#@ codes
dedalvs · 7 months
Hey! I'm David Peterson, and a few years ago, I wrote a book called Create Your Own Secret Language. It's a book that introduces middle grade readers to codes, ciphers, and elementary language creation. The age range is like 10-14, but skews a little bit older, as the work gets pretty complicated pretty quick. I think 12-13 is the best age range.
Anyway, I decided to look at the Amazon page for it a bit ago, and it's rated fairly well (4.5 at the moment), but there are some 1 star reviews, and I'm always curious about those. Usually they're way off, or thought the book was going to be something different (e.g. "This book doesn't teach you a thing about computer coding!"), but every so often there's some truth in there. (Oh, one not 1 star but lower rated review said they gave it to their 2nd grader, but they found it too complicated. I appreciate a review like that, because I am not at all surprised—I think it is too complicated for a 2nd grader—and I think a review like that is much more effective than a simple 10+ age range on the book.) The first 1 star rating I came to, though, was this:
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Now calling a completely mild description of a teenage girl who has a crush on another girl controversial is something I take exception to, but I don't want to pile on this person. Instead I wanted to share how this section came to be in the book.
The book is essentially divided into four parts. The first three parts deal with different ciphers or codes that become more complicated, while the last part describes elementary language creation. The first three sections are each built around a message that the reader can decode, but with language creation, the possibilities are too numerous and too complicated, so there isn't an example to decode, or anything. It would've been too difficult.
For what the messages to decode are about, though, I could do, potentially, anything, so at first I thought to tie them into a world of anthropomorphic animals (an ongoing series of battles between cats and mice), with messages that are being intercepted and decoded. My editor rejected that. Then I redid it so that each section had an individual story that had to do with some famous work of literature. My editor rejected that as well. He explained that it needed to be something that was relevant to kids of the target age range. I was kind of at a loss, for a bit, but then I thought of a story of kids sending secret messages about their uncle who eats too many onions. I shared that, my editor loved it, and I was like, all right. I can do this.
The tough part for me in coming up with mini-stories to plan these coded messages around was coming up with a reason for them to be secret. That's the whole point of a code/cipher: A message you want to be sure no one else but the intended recipient can read in case the message is intercepted. With the first one, two kids are poking gentle fun at a family member, so they want to be sure no one else can read what they're writing. For the last one, a boy is confessing to a diary, because he feels bad that he allowed his cat to escape, but no one knows he did it (he does find the cat again). For the other, I was trying to think of plausible message-sending scenarios for a preteen/teen, and I thought of how we used to write notes in, honestly, 4th and 5th grade, but I aged it up a bit, and decided to have a story about a girl writing a note to her friend because she has a crush on another girl, and wants her friend's opinion/help.
Here's where the point of sharing this comes in. As I had originally written it, the girl's note to her friend was not just telling her friend about her crush, it was also a coming out note, and she was concerned what her parents would react poorly.
Anyway, I sent that off with the rest of my draft, and I got a bunch of comments back on the whole draft (as expected), but my editor also commented on that story, in particular. Specifically, he noted that not every LGBTQ+ story has to be a coming out story, the part about potential friction between her and her parents because of it was a little heavy for the book, and, in general, not every coming out story has to be traumatic.
That was all he said, but I immediately recognized the, in hindsight, obvious truth of all three points, and I was completely embarrassed. I changed it immediately, so that the story beats are that it's a crush, she's not sure if it'll be reciprocated, and she's also very busy with school and band and feels like this will be adding even more busy-ness to her daily life as a student/teen. Then I apologized for making such a blunder. My editor was very good about it—after all, that's what drafts and editors are for—and that was a relief, but I'm still embarrassed that I didn't think of it first.
But, of course, this is not my lived experience, not being a member of the LGBTQ+ community. This is the very reason why you have sensitivity readers—to provide a vantage point you're blind to. In this case, I was very fortunate to have an editor who was thinking ahead, and I'm very grateful that he was there to catch it. That editor, by the way, is Justin Krasner.
One reason I wanted to share this, though, is that while it always is a bit of a difficult thing to speak up, because there might be a negative reaction, sometimes there is no pushback at all. Indeed, sometimes the one being called out is grateful, because we all have blindspots due to our own lived experiences. You can't live every life. For that reason, your own experience will end up being valuable to someone at some point in time for no other reason than that you lived it and they didn't. And, by the by, this is also true for the present, because the lives we've lived cause us to see what's going on right before our eyes in different lights.
Anyway, this is a story that wouldn't have come out otherwise, so I wanted to be sure to let everyone know that Justin Krasner ensured that my book was a better book. An editor's job is often silent and thankless, so on Thanksgiving, I wanted to say thank you, Justin. <3
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sadkinggaming · 2 months
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Friendly neighborhood ice wizard here to say don't forget to claim your FREE pack using code BOOKWYRM on the website before Tuesday, April 30th, 2024!!!
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journey-draws · 1 year
DONT EVER PAY FOR CODES QoVSK5zRiR  M7Janhdi6X  0WtfT4EcZE  7izJjrOo7e  gqni5c8nba  mOXxtVhwVv  Lv4tGniGvV  L891Mh0MIC  ni1woSfjyL  8DNc0OVqLd  nZmEL4Z8cN  ImS5KEnJdm  LKsJhLYS1A  2dQbgKywzA  4SOE9MAgJR  w3gKkS0T4Y  7ksgUhOMLi  FFkVcM4ExS  BhLNZ9k4OE CCHXiaDBsU  QAUnaLHpMj  L2iEsJATi9  Y2cGqypTrp WC622wzjPt pqLKWxOwPV  WDQNeDzNnC  2xJ6bcI0RJ  5gJbjzQbUW  abPhBUVLUV  hS5zjbX7SB  VbWetpus1t  bv7XmsG76C  Nt34UyuoOq  P1W974Rt2L  3Ow14KsAYW uVTsADtnTc  BYYKAVLX3n  GmbcaSpVcL  jLVhv06nwW HkGpPdoRTr  hMdUVyaAV7  4rUvOcqAyN  87LxOS70s9  B2Xp76h0VQ  L6W3Gqh2I3  t9GItN1nPu  Trbj71Aaij  2AIXPQt2xO  UkGikC4g0b  mrfTqjKuAZ dIZ7reW7jJ  0XJOHdt16B ELXVvPRPmG  q3vZMOwRNM  9i0oKQ1JOw  h4hnAI2EjB ExevNRfMrr  VnaxZCNHbz  K54V9U01j9  ELozpofiTP  QJITCjD4EW  zpKCE4PYta  kXAqJCMtua  3JL7RWTxEO  Rc0gCmEcP5  ZyMnjNJJs2  LCUGC9apaw  erFhGpdnwv  fYRePidLuu  abKkXyOZXo  LVyLBkruX5  k4h6Ev6NQw  AtueUqxCt4  ILfWbD18rJ  CcvK1wLRQr  KHCQY202Mu  v5PMkJNOo5
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
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btw, that last panel there... good luck translating that :)
(Masterpost) <- other episodes
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mewcrossing · 9 months
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quokka custom design codes! 🍒
if something isn’t here, I wasn’t able to find it
☆ click on the pics to be able to read ☆
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tamapalace · 25 days
Click Around Tamagotchi Official Website for Shop Codes & Character Favorites
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There are some hidden gems on the Tamagotchi Official website specifically on the Tamagotchi Connection page! If you click around on each character you’ll get two things, first clicking on characters will reveal their favorite meal or snack!
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Second there are some secret shop codes hidden behind some characters on the page. You’ll need to get some awesome items!
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awonaa · 10 months
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SIGNATURE N°7 (code)
crédit : awona
Tout est adaptable et modifiable à votre guise, have fun. ♡ ​Veillez à me créditer, ainsi que lae createurice des images utilisées. Si vous avez une question ou rencontrez un problème, vous pouvez me contacter par mp ou par ask !​​
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elirosecodes · 4 months
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Comenzó siendo solo un experimento sin nada concreto en mente, y me terminó gustando mucho al final.
Favor no quitar los créditos ni usar la tablilla como base.
Iconos por Capuccicons
Aquí solo se modifican dos imagenes en style.
Se modifican dos tonos principales en style.
Feliz San Valentín a todos. Corazoncito coreano y corazoncito occidental ♥
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khlacnh · 1 year
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Here’s a full set of matching brows. Enjoy!
@khleidisisland – Designer Code: MA-5762-1075-1088
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thecodecoven · 7 months
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#00. Estaciones | Cronología
El quinto código para el codember2023 de @elalmacen-rp es una cronología hecha para un foro privado. Como verán, muy ad hoc a la temática, la cronología se divide en estaciones.
Quizá en un futuro hagamos un revamp o tomemos la estructura para algo completamente nuevo que podamos ofrecerles. ✨
🎄 🎁 ✨ FELIZ NAVIDAD ✨ 🎁 🎄
Sin más, les dejamos algunas instrucciones pero recuerden que si tienen alguna duda o problema, pueden enviarnos un ask para ayudarles.
Busca la parte que dice XXXtab-1 en la parte de input y label. Cambia las XXX por las iniciales de tu pj o lo que tú quieras. Esto se tiene que hacer en todas y cada una de las pestañas.
Fíjate que también tiene un número al final XXXtab-1. Este número debe cambiar en cada pestaña. Si agregas más pestañas, asegúrate de ir cambiando los números también.
Cada label tiene una clase tab seguida de un número: uno, dos, tres y cuatro. Asegúrate de cambiar la clase de acuerdo al número que deseas que se muestre a un lado del botón de cada pestaña. Si deseas cambiar la numeración o aumentarla, envíanos un ask para ayudarte.
Agregamos una variable para cambiar el ancho de la tablilla, la encontrarás como --ancho: 100%. Recomendamos que el mínimo sea de 400px pues menos de eso, los elementos se verán apretujados.
En el CSS al final del código encontrarás que puedes modificar los elementos .a:before y .c:before. Estos son los iconos para señalar que un tema está abierto (clase a) o cerrado (clase c). Nosotros usamos Cappuccicons, pero puedes usar los que desees. Cambia la font-family y después el unicode de tu icono. No dudes en preguntar si necesitas ayuda.
Como siempre, les recordamos las reglas:
i. No retires los créditos, por favor. ii. Los colores, fuentes, imágenes (backgrounds) son modificables. iii. No cambies la estructura o uses como base. iv. Si tienes dudas o necesitas soporte con los códigos, no dudes en enviarnos un mensaje. v. Like/reblog si la utilizas, nos ayudaría mucho ♥︎ vi. ¡Disfrútalos! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~:・゚✧:・゚✧
Y ahora sí, puedes encontrar el código en pastebin, sólo da click en el enlace. ✨
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.
2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy - and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.
3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.
4. Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor.
5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.
6. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth - whether it be people or plant.
7. Honor other people's thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal expression.
8. Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you.
9. All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven.
10. Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism.
11. Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us. They are part of your worldly family.
12. Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life's lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow.
13. Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you.
14. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe.
15. Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self - all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.
16. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your own actions.
17. Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others - especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden.
18. Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first.
19. Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others.
20. Share your good fortune with others.
~Native American Wisdom and Beauty Page
[Wikoskalaka Yuwita Pi - Lakota Gathering of Young Women]
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sch-codes · 3 months
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✦✦ New PT! ✦✦
It's very minimalistic :)) There are two different styles, the first one is more colorless & elegant and the second one is very much springtime-inspired pastel colors.
Have fun with it <3
If you have questions about how to adjust the codes, you can always text me!
Black and White edition: https://codepen.io/Plutoplanet/pen/BaEwxBr?editors=1000
Springtime edition: https://codepen.io/Plutoplanet/pen/YzMrJag
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nuit-d-orage · 14 days
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Signature #2 - everything
version thème claire - version thème sombre
L'icon et les couleurs peuvent être changées.
N'oubliez pas de me créditer (nuit d'orage) et de créditer lea créateur·rice de l'icon que vous utilisez
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ciaransoul · 1 year
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41 — Lilium
Preview & download
No quitar los créditos.
Para el segundo participante, en el html deben cambiar el nombre del primer div, así: <main id="Lilium-bg2">. Y no olviden borrar los colores del otro.
Si necesitan soporte para cualquier cambio básico, contáctenme.
Like y reblog si llegan a usarlo ♥
Don´t remove the credits.
For the second player, in the html you must change the name of the first div, like this: <main id="Lilium-bg2"> . And don’t forget to erase each other’s colors.
If you need support for any basic changes, contact me.
Like or reblog if using ♥
A coffe?
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butimabadliar · 7 months
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(El fondo cuadriculado no es parte de la tablilla, solo la presentación)
Tablilla 1: Stranger Things - Apertua y Post
Descarga: Apertura - Post
Nota: Los títulos principales tiene en la palabra que esté en:
<span class="gifs">
Un gif animado que se reproduce sobre esta, como una capa de recorte. Pueden no usar este recursos o sí, nuevamente el gif pretende ser universal, por lo que si se cambia en una, se cambia en todas.
Los colores están en el style con variables, ambas tablillas, tanto post como apertura llevan la misma estructura, si se cambia el color de una, se cambia de todas las que lo usen allí mismo. La único forma de que esto no suceda es añadiendo una segunda class en esta parte:
<div class="dptab">
De este modo (pongo la palabra helado como ejemplo, pero ponen la que gustan):
<div class="dptab helado">
Y para que el css nuevo solo afecte a esta agregar o cambiar el css de este modo:
.dptab.helado {--radius:10px;--rgbnegro:0,0,0;--blanco:#fafafa;--negro:#111;--texto:#444;--letra: Bitter;--letrab: "Nunito Sans";--accentoa: #993333;--accentob: #382327;}
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mewcrossing · 1 year
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orangeade custom design codes! 🍊
if something isn’t here, I wasn’t able to find it
☆ click on the pics to be able to read ☆
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