freedjustineshipping · 9 months
Freed has his guild mark on the back of his left hand and Lucy has hers on the back of her right hand so when they hold hands their guild-marked hands will be connected and somehow that's a precious thought 💚💗
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promoting the shippy Freed Justine blog @freedjustineshipping every once in a while for the folks who'd be interested in following and don't know of the blog yet <3
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isabellafoster13 · 1 year
This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.
Now for some Gemini antics at the expense of Lucy's pride! 
I hope you enjoy!
Gemi and Mini's Plan (Freed x Lucy ft. Gemini)
Lucy sat at a table with Levy, who was talking excitedly about a book that she had recently come across. However, the blonde wasn't able to pay much attention. The voice of her friend muffled in her ears as her eyes drifted up to the second floor of the guildhall. She watched as Freed buried his nose into a book while Bixlow babbled to Evergreen across the table from him. She felt her cheeks warm in a light blush as she took in the rune mage's attractive side profile. 
She hadn't realized that she was staring when Levy suddenly clapped her hands in front of her face, causing her to jump and snap back to attention. She turned back to her friend, finding that the blue-haired woman was grinning at her with a knowing sparkle in her eyes. 
Lucy straightened her back and flicked her eyes away as her cheeks warmed even more, asking, "what?" 
Levy raised an eyebrow, a cheshire grin still on her face. "You were staring at him again." 
Lucy looked away at the floor. She responded, "I, um, don't know what you're talking about." 
She heard Levy sigh. "Come on, Lucy! You've been crushing on Freed for a year now, you need to confess to him already!" 
Lucy snapped her gaze back up to look at her best friend, shaking her hands in front of herself frantically as she exclaimed, "I can't do that!" 
"And why not?" 
"Because...well, because..." Lucy looked down at the table, her cheeks burning and her gut doing flips. She thought about telling Freed how she felt, but was overcome with an anxious feeling and fear of him rejecting her. She groaned and dropped her head onto the table, finally answering, "there's no way that he would feel the same way. He probably likes Laxus or Mira." 
"How do you know that? Haven't you and Freed been getting really close recently?" 
"Yeah, but-"
"But what? You can't know how he feels if you don't tell him about your feelings. Lucy, you could be passing up a chance to date Freed. If he doesn't feel the same way, then at least you'll get some closure." 
Lucy lifted her head to look at her friend. She then looked up at Freed. Letting her friend's words sink in, her brow furrowed as she was overcome with a sudden wave of courage. She smiled at Levy and said, "thanks, Levy!" 
She then stood up and made her way to the staircase that lead up to the second floor of the guildhall. She marched up the stairs and walked toward the Thunder Legion's table, approaching from behind Freed. Laxus wasn't present, so it was just the Freed, Evergreen, and Bixlow at the table. 
Lucy recited in her head what she was going to say. Until, the realization of what she was doing hit like one of Natsu's Dragon Slayer Roars. She stopped in her tracks, her brain instantly short-circuiting. What was she doing? Was she really going to tell Freed that she had feelings for him? Sure, it's possible that he likes her in that way too, but what if he doesn't? What if he rejects her? What was she going to do then? Would she be able to still be friends with him? She and Freed had become surprisingly close recently, so would that relationship be affected at all? Would Freed want to be her friend still? The celestial wizard was staring at nothing in particular as her mind raced with questions. 
"-ucy? Lucy? Lucy!" 
Lucy once again jumped and snapped back to reality when someone loudly called her name. She realized that she had been standing in one spot, staring at Freed's back, when she found that said man was standing in front of her, watching her with his usual blank face, but worry was evident in his sea-green eyes. 
Freed questioned, his tone soft, as though he didn't want his two teammates to hear him, "are you alright? Is something wrong?" 
Lucy took a few steps away, her cheeks burning. Her stomach started doing flips and she raised a hand to cover her face, wanting desperately to disappear. When Freed took a step closer to her, she stuttered out, "I-I need to go home!" 
She then turned around and hurried out of the guild, silently cursing at herself as she made her way back to her apartment. 
Gemi and Mini floated through the Celestial Spirit World. They were incredibly bored, having not been summoned by Lucy and not being able to find another spirit who was willing to entertain them. It was Mini who finally thought of something to do, "let's see what Lucy is doing." Gemi quickly agreed to this and, with a "piri-piri," they disappeared from their realm and appeared in the human realm. 
When they summoned themselves, they found Lucy laying face-down on her bed, groaning. The pair of celestial spirits floated closer to her and questioned in unison, "what's wrong, piri-piri?" 
Lucy gave a yelp and jumped up into a sitting position, causing Gemi and Mini to snicker to themselves. They floated in front of their wizard as Lucy finally took notice of them and asked, "Gemini? What are you two doing here?" 
"We're bored..." Gemi answered. 
Mini picked up from where her twin left off, "...so, we came to see you!" 
Lucy smiled at them and opened her arms, saying, "I'm happy to see you both. I'm sorry for not summoning you in a while." 
Gemini happily accepted her hug, enjoying the feeling of their wizard's warm arms wrapping around them. When they pulled away and resumed floating, Gemi asked, "did something happen?" 
They watched as Lucy rubbed her tear-filled eyes and sniffled as she did so. She then looked back at her spirits and answered, "just some boy problem." She waved her hand dismissively, as if telling her spirits that it wasn't a big deal. 
Mini floated closer to lean against Lucy's shoulder, asking, "tell us about it, piri-piri!" 
Gemi leaned against Lucy's other shoulder as he joined in, "yeah, we want to know, piri-piri!" 
They waited as Lucy chuckled and flopped back onto her bed. She sighed before she began, "I embarrassed myself in front of Freed." She then groaned to herself, covering her face with her hands, "I probably ruined any chance I had with him! He probably thinks I'm weird and have some kind of staring problem." 
Gemini leaned closer to her face, inquiring together, "do you really like Freed?" 
Lucy nodded. "I've been in love with him for a year!" 
Gemini simply shared one look with each other before they flew to the middle of the room. They gave a "piri-piri" and transformed. Once the smoke faded, they cooed to their wizard, their voice now possessing a tenor pitch, "Lucy." 
The blonde once again bolted up into a sitting position and whipped her head around to look at her celestial spirits, her mouth dropping open and eyes widening upon seeing who they had transformed into. After several silent moments, she managed to say, "w-what are you doing?" 
Gemini, transformed into Freed, smirked and answered, "we're accessing Freed's thoughts and memories." 
"How are you even able to turn into him? You need to touch someone in order to do that, don't you?" 
"Yeah, and we did recently. Remember the job you went on last week with the Thunder Legion? We were able to touch all three of them." 
"Oh." Lucy looked the transformed Gemini up and down before she snapped her eyes back up to meet theirs and questioned, "wait, why did you transform into him?" 
Gemini strolled close to her until they stood right in front of her. They then hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her face, watching with amusement as a red blush dusted across her cheeks. "To see if Freed loves you too." 
Lucy pushed them away with a flustered yelp. She folded her hands in her lap and looked back at her spirits, muttering, "I don't know about that..." 
Gemini tilted their head. "Why? Don't you want to know if he feeling the same way?" 
"Well, yes, but...it sounds kinda like an invasion of his privacy." 
Gemini hummed before they smiled at her and replied, "at least we'll be able to tell you if you should tell him how you feel! We'll be saving you the rejection!" They didn't wait for Lucy to say anything else before they began their search through Freed's memories and thoughts for how he felt about Lucy. 
However, they frowned when they weren't able to find much of anything. That was weird. They looked back at their wizard when she asked, "is something wrong?" 
Gemini answered, "we are having trouble accessing his memories and thoughts." 
Lucy responded, sounding a bit disappointed, "that's alright. I'll probably confess eventually." She then went back to laying on her stomach on her bed, her head facing away from Gemini. She added, "you two can go back to the Spirit World." 
Gemini, not wanting to give up just yet, silently conversed with each other. After reasoning that they weren't able to access Freed's thoughts and memories due to it having been a while since they last touched him, they quickly decided that what they needed to do was get closer to Freed in order to find out if he loved Lucy back. They quietly sneaked out of the apartment, managing to close the door soundlessly behind them. Once they accomplished this, they transformed into Lucy and made their way to the guild. 
Freed sat at his usual table with his teammates, his book closed and forgotten next to him. His eyes were set on the guildhall's closed doors. He couldn't deny the worry that bubbled within him. Was she alright? He had been reading a book, trying to keep his eyes on the page rather than on her, when Evergreen had gotten his attention and pointed out that Lucy was standing behind him. He had turned around to see that his most recent friend was standing a ways away behind him. She was just staring and, when he got closer to her to talk to her, seemed to be internally panicking. She then just ran out of the guildhall, her face red. 
"What was that about?" 
Freed looked at Evergreen when he heard her question. He was unable to give an answer due to not knowing the answer himself. He gave a shrug and looked back at the doors. He then heard Bixlow laughed, "maybe she was gonna tell you that she loves you and chickened out." 
Freed felt his cheeks warm and his body stilled as Evergreen giggled before she added, "I'm sure Freed would've loved that." 
The rune mage turned his head to look at his teammates again, giving them a glare. This resulted in Evergreen and Bixlow looking back at him before their laughter became renewed. He supposed that his glare didn't hold the fierceness that it usually did because of the obvious blush on his cheeks. 
He rolled his eyes at the two and looked back at the guildhall's doors. Maybe he should go to Lucy's apartment and make sure that she was alright. His mind thought back to his friends' words. He felt a fluttering feeling in his gut at the recollection. He couldn't lie, he wouldn't really be opposed to Lucy confessing to having romantic feelings for him. In fact, he would like for that to happen. He's recently taken notice of his own fast-developing feelings for Lucy. 
Freed gave a short thoughtful hum and stood up, deciding that he was going to make sure that Lucy was alright. Her behavior was strange, worrying even. He muttered to his teammates that he would return soon and made his way down the staircase and to the guildhall's doors. He was just about to open them, when they suddenly opened, causing him to stumble backward, managing to stable himself before he could fall.
He looked up to scold whoever it was that almost caused him to fall, but stopped when he found that it was Lucy. The blonde was standing in front of him, a wide smile on her face. She threw her arms around him as she cheered, "Freed! I'm so happy to see you!" 
Freed felt a blush reappear across his cheeks. His arms were slightly raised at his sides and his brow was furrowed in confusion. What was going on? Not even an hour ago, Lucy was red with embarrassment and had run out of the guildhall in a panic. Why was she suddenly so cheerful and didn't seem bothered by what had happened? 
When she stepped away, Lucy clasped his hands in hers and beamed, "let's spend some time together!" 
Freed hesitated. He and Lucy have been spending quite a bit of time together recently, bonding over a shared love of literature and having annoying teammates, but she's never requested a hangout like this. Whenever she did, she would ask if he would meet her at a certain place at a certain time on a certain day. His suspicions raised, Freed responded slowly, "alright. How about in the library?" 
Lucy nodded her head furiously before she bounded in the direction of the library, dragging Freed behind her. Once they entered the library, Freed managed to take his hand from Lucy's hold and walked over to a table, sitting down as he kept a close eye on the blonde. She was acting strangely, but he didn't want to say something just yet. 
Almost immediately after he sat down, Lucy hopped into the seat next to him. Freed watched as she scooted her chair closer and took hold of his upper arm and nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder. Freed froze where he was sitting, his cheeks burning with a red blush. Butterflies fluttered their wings furiously within his gut and his heartbeat picked up its pace. His mind was suddenly jumbled. Lucy was being more affectionate than she is with her own team. She's snuggling up against him as if she was his girlfriend. 
He was enjoying it, of course he was, but he couldn't ignore how out of character it was for her. The only conclusion he could come to was that this wasn't his Lucy. Managing to regain control of his thoughts, he prayed the fake Lucy off of him and stood up, slowly backing away from her. 
When the fake Lucy stood and started walking toward him, confusion on her face, he took a defensive stance and questioned sternly, "who are you? What did you do with Lucy?" 
The fake Lucy tilted her head slightly, asking, "what do you mean?" 
Freed gritted his teeth. The gull of this person to act like they didn't know what he was talking about. He sneered, "you know what I mean! Why are you impersonating Lucy?" 
The fake Lucy walked closer, but instantly stopped when he drew his rapier and pointed it at her. The blonde laughed and raised her hands defensively, fear clearly seen in her eyes. She responded, "look...it's not what you think." 
"I find that hard to believe." He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 
Freed was about to attack when the doors to the library burst open, causing both occupants to jump and snap their heads around in the direction of the entrance. Standing there, slightly out of breath, was Lucy. She walked further into the room, toward the fake. Freed was about to stop her and tell her to stay back from the possibly dangerous person, when Lucy crossed her arms over her chest and commanded, "turn back Gemini!" 
Freed dropped his arm that was holding his rapier, eyes wide with disbelief as the fake Lucy disappeared in a puff of smoke, and was replaced with two small, blue, floating creatures. Celestial spirits, he was able to recognize. Gemini flew around Lucy's head, saying in unison, "we were just trying to help, piri-piri!" 
Lucy sighed, "we'll talk about this later. Just go back to the Spirit World until I summon you to talk." 
The pair of spirits poofed away without a single complaint. Freed sheathed his rapier and looked at Lucy with a critical stare, asking, "Lucy?" 
He watched as Lucy glanced at him before she turned away and groaned, "sorry about them, Freed." 
Freed stepped closer to her, his suspicion rapidly easing until it quickly disappeared altogether. He asked, "what were they doing?" 
There was a rather long pause before Lucy sighed, "if I know them as well as I think I do, they were trying to see if you liked me." 
Freed raised an eyebrow. "Like you? Of course I like you." 
"No, romantically like me." She sounded almost exasperated. 
Freed didn't bother to suppress the smirk that made its way onto his face. "I know." Of course he knew what she meant. It was hard not to from how Gemini was acting. 
Lucy turned to him, surprise clearly written on her face. Her mouth was slightly agape and her eyes wide. She managed to get out, "what?" The word was quiet, disbelieving. 
Freed chuckled before he asked, "what do you think about a date?" 
"...you and me?" 
"Yes. A date. You and me." 
To his enjoyment, Lucy looked away as a blush bloomed across her cheeks. She nodded as she answered shyly, "I would really like that."
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Op woensdag 14 juni, tevens Nationale Buitenspeeldag, is de Kidsbeweegroute Sandelingen in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht feestelijk geopend. Vier kinderen van IKC de Meander en SOL De Bron die hebben geholpen met het ontwerp van de borden, verrichtten om 14 uur de openingshandeling. Op de 1,5 kilometer lange route kunnen kinderen tien leuke en leerzame opdrachten doen. Bewegen, leren, plezier en buiten zijn staan centraal. De Kidsbeweegroute De opdrachten op de 1,5 kilometer lange route doe je door middel van een dobbelsteen. Het aantal ogen wat je gooit, vertelt welke opdracht je moet doen. Dat gaat van vijf keer springen als een kikker, acht keer zwaaien met je armen als een vlinder tot polonaise lopen naar de volgende opdracht. De opdrachtborden leren de kinderen ook nog wat nieuws over de dieren die in de omgeving wonen. Dobbelstenen zijn verkrijgbaar bij het Jeugdspeelpark of kun je zelf meenemen. De gemeente geeft als tip: installeer een dobbelsteen app op je telefoon. Twintig kinderen van IKC de Meander en SOL De Bron hebben de prachtige tekeningen op de borden gemaakt. Opening Kidsbeweegroute - Foto: Richard van Hoek Fotografie Buiten spelen is gezond Gemeente Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht hecht veel waarde aan de gezondheid van haar inwoners. Met plezier bewegen moet voor iedereen mogelijk zijn, van jong tot oud. Wethouder Jauharina Oelfke: "Naast dat bewegen gezond is, is de route buiten in de natuur en bevatten de opdrachtborden leerzame informatie over de omgeving. Ik vind dat een waardevolle combinatie." Partners De route is ontwikkeld door Kidsbeweegroute en kwam mede tot stand door IKC de Meander, SOL De Bron, Hi5Ambacht en GGD zhz. Ook Jeugdspeelpark, Frelu stal, lokaal Sportakkoord, Sportservice Zuid-Holland, Staatsbosbeheer en Natuur- en Recreatieschap IJsselmonde (NRIJ) droegen hun steentje bij.
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jemmahazelnut · 3 years
Freed Justine One-Shots
Here's a collection of short one-shots on Freed paired with different characters.
Jail (Freed/Cobra)
Pranks (Freed/Minerva)
Eyes (Freed/Bickslow)
Bet (Freed/Gajeel)
Training (Freed/Lucy)
Chess (Freed/Rufus)
Jealousy (Freed/Laxus)
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furidojasutin · 4 years
I've seen crumbs of Frecana (Freed x Cana) around so like whoever you are, I summon you, pls come talk to me about this ship if you wanna, it's one of my fave rare pairs for Freed -
actually, the same goes for all my other Freed rare pairs,
Frelu (Freed x Lucy)
Frevy (Freed x Levy)
Frebiki (Freed x Hibiki)
Freedjeel (Freed x Gajeel)
Frenny (Freed x Jenny)
just to name a few faves, be sure that there are more --
(of course you can always come scream at me about the main game, Fraxus, and also Mirafreed which is prolly the second most popular Freed ship I'd suppose and it was my first Ft ship ever so --)
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genuinely why are Freed x Lucy such a hot couple 😳
Because hot male + hot female = people don’t know if they’re jealous of Freed or of Lucy.
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aki-natsuko · 4 years
Frelu + “It’s cold, you should take my jacket.” and/or "Dance with me." ? :)
FreLu + ‘It’s cold, you should take my jacket.’
   Magnolia was alive tonight in a way that it hadn’t been since the war had ended. Lacrima lights strung amongst the trees and long shopfronts, and over the market stalls that had sprung up along the main streets. It gave the town a warm glow, as evening fell, the sky above dark and clear of any cloud, as an autumnal chill slipped into the air. It hadn’t discouraged people from coming out though, and the streets were bustling with activity, both locals and visitors, and the air was filled with chatter and music, several musicians having set up at various points through the streets, while children gathered around street performers.
   Lucy and Freed had paused for a moment, watching as a juggler entertained a small group of children. There was no magic involved, and yet the children were enchanted, whopping and laughing as he added more and more item, each stranger than the last. Eventually, Lucy squeezed the Rune Mage’s hand and pulled him away, joining the flow of people moving through the stalls and entertainment, pressed together to stop themselves from losing the other in the crowd, as they had already lost the others. Although Lucy had caught the sideways glance, Evergreen had shot them before pulling Bickslow away, and she had a feeling that Erza might have done the same with the others, and she made a note to pick up some cake for the other woman while they were out.
“It’s strange,” she murmured, finally breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen.
“What’s strange?” Freed asked, looking at her with a frown, having caught the almost wistful tone to her voice. She didn’t look sad, her eyes bright as she looked around them, and he recognised the expression on her face as the one she wore when she was working out ow to add something into her writing.
“Looking around it’s almost like nothing happened,” Lucy replied, and he could see her other hand was clenched, fingers trembling slightly. A lingering aftereffect from when she had rewritten the book of E.N.D., it was fading, happening less and less and Porlyusica had told them she expected it to disappear entirely over time, but Freed knew that it bothered her. “As though it was a bad dream, but…”
“It wasn’t,” he finished for her, pulling her off to the side and out of the flow of people, turning and reaching out to take her other hand too. Smoothing out the clenched fingers and tangling their fingers together, absorbing the trembling without flinching. “It will fade eventually,” he murmured, not meaning just the trembling, but the memories, the feeling that it had been too close that the entire Guild shared.
“I know,” Lucy murmured, moving closer and Freed smiled, releasing her hands to pull her into a hug. “And I don’t want to forget, it’s just… I’m a little jealous, I think?” Freed hummed, resting his head on hers so that he could watch the people moving past them. It was easy to think that the rest of Magnolia had forgotten what had happened. Still, there was a subtle tension in the air, people staying a little closer than usual, parents more watchful than they had been during previous festivals. They were further towards moving on than the Guild was, but the shadow was there, lingering. He didn’t say that though, didn’t want to dampen her mood any further, and instead, he squeezed her lightly, kissing her forehead before releasing her.
“We shouldn’t forget what happened, not completely,” he agreed, smiling down at her. “But, for tonight, we can afford to let it go a little.” He shrugged off his coat, draping it around her shoulders, his smile growing when her fingers came up automatically to catch it and hold it in place, the tremble easing from her hand. “Let’s go find some cake for Erza, and I should get Ever something too, and then we can find a good place to watch the fireworks.”
“I might have heard them plotting earlier,” Freed admitted, and Lucy giggled, the shadow banished for the time being as she clutched his coat with one hand and held out her other. He took it without hesitation, giving no sign that he realised it was her affected one, and she squeezed it tightly.
“Let’s forget about what happened, just for tonight.”
FreLu + ‘Dance with me?’
   The ballroom had settled down after Natsu’s antics and the King’s speech, the guilds mingling together in groups that Lucy could never have believed even at the end of the Games. Apparently facing Dragons and nearly losing was more than enough to lay aside those previous tensions, and she’d had fun chatting with Yukino before the other woman had been stolen away by her own Guild. She’d danced briefly with her friends, before finding herself drifting off to the side. It felt odd being here, dressed as she had while growing up, and yet wholly different from the person she had been back then. Or maybe it was everything that had happened that had left her feeling odd, as though she was slightly out of step with what was happening. More than once, when she’d closed her eyes, all she had been able to see was her Future-Self leaping in front of her.
    Trying to keep the memories at bay and wanting to enjoy the celebrations she had taken to watching the others from the edge of the dancefloor. It helped to see everyone looking so happy and relaxed, to see the last seven years finally melting away now that Fairy Tail had proven itself again. She smiled as she watched Alzack and Bisca dancing with little Asuka in their arms, demanding that they go faster even though it was a slow dance that was playing. Wendy and Chelia were still working their way along the dessert table, and that made her nostalgic remembering how she had sneaked into her father’s parties to do the same. Wondering if she should warn them about the stomach ache that would follow, before deciding it was better to let them have her fun.
   After a while she realised that she wasn’t the only one watching proceedings, her eyes caught by a flash of green on the far side of the dance floor, blinking at finding Freed stood alone rather than with Laxus and the Raijinshuu as he usually was. He looked more at ease with their surroundings than most of their guildmates, and she wondered if he had previous experience of situations like this, it wasn’t really something that had ever come up in conversation before, and now she was curious. However, it was the longing in his eyes as he watched people whirling past on the dancefloor that caught her attention, and she found herself unable to look away, even though she told herself she didn’t want to be caught staring.
   Freed was good at hiding the longing she realised, watching as he masked it whenever someone came to talk to him, Bickslow and Evergreen trying to drag him off to do something, and then Levy pausing to speak with him for a few minutes. He would talk with them easily enough, but as soon as he was alone again, his attention would return to the dancefloor, and Lucy found herself fidgeting with the skirt of her dress. She knew what she wanted to do about it, but did she dare? Her interactions with the Raijinshuu and Freed had been somewhat limited. However, she had spent some pleasant afternoons talking about books and writing with the Rune Mage after Levy had introduced them. But talking about books and asking someone to dance were very different things… especially when she hadn’t really let herself admit how much she had started to look forward to those chats, to spending time with Freed.
Protect the future.
  Her hands stilled as the words echoed for a moment, and she took a deep breath. They had protected the future; she had protected the future. Now… it was time to seize the future they had protected, and gathering her courage, smoothing her fingers over her guild mark she slowly made her away around the edge of the dancefloor. Skirting around a conversation that sounded a little too close to becoming a brawl.
   He had seen her coming, and as she reached him, the mask slid back into place. The longing replaced with a smile and casual interest, and Lucy decided there and then that she wanted to know why he was hiding it. But not right then, when she could do something better, and so she moved right up to him and held out her hand with a smile, that grew as she saw the flicker of hope in his eyes that he couldn’t entirely hide. “Will you dance with me, Freed?” The flicker became a spark, and then he was taking her hand with a smile.
“I would love to.”
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dragonshost · 5 years
whispers Frelu (I also still have your request oh my god. maybe ill get to write a short thing for it tomorrow keb)
They governed his life; they were the order of the world, the sense by which Freed understood the world around him.  Human interactions were guided by social rules, and countries by the laws they enacted.  Things worked because people followed those guidelines, whether they were spoken or implied.
People, too, were governed by personal codes, were were another type of rule.
Rules governed language as well, and that formed the core of Freed’s magic.  Rules set forth by strings of words, which had their own rules, were binding in ways that made Freed feel powerful.  Anything in his space, he could order to his liking - bring form from the chaos around him.
This would seem to be at odds with how Fairy Tail operated.  But upon closer inspection, it wasn’t difficult to see that Fairy Tail had its own set of ironclad rules that it followed, even if they often ran counter to the rules of outsiders.  It was contained chaos, and so long as Freed could align himself to those rules as well, he found Fairy Tail a pleasant place to be.
But sometimes, he found it difficult to relate to the other members of the guild.  He understood the rules by which Evergreen, Bickslow, and Laxus had aligned themselves.  They were predictable to him, thanks to long familiarity and common goals.
Running up against other people’s rules however - or the apparent lack of them in some cases - grated on Freed badly.  When the world failed to order itself to his expectations, he coped poorly.  Freed was well aware of this flaw within himself, but it was a difficult one to adjust for, because he felt if he discarded his need for rules it would be akin to throwing away an intrinsic, and vital, part of himself.  He wasn’t exactly willing to cut out a piece of himself without very good reasons - reasons that had yet to present themselves to him.
Freed thought maybe he could follow the example of someone else, in order to better himself.
He immediately thought of Lucy.
Lucy’s magic wasn’t really all that alike Freed’s, at least on the surface.  Levy’s was much closer, and she understood language in a way few others did.  However... at the core of Lucy’s magic, and her soul, were promises.
What was a promise, but another type of rule?
And Lucy lived by her promises - they were as much a part of her as Freed’s rules were.
If anyone would understand, he felt it would be her.
It didn’t hurt that Lucy was an extremely pleasant, and orderly, person to be around.  And that she loved talked about her magic, and when Freed seemed especially interested it nearly sent her over the moon.
Freed thought that maybe he rather liked being around someone that was as excited to discuss the rules and boundaries of magic as he was.
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sassyhazelowl · 6 years
43. falling in love with their best friend’s partner au + bixlu if you decide you want to write it ~
This stumped me for far longer than it should’ve because I had 3 completely different endings in mind. I had to sit on it and see what the muses really wanted to do. Mildly AU-ish by default but not terribly so.
It wasn’t as if he was poaching his bro’s girl, but damn if it didn’t feel that way somehow. The barbed needles digging under his skin, exaggeration and absurdity twining together at every glance from beneath smoky lashes that was flicked his way; he had to get away before it drove him mad.
Or before he did something so irredeemably fucking stupid.
When Laxus of all people was giving him warning looks, telling him to sit his ass down and quit tweaking, there was a problem. And Ever, oh God, Ever, had even taken a bit of a time out from her narcissistic bubble to quietly take him aside and ask if he was okay. He’d never been more scared for the world order than seeing her tender expression and the worried tone she used that was so not Ever.
Bixlow was not okay.
The sole miracle, bless whatever good karma he’d earned in his last life, was that of all people, Freed was blissfully cocooned in the lovely-dovey free fall so common in new relationships, and he wouldn’t notice the elephant in the room if it were doing zumba in dancing cat tights.
And to make things worse, Freed and Lucy were that revolting couple that sparked gossip and bitter jealousy and sighs of envy in their oblivious wake of perfectness. All good-hearted bickering over academic topics that put everyone else to sleep or tears, casual hair play in public without a thought about it just to test a shampoo, the rose-strewn candle light dinners Bix helped set up like the good friend he was. Extra. They were so extra it was painful.
Speaking of painful, Bix rather be on a mission in the sewer system of Crocus after an extreme bender than where he was right now. It’d be more comfortable than the swaying, cramped private train car he found himself in with one half of the Golden Couple.
The wrong half. The right half. He didn’t know.
But her perfume was filling the small space in a heady way and every time the tracks took a turn their knees tangled up. Lucy didn’t seem to notice much, seriously laying the specifics of the mission out with a bit of wry humor, smiling at his witty quips and throwing back a few of her own.
“Bix, we’re friends, right?” She tilted her head a bit as she asked, eyes gleaming. “I mean, it’s not just because of Freed, is it?”
His reply caught in his throat, hard, and stuck there, a searing jabbing every time he tried to swallow it away. Lucy leaned forward earnestly, adjusting her top a bit and brushing wisps of golden hair back behind her ear. 
Were they? You know, friends? Or was this one of those situations where Lucy was his best friend’s girl and Bix was way too into the forbidden? Fuck. 
Instinctively, a lie coiled around his tongue.
“Because...” she continued becoming serious and the laughter drained from her eyes, “Girls have a sixth sense about some things that guys don’t.”
He croaked with his heart in his throat, “Freed?”
“Doesn’t know, at least not that I know of anyway. But, Bix, he’s a pretty smart guy. You’re his best friend, and you know him better than anyone. Even me, as much as it hurts to admit it. And he knows you better than anyone too. It’s a sucky situation.”
They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence, the tiny car suddenly stuffy and his skin prickling with heat. The cloy smell of perfume, the same one that was so heady, was now suffocating. She didn’t bring it up again when the conversation started up again, the silence too hard to bear, but the ultimatum was crystal clear.
It was days before he had the courage to bring it up again. Once again, swaying in a private car on the train. This time going back to the guild, mission successfully completed. Whatever tangle of personal problems lay between them, Bixlow and Lucy could still knock it out of the park on the professional end, and the mission was a cinch. 
“Hey, are we friends?” Bixlow threw Lucy’s question back at her. She gave a smile, precious and sunny, with only a moment’s hesitation “I think so. I mean, you’re so much fun and we get along great, so yeah, I’d say you’re my friend.”
Chest squeezing, he realized she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. How could she be so calm about this? It was like she knew. Things clicked into place... oh shit, so that’s what happened between her and Gray. What a dick he was dragging it back up. Losing his nerve, expression pinched, he fiddled with the window, letting fresh air in.
“But not... more.”
She winced, “Look, I’m dating your best friend. I can’t predict the future but right now I’m dating Freed. Bix, I shouldn’t have to say anymore than that. It isn’t excuses, and yeah, we could be great, friends to lovers right? But... its just not on the table right now. At all. I’m not like that... you’re not like that... it wouldn’t be fair.”
Fair. Yeah, that’s exactly what Bixlow was worried about right now, haha. Right. Fucking fair. Fucking Freed. Fucking feelings. 
Swinging up the bag at his feet, he unconsciously responded to the chipper voice telling the passengers they’d arrived in Clover Town. 
Space was what he needed. Time to process. A friendly but impartial ear and some drinking buddies. Maybe a few life or death missions where he could rend a few souls into confetti.
“Okay...” Lucy bit her lip in that way he knew by heart and for a second he thought she might change her mind, “Safe journey. Come home soon... Freed and I will miss you.”
Alternative ending one: poly relationship bixfreluAlternative ending two: Freed gets fucked over, and not in a good way haha
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freedjustineshipping · 10 months
sunk into Freed x Lucy brainrot last night, remembering how much I love the concept of the ship. the darkness x light theme is so nice and I like how it's handled in many fanfics. wish there was more artwork of them too. they're also incredibly sexy together, ngl
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Just read a Frelu story and they're always written so steamy but it's not something I complain about
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isabellafoster13 · 1 year
This was requested on Wattpad by Charamocha.
I decide to make this into another songfic. The song that I'm using is "The Science Love Song" by Asapscience on YouTube. This song lives rent-free in my head and I am going to inflict it upon you as a result. 
These lyrics are the original ones except for just one line.
I hope you enjoy!
I Want to Hear You Sing (Freed x Lucy)
Lucy sighed as she walked into her new apartment, closing the door softly so as not to bother her boyfriend. She hoped that he was home, having just gotten back from a tiring job, and wanted to do nothing but cuddle with her boyfriend. After kicking off her shoes at the door, she began making her way to the bedroom. 
She and Freed had been together for two years and had been living together for six months. During these two years, Lucy had been the happiest she had ever been. She remembered fondly when she fell in love with the rune mage of the Thunder Legion. It was at a ball that Queen Hisui was holding and had invited several guilds to. Lucy had been standing alone as the rest of her friends were off either by themselves as well, talking to friends, spending time with their significant others, or causing low-scale chaos. 
She was leaning against a column, watching the dancing guests, when she heard a man clear his throat next to her. She turned to see a well-dressed Freed holding out his hand toward her, silently asking for a dance. Before she knew it, she and her guildmate ended up spending the entire night talking and dancing. By the end of the night, she had a fluttering feeling in her gut, her cheeks were hot, and her heart was racing. 
Her feelings for Freed continued to be unrequited for about a year, and her regular meet-ups with him didn't help things, until the day that Freed dared to kiss her when he walked her to her front door after a full day of talks about literature. 
They had kept their relationship a secret for a few months, both wanting to first get used to being together. When they did announce their relationship to their guild, the couple was met with both surprise and joy. Mira had practically fainted as her mind was flooded with imaginings of what Lucy and Freed's children would look like. Natsu, Gray, and Erza threatened Freed with burning, freezing, and a beating should he hurt Lucy in any way, and Lucy was welcomed by Laxus, Evergreen, and Bixlow. 
Now that they were two years into their relationship, Lucy and Freed were happier than they had been before. Lucy smiled to herself, lost in her thoughts and memories. She was only a few steps past the kitchen doorway when she heard humming from inside the kitchen. Snapping back to reality, the blonde stopped walking and turned around, the humming floating out of the kitchen and to her ears. 
Was that Freed? She didn't know that Freed hummed. She supposed that there were still some things that she had yet to learn about her boyfriend. Not that she minded, of course. Ever since day one, she had loved learning new things about him. 
She tip-toed back to the open doorway of the kitchen and leaned against the frame, watching as the rune mage whom she loved hummed to himself as he stood at the stove and cooked something. She didn't mind listening to him, nor did she mind the sight that was before her. Her boyfriend was shirtless, dressed in nothing but a pair of black pants. His green hair was also pulled into a ponytail. 
Lucy closed her eyes and listened, only to open them again and stare at her boyfriend wide-eyed when he began to sing: 
I'll be the spark if you'll be the flame
Start a reaction that can't be contained
Balancing your pH by sharing my base
I'll be your star if you'll be my space
'Cause there is no distance that I wouldn't go 
To space, time, and wormholes, my matter would flow
To the edge of the universe
I'll be your G if you will be C
Or I can be A if you will be T
If there's a mutation I'll fix every base
Work as your zinc finger nuclease 
Just like an atom
Don't rip us apart
Unless you want a big boom in my heart
As he sang the end of the chorus, Freed turned around, only to freeze and clamp his mouth shut upon seeing that Lucy was standing there. Lucy smiled at him and pushed herself off of the doorway frame and walked toward her boyfriend, saying, "you are an amazing singer, Freed!" 
The green-haired man blushed and diverted his gaze from her, muttering, "when did you get back?" 
Lucy placed her hands on her boyfriend's bare chest, his arms instinctively wrapping around her waist. She then answered, "just a few minutes ago." She then asked, "why haven't I ever heard you sing before?" 
Freed's blush grew redder and he once again looked away from his girlfriend. Several moments of silence passed before he finally answered, "my singing isn't exactly something I've ever been confident about." 
Lucy reached up to cup his face before she soothed, "you're singing is the best I've ever heard!" She then leaned upward to press a kiss to his lips, which Freed immediately returned. Upon pulling away, Lucy asked, "can I hear more of your singing? I want to hear you sing." 
She watched as Freed hesitated, causing her to hastily added, "b-but you don't have to if you don't want to!" 
Freed then shook his head, responding, "no, no. I can sing for you." He then pressed a kiss to her forehead before he released her and turned back to the stove after first grabbing a whisk from the counter. Lucy walked over to stand beside him and watch as he stirred whatever he was cooking with the whisk, waiting patiently for her beloved boyfriend to begin singing again. 
Freed took a deep breath before he resumed the song: 
We can take it fast, or really slow
But we can't know in certainty where we'll go
If at first, we don't succeed 
We'll try two more times
So our failure's a statistically significant try
Like an equation
It all works out
If we balance the size
There's no need to dial
This is your science love song
A place to start:
Our chemical bond
A research endeavor
We can write the conclusion together
Lucy had a serene smile on her face as she listened to her boyfriend sing. He had a silky, tenor voice that relaxed her, and she closed her eyes. She made a mental note to ask Freed to sing her to sleep whenever she has difficulty sleeping. 
Just like the movies
I'd steal your heart
But then you'd die so I won't do that
If we broke up, I'd be no more
I'd give H2O for H2SO4
Take away gravity
I'd still fall for you
Share my last election in 
A covalent bond for two
Lucy gave a small yelp when Freed suddenly wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against his body. She giggled as he kissed the side of her head and continued to sing: 
'Cause you're like that angle
Acute, and you're smart
Your strength and kindness
Go straight to my heart
Except that's a lie,
'Cause the heart doesn't feel
When it comes to love the brain seals the deal
This is your science love song
A place to start:
Our chemical bond
A research endeavor
We can write the conclusion together
(With annotations and bibliography)
Lucy opened her eyes again when she heard Freed drop the whisk. She allowed him to gently turn her so that they were facing each other. She blushed, her heart picked up its pace, and her gut did flips as her boyfriend pulled her closer.
Because you matter
To me
After whispering those last two lines, Freed leaned down to seal his and Lucy's lips in a loving, sweet kiss.
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freedthedark · 6 years
I love your Freed!! Hands down one of the best Freed blogs I've ever followed! You're such a sweetheart and have always stuck by me and Lu! I love your portrayal so much of him, I can hear his voice in you're writing! Not to mention, I love the freaking Fraxus spam on my dash and am so okay with it 😊 one day we should get around to Frelu if you're still up for it, cause I love you, and your Freed sooooo much! ❤
meme // accepting // @celestial-signs-and-stars
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mistye-dawne · 7 years
August Writing Challenge FF.net
Lacuna: (n) Blank space or missing part.
After dating Freed for nearly a year, he and Lucy decided it was time for them to move in together. There's more than enough room for all of her belongings except her books. Since the walls of their now shared library were fully lined, the rune mage began planning for some renovations. Lucy tried to talk him out of it saying that there was no need for him to go out of his way for her but he insisted.
When the renovations are done a second floor has been added to the room Lucy wasted no time unpacking and placing her books in their new home. Once two full bookshelves were lined from top to bottom, she noticed that there was room for one more. She knew that she had enough to line the two shelves.
Confused and bothered by the empty space, she went to the kitchen where Freed and Ever were starting dinner. She asked him about the missing literature and leaned in close, whispering exactly which book was missing. Not that either mage would be so careless in handling their books, the rune mage suggested that she look through his collection.
Lucy knew that it wouldn't be there and decided to check the other rooms of the house, ignoring Bickslow reading in the living room. She continued to search until Freed called her for dinner. She took a seat at the table and the rune mage just shook his head at her exasperated expression. Bickslow snickered at something and Freed called him to join them. The seith mage just wave them off nonchalantly and Lucy narrowed her eyes at the book in his hand.
As calmly as possible, Lucy got up from the table and once she was clear of it vaulted over the back of the couch and tackled him. She gently plucked the book from his hands and demanded to know where he'd gotten the book. Her face turned red when he informed her that Freed had recommended it to him. Embarrassed, Lucy decided that Freed wouldn't be allowed to touch her erotic novels anymore without her supervision.
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furidojasutin · 4 years
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Fairy Tail Rare Pair Week - Day 5, Opposites. She’s the LIGHT to his DARKNESS.
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