#<— click link in desc. for ref
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literally WHAT is bro saying!!!?
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neptuniadoesstuff · 4 months
Introduction Thing Ig... So.. Welcome to the Basement?
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(Plz click the read more to see all of the text)
(Yeh this is a remake of my introduction post, but we don't talk about that-)
So yeh, welcome to this.. place... This is where I store all of my art & whatever I can think of. So, you will expect:
Art (Usually Fandom-based or OC based)
Art WiPs (That of ATs, DTs, & Character Refs)
Meems (Except I'm not funny so don't expect many)
& Stoopid Garbage like my rambles & crud.
(Although reminder that my art can & will be 13+ as it will contain things like g0r3, Cannibalism, & even death, I'm just uncomfy with anyone under 13 actually interacting with me due to my past experience back on Screb... But if you are kind enough maybe I'll let you talk to me, I'm pretty friendly but I do have some problems irl so keep in mind..)
My Bio (Full):
|| Name: Bubs | Aliases: N (If you know me irl), Neptunia | Gender: Female, She/Her | Age: 15 (I'm a minor, so leave me alone if yur an 18+ only/mature acc) | Height: Blob-Sized, May be a bit chonky lol | Pride: AroAce | Other: Big fan of MO: Astray & an avid enjoyer of Blobs ||
Birthday: December 26.
Zodiac: Capricorn. (I don't take zodiacs seriously though tbh, I just think they're a bit neat to say.)
IQ Level: Moron.
If you know who I am, I'm BuggoBlobs from Scratch (Sadly due to the whole banning fiasco bcs of someone mass reporting me for calling them out on their bs.... Lets say things didnt end well for me..)
So yeh erm... that's why I'm here....? (Well not rlly, I have known about Tumblr for a long time, except I only made an acc this year due to a frend of mine (REDACTED) making an acc on here, so I thought "Let's do the same thing" & here we are)
(Funfact: I'm quite anti-social irl & only have like... 2 irl frends but I only talk to one-)
My Mascots/Sonas ig-:
Neppy ◆/♠︎/♣︎ (Main Mascot) (You will see her... A LOT, so be ready) (Her Ref & TH Page)
Bubs (Design coming soon) ◆ (This is my persona/irlsona btw)
JJ Sam Green ♣︎/♠︎ (Mascot) (His Ref & TH Page) (TW: Can contain sensitive info) (You can also see his full ref here)
Jayden/Greeny ♥︎/♣︎ (Mascot) (His Ref & TH Page)
(Symbol Meanings: ♥︎ = Comfort. ♣︎ = Favorite. ◆ = Sona. ♠︎ = Just think they're neat lookin.)
Content warnings!
Sometimes horrifying imagery
Semi-graphic descs of charcters.
OC with Scars
My Socials ig:
Screb (I have 2 accs on there.but one got murked... At least i have a back up ig? Welp. The one that got murked is a archive now so yeah...), Tumblr (Your Here lol), ToyHouse (Where all of my OCs whom I created/put on there exist)
Or you can use my Carrd here. I don't mind tbh. (+ Having a Carrd is much easier to link than all of my Socials.)
Fandoms (I'm in ig):
MO: Astray (Fave Game)
Hollow Knight
DNU (Doctor Nowhere Universe)
Oh yeah this includes content I make of/for but not in. (Like TES & Fallout)
(Reminder: Just bcs I sometimes make content about smtn I'm not a part of doesn't mean I'm actually a part of that thing's Fandom, like example, some of my OCs in Fandoms I used to be in/aren't apart of.)
Some of my original trash (In no actual order bcs I'M NOT NEAT & TIDY!):
Mortal's Curse/Terminal Archina/PoL (Same Universe as AoE/A2P)
Endoterr's Vail (Project Cata nka Oblivion Monroe &
RoTG (Realm of the Gods)
BloopTopia/LoA (Land of Ackezelle) (Aka World of Eeross)
Silver Valley
Soul Seekers
Noirvillah? (A part of a universe owned by my frend Ashe)
A Stargazer's Diary
And whatever else I have
My TOS (You will see it a lot in my art-based posts)
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
So yeh, if you my any see a PNS in my drawings, that means it says, "Plz No Steal". DO NOT SEAL MY ART!
DNI If you do any of these:
Taking my art w/o permission (This includes Tracing, copying, recoloring, or just straight up saying it's your art. Bcs I take lots of time making art & you taking my art w/o permission hurts me) (It will not only matter if it was made for you & only you but plz frikin credit me if you post it)
Being weird to me or my characters/designs. (Just... don't... I'm AroAce (+ a Minor) & that makes me uncomfortable tbh... Look even if I do make a character with a certain body type/looks that's kinda "sus", does not allow you to make weird comments about them at all)
The average hate comments, harassment, bullying, & spamming/threats thing. We all know those 4, right? Just be a frikin decent person for crying out loud. (You can dislike me & my art all you want, idc tbh. Just don't go harassing me on multiple levels to the point IT WILL MAKE ME HAVE A MENTAL BREAKDOWN!) (Also, these 4 count for my frends here. Again, be a decent person. I'm watching you..) (Also, this rule includes nor respecting me, just plz respect everyone with kindness... Thanks.)
Pestering/threatening me to draw you smtn. (I work hard on my drawings + I have a life outside of here, so don't expect me to draw you smtn since I only draw for my frends & myself. If you really want art from me, pay in art, idc how bad the art is, art is art & I have no biases when it comes to it as everyone has their own style.)
LGBTQ-Phobes/Menaces to certain groups of ppl who did nothing wrong but exist. (This is a LGBTQ+ Safe place)
Creeps, Weirdos, & ppl who ship problematic ships. (Like don't be any of those plz... Especially the weirdos who like children or animals WAY TOO MUCH.)
(Edit) Making false accusations/hateful comments of my friends. Be a goddamn decent human being for the love of God or ill have to report you.
(Not strictly but I do get uncomfortable) following any adults only/18+ acc on here. Yeh I just don't really interact with anyone who is currently following a 18+ acc bcs it just.. weird..
Breaking any of these DNI Rules can get you blocked BY ME! So be careful...
My Mutuals/Friends:
@oregon-or-the-grave (Ashe/Oregon), @mor-meowcat (Abi), @viellohi (Vie), @somepersonyouknow (Mia), @spiasshdown (Splesh).
(4 of them are literally from Screb & only one I know IRL- It's a whole bag of worms lol-)
Anyways my side blogs bcs I said so:
The Official Mortal's Curse Blog (Ask/RP OC Blog)
My Species Storage Blog (Lore QnA/Original Species Blog) (Originally a Ref Sheet storage Blog)
My MO: Astray AU Blog called Timeline-Breaker (Ask/RP/AU)
So yeh... Thats its rlly for this post... Hope you enjoyed yur stay, & remember, always stay a goober! Even in the toughest times.
(Art is by me btw, Plz don't take. :( )
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fainthedcherry · 2 years
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I see; Commissions using this, custom chara comms being displayed, YCHs WITH this sheet specifically as commercial btw. If you use it for such, credit me, nothing else required.
(If you got your own art on the sheet, and you credited me at all you're safe, don't worry then! Linking back to the sheet also suffices.)
so long you STRICTLY credit via any social media under the sun or aforementioned sheet I got out there, you're safe.
(I got many, so I won't take that for an excuse, of you not finding me under the same name, through several social medias lol. I even list on my Tumblr where else to find me. If you DO misuse my sheet commercially without credit, I'm not afraid to report someone for misuse of my own material I provided via limited permissions. This doesn't apply to non-commercial art tho.)
No credit non-commercially required. I'd appreciate the gesture, but I get credit is annoying, just please don't claim you made it by yourself, I beg, lol. I didn't spend 3 FREE hours on that, after all for nothing. You can claim though your art of course as yours. Just not the sheet itself, hope that's not confusing. If there's questions, feel free to reach out, you won't disturb my time by being mindful at all over my arguably simple rules. xD
Might as well also post this one I've done not too long ago!! I love height-sheets. They're the greatest ref out there, LOL. Buuut- sonic height-sheets don't exist out there...So I made my own almost a year ago!! It's completely F2U, no credit required (though attribution would be a nice thing to do, in case you add it, thanks! ♥).
I also provided my example art in another post, if you wanna see, what it'd be like filled out. Since I struggle with visualizing heights and cm and etc, to do with numbers (might have dyscalculia FYI, already got an appointment for that in check possibly lately) andd the added bonus of imperial systems clashing with the classic other one whose name I keep forgetting lol, Iii just made a sheet with heads. If you prefer using round heads which are NOT human in nature, this sheet ofc can also be used outside of sonic stuff. xD
Little warning aswell, in case someone will complain in the future over if Ill have to unfortunately report someone lol
If you didn't read through my GIANT BLOCK, explaining where and on WHAT you need to credit, then it's not my fault, in case your art or account gets taken down, as that warning ahead was there for a REASON. Ignorance gets punished.
I just hope somebody else out there will appreciate it, since I was frustrated I found nothing on the 'net for this specific fandom!!
Btw, if you don't know how to download these, just right click or if on phone, long-tap the image, until you get a window, where you can copy or save the image. Hope that helps!! : )
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pointedly-foolish · 4 years
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as usual, click on the image for a higher quality
ref of kaede for the angst au ft. slight redesign of lunatic’s costume lmao
date: 21/06/20-31/07/20
like my work? consider ordering a commission // buying me a coffee // checking out my art tag or my masterlist | links can be found on my desc
alternatively, if you want to assault people’s eyes:
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cat-astrophism · 4 years
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Customs I got from two peeps on DeviantArt, silver-of-the-gold (left) and waruthefur (right)! I’m going to make refs for them soon, too! But, I will include those in a post with multiple refs, because later imma design some JJBA fankids!
Profiles here: https://toyhou.se/7647598.overdrive#24799174
And here (wip for now, tho it may be done by the time you click the link lol): https://toyhou.se/7650998.unnamed-needs-desc
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pointedly-foolish · 5 years
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as usual, click the image for a higher quality
me? making a kimetsu no yaiba oc because im pining? no way, preposterous
what do you mean i cant keep using the same oc for multiple fandoms?
anyway im a lazy bum so you best believe im reusing the same oc model for all the fandoms i go into
might fuck around and make a ref of them tho :blurryeyes:
me: sideeyes my mountain of wips
me: yes, developing their backstory is in order
date: 12/12/19
like my work? consider ordering a commission // buying me a coffee // checking out my art tag or my masterlist | links can be found on my desc
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