#[ character file :: bolin ]
cage-cat-yt · 1 year
Art I doodled 🍵
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Honestly living some of the dynamic poses I drew, I took them off the internet or music videos lol. Also alt text has he image descriptions. Also sidenote I wanna hug DG he looks very huggable in the drawing I did of him
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day:)
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empirelead · 1 year
tag posts
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jubilantmedusa · 6 months
I finally started watching Legend of Korra. Just finished Book 1.
It was ok? Even though ATLA is one of my favorite shows of all time, I’ve never been super interested in watching LOK, mostly because the more modern, urban setting doesn’t appeal to me per say. But I needed to watch something while feeding my newborn, so here we go! Finally doing it.
Random thoughts:
I like Korra. We love a nice, impulsive hothead. They were smart to make her so different from Aang.
I’m meh on the rest of Team Avatar so far? I was warming to Mako before he got pulled into the love triangles (because who can resist a broody firebender). Bolin I wanted to like but I find him a bit annoying so far. Asami had a few nice moments but was also injured by the love triangle. This is rough because the ATLA characters were just so lovable, even very minor ones.
I am warming up to the older characters. Tenzin grew on me. He had me when he was getting all annoyed a probending refs. (Side note, but if Aang were around he would totally be giving Tenzin a hard time over bending too serious for probending - Aang in center the air scooter, he loved games, he would have probably liked bending games.) Lin is gruff but who doesn’t love gruff? She reminds me of early Murphy from Dresden Files but in a good way.
Given that ATLA had airships and tanks, the fact that there are cars and airplanes isn’t that weird. But it does feel a little weird.
A bender vs non-bender conflict could have been very interesting, but it wasn’t well done and the escalation made no sense. Might expand on this. I have lots of notes for how this could have been improved.
The pacing and the tension of the season wasn’t bad. It just… there were missed opportunities.
Amon’s mask was cool though. He wasn’t bad as a villain.
Tarrlok too. I guess I enjoyed the villains more than her heroes, hmm. His last scenes got to me.
I am so annoyed that season one is about learning airbending, but we spend way more time on pro-bending. It’s basically ignored until the last episode.
Same for the spiritual stuff, which… makes the last scenes interesting.
Like I said… I have notes.
Probending is kinda boring. I can think of way more interesting bending sports. I wanted to like it. But every time it was featured, I just thought about earth rumbles and Agni Kai’s and Katara encasing Azula in ice… we could have such a cooler bending sport.
Tenzin’s kids should be way older. He waited until later in life to have kids, which is a bold move for the last airbender. (But whatever, these are the people who said Roku is Zuko’s great grandfather which makes no sense mathematically.)
I don’t like Tenzin or adult Aang’s beards. Just not a fan.
Katara’s alive. Aang, Sokka, and Toph appeared in flashbacks. Zuko is the only one we didn’t see. But we did get his grandson! Who is around the age Tenzin’s kids should probably be.
I noticed in the avatar wiki that Jinora’s (and all the air kids) ethnicity is listed as Air Nomad and Water Tribe. But they have a mother! And she does not look very water tribe. So I submit to you my first head cannon: Pema has both earth kingdom and fire nation ethnicity. Meaning Aang’s grandchild have the blood of all four elements.
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user-tardis · 2 years
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✩ 10 Characters - 10 Medias - 10 Tags ✩
I was tagged by @spicyvampire (I know it’s been ages sorry!) thank you soo much! ☀️
so here are some of my favourite characters from films/series i’ve been watching recently
✩ Amy March - Little Women (2019)
✩ Bolin - The Legend of Korra (2012 - 2015)
✩ Carmy Berzatto - The Bear (2022 - )
✩ Daisy Mason - Downton Abbey (2010 - 2015)
✩ Erin Quinn - Derry Girls (2018 - 2022)
✩ Fleabag - Fleabag (2016 - 2019)
✩ Polly Gray - Peaky Blinders (2013 - 2022)
✩ Dana Scully - The X-Files (1993 - 2018)
✩ Viago  - What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
✩ 11th Doctor - Doctor Who (1963 - )
thanks again for the tag!
tagging: @vigilanteshit @lady-arryn @olympain @dramatical @supervalcsi @keirahknightley @frodo-sam @francesca-findabairs @bimorgana @scarletvisionss 
feel free to ignore if you don’t want to do it!  (you don’t have to do gifs)  🌼
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empirelead-a · 2 years
new tag dropped~ decided to make things a bit more simple~ this took me almost the entire to do~
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bum-ju · 4 years
bolin has dyslexia and dyscalculia! it wasn’t really an issue when he was little because mako always looked out for him when it came to money, and any reading he had to do wasn’t big chunks of text. but it isn’t until he’s older and he starts reading and doing math more he runs into issues (calculating tip, reading the newspaper, etc.) that he finally realizes what’s going on
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master-sass-blast · 3 years
Care and Trust: Chapter Two.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five -Chapter One
Summary: “--and he says to me ‘my birthday’s every year, dude,’” the shorter one --he’s got gentle green eyes and dark, wavy hair--laughs. “Like, if the bushel of lilyweed I caught him with wasn’t evidence enough--” He pauses when he sees you and Lin waiting, takes one look at your bag and table, then tries to book it. “Nope!”
The taller one grabs him by the shoulders. “Bolin, come on! It’ll be okay!”“Nope! I’m totally fi --agh!”
You wince sympathetically when the younger one cringes and jerks in pain, then step forward so you can get one arm behind him, then introduce yourself as you usher him into Lin’s office. “It’s nice to meet you, Bolin. Why not sit down for a minute, okay? Take a load off? Maybe” --you glance at Ryu-- “we could have a cup of tea?”
AKA you learn why you got called to Lin's office.
Pairing(s): Lin Beifong x Reader
Rating: T.
Word Count: 4.2k.
Also, a huge thank you to @chromecutie for beta reading this fic in addition to all the others in this series! I would not have had the confidence to post any of HTH if she hadn’t assured me that I was doing the characters justice.
Lin’s office is a real, proper office; go figure, she’s the Chief of Republic City’s entire police force. It’d be weird if she didn’t have a proper office.
It’s an expansive, long room, with wrought iron support beams and a dark, wood panelled ceiling. A desk sits in the center of the room, right across from double doors. There’s a leather chair that looks like it’s worth more than your apartment behind the desk, as well as one to the side of the desk (presumably for visitors or reporting officers).
There’s a small sitting area to the left of the doors. Two couches are positioned across from each other, with a metal coffee table in between. On the opposite wall is a wardrobe --you’re putting money on a second set of armor and some clean casual clothes, given the horror stories Lin’s told you about messy crime scenes.
Aside from a third couch tucked into the corner of the room --it looks luxuriously padded, and you’re also putting money on Lin sleeping on that couch during long haul shifts--and a vase to the right of the double doors, the rest of the room is entirely utilitarian. Filing cabinets, bookshelves, a few boxes with active case files in them.
It’s Lin to a tee. Thoroughly practical, borderline spartan, but what is there is more than you could afford in a lifetime.
You politely turn down Ryu’s offer of tea or coffee, then set your massage table and bag on the floor. You pace a short circuit back and forth, mentally filing through what you know about Lin and how her body bears out physical stress. Any injury is liable to have aggravated her hip, given the body’s tendency to compensate to avoid pain. Combine that with her scars and her left side’s propensity to knot up… she’ll probably need some stretching and healing work before I could even try to adjust her--
The doors open again --and in walks Lin Beifong.
You cross your arms over your chest and cock your head back. “Let me guess --you didn’t have time to see a healer earlier, and now it’s biting you in the ass.”
Lin’s eyebrows spike to her hairline. She blinks, then holds up her hand. “Whoa, no. I’m fine.”
“Cut the hippobullshit, Lin. Your personal secretary called me here--”
“It’s not for me,” Lin interjects. She glances behind her, then closes the doors before continuing. “It’s… for one of the younger officers. Something of a situation.”
Your brows draw together as you frown. “If they’re seriously injured, they should go to the hospital--”
“No, no, it’s not like that. He was…” Lin grimaces as her voice trails off, “...advised to see someone like you after getting injured during the dock explosion debacle, but he’s… not comfortable with the thought of getting adjusted.”
“Oh.” You blink, wind going out of your sails as the panic ebbs. “And… your assistant called me…”
“I asked her to,” Lin clarifies. “I know I can trust you to handle this right.”
Something warm and heavy settles in your chest at the thought that Lin trusts you, especially with the well-being of someone that’s clearly important to her. You gulp hard and ignore the way your eyes are starting to sting. “Oh. Thanks.” 
The sound of footsteps and chatter outside Lin’s office draws both your attention.
Ryu opens the doors and lets two young men in --one shorter and stocky, the other taller, leaner.
“--and he says to me ‘my birthday’s every year, dude,’” the shorter one --he’s got gentle green eyes and dark, wavy hair--laughs. “Like, if the bushel of lilyweed I caught him with wasn’t evidence enough--” He pauses when he sees you and Lin waiting, takes one look at your bag and table, then tries to book it. “Nope!”
The taller one grabs him by the shoulders. “Bolin, come on! It’ll be okay!”
“Nope! I’m totally fi --agh!”
You wince sympathetically when the younger one cringes and jerks in pain, then step forward so you can get one arm behind him, then introduce yourself as you usher him into Lin’s office. “It’s nice to meet you, Bolin. Why not sit down for a minute, okay? Take a load off? Maybe” --you glance at Ryu-- “we could have a cup of tea?”
The assistant smiles knowingly, nods, then slips out of the room.
“Okay, sure,” Bolin concedes, still wincing. “But I promise, I’m totally fine.”
You hold up your hands and take a seat on the other side of the coffee table. “Understood.” You staunchly ignore the way your pulse spikes when Lin sits next to you --Spirits, the effect this woman has on you--and turn your attention to the other man. You introduce yourself and extend your hand.
He takes it --firm grip, but not painful. “I’m Mako.” He nods to the younger man. “I’m his brother.”
“Ah, wonderful.” You smile warmly at the brothers. “How long have you two been on the force?” 
It’s easy to get the boys talking --or, rather, it’s easy to get Bolin talking.
Mako’s a harder platypusbear egg to crack, but there are small things to pick up on; the way he frowns whenever Bolin winces in pain, for instance, tells you he’s genuinely concerned about his brother. He sits a little straighter whenever he looks over at Lin, but he’s not sweating or cowering in front of her, which you take to mean that he wants to impress her, to earn her approval.
He’s also watching you closely --which is fair, considering you likely scare his brother.
You meet his scrutiny with a relaxed, polite smile and do your best to convey ‘I’m here to help, please trust me,’ through your eyes and posture.
Bolin’s far more relaxed around Lin --almost remarkably so. He leans back against the couch as much as he comfortably can, and actually jokes with her (or tries to, but he doesn’t seem deterred whenever Lin doesn’t respond with more than a twitch of an eyebrow).
You also catch him looking towards Lin whenever he talks about an aspect of his job, a hopeful smile on his face, which then broadens every time she nods or confirms whatever he’s saying.
Honestly, it’s adorable.
(Lin’s also an interesting one to watch in all of this. She’s still as stoic as ever, but she doesn’t roll her eyes at Bolin’s lame jokes or talk down to Mako despite him being miles lower in rank than her. If anything, the air you’re getting from her is… warm. Almost maternal.
It’s wonderful to see.)
“I’ve been studying for the detective’s exam, though,” Bolin chirps with a bright smile. “Mako says I’m doing pretty good.”
You grin, then shoot a playful glance at Lin. “And your thoughts, Chief?”
Lin smirks and crosses her arms over her chest. “They’re both green --but, with time and training, they’ll be excellent members of the police force.”
There’s no missing the way both boys glow under Lin’s praise; Bolin outright beams, and while Mako’s more subtle, you still catch the small, pleased smile that flickers across his features.
You smile.
There’s a brief pause in the conversation when Ryu walks in with a tea set. She sets it on the coffee table between the two benches, then leaves with a nod when Lin waves her off.
You murmur a quiet “Thank you” when Lin fills your cup, then turn your attention back to Bolin. Time to try and make forward progress. “So, what happened to your neck?”
Bolin turns his head to look at you --and promptly winces. “What? What do you mean? How did you know?”
“You’re not the only detective,” you say with a wink. You smile when he chuckles, then gestures to his neck and head. “You’re compensating. You’re tilting your head to one side to avoid using the injured muscles. You probably didn’t even realize it.”
Bolin’s eyes widen. “Wait, seriously?” He tries to straighten his neck, then grimaces and lets out a yelp. “Ow!”
“Just leave it be for now,” you interject, holding one hand out to stop him. “You won’t be able to force it to straighten out on your own. Best leave it to the professionals.”
He offers you a weak smile. “And that’s you?”
You smile and nod. “That’s me. I’m a chiropractor and massage therapist; I specialize in scar tissue treatment and injury rehabilitation. Started my degree at Atege Medical University in the Northern Water Tribe, then finished it here at Republic City Medical University, and then I did my training here in Republic City at Kyoshi Rehabilitation Center. About… oh, five years ago, I moved to the Northern Moon Physical Therapy Facility.”
Mako raises one thick eyebrow in assessment. “So that’s… what, seven years?”
You snort. “Flattering, but no. Try closer to twelve. Medical school and residency takes a long time for chiropractors, too.” You spare a moment to watch Bolin --he’s paled since you’ve started talking about being a chiropractor, and the rest of his body’s gone tense--then try getting to the point once more. “What happened to your neck?”
He grimaces and rubs the side of his neck. “I was at the docks when the explosion went off. I didn’t get hit by the debris or anything, but the shockwave knocked a lot of us over.”
You nod along. “That makes sense. Considering how close you were, the shockwave might’ve been enough to throw something out of alignment.”
Bolin grimaces. He hesitates, then offers you a nervous smile. “Look, I appreciate you coming all the way out here, but I’m fine. I promise! I’ve had tons of injuries before --used to do competitive pro-bending, all that jazz. I know how to handle these kinds of things: a little heat, some stretching, and everything will clear up before too long.”
“Street beat’s a physically demanding job,” Lin interjects. She arches an eyebrow when Bolin opens his mouth, then continues when he closes it. “I can’t have you on the duty roster if you’re hobbled.”
“Not to mention that if something’s out of alignment, you could make it worse by stretching,” you add with a concerned frown. “And things are likely to get worse without treatment, too. I know this isn’t your favorite idea,” you say with a sympathetic smile, “but it really is best to handle things early before they become bigger problems down the road.”
“It’ll be okay,” Mako assures his younger brother. He puts one arm around Bolin’s shoulders. “Chief’s the one who called her in; she wouldn’t ask some quack.”
The corner of your mouth turns up at the commendation, but your mirth fades when you watch Bolin cover his face with shaking hands. You cock your head to the side, listening, then purse your lips when you hear a quiet sniffle. “What is it about adjustment that scares you so much?”
Bolin shrugs (and winces), then waves his hand dismissively with an unsteady smile. “Eh, it’s nothing. No big deal to let someone jerk around your neck like crazy; not like it’s gonna break or anything.” He grimaces, then ducks his head to hide the tears forming in his eyes. “That’d just be stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” you assure him. You duck your head so you can catch his gaze, then smile understandingly when he looks at you. “It’s not. Self-preservation is one of our most natural, baseline instincts. Besides, you’re hardly the first client to be scared of getting adjusted.”
Bolin straightens gingerly. “I’m not?”
You shake your head. “Not at all. I work with a lot of trauma patients; several of them have anxiety over being touched and adjusted. And I’ve had a lot of people ask me about snapping necks, believe it or not.”
Bolin turns his head to one side and assesses you warily. “And… what do you tell them?”
“The truth: I don’t use remotely enough force to snap a neck,” you say, “nor am I working at the right angles to cause a break. It’s not as easy as all the pulp fiction novels make it seem.” When Bolin doesn’t relax completely, you start mulling over other ideas to help convince him. Chances are he’s never been adjusted before, given how nervous he is, meaning he doesn’t have any previous experience to apply to what I’m saying. Short of letting him watch an adjustment-- You snap your fingers when a lightbulb turns on in your mind. “What if… what if you could watch me adjust someone else? That way, you’d be able to see that it’s perfectly safe.”
Bolin quirks his mouth to the side. “...I guess. It couldn’t hurt.”
You nod, then turn to Lin. “Would you be willing to let me adjust you, since you’ve already been through it all before?”
Lin nods without hesitation, then smirks. “I’m guessing I’ll need to take my armor off.”
“Well, since I’d rather adjust your back than crush my hand, yes,” you quip back. You shoot a reassuring smile at Bolin, then stand. “Let me set up my table.”
Bolin, for all his warmth and magnanimity, doesn’t coax along easily. It takes adjusting both Lin and Mako before he agrees to it (who has scarring in his left arm from a lightning injury that he got, according to him, while taking down Kuvira’s giant mechadroid less than half a year ago, and if you get a little too caught up in analyzing his injury and talking about treatment plans and Lin has to remind you --albeit subtly--that this is her office and she has work to do, well, it’s only a tribute to your commitment to your career.
Between the three of you, though, you manage to get Bolin onto your massage table so you can start working on him.
He grunts as you dig into the muscles that run along his neck. “I know what you said about not using enough force, but it sounds like you’re breaking something.”
“I get it,” you laugh. “What you’re hearing, though, is the release of gas that builds up in the joints and tissue, plus the joints and ligaments being adjusted back into place.” You let up for a moment so you can reposition your thumbs, then press down again.  “Okay, deep breath in… and out… good; just like that.”
Some light examination and prodding with your waterbender had revealed the culprits: stuck rib heads in the upper back, a few misaligned vertebrae in the neck, and some very irritated and inflamed muscles. Painful, but easy to fix with the right treatment.
You curl your fingers, using your waterbending to knead the muscles in Bolin’s right shoulder. “Oh, come on… I know you’re not happy, but if you could please relax for me…”
Bolin groans when the muscle finally unkinks. “Oh, yeah, that’s the spot.”
“I bet,” you laugh. You bend the rest of the water back into your skein, then put some oil on his skin and start working the spot with your hands.
“Is it hard to work around injuries?” he asks, voice slightly muffled by the massage table’s headrest.
You make the grunt equivalent of a shrug. “It depends on the location and what state of healing it’s in. Sometimes, it means I can’t do a normal adjustment --or do one at all, really; some injuries or scars mean that moving the joints and ligaments around would cause further damage to the site. Other times, it’s a matter of waiting until everything’s healed, and then I can do normal adjustments again.”
“How can you tell which to do --oooh, right there.”
Your lips turn up in a small smile, and you keep working a tense, knotted muscle in his upper back. “The patient’s medical history tells me a lot. X-Ray imaging helps, too, if there is any --and I can usually get a good feel for what’s wrong with my waterbending.” You keep going until the muscle releases, then pat Bolin’s shoulder. “Okay, I think you’re ready for adjustment.”
As expected, he tenses. His neck works as he gulps, and when he speaks again, his voice comes out high-pitched and thready. “Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t try if I didn’t think you’d adjust properly.” When Bolin doesn’t respond --or move--you kneel down so you can see his face through the hole in the head of the massage table. “Hey. It’s going to be okay. We’ll take this nice and slow, alright? I’ll tell you everything I’m going to do before I do it.”
Bolin nods, gulps again, then flips onto his back.
“I need you to sit up so I can put the adjustment board under your back.” You slip the board into place, then put a pillow under his head before having him shift lower on the table. “Okay, good. I’ll adjust your middle and upper back first, like I did on Lin. You might feel some discomfort in your upper back because of how the rib heads are stuck, alright?”
Bolin nods, then offers you a feeble smile. “You’re sure I’m not too heavy for you?”
You wink. “I’m stronger than I look. Whenever you’re ready, cross your arms over your chest.” Once he does what you ask, you adjust his arms so they’re in the right position. “Okay, curl your chin down against your chest… good. Alright, it’s gonna be just like how you saw on Lin. I’m gonna help lift you up, I’ll put my hand under your back, and then I’ll lay you down so I can adjust your back. Sound good?”
Bolin clenches his jaw, but meets your gaze and nods minutely.
“Alright. You ready?” When he nods again, you do exactly as you said you would --help Bolin curl upwards, put your hand under his back, against the board, then adjust the position of your arm around his shoulders. “Alright, deep breath in… and out.”
The series of adjustments up his spine go without a hitch. You grin down at Bolin after the last adjustment and congratulate him for doing so well. “You took that like a champ!”
Bolin blinks, startled, then smiles. “Eh, I’ve been told I’m a quick learner.”
“Oh, you’re an absolute natural.” You grin when he chuckles, then step towards the head of the table. “I’ll give you a minute before I do anything else, but is it okay if I feel around your neck to see where the tension is?”
Bolin pales. His eyes go misty, but he nods regardless.
You murmur a quiet “thank you,” then put one hand on each side of his neck and start prodding at the muscles. “Well, it’s better after the massage work and the adjustment.” You rub your thumb against his trapezius muscle, then grimace when it refuses to relax for you. “Actually…” You take your hands off his neck and rifle through your bag. “I think I’m going to use an activator on your neck, if you’re comfortable with that.”
“What’s that?” Bolin asks, voice fraught with panic.
You hold the device up for him to see. “I use it to tap the side of your neck; it helps loosen up your joints so that when I adjust you, we get you back to your full range of motion.” You fire the device so he can see, and your stomach sinks when you see tears well up in his eyes. “I can use it on your forearm, if you want, soyou can feel how hard it’s going to be.”
Bolin swallows hard, then nods. He holds his arm up --then blinks when you press the tip of the activator against his arm and fire it. “Oh. I thought it’d be a lot stronger than that.”
“Tui and La, no,” you say with a laugh. “The neck’s a delicate instrument; I’m not trying to make things worse for you.”
Bolin smiles shakily, but it slips back to a frown after a few seconds. “Is… Will it hurt?”
“I’ve never had a patient complain before,” you say, sincere. “I’d be stunned if you felt any pain whatsoever from this.” You smile reassuringly when he gives you a questioning look, then place the tip of the activator against his neck when he nods. “Alright. I’m going to tap you a few times on each side of the neck, then I’ll take another feel at what your joints and muscles are doing. Okay?”
“Can you… give me a minute?”
“Of course.” You pull the activator away from his neck, then place a hand on his shoulder when he inhales shakily. “Hey, deep breaths. You’re gonna be fine. I promise.” After a moment he nods again, and you press the activator back against his neck and fire it.
“...It kind of tickles.”
You let out a huff of laughter. “That’s a new one.” You finish working on both sides of his neck, then tuck the device back in your bag before putting your hands on his neck once more. “Alright, right now I’m just going to stretch your muscles some more and get your head into position, okay?”
Bolin clenches his fists at his side. “Could you --do you think you could give me a countdown before you, y’know, do it?”
“Uh…” You purse your lips, then shake your head. “I don’t think so, no. I don’t want you tensing right as I try to adjust you; you’re liable to get hurt that way.”
“It’ll be okay, kid,” Lin says when Bolin lets out a shaky breath. “I wouldn’t have called her if she wasn’t the best.”
You duck your head to hide a shy smile, then try to focus past the warm glow spreading through your chest. “Okay, Bolin. Deep breath; in through the nose, out through the mouth… good, just like that.” You slowly turn his neck, angling his head until you feel the right resistance. “Tilt your chin up; I’m gonna stretch your neck a little.” You tug gently until the muscles loosen, then surreptitiously keep working him to the proper angle. “Good… just stretching… feeling everything out…” You adjust the position of your hands on his neck. “Another deep breath in, then let it all out.” You wait for him to exhale --for his shoulders to relax--then jerk his head to the side.
Bolin grunts, then shoots you a wide eyed look. “You said you were just stretching me?”
You smile apologetically. “I needed to make sure you were relaxed. Makes things better for both you and me. Did you feel any pain?”
“No,” Bolin says after a moment of consideration. “It felt… pretty good, actually.”
“Good!” You start massaging the other side of his neck. “You think you’re still alive?”
He chuckles. “Pretty sure I’m still breathing, yeah.”
“Good stuff,” you joke right back. “Means less malpractice suits for me.” You grin when he laughs, then start stretching the other side of his neck. “Let’s do this side, and then I’ll do your lower back and get you back to work.”
“Sorry that took so long.”
Lin waves a hand at your apology. “It’s fine. I figured the kid would take a while to calm down enough for an adjustment.” She offers you a small smile. “Thanks for making the trip up here.”
“Of course.” You resume packing up your things, then let out a quiet laugh. “Honestly, I’m just glad it wasn’t you that needed an adjustment. I damn near had a heart attack when the receptionist told me your assistant called.”
“I told you I was fine.”
You shoot Lin a flat, unimpressed stare. “Right, because you’re the type to always consider the limits and needs of your physical well being.” You roll your eyes when she merely arches an eyebrow at you, then zip the carrying case for your collapsible table shut. “How does the department handle billing?”
“Send the bill to my assistant,” Lin answers, writing down the proper mailing address on a slip of paper before handing it over to you. “She’ll file it with the department’s insurance company. The department will pay out the rest.”
You nod and reach out to take the paper--
Lin holds it back. “Write the bill for all three adjustments. Clear?”
You smirk and pluck the paper out of her fingers. “Pay me more. Fine by me.” You grin when she rolls her eyes, then cast your gaze down to her desk.
It’s a nice desk. Solid, polished wood, with engravings and etchings of Earth Kingdom style patterns.
Unbidden, images of Lin fucking you on her desk --bending you over it, laying you out on your back, sitting in her chair while you bury your face between her legs--flood your name.
Lin either picks up on the spike in your pulse, or maybe she knows your facial expressions well enough to know when you’re horny. Either way, she smirks up at you. “Problem?”
“No…” You absently trace your fingers along the edge of her desk, then shoot her an impish smile before grabbing your things. “Call me when you have a free night.”
You can hear Lin chuckle behind you as you walk out of her office.
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dxbzpp · 3 years
Something that i really hate is when people say that Bolin became a fascist. So i will try to break this down here:
1. They needed someone to be inside of Kuvira's army to know the plans and to show up close who Kuvira really are. And Bolin was the only one capable of doing so. It couldnt be Mako, and for sure It couldnt be Asami. Because:
1.1 Mako has trust issues and he isnt naive like Bolin or trust Varrick like Bolin does.
1.2 Asami would never work with Varrick, that woman hates Varrick, and why in hell Asami was going to do as a soldier. She probably could have capitalists interest in Kuvira, but the capitalist of the show is Varrick and he is already filing this role.
2. The point of Bolin's character is that he is a follower. Bolin is naive, Bolin is the believer, Bolin is the one that look for the good side of people (he a foil to Mako, they are opposites in every way). Mako found himself and he was happy with his job as an detective. Bolin doesn't have any ideia of what to do with his life. Until the start of book 4, he prefered that others showed him what to do. He got used of how he and Mako grew up. Bolin was the child, the one that was protected (this explains a lot on why he is self centered sometimes). He saw Mako as a father figure, the one that figured out things for him. This made Bolin being so naive and imaginative - he is not realistic in any way. In book 2, Mako found himself and started to build a life for him, without Bolin and now Bolin needs to find himself, but instead of doing so, Bolin followed Varrick and gave his trust and destiny to Varrick. This is why he trusted Eska, thats why he followed Kuvira. Sure, he acted like a jerk and a manchild in the process, this still can be solved by the writers. My guess is that he tries to be good to others while hurting everyone around him - or that he, in some way, is trying to make Mako proud of him, but he ended up acting like a jerk when this expectation is not fullfilled. But now, in the comics, after standing up to Varrick, he is trying to find himself without any influence.
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I was (thankfully) given some time off during this holiday season; which I promptly used to spend time with the family and recharge at home. Also spent time watching various movies during this time and a little LoK story idea came from it.
In my usual writing preference – it’s still a Lin/Tenzin endgame story but – in sort of a modern setting AU, blended family/semi-highschool themed with ages differed a bit (Lin and Tenzin was aged down by around 5 years). Expect it to be tropey and may be a bit of a cliché. This is written on a whim so if it doesn’t make sense…ah well. Haha! May edit this piece later on…
I’m considering this to be a short story, just a little self-indulgent-written-for-fun type of thing. But if other people enjoy it too then that’s such an added bonus so I’m sharing it with you as well. 😊 Let me know what you think since this is somewhat different from my usual style, I guess.
Also – I have misgivings regarding creating OCs so I’m likely to lean on canon characters and take a lot of creative license in developing them for the story.
Title (tentative):  Blended
Legend of Korra, Lin/Tenzin, Modern AU, no bending
(Not sure if one-shot or will be multi-part yet)
Tenzin, Republic City Primary School
“Thank you for making time to meet today,” The silver-haired lady clasped her hands together on her desk. “I know you must have a packed schedule, but I think it would be good to have the check-in session for your daughter today.”
“Yes, of course – anything for my daughter.” The bald and bearded man threw a look at the door’s window, where he could see his daughter swinging her legs while seated at the corridor.
“Ikki is a bright child and she’s been doing her best to catch up with the class requirements. She excels the most at individual tasks.” The teacher continued to talk a little bit more about the projects that the students have been working on.
Teacher Yue handed the father a folder marked “Ikki”. Tenzin carefully picked it up and looked into the contents, smiling as he saw Ikki’s artworks and class outputs.
“However, I see that she seems to have challenges in adjusting in a large class set-up.” Yue shared. “It’s nothing to worry about though. We’ve had several transferees in the past as well and this is usual; I expect that might take a little bit longer since it’s a transition from homeschooling to a big school.”
Tenzin frowned and he hurt for his daughter. His two children had both been homeschooled until recently.
They also had to experience a lot of upheaval in the past year or so – from the divorce, to being uprooted from their childhood home, moving to a new city, and then going to a new school.
He did notice that while his son was as precocious as ever (maybe owing to his young age?), his daughter had become more subdued since their move.
“What can we do for her?”
“Well, we have a big sister-little sister type of mentorship program.” The teacher pushed forward a brochure and several index cards. “It’s mostly an afterschool interaction activity, we have here several students who have been volunteering. Maybe you’d like to ask Ikki to join?” She pointed at the index cards. “Feel free to select which mentor you think would help her best. We usually ask the parent or the student to select their preferred mentor profile from the roster. We would not want Ikki to feel uncomfortable; you’d know her best than any teacher.”
He nodded. After a few moments perusing the index cards and the brochure and pulled out one from the pile. “Let’s go with this girl.”
Tenzin pointed out to a profile labelled Jinora.
Jinora, Home
The ten-year old girl has just finished putting hair in a bun when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.
“Jinora!” It was her oldest brother. “Mom says I can use the car today – want to leave with us instead of riding the bus?”
“Sure!” She called back, quickly grabbing her backpack. “I’ll be down in a bit.”
“Hey! Why did you do that for?”
“Good morning bro!”
Jinora rolled her eyes good-naturedly. That was probably her other brother slapping the arm of the other one.
Even at eighteen and sixteen years old respectively, they tend to act like children occasionally to the consternation of their mother.
She hurried down, knowing that if she did not do so, there would be no pancakes left for her.
Jinora heard her mother’s gruff voice in the dining room. “Bolin! Leave some eggs for your sister!”
“But, Mom,” Bolin spoke through a mouthful of scrambled eggs. “I’m a growing boy. I need this stuff.”
“And Jinora is a growing girl,” Their mother drolly responded, taking a sip of her coffee after putting down the last batch of pancakes on the platter. “There should be enough from everyone.”
“It’s fine, Mom,” Jinora immediately sat down and her brother forked two pancakes to her plate. “Thanks, Mako.” She slathered butter all over the cakes then squeezed a load of maple syrup.
She ignored Bolin gagging at her left at the amount of sweetness. She also ignored her mother who was hiding a smile and shaking her head at seeing the display.
In their family, it was only Jinora had a penchant for sweets. Her mother said she likely took after her father in that regard.
Her father…her absentee father…
Jinora shook off her maudlin thoughts when she saw Pabu, Bolin’s pet guinea pig, land on her mother’s shoulder, probably hopping from her brother’s backpack which was hung behind his chair.
Pabu began chewing their mother’s greying hair without warning.
“I’m so sorry, Mom! Pabu get down from there – leave mom’s hair alone!”
All in all, it was another morning in their household.
It was noisy and sometimes chaotic, but Jinora would not exchange it for the world.
Ikki, library
Truth be told, Ikki liked going to school. She even liked her teacher and classmates.
She liked to be busy and the activities were very interesting. Getting homeschooled and only seeing their tutor, nanny and Meelo had become very tedious anyway.
Staying at their old home also reminded her acutely that their mother was not there anymore. She did not understand what happened, but she tried to.
It has been more than a year since their parents sat her and her brother down to explain that they were separating but it did not mean they did not love her and Meelo any less.
At first, she thought it might have been her fault (or maybe Meelo’s fault for that matter, he did fart a lot and that annoyed her terribly). Her dad and mom were quick to quash those theories, however. They spoke of drifting apart, change in priorities and other grown-up things that she supposed she will understand when she gets older.
But for now, she supposed as she opened her notebook on one of the long tables in the library, they would need to get used to their new living arrangement.
It was difficult last year as they were shuttled to and from two households. It also did not help that their mother was starting out with her new venture had been spending less time at her home. On the other hand, Ikki noticed their father spending more time with them, cutting down his work hours. It all came to a head when Pema had said she will be moving to another country to establish her new business. And so, they ended up -.
“Hey, are you Ikki?”
Ikki looked up to see an older girl with dark brown hair in a bun.
She nodded her head yes.
The girl gave her a bright smile and extended her hand.
“I’m Jinora and welcome to Republic City!”
Lin, Future Industries Head Office
Lin tiredly wiped her glasses clean before putting them on again, rereading her email response for one last time before hitting send.
It had been a long yet productive day. Her team had managed to fulfill all the visual design requirements that were due that day. She reviewed the different files sent to the printers, making sure that the final and correct collaterals were attached.
Her last task was to ensure that the last set of proposals were on-brand and aligned with Future Industries’ visual identity. Once she had provided her comments and revisions needed on the file, she sat back as she waited for the files to be uploaded to their server.
She reached for her cellphone, wanting to check on her kids while waiting. She looked at their family group chat and read messages from the last time she sent one.
 Ohana (Lin repressed the urge to cringe. That was the final time that she would ask Bolin to create their group chat)
Lin: Kids – as mentioned earlier, I’ll be home a bit late. No need to drop by to fetch me; have dinner already and don’t wait up.
Jinora: Mom, I’ll be staying behind after class – I got a mentee! ☺ Mako Bolin can you wait up?
Mako: Jinora Bo has training today; I think we can wait for you.
Bolin: Jinora 👍🏼
Jinora: Mako Bolin thanks! 🙌
Jinora: Mako what will you be doing while waiting? You sure you’ll be okay?
Mako: Don’t worry about me. I’ll manage.
Lin scrolled through some more messages. Knowing her eldest, Mako would like skulk off to the library.
Jinora: I met my mentee this afternoon. She’s such a lovely girl.
Lin smiled at this. Her daughter had always been the polite one.
Jinora: Her name’s Ikki and she’s two years younger than me. She said she and her father had first checked out Patola Mountain Primary.
Lin frowned. Patola Primary was far; she went there as a child.
Mako: Kid didn’t like it there?
Jinora: They didn’t have the chance to know. They had to move besause of her father’s job.
Bolin: heeey sorry guys- just about to be done with training. Just gonna shower …unless I just shower at home?
Jinora: Ew, no Bo. Shower first please
Mako: Agree. You’ll stink up the car, bro.
Lin drew her attention from her phone as her laptop screen indicated that the files have been uploaded. She hit the send button and packed up for the day.
She was looking forward to spending some quiet time with her kids tonight.
Bumi, White Lotus Headquarters
Bumi leaned back in his fully ergonomic chair, thinking about how times had changed.
Being in an office was something he balked at when he was younger. But now, after serving a long career in defense and military, he submitted his retirement and come to the aid of his younger brother.
Ah, his only brother – back in the day, he would be hard-pressed to keep contact with his brother.
His brother who took on the role of spearheading their family’s company back when their father died.
His brother who had the task of continuing to revive the company and making sure it keeps up with the times.
His brother, who, despite being the youngest, was tagged by the board of directors as the heir apparent owing to his excellent academic records.
His brother who Bumi had felt envious of at some point. He later on realized that his brother actually missed out on a lot of freedom in his life.
His brother who managed to keep their company part of the Top 100 and make malls relevant again.
His brother who probably made some life decisions for the benefit of their company rather than his own.
His brother who had been through hell and back the past year when he and his much younger wife called it quits. His brother whose ex-wife is now galivanting somewhere in the Fire Nation, expanding a business built on horticulture and floristry.
His brother who, despite making some decisions that Bumi might not agree with, is still family.
And if there was anything that their parents taught them – family is permanent.
The ex-military man took a deep breath, looking at their last family photo. For what it’s worth, he liked to think that their fragmented family had found its way back into each other in their adulthood.
Bumi had to admit that Tenzin did have remarkable business acumen that benefited their company, a conglomerate built on the mall industry. With the fourth industrial revolution at hand and the shift towards virtual and digital, the White Lotus Corporation had been challenged during the last years of their father’s life. Tenzin had worked hard to change the ways of working and the culture in the company.
To do it, he had to make sure that there is a buy-in from the board. Ironically, to bring the company to the current century, he had to abide with one of the most archaic practices – an arranged marriage, a marriage that would serve as a press release to the business world in general, that their company was stable and there to stay.
Bumi had been surprised to get a call from Tenzin back then. He had called to let him know of his impending engagement, seeking support. Bumi had cheered, given his congratulations – but named the wrong bride. He had launched into a long tirade, berating his brother for his choices. Tenzin had shouted back his defense.
He still did not understand why Tenzin acted the way he did. However, he could never regret his niece and nephew which came from this questionable business-like union.
Speaking of which…
“Hey Uncle Bumi!”
“Hello there, cloudchild!” Bumi greeted his niece with a nickname his sister Kya came up with, given that the kids were actually born somewhere near the mountains. “How’s the new school?”
“It’s great!” Ikki beamed at him and gushed into a long narrative of what she had been up to in the past days.
Bumi enjoyed video conferencing with his niece and nephew. Granted, Meelo had a short attention span but Ikki had always had the flair for storytelling.
It pleased him to see her spark back. He had heard from his brother and their trusted bodyguard/chauffeur Shung that Ikki had been withdrawn during the first weeks in Republic City. It saddened him to learn that the otherwise bubbly child had been affected in that way.
“…And then, I invited her over! Daddy said it was okay – and she’s sooooo nice. Didjaknow she also knows how to play the piano! We practiced a bit. She’s good even if her family didn’t have a piano, they only had this electronic keyboard but it’s so short. But she did well. She said she had a stepdad and it was totally okay. They’re a happy family. D’you think I’ll have a stepmom too? I think it would be okay if Daddy thinks so and maybe we’ll be a happy family here too and you know I joined this contest in school and I-.”
“Whoa, slow down, kiddo.” Bumi let out his booming laughter. “I didn’t quite catch it – what’s the name of your new friend?” He was heartened that Ikki seemed to have adjusted better now.
“Jinora!” His seven-year-old niece practically chirped the name. “She’s actually here!” Ikki turned to someone from beyond the view of the webcam. “Jin, it’s my Uncle Bumi – I want you to meet him!”
“Um, it’s fine, Ikki.” A calm voice of an older child can be heard. “I can wait here.”
“Nooonseeense.” Bumi could see Ikki pull something, rather someone to the camera. “Uncle Bumi, this is my friend Jinora. Jinora, my Uncle Bumi.” She said by way of introducing them.
Jinora gives a small wave and a soft hello.
Bumi gives them a short bow. “Nice to meet you, Jinora. It’s great to meet the friend of my favorite niece (Ikki ­please don’t tell Korra).”
Ikki gives a delighted clap and proceeds into another lengthy tale on what she and Jinora were working on that day at home.
Bumi smiles back at them, observing the children’s banter as they demonstrate the monologue that Ikki was preparing for. It was amusing.
Heh, they could be cousins.
He recalled when he was young, he, his siblings and even the sisters-who-must-not-be-named would stay over in one house after school to work on school projects. It had been one of the highlights of his childhood. He was glad that his niece would be somewhat experience it; he had been worried a few years back when Tenzin and Pema (primarily Pema) were very protective of their kids. It was to the point that they were both homeschooled and basically kept out of the public eye and the public itself.
It can’t be good for socialization. But what can he say? He didn’t have kids so he probably wouldn’t know what he was talking about, right?
He’s just fun ole Uncle Bumi.
Nonetheless, as he turned his attention back to the two girls, Bumi promised himself that he will always be there for his brother’s kids. It’s the least he could do as their godfather.
Mako, Republic City High
“I worry about Mom.” Mako picked at his dumplings during lunch time, a stark contrast to his brother who was eating a lot (“Coach said I needed to bulk up!”).
“Why? Has my dad been overworking her?” Asami slipped beside him at their usual lunch table. She brought out her packed lunch of pasta and a bottle of coconut water. “Just let me know and I can try to look into it.” She was, after all, interning at Future Industries in her spare time.
“Now that’s just powerplay.” The exchange student from Ba Sing Se High chortled, taking a sip of his sparkling water. “And that’s a no-no and Auntie will definitely get mad if she hears about that.”
“You would know about powerplay,” Bolin swallowed a mouthful of chicken, pointing his fork at the other boy. “Wasn’t that why you got the last slot in the elective you wanted to take this year?”
“Who? Me?” The other boy dramatically placed a hand on his chest, eyes widening. “You think, I Wu would stoop so low as to manipulate the results of the audition for the voice elective? Don’t you think I have enough talent to get into that class?”
Bolin just snorted into his food and Asami choked on her drink. Wu cracked a smile at their reactions.
“Again, Wu – don’t let Mom hear you call her Auntie.” Mako reiterated for the nth time in their friendship. “She hates it.”
“That’s why I do it.” Wu winked at them.
“Wait, Mako, what were you saying about Mom?” Bolin managed to ask in between bites of food. “Is something wrong? I mean, she’s a little bit run-down but she said it’s just because of the time of the year.” The last quarter of the year, after all, is usually the busiest.
“No, it’s just – well,” Mako sought words to explain it. “I’ll be leaving for college, you’ll be away for training, and okay, Jinora would be there but she’s in middle school now…” He trailed off. With Jinora’s aptitude and interests, Mako would not be surprised if she took on a lot of electives and extra-curricular activities. “Mom works too hard, you know?” He ended lamely.
“She has always looked out for us, but yeah,” A shadow passed over his brother’s face. “Ever since Pa passed away a few years back, she poured much of her energy to ensuring our welfare. She’s barely spent time for herself.”
Mako met Bolin’s now worried eyes.
The brothers knew that their mom had sacrificed a lot for them and Jinora.
When they first met Lin and one-year-old Jinora, she had already been under a lot of duress – taking care of a baby, leaving behind Jinora’s deadbeat dad, settling down in a new neighborhood and restarting a career. It had been two years later when she married their father San, who had been a sergeant at the city’s police station at the time.
And, Mako thought wearily, history has not been kind to Lin Beifong at all. While they did have four years (four wonderful years that Mako will treasure for the rest of his life), their fairytale-like family life came to an abrupt end.
San was involved in an armed bank robbery four years later and had not survived the gunshot wounds – leaving Lin behind with two boys at the brink of puberty and a young daughter.
Bolin and Jinora had been very confused at the time. Mako, already fifteen, had been expecting that he and Bolin would be forced into the system or sent off to their relatives in Ba Sing Se. He felt that Lin would not be in any way obligated to take him and his brother in; they were not blood relatives anyway. They were just stepchildren.
To his stunned astonishment, Lin did neither.  He recalled crying in Lin’s arms that night after his father’s funeral.
She had asked him, with a confused expression, why he was packing. Lin wept alongside him as she explained that Mako and Bolin are her sons and there was no way that she was sending them away.
Since then, Mako made sure to look after his mom the way she looked after them. The brothers’ protectiveness was soon well-known in their neighborhood.
Probably also why no one had expressed any type of interest towards Lin even years after…
Mako reflected that it might have been a good move on their part but now it might have been a little bit selfish.
He and Bolin would now need to rethink their strategy…
After all, their mom Lin deserves all the happiness in the world.
Tenzin, Republic City Primary School – Parking Lot
“Are you sure you’re not just using this as an excuse to have a sleepover?” Tenzin looked over at his daughter, a teasing grin out of place on his face.
“Of course not, Daddy.” Ikki replied indignantly, kicking pebbles as they waited at the parking lot.
“Why can’t you do the project at our house?” He was actually leaning towards allowing Ikki on her first ever sleepover/overnight but he wanted to hear from his daughter.
“We’ll need a big big printer, Daddy.” Ikki raised her arms to show him just how big. “We’ll need to print out my project and Jinora’s mommy has a big printer and lamin-lami-lamintor (“Laminating machine, dear?” Tenzin clarified.) because she frilancets (“Freelances?”).”
“Mmhhmm.” Tenzin looked across the school building, shifting Ikki’s overnight bag on his shoulder.
Ikki timidly approached him the other night, asking if she could spend Friday night and Saturday at her friend Jinora’s house. They had an output required of them of the big sister-little sister program. Tenzin was actually unclear as to what is the specific output that the girls had decided on but it did require a large-scale printer and a laminating machine.
Jinora attempted to explain to him what they were going to do during the last week that they were in his house but he felt out of his depth so he had nodded and let them work on what they needed to.
The father had met Jinora several times already in the past months so he knew the child was in earnest that their intent for the overnight activity would be mainly to finish a project. He also realized (well, Bumi made him realize) that Ikki was old enough for a sleepover (and Pema’s overprotectiveness would be to the detriment of their kids’ development). Additionally, he thought grimly, it would also keep Meelo from wreaking havoc on the work area of the girls.
Nonetheless, he took up Jinora’s mom’s offer to meet up for snacks before she takes the kids home. This would give him a chance to meet the mom, discuss some ground rules and as well thank the mom privately for letting Jinora help Ikki come out of her shell during her first months in Republic City Primary. Jinora did say that her pa and mom used to do the same before she spends the night over at her other friends – the parents meet up, share a small meal, get to know each other. Tenzin thought this was a good parenting tactic; it would definitely assuage his fears as well.
But now, said mom was late.
Jinora had hurried to them, dragging with her a large cartolina and illustration board. She explained that her mom’s work meeting overran and if it would be okay if she rode with them? Her mom will be meeting them at the local diner instead, so they don’t get caught up in traffic.
Tenzin could feel his impatience growing.
So far, this woman was not making a good impression on him.
How on earth she produced a lovely daughter like Jinora was beyond him.
Lin, Narook’s
Damn Sato, Lin ground her teeth as she finally parked her car into the last parking space in front of Narook’s. Of all the days for a meeting to go over time, it has to be today when she had explicitly asked to leave early to fetch her daughter.
Jinora had provided her enough context to know that making a good impression with Ikki’s dad was important to her daughter.
Lin heard that the dad was some big shot divorced corporate guy, who, she thought, was a bit paranoid about his kids’ safety.
Lin acted as an arts club moderator so she was regularly present at the Republic City High, which gave her chances to meet Ikki whenever she drops by the primary school to fetch Jinora.
The girl was a sweet child – energetic and delightful once she felt comfortable enough with you. It had come to her attention, in the short conversations with the kid, that she was not allowed to go out and play with other kids in their old neighborhood so she was very much excited to have a new friend outside of her class and her family.
When Jinora mentioned their culminating project and their dilemma on the timeline and materials, Lin suggested that they take the project home to work on.
The crestfallen expression of Ikki as she stated that her dad would not allow her pushed Lin to share that she’s willing to talk to the dad to help convince him to give his permission.
The infectious smile that burst on Ikki’s face was enough to convince Lin that she made the right decision.
Now, however, as she entered the diner, spotting her daughter at the corner booth, she froze and started to doubt all her life decisions that led to this moment.
Wondering and questioning the universe what had she done in her past life for her to deserve this.
Across Jinora, beside the talkative Ikki, sat Tenzin – her former boyfriend and Jinora’s father.
Note: Soooo hmmmmmm. What do you think?
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sheepiling · 3 years
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So, while this is my save file that’s for the Goth family, they’re not going to be the focus of my Paranormal gameplay posts. They’ll still be hanging out as side-characters, though! 
The stars of this sheepy short will be the sims that I’ve made for past Simblreen treats! Both my 2017 family and my 2018 sim are here to get haunted!!! 😱 
To introduce you all to my brand new Happy Haunts household, going from left to right in their picture, we’ll start with the Zombie-Pire family!! 
Our lovely mother of the family is Valentina Zombiepire, the father is Bolin Zombiepire, and our adorable daughter is Mei Zombiepire~ 
If you’re interested in their lives before being moved to this save, then this link will take you right to their story! Though, they were made in my first year of joining tumblr so please excuse my horrible posting style from back then. 😂  Not that I’m particularly great at this now, but I’ve made progress! 
And on the far right, we’ve got Zolada Qi’zozivun!! As always, I’ve named her after the Simlish-naming that aliens in Sims 3 have. I’ve also given her a make-over with the outfits from Paranormal stuff! She had a boho-style going on in the first place, so this pack was perfect for her!! ♡ 
Also, I started playing this save before the hair re-texture update, so please be patient with these screenies. Zo is going to get a major glow-up before this gameplay is over!!! 
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Also my resolution gets bigger like half-way through ‘cuz I got a new comp, so improvements all around! I hope you all enjoy my lil’ spooky fam~ 
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thedreamingscorpio · 3 years
WIP Tag Game!
Thank you so much for the tag @dbzebra✨ and @inconnusmademoiselle 🌸!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Well, I know I’m really late to this in lieu of my hiatus, but now that I’m back, I wanna do this and so here I am!
Goten x OC
100 grams of life
Humans are scary(Nature v/s Nurture)
Returning on funeral day, time mishap
Animalistic OC
A lifetime’s wait
Heart for a life
Return-multilingual, super smooth
A/B/O Dynamics-Modern AU
                          -Royalty AU
Banshee return, grey character-power play
Walk through different stages of life in drabbles
Saiyan-Human imbalance
Intimate fusion link
Everyday reminders
Undercover stripper
Frieza X Goten
Stockholm Syndrome
Detox(This is more of ValTen but yeah, also this one is subject to confirmation)
My Sweet Prey
Cradling unbridled power
Serenading Goten
Ice King-Fire Queen;Wind Sage,Forest Nymph
The Odd Corner
I’ll be tagging people rather randomly here, since I wouldn’t know if they’ve been tagged earlier or not but here goes; @degenerate-otaku, @bolin-san, @ocfairygodmother , @grey-sleipnir, @darkindigoroses.
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writinginstardust · 6 years
Imagine (x reader) Requests
hey so on my main request info page i’m quite broad in the list of who i’ll write for, mostly because i didn’t want to clutter it too much, but I’ve realised that being more specific is going to help both me and you guys so this is just a full list of all the characters in each fandom that i’ll write imagines for. a separate post with all the ships i’ll write for can be found here.
The Maze Runner
The Grishaverse
Nikolai Lantsov
Genya Safin
Nina Zenik
Isaak Andreyev
Hysan Dax
Stanton Grace
Rho Grace
Nishiko Sai (Nishi)
The Illuminae Files
Ezra Mason
Nik Malikov
Kady Grant
Hanna Donnelly
Aurora Rising
Cat Brannock
Scarlett Jones
Tyler Jones
Zila Madran
Kal Gilwraeth
Finian de Karran de Seel
Aurora Jie-Lin O’Malley
Red White and Royal Blue
Alex Claremont-diaz
June Claremont-diaz
Nora Holleran
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Lucien Vanserra
Throne of Glass
Dorian Havilliard
Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius
Asami Sato
Star Wars
Cassian Andor
Poe Dameron
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Stardew Valley
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
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playablezelda · 6 years
i was tagged by @arsenicpanda
Rules: Tag 9 people with excellent taste
Colors I’m currently wearing: white pj’s with blue, pink, red, and grey hearts, and a two tone pink robe. oh and more grey and white on my socks.
Last band t-shirt I bought: i don’t think i’ve bought a band shirt since high school to let’s play it safe and say green day
Last band I saw live: i think the answer to this is actually also green day lmao, once more, back in high school
Lipstick or chapstick: i use both, but i apply chapstick Obsessively 
Last song I listened to: i listened to the entirety of cat stevens’ ‘tea for the tillerman’ album while trying to sleep last night
Last movie I watched: still coco 
Last three TV shows I watched: uuuuuh. parks and rec, new girl, forensic files
Last three characters I identified with: projection is like, basically my middle name, so if i watch something, chances are there’s a character i identify with so for the sake of me not having to rack my brain for what happened most recently here’s the Big Three. betty cooper from riverdale. she’s trying so hard and i love her. she’s so fucking independent and like, babe please, Let People Help You. cassandra cillian from the librarians (RIP) (THE SHOW NOT THE CHARACTER OR ACTOR) my synesthetic autistic magic baby. i’ve known we had a special connection since the first episode of season 2 when she walked up a flight of stairs while practicing what she was going to say out loud. and my main babe, my forever girl, roxy fucking lalonde from homestuck. she’s an recovering alcoholic trainwreck but she cares about everyone and everything so goddamn much and has never once in her life given up, no matter what it did to her. 
Books I’m reading right now: Dead Girls by alice bolin, which is a book of essays about american culture’s preoccupation with the stories of murdered women, and Emergency Contact, a new adult (ya but College) book by mary h k choi.
i tag, once again, whoever the fuck wants to do this, follow ur dreams, talk about urself, we all love it
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maybee1155 · 3 years
Top 5 NFT Avatars Worth Investing in 2022!
The most popular project for investment in NFT collectibles is the NFT avatar. From cryptopunks to BYCE, from the sports industry to the entertainment industry to the financial industry, more and more big KOLs have begun to invest in NFTs. From NBA superstar Curry changing his avatar for $180,000, to the follow-up of Chinese wale wallets such as Cai Wensheng, Feng Bo, and Wang Feng, to a new round of investment carnival in the currency circle. The joining of star companies and celebrities has once again boosted the popularity of NFT avatars and has become a self-popular investment project in 2021. So what are the NFT avatars worth investing in in 2022?
1. Cryptopunks
CryptoPunks are one of the first NFT art collectibles to launch on the Ethereum network. This asset features 10,000 uniquely generated characters that display pixelated digital images of different animated characters. The earliest NFT and one of the most potential collections of NFTs. On the one hand, there are KOLs bringing goods. For example, TRON founder Justin Sun bought cryptopunks at a price of $10.5 million. On the other hand, the average price of avatars in the CryptoPunks series is generally higher than other products. It shows that the investment potential of CryptoPunks is huge.
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BAYC consists of 10,000 NFT collections of ape images, each ape has 4-7 different attributes, including expressions, hair, headwear, clothing, etc. Depending on the combination of different attributes, the rarity of apes also varies, and rarity is also the main factor that distinguishes the price. Incomplete statistics, celebrities from all walks of life who have publicly announced their holdings of BAYC are: Taiwanese singer Ma Ji eldest brother Huang Licheng, actor Wu Jianhao, Ke Zhendong, Chen Bolin, Hong Kong movie star Shawn Yue, NBA star Pelicans shooting guard Josh Hart, Hornets star LaMelo Ball , NFL American Football League star Franklin and so on. These will prove that BAYC still maintains the potential for appreciation.
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3. Meebits
Launched in March 2021, Meebits is the next in a series of digital collectibles designed by Larva Labs. Meebits take the form of 2D voxel characters in a style similar to Roblox or Minecraft. Like many other NFT projects, the scarcity of Meebits has generated massive sales, crazy speculation, and staggering sales figures. Meebits has an open interface in the program. Users can download the model file and import it into the metaverse game to change the image of the character.
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4. Cool Cats
Cool Cats is a collection of NFTs randomly generated by programming on the Ethereum. It has the image of a cartoon cat. The first generation of cats has been released. The cat's clothing, face shape, color and body are all randomly combined. The investment of Cool Cats lies in the fact that the developer has been iterating on the project itself. From gamification to story evolution, the richer the ecology of the entire project, the higher the price of its collection and investment!
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5. MadCanner
MadCanner is a brand new project in 2022 built on Ethereum. Once deployed, MadCanner become one of the most attractive NFT project which can be traded in own marketplace as well as in Opensea. The background of the project's story takes place in 2140. At that time, people in the encrypted digital world lived on a metaverse planet called Particle Planet. On the Cannason Particle Planet, people can gain immortality through technology, and every part of their body can be upgraded and replaced, and they can go to the market to buy their favorite skin or other organs. To player who want to find a good NFT, MadCanner is a community driven project with its own ecosystem package. Compared with other avatar projects that have been over-hyped, the potential of MadCanner should not be underestimated. So far it is an early NFT project.
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plcyersandpieces · 7 years
RWBY Character Music Themes
Hey hey Tumblr FNDM!  I figured that with a new season, and a new year, I ought to update that list of musical themes I once had.  Music is pretty important in RWBY, of course--it tells as much of a story as the actual show does.  In addition, music sets the mood and tells us more about someone’s personality; most characters get their own leitmotif.  Granted, that’s what happens in most shows--but we all know RWBY isn’t most shows. :P
So with all that in mind, I went through my pretty hefty collection of videogame and anime soundtracks, along with other music, to choose music that reminds me of the various characters in RWBY.  These aren’t lyrical, for the most part (those that do have lyrics should be from fictional languages without a translation); I wanted the music to capture a character’s personality without words.  But these are also my own interpretation of what’s canon--not even headcanon.  Some folks may not agree with some of my choices, and that’s cool!  I’d love to hear what other folks may think.
Most of these will go to YouTube, but some may go to Soundcloud or KHInsider.  KHInsider links should have an embedded MP3 file in the linked page to listen to.
So without further ado, here we go~
Headmaster Ozpin - Treize Khushrenada - The Man Who Makes History - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Glynda Goodwitch - Light of Silence - Chrono Trigger, arr. Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
Professor Peter Port - Flying Boatmen - Porco Rosso
Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck - The Hunt: Going Green - Twister
Summer Rose - Arcadia - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Taiyang Xiao Long - Totems of the Grizzlemaw (Revisited) - World of Warcraft: Legion
Raven Branwen - Scarlet Raven Tavern - World of Warcraft: Taverns of Azeroth
Qrow Branwen - Curse of the Worgen - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Ruby Rose - Battle vs. Lord Blazer - Wild ARMs: Music the Best ~Rocking Heart~
Weiss Schnee - Nightsong - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Blake Belladonna - Kindred - League of Legends
Yang Xiao Long - Thrash Pack - Pyre
Jaune Arc - Revived Power ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
Nora Valkyrie - Another Winter - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Pyrrha Nikos - Canticle of Sacrifice - World of Warcraft: Legion
Lie Ren - Yasuo, the Unforgiven - League of Legends
Coco Adel - Winter Fashion - Richard Neale
Fox Alistair - Silence ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
Velvet Scarlatina - There’s Only One Family Named Schrodinger - Wild ARMs: Advanced 3rd
Yatsuhashi Daichi - Demon Lord Ninetails - Okami
Cardin Winchester - People Without Hope - Chrono Trigger
Russel Thrush - Village of the Barbarois - Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Dove Bronzewing - Neko-ou - Neko no Ongaeshi
Sky Lark - Under Her Control - Final Fantasy VIII
At the Club
Hei “Junior” Xiong - Kinetic - DJ Sona - League of Legends
Melanie and Miltia Malachite - Teaser - Gresby Nash
Ask the Rats
Roman Torchwick - All Bets Are Off - Cuphead
Neopolitan - Lutece - Bioshock Infinite
Lusus Naturae
Dr. Merlot - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Wild ARMs: Advanced 3rd
Amber - Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Techno - Vanessa Mae
Lisa Lavender  - Death Report - Undertale
Shopkeeper - Sore wa Himitsu desu - Slayers Next
Tukson - Galka - Final Fantasy XI
Zwei - Dogsong - Undertale
Leonardo Lionheart - Sadness-colored Sandglass - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Sun Wukong - Zidane’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Scarlet David - Knights of the Sea - Pyre
Sage Ayana - Tides of War - World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
Neptune Vasilias - Super Galaxy Rumble - League of Legends
Arslan Altan - Path of the Huojin - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Bolin Hori - Northern Country Kamui - Okami
Reese Chloris - Skate or Live - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Nadir Shiko - Johnny of the Robo Gang - Chrono Trigger
The Boy with Two Souls
Oscar Pine - Farm Boy - Final Fantasy VII, remastered by Sean Schafianski
The Branwen tribe - Talon Sheath - Pyre
Vernal - Force Multiplication - Horizon Zero Dawn
General James Ironwood - Demacia Rising - League of Legends
Specialist Winter Schnee - Freya’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Penny’s Team
Penny Polentina - NE ZU MI - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Ciel Soliel - Thunder Plains - Final Fantasy X
Flynt Coal - Tank! - Cowboy Bebop
Neon Katt - Bit Rush: Arcade Ahri - League of Legends
Jacques Schnee - Invasion of Torushina - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Whitley Schnee - Machiavellian Bach - Portal 2
Klein Sieben - A Mole Man - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Henry Marigold - Grand Duchy of Jeuno - Final Fantasy XI
Pilot Boi - Sky Dance - Pyre
Nebula Violette - Look to the Skies - Angela Little, Lee Groves
Dew Gayl - Oklahoma - Downdraft - Twister
Gwen Darcy - The Cello Song - Steven Sharp Nelson
Octavia Ember - Taliyah, the Stoneweaver - League of Legends
Brawnz Ni - Under the Progress - Parasite Eve
Roy Stallion - Maki Ya - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Nolan Porfirio - Boss Battle 2 - Legend of Dragoon
May Zedong - Pretty Pounding - Michael Clark
Ghira Belladonna - Valley of the Four Winds - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Kali Belladonna - Gondola no Yume - Aria the Animation
Saber Rodentia - Night Howlers - Pyre
High Leader
Sienna Khan - The Proving - Horizon Zero Dawn
Adam Taurus - Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun - League of Legends
Lieutenant - Materia - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Corsac and Fennec Albain - The Emperor of Eternal Darkness - Okami
Ilia Amitola - Helix - Break of Reality
Yuma - Revival of Alseides - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Trifa - Medicine Eater - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Salem - Leylines - World of Warcraft: Legion
Arthur Watts - Karazhan Opera House - World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Tyrian Callows - Kefka - Final Fantasy VI, arr. Malcolm Robinson
Cinder Fall - Evelynn, Agony’s Embrace - League of Legends
Hazel Rainart - Spirit Guard Udyr - League of Legends
Emerald Sustrai - Enter the Dragonslayers - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Mercury Black - Grand Cross - Final Fantasy IX, arr. The Black Mages
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Chapter 3: The Earth Queen
The morning sun is starting to get hot. Bumi and Kai sharpen their new airbending skills but it’s proving to be hard for an old beardog to learn new tricks. Kai out-maneuvers Bumi and knocks him off his feet as Korra, Asami, and Jinora look on. Moments later the airship glides over the inner wall of Ba Sing Se and floats over the lower ring. All the passengers on the ship can smell the filth and squalor down below. Bolin cringes at the thought of his dad growing up in this place. The middle and upper rings are drastically different, revealing a cruel caste system in the great Earth Kingdom. A bad feeling creeps up Korra’s spine but she can’t quite figure what it is.
As the airship landed, Grand Secretariat Gun shuffled towards the visiting aircraft. As passengers filed down the ramp he greeted them quickly before listing off a host of rules. It sounded as if the queen didn’t even want visitors based on all the stipulations put in place before meeting her. Korra remarked that there were “an awful lot of rules,” with a perturbed frown. 
Gun ignored her complaint and rushed the guests to hide the animals before the highly allergic queen spotted them. He then hurried Korra out of the guest house and across the estate to the queen’s topiary. When the Avatar stepped out onto the balcony overlooking the garden, whirlpools, and walkways, the queen was berating her servants. Garden keepers hustled about rearranging earth at their queen’s request. Korra had never met someone so rude and demanding. 
Queen Hou-Ting seemed disinterested in actually hearing what the Avatar had to say. In fact, she requested a favor from Korra before agreeing to help her. She claimed she had tax money stored in a nearby town that had been overrun with outlaws. If Korra retrieved the money, Hou-Ting would have the Dai Li help find any new airbenders in the city. 
Despite feeling unsettled by the queen’s character, the young Avatar agreed to retrieve the money. When she returned to the guest house everyone was looking for Kai. He was missing and Mako was pretty confident he was up to no good. Despite his bad track record, Tenzin argued that such a young kid should not be left to fend for himself. Korra suggested that Mako and Bolin search for Kai, Tenzin and Jinora wait at the house in case he returned, and her and Asami would go retrieve the queen’s money. 
“Sounds like a plan,” said Asami as she stepped toward Korra.”If we take the airship we can be back by this evening.”
Korra liked the idea of them teaming up for an important Avatar mission. Katara used to tell stories all the time about her and Aang working together before they defeated Ozai. They did serious stuff like take down the Fire Nation factory that was polluting a nearby river village. But they also did fun stuff together like penguin sledding. 
A subtle smile formed on Korra’s face until she remembered that Aang and Katara were a couple. Her own thoughts made her blush. “Yup, okay, good. Sounds great. I’m just gonna...head...somewhere else...to get ready,” Korra stammered before jetting off to avoid anyone noticing how red her face was.
That afternoon the two women left Ba Sing Se to find the secluded vault. 
Looking out at the vast rugged land beyond the city’s walls, Asami wondered, “Are you sure we shouldn’t have bought more people to collect the tax money?”
“Royal Guard’s waiting at the vault,” Korra explained. “I doubt anything will happen. I think her majesty just likes ordering me around.”
Asami raised one brow at her friend. “You mean someone can actually tell you what to do?”
“Hey. I’m not that stubborn...Am I?” Korra was at it again, asking questions she wasn’t sure she wanted the answer to.
The CEO’s face softened and she giggled. “No. I’m just messing with you. When it comes to the most important stuff, you’re the first person looking for sound advice. I admire that about you.” Asami wasn’t sure if her compliment came off weird so her posture stiffened and she trained her eyes on the skies outside the windows.
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Korra didn’t even notice, she was just flattered by her friend’s words. “That means a lot coming from you,” she said. 
“Coming from me? What does that mean,” Asami probed. 
Then it was Korra wondering if she had said something odd. She tried to explain her thinking. “I just mean that you’re so successful to be 19. I spent my whole life on a compound training to be the Avatar and I’m not even all that good at it. It’s just impressive, is all.” Korra rubbed the back of her neck as it started to sweat from nervousness. This friendship thing was harder than people made it out to be. No wonder Asami was her first true best friend. 
“I never thought of my success as my own. Most of what I have was handed down from my father. Now that his legacy is tarnished, I feel like I’m at square one. I haven’t accomplished anything on my own,” Asami replied with a defeated tone.
“No way! You’ve accomplished a lot since your father went to prison,” Korra rebutted. She grabbed each of the other woman’s arms just above the elbow and craned her neck downward to look into those bright green eyes. “You made the mecha suits mass producible. You dug Future Industries out of debt after its reputation was ruined. You revamped the airship division and you hammered out a deal with the world’s craziest business mogul. That’s all pretty amazing,” Korra insisted tenderly.
“Well that last one was mostly Bolin and kind of backfired on me, but I get your point.” Asami looked back into Korra’s blue eyes and realized how similar they were in being hard on themselves. “I could rattle off a similar list for you,” she sassed.
“Don’t worry, Tenzin beat you to it the day we finally found Daw. I guess I’m pretty hard on myself too,” the Avatar admitted as if she could read Asami’s mind. The two of them hovered near each other until the closeness felt hot and almost unbearable.
A ridge of mountains appeared on the horizon and they knew they were getting close. “I should land this thing,” Asami suggested bashfully, still standing with only inches between them.
Korra took a big step back and away from the helm so Asami could work her magic. “Right. Aye aye, captain,” she said awkwardly before making an about face towards the exit ramp.
The ship floated to a halt in the middle of the town where there were no buildings or homes. The duo quickly identified the vault and the Royal Guard and made their way over. The money was loaded onto a wheel barrel and three guards began walking it to the ship. Suddenly a red flare shot into the sky and the women immediately knew trouble was afoot. A hoard of outlaws with mopeds and an armored truck began speeding towards the guards and the money. Two earthbenders cartwheeled off their hotrods and hurled three boulders at the queen’s guards. They didn’t even attempt to fight and scurried away from the mob.
“So much for our escort,” Asami panned while sliding on her electrified glove.
“Maybe we should’ve bought everybody,” Korra added, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat. 
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The pair dashed towards the money and made their stand. A battle ensued, two against twelve. Korra crumbled the ground beneath the outlaws and sent them all stumbling backwards. Two men gunned it towards Asami but she propelled herself over them in a flying roundoff and tased them with her glove. As she stuck the landing, an air strike narrowly caught another bandit as he reached out to grab her. The industrialist looked over and saw Korra was covering her blindspots. The two advanced towards the few men left standing but they began to retreat. As the leader of the mob hopped on the back of the armored truck he yelled, “You’re on the wrong side of this fight, Avatar. That gold belongs to the people, not the queen.”
The proclamation echoed through Korra’s ears. “Why do I get the feeling that he’s right?”
They loaded the money onto the airship and returned to Ba Sing Se. Gun escorted Korra to the throne room to report her successes to Queen Hou-Ting. Turns out, Korra’s gut was right. The queen made up a lie that the Dai Li didn’t find any new airbenders and she asked the Avatar to leave the city. 
That was the last straw for the hot headed young woman. “You make me do your dirty work, extorting your own citizens, for your stupid palaces and topiaries and then you just want to send me away? We’re not going anywhere until we find some airbenders,” Korra hollered at Hou-Ting. The queen looked on silently and Korra added, “we know there are some here!”
The queen promptly banished Korra from her sight. Korra began to storm off but spun around and pointed her finger up at the throne like a deadly arrow. “This isn’t over. I’m going to find the airbenders!”
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Korra burst into the guest house after stomping all the way across the estate. She was sporting a seriously contorted frown and tightly wound shoulders. When she got to the dining room she dropped her weight in the nearest chair and huffed in anger. Tenzin was asleep with Jinora and the brothers hadn’t returned yet. 
Asami was the only one around to comfort the young Avatar. She approached cautiously and announced herself calmly. Just hearing her soothing voice made Korra relax some. The younger woman let her scowl melt away and said “I’m glad to see someone I don’t want to punch.”
Asami winced at the thought of taking a hit delivered by Korra’s muscular arms. “I’m guessing the queen isn’t going to help us,” the businesswoman assumed.
“No! She isn’t! And I’m the total idiot that ran off to the middle of nowhere like her evil henchman. This search for the airbenders is a complete disaster,” Korra lamented. She folded her arms on the table and buried her head between them. She might have stayed like that all night if two soft hands didn’t take hold of her achy shoulders. A firm but gentle pressure relieved her muscles of knots and tension. Without knowing it she let out a guttural moan.
Asami smirked as her fingers undid the stress in her friend’s body. “How’s that,” she asked coyishly. 
“Huh?...It’s uh... really nice,” Korra crooned with delight. All the rigidity in her body was gone and all she could think of was the image of Asami delicately untangling string the other night. In that moment, Korra felt like she was a knotted mess of string herself.
Asami leaned against the table next to Korra and shared a caring smile. “You could use a real massage. I know a guy in Republic City if you’re interested.”
A drunken grin overtook Korra’s face and she nodded in agreement. 
The two women sat at the table while Korra described all the ways she disliked the Earth Queen. Asami challenged some of her poorly thought out grievances, but generally understood why Korra was so upset. They talked for several hours before they noticed the time. They decided to get some rest, so they both stood up at the same time. “I’m no masseuse, but I give good hugs,” Korra announced with open arms.
The other woman laughed and shifted her weight so she sort of fell into Korra’s arms for a hug. Each woman headed to a different side of the house to find their beds. Even as the night wore on in different rooms, the warm embrace left a tantalizing feeling in each of their heads.
Next Chapter
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