#<- do you want a moot emoji?
reidsaurora Β· 1 year
for rossi's rum and greenaway's grey goose: I love music and video games and cuddling and spending time with people I love (and I'm gay)
for jj's jack and coke: days of the week
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🍸 Agent Rossi's Rum on the Rocks - send me a couple of your favorite things and i'll tell you who I'd pair you with! (please specify your gender preference if you have one!)
I would pair you with Derek!!! I feel like he's a big cuddle guy and he definitely loves a good "Choose Your Own Adventure" game so i feel like y'all would get along very well!!!
🍸 Greenaway's Grey Goose - send me a couple things about you and i'll tell you what character you remind me of! (one CM character and one non-CM character)
OK so the Criminal Minds character you remind me of is... Penelope! It's canon that she loves all the things you listed so it just makes sense! Plus you'd be the baby girl boy to Derek's chocolate thunder.
For the Non-CM character, I'm gonna do a bit of a throwback to my childhood but all those things remind me of Yugi from Yugioh!!! Idk, he obviously loves games, he's super sweet and loves his friends, he needs a good cuddle. Idk, he just seems like you!
🍸 Jennifer 'Jack and Coke' Jareau - send me a series of things and i'll cast my mutuals as those things!
this takes me back because i originally had a whole post about why i assigned each day of the week to which fictional character i wrote so this is very nostalgic in a way lol
Sunday - this one goes to @reidsbookclub. Grecy is the epitome of a relaxing, calm, chill Sunday. Like it just makes sense to me.
Monday - hmmm, maybe @will-on-the-internet. something about Will says Monday to me but idk what.
Tuesday - for some reason i wanna say both @writer-in-theory and @gold-onthe-inside but i'm afraid i can't explain either of these decisions πŸ§πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Wednesday - @dungeons-are-too-cold is a Wednesday. idk why but they scream Wednesday to me.
Thursday - @lcvingprentjss. tell me i'm wrong.
Friday - @writingquillsandpainpills simply because every day that Zahra is in my life, it's a party and a half.
Saturday - i think I'll say @sadgirlml because she just feels like a girl's night. like a night out on the town = Mely and i can't be convinced otherwise.
ofwilliamandwalter's 1K cocktail party
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idyllic-affections Β· 8 months
so. burnout! it's very real. i can't guarantee when i'll be writing again or even regularly posting again, but hopefully it will be soon! in the meantime maybe i'll put more effort into just posting & responding to non-request asks and whatnot..... a hiatus but not really a hiatus! a writing hiatus, because i genuinely have no motivation.
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dalkyum Β· 8 days
Em, I'm thisisthemash and I'm about to rb all ur content so uhm sorry for the spam and ily 🫢❀️
OMG CAPRI ILYYYYY πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ©·πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’“ I had the biggest serotonin boost seeing all of your notifs when I woke up 😭
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ppulverse Β· 2 months
hello i want to complain abt txt's schedule with you because yeonjun is sick AGAIN and maybe i'm just noticing these things more as a moawajjunie but he's gotten so sick so often that it doesn't seem healthy at all. like he was sick around chinese new year (feburary) and he was sick during awards season, he was sick during moa day last year and he also got sick during the us leg of the act sweet mirage tour. granted, most of these are minor illnesses like colds but even then i don't know that many people who get sick this often within a year. i am begging bighit to let these boys rest because it is NOT good for their health and i'm genuinely afraid of the long-term consequences of this
oh my god he's sick again???? i haven't been keeping up with anything or anyone lately but πŸ’€ jesus christ they really need a break. i'm someone who gets sick often (usually minor stuff like colds or just coughing) and it's SO fucking annoying... so it must be even worse for him considering how packed their schedule always is, and the fact that he has to perform even when he's sick, and the way he always has to be in good shape. bighit has become such a money-hungry bitch it's really disgusting. overworking them is affecting them mentally AND physically and i just wish hybe/bighit would see that before one of them has to go on a hiatus for health reasons (which i obviously hope doesn't happen, but at this point i wouldn't be surprised if it did). i'm sure the boys are happy that they're able to attend these events and see more fans, but at the same time it's pretty clear it takes a toll on them, and the tour hasn't even started yet!!!!! in a span of 3 weeks they did 2 weeks of music shows, a few fanmeets, fancalls, filmed for variety shows and interviews, went to japan for an award show, came back to korea and performed right after arriving, filmed a million tiktoks, went to europe!!! for a kpop festival!!! and they're going back to korea to prepare for the tour soon!!! this is just fucking nuts
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jiminsproof Β· 6 months
8, 19, 53, 77 πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
Hiii Sabri, thank you sm for sending!! πŸ’—πŸ«‚ Here goes:
8. eat your young by hozier
19. BEcause by dreamcatcher
53. idea by taemin
77. giving blood by architects
send me a number between 1 and 100 and I'll tell you my corresponding Spotify wrapped song ✨️
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seiwas Β· 4 months
IRDA. the way i GASPED seeing u write for cod OH MYG OD. it felt like i was blessed by god LMAO
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I want to play too!! send me an emoji and I'll assign you a song from my playlist that reminds me of you<3
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donghoonie-3 Β· 2 years
hoon looks so comfy </3
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DGAOHDD LITA 😭😭 IM WHEEZING changbin looks so comfy, yes/j
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dalkyeom Β· 1 year
IM REALLY SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT i was so excited for you to see it omgomg!! better reaction than i expected i see we r both big brained and love vernon and 5sos wholly <33 hehe i hope you're having a good evening (also 5sos's recent release?? CRAZY! out of this world insanely good)
Amg when I saw it on my notifs, I took my time to stare bc the color matching and the chosen scenes for the parallels really πŸ˜”πŸ’— ngl I am still speechless bc I’m just so!! Vernon and 5sos did smth to my brain chemistry I AM HOLDING YOU RN FELLOW DOLLY πŸ˜­πŸ’—
Amg fr tho the Vernon fever has been crazy for me. I’ve always loved the flow in his raps and just how he is but I think Black Eye cemented his spot in my wrecker list 😭 and likewise! I hope you’re doing well atm too (and the first day of 2023 has been good so far!)
Amg I have to re-listen to it! Istg they just drop an album out of nowhere and I learn abt it like a day or two later 😭 I’ll let you know my fave song from their recent album when I finish
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reidsaurora Β· 11 months
Hii! I saw u are in need of angsty fics. So, here is my Spencer Reid masterlist, you can go to the category "pure angst". I have to say that I always have good endings though. Have fun reading it! Xx
um how did i never see this???
anyway, you best believe i'm otw βœˆοΈπŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ because i see plenty of fluff too which is useful currently because i need something to make me feel giddy and happy lol!
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unadulterated-syd Β· 1 year
14 & 33 ? <3
14 -> what's your favorite color?
considering i like most things in like a darker alfred hitchcock type aesthetic,, my favorite color is so contradicting. its a v light pink <33
33 -> do you sleep with your door open, or closed?
closed!! i look outside and see creepy shit,, keep the silly little tricks of the eye away from me 😭
ty for asking :D!!
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jinniebit Β· 2 years
red velvet and enhypen for the ask game! 🀍
Hi zoya!!
Red Velvet: Irene
Enhypen: Sunghoon
send me a group and i’ll tell you which member i find the most attractive
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howldean Β· 2 years
every time i think abt billie’s plot/arc too long i just. its just. u get it
*shaking with barely contained rage* oh mood bestie lol
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sorikkung Β· 2 years
23, 40, and 71 for the fanfic writer asks!! 🀍
hiii rain! <3 sorry i rambled a lot in these oml
23. how do you deal with writers block?
i dont.
that seems like a smartass answer but i literally just do not SDKFJHKSDF if i get writers block i simply do not write. i will go for months at a time without writing due to writers block it just be like that. its only within the past month or so that ive been tryna really get myself to write more often or at least more often than like, once a month, but ive been riding a motivation kick and havent really hit writers block since so i suppose i will deal with that as it comes? if i hit a block on one wip i just switch to another. sprinting on a writing discord server with some friends is another way to get me off my ass and writing!! (shoutout to the skz writing server im in, yall are incredible.)
40. best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
oh man i treasure all feedback i get but i will never not be thinking about a friend of mine (hiiii elizabeth <3) saying she found a home in my story. the story in question is my series what goes on in neverland and it is a story that is just so, so personal to me bc its blatant wish fulfillment and that in itself is so exposing? because by writing an mc thats a blatant self-insert rather than a one-size-fits-all reader insert its like... i am baring myself and all my dreams for everyone to see. and its so different from other fics in so many ways from the transmasc rowdy and obnoxious mc to the complex relationship w all the characters from multiple fandoms so its like... its so niche and tailored specifically for Me that i was surprised anyone else would enjoy it let alone enjoy it so much that they could find a home in it, something so personal like the safety and understanding that comes with finding home in something, it was just so moving and i think abt it a lot. being able to make a home for someone through writing is just so special and im gonna keep writing and hope that more people can find something like that in it too.
71. how do you balance writing and life? do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of writing you have to do?
i do not. SDFKJHSDFKHKs once again i am just.. hardly a functioning person my dude i write when i write and i life when i life but those two things do not often work cohesively with each other. im not overwhelmed by the amount of writing i Have to do bc i dont Have to write shit i just Want to write so much that yeah, it can get a little overwhelming but its less the writing itself thats overwhelming and more just my adhd making every small task overwhelming like writing 3000 words in one sitting is easier than doing all the dishes in my sink rn. i havent showered in days and havent done my washing in weeks so im wearing dirty clothes to work and my acne And eczema are horrendous because i keep forgetting or not having time to apply creams and i sometimes get so intimidated by something as simple as making instant pasta that i simply do not eat. i aint balancing SHIT my dude i am just rolling with the punches and trying not to die with varying degrees of success.
writer ask game!
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lesbiansloveseokjin Β· 2 years
omg happy happy birthday!!! πŸ₯³πŸŽπŸŽˆ hope you had a lovely day ❣️
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Omg a yoongi heart for my birthday 😍
Thank you Julia ! πŸ’ž I did have a lovely day, thank you 😘 Nothing crazy happened on the bts front and ngl I haven’t checked my 1d dash today but I’m sure I would’ve seen something on here if it had so it’s been a nice and calm day with my dog, fanfic, and FaceTime calls hahaha
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that-was-anticlimactic Β· 2 years
i am recording everyone’s responses to the little jjk stuff btw... compiling the data... will probably post the results after this week of camp is over because it’s actually so cool and so interesting and i’m so here for it!
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