#<- impatient and just wants to sleep
cconfusedkat · 1 month
Unlike you wool haired liberals, I don't do co-ops. What? Everybody does co-ops?
Made just in time for Unholy Alliance update tomorrow!!! Excited to change my player option as Goat forever now 🐐🐐🐐
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scoliosisgoblin · 6 months
Do you still draw YB content? What do you think of day 4?
yeah I still draw yb, majority of my stuff is yb rn. I just mainly draw a human version of him
I'm not a patron to the creators (I don't fw them) so I can't play the game and have to go off of videos and spoilers, so here's my thoughts so far (SPOILERS OFC):
- love the point and click style they're going for, I enjoy those games a lot so I am biased
- I'm a fan of Peter letting yn walk around and explore things at their own pace. when I'm in a new home or a friend's place, I often need to be left alone to allow myself to settle in and tend to feel smothered if someone's always over my shoulder when exploring etc (it also reminds me of when I got my cats and left them to wonder around on their own)
- what the fuck are windows 🙏🙏🙏
- apparently you both sleep together if you do the kind route??? WHAT WHY. I HATE THAT. PETER IS REALLY OUT OF CHARACTER FOR THAT 💀💀💀 I always thought of him as the type of guy to want his first time to be special tf was that?? (I'm also asexual so obv I'm not exactly looking forward to that type of stuff)
- I find it cute when Peter's working, autism be damned my boy can type!!!
- it's also super cute he gave us the bigger room and kept the small room for himself. also are all the stuff in our room stolen from us or did he buy the same/similar stuff?
- I love Rat, hope she gets more love and attention going on in the game 🙏🙏🙏
- also apparently you get to vaguely see files of pictures he took of you and he refuses to show it to you for some reason? or maybe that's not day 4? idek I hate that, Peter would show it off if anything
- the end of day 4, abusive route, I kinda like that? it's very interesting to me, how he'd do all that. I hate that he make yn nude but what the fuck am I supposed to do about it 🗿
Conclusion: lot of things to love, the writing is still something I'm not a fan of though
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
That LCSYS and OoA crossover got me wondering about Fuuta.
How does he feel about being in Mahiru's place and Amane being in his place? How does he act around them?
How does he act during his interrogation?
Poor guy isn't cut out for this role, but he's doing his best! I had some format fun with this one -- I took your OoA chapter of his interrogation and put Fuuta's LCSyS thoughts in between, I think it worked out well! I discovered some new things about Fuuta's mindset in the au through the process of writing, it was really interesing :0
(Trigger warnings for suicidal thoughts, including a brief mention of Haruka's situation. There's also something about Fuuta repeatedly stopping Es from getting Shidou.)
Fuuta heard Es' footsteps approaching. He took a measured breath. In and out. His exhale trembled a bit from nerves. He figured he could use that to his advantage.
Es entered the cell and took in the layout. Fuuta was propped up in a hospital bed, his neck and torso securely braced and his left arm in a sling. He was kneading a Jackalope stress toy with his right hand, digging his nails into it. More stress toys stood on the table to his right, and Es almost tripped on one a few feet ahead. As Fuuta saw Es approaching, he dropped what he was holding and swatted the rest out of his reach.
"Been a… while, Warden," Fuuta said. Es was expecting more malice in his tone, but he sounded like his life force was draining.
Fuuta hadn't liked the idea of playing the damsel in distress. He wasn't some sickly bedridden patient with a quivering voice and trembling limbs. Thankfully, Mahiru and Mikoto had talked him into taking a different angle: some of their favorite books and movies featured a battle-weary hero, weak from the fight and scorning the cowards that didn't fight alongside him. That seemed doable, he thought. He put an extra pant into his breath, hoping to evoke the thought of messy wounds from his brawl with Kotoko.
"Fuuta… you…" They pulled a chair to the side of the table and took a seat. "Are you okay?"
That's their opening? What kind of fucking question is that?
He kept Mahiru's pointers in his head, picturing a bloodied and bandaged knight, or maybe an action hero resting up after getting riddled with bullets. He forced his voice to come out more tired than he felt.
"…look like it?" Fuuta responded. If he was angry, his voice did a terrible job of showing it.
Es didn't know how to respond. Do I look like it? was obviously a rhetorical question, but they needed to show some tact.
After a moment, Fuuta spoke up again. "…look awful… don't I?"
Still unsure of what to say, Es nodded slightly.
Heh. Good. Time to twist the knife a bit. Play the confident card, make them feel guilty. They'll see how strong I am -- how strong I've always been -- and what a mistake it was to let me fall so far.
"Could've been worse. Could've died."
Es stared down, pondering their next words. Several seconds passed.
Fuuta watched them. He felt a sinking in his stomach. Their sullen silence wasn't what he'd been anticipating. He wouldn't have been satisfied with a lot of possible responses, but he'd still been expecting something. Where was their respect? Their remorse? Their pity? Anything? He reached his arm out.
A loud knock on the table got their attention.
"Oi… talking to you." Fuuta's irritated glare met Es as they lifted their head.
"I'm sorry," they said, "I'm… I'm not sure what I can say."
"Don't know what to say? I almost died because of… you don't know… Even so, it's a miracle I … If Shidou had taken any longer, would've been over for me. Don't blame him, though.
I think I've said too much -- Shidou said only a few sentences at a time...
It was impossible to keep it short, though. Es just told him that they have nothing to say in defense of his near-death. Did he really mean so little to Es that they wouldn't even dignify him with an explanation?
"…Oi, say something."
"Sorry won't cut it." Fuuta sounded more pained than angry.
That was easier to accomplish now that he was actually feeling some pain. After everything, all Es had to say was a half-hearted "sorry."
So, they really don't care about me...
Es took a breath. "…Kotoko did this to you?"
Well then, I guess I'll just have to make them care.
"No sh… agh…" Fuuta gasped for air.
"Fuuta!" Es got up and walked to his side. "I'll go get Shidou-"
"Don't!" Fuuta's eyes betrayed his desperation.
Only when my pain is thrown directly in my face do they give a damn. And they were going running off to Shidou, anyway! Though maybe...
After they locked eyes for a few moments, Fuuta let out a chuckle. "Look … you … down on me, like always. Must be so happy to see…"
"I- no, I'm not. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't think Kotoko would-"
"Beat me to near-death? What'd you expect … you affirmed her…"
"…thought she wouldn’t have … same crime here in…"
It seemed Es was finally listening, finally trying to open themself to him. And all of the sudden, Fuuta hated it. He felt paranoid under their gaze. He wasn't sure if it was fear of them seeing through his false injuries, or fear of another judgement from them. Regardless, he felt his pulse race with the way they were watching him.
"Oi, quit standing… staring…"
"I’m sorry, I didn't think-"
"Useless… apology…"
But what else could Es do besides apologize? Stand their ground and contradict Fuuta while he was in that pitiful state?
Fuuta was tired of their weak apologies. If Es had the conviction to name him guilty, they should toughen up and admit it.
With a deep breath, Fuuta forced himself to stay slumped into the bedsheets. He was getting riled up, but couldn't afford to look to strong.
"Really didn't think it'd… turn out… Me too. All I did… call some bad person out… say what's wrong was wrong…"
Es' gaze had become intense again. Those eyes, staring into his. Studying his injuries. Studying his expression.
"Their reasons were b-" Fuuta gasped and clutched his chest. Es began to turn towards the door, but Fuuta grabbed their cape with his right hand.
Why can't they just offer help themself? Why do they go running off to someone else at the first sign of trouble? Am I really so disliked they can't face me?
Es swatted his hand away. "Hey, you can't just grab me like that."
"Don't dare…"
"Fine, I won't get Shidou. Yet." Es stood in place and waited for Fuuta to regain his voice.
Fuuta pretended to catch his breath, using the time to muster up something to say. If he wasn't so insistent on Es taking some responsibility for themself, he'd consider letting them call Shidou and just end this whole interrogation. He was ready to jump up and start swinging.
He itched to leap out of bed and give Es a real piece of his mind. He repeated the others' advice and pleading for him to keep his temper in check for the sake of the experiment. He thought of Amane -- how eagerly she awaited her own interrogation. All of this had been her plan, after all. As miserable as he was, he wouldn't ruin everything before she got her turn.
No, I will not steal her trial.
"You judged me… said I was unforgivable… without the whole story… How's that any different?"
"Excuse me?"
"That's so hypo- khh!" Fuuta slammed his hand on the table, trying to play it off as an emphasis, but that didn't mask his pain.
"Careful, Fuuta! You'll hurt-" Es gave up on that concern when Fuuta glared.
Pssh, like they actually care.
"Someone died because of you. You're saying I'm the same?"
"I didn't think they'd die!"
"But you knew people would dogpile them."
"I wasn't acting alone. Anyone else… out of my control… Why'd you pick me…"
"Milgram has judged-"
"Milgram doesn't make any f-"
Maybe Es should have put their foot down and called Shidou regardless of Fuuta's wishes. But something compelled them to hear him out. "Don't push yourself."
He tried to gauge if they were being sincere. He wasn't sure if he only mistook it as genuine concern since he was hoping for that so very badly.
Fuuta was clearly annoyed, but he took a breath and continued. "Still don't see it? We're just the same!"
"Me? The same as you?" Es couldn't deny Fuuta's point. They both made their judgments without thinking that someone could be seriously hurt—or dead.
That's got their mind turning, huh? I've got 'em now -- even if they don't feel like taking responsibility for my condition, I can subtly get them to take responsibilty for anothers'.
Fuuta was not known for his subtlety.
"I'll tell you. They were just in middle school. Maybe closer to Amane… than you…"
"Amane…" Es already knew this from what they gleaned from Fuuta's first video, but it didn't register how close in age their victims were. Wait, why were they thinking of Amane as a victim? "Amane… huh… I noticed you two have been spending a lot of time together lately."
"You kidding? Don't change the subject... You don't talk about her like… Only one who cared before everything went to hell. You made her go through it. Decided she wasn't forgivable… painted a target… She could've died too! Then we'd be exactly…"
"Don't put me on the same level as you."
He took another moment to calm himself. His "broken" arm clenched into a fish underneath the blankets. It made sense that Es wouldn't want to talk about the other prisoners during his interrogation, but their avoidance of Amane made his blood boil.
"Are you not-"
"I'm just doing my job. Nobody told you to go online and decide who are bad people and harass them. You made a game out of judgment. This is what I'm supposed to do."
Fuuta laughed at Es for still failing to acknowledge their similarities. Then he winced in pain. Then he kept laughing and mocking Es for taking their job seriously.
It was difficult to keep up the act the whole time, but he was always quick to recover each time he slipped up. He was doing this for the others. All hope for himself was lost, but at least he could do this for the others.
Es snapped back. A pointless, cyclical conversation. Fuuta stopped Es from calling Shidou no less than three times.
If he had to sit here and suffer through this interrogation, so did Es.
Eventually, the bell brought the conversation to a halt.
Why was Fuuta so quiet?
"Hey… Fuuta?" Es leaned over to get a better look at his face. His eyes seemed glassy, and he seemed to be breathing more slowly. "Fuuta… I'll go get-"
"Don't. Not worth…"
"Worth what?"
"If you're not going to… forgive… what's the point… living?"
Fuuta would just chalk it up to getting too in-character, when the others asked.
"Don't say-"
"Everything hurts so much."
This feeling of betrayal. Of loneliness. The fact that I was the first named unforgiven. The fact that I'd be the first attacked, making me the victim -- not a hero, nor a warrior. The fact that you knew all along. You knew I was none of those things. You saw right through my act, to the real me, the one who is a victim. And that's why you acted the way that you did. You're trying to do your job without hurting me any more, as if I'm something fragile to be handled carefully. And that hurts most of all.
To keep things on track, he added,
"Painkillers don't help… Strange wonder I survived. Is it really worth it?"
"Worth it…" What could Es even say about that? Anything they could think of was either more unwanted pity or…
A cold accusation that Fuuta was bargaining his life for forgiveness. Es's thoughts flitted back to Haruka's interrogation- no, that comparison was unfair. Haruka's loaded intentions were worlds away from Fuuta's resignation. How could Es dare…
"I understand… this job requires resolve…"
"Resolve? You really have resolve… just kill me. With your own two hands. Don't hide behind the rules."
Look who's talking...
"I can't do that. I can't sink to the prisoners' level. It's my job as the warden to make a fair judgement. I… I have to judge each and every one of you… no matter how much they plead, cry, or bargain… even if they are dying right in front of me."
"What is even the point? You give a damn about my life, forgive me! If not, kill me… get it over with."
The words came tumbling out. Fuuta tried not to think so hard about what he was saying. It was all in character. That was it.
For some reason, he got the sinking sensation that he'd be pulled aside later to explain himself. He wasn't sure who'd get to him first. Yuno? Shidou? Kotoko? Now that he thought about it, it would probably be Mahiru.
"Bargaining tactics won't work with me."
"Not like I care. Or… if I get out of this alive, I'll… kill… you…"
"Fine by me. If we truly are the same, then I'll have had it coming. Now, Prisoner no. 3, Fuuta, sing your sins."
Fuuta breathed a sigh of relief.
Fucking finally...
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sunnydaworm · 2 months
Honestly I hate having a hyperfixation on a show
Especially one that already ended and is short/ or is a show still in production or is about to end production. Like GIVE ME MORE IM HUNGRY. I MUST CONSUME MORE CONTENT. But also I won’t watch leaks because that’s rude as hell don’t do that dont redistribute leaked content because it most likely will upset the creator and the people who worked hard on it so unless it’s officially released I will hold myself back. But anyway- GIVE ME MORE SMILING FRIENDS AND MURDER DRONES AND HELLUVA BOSS PLEASE!!!
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running-in-the-dark · 2 months
my niece is staying with us for the whole weekend for the first time. until now it's always been one night only, not two.
it's the second night now and I have already decided this is not happening again anytime soon. I'm so fucking exhausted. it'd be less exhausting if it was my nephew, I think - he's older and also doesn't need as much help (even when he was her age).
I love my niece but she just asks so many questions. like when we're watching a show or a movie, even if it's one she has seen before (even multiple times), she doesn't understand what's going on and constantly asks me to explain everything. I don't mind it, really, but it does take a lot of energy. plus tonight it took over two hours for her to fall asleep because she was scared by the noises of the house and the nearby road. I get it, but damn I'm so fucking tired, I just want to sleep 😭
#my nephew will get to stay for two nights soon so that it's fair and everything#but then I think we'll go back to one night only for a while#I just can't sleep when someone else is here. and I do not handle being tired well. or rather being even more tired than usual#so yeah no this is too much#I'm so glad I don't have children. I literally would not survive#we played board games with her today. her idea. she chose the gsme#but it was so fucking difficult.....#I think most kids would have understood this game at like. 10 maybe. probably before that really#she's 12 and a half and just did not get it at all#she's got difficulties learning and she's finally getting (more) help for that in school now but I'm really.. a bit shocked that it took#this long for her parents to accept that#she's a great kid but it's been obvious since she started school that she needs more help#so anyway yeah it's 3am and I think she finally fell asleep after I put Charmed on for her#I've got a massive headache and I'm so fucking tired I feel like I'm losing my mind lol#couldn't sleep last night & I hope it's better tonight. but having someone else here is stressful.#ugh I wish this wasn't so hard for me. I want to be the fun aunt (I'm their only aunt.. aunt-like person... whatever) but I know I get more#and more impatient when they're here. I hate that. but I can't change it. I've tried! for 10 years! but it didn't work#don't get me wrong - I'm never mean or angry with them. I just get somewhat annoyed and I know it's noticeable and I hate that#they don't seem to mind. they love visiting us. but I don't like it because I hated the way adults treated me when I was a kid so I want to#be better#:(#anyway I have to sleep now or tomorrow will be hell :)#personal
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the urge to write vs the urge to create a sim and make them a famous best selling author to live through vicariously
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irritablepoe · 5 months
the day has passed (almost) and still i have nothing to say
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lovelyhan · 1 year
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old-stoneface · 11 months
gaahhhhh...i feel like my brain and whole body and everything is melting ! at least i got some good sleep today
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teruthecreator · 1 year
it’s only getting worse -__-
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Forcing myself to do yoga because I am far too sedentary and my body is rebelling.
Stupid human bodies and their stupid exercise requirements. And eating requirements. And drinking requirements.....sleep is ok tho. Sleep can stay.
I want a refund
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zionchubby14 · 7 months
Ugh, why is this delivery taking some long?
I am waiting on something that was being shipped today, arriving between 11:30 am and 3:30 pm, and I'm tired from lackluster sleep these last few days. I just want it to get here so I can get some sleep.
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indecisive-dizzy · 8 months
I'm good at getting up really early in the morning no matter when I fall asleep.
The price I pay for this? The Shakes (TM)
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nighttimealone · 4 days
Cw: Nsfw (consent)
Sleeping with Simon means you might wake up from the tingling yet comfortable feeling coming from your breast, still disoriented from the slumber, letting out a sleepy whimper as the pleasure keeps coursing through your spine like tiny lightnings.
“Morning.” Simon doesn’t even detach his lips from your nipples as he greets you, lapping lazily and rolling the little peaks with his hot tongue.
“Simon…” Your fingers card through his locks to encourage him, he’s always extra horny in the early morning, but the eagerness in his movements is more evident now than the other days, practically burying his face in your breasts. “What got you so worked up today?” you ask him between the moans caused by his antics, his intentional sucking on one of your sensitive buds makes you unable to hold back a whiny cry of bliss.
“Wake up and see you sleeping in my arms, safe and sound…” Simon huffs out a laugh when he gives your nipples a nip, eliciting a yelp on you “You wearing my shirt, leaning against my chest, just the right angle for me to peek in the collar and see those cute nipples of yours…”
“It’s not my fault, you told me to wear one of your shirts last night.” Your pouty facade can’t be kept on for long, not when he finishes taking good care of your now fully hardened nipples, peppering kisses on his way downwards, as if memorizing your body and claiming his territory again with those pink love bites.
“And you’re the one who chose the thinnest and loosest shirt, ain’t you?” Taking your clothed clit between his lips, he smirks as he dart out his tongue, pressing down forcefully at your core and toying it skillfully, so you’ll throw your head back on the pillow and grind your needy pussy against his lips, begging for more with those sugar-coated pleas. “Fuck, all greedy and soaked just from me worshipping your tits, sweetheart? Who’s the eager one now, eh?”
“Just…Just pull down the panties already, god…” Not enough, your mind screams for more, yearns for his lips directly touching your wet folds.
“Bossy.” He chastises you, like you’re an impatient girl craving for candies, but he won’t deny you—or deny himself, from tasting what he’s been wanting since he woke up this morning.
Pulling down your panties and let it pull around your ankles, not even sparing time to take it off properly, he dives back between your thighs, wet tongue gliding through your core, drinking down those nectar as you reach out and push his face down further, the crook of his nose nudging your clit so good that you roll your hips to meet his consistent onslaught.
“Bloody hell, princess…smells so fucking good.” He groans, a low and half-growling one which only worsen your insatiable desires. Even when he lifts his head slightly to speak, his hands immediately move in, sliding two thick and long fingers into your dripping cunt, pumping and pressing the correct spots to make you scream out his name.
“Trying to wake the neighbors up with those cute moans, huh? ‘m not sure if they’ll feel grateful.” Thumbs spreading your pussy lips, he latches onto the now-exposed clit, bringing you another level of joy by sucking that twitching little thing.
“Simon! Si- oh, gonna…” You try to warn him before you get pushed over the edge abruptly, liquid gushing out and smearing his face, only for him to moan contently and make sure not to miss any drop.
“What a sight…” Straightening up and looking at the pool of mess staining the bedsheets, before his gaze travel to you face, eyes still blurry and cheeks tinted with rosy red, panting and quivering after squirting so hard for him, Simon smacks your pussy teasingly, earning another delectable whimper from you. “Squirting all over the sheets, will have to change it later.”
“Can’t go another round, baby…” You look down at him the moment his lips touch your puffy folds once again, big eyes meeting his dark ones with satisfaction and tiredness, but your protest is cut off by a soft smack on right on your trembling clit, and further words are replaced with moans when he ducks down to resume devouring his favorite meal, pressing a reassuring kiss to your pussy and croon. “Won’t stop until you squirt again for me, you can do it, love, and you will do it.”
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enchantedlandcoffee · 9 months
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slutofpsh · 2 months
strip for me.
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part four
pairings: hyungline x reader
synopsis: hyung line got you trapped in a situation that you can’t get away from.
wc: 8.4k
warnings: heavy smut, minors dni, fivesome, bullying (not promoting violence or bullying), degrading, dirty talks, curses, masturbation, hyung line being mean. this is not proof read.
note: this is not the end for strip for me so calm down. we have more to come. the next part will be heeseung’s solo part. anyway, i know it took time so please enjoy it. reblogs and replies are highly encouraged. this is not proof read so excuse the errors for now. let me know your thoughts by sending me asks. thank you so much.
part one; two; three
slutofpsh 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“we’re going to have so much fun...” jake stated meaningfully before winking at you.
your steps halt from approaching the chair they reserved for you. their eyes are fully focused that despite the teacher’s continuous rambling about the project, they don’t give her any attention.
“you can sit here, doll.” and sunghoon drags the chair near him then taps it once before flashing you a soft smile, his fangs showing.
“what happened to the uniform i lend you?” he sounds a little upset while looking at your fresh polo. heeseung got you a new one that fits you perfectly.
you blushed, “i p-put it on my locker. i will wash it first then give it back to you. thank you for let me borrow it.”
he smirks, “nah, you can keep it.”
jake and jay stared at him with confusion. they can clearly remember how bad his mood was these past few days, now he’s acting like as if he’s the happiest man that walked on earth. it’s just so odd.
you obliged and sat beside sunghoon while he stare at you, eyes almost forming heart. heeseung scoffs and took off his coat then placed it on your lap since you’re wearing a skirt. a bit too short from his liking, to be specific.
with blushing cheeks, you thanked him silently.
“did i miss anything?” jake asks, confused.
jay furrowed his brows and stared at his two other friends. heeseung met his eyes and cleared his throat before sitting straight. sunghoon seemed unbothered, eyes still fixed at you with a grin on his handsome face.
“w-why?” you asked him, feeling slightly uneasy because of how he’s not taking his eyes off from you.
“nothing, you look pretty.” he mumbled so naturally before dragging your chair even closer. he did it with so much ease, he’s so strong.
you glanced away, trying hard to ignore his heated gaze. jake’s watching all of these with his two eyes without blinking. a hint of confusion and a mix of jealousy flickers inside him.
“the fuck is going on?” he stated with so much sarcasm.
if jay can shut his mouth and ignore it, well definitely not jake. he has a lot of questions inside his mind. why are his friends acting like this? and most of all, why the fuck aren’t you like that to him?
“let’s just discuss the project.” heeseung blurted out, blocking any chances to be asked by jake.
he was about to complain more, wanting to dig about this situation deeper, but stopped himself. with clenched jaw, he rests his back on his chair then glanced at your lowered head.
he scoffed, “sweetheart, i’m a little jealous. you need to make it up to me.” he stated that made your cheeks blush, ears turning red.
sunghoon rolls his eyes and impatiently taps the table, “let’s start!”
and with that, heeseung then discusses the possible topics you can research for this project. your mouth slightly gaps at how he was able to keep up with what the teacher was saying when you clearly saw him focusing on you moments ago.
it went on, its just jay who listens and you, slightly. jake and sunghoon didn’t even tries to act that they are serious to this project, one plays through his phone, the other had his head slumped over the desk. sunghoon’s hand lays on yours casually, its been like that ever since he lowered his head to sleep.
jake whined when he loses the round and glances at your direction. he smirks and winks at you which made you blush. he giggles and eyes unconsciously landed on sunghoon’s hand.
his smirk faltered and childishly removes it. jay notices and scoffed before writing down on his notes. jake then grabs your hand to intertwin your fingers together, a satisfied smile plastering his handsome face.
heeseung rolls his eyes at it then continued talking about the project that the other two boys obviously doesn’t care about.
“we’ll be doing our project on our house later.” heeseung said as a last statement to wrap your small meeting.
your head perks and back straightened at what he just said. his eyes caught you right away, attentive of you.
“can we just d-do it here at school?” you suggested since doing it on their house doesn’t sit right for you.
one of his eyebrow arches upwards, “do you have any problem doing it in mine?” he asks using a serious tone.
your lips slightly trembles and glances at jake on your side when he gradually took your hand on his lips to place a gentle kiss.
“u-uhm, i can’t go h-home late. my mom will be so worried.” you tried to reason out.
it was partly true as she was used of you coming home early. heeseung’s house is pretty far from your school and so it will take time to go home. besides, you have no problem asking your mom to pick you up by the school gate, but it will definitely raise curiosity if you suddenly ask her to pick you up at a random house.
his head tilts, “leave that one to me.” he stated and then stood up to leave the circle.
“b-but—” you are held down by jake, yanking your arms to prevent you from standing up and follow heeseung.
jay stood up then taps sunghoon on the shoulder to wake him up.
“no buts, sweetheart.” and jake leans to give you a swift kiss on the cheek then leave as well.
your eyes widen and roamed around to check if somebody saw. they’re pretty busy discussing about the project, seems like your group was the first one to finish.
a large hand resting at the small of your back is what snaps you back to your senses. he gently caress it up and down then you look over your shoulder to face sunghoon.
his eyes squints a bit, obvious that he just got awoken from a nap. “something wrong?” he asks.
you shake your head lightly and he just stares for a while before nodding his head. he stood up and guided you to go back to your chair as well.
the period ended and after the whole class thanked the teacher and bid her good-bye, she walks out of the room. after feeling the need to use the bathroom, you headed out as well.
jake’s eyes follows you and when you’re out of his sight already, he swat sunghoon’s shoulder.
“the fuck is your problem?” he hissed at him, his brows drawned closer to each other and he sets his phone down like he’s ready to punch jake right away.
“my problem? what is your problem?” jake hisses back. “why are you suddenly acting like a fucking loser in front of y/n?”
jay smirks and just listens. heeseung watches too, a ghost of a smile playing over his lips.
sunghoon’s forehead slowly loses it crease then he acts innocent before glancing back at his phone. jake almost threw his notebook at him. he can’t believe it was that fast to calm him down. by the mere mention of your name.
“what do you mean? no i’m not.”
“here you go, baby. you can sit here, doll.” jake mimics him exaggeratedly. jay laughs at how he mirrored sunghoon while the latter clenches his jaw.
it was his turn to push jake’s shoulder. “i don’t talk that way!” he says, defensive.
“you actually do, dude.” jay fires back while heeseung just laughs because of it.
“whatever.” he mumbled, ears turning red.
jake rolls his eyes, “what the fuck happened? i thought we will punish her?” and his gaze moves from sunghoon towards heeseung.
heeseung straightens his back and glances away, totally guilty of it. jake just couldn’t believe it. these two were the ones so heated up when one of their classmates reported you meeting beomgyu up at the end aisles of the library. they were so hyped up on punishing you and then they’re acting like this?
“i fucking resisted dicking her down, man!” jake complained.
“nobody told you to do that.” heeseung shrugs his shoulder off that made jake clench his jaw, pissed off.
well, the older one was right. they never agreed on anything but to imply punishment. but that was jake’s punishment for you. that was his way to let you know that he’s mad and upset. you always knew how much he couldn’t get enough of you and how he would bury his dick inside you any chances he gets.
“jake’s right. i declined her orgasms to make a point.” jay stated, looking a bit upset as well.
the boys glances at him with furrow brows, “you did what?” jake asks in disbelief.
jay shrugs his shoulder, “you know how much i love seeing her get off. its always her pleasure over mine. i needed to send her a message.”
heeseung sighs and sunghoon was so ready to hold his collar right there and then.
“dude what the fuck? she must’ve felt so frustrated and bad!” he hissed at his friend.
now, jake’s pissed off eyes darted back at him. he pushes his friend to sit back properly.
“calm down lover boy, i’m not yet done with you.” he fired at him.
sunghoon lets out a strained sigh, completely done with jake targeting him nonstop.
“come on, i lost control too you know? but what am i suppose to do when she said she’s sorry? of course i couldn’t help it.” sunghoon ranted that made the three boys around him furrow their brows.
the frown on jake’s face deepens as jay and heeseung slightly loses their minds. they contemplates and wonders if they heard that right.
“what did you say?” heeseung fires at sunghoon that made him confused. the other two boys kept their mouth shut, jaw clenched.
“she said sorry.”
they were silenced when sunghoon repeated it for them to hear it clearly. jake was the first one to react as he scoffed and heaved a sigh to calm himself down.
“that’s it, you’ll be the last one to fuck her later.” jake stated, a bit (totally) pissed.
sunghoon thick brows furrowed now, “what? that’s unfair! when did we decided that?” his head cranes to the oldest, trying to gain alliance. after-all, heeseung is in charge of equality and fairness.
but to his surprise, the older one has his brows hardly furrowed as well. his eyes looking serious and are piercing right at him.
“i agree with jake.” jay says casually that made sunghoon complain even more.
“hyung?” sunghoon calls out heeseung because this is the perfect timing to step in and break this shit going on.
“sunghoon will be the last one to touch her then?”
to his dismay, its suddenly apppointed that he will sit back and watch while his three friends devour you. it will be torturous, but its better that than not having you later. he curses and just slumped his head over the table to distract himself with a good nap.
“fucking fuck.” jake curses, still pissed.
jay claps his shoulder, “calm down. i’m afraid you’ll piss your pants sooner or later.” he joked that only made him even more pissed.
he pushes his hands away, “shut up. i’ll surely get even later with y/n. she can’t do that.”
“hey, don’t be too carried away. you’ll scare her.” jay warns him before glancing to the older guy, “right, hyung?”
heeseung was silent before he lets out a heavy sigh. “no, i agree with jake.” he shut his eyes and massages his temple a bit.
“we need to teach her a lesson. she can’t have her favorite or it will ruin us all.”
on the other hand, you’re inside the girl’s bathroom and washing your hands when (name) walks in together with her minions. she’s one of the popular girls in your class. very pretty and rich.
her mean eyes darted right at you. it screams danger so you glanced away from her and just focuses on your hand.
she walks closer and stopped beside you.
“who can expect that the quiet girl in class can be such a cunt?” her words made your brows furrow.
“excuse me?” you’re taken aback with how aggressive she is. it was so unexpected. she never approaches or talk to you then suddenly she’s going in this hard?
the response obviously made her even more mad. she raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. one glance to her minions and they went on both of your sides, cornering you. they’re giggling like hyenas.
“ooh, look at you acting all brave just because you think those boys are interested in you?” the bitterness lingers over your tone.
your brows narrowed in confusion as to what she’s talking about. you wondered more, then realization finally hits you like a big truck. boys... heeseung and his friends?
you glanced at her, “i don’t know what you m-mean.”
oh no. you stuttered. and that only mean one thing. that you’re lying and you know you are. because you out of all people, knows what she means.
you thought you’re being slick on hiding what’s going on between you and those boys, but definitely you’re wrong. you couldn’t help, but to blame it on them as they’re the ones being so bold about it. also because they’re really the one should be blame for it.
she lets out a loud sarcastic laugh, her eyes oozing with anger. she pushes your shoulder off. “oh fuck you! i’m not dumb!”
you shut your eyes and was about to walk away when her minions hold you down.
“let me go!” you tried squirming, freeing yourself which you failed miserably.
one of them curses at you and even elbowed your side. you grunted and folds because of the pain. (name) then walks closer and yanked your arm so you can face her.
“bitch! whore!” and she started to be physical, slapping you left and right.
“p-please, stop...” you begged which they ignored completely. she just continued hurting you and her friends hold you to prevent any resistance.
“you think they really like you? think again bitch!” she pulls your hair hardly making you face upwards. when your tear stained eyes met her arrogant ones, she smirks.
“for them you’re just a toy they will play with until they’re sick and tired of you.” and after that one last sentence she pushed you hard to the floor.
her friends laughed so hard while you have yourself slumped across the cold concrete. tears streaming down your face.
“let’s go girls. let’s leave that slut alone.”
you cried, feeling your face hurting and some other places in your body. but that’s not what causing your tears to flow nonstop. its what (name) said that had a big blow on you.
what she says was partly right. you have no idea what those boys want from you and base on how they treats you is similar to what she implied. a toy. that’s all you are for them. and that hurts you so much.
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“y/n...” you snapped back to reality when you heard a faint call on your name.
“h-huh?” when you lift your head, you’re met with jay’s furrowed brows. his eyes scanning yours with gentle look on it.
heeseung stands a few feet away with jake. your hand sways that caught your attention, even before you can glance at the side, sunghoon’s face came into your view.
his brows folded in a worried way, “are you all right, doll?” and you can feel him squeeze your hand slightly.
he pursed his lips and scanned his eyes over your pretty face. his other free hand have your things. jake shows a displeased expression then walked towards your direction.
“give her some space. you’re crowding her.” he says, interrupting and even pushed sunghoon away from you.
hoon’s hand detached from holding yours that pissed him off a little. his eyes shooting glares at jake when he grab your wrist and started guiding you towards the car that just parked beside heeseung.
heeseung opened the door to the passenger seat when you’re near enough. he tilt his head asking you to enter his car. you glanced at his serious eyes, hands fidgets.
“my m-mom... she still doesn’t know—”
“don’t worry too much about it, angel. i already talked to her.” he stated in a lazy tone.
your mouth slightly gaps, doesn’t really want to believe him right away. you knew your mom. she’s a little bit strict when it comes to you hanging out a bit too late of your curfew at home.
heeseung stares at your eyes before letting out a sigh. he fished his phone out from his pocket then dialled someone. he tapped the speaker on and eventually you heard the sound of somebody answering the phone.
your eyes widen at the familiar voice errupting from the other line. heeseung handed you the phone so you can talk to her.
“y/n? darling, heeseung called me and told me that you’ll be staying late in their house for a group project?” she continuously said. you can tell base of the tone of her voice that she’s thrilled about you having friends.
“well, he’s such a nice boy. very polite as well and such a sweetheart for calling me himself to inform me about this project.” she blabbers nonstop. your cheeks blushed while feeling a bit embarrassed about it.
jake rolls his eyes as he throw his things inside his own car parked near heeseung’s. jay went to his and rest on it while waiting patiently. sunghoon hangs both of the straps of your bag on his shoulder before he gets on his big bike, holding his helmet on his free hand.
“u-uh, yes. he’s the president of the student council.” you answered while eyeing heeseung whose leaning on his car, near you. his hand rests at the open door for you.
“that’s great! he also told me that he’ll take you home later after it so i don’t have to worry.” she added.
eventually, she bids goodbye and so you did. your stares stayed at his phone before you handed it back to heeseung. he tilts his head again, asking you to enter his vehicle. without having any choice, you obliged.
you realized that no matter how hard you try to escape, there’s no getting away from them. they have control on everything and that’s what scares you the most. how smoothly they do these things and manipulate you on doing whatever that they all want. just like what (name) said. you’re like their toy.
“seatbelt, angel.” heeseung snaps you out of your own thoughts.
you nodded and grabbed over the safety strap on your side. your eyes caught sunghoon getting on his big motorbike and attractively putting his helment on for safety. you blushed unconsciously seeing your bag hangs on his broad shoulders and placed in front of him.
it looked totally out of place on how his all black motorbike and dark blue uniform mixed with your light colored school bag. it looked so feminine that you can already tell it doesn’t belong to the fine man.
his head cranes over to your side and even if heeseung’s car is heavily tinted and if sunghoon’s wearing a helmet, it seems like he’s looking directly to your eyes.
he started the engine of his bike and then a loud roaring sound errupts from it. he then bolted out from the parking lot of the school. both you and heeseung follows his bike driving away.
“such a show off.” he utters under his breath and then moves after jake drove his car out the parking.
the drive was as expected, slightly long. heeseung is quiet, only the faint song playing from the radio is what plays on the background. it was a little awkward, if you’ll be honest.
“are you cold?” you jolt a little when heeseung suddenly ask that question. he glanced at you briefly and you answered with a low ‘no’. he nods and then continued driving.
eventually, the vehicle slows down as it reaches near this huge elegant gate. your mouth gaps in amusement, eyes catching his friend’s vehicle entering as well. sunghoon’s big bike storms inside and even throw a middle finger at jake’s car.
“stay for a bit, angel. i’ll open your—” your heads whips over to the side when heeseung’s car bursts open.
jake leans downward to meet your eyes, hands rests in front, offering to help you.
“let’s go, sweetheart.” he smiles. you didn’t really have much of a choice as he reaches for your hand and guided you outside the car.
heeseung went out too and you saw jay getting off his vehicle as well. a small smirk playing over his sexy lips.
“what’s happening to the three of you, really?” he scoffs and rolls his eyes.
you glanced at the three as well, a confused look plastered all over your face. you did notice how they’re being weird from the parking lot incident.
“its because of jake. he’s so childish.” sunghoon commented right after walking near your place.
jake frowns, “no, i’m not!” he hardly objects.
heeseung rolls his eyes, “stop sulking, jake sim.” he then started walking towards the grand entrance of the big mansion right in front of you.
because of their small arguments, you failed to even notice it. now that you had the chance to admire it, you can tell that it reaks off money. some side comments and other complaints can be heard from jake but your focus was at the big house.
soon, a hand placed gently on the lower of your back.
“let’s go inside, baby.” jay says lowly and started to guide you towards the house.
you gulped, but followed him. its not like you have other options. besides you’re here to do the project... right?
when you made it inside, there are a lot of helpers assisting and attending to heeseung.
“welcome back, sir jay.” one greets when she noticed the guy beside you. looks like he’s often here that the maids are familiar of him.
oh, silly you. they all grew up together. it just made sense that they’re often at each other’s house.
“this is miss y/n.” he introduces you that caught you off-guard. she shifted her eyes to you and smiled warmly before offering a bow.
you panicked then bows back. “h-hi!”
“are you sir jay’s girlfriend?” she curiously asked right after.
“what are you two doing? let’s go to my room.” heeseung interrupts with a stern voice.
jay smiles at the maid before guiding you towards the second floor. you just gave a small smile to the lady and just let yourself go to wherever jay asks you to.
heeseung and jay then started talking about a left work on the student council’s office. it was none of your concern so you try to busy yourself with the things you can see around the house. the interior of the whole place was just amazing. you can tell they spent a lot for their home.
you stopped walking once jay and heeseung did and you saw a door in front of heeseung. he glanced at you before opening it.
your steps halted when you’re about to go inside. something inside you just grow worried. you have no idea why, but your heart kept on beating so fast.
they noticed your sudden hesitation so both of them glanced over their shoulders, looking at you.
“what’s wrong?” jay asks while heeseung remains silent.
you gulped and took a short glance around heeseung’s spacious room. “n-nothing.”
you took a long breath, “c-can’t we just do it at your living room?” you pull up a smile in order to not raise any suspicion. the last thing you want is for them to think that you’re taking this in a wrong way.
“what’s wrong with doing it inside my room?” heeseung asks nonchalantly.
you took a step back, “u-uhm,—” you gasps when your back suddenly collided with a broad chest.
“going somewhere, doll?” sunghoon stares down at you while he stood gloriously behind you.
jake scoffs and then wrapped his arms around your shoulder, pulling up a mischievous grin.
“let’s go inside, okay? we’re going to have so much fun!” he cheers with a big smile, but you can feel your stomach churns and heart beating so fast.
sunghoon steps forward pushing you inside the room. heeseung sat down his gaming chair and rotates it so he’s facing his king sized bed. jay took off his coat and hangs it neatly by the sofa. jake’s smirking while watching you closely.
you feel timid being around and watched by them, so you looked everywhere except their eyes. the silence stretched for a couple of minutes before heeseung breaks it.
“strip, angel.” he starts then rests his back completely at the chair.
your feet glued at the floor and breathing got rigif while facing your back at them. their heated gaze pierced and almost burned a hole behind your head. you can feel it.
“strip for us.” he says in a very demanding tone.
slowly, you faced them with a slight fear flickering through your eyes.
“h-huh? but we’re suppose to d-do our project—”
“oh fuck that project, sweetheart! we’re going to do you instead.” jake interrupts smirking after licking his plump lips once. his eyes stares at you like a hungry predator.
“calm down, jake. you’re going to scare her.” jay says, mischief lazing through his voice while smirking sexily beside sunghoon.
they’re both sat at the sofa. the man beside him has his polo unbuttoned all the way, leaning forward as his elbow rests over his knees and eyes burning at you. he’s quiet and red lips hardly pursed. his dark, thick eyebrows narrowed together.
you remained standing awkwardly at the middle of heeseung’s bedroom, the door a few feet away from you. it slid inside your mind. to try and run away from them. but its impossible. with their built, they can easily catch you and who knows what that can do to you? they never go easy whenever they’re pissed off.
besides, sunghoon’s sat on the path towards it. he can easily grab and stop you from escaping. that’s totally crossed out of your plans.
you heaved a sigh, “g-guys,”
“did we ask you to talk?” heeseung.
instantly, your lips are pursed hardly. despite him showing a little soft side of him from a while ago, you’re still terrified whenever he’s very serious.
“we’re waiting, baby.” jay caught your attention.
you stared at them for a while and realized that you have nowhere to go. they got you cornered and stripped off of choices. once again, you’re helpless around these four men.
you balled your fists and jake’s eyes dropped from your pretty face to your hands. they’re trembling and he’s certain its a mixture of fear and worry. his grin grew wider. his nerves are shaking in excitement. he couldn’t wait to have you, to devour you, to ruin you.
“go on, y/n.” heeseung, again with his stern voice.
your eyes darted at sunghoon whose still quiet. his eyes then soften and he sighs, fists relaxing.
“strip for us, doll. its okay, we won’t hurt you.” he says in a calm voice. its still a surprise how he’s acting right now. he’s not the impatient and rough sunghoon. it slightly made you feel at ease.
when your hand slowly raised to untangle your necktie, you heard jake hissed and glared at sunghoon.
“remember what we talked about, hoon!” he said that got you confused.
sunghoon rolls his eyes, “yeah, whatever. i’m just trying to make her feel relax. you’re putting too much pressure on her.”
jake clicked his tongue and glanced back at you. his eyes looked more aggressive, screams more danger.
“why, sweetheart? are we scaring you?” he stepped closer, making you hold your breath.
“am i scaring you?” he repeats his words, his face are inches away from yours that you can feel his hot breath fanning your skin.
“jake,” heeseung calls him.
he ignored him and kept his stares right at your pretty face. despite the lack of answer, the tears on your eyes were enough to tell him that you are indeed scared. it didn’t make him feel pitiful, instead it drives him more crazy.
“strip for me or i’ll rip them off from you myself.” he groans.
you gulped and started to fasten your pace. now unbuttoning your polo— the one heeseung got you.
sunghoon clenched his jaw hardly, fighting so hard to interrupt. his friends talked to him about being the last to touch you tonight as a punishment for him. its actually a shit decision they came up with just because they think he’s starting to be your favorite.
that thought was the only thing that made him agree. he couldn’t help but to feel excited thinking about it.
he stood up that made jay and heeseung glance at his direction.
“don’t get in the way.” jay reminded him.
he threw him a short glance as he fished something from his pocket.
“i’m not going to.” he pulls out a cigarette and a lighter. “i’m going to smoke.” he added then glance at heeseung.
“you won’t mind right?”
heeseung stares for a while before tearing his gaze off of sunghoon. he took that as a yes then lits his cigarette.
“take off everything.” jake commands when you finished getting rid of your polo and school skirt.
“strip.” he shortly said.
you stared at his eyes and slowly obliged. you don’t even know why you kept complaining when you’ll just end up doing it too.
the moment you finished taking everything off, completely naked in front of them, you feel shy. so shy that you try covering whatever your arms can. the four men stares silently, their eyes grew darker. looked more hungrier.
“lay on the bed for me, sweetheart.” jake mumbles, this time a lot more softer. “i want to eat you.” he added while taking off his necktie.
before jake continues discarding his clothes off, he snakes his hand on your nape to pull you closer to him. he placed a wet, but gentle kiss on your lips then stares right at your eyes.
“you’re so pretty. do you know that?” he says under his breath that made your heart race. he seems pissed, and honestly his attitude today are off for you. he’s very playful in nature, but the way he’s so aggressive is not like him. you know something’s up with jake sim.
“let me fucking eat you.” he added and then continued what he stopped doing to give you a kiss.
your eyes moved towards heeseung and he just gave you a nod. with slow steps you walked towards the bed and sat on the edge.
jake gently pushed your body so you can lay on it then he opened your thighs for him, giving a full display of your slightly wet core. he growls lightly, salivating by the view.
“damn, this pussy.” he mumbles before giving it a long lick making you purse your lips together.
jake almost went crazy having a taste of your cunt. he always loved it. if he can, he will eat you all day. so he didn’t waste a time to dive in and lap your cunt like a hungry animal. you whimper and legs slowly closing out of pleasure from the way he’s eating you.
a hand then reaches over your knee to open them back. when you open your eyes, you saw jay. he’s already standing at the edge of the bed, beside jake. his white t-shirt is off already and he’s left with just his boxers.
“keep them wide open, baby.” he orders while his other hand palms his cock inside his shorts.
you can’t even say a word or resist as your mind gets all fuzzy because of how good jake is making you feel. jake giggles through your cunt making you shut your eyes, brows arching closer to each other.
your face contorts out of pleasure.
jake’s hand rests at your thighs and massages it gently. you can feel a hand carding your hair, brushing it off your pretty face.
your eyes pry open when jake pulls away.
“sorry, angel. we’ll move you a bit so you can suck jay.” heeseung caught your attention. he’s already near the bed too.
when your eyes look at jay, he’s already taking off his boxers as they slightly drag you towards the corner of the bed. jay dives his head and kissed you on your lips while fondling on your exposed tits.
“uhm,” you moaned. he gave it a few more suck then tugs it lightly using his teeth as he pulls away, making you yelp.
“suck my dick, baby. let’s get you busy.” jay mumbles and places his shaft near your face.
jake then continues eating you, making you squirm again. he pushes your thighs wider, doesn’t giving you any chance to close it. he wants to take his time, eating and enjoying how you whimper in pleasure. the way you look pained, but he knew pretty well that he’s making you feel so good.
“how’s the view from there, hoon?” jay shouted, taunting his friend.
your eyes shifted at the sofa while jay enters your mouth. sunghoon’s dark eyes are darted at you while he sexily huffs on his cigarette. its taking everything of him not to get in between. he couldn’t help but feel so aroused by the sight of his own friends using you.
he remained silent and just watch from afar. jay scoffs then narrows his brows when his cock reaches the inside of your mouth. it feels so warm and soft, something that drives him crazy.
“fuck.” he curses and started to thrust on his own liking.
while jake laps your pussy and jay fucks your mouth, heeseung takes off all his clothes. he position himself on your other side then grabs your hand.
“you aren’t forgetting about me now, are you angel?” his taunting voice rings over your head and you mumbled something, causing vibration straight to jay’s throbbing cock.
“oh just like that, baby.” he groans and continues pistoning his hips towards you.
heeseung gave a few strokes to his dick before leaning to give you a kiss on the lips as well. it lasted for a few more seconds until he pulls away so you can give him a hand job.
“oh, yeah. just like that.” heeseung mumbles as he watch you all occupied with them.
he cannot help but to feel very excited at the view. how your eyes are tear stained yet still do as they say. its giving a satisfaction he couldn’t get from anything. he was certain you’re the only one who can give it to him, to them.
jake chuckes and giggles mischievously while tongue buried deep inside your wet hole. his chin wet with your juices and his saliva. it was heaven for him to see you squirm uncontrollably because of pleasure.
“u-ugh!” your mouth hugs jay’s big dick tighter that made him groan in pleasure, your hand too tightens around heeseung’s. it indicates that you are nearing your first release and they all couldn’t wait.
“are you near, baby?” jay asks, whimpering from his own pleasure.
you nodded continuously, slightly losing your mind at the climax you’ve been anticipating.
“i’m near too, baby. let’s cum together.” jay groans and grind even harder, chasing you.
“give it to me, sweetheart.” jake fucks into your cunt using his two fingers, tongue attached on your hole, waiting for that sweet juice he’s been dying for.
heeseung brushes your hairs off from your face, making sure to fist them so it won’t cover your pretty features. he loves staring and watching you whimper in pleasure. beads of sweat forms on your forehead and his eyes travels down your tits boucing slightly due to jake finger fucking you.
he leans and puts your nipple inside his mouth, sucking and twirling his hot tongue on the tip, making you feel dizzy.
“nghhh,” your thighs shakes and tries to move away from jake’s lips but he held you firm, making sure you have nowhere to go. sucking and taking all of your juices.
the sensation making your eyes rolls at the back of your head. jay, too reached his climax and shoot at the depth of your hot mouth, cursing and growling.
“such a good girl.” he says and leans to give you a kiss on your cheeks. “pretty baby.” he added and placed another kiss.
once done harvesting your cum, jake stood up and licks his lips with a grin on his face.
“get on fours. i’ll fuck you doggystyle.” he says and grabs your hand to help you get up from laying down. he knew you’re still in trance from the recent release.
heeseung gently press your palm to catch your attention. he arched his brows while glancing softly at your direction. jay brushes your hair away and wiped off the sweat.
“you good, angel? still with us?” heeseung asks and help you position yourself.
you nod your head once, head still fuzzy. heeseung chuckles, finding you adorable and kisses your shoulder once.
“you’re so hot, sweetheart.” jake and smacks your butt cheeks. you yelp slightly at the impact. it stings a bit but it oddly feels so good.
jake groans and cupped both your butt and leans in to kiss it, biting it.
“calm down, dude.” jay chuckles and swat his arms which he answered with a giggle.
your ears are still ringing from all of that when a hand started to gather your hair. it was sunghoon and he’s looking at you with slight worry in his eyes.
“i’ll just tie your hair, doll.” you nodded and he did his best to put away those lose hairstrands out of your face.
you smiled at him softly and mumbled ‘thank you’, which you doubt he heard. he sighs and leans in to kiss you once on your lips before walking back near jay.
“perfect. suck my dick this time, okay?” heeseung says and positions himself in front of you.
a small nod is what you gave him and he smirks, pinching your cheeks because he find you cute this way. all submissive and sweaty.
“ready? i’m going in.” jake says from behind and heeseung just nods his head.
you moaned the moment you felt jake pushing his dick inside of you, stretching you in the process. his thick veiny cock slowly disappears. just half of it and he’s already going crazy. he missed this feeling. he missed feeling you around him, suffocating and taking all of his length.
“fuck, you’re so tight.” he groans and couldn’t wait anymore as he did a hard thrust, reaching it deep.
your eyes widen at the sudden visitor making your mouth gap as well. heeseung took this chance to enter your mouth and he let out muffled curses because of how hot your lips feels around him. his brows narrowed closer to each other.
“shit.” he curses and take his time rutting his dick over your mouth. he was fighting back not to go too hard as he wants to go slow.
on the other hand, jake’s the opposite. he’s going fast and deep making you see stars. you tried hard to keep on all fours, but you can feel your knees losing its strength, along with your arms.
as jake started to take it faster, making sure he’s hitting every delicious places inside you, heeseung decided to catch pace with him. the room was filled with your moans and the erotic slapping sounds of your bodies colliding each other.
“i’m f-fucking close...” jake hissed and laid his tongue out sexily. heeseung smirks and gets more aggressive on using your mouth to chase his own orgasm.
“me too.” heeseung.
you moaned and tightens your cunt and lips when you felt your own climax approaching. jake’s breath became more heavy at the pleasure your hole is making him feel.
“fuck you feel so good like this, sweetheart.” he groans and slaps your butt then leans down to kiss your back, making sure to suck on the skin to leave a mark. his mark.
“so good for me.” he says, almost out of breath. “so damn good for all of us.”
and a few more deep thrust, jake released his hot cum inside you. heeseung throws his head back, cumming inside your mouth. the three of you are catching your breaths while he both tries to catch your highs. heeseung strokes your cheeks gently.
your knees gaves in and body collided to heeseung’s soft white sheets. jay steps in and made sure you’re all right.
“tired, angel?” heeseung whispered, smiling while looking at your shut eyes and breathing heavily.
jake pulls out, some of his cum dripping out from your hole. he kneels down to see it more clearly and groans at the sight of it. he licks two of his fingers and slides it in your hole, shoving his cum back. it made you jolt and moan, feeling too much.
he chuckles, “you did good for me, sweets.” his eyes a lot more softer than before. he seems to calm down now.
“we’re not done yet.” heeseung mumbles that you responded with a light groan.
he ignored it and laid back at the edge of his bed, feet touching the floor.
“ride me, angel.” he held your arm to guide you over his lap. you needed some help and the other boys were quick to assist you.
“too t-tired..” you manage to say. heeseung placed a chaste kiss at your cheeks.
“its okay, i’ll do the work.” he assures you.
jake smirks meeting eyes with heeseung. he taps jay’s shoulder and tilted his chin towards the two of you.
“let’s do it, jay.” jake says excitedly. “fuck her other hole.” and he trudges towards heeseung’s side drawer.
sunghoon stood up with furrowed brows.
“what the fuck do you mean? we never tried it before.” he steps in. “are you sure she can handle that today?”
jake rolls his eyes and glanced at his friend for a while. he taps his chest and raised the bottle of lube. “yes. i’m sure our girl can handle it.”
“right, sweets?” he asks you.
you are not at the proper state of mind to respond or comprehend what they’re talking about. your mind is too clouded with pleasure and the overstimulation is taking away your capability to understanding anything.
“angel?” heeseung gently calls you.
“hmm?” you hummed.
he chuckles, “jay and i are going to fuck you at the same time. is that okay?”
jokes on them because you can’t even process anything. a nod is all you gave them. sunghoon gulped, a bit nervous but he can’t deny that he’s also looking forward to it. he’s so sure you’ll look so alluring having both your holes filled.
“see? she’s our big girl.” jake smirks and squats down to prep your hole. they don’t really need a lot of the lube as you’re so wet from what jake just did moments ago and because you’re too aroused.
“damn, so tight.” he mumbles after sliding his index finger inside as a test.
jay gulped, totally salivating. he pushes his friend away and positions himself.
“just make sure to take it slow, man.” sunghoon reminded him, now starting to discard his clothes one by one.
“w-what...” you’re slowly going back to your senses, but it was too late.
heeseung slides his cock inside your pussy as jay puts the tip in front of your butt hole. your eyes slightly grow big and worry flashes your pretty face.
“h-huh?” you’re about to look back when jake cups your face. he smiles sweetly and kisses your lips.
“don’t be scared, sweets. we’ll make sure you will feel good, okay?” his gaze too soft and hypnotizing.
its not that you don’t want it. for the past months that you’ve been under these boys, they’ve already corrupted you. behind those innocent looking eyes you flashes them is the dark desire of having them all to yourself.
sunghoon soon came into your view, “it’ll be all right, doll.” he smiles and held your hand.
“here i come, baby.” jay’s low voice ringed from behind you and as he says, he pushes forward.
“ugh,” you groaned, hurting from the fresh stretch.
heeseung starts to slowly fuck from below you, just to ease some of the pain you’re going through.
“i-it hurts...” your eyes starts tearing up.
sunghoon glared at jake. “did you even put enough lube?” he hissed at his friend.
jake caress your cheeks, “i did! its suppose to hurt, sweets. just like the first time when sunghoon took you.” he reminded with a slight bitterness on his tone.
sunghoon ignored his friend comments and focused on comforting you. he leans in and attached his lips on yours, tongue messily dancing with each other.
“fuck, so tight...” jay groaned, eyes shut from the pleasure of being squeezed inside you.
“her cunt is getting more tighter too, jay. keep going.” heeseung’s brows are narrowed from pleasure.
the sting is still there, but it became more tolerable as heeseung dicks you from below and sunghoon making out with you. eventually, they’re sliding in and out smoothly.
“oh m-my gosh..” your eyes rolled at the back of your head from the intense pleasure you are having.
you cannot describe it. the way their big dicks are drilling you are making you crazy, feels like heaven.
“fuck.” jay and heeseung cursed hardly as they fuck you in sync.
jake salivates just by watching you getting used by them. you look beautiful. you look so hot. and you are his. you belong to them.
“i’m getting close, hyung.” jay growls and kept on rutting his cock inside you.
“me too.” heeseung leans and capture your breast to suck it.
“so good for us. such a good girl.” jay mumbles.
sunghoon pulls away to watch. “fuck.”
“you’re so good, sweetheart.” jake whispers beside your face. you smiles and moans, trying to keep your eyes open to look at him.
your free hand reaches over his handsome face and cares it, “k-kiss me, jake.” his eyes darken and without hesitation he gaves in to your request.
a few moments, jay and heeseung came inside your holes together with you. both of your legs shakes and body collapsing on top of heeseung, panting so hard.
heeseung breaths in, taking your sweet scent. he pulls your face closer to make out as he kept sliding his dick inside, fucking his cum back.
your eyes already closed and almost passing out. he kisses your cheeks and smiles.
“just one more, angel. can you do it for us?” he asks gently.
you nodded your head and he smiles, “good girl.”
sunghoon helps you to get off from heeseung so he can replace him. jake made sure you’re stable enough as you straddle his lap. jay squats to clean you as his, heeseung’s and jake’s cum drips all over the place.
“hey,” sunghoon calls softly and cups both of your cheeks. he tries to search for your eyes.
“just one more, doll.”
you nodded your head, “p-please.”
“please what, pretty?”
“please make me feel g-good.” you look drunk on lust because you’re starting to sound demanding.
the boys chuckles, finding you adorable this way. sunghoon smiles, relieved that you seem to be fine. just exhausted.
“definitely, love.” he whispers. “that’s what we’re all here for, doll. to make you feel good.” and he kissed your cheeks.
jake leans in and kisses your shoulderblades. “i’ll fuck you too, sweets. okay?”
you nodded your head and props your head asking for a kiss. he chuckles and gave in, dropping a quick peck on your swollen lips.
“hold on tight on sunghoon, hmm?” heeseung’s back beside you.
you nodded and placed both of your hands on sunghoon’s broad shoulders. jay went inside the bathroom to start running a warm bath for you.
“i’ll enter now.” sunghoon says and slides inside your pussy.
both of you moaned. jake’s eyes darken as he position himself behind you, his aching tip dying to enter your other hole.
“here i come, sweets.” and smoothly slides in as well. the three of you are a moaning mess.
your mind all blank and you’re starting to see stars already. the two of them fucked you rough and fast, not giving any mercy. the way they rutt their dicks are different from how they console you moments ago. they went fast, like they’re chasing something.
“fuck, pussy so good.” sunghoon moans and kisses your shoulders, he opens his mouth then buries his fangs on your skin. oddly, it added to the pleasure.
“oh shit... so good sweetheart.” jake’s brows draws closer to each other as he focuses on the view of his cock sliding inside your butt hole. it was so hot. the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
it went for a few more minutes. your moans and the skin slapping each other echoes through the whole room. it was so good. so damn good that you almost pass out due to too much pleasure and tiredness.
“i’m cumming.” sunghoon was the first one to announce.
“me too, dude!” jake and he reaches over your clit to rub it.
“nnghh,” you moaned, unable to even utter a single word anymore.
“she’s choking me inside. she’s close, jake. fuck faster.” sunghoon hissed and the two of them did it.
a few more seconds and they shoot their hot cums inside. jake’s panting so hard, so is sunghoon. you completely fall over sunghoon’s body, eyes close shut.
“doll?” sunghoon calls out between his heavy breaths.
you didn’t respond so he slightly pulls away to check on you. he saw you’re already pass out so he smiled and kisses your cheeks gently.
“you did good, doll.” he whispers.
jake pulls out and before cleaning himself, he grabbed the towel from jay and cleaned you. he leans over your face to kiss you softly with a warm smile on his face. “you did so well, sweets.”
jay brushes away some hairs that sticked onto your pretty face, “thank you, baby. you did so well.” he whispers.
sunghoon helped putting you over heeseung’s arms and he walks inside the bathroom where the warm bath is waiting for you.
you groaned, “we’ll just clean you before you rest, angel.” he assured and gently placed you at the bathtub.
you can feel your whole body aching, mind still fuzzy after all you did. despite everything, one question plays inside your mind.
‘what are you for them?’
tricky one too. you’re dying to know, but at the same time you’re scared to find out. most of the times they are mean to you, makes you feel like their toy. but after how they acted moments ago, it raised confusion. a slight hope that they indeed care for you as much as you care for them ignites inside you.
you tried shoving that thought off. you’re too tired. maybe you’ll ask them later. for now, you’re going to rest because they surely pushed you to your limit.
heeseung stares at your pretty face then smiles and caress your cheeks, “you did so well for us, angel.” and kisses you once on your lips.
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