Yang have so many allusions when it comes to their relationship. Start with Beauty and Beast. Blake already shows traits of both Belle & the Beast, but Yang does as well. Her affiliation with yellow, adventure, bright energy, & beauty is reminiscent of Belle. The Red Trailer even directly ties her with Blake, calling her the beauty to her beast. Yet Yang also displays signs of the Beast, most notably her behavior when she is angry. She sparks fire red eyes similar to the monstrous Grimm they fight, and is the most aggressive fighter of the group. She receives an injury on her arm identical to the Beast. Most importantly, she is abandoned by Beauty in V3. This theme of having similar & different traits within one another ties into another dynamic that will be explained later.
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There are two roses that bring them together. They meet through Ruby, the good rose Yang gives to Blake. Adam is the bad rose that Blake tries to keep away from Yang, but he breaks them. Adam starts off as the Beast (Adam) to Blake’s Beauty. Once she leaves him (like the fairy tale) he then embodies the Rose that haunts her. Once he meets Blake’s new partner, he then becomes Gaston & adopts his jealousy. Once Blake & Yang defeat him, they free themselves from the curse and come back to the Good Rose.
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Blake & Yang also represent the Yin & Yang dynamic. We have the darkness (Blake) and the light (Yang), with a little bit of each other in each (matching eyes). Many cultures depict Yin as a tiger (Blake's cat ears) and Yang as a dragon (Xiao Long). The themes of darkness and light has been associated with Blake & Yang since their trailers. Blake engulfs in darkness when she leaves, while Yang brings light when she enters (kind of like their semblances). Scenes with Blake & Yang play with lighting a lot (2x06, 6x01, 9x06), and fights involving them often have them circling around each other or moving across each other, just like the Yin Yang Symbol.
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Team RWBY as a whole also has references. One commonly known reference is the Wizard of Oz crew, with Ruby acting as Dorothy (who had Ruby/Silver slippers). Weiss is the Tin Man who gains heart while the real one loses it (Ironwood), Blake is the Lion who gains courage while the real one loses it (Lionheart), and Yang is the Scarecrow who learns to fight smarter while the real one acts irrationally (Qrow). These four adventurers set off to Beacon (Land of Oz), meet the Wizard (Ozpin), and get their wishes (graduating). They are told to stay on the Yellow Road, but fail.
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The team's respective Remnants also allude to their fairy tales. Ruby sheds roses, representing her red color scheme, her youthful innocence, and the flowers Little Red picks for her grandmother. Weiss sheds snow, representing her white color scheme, her cold attitude, and Snowhite's soft skin that gave her the name. Blake sheds shadows, representing her black color scheme, her dark personality and background, and the Beast condemned to the shadows. Yang sheds fire, representing her yellow color scheme, her bright but scorching personality, and the porridge Goldilocks claimed was "too hot".
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Ruby represents multiple figures from others characters’ allusions. Penny is based on Pinocchio, who wishes on a Shooting Star to be a real human. Ruby, who is often characterized as a small flickering light (literally & figuratively) she represents the star that Penny wishes for & makes her feel human (literally & figuratively).
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2x07 Dance Dance Infiltration is a retelling of the Cinderella story. The maiden is told she needs to return by midnight, puts on a disguise, & goes off. Ruby tracks her, Cinderella enters the stage, the two dance, and she leaves without a trace. Ruby in this case represents the Prince that wants to find the mysterious maiden he danced with the night before. His only clue was her missing glass slipper. Cinder fights with glass, a point Ruby reports to her professors as information to track her down.
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There's a lot more micro references to other fairy tales but these are the most notable for Team RWBY. These references influence how a character is portrayed, how they interact with others, and the actions they take.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
i hate the excuse of "weiss & blake's colours now being blue & purple are signs they're healing from their trauma!" cause even when you look at the uses of these colours in characters connected to their girl's specific traumas, it's the exact opposite.
weiss is in a majority blue & grey in v4 because you could infer those are jacques colours, he's shown in stark white & blue & in the schnee family portrait, the blue is most prominent on the schneeblings when they're under his control as children. by time we see weiss & winter as adults in their original outfits, that blue is nominal, almost gone as they are out of jacques grasp.
so why is weiss now in the most amount of blue she's been in throughout the entire show, in the most princess like, uncomfortable & inconvenient outfit when she's supposed to be a fully fledged huntress, no longer relying on her wealth & breaking free of jacques completely?
& with blake it's even worse because black isn't adam's colour: red is. his name is literally red earth. if we want to take it that blake's colour has been adam's influence over her, then her outfit should've been drenched in red as that's also the colour associated with the "bad" white fang.
but then we get to the later volumes once adam is dead & she's being defined by white & purple, all her black is nominal or just outright gone & it doesn't make sense because black was her colour. there was no negative connotation with black considering it's also the main colour her mother wears. we can't even say that she's wearing more purple + white to evoke ghira because these are the volumes she's been most politically quiet, especially for her people. all her fighting for the faunus was done in v2 & v5, when she was in black.
the most irritating point of this defense is that if these girls, this world was going to be so defined by colour, keeping them in that colour should probably be first & foremost. all the "justifications" can be made to the high heavens but if the characters named white snow & black flower aren't in white & black, then clearly some of the messaging has been lost in translation. especially when red rose still manages to remain red despite going through just as much trauma.
we don't talk about yellow dragon. she's been a lost cause since day one when they decided yellow actually meant brown.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 6 months
ooh now I need to know your top 3 German wolfstar songs 🫶
aaaahh ok karfy letsgo
Gestört aber GeiL & Koby Funk feat. Wincent Weiss - Unter Meiner Haut
Und ich kann noch nicht nach Haus And I can't go home yet Denn das brennen hört nicht auf Because the burning hasn't stopped yet Ich habe Angst, uns zu verpassen And I'm afraid I'll miss the chance of us Ich habe Angst, wir lösen uns auf And I'm afraid we're dissolving Und es wird schon wieder hell And it's already getting bright out again Wir sehen alle Lichter gehen We watch all the lights expire Im Trubel noch ein leiser Kuss One more quiet kiss in midst of the bustle Lässt mich stehen You abandon me Nein ich lass dich nicht raus No I won't let you out Ich lass dich nicht gehen I won't let you go Und ich weiß, und ich weiß, und ich weiß And I know, I know, I know Und ich weiß, ich tu mir grad weh I know I'm hurting myself right now Doch ich trag dich, unter meiner Haut But I'll carry you under my skin Ich behalt dich, unter meiner Haut I'll keep you under my skin Ganz egal wie lang es brennt No matter how long it's going to burn
(i like to think this song is very Berlin Angel coded and i might write a wolfstar fic insp by the song one day who knows)
Du willst immer fühl'n, aber du machst alles warm You always wanna fell, but you make everything warm Vielleicht war ich nur ein Verlierer, der so tut, als wär er hart Maybe I was only a loser who acts all tough Doch wenn du bei mir bist, wird das alles ganz egal But when you're with me I don't care about anything Denn jetzt ist alles anders, weil du mich magst Because now everything is different, 'cause you like me Kann ich mit der Visage leben, die ich hab I can live with my face now Und was die Leute reden, ist ein bisschen mehr egal And what people say matters a little less Und die Welt ein bisschen weniger im Arsch, ja And the world sucks a little less, yeah Alles anders, weil du mich magst Everything different, because you like me
Ich weiß, um mich zu lieben, muss man echt 'n riesen Schuss haben I know, to love me, you gotta be insane Sie passt in meine Arme, doch ihr Herz ist groß wie Russland He fits into my arms but his heart is as big as russia Ein neuer grauer Tag, doch ich nehme ihn mit Kusshand A new grey day, but I'll take it with grace Mit dir wird Bus fahr'n zum Mustang With you, riding the bus is like driving a Mustang Ich bin cool bis zum Erfrier'n I'm so cool I could freeze to death Doch mit dir geh ich in Flammen auf But with you I erupt into flames Blumen explodier'n um mich rum, wenn du mich anschaust Flowers explode around me when you look at me Und seit du hier bist, ist die Welt nicht mehr im Arsch, ja, ja And since you're here with me the world doesn't suck anymore, yeah yeah
(-> guess which part i think is whose pov)
Edwin Rosen - leichter//kälter
Und deine Lippen sind lila And your lips are purple Wie die Blumen, die ich dir nie kauf' Like the flowers I never buy for you Die ich dir nie kauf' I never buy for you Und du schreist, "Oh, es ist kalt! Es ist kalt! Es ist kalt!" And you yell, "Oh, it's so cold! It's so cold! It's so cold" Oh, es ist kalt Oh, it's so cold Doch du sagst, es fällt dir leichter But you say it's easy for you Ja, ich sei doch so viel kälter Yeah, because I'm so much colder after all Darum bleibst du steh'n So you stay standing Bleibst barfuß im Schnee stay barefoot in the snow Ach verdammt, mir ist so kalt Ugh, damn, I'm so cold Und wenn du das nächste Mal frierst And the next time you're feeling cold Vielleicht frierst du wegen mir? Maybe you're cold because of me Wenn du das nächste Mal frierst The next time you're feeling cold Ist's am Ende gar nicht kalt It isn't even cold in reality
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
So I’ve recently gotten my friend into RWBY and we’ve been poring over your posts and reblogs about the allusions/alchemical elements, and I absolutely LOVE your work. It’s even inspired some theories to narrative directions for V9 that I hope to maybe share in a reblog once I can order the convo my friend and I had lol.
There’s one question we both currently have about Winter’s allusion that I wanted to get your thoughts on (or the post if you’ve already written it lol). I saw you mentioned in one reblog that you don’t think she’s the Snow Queen herself but rather its about her relationship with Weiss? Others I know have gone with the Snow Queen allusion and given her two Gerda’s (Weiss and Penny). I even wondered myself if she perhaps is meant to be both the SQ and Kai to fit RWBY’s double primary allusion trend.
But I was just curious to know what your thoughts are, or if there’s another allusion altogether Winter may serve. :)
Thank you for the nice words and sure, share your post once it is done!
As for Winter, I actually agree that she is the Snow Queen-Kay with Penny and especially Weiss as Gerdas. However, I wanna consider 2 additional things:
1- The Snow Queen is an important allusion for both Schnee sisters and not just Winter
After all, it is similar to Blake's Beauty & Beast. It is an allusion with 2 protagonists (Kay and Gerda), so to be complete it needs 2 people (Winter and Weiss). That is why I said it is about the Schnee Sisters in my reblog of @blue-cheeseinmyoffwhites's great post.
Moreover, a lot of imagery from the fairy tale is used to comment Weiss's arc in Mistral even more so than Winter's own development in Atlas. This will probably change in the future, but what we have so far is enough to foreshadow Weiss's importance for Winter's story. Similarly, Weiss's relationship with her sister is clearly instrumental to her personal development.
Let's also remember both Schneesters are called "Ice Queen" by others:
Qrow: Hey! Yeah, I'm talking to you, Ice Queen! Roman: Ladies, Ice Queen…
2- Winter's arc is not over
Our Snow Queen's story has yet to reach a resolution, which will give more depth to her fairy tale and make it climax. This also means that right now we are still lacking key pieces to properly read this allusion.
That said, we have enough to start analyzing how it has been used up until volume 8.
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I think the premise of the Snow Queen is rather well known, but here it is for those who haven't read it:
Kay and Gerda live happily in a small town. They are innocent kids, who have tons of fun playing together in a garden full of roses. However, one day 2 fragments of a cursed mirror enter Kay's heart and eyes and make him cynical and cold. Kay is then taken by the Snow Queen, who brings him to her castle in the North. There he is left with the challenge to use ice to write the word "eternity". If he succeeds, he'll be free.
Meanwhile, Gerda starts a journey to find her friend. Throughout it, she meets several characters: a lady who imprisons her into a garden full of vane flowers, 2 crows, a prince and a princess, a little robber-maiden, 2 old women. In the end, she reaches the Snow Queen's castle, meets Kay and frees him by taking out the 2 fragments of the mirror. While they embrace, the pieces of ice dance and form the word "eternity".
This fairy tale is divided into 7 shorter stories:
First Story, Which Describes a looking-glass and the broken fragments.
Second Story: A Little Boy and a Little Girl
Third Story: The Flower Garden of the Woman Who Could Conjure
Fourth Story: The Prince and Princess
Fifth Story: Little Robber-Girl
Sixth Story: The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman
Seventh Story: Of the Palace of the Snow Queen and What Happened There At Last
The first story is a prologue, the second story introduces the protagonists and from the third story onward the focus is Gerda's journey to find Kay, which ends in the seventh and last story with their reunion.
RWBY follows this same structure too, which I am gonna replicate in this meta. To be specific we'll have:
Prologue: The Mirror
Weiss's journey to find Winter
Winter being saved
Let's see how things turn out...
Mirrors and glass keep popping up in the Schnees' story. That is because this imagery is symbolic of Jacques's abuse towards his family. In particular, Weiss and Winter explore this metaphor through their allusions.
1- In Snowhite, the Evil Queen decides to kill her daughter after the mirror reveals the girl is the most beautiful one around. In other words, the Queen is a narcissist, who can't accept someone is better than her.
Jacques is the same, but his narcissism means he turns his children into reflections of himself. They must appear, behave and think like he wants. This is why Weiss initially struggles to understand who she is. She is forced by Jacques to be like him. She is trapped inside a looking glass, as her songs reveal. In this situation, the only solution is to shatter the mirror:
I'm shattering the mirror that kept me split in pieces That stood between my mind and my heart This is where I'll start
Weiss succeeds and breaks free. She escapes Jacques and starts looking for who she wants to become.
2- In The Snow Queen, an evil goblin makes a mirror, which is able to twist reality, so that only ugly and cruel things are visible, while the beauty of the world disappears. This mirror shatters and its fragments go around the world, enter people minds and hearts and make humanity lose ingenuity and idealism. Kay ends up a victim of this mirror, as 2 fragments enter his eye (mind) and his heart. Once corrupted by the mirror, he becomes an easy target for the Snow Queen, who takes him to her palace and makes him even colder and more isolated.
This premise perfectly fits Winter's story.
Jacques is the Evil Goblin (Jack Frost) that creates the cursed mirror.
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Jacques's abuse defines Winter's childhood and deeply influences her personality. Sure, Winter manages to oppose her father's control and leaves. However, years later she still suffers the consequences of her cold upbringing:
Winter: No, no, what I mean is, this place holds a lot of memories for me, specifically. I thought I was in control, but… you heard me. I sounded like a petulant child.
It is clear she has never fully processed her abuse and the result is that she ignores her emotions and is ashamed to show any kind of childishness, as it makes her feel weak and exposed. In other words, Winter escapes the mirror, but one of its fragments stays hidden in her heart and stunts her emotional development. This makes her vulnerable to another controlling dynamic.
Ironwood is the equivalent of the Snow Queen, that makes Winter colder and colder.
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After Winter leaves home, she finds a new place of belonging in the Atlas Army, which is a very hierarchical and controlling environment. Soldiers are encouraged to repress their feelings and to act "rationally". The truth, though, is that they are groomed and the same happens to Winter:
Weiss: Doesn't it bother you? He practically groomed your entire military career. Your destiny was chosen for you, without your input.
Ironwood decides Winter's destiny without her consent. He keeps her close and influences her vision of things. In a sense, he puts in her eyes the second shard of glass. A fragment that prevents Winter from seeing the truth. All to turn Winter into the next Snow Queen (the Winter Maiden).
In short, Jacques and Ironwood are the 2 antagonists of Winter's fairy tale. At the same time, they represent the 2 fragments that are poisoning her heart and mind.
Let's now go deeper in how the Schneesters deal with this evil mirror and take a closer look to their intertwined stories.
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Weiss's arc in Mistral is really our girl growing into her own person. This happens through 2 different developments.
In volume 4 Weiss affirms her independence from Jacques
In volume 5 Weiss discovers herself different from Winter
Jacques and Winter are in fact Weiss's mentors and authority figures and her growth lies in refusing both to find her own way:
I’m climbing higher with the past behind me Heights like I never dreamed Finally learned I need to do it my way Now I see what I can be When I trust in me I’m free
This is highlighted by Weiss's 2 shorts.
The White Trailer focuses on her relationship with Jacques and how she feels imprisoned by him.
Weiss's character short explores her dynamic with Winter, who loves Weiss deeply, but is also cold and strict.
Obviously Jacques and Winter are not the same, since Jacques is an abuser, while Winter isn't, but both ask Weiss to prove herself (the royal test) and Weiss is initially stuck between the 2. Who will she be? Jacques or Winter? The answer is neither. Weiss is her own self.
She is not her father's reflection, but a brave Knight:
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She is not her sister's copy, but a kind Queen:
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The Arma Gigas and the Queen Lancer embody 2 sides of Weiss that are born in juxtaposition to respectively Jacques and Winter.
The Arma Gigas is the Grimm Weiss kills in her first act of defiance towards Jacques and the Avatar she summons when she leaves him once and for all. It is the test she must overcome in order to attend Beacon and a stand-in for the Prince that breaks Snowhite's glass coffin (Weiss's room) and frees her. Finally, it is one of Nicholas's armors possessed by a Grimm, which calls back to how Jacques has taken control of the SDC and has corrupted it. For all these reasons, this summon represents Weiss saving herself and her family from Jacques.
What about the Queen Lancer? Its meaning and its link to Winter are found in The Snow Queen and how it's used in Weiss's story.
Weiss's Volume 5 short is full of Snow Queen symbolism. Weiss and Winter are in a garden full of roses similar to the one Gerda and Kay play in as children. However, Weiss and Winter's flowers are frozen because their childhood has been cold and lonely:
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Similarly, the ice imagery, which is dear to Andersen's story, defines the whole situation. Weiss is surrounded by a snow storm, she tries to resist and to melt the ice, but fails and is overcome by ferocious beasts, similar to the Snow Queen's servants. Meanwhile, Path to Isolation reinforces these ideas:
The cold Seems to grow in my soul It's consuming me Confused And I'm losing myself In the storm Smile's faded And I'm spinning and sinking I'm weakening Frozen in solitude Loneliness chills to the bone
This Snow Queen charged short can be read in 2 ways:
It sets up Weiss as Gerda and Winter as Kay
It presents Weiss as Kay and Winter as the Snow Queen
These 2 readings are complementary and equally important.
1 - Weiss is Gerda and Winter is Kay
Weiss and Winter's flashback shows them "playing together" in the garden of roses, while in the present Weiss leaves Atlas to find her sister. In other words, Weiss is Gerda in search for Kay. This is confirmed by her trip in Mistral having many similarities with Gerda's travel.
Let's quickly go through these paralells:
Gerda and Weiss's sacrifices: Both journeys start with our heroine making a sacrifice. Gerda sacrifices her shoes to the river in order to discover where Kay is. Weiss throws the Dust against the Queen Lancer to defeat it. Both offerings are a sign of humility. Gerda travels the world bare-footed, while Weiss gives up her privileged life (The Schnee Dust Company) to face the world as herself.
A garden full of vane flowers: Gerda and Weiss lose some time in a place superficially pretty, but ultimately fake and empty. Gerda stays in a beautiful illusory garden. The place is full of flowers, but roses are missing, so that she can never remember Kay. Weiss is trapped in Atlas, sheltered, but far from her new found family (RWBY) and from the rose, who inspires her (Ruby). Ultimately, both Gerda and Weiss leave and confront the vanity of the flowers/Atlesians.
Gerda: "It is no use asking the flowers; they know only their own songs, and can give me no information.”
Weiss: "You're all just standing around talking about nothing! Worrying about your hair, your money, your stupid problems that don't mean anything!"
Crows, princes and princesses: Gerda meets 2 crows that tell her Kay may be the new husband of a beautiful princess. With the birds' help Gerda enters the palace and meets the Prince and Princess. Weiss meets Raven and Qrow who offer her knowledge on Ozma and Salem, the Prince and Princess par excellence. Moreover, Weiss is able to reach her friends thanks to Raven's semblance aka Raven and Qrow's bond symbolically. The relationship between the couple of crows is precisely why Gerda is able to meet the royals.
The Little Robber Maiden: Gerda is kidnapped by some robbers whose leader has a daughter aka the Little Robber Maiden. Weiss is imprisoned by the Branwen Tribe and meets Raven and her "adoptive daughter" Vernal, who impersonates the Spring Maiden.
Two old women: The last characters Gerda meets are The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman, who lead her to the Snow Palace. Similarly, Weiss's return to Atlas has her encounter Maria and Cordovin. Differently from the characters in the fairy tale, Maria and Cordo are not on good terms, which obstructs Weiss instead than helping her.
In the end, though, Weiss makes it home safely and embraces Winter once again:
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2- Weiss is Kay and Winter is the Snow Queen
Let's compare Weiss and Winter's scene in the volume 5 character short with this passage from The Snow Queen:
He composed many complete figures, forming different words, but there was one word he never could manage to form, although he wished it very much. It was the word “Eternity.” The Snow Queen had said to him, “When you can find out this, you shall be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and a new pair of skates.” But he could not accomplish it. And away flew the Snow Queen, leaving little Kay quite alone in the great hall which was so many miles in length.
The inspiration is rather clear. Weiss is a prisoner in the Snow Palace (The Schnee Mansion) and Winter plays the Snow Queen, who tells Kay the condition to be free:
Weiss: I'm sorry. I'll get better. Winter: You'll have to if you ever want to leave.
Winter has managed to escape Jacques by becoming stronger on her own and thinks Weiss should do the same. She should not depend on others, but count only on her own abilities. Her intentions are good and she is right that Weiss needs to grow more independent from their father. However, Weiss's path leads elsewhere and this difference is shown in her trip in Mistral, where she meets the Little Robber Maiden.
In the story, Gerda is caught by bandits and is assigned to the Little Robber Girl or Little Robber Maiden. This character has a duality to her. On the one hand she is initially mean to Gerda, takes her muff and even threatens to kill her. On the other hand she is impressed by Gerda's story, gives Gerda a reinder and helps the girl escape by distracting the Leader of the robbers (her own mother).
RWBY takes this character and divides it in 2:
Vernal is the Little Robber Maiden, who is mean to Weiss. She imprisons her, mocks her and steals her sword. In the climax, she even fights Weiss and breaks her aura, making her vulnerable to Cinder's strike.
Yang is the Little Robber Maiden, who befriends and saves Weiss. She uses her relationship with Raven to free Weiss and they both leave on Bumbleby (the reinder of Andersen's story :P).
Are we sure Vernal and Yang allude to the Little Robber Maiden? Yes :P
First of all, they are both Raven's daughters. Vernal is Raven's adopted daughter in the tribe. Yang is Raven's biological daughter. Secondly, they share a maiden motif throughout volume 5. On the one hand Vernal plays the Spring Maiden for Raven's sake. On the other hand Yang shows Raven what the Spring Maiden should be like and eventually gets the relic of Knowledge. Vernal is the fake Maiden, while Yang is the Maiden at Heart. These details set the 2 girls up as perfect stand ins for the Little Robber Girl.
What does it all have to do with Weiss?
Vernal and Yang represent 2 sides of Weiss's development in volume 5. They are 2 different answers to Weiss's quest to become herself.
1- Vernal embodies Winter's viewpoint:
Winter: I am not always going to be around to save you, Weiss.
Vernal: Your sister isn't in Mistral anymore. No one is coming to rescue you.
Vernal is the one, who reveals Winter is no longer in Mistral. Through her, Weiss realizes she can't keep on depending on her sister, but must come into her own. However, Vernal also mirrors Winter's flawed beliefs. She insists Weiss amounts to nothing, if she can't survive alone.
2-Yang embodies the opposite mentality:
Yang: It's okay. I've always got your back, sis.
Weiss: Yang… You, Ruby, and even Blake are more like family to me than my brother or even my own father.
Yang is the one, who appears when Weiss needs a sister the most. She is an older sibling, who is openly protective and caring. So, she is an alternative to Winter. She is there to remind Weiss the world is not so hostile and cruel. It can actually be full of love and kindness. Weiss fails to find Winter (ice), but she finds Yang (fire). She is not alone.
So, Vernal challenges Weiss to grow on her own, while Yang represents Weiss's answer to this challenge.
Everything comes together in volume 5 climax, where Weiss fights Vernal. What is the outcome of their conflict?
On the one hand Weiss loses the fight. Vernal has more experience and dominates her completely. Weiss can't hope to fill the gap between their levels so easily.
On the other hand both Weiss and Vernal get impaled by Cinder. Who is the one who survives? It is not Vernal, who is strongest physically, but has no-one to look out for her. It is Weiss, who has people who love her for who she is.
Vernal chooses to grow stronger and smarter, like Raven is. She chooses a cynical viewpoint. And yet for all her talent and intelligence, she walks straight into a trap and dies. She trusts the almighty Raven with her life, but is let down.
Weiss chooses to grow stronger and smarter, like Yang does. She opens her heart to people and earnestly supports them. She refuses a cold vision of the world and embraces her found family's warmth. The result is that she might not be as powerful as Vernal or Winter. However, when she needs her friends, they are there.
Weiss's survival in volume 5 is a negation of Winter's individualistic mentality and an affirmation of Weiss's newfound viewpoint. It shows independence is not equal to isolation and marks Weiss becoming her own person. A true Queen, hence the Queen Lancer.
This summon is linked to both The Snow Queen and Snowhite:
The Snow Queen: With Jaune (Gerda)'s help, Weiss (Kay) is able to expel the shard of glass freezing her heart. This shard takes the shape of an Evil Queen, which is purified and changed into something beautiful (the Queen Lancer). This avatar then is a metaphor for Weiss freeing herself from the mirror once and for all. Differently from Winter, there is no glass left in Weiss's soul.
Snowhite: Weiss dies and is reborn thanks to Jaune (the Prince). After she wakes up, she is crowned Queen (the Queen Lancer), like in her fairy tale. This means Weiss has finally grown up.
In other words, this is the resolution of the Royal Test, which is the trial Weiss must undergo to become a Queen. Initially, she is caught between 2 scary Queens. Jacques's Evil Queen and Winter's Snow Queen. Still, Weiss is Snowhite, who gets crowned Queen on her own terms.
So, Weiss's journey in Mistral is really the Snow Queen, that climaxes in Snowhite. It describes our girl breaking free from Winter's influence:
Cordovin: Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps. Weiss: (with an unenthusiastic smile) Absolutely…
At the same time, it presents Weiss as a more complex version of Gerda. She is a Gerda, who wants to emulate the Snow Queen, but then discovers the world can be beautiful and generous. And so can she:
Winter: You could continue to explore Remnant, discovering more about the world and honestly, more about yourself.
Only after this realization, she is is ready to help her sister.
Winter is a combination of Kay and the Snow Queen. To be specific, she is Kay, who leaves home not just to stay with the Snow Queen, but to become the Snow Queen:
Winter: I'm choosing my destiny now. I've made it my own. And I take great pride in it. That has nothing to do with Father, or the General… That belongs to me.
Kay thinks the Snow Queen is the most beautiful creature alive and wants to grow smarter to impress her. Winter thinks that the Winter Maiden's powers give her value. Still, Kay's happiness isn't found in the Snow Queen, but in Gerda. Similarly, Winter's worth isn't found in magic, but in her own personhood. How can this misunderstanding be cleared? Easy, Winter needs to expel the 2 shards of the evil mirror, which can also be seen as metaphors for Winter's 2 main conflicts:
The shard in Winter's heart is Jacques's abuse, which has driven Winter away from her family:
Winter: Distancing myself from the Schnee name is the most beneficial thing I've ever done.
Overcoming it means that Winter reconciles with her inner child.
The shard in Winter's mind is Ironwood's control, which has turned Winter into a brainless machine:
Winter: Penny. The general is making hard choices so we don't have to. For the good of all, not just a few.
Overcoming it means that Winter lets her emotions out and starts following her heart instead than her mind.
Luckily, Winter has 2 Gerdas, 2 little sisters ready to help her:
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Weiss and Penny outgrow Winter thanks to her own teachings. Then, they take on her 2 major struggles. Basically, they fight Winter's fights in her stead:
Weiss defeats Jacques and takes back Winter's family for her. Throughout volume 7, Winter is shown to be barely able to stay in the same room as Jacques without breaking. Weiss instead faces him multiple times and arrests him. She is the true Queen of the Schnee Family.
Penny becomes the Winter Maiden when Winter isn't ready. She defies Ironwood and saves Atlas and Mantle. She makes the choice Winter should, but can't. Penny follows her heart, while Winter represses hers, so Penny is the true Maiden.
Weiss and Penny's efforts meet Ironwood's resistance and antagonism until Winter can't ignore her repressed emotions anymore:
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She finally listens to her heart and makes remarkable progress with both "shards".
On the one hand she reaches out to Weiss (her family) and is able to confront Jacques once and for all:
Winter: No. When we're finished, we'll move both of you to safety.Don't thank me. It was Weiss's decision.
On the other hand she openly defies Ironwood and fights him in the climax:
Winter: No, you have sacrificed everyone else! You closed the borders, you squeezed Mantle until it broke!
She calls her 2 old men out, which is a first step to truly grow into a proper adult. Because of her developement, she is finally able to become the Winter Maiden in the climax of volume 8:
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This scene is key to understand how The Snow Queen is used throughout the Atlas Arc and what it means for Winter and Penny's stories.
First of all, Winter and Penny are clearly Kay and Gerda here. They are sister-coded and Penny is even bare-footed, which is a defining trait of Gerda. How do they fit their literary counterparts, though?
Winter and Penny are a Kay and Gerda in competition over the Winter Maiden. Specifically, Winter thinks that to be worthy of the Winter Maiden she must become a Snow Queen, cold and detached from emotions. Penny proves to her that the true Winter Maiden is instead a real girl with a heart and a soul:
Winter: No, Penny. You were always the real Maiden at heart. I was just a machine… just… following orders.
This wording is interesting because we find a similar one in Andersen's story:
“Except ye become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of God.” And Kay and Gerda looked into each other’s eyes. They both sat there, grown up, yet children at heart.
Only children at heart are worthy of heaven, only real girls can truly become Maidens. This is Penny's lesson to Winter. The real Winter Maiden is not an almighty Snow Queen, but a Blue Fairy that sees humanity in others. Like Fria with Penny and Penny with both Fria and Winter.
At the same time, Winter initially believes that the key to her destiny is Fria, an older woman who transfers the powers out of duty. In the end, though, she is gifted magic by Penny, a child who casts pragmatism aside out of love. A true child (maiden) at heart. So, you see, through Penny Winter begins her arc. She starts reconciling with both her emotions and inner child. This is why "the ice turns in the word eternity":
Penny: I won’t be gone, I’ll be part of you.
Penny isn't really gone, but is forever with Winter. A part of her heart. For eternity.
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Winter's Maiden design calls back to both the Snow Queen and Pinocchio's Blue Fairy. On the one hand she appears surrounded by ice. On the other hand the ice can be seen as fairy dust. So, is Winter gonna be a Snow Queen like Fria or a Blue Fairy like Penny? Or will she be her own Maiden, different from both? Time will tell. What's sure is that the first thing Winter does after receiving the powers is to fail, both as a Maiden and as a big sister.
On the one hand she fails to retrieve the Staff. This is important symbolically because only "true" Maidens get the relics. Maidens with flaming eyes who have still to grow don't. For example, Cinder can't find the Crown and Raven leaves the Lamp. Yang and Penny instead both get the relics, which are thematically linked to them. In short, it is a motif and a pattern. Winter failing to take the Staff from Cinder shows she still has a way to go before truly growing into a full fledged Maiden. On the other hand she fails to save Weiss and loses another little sister. The moment she chooses to open her heart and to show her true feelings they work against her, she makes mistakes and lets her loved one down.
Basically, Winter has some other development to do:
Winter: But yes Penny, we must still acknowledge our personal feelings, wrestle with them. It ensures us that we're on the right path. It's what makes us human.
After a life of repression, she is just now starting to struggle with her emotions. The result of this struggle will tell us who Winter really is. As for now, she keeps being tested through her double conflict (her 2 shards).
As a Maiden she has to lead her people to safety in Vacuo. As a Schnee she has to deal with Weiss's loss and to mend her relationship with her family:
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This last point is especially interesting. Winter's arc in Atlas mostly transfers her conflict with Jacques on Ironwood. Still, the origin of Winter's problems is not the General, but her shattered childhood. This means that in order to truly grow she needs to reconcile with her family. It is the only way to find catharsis and to soothe her inner child's pain. However, she might not be able to do it alone.
In this context, Weiss's help will probably be key. After all, Penny helps Winter with one shard (Maidenhood), so it is fitting Weiss does the same with the other (the Schnee family). Penny starts Winter's arc, so Weiss should finish it. Moreover, Weiss herself is already ahead of Winter when it comes to fix her family bonds. This is clear if we consider Weiss's development through the relationships with her 2 siblings:
Initially, Weiss shares Whitely coping mechanism. They both obey Jacques and try to fulfill his impossible standards. They play the part of the good reflections and stay hidden in the mirror.
As time goes on, though, Weiss embraces Winter's approach more and more. She grows braver and openly defies Jacques. By doing so she grows distant from Whitley until they fight in volume 4.
However, differently from Winter, Weiss never fully discards her family. She doesn't run from her name or legacy, but tries to make it better. She is a synthesis of the best traits of both her siblings (Winter + Whitley = Weiss). This is why she is able to inspire both to be better.
In other words, Weiss leaves childhood (Whitley) behind to grow more adult (Winter), but then goes back to integrate her unsolved parts (Whitley). Winter needs to do the same and she will with Weiss as a bridge.
Weiss and Winter's story is set up to end in Vacuo, which fits The Snow Queen's use of seasons. As a matter of fact seasons are rather important in the story and are often mentioned to show the time passing. Kay disappears in winter, Gerda starts her journey in spring, she finds Kay in winter and they go back home in summer.
Can you see what RWBY is doing?
Winter is in Atlas- the Kingdom of Winter
Weiss goes through a self-discovery journey in Mistral - the Kingdom of Spring
Weiss and Winter meet again in Atlas - the Kingdom of Winter
Weiss and Winter will find a metaphorical home and embrace each other in Vacuo - the Kingdom of Summer
Vacuo is then the perfect stage for the Schneesters' final reconciliation, which may allude to the Snow Queen once again. In particular, an ideal ending of Winter's arc should have (imo):
Another reference to the word "eternity"
Winter expelling the shards
The details are clearly up in the air. However, I would not be surprised if all of this is conveyed through a summon. As Weiss's arc shows, unlocking an avatar perfectly conveys the idea of freeing one-self from painful mirror fragments. Moreover, I can't forget this very silly thing from Ice Queendom :'''):
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Jokes aside, let's speak a little bit of Semblances...
Glyphs is clearly inspired by the Snow Queen:
The snow-flakes ran along the ground, and the nearer they came to her, the larger they appeared and much more terrible. For they were alive, and were the guards of the Snow Queen, and had the strangest shapes. Some were like great porcupines, others like twisted serpents with their heads stretching out, and some few were like little fat bears with their hair bristled; but all were dazzlingly white, and all were living snow-flakes.
This is the Schnees' summonings in a nutshell: snowflakes that come to be living animals.
There is more, though. The Schneesters' Semblance ties with their allusion in different ways.
Winter is the Snow Queen, who is able to summon multiple "soldiers" at once:
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Even now, it is the main difference between Winter and Weiss's technique. Winter likes multiplying her servants, while Weiss prefers playing with their size. Moreover, the Snow Queen is introduced changing snowflakes into "great white chickens" and this is Winter's first summon:
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Weiss is instead both Snowhite and Gerda. As Snowhite, her glyphs reference the forest animals she befriends. They become a metaphor of how Weiss progressively tames her inner beasts and integrates with them. As Gerda, there is this:
Then little Gerda repeated the Lord’s Prayer, and the cold was so great that she could see her own breath come out of her mouth like steam as she uttered the words. The steam appeared to increase, as she continued her prayer, till it took the shape of little angels who grew larger the moment they touched the earth. They all wore helmets on their heads, and carried spears and shields. Their number continued to increase more and more; and by the time Gerda had finished her prayers, a whole legion stood round her. They thrust their spears into the terrible snow-flakes, so that they shivered into a hundred pieces, and little Gerda could go forward with courage and safety.
Gerda summons angels, who wear helmets and shields (so Knigts) and have spears:
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This is all very cool, but what of it? Winter and Weiss's allusions are used to develop their foiling. On the one hand Winter is the Snow Queen that transforms snowflakes into beasts. Her summons are symbolically cold and made of ice. On the other hand Weiss is Gerda whose breath turns into angels. She changes her inner warmth into an army ready to help her. The hint here is that Winter and Weiss's summons work differently, which is confirmed by Winter's advice to Weiss in volume 3:
Winter: Emotions can grant you strength. But you must never let them overpower you.
Winter never loses control. She dominates her emotions and strives to always be her best version. She is cool, she is perfect, she is an ideal, which means she isn't her real self. Her avatars are the result of repression.
Weiss unlocks her summons when she rushes to save Velvet. She is irrational, she is brash, she is reckless. She doesn't think, but feels and acts. This is why she frees her heart. Her avatars are a result of integration.
In a sense, the sisters are opposite when it comes to fighting styles and personal journeys.
Weiss initially excels at combining her glyphs with Dust, but can’t summon. This is because summons are mirrors of one's interiority. Weiss initially doesn't really know who she is without the family crest, so she can't conjure anything. The moment she grows into herself she succeeds.
Winter is instead great at summoning, but is rarely seen combining her glyphs with Dust. This is because she has cut herself off from the family. Once she accepts her feelings and reaches out to Weiss, she is shown using Dust powered Glyphs much more.
In short, Weiss's arc is about finding her own individuality, while Winter's is about learning to let others in. So, Weiss's style progressively becomes more focused on summons. It would fit if Winter were to use more elemental glyphs in the future.
Not only that, but I would love if Winter started to combine her glyphs with magic to obtain effects similar to Dust. It would show she is starting to depend more on her family. Not Jacques or the SDC, but Penny, who gifted her with the powers:
Winter: This…was a gift.
The fairy tale's message is found in this prayer:
“Roses bloom and cease to be, But we shall the Christ-child see.”
It is a recurring motif throughout the story. It is the prayer Gerda uses to free Kay and it is repeated at the very end. It means people should keep their childhood ingenuity and generosity. This theme clearly fits RWBY's idealistic message. Not only that, but the prayer fits Ruby herself and her role in Weiss's arc.
Ruby is Weiss's inspiration (the "Hunter" that motivates her to be a better Huntress). She is also the one, who brings out Weiss's inner child:
Weiss: Hey, Ruby? I always wanted bunk beds as a kid.
Through her and the rest of her team, Weiss defrosts. She embraces her childishness more and more:
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She discovers herself an idealist, ready to make the world a better and warmer place. She is blooming into a white rose of summer, who will soon become Winter's inspiration. In this way, both sisters will grow into beautiful and resilient flowers, survivors of their icy childhood.
These are my main thoughts on how the Snow Queen is used in RWBY. Sorry it is so long and I took so long to answer. On the bright side, I think the timing is perfect given the Holiday Season :''') I hope you enjoy this meta on Santa's 2 beautiful granddaughters!
Happy Holidays, if you celebrate!
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shinobirain24 · 11 months
Iceberg - If Beacon Never Fell
Weiss was waiting in front of the courtyard for a date she was asked out for. While awaiting for the boy of her dreams. There is someone showing up in front of her, but not her date. She felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Miss Schnee." No, it wasn't the person she was expecting. But someone she knew from her past. It was a young man her age dressed in a suit and vest. Presenting her with a huge bouquet of roses, lilies and carnations.
"Henry Marigold, what are you doing here? In front of Beacon Academy? You're not a huntsman student, in fact, you don't have any training." Weiss scoffed.
"Just here to pick you up. I had been waiting to ask you to come to dinner with me." Henry smiled as he knelt down, expecting Weiss to say yes to the invitation.
But to his dismay, she frowned and sighed, "No way." Henry shook his head and went wide-eyed.
"B-but... " Henry collected his thoughts and became very insistent. "Hey, look. You are alone and won't be able to find someone like me. Face it, you and I are in the same circle. Forget these low-lifes of Beacon and come with me."
Henry then grabbed her hand, and Weiss quickly snatched it back from him. And steps backwards. "I SAID NO!"
"Snow Angel, are you okay? I thought I heard something." Neptune came just in time with a single white rose in his hand and a box of chocolates. Weiss is relieved that her real knight in shining armor arrived.
"And who is this guy?" Neptune asked. Turning to Henry, thinking he is bothering Weiss. And would do anything to protect her.
"He's been bothering me no matter how many times I told him no."
To show Henry their point, Neptune then narrowed his eyes and told him off. "Listen, man. If a lady says no, she means no. Besides, you don't know a thing about her." Neptune lightly pushes Henry away from Weiss and stands next to her.
Neptune then knelt down and held up a one rose and chocolates. It was just a single rose. But it was enough for Weiss to feel enamored towards Neptune even more. Weiss takes the rose from Neptune and smiles.
"Neptune... " Weiss said, dreamily. Henry stood shocked. He has 100 flowers on a bouquet. But Weiss chose the rose from Neptune.
"Shall we, my Queen?" Neptune stood up and offers Weiss his hand. Weiss happily takes it. "Of course." Then Weiss held onto his arms and walked with Neptune. It was a total loss for Henry.
"What? You and that loser? Why him?!"
Then Cardin came out in front of Henry and shouted out. "Hey everyone! This guy asked Weiss Schnee on a date and got totally rejected!" But it was only because Cardin hates Marigold for being a show off with money and his father for shading dealings as Jacques Schnee wasn't the only one who dealt with backlash. Everyone present in the courtyard heard it and laughed at him.
Henry stood frozen. Embarrassed and in the state of shock. Sun then puts an arm around Henry and said to him, "Man, girls must really hate you. You may have the looks and the money, but you have no soul, whatsoever."
Ruby joins Sun, as she also sees the kind of person Henry is. "I know, right?!" Ruby laughed.
The next day, after a wonderful date to the movies, Weiss and Neptune held hands together as they were no longer afraid to become a couple. Two teens from different classes fell in love. Neither could care less of what either of their families would say. But Neptune's father did approve by the time they coincidentally met him around the city.
Whispers can be heard. Some agreed on how good they are together. Others disagree because of different backgrounds or the outcome of the relationship. But Weiss and Neptune are too busy being happy with each other to care.
Weiss confidently kissed Neptune on the cheek. Neptune smiled back as he continued to walk with her.
Nora, who sees the couple, fist pumps in joy. "YES! I knew those two would end up together!" She shouted in joy.
Author's note: Nora is a shipper and predicted Neptune and Weiss becoming a couple.
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spahhzy · 2 years
'The Husk'
Yang stood in silence over the barren wasteland that used to be a thriving forest. Now, it was full of dead trees and snow.
A sound of snow crunching from someone's feet made her turn her head slightly.
It was Oscar or was it Ozpin now?
"You know this is it?" He asked, and Yang breathed through her nose.
"If we can't defeat her here, then all is lost," He said to her as Yang lilac eyes just looked at him, but said nothing.
"Yang... do you understand that their is no reasoning anymore with her? " Again, Yang said nothing just turned away and looked at the dark night sky.
"I hope you make the right choice, Yang. I really do. " That was the last Oscar said before he walked away.
"You know, I like him better when he wasn't such a crabby ass," came a, Blake, as she stepped from behind a tree.
"What are you doing here?" Yang asked, looking at her partner.
"I think this is my fight too, don't you?" Blake said as she walked up to Yang, who looked ready to argue but stopped knowing there would be nothing to change Blake's mind.
"Ah and look at what we have here...off to the final battle without me, hmm?" Came another voice as suddenly Weiss Schnee came from another side of the forest.
" seriously Xiao-Long you always seem to wanna run into these things by yourself... we're a team, are we not?" Weiss asked Yang wanted to say something, but knkw Weiss, she probably had a rebuttal for any of her reasons.
Yang sighed and then laughed.
"And I was the rebellious one." She laughed before enveloping them both in a big hug.
"I love you guys.. ya'll really have been good to me and my family, " She said to them much to their embarrassment.
"You know this gonna be a tough one, right?" She said, getting back to the task on hand.
As suddenly snow or what looked like snow began falling all around them.
Yang held out her hand, catching the flake as the white flake dissipated from her touch.
They looked up to the sky to see nothing.
"She's coming," Blake said as everyone readied themselves for the final fight of their lives.
"Yang, you have a backup plan in case we get wiped," Blake said as Yang said nothing, Weiss just chuckled.
"Oh dear...well, not unexpected of you," to which Yang snorted.
The roar came from out towards Mt. Glenn suddenly had a dragon that appeared from the skies around it.
The dragon was black and white, with red eyes burning brightly.
It approached them rapidly, and then in an instant, it was on top of them.
Yang and the others looked into the sky, seeing the Grimm dragon fly ominously above them before suddenly the dragon roared as it suddenly began to disintegrate its body composition, turning into something else altogether , and falling too the ground where WBY stood.
Or more frank dead rose's.
A pile of the decaying roses began collecting on the ground below where the dragon before finally the beast was gone all together.
Soon, it was silence as WBY just looked on and waited with their guard up.
"I finally found you!" Came a disembodied voice from nowhere in particular.
"You know, after killing Ren, Nora and just about nuking Atlas right off the map...I'd figured you'd all would just hide away," the voice talked glee in their voice.
"...but It would seem ozpin has other plans, huh?" Suddenly, the pile of roses began to move.
"Ah, to be so naive like you all , still defending him after all he has done and all that he is making you do now...hero's till the end, I see"
"Something you once were," Yang spoke out, and laughter echoed through the forest.
"Yes, but we all had to grow up sometime, hmm?" The piles of roses continued to shift around.
"This is what you call growing up? Genocide and destruction?" Weiss argued her glyphs forming around her.
"...well, what can I say? we all grow up just a bit differently." The voice said to them as the dead flowers still moved about. This time, Blake spoke up
"Yeah and what would Jau- "
" DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME!" screeched the disembodied voice as the flowers stopped moving before falling back to the ground.
Followed by silence.
"I think it's time we finally end our little game, don't you..." spoke the voice suddenly the flowers erupted into flames.
The trio backed up away from the sudden powerful blaze, mesmerized by the scene infront of them as suddenly a bone white hand shot out from inside the mini inferno as a red eye glared ominously at them before in a single motion swiped away at the blast sending the fire in all directions to which WBY covered their faces.
Yang was the first to look back at the figure in front of them now, and a part of her faltered just a bit.
Standing just about as tall as Yang, her cloak in tethers, no longer the red, their mom gave now just an endless black. her hair as white as snow, but with red tips, her left eye red, and her right eye, a cold silver which was covered up by a grimm mask, and black veins could be seen on her pale skin.
A cruel smile on her face as she gave a slight bow.
" My dear family"
Yang looked at the monster in front of her, one of whom had caused so much suffering but was also the recipient of much suffering herself.
Yang, at that moment, could only utter one word.
'Blood is still dripping through the cracks, now it's time to pay the fucking debt for they wait for you to evolve fruitless' -
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bssaz97 · 2 years
How does Jupiter react to see his little brother, Neptune dating Weiss for the first time meeting him?
Jupiter: So Neptune, when am I going to be meeting your “new” girlfriend? And please tell me that you actually got a real girlfriend this time.
Neptune: Har, har, you’re very funny bro. Weiss said she would be arriving soon, you know how busy a Schnee can be.
Jupiter: Oh right, the heiress to the most famous family on all of Remnant is your girlfriend. I nearly forgot, heheh.
Neptune: You still don’t believe I’m dating Weiss Schnee, do you?
Jupiter: I believe that you’re dating a girl who looks like Weiss Schnee, but I don’t see why saying her name a million times is supposed to impress me.
Neptune: What? Impress you? I’m not trying to impress anyone bro, I just thought it would be nice for you to meet my first girlfriend-! Ah-! I mean, the first girlfriend that I’ve been going steady on. Okay, that sounds even worse….
Jupiter: *laughs* Kiddo, what have I told about trying to act like you’re such a “cool guy”? You’re better off trying to act like yourself. That’s probably why you’ve been able to keep this one around.
Neptune: Actually we had broken up before, but we’re back together now! With hopes of lasting more than a week.
Jupiter: Monty, bro… no wonder you’ve been on edge, you need to relax, you’re as agitated like the ocean.
Neptune: Maybe you’re right. I just want things to work out this time.
Jupiter: Well, if you’re honest with yourself, and with her, than you should be fine. *smirks* And probably try not to flirt with every skirt you see.
Neptune: Gee, that’s ironic coming from you.
Jupiter: As your big bro, “do as I say, not as I do.”
Neptune: Riiight. *sees a familiar bullhead* That’s her! She’s here!
*From the bullhead descends a petite, but dignified young huntress with a white snow hair, and eyes as blue as ice. The girl’s face smiles as she met eyes with the young blue haired huntsman*
Weiss: Apologies for the delay, Ruby had chosen a easy mission taking out silverfish but then it turned into a hard mission when the Grimm started to combine into a giant silverfish.
Neptune: That’s okay, I’m just glad you’re here. *presents a gift* I got you flowers.
Weiss: Aw, how sweet.
*She smells them and looks towards the older huntsman standing besides them*
Weiss: Oh! You must be Neptune’s brother, It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.
Jupiter: …Holy crap, you really are dating Weiss Schnee.
Neptune: Yes I am!
*Neptune attempts to gloat but gets his ear pulls from Weiss who wore a frown on her face*
Neptune: Atatatata! Weiss!
Weiss: You didn’t tell me you were bringing family, I would’ve dressed for the occasion!
Neptune: It was supposed to be a surprise for both of you, I didn’t think you would mind.
Weiss: Of course I mind! I’m in worn battle gear this is hardly the proper attire for meeting on e of your relatives.
Neptune: I’m sorry Weiss, I’ll give you a heads up next time. But if it helps, you still look very beautiful.
Weiss: Well… It does help… a bit. But I’m still upset with you.
Neptune: I promise to make it up to you… just please let go of my ear.
*Jupiter who had been watching the whole exchange was stunned without words, but once it had ended his face contorted into a held back expression until he could hold it no more*
Jupiter: Ahahahahaha!
Weiss/Neptune: Huh?
Jupiter: I’m sorry, it’s just, this is not at all what I was expecting for this day to turn out! Haha. But man, I’m so glad to be wrong, you two are really a funny couple. *sighs* Goad to know my bro finally has a girl who can keep him in check.
Neptune: Hey! I don’t-
Weiss: *glares*
Neptune: Er, I mean, maybe a little.
Jupiter: Hehe, it’s nice to meet you too, Weiss Schnee. Man, mom will freak at this.
Weiss: Your mother? Hi old on, I’m not ready yet. I need a new wardrobe!!!
A/N: Hope this is to your liking, apologies for the long wait. I’m going to try to work more in my ask box since it’s been a minute.
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kousaka-ayumu · 2 years
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Meet Sonomi Hoshiakari AKA Cure Forest, who's a student at NRC and apart of Pomefiore.
Age: 16
Height: 150cm
Theme: nature
Team: Midnight Rose Precure(Hero Team)
Moonlight Bloom(Band)
Position: Lead singer(Moonlight Bloom)
Leader(Midnight Rose Precure)
Dorm: Pomefiore
Unlike all other Pink PreCure leaders(other than Nodoka and Tsubomi) , she's the only one who wasn't energetic but rather calm and quiet due to being sheltered from the world for 15 years now, she only has her sister Fuyumi and her older brother Akio.
At first she was pretty shy and often hides behind her friends's back. At times, Sonomi can be reckless and underestimate a severe situation, mainly because of her desire to protect something she considers valuable, which can cloud her judgment.
Sonomi has dark pink hair with pink streak that is tied in a half-ponytail.
As Cure Forest her hair turns pink and way longer that is tied up in a side ponytail.
Dorm Uniform
Sonomi's dorm uniform is similar to the rest of the Pomefiore students. Epel also wears dark-purple winged eyeshadow while in uniform. The uniform consists of a violet robe, a black button-up shirt underneath, black skirt and black and gold heeled boots.
Unlike the other students of NRC and like her friends.
Her "Unique Magic" is called "Nature's Melody" it allows her to comucinate with nature and animals.
However in reality since she's the Guardian of Earth, she can control plants and their growth and structure. and manipulate the earth and all related materials such as paper, wood, silt, minerals, crystal, gems, sand, mud, some foods like sugar and wheat, silicon, and molten rock.
Chlorokinesis: Sonomi's primary ability is to control plants, trees, grass and manipulate their growth and structure. This allows Sonomi to use the many forms of plant life as her own personal weapons. She can summon vines from deep within the ground and use them to entangle enemies, cause flowers and other plants to bloom instantaneously, manipulate tree branches to use them as whip-like weapons, control spores and pollen, and bring plants back to life.(Yes I got it from Cornelia's page from the W.I.T.C.H wiki).
Geokenesis: the ability to control and manipulate any geologic material, such as plants, minerals, and stone as well as earth products as sugar. She has shown that she is able to set off earthquakes, tear holes in the ground, carve slabs of stone and rock from geologic sources like mountains, crags and walls, shift the terrain around her, slice through stone with her mere fingertips
Energy Blasts: Shoot bolts of pink energy from her hands
Earthquake Generation: Set off earthquakes
Ground Liquification: Carve craters into the ground
Create trenches
Earth Manipulation: Form avalanches and mudslides
Levitation: Levitate and throw stone through the use of psionic energy
Telepathic Speaking: The ability of Green-Speaking
Plant Communication: Communicate the location of vegetation
Conceptual Materialization: Use geologic material as armor
Earth Mimicry: Slice through rock, stone and steel with her bare hands
Material Teleportation: Teleport forms of earth-related materials
Both her and Neige LeBlanche we're based on Snow White, which is ironic because Vil hated Neige and Neige's in RSA while he was close with Sonomi.
She is shown to be good at alchemy.
Like Weiss Schnee from RWBY, she's good at using her sword name "Appleflower Melody"
Unlike all other pink lead Cures(besides Nagisa/Cure Black), she's the only one who's eye color didn't change.
Unlike Cornelia from W.I.T.C.H who's totally disgusted by her Element, Sonomi appreciated her powers.
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icedweiss · 5 years
whiterose shippers let’s have faith that SOMETHING will happen this volume!! I have a feeling it’ll be when/if they cross paths with Jacques
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pxrifiedmxniac · 4 years
tag dump... (part 2)
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So I read White Rose of Vermilion and now I’m empty and just reading other White Rose fanfics to fill the void while I wait for an update and my standards are way too high because I read TWROV first
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moodboardtopia · 7 years
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vecnawrites · 3 years
Playing Hard To Get
Everyone knew that Jaune Arc pined for Weiss Schnee. But what few knew was that Weiss Schnee pined for Jaune Arc just as much. The reason they weren't together? Weiss had gotten bad romantic advice. Hopefully, this wouldn't work against her...
The last of my Patreon Rewards for August! And Safe For Work, to boot!
Weiss walked down Beacon’s hallways with a confident smile on her beautiful face. Her snow white hair was perfectly shampooed and conditioned, her tiara was in its proper place, and she had just the slightest bit of make up on her face to accentuate her best traits, making her eyes and lips stand out, accentuated her cheekbones, and all that.
Why all the primping? Well, Weiss was a woman on a mission. She knew, well, more like everyone knew, that one Jaune Arc was smitten with her, completely and utterly. But what no one actually realized was that she was smitten with him as well.
Why hadn’t she agreed to his many requests for a date, then? Well, the answer was surprisingly simple. She wanted to see that he would fight for her. She had read in a myriad of articles and books based around romance that it was very good to play ‘hard to get’, as it would show if the boy in question was truly serious about dating her. If he continued to try for her, he was worth keeping around, worth dating in the long run.
Jaune hadn’t stopped, he had always tried to convince her to go out with him, but he was pleasant about it, always accepting her answer of ‘no’ with grace, backing away only to try again about a week or so later. And he never asked her to do something boring. It was always something that she loved (she loved comedy movies! After all, there was little joy growing up in the Schnee household), or had never done before but actually wanted to try (she had never been allowed near any sort of arcade or even gaming before as a child, being expected to be the perfect heiress at all times)! He even knew her favorite flowers and how she liked her coffee!
She knew that now was the time to strike, as the Beacon Dance was coming up during the next week. Now, she knew that most girls considered Jaune a dork (and they weren’t wrong, he was a wonderful dork), but that left him open for her to snag as a date for it!
She already knew that it would be perfect~ Jaune was always the perfect gentleman, even when it was against someone that was being rude to him-that brute of an oaf Cardin and her own teammate Yang were two examples.
Reaching the Library, Weiss walked in confidently, seeing the head of blonde hair that she knew by heart over at one of the tables, scribbling away at a notebook before him, glancing at one of the books on top of the table.
Walking up, she gently coughed to catch his attention, and when she saw him look up and focus on her, she gathered herself and spoke. “Well, Arc,” oh, how she loathed to call him by his last name, she would be sure to call him by his proper name after this, “I know that the Dance is coming up, and since I know you don’t have a date, I’m willing to go with y-” she blinked, stopping as Jaune closed his book, looking up at her with that sheepish, slightly awkward grim that she adored, but for some reason, this one filled her with dread.
“Actually, I do have a date to the dance, Weiss!” he said, his face happy and voice calm, but both made her freeze as though she had just heard some of the most dark, foul, and violent vitriol to ever grace her ears.
“R-Really?” she hated how weak her voice sounded, how faint it was, the sinking feeling only growing as Jaune gathered up his finished work and stood, nodding to her with a smile. “Yeah, she even asked me, rather than the other way around with me asking her, so it was a nice surprise! I’m sorry, but I can’t stay and talk; I have a team training session with Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren! I’ll talk to you later?”
Weiss found herself nodding weakly, wondering where things had gone so wrong as the boy she wanted left the library. She had no doubt that he was just too polite to say ‘no’ to the girl in question… so she would have to find said girl and… convince… her that it was in her best interest for something to ‘come up’ the night of the dance and allow her to go with her Dork Knight.
Weuss was going to have to give up, as much as she despised the very thought. All of her investigations had come up with nothing. She knew that it wasn’t Pyrrha: her largest rival for Jaune’s affections wouldn’t have been quiet about going to the dance with him. She’d have been singing about it from the rooftops.
Her own partner was also out as well; after all, Ruby was not only the only one of her team to know about how she truly felt about Jaune, she also only saw Jaune as her ‘goofy bestie’. Which wasn’t bad at all in her case. It meant she had someone to talk to about her feelings.
But that still left many candidates: the chocolate skinned, green haired girl named Emerald Sustrai eyed him in interest several times, as did the beret wearing Ciel Soliel from Atlas, and even the beanie wearing sniper from BRNZ, May Zedong had been eyeing him enough to make her feel uneasy. A scowl formed on her face at the thought of one of those… those hussies taking her man!
...but, she hadn’t figured out who it was, and tomorrow was the dance. She hadn’t bothered to see if anyone else would go with her, not when the only person she wanted to go with wasn’t available. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to attend anymore. She wouldn’t enjoy it.
She sighed, shaking her head as she saw the person of her desires walking towards her, that sweet smile on his face. She swallowed, but forced a smile to her face. It wasn’t like a lady to be sour at someone else’s happiness… even if it hurt.
“Hey, Weiss, how are you doing?” he asked, making her smile become more genuine, even if still being sad.
“Hello, Jaune… how are you doing?” she saw him frown, and panicked a bit, she didn’t want him to know that she was feeling sad! She watched as he bit down on his lower lip a bit, looking at her with his deep blue eyes.
“I’m doing okay. Prepared for the dance tomorrow, how about you?” she felt the sting again at the knowledge that he would be going with someone else, someone that wasn’t her. Horrifyingly, she felt tears building in the corners of her eyes, and quickly focused her gaze down towards the floor so he wouldn’t see them.
“O-Oh, that’s nice…” damn her for sounding so weak! “I...I really hope you enjoy your date with w-whoever it is…” she sniffed, feeling the tears beginning to make their way down her cheeks-
Weiss froze, two single tears dropping from her face to fall on the floor as her eyes widened, hearing those two, powerful words. She looked up, seeing him looking at her with a sad, but warm smile on his face as he reached out and gently wiped her cheeks clean.
“It’s you, Weiss… you asked me in the library, remember?” Weiss’s mind flashed back to that day last week, and their conversation, specifically, her saying that since he didn’t have a date, she would-a small gasp left her lips, and more tears built up and flowed down her cheeks, but these were ones of happiness.
He hugged her gently, and she sank into his hold happily, inhaling his scent, crying steadily now. “Let’s have a lot of fun, just the two of us, okay?” she croaked out, feeling Jaune nod against her head. “I’ve thought a lot about this all, so I hope you can keep up with me.” another gently nod and a hand cupping her cheek as she hiccuped, carefully wiping her tears away.
Weiss couldn’t wait for the Dance now. She was just thankful she had gotten her dress ready when it was first announced!
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simplysparrow14 · 4 years
Volume 8 is eerily similar to Sleeping Beauty
So I was reading @magicaltimelady44​‘s wonderful post about How Volume 8 is following Mulan and I got to thinking about Nora (like you do) and I came to realization that Volume 8 is eerily similar to  sleeping beauty. (also please note that this is just an observation so if i get things wrong I'm sorry) 
Here me out:
First, I want to get this out of the way: Nora’s outfits correspond with Sleeping beauty’s dresses. to any of you who have never have watched sleeping beauty or it’s been a long time since you’ve watched it: don't know, In the Disney movie Sleeping Beauty, there’s a running gag where 2 of the 3 fairies that watch over Sleeping Beauty cant decide whether or not to make Sleeping Beauty’s Dress pink or blue. One wants it to be pink, the other wants it to be blue. Its a constant gag in the movie right up until the end. I bring this up because Nora is the only one in the cast that has this flip-flopping color scheme. In volumes 1-3, her outfit is mostly baby pink with a small midsection of Icy blue. In volumes 4-6, her outfit is mostly bright hot pink--hardly any trace of blue in sight.(except for her eyes). Now in volumes 7-8, its that warm baby pink again with that icy blue. Also if you notice, there’s blue underneath the pink (like the undercoat part is dyed blue, which could mean that if Nora wanted to, she could just turn her outfit inside out and have blue on the outside and pink on the little coller flap-things, which is a cleaver nod to “make it pink-make it blue”. ) 
Another thing that I’ve noticed is that when Nora becomes unconscious.  I know this could be chocked up to just the writing in that the entire volume takes place over 1-2 days, but in Sleeping Beauty there’s a very iconic line said by the villian: “Before the Sun sets on her Sixteenth Birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep.”  Now I know that in this case there is no spindle or spinning wheel, but we all know that CRWBY loves to subvert the tropes and items used in their fairy tales. If Cinder’s glass slipper can be a sword than I’m sure Sleeping Beauty Spinning Wheel can be a fully-connected electric door that gives you electrical scars.
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Now am I saying that it’s Nora sixteenth birthday when all of this is taking place? (no). Nora’s sixteenth birthday has already been passed. But the “before the sun sets” part is interesting. Mostly because of the whole “Volume 8 takes place in 1-2 days” part.  Need I remind you that Nora became unconscious a little before the sun began to fully set on day one. 
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and when Team RNBW arrived at the Schnee Manor, You can tell that by the time that they got there, the sun had just began to set and the sky was turning that nice Ombre pinkish-purply-yellow color that it does just before the sun fully dips below the horizon. 
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Another thing that I’ve noticed is that the characters that are surrounding Nora very much connect with Sleeping Beauty’s 3 fairies: Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather. 
Flora (flower) wears Red. Flora is the name of the general classification of plants and flowers. She shares similarities to Ruby mostly due to her being the leader and coming up with ideas that very much help the situation. 
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Fauna wears Green. Her name is usually given to the general classification of  animals. The two characters that pertain to this are Penny and Blake. Penny is mostly seen wearing green and is very happy-go-lucky, and while Blake mostly wears monochrome/purple colors, she is generally classified as a “Faunus”. 
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And Merriweather wears Blue. Weiss now wears very deep rich blue colors. SHe’s the one who’s very outspoken and usually tells it how it is. and is not afaid to call people out on their bullshit. I also point that who’s the one character (besides Nora) that’s commonly associated with a certain type of weather? Weiss Schnee (her last name literally means Snow and her emblem is literally a snowflake) 
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All 3 of them guard and watch Sleeping Beauty as she sleeps.  
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Now, you may be thinking: what does this have to do with Atlas and Mantle? I’m glad you asked. As we know, Atlas and Mantle are currently being over-run by Grimm (thanks Salem) and now the entire kingdom is in mortal peril and fear because of it. And now the big question right now is “How are we going to protect people now that both Mantle and Atlas are over-run with Grimm. 
Well, you pull a Brunswick farms and put everyone within the Kingdom to sleep. think about it: If everyone was asleep, the Grimm would think that both Mantle and Atlas are abandoned, and would possibly try to wander off. Or would most likely (after a few hours of destruction) think that they’ve killed everyone in the kingdom and then try to move on somewhere else.(or Salem would think that she had won and try to retrieve the relic from the rumble of a destroyed Atlas)  
 But how the hell are you going to do that? There’s no one in Remnant (currently) that has a semblance that can put people to sleep. We could use the Staff of Creation but then Atlas would fall right out of the sky, smashing the crater down below. 
Well, luckily for you my friend, you don't need to because there is already someone who can give you that same outcome with less sleepy-time goodness. 
And who has a very similar semblance that can mask an entire group of people and hide them from the Grimm???
This angsty bitch right here. 
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And need I remind you all that he literally shrouds people in grey when using his semblance, just like how the fairies literally shroud people in that deep seaweed green color when they’re putting people to sleep in the movie. 
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ALSO: In order for Sleeping Beauty to be rescued, her brave prince needed to fight against the forces of evil to get to her bedside. 
Where’s Nora’s Prince? Outside of the kingdom, willing and able to brave the incoming Grimm to get to her. 
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And where’s Nora? In the castle, waiting for her (estranged) Prince to rescue her. 
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havg02 · 3 years
Penelope and Ivonne aesthetics
Penelope: snow, ballerina, queen, sweet floral powdery perfume, winter, flower, silk, ice, feminine, grief, spring, barbie, porcelain doll, Laduree, ribbons, despair, glass, lace, Cinderella, turquoise, mermaid, Mackenzie Hollister, tulles, destined fate, blueberry yogurt ice cream, crystal, ice palace, orange blossoms, Chanel, turquoise, parasol, designer clothes, classy, 'hot girlfriend' vibe, turquoise/rosy/lavender eyeshadow, black currant, lovely, sea, Christian Dior, Snow White, magenta, garden, heels, mirror, clockwork, coral pink lips, peach roses, rain drop, tears, strictly, chic, Elsa from frozen, everyone's crush, Heather, violet, butterfly, Regina George, figure skating, rich bitch girl, snowflakes, Marie Antoinette, pearls, iridescent, ivy, cat eyes, timeline, wish, dollhouse, aerobics, rapier, lip gloss addiction, hope, piano, flute, isolation, violin, harp, elegant long thin legs, bittersweet, Weiss Schnee, belladonna, tea party, poison, elegant, lonely, glass coffin, snow storm, harsh, bougie, french lifestyle, chains, coffee, honeymoon, scarlet, prince, glamorous, longing, pretty, graceful, rosy, queen bee, rapunzel hair, library, motherly, opium, bookworm nerd, Audrey Hepburn
Ivonne: autumn, past memories, Bella Swan, blue, weep, summer, puppy eyeliner, photo albumn, disney cliche, soft, medieval princess, cute, hello kitty, clumsy, friends, innocent, pixies, pastel, Judy Garland, Alice from wonderland, polaroid camera, pure, daisy, animals, Anna from Frozen, comforted, romantic, airheaded heroine, necklace, lolita, Juliet, village core, raspberry, orphanage volunteer work, moe, trumpet, melodica, mini harp, recorder, kalimba, confetti, flower crown, duchess, 'stubborn younger sisterly', bedtime stories, bunny, sunset, tart red lips, heart, lost, cheerful, love, candy, daydream, maiden, adoring, clouds, baby, festival, yearning, bows, sky, bubblegum pink, bubbles, marshmallow, halo, fallen angel, devil, blood, puppets, satanic, cherry, success, smoke, claws, death, carnation, burn, kawaii, illness, black, monotone, mourn, control, cruel, forbidden, brother, disease, shriek, disaster, dagger, black magic, bitter, slime, shadow, two face, thorns, panther, serial killer, horror, guilty, grim brother fairy tales, heavy boots, espresso, violent, shots, siren, ugly, blackhole, ashes, tomb
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shinobirain24 · 5 months
Battle of Remnant 2: Weiss Schnee Ending
Celebrating the creation of the technogical company that Weiss had founded in honor of her grandfather's name. She stands next to her brother as she grew bored. Whitley, Weiss' brother had also become the vice president since the two worked together to rectify everything their cruel father had done.
And they hosted a gala to celebrate. But to Weiss, something is missing as she sees couples dance. It made her feel lonely. "Something wrong, sister?" Asked Whitley.
"Just waiting for somebody, Whitley. No need to worry. Just go out and have fun." Weiss insisted. Then Whitley was asked by a girl his age to dance with him. Which he accepts. Weiss sighs as she watched the dancing going. And this didn't feel right for her to feel stranded. Then she heard a voice. "May I have this dance, Snow Angel."
Behind her is Neptune. She already gave him an invitation and he is standing there wearing a tux. And handing her a silver bracelet with a lily flower on top. "You're late." Weiss said softly, but with a mix of her serious tone of voice. "Sorry, about this Weiss. But I thought I get you a gift first."
Neptune gave Weiss a kiss on her knuckles and she smiled warmly. And he puts the bracelet on her wrist. Weiss can't be mad at him for it. "You know what, that is a nice bracelet. But you have to make it up to me for being late." Weiss said smugly as she kissed him on the cheek.
"Okay then. How can I make it up to you then, my Queen?" Asked Neptune as he pulled Weiss into an embrace. Weiss then ran her hand on his cheek. "You owe me a dance. But I know a better spot." Weiss then grabs Neptune's hand and lead him to the top floor where there is a balcony. Here they are, all alone while the music can still be heard below.
Weiss places Neptune's hand on her waist, causing him to blush. And then she then holds on his other hand. "Um. I'm not good at dancing." Neptune hesitates.
"Neptune, we're alone. So let's just dance." Weiss insisted. And so, Neptune follows her lead and is starting to enjoy it. As they felt lost to the music.
"How do you feel now? Weiss asked softly as she looks at his eyes. Neptune feels relaxed around her. "Like the sea of stars around us, Weiss. Wherever you go, the sea will bring us together. I'm just happy." Neptune replied.
"Good." She nodded.
Weiss rest her head on his shoulder as they enjoy their moment together. As they paused to look into each other's eyes, they are water and ice. And they pressed each other's lips into a kiss.
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