#<--- actually his skin but oh well
bruhstation · 1 year
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more of the trainsaw man au.... no confusion, no delay, and no bel prize!!!!
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sesamenom · 4 months
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Gothmog, Thuringwethil, and bonus Tevildo
i was digging around in my files and rediscovered some really old silm art of mine, including my original angband trio designs (mostly traced off heroforge models lol):
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and they're actually pretty cool! thuringwethil's tail is maybe a little questionable of a design choice (how are you supposed to fly with a giant tail flopping around...) but it looks really good on gothmog.
i don't really remember what i was doing with sauron (he looks a little like early curufin for unknown reasons) and idk what the wrist things are supposed to be, but Original Flavor Thuringwethil was actually a corrupted maia of manwe (eonwe's sister?), hence the feathers instead of traditional bat wings. for Original Gothmog i am less sure about his origins but he is possibly a corrupted maia of ulmo (originally a sea serpent, hence the tail and ulmo style ear-fins) who basically dried up into a more stone-based serpent
anyways i think I might keep thuringwethil's face/wing design and gothmogs full design for future use
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aloraaki · 1 month
Robin: You know, I'm surprised you managed to copy the exact chemicals that made the Joker go insane. They were disposed of after the incident, and literally never remade. Rex: Oh, it wasn't hard. In fact, the chemicals didn't even do much to him, they were just a slightly corrosive material that reduced his melanin, permanently. Robin: Really? Rex: Yeah. He was already crazy before them, but the chemicals just gave him a half-assed excuse for insanity. Superboy: So... doesn't that just mean you knowingly dumped Joker Junior into acid? Rex: Well when you say it like that it sounds bad.
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curiosityschild · 1 year
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Amphibiuary Days 11 + 15: Painted and 3D
A holdable friend
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oblako · 3 months
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absolutely obsessed with the visual execution of this part like are we all seeing this...
also these two panels:
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sysig · 8 months
! Can I also have Ishida and Mitsuru in halloween costumes? Party or some such?
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Day 15 - You know, just to sure 💕
#My art#Requestober#Yanderapy#Thank you for requesting my boys again I feel rather spoiled hehe ♥#It's funny I actually saw this one come in just before I took a nap and I was like ''Oh I /immediately/ have a mental image for that'' lol#And this was it! This was the mental image! I done did it I got it in one! :D#Even with a nap in the way it was just too strong of an image to leave my head like that haha ♪#They are insatiably flirty with each other lol their roommates are probably so tired of them haha#''You saw each other like three hours ago can you please chill'' ''But look how cute he looks!''#''I didn't see him Specifically like this I have to say Something'' lol#Mitsu is obviously flustered seeing him looking so handsome but make no mistake - Ishi is flirting hard 'cause he's just as smitten lol#Mitsu showing off his curves like that (lol)#It's not actually a skin-tight outfit - he's got like a t-shirt and either shorts or light pants on underneath#But he did get help actually wrapping bandages around him so it is a bit on the form-fitting side haha#Ishida's was to try and play into the attractive vampire trope 'cause he figured Mitsuru would like it and he was right lol#Can't keep their eyes (or eye in Mitsu's case) off each other despite going out!#Mummies don't have blood but hmmm have you Really checked like Actually Really (lol)#It was fun to give them a go in greyscale as well :D It feels funny since I hadn't so far!#But I do a bunch of other things in greyscale so why not them ♪ It feels like a new medium in a way even tho it's still digital haha
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 3 months
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so recently i decided to roll the 'what will my human!pericles look like This Time' roulette again, only this time in color for once! it's always itched at me how his design looks like a totally different person before and after the timeskip, having been through the wringer aside, so i thought i'd take a shot at combining my interpretation of the two. (the creators pretty obviously took cues from his voice actor for his present-day design, and it's been fun to draw on that too while still keeping the design my own.)
i mostly like how it's turned out, as far into it as i managed to get before i had to take a break and my executive function stalled out; i kept putting off posting it, meaning to come back and finish it later, but i finally decided to go ah fuck it i'd rather it be out there unfinished than disappear into my sketch folder forever. or get fucked up by my trying to continue it while Not in the Groove, especially given how difficult the painting tools i've got available are to wrangle with. Sometimes You Just Gotta Call It
there's a lot of things i'm eyeing to hammer out more next time--i can never seem to figure out what the hell to do with his hair, for one; for another they did a great job at getting across 'babyface that has become aged/haggard' with his designs, and that balance can be difficult to nail when the art app i use really brings out the Everyone is Soft and Babyface in my artstyle. it's a real bastard, but i liked drawing him with this brush a lot and i'm looking forward to working it out more if i can.
the upshot of this is Lo, Cunty Grandpa Be Upon Ye
bonus flats, including an early-to-mid-twenties edit, as well as a couple speed doodles from the same page:
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justablah56 · 1 year
did I just stay up till 1 am on a school night to draw Scam Actually? yeah. do I regret it? no not really but we'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow :')
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(click for better quality)
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kandibatz · 1 year
was thinkin of a shitpost and then just started unironically making hcs about these mfs playing minecraft
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
I keep seeing those "character without trauma" depictions and they seem like fun but I can't really picture it for most of The Faves... I guess Arakawa would've stayed an actor and Mine would've stayed at his company (or who knows, maybe he would've pursued baseball instead to begin with), but other than that I'm coming up blank...
its hard to imagine traumaless depictions when A Good Portion Of Characteristics are a product of trauma tbf 👁️💋👁️
#snap chats#like even with daigo. sure his trauma might be considerably less severe compared to others#but even still his internalized loneliness and want for an Actual friend is a product of his childhood neglect and surroundings#trauma has a range like that going from things some people might be like 'oh well thats not THAT bad' to like.#walking in on your dad after he was shot 👀💋👀 i mean daigos dad was ALSO shot but at least he didnt have to see it--#jo might be the hardest to imagine. if thats what you were lowkey alluding to when it came to coming to a blank#at least with mine and arakawa- mine especially- we got to see them Somewhat have a normal life#mine esp like if he just learned to better communicated he wouldnt have a need to join the yakuza right#but with jo we never get even a lick of that#at most he was a construction worker but i mean.. p sure that was more of Needing to do it opposed to naturally going towards it yk#not that construction work is bad of course but we know what im saying its not exactly a lot of people's Top Five occupations#especially at 15 but anyway. im prattlin too long THIS IS WHAT I WAS SAYING DURIN STREAM YESTERDAY LMAO#I BE LIKE 'weh wah my hand hurt i hate typing' and then i type an essay in the tags#literally go outside i hate you <- @me#anyway. i forgot to say in my last bitching post that my mom also nicked my ear so thats fun#so now my ear hurts and theres a skin flap i wanna rip off thats great#ok that was more tmi than usual ima cut it here BYE
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jibunwo · 11 months
#this was near the stairs but not so near that they couldve just done it. like they could see the stairs but i was not quite ripe for the#pushing so it was extra funny that i could divine their intentions from just their face#im good at that though. i have an intuition for what sorts of silly violence people are planning to enact unto me#once my friend offered me a warhead. like the candy. and i was like oh no thanks :) and he was like are you sure? and i looked at him and#immediately covered my water cup. he was like HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW WHAT I WAS GONNA DO WHAT THE FUCK#and i was like HOLY SHIT YOU WERE ACTUALLY GONNA DO IT I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY#and that started a longstanding tradition of putting shit in each others waters. he liked to sneak up on me and get me with a nerf dart bc#he knew hed never manage it if i could see his face. asshole got a napkin in my milkshake in low lighting once though. i could always read#him really well with that kinda thing though like he wasnt that surprised when i stopped on the sidewalk and walked to his other side so he#couldnt shove me into the street bc wed known each other for ages at that point but they warhead thing was like. a couple weeks after we met#ALSO SHOVING ME INTO THE STREET WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN DANGEROUS WE WERE IN BUTTFUCK NOWHERE THERE WERE NOT CARS. HE WOULD NOT SHOVE ME INTO#THE STREET TO GET HIT BY CARS. WORST INJURIES I WOULDVE GOTTEN WERE SKINNED KNEES AND THAT WOULDVE BEEN HILARIOUS AND HED NEVER HAVE LIVED#IT DOWN. BUT NO CARS. NO GETTING HIT BY CARS. ALWAYS HAVE TO REMEMBER SHOVING PEOPLE INTO THE STREET GETS THEM HIT BY CARS WHEN I TELL THAT#STORY BC ITS GETS ME INTO THE BUTTFUCK NOWHERE MINDSET WHERE CARS DONT HIT PEOPLE THEY ONLY HIT DEER#what was my point. dont remember. oh well send tweet or whatever#mine
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maskyartist · 1 year
at some point imma have to draw Roman's entire facial scar...imma have to draw it to show yall how fucked his money maker is in my head,,,,but not today
someday tho. someday...
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dbphantom · 1 year
Speaking of that trans one/pie/ce oc
Did I mention he's a obvious self insert bc I definitely should have by now. Like. Literally drawn as me if I was in the world of on/e/pie/ce, spoke to Ivankov, and also 7 years older. And I love him. Just wish he had a name... That's always the hardest part ;_;
#Cruddy rambles#if I were at my pc rn I'd showcase some of the doodles I have of him but alas...#If you ask him what the key around his neck is for he will tell you a very long story that ends in 'I don't know!'#He's a biologist specializing in lineage factor bc it's cool. But he has very bad memory so when he's asked about his work u can bet that#He's going to answer with '...... I FORGOT!!!'#I'm still working on his laugh but I do want it to be a bite/chew joke. Like bitatatata or smth.#He's got shark teeth like praline bc I love her design#He's also a Big Boy but you wouldn't know it as he's always curled in on himself while working#Until he stands up and you're like oh. Right. Merfolk can be bigger than normal humans.#Listen it's one piece if I get to be a merman and transition then I also get to be tall okay.#(relatively. Compared to some characters he's still part of the shorty squad but still...)#Also I... Am not entirely sure how the split tails ability works bc in the anime kokoro has skin on her legs. Then sometimes she has scales#And then other times when swimming she has a normal tail as well#So I'm under the assumption they can switch between 3 forms but who actually knows#Based on Kokoro's tail fin kick attack in enies lobby I made this boy a thresher shark. I thought it'd be fun >:)#He has good observation haki but mid armament. He knows merman combat and can manipulate water with it#He's not that great of a fighter compared to like yonko commanders or the worst generation. But he can hold his own in the new world
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mechahero · 1 year
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oughghgh thinking about future lambda again
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ekho-ekho-ekho · 2 years
no disrespect to cat lovers, but y’all can write all the six-page essays you want about how preferring dogs to cats is a sign of boundary issues/controlling behavior/self-entitlement and how if people just entertained their cats and learned to read their body language, they’d earn said cat’s affection and it would stop drawing blood. . . .
but I hope y’all have an answer ready when someone asks, “And what about when the cat draws blood while showing affection?” because otherwise, it takes y’all less than twenty seconds to start talking like an abused spouse.
“He doesn’t do that!”
“What ‘cuts’?”
“Oh, these cuts? Haha! That was an accident! We were just playing!”
“Well . . . yeah, okay, so maybe he does ‘draw blood’ on a ‘regular basis.’ But it’s not that bad!”
“Wha—so what if he’s literally digging his claws into my bare thigh right now? He’s just making biscuits! It’s how he shows love!”
“Look, if the couch gets stained red the couch gets stained red. Maybe that’s MY fault for not having a red couch in the first place!”
“Well maybe you just don’t understand him! You ever think of that? Maybe you don’t know him like I do!”
look, I’m sure some people to some extent disdain cats because they “expect them to act like dogs,” but it’s not exactly fair to treat that as indicative of some moral failing. first of all, if you're used to cats and prefer them to dogs, is it because you “expect dogs to act like cats”?
put it this way: one of my friends has a dog that likes to put peoples’ arms in his mouth. doesn’t bite down or anything. he just gets excited and places his mouth around your forearm.
so we have to warn new friends, “Hey Rocky’s gonna want to lightly chew on you but it’s not aggressive, he’s just very stoked.” because some people get (understandably) freaked out when they think a largeish dog is trying to bite them. maybe this new person has childhood dog trauma. maybe they’re just not used to dogs in general. whatever the case, if you’re uncomfortable, any responsible dog owner will do their best to distract the dog until it calms down.
so, say you grew up with cats and then meet a dog like Rocky, and say he greets you by engulfing your wrist in his maw, and say nobody warned you about this or steps forward to help, and in fact scoffs at you for not being able to tell the difference between “playing” and “attacking”—in other words, say they reacted the same way many cat owners react to their cat “just playing” with a guest’s bare feet. would you be upset?
would you be upset because you fully expected the dog to quietly sidle up and rub himself against your leg?
or would you simply prefer not to interact with an animal that’s behaving in an unpredictable way while putting its teeth on your skin?
look, OBVIOUSLY there isn’t any excuse to go around harming cats on purpose. OBVIOUSLY if you’re going to own a cat, you should familiarize yourself with cat behavior. and OBVIOUSLY some people don’t even try.
and that brings me to my second point, which is that those people just aren’t good pet owners.
correct me if I’m wrong, but I would guess that someone who gets a cat and makes no effort to understand its needs (much less meet them) is equally likely to keep a betta fish in an unfiltered bowl. or for that matter, a dog chained up in the yard year-round.
and yeah, sure, that kind of behavior could imply that person also sucks in other ways. OR! it could mean that they didn’t do their research because they don’t know what they don’t know. which most people don’t until they do.
just—Occam’s Razor: What’s more straightforward?
a person preferring dogs to cats because they feel dogs are less likely to harm them by accident?
or a person preferring dogs to cats because of their cultural/philosophical stance on the concept of free will or, idk, internalized misogyny or something?
TL;DR: .....it’s not that deep, fam
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hjemne · 1 month
I had one singular drink on an empty stomach that has not had to deal w alcohol for many many months and suddenly my drink is tasting like I should tell all our closest, mutual friends what my ex did to me & take ultimate schadenfreude at the sudden collapse or his friend network. teehee.
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