westerosiqueens · 4 months
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muse: Daenerys Targaryen (or Velaryon)
era: Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon
particular wanted connections: Tyrion Lannister, Ser Barristan Selmy, Starks, other Targaryens or Velaryons
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divinityunleashed · 6 months
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By liking (Or if you're a side-blog, commenting) on this post, you are allowing me to do the following:
Tag you in random starters
Send you rp/mun memes
Invade your ask inbox with starters or random interactions
Bare in mind as well, that this goes double for all of you! You all can send me stuff as well!
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stardstschlar · 30 days
This is for all the mutuals on my blog to have a chance to interact with me. Liking this post, you give me permission to:
Hop into your asks and leave prompts.
Tag you in character studies, headcanons, starters, etc.
Tag you in images I find for our muses. In addition: this also gives you permission to do the below:
Hop into my inbox to leave prompts and things.
Tag me in random starters, character studies, etc.
Participate in a lot of banter.
Connections are desired for Jotaro, so if you have ideas please feel free to reach out and plot with me. The prompt memes I reblog are there to help us get things going and such.
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electricea · 6 days
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Permanent Starter Call!
I've seen these before and this is my first go at making one myself! By liking this post, I am assuming that you're okay with me making you random starters, sending you memes to initiate interactions or otherwise just poking in to your blog to say hello. In other words, this call is to gauge who's interested in interacting and who I know I can definitely approach, so if you're alright with any of the above, kindly give this post a like! Also if you happen to have any side blogs or multiple RP blogs in rotation, please be sure to drop them in the replies, please and thank you!
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psychicsalvatore · 2 months
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Permanent Starter Call for me to have permission to send you memes whenever, like your starter calls/plotting calls, reply to your open starters, discuss (possible) ships and plots with, or even just stroll into your IMs to say a friendly hello 👋❤️
By liking this post it will just put my nerves at ease as I follow a lot of people that I have no idea are cool with any of this stuff and the fact that idk makes me far too nervous to reach out even though I really, really want to 😆
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voxxisms · 5 months
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it's finally time!! permanent starter call for this blog so that i don't forget! i will make new starters for anyone i haven't interacted with yet!! otherwise, consider this a way to let me know that i can throw asks, unprompted starters, message for plotting etc. your way for VOX! you can like or reply to the post if you're a multi / side blog to specify your muses, or else i assume it's all free game!
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draconicfool · 4 months
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From the desk of your local menace Rat, please give this a like [or even a reblog for sideblogs] if you'd like to give me permission to pester you and your muses with random @'s, starters, asks, possible plots and all of those sorts of things !
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heavens-sin · 7 months
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permanent  starter  call  »   please        ♡     or    reblog        this        if        you'd        like        a        simple        one-liner        /         starter   from   A  dubious  little  creachuree  i  deemed  my  babygirl   !   multis   specify   muses.         read   carrd   /   pinned   before   interacting   [ CARRD ]
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silcntsinners · 11 months
LIKE THIS FOR A RANDOM STARTER! I will check accounts with multi and throw one of my muses at one of yours 👀 see where it goes?!
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protectxthem · 3 months
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By liking (or commenting for side blogs) this post means that you are giving me permission to do the following, which includes but isn’t limited to:
Tag You In Random Starters
Send You Ask memes
Come at you with AU’s for our muses (granted sometimes they’ll be half assed)
Plot With You
Tag You In Stuff
Invade Your Ask box
Send You Headcanons About Our Muses
Tag you in shit that I come across that makes me take pause and think ‘Yup. This is them. This is them to a T. This is our idiots.
The right to tag you in wishlist stuff;
The above call extends to all forms of ships, including but not restricted to: friendships, romantic ships, companionships, enemy combatant ships, apprenticeships, and really any ship(s) you can think of.
This is also my way of telling you that all of the above can be reciprocal
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ramblexn · 4 months
Permanent Starter Call!!
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Hello!! Hello my mutuals!! I'm sure most of you know how these work!
Like, reblog, reply, etc to, going both ways, give permission for
Random starters
My discord (dm if you want it regardless btw!)
Plot/just kinda blindly throw ideas around
Make/send headcanons
More stuff that I don't remember if it goes on these
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bashxdash · 2 months
permanent starter call
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⸺Like/Replying gives me permission to
send in unprompted asks and memes
tagging you in random starters
tag you for dash games and stuff that reminds me of your muse(s)
make/send headcanons
IM you to plot/throw out random ideas
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lostusagis · 3 months
Permanent Starter call for Kamui
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By liking this you give me permission to:
Invade your inbox with unprompted asks or memes
Tag you in random starters
Message you about plotting
Just in general, interacting with you without fear of bothering you
(Kagura's version)
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trashthrashiing · 7 days
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Mutuals ONLY - like this post (or reblog if you're a side blog!) if you are ALWAYS TOTALLY COOL with me hopping into your inbox, sending memes, plotting, or even just dropping you a starter!
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sinfully-divine · 6 months
Permanent Starter Call for @sinfully-divine!
By liking (or commenting on if you're a side blog) this post, you are giving me permission to do the following:
Tag you in random starters
Send you rp/mun memes
Invade your ask inbox with starters or random interactions
Also in reverse, meaning you can do the same thing to me as well!
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infernalpursuit · 5 months
pokemon blogs permanent starter call
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If you like this post (or comment your sideblogs!!!), it’ll help me know you have no problems with me randomly interacting with your muse, be it by sending umprompted IC asks, answering to your dash commentary or in-character posts, or try to form a relationship with your muse - romantic, platonic, familiar or antagonistic, it doesn’t matter!!
why tho???
because it really helps with my anxiety and it would be very nice of you!!
canon muses - single blogs
@gnzma // @missingstarter // @coeurlxss // @stxrmcatcher // @oakliing
canon muses - multimuse blogs
@adcraball // @cheriishball
OC muses - single blogs
OC muses - multimuse blogs
@mnstcrbnll // @cittadeinumeri
muses from other medias - AUs
@lancelot-sharpkeen // @busygirlgcttagc
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