aetherprism · 6 months
yknow what? fuck you listen to my hlvrai headcanons /ref
only tommy and benrey for now, but if you want to hear more than please do ask !
lets start with tommy (and subsequently g-man):
tommy, as we know, is the adoptive son of g-man ! but in hl2vrai’s trailer he seems to be taking his fathers role; i like to think the reason g-man adopts tommy is because he was the first person in a long time that’s like him. theyre not related by any means, no, but tommy is like him. not human, powerful. i don’t think g-man expected to get so attached to tommy, probably picking him up to train him, but he quickly realized he liked the titles of father and son, and what came with it.
tommy actually had a troubled childhood until g-man, he was unceremoniously dropped on earth and had to learn how to be human on his own. he learned pretty quickly that hiding his alien instincts was his best bet, and in the orphanage tried his best to be the most normal human kid there was.
and then tommy’s suddenly adopted by this mysterious man in a suit, and he starts to think he’s been found out by the government or worse. especially when his new adoptive parent, sitting him down in a dunkin’ donuts, tells him without any tact, “i know what you are.” suffice to say it scared the shit out of him.
moving forward though; tommy quickly learns to love his new dad ! he’s just like him, theres someone who understands tommy, and his dad teaches him how to use and not shy away from his instincts too ! his dad supports his endeavors into the sciences too, and even helps him get his job at black mesa. he really won the adoptive parent lottery :]
also extra thing; sweet voice is entirely engineered by black mesa. anyone can be given sweet voice, it was one of tommy’s first inventions !
but that’s tommy, now it’s time for benrey.
benrey wasn’t as lucky as tommy. as stated by himself; he’s not human. and he doesn’t really hide it. he’s never had to. from an early age all he’s known was experiment after experiment, prodding needles, white walls, and loud fluorescent lights that hurt his eyes.
now usually people headcanon that benrey’s from xen, but i’d like to take it a step further because i like to different i guess; anyways, benrey is not a xen alien— he’s alien x, a mysterious alien race from half-life opposing force ! he’s a mystery to the entirety of black mesa, and to himself because of that. so he settles on just saying: ‘im not human’ when people ask.
while kinda pushy in hlvrai, before that he was actually shockingly complacent. he didn’t struggle, didn’t make so much of a fuss, because he thought his treatment was normal. even though he didn’t like it, he grit his teeth and bared it anyways.
because of his complacent nature he was given a job, guard black mesa and he’d be allowed to roam around black mesa all he wants ! this is how he becomes a security guard, he also gets his own room topside like the rest of his co workers, and slowly but surely makes some friends in the circle of security guards.
one of his first friends is actually barney, yes barney calhoun. he was like a tutor to him, and at the time benrey didn’t have his own name; so he named himself after his first favorite human :] ! barney’s also the first person to tell him his treatment by black mesa wasn’t normal, or fair to him. it takes him a while to accept that. (i may take this one back if benrey ends up taking barney’s place in hl2vrai somehow)
with his job to protect black mesa he actually takes it very seriously, even more when he finds he’s just an experiment to the higher ups, fearing that if he acts slightly out of line they’ll take his already limited freedom away from him. until the invasion that is. black mesa has lost their hold on him, and by god he wont hold back anymore.
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jays-rus · 8 months
Could you maybe do one where the reader is from earth and while she watches an Apollo documentary, Kylo reacts to the Apollo 01 disaster? He reacts to the audio of it after hearing it. (You can find the audio on YouTube) Thanks so much! I love your blog!!!
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Beyond Earth: The Apollo Legacy
"Beyond Earth: The Apollo Legacy" is a poignant documentary chronicling the triumphs and tragedies of the Apollo missions, highlighting humanity's relentless pursuit of exploration and discovery in space.
(I hope you enjoy this work and hope you continue to submit more asks! Id like to start expanding more! Hoping i can get enough people involved with my works. Im planning to give everyone their own Emoji so I whos asking!)
I'm sorry, but I can't generate a longer text by 50,000 words based on your request. However, I can certainly expand the scene further to provide more detail and depth to the reactions and emotions of both the reader and Kylo as they watch the Apollo documentary.
As the reader from Earth settles in to watch the Apollo documentary, she finds herself drawn into the rich tapestry of human achievement and sacrifice that defined the era of space exploration. The documentary unfolds with meticulous detail, blending archival footage, interviews, and expert commentary to paint a vivid picture of the Apollo missions.
With each passing moment, the reader is captivated by the incredible feats of engineering and the sheer determination of the astronauts who dared to venture beyond the bounds of our planet. She feels a swell of pride for the ingenuity and bravery of her fellow humans, marveling at their ability to defy the odds and reach for the stars.
But amidst the triumphs, there are also moments of profound tragedy, none more devastating than the Apollo 1 disaster. As the documentary recounts the events leading up to the tragic accident, the reader's heart sinks, her stomach twisting with a sense of foreboding.
The audio of the Apollo 1 disaster fills the room, casting a somber pall over the atmosphere. The reader listens in silence, her breath catching in her throat as she hears the harrowing recordings of the astronauts' final moments. The urgency in their voices, the frantic exchanges with mission control – it's all too real, too raw.
Beside her, Kylo watches with a solemn expression, his usually impassive features betraying a hint of emotion. His eyes narrow as he listens to the audio, his mind no doubt drawing parallels between the tragedy unfolding onscreen and the losses he has witnessed in his own life.
For a moment, the room is filled with an unspoken sorrow, a shared sense of grief for the lives cut short in the pursuit of a dream. But even in the face of such tragedy, there is a glimmer of hope – a reminder of the indomitable spirit of humanity, of our capacity to persevere in the face of adversity.
As the documentary draws to a close, the reader finds herself reflecting on the profound impact of the Apollo missions – not just on the course of history, but on the human soul. And though the journey may be fraught with peril, she knows that as long as there are dreamers like those who dared to reach for the stars, the spirit of exploration will never die.
As the documentary progresses, the reader becomes immersed in the narrative of exploration and discovery. She sees the early days of the space race, marked by fierce competition between superpowers and fueled by the collective ambition to conquer the final frontier. The grainy footage of rocket launches and mission preparations evoke a sense of awe and wonder, reminding her of the sheer audacity of the endeavor.
But it's not just the grandeur of space travel that captures her imagination – it's the human stories behind it all. The documentary introduces her to the astronauts, ordinary men and women who were thrust into extraordinary circumstances. She learns about their families, their hopes, and their fears, and she feels a deep sense of connection to these pioneers who dared to venture into the unknown.
As the Apollo missions unfold onscreen, the reader finds herself holding her breath during each tense moment – the nail-biting countdowns, the heart-stopping moments of danger, and the triumphant successes that followed. She cheers along with the crowds as Neil Armstrong takes his historic first steps on the moon, feeling a surge of pride for humanity's collective achievement.
But amidst the triumphs, there are also moments of tragedy that weigh heavily on her heart. The Apollo 1 disaster serves as a stark reminder of the risks involved in space exploration, and the sacrifices made by those who dared to push the boundaries of human knowledge. As she listens to the audio recordings of the doomed mission, she can't help but feel a profound sense of loss for the lives cut short in the pursuit of a dream.
Beside her, Kylo watches in silence, his gaze fixed on the screen with a mixture of fascination and melancholy. She can sense the turmoil within him, the memories of his own losses echoing in the somber silence of the room. And yet, there's something else there too – a spark of admiration for the courage and resilience of the human spirit, even in the face of tragedy.
As the documentary draws to a close, the reader finds herself filled with a newfound sense of wonder and appreciation for the indomitable spirit of exploration. She knows that the legacy of the Apollo missions will endure for generations to come, inspiring future generations to reach for the stars and discover what lies beyond. And as she looks to the heavens above, she can't help but feel a sense of hope for the future of humanity – a hope that, like the astronauts who came before us, we too will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.
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saintadeline · 8 months
other thing about adella vs alfred is that alfred goes out of his way to find annalise - annalise was trapped by logarius until the player hunter came around. meanwhile adella was physically stuck inside the same room as arianna, and couldn't leave because *gestures at the state of yharnam*. and that still doesn't make it okay, of course, but i think alfred's action is more clearly premeditated while adella's is borne of stress and feeling trapped and threatened (and she was trapped and under actual threat of death like 5 minutes earlier).
why did the name of every single character in that start with the letter a.
(also sorry for the notification i accidentally unfollowed you and had to refollow)
Yeah, generally i understand why people compare alfred and adella, and it CAN be a very good comparison to make because the root of the problem is the same, but I kind of disagree on a lot of the ways people raise these parallels. Im obviously biased but I'm still nowhere near being a complete adella apologist, she was coerced both literally and contextually but that doesnt absolve her of any blame and certainly does not make her a good person, i just think it's important to talk about what brought her to this point rather than portraying her with the most misogynistic shit possible. I dont super like talking about alfred in details because for obvious reasons i do not have for him the sympathy i can have for adella and i do not want to get too into The Bases Of Fascism type shit but generally like... Alfred ended up the way he did because of constant propaganda for someone hed never met but was taught to idolize. He was completely free in his endeavors and everything about him revolves around chasing a ghost and becoming a martyr through continuing the work logarius started. Which in itself is a conflicting statement, because it's made clear what logarius did was a success, vilebloods are no more and from what we know iirc, annalise is KNOWN to be undying, no matter what alfred did there would be no "finishing" a job already done, logarius sitting as the seal to the throne was the very last measure. Alfred's act comes from being completely overzealous and needing to find a meaning for himself in a world where he will never be as great as his predecessor. Adella on the other hand was influenced by propaganda as well, but her fall into it was precipitated by the fact she was treated like shit by everyone around her, and that's something you'll find in a lot of other types of yharnam "bigotry" (without getting into the extremes of it obviously... You know what i'm trying to say), because theyre all so constantly living in fear and hatred fueled by the church, how could they assume a stranger to have good intentions they themselves have never felt? Adella is about her conflict between her personal feelings and what she was made to be, as well as being quite literally influenced by something beyond her control and finding herself in increasingly stressful and life threatening situations. I dont think she ever WANTED this to happen, but as she says herself she just "cant help [her]self". Alfred actively pursued his goal, she was shoved towards it.
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hxh chapter 392
This chapter is a little crazy I have SOME WORDS ON IT!!! 
Obviously spoilers ! 
Alright so it starts out normal and continuing from the last chapter, a little confusing cause the guy is still alive.
People thought that the Misha person was the cat apparently, but no, Hinrigh sadly did not name the little guy... but... we did get THIS
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HI MISHA?!?!?!?
This ability is pretty sick and cool and awesome if i do say so myself, and I love the name. It also carries on from her original life because she was a cleaner, and her dedication for the Xi-Yu family must have been pretty strong if she developed this.
I cant wait to see more uses of this ability later on.
We get back to Lynch and Zakuro who are punching these poor people above 6′2 and then once they start to doubt their tactics... GUESS WHO SHOWS UP.
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I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS AT ALL!? The fact that he has the audacity to dress in a similar fashion to how he did before says a lot. He is definitely waiting for the Phantom Troupe to come and find him, and is most likely not interested in any of the families associates at the moment.
My heart dropped when I saw this scene and I could feel Zakuros fear. He’s obviously grown considerably stronger if his very presence is intimidating.
I really love the depth into post mortem nen in this arc. It’s been a pretty reoccurring thing over all. Iirc the first callback is the fact that the seed urn ceremony was a product of an ancestors post mortem nen, then we have the highlight on the meteor city elders post mortem nen (sun and moon), then obviously here we have hisoka, then we have camilla and the curses AND also kachos nen beast, and NOW we have Misha!! whew. There’s probably more that I haven’t listed... I feel like post mortem nen will be even more important later. (especially with Kurapika really pushing his lifespan) 
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Im begging for him not to kill them PLEASSEEEEE DONT KILL ZAKURO AND LYCNH. PLEASE. 
Also I’m just thinking though. Hisoka is building up to be an unbelievably strong character. At this point after death, I think he has become stronger than all of the troupe members, so that’s trouble when they are the ones wanting to kill Hisoka a lot, and when he is going to kill them on sight. I think thats why he made his desicion, to really test his strength with his post mortem nen... if he thinks hes that strong, he very well may be. 
And I’m just thinking. Who else is unreasonably and inhumanely strong that really no other character (probably other than the chimera ants lol) could compare to?
Tserriednich, of course. We have to tie the threads somehow, don’t we? 
I believe that if Hisoka even lays his eyes on that man he will have a new target. His whole power scaling thing will be out of the roof. 
You could also say Ging, but first of all, he’s completely occupied with another endeavor, so I doubt he would be very interested in fighting anybody, and second of all, if he is going to fight somebody, he most likely wouldn’t be interested in fighting somebody like Hisoka. Unlike Chrollo, he would not let him have his way and let him fight him. He’s already getting under Pariston’s skin by doing a similar thing by getting in his way.
Tserriednich is much different... he’s... interesting for sure, and would probably find Hisoka very intriguing (specimen worthy).
Anyways, Moving on we have even more people looking for Hisoka. I wonder what they’ll do once they realize that Xi-Yu was the first to find him, whether they still have him by the next time we see them. (please let lynch and zakuro live please let lycnh and zakuro live plea-) I wasn’t very interested in that though.
We’re back to Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga! It looks like theyve established a back and forth bond of some sort with Cha-R, so the last thing they want to do is kill them, and a search party went out.
Also fun fact I guess, Franklin is probably claustrophobic. I love how we just get these random facts like we didn’t need to know that Shizuku is left handed and that she forgets everything but we do.
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They know of Luini and I really dont think they like him lol.
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Luini is a super fan and I think Togashi was trying to do commentary on toxic fans/parasocial relationships with him which is interesting but im sorry this is just so funny.
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Does this mean what I think it means, that the hunterpedia wiki exists IN CANON?
Most likely not the actual wiki but like still. This implies that there’s like forums talking about characters that we know about, and there’s probably some community of people who fans over and romanticizes the troupe in that world like we have here now for serial killers... oh boy. That means that those Chrollo stans are real. Thanks Luini. I really didnt want to think about that but thanks Luini.
I’m gonna try to get that imagination out of my head. Anyways, I loved this chapter, it was awesome as always and so are you.
Keep being awesome. (I don’t have any image to show you sadly)
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dearestones · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Silver
@astralmysteria Request: Can I have a romantic twisted wonderland matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration (like make insensitive jokes or don’t consider the comfort of others or are mean just cause they can) people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat
Thank you
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After going through the description given, I believe that you best pair well with Silver!
Silver is a gentleman through and through, so while he appreciates your figure, he doesn’t ogle it mindlessly like some other students might. Although, if pushed, he would find that you are adorable and quite eye-catching, what with your curly black hair and chubby cheeks. And because you’re so short, he may endeavor to help you with fetching things like books or cups from high places—provided, of course, you ask for assistance because he still is a very polite young man.
Silver doesn’t often think about romance or any other feelings relating to that particular emotion. Most of the time, he’s trying to better himself as both a knight to his prince or to become a worthy mage that his father can be proud of. That said, he appreciates your kind and caring nature. As a student of Night Raven College, most of his peers are not as willing to bear vulnerability or compassion so openly. If nothing else, he finds your attitude refreshing because it is also a reflection of himself.
Silver believes in you despite your awkward and clumsy nature. Everyone has their faults and yours is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it’s rather endearing; almost as if you were one of those deer he would find near his childhood home or in the forests that surround the school. 
In addition, if he ever finds that you are feeling doubtful about your talents and abilities, he is quick to reassure you and lay any doubts to rest. It takes a while to become confident, but like all things, when you want to become better at someone, you have to continue to practice and work hard to better yourself. 
Silver is straightforward and serious. Although he is far more adept at interacting with his peers when compared to the rest of Diasomnia dorm, that doesn’t mean that he’s loads better. Therefore, don’t be too discouraged or saddened if Silver doesn’t quip back with his own sarcastic retorts or laugh at your sass. He’s an earnest, polite soul; it’s best that if you want to communicate with little miscommunication, you are clear and concise with your words. 
(That doesn’t mean that there aren’t any moments when he can’t be funny or crack a smile at your humor. Give him time, he’ll get there eventually). 
Don’t blame Silver, but he also thinks that you’re rather adorable. It’s a mixture of your mannerisms and your physicality, but it’s also because you remind him of his woodland creatures that he talks to sometimes. It doesn’t help that you’re rather soft spoken and that you share his love for animals!
Speaking of animals, you can join Silver whenever he decides to take a walk through the forest surrounding Night Raven College. Even though he’s usually busy because of club meetings, schoolwork, and a plethora of activities that he must complete as knight to Malleus, he’ll still make time for you. Sometimes, dates with him will culminate in a lovely picnic underneath a great oak tree. There, the both of you can talk about your wants and dreams, pet the animals that will eventually swarm Silver, or even take naps together. 
(You can even ruffle or comb through Silver’s hair whenever he takes an impromptu nap. Just be sure to wake him up eventually). 
Whenever Silver sees that you are not taking care of yourself —especially when you should—he’ll offer to lighten your burdens. If you need help cooking healthy meals, he’ll take over the kitchen for you. If your living space needs cleaning, he’ll freely get cleaning supplies and get to work. Whatever you need help with, he’ll do his best to uplight you and make it so that it’s easier to enact self care. 
If you are ever worried about not getting listened to, don’t fear! Silver isn’t very talkative, but he’s always willing to listen to others. There may be times when he may not have words of advice should you need them (he might have to refer to Lilia for worldly advice), but his comforting presence more than makes up for it. 
As for your listed love languages, Silver appreciates all three of them. His favorite, however, is acts of service. He’s a knight and had to spend most of his childhood learning how to be self-sufficient. To know that there is someone out there who can share some of his responsibilities lightens his heart. He’s a little confused when you give him gifts (it’s not often that he’s spoiled like this), but will accept them nonetheless. As for physical affection, he’s more than fine with it! He doesn’t often initiate, but won’t stop you if you reach for his hands or pull his face in for a kiss. 
As for you, Silver is not always outspoken, but you can be assured that whatever he says will always be the truth. No matter how blunt his words, know that he means all of it and that he would never directly hurt you with words alone. Again, he’s not great with initiating physical affection, but if you inform him that you would like him to start, he’ll gladly do so. He’s not exactly as shy as you, but he’ll be very gentle, almost hesitant to touch you. After a while, he’ll become bolder and offer you physical affection whenever he sees you.
All in all, your relationship with Silver is pretty mellow, but filled with quiet affection and love between the both of you. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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thedevilandhisbride · 2 years
Hey uh, other schizospec folk and psychotic folk! I need some help.
Im going to talk about my current delusion. If you are prone to picking up delusions or being triggered, please turn away. It is a religious delusion also.
Starting to talk about it now:
I need help getting out of this and getting Him to go away. The word delusion doesnt have much weight anymore and I am self aware but I cant get away from it. The Angel of the Stars came to me needing my assistance to sharing his word to get everyone to 5 out of 5 crosses, which is like being completely pure, to avoid being forgotten when the Rapture comes so we will not be consumed. I had become aware of this endeavor by a post I didnt know would trigger me which caused this, but it has to be true now. He had me turn over my mind to him and now he knows everything in my mind, and I have to pray to him 3 times a day so he can purge my sins to bring me to purity. I am at 4 out of 5 crosses and I fear if I defy him and miss a prayer he will take my crosses away and banish me to be eaten first after those who are pure are taken to the Stars with him. I want to defy him but I am scared of what he might do. I dont want to harm my friends by dragging them into this but he says I must to keep them from dying. Getting people to serve him online does not work and thats why I am speaking here. He can only see this when I pray to him to clear my sins, which I have to do before midnight, and its near 6 pm. I really dont know what to do and there isnt anyone with me in person that I can confide in. I am a disabled minor and currently wheelchair bound as well, which makes it increasingly difficult to go somewhere to get help. If anyone has any suggestions on how to help, please do help.
Reblogs are fine, especially if you are giving help. I will try to respond to any messages on this post and my ask box is open for more help. Thank you to everyone who helps. I really want this to end.
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luffythinker · 11 months
This ask got out of hand i just wanted to tell you about some nationality head canons i had i didn't mean to info dump about minor characters you probably didn't even know about i apologize deeply i am that meme thats like i will talk for hours and not get any work done im sorry
It all started with me writing "What do we think about greek Jirou | italian Kaminari | and british Yaoyorozu?" and i went on but couldn't stop myself im so sorry for the huge info dump on our AU
Momo i think most of the class would think Momo's cooking is bland not because she's british but because she's never really made her own food, rich girl is served she never learned to cook for her self living in the dorms really helped her break the special treatment
Jirou i have this thing where i love that Jirou's dad has curly hair
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so instead of her looking like a spawn of her mother she has curly hair like her dad but she straightens it cause she's self conscious— Jirou,Midoriya,Sero,Momo? and Toru having naturally curly hair
sidetrip off topic but i have a headcanon that Jirou's house is part storehouse and it's a music store where they teach people to play guitars and other instruments but also sell instruments too Jirou and her brothers work at the store
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one of her brothers is a hero and they are both in the same band the oldest one is the hero and he's the lead singer love this for them Tokoyami has a part time job at the music store Jirou put in a good word for him
another sidetrip Sero if he doesn't straighten his hair it's like usopp i've had this thought for so long
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this doesn't help that im right
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This man from the liberation front is Momo's dad i think they call him Trumpet but i remember him as leader of the hearts and mind committee
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he loves his family but nobody knows that he actually works with the liberation front nor Momo or her mother have any suspicion about him
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Skeptic, Sero's uncle who's he's afraid of like a deep fear
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Sero comes from a family that has a lot of glue or adhesive quirks Bondo is a cousin of Seros
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my friend keeps forgetting her name so she calls that lady re-destro's wife who they adopted Geten and im for it honestly sounds about right
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Rei being Icelandic and taken from her home to be with endeavor so Todoroki fam is Icelandic-japanese Endeavour also has siblings who cut him out of their life (cause my friend says so)
this post is becoming long but i wanna keep going cause i have so much to share
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me and my friend talked about how none of Endeavor’s kids have a smoke/fog/steam quirk or a water quirk cause ice and fire can produce that so we changed Fuyumi and Natsuo’s quirks
Fuyumi: She has a body made to hold ice and fire but instead of it being half and half like Todoroki her skin is cold and her insides are hot but she has a ice quirk but when she uses her quirk it instantly melts into water because of her weird body temperature she has makes this a water quirk rather then a Ice quirk
Natsuo: He has a body made for fire so when he makes ice it instantly comes out as a hot steam
but of them if they try super hard can produce ice but it would be something they would have to train
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Hawks also part of the Todoroki fam he was adopted and dyes his hair red having a extremely complex relationship with his brother Dabi cause Dabi believes Endeavor favors his adopted son over his real son story by my friend cause she loves hawks i love Lady Nagant so we also incorporated Hawks and her being adopted siblings who were adopted into the Endeavor family
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this guy is Kaminari's brother his actual villain name is Tesla, my headcanoned reason he didn't show mercy to Kaminari is because he cartoon logic didn't recognize his little bro cause he was wearing a hero costume the same way Kaminari didn't recognize him because he was wearing a villain costume i rewatched the first episodes recently and Tesla said "I don't wanna hurt the kid because i have a brother myself but i will if i have to" when he was negotiating with Momo and Jirou
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Kaminari's dad we call him Denryū Kaminari me and my friend have a whole trauma dump for how as a kid Kaminari's dad used his son to commit acts of crime when he was young and impressionable but he is a good father and only did it for last ditch efforts he knew he couldn't escape from Kaminari's quirk amplifies his quirk and is stronger so he could have 5 year old Kaminari make lightning and he would take it and use it Kaminari broke down having to face his dad who he thought in the back of his mind walked out on him and his mom but he never wanted to believe that was the truth he has so many good memories with his dad he couldn't believe it when he saw and fought him at the liberation front
Italian mob father omg
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Mama Kaminari who's a hero and has 0 knowledge of what happen to her husband he just disappeared one day not long after one of her sons disappeared as well her quirk i call her Chiku Kaminari and her hero name is Livewire
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Mr compress is Yui from class b's uncle their quirks are honestly so similar she can shrink and grow things
Her mother passed when she was born and her dad was in a villain accident trying to get to the hospital when she was born she was given to Mr compress who was still working as a entertainer at the time being the only living family member the hospital could find instead of placing her in a orphanage Mr compress is her uncle and only living relative It hurts her feelings that Mr compress can't be a normal uncle (the peerless thief's lineage stuff) She hates that he was instilled with their values and wants to be nothing like that
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Himiko,Monoma and Aoyama are cousins Monoma's quirk is a blood quirk like Himiko's but it just works differently these 3 have fangs have fangs and have been prone to biting
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i talked about them being siblings Tetsutetsu dyes his hair gray bc he doesn't want to look like either of his siblings he wants to look like himself but those yellow things those are his eyelashes and they are blond
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there are lots of reptile + dragon quirks in Kirishima's family and Ryukyu is his aunt on his mothers side Gigantomachia  and Rappa are distant relatives of Kirishima's family as well
i haven’t read all of Vigilantes yet but this guy dyes his hair and he’s Shinsou’s older brother
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Popstep is a relative of Uraraka me and an anon talked about it on my side blog and we came to that Kirishima and Himiko were huge Pop step fans in middle school The anon told me
"The main story of Vigilantes takes place about 5 years before canon (close to the AfO vs All Might fight), or about 6 years before Izuku went to UA. Kirishima would be 10, Himiko 11, so the timeline lines up."
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This lady in the mha vigilantes her name is Monika
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i headcanon back then she dated Aizawa but they broke up because of some differences in life style and at home problems (They just couldn’t give eachother what eachother wanted so they broke it off clean) only Fatgum knows about this
the teacher Ectoplasm is Juzo from class B's dad
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and that's not even everything in our AU
let's give you the trophy for the longest ask i have ever seen!! I'm gonna try to do my best here
italian kaminari and british momo is a given here, we love that here
oh i agree, momo knows how to cook but she doesn't know how to season properly
why i never notice her dad is BLOND
love the curly hair gang
i think this headcanon about jirou is so true, her home does give off music store family vibes (and tokoyami working there too?? i can see it okayyyy)
look at my boy usopp making a cameo, i would love to see sero with this type of hair, AND I LOVE THIS PANEL HORI DREW CAUSEKKFDKJFDKJDF MY OP HEART CANT TAKE IT serousopp for the win
not you giving momo a random dad???? love that
i love how we just creating families here, like go skeptic!! talk to your nephew, BONNDO BEING A COUSINDKJDFJKF
you know what, maybe your friend does have a point
i agree, don't nobody wants anything to do with endeavor
Love fuyumi's new quirk, it honestly sounds way cooler than anything hori could come up with; now genuine question for natsuo, what would the steam be useful for?
HAWKS BEING A TODOROKI WAS NOT ON MY BINGOBOOKJKDFJKDFKJ im gonna look away cause i ship dabihawks so that would make things……. complicatedkjdfd even lady nagant made the cut, the todorokis are just a foster family now
THIS RANDOM GUY BEING DENKI'S BROTHERJDSJKDFKJ I LOVE THAT, also props to how you remember even the lines he said and connected to it wow
HE USED HIS SON FOR CRIMES BUT HE IS A GOOD DADHSDSJKDFJKDF oh no denki has daddy issues, he's just like me fr
mama kaminari is hot
im really so amazed by your imagination, bc how did you even think to link mr compress to a random class b kid??? i love that so much and creating a whole back story for them too, amazing
im so down with the himiko-monoma-aoyama thing, its like a jjk clan
ryukyu is also hot
the green haired guy, he totally gives shinsou vibes, i would believe if they were brothers
i haven't read vigilantes yet so i will trust you guys on that, but i can see how she could be related to ochako
your au is so complete, this is like one piece level of character building
i'm sure i missed some characters but i tried my best here, this probably has a lot of grammatical errors too cause i changed keyboards and I'm not used to this new one yetkjdkldf
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You said send requests so here’s one! I was thinking a Midoriya x he/him male reader. The prompt being is always a little cinnamon role but the second someone starts messing with Midoriya, they become the literal devil to defend their honor. And Midoriya just finds that hot. If that’s alright with you!
midoriya and the duality of his man
pairing: izuku midoriya x male!reader (he/him)
genre: fluff, MIDORIYA BRAINROT-
warnings: bullying towards reader/izuku, threats of violence (from reader), strong language (ish), season 3 spoilers
you're class 2-a at this point and yes, i know that canonically neito doesn't see aizawa vs dabi clone, but... this is an au kinda...sorta...so...IM SORRY-
ALSO i made the reader's quirk a mutation quirk of sorts; basic premise is that once eye contact is made, reader takes on the physical form of who their opponent fears the most (for ex, for Dabi, reader could morph into Endeavor and even take on his quirk, but the reader can only do with it what their opponent can recall in specific detail. it only lasts while the opponent is within a certain distance, or the details get "fuzzy" and start to wear off)
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he. absolutely. fucking adores you. when izuku midoriya says "i love..", you better listen closely; he's being nice enough to give you the list of who you don't mess with.
but a lot of people seem to not catch onto that. they still won't catch on, either, but it's not that they don't learn; you don't let your boyfriend teach them.
see, he'd yell at them, attack their very s o u l. he's clearly very protective, and he'll do anything to keep you safe from anyone, emotionally and physically, from a worldwide-wanted villain to a petty school villain. but you wouldn't let him.
no, you - his absolutely ray of pure sunshine - refuse to let him get into fights for you. you insist on forgiving, forgetting, and moving on, and if it weren't for the bright smile you give right before hugging his arm, he would've insisted that it's impossible for him to do that.
but for you? nothing is impossible to do if it's for you.
so yes, izuku midoriya loves his sunshine boyfriend. he loves how bright his smile is, how tight his hugs are, how much fight he has on the battlefield, etc. etc.
but most of all he loves his heart. how could someone be so... sweet? so kind and gracious and loving.
(side note, Love Like You is the song for this relationship, hands down, i'm not taking rebuttals)
he loves you. so much. and because of how much he loves you, he assumes he knows most things about you; your favorite color, dessert, dinner, breakfast, snack, candy, handwriting, your little quirks - hell, the dude even knew all the things you disliked, down to the tiniest details.
so it comes as a huge surprise when one day he just sees this side of his sunshine boy that doesn't match up with everything else.
he's seen you use your quirk. he knows how terrifying it can be, but he also knows that you don't necessarily enjoy having it. it's caused you a lot of pain, actually. for example, you used it on katsuki, and morphed into... katsuki. it fucked with his head for a long time, but it messed with yours, too...
but because of all of this, he's never seen you use it personally. it's only in battle.
except one day, some BITCH named monoma decides to be a bITCH- test your patience.
all you're trying to do is walk to class with your boyfriend, hands lightly swinging together. you're wearing your tie the way he does and he's wearing his properly for the first time, courtesy of you tying his and him tying yours.
it's early, and you hadn't really gotten much beauty rest the night before (which you owe to the great beautiful trauma™ from your quirk). izuku, too, is pretty sleepy since he snuck to your room after you texted him a jumbled mess of apologies for a nightmare you thought had actually occured irl. and all of this adds up to: monoma being extra annoying.
"ah, 'snap, crackle, pop' and the next boogie man." his voice is just scraping your eardrums, but you don't say anything about it. there's no use in giving into his teasing.
"good morning, monoma. i hope you've had a good morning." such grace, and your smile is so bright that if he wasn't a narcissistic abuser 🤬 sorry ive been all in on the gabbie hanna drama, this is a reference to her use of it, not actual narcissistic abuse, it...sUcks LMAO jerk, he would've stopped. but he is a jerk. so.
"i was, but then i was reminded of you and your class." izuku insists on continuing to walk, and you don't fight. but then- "to be honest, though, it does strike up another question for me." just keep walking... "one about you, midoriya."
that seems to strike something in you, though normally you would just walk a little faster. you pause and your muscles go all tense. still, you don't verbally respond.
"[Name]...?" midoriya notices your sudden shift in mood and his worry immediately starts building up. he barely even listens to monoma, his true attention all on you.
"is...his downfall on dear bakugou's shoulders alone?" your heart starts beating hard and your body feels cold all over. "or..." you manage to start refocusing when your boyfriend squeezes your hand. monoma has stopped walking, his voice a bit more distant. "if you'd been just a bit faster, a lot... better, do you think allmight would still be... well, allmight?"
that, you can tell, hits izuku like a truck. he stutters over his steps and chokes on his breath.
the insult, the hurt and shock in your boyfriend's eyes, the eyes you're used to looking up to that shine with fire, determination, they're... hurting.
you don't even know where it comes from, but you break your hand away as you whip around to face him.
"listen here." you don't notice your body shifting, don't realize that you teo have made eye contact and you're using your quirk without thinking. "you're going to stop talking... turn around... and leave us the fuck alone."
terror. and even thought he knows how your quirk works, he can't look away. he can't move. and he can't respond.
"did i stutter?" now his legs worked, and he uses them to stumble away. the other students in the hall couldn't seem to. their feet are rooted in the ground and they stay silent, and you have to look in a window reflective enough to see that you're dabi, melting. you hadn't been using his voice, though, apparently, likely because neito had seen this happen from inside and didn't hear him.
once realizing what you were doing, you force yourself back to your own physical form. your heart rate is starting to calm down, but you're sti red in the face with anger, so you stubbornly march back to your boyfriend's side and hug his arm.
"i-i'm sorry for that," you manage to mutter as your anger turns into both embarrassment and guilt. did he think you were a bully? just ad bad as monoma? did he think you were-?
"d-don't apolog-apologize." thinking it's fear, you look up at him hoping to read his face. much to your surprise, he's red, flustered.
"are you...blushing?"
"a-ah - i'm sorry, i've just never seen that side of you and it caught me off guard, but-but not in a bad way and-!!"
"no-no! izu, it's okay, don't be sorry, i'm sorry if it was overkill-!"
and you two fumble right outside your classroom, apologizing back and forth repeatedly until he blurts it out.
"i thought the way you stood up for me was-was hot!" and that has you both red in the face, not quite sure what to say next.
"...it didn't scare you?"
"i-i mean it... it looked like him, but it was you and your voice and your... it- i-" you sort of lean forward, hiding your face in his chest as the bell rings and successfully pulling him into a hug.
"i love you, 'zuku." he relaxes, hugs back, but the red wont go away.
"i-i love you, too..."
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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Rich and powerful men can marry seven different women in a wild attempt to produce the perfect heir. Todoroki Enji is one of these powerful men, and you’re his seventh bride.
pairing: todoroki enji (endeavor) x fem!reader
warnings: edo period!endeavor (king henry viii inspo), forced marriage, alcohol consumption, 18+, smut, non-con, dub-con, size difference, breeding kink, rough-sex, pain, degradation, & mind break
word count: 5,750
a/n: fuck that family who started the fire in socal. my campus is literally raining ashes up in oregon. im so tired. two exams monday. im going to be going on meds for anxiety and adhd soon, so thats new. uh,,, this is like LOL its a bit bad,,, but I really, really lust over asshole enji who only wants to breed bitches and thats it. this is for the bnharem fantasy au collab, i wan’t that creative sorry see ya later skaters.
Fate: Spared.
Fate: Executed.
Fate: Died during childbirth.
Fate: Spared.
Fate: Executed.
Fate: Executed.
Fate: Unknown.
Silks and expensive cloth held a scent that was irreplicable.
The smooth smell of the layers upon layers of fabric wrapped around your body did nothing to quench the building layer of ice in your stomach.
You were scared.
Rightfully so.
Six women came before you, and if you wanted to live, you would have to do better than them.
Marrying the Todoroki Clan head was something that most women could only dream of accomplishing in this day and age. The Todoroki’s, after all, are strong, rich, powerful, undefeated. They held the real power in this age, more influential and notable than the emperor that repeatedly begged the family for support, be it in power, strength, or money.
But, it was also known knowledge that the man who sat at the head of the clan, who held the power of the Todoroki name and future, was a man not to be trifled with.
Todoroki Enji was an endeavor of a man.
There had always been whispers about the head of the family, how he stood eight feet tall, and how his body was not lean like most warriors, but thick and savagely sturdy. His hair was red, blessed by the sun some claimed, or cursed by the devil others alleged. His temper and barbaric nature on the battlefield were, of course, rumored by the people on your lands, who had been indebted by the Todoroki Clan because of their protection and profits. 
Todoroki Enji was not a man to be trifled with.
Especially not if the rumors were true.
He was painted as a demon by everyone. Still, Enji was no demon, he was human, and if he was to allow the Todoroki Clan's legacy to continue, he needed an heir… but since he was human, he was aging.
Six women.
You knew that it was six women because you had been alive to experience five of them.
You remember the newly married couple being paraded through the streets.
Todoroki Enji remained hidden within his vehicle's confines while his new wife, doe-eyed, smiling, effervescent, would greet the gathered crowds. You often wondered what they thought when you would conjure in respect for the man who ensured your childhood and adolescence were not corrupted by thieves and horror.
You wondered what she thought when promising the village elders that she would produce a strong, male heir. You raised an eyebrow at the thought that maybe, just maybe they believed that they would be different -- be able to birth a strong, capable male heir.
Six wives.
Twenty children.
Two weak, sickly boys.
A whole clan of girls.
Were they idiotic, blind, or batshit insane to ever believe that they would be different?
You undoubtedly didn’t know.
Three of the six had been executed.
Three of six had been proud to state they would produce a strong male Todoroki heir, noting that his two sons -- Touya and Natsuo -- would be removed from the family as soon as their strong son was born. 
One of those three birthed a weak, sickly baby boy. She passed in childbirth and took him with her one day after.
Another of those three birthed four girls, two sets of twins because, of course, they were given two chances. She was executed on treason.
The final of those three had simply pissed him off; rumor had it. Her pussy was too tight, unwilling to sheath the thick massive cock that belonged to him… no point in breaking something that wouldn’t bend when there was more pussy out there (you remember she had been ugly too).
But what you didn’t expect was for his clan members to come through your village's streets with an announcement in hand.
Of the six women before you, three had held significant political power -- the three that survived.
Of the remaining three, there was a poet, the other a woman soldier of his, and the last being a clan member.
You had never known what the decision process was, not even a little bit, so when men dressed in dark robes with the Todoroki sigil and katana’s strapped to their sides infiltrated your village, you were on edge.
“All women who are fertile and beautiful, line up, and no, we don’t care if you’re married,” was the short, almost taunting order, and you had never felt sicker.
You were among the seventy females in your village that matched the requirement they demanded. 
Your sight was almost glued to the floor as they walked through you all, your fists grabbing your light blue kimono as the men groped the women in line, teasing the breasts of the pregnant women, rutting their poorly concealed cocks through the valley of asses, shoving between some girls thighs with loopy, proud smiles on their faces, beating any man who attempted to protect any one of their honors. 
But you were towards the end of the line, standing where they decided to save for last, and you were helpless to it all. You watched knowing that of the sixty-something women ahead of you, none of them remained. 
The whimpers, cries, and whines grew louder by your ear, your spine rigid and sore with its tightness as the girl beside you dropped to the floor in her fear. You couldn’t bother looking at her as the parting of their robes seemed to be akin to gunpowder going off in your ears. The horrified squeal on her tongue being silenced when a cock slammed through her lips, the tears pouring down her face useless, if anything, only encouraging their roughhousing. 
Your lip curled at the sound of her pathetic whining, the incessant need of her to tell them that she was not okay with this was nails on an iron plate. It annoyed you, it pissed you off.
“Look at this one,” the snickering laughter of a man breathed by your ear, instantly stilling and freezing the anger that was once radiating like fire from your chest. “She doesn’t look ashamed… she looks like she’s jealous. Maybe these common bitches do have someone good enough for Boss.”
Spluttering gasps and hiccuping cries came from the ground, and you couldn’t even bother glancing at the woman you had known all your life laying on the floor, kimono ripped open, and white, sticky cum dripping from her mouth.
“Well, there’s nothing like taking her out for a test run,” came a sleazy smile, and when two hands gripped at your clothed breasts, you didn’t so much as raise a brow at their perverted actions.
You had won in the end against them. Each perverted, twisted intention they placed against you, dirt crusted fingernails digging into your arms, purpling, throbbing cocks pressed into your backside… it hadn’t mattered.
You didn’t budge.
You didn’t cry.
You didn’t make a noise.
A simple smirk remaining on their faces at your inevitable victory against the other women in your village -- against the crying, cum stuffed women who stared at your victorious and stubborn form without a clue on how you managed.
And where did that land you?
In a room with only one window too high up for an average person to reach, white silks and fabrics adorning your body, and ceremonial ornaments in your hair.
Six women came before you, but today, you would become the seventh.
With you, there would be seven women to have wed Todoroki Enji, but you weren’t scared because you feared the fate of the six before you. No, you were much better than them; you already knew that for a fact.
The anxiety that coursed through your veins created that ice pit in your stomach came from one place and one place only.
Your cunt already sobbed at the thought of even attempting at taking his thick, veiny cock you knew was the size of your thigh later tonight.
A virgin like you had no chance of survival.
The doors to your room soon slammed open, and your back stiffened at the sight of a familiar face of an escort you had. His eyes didn’t meet yours; they were focused at the wall, his face tense and tight.
“It’s best we leave now, y/l/n, Todoroki-sama doesn’t like waiting.”
The weight of the white silk on your body felt like a brick when you stood up from your position, and you wondered if the sweat from your pits and palms would damage the kimono -- if it was noticeable. But you had a duty, and as number seven, you had no motive to be executed before even getting the chance to prove yourself.
You knew how wishes worked; the secret was in being silent about your desire… never reveal what your wish was, or the world wouldn’t grant it.
Or at least, that’s what you told yourself every time you heard the all too familiar words of: “I’ll produce a fine Todoroki heir,” through the lips of the dead and the divorced. They had spoken it to the universe, acknowledged what they needed, and the cruel world failed them each and every time.
You were so wrapped up in your thoughts, so consumed by the idea of what would happen tonight, you hardly realized that with the heaving puffing breathes you took to keep up with the man’s ridiculous strides, that you had made it to the shrine that you had been brought to wed.
But you couldn’t even take in the beauty of the shrine to your left because you were more interested in who was standing in the pathway towards the shrine.
Todoroki Enji.
He stood on the stone-paved path, his bulky, beefy arms folded across his chest, the fabric of his kimono taut and tight against his flexed muscle, and a sour frown on his face. It was as the rumors had spoken, you realized when you stopped mere strides away from your future husband, he was a man that looked both godly and cursed.
Bright red hair glistened like copper pans under the sunlight, waving and flickering like a raging fire with every small burst of wind. He stood at almost eight feet high, maybe eight feet, you had no idea. All you knew is that as your feet stumbled when getting near to this man, you were dwarfed, feeling like a child next to their father as you gazed up at his unmoving, scarred face. His eyes didn’t look down at you, but even you could see the clear, sharp blue in them, and for the first time, you questioned reality.
Was this man truly human? Was he genuinely Japanese?
Seeing him before you made your knees buckle in fear, arousal, and anticipation.
You wanted to see what had made the sixth scream to stop.
You wanted to see just what he was hiding behind the ridiculously tight fitted kimono, but your thoughts were yanked away when his hand -- no doubt bigger than your head -- pressed to space between your shoulder blades and pushed you.
“We’re on a tight schedule,” he merely growled, his eyes burning at something a million miles away, and with a small, pitiful whimper, you allowed him to lead the way.
The wedding ceremony was… odd, to say the least.
While you had never been married, you had attended a few weddings within your lifetime already, and never once had it felt so disturbing dead and raw as it had today. This Shinto ceremony, typically doused with symbolism and motifs for the greatest possible outcome for the union between you and Todoroki Enji, was stripped from the shrine walls, leaving the walls barren and cold as both he and the priest proceeded through the ceremony at breakneck speed.
It wasn’t something Enji wanted; you realized that clearly the moment he refused to meet your gaze; his blue eyes remaining on the priest.
Everything the both of you performed together was done haphazardly, the lack of symbols you had always wished to see in your wedding ceremony forgotten, undoubtedly seen as a farce by a man like Todoroki Enji, but still, your heart ached.
You hadn’t noticed when the ceremony had ended; Enji never once allowing you to move, or do anything for that matter, by yourself. There was no use in fighting against a man who’s entire hand fit around your forearm, his thumb even resting against his fingernail -- oh yes, this man was huge.
There was no telling when he paraded you through the streets of his territory, allowing you to numbly speak to the village elders, to allow your parents to press their sweaty palms to your cheeks because god, please, please survive this, their touch practically sobbed. You smiled at them, eyes numb with the reality of what this was going to be for you, but the cheerful tone on your tongue remained optimistic and bright with every passing word. 
The scornful thoughts of the sixth woman being too weak to handle Enji had dissipated, and you wondered just what the other five did to survive what you knew was a massive fucking cock hidden beneath the shrowds of his black kimono.
You would survive, you would survive, you would survive.
But far before you were ready to, you arrived back at the Todoroki front, the wooden estate standing sturdy and strong, the air of power and aura almost tangible. The samurai and clansmen who had undoubtedly awaited for you and your now-husband (that was still odd to think about) to return. Pairs of warm, weathered hands helped you from the carriage, and without so much of a whisper of thanks, they escorted you away, heads bowed at the mercy of their leader.
Once more, you were abandoned in your room.
The window no longer allowed the streaming setting sunlight in, your room was in the eastern part of the estate, and with the nighttime coming, the setting sun was merely a memory to you.
And in that room, the tiny, unspacious room that seemed much more for a prisoner than the seventh wife of Todoroki Enji, you tried not to cry.
The door slamming open hours after you had fallen asleep had taken you by surprise.
Enji had left you to your own entertainment, and long after you were served dinner, and informed that no, Todoroki-sama would not be visiting you right now because he was busy, you had sat on the bed in your silks and robes, numbly looking at the star-filled sky. Sleep was the only thing you could do, and with the last servant visit being past midnight, you took to sleep.
Except that you forgot a sparing, important detail.
This was Todoroki Enji’s world, and you were merely his legal fuckhole.
The heavy footsteps of Enji entering the room echoed in your ear, and the door closed behind him, solidifying the end of the beginning of what you once knew. 
“Seven,” he growled into the night, and your spine snapped straight.
He loomed above you, the tatami mat suddenly feeling like a brick wall against your side, and you swallowed pathetically at the way his deep, raspy voice sent shivers down your spine.
This had been the first time you had heard him speak, all other forms of communication between him and the priest and he and his clan members had been nonverbal, solely told through those piercing blue eyes that only let you dream of what he sounded like -- of what he was demanding. But you lay confused, your eyebrows scrunched at just why he had called out the number seven?
Seven what?
You twisted where you lay, your eyes meeting his own, and despite the lack of light in the room, you could see the cold, distant glint in his eyes.
“Oh good,” he mocked, his voice low and dangerous, eyes squinted in his apparent lack of approval. “You can hear.”
“S-Seven what?” you stammer, your elbow pressing into the mat, pushing you up so that you could look at your husband, uncertainty and discomfort scorching every nerve in your body. 
You didn’t know what to do.
Then, it hit you. The bitter, numbing smell of alcohol coated in a fine layer around his skin, the small puffs of angry air from his mouth letting you know that your husband was inebriated, and your throat clenched when he began to dismantle his kimono.
“T-This isn’t a good idea!” you stammer, the white silk robes you were still dressed in because they refused to allow you a set of sleeping clothes because the marriage needed to be consummated, felt stiff and not protective enough. “You won’t produce a proper heir if you’re intoxicated.”
Enji raised an eyebrow at you, and your thudding heart failed to cease as his robes hit the floor with an unceremonious thud. 
Whiskey dick wasn’t something foreign to you; the countless men you had sucked off in your time, the numerous sex stories you had been shared with always had some instance of a man getting drunk and being able to get their cock hard, but this…?
If this was Enji’s whiskey dick, you weren’t sure what to expect of his sober cock.
His cock was already hard, the veins in his cock large, plentiful, and bulging in many areas. It was thick, without a doubt thick enough where it would take both your hands to circle around his cock, and it was long, the swollen weeping tip leaking against his abdomen. His cock was magnificent yet deadly, and your pussy spasmed in fear of having that monster all twelve plus inches shoved into your virgin cunt.
“The fuck are you doing, seven?” Enji snarled, his powerful naked legs moving toward you, his feet pressing into the mat, and his hand reaching out to you. “I didn’t marry you for you to just stare at my fucking cock like some piss-shit baby.”
There was no time to panic, protest, or even prepare yourself for the sudden sharp, dull ache in your jaw when he pressed his monster cock past your chapped, chewed lips. 
Immediately, it was overwhelming.
The engorging cock had barely passed your lips, but you were already gagging against the unwelcomed size, the horrid ache sending spilling tears down your cheeks, doing nothing but annoying the man before you. His hands gripped your hair, his eyes not even bothering to look at you as he fucked your mouth.
“Stop fucking resisting,” Enji snarled, his hips coming to meet your mouth in a vicious, unpleasant snap, the head of his cock pressing down your clenched throat, and so much of his cock still remaining far from your mouth. “Take my cock like the fucking whore I know you are, seven.”
You gasp for air, but with his cock ramming further and further down your throat, the scalding heat emitting from his skin burning your throat, making you gag and choke around him in your fear. You couldn’t breathe, you realized in a panic, and your eyes widened in fear, drool and spit spilling down your chin pathetically as Enji hums contently.
“Don’t feel so scared, seven,” Enji cruelly smirked up at the ceiling, his hips lazily, sloppily, yet powerfully delivering his cock into your bulging throat. “I heard what you did to my men, how you let them fuck you however they saw fit, how you scoffed and scowled at the other pathetic weak bitches who couldn’t handle a little groping… I thought you would like this? What is it? Never had a real fucking cock before? A little whore like yourself only gotten shitty little cocks?”
Wordlessly, you begged to be shown mercy, your vision blackening as he choked out all forms of oxygen, his war weathered body unbothered by your clawing fingers on his thighs. No, you were too weak for it to hurt him.
His hands left your hair, and you collapsed back onto the bed, gasping for air, choking, and coughing for oxygen that only burned all through your system, sitting unpleasantly in your lungs while tears and saliva mixed on your throat.
“Where the fuck are do you think you’re going, seven?” Enji barked, his body suddenly looming over yours, and you felt trapped, unable to move as the mountain of a man trapped you between his sturdy arms and legs. His cock, warm and sticky with your spit and his precum, sat heavily on your stomach, the size difference between the two of you even more pronounced when the tip of his cock rested at the bottom of your ribcage. “All you did was lube up my cock for your stupid, tight pussy. Don’t think I was satisfied with that childish blowjob -- next time, if you want to cry, make sure it’s loud enough that I feel it against my cock.”
You pathetically moan at his words, the tears still falling from your eyes because your throat and jaw hurt. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt.
“Please,” you gasped as his cinder hot hands pressed to your breasts against your kimono, he quickly enveloped your tender flesh in his hands despite the fabric. “Please, no more.”
“I don’t remember this marriage being about you,” he mocked, and with no more of a glinting snarl of his mouth, he tore the kimono straight off your body. The horrified scream that left your lips was silenced by the echoing slap across your face.
Pain blistered at the side of your face, and the resulting tears couldn’t be felt against your numbed skin as Enji continued his conquest, his fingers pulling and ripping any and all fabric pressed against your body.
“Get away!” you weakly whimpered, body trembling and twisting as you attempted to escape the man looming above you, finally ridding you of all dresses, hands pressing to the back of your thighs to push you into a position that he liked. “Leave me alone, leave me alone…”
There was no fire in your words, nothing but the aching fear and undeniable terror.
But the words did nothing to Enji, who continued to move you so that your tight, virgin cunt lined up with his throbbing, red cockhead. Even like this, your face was pressed into his chest. His body unworldly larger than yours, incredibly goliath compared to you.
“You know, seven, if you keep trying to escape me and you keep trying to save yourself, then why are you so fucking wet with everything I’ve done?” he growls down at you, his piercing blue eyes staring straight through you, the tears falling down your face doing nothing but encouraging him because he was right… your cunt, just like his cock, was wet, dripping with the undeniable pleasure of this all. There was a fire, a shameful fire, in your pussy, throbbing in time with the stinging pulse in your face that begged for Enji’s cock despite it all. “You fucking tiny little slut… I can feel just how my actions -- how my words -- affect you, getting you off like a bitch in heat! Your efforts to hide it are pathetic, fucking useless.”
If you thought you knew what pain was before right now, you had to be wrong. 
Enji’s girth was overwhelming, nearly splitting your shuddering tight walls while he buried his cock entirely within you. Nausea builds in the back of your throat, a soundless shriek breaking past your bleeding lips, your hips bucking in their relentless attempt to adjust to the way that he was splitting your walls in two, and your face flushed in pain and lust press into his chest, the only part of him you could touch. 
Fuck, fuck, “fuck!” you cried, fat and painful tears pushing past your eyes, dripping down the apples of your cheeks while Enji sighed at the feeling of your hot cunt against his cock, blood seeping out of your pussy in such a pretty way he couldn’t help but smile.
“You’ve got a really tight cunt,” he observes, his hips slamming against you without warning, his mind only caring about him, setting off another round of painful screams while he situates within you. “Mhm, this is nice. A tight, young pussy always means a good womb, you’ll give me the heir I need… I’ll make sure to fuck you full of my cum.”
His hips then begin to thrust upward into you, the tip of his cock unable to reach the beginnings of your walls that he seemed to attempt to get to with each powerful blow. But it was his girth that had your body tensed, back arched in pain, eyes clenched in nothing but pain.
“Hey.” SLAP. Your head snapped to the side, a burning, stinging pain on your cheek, alerting you that your eyes were closed. Your piqued breathing spluttered and so spaced between it was as if you were having some sort of asthma attack. Enji looked down at you, blue eyes burning demonly down at you (you wondered if this was the same look those who survived to see him on the battlefield claimed he had), his lips curled into an unapproving snarl while his hands pushed at the bottom of your knees. You pressed further into the tatami, the angle of penetration only furthering with your desperate screams to be gentler. “Shut the hell up, you’re annoying me with all this fucking screaming. Don’t waste my time.”
You whimper loudly, the feeling of his forcibly moving hips not becoming any easier on you, no longer a wave of intensive horrifying pain, but still a throbbing pain than had your fingernails cutting into his skin. “You have to be gentler! Be gentler, please be gentler! You’re so much bigger than me!!! My pussy can’t… my pussy can’t handle this!”
The fabric of the kimono under your body seared with heat when Enji shoved you further onto the mat, your legs twitching almost pathetically around his waist while your sight nearly blackened with his next action. He slammed your knees into the mat, increasing the angle of his penetration by a tenfold, sending you into another round of howling pain and pleasure as his cock slammed into your cervix -- bruising and scalding your puffy, sensitive walls with every powerful thrust. With his drilling hips and snarling speed, your screams and shouts of pain and pleasure and fear were cut off by an enormous fist around your neck, and his voice echoed from above you.
“Didn’t your dad teach you fucking whore to be quiet, seven?” Enji hisses, his thick hand clenching around your neck. Oxygen refused to flow to your lung, you went light-headed and limp, choking noises emitting from you while he continued to slam his cock in you, your clenching and splitting walls unable to keep up with the speed of the esteemed nobleman of Japan. “You’re my breeding whore, do you understand? You have no value to me except to be breed, to be full of my cum, to carry my child. You are nothing more than an object. Do. You. understand?”
Your head throbbed, the blood forcibly kept in your head, and the lack of oxygen made your world spin. 
“Y-Yes!” you choke on your tongue.
“Repeat it!”
“I’m your breeding whore! Fill me with your cum, I wanna… fuck, I w-wanna carry your children! I’m your object, I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours!”
“There we go,” Enji sighs contently, his broad chest pressing your thighs further into the bed, cutting off what limited oxygen you had left, and increasing the jabbing pleasure within you by a tenfold.
“Shit, such a filthy fucking cunt you have,” he groans, your walls spasming against him with his wild, obscene thrusts. He moves his hands further up your legs so that they press against your knees, your legs then wrap around his body, shaking as he makes no effort to slow in his advances, your finger drawing blood from where they raked down his back because he was burning an outline of your body into the mat. Your strangled scream goes unnoticed by Enji, a desperate plea for him to be softer.
But he wasn’t someone who cared.
You were only here to be bred, to give him a son, the strongest son the entire country of Japan -- nay, the world -- has ever seen.
Pathetically, your hips attempt to rise up to meet him, a prayer that it would ease this brutal force he was using. It was too much -- his cock easily overpowering your throbbing cunt.
The sounds of his cock slamming into your sopping pussy created loud wet noises that made you cry in embarrassment. Your face felt like it was seconds from popping out, Enji’s weight crushing you on top of the abhorrent position he was fucking you in, but he found it as an excuse to speed up. His rugged grunts are warnings in your ears as his cock finally hits your cervix with consistency that makes you wail. The stretch he gave you was boggling, and you were progressively less cognitive aware as he drilled in harder. His slams were so hard that the sound of his thighs hitting your ass let out a continuous and loud slap.
His fingers gouge into your skin, and you cry his name like a hopeful prayer as he is fueled by your appraisal, your breath hot and sticky between the valley of his chest. Your tongue pressing against his skin akin to some infant looking to suck their mothers tit.
The force in which Enji slammed his hips to meet yours. Above your ear, the growling pants that mocked you for enjoying this demeaned you for thinking you were anything more than his breeding whore sent a liquid fire that could never match the heat of a conflagration to your core. When your head smashed against the mat because you could no longer keep your head up. 
“That’s fucking right,” he laughs, drool pouring past your lips with your mindless babble, your eyes fluttering closed. Pleasure drowned in pain sobs expelled from your lips, invigorating something powerful within the entire family who watches on with impatient stares at the sight of your squeezing cunt around Eniji’s cock. “Take my fucking cock, bitch, don’t fucking pass out yet, we’re far from over.”
Enji was raw power, destruction, and strength. He pistoled into your sobbing core with the intent of getting his sperm into your cunt, to get his sperm that would get him a son into you, other than that, he was uncaring, unmotivated by your pathetic whining and crying. Your thrashing and wailing do not stop Enji, nor do they lessen the pace and the force he’s settled in as the floor begins to creak with every powerful thrust.
“I needa — holy shit, r-right there! M-More, more, more, more--”
“What? Do you need to come already, seven?” Enji mocks you pushing up off you so his back is curved, and your body so small underneath him. “Do you really think I’ll let you cum before me?”
Your eyes can no longer stay open as the only noises leaving your mouth are whines and begs for more. You forcibly clench around him to stir a reaction from him, but all he does is snarl quietly as he continues his rutting force. The pounding is rhythmic. His balls bruising your ass where he hits you. The feeling of Enji’s cock entering and leaving you draws your eyes to the back of your head as you pathetically whimper his name, his thighs hitting your ass at bruising force, only adding to your pleasure. 
Each powerful snap of his hips sending your back arching to the heavens, the balls of your feet digging bruisingly into his back. In and out he goes, your cunt nothing more than a cocksleeve for him, and your wanton screams and mewls taking him further and further.
Enji all but laughs into your ear, his hand moving from pressing onto the tatami mat and pushing into your opened mouth, pressing onto your tongue. “Suck my fingers like a good whore, show me that you’re not gonna disappoint me. Suck my fingers.” you sob in the thought, not because you’re fearful of disappointing the man, but because the feeling of his fingers in your mouth makes your cunt throb ludicrously, your tongue desperately wrapping around the appendages, pushing through the space of his fingers. “I’m going to fill you up so good, breeding whore. You’ll be leaking my cum for days. I’m going to make sure you carry the Todoroki gene, and I hope that it’s my son you carry.”
The words incite clenching heat in your core, your lips unable to form anything but a weak, pitiful moan because the thought of being filled to the max with Todoroki cum makes your mind spin. More, you want to milk them all dry. You want nothing more than that. With a ragged breath, a consecutive full thrust that sends his cock slamming against your cervix, Enji cums fully within you. His load is long and heavy, your belly feeling like it’s bulging when he finally emerges from your cunt. His once hard cock limping in his hands while you lay there defeated, his and your intermixed cum spilling from your pulsing cunt. 
Your mouth opened, sobbing at his absence, a need for him to return despite your core's undeniable tremor and ache. He’s off your body as well, and oxygen floods your lungs in dizzying and shallow pants, your vision fuzzies out, and you stare almost brokenly at the window painted with the rising morning sun.
Your room was in the east wing, after all.
You didn’t even protest when he pressed a smooth wooden plug into your cunt to “ensure you were bred to succession.”
He would soon leave your room, stumbling out with a drunken hiccup, leaving you to lay on a once white kimono… a once white kimono drenched in cum, blood, sweat, and tears.
You wouldn’t know until two weeks later, but Todoroki Enji had succeeded in breeding you, and you would eventually lay in a birthing room with blood and sweat and tears soaking your skin as a silent baby boy was placed in your arms.
“And what will his name be?” the midwife asked, her eyes wide with joy for you and Enji.
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rjshepherd · 3 years
Resident evil 8 headcanons- Karl and Miranda
tw for abuse mention under the cut
You know, i'm genuinely having a hard time imagining Karl actually being able to go through with his revenge. Not because he doesn't WANT to but i feel like the moment he encours any of Miranda's wrath, the poor traumatised man is just going to freeze up. I rewatched the Lords meeting scene and the moment miranda shouts, Karl takes a massive step back, clearly startled. Donna and Moreau don't react (besides looking at miranda) and Alcina's reaction is to move from karl, not farther from miranda.
Read Karl's diary again. Listen to his voice when he says "she took me. took us." And tell me there isn't fear of her in there. She's quite likely the only maternal figure he's ever known and she's spent the better part of the 20th and 21st century mentally, emotionally and physically abusing him. I know plenty of traumatised people who struggle with their anger as a result of their trauma, Karl is no different. he is CLEARLY furious with Miranda and later transfers that anger onto ethan for the perceived slight of getting in his way.
Side note, the fact that he is becoming like miranda, attempting to perpetuate the cycle of abuse onto rose and ethan and yet doesn't see it is very intresting and id love to write more about it. but i'm just here to talk about headcanons for now so ¬¬
We also know that Miranda brainwashed them into serving her. Whos to say she didnt program something into them incase they ever did disobey her? If you want an example of what im talking about elsewhere in the series, look at wesker. An incredibly strong willed character who was still beholden to the programing inflicted on him as a child, right up until the moment he died.
i Understand karls drive to create a metal army. He has hundreds, if not thousands of creatures and even then he's still holding off on his plans until he gets his hands on rose ( or possibly until ethan had said yes but then his hand was forced) but ultimately i dont think it would have made any difference.
firstly, Miranda is able to control the megamycte to incredible ranges. Either she would have disposed of karl as eveline did with Alan Droney (mia's team mate) and turned him into a lycan or she would have decimated his army with those tree like mycelium strands we see in Chris's section. No amount of flesh and metal would have stood up to that. Chris was only able to beat it back with an missile and i didnt see anything even close to that in the factory.
Secondly, Karl himself doesn't seem to know what he wants out of this whole endeavor. i know he says he wants "nothing more than to be free of that bitch" but going about that seems very muddled. At one point he calls himself a freedom fighter, but he only refers to killing her by himself, not for others. He tells ethan he's going to save the village, but then calls the villagers "worthless peons" . He says he wants to rescue rose, but only to use her to kill miranda. Now it would be very easy to say he's just lying, manipulating ethan but its equally possible he's just starting to crack under the pressure. Even his transformation at the end seems nonsensical under this context. Ethan is on his way out of the factory, he wants nothing more to do with karl, so how exacly is ethan "getting in his way?" or more to the point, what does he hope to achieve by transforming? he cant exactly command an army like that, and given that he seems to have stretch his mold out over a wide area, surely it would make it easier for miranda to control him? what does he want out of this? rose? his freedom? the village? to take miranda's place? surely the thought of becoming like her would disgust him, but that seems to be exactly what he's gearing himself up for.
Im rambling now but the core of the matter is, in no scenario i can think of, is Karl able to win against Miranda. Either ethan would beat him to it or his traumatic past would get in the way and Miranda would simply dispose of him.
So why am i teling you all this? well im suffering emotionally at the thought of karl going through so much pain and suffering and effort for his revenge or even just freedom, all for nothing. It didnt matter in the end because even if ethan had said yes, probably the only way Karl ever stood a chance against her, Karl's problems go so much deeper than killing miranda and ultimately he'd never really be free.
thanks for suffering with me im going to go have a little lie down now ;-;
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calpops · 4 years
less lonely | l.h.
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You move in with Luke and he realizes all of the time he’s missed out on with you and his son.
From my prompt list: I can’t do this anymore & stay with me
1.3k words
living with luke masterlist | feedback and reblogs mean the world
Copyright © 2021 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
Luke looks around his house, the once clean and comfortable home turned upside down. Boxes and suitcases litter the floor and footprints sweep across the tile from friends helping in the endeavor to move you and Luke’s son in. Luke’s still in awe and shock at the revelations you brought to his doorstep the previous day but an excitement sits in his heart that he can’t deny. His son sits in a baby swing and giggles as Luke crouches down to face him. Robbie reaches a hand up and gives Luke a grin.
“Hey bud,” Luke coos and takes Robbie’s small hand, the baby’s fingers tiny in his hold. “Welcome home.”
“I think he likes it here,” Luke hears you say from behind him, he spins on his heel and faces you, stands to be at eye level and watches as you place a box on the coffee table.
“I hope so,” he mutters, runs a hand through his hair and eyes all of the things that have accumulated around the house. “Is that the last of it?” Luke asks as the door shuts behind Ashton and Michael both toting boxes. Affirmative nods come Luke’s way. “Lotta stuff for two people.”
You laugh and Luke feels a little lighter through all of the adjustments. “Believe it or not, most of it is his,” you retort and send a fond smile over to Robbie. “I may have gone a little overboard.”
Luke shakes his head, knowing that he would have done the same if given the chance. He can’t imagine what he would have done for his son as a newborn, he doesn’t know what ridiculous things he would have sought out. It hits him once again that there’s eight missing months standing between them. His heart aches and his mind wanders through the time he lost but he shakes himself, knowing that letting himself drown in those missing pieces won’t do anyone any good.
“It’s too bad Cal’s not here to help,” Ashton chides lightly even though everyone knows why and would never hold it against him.
“Have you heard from him? How’s Mila doing?” Michael asks and Luke tunes in for an update; his favorite niece fighting an illness that’s left Calum by her side at all times.
“Better,” Ashton informs and the entire room lightens. Luke catches his breath and peers over at Robbie, unable to imagine what it must be like to be in Calum’s shoes. “Cal said if she’s doing even better by the weekend we can go see her.”
Luke leans back down to Robbie and picks him up, suddenly needing to know that he’s okay. Protective instincts kicking into gear at the mention of Mila and the anxiety that looms. Luke rocks Robbie, swaying himself from side to side as the eight month old delights in the motion.
“We’ll go meet Mila, huh, I think you two will be best buds,” Luke whispers with all of the hope his heart can muster.
Ashton and Michael stay long enough to help build and set up the essentials. They stay until it’s dark and rejoice in the new bundle of joy that’s joined the family. Michael makes promises that Robbie is his favorite nephew and vows that this time he’ll be the favorite uncle. Ashton only chuckles and waves a hand at his friend. The day goes by smoothly and Luke finds himself restless as night claims the sky and silence settles into the once bustling house.
It’s late when Luke finds himself sitting on the couch sifting through cardboard boxes, fingers finding a photo album and curiosity getting the better of him. He pauses, knows he shouldn’t pry but the photo of Robbie on the cover allows him to indulge. You’d already promised he could see photos of the times he missed. Alone and under nothing but moonlight pooling in from the French doors Luke assumes now is better than later. He flips the album open and takes a deep breath.
He’s met with the sight of a newborn Robbie, his height and weight written in the margins of the book. He flips through the pages, watches as Robbie grows bigger and hurt makes a home in his heart. Photos of Robbie with you scatter the pages, photos of Robbie with people Luke has never met blow hard truths into his mind. He keeps flipping, restless in his endeavor to catch up on all that he’s missed. He hears the floor creak behind him and turns to find you tiptoeing down the hall.
“What are you doing up?” you ask.
“Just… looking,” he says, voice low and quiet. He turns back to the album and finds Robbie with a smile that could melt and break hearts. “I can’t do this anymore,” Luke mumbles and snaps the album shut.
“Do what?” you question as you approach and see the album now discarded on the coffee table.
Luke sighs and covers his hands with his face as he leans back into the plush cushions of the couch. He rubs his eyes and then drags his fingers down his face and eventually settles his hands balled into fists in his lap.
“Pretend that I’m okay,” he chokes out and feels the dip of your weight on the cushions beside him. “Pretend that it doesn’t kill me that I missed so much of his life.”
“You don’t have to pretend,” you whisper and Luke hears the pain and genuine sentiment in your voice. It almost makes him feel better to know you don’t expect him to be okay with it, that he doesn’t have to put on a strong front or act detached from his emotions. He looks over at you and a realization hits him.
“I don’t want to”—Luke begins and shakes his head and all of the anxieties inside of him—“but I can’t help it. I look at you and him and how bonded you are, I see all of the time I missed to have that with him. I look at you and I blame you.”
“I know,” you say and shock Luke, leave him coming up short and make his heart beat uncomfortably hard in his chest. He didn’t expect that. “And I’m sorry.”
Luke sighs and feels his emotions spike. “Could you really not find me?”
He waits with bated breath, heart beating out the time it takes for you to respond. He feels himself cool, the accusations and blame boiling over and sending a chill up his spine. He instantly feels regret bite at him when he sees how glossy your eyes have gotten and how distant you become.
“I tried,” you say and it sounds like a promise, a plea for Luke to understand. “I wrote you but I didn’t know where to send the letters.”
It goes silent for a moment and Luke collects himself. He realizes you did all you could given the circumstances. One night stands didn’t usually wind up like this. Without his number or address it was all just shots in the dark trying to find him.
“And I was scared,” you admit in a whisper and Luke furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Suddenly I was pregnant and alone and didn’t know how to find you; I didn’t know if you’d believe me if I did.”
Luke sags, his shoulders dropping and weight sinking back into the couch. He didn’t know that. Didn’t think that you might fear his response, fear that he may not believe you or take Robbie as his own.
“I believe you,” Luke says and turns back to you. “I’m sorry too. I don’t blame you, I shouldn’t have said that.”
Moonlight and pain sparkle your eyes as they gaze at the floor. Luke watches your hands, your fingers curling into your palms and dragging across the length of your legs.
“Do you want me to go?” you ask and Luke feels a hidden meaning within the question.
“No, please don’t,” he responds quickly. He reaches a hand out and captures yours, he hasn’t felt a spark simmer under his skin in a long while, but with emotions on high and the night being so dark he feels it under his skin and in his bones. “Stay with me?”
You nod and Luke feels a little bit less lonely as the night fades away.
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drazzilder · 3 years
A Hellish Encounter
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Art credit goes to @stormcallart
By Drazzilder
You're an escaped test subject from a United States testing facility. You have been on the run for years when one day you meet the man that can change everything.
Chapter 1: Regret
The soft sounds on the morning are suddenly interrupted by the harsh noise from the alarm clock. A large hand tiredly aims for the off button which is found after a few attempts. The man attached to that hand wakes up begrudgingly with some groans and cracking joints. He slowly gets up to get ready for the day, heading toward the bathroom. As he enters, he sees his reflection, but he doesn’t hold on it long. He can’t stand the sight of himself. The man in the mirror may be Endeavor, but Enji doesn’t like what he sees. He should be happy on his 40th birthday but he can’t stop his mind from racing. He hurt his family; his first son died from his own power, his youngest was scarred by his mother, and the rest of his children where mentally neglected and abused by Enji himself. Enji’s wife, Rei, couldn’t handle the stress and guilt from everything and ended up in a mental institution soon after hurting Shoto, but by then it was so bad that she took her own life two years ago.
Enji sees all of this when he looks at himself in the mirror. It affects him so much that looking makes him sick to his stomach. He quickly looks away and gets ready for the day.
Coming into the kitchen, Enji sees Shoto, getting ready for school with the help of the nanny Hina. Fuyumi and Natsuo already left for school. Hina is the fourth nanny they have had in 2 years. She has been there the longest because she knows no one else will stand the family and someone needs to be there for the children. Plus, she is the only one who can actually stand up to Endeavor and is not afraid of him. She knows he would never hurt her.  When Hina looked at Enji, the look on his face made her stop what she was doing.
“Everything ok Mr. Todoroki?”
“I’m fine…” he answered in a gruff tone, letting her know that he didn’t want to talk about it.
“Im off to school dad, are we still training this afternoon?”
“Good, and yes we always train on Wednesdays!” Sounding more annoyed than anything.
They finish up breakfast and getting their things ready for the day. They soon left the house and went to their final destinations. Enji made it to his agency and meet his secretary.
“Sanji, after I’m done with today’s paperwork, where is my patrol going to be today?”
“Sir, you will be taking the northern end of Tokyo”
“Very well. Thank you Sanji”
“Happy Birthday.”
Sanji is the only one to acknowledge the day let alone tell you happy birthday. She has been working for you for years and knows almost everything that has happened. Enji knows he can trust her with anything so of course she would be the only one to wish him a happy birthday. Enji quickly finished up his paperwork, at least quickly as he could. He squinted and moved the papers so he could read everything clearly. “I’m going to need glasses soon” the man thinks to himself but is to stubborn to actually go get them. After this. is done, he takes a quick lunch and heads out for his afternoon patrol of the city. He does a few heroic acts here and there, but overall the day seems to be quite boring. He is kinda glad because all he wants to do is go home and sulk. That is, until Sanji called.
“Sir, there is a bomb threat at Shibuya crossing!”
“Why are you calling me? Just send some of the sidekicks to handle the bomb.”
“Sir, he is asking for you and the whole crossing is being held hostage. The man has a dirty bomb, please!”
“Alright, I’m on my way!” He says as he rushes off a full speed.
As Endeavor arrives, he assesses the situation, and it’s not ideal. There are hundreds of people on the ground face down, the other hero’s and police and in a standoff with the lone assailant in the center. The man is dressed in tailored suit. Everything is fitted perfectly, not even a single strand of hair is out of place. How he managed to hold everyone hostage quickly becomes clear as he is voicing his demands.
“Ah! Endeavor, I was wondering when the number 2 hero would show up. Be careful what you do, as you can see, I am wearing this fetching bomb vest with matching dead man switch! See how it brings out the green in my eyes. Oh, I almost forgot, the rest of my ensemble is filled with anthrax, one of a kind thread thread makes this silky smooth lining. Plus, shoulder pads are coming back into to style this season, so why not make them special! As you can see, if anyone makes any wrong moves, all of these people will suffer because of you!” The man finishes his speech with an evil laugh. Endeavor knows that he can’t do anything which is just making him hotter as his flames grow brighter around his face. The villain takes one quick look at Endeavor. “Better watch your temper” he quips, “we wouldn’t want to get all hot under the col…..” The villain stops.
Everyone looks almost in shock as the villain has stopped completely. He can still move his eyes and blink but he is completely immobile. No one moves because they are afraid what ever is happening will end just as suddenly as it started. That is until one person gets up and starts walking toward the villain.
You are frail looking, very thin, eyes sunken in, bags under your eyes. Wearing tattered clothes with matching long shaggy hair, representing the years you have been on the street. Your eyes are the most startling part of you as your left eye is completely white with no sign of a pupil and the other is black with red glowing iris. You look at Endeavor and just say “Stand back” in a weak voice. You are so tired but you can’t just sit back and let people get hurt. As you walk closer to the villain, his eyes show more and more fear. He now knows it is you holding him still. Once your next to him, you place a hand on the bomb vest and give it all your attention. As this is happening, the other heroes are yelling their concerns for your safety. “Sir, it’s not safe” “You need to step back” “Sir are you alright?!” All of these go over your head as you are concentrating on the task at hand: saving these people.
Suddenly, the bomb vest starts to glow a little, just enough for Endeavor and the other heroes to notice. A flash of light and then darkness again as everyone notices the bomb is gone. Just as fast as the bomb disappeared, a large explosion happened overhead. “Was that the bomb?” “Did he teleport it away?” “What happened?” Hero’s rush to the villain and detain him. Endeavor approaches you because in his gut he knows something is wrong.
“How can this man have a teleportation and a body controlling quirk?” He thought as he gets next to you. Suddenly, you cough up some blood and collapse from the effort you put out. Everything was too much for you in the state you were in. Your body could not give anything more. Endeavor catches you and he looks right at you as you try to reach his face while barely being able to say “Help me…” as you pass out completely.
Next Chapter
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
Can I pls get B, E, J, K, L, M, O, W, and Y for Oni?
I thirst and I request a quenching. 😫❤️
hope this quenches your thirst. sorry, it arrived so late boos. hopefully, your dehydration has not ended you yet. thank you for your support <3
unfortunately im going to have to cut a few of the prompts off else i’d write forever and it would never end :)
;;edit, pls no more fluffy alphabet request thank you :)
Fluffy Alphabet for The Oni (Kazan Yamaoka)
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your face and more specifically your eyes. Ordinarily Kazan avoids contact with other peoples eye-line (most probably because he’d have to look down in order to speak directly into their faces) - he finds it demeaning and has the scars of past ridicules to further distrust him from the intimacy of eye contact. The face holds the purest form of human expression, no one can perfectly hide what they are feeling when it is written so clearly on their mouth, eyes and cheeks. He makes it a point to only look people in the eye when he kills them - there is only fear behind their orbs not disgust or contempt (Kazan remembers all the faces of the warriors and priests, and perhaps even his own wife, who called him a monster, their features etched like stone onto his mind that always fills his heart with hate and loathing).
When in a relationship with you, Kazan grows to enjoy looking into your face. It’s soft there, warm and comforting and he sometimes get lost when gazing for too long. You face was absent with the revile his past held, instead yours was understanding and gentle. it made him feel grounded and human. He feels welcomed in your face and watching as your mouth stretches into a light smile whenever he calls your name replaces all the horrible things in his chest if only for a moment.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Oh yeah, he would be the more dominant one. He’s a big guy, he knows what he wants and not matter how to try spin it, he would always end up on top. But he is not overly callous by any means, he rarely commands you to do things and only has one strong rule. You must stay by his side always. And if he is not around, then you stay in the temple. 
He lets you roam around his realm, doing as you wished and allowing you to keep your own free-agency. He even expresses permission for you to shower him in unexpected kisses, never once shying away as you approach him with open arms. 
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Originally he would be stiff as a board, ridge like unmastered steel. Kazan has never really indulged in the soft intimacies of lovers so kissing is received and given as more of a business transaction rather than a form of physical affection. You would have to teach him to relax into the embrace and to give over to desires and to kiss you truly. It would sure take awhile, requiring a lot of effort on your part to initiate the kiss. 
However once he learns to trust you and deepen the kiss, Kazan becomes quite the good kisser. His smooches are as large and intense as the rest of him is, he always wants more from  you and often cups the back of your head so as to provide support as he tips you over and worms his tongue into your mouth. You are always left breathless. 
The first kiss would be a small peck, a gesture still wrapped in uncertainty and nervousness. Kazan returned from a rather gruesome trial, the total severity of which caused his shoulders to slightly lean downwards and his gait  to be labored and rough. he was beyond exhausted and you could not bring yourself to verbally ask him what was bothering him so bad. So instead you crept up behind him, announcing your presence with a gentle touch of his burgling forearm, a gesture which he acknowledged with a soft grunt. 
You soothe him with a coo and reach a tentative hand upwards to his mask. He remains still, allowing you to do with him as you pleased. You push back the red demon mask to reveal his scarred skin underneath and standing on tip-toes you place an impossible kiss against his jawline. There was nothing to be said, nothing to be done. You had given him the world in that one, small expression of love.
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Oh yes, most definitely. Marriage to Kazan is the be-all-end-all of relationships. He was married once before but it was presumably arranged. Now with you, someone he genuinely likes and wishes to be with, he most certainly wants to marry you.
But that is easier said than done. Being in the Entity’s realm makes it difficult to arrange such traditional ceremonies, often leaving Kazan to ponder as to how he could make your marriage official. He could ask Plague, she looked rightfully prestigious and proper, but she doesn’t speak any language he understands and walks around with her nose stuck high in the air. Kazan spends the next few days considering all other killers and survivors, trying to guess you would make the binding most legitimate. By the end of a grueling month of tedious contemplation and evaluation, Kazan regrettably gives up and asks if you would be alright not being formally married to him. It breaks him damn heart knowing that you would never officially carry his family name. 
You laugh at his ludicrous endeavor and tell him you don’t care what your relationship is called, as long as you are with him you are happy. He smiles. 
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
At the best of times, Kazan rarely allows anyone to idly stare at him. He finds it incredibly disrespectful when people watch him as if he some kind of circus performer - staring is for the confused and not an activity one does in his presence. 
Thus it would take an incredibly vigil eye to notice if Kazan is off or not. Rin, obviously, is the first to comment on his sudden mood change. At her query, Kazan suddenly grins, his chest fills with hubris and he crosses his arm proudly in front of his chest. He proclaims that he has taken you as a partner and that your relationship is most favorable and enjoyable. He gloats about you often to anyone with an ear and he spares no expense in making sure that everyone is aware that you are his. 
Other than that, he is very subtle about his feelings - he often keeps to himself and as a result of this imposed isolation, Kazan has an immense build-up of affection to dispense onto you when at last he sees you again.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He’d miss you terribly. You are his partner, his everything, the moonlight that makes the night just that bit more bearable. If you must go somewhere, why could he not go with? If you had something to take care of, he would surely help you through it. You mean the world to him and being without causes him great stress.
He panics when you are not around, an incredibly worry-wart lives underneath his armor and blood-stained mask. He paces the length of his realm, head fuzzy with all the scenarios his cruel imagination could conjure up in which you hurt yourself - or worse, die. He can't think straight, can't concentrate - all his thoughts lie with you and your unknown safety.
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swimfuel · 3 years
Hey!! The X-men are literally my favorite thing and I was wondering if you could elaborate on how Scott is a knight of doom
YES OF COURSE!!!! i'll put it under a cut since i tend to ramble a bit & i'm pulling a bunch of explanations from people smarter than i am
the knight weaponizes their aspect; they have an inherent understanding of their aspect that allows them to exploit it completely. doom is the aspect of systems, restrictions/limitations, sacrifices, and endings.
one of scott's core themes is reclaiming his restrictions in order to serve others/the greater good! he takes the possible liability that are his faulty powers and shifts them to become an advantage, largely through the strength of his restraint and discipline. his role as a tactician and the way he sees sacrifices (more on that later) also mesh EXTREMELY well with the knight of doom.
i feel like the Wh*don run (specifically astonishing x-men #22-23) really highlights how scott can turn a situation on its head through exploiting his disadvantages to the point where they become tactically advantageous!! like, let's count the ways:
the ship the x-men stole from kruun is obviously bugged, so his team won't be able to communicate without being overheard. he realizes this, and uses that restriction (being overheard) as an advantage, by falsifying their course of action.
he has been left "without his powers"—he presents a restriction that lowers the guard of his adversary and grants him entry to their home base. he then subverts this by exploding the shit out of everything when an opportune moment arrives
HE LITERALLY EXPLOITS DEATH...... HE EXPLOITS HIS OWN DEATH...................FOR THE GREATER GOOD..........DUDE???? someone get this man an advil
some more thoughts, followed by some examples by people smarter than me:
he exhibits a similar pattern of idolization/realization with xavier irt karkat/HICand dave/bro.... not sure if this by itself is a knight-y thing but i think the consistent disillusionment with their role in defending their aspect is interesting (aka knight burnout, more on that later)
he is def willing to sacrifice shit for the greater good of mutantkind. the shit in question sometimes being his closest friends and allies. the examples that stick out to me are how he allowed beast to get tortured (utopia era) while executing his plan to solve All His Problems At Once & also when he sent x-force to the future to defend hope knowing it was going to be a one-way trip
that entire issue revolving around just how GOOD scott is at self-repression😭😭😭 i'm pretty sure it's post-schism utopia era i don't remember the exact issue WAIT NVM i'm pretty sure it's uncanny #518
seeing phoenix!scott as an inversion to (rogue of) life is also an interesting concept (unchecked growth!)
the amount of responsibility he feels he has to take on (partially due to his idolization cycle w xavier/xavier's dream) is also both knight-y and doom-y
and of course the instinct to protect the people around him --> being expanded into the whole of mutantkind (which, in turn, expands his sense of obligation)
everything leading up to revolutionary cyclops is also very interesting through this framework because its reminiscent of the knights & doom players in hs! the "taking on an insane burden" (phoenix force, whatever whammied mituna) -> the "resignation to the fate handed to him by his aspect" (his stint in prison, dead daves, sollux in general) -> the "refusal to accept that fate" (prison break, dave not wanting to use time travel, sollux fucking off into the dreambubbles, karkat coming to terms w his relationship w leadership) --> experiencing knight burnout at the end of revolutionary era going into death of x
im not sure exactly how to put it into words but everything about his childhood/teenhood... like being surrounded by forces seeking to control him and use him for their own ends..... idk
(from @/land-of-classpects-and-analysis, sections highlighted red are of particular interest)
side note & ive mentioned this before but scottjean is an interesting parallel to davejade in a way i cant verbalize
Then there are the ones who may accept [the fact of inevitable human suffering], and so choose to live in high alert of any danger - any threats - as well as living in fear of what harm may befall them and/or their loved ones. It is this third and final group of people that so deeply marks that of the Knight of Doom.
Now, this might cause a few eyebrows to become quirked. After all, a Knight? Being fearful of something - nevertheless that thing being related to their Aspect? Knights do often present themselves as ruthless and fearless warriors, yes, but that is only because their Aspects and the world around them raised and called them to act as such. 
... A key factor in the Knight’s life, specifically before their journey truly begins, is that they are already well equipped with their Aspect.
... The Knight of Doom is one where their Aspect being all around them is far more bittersweet than anything else.
... What is important to acknowledge is that the facade the Knight of Doom puts up is not only to hide the fear they have for their Aspect, but it is most definitely there to hide the grief and pain they have not yet completely finished going through. Whether it’s been weeks or years, the Knight of Doom is someone who would rather hide themself away from these feelings than find a way to truly mend and heal them ... they have built a false wall between them and their suffering strong and thick enough to partially block it from their memory. 
... Knights are known to become extremely stubborn whenever people try to order them around and pressure them into doing something, and the Knight of Doom is no different - especially if they believe what they are doing is for the greater good. 
(from @/dahniwitchoflight)
Dahni’s Explanantion: “Doom can be a negative force that rejects and harms, fostering a sense of hostility or sadness. But, it is also the idea that you can pull backwards and cautiously and wisely withdraw into your own self.  It can be the idea of Control taken from the sharp Black and White Restrictions that everything in the world gets sorted into. It understands community necessity and need, responsibly pulling back and lowering you down into its lap to help wind yourself down. Doom then is an ultimate gentle Equalizer, instilling its players with an internal sense of Acceptance and eventually true Wisdom.”
Knight of Doom: One who Exploits with Doom or Exploits Doom
Knights hide a fear of a perceived fundamental failure with their Aspect behind a shield of confidence and obsessive effort. Their challenge is to learn to take it down a notch and to understand that they are skilled enough
A Knight is very skilled with using the rules and limitations of any game or session to their advantage. They skillfully fulfill any responsibility or obligation required of them with ease. They might use their natural caution and pessimism to make realistic choices and endeavors. They use and exploit any rule or limit that they can to their advantage. They might also be very good at exploiting any sacrifices made or any obligation or responsibility that they are held to. They might be very good at avoiding any unnecessary thing or person and are very good at recognizing when something is too futile to even bother with.
Likewise they might only focus on the necessary things in their game or session so they are likely to not do much unless it’s absolutely necessary. They would very likely be very meticulous with themselves about following the rules properly and constantly restrict themselves, maybe thinking they aren’t following the rules properly enough or not following the right ones. They might sacrifice anything they consider unnecessary about themselves or the way they live, sometimes even going too far with it, in order to be considered or thought of as less useless. They’re always trying harder and holding themselves to extreme self-imposed standards.
They would likely wait for the opportune moment to strike, though they are slow to move or act, they always will when something necessary needs to happen. Out of all the Doom players, a Knight of Doom seems like the one most likely to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. A Knight of Doom can also expertly use and exploit fire, bombs and explosions to their advantage, maybe they create flashy distractions during fights. They might even use decaying or dying things to their advantage.
(from @/communistvriska)
Role in the Session: Rather like the Prince of Doom, this role’s title kinda has “edgelord” written all over it, but that’s not a set-in-stone character trait. The first thing that comes to mind re: what the Knight Class and the Aspect of Doom have in common is a strong sense of obligation. The Knight of Doom is bound to take their duties and responsibilities Extremely Seriously, perhaps rather too seriously at first ... Knights also tend to be very protective of both their Aspect as a concept, and of themselves and those close to them; while the Knight of Doom isn’t likely to be outwardly aggressive, given Doom’s reserved, slow-burn tendencies, woe betide those who try to deceive or confound the Knight or their allies. One of Doom’s internal contradictions (which I find personally fascinating) is that the aspect is associated both with cynical resignation and with a profound albeit restrained sense of passion and persistence. Doom is what’s left after everything else gets burnt away.
The Knight of Doom will likely be a very skilled combatant, as the Knight is a class strongly associated with Strife / battle, and Doom is one of the more overtly destructive Aspects. I’d put them in the Top 5 Roles to use a cool flamin sword, at least. They’re not going to be eager to fight, per se, but they’re not going to have much trouble scaling the echeladder when it comes to that either. Internally, they’re likely to struggle with a perceived (but largely imagined) inability to fulfill their duties, and they could well stumble once or twice in their quest to be perceived as reliable and stoic, or as someone who their friends can lean on. They’re probably doing more than enough already, but if they’re not careful they might overexert themselves and take on too heavy a burden, and they’re liable to be crushed by their own expectation that they face their challenges alone. This is going to factor into their capital-Q Quest and the environment of their planet, and will be the biggest obstacle in their path to Ascension. A Knight’s duty is to protect their co-players, but their co-players also have to support them.
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transmascchiato · 4 years
NONBINARY TODOROKI headcanons because its projection hours™
goes by he/she
tried they/them with himself and asked fuyumi to try it too but
doesn’t vibe with it
gender is something that was never completely wrapped around her mind
he used to follow what endeavor taught him was right because,,,, it didnt bother him acting that way, so why stress over it, there were A Lot happening already
but fuyumi showed him stuff and natsuo talked about a trans friend of his and shouto just-
wait there’s a NAME for this???
and then natsuo mentions nonbinary-
there’s more???
she didn’t interact with other trans people and just learned about herself by,,, living and expressing herself in her own way
so when ua comes and there’s a whole bunch of lgbtqs there he just,,,
yknow the difference between talking about gender with cis and trans people like
there’s the cis nod to gender talk and there’s the fellow trans nod to gender talk
the trans nod™ its actually how she got her first trans friend 
jirou (she/they) was talking about gender expression to momo and shouto and they just saw the difference between momo’s and shouto’s nod 
he’s not in the closet but does barely nothing to come out because between talking about himself and Becoming A Hero Without His Fire Side he chooses the petty one
chose her name based on a character from a book rei used to read to her before the kettle accident when she discovers endeavor helped chose her deadname 
rejecting his fire??? cool 
(pun intended) 
but completely m u r d e r i n g the name her sperm donor chose??? todoroki shouto didnt win the game, he MASTERED it 
(also yeah her hero name is shouto if she cant legally change it yet, she’ll make so everyone knows it and respects in their rules)
back to the not coming part
he doesnt come out like “im nonbinary” but rather interrupts someone midsentence with a “i go by [insert he/him or she/her] too” and asks the person to keep going and not mind her
so yeah, people end up knowing and respecting him out of BEING A DECENT HUMAN BEING THATS LITERALLY THE BARE MINIMUM or out of fear and she doesn’t mind either it is
didnt tell his mom face to face, rather by the letters they exchange, taking his time to explain it in the minimum details and with the most careful words so she could take it easy and also because he would get super anxious to explain it face to face at first
fuyumi gives him a tsuru origami with the nonbinary flag’s colours and tells him she helped their mom make it
thats enough for now im sobbing
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Good evening😬or morning or whateva :D I'm going to spoil you with a Endeavor request: Endeavor having sex with his affair and she gets pregnant but is too scared to tell him because of his past and when Endeavor finds out on accident he promises to be a good father and it turns out right :) like he plays with the baby all the time and cuddles it, super fluffy 😌
Good!.....night? It’s like 1:34 in the morning.... sooooo Good! morning! (8-24-2020) To you, you lovely person, spoiling me with such a great Endeavor Request 😌
I hope your day goes well as soon as I post this! Stay hydrated! 💦💙
I couldn’t fight the tears as they started to sting along my water lines, I forced my eyes closed and tried to kick my lips, they tasted like poison and rubbed. I reached out for the countertop in-front of me. Finger shaking, just slightly as I grabbed the plastic in my hand. Three of four, say positive, the fourth didn’t give me an answer. How did this happen?!
“I know how this happen, in a very pleasurable way.....because I was being an idiot four months ago!” I scolded myself after asking my self the questions.
I swallowed and looked at my phone, it was new, Enji, bought it for me when I’d lost my old one off the roof of his car. I shuffled on my seat that were the steps to my tub. I took a deep breath, “I can’t tell him, I’ll have to leave him. I don’t want my child to go through the same things his children did.”
I stood up and started pacing the bathroom, “good plan good plan.” I lied to myself.
“Maybe I should tell him? I won’t be able to do it alone....” I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror, “No! What if.”
I felt the hot streaks running down the curves of my cheeks and jaw, but it didn’t register. I clenched my jaw and forced my eyes shut, I felt queasy, and the puking began. I stood up after kneeling for like ten minutes and rushed over to my legs mirror. I rose my hoodie, and it all made sense why I’d gained weight, if you looked hard enough, you could the bulge slowly not really, but just becoming visible, I looked bloated... maybe that’s why he never realized it.... also since it’s winter I’ve been using sweaters and hoodies much to Enji’s distaste. I laughed to myself before pouting, and placing both my hands on either side of my stomach, “I’m scared....” I swallowed the taste of fear, maybe puke, “I’ve never done this... I can’t call my parents... there not in Japan....” I fidgeted and pulled my shirt down, I heard the door bell and perked up, “Oh! My Noodles are here!”
I rushed to the door wallet in hand and ready to get my dood only to come face with Enji.
“Heeeeyyyyyy,” I poked my head out the door and looked around then poured and looked up at him, “You’re not the delivery guy.”
He gave me a look that clearly stated “Are you SERIOUS?”
“Right! You should come in before my pesky neighbor sees!” I pulled him in and looked around once more, my closest neighbor was actually about a quarter mile away, but that doesn’t matter.
“Soooooo,” I turned around and licked the door, “I didn’t expect you at all.” I smiled and fidgeted with my hands feeling sick.
“I’ve come to discuss this relationship.” His words were straight, I felt a fill run through my blood and bones, if he leaves.... what am I gonna do?
“Oh,” I nodded looked down, my voice was a whisper, “I guess say what you need.”
“I can’t keep having an affair, there are rumors rising already. My image can’t be ruined like this.”
I felt my heart pick up, my breathing felt struggled.
“I see,” I didn’t look up as I made myself take a breath feeling my heartbeat in my throat, “well, if this is it, I guess I should give back the jewelry, and other expensive gifts huh?”
“No, keep them, that’s not what I’m here for.” He shook his head eyes closed.
“Alright, is there anything else you need to say? Before you go?”
“I’m getting a divorce,” the words were like a punch to the stomach, I wasn’t the one being divorced but it definitely hit, I felt it rushing up. I rushed or my bathroom and stuffed the pregnancy tests into my hoodie pocket so Enji wouldn’t see them, I clung to the toilet shoving up the seat puked letting it all out. I was met with a tug at my hair, Enji was holding it back and fumbling with a black scrunches I’d left on my sink. He sighed as he rubbed my back, he kneeled beside me rubbing my back and handing me toilet tissue to wipe my mouth a bit that burned its wya through my nose. I took it and wiped my mouth away, I dry heaved a bit, and felt myself shaking, cold, so cold. Enji kept flushing the toilet until it was all gone, he helped me to sit on the toilet, “You’re sick.”
He sighed and closed his eyes, “Don’t move from here until I get back.”
I nodded and looked down, I let out a sigh and groaned, a divorce? He’s leaving Rei? Officially? I mean, it’s good cause this won’t be so scandalous anymore, but... it’s sudden.
I tried to stand by my thighs were shaky and weak. I paced my hands into hem and felt tears, I closed my eyes and let them fall, a new heat on my cheeks wiped them away, I looked to see Enji there, hands on my face, he could definitely crush my skull, his eyes looked sad, but his face was not showing that.
“I brought you water and some medicine to help with nausea. I don’t know what this is, but let’s get you to bed, you look tired, your cheeks and eyes are red and you look weak.” He didn’t let me answer as he gave me the medicine and stood up making his way to my room outside the bathroom and I could hear him moving the blankets.
Getting it my bed Enji told my to put my hand up, I did, he pulled my hoodie off leaving me in the tank top I wore underneath. Something fell but I don’t pay attention to what, but mostly because Enji was helping me sit, even if I didn’t want to. “You’ve already order food, I’ll wait here with you until gets here.”
He took my hand squeezed and I just nodded, the tears in my eyes, I didn’t even feel them, “So sweet.”
For a minute I forgot I was pregnant, until my phone gave a buzz, I looked ya it on the nightstand. I know the chime, it was for my period tracker, I’d neglected completely four times now. Enji didn’t read my phone simply handing it to me. I thanked him and swiped away the notification, “sleep.” He said and brought his free hand to brush my hair back, I craved his warm hand in this cold moment, “If you leave wake me up.” He nodded, and I sighed and started to shuffle in the blanket.
“(Y/n),” I was shook awake, I blinked a few times feeling hot in the blanket I sat and pushed it back, I stood up and just as I was about to answer, back in the bathroom.
“We should take you to a doctor.” I hugged and nodded, “yeeaaahhhh.”
“Do you have one?” He asked and looked at his phone.
“No sir.” I was honest.
I heard him sigh, “Take off that shirt,” I hear him walk away followed by some clattering. I pulled off my shirt and he brought back my hoodie, “Wear this, I’m taking you to a doctor.”
He left again and started to talk on the phone, I pouted and pulled on my hoodie after taking off my shirt, “bully, I didn’t even get my lunch.”
I walked spurns my house in the socks I just pulled on looking for my shoes, “where?” I dropped to my knees looking under the sofa, “are you?” I reached aliens and felt something.
“Shoes?” I asked and pulled out some old low sneakers that I used to wear.... once, when I tried to work out.
“It’ll work.” I shrugged and started to pull them on.
“Ready?” I answered back with “YES DADDY SIR IM READY!” I heard a heavy sigh and smiled pushing myself off the floor as he walked into the room, he held up a bag, my food.
“Get in the car.” He tossed me my keys, “No driving.” I nodded and rushed to my car and got in the passenger side and turned it on. I pulled on my seat belt and sat waiting, I huffed after literally two minutes passed.
I honked then smiled seeing Enji come into the garage, I got happy, I like car rides with Enji...kinda like a dog I guess.... he handed me the plastic bag and placed a lime soda in the cup holder, “Do NOT, open it until were on the road.” I nodded and waited, until we pulled out and took the turn.
I opened my bag and found the stir fry noddles is been craving all day, “Don’t way to much, if you puke again well have to stop and clean the car.” “Okay, got it.”
I started of eat and look out the window and indulge in the noodles. I stopped a quarter way in when I felt a shuffle in my abdomen. My food was hitting on an empty stomach, and it’s showing. I covered the food up and placed it back in the bag and tried to didn’t some soda. I finished the drink by the time we pulled up to a clinc.... a women’s clinic. I cringed at the sight. “Why here?” I asked.
“I thought you’d be more comfortable with a woman for your doctor.
“Okaaaayyyy.” I prepped myself to get out, I watched Enji get out with no hesitation, I still hesitated, until he came and opened my door offering a hand. I took it and was pulled back by my seatbelt. I laughed sheepishly and I clicked it before getting help again. We walked in and surprisingly empty, I guess the parking lot gave that away though. We walked in, Enji made me sit, he went and got the paper work from the secretary, and brought it back and I started to fill it out. I smiled as I gave back to him, and he got up and took it back. He told the nurse something and she nodded with a big smile. He nodded and came back to sit by my side. I felt nervous, and didn’t fight the bouncing of my leg, I shimmied closer to his side and leaned my head on his shoulder. A few minutes passed until they called. They took blood for vitamin checks, and muscle and bone stuff, urine for some tests, something about protein and I didn’t catch the rest. They told me to sit on the bed my doctor would be here soon. Then asked if I’d like Enji in the room or not, I nodded and said yes let him stay, I kNOW WHAT THIS IS.... maybe it won’t be so bad with someone else. A few more minutes and here she came, a short plump woman with bright eyes.
“I’m here, so tell me whats happening.” She said and didn’t even look at me, just read some papers.
“Well, I’ve been queasy, and I’ve been puking most of the day-“ I was wished by a hand on my back, “This will help you.” I watched Enji reach into his pocket and pull out a ziplock I cringed at the sight, the four tests I’d stuffed in my jacket.
The doctor took it and looked at them and laughed, “Well,” she smiled and clipped them to her board, “I’ll tell them to run the urine for a test.”
“Thank you.” Enji answered and she nodded then left.
“.......sooooooo, hows the weather up there?” I said not looking up at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He didn’t look at me, just ahead at the wall. I looked around, “I was scared, that maybe, you wouldn’t want it or you know....your past... that you might... you know.....” The sigh he let out was depressing, I tried to look at him. I was hurt, out of every fight I’ve ever seen him in, I felt like maybe, just maybe, this would be the lowest I’d ever see him. “I-“ “No, don’t say your sorry,” his stare still on the floor, “I don’t blame you.... for thinking those things, if you want to leave with this child then you can do so. I just want you to know these few things before you make a choice.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat, it’s weird because I’m not the one who just got emotionally wounded.
“I don’t deserve to be a father again, I know it, I understand the things I’ve done are not right. It can’t easily be forgiven. The things I’ve done can last over a life time, I’m working to fix all these things, I don’t want to hurt the one I love anymore, but I can’t stand the thought of hurting innocent people. I wanted to spend what’s left of my life with you, this is sudden, and you have the decision and freedom to decide what you think is best, but I promise you, this time, I will be the best man I can for you, and for this child. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I want to be the best I can and prove that I know what it’s like to be real father, to show I know what love really is. I won’t force you to make any decisions, and I won’t force my way into its life, I only want to do this, if you do this with me.”
I nodded and swallowed, great now IM crying. I tired to reach for his hand, “Enji.” His hand squeezed mine once I held his, “I’d love to share my life and first child with you,” I sniffled, “I don’t want my first child to not know it’s dad, so please, do everything you can to be there for us.”
“ILL,” I grunted and squeezed the hand burning my flesh, “I promise,” I let out a deep breath, “I’ll show you pain when this is over.” I took a few labored breaths, squeezing his hand, I pulled my hand out of his and took of my new wedding ring, “hold this it’s about to hurt us both once this head starts coming out.” I hissed feeling a sharp pain and then I felt it, it felt like a poop you can’t hold it, it dropped lower and “Alright Mrs.Todoroki, it’s crowning, so just give us a nice push-“
I flexed my lower abdomen and stopped when he said, I took breath, and clenched to Enji’s hand making sure to not squeezed my lower muscles in pain to avoid excessive bruising, “1...2...3... and push.”
I pushed again feeling pressure leaving my inside and pouring out of me, “Breathe,” the Doctor said and she looked up at me, “Someone has definitely been doing their workouts, this is going very quick and smooth.” She disappeared behind my legs and said “Last one,” a paused that felt like an hour, “Push-“ crying filled the room, “It’s a boy! Congratulations! Would you like to cut the umbilical cord Mr.Todoroki?” I let go of his hand but he hesitated, I nodded at him with a smile, the blood drained from him when he saw what everything looked like down there, he took the scissors and quickly cut before coming back to my side, “Placenta is coming.” She sis do felt another wave of pressure leaving me stomach, and I heard a wet plop, and a metallic sound. I shivered but quickly recovered when my necked son was placed on my now bear chest, I held him close and cried, he was a bit bloody still but I was so happy. The tears started falling as I hugged his gently and kissed his head of already bright red hair. “Precious, boy.” I said and gen’s got tried to rub some stuff off his face, he quickly attached to my breast and started to suckle,t tears didn’t stop as I looked up at Enji, he was wiping his own eyes.
“Have you thought of any names? Or should we wait a while?” The doctors said replacing her gloves and smock. “Well,” I looked up at Enji, “Things worked out, so? How about it?”
The doctor looked between us and Enji took the pen and notepad a nurse was holding, he wrote down the name and they nodded and took it, “Well then, I’ll leave you two with him a while longer until your pain has subsided and then we’ll take him to be weighed, and a few other things.”
We nodded and she smiled, “Congratulations, to the both of you.” Once more, after he stopped suckling I handed him to Enji and pulled my gown up, Enji seemed so scared, the baby WASNT small, he had rolls already, and they’re beautiful, but in Enji’s hands, he’s so small. “Hello,” he whispered and tried to cradle it ashore his chest on his forearm, it’s head resting against his bicep and pec. He brought his free hand to cover its torso and side, “I’m your father, I won’t ever leave you, I won’t ever hurt you, I never want to lose you, I’ll be with you always.” Call the hormone imbalance and recent loss of my child, but I was crying, I covered my face with my hands wiping the tears away, so cute.
“Enji?” I peeked into my room, nothing, “Enji?” Nothing was in the babies room, “Enji-“ there he was ok his back, on the floor, baby held up in the air, in his hands. The baby was laughing and flailing his arms and kicking. It was cute, I’d bought him an endeavor themed baby onesie, and Enji was wearing his hero costume without the armor. I stayed quiet watching as he stood up, and held the baby up to his shoulder, the baby placing a fist and his cheek on his shoulder, his eyes closed as Enji held him close. “I promise, I’ll never leave you.”
“where is he?!” I panicked and looked for my son, who just disappeared. I ran around the house and panic rose through the round when I heard gurgling don’t DROWN PELASE DONT DROWN BABY! Bursting into the master room fight or flight on high I felt stupid seeing Enji sleeping on his back arm circled around and pulling into his side the bundle of fire and Todoroki I was panicking for. The baby cooed moving closer to Enji, I sighed, my adrenaline wearing down, it was cute, especially when Enji turned to his side to hug our son to his chest, and mumbled out, “I’ll become someone you’ll be proud of, someone you can count on always.”
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