#[ kuvira x korra :: as long as we stand together ]
empirelead · 1 year
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empirelead-a · 2 years
new tag dropped~ decided to make things a bit more simple~ this took me almost the entire to do~
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Close Enough? (Kuvira x Reader)
This is a Kuvira imagine, reader and Kuvira are not established. K? Also, this will be sad :D questionable ending. if you want more, ask and you shall receive <3
TW: blood, spoilers for LOK Season 4  WC: 2620
Kuvira’s reign across the Earth kingdom had started to slow as she was met with resistance from Zaofu and the Avatar. Dealing with them had been easy, beating Korra had been easier, and now she was on her way to Republic City, to rightfully claim the district as official property of the Earth Kingdom. 
Kuvira felt powerful having so many people support her, especially when it came to her. Y/n had been there at the beginning, supporting Kuvira and boosting her esteem so much so, Kuvira’s own motivation took the step forward to claim the Earth Kingdom. Locked eyes, lingering touches, shivering shoulders made up the tension between the two; with the passion of war, it made it all that more bitter sweet. So why did Kuvira feel this way? She knew that y/n was loyal, perhaps the most loyal of them all, and yet the little voice in her head was screaming that something, somewhere, someone was going to betray her. Zhu Li was kind of a given but y/n? Trusting, beautiful, y/n? 
Kuvira’s relationship with Baatar, in her eyes, was political: losing him would be surprising, considering how strong his feelings were against his own mother. Could he be persuaded? Hopefully not, but yet here we are.
Kuvira’s hands were formed into fists as she listened to his pleading. Leave this? Now? We are so close, why would I give up now? Why would I when the last piece of the puzzle is in my hands?
Aiming the spirit weapon towards his location was easy. Pulling the trigger was even easier. But the voice in her head was now a full roar, claiming that no one was loyal, no one was on her side. So as the war machine rebounded from the shot it took, Kuvira straightened her shoulders and looked to her left. Sitting in one of the command chairs, was y/n. Back straight, hair gleaming, Kuvira wanted to swallow her whole, wanted to take her existence and keep it to herself. Y/n might have been lying this entire time, and Kuvira didn’t want to lose her to the avatar. That is one thing she couldn’t stand for, losing this war was not an option and Kuvira would do anything to reach her goal.
Snapping her head towards Kuvira, she stood and walked over, placing herself to the left of the platform. Looking her in the eyes, Kuvira stood even taller and her plan was falling into place. This will be easy.
“Come with me for a moment.”
Kuvira commanded the remaining soldiers to stay in their positions and alert her if there are any changes. Knowing the efficiency of the spirit weapon, she doubted that the avatar would have survived the latest shot.
Stepping off of the platform, Kuvira and y/n walked down into the belly of the weapon, where the roar of the machine made the thundering in her heart a little lighter. They came to a stopping point and y/n’s shoulders relaxed. It was just the two of them, perhaps this was a pre-game to victory? Kuvira was faced away from y/n and she could see where the muscle tensed in the uniform that Kuvira wore. Where the metal framed her shoulders and where it flared at her waist and constricted at her knees. She wondered how long it would take her to map every freckle that Kuvira had. Not knowing how many, she wondered if she would have the opportunity to ever count. Is this going to be it? She snapped her eyes back up when Kuvira turned around, crowding her space.
“It’s happening. The end is near and victory will be ours,” Kuvira murmured.
Their eyes were locked and their breaths were shared. How y/n craved to get closer.
“You’ve done wonderfully, I can’t imagine any other trying to accomplish what you have,” y/n whispered. 
Kuvira smirked, “Oh? Tell me, y/n, what have I accomplished?”
Y/n shivered, hearing her name come from her lips was a taste of heaven that she wanted every drop of. She wanted more, she craved more, so she easily answered, if only to savor every drop.
“Conquering the city-states, making the lords bow to you, creating a super weapon that is extremely effective, and should I mention the fact that you won against Korra?”
Toe to toe, their noses almost touched, their breaths were clouding each other and y/n jumped at the feeling of gloved hands fiddling with her own. Oh. Oh Oh-
“I could stand to hear more, if you’ll humor me,” Kuvira whispered.
Y/n took the jump and linked her left hand around Kuvira’s, and she looked her straight in the eyes. She could smell the metal and lavender that left Kuvira and y/n thought she would erupt. 
“Taking apart Zaofu to create something for yourself in a direct response to Su, you are incredibly powerful and what I wouldn’t do-”
Kuvira brought her face to y/n and latched herself to her lips. Her right hand clutched the back of her neck and she squeezed, playing with the hairs that rested there. Her left hand traveled from y/n’s hands to her lower back, pulling y/n forward. 
Y/n felt conquered and completed and finished, any word you could think of, her brain had fried with the machine and her insides turned to jelly. Being placed in Kuvira’s arms and kissing her was something that Y/n yearned for. Her center throbbed and she looped her arms around Kuvira’s neck. She wanted all that Kuvira could give her. Even if Kuvira left her now to take out an entire city, Y/n could live with that, her spark of life had turned into an inferno and had burned her inside out. She wanted to share that fire with Kuvira and as if the devil had knocked on her door, Kuvira licked her bottom lip and Y/n was so easy. She would let Kuvira do whatever she pleased, even right here on the machinery floor. She was entranced by the whole essence of Kuvira. She whimpered when her lip was bitten and she sighed when Kuvira seemed to ravage her being. Closer- She needed to be closer-
What is that?
Heat radiated from her side, what is-
Y/n’s eyes snapped open and she pulled herself from Kuvira. Kuvira had a grimace on her face, her eyebrows drawn together and lips tightened into a line.
Y/n’s breath stuttered and she looked down, red was encompassing her right side. She had been- Kuvira?- Why would she? Kuvira stabbed her? What?
Kuvira metal bended the weapon back into her sleeve and caught Y/n as she started to get dizzy. She lowered her to the grated ground as Y/n clutched her jacket, hissing in pain. Lips red, cheeks flushed, your eyes are so pretty like this..  Kuvira held y/n’s head in her lap as blood dripped from her wound. Pity, how distraught you look. The voice claimed victory and screamed in her head. See? How easy? The avatar will never touch her and the city will be yours. Just flatten the republic and you’re as good as gold.
But it wasn’t easy. Kuvira’s eyes watered but never flushed.
“I had to, for you, for me. I have to finish this now, I hope you understand.”
Kuvira placed her head gently on the ground, taking advantage of y/n’s stunned silence. Wiping her eyes, she left y/n there and composed herself to rejoin the bridge. Scaring the officers on deck, she ordered them to continue, they had a city to recapture.
Then a hummingbird got too close to the sun.
Her chance at freedom was disabled.
And the avatar, as always, brought balance to the world.
Her whole body hurt.
 It would start as a dull throb and then crescendo into a sharp point that radiated from her right side. Y/n was stunned, when she said that she would let Kuvira take over the world, she didn’t really expect to be a martyr. But did she really believe in Kuvira still? The blood that was staining her uniform said no, but the stuttering of her heart and the tears on her face said otherwise. She was gonna die in the center of destruction, how fitting. At least it was warm. . . She closed her eyes to the rhythm of a stepping behemoth and took a breath, knowing her fate was just the same as Baatar. They were both foolish, loving someone who couldn’t feel anything and yet thinking, I’m different. I can change her, she will love me, right?
Look how that turned out.
A shrill screech interrupted y/n’s pity party and she opened her eyes to see Su and Lin Beifong. Their determined eyes meeting hers. At that moment, she was made priority number two; number one being the destruction of the spirit weapon. Once the Beifong sisters had wreaked havoc with their metal bending, Lin dropped down to y/n. Gently placing her arms around her shoulders and her knees, Lin rejoined Su. The trio was then tossed around the metal tavern surrounding them before they tethered themselves to the wall. When the spirit weapon finally descended and crashed to the ground, y/n had passed out from blood loss. Stepping out from the carnage, the sisters stopped the bleeding enough that it wouldn’t cause a mortal end. Once they were satisfied with her steadying heartbeat they placed her with the other wounded. Then, they turned to finish the war. 
. . .
Y/n had heard that Kuvira surrendered after she witnessed the power of the one and only avatar. To be honest, y/n was shaken to her core after finding out that Korra created another spirit portal. The avatar was so powerful- she created a rip in space and caused two different worlds to mesh together in a brand new location? Holy Avatar did y/n regret being on the wrong side. 
Repercussions were being made of course. Baatar Jr was to spend life in house arrest for his involvement in the spirit weapon. After being seen by water benders, y/n’s trial was next, and she entered the courtroom in a wheel-chair. Although the wound didn’t sever any major organs, it was a major stress to the body and her back muscles were cut clean through so major movements weren’t recommended. That wasn’t the worst of it.
The hurt that clouded her heart had leaked to her eyes and her brain and she felt numb. Her brain kept going in a loop, kuvira’s eyes, blood, floor, kuvira’s eyes, blood, floor,- y/n was stuck in a mental carousel that try as she might she couldn’t get off of. She could sense the person behind her who was pushing the chair and when she looked up, she could see the council in all their respective colors and robes. She stopped moving and two officers stepped up behind her. But she didn’t try to escape. What was the point? She would take the punishment and move on. What about kuvira, don’t you wanna know why? Did it matter? Did the heat spread to her too? Move on. move on. move on?
The shuffling of papers interrupted the parade of self-pity that y/n seemed to be the mayor of and she dragged her eyes away from her fiddling hands to look up. Korra was there too. Should y/n bow? Korra saved everyone’s lives and without her-
“-without knowing the direct involvement of the individual before us how can we decide her fate?”
“She didn’t help with the weapon? What about the seizing of the city states? Anything?”
“Baatars testimony proves negative on the first but other witnesses say that she is seen on several occasions with Kuvira herself.”
y/n flinched. Pain pain pain 
“Well, Beifong, your jurisdiction houses the inmates, what say you?” The woman in question sighed and y/n wished she could sigh too without being condescending. Jail or home? Not that hard of a question.
“Community service. Either with the water benders or the rehabilitation of the city. I don’t want this one near my jail.”
. . .What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is she not good enough for jail? For Beifong’s jail? Rude.
“Then it’s settled. Y/n L/n, you are hereby sentenced to 25 years of community service, provided by the council before you and supervised by the United Republic of Nations. Dismissed.”
Y/n nodded and bowed her head to show respect to the leaders that handed her fate to her. Much better than house arrest. 
. . .
Y/n heard later that Kuvira was given a second chance, because Korra saw something in her that she saw in herself. Kuvira was sent to Zaofu to live out her house arrest with her adoptive family. Baatar is there too? Is she allowed to ask? Did he give her a second chance? Would y/n? Y/n was stationed near the infrastructure creation center in the city. She was there to help rebuild. Lin was her only visitor. Y/n’s family was disgraced that she chose the wrong side and she didn’t have any friends besides Kuvira, who happened to be a couple flying bison away. Lin would ask her how her wound was doing and Y/n would tell her. Then Lin would end the visit by insulting y/n’s bending and then she’d leave. It was nice. Y/n had a feeling that Lin felt sorry for her, did she know that y/n was betrayed by the one she thought she loved? Did Lin know that the inferno that raged within her dwindled to a flicker of heat? Sometimes it seemed that way when the silence got too loud but then Lin would go back to insulting her. She needed that routine. She probably would have been lost without it. 
Y/n was back to moving again and on a nice, sunny day in republic city; she was just about to finish the base to an apartment complex with the other volunteers (If you want to call them that, y/n faintly recognized some of the earth benders from Kuvira’s forces). When Korra had pulled up near the site on her polar bear dog. Jumping off of the animal, Korra waited until the supervisor started talking to her. After several beats, the supervisor nodded and shouted across the field, summoning y/n towards him.
Meeting them on the edge, y/n respectfully greeted them both before questioning the avatar’s presence. 
She sighed, “Many of the soldiers lived in Zaofu before the war, you were one of them. The metal domes are in grave need of assistance and since you are tasked with community service, it seems fitting that you return there.” “Is that all? I thought this was supposed to be a punishment? Wouldn’t going back home be a little too comfortable for me?” Not if Kuvira’s there, laughing with her eyes closed, hair frizzy from the day, freckles winking in the sunshine.
“Su requested it. Said, ‘that your greatest potential was misplaced with love that had nowhere to go’” Korra sighed.
Y/n felt like she got slapped in the face by the avatar. That would’ve been better. Of course Su knew y/n, she practically raised the child. Su saw the wandering eyes and the yearning sighs, she wasn’t stupid. 
And yet, here she was, extending a hand of forgiveness, a hand withered by betrayal, a feeling that y/n knew quite well.
Should she take it?
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nanaminsonyfans · 4 years
Masterlist ✨ Requesting Rules
Request; Hey can I request a wei beifong x metal bender!reader were when they are fighting the red Lotus she gets captured and tortured? He goes crazy trying to find her and when they do she is badly hurt. I just want some angst with fluff at the end.
A/N; oh hell yeah. this is ANGST at it’s finest, we love a man in uniform to kick some fucking ass, also in this oneshot we are going to pretend they stayed in zaofu for like two months ^^ rock and roll buckroo
Pairing; Wei Beifong x Fem Metalbender!Reader
Warnings; Kiddnaping, torture, angst, descirption of wounds, cursing
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Honestly, everything seemed okay at the time. You were apart of Team Avatar, just growing up as a kid on the streets you found Bolin and Mako, and they decided to take care of you. Birds of a feather stick together. Because you were apart of Team Avatar you got to travel with them to find the rest of the new airbenders. Asumi appreciated having a metalbender on a metal airship. Like, if there’s a dent you’ll bend it out ya know?
Being a metalbender meant you are also an earthbender, you never really liked bending rocks and stuff, plus you could manipulate metal into whatever you imagine. Knives, swords, bracelets, literally anything. When you arrived at Zoafu, you were amazed by how everyone manipulated the metal. A boy had caught your eye, his name was Wei Beifong. He was a twin to a brother named Wing, both the youngest of the family. That was amazing to you, being the youngest one of this entire group.
You both had a lot in common, shared the same sense of humor and competitiveness. You clicked immediately. Fell in love even, he was the flirt that always made you blush. “You look amazing today.” “Green is a great color on you.” “Wow, do you just metalbend? Because something else his bending up.” You always got flustered and stopped what you were doing. If you were bending while he said any of that? It stops immediately and the metal crashes to the ground.
Wei finally asked you out, and you became his girlfriend. You were so fucking happy and so was he. The relationship was amazing, everything was so pure and loving, practicing bending together, cuddles, power naps. Everything with him made you happy. Everyone was so happy for you, Mako and Bolin has never ever seen you that happy. Your smile was simply beautiful and everyone noticed. Korra, your close gal pal noticed more, happy about it. 
Everything changed when the Red Lotus attacked.
Korra was being abducted by them, and because you shared a room with the young Avatar, they took you as well. Knocked you out by hitting your head since they didn’t have another tranquilizer. Your head was bleeding from the force of the blow to your head, leaving a small droplet trail of blood. Pabu woke Mako and Bolin up, both waking up to fight and hopefully save both of you. 
They all tried their best, Wei fought with his aunt and mother to let him go down to save you but being a mother, Suyin refused. They weren’t able to get you, they were fast but Ming-Hua was faster, basically encapsulating your body in water. Bubbles of oxygen rose up to the top, everyone watched in horror as the last bubble rose from your mouth and nose. 
The Red Lotus immediately took you to the hideout that would eventually hold Korra. You woke up to a burning sensation in your chest, you rolled over and started to vomit up water mixed with the last thing you ate. Your head was pounding as you finally regained your vision that was blurry. Your clothing wasn’t the same as what you had on when you went to sleep the other night. More like rags. 
“Don’t bother trying to bend.” A man’s voice said, causing you to flinch and turn towards the voice. A man with tanned skin, broad shoulders, long black hair, and a small and thin mustache. You didn’t recognize this man so your face of confusion caused him to sigh. “I am Ghazan.” Okay, that name rang a bell. You heard of him from adults while growing up, he’s an earthbending master with the unique ability to lavabend. Metalbending was already a substyle of earthbending, but he was the only one you have ever heard of that could lavabend. Even growing up you thought it was a myth.
He also was a criminal, everything was making sense now. You tried to stand up but your chains and registrants only jiggled. “Yuh-You don’t know who I-I am.” You state, fear overtaking your body as if you could sense his power, and that fucking scared you. “You don’t think an earthbending master can’t tell one of their own?” Your eyes widened in which Ghazan just smirked and chuckled softly. “I didn’t know which type but, your face confirmed that suspension.” “Bastard.” You mumbled under your breath earning a slap to the face. “Watch your tone. You are not in control here.” 
Your eyes watered from the hit, your left cheek started to sting from that slap. You tried to bend the chains away to no avail. “Yeah keep trying, you can’t bend platinum.” Ghazan taunted and backed up to the doorway. That’s when you realized you were in a wooden cage, suspending above the ground. You started to panic. “What do you want with me?! I’m not important.” You yell, thinking that they could let you go, they obviously wouldn’t.
“We’ve been doing our best.” Kuvira said to Wei Beifong, who had been worried sick for you for two weeks now. “Well try HARDER.” He hissed and stormed off. “Wei…” Wing sighed and ran after his brother. “Listen, we all care about her and we are looking for her but there’s only so much we can do.” Wing explained to his brother that was now fuming with hatred and anger. “You didn’t care for Y/n the same way I did! You don’t understand how I fell! The person I love his captured and possibly being tortured-” His voice cracked as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. “I don’t even want to think about it.” He sniffled and quickly wiped his eyes before turning down the hall.
Your screams were deafening, this was mostly because Ghazan was burning you with lava, Ming-Hua delicately stabbing your sides with ice spikes, and Zaheer suffocating you then letting you slip unconscious. You felt so weak, like you were on the verge of death but they wouldn’t let you die. That was the worst punishment for you. You just wanted to die or see your friends and boyfriend again. Blood trickled down your leg as you blinked back tears from the spike stabbing your left thigh. Your throat was raw from screaming, so you didn’t even bother with it. Why scream? It’s been clear for weeks that no one was coming to your aid.
To your understanding, it has been five weeks since they originally brought you here. Yes, you were fed, dressed, cleaned, and you had been given water, but doesn’t mean the torture ever stopped. Each passing week they took their frustrations out on you, until you heard other’s come, murmurs of them being Airbenders. ‘Opal, oh my god Opal is with the airbenders.’ 
“Opal! Jinora! Ikki!” You scream, your voice cracking and raw, that’s when you saw then, under your cage. Oh no, these bastards took children? You weren’t anywhere close to the ground so you couldn’t even help them, shit. “Y/n? Oh my spirits you’re okay!” Opal said happily and looked up at you. “Wei? Is-Is he okay?” You whisper weakly and grip the wooden planks with your bloody and bruised body. “He’s worried, hopefully they’ll be here soon…”
It was easy, Korra is going to let the airbenders go and then they would reveal your location. Wei was nervously waiting along with the rest of the Zaofu soldiers, shaking from the anticipation and worry for his girlfriend. “She better be alive.” He mumbled under his breath as they waited on the side of the cliff, remembering the moment he found out you were taken.
Wei’s face fell when Bolin told him what had happened to you, his girlfriend, HIS Y/n. “What?” He snapped, his voice and expression going dark with murderous like intent. “Wei calm down-” Wing started, “Don’t FUCKING tell me what to do.” Wei snapped at his brother and whipped back around to Bolin. “So you’re telling me, you had her, you had them knocked out, and YET you didn’t fucking grab her? You had her in your sights and you didn’t do shit? Ha...haha.” He started to laugh a ran a shaky hand through his hair as tears started to flow down. “She’s gone...and it’s all of YOUR fault.” Wei made the ground beneath him bend into a crater as his emotions got stronger at the loss. He shoved Bolin back and stormed off, leaving a trail of tears behind. 
Wei Beifong was shattered at the loss of his first love. He never gave up hope on finding her, he made SURE everyone was looking for you. No stone was left unturned when searching for you. He was so hurt by this, he swore that the Red Lotus would be fucking obliterated for laying a finger on his Y/n.
Your vision blurred when seeing a familiar tanned skinned girl in blue, but your ears worked. “Strap the Avatar to the platinum chains, and let that earthbender down, she’s too weak to even hold her head up. Bring her to where the Avatar will be held.” The familiar voice spoke, Zaheer. Fuck sake, you were gonna die. You let out a bitter chuckle as you were dragged out of the cell by Ming-Hua and her waterbending. “You’re going to try and kill the Avatar yeah? Good luck, she’s a tough nut to crack. I doubt you’ll be able to do it.” 
Taunting earned you a firm slap to the face which made your vision get spotty and blurry for a second while your head spun. “Do you really want your last word to be bitter and taunting?” Ming asked with snark in her tone. “How’d you know? Really, I’ve been begging for the past three weeks now, thank you for finally taking that request.” You said faintly and breathlessly as you felt yourself loose consciousness. “Fuh...Fuck you...you…” You whisper as you tried to fight the sleep. ‘Damn, I really failed again huh? This shit sucks.’
Your ears rang as your eyes fluttered open, you heard movement, the earth under you was moving, you felt every vibration, you heard whooshes of fire, and a voice. Bolin? Mako? “...Y/n?! Y/n!” The familiar voice of Bolin called out to you. You coughed and looked around, moving your head. “Bo...lin?” You were weak, your voice showed that. “We have to go.” Mako said as he ran over to you, the entire cave seemed to shake. “If I’m going down, SO ARE YOU!” Ghazan yelled as boulders crashed down. The firebender scooped you up in his arms as he ran, Bolin following close behind. “Don’t drop her!” “I am not going to drop her! She weighs like nothing Bolin!” You laughed softly at their sibling bickering. 
“Tha...Thank you...Mako.” You whisper weakly, cupping his cheek. “Y/n save your energy.” Mako said, all big brother like because that’s our beloved mako. You squinted when you got outside. “Y/N?!” Wei’s voice snapped you toward the boy. He rushed over and took you from Mako’s arms. “What...what did they do to you?”
Your legs were covered in burns, gashes, bruises, your collarbone had semi-deep cuts, bruises around your neck, black eye, busted lip, bleeding nose. There wasn’t one place that wasn’t injured. Your hands seemed to be the worst. Your fingertips seemed like they were shaved down, your nails ripped out, and your knuckles bloody and bruised. 
“That doesn’t matter…” You whisper, tears running down your cheeks. “You came for me?” Your voice was soft, almost in disbelief. “Y/n, I never stopped looking.” Wei whispered back and took your hand, kissing your bloody knuckles. “Your safe now.” He said calmly as he noticed you shaking and trembling. Six weeks, that’s how long you were there. Finally, you were safe.
After a year of healing, you were finally able to do everything you did before you were kidnapped. When you were found, you had brain trauma from the constant suffocating and you had some nerve damage. You recovered, not fully but enough to be able to nothing for yourself, you regained your comfortability to bend again! Wei was with you every step of the way. He did his best to help you and honestly? That was enough for you. You had grown closer with his family as well, them being your family too now. I mean, you were obviously going to marry Wei so everyone accepted it. 
You fought along side them when Kuvira was being like, a major bitch, and Toph had taken a liking to you! After everything happened, a few years later once Wei and you turned 20 you finally had a wedding. Everyone was so happy, Bolin was your maid of honor because he apparently called dibs. You looked simply beautiful and Wei started crying because after everything, he’s just happy to have you, safe and sound.
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ravensbug · 4 years
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Kuvira x reader
Request: No
Prompt: No
A/N: I love this idea so much and we need more art of Kuvira with glasses. So soft, I love it.
Summary: You’ve been married for almost ten years. Kuvira’s become the matriarch of Zaofu since then, not that she believed she deserved it. You two are happy. Kuvira keeps up with her dancing and training as always, but she seems to be off. You worry that there’s something wrong and eventually convince her to go to the doctor. When the doctor says that she just needs glasses you’re both relieved. It takes a few weeks for her to wear them more often, but you love them so much. You make sure to tell her how beautiful she looks with them.
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You sit outside reading a book while Kuvira trains. You keep telling her that she doesn’t need to do that anymore. She has the guards of Zaofu to protect everyone. But she refuses to go out of practice. The thought that she was still being overprotective was always in your mind, not that you hated that side of her anyway. It was nice to be reminded how much she loved you.
You were always sure to remind her of how much you loved her. No matter how many times she would shrug it off. It’s taken years for her to get over what she did with the Earth Empire and you were there for her every step. No matter how hard it got or how hopeless it seemed.
You looked up from your book to watch your wife practicing her accuracy. She strives for perfection in all things and you had to be there to tell her that she didn’t have to be perfect. This one skill she was always perfect at. And now that she was older she’s seen it get worse. She hides it from you the best she can. She doesn’t like when you worry.
This time you notice. You see how the strips of metal aren’t on the center ring anymore. How they aren’t barely touching each other. This makes you wonder if she’s alright. She’s been better at telling you when she isn’t. Especially with the added weight of being named the matriarch after Su’s passing.
You walk up behind her, letting her know you’re there before you wrap your arms around her waist. You watch as she places the metal strips down on the ground. She leans into your touch and you can’t help the smile that covers your face.
“I love you,” you tell her.
“I know that,” she smiles. “I love you too.”
“You’re doing ok right?” You stop hugging her so she can turn and face you. You gently cup her cheeks and you can see in her eyes that there’s something she isn’t telling you.
“I’m fine. I would tell you if I wasn’t, remember?” She places one of her hands on top of your own.
“I know. I just worry sometimes,” you sigh.
“You worry all the time. We’ve been married almost ten years now. That’s all you ever seem to do,” she lets out a small laugh.
“I’m your wife! It’s my job to worry about you!” you playfully hit her arm.
“I know. I know,” she smiles.
“I promise I’m fine,” she reassures you. You feel only a little better after she says that. You’ve learned when you could try and push her to talk, but this wasn’t one of those times. You hope it isn’t anything serious.
The next few days Kuvira is outside training. She’s doing the same thing over and over and it really begins to worry you. She has a schedule for everything and you know today she would be dancing. But here she is outside training, again.
This time you weren’t going to back down. You knew there was something wrong and you were going to figure out what it was. You did wait for her to finish today, allowing you to obverse her frustration. She knew something was wrong and upset you that she didn’t tell you.
When she finishes and grabs a towel to wipe off the sweat she sees you standing in the window. You can tell she sighs even though you can’t hear it. Your foot taps impatiently as she walks inside to greet you.
“Did you want to ask me something?” She tries to be oblivious.
“There’s something wrong and you’re not telling me.” You cross your arms and you foot continues to tap.
“It’s nothing. I’m fine I promise,” she shrugged
“It’s not nothing, Kuvira.” You used her full name. She knew it was serious when you used her full name.
“You follow your schedule to the tee, but you haven’t been doing that this week. You’ve been training out there for the past three days. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you’re off.” You kept yourself from raising your voice, but your faster rate of speech showed Kuvira the same thing.
“I don’t like it when you hide things from me. It makes me think of when you were...y’know.” It’s been more than ten years since the Earth Empire fell, since she was The Great Uniter. You still couldn’t stomach saying those words. You hated who you were back then and you didn’t like who she was either.
“Don’t...never think that. I will never, never, be that person again.” She cupped your cheeks so you would look at her. She made sure you knew that she was different. That you were different.
“I know. I just want you to trust me with whatever’s wrong.” You leaned into her touch so she could know that you weren’t afraid. A habit you two picked up together after all these years.
“I don’t know,” Kuvira sighed. “I don’t know what’s wrong.”
That made you worry. She always knew what was wrong. When she got sick or injured she knew exactly how to handle it and how long it would take before she was back to normal.
“Then we can go to a doctor. I want to make sure you’re going to be ok.”
“I-That’s ok,” Kuvira hesitated. You knew she didn’t like doctors, which is why she knows what’s wrong with her all the time. She was scared because she didn’t know and if she didn’t know then it must be bad.
“Well go tomorrow ok?” You gave her a quick kiss to calm her nerves. She only nodded in response.
She spent the rest of that day with you, mostly to keep herself calm. You didn’t mind it one bit. She wasn’t the only one nervous, but you pushed your own feelings aside to make sure she felt calm.
The next day you can’t help the feeling of dread in your heart. You can’t even begin to imagine how Kuvira feels. She didn’t sleep for most of the night, even though she tried. All kinds of thoughts were running through her mind and it was overwhelming to her. Her head had never been this loud before.
You're reassuring her the entire way to the doctor’s whether by holding her hand or rubbing her arm. Letting her know that you’re there and you aren’t going has helped with her anxiety and depressive episodes throughout the years. Now shouldn’t be any different.
The nurse at the counter is surprised to see Kuvira of all people there, at a doctor’s office. You told the nurse it was a last minute decision to come and she understood. She told you there was an opening, thank the spirits, so you two sat down and waited.
Anyone else wouldn’t have noticed how worried Kuvira was. She wore her usual stoic expression on her face. You could see beyond that expression and you saw the fear. It was there, no matter how much she tried to hide it and how much you tried to assure her it would be ok. Until the doctor told her what was wrong she wouldn’t be ok. Maybe she would never be ok.
The nurse called you two in and took you to one of the rooms. You could understand why Kuvira hated doctors so much, or at least the doctors in Zaofu. This room wasn’t very friendly, if that was the right way to put it. It felt like a hospital, not a doctor’s office. Your experiences were always friendly. The doctor’s usually had one room and it felt relaxing.
A few minutes went by before the doctor came in. She seemed to be a nice woman, smiled as she walked in, but you knew exactly who she reminded you of. Dr. Sheng. Kuvira never spoke much about the woman before the events at Republic City. But when Guan tried to re-establish the Earth Empire you learned who she was quickly.
“I’m just going to run through all the normal tests first. If I need anything after that I’ll be sure to let you know.” She had a few papers on a clipboard and a pen in her hand.
“The vision exam is first, followed by the hearing test. You can follow me.” She walks out of the door and you both follow her. You stay behind Kuvira, so as not to be in the way.
“I just want you to stand at this line here and read the letters in between the colored lines.” She pointed at the line on the floor and then at the chart with varying sizes of letters. Kuvira read the letters aloud without much trouble, but she did make a mistake. She didn’t seem to notice that.
“I want you to do it two more times, each time covering one eye.” the doctor asked. Kuvira did as requested, missing the same letter, this time on both lines. You wanted to say something, that you had an idea of what was wrong, but you kept your mouth shut. You let the doctor do her job.
The hearing test went perfectly, since you peaked at the doctor’s notes to see that. You were thankful that it only seemed to be one thing, spirits know what would happen if it was more.
When you all went back into the room you still saw how nervous Kuvira was. You were more relaxed because you could see that the doctor wasn’t worried either. Your hand went to Kuvira’s to help calm her down.
“You're becoming near-sighted,” she stated.
“It’s no big deal, often happens as you get older. Getting glasses should be able to stop it from getting any worse as long as you wear them when you need to.” you saw relief flush over Kuvira’s face. Out of all the things she was thinking about, the simple answer had to be it. She was so thankful.
“You won’t need to see an eye doctor or anything. A simple pair of glasses should do. We have lenses here already for basic vision problems and you can pick out whatever frame you like,” she explained. She handed Kuvira a paper with different frame designs on them.
“I’ll let you decide. You can tell the nurse which ones when you’re ready. She’ll be able to grab them for you.” The doctor picked up her notebook at left. When she closed the door you heard Kuvira let out a breath you didn’t know she was holding in.
“You don’t look much happier than before, Vira. Eyesight gets worse with age, that’s inevitable. Don’t be hard on yourself.” You leaned on her shoulder.
“And what if I make mistakes because I can’t see something clearly?” she asked. This was the point where all her self doubt would come bursting through the door. It was your job now to stop that from happening.
“That’s what the glasses are for. You can’t be perfect at everything no matter how hard you try. I don’t expect you to be. You’re human, you make mistakes and things like this happen. I won’t stop loving you any less because of it.” you nailed all the things Kuvira would try and argue about. She didn’t like that because it left her speechless.
“Now stop being so stubborn and pick a pair.” You kissed her. You had a guess as to which pair she would pick. Sleek and simple, much like the rest of her life. You didn’t need to ask her when her mind was made up because she squeezed your hand to let you know.
You two went to the front desk and Kuvira told the nurse which pair she wanted. The nurse took the paper away and went out of view. You could hear her looking through things to find the fame and lenses. When you heard the popping of the lenses being put in the frames you were excited. You wanted to know what Kuvira looked like in glasses.
The nurse came back and handed her the glasses in a case. She told her the basics, just to be sure, and reminded her to wear them as often as possible. Kuvira took the glasses case and nodded.
When you two got back home you couldn’t wait to have her put them on. She didn’t really want to.
“Vira, she told you that you need to wear them as much as possible. That means starting now,” you argued.
“Fine, but don’t expect me to be wearing them everywhere all the sudden,” she sighed. She took the pair of glasses out of the case and stared at them for a second. Spirits she was nervous. She didn’t know what you would think about them, even if you told her she needed to wear them.
When she put them on you couldn’t help but smile. They framed her face perfectly and accented her features. Her beauty mark on her right cheek was still visible, which just helped the glasses look better.
“Beautiful as always.” You cupped her face gently. You couldn’t stop the laugh that came out when her face went red. She was lost for words. So she kissed you instead.
“I love you,” she said when you two stopped kissing.
“And I love you. Don’t forget it.” You pushed up her glasses because they were sliding down her face. That’s what will happen a lot with you being shorter than her. She rolled her eyes when you pushed the glasses up, trying to hide the smile creeping up her face.
“They really do look good,” you smile.
“I suppose...if you think so,” she mumbled.
“You know I’ll be nagging you to keep them on right?” you asked with a smirk.
“I would be surprised if you didn’t. You like them more than I do,” she answered.
“I adore them,” you corrected her. She could care less about how insecure she felt with them. They made you happy and that was worth it. She could learn to wear them for you.
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HIII i’m soo happy you loved LOK!! it’s amazing🤧🤧 and i’ll gladly send in a request. Could i request a Korra x reader where reader, joins Team Avatar later on and Korra and reader start to develop for eachother but they don’t say anything bc they don’t think the other feels the same way. untill an incident happens that causes them to confess👀 like some fluff and angst if that’s alright😭💕💕
hiii, thank you so much for requesting! and you're right, lok is amazing! i absolutely loved it! i loved this request, and i hope you like this!
(this is set in book 4 and even though i finished it not too long ago i don't remember a lot so sorry for any like weird stuff hehe)
Unrequited Love (Korra x Reader)
Warnings: none i think
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Fandom: The Legend of Korra
Summary: See request
Word Count: 1539
Reader is gender neutral! (with they/them pronouns)
You hadn't been with the group from the beginning, but you still were quite close with everyone. You'd met Mako and Bolin a while ago when you had to fight against them in a Pro Bending tournament, and even though you were adversaries, you got along pretty well outside the ring.
You'd lost touch with them until one day you ran into Mako and he practically begged you to spend some time with him to catch up a bit, which eventually led to you meeting the girls and also Wu, and later joining the whole group.
When you first re-encountered with Mako, Korra was still away from Republic City, and you were extremely excited about meeting her. And from the very beginning, you were mesmerized at the sight of her, she was extremely beautiful to you, and you sometimes found yourself thinking a little too much about her.
You thought that there was no point in telling her how you felt since you were convinced she liked Asami, so you just stayed quiet while your feelings grew with every passing minute.
You didn't know that Korra felt the same way, though. She was intrigued by you from the first moment she saw you, but after being away from her friends for three years, she thought that maybe there was something going on between you and Mako, and she didn't want to come in between you two. So it was this never-ending cycle of confusion and wrong thoughts that neither of you seemed to be able to escape from.
You loved spending time alone with her. It didn’t happen very often, but when it did your heart just burst out with joy, and sometimes you couldn’t help but daydream about being with her, but you knew that there was no point in that, not when she liked someone else. You both spent a while without saying anything about your feelings while trying to hide them as they grew stronger but with the imminent danger that Kuvira meant, you thought that maybe it would end up being too late. Still, you didn’t say anything at all.
When the day came to fight against Kuvira, once Asami’s father managed to cut a whole on in Kuvira’s suit, Mako, Bolin and you headed to the power core of the machine and fought the guards that were there. You tried to follow Bataar Jr.’s instructions but it didn’t work out, but when Bolin said that the only thing he knew about spirit vines was that they exploded easily, you and Mako knew what you had to do. You could both lightning bend, so you told Bolin to take the guards somewhere safe. He was hesitant at first, but you promised you’d get out of there as soon as possible.
You both shoot lightning at the power core and ended up making it explode. You tried to escape, but you were both left unconscious by the backlash of the spirit core energy. Luckily, Bolin came back for the two of you and managed to save you. Mako managed to wake up shortly after, but you were still passed out, even when Korra came out of the new spirit portal with Kuvira. They were all happy about winning the fight, but as soon as Korra saw you, she was afraid that maybe it was too late.
She tried to heal you, and could even feel the tension and pain all over your body. Once she was done, you opened your eyes for a bit before closing them again.
“(Y/N)? Please, wake up!” Begged the girl, but you just couldn’t listen to her.
“Are they…?” Began asking Bolin, with tears already threatening to fall from his eyes.
“They’re alive, Bolin! But I think it’s going to be a while until they wake up,” she said.
A few days later you finally woke up. You were in an unknown room, and when you moved your head a little, you saw that Mako was sitting in a chair right next to your bed. You let out a small groan and he immediately woke up.
“(Y/N)! Oh, you’re awake!” He said while quickly getting up to sit on the bed, while also grabbing one of your hands.
“Mako? W-What happened? Where am I?”
“You’re in my apartment, (Y/N),” he answered. “Are you okay? Do you need anything? You’ve been asleep for a few days.”
“The last thing I remember is you and me inside that robot,” you said, still trying to comprehend everything around you. “Then suddenly everything went dark.”
“Yeah, Bolin got us out of there, and then Korra healed you but you remained unconscious until now.”
“Wow,” you said once he was finished. “Where is she? Is she okay?”
“She’s fine, I haven’t seen her a lot since I was here taking care of you,” he replied. Your heart broke a little bit at the thought of her not coming to see you and you even wanted to cry a bit, but you were feeling so many things at the same time that you were just extremely confused. “Zhu-Li and Varrick are getting married,” commented Mako.
“Wait what?” You asked surprised. “When?”
“In a few days, you’re obviously invited but we didn’t know if you’d be awake, so...” You slowly nodded at his words.
“So… would you be my date to the wedding?” You asked. “Platonically speaking, of course, you know?”
He let out a small giggle before responding. “Of course, (Y/N), plus I know you like Korra way too much,” he said. You opened your eyes and stared at him. He looked back at you and just shrugged his shoulders. “I guess you’re a bit too obvious, my friend.”
You were wearing a black suit with red details, and you made mako wear a red tie so you two could match. However, once the ceremony was over, you drifted away from everyone; you were feeling a bit sad and you didn’t want to ruin such a beautiful night, so you figured it would be best if you just spent some time by yourself.
Suddenly you felt some steps right behind you, and when you turned around you saw Korra walking towards you. You turned back around and let out a small sigh.
“Hi, (Y/N). Can I sit here?” She asked. You nodded and she sat by your side. “How are you feeling?”
“A bit better than when I first woke up,” you admitted. “Mako told me that you healed me, I wanted to thank you for that.”
“You don’t have to thank me, (Y/N),” she told you. There was a small silence between you two. “I guess he also told you that I didn’t really visit you,” she let out.
“Yeah, he did,” you mumbled. 
“I’m sorry about that, I just couldn’t see you like that,” she said. “It was too much, and I didn’t want to think that I could lose you.” You blushed a little at her words, understanding her a lot more than before.
“I’m not going anywhere, Korra. Because, to be honest, I couldn’t really stand being away from you either.”
She smiled at your words and let out a sigh. “So, how’s everything with Mako? He was really worried about you too,” she asked you.
“Oh, everything’s fine,” you answered. “I’m really glad I have a friend like him in my life.”
“Wait, what?” She looked at you confused. “I thought you and Mako were together, like dating.”
“What? No, oh no, we’re just friends.”
“So you don’t like him?”
“No, I mean not like that. I can’t believe you thought I did,” you said while giggling. “It’s like, imagine if you weren’t actually dating Asami and someone thought you were, it’s a bit funny.”
“But I’m not dating Asami,” she replied.
“Wait, really? But do you like her or something?”
“Asami and I are just friends, (Y/N).”
“So you’re telling me that I’ve been hiding my feelings for you just for nothing?” You mumbled a bit too loud. You realized she heard you and for a few seconds, you both looked at each other, wondering if what was happening was actually real.
“You have feelings for me?” 
“Kind of… I mean, I do, but I totally get it if you don’t, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything,” you said.
“But what if I have feelings for you too?” She asked you. Suddenly your eyes lit up while looking at her face, thinking that there was no way this was actually happening. 
“Please don’t get my hopes up like that, Korra.”
“I’m being serious, I do have feelings for you, but I thought you were with Mako, so that’s why I didn’t say anything.”
You quickly got on your feet with excitement. “I never said anything because I thought you were with Asami!” She got up too and grabbed both of your hands.
“I can’t believe this is actually happening. Am I dreaming?”
“If you are, then I’m having the same dream.” You turned your gaze to the side for a moment and took a deep breath. “Is it okay if I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Hi ! I hope you’re having a good evening, I was hoping to request an imagine of Jinora from the Legend of Korra, I thought it could be like romantic and with fluff, where she and the female reader are girlfriends but nobody except Korra knows about it and her family discovers it and they’re like supportive of their relationship :)
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(This is going to go along with my other Jinora x reader)
Ever since the night you spent in Jinora’s room, the two of you had began dating. The only person the two of you told was Kai and that was because he helped cover for you when you and Jinora wanted to spend alone time together. Neither of you wanted Tenzin or Lin to find out about your relationship with how bad their relationship ended. After everything that happened with Zaheer, you and Jinora barely got to spend as much time together. The last two times the two of you actually hung out was after she got her tattoos and after Korra left for the south pole.
You and your mom sat next to each other at the docks on air temple island. “I just don’t understand...” You take another bite of the roast duck your mom had smuggled onto the island. “How they don’t eat meat.” You finish your sentence as you swallow. Your mom just grunts as she takes a bite of her chicken in agreement. The party food was good but it was all vegan, not that you didn’t agree with their eating style it just wasn’t for you. “Y/n?” You heard someone say your name and turned around, duck hanging out your mouth, and saw Jinora standing at the beginning of the dock. You quickly swallowed the duck in your mouth before shoving the rest of it into your mom’s hands. You stood up and gave your mom a kiss on the head as a farewell before popping a mint in your mouth and walking over to Jinora. You missed the way your mom smirked, you might have been a Beifong and could hide secrets but she was your mom. Lin knew that there was something between you and Jinora. Luckily, she liked Jinora and had no problem with you dating her, not that she would admit to that. She also wasn’t surprised that Tenzin hadn’t figured it out yet. Lin watched with a small smile as you wrapped an arm around Jinora's shoulders before playfully rubbing her now bald head. Lin liked seeing you happy.
You stood at the docks as you watched everyone give Korra a hug goodbye, giving her one as well of course. You watched with sad eyes as Asami seemed to deflate as the boat slowly pulled away before shaking away her emotions and leaving the dock. You felt bad for Asami, it was obvious she had feelings for Korra and that it hurt that Korra didn’t want her to join her in the South Pole. You wrapped an arm around Jinora’s shoulder as the two of you returned to the air temple. You gave your mom a hug as she left the island on a boat with a few other people before going to Jinora’s room. You knocked on the door as you arrived and opened it when she didn’t respond. The sight before you broke your heart, Jinora was laying on her bed, head pressed against her pillow as she let out silent tears. You took off your jacket and boots before getting into the bed and pulling Jinora into you. “It’s okay... Korra is going to go to the South Pole, work her butt off, and return before you can blink.��� You say trying to comfort Jinora. You knew that Jinora saw Korra as an older sister figure and looked up to her. “Everything will be okay...”
You and Jinora did find the odd times to have dates through out the next three year as you kept the peace and tried to help out with the Earth Kingdom and deal with whatever Kuvira was doing. You and Jinora made sure that if either of you got sent on a mission outside of Republic City that you were partnered together. When Korra returned home Jinora was ecstatic, three years was a long time. You, of course, were also happy for her return but that feeling was almost immediately replaced by embarrassment.
You watched with a big smile as Jinora lunged at Korra, both girls sporting a big smile as they wrap each other in a hug. “Wow, you’ve gotten tall.” Korra jokes as she notes that Jinora’s eyes line up with her chin. She looks behind Jinora and her eyes widen a little. “Holy spirits! You’re a giant now!” Korra exclaims as she gives you a hug. You let out a chuckle, “Yeah I finally got taller than Mako... It must be from my dad’s genes.” You release Korra from a hug and give Asami a smirk as she subconsciously leans closer to Korra as they stand next to each other. Your smirk is quickly wiped away as Korra asks a question. “So how long have the two of you been together?” Korra asks as she motions towards you and Jinora. You did a spit take in shock and coughed a little as Jinora rubbed your back, a blush prominent on her face. “How...” Korra looked at the two of you in confusion. “Are you guys not... I mean it just seemed obvious...” Korra voiced her confusion. “No we are dating... We just haven’t told anyone except for Kai.” “Oh... I can keep a secret.” Korra said with a smirk. “I figured it before Tenzin though, right?” Korra asks and beams when you and Jinora nod your head. “I can’t wait to rub it in his face when you both come out with your relationship. Make sure I’m there for that-” Korra gets cut off by a hard elbow to the stomach from Asami, who gives her a look. “I mean... I’m happy for you guys.” Korra says as she pulls you and Jinora into a hug.
 “Go dance with her.” A person says as they put a hand on your shoulder. “Huh? What?” You say as you turn around and your eyes go wide as you see your mother standing there in her green dress. “C’mon kid, I’m not blind like your grandmother and even she could see that you and Jinora are together.” Lin says with a roll of her eyes and a slight smile. “You’re... You’re okay with it?” You ask nervously, you wouldn’t admit it but your mom’s approval meant a lot to you. “Does she make you happy?” Lin asks as she takes a seat across from you, making you hold eye contact with her as you answer. “All the time.” Lin shrugs her shoulder, “Then I don’t see the problem.” “But you and Tenzin...” Lin let’s out a groan. “Look I might not show or tell you this often, but I do love you y/n. You’re my kid and all I want is for you to be happy. If that’s with or with out Jinora, I have no problems.” You tear up at your mom’s words, happy she was so accepting of your relationship. “Spirits, weddings must make you emotional.” You jest as you stand up and fix the tie around your neck. “Wish me luck.” You say before heading towards Tenzin’s table that held his family, Korra’s family, and Asami. “You don’t need luck, you’re a Beifong.”
You could feel your hands shake more and more the closer you got to the table. You knew Jinora was ready to be out with your relationship and it was you that was scared of people’s reactions... Well not really other people’s reaction, just your mom’s and Tenzin’s. But if your mom was okay with it then Tenzin was going to have to be too. You made eye contact with Korra and Asami as you walked up to the table, both girls sending you encouraging smiles. “Ah, Y/n, you clean up nicely.” Tenzin says with a small smile as he notices you walk up. “What can I help you with?” Spirits, it’s so hot in here. You felt like you were sweating buckets at this point. “Actually...” You voice shook a little with nerves and you pulled the collar of your shirt some away from your neck like it was choking you. “Actually...” Deep breaths, you got this, calm, cool, and collected. You kept repeating to yourself over and over again, calming your nerves. “I actually came over to ask Jinora for this dance...” You state as you turn to look at your girlfriend, who was hiding the shock on her face, so you didn’t have to see Tenzin’s reaction. “I would love to.” Jinora said with a big smile before grabbing your hand and dragging you to the dance floor.
“I think I’m going to pass out.” You state as you and Jinora start swaying side to side in rhythm with the slow song that was playing. Jinora giggles at your statement before looking up at you. “I’m surprised you even did that.” “Yeah well, turns out I can’t hide anything from my mom.” Jinora laughs again as she rests her head against your chest. “Well my dad doesn’t seem to freaked out.” She states and you take a second to look over to the table you had just been at. Korra and Asami were gone, Korra’s parents were still talking to each other and eating, you could see a frowning Meelo handing money over to Ikki, and Pema held a big smile on her face as she tried to discipline Meelo and Ikki about betting and making sure Rohan didn’t make a mess. Tenzin, of course, was still in a state of shock. You nod your head, “Yeah could be worse.”
“So the two of you are in a serious relationship?” Tenzin asks as he stands next to you. You nod your head as you watch Jinora mess with Rohan at the table while Pema was dealing with Ikki and Meelo. “I'm in love her.” You state adamantly, “I have been for eight years.” Tenzin’s eye went wide, “Since you were fifteen?” “Yeah but don’t worry we’ve only been dating for three.” You say with a proud smile that didn’t go unnoticed by Tenzin. Tenzin places a hand on your should causing you to look at him. “I was definitely shocked earlier when you came and asker her to dance but I know you are a strong individual and capable of taking care of my daughter... If you don’t I will make sure some spirits will come and deal with you.” Tenzin says threateningly. “I would try in throw you in jail but I don’t think Beifong would go for that.” He states like it was an afterthought. “Okayyyy...” Jinora says as she breaks into the conversation and grabs your hand. “No more threatening my s/o please.” She says as she dragged you onto the dance floor for the second time that night. “He didn’t say anything else did he?” Jinora asks as she looks up at you worriedly. “Nothing to concerning.” You jest as you lean your head down towards Jinora and give her a goofy grin. “I love you.” Jinora rolls her eyes in response before giving you a smile, “I love you too.”
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simp4kuvira · 4 years
The Guilty Consequences
My second-ever fanfiction! I tried to approach this using an angsty/hurt/comfort angle. Hopefully it’s satisfactory. Likes and reblogs are always appreciated 💚
Summary: Kuvira has achieved everything she's ever dreamed of. The Avatar and her fiancé are gone, Republic City has fallen, the Earth Empire is fully united, and there's nothing obstructing her goals anymore. But why does she feel the guilty consequences of her actions gnawing at her psyche?
Rating: Mature for foul language and mentions of death and violence.
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Kuvira
Word count: ~3,950 words
To read on fanfiction.net, click here.
To read on AO3, click here.
“Great Uniter?”
Your gentle voice draws Kuvira’s attention away from the cockpit’s windows of her enormous mecha suit, which is currently situated over the rubble of what used to be President Raiko’s office. After successfully stopping Team Avatar from meddling in Kuvira’s efforts to conquer Republic City, the rest of the United Republic of Nations fell neatly into the hands of the Earth Empire. Korra and her friends were clever enough to believe that kidnapping Kuvira’s so-called fiancé and using him as a bargaining chip would convince her to give up the assault on Republic City. Little did they know, Kuvira was ecstatic to seize the opportunity to rid herself of the engagement and wipe out Team Avatar for the good of the empire. One simple blast of her mecha’s spirit cannon directed towards Future Industry’s factory killed two birds with one stone. Of course, Kuvira still had to worry about Korra’s reincarnation when the new earthbending Avatar came of age, but seeing as how they would be reborn into the Earth Empire, the Great Uniter was not concerned about the future Avatar’s actions for now. She would worry about that problem on another day. For now, the aftermath of Republic City’s defeat was a more pressing matter.
The corner of Kuvira’s lip twitches upward in a faint smile when she turns to meet your gaze. You stride towards her and wrap an arm around her waist before planting a quick kiss on the beauty mark underneath her eye. A noise of contentment emanates somewhere deep in her throat as she leans into your touch. “You know you don’t have to call me Great Uniter, Y/N. Especially not when we’re alone.” 
“Oh trust me, I know,” you retorted. “I just thought it would be fitting to use your official title to commemorate you on a job well done. The Earth Empire is completely unified now thanks to you.” 
Kuvira’s eyes flicker back to surveying the remnants of Republic City. “You flatter me, Y/N. I hardly completed the effort on my own. There were my soldiers, my engineers, and don’t forget the radio technician that triangulated Team Avatar and Baatar’s location in Future Industry’s factory. We’d still be at war with Republic City if it weren’t for their intel. I owe my success to my loyal followers, and especially to you. I don’t regret appointing you to draft annexation treaties for the states that yielded peacefully.” She chuckled softly. “I would’ve never gotten to know you so intimately if I hadn’t done that, much less had the privilege to call you mine.” She presses an innocent kiss to the corner of your mouth.  
You scoffed playfully and pulled back from Kuvira’s waist. “You give yourself too little credit! Not many people would’ve had the mental fortitude to take out your strongest opposition using the spirit cannon. The Earth Empire exists because of you.” You lower your voice and snuggle back to Kuvira’s side. “You know… I’m kinda glad that you did it, even if it sounds awful. It’s unfortunate that Korra and Baatar are gone, but at least we don’t have to worry about the Avatar for another sixteen-something years. We don’t have to hide our relationship from everyone anymore, and you don’t have to pretend to be attracted to some gross guy. We can be authentically together in peace while you build your nation. That’s what matters.” A twinge of guilt spreads through your chest when you dare to defile Korra and Baatar, but you ignore it as best as possible. This is for the best, you repeat to yourself. Funnily enough, that phrase has become a personal mantra for both you and your lover.
You felt Kuvira’s muscles stiffen almost imperceptibly when she heard the words “Avatar” and her ex-fiancé’s name on your lips. Surely she must feel relieved that she doesn’t have to fake being in love with a man as a cheap cover-up for her true sexuality, even if he was taken out of the picture a tad bit brusquely, to say the least. She also doesn’t have Korra breathing down her neck anymore, so what gives? Kuvira’s eyes are glued to the windows offering a panoramic view of the leagues and leagues of wreckage. She remains uncomfortably quiet. 
Unsure of whether or not Kuvira wants you to remain clinging onto her, you start pulling away when she shows no sign of breaking the silence. You’ve been romantically involved with Kuvira for three years now, and you know that when she clams up, there’s no use trying to pry her open until she’s ready. During the first few months of your relationship, she would often have trouble separating her outwardly ambitious and cunning persona from her inwardly vulnerable and tender true self. On days where her reunification efforts fell behind schedule or the Avatar knocked her carefully calculated plans awry, Kuvira’s sour mood leaked into your personal lives. At times, she would inadvertently lapse into Great Uniter-mode while you were trying to relax together after a long day’s work. It wasn’t until you gently coaxed her out of her tension that she began to share what was weighing heavily on her mind. You supported her as best as you could, but when it came to more delicate topics, such as her childhood, her relationship with her adoptive family, or her innermost feelings, Kuvira shut down. She would come clean to you when she was prepared to talk. All would reveal itself in due time. 
You murmured something vague about seeing her later as you padded quietly towards the door. Just as you were about to leave the mecha’s cockpit, a feeble voice called out for you to wait. Stopping in your tracks, you spun on your toes to look at Kuvira. The orange sunset filtered in through the windows and outlined her body in a shimmering glow, which seemed to have a softening effect on her unusually tense body language. Her entire frame was as rigid as a steel beam, legs shoulder-width apart, arms poised behind her back. Her brow was furrowed ever-so-slightly and the corner of her eyes were pinched, as if she was lost in thought or fighting off a headache.
“Y/N,” she ventured. She inhaled sharply before continuing. “I thought reuniting the Earth Empire and conquering the United Republic of Nations would be… different. Ever since Suyin refused to stabilize Ba Sing Se and share Zaofu’s progressiveness, I believed I was the only person competent enough to take initiative. I stepped up to the plate and accomplished my goals. The Earth Empire is stronger than ever. I’m finally in the position to launch industrialization and modernization campaigns in villages neglected by that archaic monarchy everyone despised. I restored order where there was anarchy. I stopped lawless bandits stealing from the poor. I gave resources to the needy when we annexed states, yet…” her eyes flutter closed for a moment as she pauses to collect her thoughts. When she reopens her eyes, her jade colored eyes plead silently at you. Even when you’re standing across the cockpit from each other, you notice that her shoulders are trembling ever-so-slightly. 
You’re astonished at Kuvira’s rare moment of vulnerability. Usually it takes her a few hours, maybe a day or two, for her to open up about a touchy subject. Even then, she’s not one to show emotion so openly on her countenance, not unless she’s severely distressed and totally certain that you and her are alone together. You took a few hesitant steps towards her. 
“You thought winning would be different, huh?” Unsure of how to proceed, you decided to try your hand at a bit of light-hearted banter to see if it might have an effect on your lover. “Well, yeah winning was going to be different! You made your plans based on the assumption that Korra would always be a pain in the ass even after we annexed the United Republic and started our projects, but now you don’t have to worry about her anymore! What about the wedding? You don’t have to marry a guy you don’t love, and we don’t have to worry about hiding our relationship from everyone. Isn’t that a weight off your shoulders?” Despite your confession, you knew the loss of life was a tragedy. You convinced yourself that it was for the greater good, and you knew Kuvira shared your sentiment. This is for the best, you recited. You shimmied towards her and reached out to hold her gloved hands in your own. Icy fingers of anxiety began to spider its way throughout your chest when you looked into her eyes plagued by fear. “Kuvira… is everything alright?” You squeezed her quivering hands for emphasis. 
Kuvira’s eyes flitted to a spot right over your shoulder. “That’s not what I meant, Y/N. I meant I thought winning would be better than this.” 
“Yes. Better.” It appears Kuvira is becoming irritated at you.
“Kuvira, I won’t understand what you’re trying to say if you keep beating around the bush like that. Why isn’t this better?” 
Kuvira lets out an exasperated groan and yanks her hands away from you. “Don’t pretend to be stupid, Y/N. You know what I’m talking about. There’s more good in the Earth Empire than bad. At least, that’s what I keep trying to convince myself. This is for the best, we would always say. I made more progress than what I took away from people. The price I paid— no, the price other people paid— for my progress was justified. Isn’t it?” Kuvira’s voice falters on the last two words tumbling out of her lips. “What good is ruling the Earth Empire if all I have to show for it is a pile of rubble? Just look at this! How am I supposed to uplift my people if this is what I have to work with?” Her voice steadily rose in volume the more she spoke, until she was practically yelling when she swept her arm to the window showcasing Republic City’s destroyed buildings. 
The adrenaline rushing through your body begins to drown out all hopes of rational thought and speech. You find yourself raising your voice to match your lover’s anger. “Kuvira, I thought this is what you wanted. You wanted to tear out the old and bring in the new. That’s all you ever talked about when we were campaigning. Why are you changing your mind now?” 
“For fuck’s sake, don’t you see? You even said it yourself! It’s a tragedy that the Avatar and my ex-fiancé and all these other people are gone.” Kuvira’s eyes flash dangerously with seething rage. “Why did I make other people pay for my hopes and dreams for the Earth Empire? I dethroned Prince Wu and ridiculed him in front of the whole world, I threatened to let people die if they didn’t join me, I forced Varrick to build a weapon of mass destruction, I destroyed the most spiritual and sacred tree in the Foggy Swamp for the sake of violence, I didn’t hesitate to put dissenters in reeducation camps to be brainwashed and dehumanized.” She takes a ragged breath before bellowing “I murdered people with my spirit cannon. Why didn’t you fucking stop me, Y/N?”
Your voice reaches a shrill pitch as you hurl back your rebuttal. “I didn’t stop you because this is what you wanted,” pointing an accusing finger towards Kuvira to accentuate your points. “You’re charismatic enough to make other people agree with you. You convinced yourself you were doing this for everyone else’s good, and you convinced me, too. Don’t you remember? This is for the best. No one stopped you because you locked yourself in an echo chamber filled with people that agreed with your plans. And when someone did have the courage to speak up, you sent them to reeducation camps, threatened their lives, or outright killed them.” 
“So you think this is my fault?” Kuvira takes an intimidating step towards you and looks down upon you threateningly. Her voice drops to a dangerously low growl. “Me? This is all me?” 
“Now it’s your turn to stop being dense, Kuvira. You just admitted that you thought winning would be different and you just gave a guilt-ridden speech about making other people pay for your mistakes. Open your damn eyes!” 
Kuvira abruptly pivots her body away from you and takes several steps back. “You are dismissed, soldier,” she whispered in a cold voice as unyielding as steel. She resumed looking out the window with her arms behind her back. 
“Seriously, Kuvira?” you moan. “You can’t just push me away like that when you’re so close to realizing the truth. Why don’t you listen to me? Why don’t you listen to yourself?” You cautiously take a step closer before she whips around and metalbends a fragment of her shoulder plate in your general direction which misses your face by a mere hairsbreadth. Your body freezes as your mind races to comprehend that Kuvira would dare threaten your safety. 
“Leave me, Y/N.” Kuvira refuses to look at you.
You stand motionless for a moment that stretches on for an eternity as your eyes overflow with bitter tears. The cockpit’s door slams loud enough to reverberate throughout the mecha suit as you plod your way down to the nearest exit and catch a ferry to Kuvira’s base of operations on Air Temple Island, knowing she would meet you there when she was ready to be calm and civilized. The whole time you spent traveling from the giant mecha to Republic City’s docks, throngs of weary-eyed refugees peeking behind piles of rubble plagued your sights. Thankfully, the two bodyguards escorting you to the personal quarters you shared with Kuvira kept the masses at bay, but the stark reality of so many war-torn people suffering from the conflict infected your guilty conscience. You roughly dismissed your bodyguards once you set foot on the Island and wasted no time briskly marching to your shared bedroom. You hoped the evening’s darkness masked the silent tears flowing down your cheeks. 
 Your nightmares consisted of petrified throngs of innocent people fleeing Kuvira’s army. Exhausted bodies toiling away in reeducation camps. The terror etched upon soldiers’ faces as Kuvira intimidated them with violence. And finally, a vision of what you imagined Baatar’s, Korra’s, and the rest of Team Avatar’s last moments on earth must’ve been like before an overpowering purple light burned their bodies out of existence. 
You jolted upright in bed drenched in a cold sweat and gasping for air. “Fuck,” you stammered under your breath over and over. “Fucking fuckity fuck. Kuvira really did convince me that everything was for the best, didn’t she?” You didn’t want to believe it at first, but the nagging voice lingering somewhere in your head relentlessly reminded you that this destruction wasn’t worth thousands upon thousands of ruined lives. 
Your only job in the Earth Empire’s army was to help expedite the political and legal process of unifying a country. If your position was relatively peaceful and bloodless, you couldn’t begin to imagine Kuvira’s guilt about orchestrating this three year long operation. How am I supposed to convince Kuvira to see the light? you pondered. She was so close to realizing it before she snapped at me. Maybe I can talk to her again and—
An abrupt knocking shook you out of your thoughts. I thought I told those guards to leave me alone. You shuffled to the door and slid it open, half expecting for it to be another diplomat’s messenger begging for you to revise this oh-so-important legal paperwork that couldn’t possibly wait until morning, until you looked up and saw Kuvira slouched against the doorframe. Her chocolate-colored hair cascaded about her shoulders, and her uniform was rumpled from head to toe. You could count on one hand the number of times Kuvira allowed herself to look this haggard, and frankly, the fact that she looked this way hours after your fight in the cockpit led you to believe that maybe she had taken your advice seriously. 
“Kuvira?” you gasped.
“Y/N,” she mumbled feebly. “I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t want to see me after how I reacted, but I don’t know where else to go.” Her voice quavered. “I don’t have anyone else who I can trust with these feelings that are eating me up inside, and I thought maybe you could…” her sentence trailed off unfinished. “Before you left, you mentioned that you knew all of this,” she gestured vaguely at the surrounding area, “was wrong, but I convinced you that it was okay, and I convinced myself that it was okay too, but now I realize that it’s wrong and for fuck’s sake I don’t know what to do about it now.” The last of her strength escaped her body and she crumpled to the floor in a heap of unrestrained sobbing.
Swooping down to the floor alongside her, you promptly wrapped your arms around her shoulders and nestled her into your embrace. Whatever animosity you felt because of how she shooed you out of the cockpit had dissipated. Your fingers threaded themselves into the locks of her hair as you whispered soothing words. 
 “I’m so sorry I pulled the entire world down with me. I’m so sorry I ruined nearly everyone’s life.” The full force of her words bubbled out of her mouth uninhibited by her previous attempts of restraint. She couldn’t stop talking now if she tried. “I saw how hopeless my nation was after it descended into lawlessness. I was willing to pay the ultimate price to nurture it into something stronger than ever before, but I didn’t realize I had no authority to take away other people’s autonomy. I had no right to take lives, no right to let people suffer when I didn’t get what I wanted, no right to let people starve on the streets if a state didn’t join the Empire, no right to usurp power, no right to throw the entire world out of balance by murdering the Avatar just to achieve my vision.” She buries her face into your nightshirt before choking out her final sentences. “I’m so sorry I pulled you down with me, Y/N. I especially didn’t want to threaten you the way I did earlier. You’re the last person I ever want to hurt.” 
You feel that Kuvira’s sorrow is rather misplaced. She shouldn’t be entirely apologizing to you, but rather to the whole world and everyone whom’s lives she changed for the worse. But now is not the time to object to her apology. For now, you let her weep into your chest for several minutes until her tears subside and her body stops trembling.
After her emotions have stabilized somewhat, you help your lover stand on her feet and guide her to the edge of the mattress. You gently work out the knots in her hair using your fingers and begin to strip the layers of her uniform off her body. She tries protesting by claiming that she’s perfectly capable of doing it herself, but you discourage her by pressing a finger to her lips and muttering “you’ve had a rough day in more ways than one. Let me help you get ready for bed.” Once you’ve helped her don her nightclothes, you stretched yourself out on the bedsheets and gently pulled her into your protective embrace once more. 
Several minutes of silence pass like this, Kuvira curled up flush against your body, before you felt it was safe to express your thoughts about her confession. “Kuvira, I appreciate you apologizing to me, but I’m not the only person you should be apologizing to. Telling me you’re sorry isn’t going to absolve all of your guilt.” 
“I know,” she said. “I know I have a long journey ahead of me, but you were the first person I felt I needed to apologize to before I kept going.” 
“I say this with love, but I think you owe an apology to the entire world. You can’t keep living in guilt like this.” 
Kuvira pauses briefly before saying “I don’t think I could live with myself if I keep being the Great Uniter. The position I created for myself carries too much blood and suffering.” 
“Does that mean you’re going to stop being the Great Uniter?” 
“I think I’m going to convene with all the major world leaders. Raiko is still around somewhere, and so is Prince Wu, Tenzin, the Beifongs, Fire Lord Izumi. I still want the country to be modernized like the rest of the world, but I think it’s best if they take the reins. I don’t think they’d appreciate me doing the work after how I’ve hurt everyone. I’ll arrange a speech announcing my decision to permanently step down. And then,” she takes a shaky breath, “I’ll happily walk into a courtroom and accept whatever punishment the law deems fit.”
“I’ll admit, I didn’t expect you to take such a drastic decision so quickly, but I’m glad you did. I’m not blameless either, Kuvira. I’m sorry for enabling you. I hope I can make up for it by being with you every step of the way.”
An unamused grin creeps upon Kuvira’s face. “Even if it means we’ll go to prison together?”
“Especially if it means we go to prison together,” you chided. “How else would I keep you company? I wouldn’t leave you all by yourself. Maybe we can be cellmates.” Her face is still marred red-rimmed eyes and a slight scowl. If you dared to tickle her, she might crack a genuine smile for the first time since Republic City fell. 
You dig your fingers into Kuvira’s side, eliciting a sharp yelp from her before she’s overcome by a fit of giggles. The sound of Kuvira’s mirth is a treat she rarely shares with anyone, especially since she shouldered this massive enterprise. Who knows when you’d ever get to hear or see her happy like this?
A fraction of the tension in her body has melted away after her laughter subsides. “Thank you sincerely. Your support is priceless, and so is your humor.” She snuggles closer into your body before murmuring “I love you, Y/N” into your shoulder. 
“I love you too,” you whispered before you both drifted off to sleep. The peace between you and Kuvira would be radically different, if not uncertain, by the time she calls upon the world leaders and steps down. For at least this one silent night, you can cherish your last few moments of freedom together with her.
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empirelead-a · 2 years
Korra gently runs her hand through Kuvira's hair over & over, all soft - like.
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“Korra.”  KUVIRA CALLED OUT HER NAME  with half-lidded eyes upon feeling Korra’s fingers combing through her dark locks. She failed to suppress a shiver from trembling down her body  ——  BITING BACK A MOAN  when Korra’s nails scratches her scalp. Kuvira knew if this continues on, she won’t get any work done but she made no move to stop her girlfriend who was most likely grinning. Oh Kuvira will get back at Korra later, but for now, she allowed herself a few moments of respite; eyes closing,  PRACTICALLY PURRING. 
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