#; NATSUKI SHINOMIYA — singing my heart out
shiningwonderland · 3 days
Ai Mikaze (All Star)
Translator: Nadie (Twitter: NmoniaG)
Proofreader: Raine (Twitter: amagiyas)
Editor: Snail (Twitter: herbert_snail)
Happy Ending - Unfading Memory
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I’m waiting backstage when Mikaze-senpai finishes changing into his stage outfit.
He always looks good, but standing there in the dark in his outfit, it makes him look like a real prince.
Haruka Nanami: Senpai….
Feeling as if he’s going to vanish, I grab his sleeve.
That’s when I notice that his hand is burning hot.
Haruka Nanami: Senpai…. Your body is burning up….
I recall Shinomiya-san’s regretful expression from earlier—could this really be the end…?
Meanwhile, Kotobuki-senpai's performance had already started, which means that Senpai would be going up next.
Ai Mikaze: Come here… Haruka…. It’s fine, I’m still alright.
Senpai takes me to a corner of the set where he leans against a wall.
Haruka Nanami: Mikaze-senpai….
Ai Mikaze: Don’t make that face—we made a promise after all.
He says this in such a painful tone, but still looks at me with a smile.
Ai Mikaze: To be honest… it looks like it’s about time. A sizable amount of data—no, of my memory is already gone.
Ai Mikaze: It’s already at the second stage…. I'm on the verge of losing even the memories that are important to me.
He taps his chest.
Ai Mikaze: However, it seems like my system will reach its limit before my memories can fade.
Ai Mikaze: In both cases, I won’t be able to sing.
He clenches his chest in frustration.
Ai Mikaze: Just a little longer. I want to perform our song….
He squints at the light spilling from the stage.
Haruka Nanami: It's going to be okay! I'm sure it will be.... Don't worry, I'll be watching you from here.
To reach him, I give him my best smile.
Ai Mikaze: Yeah…. A smile really suits you the best.
After saying that, he pats me on the head.
As Kotobuki-senpai finishes his song on stage, applause and cheers erupt from the crowd.
Ai Mikaze: Now that I think about it, I haven't spoken to Reiji. I wonder if my sudden disappearance will affect him.
Ai Mikaze: If he asks, tell him I'll be back soon.
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
Ai Mikaze: Well, I better get going.
He pushes his body away from the wall. He stands firm in front of me, as if the pain written on his face a moment ago had only been an act.
Ai Mikaze: Thank you for everything, Haruka. I'm going to convey our feelings properly to everyone.
He raises his head with determination and gazes at the stage.
Ai Mikaze: So please, watch me with a smile.
Haruka Nanami: I will! You’ve got this!
To my answer, he responds with another smile.
Ai Mikaze: Farewell, I’ll be going.
He pats me gently on the head and heads for the stage.
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When Mikaze-senpai appeared on stage, the cheers grew louder.
Ai Mikaze: This song is for everyone who has supported me so far! "Winter Blossom"
After saying that, a calm piano melody echoed through the hall.
When he finishes his song, there is a brief moment of silence.
Then the applause spreads like a wave and envelopes the hall.
Attendee A: Amazing.... That song had so much feeling that I actually started to cry....
Attendee B: Yeah, it was calm but it touched my heart. I can’t believe such a song actually exists….
Mikaze-senpai, who has just finished singing, bows deeply and is enveloped by the cheers.
Ai Mikaze: Thank you very much!
Standing in the center of the spotlight, he faces the audience with a smile.
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Smiling and waving, Mikaze-senpai comes back behind the stage.
Ai Mikaze: Ugh—
The moment the audience can't see him anymore, his face contorts in pain and he collapses.
Haruka Nanami: Mikaze-senpai!!
When I reach out to him, his body is fiery hot under my touch.
Ai Mikaze: Ku… hah—sorry….
Kneeling on the ground, his breathing is heavy and ragged.
Syo Kurusu: Ai! Hey—what’s going on?!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ai-chan! Are you okay?!
They come backstage and run towards us.
Haruka Nanami: Mikaze-senpai, he—
Syo Kurusu: In any case… let’s get him outta here for now!
They pick him up and take him away from the backstage area.
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We let him sit against the wall of the hallway.
Perhaps because this place is out of sight for the others, Senpai gently opens his eyes.
Ai Mikaze: Haruka… did I… do a good job?
Haruka Nanami: Yes! It was brilliant! The audience was deeply moved as well!
Ai Mikaze: I see, that’s good…. Thank you for watching me so intently. Also Syo… Natsuki….
He calls out their names as he struggles to breathe steadily.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ai-chan….
Syo Kurusu: What is it….
Ai Mikaze: Syo, take good care of yourself…. Never miss practice… keep at it every day….
Ai Mikaze: Stay cheerful and energetic—after all, that’s what you do best.... Make the most of your charm.
Syo Kurusu: Hey… Ai….
Ai Mikaze: And you, Natsuki… don’t just sing with energy, try to think a little more about it. You have a lot of talent… so it's okay to be more confident.
Ai Mikaze: I’m sure that your usual cheerful attitude helps everyone around you. Whatever happens, just continue to be yourself.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ai-chan…. Understood.
Shinomiya-san rubs his eyes and nods his head several times.
Ai Mikaze: I know because I've been watching you both closely. Listen... don't let up. Aim to become top idols....
Syo Kurusu: Enough…. This has to be a joke…!
A single tear runs down his face.
Ai Mikaze: And also….
He looks at me and raises his right hand.
I take his hand, which has now gone cold.
My tears stream down my face, unable to hold them back any longer.
Ai Mikaze: You are… carefree and also a little reckless. Yet when it comes to music, you are incredibly diligent.
Ai Mikaze: But you are also fragile and a bit of a crybaby. The truth is, I always wanted to protect you....
He gently strokes my cheek with his finger.
Ai Mikaze: … Natsuki, Syo… I’m leaving her… in your care….
Haruka Nanami: Mikaze… senpai….
Syo Kurusu: You can count on us!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yes, we’ll take care of her. You can breathe easy, Ai-chan.
Relieved, Mikaze-senpai takes a deep breath. Then he looks at me again.
Ai Mikaze: I’m sorry… for making you cry…. Thank you for everything, Haruka.
Haruka Nanami: No….
Ai Mikaze: Wherever they play our song… I’ll be there….
From the monitors in the hallway, we could hear the announcement of the results.
Shining Saotome: This year's grand prize winner is….
I squeeze Mikaze-senpai’s hand tightly, and he faintly squeezes mine back.
Shining Saotome: The winner is… Ai Mikaze!!
I can hear the cheers.
Haruka Nanami: Senpai…! We did it!!
Syo Kurusu: Amazing!! You really did it, Ai!!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Did you hear that? You won, Ai-chan! Congratulations! I… I’m so happy!!
Syo-kun ruffles Mikaze-senpai's hair while Shinomiya-san hugs him.
Ai Mikaze: …Thank you… everyone… and….
He looks at me with gentle eyes.
Ai Mikaze: Congratulations on your debut, Haruka….
Haruka Nanami: Thank you… so much…!
With a final smile, he slowly closes his eyes.
Syo Kurusu: Ai!!
The hand I was holding lost all its strength and fell limply.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ai-chan!!
Haruka Nanami: Mikaze-senpai…!!
No matter how much we call, he would not answer.
Mikaze-senpai's system had shut down completely at that moment.
Later, the doctor who rushed to the scene took Mikaze-senpai's body.
Mikaze-senpai, who had previously been active on the Internet—
—was said to have returned to his online activities, when in fact he had disappeared.
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At first, Mikaze-senpai's song was played all over town, but lately I've noticed that it hasn’t been playing as often as before.
In the meantime, I have successfully become an employee of Shining Agency as a full-time composer.
However, after I signed the contract, I didn't pair up with anyone.
Actually, it’s more like  I didn't want to pair up with anyone.
Fortunately, work requests have increased greatly since my debut.
I spend my time taking care of these tasks while also managing the songs that Mikaze-senpai left behind.
Then, one day—
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Haruka Nanami: Huh? A tribute live for Mikaze-senpai…?
Syo Kurusu: That’s right. It was Natsuki’s idea. The agency just asked us to perform at the office’s young talent live.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Correct. That’s where we thought that it would be nice to sing Ai-chan’s song. We would like you to help us with that.
Haruka Nanami: I would really like to help you, but….
That would just make it look as if Mikaze-senpai was really gone for good.
As I ponder, Syo-kun taps me on the shoulder, noticing how I feel.
Syo Kurusu:We also thought about it a lot, but he said it himself, didn’t he? That he’ll be wherever his song is being played.
Natsuki Shinomiya: You see, as long as we continue to sing it they won’t be able to forget Ai-chan’s song….
Natsuki Shinomiya: This is how we keep Ai-chan alive in everyone's hearts.
Syo Kurusu: It's also a way of challenging ourselves. We want to see how close we can get to his level.
Syo Kurusu: After all, we want to reach him. We'll give everything we have as we strive for that goal.
Syo-kun’s seriousness as he says all this leaves quite an impression on me.
Natsuki Shinomiya: And then there is you, the person who understood Ai-chan the most. You would definitely treat this song with care....
Natsuki Shinomiya: Please, won’t you accept our request?
I'm still confused when Shinomiya-san bows and Syo-kun looks at me with a worried face.
Syo Kurusu: And also... we promised Ai that we'd take care of you.... It broke our hearts to see you so sad all the time....
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yes, I’m sure Ai-chan would be sad too as long as you’re not happy. So… why not join us and enjoy it?
I see, so those two were worried about me this whole time….
Haruka Nanami: Thank you so much, you two.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Fufu, we did promise him, after all. Ai-chan told us to take care of you.
Syo Kurusu: You can pay us back by helping with the live! Just kidding. But really,  please help us out!
Being miserable is not going to bring Mikaze-senpai back.
Just because Senpai is gone from our lives doesn’t mean he is gone from our memories.
Seeing their smiling faces has reminded me of that.
Haruka Nanami: Okay, I’m in!
The two lift their heads and shout with joy.
Syo Kurusu: Alright!! Let’s prepare the best live for his sake!!
The three of us give each other high fives.
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A few weeks later….
Syo Kurusu: Hey everyone! Thanks for coming to our concert!!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Today, we’ll sing a song that belongs to someone very important to us. We can’t meet them now, but this song will stay in our hearts forever.
Syo Kurusu: And not just with us, but we want to deliver this song to everyone as well!
Syo Kurusu: With that thought in mind, we decided to perform that song today! We hope you like it!
A familiar piano melody echoes through the hall.
Shinomiya-san and Syo-kun sing along to the melody.
Since I was used to hearing Mikaze-senpai’s voice for this song, hearing these two take it on was like listening to a whole new song.
The three of us had a lot of discussions surrounding the song selection and arrangement work.
Whenever we had run into a problem, we wondered what Mikaze-senpai would have said—that is what we did for today's live.
During those times, we had felt that Mikaze-senpai was still alive in our hearts.
“As long as the music plays, I’ll live on.”
Now I feel that I can understand the meaning of those words.
Attendee A: This is Ai Mikaze’s song, right…? I haven’t listened to him much recently…. I didn’t know he’d made such a good song….
Attendee B: I’ll listen to his CD once I get back home! But those two aren't bad themselves~ Seriously, I’m moved. I wonder if they were close with him.
When the two finish singing, the hall echoes with warm applause.
Those two keep singing one song after the other, putting all their heart into it.
The audience is really into their performances.
Eventually, the concert reaches an end.
Syo Kurusu: Please listen to our final song for today….
Natsuki Shinomiya: “Winter Blossom”.
Their announcement is followed by the clear sound of a piano.
I close my eyes and entrust my body to the sound.
This song feels so nostalgic.
After the gentle piano introduction, I listen to their voices.
It’s the song they’d practiced the most.
As they enter the chorus, another voice joins in—
Huh…? Wait—this voice...?
Cheers erupt from the audience.
When I open my eyes, there on stage I see—
Haruka Nanami: —Mikaze-senpai?
I see Shinomiya-san and Syo-kun's surprised expressions out of the corner of my eye.
I start running to the backstage area.
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When I reach the backstage area, Shinomiya-san and Syo-kun had just returned from the stage.
And their gazes were fixed on….
???: Let’s see, you are Syo and you must be Natsuki. According to my data, the one singing with power is Syo and the one singing with feeling is Natsuki.
Syo Kurusu: Hold on, you’re….
Natsuki Shinomiya: Eh, um….
We look at each other in confusion, then he turns in my direction.
???: You are…
Professor: Ah, there you are! You can’t just walk on stage like that.
Haruka Nanami: Professor?!
The man in the white lab coat rushes toward us.
Syo Kurusu: What is the meaning of this?
Professor: Well, I heard you’d all be gathered here today, so I tried really hard to repair him.
Professor: When the song started, he suddenly ran off. Sorry for interrupting your performance.
Haruka Nanami: “Repair”…?
I look at the figure standing next to the professor.
He really has the same appearance as….
Professor: Ah, let me introduce you. This is the new Ai Mikaze. New Ai, based on restored data from the original Ai.
Both: New Ai?!
Professor: Yeah, since the body and data remained I tried to restore them again.
Professor: ... Of course, this Ai is an independent existence. That’s why he can sing freely.
Professor: I did something unforgivable to you… and to Ai…. That’s why I wanted to give Ai a new life.
Professor: However, he has to relearn everything from scratch. That’s why… I came to introduce him to you today. I’d hoped you guys could help with that.
Syo Kurusu: Help? But how…?
Professor: You may call it a “Reverse Master Course”, maybe?
Professor: I want him to live with you boys. The sooner he does, the faster he can start his daily life as an idol. I want you both to teach him all kinds of things.
Syo Kurusu: EH——?! Another Master Course?! Ah, but this time it’d be the other way round I guess….
Professor: Exactly. This time around, you will be his senpai, so please don’t hold back. And then….
The professor turns toward me.
Professor: I would like you to compose another song for Ai. This one seems to have taken a liking to your songs.
Professor: I made sure to ask for permission from Shiny-san this time. What do you say, would you do that?
Professor: … Come on Ai, introduce yourself.
Upon hearing the professor's words, the person called "Ai" steps before us.
Ai Mikaze: I’m Ai Mikaze. Nice to meet you.
He bows.
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Mikaze-senpai has returned to us, but as our junior now.
Despite my confusion, I had still agreed to start my daily life as his partner.
Today, the three of them are moving in together for the second Master Course.
I also came to help them move.
Haruka Nanami: The Master Course is so exciting, right, Mikaze-senpai?
Ai Mikaze: Senpai…?
Haruka Nanami: Oh, um, I mean… Ai-... kun…. Ahh! I can’t say it!
The new Mikaze-senpai was no longer my senpai so we kind of ended up agreeing on “Ai-kun” but….
I just can’t get used to it.
Haruka Nanami: Please just let me call you Mikaze-senpai like before!!
Ai Mikaze: Okay? Well, just call me whatever you want. Ah, Natsuki, could you put that on the shelf?
Natsuki Shinomiya: Suure, leave it to me~! Heave-ho!
Shinomiya-san lifts the cardboard box.
Ai Mikaze: And Syo, could you carry this?
Something is off….
Syo Kurusu: I got it! Should I put it in the wardrobe for now? ... Wait a minute.
Syo Kurusu: Nonono! Why are YOU acting like our senpai? You're the one who's learning from us this time! You too Natsuki, don't get carried away!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ah, that's right. They look the same, so I guess I just forgot.
Syo Kurusu: Okay, listen up. This time we’re your senpai! We’ll hammer the way of an idol into you!
Ai Mikaze: Hm…. But since I’m actually better at singing than you, it might be more efficient for you to just teach me about everyday life.
Syo Kurusu: No, that’s not…. Ah, whatever. That might actually be more like Ai, so it’s fine.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yes. It'll really feel like Ai-chan has returned. I’m so happy!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Besides, he is my junior now! This makes me so happy that I could hug you!
Shinomiya-san is already scooping Mikaze-senpai into a hug as he speaks.
Ai Mikaze: What’s up with that…? What’s the meaning behind this behavior?
Mikaze-senpai looks at me with a troubled expression.
Haruka Nanami: Um, that’s a way to express happiness! I think.
Ai Mikaze: Happiness… hm. I see, I’ll add it to my data.
He mumbles while being hugged.
Syo Kurusu: Come on Natsuki. Let him go, or we'll never finish moving in.
Syo-kun pulls Shinomiya-san away from Mikaze-senpai.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ah! Speaking of happiness, I’m about to release a new CD soon!
Shinomiya-san says while clapping his hands together.
Haruka Nanami: Oh my, really? Congratulations!!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yes, and thank you. Umm, also~ I was wondering if you could compose a song for me?
Haruka Nanami: Huh? You mean me?
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yes. I wanted to add a song that is different from my usual ones. What do you say?
Haruka Nanami: Well, of course—
Syo Kurusu: Hey, Natsuki! Don’t just rush to the point! I also wanted to ask her the same favor for my next song!
Natsuki Shinomiya: I’m not rushing! I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Even if it’s you Syo-chan, I won’t give in!!
Haruka Nanami: No, um. First, let me check our schedules….
As I fumble for an answer, I’m suddenly pulled away from them from behind.
Ai Mikaze: For your information, you two: she’s actually my partner. Didn’t you know?
Haruka Nanami: M—Mikaze-senpai?!
When I look behind me, Mikaze-senpai is standing there, holding my arm.
Ai Mikaze: As my partner, you should first and foremost compose songs for me.
His face is suddenly very close to mine.
Haruka Nanami: No, um, I wasn't going to compose their songs immediately and I also planned on composing one for you….
Haruka Nanami: But first, Senpai, my arm….
Ai Mikaze: If you promise to compose my song first, I’ll let you go.
Mikaze-senpai stares at me intently, waiting for my answer.
We seem to have returned to another selfish situation.
Natsuki Shinomiya: But, but Ai-chan, didn’t you tell us to look after her?
Ai Mikaze: Sorry, I forgot a lot of things so I can’t remember.
Syo Kurusu: Wow, you're going to use that as an excuse…?
Mikaze-senpai looks me straight in the eye.
Haruka Nanami: Um… sorry. For now, it looks like I’ll have to compose Mikaze-senpai’s song first….
Haruka Nanami: As for the songs for you two, we could get to that another time?
Shinomiya-san and Syo-kun exchange glances at each other.
Syo Kurusu: Hah.... Not that we have much of a choice when you say it like that.
Natsuki Shinomiya: I understand. I’ll be patient for now for you two. But next time for sure then!
Haruka Nanami: Well then, it’s a pleasure to work with you again, Mikaze-senpai!
Ai Mikaze: Mmhm, the pleasure is all mine.
When he finally lets go of me, Mikaze-senpai reaches out his hands.
And as I reach out to take his hands….
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He pulls me in for a hug before I can react.
Syo Kurusu: Hey, Ai! You—What—What’s suddenly gotten into you??
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ai-chan, that’s not fair! I also want to give hugs!!
Haruka Nanami: Mi-Mi-Mikaze-senpai! Why did you—
Ai Mikaze: Hearing you say that you’ll compose a song for me made me happy. This is what you do to express happiness, right?
Haruka Nanami: W-Well… yes, but….
Syo Kurusu: Whatever, just let go of her! And also, love is forbidden for idols! You can’t just flirt in front of other people!
Seeing that he had no choice, Mikaze-senpai let me go.
Natsuki Shinomiya: But Ai-chan looks happy. I’m glad he came back.
Syo Kurusu: Yep, you have a point….
They whisper as they watch us intently.
And with that, we soon finished moving everything in.
Haruka Nanami: That’s right! Let’s take a little break, I got us some snacks!
Ai Mikaze: Snacks?
I take out the box with the desserts I bought.
Mikaze-senpai's mouth opened at the same moment the box was unsealed.
Ai Mikaze: … This one is called "Marine Jelly". It's a food inspired by the ocean, hence its blue color.
Haruka Nanami: … Huh?
He looks at the multi-layered jelly in my hand.
Ai Mikaze: The layers show an image of going from shallow to deep water. The starfish and shells are edible. It’s delicious, so I think Natsuki and Syo will like it.
He’s saying it all so confidently.
Haruka Nanami: How… do you know that?
Ai Mikaze: I know…? How, indeed. I just knew, or maybe it’s more accurate to say that I remembered.
Haruka Nanami: Senpai, does that mean—!
Mikaze-senpai taps his chest.
Ai Mikaze: It’s not like everything was lost. The memories that were deemed important are most likely still here.
Ai Mikaze: You, Syo, Natsuki, and my friends are all inside this treasure called "memories" that I received from my previous self.
Ai Mikaze: Swimming in the vast sea of memories, just waiting to be remembered. The way he expresses himself is just like Mikaze-senpai used to do.
Haruka Nanami: Senpai….
It's like seeing a glimpse of hope.
Mikaze-senpai is looking at me with a searching look in his eye.
Ai Mikaze: You know, Haruka, for some reason I really enjoy singing freely. So I want you to teach me a lot about it.
Haruka Nanami: I’d be happy to teach you.
Ai Mikaze: Syo, Natsuki, the same goes for you too.
Syo Kurusu: Heh, sounds good! Leave it to me!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yes! I’ll teach you everything you once taught us!
Ai Mikaze: Thank you. I’m looking forward to it!
That's when Mikaze-senpai gives the three of us a big hug.
Haruka Nanami: Huh?! Mikaze-senpai?!
Syo Kurusu: Whoa, Ai! Stop it, why are you squeezing us so hard! Let go—!!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yay! A hug from Ai-chan! Hehe, let me hug you back! Squeeze!!
Thus begins our new daily life with Mikaze-senpai.
Together, we embark on a journey to retrieve the treasure called "memories”.
The past and the future are now with us.
Shinomiya-san, Syo-kun and Mikaze-senpai—
—let's go on a wonderful adventure.
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Chapter End
11 notes · View notes
glitchdecay · 5 months
Natsuki Is So Much More Than His Ditzy Behavior: Part 5
Another one of Natsuki's traits that gets buried in the "wah~ everything's sunshine and rainbows and mega cute!" characterization in the anime and Shining Live is that he's actually quite the perfectionist. Never mind that it reminds me of another tragically depressed bespectacled teen classical musician (iykyk), but I've practically never heard of this side of Natsuki before actually playing his Repeat/Repeat LOVE route.
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Note: The default name 七海春歌 (Nanami Haruka) will be used for the main character. I transcribed the Japanese manually from the Switch port, but I’m only human. All translations are my own.
【四ノ宮那月】:「………………」 歌の途中で那月くんが暗い顔をして黙り込んでしまった。 【七海春歌】:「どこか痛いですか?もしくは体調が悪いとか……。ここのところずっと頑張っていたし……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「体調は関係ないですよ……。ただ、僕が……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕が下手になっただけ……」 【七海春歌】:「そんなこと…………」 そんなことないのに……。たぶん、那月くんはAクラスで一番上手い。 確かに、さっきはほんの少しズレていたけど。それはコンマ数秒の誤差でしかない。普通に聴いたら全然許容範囲なのに……。 【四ノ宮那月】:「頭の中にはね。ちゃんとイメージがあるんだ。ここで、入ろう。ここでこういう風に表現しようって。でも…………」 【四ノ宮那月】:「どうしても、それを再現できない。わかってはいるんです。どこでどうすればいいのか……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「せっかく、あなたが心をこめて作ってくれた曲なのに。僕は……完璧に歌うことができない」 【四ノ宮那月】:「あなたの作った曲に、『心』を『魂』を上手く乗せることができないんです」 【四ノ宮那月】:「こんなんじゃないのに……。もっと、できるはずなのに……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「ちゃんと歌えれば、僕たちは『音楽』の名のもとひとつに溶け合えるのに」 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕のせいであなたの『音楽』が……。『未来』が欠けてしまう。それがもどかしくて……」 那月くん……。 わたしは、那月くんの服の袖をぎゅっと握った。 わたしは、臆病で、那月くんみたいにストレートに愛情を表現できないけれど。でも……。 わたしもいるんだってこと知ってほしい。那月くんはひとりで頑張っているんじゃないって。 【四ノ宮那月】:「え…………?」 【七海春歌】:「『音楽』は……。ふたりで一緒に作っていけばいいと思います。今できる精一杯を……」 【七海春歌】:「手の届かない先じゃなくて。今のわたしたちの一番いい形を……。そうすればきっと……」 【七海春歌】:「目指す頂に辿り着けると思うから。ひとりで先に行こうとしないで……。一緒に……。一緒に行きましょう」 なんだか、那月くんに置いていかれそうな気がして、自然と、目から涙が溢れてきた。 【四ノ宮那月】:「ハルちゃん……。ごめん……ごめんね。そうだよね」 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕はひとりじゃない。いつも、そばにあなたがいてくれる」 【四ノ宮那月】:「それに、僕はもう二度と、あなたを離しはしないと決めたのに……」
Shinomiya Natsuki: ......... Natsuki-kun stopped in the middle of the song, his face glum and his mouth silent. Nanami Haruka: Are you hurt anywhere? Maybe you're not feeling well... We've been working hard for so long. Natsuki: I'm fine physically. It's just that I... Natsuki: I've gotten worse over time... Haruka: That's not... That's not the case at all. Natsuki-kun's probably the best musically out of everyone in Class A. He was a tiny bit out of sync earlier. Only by a few tenths of a second. If you listened to it, it'd still be within acceptable range. Natsuki: You see, I have it visualized in my head. This is where I come in. Here's how I'd play at this moment. But... Natsuki: No matter what I do, I just can't recreate it. I know how to do it. What do I do... Natsuki: You've put all your heart into creating this song. But... I just can't sing it right.¹ Natsuki: I just can't put my "heart," my "soul," into it well, even though it's a song you've made. Natsuki: I know I'm not like this... I know I can do better. Natsuki: If I could sing it properly, we could become one in the name of "music." Natsuki: Because of me, your "music"... Your "future"... will be ruined. It's so frustrating... Natsuki-kun... I gripped the sleeve of his uniform. I was a coward; I couldn't express my feelings as directly as him. But... I wanted him to know that I was by his side. That he wasn't going through all of it alone. Natsuki: Hm......? Haruka: "Music" is something the two of us make together. Let's just do what we can... Haruka: And not try to reach an impossible ideal. We do the best we can... And I'm sure... Haruka: I'm sure we'll reach the peak we're aiming for. Don't try to reach for it on your own... Let's... Let's do it together. For some reason... Once I realized Natsuki was about to leave me, the tears pooled in my eyes. Natsuki: Haru-chan... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. You're right. Natsuki: I'm not alone. You're always right there beside me. Natsuki: After all, I've decided I'll never leave you alone anymore...
¹ TN: 完璧 (kanpeki) literally means "perfect(ly)," but it doesn't quite fit the context.
Me, having only been diagnosed with autism at the ripe old age of 27 after three burnouts in the space of six years: I don't want to say Natsuki is autistic outright, but he definitely has neurodivergent vibes. Especially the inattentive type with specific strengths that goes under the radar until it implodes later on in life. (In short: he just like me fr.)
It's also important to note that neurodivergent folks often develop a perfectionist streak because they're unable to find out what's "right" in specific situations. The innate lack of understanding of social cues, like Natsuki refusing to let Syo go after putting him in a chokehold because Syo-chan is so gosh darn cute despite the latter's demands, may drive this perfectionist streak as a way to "compensate" for something they don't understand.
Growing up neurodivergent also exposed Natsuki to a lot of trauma, especially in early childhood, which gave rise to his DID (read: Satsuki) and depression. It also justifies why he'd realize his feelings for MC-chan were actually romantic a bit later than a neurotypical teen would (see Part 4).
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evereinefaust · 3 days
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Natsuki Shinomiya X afab!Reader
Synopsis: Continuing with her quest, a certain blonde caught her attention. Standing underneath the cherry tree, he proclaimed his affections for her with a song.
Word Count: 856
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[Y/n] continued walking down the path, passing another batch of large cherry blossoms planted in a row on each side of the pathway. The heavenly garden gave off a welcoming and delicate feeling. She was really glad to be here. Once she reached the end of the pathway, she saw a larger cherry blossom in a middle of the place.
However, it wasn't the tree that she had her attention to, it was on the male with curly, blonde hair standing under the pink leaves. [E/c] orbs lit up in delight after seeing that certain male, and soon her legs made its way towards him.
"Suki-nii..." she mumbled above whisper, a smile gracing her pink lips.
Natsuki turned around to face the ravenette, a gentle smile reflecting her own. "[Y/n]-chan...you're here."
"Mhm-hm," [Y/n] nodded her head, her hair bobbing along. "What are you doing, Suki-nii?"
"I was just looking at something very cute," he replied, closing his eyes.
"Something...cute?" [Y/n] tilted her head to the side cutely, her eyes containing curiosity at the male's statement.
Natsuki trudged over to the girl and placed one of his arms under the back of her knees and one on her middle back. The girl let out a cute squeal when the blonde gently raised her up from the ground, carrying her in his arms bridal-style. A blush made its way unto her cheeks as she gripped Natsuki's clothes tightly, afraid to let go or else she's fall. The male chuckled as he felt the girl's grip on him, he then flashed her a reassuring smile that says that he won't let her fall. [Y/n] relaxed at the male's smile and had a smile of her own.
"Look," the blonde averted his gaze on the tree.
[Y/n] also glanced up to see a small flower parched on the tree's branch, its pink color glowing in the dark. "How cute."
"A fairy must have made it bloom. It's adorable. Just like you."
The [h/c]ette looked back at the male, confused irises staring at Natsuki's emerald ones. "What?"
"You know...your smile is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life," Natsuki said, his gentle eyes staring down at the girl.
The teen blinked but continued to stare at Natsuki. The close proximity of their faces made her cheeks heat up, lips slightly parted as she listened to the male speaking in a soft voice.
"I wish I could take you away. To a place with endlessly falling cherry blossoms for just the two of us," he proclaimed, giving her a kiss on cheeks which made her whole face flare up.
[Y/n] wasn't expecting this sudden affection being thrown to her by the blonde idol. Her eyes were wide as she was set down by Natsuki, however, her gaze was still on his form. Her right hand clasped against her chest where her racing heart was located. Natsuki chuckled at how cute she looked in her frozen state.
"[Y/n]-chan," he called.
"Y-yes, Suki-nii?" she stuttered, blinking multiple times to snap back to reality.
"I was hoping if you could listen to me sing the song you made for me. I call it Mainichi Aishitemasu."
[E/c] orbs softened as she gazes back at Natsuki's emerald ones, a gentle expression on her face. "I would love too."
Natsuki smiled softly at her as he started to sing the song with his eyes closed.
After finishing the song, Natsuki slowly opened his eyelids and saw [Y/n] still smiling at him. It made his heart melt. Just being able to spend a precious moment with her and be able to sing the song he desperately wanted her to hear made his night. He wrapped his left arm around the girl's waist and pulled her closer to his body. She glanced up at him as he glanced down at her as well.
"I'm glad we get to see cute things together," he said, sending her a close-eyed smile as he tilted his head to the side.
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bevorzug-t · 4 years
you were supposed to leave. - Reiji to Natsuki because I love suffering
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“But Rei-chan-senpai... You look sad...“
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shiningliive · 4 years
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Love My Idol! All-UR Set - A Class
UR Ittoki Otoya (Love My Idol!) “I’m here to bring you smiles! You mean more to me than words can ever say, so I’ll sing with all the love in my heart.”
SR Hijirikawa Masato (Love My Idol!) “I shall send a wish for eternity through my keyboard and ring out a melody of love. This is all for you.”
SR Shinomiya Natsuki (Love My Idol!) “When I softly sing of my love for you, I wish for your smile and start beaming too. This must be how happiness spreads.”
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Birthday of my Dreams
Prompt: Starish celebrating Tokiya’s birthday
Characters: Starish (Ichinose Tokiya, Ittoki Otoya, Hijirikawa Masato, Shinomiya Natsuki, Jinguji Ren, Kurusu Syo, Aijima Cecil)
Genre: Fluff?
Word count: 852
Warnings: none!
A/N: I'm super super late but this was supposed to be for Tokiya's birthday. A lot of things happened and I had to eventually hold off writing in general until recently. I hope that despite that, this story will still be enjoyable to read!
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26040229
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Tokiya wasn’t sure if he was happy that his birthday fell on a weekday. On one hand it gave his mind the excuse to be distracted from any form of celebration by working, but on the other hand, he knew almost too well, that his bandmates would have plans to throw him a party in the office.
When he was young, Tokiya had spent most of his birthdays alone, usually only accompanied by the latest novel he was reading. Occasionally he would leave the sound of the television running in the background.
When he was working as Hayato, his birthday was spent attending concerts, reality programs, or doing work in general. He was happy to spend his birthday with his fans, but there were times where he wished he could take a break from work on his special day to just unwind by himself.
The first group of people he had a proper celebration with was none other than his fellow bandmates, Starish. Tokiya had to admit that he was not expecting it. That night, he had been working late in the music room, coming up with lyrics to a new release. The cool night air, accompanied with the faint chirping of the crickets from outside made it the perfect for Tokiya to concentrate on his work as he scribbled away on his music sheets.
11.56pm. Tokiya had hit a mind block. No matter how hard he tried, he could not find the proper words he wanted to use to express his feelings in the song. He let out a sigh and looked into the distance, hoping that the short break would help him gain his inspiration back. He contemplated calling on one of the Starish members for help, they never failed to help him when he ran into obstacles like this. But looking at the time, Tokyo deduced that they were already back in their respective rooms, most of them probably unwinding from the packed schedule and preparing to sleep.
Or so that was what he thought.
Just outside the music room, the other members of Starish were trying their best not to make any noise as they lit up the cake they bought for Tokiya. Ren had the cake carefully balanced in his hands while Masato held the lighter against the candles. The other members stood around them making sure the wind didn’t put the candles out.
“How are we supposed to surprise him again?” Cecil asked.
“We’re gonna start singing ‘happy birthday’ the moment we open the door.” Came Otoya’s excited reply
“This is honestly the worst birthday surprise ever. I can’t believe I actually agreed to it, don’t you think so Natsuki?” Syo grumbled.
“The cake looks like it can use some extra red chilli.”
Tokiya’s ears perked at the soft chattering outside the room. It sounded an awful lot like his members. However, he refused to believe it, what would they be doing in the office at this hour anyway. Clearly he wasn’t stressed to the point where he began to hear things?
Tokiya decided that there was no harm in taking a peek to make sure he wasn’t losing his mind. Reluctantly, he got up from his comfortable sitting position and made his way towards the door. He took a brief pause as his hand held the doorknob, ears perking up to hear if there was any more noise.
Dead silence.
Turning the handle clockwise, he pulled the door open slowly and poked his head out. His eyes widened when he recognised the familiar back view of the members he adored so much huddled in a circle.
There was a small, barely audible chatter among them and Tokiya was dying of curiosity to know what they were up to.
“Guys?” he called out, and all at once, six heads turned to look at him.
“Looks like we got caught.” Otoya said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.
Tokiya raised an eyebrow.
“We were supposed to surprise you for your birthday, guess it didn’t work out after all.” Masato explained.
“Yeah Icchi, it’s your birthday, surely you can’t forget right.” Ren chuckled.
Tokiya shook his head, he was well aware that it was his birthday alright, but what he couldn’t comprehend was the fact that his members made the effort to come together to plan a surprise for him.
While the other members were fussing over the cake and the many gifts they brought him, Tokiya let out a small chuckle.
“Thank you guys, for staying up to celebrate my birthday.” He smiled.
Ren threw a hand across Tokiya’s shoulder and laughed as he went over all the chaos that happened while planning for his surprise while Cecil eagerly suggested going into the room to eat the cake and open his presents.
Tokiya ended the night with his heart feeling all warm and fuzzy as he recalled the events that took place. He was thankful that he had a birthday celebration, but more importantly, he was thankful that he had the best bunch of friends to celebrate it with him.
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Fun fact: I actually play some instruments too :3 if anyone cares, I play both soprano and bass clarinet, bari sax, piano, and i took like 1 semester of guitar but tbh I don't remember much of that one.
STARISH + QUARTET NIGHT when their S/O tries to learn their instrument 
Shinomiya Natsuki
Okay first off, you must have a lot of patience. Learning any instrument is hard but so much worse when it's a string instrument such as the viola, so Natsuki REALLY appreciates that you try to do that for him. He thinks it's absolutely lovely that you want to pick up the viola and will be there to give you tips and tricks. Maybe you can play together once you get the hang of it! 
"Ne, (Y/N)-chan, it takes a while to master the viola, but that's okay because I get to spend a lot of time with you now!" 
Ichinose Tokiya: 
A delicate thing such as the voice must be trained and maintained the right way. So, the minute he finds out you want to pursue your singing a little bit further, he's by your side in an instant, throwing all the rules and warm up books at you so you won't strain your voice. He's probably more serious about this than you, but once he finds out you're doing this for him, he loosens up a little bit and smiles. "That makes me so happy, (Y/N), but don't think I will go easy on you." 
Aijima Cecil: 
You wanna learn the flute???? For him???!!! He's absolutely HONORED. Will buy you the best flute, you ARE his princess after all and his princess gets nothing but the best. Will teach you everything he knows and more. Will show you things and sometimes gets carried away and just plays for you for hours. "My princess… I am absolutely honored that you want to do such a thing for me. Please, let me teach you." 
Jinguji Ren: 
Why play the saxophone when you can play him? ;3 
Jk jk. He's honestly flattered. The saxophone and everything that comes with it is his pride and joy and the fact that his lady wants to learn it just for him makes his heart flutter. However, he is the first to admit that he would not be a great instructor and just distract you, so instead he hires you a professional teacher. Super excited to play together with you. "You are amazing, lady. Once you figure out how to work that mouth piece, I can teach you a lot more *wink*". 
Ittoki Otoya: 
The guitar? For him??? Honestly shocked 101. That's so sweet! Will comment on how you'll get calluses on your hands sooner or later and he does adore your soft hands… still, if it's what you want, he will gladly teach you. Plus! It will give him an excuse to sit behind and close to you to guide your hands. "Ne, (Y/N), maybe we can play together some time, but remember to take care of your hands." 
Kurusu Syo: 
Again, it's more challenging than you think to learn a string instrument such as the violin and it WILL frustrate you. Syo tells you that immediately. However, he's full of pride and will stop at nothing to teach you. He honestly might get more frustrated than you and you might need to calm him down. "Sorry… I just feel so proud that you want to do this for me, (Y/N)... You truly are special, to me anyways…" 
Hijirikawa Masato: 
Heart attack 101 because that is the cutest thing he has ever heard. Learn the Piano? For him? Mama Masato almost cries but keeps it together. He will teach you everything he knows with a shine in his eyes. Super patient and understanding. "That is the most beautiful gift anyone has given me, (Y/N)-san, thank you, for everything." 
Kotobuki Reiji: 
Super excited 101. Will tell you that it's not as easy as you think and there's a technique to the maracas that's hard to master. But will teach you nonetheless! Will hand you his maracas and wrap his hands around yours, leading you and making sure to explain the right movement of your wrist, etc… just super excited to be able to teach you. "(Y/N)-chan, after you learn how to shake these, how about you shake something else for me~?" 
Kurosaki Ranmaru: 
Almost wanted to laugh but couldn't help and feel a sense of pride. When he sees you try yourself at the bass he found it adorable, but he won't let you continue like that. You're in for some tough lessons! Don't think he'll go easy on you. "Babe you look so hot holding my baby… but those hand positions are awful, turn your wrist up." 
Eisjsjsiiws he ACTUALLY laughs. You? At the Cello? It's laughable. However, when he sees you're serious and he finds out you're doing it for HIM? It somewhat warms his cold dead heart. Second to admit that he can't teach you and gets you the best cello teacher. However, he's at EVERY lesson and he might as well be the teacher with the amount of criticism he dashes out. "(L/N), fix your posture. No, don't hold the bow like that. Yes of course i appreciate your efforts, I just… *sigh*" this is gonna be a long road. 
Mikaze Ai: 
Confused to see you at his synthesizer. What are you doing? Asks the meaning of it right away, but once you tell him he actually smiles. No one has ever done that for him and he actually feels… happy? Super excited to teach you and spend more time with you. "Thank you, for being so invested with me…" 
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putschki1969 · 4 years
Hikaru//’s Free Writing Vol.#1 English Translation
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『I went to the UTA☆PURI exhibition♪』
〜Hikaru//'s Free Writing Vol.#1 〜 
Hello, I am Hikaru//. My everyday job is to sing as an artist under the name of my solo-project『H-el-ical//』. However, for this occasion I will be writing a column.
I hope that all of you will be enjoying my column whether you are a long-time fan or a newcomer. My first edition is gonna be a “report”! I'm really excited since it is my first time writing a report in a column like this, I will do my best so it’s fun for all of us. For this report I visited the exhibition  『Uta no☆ Prince-sama♪「Another World 〜WHITE & BLACK〜」』 which is currently held at Tokyo Dome City Gallery AaMo.
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『Uta no☆Prince-sama♪』 is a popular franchise that started out as a game and has since been adapted as manga, TV anime and theatrical anime. You are playing an aspiring composer who enters a prestigious performing arts school made up of students who are either vying to become an idol or a music producer. For your project you must team up with another student as an idol-producer team, and if you are successful, you will be able to join their agency after graduation.
I have played the mobile game and watched the anime. The day before going to the exhibition I also watched the BD of the theatrical release 『Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji LOVE Kingdom』.
As soon as you enter the venue, this main visual can be found on the right side. You immediately get excited!
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Despite knowing that the main cast will change between WHITE SIDE (first half) and BLACK SIDE (second half), it is still special to have all idols together on this visual...!
One cannot help but stare at the image, you really want to take your time and enjoy it but remaining too long in the entrance area will irritate the people entering behind you so let’s continue ahead! 
In this fantastic crystal passage, there are photos and profiles of each idol. Passing through this space you will gradually be entering Another World that is awaiting you. The anticipation will have you super excited ♪
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Finally enter Another World!
I'm thrilled to visit an exhibition that showcases the worldviews and stories of new songs and allows us to experience what it is like to be in the dressing rooms or on the stage side.
Dive into this new world while listening to the words of your idols!
There are displays left and right. I have no idea where to start ... I think I will start with my bias. So let’s go with the right side first. *laughs*
In this world all kinds of items related to the WHITE SIDE idols are on display. You can get a glimpse of the idol's personality and daily life, your knowledge of your favourite idols will surely expand.
Of course I will also check out the left side.
Here you will find an art board filled with lots of text. Looking at all the words will make you think "Oh, this is a popular dialogue", "Oh, these words touch my heart"! You will inevitably start imagining your favourite idols saying these words.
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There is an amazing photo spot in the back! I was a little adventurous and tried dressing up as one of the idols but I guess it’s better to just take a picture dressed as a normal fan *laughs*
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Right next to the spot is a miniature world ...Ah, I should have brought one of my plushies with me! ... I missed a great opportunity but it’s not too late for you. So everyone, be sure to bring your own plushies when you come here!!
We continue to the backstage area. First, the waiting room. There are lots of items that the idols would usually use in front of their mirrors, you can see notes and such, it almost seems like they were there just a minute ago.
Then we continue to the stage sleeve. There is a great arrangement of t-shirts for each idol ... ahh, this looks amazing!! I was mesmerised by the arrangement and couldn’t stop looking.
Then!! Their stage drinks!! Water! Someone has actually been drinking from them!  *faints* Masato, Ai, and Len took a few sips ... ahh...I can’t take it!! Thank you so much for this!!
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Turning to the other side and continuing ahead I discover interviews with the BLACK SIDE idols!  Awesome! Such an awesome display! Be sure to check every detail without missing a single word!
Well, it is no exaggeration to say that this is the main event of the day: time to enjoy the video for the new song “WHITE GRAVITY” projected on a big screen. While listening to "WHITE GRAVITY" you can watch your idols in full size on the large screen and enjoy them to the fullest.
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Finally, let’s head to the merch corner.
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They have a system where you write everything you want on a sheet of paper. I am having a hard time deciding what to buy *laughs* Samples are also displayed before the checkout area! Think about what you want to get as long as necessary, just take your time, let’s all buy the things we love!!  To show our gratitude for the franchise!
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We have walked through the entire exhibtion. BUT! We have not reached the end of this report yet!
Apparenty every restaurant in Tokyo Dome City has collaboration menus inspired by the idols. So of course I HAD to check them out...That day I decided to go to MLB cafe TOKYO.
I ordered Natsuki's recommended "Shinomiya Farm Collaboration Pizza" and Cecil's recommended "Agna Palace Soup". The green cream soup is perfectly seasoned and delicious with a bit of bread. The Cream cheese x maple dessert pizza has a magical taste that combines sourness, saltiness and sweetness. When you order a collaboration menu, you will get one sticker for each item!
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Satisfied after enjoying fun and delicious collaboration menus, my visit to the exhibition  『Uta no☆Prince-sama♪「Another World 〜WHITE & BLACK〜」WHITE SIDE』is finally coming to an end. While my main goal was to get material for my report, I tremendously enjoyed this exhibition *laughs*
There is a lot of attention to detail, you really learn to understand why people love Uta ☆ Puri (Uta no Prince Sama ♪) so much! Of course fans will have a blast visiting this exhibition but I think people who are not too familiar with the work can also have a great time. That’s why I thought, “why not whet your appetite with this report?”
And since WHITE SIDE was so good, I am now super curious about BLACK SIDE with a different cast...! I wanna go. I wonder what the next column will be about…?
I don't know yet, but I'd like to talk about it freely just as the title of my column suggests.
Last but not least, here is a random picture... of words that resonated with me.
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Well, until next time!
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diabolik-trash-heap · 4 years
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My Top 10 Utapri songs:
Since @lazarustrashpit tagged me for album/song thing and I pretty much listened to nothing but Utapri music this year, I figured I would just do a top ten Utapri songs:
1. Night Dream (Masato Hijirikawa, Tokiya Ichinose, Cecil Aijima, Camus, Ai Mikaze) - God where do I start with this one. I think I fell in love with it the moment it first popped up on Shining Live and jumped right into the chorus on the song selection screen.  Everything about the song is just...beautiful. The lyrics, the melodies, the music itself, the artwork (I have the art for all the boys framed above my bed). And then I heard the off-vocal for the first time a few months ago which I love just as much, and almost sounds like a different song at some points. I don’t think a day has gone by I haven’t listened to it at least a few times and I’m sure everyone has to be tired of my shit by now LOL I’m glad nobody is usually around when I re-watch the performance in the 6th live over and over again.
2. God’s Star (Quartet Night) - Another song I can’t go a day without listening to it. Quartet Night was so, soooo robbed that they didn’t win with that song because I’m sorry , it completely blows “We are Starish” out of the water.  I love the build up to that amazing chorus and that feeling like I’m cheering them on as I sing along. It gets me so hyped every damn time. The day it appears in SL if ever guaranteed I will be a sobbing mess because I have been asking for this forever.
3. Ultra Blast (Starish) - This song also gets me pumped. It pulls no punches as to the kind of song it is front the get go. I consider this the Starish equivalent of “God’s Star” when it comes to the kind of energy it produces. The beatmap for it in SL is fun as hell, albeit a bit hard, and it one of my favorites in the game. Of course watching it performed in Maji Love Kingdom only further cemented my love for it and I’m dying to watch the performance in it again.  Sentai Filmworks when?
4. Force Live (Quartet Night) - This was the first song I ended up liking (and pretty much the start of it all) when I first started playing Shining Live and generally getting into Utapri. I have watched the video for this more times than I care to admit, to the point the entire dance routine is pretty much ingrained in my head. I actually teared up watching it performed live for the first time in Quartet Night Live Future.
5. Hurray x 2 Dreamers (Reiji Kotobuki) - I feel like I discovered this one kind of late. I should slap myself for being such a Reiji stan failure for that one, but I didn’t really pick up on this one until the Ski Reiji event and playing it over and over and over again (over 150 or so times?). Honestly that shit should make most people hate it.  Except people like me who are worse than little kids and Baby Shark. It’s so fun and bouncy and the lyrics are adorable, especially the line about the Kotobuki stamp of love.  
6. Maji Love 2000 (Starish) - I’m kind of not the biggest fan of the Maji Love songs from Starish. I like them, but I generally don’t seek them out, although the performances are fun as hell to watch and sing along to in the lives.  That being said, I fucking love Maji Love 2000 and the second I hear “Nissen pa, saiko na love!” my mood immediately rises. I have to give credit to Starish for the fact their songs always sound like they are having fun together singing it and actually love singing with one another. The energy is infectious. 
7. Non-Fiction (Ranmaru Kurosaki and Camus) - Oh lord this was a banger the moment the preview came out for it. Play this at my funeral. I love the back and forth singing between the two, especially perfect given the character’s general animosity towards each other. Please watch the live version of this in Live Future if you have not.  Tatsu and Maeno are cocky as fuck and nail the song so perfectly.
8. Never (Reiji Kotobuki) - I’m kinda sad that “Hurray x 2″ trumped this one as my favorite Reiji song, because this is the quintessential Reiji song to me.  I can’t look at a Ferris wheel without thinking of this song. It’s also the title of my favorite Utapri episode (what a shocker) so it holds a special place in my heart. It’s sweet, romantic, and makes you wanna dance with him all night long. I’m in constant awe how a lot of the solo songs are composed so well to fit the character that’s singing it, and this one is no exception.
9. Original Resonance (Tokiya Ichinose and Masato Hijirikawa) - You know it almost took me a good year to master the beatmap for this one? I love the song but holy shit is that song a bitch to play. This is a perfect pairing of voices if I ever did hear one. Again I love how they play off each other’s singing. And you know it’s always fun to whisper Original Resonance when these two appear together.
10. Top Star Revolution (Natsuki Shinomiya) - Kishow is a powerhouse when it comes to singing. In fact he is my favorite vocalist out of the bunch (gomen, gomen Reiji but Kishow hits me in all the areas). Another SL beatmap I absolutely love to play. It’s fast, it’s pounding, the wonderful sweetness of the viola playing against those electronic beats, and ugh those high notes. It’s a ride from start to end.  Ah my princess indeed.
Runners-up - The World is Mine, Lost Alice, Setsugetsuka, Dancing Over Night, Colorfully Spark, I Swear, Be Proud
I’m going to tag @ranmarukurosakis, @singergurl91, @lazarustrashpit, and whoever else wants to do this.
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keinsteinhere · 5 years
Egoistic drama cd translation part 2
credit to @auroraishida-blog for the drama cd audio
Natsuki : finally, today is the day to meet up with the people in the unit. ahaha~ I can’t wait to know who it is. It’s exciting that it’s a secret until now.
*door opened*
Ranmaru : akh!...really!?
Natsuki : that’s....that’s! maru-chan senpai?
Ranmaru : huh?....Natsuki!
Natsuki : aha~ I’m in a group together with maru-chan senpai? I look forward to working with you. ehe~ I’m really happy.
Ranmaru : ye...yeah..so it’s with natsuki too?
Natsuki : me too? That’s mean, the other person have arrived too?
Ranmaru : well....yeah...
Natsuki : waah! ~ then let’s hurry up and greet him!
*door opened*
Eiichi : AHAHAHAHA! Good!
Ranmaru : haahh.....so it wasn’t a mistake....
Natsuki : .....Eiichi-kun!? Eiichi-kun is our group’s member?
Eiichi : Shinomiya Natsuki from STARISH and Kurosaki Ranmaru from Quartet Night, right? I’m Otori Eiichi, pleased to meet you.
Ranmaru : ...yeah
Natsuki : Ahaha~ maru-chan senpai and eiichi-kun is together, let’s talk lots and lots about music! I look forward to working with you two! Ah! That’s right! To commemorate our first meeting, can I hug you?
Eiichi : ....hug?
Natsuki : yes! I’m going to hug Eiichi-kun!
*Natsuki hugs Eiichi*
Eiichi : gguh!....thi...this is the strength of love for music! Ggah!....fine then! Shinomiya Natsuki, I shall accept it all!
Ranmaru : haahh....Natsuki, stop that! His body is going to be broken before we even sing.
Eiichi : *cough* the unit project this time are two companies join project. We sing to express love as a theme, together we produce the song and the performance.
Ranmaru : ....for god sake, what did our president think?
Eiichi : what did they think is not the problem now, what we should think about now is what type of song we should create, that’s our first priority. If you’re a pro then that should be obvious, right?
Ranmaru : I know something like that already! What an irritating person!
Eiichi : then our conversation should be advance faster. Then let’s get started. First-
Ranmaru : Oi! Why are you the one that take charge!? Don’t continue on your own!
Natsuki : there, there! Maru-chan senpai, let’s listen to the song first! Besides, don’t you think it’s wonderful to sing to express love? I think it’s a theme that have a lot of possibilities.
Ranmaru : .....fine
*song start playing*
Eiichi : good! Wonderful! A masterful melody, a soul shivering tempo, truly a shape of love that I have been searching!
Ranmaru : a hard rock tune, huh? Not bad. The melody line is familiar(?), I can feel all sort of different expressions and feeling.
Eiichi : yes....pain, sadness, strength, and happiness. There is anything, There is none. All of that become one(?). this is truly love!
Natsuki : yes! I feel like my heart change when I listen to it. It’s a very unique song but, it have a strange charm that make any lyric suitable.
Eiichi : I get it...I get it, shinomiya natsuki! No, let me call you Natsuki! This song have a resisting power, ranmaru, how about you? What kind of love did you see from this song?
Ranmaru : something like that....you don’t have to put it into word, you can just tell it through music!
Eiichi : Without words, how do you plan to tell it? Don’t forget that this isn’t your music alone!
Ranmaru :gguh...!
Eiichi : I want to make this music the strongest! For that I want both of your openness. Ranmaru! Natsuki!
Natsuki : naked? Certainly, I heard that if you want to get along more, you need to engage while naked. But, won’t you catch a cold, then?
Eiichi : don’t worry.  Let’s promise that you will give your unforgettable heat(passion)!
( the kanji for ‘openness’ that eiichi said and ‘naked’ that natsuki said are the same. what natsuki meant by engage while naked is to go to hotspring/onsen together. But what eiichi meant to say is that they should be honest with their feeling. )
Natsuki : waahh! Eiichi-kun is very passionate! But leave it to me! I’m good at hugging!
Ranmaru : Oi! The conversation is going off the rail! For god sake, From the beginning, you’re so annoying....besides, we don’t need to do that!
Eiichi : hou... why did you think so?
Ranmaru : we are only a unit for this project alone, I don’t feel like playing friends while singing.
Natsuki : such thinking, maru-chan senpai! Let’s get along. That way we can have more fun!
Ranmaru : Natsuki...I don’t know about you but, I don’t trust him. You, with your self-assured face, came without caring about others feelings(?). I’m not the person who is going to open myself to such man. Natsuki, you be careful too. You won’t know what he’s going to do...
Eiichi : uhuhuhu...AHAHAHAHA! Interesting! Good! Good kurosaki ranmaru! Your heart that locked inside a stubborn cage, make me want to know it more and more! Well then! Shall we talk our heart out!? AHAHAHAHA!
Ranmaru : like I said.....LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE SAID!!!
*end of flashback, continuing the first part*
Ranmaru : hahh....when we first met, I don’t have any good impression from you at all.
Eiichi : the one who can’t advance our discussion(?) is you, right? Kurosaki ranmaru. Even if I try to talk at you(?), you don’t have any will to discuss, didn’t you? You hide the part of you that you don’t want other people to see, and run away.
Ranmaru : what did you say!?
Eiichi : are you scared to show yourself? Do you have no confidence to be loved by other? Or...are you doesn’t want to be betrayed by the people you trust? Hmm...do you perhaps, have a hateful memory?
Ranmaru : kkuh!....IT DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU!! Then, how about you!? You only show your strong side(?), it must not be easy. You hide your weak side and even if you stand proudly(?). heh....hah! who did you want to show it to? That appearance. the one that locked inside a stubborn cage, is you right!? EIICHI!?
Eiichi : what did you say!?
Ranmaru : don’t take facing a song lightly!
Eiichi : that’s my precious memory of song, don’t you dare to ridicule it!
Natsuki : That’s it! If we let this go on, the song will be sad.
Ranmaru : ...tch!
Eiichi : ...kkuh!
Natsuki : can you hear what I about to say for a bit?
Ranmaru : ...yeah, of course
Natsuki : when I first listened to this song, I thought that it’s a very powerful song. A song that make me feel like I can go anywhere with my own strength, straight, and have a freedom power to it. I admire that.
Eiichi : hou...?
Natsuki : because I can feel something that I doesn’t have, I’m drawn to it.
Eiichi : something that you don’t have?
Natsuki : what I am now, surely can’t sing this song. I need to be more and more stronger or I will lose to this song. I want to engrave this song to the heart of the people who listen to it.
Ranmaru : For god sake... you’re an amazing person. The moment you listen to this song, You can understand that?
Natsuki : that’s not true, maru-chan senpai. Because the two of you are here, I can feel that. If I’m alone, I’m sure I wouldn’t notice it.
Ranmaru : Natsuki...
Natsuki : moreover, this song wouldn’t be completed if I was alone. I want to sing this song with maru-chan senpai and eiichi-kun.
Ranmaru : fine! I get it! Let’s stop this stupid argument! Show all of you and face the song, right? The three of us, Let’s aim for the same direction!
Eiichi : No. We don’t have to be the same.
Ranmaru : what...?
Eiichi : the feelings that we felt when we listen to this song is all different. Rather, it’s because we feel something that we doesn’t have, we’re drawn(?) to it.
Ranmaru : because all those difference are together, a stronger power is created. Like clashing different way of life, right?
Eiichi : Good!! That’s will be truly appropriate for this song!
Natsuki : I want to know more and more on how both of you love and sing this song! I want to know, that’s why I want to find the others charms.
Ranmaru : then, let’s listen to this song once more time!
*song start playing*
Eiichi : Wonderful! No matter how much I listen to it, this feeling that burn my heart won’t change.
Ranmaru : yeah.... we while thinking about the song, we might turn our eyes away from it’s true power(?)...
Eiichi : that detour too, is essential so we can reach this point. Eventough our personality and what we hold are different, but there is one feeling that consistent. Yes, we have the strong feeling of love for music!
Natsuki : yes! It’s completely different but I think there are some part that are the same. We are connected by music in the depth of our heart. Surely...
Eiichi : yes, You’re right. After we first meet each other, I have listened to both of you again.
Natsuki : Eiichi-kun, have you listened to maru-chan senpai song? It’s really cool, right?
Eiichi : yes! It’s like a unexpectedly sensible way to live(?). it was a powerful song. Kurosaki ranmaru life is engraved iin it.
Ranmaru : is that so? It seems like your ear is not that bad. I really doesn’t understand your way of thinking but, I don’t think your music is bad. It have a statement of always fighting with yourself.
Natsuki : ehe~ maru-chan senpai is also listened to eiichi-kun song too?
Ranmaru : of course I am... I need to know whether it’s worth it to sing together with him.
Eiichi : and shinomiya natsuki, I now know that you’re a liar.
Natsuki : hehh!? Why!?
Eiichi : it’s because you’re not weak. You have The strength to know your weakness, you sing a song that emanate(?) kindness.
Natsuki : Ah! Thank you very much! When you say that, my courage is welling up!
Eiichi : to be trouble by our strength, to seek out our strength and to chase down our strength. We might be more similar to each other to some point.
Ranmaru : I don’t want to accept it, thought.
Natsuki : I know it from the start, you know? That we will get along well.
Eiichi : let’s show our different point of view for the best music! Let’s aim for the height where no one can catch up to us!
Ranmaru : yeah! We don’t need to force ourselves to match our steps, rather, it more like us to disperse. If we’re going to do it, let’s do it thoroughly.
Natsuki : yes! No matter what other people say, don’t worry about it! We’re going to walk on the path that we believed!
part 1 / part 3 / part 4
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glitchdecay · 5 months
Natsuki Is So Much More Than His Ditzy Behavior: Part 2
In June of Natsuki's route in Repeat LOVE, Natsuki explains why he applied to the idol program at Saotome Gakuen despite being lauded as a genius violinist — and later violist — in his childhood.
The dialogue text is pretty long, so it'll go under the cut.
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Note: I transcribed the Japanese manually from the Switch port, but I'm only human. All translations are my own.
【来栖 翔】:「おかえり〜。じゃねぇよ、この天然スケコマシ!まったく、お前は昔から……」 【来栖 翔】:「あ…………。悪い……昔のことは、あんまり言わない方がよかったか……」 昔? 【四ノ宮那月】:「ん?……昔って?」 【来栖 翔】:「だから……ほら、あれだよ、小学校ん時のさ……ヴァイオリンのコンクール、控え室……一緒だったろ、俺と……」 【来栖 翔】:「お前、ぼけっとしてて、自分の出番も忘れてて、でも、ステージに立ったら、女子にキャーキャー言われてさ……」 【来栖 翔】:「それから……その……。すごかった……。俺なんか絶対勝てないかっこいい演奏だった……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「んーーーーー?おかしいですねぇ。記憶にありません。確かにヴァイオリンもやっていましたが」 【四ノ宮那月】:「翔ちゃんと出会っていたら絶対覚えていると思うのに……。うーーん」 【来栖 翔】:「てんめぇ、俺なんか、眼中にねぇってことかよっ」 【四ノ宮那月】:「そ、そうじゃなくて……ごめん。あの頃の記憶ってすごく曖昧で……。だから……、自分でもよくわからなくて」 【来栖 翔】:「お前がヴァイオリンやめて、ヴィオラをやり始めたって聞いた時もショックだったけど……」 【来栖 翔】:「でも、お前のヴィオラを聴いて、悔しいけど、感動した。だから、それでもいいかって思った」 【来栖 翔】:「それなのに……。なんで……。なんでそれすらやめちゃったんだよ」 【四ノ宮那月】:「それは……。それは……僕が弱いから……」 【来栖 翔】:「え…………?」 【四ノ宮那月】:「ヴィオラはとても奥深くて……。どれだけ頑張っても自分で納得のいく音は出せなくて」 【四ノ宮那月】:「でも……みんなは僕の中途半端な音を褒めてくれて。それで十分だって……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕がどんなに違うって言っても、誰もわかってくれなくて……。誰も僕のしたい音を教えてはくれなかった」 【四ノ宮那月】:「答えのない道をただひたすらに進むのかとそう……思ったら、すごく怖くなったんだ。その道は果てしなく長くて、遠い……」 【来栖 翔】:「……那月……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「ホントいうとね。今も怖いんだ。アイドルが歌うのを見て、すごく楽しそうで、僕もあんな風に音を楽しめたらって」 【四ノ宮那月】:「そう思って、この学校を受験したんだ。でも……。歌にも正解なんかない。自分で作っていくしかないってって気がついた」 【四ノ宮那月】:「でも……。でもね……。今、僕はひとりじゃないから」 【四ノ宮那月】:「あなたが……。そして翔ちゃんがいてくれる。誰かがそばにいて、一緒に悩んでくれる」 【四ノ宮那月】:「それがすごく嬉しくて。頑張ろうって……。頑張れるって思ったんだ。今度は答えを見つけられそうな気がするから」
Kurusu Syo: Don't "I'm back~" me, you airheaded Casanova! Jeez, you've always been like this. Syo: Ah...... Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't talk about the past. The past? Shinomiya Natsuki: Hm? The past? Syo: Like... You know, back when... we were in elementary school... At a violin competition. We were... in the same waiting room, you and me. Syo: You were spacing out and forgot your turn. But when you got on the stage, all the girls were screaming for you. Syo: And then... You... You were amazing. I thought I'd never win against your performance. Natsuki: Hmmmmmmm? That's weird. I don't remember. It's true I used to play the violin, though. Natsuki: But I'd totally remember if I met you back then. Bummer. Syo: So you didn't even pay attention to me, huh? Natsuki: That's— not what I meant... Sorry. My memories from back then were a blur... So... I don't really know myself. Syo: It was a shock to me when I found out you quit playing the violin and started playing the viola... Syo: But when I heard your viola, even though it was frustrating, I felt so moved by it. So I wondered if you were okay with that. Syo: But even then... Why... Why did you quit that too? Natsuki: That's... Because I'm weak... Syo: Huh......? Natsuki: There's so much to the viola... No matter how hard I worked, I couldn't play the way I wanted to. Natsuki: But... everyone praised my half-hearted playing. They said it was enough... Natsuki: No matter how much I said that wasn't it, no one understood me. No one could teach me how to play the way I wanted. Natsuki: When I... thought about continuing to devote myself to a path without a destination, I felt so scared. The path seems so long and endless... So far away... Syo: ... Natsuki... Natsuki: To tell the truth, I'm scared even now. When I saw idols singing and looking like they were having so much fun, I thought I could be like that too. Natsuki: That's what I thought, so I applied to this school. But... there's no right answer in this kind of music either. I've realized that I have to make it on my own. Natsuki: But... You know... I'm not alone anymore. Natsuki: 'Cause you're here... And Syo-chan, too. There's someone with me to think things through. Natsuki: It makes me so happy. When you say, "Let's do it together," I feel I can do it. Because this time, I can find the solution.
From the conversation, you can see kid!Natsuki felt lonely as a genius violinist, so he decided to move to the viola, but it didn't work either. It pained him to keep playing string instruments because things weren't working out for him.
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Any ReiNatsu hcs? OwO
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Reiji Kotobuki/Natsuki Shinomiya
A very bubbly high-energy couple
Public affection? Not an issue
Talk too loud in movie theaters? Yeah
Their dates are all over gossip magazines 
They cook meals (and snacks) together
Reiji heavily, heavily supervises
“Look at the recipe, Nat-chan. We don’t need frog legs.”
They give each other disgustingly sweet pet names
Every time one of them gets interviewed, the conversation somehow becomes about their relationship
Constantly writing songs about one another
“Honey-Cakes look what I wrote for you!!!”
When they got together it was all they talked about for weeks
“I can’t believe I just found the love of my life, my heart, my other half, the best person in all of existence-”
We get it, please be quiet
Natsuki would actually be really excited to go fishing with Reiji
Natsuki is not the best at it, but still loves it regardless
They rarely catch anything together. They’re so loud and rock the boat too much, they scare away all the fish
Natsuki would feel bad if they ate the fish so Reiji always unhooks them and throws them back
If they decided to live together their home would be quite disorganized
They’re never at the house, always out and about
Between work, dates, and other such events, they’re always too busy to clean
“Honey where is my sheet music?! I can’t find it!”
They often play their instruments together
Natsuki would teach him some songs on the viola, and teach Reiji the strings
Reiji loves to sing while Natsuki plays
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bevorzug-t · 5 years
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‘not the F world sacchan!!!”
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utapritranslations · 7 years
Shinomiya Natsuki - Shining Live [Initial UR] Part 2
Everyone! Are you having fun? I’m STARISH’S Shinomiya Natsuki!
How was my song? I poured my heart into singing today so you would enjoy it.
Did my feelings reach you? Hehe, really? I’m really happy!
Singing this song on such a large stage made my heart race. I can understand how supported STARISH is.
I want to make this stage even better with everyone. Up next is Tokiya-kun. Keep an eye out for his cool dance, ok!
[Part 1]    [Part 3]
Thanks to Twitter user r0lan65 for submitting the video
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aja154ever · 7 years
Uta no Prince Sama Maji LOVE LIVE 6th Stage - 05/27/2017
OMG. OMG. OMG. I have still not completely absorbed the fact that I was there - that my dream of attending Maji Love Live concert has finally come true on this fateful day. *cries a river*
This is a fan report - which is basically my feelings put into words. And warning: as in my previous seiyuu event reports (Bungo Stray Dogs, High Speed), this is looooooong. ^_^ Plus, I used the seiyuu’s nicknames for convenience.
Shinomiya Natsuki - Taniyama Kishou (Kiiyan)
Ichinose Tokiya - Miyano Mamoru (Mamo)
Aijima Cecil - Toriumi Kousuke (Tori-san)
Jinguji Ren - Suwabe Junichi (SuwaJun)
Ittoki Otoya - Terashima Takuma (Terashii)
Kurusu Syo - Shimono Hiro (Shimono)
Hijirikawa Masato - Suzumura Kenichi (SuzuKen)
Kotobuki Reiji - Morikubo Showtaro (Morikubo-san)
Kurosaki Ranmaru - Suzuki Tatsuhisa (Tatsun)
Mikaze Ai - Shouta Aoi (Shoutan)
Camus - Maeno Tomoaki (Maenu)
Hyuga Yamato - Kimura Ryohei (KimuRyo)
Otori Eiji - Uchida Yuuma (Uchida-kun)
Amakusa Shion - Yamashita Daiki (Daiki-kun)
Kiryuin Van - Takahashi Hidenori (Takahashi-san)
Otori Eiichi - Midorikawa Hikaru (Midorikawa-san)
Mikado Nagi - Yonaga Tsubasa (Wingu)
Sumeragi Kira - Ono Daisuke (OnoD)
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It was a tough day. I already expected that there would be A LOT of people but not to the point that the performance would get delayed because half of the audience has not yet entered the dome. I do not know what totally went wrong but it really felt frustrating that many of us were still in line outside that was not moving at all, though it was already 4:30 PM - the scheduled start of the performance, while there was no announcement from the staff about what’s going on. Maji Love Live’s system is quite strict and complicated as compared to other concerts. Here, the ticket buyer’s name is actually printed on the ticket and before entering, you have to show a valid ID that it is yours. This year, the organizers were really at fault as to why this did not go smoothly and also the fans were at fault for failing to go the venue early to line up. They said that it may have something to do with the wrist bands because it was the first time for that to be implemented.
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ANYWAY, moving on, we were finally able to go inside at around 5PM, but we were literally running because the live has already started! The intro VTR was already up, and while I was still running looking for my seat (which turned out to be on the other side of the dome damn it lol), ST☆RISH already appeared with Maji LOVE Legend Star! Like OMG WAIT! The fangirls alongside me were also on a rush but we did not fail to chant “Peace! Chu! Hey! Go! Legend Star!” being the dedicated fans we are. It was really funny running and singing at the same time, but still frustrating as I was not able to focus and watch the performance well esp that it’s their first time singing Legend Star live. I think I arrived at my seat in time for the last chorus. And this is my first Maji Love Live so why did it turn out like this huhu.
QUARTET★NIGHT - Shoutan and Maenu’s hairstyles were Ai’s and Camus’. What struck me here was Tatsun’s voice. I was not a fan of Tatsun’s voice - I mean it was averagely good for me but when I heard him today live, it was beyond average ok, it was good! (Anyway it was basically not my first time hearing it live if I would count his mini singing performance as middle school Makoto in last time’s High Speed event lol)
It rained OMG as in like in the music video lol. You know I can watch Mamo performing forever because for me this guy really does the best musical performances. Good voice, good moves, good looks, and the heart.
KILLER KISS - Reiji & Camus
Haruhana - Ranmaru & Ai
Melting of Snow - Maenu becomes more and more like Camus in every live. His hair, his eyes, his actions OMG. It’s as if Camus became real. A table and chair were set up for him, as he drank his cup of tea. So classyyyyy
On・Your・Mark! - It showed how Morikubo-san is so used to performing. I felt his confidence, and oh this ojisan can also dance yeah. And hearing him live for the first time, I actually appreciated his voice which I have not liked ever since. He’s a singer after all.
BE PROUD - Ok Tatsun, I’m proud of you. I’m sorry for not realizing that your voice was this good ok.
Synchronism - Shoutan was so cute. What’s new? But though I have always viewed him as feminine, seeing him live today for the first time made me see that Shoutan was cute, in a masculine way. His dance moves were really cute. The last pose he made where he captured his eye with his fingers in a peace sign, was really cute. Ok haven’t I used the word cute too much. Anyway, I know for a fact that Shoutan has one of the most beautiful singing voices in the seiyuu industry, and I have affirmed that today. He sounds pretty much the same recorded or live.
Shining Dream Festa
DAY DREAM - Tatsun, Terashii, Shimono, Suwajun, Kiiyan, and Morikubo-san in one song. Oh this was really fun. Foo! Foo! Fo foo!
NIGHT DREAM - Tori-san, Maenu, Suzuken, Mamo, Shoutan in one song. This was beautiful awwww. Love! Love! Love for you!
Be the light - Mamo appeared as Hayato this time emitting all the happy vibes. As much as I love Tokiya, we all know that Mamo’s personality matches Hayato better though. “Tanoshindenyaaaaa??”
Hatsukoi o mata hajimeyou - Shimono came out of nowhere like we heard someone was singing but there were no signs of presence on the stage. Minutes later, we saw him coming from the side of the audience as in he performed on the stairs in the middle of the audience seats. (Lucky for the people who were near yay huhu) As usual he was jumping while waving his towel.
Tears in Love - Okay Kiiyan, guess who was in tears because of her overflowing love for you? Lol. Honestly, I was looking forward to a dance number because remember that they were teasing Kiiyan in 5th stage about not dancing. But this song was accompanied by piano, guitar, and viola. Anyway, I am more than satisfied with this performance as, with tears in my eyes, I have once again confirmed that Kiiyan has the best singing voice in the planet. (Fight me lol) And anyway this 41-yr old ojisan looked so hot in his hairstyle  。⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Give me True Love - We all know that SuwaJun’s one of the members who doesn’t do much dancing but no one expected what he offered to us this time. This 45-yr old ojisan came out riding an orange hoverboard and flawlessly maneuvered it for the rest of his performance. 
Kanbinaru Arcadia - True to what he said during 5th stage, Tori-san really did bring a black cat on stage this time lol. There was smoke and poof he appeared thereafter as the cat disappeared. Ofc, he did not dance again, but he jumped. Yeah that was his cute way of telling us that he was having fun.
I Swear - SuzuKen’s is one of the singing voices I like among the Shining seiyuu members and now hearing it live for the first time, I can say that he sounds pretty much the same whether recorded or live. I mean that in a good way. He performed with the accompaniment of a dancing fountain.
Brilliant Days - Yay! I give Terashii the best solo performance award this time. Kids on red shirts suddenly came out in the middle of his performance as back-up dancers. It was basically like Otoya who was the older brother in the orphanage as they danced and played like they were the cutest thing. But wait there’s more. Towards the end, the kids brought out and waved sunflowers and yeah we remembered that scene about the sunflower field and OMG there’s more. ST☆RISH members went up on stage to join them and lastly, they somehow reenacted this pose from the anime and we all just went awwwwww huhuhu
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Intro - Shining Agency
ST☆RISH called QUARTET NIGHT to go up on stage and so the cast members from the Shining Agency were now gathered and officially welcomed everyone to the event, “Uta no Prince Sama Maji LOVE LIVE 6th Stage e youkoso!” What was obvious was that they were not talking as much as they did in previous live performances, and this is basically because of the delay in the start of the performance, meaning less time. They had to keep their intros short, which saddened me because I looove seeing their interactions.
They soon segued to singing the song they deemed they’ve been singing since the beginning and they believe everyone knows well - Maji LOVE 1000%. I was really shocked because they have always put 1000% as the last song because we all know how perfect it is for encore. But who cares, everyone immediately went all out singing this. I was soooooo happy that I was finally able to sing this song with everyone because this is basically where everything began right? Huhuhu.
After the best performance, a familiar voice finally echoed in the stadium, Midorikawa-san’s “Ii” and we all know that it’s time for HE★VENS.
HE★VENS GATE - Beginning of the Legend - I didn’t expect to enjoy HE★VENS’ performances this much but everyone’s still pumped up fresh from Maji Love 1000%, then HE★VENS came out soaring high on their podiums - yeah it was a really good entrance as the Heavens gate opened. And the crowd went crazy shouting, “YES CALL HE★VENS ! YES CALL HE★VENS !” It was really fun! It felt like HE★VENS actually received a warmer welcome than ST☆RISH and QUARTET NIGHT LOL.
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They then introduced themselves one by one. I felt like they did more talking than  ST☆RISH and QUARTET NIGHT, which is fine, it’s their first time anyway. They teased OnoD to lead the talk as Kira does not speak that much in the anime. OnoD laughed as he agreed that he didn’t really have much lines when they do recordings in the studio. They mentioned that their bond has gotten closer as they actually created a group in LINE. Meanwhile, Daiki-kun was very serious in portraying Amakusa Shion’s character. Midorikawa-san felt happy singing and performing on stage as he said that maybe it has been 20 years ago since the last time. And Wingu, OMG it’s my first time hearing Wingu live. His voice is soooooo cute!!! They then performed another song: HEAVENLY PARADE.
Duet Project
Mighty Aura - For me, this is the best duet performance of them all. I have high praises for Uchida-kun for being able to keep up with Mamo’s singing and dancing. (Like OMG this is Miyano Mamoru we are talking about. Did you not feel intimidated with such senpai) It was really a good showdown and was overflowing with passion - it felt like I was really watching Tokiya and Eiji.
Grown Empathy - Kiiyan and Wingu came in carts from opposite sides of the dome. In the end, they had the “Let’s shouting” written on their palms as they stood back to back in the end. Damn it, soooo cute. And Kiiyan’s smile *faints*
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Lasting Oneness - SuzuKen and OnoD performing together. Isn’t that in itself enough to give you a heart attack lol. Honestly, I didn’t like OnoD’s singing voice that much but hearing it live for the first time, I was amazed as it was really good. Then add the feels that Masato is my 2nd fave character in Utapri while I like Kira the most in Heavens.
Lovely Eyes - SuwaJun and Takahashi-san came in carts from opposite sides of the dome, this time near the audience seats, somewhat similar to what Shimono did earlier. 
Visible Elf - Tori-san and Daiki-kun came out riding hot air balloons which actually went flying inside the dome OMG. When they landed, Tori-san again did jumps while performing. He’s so adorable awww
JUSTICE IMPULSE - OMG KimuRyo and Shimono didn’t fail to give us a really intense performance. They fought as what Yamato and Syo did in the anime, while flying. Yeah, we saw how fantastic Shimono’s performance was in the last live and now he even dragged KimuRyo into this. Haha. This is the best next to Mamo and Uchida-kun’s.
NEXT DOOR - Kudos to Terashii again! I felt like I can see Otoya’s darkness in his eyes as he started off with an emotionless performance. Later on he went all dramatic as he clenched his fist on top of his heart while seeming to be in pain. All I can say is, “Saikou ni ii!”
As everyone went off the stage, a VTR was played on the screen showing clips from the previous Maji LOVE LIVE Stage performances from the first one up to the 5th. The audience happily sang along with 1000%, 2000%, and Revolutions.
Triple S Concert
And now we got to see the Triple S showdown live as the three units sang their respective songs.
God’s S.T.A.R. -  By this time I am really convinced that QUARTET NIGHT members are really good performers. They don’t only sing but even their dancing is on point. I understood why they have many fans and how this unit was able to hold its own live last time. They really brought the anime into life. We just went crazy shouting “Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!”
Fumetsu no Inferno - I felt HE★VENS desire not to lose as they also delivered an intense performance, with such good lighting that heightened up such intensity.
WE ARE ST☆RISH - I was pretty sure that I’d cry when I hear this song live. I mean, I already did just by watching it on the anime so what more when I see and hear it live? And so my voice was really cracked while doing the “ST☆RISH! Love! Legend Star!” chants as I was just overwhelmed with happiness. The only sad thing was that they did not do their chants (e.g. “Omaetachi, tsuite koi yo”) which I was badly looking forward to. But the seiyuus actually did most of the dance moves which killed me!!!! Damn it, I love ST☆RISH!!!!! (I’m still getting goosebumps right now as I write this AAAAAAAAHHHHH)
Yes, they did this pose and Tori-san and Shimono looked so lovely sitting there o(╥﹏╥)o
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After gaining enough time to change their shirts while the audience chanted “Encore!”, the 3 units finally appeared on their carts going around the arena. HE★VENS and QUARTET NIGHT were on the right side while  ST☆RISH came from the left side as they sing Yume o Uta e to. It was funny because while the focus was on HE★VENS and QUARTET NIGHT since it was their turn to sing first, my focus was actually on ST☆RISH. Aside from the fact that they were on the side closer to my seat, and that I love them the most, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of Mamo and Kiiyan. I mean, I honestly love these two more than anyone else but please explain to me why Mamo and Kiiyan were dancing like crazy. Kiiyan’s hips and legs please. Please! They looked like they were having such a good time lol. I’m so glad I was not the only one who noticed as I read a similar report from @socialdegenerate here. Yay!
New Project 
After singing, Terashii announced that the time to bid farewell has come but before that they have special announcements. Ofc, they made SuzuKen lead the announcements. First is that the sale of Blu-ray/DVD of 6th stage has been decided, which ofc everyone already expected. Lastly, we all know that a new animation project is in the works as was announced in the Legend Star’s last episode. This time they specifically revealed that it was a movie adaptation. OMG I didn’t expect this. They’re finally moving to the movie theater. Yay! Honestly I was expecting a 5th anime season because even if I already got tired of the story, I’m still willing to support the series because of the songs. As the fact remains that UtaPri as an idol anime really produces good songs sang by great seiyuus. I think it’s actually a good thing; there might be something new as it was compressed into a film instead of stretching it to a series.
Final Messages
After the announcements, each of them gave out their final messages starting from HE★VENS to QUARTET NIGHT and lastly, ST☆RISH. It was again noticeable that they kept their speeches short. Midorikawa-san didn’t actually want to speak much as he said that guys his age actually tend to cry in such kinds of moments. Awwww! Meanwhile, Wingu was laughing while speaking - it really showed how much fun he was having. HE★VENS members were particularly happy for being able to perform on stage for a series as big as UtaPri. They also felt grateful for the warm welcome they received from the crowd. Camus did his trademark speech of greeting everyone politely then calling everyone “gumin-yo” soon after. (I’m so glad he did as when he did not do it in the intro, I thought he wouldn’t be doing it anymore.) Each of them also gave us one to two lines of sweet messages (I don’t know what to call them lol) in their characters’ voices as in Terashii’s “Minna, daisuki da yo!” and Kiiyan’s “Kimi dake shika imasen!”
Maji LOVE Legend Star
I was expecting Maji LOVE 2000% as the last song as they already sang 1000% earlier. But they did not sing it, much to my frustration huhuhu. I think they might have been adjustments to the set list as we didn’t get 2000%, Revolutions, and Mirai, Yume, Arigatou…Soshite! which I think everyone expected to be there. Again this is because of the lack of time due to the delay.
The seiyuus especially ST☆RISH was aware that many of the audience came in late. SuwaJun asked who among the crowd did not make it right in time for the first song, and got a huge amount of hands and screams as a response. In compensation for that, they sang Maji LOVE Legend Star once again as the last song. I’m so glad that I was given a second chance to properly sing with them together this time. So I just went all out singing “Peace! Chu! Hey! Go! Legend Star!”
Goodbyes, Thank Yous
The cast gathered at the center of the stage, stood side by side holding hands, as they said thank you without holding their mics. That was so precious awwwww. They then made rounds on the stage waving goodbye and repeatedly saying “arigatou!” to everyone. Mirai, Yume, Arigatou…Soshite! was playing in the background. Each of them also passed in front of the camera, doing whatever poses like winks, kisses, high-fives, fist bumps, etc. Mamo, ofc, being Mamo, showed off his body as he pulled his shirt up. And OMG Kiiyan, did the same but the camera stayed longer, which then killed me lol.
ST☆RISH was the last one to get off stage, and as the curtain (whatever is that) slowly went down, they all kept waving to the point of lying on the floor just to wave up until the last moment that they can be seen, which made me love them even more. ❤
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“See you again” was flashed on the screen after voice overs from each of the cast saying goodbye to everyone.
Screenshots from Official accounts (Twitter/Blog):
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Waaaa. I’ve sworn to go to 6th stage ever since I missed the chance to go to 5th stage last year. I’ve been looking forward to this event so much because I know that it would bring so much happiness. I mean, just watching the DVDs of the previous lives made me very, very happy, so what more if I were there in person. I’ve prayed for this more than any other event I’ve wanted to attend and God knows how much grateful I am that this dream has come true. And indeed, I believe this is the event of my year and one of the happiest times of my life. I don’t think I’ve ever screamed that much in my whole life. And I had this much good time despite the shortcomings so what more if everything actually worked out smoothly. I’ll definitely be there next stage, and sing 2000% and Revolutions too, with everyone. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. I can’t wait for the DVD PLEASE COME OUT ALREADY!
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At least on this day, Kiiyan and I wore the same ring on our left ring fingers. Yay! (I wasn’t able to get a Tokiya ring for Mamo tho)
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bevorzug-t · 5 years
“Oh! I didn’t mean to fall asleep leaning on you.”~Sayuri to Natsuki
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“That’s okay! I understand that you’re tired, after all.” 
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