#<- ig LOL
jingledbells · 3 months
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theyre talking about stuff
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hanadragon-art · 13 days
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i never posted this!!! falin portrait that may become a charm?? 👀
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randomchaotix · 5 months
Hi hello
Have Lumine Pomni again
[i made her legs to long OOPS]
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merwynsartblog · 3 months
tw for slight blood/wound
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did ya know he got attacked by bob before :3
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helioxed · 1 year
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bisexualsmallishbeans · 3 months
man. every time I open a wip and read what I’ve written I can’t help but realize just how… ooc it is
like don’t get me wrong it’s VERY on track with what exists in my head (with minor consistency errors) but also. is it even still fanfic at this point. I think at this point it would take less editing to make it an original work than it would to make it align more with any sort of “canon”
smth smth “characters change when you put them in different situations” well yeah but also he wouldn’t frickin say that. like he’d definitely say that in my head. but he would Never Frickin Say That, y’know?
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simonomaly · 5 months
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This is one of the oldest OCs I've ever had
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hello friendo i got uhh 2 request if u don’t mind ;^;
first one
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It’s the shee >:>
err 2nd one it’s more of a self-ship buuuuuuuut
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Me and hiroto
(I was gonna ask for a comic that i wanted to that i said on wattpad but ehhh it’s up to you) take your time :>
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the hero and the angel~!
final term exams has been kicking me in the ass atm so that's why this is a lil late, but i appreciate you telling me to take my time <3 with that being said, for now, here is....the sillies.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
Okay now I wanna know about Amon/Di, Hya/Toph, Amon/Toph, and Hya/Di, like who works the best and who's a disaster?
OHHHHH INTRIGUING. the funny thing about the four of them is they’re all kind of?? similar in some ways to each other. but different at the same time lol. i like to refer to toph & di as the og amon & hya bc i made them first HOWEVER there’s key differences between all of them in the morality and vibe department but anyway enough prelim ramble
AMON & DI: like tbh they’d be really chill with each other but the chemistry would just not fucking spark unless they were fighting and bc they’re both just a twinge too logical to fight for no reason it’s like hmm. you’re cool, ig? they’d get a lot of shit done and a lot of heads would be knocked but they’re bros lmao. HOWEVER, if i were to pair amon with the SUPER OG version of di where he could talk to animals and was kind of part wolf (long story) amon would be fucked he’s his type lmao. og di is rugged, an asshole and would absolutely beat you up for no reason and amon likes that. however di being into him is questionable bc di is such a pretty boy fucker LMAO. they struggle bc they have the same type and it’s not each other 💀 but they’d get along :)
HYA & TOPH: god they would get on each others NERVESSSSS SO MUCHHHHHH. and not in a way that they’re endeared to like how they are with their boys no; they’re too alike but too different at the same time lmao. they both bitch and cuss like sailors, don’t take shit from anyone, and Know that they’re right. but toph is a metal head and a demon and is absolutely all about the grunge so hya would piss him off for being too “prissy”. not only that but hya’s tolerance and morals are like Way Lower than toph’s and toph’s like ok i’ve been through shit but you’re an ass. and hya’s like i don’t really know where you get off thinking that just because you care about other people means you’re better. so like similar personalities but the morals clash and they’d just be bitching at each other non stop or it’s silent treatment no way in between.
i would genuinely prefer a amon/di escapade before a hya/toph LMAO.
AMON & TOPH: they’d work a little too well 💀 toph would actually get down and dirty and fight amon and while verbal fights do get him going, physical fights get him zero to 100 really fast. both of them have no qualms about fucking whenever and however so it’d just be all the time lmao. ntm they’re both pretty laid back—they don’t let things bother them unless they need to and when they’re bothered it’s all hands on deck to get this ASS WHOPPIN— they also have similar crass senses of humor and the banter is definitely tHere lol.
HYA & DI: a bit rough ngl. hya is a very hard person to get along with if you aren’t ready for him and while di would definitely be magnetized to hya from afar i think he’d think he was too intimidating to really approach. even if he were, the likelihood that hya would give him anything to work with is null and void. see, the thing about di is he’s actually pretty easy to read if you look enough, and with hya that’s kind of bad because if he can read you he can learn ways to avoid opening up to you. he can’t read amon well bc amon doesn’t make sense to him and lets a lot of hya’s bullshit roll off his shoulders so it inevitably ends with hya floundering for ways to push him away that he just can’t fucking find. but di? angel, he’s easy. he’s got a tell where he rubs his nose when he lies, he looks down and to the right when he’s uncomfortable, he gnaws his lips when he feels some type of way. hya would avoid opening up. and while di enjoys an intimidating partner (toph cough), he’s still a goody two shoes trying to learn to spread his wings. he needs someone more willing to approach him and meet him on his level which hya absolutely would not do lol. i doubt they’d even talk they have very little to go off of 💀
so in order of best to worst:
amon & toph — best
amon & di — pretty good but chemistry needs help
hya & di — by virtue of nothing happening
hya & toph — at each others throats actual disaster
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taicangmountain · 2 years
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i don't know if it actually looks any better, but i gave lion kanon's eyes in an attempt to make their original sprite look a little more...natural, and also to make them look more like shannon and kanon.
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curiositypolling · 3 months
pls reblog for sample size etc
follow for more occasional useless polls
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saphushia · 6 months
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continuation/aftermath of danny pulling nightwing out of a dumpster
don't let danny fool you with his innocent geek act. that's a working ectogun that he made to look like a phaser. he's absolutely a geek but he's not innocent
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o0kawaii0o · 7 days
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Happy pride!
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ddddd-pixels · 2 months
For International Asexuality Day, I'm hitting you all with the Ace Beam. ☺️
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(This took a lot more effort than I thought it would, lol...)
Edit: 800 notes?! In less than five hours?! Thank you all so much!!
Edit 2: 2000... The most I got on any post before was just over a hundred, lol. You are all so nice!
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b0tster · 2 months
me 6 days before bloodborne karts launch
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amy-bonsai · 8 months
Fein playing osu!
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