#<3 ty this was cozy to write
anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
For your latest ask, Techno, Phil, and Steve just having a cozy day in? (Perhaps some hot chocolate? /nf /j)
Some days just beg to be experienced in the great outdoors. Some days, the sunlight reflects off the snow outside their cabin beautiful, a kaleidoscope of colors in ever flake. And the cold tundra air feels more like a gentle caress than the harsh cut to bone it should rightfully be. Some days, it fills their lungs with crisp renewal, of lives rebuilt out of ashes and the exploration of something new.
Today is not one of those days.
Phil is looking out the window as he stirs a pot of milk he’s heating on the stove, but he can’t see much more than two feet outside before his vision is obscured by a flurry of hail. The window shakes sometimes, when the gust turns and batters the cabin relentlessly. Techno used trapdoors, for some unfathomable reason. Phil’s inner builder was always a bit offended at that, but Techno is a grown ass adult so if he wants to live in a house with the structural integrity of a barn, who is Phil to judge?
With all the animals in here, it’s not entirely unfitting either.
An entire litter of puppies is yipping at Phil’s feet. Techno brought them inside because of the storm. While the older hounds would just huddle together for warmth, protected from the worst of the blizzard by their fur, Techno was worried the small ones wouldn’t fare as well. Phil know, of course, that this is utter bullshit. In the middle of the dog pile, these puppies would be just as save as they are here in front of the cozy fire. Techno is just too embarrassed to admit he likes having the little fucks inside.
Baba is inside too, where she usually wouldn’t be. But today she had followed Steve’s example and lumbered in when Techno urged them through the door. Steve is more than content to lie on the floor at Techno’s feet, allowing the piglin to use him as a glorified footstool. Phil snorts when he sees that upon turning around. Steve really allows Techno to get away with anything. Phil would be growled at for even looking at that bear wrong.
He still walks over, handing Techno one of the mugs he has filled with the heated milk and some pieces of chocolate. “Here you go, mate.”
Techno hums appreciatively, using the spoon to turn Phil’s concoction into chocolate milk. Phil sits down besides him, nudging Steve over with his leg. It doesn’t really do anything.
“Any plans for today,” Phil asks, despite himself.
With a soft chuckle, Technoblade picks up his book again. He’s about halfway through The Golden Bough for probably the hundred time. “This.”
“This?” Phil says. He takes a sip of the hot chocolate.
“Exactly this,” Techno repeats. “This is good.”
“It is...” Phil sighs, settling back. Then he frowns. “Have we gotten boring?”
“It’s a far cry from blowing up nations, I’ll say.”
“But it’s not half bad,” Techno nods.
Phil leans back. When he does that, their arms touch and his head can kinda lean on the couch but also against Techno’s shoulder. Outside, there’s nothing but snow. Ranboo will probably come by for dinner, he thinks.
Phil smiles. “It’s not half bad.”
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hotluncheddie · 1 year
I was thinking about how Steve would deal with his sexuality crisis and how when he's tryna figure everything out he maybe has this moment of panic because he thought he'd stopped lying to himself and trying to be someone he's not but maybe that's not the case at all and he hasn't stopped pretending at all. And he just starts spiralling and it makes him want to stop thinking about pretend it isn't there so he just shoves it into a proverbial box so he can ignore it
:( sad stevie baby hours for us then anon?
sad sad self sabotaging steve. my dude. my wet little guy.
the idea that he though he was doing better, being himself, not lying to anyone not even when he’s alone. maybe he doesn’t like change and he’s hanging on to fragments more closely now, gripping things tightly in his palms. where he used just let it wash over him, no point giving it thought, things don’t change anyway. but then everything did, right? everything changed and so did he and now he has all this stuff. all this stuff attached directly to his heart strings.
and then he likes boys.
he likes girls but he likes boys. has liked boys. wants boys, too.
now there's boys and he starts to shut down.
Just that feeling of 'i'm doing better' but then it kinda turn into 'okay i'm tired lets just get though it' then it keeps going 'just one more week, just one more day' and then you look around and it feels like everything you've built in crumbling away around you. and that person you built up and thought you created was actually formed on a mudslide, your foundations were never gonna hold. it's all fallen apart without you really noticing
he doesn't have the words to describe how. there's a war happening between what he thinks he should feel, what maybe he does feel and who he thinks he is. who he was and who he wants to be are there somewhere too. but it's lost in the soup of his head.
but he has robin right? with her bright light and unconditional love. but this thing, this new thing. he's always been that right? this boy girl thing. so, he's a liar then. he never told her so he lied. lied to bright, beautiful robin. how could he have done that?
and there's eddie. eddie so much a part of this boy girl thing. eddie who feels like he could be his. feels like summer rain on his skin, feels like citrus tang on his tongue. but eddie knows who he is, think so deeply and is so true, so distinctly and explosively himself. and steve doesn't even know one bit about who he is. not really. not now. after this thing. its torn it all down. everything changed again but this time the cracks aren't through the town they're in his skin, at his roots.
can't bring eddie into that. can't let robin risk falling in.
but then maybe they jump through those cracks, start hiding things in the crevices. little beams of starlight and greenery. start helping him see that those cracks are quite pretty, maybe they let you see a little more of his skin. that this mud slide he's on feels a lot like grounding. like barefeet on grass and leaves turning with the sun. that maybe this boy girl thing is new, and old, and its so so steve. that maybe he can be okay again, build something new and live a little differently. but still true. because its always been true right? all those feeling, all those smaller him's and things locked away. they're peeking out of the cracks now. peaking out into this thing. this thing he can be. always be and always play with. even if it takes along time, that okay, it'll take all his life, maybe. to figure out he likes oranges, likes daisies the most, likes girls, like boys, likes this trying to be himself.
and maybe those hidden crevices start to shine a little brighter, the plants start to bloom. maybe robin never left and never will, find him a bathroom floor all his own. sees that always and right now are sisters and she can take his heart and keep it next to her own, until he's ready to have it back again, hold it real safe this time.
and eddie keeps turning up on his tongue, keeps dripping all over his skin. becomes his eddie. bis boy. his one. his new side of the boy girl thing. a this boy thing and love thing. romance on the mudslide. kisses under starlight.
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amourfae · 1 year
fae hiii i hope ur doing well 🧸
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tulipsforvin · 8 months
Hello,can I request headcanon about how moriarty brothers will act as bf or s/o pls?
How would The Moriarty Brothers Act As a Significant Other/Bf?
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Characters: Albert James Moriarty, William James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty.
Format: Headcannons.
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Albert J. Moriarty
Affluent, rich and successful in almost all aspects to live a luxuriously comfortable life. What else could one ask for?
His gaze follow you anytime you look at something that catches your eye. Perhaps you didn't tell him you wanted it because you felt shy or nervous? He'd keep it a secret - his awareness of you finding something you like.
The next day you'd find it on your bedside table when you wake up, all nicely wrapped.
I reckon he leaves love notes as well ranging from short 'Good morning'(s) to professing his love for you.
Very playful with you. Always, always joking around with you. He loves listening to the sound of your laughter.
Protective. I think he's a fairly jealous man. Definitely not the pouting, sulking type but more like the 'show-them-you're-his' kind of type.
What a gentleman. And I mean, WHAT A GENTLEMAN. Back of the hand kisses, kissing your face, tying your shoelace, opening the door for you..I could go on and on.
He loves to use his money on you.
He knows what he's doing. Although he probably hasn't been in a relationship before, his experience with noble ladies absolutely fangirling over him has probably made him an expert in that field already.
If something gets overwhelming for you, for example a function, he'll shift the spotlight away from you to him so you can have a break. Just like how he does the same thing with William and Louis. Only further proves his protective tendencies.
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William J. Moriarty
To be able to get into a relationship with him in the first place implies that you would need to have to break down through several walls that he built to shield himself and go through several obstacles (probably orchestrated by himself☠️).
But once you do, there's a certain comfortness he'll find in your presence. He'll be very vulnerable and turn emotional with you. Shocker. He's also really attentive.
Gets you out of predicaments with ease and can put up with your stubbornness.
He's very sweet and knows how to take care of you. Like, stroking a thumb over your lips if there's milk or something else that you didn't know was there when you just finished eating/drinking something.
Subtle, cute acts that make you swoon.
I'm so, so vey sure he writes love letters.
He's posessive, I'm sure. Contrary to the gentle exterior he has and even though he's quite soft with you, he's posessive. Proof is him going on and on about how Moran was his like a weirdo. Who says he can't do the same with you?
Not very experienced in the field of romance, but he would love to try out new things for you. There's also his intellect. This man probably does research on everything and anything relationship related to please you.
Your personal encyclopedia on all subjects. Don't know about a particular topic? There's nothing to worry about. William, of all people is your boyfriend after all.
Neck kisses. There's something he loves bout intimacy. Like, not just cheek kisses, though they are fine too but I think he loves to explore crevices of your body no one has explored before. Once again, makes him feel like you're his and only his.
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Louis J. Moriarty
He likes to bake and cook for you. Anything you want to eat or drink at like, 3 in the morning? He'll trudge out of bed and go make it for you.
He's the more snuggly type. He likes to get warm and cozy with you, especially if it's cold outside.
He's protective like Albert but unlike Albert's more discreet way of acting protective, he's more direct. More agressive with his ways. Just as he is with Sherlock whenever he gets close to William.
NOT EXPERIENCED AT ALL !! He's very clumsy. He probably hasn't even interacted much with ladies before but he tries so, so very hard for you. That's so endearing.
Lots and lots of forehead and nose kisses for sure.
He's not one to talk unless it requires for him to speak so he's pretty satisfied just hearing your voice and nodding his head. A wonderful combination if you like to go on and on about all kinds of random topics.
The type to get easily jealous. He, most likely, has not had alot of meaningful relationships in his life except the Moriarty group, so when he's in a relationship - he's very territorial and gets jealous even though he seems like a sweetheart. Which he is, ofcourse - but just for a selected few.
He gets bashful in the early stages of his relationship or if the two of you are trying out something new. He also likes to bury his face in your chest and neck.
A sucker for intimacy like his older brother.
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70spunkstars · 8 months
I’m Baby.
The person who came up with this idea first will be tagged at the end <33
Summary; after a long day, you and hobie just love on each other.
Tags; Fluff, suggestive (?), Fem! Reader, Spiritual! Reader, established relationship, reader and hobie live in the houseboat together, not a lot of dialogue, kinda short, hardly proofread
AN; I probably missed something and it’s late I’m sleepy but I was too obsessed with this concept to not write it so I’m sorry if it didn’t turn out how y’all imagined (I’m probably gonna rewrite this later) SEND ASKS OR DM WITH CONSTRUCTIVE WRITING CRIT 🙏🏽🙏🏽 okay thanks luv you goodnight 🤭🤭
It’d gotten kind of late and Hobie still wasn’t home. You figured he was still out patrolling. Ignoring the annoying ass voice in the back of your head telling you something was wrong, you decided to clean and cleanse your home instead.
Excitedly, you dance to the large speaker Hobie bought you for Christmas a few weeks ago. Connecting your phone to the large machinery and playing your favorite Neo-Soul/R&B playlist, you start cleaning the kitchen.
You’d gone through the whole house and cleaned it from top to mf bottom. Doing breathing exercises to ease your mind before smoke cleansing the house with rosemary and garden sage. The moment you put out your bundles and light an incense stick you hear the front door of the houseboat creak open.
Cheesing so hard your cheeks started to hurt. Then you heard the familiar sound of heavy boots and clinking metal belts make their way into the back of the house towards you. “There you are” Hobie says lowly with a smile on their face, leaning against the well loved and worn paint of ya’ll bedroom doorframe.
setting down the incense holder on your shared dresser you run to the tall lanky boy, who waits for you with open arms, squeezing him and taking a deep breath enjoying the smell of his cologne mixed with the cold night air. Letting out a relieved sigh you pull back and look him in the eyes. “Thought I’d die before yo ass got home.” Playfully slapping their chest and turning around with their hand in yours, sitting him down on your bed and gracing a soft kiss onto their forehead.
“Fuck off” laughing he pulls you towards him by the hips. God, that smile made you lose your mind. he wraps his arms around your waist and rests his cheek against your stomach. You could tell they was trying hard to stay awake. You knew he missed you and it was showing with how tightly he was holding you.
“Hey.” You murmur to them. Cradling his face in your hands gently. He hums in response with closed eyes that drag open to look at you. “I missed you baby” his tired smile fills your stomach with butterflies. How could you have gotten so lucky as to be able to go to sleep and wake up with such a beautiful person every night?
“You sleepy?” Of course he denied, which also made you laugh. “My eyes’r jus’ sore.”
“Boy jus’ say you sleepy and get inna bed” he groans in response making you cackle. Turning off the light you climb into the bed and get cozy under the covers, tying your dreads back and slipping on your bonnet. Watching him shed his many layers and slip off his boots you felt heat start to build in your chest. Like you was falling in love with him all over again.
He slipped on a pair of grey sweats then wrapped his hair and jumped into the bed, settling comfortably between your legs. The two of you laid there for several moments just listening to each other breathe. Dragging your acrylics across his back (that he definitely picked the design for) and soaking in their presence.
“Missed you.” He mumbled lifting his head off of your stomach, which was his favorite place to rest his head if you couldn’t tell by now. The cold metal of his lip piercing against your lip soothed the warmth that was quickly spreading throughout your body.
The contact melted you almost immediately. What was supposed to be just one kiss turned into 3 then 3 turned into 9 and then you started making out. It was comforting really. Having him in your arms like this after him being gone for over 12 hours.
It’d been a long minute. You two had switched positions and you were in his lap now. Your knees pressed into the softness of the mattress, one of his hands gripping your hip and the other on the back of your neck. He was pulling you into him as if you’d slip through his fingers at any moment.
Soft suppressed whimpers leave the back of your throat. Hobie never failed to make you feel loved wanted and needed, ever. They groan in response, sitting up off the headboard to wrap their arms around you, kisses trailing off of your lips and down to your neck.
The warm smell of nag champa and the comforting sound of R&B playing just made the moment all the more magical. “I love you, baby.” Your words send a shiver throughout his body and you can feel him relax under you.
He pulls back. Hands sliding to your hips and kneading the fat there. With the most loving look and content smile on his face, he tells you.
“love it when y’call me baby.”
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kanekoii · 8 months
hi!! can u do cuddling hcs for shu, elira, alban, and ike (separately) if u havent already? ty! <3
lyra’s notes -> am i just like,, the nijien fluff guy now?? i mean i don’t mind one bit i’m happy to be here :3
pairings -> shu yamino, elira pendora, alban knox, ike eveland x gn! reader (separate)
genre -> headcanons, scenario, fluff
song -> euphoria - bts
warnings -> none!
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shu streams for hours upon hours at a time, so he really enjoys cuddling while he streams. your relationship isn’t much of a secret, so he’s more than happy to have you laying on his lap all cat-like while he streams. he’ll rest his head on top of yours and smile gently to himself, just thinking about how lucky he is to have someone like you as his beloved partner.
when shu isn’t streaming, he enjoys just laying on his couch with you and having you lay on top of him. it’s just so cozy and he can wrap the both of you in a blanket together!
i already made something similar to this (read it here!) but no harm in writing a little more i think :3. elira’s favorite way to cuddle is to have her arm around your shoulder. it’s simple but intimate to her in a way that she can’t exactly explain. just watching movies with you having her arm over your shoulder is pure heaven to her.
cat boyfriend cat boyfriend cat boyfriend- i mean. yeah. he absolutely loves curling up on your lap or if the phantom thief is feeling extra protective of you, wrapping his arms and legs around you to pull you ever closer while he glared at whoever made him feel this way. well, the glaring is really only a thing if it’s in public, otherwise he’s very sweet and soft. he really had taken your heart, just not in the way a phantom thief is supposed to. he knows he’s supposed to steal hearts and he most definitely had yours.
some days he comes home from his missions absolutely exhausted and he’s just happy to see that you’re still there. alban just wants to lay his head in your soft lap and sleep there forever. alternately, if you wanna snuggle as much as he does, it will most definitely end with you just holding each other and softly whispered confessions of love.
the softest of boy. he’s a writer at heart, a romanticist over much else, so walking together with your arms linked or his hand in yours is just heaven for him. he knows he’ll probably be teased for it by his fellow niji en streamers if any of them see it, but that’s fine by him. if anything, it sends the message that he wants everyone to know just how much he loves you and how much you love him.
his favorite thing though is waking up with you in his arms as the sun peeks through the curtains on a cold morning. he just wants to hold you ever tighter and ever closer to him for the warmth and the little fuzzies in his mind.
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thezoraprince · 1 year
Nap Time - Sidon x reader
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“good evening my friend are u ok with writing sidlink x reader? if not sidon is fine wonderful obviously but i would like to request some cozy naptime with the prince(s) as i had a 10 hour shift today and am dying in irl. details up to u 😳 ty ^-^ !!!” - @mantaphase​
hi hi!! 10hr days are not fun at all. i hope you’ve gotten some rest since sending this in, and i hope you enjoy <3 
(Link will be posted here)
y/n - your name
Sidon knows when you're feeling tired
he’ll start noticing all of these visual indicators that you need to nap
and when you admit that you’re tired, he’ll carry you to bed
if you’ve had a super long day though
he doesn’t even need to hear you say anything
you’ll walk in 
and you’re in his arms already
he’ll lay down with you
and you’d rest your head on his arm
him holding you ever so close
you’d try to make light chit chat
and Sidon would chuckle at the nonsense coming from your mouth
“Shh shh shh… it’s time to sleep, darling.”
he’d give you lots of back rubs
you’d nuzzle your face into his neck for comfort
and he LOVES it
after you fall asleep, he’ll lay there for a bit
he runs his fingers through your hair and just smiles
but he knows you’ll be sleeping for a while
and he’d love for you to wake up feeling refreshed
so he heads out to get you flowers 
and little trinkets that remind him of you
he’d even have the chefs prepare dinner while he’s out
just so it’s ready when you wake
and when you do wake, it’s always a surprise
“There’s my precious pearl! How did you sleep?”
over dinner, Sidon wants to know all about your day
and after hearing the exhausting details, he’s oh so ready to spend a night in with you
whatever you want to do, he’s up for
even if it’s going back to sleep
“Rest is very important, y/n. I’ll be right here when you wake.”
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comfort-writing · 1 year
Crayons and Cassettes
Chapter 13: First Grade
You are a kindergarten teacher. Eddie’s daughter, Sage, is in your class. She moves on to first grade with some good news.
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warnings: this fic is 18+ in previous and future chapters- minors DNI!! no use of y/n. (please let me know if I missed anything)
a/n: hey guys, so just a heads up, my updates won’t be as consistent anymore. I’m currently working on edTPA to get certified as a teacher, as well as writing 5 lesson plans a week, on top of teaching every day. that said, I will still be updating, it just may not be as consistent as it used to be. I’m not done with this story, so please just be patient with me. love y’all 💗💗sorry this chapter is short, but it’s packed with stuff. let me know in the comments or my asks if you want to be added to the tag list! requests are open!
word count: 2.8k
Chapter 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 (coming soon!)
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Once the weekend arrived, you found yourself dressing a little more casually. It was just a cozy movie date, and you really didn’t feel the pressure of all the first date, first impressions thing anymore. It was starting to feel comfortable, like the two of you were getting into a routine.
You wore jeans and the band tee shirt you’d bought at the concert, tied your hair up, and applied a little bit of makeup. You threw your stuff in your purse and put on some cute earrings before grabbing your comfortable white sneakers and heading out to your living room to sit and put them on.
Pencil hopped up in your lap as you were trying your shoe, needing attention. You chuckled and tried to finish tying the knot, moving your arms and head around the cat, but she was insistent. You sighed and gave up, sitting back and petting her.
Eddie knocked on your door, and you attempted to get up, but Pencil had you trapped, so you just yelled, “There’s a key under the mat!” You heard Eddie move the mat, struggling with the lock, then walking into your house.
He walked in and saw you with one shoe on, half tied, and Pencil on your lap, holding you down. He chuckled and walked over to you, sitting next to you on couch. “I’m trapped.” You sighed, petting Pencil’s back.
He smiled, “Looks torturous.”
You leaned over and kissed his cheek, holding Pencil to you, “I may have to take a raincheck. She won’t even let me put on my shoes.”
“Here, let me help.” He hummed, moving off the couch and tying the shoe you had on, before moving to put the other shoe on your other foot. He tied it, then moved back up to you and placed a sweet kiss on your lips.
“Thanks.” You smiled. “You’re going to have to help me detach her from me, you know.” You said, trying to pry her off of you and hearing her meow sadly, holding on with her claws.
Eddie laughed at the cat’s reaction, “You really weren’t kidding.”
You nodded, sitting up and feeling her finally tumble off of your chest and on to your lap, which made you move quickly and get off the couch while she wasn’t holding on. You raised your hands excitedly, “Success!”
He stood up with you, taking the opportunity where your arms were already up to wrap his arms around your waist and pick you up, causing a surprised laugh to bubble up from your chest, holding on to him as he spun you around.
“Let’s go before Pencil attacks again!” He beamed, still holding you up. You were really surprised at how easily he held you, but you accepted it.
“Get my purse!”
He bend down, still holding you, and grabbed it off of your coffee table before carrying you out the door while you giggled in his arms. He set you in the passenger seat of his van, leaning in and kissing you passionately.
You kissed him back, holding him close and tangling your hands in his hair. His excitement made you giddy like a girl with her first crush. Once he broke the kiss, smiling like a madman, you kicked your feet up on his dash, “Come on, Romeo. Take me on a date.”
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The date was fun. Eddie took you to the movies you’d been at a few days before, and the two of you giggled and whispered throughout the film. The two of you shared a slushee and cuddled up the entire time. It was really nice.
Once the move let out, the two of you were pretty hungry, so he took you through a drive-thru and the two of you were currently sitting in the back of his van, eating fries and talking.
Eddie had been ranting about the plot of the movie since you’d asked him if he liked it. “No, what I’m saying is that they totally shouldn’t have ended up together in the end. Not that I’m not a sucker for romance or anything, but like, the characters really weren’t compatible. Like, the entire film was spent showing how much the two of them hate each other and how different they are, and suddenly something bad happens and they’re all like, ‘oooh I love you so much’! Like, it just doesn’t make sense. I think they should’ve maybe put aside their differences and like, gotten through it with each other, but I think it was kinda dumb to put them in a relationship. Totally took me out of the experience, you know?”
You giggled and nodded, eating a fry, “Yeah, I get what you mean. But did you like the movie?”
He cocked his head to the side, “Did I not answer the question?”
You laughed, “No, Eddie, not really.”
“Oh, well I liked it. Just wish it ended differently. The end was just kinda tropey.”
You hummed and leaned against the side of his van, “I agree.” You ate a bite of your burger, swallowed, then took a sip of your soda, “You should be a film critic. I could listen to you talk about it for hours.” You informed him, a small smile gracing the corners of your mouth.
“Well, I’m sure you could, but I doubt anyone else would want to hear what I have to say about that stuff.” He whispered after taking a gulp of his drink.
“Yeah, maybe it’s just because I like you. Is that tropey?” You teased, a sly smile on your face as you leaned towards him a little.
“Oh, totally. But I can put up with it for you, angel.” His smile more cocky than yours, leaning in your way.
Before he had the chance to kiss you, you leaned back against the car again, “‘preciate it, old buddy old pal.”
He looked shocked for a moment, then scoffed, “Not like I wanted to kiss you anyways.” He huffed, sitting back and pouting like a little kid. “And old buddy? I thought we were more than that.”
“Yeah? Why don’t you come show me exactly what we are, Eddie?” You asked, shoving your food aside, looking at him through hooded lids, suggestion heavy in your tone.
He raised an eyebrow, then quickly forgot about his food, scrambling over to kiss you quickly, placing a hand on the back of your neck to hold you close.
You hummed against his lips and lazily wrapped your ams around his shoulders, letting your lips slot together like two perfect puzzle pieces.
He held you close, his tongue slowly meeting yours and not caring that either of you tasted like fast food and soda. His mind was racing as he kissed you though. Your statements, the question of what the two of you were.. he felt like he knew the answer, but he needed you to know. You were his girlfriend… right? He felt silly having to define it; it felt like he was thinking like a high schooler as he kissed you, but neither of you had stated, what he felt, was the obvious.
You pulled away, needing oxygen, and you made eye contact, “Are you okay?” You asked softly, seeing that he seemed deep in thought.
“You’re my girlfriend.” He stated, still in a daze. His statement seemed to snap him out of it after a moment though, and he blushed and stuttered out, “Ah- well. I mean, if you want to be. I should’ve asked first. But maybe that’s stupid? We’re adults, so like it feels weird to just ask, but-“
“I’m your girlfriend.” You giggled, cutting him off and seeing the palpable relief wash over him.
“Sorry.” He laughed, “I’m not very good at this.”
“Yeah, maybe you aren’t, but I think it’s endearing, so you get a pass.” You whispered, leaning in and kissing him sweetly. You felt him smile against your lips, then he broke it, “And I’m your boyfriend.” He giggled.
“Yeah, I guess you are, boyfriend.” You chuckled, tucking his hair behind your ear. The word felt nice coming out of your mouth, like you should’ve said it earlier.
He sat back and grabbed his soda, keeping his legs tangled with yours as the two of you finished your food, joking and kissing for hours.
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The rest of the summer passed easily. You and Eddie went on dates at least once a week, enjoying each other’s company and getting to know each other on a deeper level.
He told you about his darker past, and you opened up about yours, telling him about your last relationship. He’d said he wanted to punch the guy, and you laughed and said that you’d beaten him to it, just once, before you left. You told him that you were a cheerleader in high school, and he said that you would’ve never noticed him, which you found hard to believe considering the stories his friends told you about how he used to be. The conversations flowed easily.
You’d taken Sage out a few times, relieving Eddie of his responsibilities and Sage of her boredom. She loved when you did- the two of you got your nails done, you’d been to the park, and you’d taken her out for lunch a few times. She absolutely adored you, and made sure to tell you every opportunity she got.
You helped Eddie shop for her school supplies last week, letting him know that, while the school supply list was long and some things may have seemed a little excessive, teachers needed every single thing on the list. You’d bought some for yourself too, knowing that not every parent could afford the supplies.
And before you knew it, the first day of school arrived once more, but this time, Sage was down the hall. You kind of missed her being in your class, but you knew it was part of life.
That morning, Eddie got Sage up early and sat her at the table, handing her a plate of pancakes and sitting across from her, sipping his coffee.
“You excited for your first day of first grade, kiddo?” He asked with a tired smile.
Sage poked at her food, trying to stab a small piece of pancake with her fork, her face focused. “I wish I didn’t have a new teacher.” She mumbled.
“Well, your old one is just down the hall, so you can see her whenever you want.” He smiled.
“But what if my new teacher isn’t nice? What if she doesn’t take me to the movies?” She asked, not really understanding that the way your relationship with her wasn’t typical.
He chuckled at that, “Well, Sage, your new teacher probably won’t..” he sighed.
She frowned, “Why not?”
“Well, your new teacher and I aren’t really friends. Not in a bad way- your old one and I are just close. And she’s friends with everyone else- Robin and Uncle Steve and Nancy. That’s not usually the case. You just got lucky with the first one.”
She thought for a moment, eating her pancakes, sticky syrup somehow getting on her hands even though she ate with a fork. “Okay..” she said, her voice muffled from the food in her mouth.
Eddie got up and kissed her forehead, then left the room to set out her clothes for the day. When he came back, Sage had a smile on her face that he knew well: she had an idea, and most likely, it was a mischievous one.
“Daddy?” She asked, using both hands do take a sip of her orange juice.
He squinted his eyes, looking at her as he got a paper towel and wetted it at the sink to wipe the sticky residue from her hands. “What?”
She grabbed her fork, “You should marry her.” She smiled confidently, shoveling pancakes into her mouth after she said what was probably the most shocking thing he’d heard in a while.
He looked over at Sage, confused and shocked. Did she know? Or was she just suggesting it? “Sage…” he whispered, walking over and sitting in the chair next to her and wiping off her hands and her fork. “What makes you say that?”
She swallowed and turned to look at Eddie, “She’s nice to me. And she���s pretty. And you need a wife. All my friends daddies have a wife.” An idea popped into her head, “Oh! And you can get married in a castle!”
He chuckled and sat back, contemplating telling her the situation for a long moment. Sage seemed open to the idea, obviously. And you two had been together for over two months at this point. You’d established the relationship; you we’re officially dating. Plus, half of the town knew, so it might be hard for her to avoid hearing at school. He’d much rather tell her himself, rather than having someone else break the news and confuse her.
“Well, it’ll be a while before we get married.” He said softly, hesitating for a moment before continuing, “But we are dating.”
Sage gasped dramatically, making Eddie thankful she’d swallowed what she’d had in her mouth beforehand, “You are?!” She asked excitedly.
“Yeah, kiddo. Is that okay?” He asked, waiting for her reaction before getting excited. He hoped his daughter would love the idea.
“Yes!” She whisper-yelled, squealing and shaking her fork like a barbarian.
Eddie laughed, “Good.” He took the fork from her hands so she wouldn’t hurt herself.
“And you’re gonna get married? In a castle? So that I can be a real princess?” She asked, looking up at him hopefully.
He looked down at her fondly, “Maybe one day. Not right now, though. We’re still pretty new at this.”
She sighed, “Well I wanna be a princess, so you’d better marry her soon.” She said, crossing her arms.
“You already are a princess, Sage. Ready to go get dressed in your princess dress for school?”
She nodded and held her arms out for Eddie to pick her up, and he happily obliged.
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On the first day of school at Hawkins Elementary, it was tradition for the parents to walk their kids in, no matter the grade.
You were flitting around your classroom, getting the last minute details ready when parents slowly started to fill the hallways and your room. You got straight to your usual first day duties: taking photos, distracting kids, and handing out the first parent newsletters.
Before he could stop her, Sage ran down the hallway and into your room and hugged you tightly around your legs, beaming, “You’re daddy’s girlfriend.” She said excitedly, looking up at you.
Your eyebrows raised in shock, and you looked up at Eddie, who was standing in your doorway a little out of breath from chasing her, “Sorry, I couldn’t stop her.” He chuckled.
You bent and picked up Sage, resting her on your hip and walking back over to Eddie. You gave him a look that asked, ‘you told her?’ And he shrugged, whispering “Yeah. Figured it would be better to hear it from me rather than a parent or teacher.”
You smiled softly, looking over at Sage, “Yes, I am. Now, you gotta go to class.” You told her, handing her over to Eddie as she whined.
“But I wanna be in your class.”
“Ms. Ashburn is really nice, I promise.” You smile, “Give her a chance. She has some exciting things planned for you this year.”
She tucked her head into Eddie’s neck and he smiled, “I’ll see you later.” He hummed, leaning over and kissing your cheek before taking Sage down to her class.
You turned and focused on yours, ignoring some judgy looks from a few of the parents in the room. You really couldn’t care less about their opinion. You were happy with Eddie. And now, Sage knew, so you felt that weight come off of your shoulders.
You had a good feeling about this school year.
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Tag List: @mcueveryday @bebe0701 @emma77645 @edsforehead @manda-panda-monium @nina211544 @wendyfawcett @whisperinthewoods07 @aysheashea @emxxblog @shotgunhallelujah
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astraystayyh · 1 year
hi hi! i heard requests were open and just hadddddd to know your thoughts on a day with hyunjin. a lazy saturday, lana playing in the back as sun fills in through the large windows of the room as you both sit and fulfill your artistic needs. hyunjin paints as reader writes, soft giggles as you both look up from your work at the same time, slow kisses you melt into, eyes glistening with unshed tears with how much they love each other and any surprise ending you might wanna add
fduigjdsgsdg ik this is a lot but i wanted to know what your pretty mind would come up with for this. ty!! <3
ajdhhdhdhdhd read this request while giggling and kicking my feet!!!! I'll write a proper fic about it coupled with another hyunjin request,, but here are my (unorganized) thoughts
i feel like quiet time with hyunjin will be the most beautiful part of your relationship. yk just times when you can both exist near each other, each buried in your personal activities, and yet you feel safe and comfortable near one another.
I'm a firm believer that your first love is all about butterflies and feeling nervous and trying to impress the other person, but your last love is someone who you will be comfortable being yourself near them. there will be no expectations on the both of you, like the way you both are is exactly enough? well i think this describes a relationship with hyunjin perfectly,,, it feels safe and cozy and warm, like going inside a warm coffeeshop on a rainy cold day. and it manifests particularly on those days you spend together in his studio,,,
he is painting, eyebrows furrowed in concentration with each brush stroke. and you are writing or reading beside him, humming quietly under your breath. lana playing in the background is a must, her soft songs particularly like love and video games.
but you are always looking at each other during it, stealing quick glances at one another, soft smiles on your faces each time your eyes meet. if he's done first then he stands up and hugs you from behind, burying his nose in the crook of your neck. and then you are swaying gently from left to right, dancing slowly to the music playing in the background. you turn to kiss him, and it isn't urgent, nor feverish, it's soft and sweet and you feel like you are melting from his touch. his hands are on your cheeks, holding you gently and your hands are linked behind his neck, keeping him close. your lips move against each other slowly, and then you smile into the kiss and he starts giggling.
there isn't anything particularly funny, but the love you have for each other manifests itself in small ways, like a giggle in the middle of a kiss, or a lone tear trailing down your cheek, because you are so happy you can't believe you are loving this man and you're being loved by him.
skjdhdhdhdh this is a lot and i love ur pretty mind too i just!!!! soft hyunjin agenda!!!!! he's the softest boy ever and i feel that being loved by him would feel so so so safe. as beautiful as love is it's a scary feeling, because you are basically being vulnerable with a person who can break you at any given moment. but i feel that hyunjin appreciates that love and instead of abusing it, he'll keep it safe, and return it ten times fold.
also him saying that he'd rather be someone's last love had me :((( to choose to love someone for the rest of your life, to show up for them everyday, to pick them up when they aren't feeling their best, that's just so pure and gentle and i love him. like first love is so idealized but i think that the softness and safety of a last love is unmatched.
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
hi!! could you write a blurb for damon salvatore x reader?? something just like fluffy and sweet and maybe cozy for the holiday season?? ty! <3
damon salvatore—all i want for christmas is you.
summary: a cozy night of christmas films.
word count: 0.4k
fanfic no. 038.
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as a child, damon’s favourite holiday was christmas. it was the one time his family seemed truly happy, though he was sure behind the façade his mother was working hard to keep up, there was something more sinister going on like the rest of the year. but it was christmas time when he couldn’t see it.
as he grew older, holidays lost their charm. but once he became a vampire, hallowe’en became somewhat of a favourite of his. it wasn’t until he met y/n that christmas began to hold a special place in his heart again.
“elf or the santa clause?” you asked, kneeling before the dvd player in the salvatore house.
“both classics,” he hummed. “you pick.”
“but you know i always pick elf,” you laughed.
“i wouldn’t have let you pick if i wasn’t going to be happy with your choice,” damon smiled, readying the blankets for your return to the couch.
you shrugged, inserting the dvd into the player and grabbing the remote on your way back to the sofa. damon covered you up with a thick, woollen blankets before handing you your mug of hot chocolate topped off with whipped cream.
he tried to watch elf for the millionth time, but found himself distracted, as always, by you. no matter how many times you watched the movie, buddy the elf still had you laughing away. he adored the whipped cream stuck to your upper lip, how soft your jawline was so close to him, how your smile lines grew the more you laughed.
he felt, in some strange way, nostalgic for those christmas days of his childhood, and wished you could have seen him then, could have been a part of everything he once loved.
“you’re not even watching,” you said, looking over to damon.
“i’m sorry,” he replied, lifting a hand to your cheek and brushing the hair away from it.
“we can watch something else,” you suggested, but damon shook his head instantly.
“if you’re sure,” you hesitated, but damon insisted, so you turned the movie back on and snuggled into him.
damon sighed contentedly, reaching up to stroke your hair, running his fingers through the soft strands. now when you laughed, he felt it against his body, and wished more than anything that nothing could ever take this happiness away from the two of you.
and thinking of the long years ahead of him, watching elf each december with you in his arms, he smiled softly, watching buddy the elf declare his love in his father’s office.
and then, he leant down to kiss the crown of your head, whispering—“i’m in love with you, and i don’t care who knows it.”
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🏷 @imabee-oralizard @bradleybeachbabe @velvetcloxds @flesh--amnesiac @nelleicrain @countrygal34
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eggmuffinwaffles · 16 days
good morning!! i just wanted to say im pretty new to the tts + vat7k fandoms and the juicebox au is the first fanfiction i ever read for it, and i have not stopped thinking about it since the first time i read it. both of your guys writing and ideas are so insanely good, i think i’ve reread it 3 times now lol. i used to have a huge supernatural phase so coming across a jackpot of two of my favorite hyperfixations and it being so well written, and the characterization done amazingly, had me STOKED. i love it!! ty guys for giving me a story to bounce back to whenever i want something to read <3 big hugs
holy shit this is such a sweet thing to open my tumblr to??? i was truly not expecting juice box to get the amount of love it has but i am so thankful it did because the amount that we both love that series is unreal (we both have merch for it lmao) im going to put this message on my fridge and stare at it every single day i hope ur pillow is nice and cold and ur sheets r cozy and warm anon
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eiightysixbaby · 3 days
tag nine people you'd like to get to know
ty for the tag @onegirlmanytales i love u
what "old person" things do you like to do?
get in bed early and read, treat cats like my literal best friends
last three books (or fics) you've read:
going with books for this cause it's easier for me to keep track of
Beach Read by Emily Henry
Happy Place by Emily Henry
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
and no one asked but i'm currently reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt 🤓
at a movie theater, which armrest is yours?
uhhhhhhh, whichever one someone else isn't using? idk lol
vintage or new?
i love vintage stuff but i definitely buy new more often than i like thrift and stuff. thrifting stresses me out :-(
favorite part of your daily routine?
waking up and making my iced coffee, or getting cozy in my bed at night and reading/writing/watching tv
are you scared of the dark?
it depends. i'm not so much scared of the dark as i am scared of the things my brain tells me are lurking in the dark lol
candles, essential oils, or incense?
CANDLES. i HATE incense and essential oils are ok but not my fave
favorite lyrics right now?
and also the entirety of hang in there by queen maya hawke <3
random fact/story you want to share about yourself?
i hate olives literally so much they're so gross and i wish they didn't exist if you put them in your pasta salad i hate you
no pressure tags: @etherealxwitch @littledemondani @prettyboyeddiemunson @lavendermunson @taintedcigs @likedovesinthewnd
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pumpkzsafeplace · 9 months
anon questions 💌: how to have the bestest teddy bear picnic
of course as a little ~ teddy bear picnics are a MUST so here’s how to have the bestest one eva’! 💛
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find the perfect spot ⭐️
finding the perfect spot is ESSENTIAL for the bestest teddy bear picnic’!
make sure to do what makes you feel comfy, having a teddy bear picnic indoors is just as cool as having one outdoor too! 🧺
cozy blankets 🌙
cozy blankets are a must & the more the better!
i usually have one on the floor, one for my teddy and then of course one for me to snuggle up with too’!
it’s the best if you’re inside and you get all full ~ you can snuggle into your pillow and teddy and have a little nap while your tummy settles! it’s fun to do that outside too
(if you have someone watching over you just in case ~ remember safety is important’!)
cute matching clothes⭐️
having cute matching clothes with your teddy can push your teddy bear picnic from a 10 to a 50’!
it doesn’t have to be expensive! there are lots of cost effective ways to match, being:
-> tying ribbon around their ears/wrists and doing the same to you!
-> using old baby clothes to style your teddy friend
-> wearing matching handmade jewellery
or even dressing as the same colour as your teddy!
the bestest snacks 🌙
obviously no picnic is complete without snacks so get the bestest and tastiest ones you can find!
try and mix some fruit in there too so that your tummy is all balanced out! don’t eat too many too ~ we don’t want sick honey bees now do we 💛
cute memory catcher ⭐️
capture your cute moments in so many ways!
you can:
-> take adorable pictures!
-> paint your surroundings!
-> make flower crowns etc
-> collect some nature to keep as a memory
-> journal/ write!
(anything you can think of! these are your memories ~ make them last forever <3)
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gif isn’t mine
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dailyreverie · 2 years
A/N: Requested by @micheleamidalajedi 🌷 Thank you so much! Today I learned there are autumn roses which I BEG YOU to look at because 1) it is gorgeous, and 2) that's the kind of flower that I had in mind while writing.
Fall prompts 🍂 8. Rose
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader 
Word count: 864 words
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[gif by @userpoe (x)]
The rain falling outside all day ushered everyone to stay inside the base. Poe understood, he really did, still, he missed your usual greeting by the tarmac; he missed you being the first thing he saw when he got back, your arms opening to welcome him back, the feeling of being with you that would let him finally be at peace again.
That day more than ever, Poe’s need to see you was more urgent than usual. He didn’t even remove his suit, only tying his sleeves around his waist as he rushed through the corridors, walking past and peeking into meeting rooms and control rooms in hopes to find you there. And he does, at last, and at the sight of you he can think straight again. Poe could stare at you forever like that, speaking softly to a droid while soldering wires to fix whatever problem it had come to you with, a manual long forgotten by your side since, as you just said to the droid on your table: “I think I know what’s wrong with you now, little guy.”
“Hey,” Poe approaches you carefully, not wanting to interrupt your work. It happens anyway at the first hint of his voice, the need you have to see him too almost as big as his.
“Poe!” You turn to look at him with a big, surprised smile, looking at his own smiling face as he walks towards you.
“Is this where you’ve been hiding all day?” He asks, taking in the sight of droid parts scattered around your floor.
“It’s been raining all day, there’s not much I could do about that.” When Poe finally gets to your side your arms reach up to hug him, pulling him to you as you kiss his cheeks with a thousand quick kisses that make Poe laugh, finishing with one last kiss on his lips that makes him sigh, letting all his worries out. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be out there.”
“It’s alright, I found you anyway, didn’t I?” And he’s glad he did. Right there, on your workshop, he found you wearing one of his sweaters to protect you from both the cold, windy rain, and from the feeling of missing him too much, with the sleeves of his sweater rolled up so you could work with the rain as a distant, relaxing sound. You look cozy and you feel like home; with you he can relax again, the mission he just got back from not even playing in his mind anymore. He kisses you, tender but short, a quick welcome before going to more urgent matters. “Do you have a minute? I got you something.” When he asks, his smiling face excites you by itself.
“You did?” You ask surprised, not expecting a gift from him, so you take a step back to be able to look at him again. 
From behind his back he pulls out a small bouquet with a total of 3 flowers, tinted with a mix of orange, red and pink, full of folds and feather-like petals forming an intricate shape. “Oh, Poe,” You sigh, the beautiful flowers brightening up your eyes as they reach your hands. “These are beautiful.”
“Roses, that’s what they’re called.” He adds, not able to look away at the happiness his little gift had brought you and feeling it too himself. They are a little crooked and they lost a few of their leaves, but you look at them with such love that he doesn’t feel like he has to explain all that. “They had fields full of them, and when I asked what they were, I couldn’t help it.”
“Why? What are these for?” You look into his face to find an answer, and on it, you see the reason…
“They mean love.” Poe explains with a soft smile on his lips, one that showed exactly that: love. For you, for that life you had together, for everything that you’ve been through, and for everything to come. “They mean love and… and beauty, and passion, and strength, and all these things that sometimes can be hard to say, especially in the middle of all this mess, but when they told me that, it was like they were describing what I think when I see you.”
When Poe finds your eyes again you are looking up at him with the same love he had given to you. “I don’t even know what to say.” Words may be failing you and you feel choked up with emotion at such a simple and beautiful little gift. He closes the distant again placing a soft kiss on your lips, this time slower, with all the time in the galaxy now that he gave you his gift.
“I’m sorry they’re a bit bent, I had to keep them in the-”
“They’re perfect, Poe..” Cupping his cheek you find each other’s eyes, the delight of being together again teasing your eyes with tears.
Turning his face slightly, he kisses the palm of your hand. “I love you. So, so much.”
“I love you, too.” You kiss him again, forgetting the rain, the thunder and the cold that you had been running away from all day. You had Poe back with you now, you could worry about anything else on any other day.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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love-toxin · 1 month
meow! so alongside sum other fics im thinkin about doing a long-form series w/ TOTK & BOTW, if that's of any interest. I've been wanting to do a series for it for years so i wanna get some feedback! i finally have online courses so my schedule's way freer to write and I wanna get some long projects worked on.
for context: I'm planning a series where the reader (you!) is a former travelling merchant, and is now building up Mabe Ranch during the TOTK timeline post-calamity!
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It'll be partly nice escapist fic á la LOZ world, and partly with some romance bits with a few canon characters! I'm not sure how exactly i wanna frame it but i def have characters in mind i wanna involve (link, zelda, tauro, paya, rauru, sidon, etc), and it'll be taking place concurrent to link's TOTK adventure, but idk if i wanna do a "one true romance" ending or if I'll have the reader get cozy with several characters for funsies. either way I'm just getting started on it so it'll be in the works for awhile hehe.
but! if you have any ideas on this series I'd love to hear them! I'm really trying to get into more long-form series bc i really enjoyed writing harley's piece and I'm getting used to doing novella & novel formats, & I'd like to focus a piece on stuff that the people really really want! i wanted to write a series like this since i was a teenager & I'm having a lot of fun writing it already hehe!
so if you have a concept, idea, character, place, or whatever that you'd like to see included, let me know! it doesn't really matter how out there or mundane it is, I'd just love to hear what the people wanna read so i can make a really fun series for the lads <3 ty!!
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
Oml 28 plz with Steve OR Eddie, I’d love for either tbh (angst at your discretion)))
Also! I just found your blog and I’m already feeling cozy with all the fluff you write!!
Tysm :))) x
gonna do eddie for this one! ty for being here <3
an accidental kiss between two exes __
It's supposed to be a funny photo. Jonathan tells everyone to be silly as he lines up the shot, the party in full swing behind him. Robin hops on Steve's back and Nancy gives you bunny ears. You turn to your other side and close your eyes, intending to stick your tongue out by Eddie's cheek, but when the flash goes off you feel lips on yours instead.
The kiss is familiar even if it's quick -- three months of dating over the summer will do that you you -- and it's one you've missed. But you haven't told anyone that. When you date your friend and break up with him because you go to college and then you drop out of college and come home and realize you miss him...well. Things are a little complicated.
You open your eyes to Eddie's stunned face, pupils blown and mouth open. No one seems to have noticed what happened but Jonathan, who looks like he's going to ask if you're okay, but you dart out of the living room before he has a chance. The kitchen is quiet enough for you to blink a few times and catch up with what happened. You and Eddie just kissed for the first time since you broke up. By accident. You think you need to flee the state of Indiana.
"Hey," says the boy in question, coming into the kitchen with his hands tucked into his pockets. "I'm really sorry--"
You hurry to reassure him. "I was just going to stick my tongue out, but you turned --"
"--I was going to chomp on your ear--
"--and I didn't mean to kiss you--"
"--are you okay?" you both finish at the same time. Eddie looks surprised you've asked. You sigh.
"Kissing you isn't a hardship, Eddie," you admit. It's a little more honest than you intended, but you're tired. Maybe you should talk about this.
"Wasn't a very good kiss," he says. "We've done better." The words are careful, probing.
"Oh," you whisper. He seems to hear it over the chaos of the party behind him.
"Should we...try again?" he asks.
"Are you talking about just the kiss, Eddie?" It's not that simple, you know that. You need to talk about why you ended it, how much you miss him, how much you hurt him when you left. But you watch him smile just a little before he answers and it feels like something new, something good.
kiss prompts for eddie or steve baby blurbs
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