#????? idk what the ship name is aaaaa
stinkypeanutbutter · 1 month
ra ra ra rating SBG ships out of sheer unknown impulse
if that makes sense
Aidlyn : 9 . 5 / 10 just cause
sigh . . Guys . . I hate them . I’m kidding but not really . I love them so much I hate them 😿😿 yes yes I know they are overrated and stinky but I LIVE THEM !!!! Plus , I made way too much fanart of them to just be like “ lame , 3 / 10 “ 😹😹😹 ( they SUCKK !!!!! ) love their dynamic ,
Taylyn : 7 . 6 / 10
being honest , they aight . LISTEN !! They just aren’t my favorite . But they are very cutie patootie so they get like uhmsmm yea I could totally see it still . They have their moments , so I do like them quite a bit . :3
Tyden : 9 / 10
I looovooeee them they are so silly so pookie best so shriveled almonds don’t ask anyway I love them . Their dynamic is so silly the bickering is so osisozozojdhsva anyway they would be good together , they have that vibe to eachother and it fits really well
Ashgan ( is that how it is ?? Idk it has Logan and ashlyn ) : 3 / 10
Mmmm nah . Nope . I don’t mean that in a “ this SUXKS I HOPE IT BURNS !!! “ way , more like aaaaa “ It’s notttt it . “ way . I seen them more as siblings lowkey like listen guys they are such big bro little sis vibes you hear me ??? Pslspls
Benlor : 7 . 7 / 10
Also not a favorite ngl . It’s cute , but idk there’s just something there that makes it hard to see but also see st the same time if you get it . Hopefully y’all understand my writing and don’t feel annoyed by it woosys. Anyway , they are cute , but I don’t ship it as much as the others . Maybe it’s cause I just hate drawing ben 😹😹☝️☝️
Tygan : 6 / 10
i like it , it’s silly , I can mayyybeee see it but I don’t like it as much as others may . I need more interacting between them yk ? I ship based on reason like their interactions how they feel about eachother what they done yada yada , and I just might ship them more if they did silly things together more often , and it’s the way their personalities are in some waysysyss . No hate , they cute 🫶😇
yhhh what’s next uhmsm Benlyn : 3 . 5 / 10
can’t see it personally , they don’t interact as much and we might see it more in the future ofc but rn I’m kinda dead on them . They have potential I’ll give them that but they aren’t it for me . ☝️ Plus I see them more like cousins who see eachother once every 5 months or just on thanksgiving yet they hit it off pretty quickly . ( I don’t see them as actual cousins , that’s just rhe dynamic they give me ) :3
Aidgan :
idk how half of these ship names but ushmmm nah not that much . Maybe it’s just Cause Aiden’s and Logan’s personality difference issss . . Different . Can I say that ? Idk it’s just kinda hard to see between them and I see them more as buddies who team together every science project becahse one of them is better at one thing then the other . Also , team cause friendhsip is magic . 🦶💥
Taylog : 7 . 5 / 10
Seriously I couldn’t tell what it was and I thought “ taygan “ but NO MORE it’s taylog now like eggnog or something anyway they are pretty cute I’d say , I can see it but also not really but also quite a bit if you get me . They are very silly together , I like their dynamic throughout sbg and they would be a good pair in some way or another , would maybe ship :3
Ashler : 7 . 4 / 10
Mmmmmm silly , it’s cute , they bicker , I like the bickering . Buttttt I don’t ship it that much . Usually I say that and give it a high rating just why not , its cute just not for me . As everyone else , they certainly changed a lot throughout the comic and their dynamic became more clear and also potential showed . Soosooo
guys idk what other ships there are pleas whlep me I’ll rate polyships next time give me names I can’t think of anymore pslsplspslpsls
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thegoldenduckie · 1 month
I dare you to rank all sanders sides ships on a scale of 1-10. At least, as many as you can think up of.
OOO SOUNDS FUN ANON! Ill try to get as many ships as i can (but not that one, you know which one)
Rankings under cut
btw i used fanlore.org to look for all the ships, so idk if each of the ship names are right
Loceit: 8/10 Really good, love it, love the content of it
Dukeceit/Demus: 7/10 Its really good! Lovee their dynamic, its a shame we dont see these guys interact in the show much :(
Roceit: 7/10 Love roceit, so many angst and fluffy opportunities, honestly love the angst
Thomceit: 5/10 Honestly im not enthusiastic about sides x Thomas ships, but they can be pretty sweet! This ones really good, i see the appeal
Anxceit: 9/10 AHGG THEM! Sooo good! As platonic, romantic, familiar, and bitter exes! Love it! So many fun amd angsty posibilites!
Logicality: 7.5/10 Its so adorable!! I loveee logicality fanart and fics! I really loved logicality when i first joined watched the show, so it gets an extra .5 for nostagic sake
Intrulogical: 10/10 like DUDE INTRULOGICAL MAKES ME FERAL! Its so silly and adorable and freaky ahsxhjlsxkjkjhsx
Logince: 9/10 aaa its sooo fun! Their chemistry is SO INCREDIBLE
Lomas: 5/10 Again, not big on thomas and side ships, but this ones pretty cute
Intruality: 6/10 I like it! Its growing on me! Has a lot of adorableness
Royality: 6/10 Love it platonic, indifferent to it as romantic, and its just very sweet and seeing content of it makes me smile
Momas: 5/10
Moxiety: 6/10 again, love it familar and platonic, with a father son relationship! Honestly dont like it romantic
Platonic Creativitwins: 9/10 Yes! The twins! I love them just being chaotic siblings, or even on good terms and having being good brothers to eachother
Intrumas: 4/10
Dukexiety: 7/10 I like it a lot!!
Prinxiety: 8/10 its reeaally adorble, honestly love it lots
Analogince (Lo/Ro/Virge): 7/10 cute!
Romas: 5/10
Thomxiety: 5.5/10 this ones pretty cute
Logicalceit (Jan/Lo/Pat): 8/10 Its content is soo sweet
Intruloceit (Jan/Lo/Rem): 9/10 YEAHH I LOVE IT!! MAKES ME FROTH AT THE MOUTH
Roloceit (Jan/Lo/Ro): 7/10 Seems loevly
Analoceit (Jan/Lo/Virge): 9/10 At first i was indifferent to it, but a certain mutual made me see how amazing this ship is
Intrualceit? (Jan/Pat/Rem): 5/10 i think thats the name
Royalceit (Jan/Pat/Ro): 5.5/10 havent seen much of it, but points for that sick name
Moxiceit? (Jan/Pat/Virge): 7/10 ive seen some cute suff with this, i think thats the name
Anaroceit/Prinxieceit (Jan/Ro/Virge): 8/10 so much potential for a toxic yoai polycule
Intrugicality (Lo/Pat/Rem): 5/10
Morolo/Moralogince (Lo/Pat/Ro): 8/10 SO ADORABLE
Analogicality? (Lo/Pat/Virge): 6/10 i think thats the name
Anaintrulogical? (Lo/Rem/Virge): 6/10 i can see the appeal, i think thats the name
Anaintruality? (Pat/Virge/Rem): 5/10 i think thats the name
Anaroyality? (Virge/Ro/Pat): 5/10 i think thats the name
DLAMP: 7/10
Thanks for the ask anon! Again, all these rankings are just my opinion, please dont fight me
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certifieddoofus1 · 1 year
Aaaaa I’m so nervous to post this kind of content. But hey I gotta get over my fears at some point. 😭💔
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(Also yes I take art requests and art trades. Art trades are preferable. Seriously hit me up! It’s been forever since I last did this! No to commissions, I’m not that good lmao. )
Howdy pals, I’m new on tumblr, I just joined it recently because I like the content on this site. And I was hoping to maybe meet some new friends with the same interests as me…?
Anways! Here is some art I recently made! I’m a super big Yakuza fan, especially of their latest game “Like a dragon”. I “fell in love” with the games new protagonist, Ichiban, and got really tempted to draw some oc x canon. 😭💕One thing you should know about me is I’m super big on the oc x canon community. I’m really supportive of other peoples ships and they make me feel more comfortable about having my own. So be prepared to get a lot of support from me if you have an oc you ship with a canon character too! We oc x canoners stick together!>:) 💕(especially Yakuza ones because I’m OBSESSED *screams*)
Anyways…. ( I need to stop saying Anways so much and expand my vocabulary!! GRRRR. ) Here’s some information about the random “girl” I just had to ship with our beloved Ichiban Kasuga. (But to be fair can you really blame me? Ichiban is super cute. I want to steal him and lock him in my basement. I’d provide him with food and water Ofc. )
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 Yume Nakagawa 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
Age: 29
Height: 5’10 (no she won’t step on you.)
Patriarch of the Nakagawa Family. (Formally Tojo. Can’t decide if I want her family to convert to The Omi Alliance or Seiryu clan after the Tojo clan was banished.)
Yume is the type of girl who… idk how to explain it.. the type of girl who doesn’t have a type. She’s unexplainable. There I said it. She’s unpredictable, Erratic, pretty horny, Violent, Cocky. She’s a HUGE flirt… a horrible one too. She makes everyone uncomfortable with her over the top sexual comments. She grew up with a ton of men and they insisted on teaching her their roots, so hence the reason she kinda flirts like a F Boy. (I mean half the time it works but on the other hand…… nah. The men she hits on are concerned. ) If I had to compare her personality to anyone in the Yakuza game series she would probably be the most similar to Nishitani.
୨⎯ "Some Facts " ⎯୨
- Yume usually fights with machetes, her go to weapon. She usually uses them for her more… “extreme fights”. When she just wants to give some one a good beating she’ll just pull out her brass knuckles and go crazy.
- She has a soft spot for children. She hates teenagers tho. Thinks they are the scum of the earth.
- Has a pet possum named Lulu at home. Literally she found the possum in her back yard digging through her trash and was like… “ Yep, you’re mine now.” and just took her in like that.
-Yume was a noncommittal person before she met Ichiban. She quickly fell in love with his bright and heroic personality and realized how attracted she was to him. Eventually she made the first move… by asking him to… “slay her dragon.” Obviously he didn’t get what she meant so she asked him on a movie date instead. Ichiban fell asleep on her shoulder. 😔👌💕
Thats all I’ll reveal about Yume so far! If you want to know more about her check out my future posts! I’m probably gonna be drawing her more often.
All drawings are made by @certifieddoofus1
Have a nice day!!!
Also shout out to @kiryu-kazuma-wife
You inspired me to post about my Yakuza oc x canon! Thanks for giving me a little self confidence boost! I hope you’re having a great day/night! :)💕💖
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ardenssolis · 7 months
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Name — Shi
Pronouns — she/her or they/them
Preferred comms — Discord buuut I don't like giving my Discord out unless we've been interacting and talking for a while nowadays, so I am trapped in the hell known as IM until then. Honestly, though, I have a tendency to get into writing or doing other things and forget anyone talked to me sometimes either way so--- 😭
Name of muse — Ozymandias
Experience in RP — I've been rping since I was a kid back in forever ago before I even really knew what rping was. It all started on a chat site and I wasn't sure what was going on but I liked it LMFAO. I think it was probably about middle school-ish time for me. 6th grade I guess??? So a while.
Best experiences — AAAAA many! I think some of my best experiences rping was when I was doing things with my friends on Twitter and Deviantart. They always inspired me to draw and we were constantly designing characters / joining art rp groups back then which helped me improve drastically. Ughugh I miss doing things like that sometimes.
Pet peeves / dealbreakers — Godmodding. The quickest way to make me drop a thread is making Ozy do something or saying he did something without consulting with me. That's a pretty big dealbreaker for me as I've been put in really uncomfortable situations as a result of people doing this. Also instantly coming at me with ship ideas is a bit of a put off if we like...have literally done one thing / I barely even know you. I had that happen day one of me making Ozy and it almost made me want to leave before I even did anything. Only time I will shake you around and be like, "yeah let's gooooo!" is if we've known one another a long time / I'm comfortable enough to do that.
Muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — That depends. I love writing things where it's deeply discussion based over beliefs, philosophies, and the like. Emotionally charged threads too since that gets my muse really going, but it doesn't need to quite be angst so IDK AAAAAA. Fluff is okay sometimes, although Ozy isn't exactly 'fluffy' most of the time and it's a 50/50 with him and his fickle moods. Smut is nice to write every now and then too because there can be a lot of characterization in intimate moments like this. I don't think I have any kind of definite preference when I think about it -rubs chin-
Plot or memes — Memes usually (or just throwing unprompted stuff in my inbox)! My attention span is absolutely terrible. I like plotting but I have a tendency to slowly lose interest if it goes on for a while as I like getting the barebones as to what we're going to do, have some discussion, then jumping straight into making a thread. Discussing things as we go along and have things already started is just more fascinating for me.
Long or short replies — I loooove long replies, but those tend to be done at a slower pace unless the muse is really gripping me by the throat. I remember the days when I wasn't working and I could get through like ten threads a day or something but thinking about that now has me like, "how did I even do this?" So a nice mixture of short and long is nice! That way I can pick and choose what I feel like replying to that day.
Best time to write — In the weeee hours of the night mainly -- and with music! ////
Are you like your muse — Not even remotely amg. Ozy's too much of everything. He's loud, he's arrogant, and his confidence levels are off the charts on a good day whereas I prefer to be left to my devices, avoiding conversation or faking it till I make it with people, and then dying when I get home because boy was that too much extroverted activity for me FKJSDFHKSDFDS
Tagged by: @lobiita (thank you turbo!)
Tagging: Take it!
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rusty-gloinks · 10 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 and 27
WHAT.ojay 😍
1.the character everyone gets wrong
i dont know man….
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i also dont know.idont keep up eith bad takes
4.what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person? proshitter 😕
5.worst discord server and why which ship fans are the most annoying? lucky me dont gots discord woaaaaowaaaaowwaaaaa🎶🎶🎶
6.what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
V . Sorryr.
7.common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i forget waht shit the fandom says sometimes. i don’t know thgis either
8.worst part of canon
luisa or whatever tessas moms name is.shes evil and I’m so glad they’re dead (dad included . Hope they get put in the deep fryer hope someone takes home a bucket of kfc and it’s actually them (/J. i am angry about them
9. worst part of fanon
10. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
SPOILERS???? I GUESS???? I jsurr wanna enjoy my stuff in peace
11. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Sam.he does drugs rhars cool always do drugs (JOKEING
12. worst blorboficiation
13. that one thing you see in fics all the time
I’ve only read like 2. Idk man
14. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
N ??????
15. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
i soemtimes don’t understand why people like anything.i think we should all hate.so much hate in the world .. (neutral on this I don’t have anything serious to say
16. there should be more of this type of fic/art
csn we get more Sam plewse what if she was really alive
17. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Uzi likes cows we need more stuff of her and cows.that’s literallt so cute I dont care if you can’t draw cows you will understand that she likes baby cows.
18. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
gore gore gore gore gore
19. part of canon you found tedious or boring part of canon you think is overhyped
i dont knw.😭😭😭😭EPSLODES
20. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
shelikes cows I said this
21. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Nuzi but not alot kind of. Itdfs kinda cute igeuss!!!!!!!! Idontknwo mixed feelings
22. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
ships. Lol!!!!! And also v dying
23. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
anything that comes out of vanitymoths mouth I hope they explode /hsrs
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agalnamedlunasea · 1 year
Komahina or Kamukoma for the bingo!
Aaaaa ok omg where do I BEGIN with them
So I guess to start, while I do have separate sheets for them, I actually consider kamukoma as a sort of extension of komahina rather than a ship on its own. The way I hc izuru is just he and hajime are the same person, izuru is just a part of his life where his brain was altered and he went by a different name. Its still him. At least thats how I interpret it lol. THAT BEING SAID
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I mean it when I say they are my favorite ship of all time. I have never been so intensely gone for a ship before. They make me so unwell, they give me brainworms. Its honestly kinda hard to articulate.
They have SO much going on and I love seeing imagining all the ways they come together. I love the idea that they keep meeting and keep forming a strong bond of some kind immediately (dispair, nwp, post game). Every time they meet, they have such intense emotions about it.
I love that they're parallels of eachother, they're so similar but also very different, in such a way that it feels like they are the only ones who can *really* *truly* understand eachother and help eachother overcome their internal struggles, in such a way that its difficult for me to imagine either one of them with anyone else.
My favorite version of them is of course post game. I love thinking about them coming together and reconciling with how they treated eachother in the nwp, during dispair, and they find comfort and healing in eachother. Hajime wants to feel special, nagito wants to feel loved, and they're able to provide that to eachother and actually break through eachothers walls. After everything that happens in canon, hajime is wracked with an intense guilt complex that nagito can help to ease, and nagito has the chance to finally dismantle the ideology that he clung to as a coping mechanism, because hajime's very existence defys it. God they just fit together so so well, it scratches my brain in the best way.
They're also really funny to me too. Nagito is shameless, especially in admitting that he's in love with hajime, but he can never let himself believe that he can get what he wants in t hat regard. Meanwhile hajime is so romantically dense that he doesn't pick up on nagito basically hitting on him at all, and that's hilarious to me. I love banter and teasing and such, so nagito's shamelessness and hajime being easily flustered is just 👌
Now kamukoma specifically
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It is really really good, but again I think of it as just part of komahina. On its own? Its kinda missing something?? Their relationship in canon is really really vague. I don't remember 100% for sure but I don't think they even officially meet during dispair besides the boat. Because of that a lit of kamukoma stuff is,, idk, just vague ideas to me.
I love their energy though. This evil dispair ridden couple, one a man-made God of talent, the other a devoted servant, that is GOOD SHIT. I LOVE the vibes. I just don't care for it on its own I guess is my point.
This is definitely not all my thoughts about Them, but I'll leave it at that for now. They're just my most favorite boys and I love them.
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curiousaromantic · 2 years
I just found a wild crossover idea of TGCF x PJO in my drafts and I wanted to share it with you guys aklsskmdjsd
I just had the most random thought ever.
I was looking for PJO fanfics and it just came to my mind that Nico has the tittle of Ghost King in the PJO universe if I'm not wrong (i think it was bc he defeated Minos and bc he can summon the dead and well, son of Hades ok?) (also– after he defeated Minos, didn't that give him a position in the Undersorld where he could judge which soul goes to which place in thd Underwold? . Correct me if I'm wrong, its been ages since I read PJO & HoO)
Anyway, thinking about the words Ghost King, of course I inmediatly thought of TGCF and the calamities of its universe, which are called Ghost Kings, who are Hua Cheng, Crimson Rain Sought Flower; He Xuan, Black Water Sinking Ships; Bai Wuxiang, White No Face; and Qi Rong, Green Lantern something-else-that-i-don't-remember.
Imagine if somehow the characters of PJO were transported someway into the world of TGCF. Although, I think it could be possible for both stories to exist in the same universe and world, because If I am not wrong, in the PJO universe gods of different cultures exist at the same time but most demigods remain ignorant at that until HoO happened and yeah.
If a TGCF and PJO crossover were to happen, i think it would be like same way the crossover between the Kanes & Percabeth went or Magnus & Percabeth again (i haven't read those books so i could be writing pure nonsense just now. Fck, i really need to get back to my intense phase of Percy Jackson fan).
Anyway, let's think that the PJO cast somehow has to go on a mission to China and bc they are in territory out of the reach of the greek gods, they are in big danger.
The crew (which I think would be made of the Seven, Grover, Thalia, Solangelo & idk who else, like i said my mind isn't fresh regarding PJO hehe) ends up being chased by ghosts who they think are monsters trying to kill demigods (not much of a difference considering that the ghosts are planning on selling them as snacks in Ghost City bc for some reason these weird foreign humans smell very funny).
Percy and company also don't know that it is the Ghost Festival (i forgot the name it was given in the novel aaaaa, it was long ok? Im sorry for my bad memory, plus im wriring this at 3am) and that's why there are a lot of ghosts out there. They only realize they aren't monsters and it is the Ghost Festival until Annabeth connects the dots and points it out to the rest (she did her research before coming to complete a quest in China, and also because my girl is exicted for the chinese architecture).
Unfortunately, knowing the ghosts aren't monsters doesn't change the fact that they are being chased by them, and because many of the ghosts are Savage it is quite difficult to deal with them due to the fact thag physical attacks do little harm to their souls and their weapons also cannot harm them bc they aren't gods. They don't know how to deal with ghosts; well Nico can and it is what saves their asses, although because these ghosts are not residents of the greek—
And like, that’s all I had in my draft, I don’t remember when I wrote this 😂, I just remember that I wanted PJO characters to meet and wouldn’t it be interesting for them to realize how different are chinese gods (Xie Lian vs Greek Gods FIGHT) and then becoming good friends with Hualian?
Imagine Sally Jackson with Paul and Hualian becoming foster parents to all this teenage demigods that have been through a lot?
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star-mum · 10 months
And so we begin
Criminal Minds Pilot Live Star Reaction
Ma’am why would you go just like that???? So fucking shady
Note to self: never stay in a potentially dangerous situation for a fear of being impolite
IVE SEEN THIS MAN BEFORE ! WHATS HIS NAME? A lot of tumblr girlies want to fuck him (good for them)
Gideon ? Is that his name?
I forgot his name again but this man is so handsome (the guy we ship with Penelope)
This is already really itching my criminology brain, I would love to take some sort of criminal psychology class
That was a very gentle nail clipping... is he keeping the victims nail clippings? Or like... “taking care” of them before killing them
I’m gonna say the wildest theories/accusations so please bare with me on this case (the worlds dumbest detective makes a comeback)
Okay so there was another voice in the room where they’re keeping the woman, maybe an accomplice BUT taking the “what did I tell you about the tape?” comment, it feels more like a leader/mastermind (?) kinda of thing
Like they are coaching the man we saw in the car to do these, Wax House is very much on the brain so maybe an older brother ?
“The Reid Effect” thats rude
When does his haircut get better ? (Probably ruder)
Also a lot of the victims were white blonde women with blue eyes (at least two of the pictures looked so similar) this could be about a sister or mom that has died, a need to fill that space (and if the relationship wasn’t great, a want to hurt them)
Im thinking about the younger sister cause they also mentioned the killer “dressed” them (idk if in specific type of clothing or just clean new clothes) before dumping the bodies and that can be an indicator of this sense of protection one might feel towards an younger sibling
Oh shit does he clip their nails so if they scratch him, theres less a chance of his dna under their nails ?
We’re 15 minutes in, this is too early to catch the killer
OH IS THAT THE DUDE FROM SUPERNATURAL? The sock puppet dude ? GARTH ? I think his name was Garth
“I don’t send a SWAT team into a house with kids” i like this lady, immediately
They’re not gonna go on a DID lane on ep 1 are they? (I wrote this when the found the Go board)
“Are you a fan of Andrew Baels work?
I love being thrown in the middle of plot with no context (not a read, I genuinely love it)
HERE SHE IS !!! PENELOPE BABY !!!! “I thought i was calling the office of supreme geniuses” “look gorgeous” AAAAA
I understand the Hotch thing, very gentle dilf vibes from him
See these like password investigating scenes make me feel so much more confident about my own passwords KSKSKSK without going into big detail of course but you could not get my passwords from anything in my room, SPECIALLY if you have limited tries
He knows he’s being followed OR the girl is in the TRUNK ???
“He said it was your idea to keep the girls in the boat” THAT WAS RISKYYYY SIRRRRR
HELLO ???? Well that’s fun 😶
Okay this show has like 16 seasons (im pretty sure it’s still going) so I’m not gonna commit to 22x16 Live Star Reactions, for I am incredibly inconsistent, but this is a dang good show (thank you Sunny @tenpintsofsundrop <33)
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garoujo · 1 year
hi oml i havent seen u on my dash in so long but!! i come with a song rec for u n nagi (idk what ur ship name is aaa sorry)!!
disclaimer: i still know next to nothing abt him but from what i remember (which is basically based on what ive read from ur fics lol) he is a Gamer(tm) and,, and him + you with lana del rey's "video games"... i think it fits bc its such a slow and mellow song (u often depict him as sleepy and chill) but its so sweet and intimate and practically dripping with love (like a softer kind of intimacy that doesnt need loud or grand displays to be seen or understood)!! ok thats it i just wanted to share that haha
omg hiiiii!!! i am here ૮꒰っ´༥`ς꒱ stop this is so sweet u brought me a lil song rec for me + starboy!!! hehehe he rly is just a sleepy, soggy gamer boy + i luuuurv it sm! he’s perf ꒰ ෆ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ෆ ꒱ aaaaa i totes love that song! i went thru such a phase in high school w it i loooove <33 yes!!! the vibe is so lovely!!! snifle u hav made my day bbie! i hope ur having a gr8 day!
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rinrinart · 5 days
(an intro post that I should’ve done at the start but didn’t)
HIIIII!!! I’m Rinrin! But just Rin is fine too >:D
Here’s some stuff about me:
💜 My birthday is on the 8th of October
💜 I’m iron man (Female)
💜 My favourite colours are obviously pink and purple. I don’t have a bias I swear
💜 I loooove kitty cats >:3
💜 I love drawing my Ocs, cute clothes and doing cool lighting scenarios >:D (even better when it’s all AAAAA)
💜 I also love singing even tho I don’t talk about it much here >:D
💜 I love those super cute, romantic pastel aesthetics +points if there’s pink, purple, lace and sparkles ✨ (e.g, hime lolita, princesscore, jirai kei, kawaiicore, coquette). Tho I also like stuff like light academia!
💜 Here’s my sona!
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(I have cat hat, cat glasses and cat shoes)
But that’s enough about me! Time for the stuff about the blog! >:D
💜 Sooo on this blog, I’ll mainly post fanart about Harry Potter magic awakened (hpma)
💜 I might post other fandoms sometimes, an example would be Death Note!
💜 Other than that, I might post other Ocs from time to time, ones that aren’t linked to a fandom. I might draw other’s ocs as well
💜 I might also ramble about singing and songs in general we’ll see
Hpma Ocs! (at least those I’ve posted)
💜 Estelle Winslow (my baby- I post her the most)
💜 Mitsuki Aikawa
💜 Aurora Marie Sawyer
💜 Celeste Johnson
💜 Mitsuki x Estelle (Idk how to combine their names so I’ll just use this “🌕🌟” since that’s what their names mean respectively hehe >:D )
💜 Might do some other ships (other’s ocs or canon ships) and crackships, just cuz they’re funny *cough* Danji *cough*
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huge-fuckin-nerd · 1 year
9 people you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by @gaysessuale aaaaa thank you these are always so fun!
Three ships: okay so the current ones I can think of are Perchalia (Percy and Vex from critical role; vox machina specifically), Shadowgast (Caleb and Essek from critical role; but mighty nein this time), andddd Geraskier (is that the ship name? Idk, Geralt and Jaskier/Dandelion from the Witcher). I haven’t been consuming a tonnn of stuff recently so Witcher and crit role ayyyy
First ship: oh god what was my first ship??? It was probably Sokka and Suki from Avatar the last airbender? There was probably some like warrior cats ship I was into but I have blocked it from my mind lol
Last song: Clueless by UNWELL I think; either that or it was Marbles by The Amazing Devil. Could I check by opening Spotify? Yes but I’m being lazy
Last movie: I don’t watch many movies so probably Fractured? It wasn’t good lol, watched it on a whim and then was determined to finish it
Currently reading: I’m re-reading the Sawbones book!
Currently watching: in the middle of my rewatch of critical role EXU calamity because I like to suffer
Currently consuming: Dr Pepper & cream soda
Currently craving: I’ve been wanting snickerdoodle cookies like all day I cri
Uhhhh who to tag? I don’t think I have 9 people oops; Anyone can feel free to do this because my brain doesn’t wanna work for tagging people
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uhhbeans · 3 years
Im gonna vaguely talk about some mutuals in the tags don’t mind me :> ily guys
#the whole ordeal of ‘if it’s you you’ll know’ yada yada yada. everything is appreciative I promise#each number is a different person/set of people#and everything is platonic (I just say ily a lot-)#i probably spelled something wrong or got terms incorrect but I love you all the same :)#1: I have no idea what tf is happening in the d-smp but holy shit schlatt died. you convinced me to get into it even if it’s confusing :) ty#2: ur like. one of my only Adult Mutuals (idk if there’s more but shush-) and every time i see you do a rb/like-run I go#‘the triple a battery is back omg :))’ because. adult. ace. aro. you get the gist of it gjdhdjf it sounded a lot nicer in my head i promise-#3: I apparently am mutuals with people in a relationship so every time I see those cute love posts y’all are tagging each other and I find#also one of you is responsible for my h-lvrai hyperfixafion. and my like for mc-r now.#4: my second mutual EVER. ILY. I see the rqotw and start crying cause like!!!! aaaaa!!! ur back!!! you care enough to be back willingly!!!#I’m scared to talk to you because ur so nice but ily! /p#I’m also looking into dr because you like it. it’s taking a Hot Second to find a playthrough I like but!! I love Aoi (Is that her name idk-)#5: I wanna hold ur hand. ur art style is so prebyyy and I’ve said this before but it’s inspired me to do funky not-exactly-eyestrain bgs :)#plus I binge ur askblog every few days because it’s really sweet. I love it. I dont trust anyone who puts noses on emoticons but still#6: you convinced me to kin Barney and it’s a crime darlin ( wink wonk :>)#also ur one of the first people to use he/him for me and it was a cultural reset lemme tell you-#7: you convinced me to ship the egos its all I think about now kthx#8: you made me like tayl-r swift. I never thought I’d be a swifty but here we are-#9: we’ve been mutuals for 2 seconds but I see you :) this applies to like 3 people but idk you yet even though I want to!! u guys seem nice#mack shut the fuck <3
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
Tumblr media
@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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rivalmelty · 2 years
for the character ask (attempt 2): tell us abt ur boy hop
i am so heartbroken i had it all written out but i will gladly do it again because i love himb
do you like them?
what an interesting question uhhhhh i have a love/hate relationship with hop for the sole reason of him being far too similar to me HOWEVER bc of how many hop haters there are i gotta be his number 1 😤
5 good qualities
1. he’s an incredibly passionate kid i gotta give him major kudos even tho he did have his bouts of insecurity he continued to reach for his goals and post game he continues to be passionate about his new ones
2. he knows his type matchups !!!! which is more than i can say for myself :’) (you’d think being a fan for so long i would know what the fuck is happening but alas)
3. he’s a good trainer fuck y’all he is one of two trainers i had difficulty with in all of swsh (fuck you opal let me be emo and have my dark type team) his last battle when he has the legendary in the weald was a challenge
4. he’s such a loyal kid even if sometimes it’s to his detriment he just loves his family and friends so much he would do anything for them :’)
5. he knows how to navigate himself around galar 😌
3 bad qualities
1. like i mentioned earlier he is. insecure and it causes him to make some bad decisions and second guess things
2. because of his insecurity he is also quite impulsive he is quick to switch up his team when he loses one (1) battle because of the implications that he lost because they were weak
3. this prolly goes hand in hand with insecurity but hems constantly comparing himself to leon which like i 100% understand i do the same fucking thing but that doesn’t mean it’s good :’)
favorite episode
when he gets the legendary !! it makes me so giddy every time !!!! close second is seeing him in the dlc i don’t think i’ve ever been more excited in a game than seeing hoppykins in the fucking dojo ahaksjsk
trainshipping bby !!!
leon and hop being best bros !!!! they deserve to be besties also tho hop and marnie they are best friends they told me themselves
postwickshipping :( only bc someone ruined gloria for me :(
idk their ship name but hop, victor, and bede my boys !!! i have the card sleeves with them and i think they deserve to be happy teenagers together :’)
best quote
it’s the title of my kin playlist for him but it’s “if i’m weak then people’ll think lee’s weak too” and i just think it perfectly encapsulates his character and subsequent arc
AAAAA YES okie okie so he has a ton of tiny lil mundane bad habits like biting the skin around his nails until they bleed (he sometimes wears charizard bandaids around his fingers to get himself to stop but they never work) or like he has the absolute worst sleep schedule so much so that victor has to drag him out of the lab because he’s been awake for 2.5 days on solely caffeine and spite or like he is constantly tapping his feet and it annoys sonia to death but it helps him focus so she keeps her mouth shut and turns up the volume on her headphones
also he curses like a sailor BUT never around leon or his mom and grandparents #lethopsayfuck2022
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One Punch Man ship reviews bc I’m bored
GenoSai: do I even have to say it?? They compliment each other so well and are already besties. They make me so happy and I love their love. Genos literally came into Saitama’s life and brought so much new life and excitement when Saitama thought he’d never get any. Genos gives him love and appreciation all the time and never abandons him. Saitama isn’t connected to his feelings, but he cares about Genos and would do just about anything for him, to keep him safe. Genos constantly teases Saitama and Saitama grumbles and takes it with some banter, Genos is super emotional and Saitama does his best to comfort him, they fucking love shopping together and just hanging out period, they talk about the dumbest shit and somehow they still understand each other with the one brain cell they both share. It takes Genos forever to realize his feelings are deeper and Saitama has to be TOLD by their friends that he should fucking realize his feelings already. Just...I could keep going but I’ll stop! 2718873737839439/10 (let’s not talk about the age gap btw, 6 years isn’t bad and Genos is a legal adult.)
FubuSai: the stereotypical straight ship ppl gravitate to. Eh. I can see it, but at the same time I feel like they don’t completely compliment each other. Are they a hot couple? Duh. But I feel like their pride and communication issues would get in the way. 4/10
TatsuSai: hnghhhh. Someone mentioned this before, can’t remember who, but Saitama literally thinks she’s a child in canon. So that just....makes it gross. Same problems as FubuSai but worse. I’d rather see them as hesitant friends w a weird bond. 0/10
SonSai/SonicSai/idk the ship name: eh, toxic. Cant see them getting past communication issues and pride, again. Plus Sonic wants to kill his ass. Also, I just feel no romantic tension?? Even in fanfic it just falls flat for me. 3/10
MumenSai: a favorite!! Wish I saw it more, it’s very cute. Mumen is so kind and would absolutely be there to help him w self esteem and just help him be a better person period. And Saitama would have a cute little kind guy to tease and open up to. I could maybe see Mumen’s kindness getting on Saitama’s nerves when he’s in a bad mood bc Mumen almost never snaps and Saitama feels shittier, or maybe Mumen being mad at Saitama for being kinda lazy at home while Mumen is working his ass off and he’s like babe I just got home, please stop playing the fucking game and pay attention to me I have a concussion again. Prob too nitpicky on this one, heh, but 8.4/10
Genos x Sonic: wtf? As a crack ship, sure. That’s hilarious. But as a serious ship, 1.3/10 bc I could MAYBE see them bond over their love of my chemical romance or sum.
Anyone x Puri: -128382839287473828739219833468282/10. Fuck Puri.
TatsuKing: eh. Indifferent on this one too. I can see them getting along and Tatsu being the mean but supportive gf in public, but a sweet gf in private. King could be like her calm oasis of video games and sweet blonde shy bf. I sway more towards ace/aro King and queer non binary Tatsu, but this is still good. 6/10
FubuPsy/Fubuki x Psykos/idk: hell yeah!! This series NEEDS more wlw ships, both for me to project onto and to cry over. Prob my fav Fubuki ship, cuz they’ve known each other since they were young and had a tenuous friendship. I didn’t use to ship it until I saw that scene in the wc after the MA arc (u know the one) but here we are. They’re big personalities so any interaction is bound to be chaotic at first, but I really think they’d work. Pride put to the side, Psykos could be someone for Fubuki to finally rely on other than the Blizzard Bunch, someone to confide in, a badass partner to fight monsters with, talk about nothing for hours with, be a super fashionable #girlboss couple with, and someone who would really see her for who she is-especially w Psykos knowledge of her from the past. Hell, Psykos might even know her better than Tatsumaki. Fubuki could be an anchor to her like she currently is in the wc, providing a quiet comfort and making her open up little by little. Would prob be toxic at first bc of the MA arc and their desire for power, but is a very good ship I think. 9/10
Speedal/Sonic x Mumen: an old fav! Sonic would have a hard time not hating Mumen at first bc he’s the picture definition of a hero, sum he hates. But hanging out with him would show him Mumen is a GOOD guy genuinely and he’d be like ohhhh shit I’m in love w this man. Mumen would thoroughly appreciate someone to make him live a little, break some rules and stand up to ppl when they talk over him. He’d DEFINITELY be upset when finding out Sonic is an assassin, but would prob be conflicted bc he knows Sonic is a good person despite that. Would prob make Sonic give up on killing for them to be together. Sucks bc of the assassin thing and bc they haven’t met in canon! So we’re not sure how they’d interact with each other, sigh. 7.4/10
Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: a very underrated ship! To be clear, I headcanon Kama as a trans woman and so does most of the fandom. Anyway, very sweet and already built as a friendship bc of their partnership under Atomic Samurai. I can’t remember who writes fic and makes art of them on tumblr but AAAAA it’s so good! Very sweet. Basically depicted Bushi as a nervous himbo who’s honest about his feelings but scared to say them and Kama as a sweet lady who’s crazy about Bushi. Very sweet. Want more of them!! 6.1/10
OneZon/Zombieman x One Shotter: never even thought of the ship till I saw @megidolan art work! Very wholesome, and from what little we know of Shotter we know he’s a sort of nervous yet strong willed guy, and Zombieman would totally help him calm down bc he’s so chill. I could see them sharing cigarettes and talking shit on heroes while cuddling u know? 7/10 only because I don’t see enough of it but very good concept.
Mumarou/Mumen x Garou: a lot of ppl are gonna hate me for this but....I don’t like it. I’ve tried! I just—idk. I’ve read so many good fics about them that make me like it a bit, but the concept is just eh. I think their relationship is, in most reps, really cliche angsty stuff. I wish I could elaborate I just...gah! Basically, there’s better ships for the both of them imo. Sorry!! 4.3/10
Sonic x Flashy/SonFlash: yes!! Prob my fav Sonic ship. They have soooo much tension, it’s almost worse than Genos’ tension w Saitama. Flashy LITERALLY poisoned Sonic so that he wouldn’t be forced to kill him at the ninja graduation. He cares. They’ll never say it out loud, but they care. They have someone who understands what they went through in each other and someone they’re both so similar to, yet so different from. Sonic is more vocal about his expressions and let’s people know it while Flashy often keeps things to himself, they could really influence the other to be more this or that. I could see a lot of comfort with these two, and not much is needed for relationship development; they already have so much unspoken between them after meeting for the first time in years. Love it. Wish I saw it more! 10/11
KingSai: wonderful! Out of the few ppl Saitama is close to, def my second fav pick for a ship for him. There’s a post saying how Saitama doesn’t cut King off when he’s going on rants about games and stuff bc he’s talking TO Saitama, not at him like Genos tends to do on accident. They’re already great buddies! Saitama could find a shy gamer man who he can talk to about manga and stuff and also a passionate bf who could break out of his shell w Saitama and be himself with no lies. King can have someone to protect him, duh, someone who finally understands his weird sense of humor, and someone to shower him in the love and kindness he deserves when Saitama is in the mood to be all out like that w his affections. Plus he’s Saitama’s anchor and brings him back down when he’s super anxious and depressed and tells him what’s up that he needs to fix without sugarcoating it. Would def have a bunch of inside jokes and go on dates that are just staying inside playing video games all night. Domestic af. 10/10
Fubuki x Mizuki: my first wlw Fubuki ship! Hard to find but very good. Mizuki is this big ball of kindness, energy, and raw power that would make Fubuki go ‘Ohhhhhhh, big pretty lady make brain go brrr.’ I could see Mizuki grounding Fubuki when she’s in over her head, giving her random gifts bc she saw sum and thought of her, doing a marathon run and wildly waving at Fubuki in the crowd, and all around being a dependable woman confident in herself and in love with a mysterious esper. Prob a little shy when it comes to anything physical bc she loves Fubuki so much and is overwhelmed by the realness of being w her. Fubuki gives Mizuki advice on ‘acting like a proper hero’ or whatever and though Mizuki thinks she doesn’t need it, Fubuki still helps her a lot w her career and being taken more seriously by others. Would give Mizuki someone who loves her for who she is and would go wild on her in private when she can be open about her affection, would be someone Mizuki could exercise with and listen intently to Mizuki’s physical knowledge, and would absolutely bandage her when she’s all banged up. Hnghh love this ship. It’s only behind the FubuPsy ship juuuuust a little bc they haven’t met in canon so we can’t be sure about their interactions and stuff. 8.8/10, I love WOMEN
Batarou: how could I go this far without mentioning them?! They have SOOOO much tension in the centichoro fight, like come on. Both snarky assholes who are huge softies one the inside, Badd being the more logical one (still a himbo, tho) and Garou being the more chaotic one. Probably take forever to admit their feelings bc they’re so prideful and stupid <3 flirt through constant wrestling matches and it takes Genos saying ‘they should kiss already, they’re getting on his nerves’ for them to finally realize what’s up. (@rayadraws has a great au where Garou Genos and Badd are a chaotic friend squad and Genos is the only brain of the group, haha. Very good au y’all check it out!) Would constantly pick on each other affectionately and switch into concerned SO when the other is hurt like the big teddy bears they are. Raise Zenko together for sure. Garou would fumble being romantic and Badd would find it both hilarious and cute. 11/12
Zombie mask/Amai x Zombieman:
So. I don’t like Amai Mask and I used to hate him, BUT the webcomic and fic have really helped me calm down on him (he’s still a dick tho), so it’s easier to want to ship him and stuff. Bc of Amai’s anger issues and controlling behavior, I could see this relationship being super toxic and icky—but I think they have some form of understanding that pulls Amai back from being a complete dick, you know? Start off as fuck buddies and slowly form something else from spending companionable time together other than screwing. Zombieman pulls Amai back from his angry fits and soothes him over with his logic. Talk maaaaaad shit about heroes, but only when they’re alone because Zombieman knows Amai will talk loud af about the heroes they’re roasting and Zombie doesn’t wanna stop a fight from happening. Zombieman loves making Amai flustered and has a secret check list in his head of all the things that get Amai red faced. Loves to listen to Amai rant about things for hours and loves to watch his face go through almost cartoon like expressions as he talks. He won’t admit it, but Zombie loves to be spoiled by Amai’s shit tons of cash and often takes rides in Amai’s limos when he wants to smoke and think to himself. Amai has a hard time realizing how his feelings have changed, but gets hit hard with it when he wakes up to Zombie making them breakfast one morning while wearing Amai’s underwear. Amai also loves to spoil Zombie and takes him out to restaurants and buys him cool new weapons on the weekends. @batneko has pretty much gotten me into this ship and I strongly suggest looking at their works! 7.9/10
DemonKnight/Genos x Zero/Drive Knight: I’m pretty sure this used to be a crack ship before the past like 10 manga chapters—and now here we are! Not a fav bc 1. ZERO LEFT GENOS TO SELF DESTRUCT AFTER THEY COMBINED TO FORM THE FUCKING JET HE WAS JUST LIKE lol bye SO LIKE if he left him to die that’s super hard for me to forgive and ship grrr 2. Disregarding the manga’s canon and looking at the wc, while I love the little trip they went on where Zero demonstrated his abilities and helped Genos kill monsters, it’s super sus. He knew alllll of this info on Metal Knight and was super supportive and understanding when Genos said he needed time to think. Like,,,what are his intentions? We know so little about him—is he trying to trick Genos or was he being sincere? THAT STUFF ASIDE, they’re a really fun ship. They’re both huge fucking nerds and can keep up with their talk on robotics for hours, they’re both cyborgs so they understand each other’s pain, and they’re both super cool and angsty. I think they could really settle into a deep bond that can go platonic or romantic, just depends. Genos needs more ppl in his life so hell yeah! Plus, he can really let go with Zero bc they don’t have that teacher/student relationship and Zero, if he’s really a sincere and kind guy like in the wc, can be there for Genos and listen to him. Don’t have much to say on this ship other than @wellthisisembarrassing makes GORGEOUS art of them! 6.3/10
Webuiko/Suiko x Webigaza: YEAH I KNOW THEY HAVENT INTERACTED IN CANON AND WE DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT THEM BUT HEAR ME OUT. Webigaza—cool af determined cyborg idol who’s surprisingly down to earth when talking with Child Emperor. Suiko—sassy and honest fighter who doesn’t take shit and is very passionate. Suiko would go to talk to Web then immediately freak out bc aaaa she’s way prettier than she thought, she can’t do this! Web would have to gently encourage Suiko to talk and at first is like ‘ah man, must be an adoring fan, ugh I’m so tired. At least she’s hot’ but when Suiko snaps out of her shyness Web is like oh! She’s super cool wtf. Always bump into each other during fights and help each other get fixed up, Suiko using her muscle power to lift Web’s pieces (and give Web a great view of Suiko’s muscles holy SHIT) and Web would patch Suiko up. Not to be stereotypical, but they’re def a masc/femme couple. I love the idea of this ship soooo much and I really hope they interact! 6.6/10 only bc they haven’t met 😭😭😭 look them up on here! There’s some great art of them by a few blogs
Dr. Kuseno x Bang: pretty sure @baldyborg came up with this one! Super cute. Just two old dudes finding a nice friendship in each other, maybe after Bang helps carry Genos to Kuseno’s after a day of fighting. Bang would find Kuseno to be a very cute little nerd man and would be sooo impressed by Kuseno’s mad scientist skills. Kuseno would be super impressed when seeing Bang in action too. They’d prob talk as soon as they meet each other and Genos would be in the background like you guys it’s been an hour, please fix me I’m on the verge of death 🧍🏻Bang would give Kuseno advice on training techniques to teach Genos and advice on making his bodies more martial arts ready or sum, meanwhile Kuseno would give his take on how to be kinder to Garou so that Bang would learn to repair the relationship with a gentleness he’s seemingly lacking (yes I’m talking about the chapter where he and Garou start fighting and Bang is just not doing enough to reach out to Garou, he’s being a callous old man! So yeah I’m still mad about that). Genos and Saitama would prob be out on a date and Saitama would be like oh theres Bang, wonder what he’s doing? Then Kuseno would walk up and kiss Bang and Genos and Sai would be shocked like SIRS 👬 Genos would tell Bang he doesn’t need another adoptive dad and Bang would be like....ok.... I see them retiring in a cottage together and Bang would become a huge softie. Yes I’m actively ignoring chapter 141 of the wc, shut up. 7.6/10
TankTop master x Mumen: they have a nice friendship going on in the manga right now! Just bros supporting bros. Tank is the picture definition of a muscly himbo and Mumen is his cute passionate bf. Also workout buddies af!! Don’t have much to say other than pretty good ship, just not a fav. 5.2/10
To sum it up—
GenoSai: 2718873737839439/10, Batarou: 11/12, SonFlash: 10/11, KingSai: 10/10, FubuPsy: 9/10, Fubuki x Mizuki: 8.8/10, MumenSai: 8.4/10, ZombieMask: 7.9/10, Dr. Kuseno x Bang: 7.6/10, Speedal: 7.4/10, OneZon: 7/10, Webuiko: 6.6/10, DemonKnight: 6.3/10, Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: 6.1/10, TatsuKing: 6/10, TankTop Master x Mumen: 5.2/10, Mumarou: 4.3/10, FubuSai: 4/10, SonSai: 3/10, Genos x Sonic: 1.3/10, TatsuSai: 0/10, anyone x Puri: -1283828319833468282/10
If there’s any ships I left out, it’s bc I don’t know them, don’t wanna talk about them, or just don’t have an opinion strong enough. Also, I know there are some poly ships like Genos x Saitama x Fubuki, but I’ve read only one fic about that (it was pretty good, here’s the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/5406992 ) so I don’t feel like talking about it. Hope no ones offended! All my opinion here :)
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bonker-bananas · 2 years
some koltc headcanons because why not
i haven’t actually reread the series in a while, so hopefully these aren’t too weird
need to get on that so i can make them all queer
shes my favorite. thats it.
okay actually there was a line or two at some point but i cant remember
sophie-honestly just a whole mess.  prob either unlabeled or has 7 million labels. not cis or het, prob not allo either but not sure on that one.
can’t decide if she comes to terms w/ her identity before coming to the lost cities, or of there’s some huge drama and she has an angsty questioning phase because honestly elves are prob at least a little homophobic
honestly im still on the sophie will be single forever train.  she is so bad at handling emotions n stuff, but like, maybe she could end up w/ biana or something? not keefe or fitz tho
keefe-either pan or gay, but ace. ace keefe is my life.
his reaction to the alicorns when sophie was telling the group abt silvenys messages about greyfell, yes
also i can’t remember if this was from a fic or actually canon, but wasn’t there a time in the human world w/ a like naked statue or something?
anyways the other part is absolutely because i am keefex(whats their ship name? is it that? anyways keefe x dex) trash so yeah, mostly because of these fics i read(a short funny one and a long lovely angsty and fluffy one) by RStar6709 on ao3
so dex-demi for sure, honestly probably gay. maybe bi?
i like the idea of him having a squish on sophie
and after that whole awkward kiss they actually kiss each other platonically a lot, maybe on the forehead?
again, keefex trash
idk, just demi vibes. also we love aspec rep here, so all of them are aspec now. or at least most of them.
:00 but what if,,, queerplatonic sodex!!!!
heh not rlly sure about that ship name either(sophie and dex if it wasnt clear) someone please tell me all of them aaaaa
thats most of the ones i actually have big headcanons for but have a couple smaller ones
fitz-token straight?? nah actually hes aro. some sort of genderqueer fitz would be cool too, ngl
biana-not that many opinions on her honestly, but lesbian or bi. ooh, demigirl? or maybe genderfae?
tam-gay. prob closeted tho.  also maybe nonbinary?  uses they/them pronouns.  would absolutely sneak tiny pride flags into linhs locker. honestly would secretly work with keefe to do it and has a huge dramatic fake over the top rivalry w/ keefe outside of it and it cracks them both up how much everyone else believes it. prob out to keefe and eventually dex tho. they know how insecure they are abt it and others finding out tho, so they look out for them and pretend to try to set them up w/ people and avoid using pronouns for them w/ others whenever possible and are generally very supportive.  also have all the puns ready for them when they need it. all the puns.
wow i wrote way more there then i planned to.  he isn’t even like anywhere near the top of my characters list either. i just though of something and went along w/ it i guess.
anyways, um, stina-also gay. trans girl. get her together with one of the girls, maybe biana. ooh, what about stina x biana x sophie? polyamorous too i guess! once she actually becomes friends w/ the group, is the “i’m the only one who can insult them” friend and will fight anyone who hates on any member of the group
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