#;hadleys extras
greghatecrimes · 7 months
Thirteen.exe has stopped responding
(warning for slight flashing)
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simstoyourdismay · 5 months
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aunt nephew bonding (jenna is yapping and theo’s too nice to stop her)
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doglover-trait · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
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Thanks for the tag @akitasimblr!
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Hadley likes to say she doesn't have any fears, but she's terrified of airplanes. She will only fly if ABSOLUTELY necessary. Her uncommon fear would be birds. They freak her out.
Do they have any pet peeves? She hates when people crack their knuckles or joints
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? A meditation stool, her university diploma and graduation picture, and her SimRay
What do they notice first in a person? Overall attractiveness? Does that count? Hadley is a bit shallow...
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? High. I'd say an 8 or 9.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Fight mode
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? Hadley grew up in a single-parent household and she was never close with her mom or her sister. Now that she's had kids she's growing more family-oriented.
What animal represents them best? I think I'd go with a hyena. From what I've learned, they symbolize cleverness and sneakiness. Plus, they're just kinda mean. But they're also protective.
What is a smell that they dislike? Patchouli. She HATES it.
Have they broken any bones? Definitely. Hadley was a reckless kid and got into a ton of fights. Her first broken bone was her arm after she fell off the monkey bars in kindergarten.
How would a stranger likely describe them? Intimidating, maybe? Or grumpy/mean
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? A night owl, for sure.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Fake fruit flavors can die in a pit. Dark chocolate? The most amazing thing in the world.
Do they have any hobbies? Robotics is her main hobby but she's also been enjoying baking recently.
Boom! Surprise Birthday Party! How do they react to surprises? Hadley likes surprises, but she does judge the level of thought that went into the surprise, because she's rude like that
Do they like to wear jewelry? Yes! Hadley loves jewelry. She always wants more piercings
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? Super messy. Like, stereotypical doctor level
What are the two emotions they feel the most? Passion and anger
Do they have a favorite fabric? She likes leather because it's "cool"
What kind of accent do they have? I honestly don't know. I don't think about my sim's accents very much
I'm going to tag @zmemily, @plumzet, @hazelminesims, @groovetrys, @kissalopa, @simsinfinitylt and @mdianasims! But if you want to do this even if you weren't tagged, go for it!
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zepskies · 6 months
Take Me Home - Part 7
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: You are another lost soul at Sunny Day Excursions. You’re aiming to settle in Helena, Montana, where Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town. But you’ve both got a past you’re running from. 
AN: For everyone who has Easter plans tomorrow (Happy Easter!), I decided to release this part a bit early. And yes, we’re at that part of the season 3 plotline…
Word Count: 6.6K
Tags/Warnings: Major angst, survival situations, violence, hurt/comfort.
❤️ Series Masterlist
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Part 7: On the Edge of a Knife
Beau returned home that night with a large pizza for Carla and Emily. He’d already eaten with you an hour ago, but true to his legendary appetite, he still found room for a slice of pepperoni. They got comfortable around the fire out in front of his trailer.
“What held you up?” Carla asked.
Beau sighed and first wiped a bit of sauce from his face with a napkin. He admitted there was an altercation between you and your ex-boyfriend, Michael Hadley. Beau happened to be there in time to settle things down and help patch you up after you fell through a glass coffee table.
“Oh my God. Is she okay?” Emily asked. Beau noted her concern with a smile.
“She’s fine. Some minor cuts and bruises,” he said. “But I had to encourage the guy to leave town. If he’s got any sense, he’ll get gone.”
Emily looked relieved at that. Then she eyed him with a suspicious smile.
“And you just happened to be in the neighborhood?” she asked slyly, voicing the thought that Carla hadn’t wanted to.
Both women watched him closely, but Carla knew the tell-tale signs of Beau covering his embarrassment, giving his daughter a wry look.
“All right, smart Alec. Why don’t you break out the extra sheets I got in the trailer? We’ll set up the bed and the couch.”
“If you can call that glorified bench a couch,” Emily muttered with a grin. 
“Ey!” Beau called after her, though he watched her go in amusement.
After a couple more hours of chatting and catching up, showers taken and plates washed, Emily headed for bed. The adults stayed up for a while, bundled in warm coats as they sat together by the fire.
Beau remembered what Emily told him days ago; that he hadn’t needed to be a perfect man for his wife and daughter. They’d just needed him to be a bit more honest about what he was going through, to let them in. After what happened today with you, your patience and understanding with him…he was beginning to get what she meant.
“I’m really thankful for you helping us,” Carla said. It unearthed him out of his own head.
“Yeah,” he replied with a nod.
Admittedly, he was still a bit distracted. Besides how he left things with you (which still made heat crawl up the back of his neck), he still had Avery and that stolen money to worry about. Otherwise known as the reason Carla and Emily would have to cram themselves in his little trailer.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Carla prodded, laying a gentle hand on his arm.
“I just got a bad feeling about all this,” he confessed. “It’s like in Houston with Randy.”
“No,” she shook her head. “You can’t go there.”
“It’s too late,” he replied. “‘Cause it feels the same. Like something’s…something is comin’, and I’m powerless to stop it.”
“Randy’s death was not your fault,” she reminded him. Just like you had.
Beau looked over at her with a humorless quirk of his lips.
“We both know that’s not true. He was my partner and I let him down. And then…then I wasn’t there for you, or Emily. I don’t blame you for leaving me.”
Carla couldn’t help it, but a part deep inside her had been regretting that choice. Her eyes burned with unshed tears. She managed to blink and keep them at bay, though she let out a shaky breath.
“Well, you’re here for us now,” she said. And yet, she could’ve predicted his next words like clockwork.
“It don’t make up for the way I checked out,” he said.
Carla licked her dry lips and swallowed down the emotion clogging her throat. She didn’t cry often. She could have an ironclad grip on her emotions when she needed to.
It was part of what made her a good lawyer. She knew Beau had sometimes gotten frustrated with that aspect of her personality in the past, because he was the opposite.
The man kept a good lid on things for his job, but at heart, he was driven by his passion, his anger, his love, and right now, his bone-deep guilt and shame.
She knew he’d been drowning in it for a year and hadn’t known how to pull him out. Every time he pushed her away, it had hurt her, hardened her, making her will to try again less and less. So she left him. 
It was the choice she made, and she knew she had to live with it. Just like marrying Avery.
Carla laid a hand on Beau’s over his knee. She made sure he looked her in the eyes when she said this.
“I forgive you. For all of that, okay?” she said. After a moment, he nodded. This time, she felt like he actually heard her.
“But I’m telling you, this thing with Avery…this isn’t over by a long shot,” he told her. “I’m not saying that to scare you. You understand that?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, even though those tears from earlier were working their way down her face. She wiped them away hastily.
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you two,” Beau said, in a firm, reassuring tone.
It worked, and it didn’t. Carla nodded again. “I know.”
He sighed through his nose and squeezed her hand. His gaze shifted away, back to the bonfire dancing in front of them. His eyes stung at both the smoke, and the emotion rising in his chest. He steeled himself.
“Carla, I’ll always love you…”
She smiled slightly, brushing the remaining tears from her cheek.
“Though I sense a but coming,” she said.
When she said your name in question, Beau glanced back over at her and nodded. Carla had been his first real love, besides Daisy Harlow in the eleventh grade.
But you were unexpected. How quickly, how deeply you’d gotten under his skin was too hard to ignore. And at this point, he didn’t want to.
Meanwhile, Carla stared at her ex-husband in bemusement. She slipped her hand from his and folded hers back in her lap.
“What’s she like?” she asked. Half of her was genuinely curious. The other half would rather not hear his answer, but she supposed it was only fair. She was the one who moved on first.
Still, the flicker of Beau’s soft smile stung, just a little.
“She’s special,” he said. “Resilient, like you. And smart to boot. You know she’s a college professor?”
“Yeah, Emily told me,” Carla said. 
Beau’s smile dimmed when he noted the resignation in her voice. She gave him a knowing look. 
“I have no right to complain,” she said. “And you deserve to be happy too, Beau.”    
He considered that with a nod. He wasn’t sure if he believed her, but for your sake…he would try.
“Can you promise me something?” Carla asked. 
“Name it,” he said.
“I know Avery is in this thing deep. He lied to me and he created this mess. Even when this is over, I don’t know what’s going to happen between us. I know I’m asking a lot of you, but please, look out for him,” she implored. Beau uttered a wry chuckle and rubbed at his chin.
“He is in this deep. And he’s being stubborn about it,” he said. “I might not be able to help him walk it back, but I will try.”  
Carla released another sigh and nodded in response. She supposed that was the best she could hope for. 
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A few days later, you walked up and down the grocery store aisles with a basket in one hand and your phone against your ear with the other.
“Okay, I’ve got all manners of junk food and chick-flick movie watching snacks, including Reese’s cups, ice cream, frozen pizzas, and no less than three bottles of wine,” you said. “Am I missing anything?”
“I don’t think so, hun. That sounds very comprehensive,” Denise replied.
She was at work, and you were still getting ready for the fall semester. It was only a little over a month away, which meant you were excited, and also nervous.
You had five classes on your roster. You’d also visited Carroll College yesterday to set up your office with all your books, both textbooks and your favorites in fiction and non-fiction (but mostly fiction). Much Ado About Nothing was front and center in the Shakespeare section of your shelf.
You also wanted to at least try and relax for the rest of your summer. Denise was all too willing to help. You’d always had a good relationship with your aunt, albeit distant, since you’d lived in different states.
Living so close now just made you realize how much you two had in common. It was nice to find a friend in her, not just someone who would try to mother you in your own mother’s absence. 
“Yes! Good. Then get ready to brainstorm what movies we’re gonna watch tonight, and in what order,” you said.
“Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t already have a color-coded checklist,” Denise quipped.
You laughed. Yes, she knew you too well. “Okay, maybe I do, but you still get a vote.”
You turned a corner in the aisles and nearly ran right into Carla, who was pushing a cart. You both jolted in surprise and recognition.
“Oh, hi! I’m sorry,” you said, at the same time she said, “Sorry, I…”
You two did the polite, nervous laughter people did when put in awkward situations. You noticed all the food she had in her cart—enough to feed a family of three for the week.
“Yeah, finally getting around to doing a grocery run,” she said. “Beau’s trailer leaves much to be desired in the form of amenities, so…”
You adopted a more amused smile. “Yeah, he’s not much of a cook, is he?”
“Do frozen fish sticks count?” Carla remarked.
“Only if there’s expired tartar sauce, according to Emily,” you joked. The two of you shared a laugh that was a little more genuine. You chatted for a couple minutes more before you parted with amiable handwaving. Then you realized that your aunt was still hanging on the line.
You sighed and put your phone back up to your ear. “Hey, sorry.”
“Was that who I think it was?” Denise asked. She was probably trying to be cryptic, if Emily was in the room with her.
“Indeed, it was. Doing a nice family-sized grocery run,” you whispered back, to make sure you weren’t overheard. You brought your basket of junk to one of the checkout lines.
“When was the last time you heard from him?” Denise asked. She must’ve heard the heaviness in your voice. You both knew exactly who “him” was code for. Beau friggin’ Arlen.
“Not since we said goodbye last week,” you replied. And the memory of that kiss had been torturing you for days. It had also been the fuel of many…late nights with yourself.
Speaking of which, need some more AA batteries, you thought with a warm blush.
“Okay, forget candy. We should get cheesecake,” Denise proposed.
You smiled. “You know what, that’s a damn good idea. Definitely cheesecake.”
You hopped out of line to do just that. You knew it probably wouldn’t be as good as Chicago made, but you went over to the bakery side of the store and hunted for the most good-looking cheesecake you could find.
“Hey, if you want, stop by here later,” your aunt said. “Em is here. We’ll grab lunch, make it a real girls’ day.”
“Sure,” you agreed. You hadn’t seen Emily in a week or so either. “Where are you thinking? I’ve been wanting to try that Indian place down the street from your office.”
“Sounds good to me. Come over after you drop those groceries off at home.”
“Okay, will do. I’ll see you guys soon!” you said. 
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Beau knew that he was going to be working straight through lunch. What he, Jenny, and Cassie had discovered in the past 24 hours was deeply unsettling. 
Not only was Walter Sunny Barnes’s son, but Paige was alive. She’d been found in the foyer of Sunny’s home, brandishing a knife, convinced the married couple were in it together on her kidnapping. Sunny claimed she’d had no idea her husband had taken the poor girl and kept her in a shack for days.
According to Paige’s testimony, Buck Barnes had tried to kill her. And since she was alive, it meant Walter had lied in confessing to her murder. It was also likely that he hadn’t killed Mary or Luke either.
That wasn’t even the worst of Beau’s headache.
He rubbed his face in frustration after getting off the phone with Carla. Thanks to this whole business of Avery’s stolen cryptocurrency, she was being followed. 
Fuckin’ hell, Beau thought. The next time he saw Avery, it had better be with handcuffs, or he was going to start working on his punch list for real. Instead, Beau grabbed his cell and called his daughter.
“Hey, Dad,” she answered on the third ring.
“Hey, honey. You doin’ all right? You good?” he asked. Maybe he was coming on a little strong, but worry was a living thing inside his gut.
“Yeah, totally. Just doing some research…but guess who’s coming to have lunch with us later?” she asked.
Her tone was leading him somewhere, and Beau thought he knew the destination. His lips curved with a half-smile. When he guessed your name, Emily confirmed.
“You’re welcome to join us. If, you know, you wanted to,” she teased.
Beau’s smile twisted with disbelief. Was his daughter trying to set him up? And better yet, it seemed like she liked you well enough to do it. While the thought warmed him, his smile dimmed.
“Wish I could, but uh, I got a lot of work here to do. I’m just…checking up on ya, like dads do,” he said.
As much as he wanted to see you (and he really, really did), he wasn’t lying. He needed to follow up on the man who’d trailed Carla to the drycleaners this morning. And he already had Jenny and Poppernak looking into finding Buck Barnes. He’d fled the scene after Paige and Sunny were picked up at the Barnes residence.
“Well, okay, consider me checked. We can talk later if you want,” Emily said. She sounded a bit disappointed. Beau felt guilty for that, but he’d make it up to her tonight. Maybe he’d bring home some takeout so Carla didn’t have to cook again in his tiny kitchenette.
“All right, honey. If not, I’ll see you tonight,” he said. “Just…don’t go anywhere by yourself, okay? Make sure Denise or Cassie’s with you. Matter of fact, I’ll pick you up from there today.”
“Yeah sure,” she said. Though he didn’t think she really heard the warning in his voice.
“‘Kay. Bye, Dad.”
She hung up, leaving Beau still feeling off-balanced. Until news came in from a fellow officer: while Paige had been brought to the hospital, Sunny Barnes had been brought into the station for questioning about her husband.
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“Sorry I’m so late. I started cleaning my apartment and lost track of time,” you said, walking into the office of Dewell & Hoyt. Denise and Emily waved at you from their respective desks.
“That’s okay. We’ve been busy here,” Denise said. You looked at the large pinboard on the wall filled with news clippings and pieces of evidence. Bleeding Heart Killer, read many of the subject lines.
“Ech. Still working on this?” you asked.
“Unfortunately,” said Denise. She grabbed up her purse and went over to kiss your cheek in greeting. “But we might’ve gotten a huge break on it. I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.”
“Get back? Where’re you going?” you asked.
“To get the food! I already placed the orders,” she said, patting your arm. “I’ll be right back.”
You gave her a narrowed look. “I was going to pay for it—”
“No need!” Denise sing-songed on her way out of the office. It had you smiling, shaking your head. You looked over at Emily and tossed a thumb over your shoulder.
“Careful with her. She can be devious,” you said.
Emily smiled and stood up from her desk. She went over to sit with you on the small couch near the center of the room.
“I’m actually glad you’re here,” she said. “I’ve kinda got a question for you.”
“Kinda?” you echoed with a smile, but you pat her on the knee. “What’s on your mind, honey?”
Emily looked a little unsure. It had you giving her your undivided attention.
“It’s about my dad,” she began. Your smile slowly fell, but now you were really listening.
“Okay,” you nodded.
Emily opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, the lights in the entire office went out.
Natural light still came in from the large windows at the front. It was odd though. The weather outside, while chilly, wasn’t cold enough to create an outage. You hadn’t heard anything fizzle when the lights went out either.
“That’s weird—” Emily said.
The back door burst open with the sound of hinges breaking. Both of you gasped and stood from the couch. You slipped a hand into your purse to find your phone, and then the first contact you could think of.
You were about to press the call button when a tall man with broad shoulders stepped through. He was older, balding, and his clothes and neck were stained with blood.
Buck Barnes.
“Buck?” you gasped. “What…what’re you doing here?”
He didn’t look like the easy going, kind-hearted man you knew at the camp. Now, he looked haggard, injured, and dangerous, like a wild animal.
“Hush up,” Buck held up a silver pistol in his right hand. “And drop that phone, nice and slow.”
Your heart was in your throat, but you couldn’t just think of yourself. You subtly tried to pull Emily behind you as you set your phone down on the ground.
“You tried to kill Paige,” Emily accused of the man. It had you turning to her, your eyes going wide. When you looked over at Buck to gauge his reaction, you saw how his lips pursed.
“Sit down and shut up,” Buck ordered, gesturing with his gun at both of you. He drew closer and forced you and Emily to sit beside each other on the couch. There he grabbed a roll of duct tape from his pocket and began taping your shaking hands together.
“Why’re you doing this?” you asked Buck.
“I need some collateral if I’m gonna get the hell outta dodge,” he replied.
“Fine, but let Emily go. She’s just a kid,” you begged, as tears stung at your eyes.
Buck just continued taping you up. Thankfully not your feet, just your wrists. He moved to Emily next. 
“You don’t need her,” you tried again. “Come on, Buck. You really think Beau Arlen’s going to want to work something out with you if you take his daughter?”
“Oh, I’m bettin’ he’ll be more than willing.” Buck grabbed you and placed a strip of tape across your mouth, then on Emily’s. He hooked a large, calloused hand around your arm.
“Now get up.”
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“What?!” Beau asked. His eyes widened in alarm. “Slow down, Denise. What’s going on?”
The more he listened, the more his heart plummeted into his stomach. He had to grip his work desk for balance.
It took him and Jenny under half an hour to meet up with Cassie and Denise back at Dewell & Hoyt, along with a forensics unit of officers. There was evidence of struggle in a turned over table and a broken back door lock.
Denise explained that she left you and Emily for just a few minutes while she went to grab a late lunch order. By the time she returned, the power was out, set off by the breakers, and you and Emily were missing.
Jenny found your purse on the couch, while Beau found your cell phone on the ground. He picked it up with a gloved hand. He’d seen you unlock your phone enough times to remember your passcode.
When he inputted those six numbers and unlocked the screen, he found his own name and phone number highlighted there. You’d been about to call him.
He squeezed your phone tight in his hand. He looked up and saw another officer pick up Emily’s backpack.
“No power means no surveillance footage,” Jenny said. “Okay, let’s think. Why take her and Emily?”
“It’s gotta do with Avery and the money he stole,” Beau said, grinding his teeth. “I needa find him.”
“Any idea where he might be held up?” Jenny asked.
“Carla will know,” he replied.
“Do you want me to go with you?” Jenny was quick to offer. She could see his rage bubbling.
“No,” he said, cutting her off with a swift hand. “Get a response team ready, but I don’t want anybody doing anything without checking with me!”
He was out the door before any of the women could stop him. Denise was in tears, both for you and for Emily. Cassie wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“We’re gonna find them,” she promised.
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You and Emily were in the backseat of an SUV. Buck was singing along to some country song, driving them down a highway to hell knows where. 
The tears had begun to dry on your cheeks. It didn’t mean you were no longer petrified, but for Emily, to give her support, you’d been able to keep breathing through it. She was still in panic mode, hyperventilating as tears streamed down her face.
“Y’all better quiet down back there,” Buck warned.
You grabbed Emily’s hands and met her frantic eyes with your calmer ones. You were hoping to reassure her, let her know that while you were scared too, you were with her. She wasn’t alone.
She squeezed your hands back, even though it made you wince. Your right hand was still injured. Again, you breathed through it so you could hold her back. You rested the side of your head against hers to try and help steady her further. If you could, you would’ve held her like a mother bear.
Emily leaned against your side and began to calm down, bit by bit. Meanwhile, Buck continued to talk your ears off—about country music, and how this particular song was the one he and Sunny danced to at their wedding. Though frankly, you couldn’t give a shit about anything that was coming out of his mouth.
All you knew was that it was nighttime, pitch black darkness by the time he pulled into a plaza. It looked like a gas station next to a bar.
Only in Montana, you mused. Though you perked up at attention when Buck parked and actually left the car.
Of course, he took the keys with him and put the child locks on the doors, but you tugged at the duct tape Buck put around your ankles when he’d forced you and Emily into this car. If you could get free, then you could shove your way into the front seat and unlock the doors.
Emily tried to help you. You winced as the tape tugged at your skin. At least I shaved yesterday.
She gasped around her gag when she saw a young man coming their way in the parking lot. You joined her in banging on the window, trying to get his attention.
“Oh my God,” you heard him say, muffled as it was through the window. You pointed at the front of the car, trying to communicate to him to break the window open there.
“Hold on, I’ll get you guys out of there,” he said. He went to the front of the car and tried at the door handles, but before he could get very far in his attempt to free you, Buck came up behind the younger man and grabbed him in a chokehold.
You and Emily screamed at him, but it was no use. You did your best to shield Emily’s eyes when Buck snapped the man’s neck.
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Bad call, bad leadership, bad police work.
Beau felt the weight of his shame like never before—all while he held Carla and rocked her in his arms. She’d just arrived at the police station, after getting the news that her husband had been killed.
When he learned that Emily was taken, Avery tried to help Beau and the police confront the men he’d stolen the $15 million from, but Avery had gone rogue by bringing a gun into the equation.
Beau had just one chance to pull Avery out and send in his unit of officers on standby. Jenny had asked him what he wanted to do, hoping he would make the right choice.
Beau had been selfish. He wanted to see if the men would give up the location on where they were holding you and Emily, so he kept Avery in play. He’d thought the man would be fine with Tonya and Donno backing him up in the room.
After all was said and done, however, Avery lay dead in a pool of his own blood with a bullet in his chest. The criminals also hadn’t taken you or Emily.
By process of elimination, Beau now knew it was Buck. The man had already killed a hiker on his way out of the woods, where he’d been holding Paige.
Now it was a whole new manhunt.
“Beau,” Jenny said. “We have something on Buck.”
It prompted him to drag himself out of the dark spiral of his thoughts. He let Carla go, but kept a supportive hand on her back. She was still distraught, and understandably so—not just for her husband, but for her missing daughter.
Jenny gave Carla a sympathetic look. She beckoned him over though.
“Come see this,” she said.
Beau comforted Carla one moment more, rubbing her back, but she encouraged him to go with Jenny. She led him into another room where Cassie was waiting for them, and Jenny’s laptop was connected to a smart TV.
On the screen was new surveillance footage of a parking lot, outside a bar a few hours out of town. There was a green pickup truck parked next to a black SUV. Beau couldn’t see you or Emily, but he watched Buck drag the dead body of a man behind the truck.
“Buck was casing the lot for a car to steal,” Jenny said. “We’re guessing this unlucky guy found them.”
“It means they’re still alive,” Cassie pointed out. Jenny drew attention to the keys, or whatever it was that Buck dropped and picked up off the floor. It was hard to make out from the footage.
Cassie agreed to ask Cormack Barnes if he knew what the keys were for, considering he already had the keys to the pickup trick in his hand when he picked up the fallen set. Beau knew it was time to question Sunny Barnes again.
He headed down the hall to do just that, with Jenny on his heels. Soon though, he found himself slowing down in the hall, like his feet were made of rubber. That, and his heart was fracturing. Jenny slowed down with him, giving him a questioning look.
“It’s just…it’s the one thing we’re supposed to do. Protect our kids,” he said. “The one thing.”
“Hey,” she said. Her blue eyes were understanding. “You couldn’t have done anything differently.”
And yet again, they both knew that was a lie. Beau held a curled fist against his lips for a moment, as he tried to swallow down the lump of emotion in his throat.
“She’s gotta be so scared, Jenny,” he said. His eyes stung, but he tried to blink the unshed tears from his eyes. It wasn’t working.
“Both of them,” he said. “They’ve gotta be terrified. And every minute we waste chasing our tails just gives that twisted son a bitch a chance to do something to them—”
Jenny grabbed his arm to steady him. “I still think he’s keeping them alive for leverage.”
“Well, I hope you’re right, because there’s nothing stopping him from making an example from one of them,” he said.
But the moment it escaped his lips, he wished he hadn’t uttered the thought out loud. It was too much.
He felt like a failure of a father. That was already destroying him from the inside out. And though he’d vowed to himself otherwise, you got dragged into this too.
You’d already been through the wringer enough. Beau hadn’t even checked in on you in damn near a week since he left your apartment the last time.
Now, you’d been taken by the very same man who murdered your friend Mary. Beau hadn’t had the chance to tell you…
He hadn’t been able to tell you a lot of things.
And maybe, he’d never get the chance.
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The pickup truck Buck stole had a small trailer attached, convenient for stuffing you and Emily in, along with the corpse he’d made of the truck’s owner.
On the long and bumpy ride down the road, you’d been able to search the dead man’s jeans and found a small pocketknife. You pressed a small button to click the blade open. You showed it to Emily, and then tried to cut her bonds.
You only got halfway through when the truck and trailer stopped. Moments later, you smelled gas. Buck was probably stopping for a refill on the pickup truck. You closed the knife and hid it in your hands. That instinct turned out to be a good one, because Buck slid the trailer door open.
You and Emily winced as the bright morning sun hit your bleary eyes. Not only had you not slept all night, but you’d gotten used to the perpetual darkness of the trailer.
“You girls behaving yourselves back here?” Buck asked.
You and Emily stayed quiet, but fearful. He stepped into the trailer to lower your taped gag, and then the girl’s. He uncapped a water bottle to give her some. It was a strangely humane thing to do, you thought.
But then you realized that he just didn’t want you two to pass out of dehydration. He was trying to keep you alive long enough to use you as bargaining chips.
“My dad’s going to find you,” Emily said, staring up at your captor. Buck chuckled at her cheek.
“You want water or not?” he asked.
“And when he does, he’s gonna kill you,” she said. Buck rolled his eyes and gave her a few sips of water. He offered the bottle to you next.
Instead of drinking, you used his distraction and proximity to pop open the pocketknife and jab it at his face. He pulled back fast, but you managed to sink the three-inch little blade into his neck. Buck backhanded you so hard, it made the side of your face crack against the back of the trailer.
Emily screamed and tried to catch you when you accidentally fell on her shoulder. When you recovered after a bit, blinking the black splotches out of your vision, Buck punched at the spot right above your heads and made you both flinch. By then, he’d taken the little knife out of his neck, even though it made a new wound ooze blood down his shirt.
“Forgot to check his pockets,” he gritted out. His anger then bled away, into a dark chuckle. “Gettin’ a little rusty.”
He poured out the rest of the water over your boots, but he didn’t make any further threats. At least, not physically. He stepped away and began to exit the trailer.
“Next time it’ll be gasoline and a lighter,” he warned. “Now both of you, shut the fuck up.”
Then he closed the door, casting you and Emily into darkness once again.
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“You okay?” Emily whispered. You could barely make out her face in the dim light, coming from the smallest crack in the trailer door. You rolled your head her way so you could give her a smile.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied. Truthfully, your head was ringing and aching at the same time. Buck had knocked you out for a few seconds there. Plus, you were exhausted, and hungry, and parched.
“At least the gags are off,” she said. You nodded, letting out a sigh. You welcomed her to rest on your shoulder and tucked her wrapped hands under yours.
“We’ve just gotta keep holding out,” you said. “I’m sure your dad is on the way.”
Emily nodded in agreement. She believed every word of what she’d told Buck. She just hoped it was sooner rather than later.
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It was much, much later.
Still, you and Emily were no better off. Actually, you were pretty sure this was worse.
Buck had driven you deep into the woods, then forced you to walk what felt like another half-mile until you reached a dusty old shack. He’d unlocked it and forced you both inside, kneeling in the dirt and dead leaves. Along with the duct tape already around your wrists, he’d tied you both up with ropes around the metal hooks hanging from the short roof.
Even with the gags off, it was hard to breathe in the hot, stuffy woodshed. It felt similar to being buried in a box and left to rot.
You weren’t sure how many hours it had been, but the sun was slowly inching by. If you had to guess, it was around mid-afternoon. You were sweating down your neck and back, now uncomfortable while kneeling in the jeans you were wearing. And sometimes, your vision started to blur in and out.
By now you were beyond hunger. Dying of thirst? Quite possibly.
“How’re you doing?” you asked Emily. She nodded, but she didn’t have much energy to talk either.
So instead, you tried to twist your wrists out of the rope. Very quickly you gave yourself burns, however. Buck had tied your bonds so very tight, not to mention the duct tape underneath.
What a fucking asshole, you thought. He could’ve at least left a bottle of water. Or some protein bars.
“How are they supposed to find us out here?” Emily asked. Her voice was small and coarse with exhaustion. You nudged her knee in comfort.
“The police will get it out of Buck, I’m sure,” you said. “Even if Beau can’t, damn certain Jenny will.”
You gave her a smile. Emily tried to smile back, but she didn’t quite make it there.
“God, I’m so thirsty,” she coughed.
“I know, I’m sorry,” you nodded, letting out a shaky breath. “All we can do is keep trying to get loose.”
You both tried twisting out of the ropes for a while, but it was no use. You were just going to bruise or cut your wrists further through the tape.
You knew that you and Emily had been in the woods for hours at this point, somewhere in the middle of the mountains. You tried not think about how unlikely it would be that someone actually heard you, let alone found you.
You knew you were the adult in this situation. You had to keep it together for the girl beside you, but after a while, a feeling of desperation and despair rose up again in your chest, no matter how hard you fought it all.
Tears welled up in your eyes, though you tried to breathe through it. Emily nudged your arm this time, giving you a comforting look.
“It’s gonna be okay,” she whispered. “I know Dad’s coming for us.”
Your lip wobbled, but you nodded and sucked in a breath. If she could be strong, then you could too…
And that was when you started to hear voices. You knew they weren’t just in your head, because Emily perked up too. You both called out the best you could to whoever was out there.
You squinted watery eyes when the door to the shed finally slid open.
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Beau tested the limitations of Jenny’s SUV on his way out from the woods, and then back into them. 
At the very least, Buck was dead. 
Sunny had shot him—before they had gotten a location on you and Emily. Beau had been about to have a serious breakdown before Cassie called him. 
“They found them,” he’d told Jenny, with red and shining eyes. 
In another five miles, they reached the old cabin. Cassie had said there was a woodshed attached on the south side. Beau tore out of the car and sprinted up a hill, through a patch of dense trees, until he found the cabin and the shed. 
Cassie and Cormack were talking to someone just out of Beau’s eyeline, but his gaze focused on his daughter. The moment Emily saw him, she brightened and ran to him. He met her in the middle, grabbing her tight and secure in his arms.
His tears burned in his eyes and fell as he held her, comforted her, rubbing her back. She held onto him just as tightly.
He struggled and failed to keep himself together. Relief wasn’t even the word for how he felt; it was beyond words.
And it was almost unreal to be able to hold his daughter and see that she didn’t look hurt, just shaken.
“I’ve gotcha, sweetheart,” he said. “God, I’ve got you.”
Letting out the deepest breath, Beau’s gaze ventured past his daughter and up ahead. There he found you, being supported by Cassie up the hill. Beau’s eyes widened.
You were rubbing your wrists. They looked raw. Your eyes were also red and watery when they met his. Your breath seemed to catch as well.
Your name fell from Beau’s lips, his voice breaking. Emily looked up at her dad and had to smile. She even made room for you when you came up on his other side. Beau still kept his daughter tucked against him, but he reached for you as well and brought you into his embrace.
He felt your body shaking with quiet, wracking sobs. His heart broke for it, but he soothed a hand over your knotted hair and down your back.
“Shh, it’s okay now,” he whispered in your ear. His voice was choked with emotion. “I’ve got you, darlin’."
Never gonna let you go again, he thought.
You nodded, sniffling, but you kept your face buried against his chest.
Eventually, you lifted your head to meet his kind, if tearful eyes. He was a mess, and so were you. He was right though; you knew that it was all right now, as long as he was here.
You looked over at Emily, who was still hanging onto her father. You touched her shoulder.
“You okay?” you asked through tears. She nodded back at you with a smile.
“Good,” Beau said. “Let’s get you two home.”
You realized then that you were clinging to him like…like he was yours. 
“Oh,” you uttered, releasing his shirt. “I‘m sorry.” 
Beau’s eyes widened at the way you pulled away from him, unconsciously lowering your gaze. He frowned, and he pressed a gentle hand to your cheek, so you’d look at him again. 
“Don’t you do that,” he said, his voice still a bit unsteady.
Almost every cell in his body said to pull you back in. To sink his fingers in your hair, and to kiss you.
But he noticed Jenny, Cassie, Cormack, and even his daughter watching with some kind of smile on their faces. You stared up at him, teary eyed and waiting.
Beau cleared his throat.
He hesitated a bit too long, warring with himself all the while. So he just stroked your cheek and guided you, along with his daughter to the car.
You and Emily were going home.
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AN: 🫣 Lol please don't hate me for the little tease at the end there. But how did you like how all the action and drama of the kidnapping unfolded?
Don't think this is the finale though. We've still got some drama and fun things to come. (Also, I think it's funny how this next particular chapter is going to post on my birthday lol.)
Next Time:
“I’m the one who needs you to forgive me,” he said, gently squeezing your arm. “I promised myself I would keep you safe, that I wouldn’t drag you into this mess. And I couldn’t keep my end of the deal.”
“Stop that,” you said. You grabbed the front of his shirt. “How many times do I have to say it’s not your fault before you get it in your stubborn head?”
It came out a bit snappish, but the moment your eyes met his, you both seemed to realize where your passions had led you. Just inches away from one another.
“Maybe one more time,” Beau said, in a quieter, but no less heady voice. There was a hint of humor in his eyes. You couldn’t help but smile back.
You released his shirt and instead, took his face in your hands.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 8
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Series Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @globetrotter28 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @ades106
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spacefrontier · 2 months
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Images from the Apollo 15 Stand-up Extra-Vehicular Activity. July 30, 1971.
Two hours after the landing of Apollo 15, Commander Dave Scott and Lunar Module Pilot Jim Irwin depressurized Lunar Module Falcon and removed the top hatch and docking mechanism. Scott then stood on the ascent engine cover and surveyed their landing site ahead of their first seven hour extra-vehicular activity, EVA-1.
Scott took a 22-picture stereo panorama of the area, and then photographed targets of interest with a 500mm telephoto lens. Mission planners were concerned that the site was covered in large boulders that would make the area difficult to navigate with the Lunar Roving Vehicle, but Scott was able to confirm that there was nothing bigger than 6 to 8 inches near the LM.
30 minutes after opening the hatch, Scott re-entered, the hatch was closed, and Falcon was re-pressurized. The crew then entered a sleep period to rest up ahead of EVA-1.
Image 1: Apollo 15 landing site, with Bennett Hill in the distance. Note the LM Rendezvous Radar Antenna.
Image 2: Mons Hadley Delta, Silver Spur in the background.
Image 3: Telephoto image of Silver Spur.
Project Apollo Archive
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storyofmychoices · 6 months
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Couples Skate
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart Word Count: ~600 Rating/Warnings: general, pointless fluff A/N: Thanks for the request @thosehallowedhalls 💖
Synopsis: Olivia takes Bryce ice skating.
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"I thought you said you knew what you were doing?" His tone hovered between a question and a statement, his amusement evident.
"I said as a child I enjoyed ice skating." She brushed the loose strands of red hair away from her rosy cheeks, taking care to release those stuck to her Chapstick-coated lips. "It's been a while." She readjusted her hat, standing tall as she regained her composure. She stepped away from the railing at the side of the rink, letting the sharp blades of her skates glide across the ice as she once more attempted to skate. She breathed easier as she slid successfully across the glassy surface. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was coming back to her. She had her balance and moved with growing ease. As she circled the rink, she came to an almost too abrupt stop before him. 
"See—" Her infectious smile spread wide across her features. "I told you I could do it! Just like riding a bike." 
"If you say so," he extended his arm, drawing her closer. "You looked beautiful, by the way." 
"Thank you," Olivia tipped her head in pride. "Now, your turn." 
"Oh—" His hand rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm okay here."
"Come on," she laced her fingers with his. "I'll be there the whole time." 
His brow arched, teasingly he replied. "Is that supposed to comfort me?"
"Hey!" Her hands pressed against his chest as she playfully pushed him away, causing them both to wobble on the slippery ice. "Ahh!" She regained her footing just in time to steady him. "See. I've got you."
"And I appreciate that, but I'm fine here," Bryce offered, reaching for the side of the rink.
"You're telling me that super surfer and cardiac surgeon extraordinaire Bryce Lahela is afraid of ice skating?" She teased, her gaze sweeping over the space. "If the children can do it, so can you."
"And as lovely as the children are, that's more your element," Bryce noted, hoping to distract her. 
"You're not getting off that easily. One lap!" She decided, offering her hand again. Her smile faltered slightly, "Besides, I thought you wanted to come?"
"I came for the legendary hot chocolate you promised," he replied with a smirk.
"Well, there's only one way to secure yourself a cup of that delicious hot chocolate. The one with the extra whipped cream and cinnamon on top—" She guided him forward gently. "One lap, and if you still want to leave, we can."
"Okay," he agreed hesitantly, letting go of the railing. "Lead the way."
Slowly, the pair rounded the ice—once, twice, thrice—their confidence and laughter growing with each pass. 
As they completed lap after lap, Bryce's initial apprehension melted away. It wasn't surfing by any means, but it wasn't as bad as he expected. With Olivia by his side, he'd happily skate through the night, even if the children surrounding them were faster and had more than a few tricks to show off. 
"Enjoying yourself?" She bumped him gently.
"With you?" He squeezed her hand softly. "How could I not?"
She pressed a lingering kiss on his cheek. "Wanna get that hot chocolate now?" 
"It can wait," he replied to his own astonishment. "I think I'm getting the hang of this." 
"Easy now," Olivia warned. "Don't get too cocky. I'd hate to see you embarrass yourself in front of the adorable children."
"You know I'd even make falling look good." He wagged his brow.
"Why don't I doubt that," she teased, "but let's see if we can both stay upright."
"I think that can be arranged.... for now!" With a wink and a devilish grin, he guided them forward, the pair gliding across the ice, hand in hand, an unforgettable couples skate.
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If you made it this far thanks. This is just some pointless fluff of these two enjoying a date early in their relationship.
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fountainpenguin · 6 days
I know realistically Kevin and Dale would never talk to each because of age difference, class difference, Dale's trust issues etc.
But you can't write two socially inept boys with a passion for robotics and not have them interreact once!
Rip. They could have been besties. Maybe in another life.
I have been THINKING SO HARD on Kevin since I realized Dale is into robotics too- I didn't expect canon would just give me a robotics expert back when I tossed Kevin into that role due to cyborg obsession!
My current Cloudlands AU canon is still set up for Kevin designing the robot babysitters we see in "Channel Chasers" (Maybe Vicky bought one and customized it? Unclear)... I'm not sure if that will stay, but I feel like Dale wouldn't be happy about the Vicky design, sldkfj...
I'm not emotionally attached to the "Channel Chasers" future and I wasn't looking forward to rushing the city to be high-tech in 20 years, so if New Wish can ignore flying cars and stuff, I might too. We'll see...
Anyway, Kevin is practically the only kid in the OG series who told us what he wanted to be when he grew up and it was a dentist... and Dale has teeth issues and also likes robots... Hm. Inch resting.
I mean, Kevin IS a Buxaplenty in my lore...
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... it's not out of the question for him to toy more with that side of his heritage as he grows older and closer to Remy...
POV: You're Dale sent to meet a Buxaplenty at a convention:
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One of my favorite jokes in Cloudlands AU is that Kevin - an estranged Buxaplenty-Crocker child with witch magic that forces him to see ghosts under specific circumstances - has bizarre relationships with random people, but won't elaborate...
Ex: His job shadow with the Grim Reaper (x), his stepfamily (x) who are definitely not vampires (x), Jimmy Neutron's son despite him not being born at that point in the 2D World timeline (x), he's gotten an email from Danny Phantom (x), the Crocker house talks to him (x), he watches soap operas with his uncle's ex (who is a cat) (x), he knows the Burger World Employee & Bob the Boil & Mikey Munroe through Club Redheads Who Didn't Get Mindwiped (x), he's Foop's foster dad (x), he's caretaker for his undead great-uncle who was reborn as an iguana (x), he's still "alive" 150k years in the future (after he's reborn as a crow) and has met people in Foop's teen friend group (x), he lived beneath the same roof as Anti-Sanderson (x)... List goes on. I also like to think he's met Dark Laser's son. Kevin is the only one who ever knows what's going on with his life.
Canonically in my lore, Kevin has laid eyes on Rudy Tabootie from ChalkZone, Diego and Baby Jaguar from Go Diego Go, Chase from Paw Patrol, and he's spoken to Zac from Shimmer and Shine because they were all at the interdimensional Nick show pizza parlor.
It is not out of the question for Kevin to be familiar with Dale, because Dimmadelphia is heavily implied to be a tech empire (Robotics community is big there), they might've attended the same fancy tech university for a year or two, and it totally fits Kevin's gag. It's the Crocker curse of getting in everyone's way...
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I'mma be honest, I think Kevin is Dale's type (Struggling under the weight of the world, daddy / mommy / step-daddy / uncle issues, the town has come to expect A Vibe from his family, is "extra" when the setting calls for it, builds awesome robots, makes money in a stable career)... Dale's type is "As easy to understand and low maintenance as possible; bonus points for same interests."
I think Dale just wants to live by himself tbh. He gets along so well with Hadley because she's very independent, also from a wealthy family (Leadlys), travels a lot, doesn't "need" him, and totally gets his need for personal space and clear instructions on how she wants to celebrate holidays and anniversaries. Hadley tells him exactly what to do and Dale says "Bless this low-brainpower relationship I scored. Whatever you say, girlfriend." They definitely spark each other off sometimes, but they're both good at taking time for themselves (and remember they like existing with each other). I think deep down, Dale is glad to have someone helping him manage his stress and bringing in extra income - plus in City Lights AU, he wants Dev to be his heir and needs a basic "let me show you what Daddy does because this will be you someday" connection to him - so those are the things that stop him from living alone. He gets lonely when Hadley's away, but he also likes fewer distractions and not sharing the bed... They get along fine :)
But Kevin sees way too much of himself in Dale (Big and loud to cover the self-deprecation and anxiety) and he's not into that, so he'd pretend to be oblivious if he ever got hit on.
Kevin's vision of Dale is "only puts in emotional energy when it's convenient." You can pry "I adore you even when you hate yourself and will happily cover extra housework when you're exhausted b/c we're a team" Chloe from Kevin's undead talons <3
City Lights AU Dale would not hit on him because he's Daddy's Good Boy and would probably have an anxiety attack if he had One (1) Fantasy outside his marriage, but y'know... In some other universe, the robot-lovers geek out together. Kevdale tag when?
Alt consideration: Hadley has her QPR with Remy and Dale has one with the Crockermichaels... Crockermichaeldome tag when... Yes, It has to be both of them... Do not separate.
Alt consideration II:
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I love the Crockermichaels... I love the Cherrylemons... Please talk to me about them.
Secret Bonus Crockermichael Notes
For anyone unware of the ridiculous size difference between Chloe and Kevin's hands, allow me to enlighten you:
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And yes... in the Riddleverse, Chloe and Kevin changed their surnames to Crockermichael when they got married. They miss each other when they blink <3
Bonus Pt 2 - Crocker not recognizing grown-up Chloe, but still being nice to her when the employee sends her to ride with him, which is not his usual M.O.... Chloe and her uncle-in-law... They're important to me...
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Bonus Pt 3 - Kevin's wedding ring is a tiny dragon!
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It's inspired by these drafts I wrote in 2018:
Her fingers skimmed along plastic containers of strawberries, and she picked two up. “Here. One for your place, one for mine.” Kevin eyeballed the price sticker on the sign. “I dunno. They’re out of season. I’ll pass.” Chloe arched her brows. One offended hand flew to her chest. “Sure, it’s a premium price right now, but what could be more rewarding than maintaining a healthy body every month of the year?” “Your engagement ring, I hope.” Chloe considered this, then set one box down. “It better have a strawberry engraved on it.” “Actually, I was thinking I’d get this neat silver one that looks like a little robot wrapped around your finger.”
Chloe bounced on her heels. “I look forward to welcoming all aspects of my pregnancy, even the ones which are, tragically, so often seen as negative.” Molly tapped her nails against her mug. “Let me guess. You’ve already got a dozen baby names picked out.” “I am partial to Chloe Junior myself,” she admitted, grinning Kevin’s way. “But Kevin likes Phillip, after the prince from Sleeping Beauty.” “I like dragons,” he called over his hot chocolate. Chloe waved her hand. “I’m not sure about it since it isn’t super gender-neutral. We’re still working things out on that end. Although it would be a very cute name for a girl…” She stared at the loose change in the change jar, lost in thought.
Along the Cherry Lane - WIP
Fun game called "Can you guess which worldbuilding detail Chloe and Kevin don't know about above? :)"
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glindaupland · 9 months
The Phantom of the Opera | Seoul, South Korea | 집팬텀 x 송크리 Review 5/6
October 13, 2023 - Evening / 1500th Korean performance
The Phantom of the Opera | 김주택 Kim Ju-taek/Julian Kim
Christine Daaé | 송은혜 Song Eun-hye
Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny | 황건하 Hwang Gun-ha
Carlotta Giudicelli | 이지영 Lee Ji-young
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Oh another incident of me making excuses to see this show again...
@capitanogiorgio really wanted to go and how could I miss the chance to go with a great friend
it was the 1500th Korean performance
I wanted to see Ju-taek with a completely different cast rotation
...it's King Ju-taek, that's reason enough
It was meant to be because when I checked in with her after ticketing, I had bought a seat right in front of hers without even trying. I was just aiming for the general area. So yeah I'm justified! The stars aligned! No regrets, because this was another performance that blew me away and oh boy I cried again somehow what is this dark magic being done to me
I'm so dumb and I left my binoculars in my hotel room so I literally had to run to grab them and my art print for Yoon Young-seok during intermission. Like I said before though, the Charlotte is very small. The view from the last two seats genuinely doesn't feel that far away like it might at the Majestic. It's just difficult distinguish expressions. Any pair of binoculars and opera glasses can easily rectify that.
Backstage | Little Lotte / The Mirror
Quoting Ceci's notes "XOXO Gossip girl André" I just needed to note his dramatic "WoOoOw~!" and silly teenage girl giggling as they left Raoul to be alone with Christine. So scandalous! We both especially liked his delivery in The Mirror this performance. Even with such a powerful commanding voice he's able to make himself sound gentler and a lot less intimidating in response to Christine. Her words clearly have an affect on him, softening him. He called to her more quietly and eerily this time, but oh that nice little build up again in the final words telling her to come closer? Chef's kiss. Very nice range.
The Music of the Night
As with Dong-seok, SEH Christine was more curious about him and is not the fully obedient student like SJS Christine. It makes it interesting when she's paired with the more controlling Phantoms like KJT or CJR. Even so, these two had some interesting chemistry. He actually got a bit too caught up in the moment, leaning in very close to her (the almost kiss). There was a little bit more urgency when he quickly backed away even though he immediately pretended to be composed again. So maybe she hadn't fully given in yet, but she definitely was getting a little too curious. Both shows it did look he kept getting pulled by small stirrings of something from the intimacy, but he was always quick about brushing it off. This night for the line, "마침내 내 것이 될 순간 / The moment you'll finally be mine" - he put the whispered emphasis on "be mine" By the end, she was definitely more convinced by him and open to listening. But of course, getting jumpscared by a bride replica of yourself might be a bit of a vibe killer so hm that progress kinda dropped
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Stranger Than You Dreamt It
Like I said, I left my binoculars for Act 1 so this part was kinda agonizing because I couldn't see facial expressions. But he really sounded more exposed and hysterical after his unmasking than before. He ended his outburst with loud gasps and even the first half of STYDI which was clearly meant to sound intimidating and harsh felt shaky. Once again, SEH Christine didn't take her eyes off of the Phantom when he came near. She began to reach for him when he was close like she had done with JDS Phantom, but he turned away too quickly...
Why Have You Brought Me Here? / All I Ask of You
Side-eyeing the hell out of HGH Raoul again, but extra this time. Until he's just about to start AIAOY, he just comes across as judgmental and irritated with her. Although I definitely prefer him over Hadley, he's a little too much of that type of hot-headed for me. I found it funny that Ju-taek talked about HGH Raoul always being angry. Like even directing his anger at Christine (he noted his way of shouting "이쪽으로 와요 / Come this way!!!" at Christine before she takes him to the rooftop and the way he shouts at Madame Giry). It's too accurate 😭 Anyway, not technically a bad performance, just not my preference with personalities for Raoul. I think he would suit the role of the Phantom a lot more when he’s older 👀 To more briefly summarize this I'm quoting Ceci's notes again: "Tiger big douche tonight?" I will give him that he is very cute during AIAOY and I wish he would continue to be this cute. He was romantic and very passionate about it! I just have a radio performance to share so sadly you won't get the real feeling, but it's at least a little taste?
Wandering Child
I know the Phantom's murdering and kidnapping and whatnot but this is in his top crimes like he's a real bitch for this. He made himself sound so safe and inviting in 'Wandering Child' like leave her alone you weirdo!! And SEH Christine responds with "아빠 - Father?" whenever the Phantom calls for her to come closer at the end of the trio's singing. No, girl, no! 😭 His voice made a complete transformation after being interrupted by Raoul. Suddenly, he had a strong terrifying authoritative presence.
The Point of No Return
I loved how he gently tilted her chin with his fingers during the beginning of his half of the song like Dong-seok had at my first performance 🤭 His voice felt really strong, he really seemed determined and confident, but once again he was absolutely on edge when they get to the bench and struggling to grasp for that "control" he thought he had. They ended the song very close!! He wasn't even able to finish singing the final word. The adrenaline rush was gone. He was scared now. Despite being so intense before, his voice and the way he went to take her hand for the ring became so gentle, but also desperate and rushed at the same time. ...but why did the rooster NO!! get funnier to me. I'm so sorry!
Final Lair
During ‘Down Once More’ she tried to touch him, but he grabbed her angrily to stop her. I think she tried to reach to him or touch him a few other times like when she said she didn’t fear his face anymore, but this only made him panic and lash out more. He was really agitated and on edge! There were a lot more aggressive responses as attempts to suppress his doubts about his actions. Deep down he knew he sensed what he was doing was wrong, but he kept clinging to this feeling of betrayal and the excuse of his face to justify pushing forward. But we're past the point of no return, we can only go full speed ahead now. The way he mocked Raoul seemed so calm, but when HGH Raoul started snapping at him he matched his energy a lot more viciously than when interacting with SWG Raoul. He pounded his chest during the line "이 모든 건 이미 결정된 것 / Everything has already been decided" with a pained emphasis on 'decided'. I think deep inside he already might have known what the ending would have to be Ohhhh when Raoul asked why he would force her to choose a lie this time it enraged the Phantom so much he grunted loudly and looked like he was about to actually strangle him when he lunged at him. SEH Christine was brave about blocking his path and he stormed off again because he couldn't hurt her. But it's kind of funny to me that Ju-taek said the aggression from HGH Raoul triggers more anger from him (that was clear), but when facing SWG Raoul he almost feels bad for him. He also said putting the noose on SWG Raoul is easy, but then HGH Raoul is kinda scary and angry. Personally, I think that putting a noose on HGH Raoul is the equivalent of putting a chihuahua leash on a tiger and hoping it'll hold. The way he gave his "믿었다... 날 믿었다고... / Trusted...you trusted me" reply was sharp, almost sarcastic and he shouted for her to make her choice looking seriously anguished. She looked wounded and sobbed before she began to respond. The kiss was similar to the one with SJS and SEH Christine really didn't want to leave him either. She was trying to stretch her hand out to him while HGH Raoul kept insisting they needed to leave. When he called himself the angel of death she was shaking her head. Hadn't she just expressed something different to him? It looked like it hurt her to still hear those kinds of words from him. But the weight of his guilt was really crushing him so much that he couldn't take it. He fell to the ground crying hard when he chased them away. Upon seeing Christine return, he sighed a little. She was whimpering and sobbing as he told her that he loved her and she nodded slowly in return. He really tried hard to make it look like he was at peace with letting her go, but it was clear he wasn't ready. The moment her hand left his, he let out a shaky sigh like she was his very breath being taken away from him when she ran off crying. But he didn't try to stop her in any way. He just kissed the ring softly and walked picked up the veil on the ground. He quietly repeated her name into the veil over and over again lovingly before he did the same action with the veil singing his final lines. Even though SEH Christine doesn't look at her Phantoms, she sounded mournful and shaky on the way out. I don't think she'd even be able to handle looking at him again
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Here's yet another special commemorative audience photo woo! Ceci and I stretched into the aisle so we could find ourselves later and not just be a blur in the crowd and well...there we are. I think he took like 3 different poses before deciding the last one was the right one heh
I think in general the cast was on fire! There was a lot of good energy since it was another special performance. Part of the multiple reasons I chose to attend! After this I could say with confidence that Kim Ju-taek has now ended up being in my top favorite Phantoms. I know he had performance experience from opera, but I still can't believe he's been able to come up one of the most unique perspectives I've seen for this role for his first musical. Now my friends and I have all sorts of future role ideas, so I hope he continues to do musicals in the future! Just one more review left now~
It's promo time enjoy some performances to cleanse your ears!
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impala-dreamer · 2 years
Whatever It Is - New Release
My darlings, I am super excited to finally announce the release of my sixth book- Whatever It Is - Now available on Amazon paperback and kindle!
Whatever It Is is an emotional, angsty, classic fake dating romance between billionaire Ben Forrester and recently single secretary Hadley Richards. Set in NYC, they navigate through the glitz and glamor of his life and dig through her troubled past to find that sometimes, love can come in the when you least expect it.
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Please take a moment to check it out and get yourself a copy!
And... as a special extra bit of awesomeness to celebrate its release- if you reblog this post, you'll be entered to win a signed paperback copy!
Rebekah Jordan - on Amazon | Rebekah Jordan - on Patreon
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Contest is open to anyone in the continental United States over the age of 18. Please reblog as many times as you'd like and pass it along. You do not have to be following me to enter. Giveaway ends March 25, 2023.
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Tagging some friends!
@aditimukul @agirlwithdemonblood @amanda-teaches @akshi8278 @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart @b3autyfuldisast3r @babysimpala @beardburnsupersoldiers @because-imma-lady-assface @bloodline1632 @charred-angelwings @chenshemesh1 @cosicas-cuquis @covered-byroses @djs8891 @deanwinchesterswitch @deansyahtzee @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @iamsapphine @idreamofdeanie @ilsawasanacrobat @impalaspixie @jawritter @justcallmeasmodeus @kazsrm67 @kittenofdoomage @leigh70 @lovealways-j @lyarr24 @mariekoukie6661 @maggiegirl17 @mistressofallthingsgeeky @pandaxo79 @peachy-vans @rachiem4-blog @roseblue373 @sacriceria @samwellwinchesterthebrave @sexyvixen7 @spideysimpossiblegirl @spnexploration @stevekempscocktails @the-wounded-healer05 @thoughts-and-funnies @vulgar-library 
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nuthin-but-nette · 24 days
As discovered by Dr. Hadley and I late one Thursday evening, Dr. Chase picks his nose when alone in the breakroom, which is why he spends extra time scrubbing his nails before surgical procedures. You did not hear this from me, you heard this from Dr. House.
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
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Send “🎂” to celebrate my muses Birthday with them! | asked by @freakarus for winnie !
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❝ Hey, I'm almost ready, ❞ she said with a smile as she took his hand and pulled him into her room, shutting the door behind her. The only reason Mrs. Hadley probably let a boy into her room at all was because she felt more embarrassed at the state of the kitchen to let him linger downstairs and get a peek at the disaster her brother had left in his wake. How many times had Teddy used the stove and this was the time, her birthday of all days, that he decided to almost catch fire to the entire kitchen? They'd all laugh about it later after the kitchen stopped smelling of smoke.
Winnie went back over to her vanity, picking up a cute pair of flowery earrings, fastening them in as she spoke. ❝ Does it still smell like smoke downstairs? ❞ She had to laugh, glancing at him through the vanity mirror. ❝ My brother tried to make me a birthday breakfast earlier and, in classic Teddy fashion, had to make it as extra as he could. The burnt pancakes never made it to my plate though. It's a miracle we're all still here because he decided to play chef. ❞
Finally, she spun back around to face him with a smile. All she had been thinking about since last night was spending her birthday with him and now it was here, he was here. ❝ Okay, I'm ready. So . . . what are we doing today? ❞ She asked coyly, wondering what he had up his sleeve. It was Winnie. She didn't need anything extravagant, be it her day or not. She was just happy to be with him.
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melsie-sims · 1 year
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Johnny and Hadley woke up first on Saturday morning and decided to have a bit of daddy-daughter time on the playmat while Ronin slept in for a few extra minutes.
“Do you think if we ask nicely your other dad’s gonna make us some pancakes for breakfast?” Johnny talked to Hadley.
The little half-alien infant was starting to get the hang of lifting her head up. There were no tears this time, only smiles and giggles.
Johnny was so proud, but it also made him realize their infant wouldn’t be an infant for that much longer. She’d be aging up into a toddler in no time at all!
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heldright · 16 days
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               "i don't know what you're talking about." wren fully understands the deer in headlights metaphor in this moment. she feels caught, heart pounding against her ribs so quickly she wouldn't be surprised if the person sitting in front of her said they could hear it. her face is flushed, heat rising to her skin fast. she imagined moments like this over and over again since the moment she started camgirling for extra income, but she never thought that it would come to pass.
               wren thought she was good at hiding her side job. she even makes sure to use some voice modulation and doesn't show her face at all on the website. even on her twitch channel, she only just started to feel comfortable showing her face. "that's not me." she doubles down, glancing down at the picture of her naked body on their phone. "not every blonde trans girl looks like me, and she sure as hell doesn't. why were you even looking at her videos, huh?" would it be better or worse if they'd been watching her? if they weren't, that means they were probably sent that, and that's really not that much better.
OPEN FOR — anyone.
MUSE — wren hadley. twenty-five. bisexual. she/her. twitch streamer + faceless camgirl.
PLOT — wren thought she was doing a good job hiding her side job, but clearly she's failed. age gaps & t.boo welcome. extended family, step family, family friend, previous mentor, friend, (former) partner, former teacher, neighbor, roommate anything!
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soir-rouges-esprit · 27 days
xxxi.r: Coke, Blood & Handguns, “DEAL!!! And HEYYY!!!” ... “SHUT IT!!! … I’ll be there soon so you two better be ready outside when I arrive … and J … I swear to god if you smell like shit and get in my car … I’ll end this whole party plan before it even begins and leave you on the side of the road and head home as previously planned … You understand me?” “CRYSTAL CLEAR!!! ALRIGHT BYE!!! SEE YAH THEN!! *BEEP*” He looked at me with this larger-than-life shit-eating grin … jumped off the bed and landed in front of me, raised my left arm, and slapped my phone in my left hand. Then put his left hand on my right shoulder and said. “Ahhh! … what would you do without me huh?” I give him this stern look with eyes squinted. I’d be in a much better place, ass fuck … Now take a shower before she gets here, and you better hope to god the shitty washer and dryer unit here can work quick because you and probably your clothes stink like cat piss! … seriously what the fuck? Can you not wash your clothes? “THEY DO NOT … And I do I’ll have you know …” He went into the bathroom, then passed me his clothes to wash and dry. Some time passes and the once stank-ridden J comes out fully clean and smelling of cheap soap with his clothes just making it, being cleaned and dried just in time. We wait on the bed and then get a text from M saying that she was almost there. We packed up our cash and headed out, got picked up by M, and headed off to Vegas, me in the passenger and King Yapper in the back middle seat. We drove a total of six hours down to Vegas … most of which was spent jamming to music and listening to M and J get into what felt like hours-long arguments over whether or not 90s bands were now considered legacy bands of their respective genres. We arrived in Vegas, and immediately book three separate rooms at the Hawthorn Suites. We take our money to my room and then separate out our respective spending cash, as well dishing out five-hundred each me and J equaling a thousand to M, to one, pay for the ride here, and two, for her to have some starting spending cash as an extra thanks. Then … the night begins … we start with a few smaller casinos around the strip, playing blackjack, keno, poker to craps … and many more … we ended up sometime later in Planet Hollywood … playing a few games of roulette … “Yeah! From what I here they shut the school down.” What!? “Yeah what? Really?” “Yeah! Earlier this year The City shut down Hadley and a few other middle schools … said it was over budget reasons and the fact the school was always in constant need of repairs was really draining their budgets or whatever.” The roulette boule landed on eleven black. Shit. “Goddamn it.” “Fuck this game.” We all bet again. Well damn … so our middle school no longer exists … that makes me feel a kind of sad way I just can't explain. “Yeah … not that it didn't deserve to walk the plank but … yeah.” “They sent out an email to me like months ago, asking if I wanted to buy a shirt to remember the shit hole by … ended up getting one actually.” The boule landed on red nine. FUCK ME!! “I swear this table is fucking weighted against me.” “Agreed. Fuck my existence.” We bet again. Really? … never would have thought you the sentimental type over especially a place like that. “For sure, those had to be some of the worst years of your life right? Always heard from The Knight that you were always in and out of school for fighting and arguing … delinquency and whatnot.” Well he was always a fuckin delinquent. “Yeah that’s true, and yeah … it had some of my hall of fame low moments … but I mean, it was also a time where I had my highest moments as well … surfing the pole bar out back all the way down on my old skateboard.” ... [To Be Continued]
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tamtam-go92 · 10 months
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Hadley usually starts work really early (or late however you consider it) but the following day she couldn't hear the honking outside. She was just too damn exhausted.
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Not much later, Linnea is woken up by the first movements of her baby.
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Linnea: Canned food for breakfast again?! What are you thinking, Mom, that we are dogs? Cecily: Serve yourself, if you think you can do it better. I'm surrounded by food at work all day, I can't be bothered cooking at home too.
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Hadley gets an angry message from work for slacking out this day, but she's got a good enough excuse.
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She doesn't have the greatest day. Hadley: Sorry Mom, I'm afraid they're currently not that active. I'll let you know, when they start kicking again...
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Time to get their plan into work! Linnea: Have you reached him? Hadley: No, his mother told me he was still at work. Linnea: Oh, doing extra hours, hm? Not too common for Mr. Rafferty junior. Hadley: Don't go too hard on him. He's not that bad. Linnea: Don't you get it, Sis, he played on us both, he used us like toys. And now we're both suffering under the consequences. He has to pay for it, Sis! Hadley: I think you're really over reacting. We all are grown ups, we know what might happen if we woohoo and don't watch out. I know you'd like to see him hanging, but... I don't know, I still like him... Linnea sighed. She couldn't believe her sister was such a hopeless romantic. Sure it was part of their plan that Hadley would pretend to still love Sebastian, but Linnea couldn't risk loosing her sister truly to this horrible man!
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Delaney was doing okay-ish at school and great at work, but his Mom was only interested if there was any girl at school that had caught his eye.
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Cecily after all, was just a klutz as they say...
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At least Vera was interested in getting Delaney's grades up.
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Finally: Cecily: Ah, Sebastian, what pleasant surprise! How are you my dear? Do you already miss me? Sebastian: Is Hadley at home? She tried calling me earlier, but I was still at work. Cecily: Hadley? Uh, sure, she's just having her fourth meal today. I think she'd got some interesting news for you...
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Hadley: Thank you Mom, could I have some privacy? Linnea was fuming. But she was also excited to see her plan unfold...
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Yeah, Cecily was a true klutz. But at least she had the decency to tell Sebastian, that she couldn't see him anymore as he had gotten her daughter pregnant. Sebastian: Pregnant?! O_o
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Vera wasn't as diplomatic. Vera: You're gonna pay for this! You've ruined Hadley's life, are you aware of this? Sebastian: And who's talking about my life? I didn't ask for this either? Who are you to come at me like this anyway? It's not like you and Hadley are that close? Vera: We are family. Of course we care for each other!
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Linnea held her stomach as she followed Sebastian to the bathroom. Linnea: I can't believe you've also been sleeping with my sister! I though we were something special! I don't want anything to do with you ever again! If Hadley wants to, that's her deal, but don't you come under my eyes ever again! Sebastian: Great suits me just fine! Hadley is more fun than you anyway. You would get along so great with my old man!
As he left the bathroom, Linnea let go of her held breath and slowly touched her belly. It was better that way. She would have the life she wanted and they would have the life they deserved.
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Hadley: I'm sorry that they're all so horrible towards you. Sebastian: It's okay dear. I still have you, don't I? And we'll be a little family. He giggled nervously. Hadley: Well not THAT little. Sebastian, I'm having twins!
Now he needed a sit- and a drink!
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After he left, the sisters sat down to have a late dinner together. Vera: So, everything worked out just as planned? Hadley: Yes, he's caught the bait. You should have seen his face when I told him it was twins, Lin'. Linnea flinched as she heard her name and faked a smile. Linnea: Yeah, I can tell. He's probably overwhelmed by just one baby. It was the best to go after their plan, she told herself. She wasn't meant to be a mother. She didn't want to end like her own mother...
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nightsidewrestling · 9 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Zinnia Turner
Geia's Eldest Step-Daughter Zinnia Turner (2020)
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The daughter of Byron and step-daughter of Pelageya, Zinnia. She lives in Hawaii and is married to a lifeguard, she lives a mostly laid-back lifestyle.
"Hawaii or Florida, Hawaii for sure."
Full Legal Name: Zinnia Melba Turner (Née Winter)
First Name: Zinnia
Meaning: From the name of the flower, which itself was named for the German botanist Johann Zinn.
Pronunciation: ZIN-ee-a
Origin: English
Middle Name: Melba
Meaning: From the surname of the Australian opera singer Nellie Melba.
Pronunciation: MEHL-ba
Origin: English
Surname: Turner (Née WInter)
Meaning: Occupational name for one who worked with a lathe, derived from Old English 'Turnian' 'To Turn', of Latin origin. (Winter: From Old English 'Winter' or Old High German 'Wintar' meaning 'Winter')
Pronunciation: TUR-ner (WIN-tar)
Origin: English (English, German, Swedish)
Alias: None
Reason: None
Nicknames: Zin, Nia, Mel
Titles: Mrs, Ma'am
Age: 30
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: September 3rd 1990
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Geia's Phone): 'Come A Little Closer' - Cage The Elephant'
Voice Actor: Rashida Jones
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Spokane, Washington, USA
Current Location: Kailua, Honolulu County, Hawaii, USA
Hometown: Kailua, Honolulu County, Hawaii, USA
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Weight: 145 lbs / 65 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) None
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: Vegetarian
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Judith Ibarra, Sabina Volkov
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Patrick Turner
Mentor: Caprice Winter
Significant Other: Patrick Turner (31, Husband)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Byron Winter (53, Father), Caprice Winter (R.I.P, Mother, Née Thorne), Pelageya Winter (33, Step-Mother, Née Volkov)
Parents-In-Law: Paul Turner (50, Father-In-Law), Maya Turner (51, Mother-In-Law, Née Aiken)
Siblings: Nathan Winter (33, Brother), Laurence Winter (27, Brother), Xanthia Winter (24, Sister), Joseph Winter (21, Brother), Venetia Winter (18, Sister), Isaiah Winter (15, Brother), Uliana Winter (12, Half-Sister), Emil Winter (9, Half-Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Genesis Winter (34, Nathan's Wife), Osbert Turner (27, Patrick's Brother)
Nieces & Nephews: Quincy Winter (13, Nephew), Hadley WInter (10, Niece)
Children: Bethany Turner (10, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Noting of Note
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