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little-soldiers · 1 year
timers giving me smpe flashbacks
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bluprinttechblogs · 1 month
5 Business Technologies a Business Needs to Succeed
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Several types of research and brainstorming ideas on business technologies that guarantee more output returns are carried out daily to solving the challenge of business success. Over the years, adapting to new business environments has kept business organizations on their toes to stay competitive in respective markets.Every day, a new trend of socio-economic factors emerges, improving the face of business operations. These day-to-day activities, including communication, product movement and information management, always depend on technology influence.
Examples of Business Technologies
With the speeding business technology evolution, an entrepreneur likely to be left behind by the changing business environment is disadvantaged in business survival and performance. Such entrepreneurs should either work on their business strategies or stay out of business. To stay ahead of competitors, a company must stay updated with new business trends to be productive with the right guidelines. Successful Businesses today do not only depend on the local markets but find ways to venture globally. As days go by, business vendors wake up to new technologies designed to improve their businesses. These technologies improve popular business strategies in production, operations, marketing, etc. Due to business technologies, several start-up ideas have taken international stages by storm.Whether a small, medium or large enterprise, technology can install a firm profitable foundation on its operations. How can you tell this? If not all, but most businesses prefer informed decisions, unlike before. It is because they take into account potential risks and uncertainties. What does that mean? Informed decisions evaluate the likelihood and impact of different scenarios, allowing them to develop strategies to mitigate risks or capitalize on opportunities. Below are some trending business technologies that bring value to business owners with skyrocketing sales.    1. Management Software     Using Business Intelligence toolsUnderstanding your market targets and behaviour expectations determines the success of your products and services in the market. Decades ago, products would go into various markets blindly without market awareness and preferences of customers. The approach caused losses and a waste of resources to many businesses.Today, succesful businesses conduct research in advance to improve marketing and sales accuracy. Firms and companies can now understand the value of business digitalization, and the use of technology tools in analyzing operations. Business intelligence tools help improve your business strategies by transforming raw data into meaningful insights, enabling organizations to make informed and strategic decisions to improve sales. How do business intelligence tools work? Through,(i). Collecting data: Within their organizations, business intelligence tools collect data from sources like databases, spreadsheets, ERP systems, and external sources. The collected information is in different formats, and the tools convert them into a unified format for easy understanding.(ii). Data Warehousing: The business intelligence tools store the collected data in a centralized location for easy access. They optimize the stored data for querying and reporting, providing a centralized repository for historical and current data.(iii). Cleaning information: The intelligence tools clean the information by removing any errors. They handle any missing details useful for insights and organize them into a consistent format. They use modelling techniques to find any relationships between the collected data, facilitating an understanding of how different factors influence each other.  (iv). Predicting analysis: Business tools can identify and choose the most significant features for analyzing market conditions. For these tools to get accurate results, they depend on various predictive modelling algorithms such as regression analysis, decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, and neural networks. The predicting report includes information that can identify potential risks and uncertainties to allow organizations to manage and mitigate them. Finding target clients is now achievable since the manufacturers can acquire customer's expectations before production. Questions on what preferences should be first applied are already outlined in the collected data since these tools eventually reduce human error to conclude accurate data reflecting the market scenario. Examples of business intelligence tools include,- Microsoft Power Bi - Tableau - IBM Cognos Analytics - Domo    CRM toolsCRM tools are software applications that help companies manage and analyze their interactions with current and potential customers. The purpose is to improve customer relations, improve business sales and streamline operations. CRM tools streamline processes like follow-up reminders, notifications, and bulk emails. These industries use CRM tools to collect customer data, cleanse it and create insights. How do data analytics tools like CRM work? Let us look at the approaches analytics use in generating business solutions. (i). Data collection Business tools such as the CRM collect any structured data that analytics find valuable. They collect information from several sources such as, customer interactions, transactions, social media platforms and others. (ii). Data Storage and cleansing The collected data is stored and managed in databases designed to process large data quantities accurately. The technology tools clean and filter stored customer data, leaving behind meaningful information for business owners. They create customer profiles by aggregating information such as, contact details, purchase history, communication preferences, and interactions. The sales team get a view of customer behaviours by gathering their information in a centralized unit.  (iii). Insight generation Analysts use the filtered data to come up with meaningful decisions. The data is always a reflection of market behaviours and customer preferences. The CRM tools include forecasting capabilities that leverage historical data and current trends to predict future sales and revenue.  Related: Why sales analysis is vital for your business
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   2. Social media tools Nowadays, business descisions do not gurantee success without a proper manner of communication either from clients to producers or vice versa. The modes of communication have never been easier than now, thanks to business technologies adoption. Unlike before, where customers would first get to markets to access products, businesses are now reaching out to clients for consultations before any production.Successful businesses are expanding their reach to more clients than before through diverse interaction platforms. Forms of communication such as social media, video conferences, SMS messaging, and email play a big part in market access in business operations, but to some point, challenging. It is on social media platforms where companies get immediate responses, comments, and suggestions from different consumers. These platforms offer a good platform for presenting goods and services to reach the market.Trends like accessing social media influencers to help industries access the social media business market is growing. The business market in social platforms drives influence to consumers and relevant information about products at a fast pace. We have seen industries opting for the influence of social media access to inform users who turn out as possible clients. Related: How to make money through Social media  3. E-commerce platformsE-commerce platforms are websites that companies design for customers to buy goods and services online. These websites give access to mobile clients who cannot access the physical shop where these products are. When clients purchase these products, the e-commerce platforms provide various payment methods to complete transactions. Customers also provide shipping details for these companies to deliver the purchased goods on the same platform. Giant companies like Amazon and Jumia have made a fortune due to their user-friendly e-commerce platforms.   4. Artificial IntelligenceWith the use of advanced algorithms and analytical tools to improve sales performance, artificial intelligence can automate repetitive tasks and analyze customer information. With these data, AI can be able to forecast sales performance and how to improve the prediction.Artificial intelligence is the fastest-growing sector in technology, and many developers are engaging it with sales production to stimulate better performance. Through this technology, digital marketing agencies are now aware of the current market trends with the power to foresee the possible outcomes. The technology can adjust prices automatically depending on market conditions and competitor pricing analysis. It sets your products and services favourable for more sales and revenues automatically. Below are examples of automatic processes that Artificial Intelligence can apply on your business.  Automated chatbot systemRecently, companies have modified service production to satisfy customer interaction. For example, the use of automated chatbots in customer interaction is growing. The automatic program reduces the time a company uses to tackle every customer's needs. Automated chatbots either use text chats or voice commands to respond to clients. The good thing about this business technology is its availability at any time and its quick response.As they engage with clients through websites and other platforms, they collect meaningful user information that can lead to sales. In e-commerce platforms, chatbot business technology acts as a guide to clients. They can assist in finding any product available and offer recommendations on them.Chatbots are simply an automated system that reduces repetitive tasks in businesses. They reduce time and resource wastage accounted for by companies. Where can you install chatbots to engage with your customers? You can install them in:- Business Websites - Messaging Apps - Social media pages  - Email - E-Commerce websites - providing subscription forms on their websites - collecting emails during checkout processes on E-commerce websites - instore sign-ups when customers sign in to electronic kiosks - Attendees at their events and conferences - Referral programs On the other hand, you no longer need to sit down and write each email message to a wide range of persons with a follow-up process. The existence of automated email messages with no follow-up requirements is a benefit to businesses. It is a one-time event sending bulk messages requiring no human intervention or checkups. Getting one such inbuilt software for your business will generate more income in hours and you can easily obtain one from business software developers. Related: How Gamification will quickly increase your sales 
How do business technologies work to increase sales?
Technologies are improving any business operations globally, whether small or large. They are quicker when compared to human labour, with an accuracy assurance advantage. In most cases, they reduce the human resources needed for the same output or more, enabling companies that invest in large outputs to save or direct them to other tasks. By diversifying these technology techniques proposed by experts, they improve their financial strength and market influence. Related: Top digital marketing trends you ought to know
As the future unfolds, business technologies will influence almost all business aspects. When keeping all other factors constant, technology has great tools for guiding and automating different functions. No human action is indeed perfect, but several challenges also come along with digitalizing your business. Implementing new business technologies has different approaches, and adopting them should take a reasonable time to adapt. Staff training, required infrastructure and appropriate procedures are vital in adopting new technology. To improve your business sales, adopt these business technologies since your competitors are implementing these steps seriously to make a difference with other major competitors. Read the full article
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wellnessmedicalclinic · 6 months
3 Treatments that Can Positively Impact Your Anti-Aging Wellness
Aging brings unnecessary issues with itself. As we grow old, we experience changes, internally and externally. Aging not only impacts your appearance but also messes up your body from the inside. However, if you take care of yourself, aging can never shake you up. For instance, you can follow a healthy diet, work out, get therapies like IV hydration, etc. Here are a few anti-aging wellness treatments that can contribute more to you.
IV Therapy:
Age-related issues are common. People want an immediate solution regarding aging-related issues. IV therapy is a holistic therapy. It helps balance the level of vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants in your body. IV therapy helps you in various ways. For instance, you can experience reduced inflammation, improved metabolism, relief from pain, reduced chronic fatigue, released energy, improved concentration, brain power, etc. Along with this, IV therapy works on your addictions as well. You can experience a drastic change in your addictions after a few IV therapy sessions.
Hormone Optimization:
Aging is a big issue for everyone due to hormonal changes. The production of several hormones in the body reduces with age. As a result, several health problems arise. It is the core reason behind reduced testosterone levels, increased breast cancer cases, and so on. However, medical science has solved the concern for you. Treatments like Biote near me are really helpful in these matters. These help replace hormones that your body can no longer produce with the help of a plant-based alternative hormone.
PRP Therapy:
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, or PRP therapy, is common in cosmetic treatments these days. However, the therapy is suitable for several other purposes as well, like sports injuries, injured muscles, etc. At first, the plasma is extracted from the blood and then injected into the designated area. This helps stimulate growth, relief, and improvement. PRP therapy is not for everyone. A candidate is only suitable for this therapy with an appropriate platelet count. Pregnant and cancer patients should never try this therapy. This way, they can avoid complications in their cases.
About Wellness Medical Clinic:
Wellness Medical Clinic helps you with all the necessary anti-aging wellness treatments. Whether you need weight loss treatment, IV therapy, PRP, or any other, this clinic is the best available option for you. You can make an appointment and keep a check on your health and wellness with Wellness Medical Clinic.
Check out more at https://tallyclinics.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3PUUJti
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kusnorio · 11 months
Why do we need to appreciate innovation in the middle of Pandemic?
Why do we need to appreciate innovation in the middle of Pandemic?
Pandemi Covid-19 has significantly affecting our lives. Many economic sectors are severely affected, and our daily lives change drastically. However, in the midst of this challenge, innovation arises as a positive force that can help us overcome this situation. In this article, we will discuss why it is important for us to appreciate innovation in the middle of Pandemi. I. Innovation as a solution 1. Development of medical technology This pandemic has encouraged improvement in the development of health technology. Innovations such as the Covid-19 fast test, easy to use ventilator, and contact tracking applications have helped in handling cases and controlling the spread of viruses. Appreciating this innovation will encourage further development in medical technology. 2. Innovation in Distance Education In an effort to maintain the continuity of education in the midst of Pandemi, many schools and universities have switched to distance learning. This involves the use of online platforms and innovative software. Appreciating this innovation will provide motivation to developers to continue to improve and improve distance learning methods. 3. Innovation in long distance jobs Many companies have adopted a distance work model during this pandemic. This has led to innovations in online collaboration, project management, and team communication. Appreciating this innovation will encourage further adoption of long -distance work and help in building a more efficient work structure in the future. II. Innovation as a source of inspiration 1. Open new opportunities This pandemic has forced many people to think creatively and find new solutions for problems that arise. Innovation in business, education, and other sectors has opened new opportunities for individuals and society as a whole. Appreciating this innovation will inspire others to continue to try to create innovative solutions. 2. Overcoming global challenges together Pandemi Covid-19 is a global challenge that affects all people around the world. Appreciating the innovations that emerge from various countries and across sectors will help in joint efforts to overcome this pandemic. Innovation can be a strong source of inspiration in facing other global challenges in the future. III. Innovation as a driver of economic recovery 1. Open new job opportunities The economic crisis caused by Pandemi has caused many people to lose their jobs. However, innovation has opened new opportunities in developing sectors such as health technology, e-commerce, and logistics. Appreciating this innovation will encourage economic growth and new job creation. 2. Increasing global competitiveness Countries that are able to produce relevant and effective innovations in dealing with Pandemi will become leaders in the recovery of the global economy. Appreciating innovation will help these countries strengthen their position in the world economic map and increase their competitiveness. IV. Conclusion Appreciating innovation in the midst of pandemic is important because innovation can be an effective solution to overcome the challenges faced. Innovation can also be a source of inspiration for individuals and society in facing global challenges. In addition, innovation is also a driver of economic recovery by opening new job opportunities and increasing the competitiveness of the country. Therefore, let us appreciate innovation and provide support to innovators who have struggled in solving the problems faced by Pandemi.
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techrobot1235 · 1 year
Green Computing: Paving the Way to a Sustainable Future
I. The Growing Importance of Green Computing
Green computing has emerged as a critical field due to its potential to mitigate the environmental impact of traditional computing practices. Green computing aims to reduce energy consumption, e-waste, and carbon footprint in information and communication technology (ICT).
II. Environmental Impact of Traditional Computing
Traditional computing practices have significant environmental implications. Carbon emissions are a result of the energy use of data centers, which handle and store large quantities of data. Moreover, improper disposal of electronic devices leads to e-waste accumulation, posing environmental hazards and causing resource wastage.
III. Key Principles of Green Computing
To promote sustainability, green computing follows several key principles:
A. Energy Efficiency in Hardware
Hardware components that are energy-efficient are crucial for lowering power usage. Energy-efficient power supplies, tuned cooling systems, and low-power CPUs and chipsets all contribute to reducing energy consumption without sacrificing performance.
B. Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Virtualization technology allows for efficient utilization of hardware resources by running multiple virtual machines on a single physical server. Cloud computing further consolidates resources, reduces infrastructure costs, and promotes energy savings through resource sharing.
C. Recycling and Proper Disposal of Electronic Devices
Responsible e-waste management involves recycling and refurbishing electronic devices. Proper disposal ensures the recovery of valuable materials and minimizes the release of hazardous substances into the environment.
D. Minimizing Emissions through Energy Sources
The carbon footprint of computer processes may be considerably reduced by using renewable energy sources, such as solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, etc.
IV. Energy-Efficient Computing
Energy-efficient computing techniques focus on reducing power consumption during normal operations and idle states. Implementing power management techniques, such as sleep mode, hibernation, dynamic voltage, and frequency scaling (DVFS), and utilizing power monitoring and optimization tools, help optimize energy usage.
V. Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Virtualization technology enables server, desktop, and application virtualization. By consolidating resources and providing scalability, virtualization optimizes resource utilization and reduces energy consumption. Cloud computing offers additional benefits, including reduced infrastructure costs and energy savings through shared resources.
VI. E-waste Management and Recycling
Risks to the environment and public health are present when e-waste is handled improperly. Responsible e-waste recycling practices include data sanitization, secure disposal, and the reuse and refurbishment of electronic devices. Implementing proper recycling methods ensures the recovery of valuable resources and minimizes environmental pollution.
VII. Renewable Energy Sources for Computing
Integrating renewable energy sources into computing operations can significantly reduce carbon emissions. Energy sources including geothermal, hydroelectric, biomass, solar, wind, and geothermal can be used to power data centres and computer infrastructure. However before this technique is adopted broadly, problems with cost, scalability, and power loss must be solved.
VIII. Green Data Centers
Designing and constructing energy-efficient data centers, implementing efficient cooling systems, integrating renewable energy sources, optimizing server utilization, and employing data center infrastructure management (DCIM) contribute to greener data center operations.
IX. Sustainable Computing Practices in Organizations
Organizations can embrace green computing by formulating green IT policies and strategies, conducting employee awareness and training programs, monitoring and reporting sustainability metrics, and collaborating with suppliers and vendors to promote sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.
X. Green Computing and Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is greatly aided by green computing. Organizations may improve their brand reputation and show that they care about the environment by implementing sustainable practises. Initiatives for green computing in the public sector also support broader sustainability efforts.
XI. Role of Education and Awareness
Education and awareness play a vital role in promoting green computing practices. By educating individuals and organizations about the benefits and implementation of green computing, we can drive widespread adoption and create a more sustainable future.
Summary: Embracing Green Computing for a Sustainable Future
Green computing provides a route to a sustainable future by cutting down on energy use, e-waste, and adopting renewable energy sources. Organizations and people can have a big influence by sticking to fundamental concepts like energy efficiency, virtualization, e-waste management, and the use of renewable energy. With a focus on education, awareness, and responsible practices, green computing can pave the way for a more sustainable and environmentally conscious digital era.
What is the purpose of green computing?
How does energy-efficient hardware contribute to green computing?
What are the benefits of virtualization and cloud computing in terms of sustainability?
How can individuals and organizations responsibly manage e-waste?
What are some challenges in adopting renewable energy sources for computing?
How can organizations integrate green computing practices into their policies and strategies?
What is the role of green computing in corporate social responsibility?
How does green computing contribute to the public sector?
How can education and awareness promote green computing practices?
Keywords: green computing, sustainable future, environmental impact, energy consumption, e-waste, carbon footprint, energy efficiency, virtualization, cloud computing, recycling, renewable energy sources, data centers, sustainable practices, green IT policies, corporate social responsibility, education, awareness.
LSI Words: eco-friendly computing, energy conservation, electronic waste management, resource efficiency, carbon emissions reduction, server consolidation, data center optimization, sustainable technology, digital sustainability, energy-efficient hardware components, responsible recycling, renewable energy integration, sustainability metrics, environmental consciousness.
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catbreedstips · 1 year
Can Cats Eat Grapes? 12 All Facts You Must Know
 What are the nutrients in grapes?
Grapes are a good source of fiber, vitamins C and K, potassium, and antioxidants. They are also a good source of vitamins C and K. One cup of grapes has about 104 calories, 1 gram of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 27 grams of natural sugar, and 27 grams of carbohydrates. Grapes also have a chemical called resveratrol in them, which has been linked to health benefits like reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and making the heart healthier.
In general, adding grapes to your diet can be a tasty and healthy way to get more of the nutrients you need.
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Is it bad for cats to eat grapes?
Grapes are bad for cats, yes. Even small amounts of grapes and raisins can kill a cat's kidneys. Toxicities can cause people to throw up, have diarrhea, feel tired, and eat less. If you think your cat has eaten grapes or raisins, take it to the vet right away.
How Many Grapes Can Make Cats Sick?
We don't know how many grapes a cat would have to eat to get sick, but it's best not to give them any grapes or raisins at all. If you think your cat has eaten grapes or raisins, you should take it to the vet right away. Grapes and raisins can make cats sick if they eat too many of them. This can cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, and more thirst and urination.
How cats get sick from eating grapes
Grape poisoning in cats can cause vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, loss of appetite, pain in the stomach, and dehydration. Cats can get acute kidney failure, which can be life-threatening in the worst cases. If you think your cat has eaten grapes or anything with grapes in it, you should take them to the vet right away.
If your cat eats grapes, what should you do?
If your cat eats grapes or raisins, you should take it to the vet right away. Grapes and raisins are poisonous to cats and can cause kidney failure. If you can, try to figure out how many grapes your cat ate and when they ate them. This will help your vet figure out the best way to treat your cat. In the meantime, don't try to make your cat throw up or give it any over-the-counter medicines without first talking to a vet.
How To Treat Cats With Grape Poisoning
Grape poisoning in cats is usually treated by making them throw up and giving them activated charcoal to stop them from taking in more toxins. Fluids can also be given through an IV to help clean out the kidneys.
In severe cases, you may need to stay in the hospital and get treatments like dialysis or blood transfusions. If you think your cat has eaten grapes or raisins, you should call a vet right away. Quick treatment can increase the chances of a full recovery.
How Not to Let Cats Eat Grapes
Grapes are dangerous for cats to eat because they can make their kidneys fail. To keep cats from eating grapes, keep all foods with grapes out of their reach, especially in places cats can get to. If your cat eats grapes by accident or shows signs of poisoning, like vomiting, lethargy, or a loss of appetite, you should take it to the vet right away.
Consult a vet about your cat's food.
For your cat's health and well-being, it's important to talk to a vet about what they should eat. A vet can tell you what kinds and how much food to give your cat, as well as how often and how much to feed it.
They can also help you solve problems with your cat's diet, like if it's too fat or has allergies. Working with your vet to make sure your cat gets a balanced and healthy diet can help prevent health problems and extend their life.
Other foods we eat that are bad for cats
Chocolate, coffee, alcohol, onions, garlic, grapes and raisins, avocado, raw or undercooked meat, fish bones, and fatty foods are all things that cats shouldn't eat. These foods can lead to stomach problems, pancreatitis, kidney failure, seizures, and in the worst cases, death. It's important to keep your cat away from these foods, and you should always talk to a vet if you think your cat has eaten something bad.
Other Fruits Cats Can Eat
Even though cats are carnivores and need to eat a lot of protein, there are some fruits they can eat in small amounts. Small amounts of bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and watermelon are other fruits that cats can eat. It's important to remember that cats shouldn't eat fruits all the time. Instead, they should get them as treats once in a while.
Also, cats should never eat grapes or raisins because they can be poisonous to them.
How about cats? Can they eat grapes?
Grapes are not good for cats to eat. Grapes and raisins can hurt cats' kidneys and even kill them. Keep grapes and raisins out of your cat's reach, and take them to the vet right away if you think they might have eaten them.
FAQ: Questions People Ask Most Often
Do kittens like grapes?
Grapes and raisins are bad for cats' kidneys and can kill them. It is important to keep these foods out of your cats' reach.
Grapes and raisins can kill cats, so they should never be given to them.
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grocery-x · 2 years
The role of AI in managing renewable energy sources
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I. Introduction
A. Definition of AI and Renewable Energy Sources Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as learning, decision-making, and problem-solving. Renewable energy sources are those that are replenished naturally and are available in unlimited quantities, such as solar, wind, hydropower, and geothermal energy.
B. Importance of Managing Renewable Energy Sources The world is facing increasing demand for energy, and traditional sources of energy, such as fossil fuels, are finite and are causing environmental problems such as air and water pollution, and climate change. Renewable energy sources offer a sustainable solution to meet the world’s growing energy needs, but managing these sources effectively requires innovative approaches and technologies.
C. Purpose of the Blog The purpose of this blog is to explore the role of Artificial Intelligence in managing renewable energy sources, including its benefits, applications, and challenges.
II. Overview of Renewable Energy Sources
A. Types of Renewable Energy Sources Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass energy. Solar energy harnesses the power of the sun to generate electricity, wind energy uses the power of wind to generate electricity, hydropower harnesses the energy of moving water to generate electricity, geothermal energy utilizes the heat from the earth to generate electricity, and biomass energy uses organic matter such as wood, crops, and waste to generate electricity.
B. Advantages and Limitations of Renewable Energy Sources Renewable energy sources have several advantages over traditional sources of energy, such as being abundant, renewable, and environmentally friendly. However, they also have some limitations, such as variability and intermittency, high capital costs, and the need for large amounts of land.
III. AI in Energy Management
A. Benefits of using AI in Energy Management AI has the potential to revolutionize the way energy is managed, as it can provide real-time monitoring, control, and decision-making capabilities. AI can help optimize the use of renewable energy sources, reduce waste, and improve the reliability and efficiency of the energy system.
B. AI-powered Solutions for Energy Management AI-powered solutions for energy management include predictive maintenance, energy forecasting, smart grid management, and real-time monitoring and control. Predictive maintenance uses AI to predict when equipment will fail, allowing for proactive maintenance and reducing downtime. Energy forecasting uses AI to predict future energy demand, helping to optimize energy generation and distribution. Smart grid management uses AI to improve the efficiency of the electricity grid, reducing energy waste and increasing reliability. Real-time monitoring and control uses AI to monitor energy consumption in real-time and adjust it as needed, reducing energy waste and improving efficiency.
IV. AI Applications in Renewable Energy Management
A. Predictive Maintenance AI-powered predictive maintenance systems use data from sensors and equipment to predict when maintenance is needed, allowing for proactive maintenance and reducing downtime. This improves the reliability and efficiency of renewable energy systems and reduces costs associated with unplanned downtime.
B. Energy Forecasting AI-powered energy forecasting systems use data from weather forecasts, energy demand patterns, and renewable energy generation to predict future energy demand, helping to optimize energy generation and distribution.
C. Smart Grid Management AI-powered smart grid management systems use data from sensors and equipment to optimize the efficiency of the electricity grid, reducing energy waste and increasing reliability.
D. Real-Time Monitoring and Control AI-powered real-time monitoring and control systems use data from sensors and equipment to monitor energy consumption in real-time and adjust it as needed. This improves the efficiency of renewable energy systems by reducing energy waste and optimizing energy generation and distribution.
V. Challenges and Limitations of AI in Renewable Energy Management
A. Technical Challenges Technical challenges include the need for high-quality data, the complexity of integrating AI systems into existing energy systems, and the need for specialized skills and expertise in AI.
B. Integration Challenges Integration challenges include the need for compatibility with existing energy systems, the need for standards and protocols for AI systems, and the need for collaboration between different stakeholders in the energy sector.
C. Economic Challenges Economic challenges include the high capital costs of implementing AI systems, the need for investment in research and development, and the need for incentives to encourage adoption of AI in the energy sector.
VI. Conclusion
A. Summary of Key Points In this blog, we explored the role of Artificial Intelligence in managing renewable energy sources, including its benefits, applications, and challenges. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way energy is managed, providing real-time monitoring, control, and decision-making capabilities, and optimizing the use of renewable energy sources.
B. Future of AI in Renewable Energy Management The future of AI in renewable energy management is bright, as new technologies and innovations in AI continue to emerge, and the world moves towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy system.
C. Final Thoughts AI has the potential to play a major role in the transition to a sustainable and renewable energy system, and it is important to continue investing in research and development to unlock its full potential.
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Everything To Know About NodeJs
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While several activities take place in the background or the backend of our website, the user only really interacts with the front end of any program, not the backend. Any program essentially consists of three components: the front end, with which users interact, the back end server, and the back end database. We can utilize relational or non-relational databases for backend databases, and NodeJS, Java, Python, etc. for backend servers.
What is Node js?
We’ll look into what Node js is. Every time a client uses the client side of an application to request something, the request is first sent to the server, where it is processed or calculated to validate the client-side request. Once all of this validation is complete, a response is then provided to the client side. This NodeJs JavaScript framework is used for all of these calculations and processing. NodeJS is essentially utilized as an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for our web apps that are run outside of the client's browser. This is what we use to run server-side apps. It is employed in developing I/O-intensive applications, including those for online chat, video streaming, and other uses. NodeJs is a framework that is used in many well-established tech major corporations and recent start-ups.
What is the Need for NodeJs?
NodeJs is constructed using the V8 engine from Google Chrome, which results in an extremely speedy execution time. NodeJs is highly helpful for developing real-time and data-intensive web apps because it does not require waiting for an API to return data. Because of its wholly asynchronous nature, it is completely non-blocking. Due to greater code synchronization between the client and server due to sharing the same code base, NodeJs speeds up the loading time for audio and video files. Since NodeJs is open-source and is merely a JavaScript framework, beginning the development of projects with it is quite simple for developers who are already familiar with JavaScript.
Components of NodeJs
Modules A Node.js application can use modules, which are essentially JavaScript libraries, to include a collection of functions. Use the require() function with the module name in the parenthesis to include a module in a Node.js application.
Consoles The console is a module that offers a debugging technique that is comparable to the fundamental JavaScript console offered by web browsers. Messages are printed to stderr and stdout.
Clusters The foundation of Node.js is single-threaded programming. A module called Cluster enables multi-threading by generating child processes that simultaneously run on the same server port and share the same server.
Global In Node.js, all modules have access to global objects. These items include strings, modules, functions, and more.
Error Handling There are four types of errors in NodeJs. They are listed below. i)Standard JavaScript Libraries ii) System Errors iii) User-Specific Errors iv) Assertion Errors
Streaming The process of reading or writing data continuously by Objects is called Streaming. The four types of streams are listed below: i) Readable The process of reading data from streams is called Readable Streams. ii) Writable These are the streams that can be used to write data. iii) Duplex Both Readable and Writeable data streams are called Duplex Streams. iv) Transform Streams that let data manipulation while being read or written are called Transform Streaming.
Buffer A module called Buffer enables the handling of streams with just binary data.
Domain Errors that go unhandled are intercepted by the domain module. These mistakes are stopped using two techniques:
Internal Binding: The run function is where the code for the error emitter is executed. External Binding: Using the add method, an error emitter is explicitly added to a domain.
DNS This module is used to connect to the DNS server and solve the name resolution problem.
Debugger A built-in debugging client can use the debugging tool that is part of Node.js. Although the Node.js debugger is not feature-rich, it does provide basic code inspection. By placing the 'inspect' keyword before the name of the JavaScript file, the debugger can be used in the terminal.
Conclusion In this article, we have discussed the definition of NodeJs, the components of NodeJs, and the need for NodeJs. NodeJs is used as a Front-End framework, and also as a Back-End framework. Front-End, and Back-End frameworks, both form the backbone of Full Stack. And hence, the need for Full Stack Developers to upskill himself/herself with Full Stack technologies. Full Stack developers are in great demand by top product-based organizations. Where can a candidate equip himself/herself with the right skillset relating to Full Stack? There are many institutes in our country that train candidates in the domain of Full Stack, but at SkillSlash, an online based learning platform, candidates are provided 1:1 mentorship and are made to work on live projects. Skillslash also has in store, exclusive courses like Data Science Course In gurgaon, Full Stack Developer Course and Data Structure and Algorithm and System Design Course to ensure aspirants of each domain have a great learning journey and a secure future in these fields. Skillslash has developed a massive online presence in other domains too. To find out how you can make a career in the IT and tech field with Skillslash, contact the student support team.
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allthingskenobi · 4 years
Obi-Wan in Exile – Vader
(Originally published on AllThingsKenobi.com December 13, 2020)
Welcome to the first in a series of looks into Obi-Wan Kenobi’s time in exile on Tatooine between Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. We’ve tried to mine as much Legends and canon material as possible to help guide you through some of the period’s most common and repetitive themes so that when the new Obi-Wan Kenobi series airs, you’ll be ready.
Not everything he ever did in the entire 19 years will be explored here, but as we said, we’ve tried our best to pick out the most prominent and impactful moments to give everyone a better understanding of exactly what one hermit had to endure out there all alone in the sandy deserts of Tatooine.
While Vader himself was not a common reoccurrence throughout Obi-Wan’s exile, the threat of him certainly was…well until now that is. As Vader so often does, he’s recently made his way back to the forefront of the story and will seemingly loom very large over the upcoming series, thus moving us to start with exactly what that might mean for Obi-Wan and how it might work with the canon boundaries we currently have. Yes, we understand that canon can change and probably will, but we do love a challenge.
“Vader,” Obi-Wan muttered. “Vader’s alive.”
Let’s start at the beginning. We have one instance in Legends where we see Obi-Wan learn that Vader survived Mustafar and it comes mere months after his exile on Tatooine begins. He first hears the name “Vader” mentioned again on the HoloNet during one of his trips into Mos Eisley and nearly faints before panicking to find a way to take Luke and run. (1) This early recognition seems to be reconfirmed in later canon as one of Ben’s greatest fears in the third year of his exile continued to be “sand crunching beneath heavy black boots, a dark cape billowing in the desert squall, the mechanical wheeze of a respirator.” (2) So will we see Obi-Wan only just learning of Vader’s fate in the tenth year of his exile? I’d say that’s highly doubtful unless the show provides a flashback for us—which we will gladly accept.
“Instead, Padmé was dead and Obi-Wan was running for his life, as stripped of everything as Vader was. Without friends, family, purpose…”
At the same time, Vader was also very convinced that Obi-Wan was still alive and would remain so despite his greatest efforts. Because if there was one thing Vader was good at it, it was holding a grudge like he held a lightsaber, and he would expend quite a bit of energy over the 19 years between episodes III and IV searching for his old Master. (Just ask anyone he comes across in the comics.) Oh, and let’s not forget that it’s also Vader who would later inform a disbelieving Tarkin, in no uncertain terms, that Obi-Wan was still alive and on the Death Star. (3)
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“No, I can’t [leave],” Ben said, firmly. “I must be here.”
“The core of Anakin that resides in Vader grasps that Tatooine is the source of nearly everything that causes him pain. Vader will never set foot on Tatooine, if only out of fear of reawakening Anakin.”
Now that we’ve established that they both knew of each other’s survival, it begs the question as to why their paths never actually crossed in 19 years. Personally, I think it’s fairly simple: Obi-Wan would never leave Tatooine and Vader would never go anywhere near it. We will discuss Obi-Wan not leaving Tatooine more in-depth at a later time (and yes, we know what Ewan said about having a ‘rollicking time’), but Vader would canonically never visit his home planet until well after Obi-Wan and Luke were both gone. (4)(5) And by then it was much too late.
That brings us to the most recent ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’ news and how that fits in with what Legends and canon have told us so far. We received a lot of exciting and thought-provoking announcements in a short amount of time, and frankly, our minds haven’t stopped spinning since. Could the show undo what we currently assume to be true? Yes. Could the show work within those same parameters? Also, yes. Do I personally have any idea what’s going to happen? No. DO I THINK THE SHOW IS GOING TO BE AMAZING NO MATTER WHAT? Y E S. The goal of this exercise is to simply try and reconcile the new details to the existing Star Wars lore because I think that’s what makes it interesting. So you can take it or leave it. The choice is yours. (Until it isn’t because the show has aired and this is all pointless.)
“[Deborah] Chow confirmed that audiences will “definitely see Obi-Wan and Darth Vader get into it again” as we see the blue blade of a hooded Obi-Wan clash with the fiery red blade of Darth Vader.”
“McGregor knows the battle will be eagerly anticipated, and he’s looking forward to performing it just as much: “Having another swing at each other might be quite satisfying for everybody. We hope that you enjoy it as much as we’re going to enjoy making it.””
Not only was the “Hayden Christensen returning as Darth Vader” bombshell dropped in our laps, but we were also fed the above morsels (not once but thrice) and told to digest them. Our first reaction was a hearty and well-deserved cry of rejoicing until the realization of what this could all mean set in and it turned into a hearty and well-deserved sob.
There’s hardly a way to be disappointed in the fact that we will see Ewan and Hayden not only together again, but “getting into it” as well, but we do have to wonder what this means for the moment where Obi-Wan and Vader face each other again on the Death Star. The moment is not only pivotal to Episode IV, but I would argue, the entire saga. And it’s made even more impactful by the fact that the two men have not physically confronted each other since their fateful battle on Mustafar.
What we do know, and that which should not change, is that Vader never knew where Obi-Wan was hiding nor that he had Luke, his son, with him. That tells me two things: whatever kind of “rematch” happens here does not endanger Luke’s safety in the long run nor is it probably something that would occur more than once. I think what we’re going to see happen is isolated and “unexpected,” occurring only once ten years into Obi-Wan’s exile.
You: But, All Things Kenobi, if they could never physically meet on Tatooine or elsewhere, then what does this all mean??
Us: Do we look like Deborah Chow or Ewan McGregor? Do we have all the answers for you? NO! But can we try to help ease your mind until the show airs and I’m proven all sorts of wrong?? YES! SO PUT ON THAT TINFOIL HAT AND LET’S DO THIS!!
“I sense something. A presence I’ve not felt since…”
“Obi-Wan once thought as you do.”
Instantly our minds turned to these two particular comments from Vader in Episodes IV and VI. They’ve always stood out as peculiar, demanding explanation, but even more so now. The first is a vague, open-ended statement that leaves us to assume they hadn’t met again since they parted on the slopes of Mustafar. The second is a seemingly wistful reminiscence of a memory Vader has of his old master.
Luke had just finished making a heartfelt plea for Anakin to remember his “true self” then says, “come with me.” Where did Obi-Wan make the same appeal to only be shunned by Vader as well? Is it possible the series will show us this after all these years and possibly solve the riddle of both enigmatic statements at once? Is it possible that any such conversation might quickly devolve into another lightsaber-fueled clash??
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“Count Dooku was Yoda’s apprentice.”
“And Count Dooku has fallen to the dark side.”
“All of us have apprenticed to Master Yoda.”
“He cannot be held accountable for Dooku’s descent.”
“But they are connected. Profoundly.”
A distinct bond exists between each Padawan and Master and unfortunately that bond does not disappear when one or the other becomes a Sith Lord. Despite the bond between Obi-Wan and Anakin being firmly closed at both ends, there’s no doubt that a presence remains. And even the most sturdy walls might crack from time to time.
Even after 19 years apart, Vader is quick to recognize when Obi-Wan is nearby and goes so far as to know his intent. “Escape is not his plan. I must face him alone.” And he’s right. (3) As for Obi-Wan, the Force has plagued him with dreams and visions, even showing him “a limbless wreck hanging in a bacta tank, necrotic skin pallid and scarred.” (2)
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Could their strong connection be the vehicle that allows Obi-Wan and Anakin to confront each other once more? Within the Force they could not only converse, but we could also see them “take another swing” at each other without any physical consequences no matter who “wins.” The mental toll would also make for great drama for both men and bring a new perspective and emotional weight to several scenes in the Original Trilogy.
“If you loved me, Obi-Wan, you would have killed me.”
Finally, it’s quite possible that Obi-Wan might not physically be involved at all in their “rematch” and it might be entirely from Vader’s perspective. One theory could be as simple as the fact that Vader once had a training droid whose deadliest combat setting took the form of his former master. (Oh, Anakin.) (6) Another theory, and a much more likely one, could be that Vader has a Force vision or dream that allows him to recreate and relive various moments between himself and Obi-Wan, including, but not limited to, another lightsaber battle. This would be interesting to witness as every time it occurs, it means that Vader is wrestling with Anakin.
Although the Obi-Wan that continues to exist in Anakin’s psyche doesn’t seem too different from the real thing, just imagine Ewan McGregor getting to play Obi-Wan from Anakin’s point of view…I’ll just drop my mic there.
Star Wars: Darth Vader 24 by Kieron Gillen (2016) C
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Star Wars: Darth Vader 5 by Charles Soule (2017) C
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(1) Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno L
(2) “Time of Death” – From A Certain Point of View by Cavan Scott C
(3) Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope C
(4) Star Wars: Darth Vader 2016 by Kieron Gillen C
(5) Star Wars: Darth Vader 2020 by Greg Pak C
(6) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (2008) by Haden Blackman L
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transhawks · 5 years
Hawks and the Trolley Problem
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I. What is the Trolley Problem?
The Trolley Problem is an ethical thought experiment, mostly testing outcomes and methods of achieving them. It goes like this:
There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is one person on the side track. 
You have two options:
A. Do nothing and allow the trolley to kill the five people on the main track. B. Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will kill one person.
What is the right thing to do?
There are schools of thought that attempt to explain this problem. A common response is to divert the trolley, actively making the choice to kill one person to save five. In this scenario, you are making an active choice to kill someone for the ‘greater’ outcome, which assumes that the best outcome is to save as many as possible. We will call this choice the Utilitarian option.
The second option is to do nothing and let the five people die. Why? Because then it’s a matter of letting the trolley do what it intends to and not actually pulling a lever and condemning a person to death. By choosing inaction in order to not murder anyone, you could stay true to a moral of never killing anyone. This is the Kantian option.
Of course, the Trolley Problem is customizable - people add all sort of features, like instead pushing someone in front of the trolley to stop it, or including knowing someone in the line up of potential dead. It doesn’t even have to be a trolley - all it asks is what is the right thing to do? And, of course, what is the value of a human life.
II. What is Hawks’s Dilemma? 
Hawks has infiltrated the Paranormal Liberation Front and managed to manipulate Twice into befriending him and providing him with information leading to a preemptive strike by the Heroes against the PLF. However, he feels that Twice is a greater harm than just an information source and thus has used his friendship to kidnap Twice, keeping him and his quirk away from a battlefield where he would easily be able to overwhelm the hero forces. Without Twice, the villains are far more easily beatable. 
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BNHA 263 ends with Hawks threatening Twice with his feather-knives and asking himself the question, internally: What is the right thing to do?
Let’s break the options down:
A. Hawks kills Twice to effectively ensure he cannot escape and help. The villains are not able to use his clones in the battle, leaving them vulnerable. Hawks ensures heroes survive the battle (assuming no unexpected things happen), and that the status quo the PLF want to topple is maintained. Low amounts of civilian casualties, hero casualties. The problems that caused this issue in the first place continue.
B. Hawks lets Twice go. Twice uses his clones to defend the PLF, ensuring more casualties for both the heroes, and possibly the PLF. Eventual massive civilian casualties. Status Quo is broken, system is broken - the problems that created this are addressed, either by further perpetuation or reduction.
There are also other factors.
Hawks knows Twice. Heroes are not typically supposed to kill villains. Hawks has referred to Twice as ‘good-natured’, and reflected it made it easier to accomplish this, yet he also seems surprised by how much Twice genuinely likes and trusts him. He also knows, on both sides, many of the people likely to die from this.
Miruko in 262 mentions that heroes hold back fighting villains - killing is not usually an action heroes are allowed or suggested to take.
And, lastly, Hawks’s choice is not solely his - up to now he has performed his duty as a tool to the Hero Public Safety Commission.  
III. How the Hero System Would Tackle the Problem?
Let’s talk about what it means to be a hero.
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From what we’ve seen in the manga and spin off Vigilantes, there’s an actual calculation, maybe even algorithm in how heroes get paid. It is a clearly a numerical one.
The question is how exactly should anyone looking at a catastrophe begin to count the worth of human life? We don’t have exact confirmation, but it’s likely the ‘Specialty Organization’ is none other than the HPSC, or the Hero Commission as fandom likes to call them. 
From previous encounters, we know that they are utilitarian in outlook, hence the way they sent Hawks to infiltrate the League. To the HPSC, the consequences of an action matter far more than the morality of the action itself. As a organization that, then, depersonalizes choices in terms of numbers and metrics, a simple calculation that five people over one intended casualty is acceptable.
Remember, the HPSC also comes out with ranks. Heroism is numbers to their system and they got the calculation.
In Japan, Professional Heroes are officially ranked by taking in account several factors such as the number of cases solved, general popularity, and level of social contribution. (bnha wiki)
In their view, Hawks would choose A. There’s no option for him otherwise. The HPSC continues to exist as long as everyone accepts their metrics and calculations. Lives, to them, have an internal quantifiable logic. So do hero actions.
Villains do, too, but only in ‘resolving’ them. As incidences. 
IV. What are Lives Worth, Anyway?
The more factors we include in this problem, the more complications. A kantian viewpoint might come from someone in the Liberation Front - Twice’s quirk is amazing and far more valuable that most quirks. If we put Twice in the Trolley Problem, it’s unlikely that the five other people would have comparable quirks. Thus, simply on that basis, Twice’s ‘worth’ would be more than the others and no lever would be pulled.
For Hawks, it would be the action itself. Heroes do not kill, and while he has been conditioned into taking the HPSC’s metrics into the forefront of his decision-making all his life, the active choice to kill Twice would have consequences.
Hawks has already shown to struggle with guilt - besides the words he said after the Jeanist incident, manipulating Endeavor into coming with him just to use him as a shield against whatever the League had did disturb Hawks, just from facial expressions. He does even question that he has to perform immoral actions in order to do as the HPSC wishes. At the same time he has generally gone along with the idea that the ends justify the means.
It’s very obvious what would happen if any of us ever encountered a “trolley problem” in real life. We would panic, do something rashly, and then watch in horror as one or more persons died a gruesome death before our eyes. We would probably end up with PTSD. Whatever we had ended up doing in the moment, we would probably feel guilty about for the rest of our lives: even if we had somehow miraculously managed to comply with a consistent set of consequentialist ethics, this would bring us little comfort.  ( Nathan Robinson, Current Affairs. 2017)
As I wrote this, someone mentioned The Good Place, a show that showed explored the Trolley Problem in depth. One of the conclusions it came to is that nevertheless of the circumstances it is horrifying. No matter the ethics, faced with such a problem, most people would not come away of it well. Hawks included because he is not a machine and is capable of feeling guilt either way.
If he kills Twice, he kills and betrays a friend, and saves the lives of hundreds of thousands or millions, and betraying people he has gotten to know over the course of months. But that’s a weight he’ll have to bear for the rest of his life, if he manages to survive. He’ll have to know he did what Heroes are avoidant to do; kill. 
If he doesn’t kill Twice, Twice will help lead a revolution that, while addressing many of the issues Hawks sees with society, will kill Hawks’s thousands of colleagues and many innocents in the crossfire.
V. A Different Question?
The issue then is not what Hawks does, but why he has to ask this question of himself in the first place. The thing is that there are rarely only two options in any given situation.
The thing is situations are created. And so are choices. They do not come out of thin air. They are not in a self-contained vacuum. Twice was created, and so was Hawks, and so was the Commission. The choices Hawks faces right now are not removed from hundreds of years of other decisions, and powers that enact them.
If I am forced against my will into a situation where people will die and I have no ability to stop it, how is my choice a “moral” choice between meaningfully different options, as opposed to a horror show I’ve just been thrust into, in which I have no meaningful agency at all? Let’s think a bit more about who put me here and how to keep them from having diabolical power over others.  ( Nathan Robinson, Current Affairs. 2017)  
The thing about ascribing morality, too, to individual actions is it misses the powers of institutional forces upon our lives. What does that look like in BNHA?
It means we see Ujiko and not an Empire AFO has been building for at least a century to make sure there are systems in place creating noumus, and people like Shigaraki who exist in this world. 
It means we see Endeavor and his heroism and brilliant record and not a system ignoring that a man who bought a woman to force her to have children in a genetic experiment is now the symbol of Peace and Stability for that system. 
It means we see Twice as a regrettable casualty of society whose only option for acceptance was among murderers fulfilling a murder-empire and not a consequence of both AFO’s system and the Hero System to make sure people like him have no safe place in the world.
It means we see Hawks poised to kill Twice and not the organization that bought him as a child and raised him into a soldier who has to decide whether to kill one or many.
And once you realize that none of these questions, none of these options are fair or right in these terms - not the one for many, not the sparing to absolve personal guilt, you can ask the question what is right thing to do.
What I mean is maybe there shouldn’t be heroes or villains. None of that conflict should exist. There’s no rights in either view. Yes the hero system should be eradicated. But the lack of future Shigaraki envisions, and the dystopian plans AFO and Ujiko actually have, and the Liberation Army plan for, are also wrong. 
Neither of the systems proposed have the right answer or the right to posit one. 
The real answers are not in the right or wrongs. They’re in every other sentence. They’re in Jirou’s encouragement of Kaminari, in Shigaraki telling the League he wants them to be happy with what they love, in Keigo’s unsure smile as Jin looks at him and tells him he’s a good person for caring for his friends. The answers are in the love that ordinary people have for each other, that no manufactured conflict and institution can quantify or destroy. And that hopefully, someone will voice this.
VI. What will Hawks Answer?
The thing about this is that we aren’t sure if Keigo will fully make a decision right now. There’s a likelihood he will be interrupted. Or he will put off his decision-making and spare Twice for the moment, delaying his choice. And that’s just ignoring the fact that there isn’t one choice to make here; no, lots of them. 
However, Keigo has made one personal life-changing decision in before; the HPSC has taken that choice and removed free will from it. 
Self-sacrifice, after all, is both the will of the HPSC and Hawks’s true nature. If quirks are to show us the nature of the person, why not Hawks’s feathers, deceptively soft but deadly, maneuverable and revealing, and yet, ultimately consist of him breaking his only ability to fly free until he no longer can? What’s more self-sacrificial than breaking off pieces of yourself to save others?  
The Good Place has an answer to the problem that accepts that no matter the options, and the questions, someone will lose something. Die maybe. The solution is that if someone must die, why not yourself?
The one comfort is that for all the lack of choices Hawks has been given in this situation - this is the one solution he can come up with on his own.
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violethowler · 4 years
Break the Wheel
It’s a common point of discussion in the Kingdom Hearts fandom how often the main heroes are screwed over by the actions and attitudes of their various mentors. Ansem the Wise, Eraqus, the Master of Masters... Nearly every mentor figure in the series has contributed in some way to the pain the young people they interact with have endured over the course of the series. 
The Master of Masters deliberately manipulated his pupils into turning against each other and starting a war to further his own agenda. The Foretellers spread that suspicion and mistrust of each other outward to the members of their respective Unions. From what we’re seeing so far, the Dandelions are removed from the Master’s direct influence and are handling the Potential Traitor discussion so much better than the Foretellers did in Back Cover, but something still clearly went wrong that left at least four of them thousands of years in the future with only vague memories of their past at best. 
Birth by Sleep showed how Eraqus’ paranoia and distrust of darkness directly lead to the suffering of his pupils. His attitude toward Terra’s darkness in the beginning drove the latter to seek validation from Xehanort, who used Terra for his own agenda causing Aqua to trap herself in the Realm of Darkness to save her friend. Eraqus’ insistence that she spy on Terra and bring Ven back to the Land of Departure drove a wedge between the trio at Radiant Garden. And his willingness to kill Ventus to stop Xehanort leads to his duel with Terra and subsequent death. 
Ienzo’s role in the experiments performed by the Organization’s founders prior to the fall of Radiant Garden is unclear, but his conversation with Ansem in Kingdom Hearts III suggests that the older apprentices kept him in the dark about many things and might have potentially used Ansem’s fondness for him to manipulate their mentor. This resulted in Ansem’s banishment and - if DDD is any indication - turning Ienzo into a Nobody against his will when he was only 8 years old. 
Ansem himself went on to openly seek the destruction of Roxas, Xion, and Namine for the sake of his revenge against everyone who wronged him, using his prejudice against Nobodies to justify the things he did in pursuit of his goals. And despite guiding Riku to accept his own darkness in Chain of Memories, Ansem still fundamentally buys into the view of Darkness as something inherently negative, best illustrated at the end of Riku’s side of that game where DiZ attempted to make Riku choose between the “road to light” and “road to darkness”, implicitly trying to force Riku into a rigid either/or path that Riku rejects in favor of choosing “the middle road”.
This pattern has repeated often enough that when fans on Twitter shared screenshots of Dark Road from the game’s prematurely leaked website showing Master Odin, several fans - myself included - began eagerly anticipating the ways in which this pattern of old men failing the young would rear its head in Xehanort’s time as an apprentice. 
The fact that this pattern appears so consistently across the entire Kingdom Hearts timeline is not an accident. The entire starting point of the Heroine’s Journey is built around the idea that the protagonist’s environment - parents, mentors, peers, sometimes even their entire society - has failed them in some way[1]. By forcing them to adhere to a rigid binary of what traits are considered desirable versus undesirable, it forces people who do not fit those standards to cut themselves off from vital parts of who they are in order to be recognized and validated.
So when the younger generation grows up with these standards and is called to fix the mistakes of their elders, they are expected to do so on their mentors’ terms[2]. In doing so, they will ultimately continue the cycle that led to those problems in the first place. But the central protagonist of the Heroine’s Journey is different. The qualities which set them apart are the same ones that allow them to think outside of this rigid binary and ultimately break that cycle. In the course of their growth, the main character learns to create a new, better world not by vanquishing a villain who represents the failures of the old one, but by healing the wounds those failures created. 
Kairi said it best in Kingdom Hearts III that Sora’s journey is about helping people, many of whom he’s never met before. This is significant because the protagonist breaking out of the cycle has commonly taken the form of learning to solve problems with compassion and understanding instead of violence and punishment[1]. The main character cannot improve the world around them by simply killing the villain and calling it a day. In order to achieve meaningful change they need to help the people who have been hurt by this rigid cycle. And as the contrast between Sora’s attitudes towards the dying Organization members in Kingdom Hearts II and III demonstrates, that includes the same villains he’s fighting against. Yes, even Xehanort.
Because when you look back and think about it, every non-Disney antagonist in the Kingdom Hearts series is shown to be motivated by the pain and/or trauma inflicted on them by the worldview of their peers and mentors, which they then took out on the people around them. 
Marluxia as Lauriam was powerless to stop Strelitzia’s murder, and then he lost all memory of his past when he arrived in the present from the Age of Fairy Tales. That knowledge casts his behavior in Chain of Memories as someone trying to control the people around him as a proxy to feel like he has control over his own life[3]. 
Ienzo’s words when Ansem returns in Kingdom Hearts III[4] and the fact that he was a child [5] when Radiant Garden fell[6] paint his words toward Riku in Chain of Memories about the latter destroying his home as Zexion projecting the repressed guilt over the destruction of his home onto Riku. 
Saix’s cruelty toward Roxas and Xion in 358/2 Days is revealed in Kingdom Hearts III to have been driven by jealousy towards Axel and the feeling that he was being abandoned and replaced[7].  
All of these characters’ villainous actions can be traced back to the influence of the mentor figures of their generation. Marluxia’s survivor’s guilt over Strelitzia’s death is the result of her killer attempting to defy the manipulations of the Master of Masters. Saix was gaslit about his own humanity by Xemnas and Xigbar for over a decade with Xemnas’ manipulation and whatever effect Norting had on him on top of that. Ienzo’s conversation with Ansem in Kingdom Hearts III indicates that he didn’t fully understand what Ansem’s adult apprentices were doing around him when they were conducting their experiments, and the flashback at the start of Dream Drop Distance suggests he had not become a Nobody of his own volition. 
Xehanort too, is someone who was hurt by this destructive cycle. The things he indicates he saw during his world tour - people refusing to acknowledge the darkness in their own hearts and allowing it to grow [8] - showed him the consequences of repressing one’s darkness and negative emotions as he and Eraqus were taught. He wanted to change this, but he was still so entrenched in that system that the best he could think of ultimately amounted to the same rigid viewpoint but flipped so that darkness was on top. 
The merciless death many fans felt Xehanort deserved would only reinforce the “darkness evil, light good” worldview that Riku’s redemption arc was built on overturning. In order to truly heal the wounds created by the rigid belief system that made the villain who they are, the protagonist needs to be able to extend their compassion and sympathy even to their greatest enemies, or else it fundamentally breaks the narrative. The idea that there should be limits or conditions on such compassion is exactly the kind of mentality that led Eraqus to try and kill Terra and Ventus in Birth by Sleep. It doesn’t mean the main characters will ever forgive the villain(s) for what they’ve done, but that they are choosing to let go. To focus their energy on self-care and rebuilding, instead of more violence and more destruction[2].
Regardless of how individual fans feel about it, Xehanort being treated with dignity in his final moments needed to happen in order to show Sora’s growth. If Kingdom Hearts III had given Xehanort a violent demise like some of us wanted, it would have been a betrayal of the Heroine’s Journey’s major themes. Treating opponents with sympathy and compassion is a critical element of the framework, and is necessary in order to allow the protagonist to break free of the destructive mentality that created the story’s overarching conflict in the first place. 
[1] “The Heroine with a Thousand Faces”; June 13, 2019;
[2] “On Love and Lions Part 1: An Analysis of Love in VLD”; February 14, 2020. https://www.teampurplelion.com/on-love-and-lions-1/
[3] Analysis of Marluxia by @mlhelena;  https://mlhelena.tumblr.com/post/185211447430/thought-that-ive-been-nursing-for-a-while
[4] Kingdom Hearts III. Square Enix, 2019. 
[5] Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Square Enix, 2010.
[6] Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Square Enix, 2012. 
[7] Concerning Atypical Heart Regrowth in Nobodies: Saïx Case Study by dicax; June 23, 2019.
[8] Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind. Square Enix, 2020. 
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candleopen1 · 4 years
Youngsters And Families Act 2014.
Family Members Law, Separation, Mediation, Pre.
Mediation Does Not Function, Ive Currently Tried It.
The Length Of Time Might Mediation Take?
Regrettably, There Is No Legal Aid For Arbitration Services Yet We Do Use A Range Of Fixed Fees.
Household Mediation
On the other hand, litigation is often required prior to the commencement of any family mediation session. These sessions are generally used to obtain parenting agreements, child custody agreements, and any other final arrangements that are required before the dissolution of the marriage or relationship is final. As such, these sessions may be very lengthy, taking weeks or even months to complete. Attorneys need to make sure all necessary documentation is in place and that the parents have the right to participate in these sessions. This paperwork will often include a parenting plan, and periodic reports about how things are coming along.
In a traditional trial-based environment, a mediator would bring the parties together to discuss and decide upon a plan of action. Mediation can also resolve specific issues, such as child custody and visitation. In addition, it can help to ensure that a divorce is fair and the best solution for all involved. Because a mediator brings unbiased opinions, there is a better chance for everyone involved to reach an agreement that both can agree upon. Also, it is quicker and less expensive than a lengthy litigation process through the courts.
In a typical family mediation, an experienced mediator helps the parties to discuss their child custody, visitation, alimony, and other related issues in an atmosphere of calm and trust. By using their knowledge of laws and communication skills, the trained mediator helps the parties come to an agreement without court action. Family law attorneys are usually involved in the mediation process as well. (A good mediation expert should also be able to assist a client with an amicable divorce settlement, if desired.)
In domestic settings where dispute resolution is primarily concerned with interpersonal conflicts, family mediation services provide a distinct advantage over alternative dispute resolution procedures. The primary advantage is that it facilitates effective communication between parties and it minimises the time and energy spent during the mediation process. It is also well suited to complex unresolved matters where a wide range of views are available. It helps resolve sensitive issues quickly and inexpensively.
Mediation Does Not Work, Ive Currently Attempted It.
There are several ways in which family mediation can be used to help the parties resolve their disputes. It can be used for a simple dispute, such as a divorce, to help an unhappy couple finalize their separation before it gets too late. Divorce mediation can help the parties come together before they begin divorce proceedings, making it easier for them to agree on child custody, visitation, and other important matters. However, family disputes that involve more complex issues, such as adoption, annulment, parental rights, and possible spousal support cannot be settled through mediation.
Ethiopia rejects African mediation, pushes toward rebel-held Tigray capital - Reuters
Ethiopia rejects African mediation, pushes toward rebel-held Tigray capital.
Posted: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 10:13:35 GMT [source]
Family mediation is often viewed by non-legal persons as a quaint 'clan' meeting, with an un-representative formality (the mediator being one family member) where the parties negotiate and reach some sort of agreement. This is in contrast to the more common family courts where family disputes are adjudicated by a single judge, often having multiple parties. Family mediation has been likened to an international village, where everyone can 'contribute' towards solving problems. But is this truly the case?
The most common type of family mediation service involves a professionally trained mediator helping the parties jointly identify their position, draw up a written agreement and finally agree upon a mutually acceptable divorce procedure. Such agreements may include child custody and access (although the latter is usually decided between the parties rather than the mediator). An additional advantage of family mediation is that it tends to result in a faster and cheaper transition into the next stage of a relationship after a divorce. Unlike the more expensive ex parte court proceedings, the mediator's help tends to ameliorate the financial position of both parties, and tends to smooth out any existing feelings of anger or resentment. Family mediation also tends to produce quicker progress in resolving the true issues of abuse, mental illness or conflict. The trained mediator helps the parties recognize and resolve the abuse issue at the earliest opportunity.
In contrast, ex parte court proceedings tend to take a much longer time to conclude and can be very expensive for the parties involved. This can adversely affect a family's financial situation, increasing the stress levels and resulting difficulties in maintaining employment. The mediators in ex parte courts also lack the requisite professional experience of which mediators trained in family mediation are capable. Furthermore, mediators are not properly equipped to handle delicate emotional issues such as anger and grief, which can impede successful resolution of a dispute.
For How Long Might Mediation Take?
In order for family mediation to work well, both parents must be willing to participate. Involving one or both parents will likely mean mediation will not be successful. Also, if the parents do not have good communication skills, the entire process may not go very well. If the parents are unwilling to communicate with each other, the parents may fight and hurt each other while trying to convince the other to agree with them. Involving both parents will help to ensure the mediation process goes smoothly and that both parents have a positive influence on the mediation process.
Medicaid mediation starts at loggerheads over membership, timing - Louisville Business First
Medicaid mediation starts at loggerheads over membership, timing.
Posted: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Family mediation can either occur in-house or it can be outsourced to a third party company that provides the service. There are some pros and cons associated with each option. Family attorneys who use in-house mediation often provide the session at a significantly lower cost to the law firm. They also find it easier to conduct the actual sessions as well. Additionally, they are able to skip through the agreements much quicker and get to the bottom of issues more quickly.
Family mediation is an autonomous member of the ADR family of services. It forms one of the fundamental pillars of family mediation services offered internationally today. It is not mandatory for courts in many states to employ the services of family mediators when divorces are taking place. However, the courts often have discretion to do so in extraordinary circumstances.
Family mediation has proven to be a great alternative to traditional litigation when a couple wants to finalize a matter involving their children without having to go to court. The process works best when both parents work together voluntarily to agree on a custody agreement. Although mediation may not be able to solve every family problem, it has been proven to be an effective alternative to traditional litigation. When a couple chooses to use mediation to finalize their divorce, they should make sure they use the services of a reputable mediator who is experienced in family mediation and understands the process. If you need help with finding the right mediator, feel free to contact the law firm of an attorney who is experienced in family mediation.
Another important advantage of family mediation over civil partnerships is that it tends to be cheaper. The cost of family mediation typically falls between the cost of a civil partnership and the cost of attending a family law court proceeding. Therefore, by using a professionally trained mediator, you can save money on legal fees. A mediator is also more qualified to help you with your family law case because he or she has experience dealing with similar cases. The experience and knowledge that a mediator has will help him or her to provide unbiased and objective advice that will help you achieve the outcomes that you are looking for.
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As stated previously, couples who decide to resolve their conflict without the use of a professional mediator will discover that they are often unable to resolve certain disputes. If these issues cannot be resolved without outside help, then an attorney may become necessary. In addition, when trying to navigate the litigation process without legal representation, spouses are often unsure of their rights and are confronted with a number of problems. Mediation is often a safer way to resolve any kind of conflict, because the mediator working for you will have a strong background in family law and familiarity with the ins and outs of family mediation. A good mediator will know how to quickly apply the Settlement Agreement and will also know how to apply it in court, should it ever become necessary. Finally, if discover the best mediation grange over sands is not available, family mediation can also provide a safe way to resolve any kind of conflict and achieve some resolution.
Mediation services are usually utilized at the time of separation or divorce and to help facilitate negotiations that would otherwise bog down the process. all things couples mediation alston is widely considered preferable by attorneys and other professionals because it tends to lower costs and take a lot of court time. https://whitehaven.lakesmediation.co.uk/ tends to provide a much more effective resolution than alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and trial. Many attorneys use family mediation to settle their clients' divorce without a long and costly trial. And, family mediators are often able to resolve a wide range of family issues including child custody, asset division, spousal and child alimony, and issues concerning children with special needs.
Help Desk: Mediation can help you to create a more open, diverse workplace - Baltimore Business Journal
Help Desk: Mediation can help you to create a more open, diverse workplace.
Posted: Thu, 03 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
A far better alternative to the civil partnership process is the family mediation process. One major advantage of a family mediation process is that it tends to be a less stressful event for everyone. With civil partnerships, parties are usually required to attend an extensive pre-mediation phase in which they are presented with information regarding their rights and obligations, and are asked to determine what the best solution will be for them. Civil partnerships often entail long court appearances and days of heated arguments; mediation tends to be much more relaxed and tends to result in quick and relatively inexpensive solutions.
The term family mediation comes from the family mediation process in the context of family law in Australia, where the family law system in that jurisdiction follows a system where mediation is the preferred method for resolving family disputes. International experience teaches that family mediation is not a foreign concept, but a perfectly logical extension of family law in domestic settings where conflict resolution is usually regarded as a matter of public record. International practice also shows that family mediation tends to result in a higher rate of successful outcomes (especially in cases where parents have been unable to resolve their disputes through other means). These observations are consistent with the view that family mediation, with its focus on consensus resolution, is preferable to other methods of dispute resolution, particularly when disputes concern sensitive issues such as divorce and children.
At the very first meeting, an arbitrator will certainly talk to you regarding what takes place in arbitration so you can choose if it's for you.
If you do not get to an agreement, anything that's been stated during the mediation needs to be kept confidential as well as can not be utilized in future treatments.
Although there is no statutory law of mediators, the CMC runs a system of voluntary law for civil/commercial and also workplace arbitrators and suppliers.
This videoproduced by the University of Exeter aids discuss more about the mediation process and also gives advice regarding what can aid the arbitration process succeed.
A court fee is billed when you release any kind of case, yet no different cost is produced the arbitration.
If you determine you do not want to moderate, they'll tell your company arbitration is not possible.
If agreement is reached in mediation, put in composing and also authorized, it is binding like any kind of other contract.
The conciliator will aid you locate a remedy which benefits you both and explain just how you can make an arrangement legitimately binding.
The moderator will concur with both sides which details can be shared outside the mediation and also exactly how.
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galeerlanda · 5 years
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     Right after class, my classmate, Pauline, and I, went straight to Brgy. 471 Zone 46 District IV and there we were able to get a chance to interview Mr. Amado Barles who is a barangay tanod. Although he agreed to talk to us, he didn’t allow us to record the whole duration of it. Meanwhile, as we converse, he took out some documents for us to see which helped him explain how they work with issues and face all the calamities that come their way, also how they plan things in order to solve the problems effectively and efficiently. 
     We had a run through of their Barangay Risk Reduction Plan and we saw that they have listed several disaster situations, specifically, super typhoon, floods, fire, and earthquake. Well, the aforementioned are not really controllable matters. Thus, it would just be best to be prepared once it happens. 
     As to the solution that the community prepared, they already obtained important records such as the population and target no. of families. Moreover, they have gained budgetary sources and were able to organize the evacuation centers for the disaster situations that may arise. Additionally, they have also provided early warning system equipment in areas that are prone in disaster and materials for the hazard if it occured. 
     In the Philippines, we are really prone to natural disasters due to our geographical location. With this being said, we really can’t avoid these saddening events. However, it is still very much possible for us to lessen its negative effect through proper and critical planning. But, aside from planning, utmost participation from all are needed in order to make things works and not turn into chaos and add up to the problems. 
     Leaders must initiate and facilitate the planning while they also take measures to empower the citizens and enable them to unravel their potential and knowledge that may help solve the issues. People who shares the same interest and have the right mindset would lead to a creation of group that are productive and are really open to help the community to achieve its betterment and so would be beneficial for all. 
     Natural Hazards are unavoidable. No matter how much we wish for it no to happen, it eventually will. But, it doesn’t mean that we cannot do anything about it. It’s always good to be prepared. We need be well informed about our surroundings and the things that might happen in order for us to know what’s need to be planned and how it should be executed. People must also be open to fully participate on the plans that the community organizers have prepared so that when the disaster finally come, the process would flow smoothly. To summarize, Planning and participation comes hand in hand in addressing the issue of disasters may it be in our community or in our country.  
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verifiedaccount · 6 years
If Jacque Hollander’s story is true, it carries some extraordinary demands. It requires the authorities to open at least two death investigations. It asks them to pull James Brown’s body from the crypt and subject it to an autopsy. It forces us all to reconsider Brown’s legacy: to see him not just as a pioneering entertainer but as a man whose last two decades were suffused with horrible secrets.
Of the thousands of people I’ve interviewed in my 18-year career, Jacque Hollander stands apart. Her stories may ramble, one interrupting another and another after that, but she renders each scene with remarkable detail. They have the force of lived experience, of fear and sadness and hard-earned outrage. As for documentation, she is practically a hoarder. She has more than a dozen boxes of papers, photographs, audiotapes, videotapes and other relevant artifacts. One time she played me a VHS tape from 1988 that showed a police officer writing her a note at a charity function — and then she handed me the note, worn and faded but still intact.
“When you’re up against the most powerful person in the world, you have to document, and you have to investigate yourself, and you’d better prove everything you’re saying,” she told me that first day in June. “Because nobody’s going to believe you unless you can prove it.”
Some people find her stories impossible to believe. Several who have known Jacque told me they think she exaggerates, or hallucinates. Jacque herself told me that a close friend tried to have her committed.
But at least three trained fact-finders have closely examined her claims and reached the opposite conclusion. Larry Largent and Mark Polkosnik, two professional counselors who happen to be former police officers, both told me they had spent many hours counseling Jacque for her mental and emotional trauma and had determined she was neither crazy nor lying — not about James Brown, and not about anything else.
Danny Porter, the district attorney of Gwinnett County, Georgia, since 1992, said Jacque had given him solid information that helped solve a murder case unrelated to James Brown. He said he considers her a reliable source.
“Knowing Jacque and what she tells me about the James Brown organization, I can’t say it’s not true,” Porter told me. “Because so much of what she says has turned out to be true over the years.”
I spent nearly two years checking out Jacque’s story. I traveled through nine states, read tens of thousands of pages of police and court records, interviewed nearly 140 people, questioned Jacque for hundreds of hours, mined the depths of her three storage units for records stretching back more than 30 years, analyzed more than 1,300 pages of text messages from her iPhone, and sent an item from her green plastic bin for testing at a forensic laboratory.
In examining the deaths of Adrienne Brown and James Brown, I also discovered many things Jacque did not know when she called me.
At least three other people believe the death of Adrienne Brown was not an accidental overdose, despite what the authorities said in 1996.
There are legitimate questions about James Brown’s death that can only be answered by an autopsy and a criminal investigation.
And there is a disturbing pattern of similarities between Adrienne Brown’s death and James Brown’s death 11 years later.
I found the doctor with whom Jacque claimed to have spoken, the one who treated James Brown at a hospital in Atlanta before his death. Much to my surprise, he agreed to an interview. He told me he doubted Brown had died of natural causes. He suspected that Brown died of an overdose, accidental or otherwise. He said he wanted an autopsy all along.
The doctor is one of 11 people associated with Brown who told me his death should be investigated. That number does not include Brown’s daughter LaRhonda Pettit or his son-in-law Darren Lumar, both of whom alleged that Brown was murdered, both of whom died before I started reporting this story.
In addition to the doctor, I found Andre Moses White, the old friend who helped Brown check into the hospital in December 2006. Yes, White told me, he did take a vial of his friend’s blood from an IV tube shortly after Brown’s death. And he still hopes it will help the authorities find out whether James Brown was murdered. Lumar was murdered in Atlanta in 2008, the year after he made his allegation on local TV news. His killing remains unsolved.
Besides the skeptical doctor and the vial of blood, I found more than a dozen other unresolved questions regarding Brown’s last days, his death, and the peculiar events that followed. I will lay out those questions in the third part of this series. But first we need to talk about the circus singer, and the tortuous 30-year path that led her to acquire the mysterious plastic bin.
It’s easy to get lost in this story, to get tangled in the characters and plotlines. The best way to understand it is to start at the beginning, about three years before Jacque went into the woods.
This is an even stranger story than the Dan Mallory/A.J. Finn investigation from the New Yorker yesterday. Content warning for descriptions of domestic abuse and sexual assault.
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olympivnshq · 5 years
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congratulations nyla !  this application was nothing short of exquisite. andrea is wholesome, and well rounded in the way you have thought her out and she seems like the perfect mortal counterpart to ATHENA. even through your descriptions and your sample, we could feel the regal hints and athena’s natural class shining through. we’re excited to see you interact with your first faceclaim choice: RACHEL WEISZ.
☆゚*・゚  OOC INFO.
Hello my name is Nyla and my timezone is PST. I’m an avid fan of Rick Riordan’s writing and have always loved Greek mythology. I’m currently in university working towards a dual degree in classics and English literature so you could say that studying Greek mythology makes up a big part of my life
ATHENA—F. 30-35
ANDREA SCOTT. Curator for the American Museum of Natural History – in charge of acquisitions and collections. Upper East Side
The sound of stilettos on freshly waxed marble floors, signed contracts, expensive fountain pens, classic statues, glass cases of artifacts, a stack of books, hair wrapped into an elegant chignon bun, brownstone apartments, appointment books filled with cursive writing, impeccable perfection, expertly winged eyeliner, lunch break walks across central park.  
Rachel Weisz / Annabelle Wallis / Olivia Wilde
i. A seven nation army couldn’t hold me back // ii. But in all chaos, there is calculation // iii. They wanna make me their queen // iv. Whose side am I on, whose side am I? // v. I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take // vi. Everybody falls down, all the way down // vii. Ink on her skin incomplete // viii. Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes // ix. I can hold the weight of worlds // v.In spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear
Athena is completely at peace when she is hard at work. She does not enjoy remaining idle with nothing to do, she enjoys a challenge and would like nothing better than to be strategizing and solving problems all day as she is well aware that her mind is leagues beyond everyone else’s. A master of linguistics, she’s able to converse with anyone that she meets, understanding not only the language, but the inherent focus of what people try to tell her. She is comfortable in her solitude, conceding that her intelligence alienates her and puts barriers around her that make it seem like she is unapproachable, however, to the brave souls who do cross that self-made barrier, she is a loyal and determined friend and source of refuge. Athena is a very difficult goddess to impress, as she requires nothing less than perfection with every task, but that being said, she is also a goddess who will come to those who need her and help them when she can. She is not the most forgiving of the goddesses and has a penchant for striking back at those who go against her, making sure that she always has the last word, and that attitude extends to her fellow gods and goddesses – she can hold grudges for a very long time and she would not hesitate in retaliating when she feels that she’s been slighted.
Andrea was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth, adopted by a wealthy railway tycoon who was based in New York, she was more of a publicity stunt for his more charitable benefactors than anything else. It took time, but her adoptive father did grow fond of Andrea, spoiling her and ensuring that her thirst for knowledge was quelled with the finest education that money could buy, and a seat on many of the city’s philanthropic committees as she grew older. She attended Oxford university and holds several degrees, including an undergraduate degree in art history and a doctorate degree in curatorial studies. Having studied in London for most of her post-secondary career, she was able to travel Europe and become immersed in the art and culture that the world had to offer, but New York called and she decided that achieving her educational accomplishments, it was time to come home. Andrea has inherited Athena’s fierce and relentless nature, but she is warmer, and easier to approach, eager to help whenever she can. While she is very particular about the standard of her own work, she understands that she cannot demand the same level of perfection from everyone and regularly tries to check herself and adjust to come to the safer middle ground between her expectations and what is possible. She is highly respected in New York society, not by her adoptive father’s name, but because of the work that amazing work that she does in bringing great examples of art and culture to the city. Andrea has yet to tap into the battle and strategy side of her goddess counterpart, but she has always been interested in the history of war, and is sometimes approached by federal organizations like the CIA and Departments of State due to her expertise in foreign affairs and linguistics – both hobbies and subjects of interest that she picked up in university and continued to study in the little free time she had when she was not working on acquisitions for the museum. She lives alone in a brownstone townhouse in the upper east side, where many of her walls are covered from floor to ceiling with books and documents. She surrounds herself with them as they bring her joy, and she likes to know that her personal collection can rival those of the world’s most intellectual bibliophiles. Andrea is well connected but doesn’t keep many close friends because of how intimidating she can be, often resorting to dry humor and raised eyebrows. She questions people, and picks them apart from mere observations and often doesn’t even realize that she is being blunt or revealing truths that people would rather not hear.
1. are they more likely to stand with the pantheon or against it?
Athena will definitely stand with the Pantheon. She believes in necessary order, and believes that the Pantheon is the only way to achieve this. She believes that each God and Goddess has a role to fulfill, and without the order that this balance maintains, the world is sure to delve into complete chaos and discord.
2. what is their stand on mortals?
She sees humans as important. She is not naïve, and doesn’t believe that they are unnecessary because of their lack of powers in comparison to the Gods, but she does see how easily manipulated they are by their emotions. It irks her to see so many problems come from the human inability to control themselves, and has little patience for the errors that happen as a result. That being said, she does not give up on the human race as it is not in Athena’s nature to back down from any challenge, and she believes that with guidance and proper shaping, mortals have plenty to offer the world.  
Heels clicking on the freshly waxed marble of the empty museum halls, Andrea looked around. In her opinion there was no greater privilege than the one that her job as curator provided her, being able to wander these halls and have access to all the art and history that the walls of the museum housed.  She knows everything there is to know about every piece, observing them and taking them in as if each object has a life of its own that is worth knowing, for that is how she feels about knowledge – something to be appreciated as one would appreciate another human being. Perhaps that was her mistake, seeing more worth in her solitude looking at the displays, than in idle conversations filled with small talk and topics void of substance.
She passes through the artifacts of war exhibit, impressed as she always is, with the job that the display staff have done to showcase the great artifacts on loan to the museum from Greece and Rome, but she can’t help but succumb to the chill that goes up her spine when she looks at some of the items. The freshly shined brass of the swords, the murals of battles from the myths that she knew almost too well… it’s almost as if she was a part of the history, and not just the acquisition of each item. Yes, she had chosen each piece and planned the exhibition in her head spending many sleepless nights going over the blueprints and plans, but looking at them now she felt like she could see the battles taking place, with flashes of faces that she did not completely recognize invading her mind as she walked through the room. Her hands grew cold, remembering scenes that she knew she had not taken from any movies, watching in disappointment from above at the recklessness that fueled battles, always thinking that there was a more strategic way to go about each play.
Chalking it up to lack of sleep and an attachment to the museum’s newest exhibit she cleared her throat and took a final look at the space, satisfied with her final run through before the ribbon cutting ceremony that afternoon, and sparing one last glance at the spears and shields that were displayed in their full splendour in the middle of the room, stamped and brandished with the familiar symbol of an owl’s intelligent eyes.
Here is a link to a pinterest board that I made for Athena!
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therealandian · 5 years
Spoilery as hell essay about Tony Stark I did for my English class:
Please do not read it if you haven’t seen ENDGAME, because everything is spoiled. EVERYTHING!!!
This essay explores how Tony Stark is a tragic hero more than anything else.
The Tragedy of Tony Stark
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a titanic movie franchise spanning more than a decade with over 20 movies to its name. As a franchise based off of comic books, it has its share of wacky characters, witty one-liners, and ridiculous costumes. But as a movie franchise, it also has its share of dark, profound plot elements. One such element is the tragedy of Tony Stark.
Tony Stark is no ordinary hero. He is, as he once boldly proclaimed, a “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist” (The Avengers). Beyond that, he is Iron Man, legendary hero in his personal weaponized suit of mechanical armor. But this is only scratching at the surface of the man who has carried the entire MCU since its infancy. During this time, he has been beaten down and betrayed, has suffered and struggled, and has been abused and ignored. Despite all of his achievements, Tony is much more of a tragic hero than he has ever been just a hero.
A tragic hero is defined in the dictionary as “a great or virtuous hero…who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat.” Commonly, they’re set in dramatic tragedies, such as Oedipus Rex or Hamlet. Although the MCU doesn’t quite ring true as a “dramatic tragedy,” the “hero destined for suffering” part perfectly describes Tony, who struggles against foes far more powerful than himself, only to lose a piece of himself in the process. Jennifer Wallace puts it best when she states “The source of a tragic hero's greatness is also the cause of his destruction. The overriding desire for honor that motivates tragic protagonists also results in their shame and demise” (Wallace). This also describes Tony very well; many of Tony’s enemies are of his own making, and people tend to get hurt when he takes matters into his own hands and attempts to solve the problems himself.
Almost everything that happens throughout the MCU involves the tragedy of Tony Stark in some way. He is a walking, breathing catastrophe who can barely hold himself together. He is guilt-ridden and anxiety-plagued, yet everyone still expects him to be Iron Man. When he snaps and lashes out at people, or otherwise ignores their requests for assistance, everyone tends to be surprised. One of the most clear examples comes from the most recent MCU film: Avengers: Endgame. After Tony had just returned from almost starving to death during his month-long space trip, the other Avengers immediately want to talk strategy with him. He’s still hooked up to an IV while they discuss all the things he’d predicted was coming long before they ever came to pass. He snaps at Steve Rogers, saying “I got nothin' for you, Cap! I've got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options! Zero, zip, nada. No trust—LIAR!” (Avengers: Endgame). He collapses shortly thereafter, completely, utterly defeated.
In a world of supersoldiers, monsters, aliens, and supervillains, Tony is a bit of an odd man out—he’s still human. “The Tony Stark character is memorable in that he was someone who could readily comment on the insanity around him” (“First-of-its-Kind…”), says the Targeted News Service. Rather than being a supersoldier, ultra powerful gamma monster, or highly trained assassin, Tony is just a “man in a can” (Iron Man 3). He has only his intelligence to aid his hero’s journey, and he carries the burden of it with him everywhere. In every movie after the first Avengers film, Tony struggles with the knowledge that something like the attack on New York will happen again (Iron Man 3; Avengers: Age of Ultron). His greatest fear is losing everything because he failed to do enough, and it shows the most in his most vulnerable moments. Even worse, his fears become reality before his very eyes (Avengers: Infinity War).
Further setting the burden of tragic heroism on Tony’s shoulders is the sheer amount of villains he’s created. Justin Hammer, Ivan Vanko, Aldrich Killian, Ultron, and Adrian Toomes are all directly linked to Tony and his bad decisions. Killian is ignored by Tony completely after he makes a promise to meet him, Hammer attempts to replicate the Iron Man armor for military use and personal gain, Vanko gets Tony’s personal advice on how to make his weapons more efficient, Toomes loses his job because of Tony’s handling the aftermath of Loki’s attack on New York, and Ultron comes into existence because Tony let his fears control him (Iron Man 3; Iron Man 2; Spiderman: Homecoming; Avengers: Age of Ultron).
Tony’s ego is certainly one to blame, but so is his carelessness. He often lets the situation dictate his response, rather than forcing his actions to dictate the situation. In other words, Tony is a reactionary character. This can be seen best in Captain America: Civil War (CA:CW), when he reacts to the death of his parents, and in Avengers: Age of Ultron (AoU), when he experiments with Loki’s scepter to streamline the creation of Ultron.
Tony also faces two life-shattering betrayals and several smaller ones, further placing him in the “tragic” category. In his debut movie, Iron Man, he learns that the terrorist group called the Ten Rings was hired to kill him by Obadiah, his trusted friend and mentor. Obadiah later paralyzes Tony and physically rips out the one thing that keeps him alive—his arc reactor. Tony manages to survive on an older model, but is almost killed in the ensuing battle. He even resigns himself to death and forces his personal assistant to blow the reactor beneath them. He fortunately survives, but his former friend does not (Iron Man). In this movie, not only does he survive a torturous three months in Afghanistan, but he comes back to almost immediately die at the hand of one of his closest friends.
In CA:CW, Tony learns that his parents were murdered by Bucky Barnes, who is unfortunately standing next to him at that time. He’s understandably distraught, but becomes enraged when Steve reveals that he already knew about the murder and never told him. This moment is especially ironic given Steve’s line in AoU, when he tells Tony in frustration that “sometimes my teammates don’t tell me things” (Avengers: Age of Ultron). Tony attacks the pair, who proceed to nearly beat him to death. At one point, Steve rips off Tony’s face mask, then stabs his arc reactor with his shield. They then leave him, beaten and alone in Siberia, with Steve having chosen one friend over the other. Tumblr user @teamsharoncarter notes that “Tony Stark lifted up his arms, covering his face when Steve was going to hit him with the shield, subtly showing that Tony is used to anyone he trusted to betray him and try to kill him” (“Tony Stark…”). While this point could be debated as mere headcanon, it is true that Tony is betrayed often. It’s fascinating to see a side-by-side comparison of Tony’s facial expression when he discovers the two major betrayals.
Tony also deals quite a bit with mental illness. It becomes most prevalent in Iron Man 3 (IM3), and looms on the sidelines in other movies. Given at the start of IM3, he has been kidnapped and tortured (Iron Man), has nearly died of radiation poisoning (Iron Man 2), and has flown a nuclear missile into a wormhole to kill an alien army with no hope of surviving (The Avengers), it’s a wonder PTSD isn’t a major topic prior to it. Much of IM3’s secondary plot revolves around Tony’s mental state post-Avengers, and he never quite resolves it. Later on, he begins a multi-million dollar project to help “clear traumatic memories” by recreating them in a pseudo-physical format and altering them as the user wishes (Captain America: Civil War).
Tony tries again and again to do the right thing, yet he somehow makes everything worse in the process and loses something very dear to him. These attempts and subsequent failures are the most telling mark of his tragic heroism. He saves his life with the arc reactor, but it winds up poisoning him with radiation (Iron Man 2). He enters the clean energy market to make up for his company’s history of weapons contracting, only for his building to be partially destroyed during the Battle of New York (The Avengers). He tries to be better to his girlfriend, only for her to be kidnapped and tortured after their home is blown up because he ditched someone on a roof in 1999 (Iron Man 3). He tries to build a peacekeeping A.I., but it turns murderous and tries to drop a city out of the sky to wipe out humanity. He winds up losing much of his certainty, Bruce Banner, and J.A.R.V.I.S., his personal A.I. based on a childhood friend (Avengers: Age of Ultron). He signs the Sokovia Accords to try and redeem himself, but according to Rogers, it is the moment he signs it that he destroys the team (Captain America: Civil War). He tries to retire from being a hero and settle down, but he winds up lost in space with half the universe disappearing from existence because someone wanted to spare his life (Avengers: Infinity War).
It is rather fitting that when Ultron asks him if he’s come to confess his sins, he answers with “I dunno, how much time you got?” (Avengers: Age of Ultron).
Yet no one stops him from doing anything, and it often ends in disaster. And then when he tries to right these wrongs later on, his former teammates turn on him and abandon him in the cold of Siberia, halfway beaten to death by two supersoldiers. His contributions to the team and efforts to protect it are overlooked and forgotten the moment he signs the Sokovia Accords. Clint Barton says “you better watch your back on this guy. Chances are he's going to break it” (Captain America: Civil War), despite having fought alongside him only a year before during AoU. Even Tony’s plan to take the fight to Thanos, rather than returning to Earth, backfires and results in the loss of the Time Stone to the Mad Titan (Avengers: Infinity War).
All this being said, there is no denying that Tony is a hero. Incredibly, despite everything he goes through, he still keeps being Iron Man. As pointed out by Marvel Comics editor Axel Alonso, “he perseveres because of his winning combination of brains and heart” (”Iron Man Insider”). Tony himself even proclaims “I shouldn't be alive, unless it was for a reason...I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right...there is the next mission, and nothing else” (Iron Man).
In almost any story that’s called a tragedy, the protagonist(s) dies at the end. Take, for example, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and The Fall of Icarus. Unfortunately for Tony Stark, this trope still applies. The final nail in the coffin for Tony’s tragic-yet-heroic narrative is his battle against Thanos in Avengers: Endgame. After having survived wave after countless wave of attacks against both himself and his planet, Tony is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice, despite having finally achieved all but one of his goals throughout the MCU: “Peace in our time” (Avengers: Age of Ultron; Avengers: Endgame).
Despite everything, though—all the pain, suffering, torment, betrayals, and losses—he keeps getting up and coming back to fight the bad guys in a bid to make the world a better place. And perhaps this is the most tragic part about him. It’s not that he keeps losing, it’s that he keeps believing that someday, somehow, he’ll get his happy ending. And now that we know how Tony’s character arc ends, we also know that he never truly finds it.
Works Cited (for things that aren’t the movies)
“First-of-its-Kind Course to Examine ‘Universe’ of Cinematic Storytelling, Perspectives in Ongoing Marvel Films.” (2014, Sep 16). Targeted News Service.
“Iron Man Insider.” Discover, vol. 34, no. 4, May 2013, p. 23. EBSCOhost.
@teamsharoncarter. “Tony Stark lifted up his arms, covering his face when Steve was going to hit him with the shield, subtly showing that Tony is used to anyone he trusted to betray him and try to kill him.” Tumblr, http://teamsharoncarter.tumblr.com/post/144019313080/tony-stark-lifted-up-his-arms-covering-his-face.
Wallace, Jennifer. (2012). “The Tragic Paradox.” Comparative Drama, 46(4), 545-548,581.In almost any story that’s called a tragedy, the protagonist(s) dies at the end. Take, for example, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and The Fall of Icarus. Unfortunately for Tony Stark, this trope still applies. 
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