#[ blaze the cat // feline princess ]
wishfulmuses · 4 months
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phntasmgoria-moved · 7 months
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witchembrace-a · 8 months
💋 — my Amy, your Blaze???
kiss meme tbt, inbox clearing
"I can't believe you, Amy.." She wasn't actually mad, but the cat was certainly not surprised that Amy managed to fall ill by waiting in the cold for her. Didn't their fur protect them from such situations? No matter. Blaze placed a mug of hot cocoa on the table, snuggling in next to her beloved. And in a motion that she would deny until her death, she leaned in to kiss the hedgehog upon the forehead. "Rest well."
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theflashdriver · 6 months
Heavy heels clicked across the tiled floor, marking the passing of each quarter second. Blaze the cat could usually maintain a relatively aloof façade, only breaking from it under the most dire of circumstances or when pushed to her absolute limit. Yet, all through this morning, afternoon, and evening, a certain aggravated frown had fused itself into to her muzzle. Today had been one of the, if not the, most draining day of the princess’ life. She had been locked inside the great hall from sunrise to sunset, answering questions, signing papers, and listening to her advisors. Yesterday had been difficult, almost impossibly difficult, but something about today’s monotonous crawl had dragged out that pain and made it far more insufferable. There had been questions about restructuring, expanding the royal guard, assigning watches, public appearances, and reconstruction, the likes of which she’d surely still be dealing with for weeks if not months to come.
As her glare glanced one of the castle’s many maids, Blaze watched her shrink back and bow her head. Though she felt an immediate upwelling of guilt, the princess couldn’t bring herself to stop. With every second that past, she knew she would further regret being away from her desired destination; as she began to scale the stairs, she found her pace had only further increased. She knew this path well but not out of practice, only because she had wandered this trail so often in her mind. Even as she finally walked it, the feline found herself dissociating from her surroundings and lost among her thoughts.
Yesterday replayed in her mind, the attack had come without warning. From the sea just south of Southern Island, as the sun set and they day came to its end, a titan milled from metal had emerged from the sea. The warning bells began to ring only after the first of its tentacles had burst from the ocean, soon followed by a gaping maw filled with saw blades. Whether its limbs numbered in the hundreds or the thousands Blaze could not recall but an endless hail of them had jettisoned from its body and rained down as a concentrated missile strike on the palace grounds. Blaze could visualise the moment so clearly, hearing the initial explosion as rocket after rocket rose from the ocean. She had stood, stunned, as they arced through the air and towards the palace she had just left.
A second intruder to her world hadn’t been so blindsided and, what’s more, he had been in a position to act. She’d watched a tiny cyan speck ensnare the explosives, preventing them from breaching the palace, and heard him call out… something, something she couldn’t recall but it had brought her back to her senses. She’d took off like a shot, racing to secure the Sol emeralds. Just as she’d laid hands on them, just as she thought they’d be safe, an explosion shook her to her very soul.
As she reached the landing, seeing the long stretching hallway of visitor guest rooms, Blaze could still visualise what had happened. She’d emerged from the basement expecting to find the castle in ruins only to see it was untouched, hardly an ornament out of place and nary a window broken. She’d rushed outside, emeralds prepared and fists aflame, only to find him on her doorstep. Crumpled, smouldering, unmoving; barely recognisable. The fit of rage she’d fallen into, emeralds sparking and clashing into her being, had been more than enough to see off Eggman Nega and his cruel device... but it had been too little too late. While the day was saved, it had come at a cost.
Blaze found herself on the threshold, her forehead practically against the door. She couldn’t bring herself to reach for the doorknob. The guardian hadn't been allowed to see him yesterday, doctors and surgeons had rushed back and forth from his room all through the night, but she’d been told partway through the morning’s first meeting that his condition had much improved. Unfortunately however, that fact had come coupled with some more negative news.
Certain medical practices, common to this world, could not be safely used on him; they had taken blood and were running tests, trying to determine what could be done to help him. He came from a totally different world, let alone a time without medicine, he could have had a negative or allergic reaction to any number of this world’s standard medical treatments. They’d cared for him as best they could but all they could really do was bandage him, monitor him and wait for his body to heal. Even his blood was thought to be abnormal, due to the psychokinetic energy that ran through him. Blaze couldn’t help but expect the worst.
Swallowing hard, she dared to rap against the wood. The silence that hang in the act's wake was deafening.
Finally, she forced her hand upon the doorknob. She couldn’t feel what should have been cold brass in her hand, heat was flagging from her frame and pouring into it. Her emotions were building beyond what was manageable, beyond what was acceptable. This wasn’t safe, not for her and certainly not for him. When her emotions got the better of her, control was lost- her powers would escape her form without her say and run rampant throughout her surroundings. If she went inside she had to be calm, otherwise he’d only-
“Good evening, your majesty,” A familiar voice spun the feline on her heel.
"Good evening, Gardon," The cat greeted the guardsman.
The older koala, dressed in blue, had evidently followed her up the stairs; she'd been too lost in her worries to notice. He plainly had something in his satchel, be it to deliver to her or the hedgehog within. Regardless, the immediate formality of his poise and tone brought sickness to her stomach. She had wanted to meet with Silver alone, without the barrier of ceremonious trappings.
"I presume you've come to visit our guest?" He enquired, surely knowing the answer.
"Yes, I wanted to ensure his recovery is going smoothly," She half lied.
"That's very kind of you, your highness," A small smile crept across his fuzzy muzzle, "I'm certain that he will appreciate your visit."
The stiffness of his frame was different from his usual overly formal manner, the cat could read on his face that he was perturbed. Between that and Silver not coming to the door, something was clearly wrong. Why had the guard even travelled up here?
"Is there something on your mind?" The ruler asked, cutting straight to the point.
"Forgive me for prying," He bowed once again, "But, prior to his unannounced appearance, I hadn't heard of this Silver the hedgehog, yet he plainly sacrificed life and limb to defend the kingdom. Has he visited prior?"
Gardon wasn't verbalising the full scope of his intrigue, but Blaze knew him well enough to read between the lines. In reality, the elder was asking if the hedgehog was another threat to the kingdom, if Silver was being kept close because he was a danger to her people. Did others think his appearance signified a further threat?
"He has not, but I know him," She answered, "He however does not know me."
"Ah, so you had only heard of him before his arrival here," Gardon thought aloud, "That-
"No, we are acquainted, I am simply far more familiar with him than he is with me," She cut him off, "It is a complicated matter."
"It certainly sounds to be," The koala paused for a moment, perhaps expecting more of an explanation, but Blaze offered none.
Instead, she asked, "Has he eaten anything?"
"A small amount this afternoon, we offered more but he claimed to be full quite quickly... he is a rather gaunt fellow," That much would have been made all the more of obvious by the shearing of his fur to treat his wounds, "You instructed that we should keep him here rather than transfer him to a hospital. Are you certain that was wise?"
"If they cannot offer him any further treatments, then I can see no reason why he shouldn't be here," She much too quickly responded.
"Oh, yes, of course," The harshness of her tone had plainly rattled him, "I only asked because of how unusual the situation is," He was starting to ramble, "After all, as you answered, he is a relative stranger to this world. It is unusual that he is staying here..."
"What are you implying?" She felt her brows furrow.
"N-Nothing, Princess Blaze," He averted his gaze, "I am simply explaining that, due to your busy schedule, and the straightforwardness of your initial orders, there is confusion amongst the staff as to why he is being kept here. There are questions as to whether he is a captive, thought to be partially responsible for the attack on the palace. Some think you have been rather..." He was scrambling for words, "Uncommunicative regarding your intentions for him."
A sigh escaped Blaze's lips. Between the combat yesterday, the public interfacing that had followed, this morning's meetings, and the time he'd spent in treatment- she knew she had been both blunt and short with people. There hadn't been time for true explanations, it was no wonder that her staff were confused. Had she been taking out her frustrations on them?
"I'm sorry, Gardon," She apologised, "He is a guest, not a captive... but I have no idea why he appeared here or for how long he intends to stay. His arrival is in and of itself an anomaly," Again, she leaned into formality, "My intention would be to hold him here until he has fully recovered, though I have my doubts that he will agree to such."
"If you know him as well as you think you do, don't you stand a chance of convincing him to stay?" Gardon asked.
"I intend to try," Though she knew she would be unsuccessful.
"Well, regardless, there is no need to apologise your highness, there was simply some confusion and concern," Gardon seemed to squirm where he stood, "Especially regarding that right arm of his."
"Right arm?" Blaze questioned.
"I was visiting to deliver this," From a his satchel, he revealed an overlarge golden bangle, "The pieces of it were recovered from across the palace grounds, I had it reconstructed... though I am uncertain if its function will have been restored. Regarding that arm, there were some difficulties..." The elder shrank under Blaze's stare, he was avoiding explaining, "There was an incident this afternoon."
Concern again overflowed, "What kind of incident?"
"He seemed to lose control of the uncuffed arm while his bandages were being changed," Gardon grimaced, "No one was hurt, but you'll find the room in a rather dysfunctional state. I've taken the lead communicating with him, most of the staff are rather intimidated."
Blaze's gaze drifted back to the door before returning to the golden band in Gardon's hand. She had never seen him without those cuffs, even when he'd been young and they'd been overlarge on him. The cat had no idea how they functioned, and hearing what he'd done without one of them flared her anxiety.
"I will return this to him," Blaze took the trinket, "Thank you."
"You are very welcome, your..." The guardsman seemed to catch himself this time, "Blaze," Despite that, he still gave a small bow, "I hope his recovery will bring you some comfort."
With no more than that the koala moved along, walking the hallway before descending the stairs and out of view. Again Blaze found herself alone outside of his door, would he have heard all they had discussed? Was he even in a state to have heard their conversation? She should have been comforting him, not conspiring behind his back.
Straightening her shoulders and taking a deep breath, the pyrokinetic tried to muster her professionalism. Blaze didn't give herself time to overthink, slipping into the room without another attempt at knocking. She pinned her back against the door to shut it the moment she was inside, both hands behind her. Her blood ran cold as she took in the space.
The room's floral wallpaper was gashed, it looked to have rolled off as if torn by the claws of some gigantic beast. Everything right of the bed was in complete disarray; where once a vanity and desk were stood, now lay a pile of rubble and an indentation into the wall it had been crushed against. The carpet was fanned up and clearly some of the floorboards had come with it; twisting to form the likeness of a gnarled hand and revealing the plumbing beneath.
He was sat on the far side of his bed, parallel to the balcony window across the room's centre. Light was shining from him; psionic power, the likes of which would only typically glow from him in the midst of combat, almost blinding to look at. The energy was bleeding through the bandages that covered his body, displaying markings-
"Oh, it's you," A bandage covered his right eye, the dressings over his wounds left little for the cat to imagine, "Hello."
Silver's arm stole her attention, the right limb he'd apparently lost control of. The symbol that usually sat on the palm of his hands had distorted and stretched; cyan light now traced all the way up the limb as multiple strands, now more of those circular sigils marked his elbow and shoulder but the colour didn't end there. From his shoulder further lines, jagged and rough, stretched up his neck to mark the right of his face. The extensions faded as they neared his quills but Blaze swore she could see a circle faintly flickering at the centre of his forehead.
"Good evening," She greeted, quickly feeling the need to explain herself, "I knocked but you didn't answer."
"I was distracted," He turned away again, "The moon's nice tonight."
He was lying, but the cat still had no idea how much he'd heard of her conversation with Gardon. His fur had been shorn short, even his quills were reduced from their usual branches to mere twigs. Blaze's heart ached at the sight of him, not just damage but demoralised. Feeling her muscles tense as anxiety swelled, the cat slipped closer, arriving by his bedside.
"How are you feeling?" She managed to ask.
"I've been worse," He shrugged, "How about you?"
He was hurt, how could he stand to ask? "I've been worse too..."
The view from his window wasn't anything special, it didn't overlook an especially grand section of the royal garden, but her timing had been just right to centre the full moon within the peak of the glass. Despite its shortened state, his fur reflected the moonlight in a manner that only added to the otherworldly glow that filled the room. She'd never had a chance to see him awash in the glow of moonlight. Only the red of flames.
Her chest ached and heart pounded, she could see in her minds eye all she would have loved to do. To re-bandage him as she had so often before, to wrap her arms around him, and to promise that she would protect him. Now these would be surprise acts from a stranger; likely unwanted by a more self-sufficient hedgehog.
"They told me that you beat Eggman Nega's machine," His gaze was still locked on the window, "Do you know what happened to him?"
"He had some sort of emergency escape advice, a form of crude teleportation," The cat answered, "Once I destroyed his machine, he vanished in a flash of green."
"He probably went back to mess up my world," Silver grumbled, "I don't even know why I'm here, I've already caused you far too much trouble."
"Nonsense," She huffed, "You injured yourself saving the palace, you've done the opposite of causing trouble."
"You don't think Eggman Nega followed me here?" He shot back, "I made a mistake, I fell through time, he must have followed..."
"Based on the design of his machine, I doubt that was the case. He always intended to strike here," Blaze quickly countered, "It was just a fortunate coincidence that you arrived at the same time."
"Maybe..." Her words were falling on deaf ears, "Still, I know what I did to this room..."
His optimism was at an all time low, things were surely dire in his timeline. Whether it was conflict with Eggman Nega or an apocalypse induced by failures in the world's past, the Silver she'd known had certainly struggled but never fallen to the kind of despair that this one was presently wrestling. She'd seen him hurt, but he'd always longed to jump to his feet and keep fighting for what was right. Perhaps keeping him here to heal wouldn't be so difficult after all...
Why did she long for him to be so foolhardy? Did she want him to hurt himself, just so that she knew that her partner was still in there? Was his state of self-sacrifice not proof enough of that?
Blaze started to reach out, just to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but she thought better of it before her fingers could meet with bandage and fur. This was not her Silver, he did not know of her shared past. To him she was an ally but a quiet and distant one, just as she was to everyone else. She didn't know how he'd respond to comfort, let alone her sympathy. Besides, if she let that wall down then what more would follow? Even visiting him in the night like this had been foolish.
Her gaze drifted past him, landing on the bedside table. A platter of sandwiches still sat uneaten. Had that been his lunch? Had they not brought him dinner? Regardless...
"You need to eat more," She lowered herself to sit at the foot of the bed, "It's clearly affecting your head."
"I'm not hungry," He refused, "I feel... strange."
His bluntness irked her more than it should; Blaze felt her teeth grit. Were this her Silver, she would have called him naive and made him eat. The hedgehog would have complained but he would have seen it was for his own good, understood and trusted her guidance as she would his. But, again, this was not her Silver.
She didn't know what to do with herself, let alone him. This hedgehog had plainly been hardened by a time spent struggling alone; he had not learned to rely on others in his moments of weakness. He didn't seem comfortable with showing weakness at all in fact...
"I've never seen your arm like that," The cat professed, "Does it hurt?"
"No, it doesn't," He turned to her, "But it's more than just my arm."
He reached up and shifted the bandaging over his eye, revealing what lay beneath. Rather than the bright yellow iris she had anticipated, the hedgehog's eye was glowing with psychic intensity. One of the lines stretching from the mark on his palm had cut up over his cheek and through the pupil.
"Can you see through that?" The cat asked.
"Barely..." He replaced the binding, "My whole body feels so sluggish, but my psychokinesis is surging. Just keeping it under control is making me nauseous. I can't eat, I can't sleep..." His stare fell to his lap, "I'm going to be a burden if Eggman Nega returns."
He was wallowing in his self pity, this truly wasn't the psychic she'd known. Her Silver was far from immune to his emotions, but his response to them had so rarely been to cower. He would rush forward, headstrong; she would have to wrestle him to sit still and act rationally. He may have at times thought himself a burden, but his response would never have been to admit it. He would have struck out even harder, been even more self sacrificing!
As his eyes flickered back to her, she quickly turned her gaze to the window. The hedgehog had once compared her to the sunlight they'd sought, but he had been that very light to her. She had not held hope that life could improve before she'd met him, every day had been a joyless struggle. Would this Silver be like the moon? He was colder, but did he reflect the light of that prior hedgehog, no matter how many times more weakly? Was his soul still within this new mind and body?
The cuff Gardon had given her no longer looked like the others on his person. The koala was right when he said there had been issues with its restoration; vein like lines of silver filled what had surely once been cracks in the golden metal. It held together as one solid piece, but it was neither whole nor smooth to the touch. Even ignoring that the cuff's initial crafting was a mystery, its restoration had plainly been a struggle.
Blaze glanced to him again, finding he had returned to sullenly staring into the moonlight. Again the princess looked to his arm, she was certain it hurt more than he was letting on. She had seen him lose control of his power before, how rage could turn what was would be a gentle psychic grasp into crushing force. If that same energy was flaring uncontrollably within him, then the cat could imagine how it felt. The least she could do was try to help him, she owed that much to the hedgehog she'd known.
A flinch pushed her back as she touched his arm, feeling the psychokinetic surge that was pulsing through his body. Her second grasp carried her purpose, she would not let go of him no matter how it hurt. She would gladly suffer any pain if it meant that Silver could finally rest properly after all the good he had done.
Surprised creased his muzzle, "What are you do-
"Give me your hand," The cat insisted, "Now."
He didn't resist, but his expression remained perturbed. His fingers were thinner than she recalled; was this a result of psychic energy draining him, or the world he came from? Regardless, Blaze pushed on.
She wasn't even certain what she was doing, the cat went off of pure instinct. It was a little difficult to squeeze the cuff over his hand, it always had seemed to fit so perfectly around his wrist, but with a shove and a tug the jewellery found its way back to its proper place. Almost immediately light filled the dark band in the golden cuff, cyan energy immediately flared and the wristlet solidified itself into place.
Blaze interlocked her fingers with his, still feeling the psychic static continue to buzz through her bones. Hard callouses were obvious to feel, as were the bones of his knuckles, these things were at least familiar to her. She watched with baited breath as his cuff grew brighter; as it did, the lines stretching up his arm thinned slighter and slighter. Where silver had been used to fill the cracks of gold in the cuff, the cyan light was sparking like wild electricity- would that impurity prevent his recovery? Would the cuff break again?
The cat clenched her teeth and held him tighter, she felt his body spasm. The light was fading from both him and her surroundings, only amplified on the metal armlet. Finally, when the limb was too bright to look at directly, she turned away from his arm and up to him. The lines hadn't fully faded, but they had been greatly reduced.
Gently the princess reached up with her free hand, pushing back the bandage that obscured his eye. There was a hint of cyan, a tiny speck in the depths of his pupil, but otherwise the glow had fully left his face. There was no flickering symbol on his forehead, no lines down his cheek. The cuff wasn't containing the spread of psychic energy as successfully as it had before, symbols still stretched as far as his bicep, but he immediately looked so much less alien. So much more familiar.
"How's that?" She asked without thinking.
"Better," His gaze fell to his wristlet only to squint at the brightness, "I think."
Her eyes searched his expression for warmth but still found only confusion and shock. Was he surprised that the cuff had been restored or that it had partially cured his affliction? Was he simply puzzled why she was still holding his hand? She should have been able to read his expression, she used to be able to read him like a book.
He didn't understand why she was doing this for him. This Silver had never known her; did he have any companions? Did he know the kindness of others? Did he act out of his own kindness or a hardened sense of what was right and wrong? It was her fault he was like this; she had left him for a good cause, but she had abandoned him. She was responsible for what he had become. No wonder she was keeping him so close, this was penance.
The cat released his hand, pulled away from his forehead and rose to stand. He didn't know her. She didn't know him. His body and mind were plainly different; it had been foolish to pretend that his soul would differ.
"Please excuse me, I have further duties to attend this evening," Blaze announced, "If you require anything, do not hesitate to ask. You are a guest here."
Despite pushing away she lingered for a moment longer, staring at him from the middle of the room before making for the exit. She had needed him; when the feline had been but a kitten she had been painfully nihilistic, not illogically given the world that she had found herself living through. Silver had helped her, his naive drive to restore their broken world had inspired her to work toward the same and want more than life had dealt them. Now he needed her, it was her turn to mend him, and yet she hadn't the strength to do any more for him. It was only as she reached the door that his voice again reached her ears.
"Blaze?" She looked back to him, still sat on the bed, "Thank you."
Without so much as a goodbye, the princess shut the door behind herself. The weight didn't leave her shoulders, if anything it redoubled. Across this second lifetime she had always been pressured; to hold herself to royal standards of etiquette, to defend her kingdom, and to protect the Sol Emeralds. The weights she'd carried had been countless, and yet... they had never been personal like this. She'd always tried to deflect, to isolate her dutiful self from the true thing. That wasn't an option with him.
Blaze slumped against the door, eventually sliding to sit on the carpeted floor. She couldn't bear to open that door again. Not until he was able to open it for himself.
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nevermindtheweights · 3 months
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Scooting on over next to the plumpest feline princess around Whisper sneaks in a quick kiss on Blaze's cheek before trying to dart away... I say trying because before she can squirm away there's a purple arm wrapped around the wide wolf and heaving her back to the purple fat cat~
Darting away might of been something possible way back when but in this day and age, where both Blaze and Whisper were quite sizable lardballs? Most would assume continental drift was faster!
As expected, Blaze's heavy arm is quick to 'trap' Whisper in an embrace against her flabby body. With a husky giggle escaping her, cheeks rosy with blush and effort of moving her own arm, Blaze isn't going to let Whisper escape her. This wide wolf cannot commit a simple kiss-n-run!
"Uuuufff.... huuuuff~ Kiss me... uuff... oouurraapppp.... again...~" She purred, jowls wobbling as her lardy face turned to face Whisper a little more directly.
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prince-toffee · 1 year
A New Breed of Rose
Blaze didn't pretend to understand what Silver did or how he did it. Timetravel was a complex and tiring subject to try to understand. She wasn't even sure Silver fully understood how it worked. He once told her that 'Timetravel in itself was breaking the rules. The more you timetravel, the less the rules apply to you.' That was as much as her brain could comprehend form that conversation. He didn't speak often about his timetraveling escapades, never wanted to worry her with threats he faced or with the existential dread the duty made him face on a near day to day basis. Fixing the future, futures - was difficult, and it weighed heavily on his mind. But never his heart. He always returned the same naive goofy Silver. Always came back to her, for her. So when Silver told her off handedly that he began to cultivate a garden at the end of time she just kinda dismissed it as another part of background white noise, another unimaginable feat too big for moral minds to comprehend, that sort of stuff, heard it all the time. She didn't think much of it - until, her birthday.
It was a long day for the cat, the morning filled with mundane, mind-numbing meetings and mountains of paperwork. The rest of the day was arguably worse. The Princess' birthday was officialy categorised as a national holiday. Which meant massive preparations, parades, parties, festivals in the streets, firework shows, and Blaze was forced to attend all of it. She didn't mind the holiday part, she was glad to see her people enjoying themselves and celebrating each other's company. But it was all made to be about her, people were obliged to come up to her and wish her health and fortune and bow before her. Rich benefactors from across the isles sent gifts and riches all to sleaze their way into her good graces. Occasionally even asking for her hand in marriage. She scoffed everytime. She just threw the presents away. It all made her feel so uncomfortable. She'd usually manage to stomach it all with Silver at her side to distract her. But Silver was unfortunately busy, away in some distant timeline stopping five different timestreams from colliding into each other, whatever that meant. The day dragged on, it was the longest day of her life, quite literally as Blaze was born on the longest day of summer. But eventually, she was let go and ventured back to her bed chambers, exhausted, all that was on her mind was the softness of her bed and a good night's sleep. But a different type of softness met her as she opened the door to her room.
A quilled figure framed against moonlight, with their fur shimmering beautifully stood in her room. Silver had returned, and barely in one piece. She quickly rushed to him, cupping his face in her hands as she looked over him. A plaster across his nose. A scar running across his lips. A black eye, he could barely open. His whole body covered in bandages, cuts and bruises everywhere. He was even missing a tooth on his upper right side! Blaze was horrified. But Silver just smiled sheepishly, fully presenting his missing tooth. "Happy Birthday, Blazey." He said deep and low, almost a murmur, the feline noticed a bruise around his neck.
"Silvy, by The Sol Emeralds what happened to you?!"
"I'm not too late am I? For your birthday? I'd feel horrible if I was." He seemingly ignored the question. "I tried to get back sooner, but the chronometre in my suit must've malfunctioned in the quantum storm, I lost the track of time, literally, ha ha." He laughed as he realised he accidently made a pun.
"No, what happened to you, you're hurt! Who hurt y- Are those arrows sticking out of your back?!" Yes they were.
"Oh, yeah, that last sun-eater came out of nowhere. Anyways," He remarked non-chalontly, "I got you something." Only then did Blaze realise Silver was holding a long white box in his hands. He brought her a present.
"Silver, you-- you didn't have to. Just set it aside and let me look you over." She began to drag him by his shoulders towards her bed.
"Please, at least open it first, I worked really hard on it." She turned back to face him. His face was still smiling sheepishly. It set her heart a flutter, for a split second her irises lit up in a fiery orange glow before being subdued by Blaze's willpower.
She gently took hold of the rectangular lid of the box and lifted it. Inside the box, laying on a golden silk pillow, was a rose. But not like any kind of rose Blaze had ever seen. It was beautiful. She stared at it a moment. "Can I?" What was she asking, of course she could, it was her present. Silver nodded happily. Blaze carefully took the rose by the stem and brought it closer to her face, she twirled it, examining it from all angles. She was mesmerised. In all honesty Blaze couldn't quite comprehend what she was seeing. The stem of the rose was a dark purple with crytaline thorns at its sides. The petals were as if she was looking out into outerspace through a telescope. They were moving, something was moving, and shimmering. The closest thing she could have compared it to was a nebula, the reminants of a supernova, like The Pillars of Creation, which she only saw in her study books when she was younger. The petals looked almost like glass, like a window through which she was viewing the nebula. But there was something else moving. Little specks of dust circling around the petals. Their movements choreographed as they followed the path of thin circles surrounding the flower. Blaze squinted. She looked closer. And she was shocked at what she saw! They were orbital cycles! And those weren't specks of dust, or pollen, they were planets! Blaze pulled back. She was holding a solar system in her hands.
"Do you like it? It's a replica of our solar system."
"It's beautiful, Silver. But how-"
"Well, remember when I said I was cultivating a garden at the end of time? It's one of those! It's what I've been working on for the past few... wwwweeks? Time is funny sometimes. I know you don't like presents or your birthday, but it just felt wrong not celebrating it. You're the most important person in my life. I feel like I always have to show you how much I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I was going to get you something small, because I know you don't like big gifts, but when I get started and I get an idea, you know, I give it 110%. And I thought, hey, you like to help me out in the garden sometimes so maybe-- I'm rambling, sorry. Point: it's a new breed of rose..." His markings began to light up, his equivalent of a blush, "I was going to call it The Blaze. But that might be too... sappy."
She simply smiled and softly nudged him with her shoulder, "I think that's what you excell at." Her golden eyes returned to the flower, "Honestly, Silver, you do too much." She said with a giddy smile.
Silver's own smile disappeared for a moment as his mind flashed to a dream he half remembered, a nightmare that haunted him for years now, it was so vivid and realistic, like a memory of something he once lived. But it couldn't be. Fire. Ruin. Her leaving him. An ultimate sacrifice. "... I feel like I don't do enough." The joy in his eyes dulled and his head bowed down, looking at the floor. Another intrusive thought. He hated those. Maybe his pills were wearing off, he should've probably taken some more by now. He forgot again. Idiot. Idiot.
A soft yet strong hand lifted his chin up, her thumb running across the scar on his lips. She made sure their eyes locked again.
She spoke softly and husky, the way he liked, "Thank you, Silvy."
He shook a little. But he musttered up the strength to respond, "Thank you, for giving me a life worth coming back to."
"Alright, alright, you're using hyperbole again. You know I can't take complements. Let's get you looked at, and... let's get those arrows out of you. And I'll find a nice vace for this rose."
"Thank you, Blaze, I mean it."
"I know. Well, to let you know, no, you're not late, it's 11:52. It's still my birthday. And it's alright if you did miss it, I know you're busy too. Though it is nice to have you back so soon. I hate it when you leave for months on end. I always worry, that you might get lost out there, that you won't find your way back to me. "
"Aww, but, I'll always come back to you, Jalapeno." He remarked cutely. Blaze immediately turned away from him and began to drag him to the bed again. She had a first aid kit in her nightstand, that was just her life. That pet name. It drove her crazy. So stupid. So naive. It filled her with embarrassment, her body heat skyrocketing, her willpower barely holding back the flames from bursting from her fur. Yet she never told him to stop calling her that. If anyone else ever dared to call her that they'd be dead in seconds. But hearing that come from him... She'd allow it. "Ugh, shut up, and sit down. You're so naive."
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brucenorris007 · 2 years
New course starts this evening so my gremlin ADHD brain’s buzzing with nervous anxiety energy.
Have another headcanon:
Blaze (as in, Blaze the Cat) is both a name and a title of sorts. 
The role of the her dimension’s guardian is not inherited nor specific to a bloodline, save that a feline has always been assigned the duty. Blaze is the title and designation assigned to the reincarnation of the Sol Emeralds’ keeper, who has always been a woman. 
That she’s addressed as royalty is more a statement of respect and reverence for her position than any great political authority; it also speaks to the amount of resources and manpower dedicated toward finding and training each new incarnation of the princess. 
In other words, the Blaze that fights Iblis alongside Silver both is and isn’t the same Blaze who met Cream and Sonic in Sonic Rush. 
(Yea, I’m taking the fact that they emotionally retconned ‘06 and running to HELL and back with it.)
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technoarcanist · 6 days
How I Found Blaze The Cat
I have many collections: Dragon Statues, Border Collie Plushies, but easily my proudest collection is: Blaze the Cat merch that I didn't buy.
See, it all started a year and a half ago. Someone I met at a local gathering was giving away some badges, saw me and was like,
"Hi! Would you like a Sonic Badge?"
And I was like "Yeah, sure, I guess I'll take Blaze the Cat?"
To be clear, I could take or leave Blaze the Cat, or indeed any sonic character. I've played a bunch of the games, but wouldn't consider myself a hard-core fan by any means.
So anyway I get a Blaze the Cat badge, and by some freak happenstance, later that same week my brother was getting rid of a bunch of his badges, saw I had a Blaze the Cat badge and was like
"Hey, have another Blaze Badge"
And so now I have 2 badges depicting Blaze the Cat.
Anyway, over the past year and a half, people have been getting me Blaze the Cat stuff, just little things like stickers and stuff, because they see how much of it I have already. To be completely clear, I have never gotten myself any of these things myself. People see how much I already have, assume that I am secretly the world's #1 Blaze the Cat fan, and load more lilac feline into my life.
My collection now includes, but is not limited to:
3 Blaze the Cat badges
4 Blaze the Cat stickers
1 Blaze the Cat keychain
1 poster (containing several characters including blaze)
1 pair of Blaze the Cat Socks
1 small Blaze the Cat Plushie
1 Blaze the Cat mug
The thing is, when I said I could take or leave Blaze the Cat, thst wasn't entirely true. Maybe it was once, but this nonsense has been going on for so long now that, I think I kind of love her? Each new piece to the collection allows me to appreciate this enigmatic princess (I think she's a princess? I never actually played Rush or 06).
Needless to saw she has become my favourite sonic character. At this point if people ask if I'm a Blaze the Cat fan, I can't tell them that I'm just lukewarm to her. Exposure has bred familiarity, fascination, allure. But at the same time, I can't just buy the merch myself, because if I do the joke ends, and half my reason for loving her goes away.
Anyway that's a glimpse into my life right now.
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maguro13-2 · 7 months
Birthday on Cat Day!
Tamaki : Happy Birthday to me, Tamaki Kotatsu! And of course happy national cat day...In Japan! This never happened if the direct would think that Mother 3 was still in Japan! That's still another "Ouch" to me.
Iris : Well I took I Nun cap to reveal this. (cat meows) I got cat ears as well.
Blaze : Well, it is national cat day. But you were born on Feb 22 that is National Cat Day
Iris : And of course! I was born in the spring. And you were born in the winter of 1999.
Blaze : In fact, You are a cat girl this is in early status quota for saying that I have one common thing. How are you still so young in the manga?
Tamaki : Well, the fact is that I turned 17 in Maryland, I have to travel to British Columbia, where I met two of my friends, Noelle and Kohaku. And what kind of powers that the author gave me, the powers of a stinkin' cat! This was the reason that I was born on national cat day in 1999!
Blaze : And you're a cat. Hope you don't have the feline fever.
Tamaki : Uhh, what?
(a group of cats dancing with Jimmy T)
Tamaki : Okay, I am not comfortable with this. But at least my birthday, I'm getting cake for me on cat day.
Yui : Unfortunately, it's the same birthday as us. So we share the birthday on cat day.
Edgeshot : Yeah, it's worth a shot.
Taketora : Sharing the birthday is more often than celebrating one's birthday. And we give ourselves some gift cards to go with that and share some cake.
Blaze : Well, What did you all get for your birthday?
Tamaki : Well I got older I'm already in adulthood, I got a gift card to cheesecake factory at Mall of Columbia in Howard County!
Blaze : But there's a cheesecake factor in Baltimore and Anne Arundel county, and don't forget about the one in Towson
Chai : And there's also a Cheesecake Factory in Bethesda. You can get cake from here at the mall in Montgomery!
Tamaki : Yeah, I Gotta go to the restaurant to get me some cake. See you next Cat day, princess!
Blaze : Why Is it a good idea to celebrate cats in Japan?
Mario : Happy national Cat day in Japan, faggots!
Blaze : (turns and sees Mario in a cat suit) Wow...What...the heck is that?
Mario : This is one of them power ups I use to walk on walls. How come a princess is afraid of water or just you scared of heights or anything.
Blaze : The only reason that I'm afraid of heights, Because I hate Skyfall, which is basically Acrophobia. All cats are afraid of heights!
Tamaki : Come on! Anyone born on Cat day is seriously an underrated feeling.
Black Star : Hey, what about me?
Tamaki : No. You were never born on this national holiday. (Black Stars poofs out of existence)
Honey the Cat : Aw, what? I didn't know he was born on cat day, was he? Heh! Guess not.
[iris out]
[iris in]
Tamaki : So, Shinra. You know that I'm not really a cat person, but I considered to be a feline feminine to your kind.
Shinra : I am so not ready for this kind of crud.
Arthur : When did the last time we had our Cheesecake Factory gift cards?
Iris : About the same.
Shinra : Totally agree.
Tamaki : Just shut it and let's just enjoy our food so we can share my cake for us.
Yui : Feb 22 is always our birthday too, you know. We all share the same birthdays. We get Cheesecake Factory gift cards for free!
Taketora : Yeah! For free!
Tamaki : Yep. That's what I thought you said.
[iris out]
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honestsart · 1 year
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Blaze is Angry
Once on the other side, the duo was confronted by a familiar feline.
"Where did you just come from?" Blaze the Cat demanded. The fire-wielding princess had probably been leaving the school's front office to either attend a club meeting or go home for the day. She leaned sideways to peer around Honest and catch a glimpse through the warp ring. Scourge leaned that way too, blocking her vision. "No Zone."
"What business do you have there?"
From Chapter 65: Shadow's Lie and Zonest's Crime from {Comic Edition} on Wattpad & AO3
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phantom-vs-agents · 2 years
"-- I do hope I'm not interrupting."
The doors to the court room are practically barged into by the feline-- a reminder to herself- and everyone who bore witness- that Blaze was royalty, and that her time and presence would be respected as such. She might be young, but in a courtroom, she would ensure her word were viewed as nothing but equal.
"Blaze. Princess of the Sol Dimension. I was summoned here." Its said with the same sternness, scroll drawn and in hand for all to ensure. A brief glance is given to the cell that Spectre was currently encaged in, and her brow does soften for a split second--
Sympathy wouldn't get her far in this place... She clears her throat, hands placed on her hips.
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"... And... I would appreciate if I was caught up to speed on the matter at hand?"
"Of course, Princess." The Magistrate gave a small, respecting bow of his head as he watched the cat emerge from the doors. As soon as she was a few feet away from the great doors separating the court from the hall, they slammed shut, the air rushing into the room from behind Blaze. "For our second witness to the accused's crime, we bring in one Princess Blaze the cat of the respected Sol Dimension." The Magistrate bows his heads to the seemingly empty benches of the court, before turning his attention to the purple cat once more. "As for a list of charges, I do believe it was listed on the scroll. However, such a list may have been shortened to make it. . . Digestible." Spectre stood nearby, having been teleported back into the cage used for when he is not at the podium. A black veil was put over his face- Courtesy of one of the Kuroko silently tending to things in the background. "But, as for the progress of the Trial, we had already gotten the despicable rogue's master to testify, and we have all learnt, first hand, his motive for deserting his clan and breaking the vow he took on the first day of training. Heinous crimes, and not ones to be taken lightly, dear Princess." The Magistrate was clearly being respectful due to her status... But there was a clear subtle animosity to his words. Anyone who wasn't swept up in his stirring speeches could clearly tell he had it out for the Rogue Ninja. "The Court will now hear the testimony from you, dear Princess, of how a commonfolk traitor ended in your presence; Something we as a clan should have prevented long before you should've even seen him. . . But I digress. By all means." With that, he leaned back in his bench, allowing Blaze to speak her piece.
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thegoddessgarden · 2 years
The Houndoom pants and finally got his knot inside the tight mobian cat. Swelling up, locking them together and cum started to be pumped inside of her womb directly, her pussy filled up too and the knot preventing any from escaping her as he started to bulge her stomach a bit from all the cum put in her. "That's a cute look on you Blaze." Brendan says with a slight taunt as she got bred by his pokemon.
Blaze didn't say anything, as her mind and body were both preoccupied with the fierce canine breeding she received. By the time it was over, the feline princess was panting and gasping on the bed, slowly coming down from her pleasure high. It would seem that she had finally hit her limit, at least for the time-being.
//I think Blaze is more-or-less done, but if you want to continue with another muse, or discuss a totally different plot, I'm more than happy to.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
As requested by Anon. I originally was going to follow a specific game but found out it's easier to give a general behavior for her after some research.
I hope you all like it! Feel free to give feedback if I did not do something right.
Yandere! Blaze The Cat Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, Obsessive behavior, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Kidnapping, Threats of murder, Mentions of wanting to burn others, Implied delusional behavior, Moral conflict, Possessive behavior, Slight sadism.
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- Blaze is a princess devoted to the people in her dimension.
- She's strong, elegant, and stoic but often conceals her true emotions.
- She tries to be more reclusive and self-reliant due to her powers, making her awkward when it comes to social interaction.
- Despite it all, Blaze is caring and protective of the ones she cares about.
- Blaze The Cat would be Obsessive, Possessive, Overprotective and Controlling towards you as a Yandere.
- Blaze also has moral conflicts with herself when it comes to her actions over you.
- You make the princess do such desperate actions to obtain your attention....
- Are her actions even right?
- Her obsession makes Blaze feel morally conflicted.
- She's supposed to be selfless, protecting her people and promising to stay away from them/others for their safety.
- But you make her want to go against her own morals....
- Should she give into such selfish desires?
- "You make me feel such... intense and burning emotions."
- As Blaze feels so conflicted around you she starts to get obsessive about you and the feeling you give her.
- The way she feels towards your isn't an all consuming burning feeling within her at first.
- It starts as an addictive warm fuzzy feeling she gets when around you.
- Traversing with you either in her world or some other one, she finds this feeling comforting.
- When you leave, the feeling leaves, making her heart ache.
- This is the start of her obsessive desire to be near you.
- To always have you in her golden sight....
- Throughout her obsession she'll start showing stronger actions/emotions to keep you with her.
- Like her friends and people of her world, she wants to protect you.
- Which translates into being possessive, overprotective, and controlling.
- "I apologize for being around so much. I find myself thinking of you often...."
- The princess tries not to be too hostile towards her other friends when it comes to you.
- Like Sonic, Cream, or Silver for example.
- They should be fine as long as they are not actively trying to keep her away from you.
- But if her friends did, or enemies like Eggman try to threaten you...
- Blaze can't promise that she'll be gentle on them with her flames.
- While her flames may feel like a curse to her at some points, they help an awful lot when it comes to protecting you.
- If anyone tries to take you, the source of this new feeling plaguing her, she'll find it fun to burn them.
- "You're making a mistake. My adoration for (Y/N) is not of your concern. Leave us be!"
- Blaze can get emotional, too.
- She doesn't hold back when angry.
- She also can be easily stressed.
- Blaze will be rather explosive with her obsession over you.
- To the point you may grow scared of your purple feline friend.
- Blaze would probably feel heartbroken seeing you so scared of her.
- She wants to make it up to you but it's so hard with the distractions she's dealing with.
- Situations likes this make her second guess herself.
- Should she apologize and leave you be?
- Would it be better to return to being reclusive because of her strength?
- That, or should she isolate you?
- Take you away from all these distractions so she can try and figure this out...
- Why must it be so complicated?
- "Don't be scared! I'm protecting you.... Let's just talk about this alone for a while!"
- Blaze would probably resort to kidnapping if she feels it would protect you.
- She'd also be one to pamper/spoil you.
- She's a princess, you both should look beautiful together.
- She loves you so she wants to show that.
- The princess wants to express such adoration to you and you alone.
- If anyone gets in her way of protecting you.
- She'll be sure they burn.
- "If I do not look after you, you will get hurt. Please understand that."
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witchembrace-a · 10 months
“ you’re pretty amazing. you know that, right? “ — Blaze/Amy... you can pick who you want this to be to 👀👀
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and blaze flusters at the unexpected compliment , freezing up as hands still on the art piece she was working on . turning 'round to face roseate hedgehog , she can't even bear to look amy in the eyes . . . oh dear , she's in love , isn't she ?
' a-amy ! when did you get here ? ' surprised by the sudden arrival , she nervously fidgets with the (still wet) paintbrush she's holding .
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theflashdriver · 9 months
A Thesis on the Touch of a Psychic (Silvaze)
Blaze couldn't help but glower at her reflection as her hands failed her for the sixth time this evening. Tonight had snuck up on her like a blissfully forgotten spectre, now resurrected from the recesses of her memory to stir up a panic from within. It was the last night of the year, an evening in which certain expectations were impressed upon the guardian of the Sol Emeralds.
In the great hall beneath the en suite where she now stood, a summit was well on its way to beginning. Despite the music and the dancing she knew to be present, the feline wouldn't dare to call the reception a party. Tonight was a night of formality, dining, speeches, and endless bureaucracy to mark the coming new year. Names would be announced upon arrival, toasts would be raised, and lectures would be given until throats were again in need for more toasts.
Those in attendance were the countless representative diplomats from the surrounding islands, their families, and special guests of interest including heads of shipping firms and other industrial tycoons. Frankly, Blaze knew there was more important work to be done than attending this farce; on the eastern coast a giant squid had been sighted, the cat was already brewing theories that it was some mechanical or otherworldly monstrosity that Eggman Nega had forced into her world. Unfortunately, being royalty carried with it certain expectations- for centuries her family had attended this dinner without fail. For that reason, and no other, she would attend tonight's event as she had those in years prior.
Tonight was an enforced break from reality; a fascinatingly pointless deviation from her true mission of defending her kingdom's isles. These truths, combined with her present predicament, had combined to plunge the princess into a rather foul mood. If tonight went without a yawn attempting to slip beyond her lips she would be more than surprised. The long evening was surely going to leave her dreary eyed, not that she was allowed to show it.
Again, perhaps due to her mental distraction, the feline's grasp did not prove sufficient; her hands found the edge of the sink before her as a vicious frown graced the bathroom mirror. The cat had been attempting to fasten the back of her dress for what felt like hours now; soon Gardon would rap on her bedroom door and enquire what was taking her so long. Certainly the words he'd use would be more proper, but they'd further the cat's frustration all the same.
Instead of a simple zip, whoever designed the frustrating collection of thread and fabric had deemed that a series of lace knots should be used to seal the back of the garb. Whoever had made that choice plainly hadn't ever had to fasten such a dress themselves. They'd purely been fixated on the aesthetics of a slightly exposed back contrasted by bows.
The dress wasn't truly awful, she had selected it in the hopes that it would allow her to battle should conflict arise (be it at the party or somewhere she would have to rush) while maintaining a certain level of decorum. Unfortunately, it appeared she had chosen poorly. The gown was loose flowing, with long sleeves that she'd thought would make her feel less exposed compared to others she'd historically stuffed herself into... but those very boons were only serving to make her fastening effort more difficult. The garb wrapped the majority of her body in a wine red colour, slit only to partially expose her right leg in exchange for bettered mobility. Perhaps she would burn herself free after this evening... no, regardless of her frustration, that would be much too wasteful.
"Silver!" She called through the bathroom door, "Can you come in here?"
The en suite door swung open, revealing the time traveling psychic. Since he'd arrived in her world, the hedgehog was gradually becoming better suited to the more peaceful times he now lived in. He was dressed in a manner she'd be far more comfortable with, a loose button up blue shirt and shorts.
The two of them had spent today in the royal gardens, primarily beneath a gazebo so that she could continue to work even while enjoying the outdoors. He had brought a picnic and a good head to bounce ideas off of. After much persuasion, he had managed to lead her into a spot of impromptu gardening to maintain the grounds. Even if she hadn't been destined for such a royal occasion, the outing would have prompted a shower regardless- but it had been made all the more quick and intense upon realising how late the day had drawn. Meanwhile, she could still see grass stains in his fur...
"I can't seem to fasten this dress," She informed him, "Could you..."
"Of course!" He beamed, helpful as ever.
The cat turned back to her reflection, standing straight and exposing her back to him completely. She'd expected to hear the whir of psychic energy, that the silk threads at her back would simply fasten themselves behind her back. Instead, the familiar sound of footsteps drawing close played in her ears.
In the mirror, she watched as the hedgehog strolled behind her to look quizzically at her exposed spine. Just as she was processing what he was about to do, the feline felt his heavy hands on the small of her back. Almost instinctively, her own grasp found the sink again as she leaned forward.
"This looks easy enough," She caught sight of his smile in the reflection, "I'm going to have to undo some of the knots you've already done, they're not using the right threads."
Fingers grazed deep, she felt her fur raise beneath his touch, "Do what you must."
Her left hand moved to her chest, hoping to keep the garb from slumping free of her shoulders. He was being gentle, but now his touch was slipping into the tight spaces she had previously sealed- his fingertips were grazing along her spine. The scene reflected before her was one that spiked her temperature; Silver had leaned down to match her posture, practically hunching parallel to her frame, looming over! She had to look down; her flushed face reflected in the shining metal of the sink's plug- was there no escape?!
"You were right, this is fiddly... give me a second," She felt one of his hands leave her only to return ungloved.
Blaze's tail bashed against his chest, straightening hard as she felt that bare hand tug the lace of her dress while the other left her back. She felt him catch the interfering appendage so very casually; Blaze was certain that now both his hands were ungloved. In a single, ever so simple, move, he adjusted her tail to coil over his shoulder and stepped even closer! She could feel his breath on the back of her neck, was he-
"So, it seems like it's going to be a long night," Silver's fingers had returned to her back, his fiddling resumed, "Are you going to be okay down there?"
Did he have to talk while he was doing this? Did he know how his breath felt on her ear? Did he really expect her to respond!?
"I'm fine, Silver," She grumbled, "Tonight is more akin to a ritual than it is anything else, a sacrifice of time and endurance of tedium for the greater good. I'll get through it as I have every prior stuffy reception."
As loose fabric bundled in her grasp, the cat felt his hold alter. Suddenly, he was drawing the halves of her dress together, surely lining up the holes and tassels to more directly feed into each other. It was sensible, it was practical, and it wasn't as if he was being rough... but, no matter how she rationalised, Blaze still couldn't help feeling flustered. She was the guardian and ruler of this entire dimension, he was her closest companion and trusted confidante; they'd battled monsters, lived through squalor, and changed history together! Why did she feel so vulnerable here, in her own bathroom, with his hands on her back?!
With each knot tied his touch grazed closer further up her back, fingertips and knuckles slid against her. Those touches sparked memories of the other times he'd used his hands on her. In the afterglow of battle, once their foes had fallen, they would bandage each other and fuss over the countless wounds they had sustained. Huddling in the back of a mostly destroyed library, letting the hedgehog wrap torn cloth around her ribs to staunch the blood drawn by a monster's gouging claws, that was true vulnerability- not this! She was strong here, unharmed and refreshed!
Blaze felt the dress lighten in her grasp and couldn't help but glance to the mirror before them. Silver really was as close as he felt, practically straddling her backside as he worked his way up, and yet he still looked entirely at ease. She couldn't see how far up her dress he'd managed to seal, but by his touch she knew he was just over half-way up her back. The psychic's broad shoulders were framing her slighter form, his still slightly sullied fur contrasted against the dress set to be worn for the first time.
Silver's constant contact echoed in her mind. Was he trying to leave a crease in her fur? He was being so thorough, it was as if-
His eyes had caught hers, had he looked so comfortable this whole time? Had his smile grown when their gazes locked? The cat's returned her attention to the empty sink beneath her.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.
"I'm certain," She lied.
Regardless of how gruff Blaze thought she had sounded, the hedgehog continued to work diligently. His hands did briefly leave her back, but she knew that this wasn't the end. The shoulders of the dress had been misaligned since he'd untied what few knots she'd managed prior. He pulled the red sleeves up to better fit against her clavicle, his wrist brushed against her neck.
Were his fingers lingering on her collar, at the fabric border? Her eyes returned to the mirror only to catch a small, rather perplexed, frown staring back at her. The hedgehog's heavy hands dipped down her front catching the lapels of her dress. He slid his hands up, straightening the front of the garb before pulling up to have it fit more smoothly against her shoulders.
"There," She saw his smile return, "That looks better."
"Just focus on the back," The cat fizzed, "I can handle the rest myself."
"Okay," He hummed, hands slipping back again, "Maybe, when things get going down there I'll be able to sneak in? You know, while everyone's focused on your speech or something?"
"You will do no such thing," She heard herself growl as she failed to maintain some inkling of composure.
A measure of regret tainted his muzzle, his eyes quickly lowered from the mirror to her back. No further words came in the wake of her insistence, she'd felt him hesitate but the knotting had quickly resumed. It wasn't that she didn't want him there, his presence would surely have made the night's bureaucracy pass faster, but this was a meeting of the elite. For her to bring along what was to them a commoner, let alone an uncouth otherworldly outsider, would surely cause a scandal.
His fingers kept hitching on the tie between the top of her shoulder blades, a grumble rolled from his throat. Why was he struggling now of all times? Was it the change in her temperament? Had he finally noticed how intimate this all actually was?
A sigh slipped through her lips, "I'm sorry Silver. Tonight is weighing on me more heavily than I thought..."
"Don't worry about it," He finally managed to tie that knot, "I shouldn't have even brought up the idea, it's not like I'm hard to identify," She looked up to find him looking off in thought, "Slipping into a butler's uniform probably wouldn't have been enough..."
"There are already enough rumours about you among the people, we don't want to pique any more curiosity," Two ties remained.
"There are rumours about me?" Did he truly not know? "Like what?"
"We don't have enough time to discuss that," She wasn't prepared to delve into the torrid imaginings of others while posed like this, "But perhaps we can use this as an opportunity to better things..."
"Better things?" One tie remained.
"Go to the eastern beach tonight," Blaze instructed him, "Watch the ocean. If you see anything unusual, then you have my express permission to enter the ballroom and whisk me away."
"I can do that, no problem!" Finally, the back of her dress was sealed, "That's the last knot tied."
The cat finally rose to her full height, taking in her reflection. The dress did feel like too much; while the long sleeves were intended to make her feel less exposed, its shining ruby coloured floral detailing was certain to draw attention. She'd picked it to match the gem on her forehead and usual hair-tie, hoping that would make this all feel more regular... but that plainly hadn't worked. To contrast, the hedgehog behind her still looked physically disheveled but infinitely more comfortable- both in mind and body.
She finally turned to him properly, "Thank you for doing this, Silver."
Their eye-contact broke, his stare tumbled away, "It's no problem, any time."
Why had that simple, minor, praise fluster him more than the position she'd put him in?! He'd been leaning over her, hands practically dancing across her back, freely gliding his fingers through her fur, but a simple thank you had done so much more to him. She knew this was how he worked, that he'd always taken praise poorly, but for modest kindness to so thoroughly trump physical contact was still so bizarre to her.
"Oh, wait," He stepped closer to her once more, practically pinning her back against the sink.
His arm slipped behind her and the cat's temperature skyrocketed, "What are you-
He pulled back to reveal the golden necklace she so often wore around her neck, "Do you want me to help you with this too?"
She could fasten it herself, she had countless times, "If you wouldn't mind…"
An impulse had betrayed her. Without so much as another word the hedgehog was again leaning past her, this time neck to neck and front to front. She felt his chest fur brush her muzzle as he began to fiddle with the clasp. Again, this was another act he could so easily have performed with his power! Instead he had chosen to get close; could he not feel the heat flagging from her? Was he just cold?!
"There, now you're ready," He casually said into her ear as he pulled back.
The awkwardness had fully vanished, Silver was back to beaming.
"You're so naive..." A knock at the door spun their heads, but she quickly returned to him, "Stay here, wait until I'm gone, then drift out the window. Make sure no one sees you."
He silently nodded as she slipped away from the bathroom, shutting the door to her back and not daring to throw another glance back at him. If all went as planned, she had seen him for the last time this evening. Now she had to focus! Blaze gathered a stack of papers from her desk, slipped on her heels, and made for the door.
Gardon was revealed on the other side, "Your highness, the guests are awaiting your arrival."
"Then it is time I joined them," She shut the door behind her, locking it, "Have there been any issues thus far?"
As she started to make her way down the halls, the koala followed, "No issues so far, what small discomfort I have noticed will surely be alleviated by your arrival."
Rather than speak further with her advisor and consider what small discomforts he had identified, Blaze couldn't help but dwell upon the hedgehog presently escaping her room. Silver hadn't needed to touch her, he could have done all he had to do from her bedroom even. She'd watched him undo locks with a wave, it wasn't as though the task of tying knots was too complex.
For a psychokinetic like him, every physical action was a choice, wasn't it? Every touch could be replaced with a psychic one, most born of mere thought rather than even so much as a gesture. He could have been reading or planning or doing almost anything while simultaneously helping her dress. Instead the hedgehog had devoted his full focus to that task, removing his gloves when it proved difficult rather than concede and use his power.
Was she being foolish? She didn't question why Silver would walk rather than float or run his fingers through his chest fur as he pondered. How was tonight any different? He had taken her hand countless times, wrapped her bandages physically, and even carried her to bed when nights dragged much too late. Had he consciously chosen those countless acts too? Had he even considered using his power tonight?
Was it natural to him to be physical with her? What did that imply? If Amy had asked for help with a dress, would he have done the same? Blaze couldn't imagine it. Certainly Amy would have had the gall to tell him to just use his powers. Why hadn't she done that? For all her questioning of his actions; her own inaction was just as baffling, she hadn't so much as considered asking him to stop and instead work telekinetically. She was royalty, she wasn't supposed to be handled so-
"Your highness?" Gardon's voice halted her train of thought.
"Yes?" She turned to her advisor.
"I asked if you feel prepared for this evening? If required, I could delay your arrival for a little longer," Gardon offered, "You seem to be more than a little lost in thought."
"No, I'm fine Gardon," She could see the doors to the great hall ahead, "It is best that I attend as quickly as possible."
With no more than a nod the koala scurried ahead, grasping the doorhandles in preparation to announce her arrival. Blaze brushed off her shoulders and strode forward, steeling her expression. She sucked a deep breath through her nose and closed her eyes as Gardon pushed open the entryway.
"Now announcing the arrival of her majesty Princess Blaze," The cat felt countless eyes turn in her direction from the ballroom below, "Ruler of the realm and Guardian of the Sol Emeralds!"
Music and endless claps rang loud, the cat opened her eyes and began her descent down spiralling stairs; there was a sea of overdressed people beneath her. Even as the noise enveloped her, even as she hardened her brows and began to make pleasantries, the feeling of her dress hugging at shoulders and hips toyed with her attention. That sensation, catalysed by the placement of knots down her back, endlessly kept Silver's chosen contact at the forefront of her mind. It was as if he was still hanging so close, brushing against her fur...
This was going to be a long evening.
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starcatchingmusez · 2 years
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𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐳! 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦! 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 @𝐜𝐲𝐫𝐨-𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲. 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝, 𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠!
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❥ Rule 1 - ABSALOUTELY NO SEXUAL CONTENT ON THIS BLOG AT. ALL. Minors could be exposed to this blog and mun doesn't want to be responsible for some poor kid losing their innocence because of them. Slightly suggestive content and violence are allowed, but please don't go overboard with it.
❥ Rule 2 - No Godmodding. Please let mun control THEIR character.
❥ Rule 3 - No drama. This blog is only used for fun.
❥ Rule 5 - Mary Sues/Gary Stus will not be taken seriously here lol
❥ Rule 6 - Have fun!
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【Muses of this blog】
The muses of this blog will include both canon characters and ocs!
【Canon Characters】
❣Sonic The Hedgehog❣
❥ Sonic the hedgehog - C'mon! Step it up 🦔
❥ Miles Tails Prower - Believe in myself 🦊
❥ Amy Rose - Sweet passion 💕
❥ Knuckles the echidna - Rougher than the rest 💥
❥ Silver the hedgehog - Dreams of absloution ☄️
❥ Blaze the cat - Firey feline 🔥
❥ Whisper the wolf - Wisp whisperer 🐺
❥ Tangle the lemur - Lesbian lemur ✨
❥ Bunny Rabbot - Cyborg bun 🐰
❥ Tikal the echinda - Chaos is power 💎
❣My Little Pony: FIM❣
❥ Twilight Sparkle - Friendship is magic ✨
❥ Rarity - Generosity 💎
❥ RainbowDash - 20% cooler 🌈
❥ Fluttershy - Be Kind to others 🦋
❥ AppleJack - Honesty is the best policy 🍎
❥ PinkiePie - Party gal 🎈
❥ Starlight Glimmer - A true leader celebrates differences 🌟
❥ Princess Cadence - My love will give you strength 💘
❥ Tempest Shadow/Fizzlepop Berrytwist - Open up your eyes 💥
❥ Derpy Hooves - Want a muffin? 🧁
❥ Lyra Heartstrings - Lesbian unicorn 🦄
❥ Scootlaoo - Determined little flyer 🚲
❥ Sunset Shimmer - The element of forgiveness ☀️
❣Friday Night Funkin❣
❥ Boyfriend - Beep bap ♫
❥ Girlfriend - Demon gal 😈
❥ Pico - Bang bang 🔫
❥ Carol - Confident gal 💕
❥ Whitty - Ticking timebomb 💣
❥ Soft!Boyfriend/Benjamin Fairest - Kind soul 🎨
❥ Soft!Pico/Pico N Grounds - Brave soul 🔫
❥ Soft!Girlfriend/Grace Dearest - Loving soul 🧸
❥ B3!Boyfriend/Bartholomew - Burger lover 🍔
❥ Sarvente - Praise the lord ✞
❥ (She-Ra reboot) Catra - I'll never say sorry 🐈
❥ (She-Ra reboot) Adora - You deserve love too 🗡️
❥ (Beastars) Haru - I don't care what you think 🐰
❥ (Pico's school) Nene - The violence! The tension! 🔪
❥ (Pico's school) Darnell - Pyrotechnic maniac 🔥
❥ (Pico's school) Cassandra - Not bad pricko 🖤
【Original Characters】
❣Sonic The Hedgehog❣
❥ Cyro the cat - Soft feline 🌸
❥ Rex the hedgehog - Eager young hedgehog ‼️
❥ Tami the bunny - Lesbian bunny 🐰
❣My Little Pony:FIM❣
❥ CherryHeart - Loving flyer 🍒
❥ HoneyButter - Silent metalhead 🍯
❥ Stardust - Night flyer 🌌
❥ Rosebud - Just wanna have fun 🌹
❥ (FNF/Fandomless) Cyro Starfire - Star catcher 🌸
❥ Angel Loveheart - Loving mother cat 🐈
❥ Lilith - Demon mama 😈
❥ Oliver - Tumblr sexyman 💕
❥ Birch - Nervous fox boy 🦊
❥ Penti - Loving devil 🩸
❥ Ace - Shy mutant 💦
❥ Jupiter - Strong rabbit gal 🐰
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Hope y'all are gonna have fun here because that's the all-time goal! See you all very soon!!!
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