#;momo’s organisation
momotonescreaming · 11 hours
Can someone tell my job to hire more people? Thanks
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resolvebound · 6 months
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dovveri · 3 months
bachelorette masterlist - part 1 ▸ part 2 ▸ part 3 ▸ part 4 ▸ part 5 ▸ part 6
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synopsis: the finale! and then the afterparty :')
warnings: suggestive, cursing, sana kisses a fictional man im sorry
w/c: 2.9k
a/n: surprise! double feature release! bcs theyre both quite short compared to the other chapters and i lwk just wanted to close this series and be done with it - im v happy w and vvvv grateful for all the support ive received w this - it was my first ever published fic and 36.7k words later im pretty happy w how it ends :)) stay healthy and safe!! mwah <3
true to her word, sana ended up telling everyone that she had gained feelings for you during the filming experience. you had wanted to go with her but she insisted it would be easier for those who had gained feelings for her to accept it if you weren't there. so you were stuck at home, twiddling your thumbs watching reruns of the last few episodes anxiously waiting for her to come home.
you're up in seconds when you hear the door click open softly, rushing to greet her.
"hey! how'd they take it?"
sana's a little surprised to see you in such a hurry, but recovers quickly, smiling and tilting your chin down to peck you sweetly.
"hello to you too. they were okay." you help her organise her things as she settles in, "jihyo was obviously eliminated after house visits like i promised i'd do. i still have a soft spot for her but it was easier to talk to the other three when she wasn't there, probably because i could get my entire story across uninterrupted. unfortunately, jiwon decided to forfeit herself after the news which she has every right to do. the producers are going to mark it off as a family emergency and say she can no longer participate in the filming."
"oh... and the other two?"
"momo took it pretty hard, but jacky seemed to already have a clue what was going on. they both agreed to stay on until the end of the season though. i still feel terrible for having to put them through this, especially the last 2 dates with each of them, knowing that they don't have a chance with me anymore..."
"hey, it's okay. they agreed to stay right? they're being good friends right now and feeling bad or sorry for them and not giving it your all for the last few days isn't going to be helpful for them."
she sighs, "you're right. after all this craziness is over i'll definitely try and do something for them."
you smile, pecking her temple, "and i'll help you."
because there were no more group dates, and the season would end after the final 2 dates and the decision sana makes, you weren't really needed for the filming of the rest of the season.
so most of your time was spent at home, lounging around in the pool or in the kitchen while sana was out on extravagant dates not with you, and completely bored out of your mind.
at nights, you'd bound excitedly up to sana and find out what adventure she went on, completely attached to her, even sitting on top of the toilet seat while she was in the shower so you were never apart. the seperation anxiety for just a few hours was definitely something that caught you a little off guard but after spending practically every minute together while filming, combined with your newfound romantic love for her, you couldn't bear being apart from her.
soon enough, the final day of filming came. it was set in this beautiful meadow with flower strands that reached mid-calf. sana was in the most perfect sundress, like she belonged in the meadow, like she was aphrodite herself born not from the sea, but the flowers.
typically, the final choice is snapped together with flashy editing between tension building scenes of sana walking up to both of the final contestants in two different settings. they filmed her rejection shot the day before already, so there wasn't much suspense watching as sana walked through the meadow towards her final choice. not that there needed to be, you were enthralled enough just being able to take in the breathtaking view that was minatozaki sana, just imagining it was you she was walking gently towards.
but it wasn't. and the mindless chatter of the cameras and crew served to remind you that again, you had to stand in the background while the love of your life confessed to someone that wasn't you. no amount of reassurance from her would be able to get the feeling of utter despair out of you.
sana walks forward with a gentle, rehearsed smile.
"hey sana."
"how are you feeling?"
"could be better. i'm either about to have my heart broken in front of the entirety of korea and my family back home or i'm about to be able to call the most beautiful girl on the planet my girlfriend. pretty big moment."
sana giggles, "welll... jacky... regardless of the outcome-"
"oooooh that word's not a great sign is it?"
she hushes him, "shhh, just let me finish. jacky... the time on this show, the time you've given me, has been absolutely incredible. from the first time i met you with your charming smile and lively wit, it was hard to forget your dual entrance with eunji, both of you looking absolutely dapper in your suits. and then on our individual date, you dared to go on that hot air balloon at the asscrack of dawn to watch the sunrise with me, and even though i'm not totally sure if you did see it or not, the fact that you went up there, and you overcame that fear, it was so inspiring and courageous of you. it was that moment that really made me realise the kind of person you were, and the courage, and fun you'd bring into a relationship, and even to a family in the future. that is... if you wanted to officially become my boyfriend?" she finishes her piece with a shy smile, a strand of hair falling cinematically over her face while she peers up at him under her eyelashes.
jacky gapes a little, and then he's grinning, hoisting her up in a whoop and spinning her around on the spot, stopping finally to plant his lips on hers.
when they break apart, they both have the widest smiles on their faces, eyes glowing in adoration of each other.
"yes! yes of course i'd be honoured sana! i hope to spend the rest of our lives together until we grow old and wrinkly and our kids have to come dote on us in the retirement home while we annoy them with how unbelievably cute we are even in our old age. and i look forward to watching reruns of our season and being able to show our kids how absolutely gorgeous their mom looked and how incredibly lucky i got being able to be the one at the end of it all!"
there are happy tears and more kisses, hugs, and spins, and with that, the bachelorette season for 2024, is officially over.
"eugh, did you seriously kiss him?"
sana throws the popcorn at you playfully, "yes but it was all planned babe and you're a way better kisser anyway."
"show me."
"oh i will." sana grins, sliding into your lap, pushing the bag of popcorn aside, lips immediately finding yours while the credits for the final bachelorette episode run in the background.
you smile into the kiss, hands finding their place naturally on her waist while her hands cup your face, tilting her head slightly to angle the kiss better.
she breaks away with an over-exaggerated smack that has you rolling your eyes and wiping at your lips in mock disgust.
"so now that the final episode is out... are we allowed to be seen in public together yet?" you're voice is whiny, pleading with her.
she coos, "my little babyy, i thought you weren't big on pda?"
"well i'm not but i'm sick of everyone thinking that you're with someone that's not me!"
sana giggles, "just think how this is for jacky right now. poor eunji..."
you scoff, "eunji will be fine. she's never been one to care about what the public thinks anyway."
"everyone says that but no-one is immune to societal pressure." she boops your nose with her finger gently, "but to answer your question, yes. we'll be able to go public soon i promise. and soon enough the tabloids will get bored of me and move on to the next big celebrity or whatever anyways so it'll be fine. now c'mon, we gotta get ready for the reunion, get your cute lil butt into your fit for the night."
you groan, pulling her back down when she tries to move off of you, "nooooo one more movie?"
sana laughs, pushing you out of her neck, "absolutely not. i'm not gonna be the only star for tonight, this time we're both gonna be the centre of attention, and we cannot be late! i swear if we don't get ready now you're sleeping here on the couch tonight."
"what?! you wouldn't!"
"i would."
"you couldn't survive without cuddles anyway."
"i can replace you with mr. bean."
"not my arch nemesis... i knew winning that bear for you was a bad decision... i'll rip off his stuffed head..."
sana laughs freely, "as if winning was a decision for you. you went back to that stall like 6 times."
"i should've left him there the 5th time..."
"nope! so if you don't want me getting all close and personal with him tonight you're gonna come get ready now with no funny business."
she stands up and you let her, your hands still attached as she pulls you up as well.
you smirk, "what funny business? i never pull any funny business!"
"yeah like the time you fucked me in a bathroom while everyone was waiting for us outside to start filming for national television. and then did it again at a public amusement park like a week later."
"i don't recall you saying no."
"well i'm saying no funny business now."
"okaaaaaayyyyy." you grin, fingers crossed behind your back while you follow her to your room to get dressed.
"miyeon oh my god!"
miyeon's running towards you with her arms outstretched, easily wrapping them around you the moment she sees you.
you laugh into her, hand still held in sana's while you greet her.
"sana too hi!"
miyeon breaks away from you easily, going in to hug your girlfriend with her everlasting friendliness.
"how are you guys!? i heard through the grapevine that after the filming ended you were finally able to get together officially, even though you kinda had to keep it on the down low so it wasn't like publicly official but it's a step further?"
you laugh, "awwwh yeah you heard right, but now that the show is officially over..." you bring you and sana's intertwined hands up to your lips, kissing her knuckles, "we can say we're officially together!"
miyeon squeals happily, "yay! i'm so happy for both of you. really. no jealousy sana?"
sana laughs as well, hitting miyeon playfully, "noo don't remind me."
"oh i'm afraid it's permanent now. unless they burn every single copy of this season the day you broke my heart is forever recorded in history."
"oh god... y/n... swear to me you'll never show this to our kids."
"can't do that babe. gotta show them their mom in her prime. the sweetheart of korea at one point in her life."
"just one point?"
"sweetheart of mine for my whole life obviously."
sana grins, kissing you cheesily, miyeon doesn't even mind, simply happy to see both her friends together.
"are jacky and eunji here?" you ask miyeon when you break away with a smile.
"i haven't seen them but i also haven't said hi to everyone yet. c'mon let's go!" she leads you into the garden where the party's being hosted.
you and sana are attached by the hip, if one of you has to let go of the other's hand, another body part will eventually replace it, your skin contact is constant, never parting from one another while you greeted all the old contestants.
some were still a little surprised to see that sana had come with you in hand and not with jacky, but she explained what happened patiently, apologising for the confusion.
"jacky! eunji!" sana spots them first, calling them out.
you grin at the sight of them, wearing matching suits, hand in hand, waving them down.
"hey couple of the hour! how are you guys faring tonight?"
"oh says you. finally got the girl jacky?"
jacky blushes, "crazy how things turned out right? just two sets of best friends realising they're in love with each other and not the person they're both dating. kinda lucky it turned out that way so we could fake that finale sana. it's just a shame for momo..."
"yeah i felt terrible especially after all she did with that home visit in japan. but i talked to her after filming ended and we actually get along really well as friends, we have so much more in common and so much more to talk about when we're not in a controlled environment like the filmset!"
"you guys talking about me?"
you turn in a flash, surprised but excited to see momo coming up behind you.
sana goes in for a hug first, which momo gladly returns with a giggle.
"hi everyone. it's nice to see you all again outside of the filming."
"of course! it's great to see you again too. how have you been holding up?"
"oh alright. i was contacted already to be on the next season of bachelor in paradise which is always just a massive orgy i swear, so i won't be going on, but i heard jiwon accepted a place!"
sana pouts, "i hope jiwon's okay... she's the only finalist i haven't talked to since breaking the news. i thought it'd be too soon to reach out to her after she left..."
"you talked to me right?" momo playfully nudges sana's shoulder, "jiwon's doing better. she's happy for you both, really. and she's getting her second chance so there's really nothing she's complaining about."
sana smiles gratefully, "i'm glad."
momo turns her attention to the other couple, "and jacky, eunji! i can't believe you guys got together in the end! i mean i was pretty oblivious in the house but nayeon always swore there was something between you two. guess she was right."
eunji laughs, "it came as a surprise to the both of us as well. i guess we just spent so much time together in the house that it was a lot like old times and then when seeing each other go off with sana and realising we weren't jealous of each other but jealous of sana, well that did it!"
"this entire thing is honestly just a mess of feelings. i don't know how you guys do it as contestants. i had a hard enough time not even being a part of the competition."
"to be fair you did kinda insert yourself in pretty heavily when you started sleeping with sana."
there's laughs and teasing all round. the night goes on like this, in the company of people you've grown easily close to in a very short amount of time, and holding hands with the woman you fell in love with.
"sana, y/n, can i steal you both for a minute?"
you both turn, surprised to see jihyo there, looking a little sheepish. you squeeze sana's hand, looking to her for confirmation. she nods, clearing her throat, "yeah. sure jihyo."
jihyo leads you to a quieter clearing, then stands in front of the both of you, eyes on the ground, awkwardly rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.
"i just wanted to say i'm sorry for how i acted the last time we saw each other. i was jealous and petty for bringing sungbin and i wanted to throw sana off her game so that she'd admit she was in love with you on national television. i went into it wanting to embarass sana and i'm sorry."
sana sighs, gripping your hand reassuringly, "we know. it's okay jihyo. i'm sorry about how it went down between us. i do hope you find the right person one day."
jihyo looks up then, "thank you. really. and it probably doesn't mean a lot coming from me but i am glad the two of you ended up finding each other. she makes you happier than i've ever seen you sana. i genuinely hope for all the best for the both of you."
"thank you jihyo." sana smiles at you then, and you return it softly. "she does make me really happy."
"after some time... maybe you could both come by again? my siblings and my parents miss you lots and i'd like to make it up to both of you for the last time you were there."
"we'd love to. thank you jihyo."
jihyo smiles gratefully, bowing and leaving the two of you alone.
sana sighs, turning to you and looping her arms around your neck.
"you okay?"
she hums, closing her eyes and pressing her forehead against yours. "never better."
you giggle, stealing a quick kiss, "the headlines are gonna get pretty crazy once they get wind of the current couples."
"let them have their drama. all i need is you."
"you love it."
"i love you."
"i love you too." she grins, bringing you into another kiss, sealing the love you have for each other between your lips.
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nitunio · 5 months
How would IDOLiSH7 cast mantain/use their undercover* Tumblr blogs!!! (pt 1)
* - so undercover that their fans/friends interact with them without knowing!!!
all under cut, i plan to do more because there's too many of them already!!!
organised blog with hashtags for Everything
has a sideblog for cute things, keeps main blog sharp and minimalistic
rare long media analysis posts
reblogs and posts whenever feels like distracting himself
add tags to the post? No. (releases post into the wild)
the type to reblog with (PENIS TYPO) and such just to joke on others (namely Mitsuki)
(turns off reblogs on a banger post)
mitsuki: "yeah so i went to visit my frien—" | the rest of pytag: "the visiterrrr"
always reblogs with an engaging reply /wall of tags
spams reblogs at odd times of day
following game update blogs, messages everyone about them
textposts about small things that he saw during the day or king pudding
most intricately made pinned post with outstanding blog decor
makes gifsets and collages, posts scans and HD image uploads of indie bands, reviews albums whenever possible
is up to date with tumblr heritage posts and inside jokes
main blog is fully dedicated to magicona (lots of textposts about merch, figurines, new releases etc.)
liveblogging about the new magicona episode rn!
adds a reply / wall of tags to reblogs but in a more endearing, nonsensical way (keymashes and such)
enjoys scrolling through "for you" section
mostly likes stuff, instead of reblogging sends directly to group chats and msgs
tags Tenn in tag games (to which the other always engages)
another post about how great soba is
the author of the cringiest inspirational reblog additions you've ever read
shows memes from tumblr to everybody who's in his vicinity at the time of seeing the meme
doesn't spend much time on tumblr, scrolls through blogs he's following to give likes/reblogs to
participates in tag games Riku tagged him in (Gaku tried tagging him too but he ignored)
allowed riku to pick out a url for him (for better or for worse)
genuinely fascinated about all the kinds of talented creators on the website, reblogs all
had his aroace awakening reading The Posts and going. Ohh.
texposts about things in his life he can't talk about on public accounts (keeps real names and faces out of it to not get identified)
gushes about Yuki. the married couple act is up to a 1000% except nobody knows its him, so he gets dubbed the toxic re:vale stan instead
vents out frustration by sending anon asks/hate to Ryou's blog
reblogs memes, cute images n gifs (fancams/fanart of Yuki too) sometimes also reblogging latest football news
does lots of (embarrassing) tag games and polls
showed Momo the aforementioned toxic re:vale stan to which Momo was mortified
isn't on tumblr much, prefers the usual group chat, uses the website as his bookmark (for recipes, music, stuff to show Momo, etc)
sometimes catches himself scrolling through Banri's blog
the mutual that suddenly went off the radar after months of consistent posting
left a very organised blog with old re:vale posts (with a bit of other reblogs and personal text posts sprinkled in)
isn't on tumblr anymore (manages TakanashiPro's accounts on other sites, keeps it simple but professional)
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tempestaurora · 2 months
the child soldier summer tour
13k | bnha | bakugou & class 1-a, bakugou & midoriya, bakugou/kirishima
The scheduling gods – AKA Yaoyorozu Momo and Iida Tenya – slapped down the papers on the kitchen table. There were way too many people in Jirou’s apartment, but Bakugou was just thankful that they’d decided not to cram his living room for this. Usually, they liked to, because he had the biggest living space seeing as his place came with three obnoxious roommates, but today they’d all met at Jirou’s and Jirou had only acted totally fine with twenty people shoved into her little two-bed box that she shared with Ashido, and now they were all climbing over each other to see the meticulous schedule their ex-class presidents had put together for the summer.
“This is insane—when are we supposed to pee?” Kaminari yelped, as Kirishima complained, “Three back-to-back – are you forgetting we’re heroes too?”
“Bathroom breaks will be scheduled on a day-to-day basis,” Yaomomo said, Iida chopping the air behind her.
“The schedule has been designed with heroics in mind!” he cried. “This way, everyone can attend an equal number of events, while also maintaining their agency contracts. We will have handouts for everyone to take back to their agencies!”
“This is amazing, guys,” Deku gushed. Bakugou shoved himself past Sero to get a look. True to form, the schedule was a colour-coded nightmare of thirty-six tour dates across twenty-nine locations in Japan over only the two months of summer. The system was divided equally between the five members of the band who had to appear at every concert (for obvious reasons) and the fifteen remaining ex-classmates who insisted that they, too, were also part of the band and would be coming along to roadie, dance, or just take selfies backstage and get in the way.
Bakugou’s opinion on the whole tour had originally been fuck that, if I’m gonna be a hero, I can’t waste an entire summer playing music, followed by three days of yelling and the eventual decision that if he didn’t spend a summer playing music now, when the hell would he ever get the chance to do it again?
They were freshly twenty, some of them still holding onto the reins of nineteen, and they’d only been out of Yuuei for a year. Only experienced the world of being rookie heroes for twelve short months and already it was more than they’d bargained for. Their second and third years in school had been downright peaceful compared to that hellish first, and maybe Bakugou would’ve preferred it if they had been just as dangerous – they’d gone soft, almost, in that time. Memories of the war had finally started to fade, and peacetime was a good look on them all. They were well-rested, therapized, on top of their studies and throwing late night parties in their dorms – when they’d been kicked out onto the streets of Japan, expected to rent an apartment and go to a job and be famous fucking heroes, the culture shock had damn near knocked half of them on their asses.
Bakugou didn’t want or need a break – but they were a damn good band, and there was no time he saw for himself in the next twenty years that would allow them to do a tour like this again.
When he’d consented to the band at one of their jam nights, they’d all fucking cheered. Then they’d added him into the groupchat with the rest of the class that they’d made three days before, fully knowing he would change his mind.
“Alright, everyone take a copy,” Yaomomo continued. “Then check it over – you have one calendar week to return with any necessary changes before we confirm bookings with the venues. It’s alright if you need to switch, just let us know by the deadline.”
Bakugou slumped into the chair opposite Best Jeanist. He’d signed on for eighteen months at the agency, his last months falling at the end of summer. He watched Jeanist’s eyebrows vanish under his hair as he read over the schedule.
“Well, this is organised – who put this together?”
“Creati and Ingenium,” he replied, tipping his head back. Even the ceiling was obnoxiously bedazzled. A disco ball hung from the centre; somewhere around the building, Aoyama was interning – a common appreciation for Best Jeanist (albeit for entirely different reasons) was the only thing the two had in common. Aoyama was a year behind everyone else since the whole, you know, All For One traitor shit, but he was pulling it back, and Bakugou respected the drive if nothing else.
“I would expect nothing less from them,” Jeanist mused. “I can’t say I’m surprised, as you warned me just how much time you would be spending on this during the summer, but I’m happy to sign it all off.”
Bakugou tilted his head forward. He’d expected even the slightest negotiation. “You are.”
“Of course. Bakugou, your work has been admirable and impressive this past year, but you haven’t taken a single day of holiday and there comes a point when that becomes a work violation as an employer. So I’m thrilled to roll over your unused holiday days into this calendar year so you can go on this tour.”
Bakugou raised an eyebrow. Jeanist had a way of speaking like he was always on camera, but there were none in here and he wasn’t about to be bullshitted by his own boss. “Alright, now tell me what you really think.”
He could see Jeanist’s smile beyond the high collar. “I think…” he hummed. “Approximately three years ago, when you were barely sixteen, you died, Katsuki.” Bakugou swallowed, tensing at the given name. “You then got up and kept going. You took down All For One, you ploughed through months of gruelling rehabilitation and graduated third in your class two years later without so much as a single break.”
“I went home for Christmas,” Bakugou muttered.
Jeanist continued anyway, “You haven’t done anything for yourself in all the time I’ve known you. No—that’s a lie. You joined a band. But even that, initially, was to cheer up your fellow students who had been put out by your class’ misfortune. So, if this band is the one thing you let yourself enjoy, away from being a hero, I would be a terrible employer, and a terrible friend, to not allow you time to take part in it. And I hope that in return – although, really, it would be tacky to get any sort of thanks for this – I would appreciate a single ticket to see your finale show in Musutafu.”
Bakugou blinked. Jeanist stared. Bakugou’s mouth curled into the sharp kind of smile.
“I think I can swing a ticket.”
“Then I wish you all the best of luck on your tour,” Jeanist said. “Let me know what dates you can work, and if you need any help choosing what to do after your contract runs out.”
continue reading on ao3
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mono-blogs-art · 10 months
I saw BABYMETAL live in concert in Milan last night!
It was SO awesome!!! It was definitely worth the 5 hour travel and organisation around it (& a great excuse to meet up with the bestie @transimailisa again <3) despite the cold and wet weather. Though we were a bit late to the queue (we arrived around 30min before doors opened?) we managed to get pretty good spots to stand, maybe around 10-15m away from the stage. When my view was not blocked by Every Tall Italian Man Ever, you could see the performers really clearly. I really had such a great time. I cannot overstate how good of a time I had.
I got into BM casually somewhere around 2020, obviously couldn't see them in concert because of the pandemic. So of course I immediately jumped from my seat when the EU tour was announced. I've been a jp idol fan for a while now and I've seen quite a few idol concerts, and I've also been to metal concerts now, so I wondered how their concert would be like (lmao) and if people would bring stuff like light blades etc. I saw one guy with a blade but apart from that it was just like any regular concert I've been to. The energy in the crowd was great, despite the language barrier so many people knew the songs and sang along, the call and response portions especially in Monochrome (beloved beloved beloved) were just... saur good. Mwah.
I think the most surprising thing to me (up til now pretty casual fan, have only seen a few live performances of some songs of theirs but never a full concert) was how... goofy they were? I always imagined them being this super serious trio with a hard exterior that never cracked, but my god those girls were having the time of their lives on that stage, it was really infectious. Especially Momo & Moa moved around the sides of the stage a lot, interacting with the audience, and they were laughing and headbanging along. Pris caught this (I was too busy going insane) but we think that somewhere in Megitsune Su fumbled a lyric or something, and the other two immediately bullied her for it and they were all laughing :D I guess that is a tradition that continues with other groups I follow lmao
In general it was such a great concert, great sound and a GREAT setlist with really high energy songs at the start (Gimme Chocolate, PA PA YA) and overall a fun mixture of old and new bangers. The only sad thing was that it was only just over an hour long, I would have loved 2 or 3 more songs and a proper Encore. Despite that, we all went home exhausted and happy from dancing and celebrating, and now that I'm back in my own cozy bed and thinking about the experience I can't wait to do it again!!
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
I LOVED the yaokuza au!! Can I ask for more of Izuku and Momo 'dating' and 1-a's reaction to it? The concept is just so cute, especially with Momo knowing and having fun with it <33
Momo, in full view of the rest of the class, asked Izuku to come over to her house to have dinner with her family so she could introduce them. Izuku happily accepted, blushing a little (because sue him, the Yakuza were kinda cool. the Eight precepts could rot in hell, but organised crime was,,, kinda fun. He will never repeat this out load though. He's supposed to be a hero!).
Uraraka almost leapt out of her chair in pure rage, Iida had to hold her back. He was trying to impress on her that she should be happy for Izuku! Todoroki froze his notebook shut. Shinsou snapped his pencil.
On the Momo fanclub end of things, Jirou looked like she was gleefully imagining Izuku's gruesome murder and Kaminari just looked like a sad wet dog.
Mineta looked caught between jealous and like he was imagining Izuku and Momo making out, so the respective fanclubs took out their rage on him instead. Poor guy didn't know what hit him in that training exercise.
Aizawa is exhausted. He refuses to pay any attention to his student's love lives so he doesn't know what exactly has happened, but he knows he really doesn't want to find out. He keeps putting Momo and Izuku on the same team because they are his least problematic students, totally unaware that he's making everything so much worse.
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pinkpawpads · 2 months
May we request a duck based or cat based alter? :3c
Neopronouns encouraged!!!!
Preferably a little / middle, or ageless? ^w^
- Tokki [🦝]
oki cuz I love making these and helping pplz I'll give you 2 each!!! meow
Pluz bonus meow!!!
( Mick / HHC )
Tumblr media
Namez : Ace / Apollo
Pronounz : he/hiss/cat/meow/paw/claw/whisker/nya/yarn/scratch/nom
Genderz : Demiboy , Catnipgender , Kittyfeildic
Sexuality : Homosexual
Age : 17
Role : Moodbooster, Internal Caregiver
Conditionz / Disabilities : Better eyesight & hearing , ADHD
Source : Brainmade
Faceclaim :
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Namez : Rio / Rita
Pronounz : It/He/Fizz/Purr/Mya/Kit/Paw
Genderz : Bigender , Catgender
Sexuality : Lesbian , Asexual
Age : 13
Rolez : Little / Middle / Kid , Nostalgia holder
Conditionz / Disabilitiez : Ticz , Autism , Unconventional stimz
Source : Brainmade
Faceclaim :
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Namez : Liz / Lindsay / Saxha
Pronounz : They/It/Bubble/Quack/Squeak
Genderz : Nonbinary , Lakegender , Lagoongender
Sexuality : Sapphic , Demisexual
Age : 15
Rolez : Caretaker - Cooks for the system , Physical Protector
Conditionz / Disabilitiez : AuDHD (Autism + ADHD)
Source : Brainmade , Lana Del Ray Songitive (Video Games)
Faceclaim :
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Namez : Molly / Mollie / Momo / Minnie
Pronounz : She/Quack/Beak/Bow/Ribbon/Splash/Silly
Genderz : Demigirl , Duckbeing
Sexuality : Asexual , Pansexual/Panromantic
Age : 9
Rolez : Little , Internal Self Helper
Conditionz / Disabilitiez : Auditory Processing Issues , Autism , PTSD
Source : Molly - Animal Crossing New Leaf , Brainmade
Faceclaim :
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Namez : Nicko / Nicki / Nicole
Pronounz : they/she/kit/paw/meow/claw/fang/he
Gender : Voidcatgender
Sexuality : Lesbian , Demiromantic
Age : Ageless
Rolez : Physical protector , Avenger , Gatekeeper
Conditionz / Disabilities : Organisation OCD , PTSD , Photographic memory
Source : The amazing world of gumball
Faceclaim :
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dragonpigeons · 1 year
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#OC_tober Day 5: Bedroom
I drew Shizuka hanging out with her friends, Ruka and Momo, in her bedroom. Like her, Shizuka's room is organised and tidy. It's not cluttered but it still contains her favourite books and sentimental items given to her by loved ones (the long cat pillow was given to her as a 16th birthday present by her friends).
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
All for Support x MLA Yaoyorozu: What does Momo think about Izuku. Would she want to recruit him, if only because of his intimate knowledge and understanding of quirks and his high quality support tech, or would she rather sabotage him to weaken heroes. Or is he simply a giant "do not touch" for her that she needs to constantly plan around because of how dangerous he is to her, her organisation and her ideology.
It'd be the last one. He is high on the list of targets to eliminate.
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rewordthis · 6 months
「Your Mind Bedevilling…」
770 words Yamazaki Sousuke, Matsuoka Rin + SFW
Summary: Last year Sousuke inquired help from the gang in order to organise a birthday party capable of making Rin cry. He failed. And got ratted out. This year, he decided to do everything alone, but as he’s too immersed in his research for the perfect location, he’s more absentminded than usual and eventually Momo finds out. Still, he’s eagerness is what gives him away this time… and maybe it’s just not meant to be…
I blame everything on this (tumblr won’t let me copy paste links :/) post for Rin’s Birthday Story from ‘21 (that was reblogged last month) from @kudouusagi, a hell of a devoted Free! translator (Your translations have made me go from ‘that makes sense…’ to ‘that aIN’t RigHt?! But IT’s oFfiCiaL!!? 🤯’ throughout the years. lol ) and then stumbling on Rin’s 10th year anniversary pic 2 nights ago… yeah. Njoy!
And this was supposed to be just a little gathering among themselves, huh…
Sousuke should really have learned his lesson by now, but apparently him being hellbent on throwing a party worthy of tears for Rin wasn’t something he’d forget easily.
This time, everybody was in attendance — even Haru — and Nagisa and Rei, too.
And like last time, Nagisa had managed to spill the beans by the ‘hello’…
It was somewhat heartwarming watching Haru trying to shut Nagisa up when he started to speak how Sousuke had sent invitations to everyone at least a month in advance, requesting them to clear their schedules, only for Momo to pipe in that apparently the planing had started way earlier, as he had been asking Sousuke’s help with training only for him to appear at Samezuka with fliers about restaurants and clubs, trying to decide which place would be more suitable since their previous choice wasn’t much help towards the objective.
But what really made Rin tear up, albeit in mirth, was the fact that Haru even patted the man’s head, telling him ‘that it’s not his fault he’s not good at this’ with Sousuke running his hand over his face in apparent frustration and scathing embarrassment— something that Rin never had the opportunity to witness before in all their long acquaintance.
Truly a sight to behold!
Hours later, after the spirited chatting had simmered down some, Sousuke approached Rin and sat beside him; his shoulder brushed against the redhead’s while doing so.
Rin just turned and looked at him yet, he all but glanced from the corner of his eye.
“Good job.” Rin said turning his gaze again at Ai that was trying to make Momo stop drinking anymore carbonated orange juice— it’s bad for you if you’re seriously trying to be a competitive athlete.
Sousuke simply breathed. It was deep and slow, just like him. He always took a moment longer when he was serious about something…
This didn’t alarm Rin.
Then his low voice, quietly spoke up: “Well, it didn’t go according to plan so not really. In the end you didn’t cry… again…”
Rin side-eyed him, he really looked a little out of it; the way he still avoided to meet Rin eye to eye and that childish pout he was sporting ever since Momo and Nagisa ratted his plan out to him.
Rin nudged him a little and teased: “It’s exactly because of that that I didn’t cry, ba~ka.”
“Huh?” Sousuke’s head spun around to face him, granting Rin a full view of him for the first time after the party started.
“It was too planned out! Exactly like last time… I could tell something was off because everything was way too familiar from the moment I stepped into the room, man.” Rin answered Sousuke’s near-annoyed face. “Next time don’t try so hard! Or don’t try at all, ha!” He concluded, elbowing him lightly in the ribs.
After that, Sousuke just stood there, looking at him, seemingly taking in what Rin had just told him and noting it down for possibly another time…
But— it wasn’t that he was actually doing.
“Oi, Sousuke? Are you alright? Could it be that you’re going to be emotional now after all those years we know each other? Out of all the times—” the redhead asked as Sousuke’s expression gradually grew solemn.
His eyes scanned Rin for a moment longer before he finally said anything.
“Rin… did it took you long to dress for tonight?” He asked, and he seemed positively overcome with concern for a bit.
“No? Why? Is something not looking good on me? I like this shirt so…” Rin replied and glanced briefly down to check his clothes.
Sousuke tilted his head slightly as he once again, run his eyes over Rin and softly spoke in a deeply thoughtful tone: “It’s not that it doesn’t look good on you but…” his perplexed countenance suddenly lightening up, “I’m 100% sure these mesh T-shirts are what gay strippers wear for work!” 
“Hah?!” Rin’s shock was such that his voice echoed over the background music and the idle exchanges of the other guys: he even stood up without realising it.
Everybody turned to look at a fuming Rin, his face equally red as his hair: and Sousuke’s hearty laughter, filling the spaces between… 
(This man, he will never let him live it down~)
By the way, Rin never found out what went on between his two friends.
In the end, when Rin asked them about when exactly they started to get along, both Haru and Sousuke avoided answering the question…
Late, late, late! But! Did managed to post at least so… yeah! Wah! Help me understand how this works! Why is it so hard to work on phone?! Could it just be that I’m over-romanticising working on desk top? ‘Cause I don’t think so?! Also, why is it so hard to find a title after you have written something??? 😭🫠
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phlebaswrites · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
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Thanks @kalira for the tag!
In a new post of your own, reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
As will surprise no one whose talked to me for more than a minute, the list of my WIPs is insanely long, so I'm putting it under a cut!
Also, I will not be tagging as many people as I have WIPs - that's just Too Many People - but no-pressure tags for @dark-elf-writes, @maphel-n-doodles, @fiyasgideon, @tarutaruga, @devotedanarchy, @writhingbeneathyou, @artbythedarkside, @momo-ceros, @shinigami-mine, @woofgang69, @heyitswrenn, @longliveustherecklessandthebrave, @hellotheremaryrose, @silverutahraptor, @good-grievance
And please do ask about anything that sparks interest, though - I always love to talk about my WIPs!
I organise my WIPs by my series and then all other stories by pairing, so that's how they're listed here.
Courting Culture Confusion
Konohans Crash - the shinobi space race
Akatsuki Adventures - the last story in the series (I hope)
Other Naruto Stories
Untitled Single mother Tobirama - based on an idea by Madlen_Fade and borrowed with permission, four different versions plotted, running the gamut from angst to crack romantic comedy, and every one with a different pairing!!!
Untitled Seelie Winter vs Summer Court story - Izuna is the King of Summer in love with the General of the Winter Court - Tobirama
Untitled djinn story - Izuna is a djinn, Tobirama is the king’s son who owns the bottle
Untitled Izuna is a pipe fox story - Tobirama is his sorcerer
Death is Not the End - Tobirama and Izuna novel, first part on AO3, is complete until I add everything else…
Untitled Tobirama is the Prettiest Princess - Tobirama/Izuna Modern AU with fashion porn and shy transwoman Kurohime
Untitled Tobirama/Izuna enemies to lovers amnesiac speedrun - amnesiac!Tobirama
Untitled Tobirama/Izuna enemies to lovers amnesiac speedrun - amnesiac!Izuna
Untitled Pacific Rim fusion - Pilot!Izuna/Engineer!Tobirama
Hold Your Children Precious - In a world where the Senju and Uchiha don't hunt children, the Uchiha win. Tobirama learns what it means to be married for peace.
A Confusion of Weasels - Izuna’s summons are weasels. Omegaverse.
A World Without You - fusion with the Matrix
Untitled Swan Lake AU, based on Odile and Odette
Untitled Mahō Shōjo Founders AU - complete and utter CRACK
Untitled Madara is a Disney princess - 500 Kingdoms fusion
Untitled Hashirama is a Disney Princess - Based on Enchanted
Untitled Romeo and Juliet quote parody - utter crack
Untitled Romeo and Juliet cannon era crack style romantic comedy
Untitled Romeo and Juliet modern AU - Hashirama and Madara are actors playing Romeo and Juliet
Rite of Passage - In which the only way to become a ‘true Senju’ is to eat Uchiha. Not dark, crack comedy
Untitled Edo Tensi Fourth War - Hashirama accepts Madara’s invitation to dance
Untitled extremely NSFW comedy in which Hashirama has an enormous dick and that's why he wears hakama whenever he's not in battle
Untitled Magic Coffee Shop AU
Founders Polycules
Untitled Girl Genius fusion - Necromancer Tobirama, Mechanicsburg sparks Madara and Izuna (they’re Hetrodyne equivalents)
Untitled sequel to Snow White - Hashirama/Madara, Izuna/Tobirama, Hashirama/Madara/Izuna/Tobirama
Suffered from the Night - Gothic Horror in which the Uchiha are vampires and the Senju are monster hunters
Untitled Madara/Tobirama/Izuna not really unrequited love - three versions, all of which are based on this amazing comic by @kurakura0-0
Untitled A/B/O Kisame & Samehada hit on an Omega - Long, Kisame/Mei romance
Untitled Itachi fucks his way through the Akatsuki modern AU - Kisame/Itachi romance, SUPER LONG, the Akatsuki are a D&D group, Naruto and Sasuke are their dungeon masters, it’s BANANAS
Untitled Kisame/Itachi story - Itachi is a geisha about to have his mizuage. Kisame is the shinobi who bought him.
Budgie Smugglers - Itachi/Kisame porn in the onsen
Bridge of Birds - a retelling of Orihime and Hikoboshi
Laugh and Live - a retelling of The Tsarevna who Would not Laugh
Untitled Samehada/Kisame/Itachi story about scenting
Untitled Comfort Sex Kisame - or Kisame fucks his way through the Akatsuki
Other Pairings
Things that Zetsu Gave (and Gained) - Zetsu redemption angst fest
Untitled Zabuza/Kisame/Mei home repair modern AU
Untitled Team Ro polycule - All of Team Ro is in love with Iruka, but they don’t know about each other. Their only guide on how to woo him is Icha Icha. Oh no.
Untitled Arabian Night AU - Sakura/Hinata, Naruto/Sasuke. Hinata is the queen in an arranged married to Naruto, but he doesn't love her. Her only solace is her handmaiden, Sakura.
Untitled Deidara/Sasori - Everyone thinks Deidara uses ‘danna’ sarcastically, and that’s just the way he likes it. Two versions, one happy and one sad
Untitled 1920s Mob Uchiha - Series based on the art of @good-grievance​
Untitled Senju Breathplay - Two versions - Hashirama/Tobirama and Tobirama/Tōka
Untitled Kisame/Itachi/Haku/Zabuza College AU
War of the Dōjutsu (Now Fight!) - Hashirama/Hikaku
Untitled Tobirama/Hikaku story - they bond over paperwork
Untitled series - four unrelated stories, all of them based on the music video Dude (Looks Like A Lady) by Aerosmith. Each one featuring a different founder.
Untitled Izuna is the heir - Gen, long and utterly violent mix of angst and crack
Untitled Modern High School AU - Gen, probably about 20K, pretty wholesome story about growing up, now with a Hashirama/Madara cat cafe sequel, a Mito/Tōka/Naori Much Ado About Nothing sequel, and a Tobirama/Izuna sequel
The Feeling of Falling - Kakashi is a self-insert into Naruto, Kakashi-centric Naruto/Inception crossover
Untitled Tajima and Mountains - Tajima named his kids after mountains. This is why.
Minecraft Madness - Obito and Zabuza are on the same Minecraft Server. It doesn’t go well.
Untitled Akatsuki run a restaurant Modern AU
Untitled cannon era story in which the Hatake have nine lives - an unholy mix of angst and crack
The Past Is a Foreign Country (they do things differently there) - metatextual commentary on cannon, similar to In All the World
A Clowder of Cats - A series in which the Uchiha are all cats
Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home - a series of stories about Fū being brought up by the Akatsuki
Les Misérables
Rapunzel Enrolas
27 Dresses AU
All the Tropes in Asian Drama story
And… I think that’s everything.
It’s more than I thought, but less than I was dreading.
That’s good.
I think.
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blu3berrydraws · 1 year
Aang lives in a abandoned sewing hutch or basket and has lines of string and pulley systems all worked out and supplies others with needles, pins, thimbles, and fabrics. Aang has made himself a glider out of toothpicks and fabric scraps
I love that iroh knows ALL the human things. I bet iroh would have like a person book collection that he’s written most of
The freedom fighters taking over a bird house gave me such a serotonin rush thANK YOU
People go to Aang for accessories and fancy-looking clothes uwu BUT for big constructions and inventions, people ask Sokka :3c
Sokka organises big get-togethers for the common cause: like moving a rollerskate together so the hide-away hole between the kitchen and the livingroom is no longer blocked, or flipping a notebook over to repair the pathway between two bookshelves.
Also, outside is scary because there's cats and all kinds of critters! Toph has so many cool stories about it. She uses a toothpick as a sightingstick. Aang has a pet-moth (Appa) and a pet glowworm (Momo), but he is a friend to all critters uwu
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canmom · 2 years
Animation Night 140: Kerberos, cont.
Hi friends welcome back to Animation Night! It’s the night where I screen animations on Twitch and sometimes you come and watch them.
Last week we shone the Animation Night beam on Hiroyuki Okiura, and I was surprised by how great his film A Letter to Momo turned out to be. The plan had been that on Tuesday I’d bring back the other film night, ‘Toku Tuesday’, in order to watch Mamoru Oshii’s Kerberos film trilogy, leading into the third entry being Hiroyuki Okiura’s film Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade. I did that, but I had to end the night early after only one film. So, it’s rolled over into Animation Night this week.
But that’s an opportunity in a way, because this gives us a chance to dig up a fascinating Oshii obscurity. More on that in a minute!
That film we watched on Tuesday was The Red Spectacles, and it was fucking fascinating. Going into Kerberos by reputation I expected some kind of philosophical meditation on power and an alternate history setting, but this was something a lot stranger. I wrote a more detailed commentary on it here, but to my reading, this surreal film is essentially there to probe the warped fantasy of a self-important fascist who’s terrified of betrayal, when he’s much more of a traitor than any of them. However, as an introduction, it doesn’t really tell much more about the broader Kerberos story, beyond the fanaticism of the organisation’s members.
The actual event we learn about is: Kōichi, high-ranking member of the heavily armed paramilitary police organisation ‘Kerberos’, slunk away with a suit of power armour when the state dissolved the organisation. Later he came back to Japan, and was promptly killed.
It’s followed by prequel StrayDog: Kerberos Panzer Cop, which is a more literal film, following another Kerberos member who goes looking for Kōichi in the Phillipines. Although this is not at all animated, I am going to show it tonight regardless. We’ve shown an animated OVA on Toku Tuesday before, you can allow me one (1) live action film, as context for one of the most renowned animated films of the 90s. I think it’s worth showing what Okiura was building on when we get to his film, particularly since this film establishes even more the gruesome image of Kerberos suits in action.
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About Jin-Roh, I don’t have much more to say beyond what I said last week, so here’s a slightly revised version of that.
The person chosen to be the director of Jin-Roh in Oshii’s stead ended up being 'allergic to computers’ Okiura, judged the most promising of the studio’s younger generation and eager to direct a serious drama film. Though Oshii wrote the original script, Okiura made many decisions that Oshii wouldn’t; his take on the story put a bit more emphasis on the romantic relationship, and he ambitiously decided to do a film with no CGI whatsoever at a sprawling 80,000 cels, punishingly realistic designs and understated action, and all sorts of complex technical crowd shots.
By all accounts, he succeeded. His film is heavily in an Oshii idiom: very slow and contemplative, morally ambiguous, set in the near future, about cops. Its story tells of a member of a counter-terrorism unit in the context of widespread protests. Power-armoured Kerberos are sent as ‘counter-terrorists’ to suppress the protests, which becomes a massacre as they turn their machine guns on the crowd. The story follows Kazuki Fuse, who decides not to gun a girl only for her to set off a suicide bomb, disgracing him in the eyes of his unit.
Later, wracked with guilt, he encounters a woman called Kei who claims to be the suicide bomber’s sister. Kazuki makes a connection with her, not knowing at first that she is also a bomb courier like the girl he shot, or the broader context of infighting between Kerberos and their rival Public Security that brought them together.
To spoil the ending, Kazuki becomes increasingly attracted to Kei, while dreaming feverishly about shooting her in the sewers as he was supposed to shoot the suicide bomber. He and Kei become involved with a conspiracy within Kerberos, the ‘Wolf Brigade’, which succeeds in assassinating their enemies in Public Security - but then at the end Kazuki is ordered to shoot Kei and he declares himself a ‘wolf’, dedicated himself wholly to Kerberos.
I found this rather academic video on Youtube, which talk in some detail about how the film invokes the metaphor of Little Red Riding Hood in characterising Kazuki:
To Pause and Select’s telling, Jin-Roh is at pains to complicate the simple wolf/victim dichotomy of Little Red Riding Hood. From a ‘having faced lines of cops at a street protest’ POV, I’m not sure how that will come across really, and I think it’s possible I’ll reach some kind of divergent reading.
The background to Jin-Roh is the social movements I’ve talked about occasionally on here before. To put it briefly, Oshii (much like Oshima, and to a certain extent Miyazaki) was apparently involved the second wave Anpo protests in 1970 against renewing the treaty that allows the US to maintain bases on Japanese soil. In the 50s, the US had used Japanese infrastructure to carry out the Korean War, to significant profit of many people in Japan, and their military presence was pretty significance. The movement - popular in particular with leftist students - wanted Japan to have a more neutral role in the Cold War. The government’s efforts to push through a continuation of the treaty led to major clashes with police in the 60s; a second wave of protests in 1970, following the student riots of 68-69, were less disruptive and completely ignored by the government.
As for Oshii’s role in all this? I’m not sure; I downloaded the book Stray Dog of Anime that Wikipedia uses as a source and it’s kind of vague.
In any case, the ‘60s movement was a major failure, and the student movement fell into infighting and recrimination that later gave rise to the New Left. (This is portrayed in films like Ōshima’s Night and Fog in Japan). In the aftermath, the Japanese left took some weird turns, like Yodogō Hijacking Incident, and tragic ones, like the Asama-Sansō Incident (watch as Bryn reels off her list of ‘weird things that happened in Japan in the 70s’ again...); it otherwise became increasingly sidelined during the economic boom of the 80s. You can see the shadow of all these events in films like Akira (AN34); by the time of Jin-Roh, they were now distant history.
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Okiura, born 1966, would have been way too young to have seen these protests. The protest scenes, drawn by (who else could it be?) Toshiyuki Inoue, are nevertheless striking encapsulations of the tension of a crowd facing down a police line. As Pause and Select’s video noted, the police are actually on the back foot here, cowering behind their shields under a barrage of projectiles. In the world of Jin-Roh, the conflict has escalated considerably beyond the Anpo protests, to the edge of civil war. So they decide to escalate to military levels of force.
The colour palette of Jin-Roh is very muted, greys and browns everywhere; the acting is generally kept very grounded, the proportions of the characters are only barely stylised. Very ‘Production I.G.’ in other words. That kind of approach raises the question of ‘why not do it in live action’. For someone who loves traditional animation for its own sake the look of this film is answer in itself, but you could answer that in various ways beyond simple practicality (it is difficult to draw an enormous crowd but expensive to close off a street and shoot a scene involving a large crowd and pyrotechnics). One might be that later there was a Korean live action remake of Jin-Roh and it wasn’t very good. But why? Perhaps it is that there is a certain abstracting effect of animation that turns its characters, no matter how realist they are drawn, into symbols, and this is a story that constantly compares its characters to archetypes in a fable. I might have more of an answer later.
Anyway, I mentioned another Oshii oddity, and that is Tachiguishi-Retsuden (立喰師列伝); you could kind of break down that title very literally as ‘Biographies of the Stand-up Eating Masters’, but the official English translation is Tachigui: The Amazing Lives of the Fast Food Grifters. If you remember those noodle bar scenes in The Red Spectacles, this expands on that concept, presenting a kind of mockumentary alternate history of Japan that focuses on various grifters who exploit these noodle bars. Bizarre concept, where the hell did that come from? It actually began in one of Oshii’s episodes of Urusei Yatsura, whose characters were adopted into the radio drama that preceded The Red Spectacles.
Why on Animation Night? Well, the technique used is a strange blend of live action and animation, described thus:
Tachiguishi-Retsuden is a documentary-style animation film created with an innovative technique named "Superlivemation". Oshii first experimented this flat 3D technique in his 2001 live-action feature Avalon as a visual effect for explosions in Ash's game, then he developed it, the following years, in both the MiniPato short films and PlayStation Portable game. Characters have a tiny body and an oversized head which makes them look funny. They are animated like paper dolls (ペープサート人形, papsart ningyou) and are evolving in a pictures based environment in the likes of the JibJab Brothers' (Gregg and Evan Spiridellis) musical comedy cartoons, e.g. 2・0・5 Year In Review, although Mamoru Oshii stated his own work was a "serious comedy".
The Superlivemation consists of digitally processing then animating, paper puppet theater-style characters and locations based on real photographs. In Tachiguishi-Retsuden more than 30,000 photographs were processed 20 times, to produce the final composite to be animated.
The director describes his new animation film as set between "a simple animation with extremely intense information" and "a live-action movie with extremely limited information".
Avalon (TT#39) used the ‘superlivemation’ technique (which could be considered something like a variant on ‘pixilation’) for deaths in its videogame world; upon dying, a character would be replaced with a 2D composite before suffering a disintegrating effect. An entire movie shot with this technique sounds absolutely deranged, hopefully in a good way. I honestly have no idea how this one will play out; there may be a reason it’s almost unknown. But if Animation Night has one absolutely necessary element, it’s plumbing the archives for something fucked up and weird, so I’ll tell you what I make of it.
And that’s enough writing, let’s get going. With three films to get through, I’m gonna go live around now - I know it’s a lot earlier than it has been lately! I hope you feel like joining me; we’ll be watching StrayDog, Jin-Roh and then Tachiguishi-Retsuden in that order.
Hop in over at twitch.tv/canmom, mobies start in about 30 minutes (20:00 UK time)!
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shares-a-vest · 10 months
Xmas Stuff for wip weekend?
Thanks for the ask Momo 💖💖💖
Technically this is just another doc working on Steddiemas prompts but like, longer-than-ficlet stuff... ish (I'm just so organised)
Snippet from a Rockstar!Eddie/Buinessman!Steve AU:
Steve frowns. Even if Eddie being alone and on his way ‘home’ answers a few questions, he still has a whole lot more. “And where are you headed?” Eddie sighs, making a face at the magazine. It makes Steve want to throw it across the lounge. Whoever that version of Eddie is on the cover is clearly making the guy uncomfortable. “Home too,” he answers, no longer able to resist the urge to lean forward and flip the magazine over to the bourbon advertisement on the back cover. He scoops his drink back up, passing it all off as one fluid movement. And, as he settles back in his seat, he finds Eddie perking up. “And home is?” Eddie asks, his tone indicating he is no longer feigning polite courtesies.
Help me work on my (mostly festive) wips this weekend
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cmiyczine · 10 months
hello, i do think it is important that you have info on the charities figured out before the apps even go live. there are going to be people who are more hesitant to join not knowing info like this and things like info on the mod and experience.
Thank you for your message. I disagree. I will not make the choice of the donations orgs by myself, simply because one person cannot have enough scope and there might be info online I have missed.
Here's an example, someone recently sent in a submission in which they suggested the name of a palestinian instagram creator that is currently asking for donation because they are donating food and necessities directly to palestinians (@abdulla7_om3r if youd like to help) This is a person I didnt know existed. My knowledge is now expanded and I might consider them one of the person we donate to. I also might look up more palestinians doing direct actions and donating to them as well.
I have also considered looking up organisations around me that support Palestine and speak directly with people involved.
The conflict is happening as we speak. I do not know what the future holds, and I will not make a haphazard decision. Who knows what the palestinian people will need the most 2 months from now. Who knows which channels will be open or cut.
If you hesitate to apply because the organisations have not been picked yet, then I apologize.
As for the mod info ? I have no idea what info I am supposed to provide. The ask box is open for any inquiries. All I can say is I am momo, @t8oo on tumblr and on Instagram. I have been online for a long time. I have hosted a previous zine when I was younger for Syria and it went very well, thou traumatizing for me. I am also good friends with @/NocturnalWalkr whom helms Zine de Nuit and is a PRO !! He has organized 3 zines projects that went very well and I am relying on him for info regarding anything technical.
This project is in good hands, but the askbox is open if you have any other worries.
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