#3rd anni
cainluvr69 · 4 months
3rd Anniversary Event - Let Me Tell You The Story Of A Rainbow
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huge thanks to my qcer, captain, for embarking on another anni event with me!
this story has themes of child abuse and suicide. while these are not new themes in mhyk, this is, i believe, the first time they're being applied to a child who is still a child (i read her at about 8-12 years old) when the story takes place, as opposed to in flashbacks that happened centuries ago. the subject of child abuse is presented in flashback, but more in-depth than chloe or owen's flashbacks have been. the subject of suicide is one of the main plot elements of the story. if you wish to skip the chapter that talks about this most explicitly, with the main cast wizards trying to talk her down from what is presented as effectively killing herself, skip chapter 23. please read responsibly, or, if you're not sure if the subject matter will be presented in a way you can handle, ask a friend to read through it first for you.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26
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formulanni · 11 days
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Oscar Piastri as The Fool (redraw):
The Fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.
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Tag list: @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing @saviour-of-lord @three-days-time @the-wall-is-my-goal @albonoooo @ch3rubd0lls
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annie-handholder · 2 months
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POV: Reiner forgot he was a warrior again
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majunju · 1 year
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any mithra enjoyers out there
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glxystamp · 11 months
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Drew this while downloading the 3rd anni update and then I didn't finish it cause I was distracted by said update LOL
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oshaskell · 8 months
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tinyfantasminha · 6 months
TWST anniversary commercials over the years be like
1st anni: EVERYONE IS HERE!! IN EVENT OUTFITS!! Grim interacting with everyone representing how far we have come!!
2nd anni: Everyone is still here!! But with slightly worse animation...
3rd anni: Everyone is- No, it's only the third years and the animation has gotten even more even more lazy and worse if that's even possible
4th anni: Fuck you you're not getting any animated bits this year, have a slideshow with pre-existing images from the game AND new dorm leaders art I guess (you like OTHER characters that aren't the dorm leaders??? why would you?? sucks to be you)
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
3rd anniversary req 21: [DDVD] levi, satan, beel / babysitting
ao3 link
note: i tried to incorporate most of what the request form said - hope you're happy with this, anon! this one's just precious <3
∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎
“Behave,” Lucifer says sternly, and shuts the door.
Levi exchanges a look with Satan. For some reason, he gets the feeling that Lucifer was talking to them, and not the toddler clinging to the back of Satan’s leg.
He cranes his neck down. IK is already staring wistfully at the door. Satan would probably compare her to a lost kitten; Levi thinks the look is more akin to a sad Lotan.
“Beel’s in the kitchen,” He says to Satan in an undertone, and the two of them hastily adjourn to three-sevenths of a family meeting.
Couldn't Lucifer have picked any other day for whatever fancy reservation he's made for their date? It's clear he doesn't entirely trust the only three babysitters available. He knows this because Lucifer added all three of them to a hastily-made, very secret group chat a few hours ago - to warn them of what would happen if anything went wrong. 
The three of them sit silently around the kitchen table for about five minutes. Finally, Satan clears his throat, and looks at Levi.
“You’re the oldest here,” He says. “You should know what to do.”
Levi grimaces. “Well, I don’t.”
The three of them look to IK, who is sitting solemnly in the head chair. None of them know where Lucifer keeps her booster seat, so she can only just about see over the edge of the table. (IK usually protests about having to use it, so she seems happy with the situation.)
“It can’t be that hard,” Satan mutters, mostly to himself. “If Lucifer can handle it.”
Usually that means no one else can, Levi thinks, but wisely chooses not to say this out loud. But it can’t be that different to what we usually do… right? I mean, I guess we don’t really do the proper care stuff. That’s Zhao’s thing. We just hang out with her…
“Pom-pom,” IK mumbles.
Satan blinks, then tilts his head to the side and leans forward. “Sorry?”
“Pom-pom,” IK repeats, louder this time.
“I don’t… what’s ‘pom-pom’? Is it one of your toys?”
“Hmph,” IK says, then hops down from her chair and toddles out of the kitchen with such authority that none of them think to stop her.
It takes Beel’s phone going off to bring them back to reality. Lucifer has sent them, rather aptly, a parenting book. Satan decides to stay behind to read it while Beel and Levi are sent to wrangle the kid - and figure out what she’s actually after.
IK hasn’t made it far. She still can’t get up the stairs on her own, nor can she open any of the doors without full-body ramming into them, so she’s only managed to make it a little way down the corridor.
“Pom-pom,” She insists when they catch up with her.
“We don’t have pom-pom,” Levi says a little breathlessly, even though he really didn’t go that fast. “Can’t you just tell us what you want?”
IK cannot, apparently. She leads them on a merry chase in about five circles around the ground floor (she kicks every time they try to pick her up) before finally sitting down in a huff in the middle of the living room. Levi’s secretly a little grateful for the chance to rest his legs - this is the most he’s moved in the last month.
“The floor’s cold,” Beel says patiently, attempting to pick her up. IK manages to wiggle cleanly out of his hands and goes straight back to the ground. “Come on, let’s go sit somewhere comfy, okay?”
“Pom-pom,” IK mumbles, beginning to look a little tearful. The look on her face makes it clear: if Lucifer was here, he’d totally know what to do by now. 
It’s, quite frankly, unfair. He’s already good at everything else. Levi had really expected childcare to be the one thing to trip him up.
Situations like these really call for Asmo. Once again, Levi finds himself wondering why in hell he’s here.
“IK,” He tries - unable to muster one of Asmo’s many pet names and resorting instead to sounding as pathetic as possible, in hopes that she’ll take pity on him. “IK, c’mon. Wanna come see Henry? You like Henry.”
Beel tries to pick her up again. IK gives him a severe, uncannily Lucifer-like look, then stubbornly slips down until she's lying flat on her back.
“We need some blocks,” Satan announces, walking into the room with far too much confidence. “Do we have blocks?”
“Of course we don’t,” Levi says miserably, about two minutes away from lying on the floor himself. “Why would we?”
“Then I will go find some blocks,” Satan says decisively, and walks straight back out again.
IK stays on the ground, staring blankly up into the ceiling. She doesn’t look as if she’s throwing a tantrum so much as she looks like she’s lost all hope in the world. It kind of hurts his heart.
He glances up at Beel. His brother’s brow is deeply furrowed in thought. After a moment, he sits down, and carefully pushes his palm underneath IK’s head. If she won’t get up, at least he can give her a pillow.
Satan comes back with a crate that he says Lucifer’s been keeping in his study (which is supposed to be locked right now, but that’s on Lucifer for not using a strong enough charm), and produces a set of patterned blocks that he attempts to gently encourage IK to play with. All IK does is hold them limply.
“Maybe she needs a nap?” Beel suggests, but IK doesn’t seem to like that idea. In fact, after hearing the word, she appears to start deliberately keeping her eyes open for as long as possible out of spite.
Satan looks something up on his phone - steadfastly refusing to call Lucifer - then abruptly hurries off again. He comes back with some cardboard, a ball of wool, and a pair of scissors. IK lifts her head to watch him with interest as he sets about snipping and tying. Finally:
“There you are,” Satan announces triumphantly, and presents IK with a little green ball of fluff. “A pom-pom.”
IK sits up and holds it blankly. Then she shakes her head.
The dismay on Satan’s face would be funny if Levi didn’t feel terrible for him. “No? Is it the wrong colour?”
“Pom-pom,” IK says sadly.
“Fine…” He reaches out to take it back, only for IK to snatch the pom-pom-that-isn't-the-right-pom-pom back. “Hey. I thought you didn’t want it.”
“Mine,” She mumbles stubbornly, and dodges his next grab as well. “Mine!”
“But it’s not your pom-pom, is it?” Satan asks, now beginning to grin. “Come on, give it back.”
“No!” IK scrambles to her knees, then shuffles to hide behind Beel’s broad back. “Mine!”
“I made it! Give it back!”
Clutching the pom-pom, IK jumps to her feet - and, wobbling unsteadily from side to side, full-on sprints out of the living room.
Satan reacts first, almost as if he were expecting it. Hauling himself to his feet, he practically gallops after her, leaving Beel and Levi in stunned silence, still sitting helplessly on the floor.
“I didn’t know she could go that fast,” Levi says after a moment. “Do you think Mammon’s been teaching her?”
“We should probably go after them…” Beel glances down at the crate. “Should we bring the blocks?”
Satan has cornered IK in the library when they catch up with them. Even as they sidle awkwardly through the door, she looks sharply around the room, spots the still-ajar door to Lucifer’s office, and promptly zooms inside. Satan, of course, doesn’t hesitate to do the same.
Levi follows just in time to see him double-evade her around the desk, then shoot forward and sweep her cleanly off the ground - “Got you!”
“No!” IK insists, even though she’s giggling so loudly that the word is barely discernible.
“No? Certainly looks like you’re— ow!”
Something has flown out of Lucifer’s desk and propelled itself directly into Satan’s face - so hard that he’s shoved backwards into a cabinet and knocks a bottle off its stand. IK does not help things grabbing a fistful of his hair to keep herself steady.
“What the—” On closer inspection, the thing that came out of the desk appears to be a little stuffed pigeon. As Satan spins around, attempting to regain his bearings, it folds its wings and jabs its little felt beak at his eyes.
“What do we do?!” Levi yelps, hands braced to do something, though he hasn’t the faintest idea what.
IK isn’t giggling so much as she is wailing now - Satan, though still reeling, has enough sense to pass her off to Levi before attempting to wave the pigeon off. His arms windmill around so wildly that it’s only a matter of time before he—
“Oof!” Levi manages to shield the back of IK’s head with his hand, but his own nose isn’t so lucky. “Watch where your hands are going!”
“I’m getting attacked!” Satan snarls, and looks one peck away from zapping the pigeon into dust. “Do something!”
“What am I supposed to do?!”
Beel, at this point finally stepping into the situation, clearly has more wits about him than either of them. He surveys the situation, steps forward, and plucks the pigeon cleanly from the air.
It goes straight to ferociously attacking its fingers. Without the momentum of flight on its side, though, its blows are virtually harmless. At this, Levi hesitantly lowers his hand from IK’s head.
“This definitely has Lucifer written all over it,” Satan grunts, a hand pressed over his eye. “Smug bas… ahem. Am I bleeding?”
Levi leans over and peers at his face for a moment. “Nah, you’re good.”
He lowers his hand, but he doesn’t look any less mutinous. “Who gave him the idea of putting toy security in his desk?”
“I don’t think it’s security,” Beel says, holding the pigeon’s head still with one hand and reading its label with the other. “I think it’s a toy for IK. See?”
The company name does check out. That doesn’t explain why it comes to life and attacks people, though.
“Well, it’s not a spell I’ve seen anywhere before, so don’t look at me,” Satan grumbles.
Beel inspects the plush pigeon for another moment, then (still carefully holding it still) holds it out to IK. She looks frightened - but, under his reassuring gaze, slowly reaches out, and bumps a little fist to its beak.
The pigeon immediately stills. Levi would’ve thought he’d just hallucinated the whole thing if it weren’t for the red mark on Satan’s forehead.
“Oh,” says Satan himself, realisation dawning. “He enchanted it. That’s…”
He doesn’t finish the sentence, but clearly he isn’t angry anymore. Beel gently presses the pigeon into IK’s arms, and it comes briefly to life again to tuck its head lovingly against her cheek.
“That isn’t an easy enchantment,” Satan murmurs, wiping his brow. “He’s probably not done testing it.”
“Looks like it works fine to me,” Levi says, watching IK attempt to feed the pigeon her green pom-pom. “Do you like it, IK?”
“Mmm,” IK says, flapping the pigeon’s wings. The pom-pom falls out of her arms and lands softly on the floor.
She notices its absence after a moment and makes a sound of dismay. Satan huffs, then stoops to pick it up for her.
“At least you like it,” He mutters, passing it back to her. “Are you sure it’s not your pom-pom?”
IK shakes her head seriously. She gazes at him for a moment, then mumbles something and makes a gesture in his general direction. Levi obligingly leans forward.
“What now?” Satan sighs, but ducks down to her level anyway. “Are you going to hit me, too?”
Far from it. IK pats his cheek until he stops frowning, then stretches up to the red mark on his brow and gives it a kiss.
If Levi didn’t know better, he’d say Satan was dangerously close to tears. His brother clears his throat and offers a slightly shaky smile. “Thanks.”
IK hums, then pulls both pigeon and pom-pom tight to her chest, and tucks her head under Levi’s chin. Before he can stop himself, he lets out a sharp squeak, like a poorly-oiled door.
“I think it’s time for a nap now,” Beel says, watching her with a little smile. “Let’s go.”
“Okay,” He agrees, voice quivering, and follows him out of the office. Satan stays behind briefly to shut the drawer the pigeon flew out of, but doesn’t bother re-locking the door.
The crate of toys is still sitting in the middle of the library. Levi gingerly lowers himself into an armchair and lets IK figure out how she wants to sleep; Beel sits down on the floor directly opposite him and contents himself with watching her.
Satan stands silently for a while, then settles beside the toy crate and starts methodically stacking the blocks himself. Levi watches him, too afraid of disturbing IK to move.
“She’ll probably be hungry when she wakes up,” says Beel, setting his chin on his knees. “I think there are some strawberries left in the kitchen.”
“We need something more substantial than fruit.” Satan sets the final block on his tower, then promptly knocks the whole thing over and starts again. “Sandwiches, maybe…”
IK isn't asleep for long before she abruptly startles awake again. Levi opens his mouth to say something sappy that'd usually come out of Asmo - then quickly realises that something's up. 
"What?" Satan asks, sitting up. 
"I don't..."
IK is practically ramrod-straight in his arms. Her eyes are open, but she stares directly ahead of her, far into the distance.
Beel lifts his head and rises to his knees. "Give her here."
Levi can't do anything but acquiesce. IK doesn't respond at first, but almost as soon as she leaves Levi's arms, she takes in a sharp breath, and begins to whimper. 
"Wait—" Instinctively, he tries to snatch her back, but Beel holds firm. "Why... what's wrong?!"
"Nightmare," says Beel shortly. "Belphie used to do the same thing. Can you go get some water?"
It might be the fastest Levi has ever gone to do something. Beel doesn't get IK to drink it - instead, he dips a finger in, and draws a streak across her forehead. At this, IK pauses, eyes wide. 
Satan darts to pick up the pigeon from where it's fallen to the floor. It begins to move as soon as he presses it to IK's face - fluttering its wings and gently grazing its cheek against hers. Levi imagines he hears it coo. 
"Hi," Beel murmurs, doing the same trick with the water again This time, IK makes a sound of protest. "Don't worry, it's gone now."
IK mumbles something and twists away, attempting to wipe her forehead. Beel smiles and does it for her. "...there. That's how you know she's awake again."
"Bad dream, huh?" Satan clicks his tongue sympathetically, then leans down and kisses her forehead - returning the favour from earlier. "Are you still tired?"
She blinks slowly, then makes a quiet noise of affirmation. Beel nods seriously. "You can sleep again, then. We'll keep you safe, okay? Your dad will be home soon."
"Okay," IK whispers, and closes her eyes again.
Some time later, Belphie gets home. By that weird twin-sense he shares with Beel, he comes straight to the library. Since IK went back to sleep, Levi's taken a turn on the building blocks, for want of something to do. 
“Do you know where IK’s pom-pom is?” Satan asks without looking up from his book.
“Huh?” Belphie drops his bag with a loud yawn. “What d’you mean, where?”
“She wouldn’t stop asking about it.” Levi precariously sets one tower on top of another. “We didn’t know what it was.”
“Oh, she wants pom-pom? That’s easy,” Belphie says with infuriating nonchalance, then wanders across the room, where IK is beginning to stir in Beel’s lap. “Hey, twinkle-star.”
The three of them can only watch in dawning realisation as Belphie crouches down, shifts seamlessly into demon form, then offers the end of his tail like it’s some kind of toy. IK blinks at him, then scrambles up and makes a grab for the fluffy bit at the end.
“Oh.” says Beel a little weakly. “You were talking about Belphie’s tail the whole time?”
“Pom-pom,” IK says happily.
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
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예뻤어, Seungmin Cover (원곡 : DAY6) - skz record concept.
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kerizaret · 5 months
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I've recently re-found some old saved screenshots from my chats with some friends that i thought were funny and couldn't resist making prsk memes out of those
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rookmeo · 5 months
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day 6: old or new (@sekaitransparents event)
rb + credit if using
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aeroplaneblues · 1 year
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Happy 3.1 and cyno debut anniversary!!🎉
Reposting these as the first haino i drew vs the latest, i like these comparisons! specially showing how much more comfortable i’ve become with drawing these complicated character designs over a year😂🥹
My relationship with art and social media lately has been quite the struggle, however looking back at some of these drawings (as simple as they look) makes me happy regardless.
Art doesnt come easy and when life happens its even harder to create. But at the end, the effort you put in has a long lasting effect.
Thanks for liking my genshin art over the 3 years ive been playing!🥰💜
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kenchann · 2 years
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my lil one
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tom-is-online · 1 month
if u don't mind me askin, which of the prsk anniversary songs is ur fave?
ye i dont mind im always up for answering random stuff, NEO is my fav :)
im combining both the mv and the actual song in this but i do prefer both of them individually too.
starting with the actual song itself i love that the line distribution relates a lot to the actual characters singing them, the songs really cute in general when relating to the characters. Also i just rly like Jin's songs too so that does def help with me liking the song itself.
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i will never forget pjsk for giving kohane this line
the 2dmv is my fav looking out of the three, the lighting, the colours, the fact a lot of the scenes are more original than just the cards becoming animated.
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obvs the best part is the sequence of all of the units transitioning between each other, i really like that the specific characters chosen to transition to actually make sense in the order its really fun
minoharu -> anhane - theyre all freinds, the lesbian transition of all time akito -> ena - theyre siblings + its a good transition i love the shinonome siblings mizuki -> rui - they're middle school besties who found freinds wxs -> l/n - tenma siblings and that
these scenes are just rly good, it lives in my head forever i have a problem
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also the scenes which are just the units being silly with pens are rly cute, the 2dmv rly shows of their personalities well, with a bonus of it being rly pretty to look at
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the 3dmv is also rly fun, i don't have that much to say about it except the bg of it was clearly made to highlight the fact that the redesigns for the 3rd anni are mostly white and blue in some way or another and the set rly just looks good with the new outfits. esp since it transitions to different shades of blue, the new outfits are very neutral coloured focused so everyone looks rly cohesive with the set whilst being very individual cuz they're all diff themes
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i dont have a gif for it with everyone in it cuz sexism is real and i can only find this twink doing it but i rly like the kicks everyone does for kohanes bit of the chorus they look rly goofy and silly
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but overall i just rly like the song and the music videos are both really good and i like a lot of the decisions they decided to make for it cuz they executed everything very well
thanks anon for letting me ramble :) anyone is free to send me asks anytime i love answering stuff :)
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tsukasalover · 19 days
22 Days left. We got Rui Kamishiro witht he pandemonium fellas ever hayashi miyake taniyama… Ou my hof. I have a lot to say
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-Hahaha 22 Like 2 Like Oddball #2. Get it. Het it. Im losing my mind
-Rui is EVIL for bringing hsi little baby darling creation robo chicken to a fast food place where they are goingn to eat chicken. How could you…? Buebebebeb.
-“The world can be a more fun place” You’re sick. You make me sick too. I caught whatever you had Rui. I’m genuinely so happy for you rui kamishiro. I can’t theres gonna im gonna cry
-i will never get tired of seeing them together and love seeing rui make more friends outside of wxs 🥹i cant believe this is the boy who once thought he would only be alone in the end and was going to get rejected or abandoned no matter what… ugfh… pandemonium rui 2024 bday 4koma and This freaking countdown art You are carved into my brain.. Stop.. Stop.. it…
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spacejade · 2 years
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more enstars shitposts. youre welcome
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