#;paramythas : io
guhamun · 4 months
@paramythas said (inbox):
"I've cleared your schedule for the afternoon, by the way." Vali has arrived as has become customary, to join Neuvillette for tea, and stayed long past. It's almost lunch time when he makes this announcement, and a melusine opens his door, as if on cue. Over her shoulder pop several more melusines- and then, finally, Io, all looking contrite. The smaller strigoi, however, also looks determined, given the bag held tightly across her chest. "There are no cases this afternoon, and Io will supervise your clever girls in handling the remaining paperwork." Vali smiles at Neuvillette as he leans on his desk, tilted toward him hopefully. "I have a picnic waiting to be picked up for us to enjoy by the shore... if you will join me," and then softly, just enough that it might be mistaken for a slightly garbled 'monsieur', "mon coeur."
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NEUVILLETTE BLINKED, ATTEMPTING TO allow those words to sink in. Had…had Vali just stated that he cleared his schedule? Those were words he hadn’t really heard uttered by another, and so he stood there, dumbfounded as he looked from him to the melusines, and then, of course Io. What in the world was going on here? At first, he had assumed maybe this was some attempt at trying to tug him from his work, all parties having banded together for this single goal before approaching him with determination in their hearts to tug him away from that desk. ❝But there is much that I still need to do this afternoon.❞ As he did nearly everyday for that matter – not that such needed mentioning when everyone was very much aware of all the things that Neuvillette’s fingers were dipped into. Further question danced upon the tip of his tongue, but there was no need to state it. Vali had been quite quick on the uptake, answering it before it was even spoken.
     So…that was your plan.
     It was very small, yet so gentle as lips curled softly at the ends into a smile. ❝There was no need for this, you know…although…I admit that it will be nice to take some time for myself.❞ He had very little opportunities to do that nowadays as a great deal of work had been piled upon his ancient shoulders. The soft mon coeur had not been missed, his gaze softening all the more in its usual, unintended sharpness. All this effort for him… Neuvillette had to admit that he was unused to such. Looking from face to face, a certain warmth filled his heart that he would have struggled to explain aside from merely calling it one thing: joy. ❝I thank you all for taking on my duties. Your efforts are appreciated.❞ He offered them a small nod of his head before those bright eyes of his came to land upon a rather oddly bashful strigoi. ❝I would gladly join you.❞ For now and always.
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nihilara · 6 months
👫 for kuro & io
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so we've already established that io and kuro are... a bit of a slow burn. but in a kind of weird and funny way. they have plenty of time. i seriously love the idea of them not really being aware they're an item until it's very very clear to everyone else. and even then they slowly move into it. and it's less of an oh!!! moment, and more an alright it's official- as if there hasn't been a huge change. by the time they've accepting it for what it is, kuro's got clothes there, a few dishes, and food. like he's half moved in by the time they're calling it a legitimate relationship.
kuro is the promise of a meal whenever io wants. and though they do begin with places that are very easy to hide-- he does eventually trust io enough to allow her to bite along his neck too. it definitely helps he already covers the majority of it up with a silk choker. but the scar there is a bit of a sore topic. one that io never brings up and kuro is very happy not to talk about.
now hear me out. kuro would happily, eagerly even, introduce io to his cats. they're not really his, but to her it's obvious he cares a great deal about the strays that live nearby. and it would be sooooo cute if he moved in with her, and was able to bring mimi along with. she's an old cat but astonishingly well behaved, and tends to just sleep all day.
the size difference between them is QUITE substantial. and they both know it- even if io can shapeshift and change how she looks. he is perfectly fine reaching things for her she can't normally, or providing other tall person sort of help. // much later into their relationship, kuro does tease her wordlessly about it- by not leaning over for things, or questioning if she's sure she does or doesn't need help with something. but it's all in good fun, even if he gets shit for it sometimes.
( bonus ) bringing this back too-- but blood for a good sleep? worth it. and if io ends up using him as a pillow while he naps? what of it? he's warm and comfortable. and sometimes, kuro might wake up with io sitting on him and just,,, let himself drift back in and out until he's ready to get up again.
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utsuboh · 1 year
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favorite dessert flavor profile (s) : he's really not very picky...he strikes me as someone who'd like subtle flavors. spice and nutmeg, cinnamon...
favorite dessert : i'm gonna say...spice cake. YUM!
most disliked flavor profile (s) : i think overly sweet candies and desserts might be a bit much. he can enjoy rich flavors, but in smaller quantities. chocolate is a good example of this. he loves it...but can't eat a lot in one sitting...
most disliked dessert : that's a tough one. it's less a dislike, and more a least favorite. but i'd go out on a limb and say something like...lava cake, or chocolate fudge might be his least favorite...
tagged by: @giriure tagging: @paramythas ( io ), @mirrorfates ( idia ), @mostrohost / @sweetlybite, @rosehearrt, @rebirthee, @farspirits, @frestoniia, @grdnglow
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infernalisa · 1 year
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            @paramythas asked:  [    MOUTH    ]    for    your    muse    to    put    their    hand    over    my    muse’s    mouth  (from  io  because  the  vamp-adjacents  should  meet-)
        it  takes  kai  a  moment  to  register  her  hand,  over  his  mouth.  ruby  gaze  widening,  brows  raised  in  very  obvious  confusion.  did  he  say  something  wrong?  inappropriate?  wouldn't  be  the  first  time,  he's  still  figuring  this  out.  and  telling  what's  going  to  upset  land  dwellers,  and  what  isn't  is  about  as  easy  as  finding  another  mer  in  the  abyssopelagic  zone.  still--  she's  got  a  lot  of  nerve  putting  her  palm  so  close  to  his  teeth  like  that.  and  without  much  warning,  kaito  opens  his  mouth---  and  bites  down  on  her  hand.  almost  an  impulse  really...can't  be  helped.
in a mood
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guhamun · 2 months
@paramythas said (inbox):
"It's really just a matter of making a few additions here and there. Taking care to make sure things're properly insulated..." Io's hands spread schematics over the surface of the desk, pointing at key spots on the map of Fontaine's waterways. There are figures and calculations written along the margins, clearly meant to showcase the conversion rates. "But, once everything is done, the waterways will power the generators, and the generators will power Fontaine." Slender, clawed fingertips rap nervously atop the wood of the desk, and Ioana's mouth quirks into a pleased smile. She's clearly more than happy with her work. "What do you think? Vali's had me working on this since a little after we got back."
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SOMETIMES NEUVILLETTE WONDERED WHY Io didn’t become an inventor. She was brilliant by all means, her ingenuity enough to put any to shame with how quick her mind was to work on solutions to problems that might have gone addressed for quite some time. It impressed him, honestly, the extent of how her mind worked. Wriothesley would have loved to pick apart that brain of hers, but alas, considering his general location and how most desired not to step foot in the Fortress of Meropid, the only way she would be able to speak to the Duke was if he came to the surface for business, or if she was arrested.  ❝This is…quite impressive, Io. For how long have you been working on this?❞
     Weeks? Even longer, perhaps?
     And at the behest of Valentin at that? The latter wasn’t really surprising since  that man always offered some kind of aid when he felt the desire to do so, but he was curious as to what it was that made the Strigoi turn his gaze towards the waterways like this. No doubt it was because he knew that Neuvillette would be grateful for it, and that was more than enough to tug at any altruistic bone in that body. Leaning over the schematics a little more, he allowed his gaze to travel over scribbled numbers and sharp details. ❝If I present this to our engineers, no doubt they will be quick to want to implement this.❞ His mind worked quickly, going over all the benefits such a power system will have in making life easier for the citizens of Fontaine. It made him smile a little, fondness welling within him. ❝Thank you, Io, for your hard work. I appreciate all your efforts and am eternally grateful for your time and the dedication you put into your projects for others.❞
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guhamun · 10 months
@paramythas said (inbox):
"...sorry about my idiot." Unlike some people, Io has taken the time to make an appointment ahead of time, knowing well just what her guardian was likely to get up to. Setting a small pot on the desk, she gives an awkward little curtsy, long hair falling over her shoulders. Honestly, the things she does to smooth Vali's bullshit over- "In any case, I know he brought you a gift, but he was also complaining that it was just water, so..." The little pot, when opened, is jade fruit soup, freshly-made. "He can't cook worth a damn- the taste thing, you know?- so I... helped. I hope you like it and... sorry, again. About him."
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      IO ALWAYS WAS QUITE polite, the opposite of her guardian in quite a many ways. So much so, that there were times that he found this to be faintly amusing, though he had very little intention of making that particular train of thought known to her or to Vali. ❝You need not apologize. He is just…❞ What was the proper wording for this? ❝Enthusiastic.❞ Yes, that seemed to fit. Enthusiastic. Though truth be told, even that word was not quite enough of a proper description for that Strigoi. His eyes widened a fraction with surprise at what was said, but that surprise was rather short-lived. Of course Vali would see to it that he had food. Time could get away from him sometimes, and thus, before he knew it, morning had become night and he had barely had a bite to eat. ❝Ah, I appreciate the effort that was put into preparing a meal for me, but I assure you, the water was more than enough for me as a gift. I hear Vali went through quite an ordeal to get it.❞ But oh…that soup did smell rather appealing. It was still nice and hot too, the scent strong as it wafted from that pot to his nose – caressing his senses and nearly making his stomach rumble as a result.
     It was then that he was reminded of just how hungry he actually was. Sedene had kindly brought him a slice of cake during her trek to the bakery, but that was more of a snack than anything. It had curbed his appetite for a bit, but when he had resumed his work, he once again forgot about everything else. Even the tea on his desk had long since lost its heat, a rather sad state for what must have tasted heavenly an hour…or two ago. He honestly forgot when it was placed upon his desk. ❝Although…I suppose…it would be rude of me to not enjoy this while it is still fresh.❞ If Io helped, he had nothing to worry about in concerns to taste. His life wouldn’t flash before his eyes which was a definite comfort. ❝Thank you both for this. I will, no doubt, enjoy every bite.❞
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guhamun · 6 months
@paramythas said (inbox):
Normally, Ioana would make an appointment and wait until she can be seen in order to talk to Neuvillete. However, given the current situation- and their soon to be much closer relationship, in a sense- she decides that she's allowed this one instance of impatience. At the very least, she waits until he's preparing to head out for lunch to slink in, setting her palms on the edge of his desk and leaning forward seriously. "...monsieur Neuvillette, I know you've been busy lately, but you've gotta help me out and do something about your fiancé. He's been doing nothing but talking about it since- and congrats on the engagement by the way- and he's driving me nuts. Please take him home for a day or two so I can work. Please?"
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TEA IN HAND, IOANA had caught Neuvillette at an excellent time since he was currently enjoying a break from his usual duties. He blinked, a bit surprised to see her step into his office without the usual knocking, but chalked such up as the young Strigoi seeing little reason in doing so when she was a close friend rather than a random citizen of Fontaine. ❝Good afternoon. I can see you have…something on your mind.❞ To prepare for the complaint he knew would soon pass her lips, he gently placed his teacup upon its saucer, leaning back and clasping his hands together upon the polished wood of his desk. There were many things that he expected to hear from her – many that involved Valentin, at least, considering she sometimes had the need to vent about his behavior; however, what was soon said had him feeling thoroughly taken aback.
     ❝F-Fiancé…?❞ Had Nuevillette heard that correctly? His brows furrowed a little, confusion, rare as it was, etched upon his features as he stared at she as if she had suddenly started speaking a completely different language. Did she also mention engagement? What in the world was all of this being dumped directly into his lap without any form of warning? ❝I…believe you are mistaken, Ioana. I do not remember ever having any such discussion with Valentin.❞ Honestly, he had assumed that the necklace he was given was just the other’s attempt at showing how serious he was about his intentions -- his means of physically making it clear to Neuvillette that this was indeed no game to him unlike with his other fleeting fancies. He had not expected it to be…well…this serious. Was this not something that should be asked? Something that should be made plain from the beginning? Then again, perhaps Vali believed that he would know the meaning behind what he had been given? Regardless, assumptions should not be made when it came to one’s future.
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guhamun · 3 months
@paramythas said (inbox):
It's a nice evening, with Neuvillette leaning against his chest as he reads, and the strigoi puts a careful little braid into the side of his head. Vali's fingers still, and he hums pensively as he reaches for something to tie the braid with and comes up with a sticker from one of his pockets instead of a ribbon. Ah, right... he had seen Winnie earlier, with Io in tow headed toward the Fortress... "Say, Iubit," he murmurs, tucking the sticker away and finding a ribbon in another pocket, "with the two of us each having our girls... do you think we should make one together, eventually?"
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THE EVENING HAD BEEN pleasant, so much so that he was almost tempted to close his eyes and fall asleep right there as Vali’s fingers moved through his hair. It was a nice decompressor after his such a busy day, and now that he could unwind, he was reminded of how tired he actually was when all was said and done. However, he wanted to read this book, and so until at least four chapters were read, Neuvillette absolutely refused to go to bed. Turning a page, he had been in the middle of a rather intense chase until the other’s words had his thoughts coming to a screeching halt. Wait…had he heard that correctly? Surely…surely Vali had not meant the words to come across as that, had he? It certainly would not have been the first time that Neuvillette had misunderstood what the other’s intentions and words were. Rather than say anything as of yet in regards to whatever this particular discussion was going to turn into, he opted for a rather neutral response.
     ❝I – come again?❞  
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guhamun · 5 months
@paramythas said (inbox):
"...so I understand there has been a... miscommunication." For once, Valentin appears thoroughly chastised, enough so that he appears for the discussion without either of his usual glamours in place. "In my defense, I was only being a bit... hyperbolic. I did not think she would take it so literally." Which is to say, without really saying, that Io reamed him for 'tricking' Neuvillette into an engagement, and tried to make him break it off before he explained himself. "My apologies for the scare, iubit. I assure you, my proposal will certainly be more... easy to discern as such." Well, there's at least something to be said for his being confident that he'll get that far... right?
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HMM…WELL, CONSIDERING THAT sometimes Valentin’s way of speaking left some things up to interpretation, Neuvillette wasn’t the least bit surprised the Ioana might have misunderstood. Even he, at times, struggled to figure out exactly what the other meant with his statements. He blamed it on tone more or less, coming across as either something akin to a tease, or in some cases, in a way that left one narrowing their eyes slightly as they believed him to mean another thing entirely. There was no sigh of relief that passed his lips. Nothing other than the relaxation of shoulders, slight as it was. Thank goodness. That would have been…far too fast for his liking, and the Iudex would have awkwardly had to step in and state as much. ❝I see. So, that was the way of it.❞ Hands clasping upon his desk, he leaned back against his seat, another sign of contentment if nothing else. ❝Thank you for coming to me and explaining the whole situation yourself.❞ Neuvillette was a man who enjoyed taking his time, and since he and Valentin held no worries about short lifespans, there was very little reason to rush things along.
      They could take their time.
      Whereas with humans they had time constantly nipping at their heels, there was really no such thing for either of them. Neuvillette had long since ceased aging, and Valentin was no longer touched by the affects of it either due to…circumstances. ❝Admittedly, I had been worried that I misread the meaning of this necklace that you have given me.❞ He lifted one of his hands, pressing it where the chain rested coolly upon his skin. ❝But it seems that was not the case.❞ He held very little desire to hurt feelings, and there was probably nothing more awkward, more painful, than proposing to another, just to have it turned down after working up the courage for it.
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nihilara · 6 months
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Their roots have taken hold inside your veins, your breath is shared now. Life grows from your flesh - an inescapable, floral infection. It will feast upon you until you have nothing left to give, it will trap you and make you unable to move forward. You know all this as you watch the flowers bloom just above your skin, their own petals stained with crimson - but isn't it nice to be needed, doesn't it feel good to have them depend on you for them to grow out of your not yet rotting corpse.
tagged: @deathsmaidens tagging: paramythas ( vali AND io ) , knghted , dvouer , efloresce , longerhuman , ravencollege ( crowley ) / cruelchild ,,, and whoever else wants to :) nab it so i can see what you get.
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nihilara · 6 months
@paramythas asked: thirst. the sender sinks their teeth into the neck of the receiver. (from io)
𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒. bared his throat, and given her permission to use it. the scar that wraps nearly the whole way around it is still very prominent-even now. a major factor in why he's been so reluctant, keeping it beneath a soft fabric collar. more so he doesn't have to look at it, or acknowledge that it is still a thing. stupid decisions, thoughtless mistakes. it's very difficult to explain away, but it's even harder for him to stop thinking about it after.
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the sting ( though dulled ) of teeth popping through his skin, pulls him from his thoughts. suddenly, and sharply, and it feels a bit like a lifeline.
kuro had to sit down for this, it made the task easier for them both. she is settled neatly in his lap, and he tries to keep his hands to himself. it was an equal exchange between them; blood for a chance at true, good sleep. it wouldn't do to take away the professionalism of a bargain like that, right? she makes that difficult too, the nature of her saliva, the pressure of her canines. of her tongue pushing there, to encourage blood to flow freely.
as io drinks, kuro's face grows hot. " little slower... please. "
it's less a pleading request, and more a suggestion. his blood will replenish itself quickly- enough for her to continue as long as she likes. of course, the more she takes, the more difficult it becomes to remain still. he wants to squirm, to move himself. and maybe... maybe he likes forcing himself to wait. to will his body to remain calm. oh, but she can feel his heart beating, a little quicker as his inevitable arousal grows.
perhaps it's the change in location that's made it exceptionally hard. usually they keep these feedings elsewhere. his thigh, his wrists- easily hidden away out of sight.
eventually, right towards the end, his hands to move. they come to her sides, right along the span of her ribs. she doesn't stop him, a kindness he assumes, as the feeling of her beneath his palms helps him somewhat. and as soon as her mouth leaves his neck-- he lets his head tilt back. exhaling a wordless noise, a breath he had been holding. -- kuro is not particularly ashamed of his state right now, she's seen him in a similar way before. albeit, not on top of him.
it takes only another moment for him to speak again. his voice coming out scratchy, and rough ( his throat feels terribly dry... ).
" ahh... are you full? " mm... he's a bit light headed too.
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nihilara · 6 months
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It’s a skill, to look inside yourself, one you have mastered.
The endless corridors and shifting thoughts are mapped to very carefully. This all takes time, of course. And those twisting hallways are so very difficult to map. It would be so easy to get lost. You know this space so well. Wouldn’t it be a lovely place to stay? So well-known and comforting. Why go back? How nice, how easy, to dissolve, to hide from the rest of the world and all the people in it. Why bother, when you are so good at looking inside yourself. Like enlightenment, the self. Retreating this far inwards is like retreating just as far out, into the vast ether. So comforting. The thing that was you looks at the thing that was the old woman.
There is no you anymore. Goodbye.
tagged by: @deathsmaidens tagging: @sosordid ( lloyd & daejeon ) , @paramythas ( vali & io ) , @mesmeraze , @girlfox , @efloresce , @longerhuman , @halothes / @artisaen , @scrtilegii ( robin ) , @waelahst , @knghted , @fateswallow ( EVE ) and YOU !! take this and tag me.
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guhamun · 9 months
@paramythas said (inbox):
There's a party for the Iudex's birthday, because of course there is. Valentin attends as a matter of course, and preens and socializes his way through the evening. However, as soon as the guest of honor departs- on schedule as ever- Vali slips away like a breeze, slinking into the shadows as is second-nature. When Neuvillette's door closes, he all but materializes against it, arms crossed and eyes bright. "Forgive me the intrusion," he murmurs, though he doubts the other wasn't expecting it, arms unfolding to reach for his hands, "but I assumed it would be best to present my gifts out of the public eye, hmm?" He nods behind the Iudex, where a considerable array of romaritime flowers and lakelight lilies rest- not plucked, but nestled into a little water garden. It's not his design, but it is his consideration, though he does still nearly fumble the next part as he hands over the small, slim box to Neuvillette, eyes peering off to the side. "I know- understand- that my intentions seem, to you, quite... uncouth. And I will admit, you are not entirely wrong." Levity is the intent, even as he watches the other man open the gift with a nervous swallow. "I think we both realize at this point, however, that if that was it, I would have long since moved on." The box, such as it is, contains a thin, silvery chain, from one end of which dangles a small blue gem. It has no clasp, but glows faintly, and Vali shoves his hands into his pockets to hide his fidgeting. "So I offer you this. It can only be closed by my hand- and only be removed by yours. If you accept, then- were you to remove it, you would never be subjected to my... attentions again. I cannot deprive either of us of our companionship after all these years, Neuvillette. But I can respect a decision made. Just know," he adds, expression fond, "that if you choose to accept, I will be... quite more forward about my intentions. In private, of course." His fists clench in his pockets, and he bends to pretend to study the little makeshift garden he's had made for any issues. (He knows he won't find any. Io's work is always immaculate.) "You needn't answer tonight but... I hope this makes my intentions a bit more... palatable." Then at last he allows himself a bit more liberty (though some would say his presence in these chambers is liberty enough) and turns, head dipping down to press chastely against the Iudex's forehead. "Happy birthday, iubit."
      NEUVILLETTE HADN’T REALLY BEEN surprised by this birthday party that was thrown for him. The Melusines were terrible at hiding anything from him, but for their sake, he had pretended as if he hadn’t caught onto what they, and the others, were up to. Truly there was no need for any celebration of this kind considering he had long since ceased counting. However, he held no complaint to this, attending the celebration and acting as if he hadn’t taken note of any scurrying about. Neuvillette was not a social creature. He stayed long enough to be polite, although when given the opportunity to leave for the evening, he slipped away, returning to his office if only to grab a couple of drawing that had been left for him as birthday gifts, among other things. Door closed with a faint click, he made his way over to his desk, knowing full well that he was not alone. ❝Valentin,❞ he greeted, turning his head a little to show he acknowledged their presence, even if his gaze was currently upon the plethora of flowers awaited him. Within the dimness of his office, the lakelight lilies were even more beautiful in all their radiant light.
      He may have expected Vali’s approach, nevertheless he did not expect this. Each of the flowers even sat within their own water garden, the plants allowed to thrive rather than be plucked for his sake. How thoughtful this was. After allowing his gaze to linger upon the display a little longer, only then did he turn to fully look upon his present company, a hint of intrigue captured within his eyes that any would have been able to see. There were things that he intended on saying, words of heartfelt thanks for the effort it must have taken to design this – he did not have a chance, though, for long before he had even opened his mouth, he had known that Vali had more to say just from how uncertain he seemed. Blinking, a thin brow rose slightly, easily missed within that near darkness when a small box was presented to him.
      What was this?
      With nimble fingers he began to open it, careful and precise even as he pulled the top free and could see what lied within. He could sense the magic surrounding that seemingly simple chain easily; the soft glow illuminating where stone lay. Neuvillette listened, eyes narrowing just a little, albeit, not with displeasure. He was taken aback by this sincerity. ❝Are you attempting to court me?❞ That was such an odd thing to say when for years the Strigoi had been flirtatious and rather free with their intimacies. They were prone to whimsies and adorations rather easily, yet growing bored just as quickly when the novelty wore off. Truthfully, he assumed they would eventually grow tired of constantly pursuing him after being met with brick wall after brick wall, what desires they had for him in a more physical sense, fading away. Placing the top gently back upon the other’s gift, his expression became pensive once again.
     ‘You needn’t answer tonight.’
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     No, he didn't intend to. This was something that he needed to mull over, and time was necessary for that. He could still feel the where their lips had been upon his skin; distracting, temporarily holding his attention until he could focus on more important matters. ❝I thank you for your gift – for all of what you have brought me on my birthday.❞ A pause, lingering for but a moment as he cut to the heart of the matter. ❝I ask that you await my decision patiently. You will have your answer when that day comes.❞ He didn’t give a particular time limit to himself as Neuvillette was the kind of individual who never made decisions lightly. He knew that Vali would understand, so there was no need to state anything further on that particular fact. ❝If I do accept, however, I expect you to be serious.❞ His gaze softened, so easily missed as many of his more subtle mannerisms often were to most.
     ❝That would be all I wish of you.❞
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nihilara · 5 months
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" hello... again. " brows furrow slightly. " here to actually buy something this time, if you have what i... need. "
@paramythas ( io ) / sc
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nihilara · 6 months
@paramythas asked: "If you're hungry, there's ramen in the bottom cupboard next to the fridge." Which is odd, because Io doesn't... eat food. "If you make a mess though, you're cleaning it up."
𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐀 𝐁𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐆𝐘. but he managed well enough; getting to his feet so he could wander to the kitchen. which, is stocked with just enough food that kuro can remain happy when he stays here. it's not lost on him that io doesn't eat the things he does. and it isn't the first time she's done it. she'd even provided him with pots and pans to use for cooking. " ahh thanks-- " upon looking, he realizes she has also gotten him brands he really enjoys. was it an accident? kuro thinks so, but a small part of him would like to think it was intentional.
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as he preps his pot, and gets it on the stove... he imagine io going to the store to pick these things out. the vampire really doesn't strike him as someone who shops for things often. a moment later-- his head pokes out of the kitchen, a slight tilt to his head. " i know you have to drink uh... blood. but-- can you eat? like, food food? just to enjoy it if you wanted? " he really hasn't ever seen her eat, aside from. well. which makes plenty of sense. " like uh junk food. " a pause, the question feels dumb.
-- but he may as well " or would that kill you or something... "
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nihilara · 6 months
@paramythas asked: "Hey. Tree. C'mere." Io, hands on hips, stands in front of a set of shelves. The customers currently in the shop are mortal as hell, so she has to do this the hard way. "Gimme a hand reaching those jars up there, huh?"
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐏 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐃𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃𝐋𝐘, 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐋. kuro hadn't seen some of this kind of stuff in a long time. granted, half of it was a scam or based out of superstition. but he's been around long enough to pick some of it out by a thorough look over. if he had an actual need for half of it, he'd probably spend more money. he's reading over the ingredients of a packet when she grabs his attention.
hey, tree --- fine, deserved. he's taller than average...
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kuro looks from her, to the jars in question. don't they have a step stool, or a ladder or something? still, despite himself, he puts away what he'd been looking at. and moves to help her out. reaching quite easily for her, and handing it over. " my name is kuro by the way. " he says it with a smile, and an easy tone. " oh -- i saw you working with a few people early, actually. do you happen to have something here to help with sleep? " immortality be damned, he still needs it. badly...
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