#<- forgot to tag that! thanks rebloggers
lupinus-sanguis · 5 months
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chelldos for the soul <3
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doubleedgemode · 2 months
that post u made about A.B.A regarding her classic GG quotes is so interesting I had no idea she said that! I haven’t played the earlier games, would u happen to have screenshots of where she says that or where I might be able to see some of her classic/unused quotes ? I just like having that stuff on hand lol. Thank you!
Thanks to you, anon, for making me revisit the screenshots, and sure thing! I'm gonna link the page, keep in mind it's super meaty and covers a lot of characters so ctrl F search will be your best friend to find specific character/quotes :)
I found them in this big quote compilation in guiltygear.ru, click the sentence to go there. (Kudos to @/solradguy's big gg neo.cities archival efforts making me find the page)... BUT before anything, important DISCLAIMERS❗:
1. Some of the quotes in general can get kind of explicit or with double entendres so uh keep that in mind.
2. Something I just learnt after going to find you the translations, it's to keep in mind their author: See, this is better explained in the aforementioned ne.ocities archival, but a lot of the site's translations were made by someone who, without going too much into detail, is... a controversial member of the community, who is known for putting a good bunch of misconceptions and mistakes into their translations. (Also they have, in my opinion, unsavory and even problematic takes about the franchise. Don't try to argue with them, just block, per proper net etiquette) I don't know japanese so I don't know if this quote index suffers from that so in the end, we'll have to take all this quote info with a huge grain of salt.
Keeping all this in mind, this is already probably a wordier answer than you expected BUT since we are at it, I'll ramble about some A.B.A quotes (in no order) that I found interesting about the topic under the cut, if you want to read that.
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First and third quotes in this picture are pretty self explanatory about this part of her character. The vs Faust intro... Man, that looks straight out of her strive song. Dunno if they pulled inspiration from that, but it seems even in the classic days they had a pretty clear idea of part of A.B.A's story being existing and thriving in her own unique way.. Which makes me kind of emotional for some reason ;_;
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These were NOT unused as far as I can tell, but obviously do correct me if wrong!
I find it fascinating how much of clear glimpses these are are into her law obsession (more on that specific one later) and believing herself to be a high class person and looking above "lower classes" shoulders.
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Some of these aren't exclusively about the aforementioned topics but they mention her cooking god knows what creatures (like in that one infamous xxac ending) and just.. being a scared, pathetic individual at heart. Sigh.
There are probably more examples of all this but this post needs to end sometime today.😭 So, returning to her law thing being an obsession in capital letters, look at her ingame overdrives:
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But before that, the elephant in the room: People's observations of her instakill looking pretty taxing to her to perform and even making a berserk Paracelsus look like even he thinks this goes too far are not far from the truth. "I might not recover this time... Dying!!!" What else can I say, that's just sad.. and very interesting lorewise about the toll of this kind of summonings. Yeah, people noticed that in strive, she can summon the same exact door as in her insta with no struggle (or at least not the same level for sure) indicates her power or skill have improved which is so so fascinating.. Anyways. Back to the law thing. We've always had a huge sign under our noses: Her saying Evidence in her overdrives. While sure it can be evidence in a more general meaning, like proving facts or something, it does call to LEGAL evidence, too
...Maybe that was super obvious for everybodh but I'm afraid to admit I didn't connect the dots til now haha 😅
I cannot access my xxacp copy right now to see if her saying shouko during her overdrives is correct, but were we to take this as truth and also trust a japanese language study site as solid because. Again I have zero knowledge of japanese... According to Nihongoclassroom..
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It can be used in a legal setting.
And with this we can neatly wrap this up... Tdlr I guess she's living up to her creator being a mansion owner (which isn't precisely cheap) and it gets so interesting and double edged (HAH) if you believe her classic games was as self aware while doing this and fooling herself as strive A.B.A is.
AND she has or had a HUGE interest in law (and if u allow me to reach mayyybe morality too?). While probably not as core to her as her key thing, she sure has told the audience almost as much as it.
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philcoulsonismyhero · 3 months
make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone’s favourite.
I got tagged by @johnbly (thanks!!) so let's do this thing! Or rather, let's cheat slightly, because I've seen a few versions going around with more than just five characters and I couldn't narrow it down that far
(Yes I know like three people know who Harry is, but I love him too much to leave him out. Also, Nightingale is still a relatively new addition to the list, but he doesn't need to prove his sticking power, I can already tell I'm going to be obsessed with that guy forever so he gets included.)
Tagging @squireofgeekdom, @catgirlalchemist, @humandisastersquad, @altschmerzes, @physicsandfandoms, @roguelibrarian and anyone else who wants to give this a go!
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jacksjargon · 24 days
I'm typically only a reblogger when it comes to AFTG, but I physically couldn't help it when I stumbled across these shirts. So, here are some funny shirts that the Foxes would wear and why:
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Aaron, for obvious reasons. Nicky have it to him and he wears it in secret. It's his comfort pajamas.
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Renee gave this to Andrew and he wore it one (1) time and it was at an exy banquet while wild and fervent protests about his past were all over.
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Any of them, really, but I imagine a three way tie between Wymack (not paid enough for this), Alison (she gives the vibe), and Dan (when anyone talks to her that she doesn't know)
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Matt vibes. Dan defffffffinitely pegs that man. He thanks her.
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Andrew. Renee gave him this one, too, but it's a common sight.
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Aaron. Maybe Katelyn got this for him as a joke and he wears it as some pathetic, wet cat, Minyard way of processing love. They got engaged the same day. It becomes Aaron's lucky shirt.
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This is either Nicky or Allison's. I feel like Nicky would wear it ironically, but it could also be one of those lesbian things for Alison
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Aaron. Neil gets it for him and it's how they start to bond.
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Kevin, little history bitch
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Bee. The team gets it for her for her birthday. She wears it religiously every Friday.
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Hear me out: Kevin. It starts as a joke because he's the only single fox (in a world where he and Thea aren't together, I'm not particularly fond of that ship), but then he wears it on a date because he's a dumbass at heart and forgot that the team would totally fuck with his closet and he managed to charm and bag the sexiest, most emotionally intelligent woman ever. They last for two years before Kevin finally realized he's gay, but they stay friends and laugh over everything.
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Dan. She gives mad homebody vibes outside of exy.
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Neil. Self explanatory.
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Matt. He's such a wife guy, and honestly, good for him. I know that I would 100% let Danielle Wilds do whatever the hell she decided was best for me. Oh my shit.
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Renee. This was from Andrew, as revenge for the other shirts. She treasures it, but only wears it on his birthday.
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Alison and Neil buy it for the twins. I'm a strong advocate for bitchy friends. Love that for them
They only manage to evade death via Neil's survival skills, a pair of strappy heels, a spoon, and a small frog. Don't ask.
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Matt and Nicky unironically share this shirt.
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It was originally Matt's, but Dan claimed it as hers, and now he just sorts it into her clothes pile when it's his turn.
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Wymack. I think Kevin would rather die than get this, so Dan (his adoptive sister), Alison (nosy bitch #1), and Neil (nosy bitch #2) tag team and sign his name for him. He goes on to have a mental breakdown, but he and Wymack get closer. Somehow it's revealed that Nicky wins the bet regarding what's going on between Wymack, Abby, and Bee.
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Andrew bought this for Kevin.
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Alison and Renee have matching shirts exactly like this. In response, Neil and Andrew have matching shirts that say "I like it bushy" with a cat in a bush. It's the first time the upperclassmen see Andrew smile like that without involving Neil.
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This is what inspired this, actually. So, Neil. He'd wear this out and in press conferences just to piss Kevin off. Gives Andrew a heart attack every time he sees it, though he'll never admit it. No one's really sure how or where it came from, there's actually a betting pool regarding this. Alison has money on Andrew buying it. Nicky thinks it was Kevin. Renee even joined in by offering Neil.
(in reality, it was Abby. She thinks shit like this is funny. She's a fox, after all)
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the-francakes · 2 years
Welcome to tumblr now what...
Hi, I wrote this up for my cousin because she’s never used any platform, but since a lot of twitter users are coming to tumblr, I thought I would share as someone that has been here... way too long. This blog might only be a year old, but i lived through tumblarity. both times. ugh. 
cause i will use this interchangeably and forget to clarify, tumblr dash (short for dashboard) is more or less the same as twitter feed. 
likes - these are a thumbs up. A nice little ‘hey this post is cool!’ or ‘i agree with this post.’ users can elect in settings to have their likes visibly on their page, meaning when you go to their actual tumblr, theres a link to liked posts. however, i have always disabled this in the same vein that none of you will ever see my ao3 history. if you get a like, you’ll get notified, but that’s all it really does in the grand scheme of things. 
reblogs - if theres a post you want to share, reblog it.  reblogging it puts it on the dash (feed) of anyone that follows you. tumblr does have a setting to see popular posts, ‘in your orbit,’ or ‘for you’ as in things it thinks you may like.  it has a setting for recommended posts into your feed. i, and mostly everyone i know, disable these features and rely solely on their dash.  so assume if you’re reblogging this post, you’re sharing it to make sure the people that follow you also see it. if no one reblogs this post, then only the 150 people that follow me will see it and it will die. which is totally cool. im rambling all over this shit and forgot what capital letters are. its probably half wrong anyways. 
some people will say always reblog instead of like. i think its give or take. it depends on what you like, what you want to share, you’re weird taste in shit you want people to know about and not know. if you reblog, you will make sure more people see something wonderful and its a really lovely and free way to help writers, artists, etc. spread their art.
commenting on a reblog - its not necessary.  I probably do it once in a blue moon these days.  adding a comment in your reblog is like jumping into the conversation. usually i reserve this for things that are important and want others to build on as well. or continue the shitpost cause i like to think im funny sometimes. if its something like my bullshit commentary that really does not apply to anything in the post or i dont want spread on everyone’s dash as they go on to reblog it, i write it in the tags. for example, please reblog this and add anything i missed that helps you navigate tumblr. write in the tag if you think its bullshit and i should delete. 
replies - replies were made because when they didn’t exist, people would have ‘dash conversations’ by reblogging one post over and over and over and over again.  it would be a post of 50+ posts of two people having a conversation and about things like is it red or blood orange.  this was especially awful in rp when sometimes posts would only be a few sentences asking ‘hey whats up how are you.’ so use a reply if you want to tell the original poster something, but youre not adding onto the post.  a good reply to this post would be a ‘thanks for posting this’ but a good reblog with a comment would be ‘i agree, but also you forgot this important bit!’ 
something different than twitter (i think???) - your replies do not just show up on someone’s dash. they have to click the little word bubble on the post to read them. 
tagging - tagging someone with an @ will give them a notification that you mentioned them in your post.  you can also tag in replies.  you don’t need to tag the original poster in a reply because they will get a notif that says ‘___ replied to your post.’ my brain is fuzzy here, but i believe if you put a reply on a post that is a reblog, both the current poster/reblogger and the original poster will get notifs. i only say this cause some people get annoyed by too much tagging, but as someone that doesnt give a shit, just always tag me. tumblr eats shit or doesnt work sometimes, so just blow up my notifs. 
asks/submit - some people enable you to ask or submit posts.  when they answer the ask or approve the submission, it will end up as a post on their dash.  if the ask is not anon, they can also reply privately. a lot of people do not allow anons these days because while tumblr is one of the better social medias ive encountered, there are still some assholes that like to send hate anons. and i will say this for the people skimming this - ASKS GET EATEN. aka they disappear from asks boxes or don’t even show up. if someone says they didn’t get it, there’s probably like an 80% chance they are not lying. there’s a 20% chance they are and don’t want to answer it but like that’s their choice too. 
messaging - for the new kids, this is DMing. for the cool kids in back, this feature was enabled cause aol took aim away from us. this caused a huge panic of how do we privately talk to our friends since while replies are okay for convos, anyone can see them and tbh can get cumbersome for longer communication.  i use this feature a lot to send my friends posts that i need to make sure they see.  maybe its not my sort of content id reblog, but i know for a sure thing they will love it, so im passing it along for them to reblog, laugh at, tell me im an asshole cause its a meme making fun of them, etc. 
ask games - sometimes people reblog posts that say SEND ME A NUMBER and theres a list of numbered questions.  as i grew up here in roleplay, i was taught it was good tumblr etiquette to always send numbers to the person you reblogged from. I was also taught just to send numbers if you see them cause you’re cultivating friendships here and maybe you don’t know the person, but TRUST ME, they will love and appreciate you took the time to get to know them just a little. its not hard to send 1-5 and then fuck off but it will give them something fun to do and maybe make their entire day so.. send the numbers. 
WHAT YOU SHOULD PAY ATTENTION TO: who interacts with your posts a lot. do you see the same username liking your things? does the person reply a lot. FOLLOW THEM! reply to their posts! fangirl from afar and send a shy ask saying hi i love you. propose on the dash.  answer their questions. become FRIENDS. we’re all the weird kids here so don’t worry, we love you already. 
WHAT NOT TO DO: NEVER STEAL POSTS OR CONTENT. this means, you see a pretty piece of art- reblog it. do not right click, copy link to image, and make your own post.  love a passage someone wrote? see a HILARIOUS joke? do not copy and paste it into your own post.  If you feel in someway you NEED to do this, contact the original poster, ask permission and how they want to be credited.  you might have to link to their tumblr, you might have to link to their tumblr, ig, ao3, website, mom’s best friends snapchat, whatever... you listen to how they want to be credited and respect it. and if they say no? go reblog it and sit down. this is the same how you would never copy and paste someone’s tweet and say it as your own. or would you???? is that a thing??? maybe i shouldn’t be helping you come here... 
ALSO, JUST LIKE AO3, NOTES MEAN NOTHING. a lot of notes does not mean its a great post. Something can have 500 notes and its two friends shitposting ‘hi’ back and forth in the replies 250 times each.  and yes, this has happened before and will happen again because this is a hellscape. 
crabs/april fools/tumblarity/fonts and colors/xkit - you know how in YOU they have those like seven totems of living in LA? same concept except when you understand it all, you’re cursed to live here forever. you’re welcome. 
--- --- --- 
please expand, add to this, tell me im wrong, tell me to get off tiktok cause i need to stop yelling at children to let me love my favorite ships idc what canon says.  
the good news is, if you think you’re doing it wrong, then youre using tumblr right.  people might say don’t use it like a diary, but you bet ill write a long ass post venting about my depression and/or that my sock has a hole in the toe.  people say posts have to have content and length... brevity is the soul of wit or whatever and i love a good shitpost and i will reblog a post that is legit ‘wish i could pet a dog today.’ 
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badlydrawn-oocdnd · 9 months
Lmao this is over a year late but since Tumblr hasn't given anyone the year in review yet here's last year's
Also I want to get this out of the drafts
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We posted 122 times in 2022
That's 18 more posts than 2021!
105 posts created (86%)
17 posts reblogged (14%)
Blogs we reblogged the most:
We tagged 119 of our posts in 2022
Only 2% of our posts had no tags
#dnd - 102 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 92 posts
#out of context dnd - 81 posts
#dnd art - 39 posts
#korrin - 39 posts
#dnd meme - 34 posts
#ellie - 25 posts
#harriet - 22 posts
#ooc dnd - 19 posts
#dnd comic - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#agdhdb mane here i was gonna say i dont usually tag myself but y'know what? this is something id put on my blog im okay w the tag this time
Our Top Posts in 2022:
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Elly sure sees trees
[Description in alt text]
art by da dm
24 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
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He seems like a nice lil gentleman
[A portrait of a Kenku in a gold-spangled blue scarf and wizard’s cap. He has a splotch of white feathers on his forehead. Floating above his hand is a fuzzy nebula of white stars. Also in the portrait is a picture of a black book with a constellation and a white dot on the front. The picture is labelled, Bishop “Void” Blackwell.]
27 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
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Night hags are mean :(
[A version of the “Are ya winning, son?” meme where the father opens the door into a room where Oskendorser the kobold is sitting on the bottom bunk of a bed, looking terrified.]
29 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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y’know i haven’t got much to say about this
[A two-panel comic. In the first, a mass of black tentacles and darkness dotted with white eyes rises up over the horizon at sunset. A person in the foreground asks, “O Great One, Why do you favor kenku to do your bidding?” In the second panel, the creature replies, “FOR THE VIBES LMAO”]
(by da dm)
34 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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We were in the mines for 12 hours. Korrin wanted that oatmeal. (Korrin did get her oatmeal.)
36 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Guess who forgot to post thisss
Thank you to everybody, rebloggers and contributors alike! Thank you especially to our wonderful dm who puts up with our nonsense while playing :^) waiting to see what this year's is!
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strangertheory · 2 years
Hey strangertheory, I have noticed you put “don’t reblog” in the tags of your vent posts at times, and I wanted to notify you (in case you didn’t already know) that Tumblr now has an option to make your posts non-rebloggable. I don’t know how it works on desktop, but on mobile the option should appear after clicking the three dots next to the post button. I apologize if you already knew this, I had the same issue with people reblogging things I specifically asked them not to so I hope if this information is new to you that it is helpful!
Thank you for reminding me! I learned about that a few months ago and then promptly forgot.
It's a great feature that I should definitely make use of when I'm venting or sharing something personal that I'd like kept contained mainly within the circle of people who already follow me. Thank you, anon. 😊
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barajade · 3 years
Searching a post about a cake recipe from Norway
A few days ago a recipe crossed my dashboard. I thought I like to try that but forgot to like the post. I can't find the post.
Here is some info:
- OP makes the cake about once a month
- OP found the recipe on a blog, but than the blog was deleted and gone was the recipe
- than OP found the recipe again
- their co worker would kill them for the recipe
- the recipe is from Norway or called Norway something cake
- it's the best cake in the world
- the picture contained a cake in a square form
- it contains a good amount of butter
- OP or reblogger mentions that the cake awakens a feeling of cosiness and wanting to eat the cake when it's really cold outside
Please tag me! And thank you so much for your help!
Reblog is appreciated.
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shopkeep-inthewoods · 3 years
A bit loopy but doing a vent/story under the readmore. But for those who just wanna see an Aimata doodle playing an alto flute here you go :>
Don't reblog this post please! I may post the art separately again as a rebloggable version if desired. Please view the tags and make sure you're in a good place to read this if you plan on doing so, and take care of yourselves <3.
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This upcoming Saturday is my first sky anniversary! And I already have a plan to dedicate some time of me dressing a moth and reliving all of the main spirits and going to Eden. Gdi though Eden/Orbit makes me cry every time unironically AKGDASKKDGD
But especially with 2021 being nearly over, I am proud of myself for the progress I've made academically, artistically, and especially emotionally, even if I occasionally fall back into a rocky place. I briefly brought up in the past how I came to find sky, but I actually found it four months before I started playing, but forgot in the time frame between.
I am not to spill all details to people I don't know online, but I am comfortable enough with expressing that following the untimely death of a friend of mine, I was in a terrible place and developed PTSD. Not only was covid a whole thing, but this unrelated and frankly out of the blue tragedy was extremely difficult to process, and for a while my mind just shut down. It didn't help that since I was at university (completely online), I had zero physical/emotional support with the exception of the one day I came home for a celebration of life regarding said friend, only for but an hour getting to reconnect with old friends at a distance. I developed some bad coping mechanisms as a result that I'm proud to say I've since distanced myself from.
I was lucky enough to have my finances for university also cover for health, therapy included. It took some closer friends of mine a lot of convincing, but I eventually realized that I couldn't do things on my own anymore and started going to therapy. It was super uncomfortable and terrifying for me at first, but with some time and dedication my therapist and I tackled some problems together little by little and made short term goals.
One of the things she had suggested to me was finding something new to love and enjoy. Since one of the biggest passions I had was now constantly being associated with the death of a friend who shared that experience with me, I didn't have much of anything to really sit down or enjoy (especially since I was still struggling with the stress of not getting into the animation program yet, so my OTHER love was built with frustration for a while). Things like a new hobby, show or game.
A few months later while viewing social media, stumbling on my feed was someones video on, you guessed it: Sky! He talked about how cute it was and how you could skate around, and hold hands together, and seeing the previews were so adorable. The selling point was action without words: That chatting was difficult to come by, and so you could only know of the goodness of ones intent through their actions, and that he never met a bad player.
Seeing that it was free and that I literally had nothing to lose since it was just a game, I downloaded it and immediately fell in love. The music, the story, the visuals were so beautiful and exploring was so much fun. The first friend I made was extremely kind (random name Onic, came to know is named Mimi) took me around everywhere, even when I started spam honking out of panic when the glitch was around that made your hands randomly disconnect. I thanked them lots when we finally sat down and they explained they had to leave to eat, so I explored some more.
Even if it was free, just seeing the little acts of kindness (especially related to certain things prior mentioned), it was nice seeing that people would do things without expecting a thing in return. Lighting me up and healing me as needed, taking me away from krill, etc etc all that jazz.
Then Eden! I was scared but wanted to continue on, panicked when I went further than I wanted due to an accident. I tried super hard to get out of it before realizing I was probably meant to die, but I didn't like the idea of it still. My first time going through orbit, as I imagine others, is something I wish I could forget to re-experience again. Especially "Heaven", the last part of it all before you restart the game. I go there once in a while and sit there for hours to listen to the first part of the music there. It's so calm and accepting and this state of "you made it this far and it's all been worth it. Rest now".
It made me wonder if it was as beautiful and welcoming for my friend, as cheesy as it is to think that. The game was not only an experience on my own, but being able to make connections with my personal experiences only made it all the more immersive and genuine.
I am a bit in a lower place again atm, even if it's not the lowest I've been, and I've been juggling the concept of going back to therapy, and if my old therapist is still there, going to her again. But it's just as terrifying as before if not more-so. I at the very least got through the hardest of my finals so I can breathe and do things for myself at a bit more of my own pace for a few days. Maybe I can get some courage built up in the time (probably not. But that's okay too). I've come to know myself better and to let myself feel things and work things out as I need. Life's life and just being the best we can be for ourselves and others is my number one priority over anything else.
Even if I have criticisms of how Sky is now, the community has been a blessing in numerous ways. You're allowed to criticize what you love because you believe in something better. It's been nice, and to be the person to help out so many new players like those before did for me is a great honor, even if it's just a simple game. Sky's a pretty cool game with some pretty cool people <3.
I didn't realize how long this would get oh geez...deffo gonna end it here cause my head is pounding and I've been feeling weird the last few days. Have a good night and thank you.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
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I know I‘m a bit late, but alc and sleep happened last night. But hey, it‘s still the 01.01 2021 here in Germany. So here is me saying Thank You.
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To all my dear followers. I appreciate every single one of you, I‘m so greatfull that you like my work enough to follow me and support me with all your likes, rebloggs, comments, asks and messages. I really appreciate every sigle one of it. Thank you so much for supporting me on this journey i started.
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To my special bokutobitch-bean™️ @saucysamu - let me tell you how much i love you again okay? I know 2020 was ... not really the best for both of us, but I’ll be forever thankful that this shitty year got us closer again. Idk how many years we’ve known each other already, but during this year, you became one of my closest friends and you’re now really stuck with me. If you won’t answer for a few weeks, I’ll still spam you. Have fun ready my weekly recap in our chat then ❤️ (Insert: I won‘t let you go by Jason Morrison). For real you really helped me this year to getting more confidence and helping me be who i really am. So thank you for being my friend and thank you for being there for me and willing to FaceTime me when I complain again and again over the same (kinda tocix) guy lol. I hope you know that‘ll always be there for you. I love youuuu ❤️
@laceymorganwrites - Aceeee, my Bundesland Twinnnn hahaha. I still don‘t know who messaged who first, but here we are now, from some awkward first messaged to writing a collab and thinking about meeting when this whole mess gets better. Talking to you became so normal and I always give too many chances so don‘t worry about messing it up with me - the chances are pretty low lol. You’re so easy going and so welcoming, it‘s so easy for me to not worry about you juding me for who I am - and i hope you know that I’d never judge you too. So please, remember you’re amazing and loved and so kind and talented and I’m so glad that I‘ve met you here ✨🖤
my timezone twin, my sister in law @shoyosun - MARTA !!!! I still remember that one summer day i gathered all my courage and messaged you - and I‘m so glad i did haha. I‘m always smiling at my phone like an idiot just because of our stupid random conversations. I love how we switch between more serious topics to random things out of our life and straight back to being horny for 2d characters *caught*twocertaintwins*caught* I‘d be so cool to be able to meet each other one day 🥺❤️ Can‘t wait to see our friendship envelop this year! Ti Amo ✨
@shhhlikeme - Kayla, you‘ve actually been my first online friend here on tumblr and I‘m still so happy that we started talking. You really helped me sorting out my thought at night when everyone else was asleep - a positive aspect of time zones haha. I love how outspoken you are and not afraid to speak your mind and always find the best encouraging words. Your so beautiful on the inside and the outside and if we‘ll ever meet, i need to to me my model haha ❤️
@kenmasgameboy - I’ll confess now: Whenever I looked on your blog or read some of your works I had this vision in my mind that you‘re that one cool girl that would never even look at me. And now you call me Daddy😏🖤 ok for real now, I really appreciate you and that you’re not judgementel and that I feel comfy to talk about you about more personal stuff Eventho we haven’t even talked for that long✨ for real I love our random af convos and I’m always there for you to hype you up - you’re now too stuck with me 😤✨ you’re such a kindhearted human being and so beautiful - I really hope we‘ll get to meet each other one day✨
@willodelune - how should I start? Oh I know - you looked so adorable as a child and your fashion sense was *chefkisses* !!! You’re so dear to me already and it‘s so fun to talk to you about basically everything. Our convos look like the ones I have on a daily basis with some of my friends 😂 so yeah I do consider you as a friend at this point - I mean we talk almost every day about the most random stuff and it really feels as if somethings missing when we don’t talk ❤️
@writingfreakk - okay so - I live for your random af videos on Snapchat- I never knew if your sending me a tiktok or a video of you breaking one of your paintings 😂❤️ I appreciate you so much & I love havjng you in my life ✨ oh and I love your hair omg
@tendouthighs - my babyyyyy - I know we don’t talk that much anymore than we used to, but pls don’t take it personal I’m just lazy lol but I always smile seeing you in my notifications & I hope that I manage to message you more this year lol
@prettyforpapiiwa - yes I’m having my soft Aries minutes rn lol - so yes I just had to tag you too. I love our extreme random convos that always turn to some sexual topics 😂 why do all of our conversations scream Aries energy- why are we such cliches omg. But I’m really looking forward to more of those 🥰✨
@tetsoleil - you’re so kind and sweet and you deserve the world - and I really feel the need to protect your precious beautiful heart. I hope to talk to you even more in the future ✨
@chibishae34 - before we even started talking, I always smiled when I saw you in my notifications. And gosh you’re so kind and sweet & pretty & Nice and you do deserve the world 🥺
@cuddlesslut - I’m sorry that at one point we kinda stopped talking, idk why probably bc I got this : I’m too lazy to message anyone rn, but pls I really appreciate you and all the conversations we had ✨🥺
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Sorry at everyone I forgot to mention, I really love all of you and if any of you want to talk to me, just message me ✨
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Hey mate, I'm sorry too for jumping on your post like I did the other one. I'm pretty sure my reply hasn't been reblogged at all (aside from yourself). I'm going to delete my post; if you delete the reblogg of my post it'll be gone forever.
Then we can put it behind us and move on yeah.
My dude, no worries! Honestly, I kind of forgot that I'd put my angry ravings in the tags, lol, so I'm glad you called me out.
After I made that post I did some more research into the whole situation and realized I didn't know jack about the Fair Use laws and similar doctrine. It's really rather embarrassing.
I just deleted the reblogged post, and I also removed those incorrect tags. So all's good, and thanks again! :)
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intersexfairy · 4 years
I just want to clarify which of your posts are okay to reblog? I’ve noticed that you sometimes tag things as “free to reblog” but then I see people reblogging posts that aren’t tagged with that (like your recent post about not trusting feminist blogs that don’t mention trans or nonbinary people). I wanted to reblog that one, but I just wanted to ask about your boundaries first. Like if a post of yours isn’t tagged with “free to reblog” but doesn’t forbid it or anything, does that mean you would strongly prefer us not to?
You can reblog any post that doesn’t say don’t reblog. So if it says nothing about reblogging or says free to reblog, you can reblog it. If it seems very specific and personal (like me describing something my asshole dad did) but doesn’t say free to reblog, just shoot me an ask or reply to it asking if it’s ok to reblog.
I put “free to reblog” on posts that people may interpret as not being rebloggable due to say, them being personal. If I remember to, i also put “free to reblog” on posts that I especially want people to reblog. I forgot to put it on the one you’re asking about 
Thank you for asking! I realize it’s confusing and i’m trying to be more consistent with tagging but I forget still
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fingergunsbidean · 4 years
Thank you to @dean-is-love for tagging me!
rule: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
1.name/nickname: sarah
2.gender: cis female
3.star sign: sagittarius
4.height: 5′7
5.time: 12:18 am
6.birthday: december 3
7.favourite bands/groups: i’m going through a kpop phase and i don’t want to talk about it, so i’m just going to leave that there lmao.
8.favourite solo artist: harry styles always
9.song stuck in my head: weirdly enough, i don’t think i have one right now?
10.last movie: ww84...mistake lol, but then again i never watched the first one and i’m just not a superhero person.
11.last show: i’m currently rewatching gossip girl, and it was a GREAT decision lmao
12.when did i create this blog: i never stopped watching spn, but i definitely lost interest in it for a while, but the season 13 grief arc brought me right back, and i decided i wanted to check out the fandom side of spn.
13.what do i post: i mostly just reblog stuff, but occasionally i post fanvids.
14.last thing i googled: restaurants to order dinner from for tonight
15.other blogs: this is mostly just it
16.do i get asks: not typically, which is fine, because i’m much more of a reblogger than an opinion poster or anything
17.why i chose my url: because dean is bi
18.following: 158
19.followers: 900
20.average hours of sleep: like...5-6 hours lol
21.lucky number: 4
22.instruments: i used to play piano, but i think i mostly forgot how now
23.what am i wearing: leggings and a very fuzzy disney spirit jersey
24.dream job: actress, but i’ve literally done nothing to pursue that. OH OR A MAKEUP ARTIST! i’m probably more qualified for that lol.
25.dream trip: i don’t know, dude, i just want to take a year off and go everywhere.
26.favourite food: PIZZA
27.nationality: american, but if we’re going to do my european origins then scottish and german, and apparently...8% greek? 
28.favourite song: looking too closely by fink
29.last book i read: i only read fanfics over here, what are books?
30.top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: still harry potter, but fuck jk rowling, GOT but without all that nasty shit (just clothes and dragons thanks), uhhhh...once upon a time? i just really like the whole fantasy aesthetic.
tagging: i’m letting this be a free for all, because i simply can’t tag 20 people lmao 
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fatui-harbingers · 5 years
TAGGED BY: @yenneferdivengerberg thanks lovely! 💕
RULES: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: Kaylee
2. NICKNAMES: Kaylee bug, sometimes still squiggle britches to my grandfather
3. ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
4. HEIGHT: 5’1
5. LANGUAGES: English (US)
6. NATIONALITY: American
8. FAVORITE FLOWER: roses I guess! I like a lot so idk lol
9. FAVORITE SCENT: honeysuckle, freshly picked strawberries
11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: elephants!
12. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Jaskier, Lyra Silvertongue, Marisa Coulter, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Leia Organa, R2-D2, C-3PO, Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, baby yoda and the Mandalorian (I forgot his name)
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: tea AND hot chocolate
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: idk dudes. I don't sleep very well lol
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: cat person. I love dogs, they're just usually too energetic for me
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: 1 + 1 snuggie at the foot of the bed
17. DREAM TRIP: I wanna travel the world one day but definitely Europe
18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: July 2017 (I thought it was November but my emails say July lol)
19. FOLLOWERS: 907
20. RANDOM FACT: I saw a spirit that looked like the grim reaper when I was 4 or 5 and my mom had seen that same spirit when she was 18 living in the same trailer. Probably doesn't count as a fact but it happened so I count it haha
TAGGING: @reblogged-the-reblogger @kasey-bitch @nearlygonemallow @mercysheart @kierathekiller @ohtriss @a-dragon-has-three-heads @blueyellowunicorn @dragonsbruja @jessthebooklover @ijustlovher @jlaw @raenares @mctherx @fiercly-targaryen @zue-zue-jean @rhaenyra--targarvyen @melanin-monster @poesdamerons @redqueenoctavia but feel free to ignore :)
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justmewoo · 5 years
Legacy [ Avengers x Male Reader] Ch.3
Thank you all so much for the rebloggs and likes! Please let me know how I can improve it or if you want me to add more to it.
A/N: I forgot to mention but the reader has Peggy's hair color but has Steve's blue eyes and his smile. this is all unedited at the moment. So I apologize. By the way this takes place before civil war but I will be adding the movie after a few chapters. And when I do who's side should he choose team cap or team iron man? Let me know please!
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"Agent Hill make sure to let me know if he wakes up. We need to keep this on the down low." A deep voice said. 
"Of course. The doctor said it would take a few hours till he wakes up. It seems like all of his organs are functioning along with his heart." A female voice responded back. 
"To think after a few years later the same thing occured to him like it did to Steve Rogers." The man voice spoke again. 
'Steve Rogers he's talking about my father. Did this man know him or what does he mean by the same thing had occured. I have to open my eyes and move to let them know I can hear them. I need to see my mother and Tony.' 
"Coulson found a pair of dog tags on him around his neck it seems like he was in the Vietnamese war back in the 70s." The voice of a woman said again. I was tired of listening talk in front of me. So I decided to give it a chance and open my eyes. 
I was able to open my eyes and adjust them to the light. I looked at my surroundings to find myself inside a white room. There where machines surrounding me. I was in a hospital room. I took a look at my left side to find the two people who where talking. One was a tall male who was wearing black clothing along with an eye patch and dark skin. While the other was a woman wearing similar clothing. "Where am I, how did I get here." I asked with a raspy voice. 
The pair looked at one another before the girl decided to speak up first. "My name's Maria Hill i'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and this is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D Nick Fury." I sat up on the bed taking a good look at them. 
'If there agents from Shield then that means i'm in good hands. They obviously know my mother though they dress differently.' I thought. 
"I'm going to be straight forward and say this but [Male Reader] you've been asleep for the past fourty one years." His voice echo inside my head. I shook my head running a hand through my hair. I yanked the tubes connected to my heart and arm. I stood up from the bed and looked outside. 
Everything looked different outside. There was tall buildings with tons of different commercials and Ads. Looking down I saw many people walk everywhere. Their clothes also looked different many wore bright colors while other wear suits similar to the ones Howard wears. The different cars that passed by looked nothing like the cars I once knew. People had a screen on their hands while walking. Some talked with them placing it in their ears. They where right this wasn't the New York I knew or grew up in. 
"Where sorry but it has to be this way. We found your body frozen under the water. We rescued you thankfully we managed to save you." Maria said. 
I glance at them before staring down at my hands. "So what am I supposed to do now, all the people I kew are probably gone. My mother is probably dead already. And from the looks of my hands it seems like I didn't age so i'm probably still twenty nine years old." I said running a hand through my face just thinking of a possibility that my mother could be dead. 
"Actually we want to ask you a few questions to get to know you better. And while been frozen you don't seem to age so yes you are correct." Fury said grabbing my attention to him. 
I sigh running both hands through my face. I paced back and fort with hands behind my back. "I'll tell you everything about me. My name's [Male Reader] Carter Rogers. I was known as little Rogers during the Vietnam War. I served the last five years there. I had never met my father because he disappeared before he even knew about my mother being pregnant. My mother was Peggy Carter she worked with S.H.I.E.L.D and my father was Steve Grant Rogers also known as Captain America. He went missing during world war two leaving no choice but to have my mother raise me on her own with the help of my grandparents. I grew up around headquarters. I also grew up close with Howard Stark and his family. He offered me a job and worked with him in coming up with new projects. I also worked in a Bar in the night time. I was closed with their son Tony he was like a little brother to me and he was the last person I saw along with their butler Jarvis." Both of them glance at each other before looking at me. 
Nick Fury took a few steps and stood next to me his hands where behind he's back. "Listen [Male Reader] there's something you must know. The thing is your father Steve Rogers is alive but he can't know abour your existence at least not yet. We don't know how or the reason why where frozen."
"My father's alive I want to meet him please I have to see him." I pleaded placing my hands on his shoulders staring back at him. "I need to even if it's from afar please all I had was a picture of him I beg of you Furry." He glanced at Maria Hill before turning back to look at me. 
"You will meet him along with the rest of the avengers and will be staying at the Stark Tower here in New York. The avengers are a group of super heroes who's always protecting our world." 
'Stark Tower and super heroes. That means there's a chance I will get to see Tony again and meet my father for the first time.' I thought. 
"Are you listening Rogers, you will be given a new identity so starting from this moment your name will be [Fake Name] [Fake Last Name] you said about being closed with Tony Stark. When you see him he won't know or any other person besides us do I make myself clear." I nodded. 
"I understand sir."
"Very well, let's get things ready the clothes in which we found you will be return but do not wear them. I don't want them to find you suspicious." 
After Nick Furry and Maria Hill sorted out things. They returned my old clothes along with the small picture I had that day of Tony in my pocket. A tear dropped on the picture as I looked down at it. I recieved a wallet with money on it. So I placed the picture inside there unfortuanetly I lost the wrist watch that Tony had given me. They also gave me a pair of new shoes and a simple plain white shirt with some blue super tight pants appearntly they called them jeans. They also gave me a black leather jacket. While finish getting dress the people in S.H.I.E.L.D. created my new fake profile because there's smart people who can figure out that it's all false. 
Agent Coulson showed me the day technology and internet which was now called Wifi. It gives you the ability to connect to the web with just a tap on the screen of a phone. 
"I added Fury, agent Hill and my phone number on here incase of an emergency. The streets in New York haven't changed just a few new buildings here and there. So do you understand how a phone works." Coulson asked. 
"I'm pretty smart with technology so this seems easy to handle. So you just tap the green button to answer a call and the red button to end the call correct. And you can also sent messages like sending a letter." I walked over to him showing the message word on the phone. 
"That's correct but, when you sent text messages don't write them as letters just what you would say to them in person. Now come on it's time to go the files are ready. Furry informed me about your situation and let me say that i'm really honored for your time during the war in Vietnam [Male Reader] and one more thing your going to be part of the Avengers Furry thinks they could use your help." 
"Thanks so i'm assuming you will keep my dog tags because it contains my real name. Your welcome Agent Coulson it was a duty I had to fullfill plus you can say I followed in his foot steps. But why would I join them if i'm nothing special just a regular human been." I answered confused as we begin to walk out of the room and into the hallways of the building.
"He thinks that you have the capability in being part of their team because your similar to your father. Your'e strong like him and its true no normal human can survive been frozen for over fourty years. Just like at it this way now you get to finally meet him in person and remember he's not supposed to know your his son till we figure out the reason why the same thing happen to you. And don't get too close with anyone either act normal as possible Furry orders." 
We got inside a black fancy car. Someone drove the car while Coulson continued to talk. I could only watch in awe out the window as we passed through the city. New York had become such a beautiful place. It was nothing compared to before so many lights and people filled the streets. Never in my life did I dream about the future. I figured I wasn't going to be able to see it. But boy was I wrong, big shopping centers where almost at every corner. The tall buildings where above more than five feet tall. Some even had a transparent mirror so you can see people working in offices. With every turn the car made it I could only continue to stare. This place sure had a lot of nice views. But what made me feel like a kid again even for a little bit was crossing the big bridge of New York.
But what made me jump out of my seat was the small burger place I used to enjoy going when I was a kid and the last time I took Tony with Jarvis. I frowned thinking about that night. From there on I sat back down on my seat and listened to everything Coulson was telling me. 
The ride to Avengers compuund took approximately an hour and a half because of traffic and outside of the city. I looked out the window to see the sky cloudy and gloomy. The car entered some sort of big open space where trees stood. Big gray buildings appeared surrounding the trees. A letter A in white was drawn on the ground I watched in awe at the imagine. This was where the Avengers where staying at. There was also a lagoon or river behind the biggest building. The fresh air made me feel at ease.'This used to be an abandoned facility' I thought. The car stopped in front of the building. Coulson got out of the car first then soon I followed after. I got out of the car and closed the door after me we stood there staring at giantic building. Coulson walked away first and opened the door. He stood near it staring at me. My hands where beginning to sweat and my heart beat faster each second.
I clutched my hands in fist taking a deep breath before walking inside the compund. I followed behind Coulson inside. But when I stepped a foot inside the floors where extremely shiny the entrance was amazing all the furniture matched the walls. And the windows where taller than I was. I heard steps coming from the staircase that was nearby but didn't pay much attention yet. 
"You should close your mouth or you'ill catch a fly believe me it's not pretty." Said a deep voice. I snapped my head at the voice to see a tall male wearing pants and a dark blue long shirt. He wore some sunglasses and had raven hair. In the middle of his chest he had a glowing thing that looked rectangular. "Tony Stark nice to meet you." He walked over to us and extended his hand to me. 
'This is Tony, he looks older than me by now I should be way older than him not the other way around. I missed the chance of seeing him grow up and now he's all a man. You have no idea how happy I am to see you.' Forgetting about the rules I go for a hug instead of a hand shake. I feel Tony tense up not returning the hug back. "Tony your all grown up." I whispered. 
"Do I know you from somewhere kid." Tony asked as I pulled away from him.
"Of course you-" Coulson sent a big glare making me rethink my words. "Of course you don't know me I just moved to New York from.... Japan." I lied remembering the information of the fake name. 
"Then you didn't adjust well with Japan's culture because they don't hug at all looks like you didn't get the memo." Tony joked patting my shoulder. 
"I'm [Fake Name] [Last Name] starting from today i'll be joining S.H.I.E.L.D." I said. 
"Hold it right there kid if your going to join our team you can't be calling us  SHIELD we are way better than they are and we are the Avengers. Unless you want to get smashed I suggest you keep that in mind." 
"Right, sorry I just haven't heard much of you in Japan I apologize." I apologized before staring in awe at Tony.
"Tony will be able to guide [Fake Name] into the compund and mind showing him around so he can meet the rest of the avengers." 
"Actually no I have plans with Pepper sorry you're going to have to ask Cap or Wanda heck even Vision will it was nice meeting you [Fake Name]." He waved goodbye and left the building without looking back. 
"Don't mind him he's always like that with new team members. Furry informed me about you joining our team welcome to the Avengers Compound i'm Steve Rogers it's a pleasure to meet you [Fake Name]." Steve no father said walking to my direction. My father is standing before my very own eyes. My eyes widen at the resembles that I share with him. He was about the same height with a nice tone body similar to the picture mother had in her office. Except of course he was younger back then but still he hasn't changed a bit. The big hero everyone talked about back then was standing right there in front of me. I was frozen in place my mouth half open but no words seem to come out of it. I wanted to run and hug him, to tell him that i'm his son that I was creates by the love him and my mother had. That I was proud of having a father like him. But what if I did would I make him proud or just plain out disappoint him. Maybe this is a second chance at getting to know America's hero. After what felt like forever to me I had the courage to finally speak to him. Coulson nudge from behind and pushed me a bit forward to shake my father's hand. 
"M-My na'name's [Male]- I mean [Fake Name] [Fake Last Name] it's a big honor to be part of your team. Thank you for welcoming me." We shook hands with one another. 
"Agent coulson I got this from here i'll be showing him around and prestening the ones left. Should we come on there's people I would like you to meet." Steve said. I walked next to him and followed furthure inside the building. Coulson made his way back to the car driving away. 
The furthure we walked inside the more my eyes continued to explore something new. Inside they had tons of different rooms along with an elevator that gets you to any floor of the building. The kitchen was average but bigger than my kitchen back home. While we walked together I couldn't help but admire him. I couldn't take my eyes from drifting to him. I felt like a kid who's just moved in to a new house with their dad and is showing him around.
"Your room is this one next to mine if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. It seems that no one is in here besides us so later I will introduce you to everyone. By the way have I seen you before your face looks a bit familiar to me." He said patting my shoulder as he passed by me. 
"Thanks for showing me the place it sure is going to take a lot to get used to a place so big with technology. But no actually we have never met before till now I used to live in Japan so i'm not well aware yet of everyone from the team. But I get that a lot and no need to worry Mr. Rogers I will come to you for help if needed." 
"Just call me Steve or Cap see you around new guy." I nodded and watched as he walked a few steps away and went to his room. 
'Ma I finally met my father and he's such an incredible person.I just hate that i'm lying to him but one day he will know the truth about me.' I thought to myself before walking inside my new room. But what I didn't know was that the truth was going to be reveal sooner than I thought it would.
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kangaroo-r00 · 6 years
time to get sappy
Alrighty folks let’s do this
2018 has been my best and worst year by far. I told the truth to my doctor and mom about my depression and anxiety and got to go to therapy. I started a mood app recorder, doing three good things, and began leaving comments on other people’s works. I made loads of new friends both irl and on social media. I’m in high school now, I joined and got active in the community, I realize people actually like me, I’m on meds, found out I’m nonbinary, made lots of progress with my writing, my sister got engaged, and I’m on the road to accepting and loving myself.
But I had the worst bouts of depression and anxiety in three or four years. I cried a lot, wanted to die more times than I could count, became apathetic to the point where the only thing keeping me going was anxiety (and tiny little things like the next upload or my new ideas for a story). I had numerous breakdowns over people, school, work, and the future and got to a point where I wasn’t really living but existing. And then the whole thing with father happened and it was a mess.
Let’s get to the “thank you for everything” bit. (I’m not tagging people multiple times just in case so I’ll put down nicknames.)
We’ve been in touch for over a half a year now (close to a year I believe) and I love hearing about all your ideas and what’s going on in your life. I look forward to all our conversations and you’re one of the people in my day that kept me going for a long time. Your words and actions have influenced me a lot.
@writerwithdepression @kitnkas @egopocalypse @shadowstakeall @kisstheashes @beerecordings @here-be-becquerel @edgyishere @iris-the-asparagus @septilover2 @allykatsart @wyverwithy @the-rampaige @superbanananinja234 @spicydanhowell
We rarely talk but I cherish all those moments we have. I look up to all of you and think of you throughout my days. You all are the best and you deserve all the love and praise you receive and so much more.
Writer people: @septic-dr-schneep @huffle-dork @evyptids @lildevyl@skyewardlight @constantly-cloud @brynnicle @blitzindite @astudyingreer @bunchofdoodlesinspace @magic-fandoms @storm337 @anyone else I’ve ever read and Iris, Shadows, Ashes, Bee, Jellybean, River, Kit, Bec, Edgy, Ally, Wyver, Paige, Wander, Lau
Y’all are wicked talented and inspiring. I owe it to Patient as to why I ever gained the bravery to post for this fandom and you all push me to try new things and keep doing my best even when I feel like it’s in vain. Everyone I’ve listed is so kind and supportive and I don’t know what I’d do without y’all.
Artist peeps: @circus-craze @d-structive @fairyofsomething @isa-ghost @starryskyes @jacksoopticboop @kayhninedraws @sketchyskittles-png @booperdoopcr @astralie @deaths-presence @sohowdoilifeandstuff @doodledisasters @anyone I forgot and Septi, Patient, Kit, Huffle, Ally, Cloud, Blitz, Lau, Cupcake
I don’t know whether to thank you or scream that y’all reignited my creative spark for drawing. Seriously I thought that shit was gone for good. One of my things this year is to get back into drawing and improve, so, hey, thanks??? (We’ll see how this goes lmao)
Theorist fools (lovingly of course): @rogue-of-broken-time @wishthefish916 @anyone I left out and Isa (theorists are fucking hard to pinpoint and track down, so I’m sorry if I left anyone out)
I always thought I wasn’t much of a theorist but y’all taught me you don’t have to sell your soul and spend hours upon hours analyzing stuff to be one. Your dedication is awe inspiring and theories blow me out of the water every single time.
@my followers/mutuals/commenters/rebloggers/likers
From the bottom of my heart thank you all so very much for giving me a chance. It means the world to me.
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