#[ headcanon :: a mountain never lies ]
fistfuloflightning · 1 year
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Hello, Grandfather. Hope you don’t mind company today.
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empirelead-a · 2 years
I see people doing this on my other rp blog, so I want to do the same on here~ Have some nsfw headcanons
On the contrary, Kuvira isn’t as dominate in bed as one may think. She’s definitely more submissive when it comes to bedroom activities. 
She likes to be degraded in the bedroom, like name-calling and hair pulling. Of course, that is only reserved for the bedroom when things are turning hot and heavy, otherwise, one will find themselves suffering a fate worse than death.
Due to her demanding job, it’s not often she gets to have sex. When she finally does, she tries her best to cherish the moment, but at the same time, she can be impatient due to the fact, like I said, she has a demanding job that can and will still away her attention first.
Also, she’s loud so she tends to bite to quiet herself down. Blood may be drawn, really depends on how good someone is making her feel.
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perfectlyoongi · 1 month
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ㅤ⚘.fandom ... bts. ㅤㅤಇ.ft. ... jimin, taehyung, jungkook x gn!reader. ㅤ⚘.genre ... headcanons. ㅤㅤಇ.content ... fluff. ㅤㅤಇ.word count ... ~310 each / ~940 total.
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cheerfully and calmly.
the concept of the term love was something fascinating to Jimin, leading him to look for the beauty of this life in small things — and it was when he met you that the entire meaning of this magical word was forever trapped in Jimin's heart. as if learning to walk all over again, Jimin took his time falling in love with you, savoring each and every moment shared, letting your heavenly words create ethereal landscapes in Jimin's heart; every promise of yours painted Jimin's soul in warm and welcoming colors, wrapping Jimin in an embrace so orange, so red, that it always left him wanting more; every touch of yours created mountains in Jimin's heart, vast valleys with rivers of pure admiration filled Jimin's soul every time you touched him.
you were the universe itself. your entire essence was filled with small joys that appeared like butterflies, flapping their fragile wings in an attempt to get Jimin's attention. and he saw you. Jimin saw you perfectly as you were: always as happy as all the greens that tenderly surrounded all of nature, always as gentle as all the flowers that were born full of hope throughout the world, always as faithful to you as all your essence burning intensely throughout Jimin's heart. you and only you. the one that colored Jimin's soul in the warmest tones that existed in this life and always adorned Jimin's heart with your essence so ethereal and completely and perfectly yours.
“every day i shared with you is just a fragment of our story. we have the entire universe waiting for us and i know, i am sure, that in all the stars lies a little bit of our future and that is why they shine. not because of their destruction, but because they have the knowledge that something more intense and greater than themselves burns in them: it is in all the stars that my love for you resides.”
honestly and delicately.
Taehyung never hid his feelings from himself. he always listened to his heart, rationalizing every emotion he felt — so when Taehyung started to fall in love with you, he already knew it was love. there was no denying it. there was no way to escape. Taehyung was falling in love with you and that was the truth. like the answer to every question in the universe, the love Taehyung felt for you enveloped the entire world in a delicate veil of pure admiration and devotion; always searching for your soul wherever he went, Taehyung let this intense and dangerous feeling consume him completely and left him simply bewitched by the magic of your existence.
Taehyung allowed himself to fall into the gentle waters of your love, letting himself float without any fear in the deep waters of your essence, resting carefree in the tranquility of your soul. you enchanted Taehyung's life, bringing with you the magical glow of a life that could be radiant — Taehyung just had to let go. let himself be carried away. by you. by your love. by the knowledge that with you there was no darkness or fear. just pure passion. an entire ocean of fascination and devotion surging through Taehyung, taking him to unknown lands where only love and hope lived.
“i’m falling in love with you and i don’t want to stop. i feel safe with you, as if you held me with your hands and wrapped me in a small hug that lasts forever. forever. yes. it is eternal. what i'm feeling for you, i know it will be eternal. for what hope is there for me in a world so dark if the only light i see, that i know, is you? you. who makes my life better. you.”
distractedly and gently.
there was no guide that Jungkook had to read, no map to learn, much less an advisor that Jungkook had to meet to fall in love with you. without meaning to, without seeing, it just happened. he didn't even notice. when he realized, Jungkook had already fallen into the complex webs of your tenderness and love. but it wasn't like Jungkook wanted to leave that web. he made a home in your sympathy, sitting with your fascination and talking with your devotion, never wanting to go back to where he was. his home in you was bright, radiant, like an intense fire warming every particle of Jungkook — how could he go back to his darkness when he just found the sun?
Jungkook felt like he was levitating in your presence. as if your soul was holding his soul, Jungkook allowed all your sweet words and soft laughs to guide him towards the eternal path of devotion. with your every touch, Jungkook felt complete, as if with a single fingertip you were able to glue together all the broken fragments in Jungkook. what other destiny was there for Jungkook other than loving you and allowing himself to be loved by you? your soul called out to Jungkook on the coldest winter nights and he could have sworn he heard the call of your heart before he even met you.
“is it really me who is reflected in your heart? are you sure it's my soul that calls you every night? please don't leave me deluded. i guess i'm too caught up in this love to see it as fake. no. it is not fake. it cannot be fake. not when i feel like every choice in my life has led me to this exact moment. to this moment when i love you. to this moment when i swear to you that i will love you forever.”
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ㅤㅤ♡ feedback is appreciated ♡
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leafteaposts · 2 months
Headcanon abo au/omegaverse
Alphas roar like big cats, alphas chuff and can't purr. Their growls are deep and loud, made to intimidate and to a degree force submission from the person they may direct it to if they chose to lace it with alpha timbre. Only alphas can do this.
Zoro uses intimidation and timbre a lot when younger and is one of the reasons he gets the nickname demon of the east so quickly. The selected few who gain emperor's haki (if alphas) normally have unnaturally strong timbre. He has a terrifying roar.
Luffy has it too of course, but doesn't really use it at all. I think ASL never really used this when together, not even when fighting. Ace may have tried it when really angry, but the face Sabo made caused him to never want to use it again. Luffy's roar is so deep feral sounding (and does not match that scrawny body pre TS) it literally makes people that hear it turn in the other direction. He doesn't really like to use it as he doesn't like to scare people. But when fighting it simply is natural for him to growl, roar and snarl like the feral monkey beast he is.
Betas can purr, but it may not come naturally for them. They can sort of make a chuffing sound, but just like omegas their vocal range is limited. Their roar and growls are more alpha-like but not in the same vocal range.
Usopp's natural purr is very omega-like. He is skilled in intimidating alpha roars too. This is a little unique for a betas but he perfected his impressions of both aloha and omega in syrup village as he grew up. In fights he uses this to his advantage and to intimidate and throw off his opponents.
He can copy almost any sound, be it animals, human, mechanical or other. On the crew hd sometimes messes with Franky who searches Sunny for that creaky squeaky sound until he realises it is just Usopp messing with him. He also makes games for Luffy and chopper where they get to guess the sound he makes, when they guess right he lies and comes up with an outrageous alternative and weaves a story that distracts them from calling him out on his bs.
Omegas can't chuff, only purr. And they may not be able to roar in the volume like Alphas, but they roar/scream like pumas/mountain lions when agitated (and sometimes in heat.) You ever heard that sound? Chilling.
Sanji scares the living shit out of opponents when he lets out his roar. It's quite unusual for omegas to be fighters, but among pirates it's a little more common as they overall challenge the status quo. Sanji doesn't like to use his roar all that much as it always causes a reaction of "Black leg, you're an OMEGA?!?" He uses salves and scent muting band aids on his scent glands to hide his scent so not to give his position as an omega away.
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Nameless Ghouls X Angel!Reader Headcanons
These are headcanons of how you - an angel - would meet the ghouls, and them realizing you were their mate.
Ghouls included: Dewdrop, Rain, Mountain, Swiss, Aether, Phantom, Cirrus, Cumulus, Sunshine, Aurora (if you want other ghouls, feel free to request)
Warnings: Injuries, mentions of blood
Notes: So these are a bit long, but I'm also going to make this into a series - read here on Ao3 - once the little stories have been written, I'll link them to each ghoul and put a color on each name, so you'll know who has a little story written
You disguised yourself as a ghoul to get close to the Church, saying that you were a ghoul from another ministry sent to help around.
Once in, you met Dewdrop.
He was already suspicious, but he recognized you as his mate immediately. Thank Lucifer his mate was a ghoul.
Slowly, he started to realize how weird you acted. You tried explaining that you were just new to Earth, and that you were still figuring things out.
But he caught you.
He saw you alone, in the spot of the gardens where you two would hide, wings stretched out with an ethereal glow surrounding you as you prayed to God.
He is not happy about this at all.
What do you mean he’s mated to an angel?
The argument he had with you was one for the books. He was beyond upset, and you didn’t know how else to react, so you argued back, desperately trying to explain that although you lied, you truly loved him.
He will literally do everything in his power to avoid you until he physically can’t resist you, and once he does run back to you, you’re so kind to him, which stuns him.
He eventually softens and welcomes you into his life with hesitantly opened arms.
You’re very curious about his lifestyle and other things on earth that you’ve never seen from your above view in Heaven.
He actually explains things to you in such a gentle manner.
After being kicked out of Heaven, you immediately run to find him.
He’s shocked. The only bad thing you ever did was hang around him.
He was responsible for your fall, and this hurt him. He tried avoiding you again, but you wouldn’t let him.
He held you so tight every night, especially the ones where the memories of Heaven would flood back in.
You were his angel, and he wasn’t letting you go now that he’s let you in.
You weren’t even at the Abbey. You were in the middle of a random city because you were following Ghost’s tour.
One of the head angels sent you to keep tabs on them, which, looking back on it now, was a big mistake.
You were at a small, local coffee shop when you caught that first whiff of petrichor.
Oh, you were head over heels immediately.
Rain noticed you, but tried his best to keep his attention off of you. No way did he just catch the eye of an angel.
He left the coffee shop as soon as his order was ready, trying so desperately to escape your intoxicating scent, but it followed him.
Well, technically you followed him. You weren’t sure where he was even going, but you followed him anyway. And he let you.
He knew he would get in so much trouble, but tempting an angel? Now that was too good to pass up.
Once he put an end to the game, he confronted you. He explained the feelings both of you were hardly fighting, and you just kind of stared at him like a lost puppy.
He was so confused by you. Why are you – an angel – so entranced by him? Shouldn’t you be running? Shouldn’t he be ripping you to shreds? Apparently, neither of you cared enough to find out those answers.
You continued following him from city to city in a Romeo and Juliet kind of way.
Your secret meeting spot was coffee shops. It was away from ghouls, from angels, from anyone. The only reason the ghoul’s figured out what was up was because Rain always came back smelling…ethereal.
You fell once the head angel realized what happened when you kept visiting him after the tour ended.
You immediately ran to him, and he held you while you cried.
He was going to help you adjust to your new life, and he would fight for you to stay with him.
Even fallen, he loved you far too much to let you go.
The most collected about this.
At first, he was so put off by it, but once he realized he wasn’t going to escape his feelings, he wanted to keep you.
His only concern was your purity. He didn’t want anything bad to happen to you, so he pushed you away.
It was such a conflicting feeling, and as much as he wanted to make you his, he just…couldn’t hurt you. He didn’t actually hate you of course, but he couldn’t see you ruin yourself for him.
He acted as though he hated you, so you pushed him. This was affecting your purity, and every visit made your feathers darken (metaphorically).
You fell on purpose, and he almost resented you for that.
Your life had been so good, why would you push yourself to him?
Heaven wasn’t as kind as people assumed, but you never told him that.
You just wanted to be near him, but Heaven was holding you back. Why couldn’t he see that?
He wanted to pull you close and protect you, but he was so conflicted.
He couldn’t decide what to do, and he punished himself by staying away, and punishing you all the same.
Once you told him about Heaven and how it wasn’t what was good for you, he was shocked.
He was angry.
He couldn’t believe that anyone would do anything so cruel to you…until he realized that he did.
He isolated you when you needed him the most, and that rubbed salt in the wound.
He held you so close and vowing never to leave you and that he wasn’t going to let anything hurt you again.
He’s so protective of you.
Probably the most protective actually.
He couldn’t sleep. He just didn’t have a good feeling about the day.
So he went for a walk in the woods, which is where he saw you all bloody.
You were so scared. Scared of being kicked out of Heaven, scared of the ghoul you heard coming closer, scared of where you were, scared of everything.
Swiss couldn’t hurt you. You were his mate. You were in too much pain to put two and two together.
He brought you back to his room to patch you up. He was too hesitant about everything, but cleaned you up and even allowed help from some of the others.
He growled, snarled, snapped his fangs, and whatever else he could when any ghouls who weren’t actively helping you got too close.
You were his angel. Even if you were technically a fallen angel, you were his angel.
The other ghouls were ready to get on his ass for letting an angel in, but
He full on panics
He’s Papa’s favorite. He’s righteous. He hasn’t done anything for this to be his fate.
An angel? His mate? Wrong. Absolutely not.
You felt a pull to him. Like you just had to be next to him at all times.
He didn’t like it at all and constantly tried to force you away from him.
But you stuck to him like a fly in a glue trap.
He would snap his fangs, snarl, growl, show his claws, and even threaten to use his quintessence.
But you stayed for no reason other than to feel that static you felt when you were around him.
When Heaven found out about your attempts at getting closer to Aether, you were cast out.
And he…didn’t help. He freaked out again and left you.
It was a lot to pin on him, but he felt that he did this.
It might not have fully been his fault, but he believed that he was the cause of your misery.
He wanted to help, but he could feel every ounce of pain that Heaven inflicted onto you, and he couldn’t stand it.
It wasn’t until one of the other ghouls forced him to see you that he really let himself try to patch up his mistakes.
He was absolutely terrified seeing how much pain you were in, but he slowly began to help.
But trusting him was hard…it happened slowly, but he helped you and you couldn’t help but let him in.
And he promised never to push you away. He promised to never let you get hurt. He promised to never leave you again.
Once he finally got control of his glamour, he was allowed out of the Ministry.
Swiss had taken him to a shopping mall, letting him explore and choose his own style (on Copia’s dime of course).
They were taking a break at an Auntie Anne’s when he smelled something absolutely fantastic – and no, it wasn’t the cinnamon sugar pretzels.
Even as Swiss tried to reel him back, he walked over to you. Apparently he needed to get more than just his glamour under control to hide his ghoulish tendencies.
He came up and sniffed around you, making sure that the scent was indeed yours.
He was intrigued, and began asking you millions of questions in the middle of the mall.
Swiss finally pulled him away and took him back to the Ministry, and you…you didn’t know why, but you followed. Secretly, but you still followed.
You roamed the gardens at night, and he came out when he realized that the smell wasn’t just in his imagination.
His ghoul form entranced you, and you decided then and there that you wanted to fall.
There were nightly visits for about a month before you got the warning from Heaven.
He didn’t want you to fall. You were so pure and beautiful…but then he thought about you being a fallen angel. No limitations to your relationship.
So you fell. It was a painful break, but he was there for you.
He held you as you cried, did his best to cheer you up, and helped you find your place in the Ministry. He helped you find your place in the world.
It’s a situation similar to Mountain’s.
You were trying to fall. Trying to give God a reason to cast you out.
When she meets you, she’s confused and doesn’t know what to do.
She doesn’t know whether to push you away or pull you in.
It’s a lot of fighting and a lot of back and forth.
The two of you almost hated each other, but you couldn’t stand to be away from her.
You had already fallen, but there was something about you that was still so heavenly, and she couldn’t stand it.
She was one of the toughest ghouls, but slowly, her hard exterior began to chip away.
You broke her down and forced her to show her vulnerability.
And when she did, you saw just how scared she was.
But you were there to help her, and she was going to help you.
You were just a curious little thing, and she was excited to help.
Everyone thinks Cumulus is soft, but she was beyond thrilled to make you fall.
She’s decently possessive, and Heaven had their claws on what belonged to her.
She helped you learn Earthly ways while sneaking in her own corruption.
But when you did fall? She was terrified.
You were hurt, and she caused it. She didn’t want to see you.
She let the pack tend to you and your wounds.
She only saw you again when you made your way into her room, nothing but a blanket covering you.
She sobbed at the sight of you, and held you so tight.
You were her angel, and she messed up. Even though you’d forgiven her, she felt that she messed up, and she wasn’t going to forgive herself.
This happened in the weirdest way.
She was literally watching Lilo and Stitch, and that one scene where Lilo is praying. Sunshine thought it would be funny to try it out herself.
Walking over to the window, she kneeled down in front of it. “Maybe send me an angel. The nicest angel you have,” she repeated, folding her hands and giggling heavily.
Well giggling until she heard a very chipper “hello” from her bed.
And there you were: wings, golden glow, even pretty robes.
“What the fuck!” “Well that’s not very nice.”
There is an angel. On her bed. And a really really pretty angel at that.
She’s insanely curious as to who you were, and why you chose to come to the call of a demon in a satanic church.
You explain that you were sent to help the sinner in question (her) repent. Because obviously that's why she called you.
She had to explain that she was just joking of course, and that honestly just confused you.
You were very curious about the demon, and she was very curious about you.
There were visits at least once a week to each other after that.
You were given a warning, which is extremely generous of the head angels to give. They only gave you one more chance to stop your visits.
You began feeling guilty about lying, but you stopped visiting. Until you heard that same call. How could you resist?
You came back to her, and she managed to get you to stay the night.
You woke up earlier than her, and quietly rolled out of bed. As you looked in the mirror, you saw the feathers in your wings. Some still white, others graying, and others pitch black. You had fallen.
She felt so guilty, but honestly was more glad. No more restraints from Heaven keeping you from her. She was going to be your forever protector.
Similar to Sunny, she summoned you on complete accident.
Sometimes, ghouls will read the bible for shits and giggle, and she was reading random scriptures. In between the pages was a random paper scribbled with incantations on how to summon an angel.
She watched Hocus Pocus one time, and decided that being a witch was her new favorite thing, so of course she decided to play around.
She was curious, and wanted to see what would happen.
So she summoned you on a random Tuesday.
Your curiosity matched hers perfectly.
She taught you all of the human things that she was taught. 
She was so proud of herself!! She even showed you off to Cirrus. 
Cirrus gave her a look of “what the actual everloving fuck?” and told her that you had to go.
Both of you refused, but soon, you felt a tug pulling you back to Heaven.
It was months before you returned.
Aurora became very depressed, only coming out of her room when forced. Heaven realized that you were feeling the same way over a demon.
They kicked you out immediately.
Cirrus was the first to find you after you fell, and immediately took you to Aurora.
Aurora immediately curled around you, keeping you protected and safe from the atrocities Heaven committed against you.
You were pulled from her once, and it would not happen again.
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spacebarbarianweird · 7 months
Please do
"Look that pretty exoression. I always knew you could make one." + "Let me stay lije this in you for a little bit." 😜
I completely forgot about those smut prompts! Well, a chance to write fics about Tiriel and Astarion!
Our Firsts
Synopsis: Astarion learns some details about Tiriel's past
Thanks @themadlu for beta-reading!
Tags: smut, PIV, NSFW
Read on AO3
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Astarion tastes the word on his tongue.
No parasite in his brain. No voice in his head.
He says this to himself daily, getting used to being able to do whatever he wants. Well, as long as it's dark but there is always a price to pay. Besides, he hasn't lost hope of finding a cure.
"Hm? Are you awake?"
Tiriel's voice sounds muffled as she lies her face pressed in the pillow. She sleeps naked, half of her body covered with a blanket. He can see her freckled back and the way her half-elven ears protrude a bit.
Tiriel falls back to sleep again, but Astarion puts his hands on her shoulders and kisses the nape of her neck.
"Wake up, I miss you"
"You are worse than a cat, love," she mutters. "Let me sleep!"
Astarion does mental math and decides Tiriel has slept enough—besides, too much sleep is unhealthy for non-elves.
He hugs her right below her perky tits and turns her around on her back. Her nipples immediately harden, sensing the cold air.
Astarion pauses at her chest for a few moments. He hasn't made love to Tiriel for a few months, since that night in the graveyard. He just couldn't make himself—and Tiriel didn't insist. They literally had sex only twice—back then, when he thought he seduced her and then in the graveyard.
Ever since—all these months—Tiriel has been showing him all forms of intimacy that  don’t involve sex.
He especially enjoys cuddling during sleep, even though he just lays motionless with Tiriel in his arms for all these insanely long silent hours she needs to rest.
"Date a vampire, they say," she covers her face with her palms. "You will be able to sleep the whole day, they say".
Astarion leans toward her and kisses her hands. She looks adorable—puffy eyes, dark circles because of the excess ale she drank the day before, a string of drool on her chin.
"Is it night?"
"Not yet."
They sit like that in silence. Astarion looks at Tiriel—there are so many questions he wants to ask her. There is nothing about his life she doesn't know—but he realizes he doesn't know much about her.
Except for her miserable childhood and twenty years of traveling, when a runaway girl from the Sunset Mountains slowly became a furious warrior capable of challenging gods, monsters, and fate.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure," She caresses his back scars and kisses the center of the disgusting symbol carved into his skin.
"Did you have many..." he tries to find an appropriate word. Lovers? Sexual partners? Significant others? He called his victims conquests and lovers but, gods, he wishes he never had to sleep with them. It was all dirty and tainted, and he often wanted to flay his skin himself. 
Just to forget.
"I mean. Was there anyone before me? I am just curious."
Tiriel looks at him. Her eyes have different colors—the right one is closer to blue, and the left—is more green.
"No one."
"Tiriel, I am not jealous or anything. I just ... want to know"
"And I am letting you know you were my first. In terms of relationship and in terms of sex. You were the first person in this whole world after my bitch of a mother who saw me naked. And you are the first person who I am in love with."
Astarion pulls away. Memories of their first night together flash before his eyes. He remembers being prepared for a long evening of seduction and sweet words before Tiriel the Barbarian was at his side, but when he turned his head to her, she was already naked and looking at him with such defiance that he got right to the point.
"Tiriel, I am sort of a professional in these matters. You were not a virgin."
"I was. Astarion, there are plenty of ways a girl can explore her body without involving other people, especially the ones with cocks between their legs. If the matter of my virgin blood bothers you, it was spilled somewhere in Elturel. I don't remember the name of the Inn. And the stone thing of the "proper" form was left in the room I'd rented."
Tiriel touches his left ear and it sends an electrical impulse through his body. "As for my behavior, I was so afraid I would be turned into a monster, my self-control and fears had offed themselves. You had been courting me for days, saying words no man ever told me. And I decided it was my chance to finally get this...experience. And I wasn't disappointed— that night was everything. I was a bit sad you weren’t offering to repeat the experience,as if you didn't like me enough. But whatever—you are my first love, my first kiss, my first sex, my first relationship. And gods, I hope you are also the last"
Astarion intertwines Tiriel's fingers with his. Then he kisses her knuckles and she giggles at the sensation.
"My love," he manages to say.
In a way, she is also his first. Not only the first sentient creature he'd dined on—and her blood always tasted different to him—she was the first he kissed voluntarily, the first person he slept with for his own sake, the first he fell in love with and the first... he wanted to be with.
Of course, she is mortal and even though half-elves live much longer than humans they don't have much time in comparison with his immortality, or the longevity of elven years.
But he prefers not to think about it.
Tiriel kisses the tip of his nose. Her facial expression becomes playful.
"You are the only one who saw me naked," another kiss. "You are the only one who touched me. The only one who was inside me and the only one who filled me. All these years..." she kisses his lips. "I was saving myself for you".
She stops, waiting for his response. They agreed that since he has no idea when he’ll want to have sex again (but he will want to someday), she is free to initiate—and he is free to stop her.
Before now, she'd done it three times—and he never found the moral strength to let her continue.
Tiriel waits. Astarion feels her arousal. If he says "no", she will just use her fingers to pleasure herself somewhere behind a tree. She won't be angry or annoyed. She never is. For Tiriel, the relationship is so much more than sex, her focus is on other things.
He caresses her cheek, trying to decide what to do.
But his own body has already made a decision and he feels tension in his pants.
He wants her.
He wants to fuck her.
He wants her to scream his name, to scratch his back, to come because of his touches. He wants to see the red sparkles in her eyes when she rides her orgasm, a distant shade of what’s happening to her when she is in a rage.
He wants her to clench around him, to tug him so close he won’t be able to pull away by himself.
He grabs her shoulders and pushes Tiriel on the bedroll. She is already naked and he doesn’t need to waste time on dealing with her clothes.
Astarion kisses Tiriel and slips his hand between her legs. 
“So wet for me,” he murmurs.
He gets rid of his shirt and leans to kiss Tiriel again. She reaches out for the laces of his trousers and sets his manhood free.
“So hard for me,” she answers and strokes him.
It doesn’t take him a lot of effort to get rid of the rest of his clothes.
He aligns himself with her swollen entrance and slips inside, causing Tiriel to gasp.
“I forgot how thick it is,” she whimpers in pleasurable pain. “Damn, let me adjust”
Her walls clench around him and Astarion thinks he is going to cum right away.
“How did you even survive the first time?” he coos, wrapping himself around her. Now his teeth are right in front of her neck and her heart is so close he can mistake its beat for his own.
“I was drunk and had a parasite in my head. Besides, you had bitten me,” she pants. “And … oh gods… I couldn't shut my legs the next morning…”
He rolls his hips, forcing Tiriel to moan, and thrusts with all the passion he’s saved in those months.
She grabs a fistful of his hair and now it’s his time to groan with pleasure. 
“Tiriel,” he gasps looking into her eyes.
“Don’t … hold…yourself,” she begs.
Astarion pins her down to the bedroll.
“Don’t ask for what you can’t endure.”
“Try me, my love.”
He moves down and pierces her neck. Blood gushes down his throat. He pulls away after a few gulps and licks the skin.
Then, he goes down covering her body in bites and kisses, her blood mixing up with his saliva.
He elbows up so he can see her face and thrusts harder and harder. Her moans become cries, her fingers pierce his skin and her legs wrap around his waist tugging him close.
His mind gets blurry—his whole world is shrunk to their small tent, Tiriel’s heartbeat, and the wet warmth between them.
Astarion feels his release getting close and he presses his forehead to hers.
He finishes inside Tiriel and collapses on her like a weighted blanket.
Tiriel pants. Her face is red and her eyes are completely empty. Her mouth is half open and her whole facial expression is so stupid he grins.
“Look at that pretty expression. I always knew you could make one.”
Tirel finally makes eye contact with him and pats his hip.
“What is it darling?”
“Don’t you want to pull away?”
“Let me stay inside you for a little bit,” he places his head on her breasts. Tiriel’s body is warm and safe and he doesn’t want to move.
She kisses the crown of his head. “Then, stay.”
Time passes slowly. Tiriel draws invisible lines on his back and shoulder.
He finally releases her hips and adores her body. She is covered in bite marks, and there are bruises on her wrists. Legs are still wide open and his spend leaks on the bedroll.
Tiriel sits up and presses her knees against her chest. She doesn’t make an effort to clean the sticky mess.
“Are you all right?” She finally asks.
He nods. Gods, he wants to do that over and over again. 
“It’s dark already. No matter how much I love being covered in blood and sweat, I desperately need to wash. And, I think, so do you.”
“Careful, darling, I might want to have another round.”
“Who said I wouldn’t want to?”
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freakartack · 3 months
What is your least favourite misconception or fan interpretation of the WarioWare cast?
And/or do you have a favourite headcanon the community has made for the cast?
Oooohhhh we are really going for the hot hot takes today huh. Just handing me the baseball bat like that
Well I suppose it had to come to this. I've been dancing around this for far too long. It's time for
NOTE: please do not open this if me shitting on popular headcanons will ruin your day. I don't generally care what people do with their life do what you want forever
OK with that out of the way it's time to get narsty. Many of these will be ship-related so if that will make you mad or bored just a heads up
OK i lied you can't do this one forever. ENOUGH!! She is in HIGH SCHOOL and if you think she has to secretly be an adult just because she has a job and drives a scooter then not only have you never been to high school but you also have not been paying attention during any of Kat and Ana's cutscenes. "High schoolers don't usually drive that much" 5-year-olds don't usually trek the mountains high and kill people with swords but they do. I get when people get frustrated that almost all the girl characters in warioware are marketable kids, because that does kind of suck, but you can't just ignore that to get shippy about it. Cmon. "Wario was dreaming about her in that 1 microgame break" yeah, and I thought that was weird. I choose to read it as a non-romantic moment (since, again, he's old enough to be her dad), and the fact is that nothing like that has happened since. Yeah mona might think he's a hunka hunka but she has every right to! Doesn't mean they have to get married
This one will stir far more pots/torches/pitchforks/etc. but since we're bringing out the fine china i might as well go all out. Here's my reasoning: Orbulon is 2000 years old. Mike is like 2. I'm not saying this one is Problematic (mike is a robot that can file taxes after all) but moreso that it is unrealistic. Picture this: You are orbulon, with all of your weird hangups and whatnot. Your buddy that fixes your car all the time and plays Go with you just had a robot son. Would you fall in love with him? Probably not. On the other end of the coin, you're the robot son now. Your inventor/employer/cyborg dad keeps inviting this weird animal into your house to study it. I don't think he would fall in love with that either. "I would," you say, "i'm built different." And more power to you. I just don't think they are.
FINALLY, a non-shippy one! Anyways, since Get it Together came out, a lot of people took one blurry picture on the wall and the shape of mona's house to mean that Mona's House is actually Luigi's Mansion and that Luigi and Daisy had a child together 16 years ago and promptly abandoned it to play tennis. I think it is obvious by now that I don't think that's true. Not only has Mona described her parents extensively (one of them is an artist that is obsessed with noses, the other is a supermodel that travels the world), but neither of them are anything like Luigi and Daisy. "But what if Luigi is secretly obsessed with noses and Daisy is secretly a supermodel," you say. Okay. Then I think that Luigi cheated on Daisy with Peach, and had Rosalina together, because Peach and Rosalina both have blond hair and Luigi had a telescope once. Don't play games with me, Matthew. I know what you are.
He's not
OK now that all of that is out of the way, let's move on to the fun stuff. Top ten favorite things that people have said about warioware!!!
I first saw this thought expressed here, but I've seen many people continue the sentiment and I think it's beautiful. Penny Crygor is the good doctor's transgender lesbian clone whom we all love dearly.
Self-explanatory. Unfortunately the genius who thought of this one has since deactivated and the post is forever under an inaccessible read-more so this is the only evidence i have that it ever existed. You have to trust me on this one.
This isn't really a headcanon moreso a popular interpretation of the text but I do like to think that despite being a jackass he does genuinely care about all the weirdos he has racked up, including the many wayward children that have glommed onto him over the years. This is like every toxic "we're all a family here!" workplace, except that they actually are all a family here and it's toxic for unrelated reasons
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fiberturkey89 · 13 days
Okay, so I lied. Headcanons for all the Ninjas with Dragons living in the Monastery.
I decided to throw in a redeemed Morro, too, because like.. think about it. Wojira duo plus a Lightning Dragon.
Send help. I love the Dragons Rising Dragons.
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While Jiro and Nya do go for flights around the mountains as stated in previous post, one of the more "weird" things they do together is sit outside in the courtyard when its raining and windy, Morro often joins them despite having passed on his Elemental Power to Euphrasia.
Jiro often uses his wings to provide cover for the ex-Elemental Master of Wind, while Nya prefers to sit away from the cover where she can feel the downpour. Jiro simply likes the thunder and lightning that boom, it's comforting.
And it's also when the Lightning Dragon is at his most alert. Whenever Nya or Morro become despondent, he nudges them closer so they can feel his warmth to ground them back. It's not something they like, but it becomes unbearable to ignore the call of the Elements. Even with Vengestone braces.
Riyu sometimes sits with them. He and Jiro talk to each other about their lives in the mountains before The Merge. Vigor(The Adult Mountain Dragon) also does sit with them occasionally. They're more of a sit in the cave and watch though.
Wyldfyre, Kai, Torchspark(Fire Dragon from Imperium), and Heatwave love sun-bathing in the summer. Wyldfyre talked Kai into it, and the big oaf won't admit he likes it. Sometimes, he brings melons for the Dragons and sandwiches for him and Wyldfyre.
The four of them also enjoy fireworks, too, it scratches something in their brains, you know? (They also love firecrackers, but keep them away from Wyldfyre as she often tries launching them into the air before igniting them).
Lounging around in hotsprings is also a very nice time between the four of them after a hard days work. Wyldfyre usually ends up falling asleep, so she as to stay on Heatwaves back.
Despite being both Ice Elementals, Glacier and Zane prefer staying inside! Pixal was the one who usually dragged Zane out of the house during winters, and without her, he is far, far more hesitant to go out without any of the fire Elementals.
While they stay inside, Zane often simply retells Glacier stories of him and Shard, who the Ice Dragon recognizes and, in turn, tells stories about her own realm, being the Never Ream(Where she and Jiro come from, actually) Her own parents had known the sires to the guardian of the Shurikens of Ice.
Rockside and Cole often have loads of fun creating rock towers or buildings together, Geo often comes in, too, to make sure their projects don't break. One of their favourite creations is actually a small rock castle made for Fritz and Spitz.
As the name goes, Rockslide has fun going down hills. He loves mudslides and avalanches, often joined up by Sora, Wyldfyre, Riyu, and Arin alongside Kai(adrenaline junkies, the lot of them Though Nya is no better alongside Lloyd).
Riyu and Zanth enjoy playing tag, and they often drag Sora and Arin into the mix alongside the Fritz and Spitz. (Zanth and Riyu have to be careful, though, because Heatwave WILL chew them out for playing too rough).
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cherryrogers · 1 year
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arthur morgan + headcanons | pt. 2
some thoughts about arthur x f!reader during the gangs time in colter… cold weather n such… 🤭 NSFW TOWARDS THE END <3
red dead redemption 2 masterlist
arthur is always warm. he is literally a human heater, so naturally when the gang was in colter you spent all your time clinging to him in hopes of getting somewhat warm
he’ll hug you close with your arms around his waist underneath his jacket and because his coat is massive he can wrap it around the both of you
also if your hands are cold he’ll wrap them in his own and blow on them
if it’s snowing hard he’ll give you his hat. like he’ll just place it on your head and you’ll protest but he won’t hear any of it
if the weather isn’t too hazardous, arthur will take you to lake isabella and the two of you could easily spend hours on end there. arthur sketching the mountains, you using his camera to take the most breathtaking photos, him sketching you utterly entranced by the lake’s beauty and you photographing him with his tongue between his teeth, drawing peacefully
when he notices you photographing him, he blushes (telling himself it’s just the cold weather’s doing, of course)
he thinks you’re just so perfect to draw, especially with snowflakes catching in your hair and your nose scrunching as they fall past your face
he makes you hold onto his arm while walking on ice just in case you slip or trip over your skirts
if he wakes up before you, he’ll make sure you’re wrapped up like a baby in a blanket before he heads out for the morning. also brings you coffee in bed. he will not let you wake up shivering
though sleeping next to him, the cold is never much of an issue. this man emits so much body heat that you don’t need extra blankets when he’s curled around you in bed with his chest to your back, or when he just lies practically on top of you. either way, you are kept warm at night
usually arthur won’t under any circumstance share a cigarette, but he’ll hold it to your lips and encourage you to take a few drags if you’re cold and the evening stew has failed to warm you up
sharing winter attire!! you always lend him your knitted scarf when he has to leave camp for long periods of time and he loves that it smells like you. he lends you his gloves despite the fact there way too big, but you only wear them to keep your hands warm when you’re not busy. you love wearing his coat, again, even though it’s way too big. but it’s just so warm and smells just like him… you would happily sleep in the thing if you could
not that arthur would ever need to make an excuse to have sex with you, but he genuinely doesn’t see how sex in this climate wouldn’t be of help
whether he eats you out in the morning before he gets to work or languidly pushes into you later on when everyone has fallen asleep, arthur morgan will not only keep you warm in colter, but he’ll make you hot
i just think this man enjoys cockwarming tbh… especially in the cold weather. it’s impossible not to warm up with you sat on his length, your face tucked into his neck while you rest your eyes before the day starts, him trailing his fingertips down your spine…
like it’s not even sexual it’s just so intimate and comforting for both of you
even after sex he’ll just stay inside you for a while with your legs wrapped around him, lazily kissing your neck and lips while you come down from your high… he’s never known warmth and comfort like that
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earthry · 1 year
Dragon Papas (Dragon/Royalty AU Headcanons)
Followup from this post about you being a royal locked in a tower and the Papas being dragons.
tw violence, possessiveness, tiny spicy for secondo as always, fluff, a sprinkle of hurt/comfort, the murder of suitors & knights
His tower lies in the heart of an overgrown garden. It’s almost a maze, with how high the hedge walls have grown to protect their treasure. He has his ghouls prowling the halls for unsuspecting victims.
He’s gentle with you, treating you like a delicate flower in his garden. And honestly compared to him, you’re pretty frail.
He rarely needs to actually kill any suitors or knights— they often fall victim first to either the whims of the maze or the mercy of his ghouls.
Decorates you in flowers, weaving wreathes and garlands, tucking them into your hair as he helps you brush it at the start of each day.
Although Primo is the one with an affinity towards the wildlife in the area, you begin to notice as your stay continues that the animals love to perch nearby to watch you— the brave ones will come forward and bask in your light as you hold you hand out and pet soft fur. The daisies seem to bend towards you when you walk down the pathway, the trees hang their branches low so that they may gently brush against you, providing you shade and shelter. 
Primo is quite pleased with it, and convinced that you were practically made just for him. He’ll never let anyone take you away from him, never let anyone even lay hands on his little rose.
His tower is reminiscent of a cathedral, grand with stained glass windows and high ceilings. There’s a library nook just for you, with all the books you’d ever want. 
If there’s something that you don’t have but desire, Secondo has no problem sending his ghouls out to obtain them for you. Anything for his most beloved.
He used to do this himself, flying out for short periods of time seemed safe enough; until one incident where he nearly lost you to an overconfident knight. Since then, he rarely leaves. He’s very reluctant to leave you alone and unprotected— you’re much safer in his arms.
The incident also reminded him how delicate and easily injured humans are. He'd always known but with you, he'd somehow thought you were immune to that because you were his. After bringing you home in the state you were however, don't be surprised if he becomes the most gentle he can be with you.
Even in his human form Secondo is much larger than you, encompassing you as you sit in his lap to read. He loves having you in his lap or laying on top of him, relishing how small you are compared to him. You’re his little trinket, his treasure. 
Ruthless. Doesn’t take kindly to trespassers and even less so to those who try to drag you away against your will. You’ve seen your fair share of bloodshed by being at his side, watching him tear knights to shreds to protect you, to keep you safe. 
Decorates you with bites and loving bruises (with your enthusiastic consent of course). Possessive claiming marks against the nape of your neck. When it starts to disappear, he always gets a little antsy and unsettled until he can properly mark you as his again.
If you’re an untouched royal, he practically goes feral at the idea of being the first and only to ever touch you, to ever show you the pleasures of intimacy.
His tower is hidden in the high mountains, covered in snow and steep and treacherous paths for any who seek to brave it. It's so high up that the top of the tower is often hidden in the clouds, earning the nickname 'the tower in the sky' from locals.
He’s very clever and sets many traps that usually picks off most of the suitors. The ones that happen to make it all the way usually don’t live long enough to tell the tale before Terzo’s ghouls are upon them.
Terzo always gets a little sulky if any of his traps fail because Omega loves to tease him.
Contrary to his brothers, the sight and smell of blood nauseates him. He's a sensitive dragon! Aside from setting the traps, his ghouls are the ones to clean them up and get rid of the carnage.
He abandoned his entire hoard for you by the way. The hoard he’s been collecting and protecting for centuries pale in comparison to the love and connection he feels for you. You are his treasure and he treats you as such. Gentle and loving and awed.
Sometimes you ask him if he wants to fly all the way back and retrieve them, but he always tells you no— it would leave you too vulnerable and open to any knights or suitors who might think they’ll get luck. He’s not willing to risk you, not even in the slightest. He tells you that he has a new hoard now, starting with the shiniest and prettiest gem in the world (you).
Decorates you with gold, loves to drape you in jewelry and have you splayed out for him as he kisses each ring on your hand. If you have long enough hair, will spend hours combing it out and braiding in gold beads and gems. 
If you’re ever missing home, he’ll cook your favorite cuisines from your childhood and hold you when you’re sad. He’s always very thoughtful and your happiness is his priority. 
His tower is hidden in the caves below, tucked in the safety of the caverns and crevices of the earth. Though many don’t dare to venture underground, those who do never seem to make it back out.
It’s pretty cold underground so he’s always sure to keep the fireplace going. Wraps you up in blankets and sweaters and cuddles you to death to keep you toasty and warm.
Kind of a silly dragon, doesn’t quite know how to judge his size and often forgets the difference between his dragon form and human form. He’s gotten stuck in a few places that you’ve had to help him out of (after taking 10 minutes to finish laughing while he pouts and sulks cutely— it’s okay you make it up to him with plenty of apology kisses and he’s easily pacified).
There’s a large population of rats underground that he can communicate with using his mind. He can also take possession and use them as his eyes and ears, watching through their perspective. He takes very good care of them! There’s hundreds of them but they all have names and Copia remembers each one. 
He uses his rats to keep you safe, having them patrol the area and reporting back if they sense or see someone.
Does not understand human customs and forgets half the time what humans are like. Forgets to wear clothes when he’s in his human form— not that you mind though.
Decorates you in things he's made. This varies as he's always picking up new hobbies and skills. Whether it be knitting or embroidery, jewelry or leather making, he always loves to shower you in gifts. It's a very sweet and lovely gesture and you always let him know.
You don’t know what happens to the knights or suitors that come your way seeking to ‘whisk you away’ and Copia never talks much about it. He just says that the rats or his ghouls are taking care of it.
You do secretly catch him a few times drenched in blood and gore and trying to wash it off in time before you see. You never tell him because you don’t want the poor guy to have an anxiety attack— he’s very particular about keeping you away from anything bad or scary. He just wants to protect you from all things, even from himself.
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twilightprince101 · 1 month
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I've recently been seeing more Bugsnax friendos get into In Stars and Time. Like, five different people I met via Bugsnax are now doing fanart and fanfics for it (if you know you know).
And I think it's a shame. Because that number should be SO MUCH HIGHER
So Bugsnax fans who are unaware of this lovely RPG, here's my pitch to you as to why I think you'd like In Stars and Time and would really enjoy it.
For ISAT fans who never heard of Bugsnax, read along if you wanna. This post is primarily for the opposite, but you may find something else to dip your toes into as well 0w0
Extremely cute / lovable cast that holds so much depth and complexity than meets the eye
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Look at these goobers. Look at all of them having fun. They all seem like the kind of squishy chibi type OCs you would find on tumblr, right? Wholesome uwu babies?
Well, kind of yes but still WRONG
These characters have so much emotional complexity that it can be genuinely hard sometimes to pick a favorite character between them all. Odile isn't just the "mom of the group," she has her own reasons for being on this grand quest that stem all the way back to her family lineage, her relationship with her parents. And it all gets explored for every last character, just enough where you can fill in the gaps yourself, but you can still feel that there's so much more under the surface.
You know that bit at the end of Beffica's sidequests where she reveals that, despite her bitchiness, her reason for being like that is because she has a MOUNTAIN of trust issues? And that she never tells lies, but wants to unearth truths before she gets hurt? Remember how you felt when realizing that fact? That's there with ALL of the main cast here. Hope you've got your snorkel because there's so much for you to dive into.
2. Gameplay that adds to the narrative and puts you within that world/the player's shoes
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This is my personal headcanon and I don't know if it's intentional on Young Horses' part, but I always felt that running around and catching all of the Bugsnax for the grumps in Snaxburg was intentionally designed to make you feel like Lizbert. You replace her role as town "therapist," you solve everyone's problems in a kind of regressive way that ends up hurting a lot of people. Despite the gameplay being fairly simple, it still added a lot to the plot, to give you that sense in the endgame of "oh. oh god, i really fucked up." You are forced into the shoes of that world/character through the gameplay and it hits much harder as a result.
That intentional and thoughtful game design is present from the moment you start up the game, all the way to the end. In Stars and Time has the best "ludonarrative harmony" I have ever seen. Ever.
The way that the game and story is paced makes you fully understand what Siffrin is going through, the constant slog through the castle (without it ever feeling grindy by the way!), zoning out through the same bits of dialogue. At any given point, no matter how dramatically Siffrin acts, you understand emotionally why he is at that point. You feel his exhaustion, his surprise, his desperate hope, his "i'm going to try fucking anything at this point" attitude. The entire way from start to finish, you feel it.
I refuse to say any more because doing so would spoil the game. But trust me when I say, if you noticed what Bugsnax was doing there with player/Lizbert parallels? You'd love this game.
3. "What is Straight?"
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So you know how we all collectively agreed that Gramble is trans? and that Wambus/Triffany are the most bisexual straight couple?
How would you like those types of characters.... but have those conversations out loud?
Listen, I love this fandom as much as the next person, and I am a Transble believer at heart. But it's easy to forget that those are all just talked about in fanon, you know? (Despite gramble literally being trans flag colors listen i KNOW). We get certain bits of characters being introspective about their genders and gender roles, like Wambus being really stubborn with his farm and wanting to maintain a sustainable way of living, being "the breadwinner," for him and his wife. And Floofty feeling like an outcast for behaving in a way that is not "socially acceptable" while being nonbinary. But we never talk about those specific subjects directly, about sexuality, gender identity and the like. Not that Bugsnax NEEDS that, it's just something the writers never really thought to include.
But In Stars and Time... it scratched an itch I never knew needed scratched. Take the thirteen different pieces of character complexity and condense it into five. The discussions that the main party have in relation to their identities, both sexual and gender, are some of the most phenomenal pieces of writing I've ever seen. I've talked with asexual people who played this game who were like "finally, FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT." Finally getting some characters that resonated with them so, so well. And there is a discussion about halfway through the game with a transgender character that absolutely floored me, because so many post-transition character arcs that I see are related to dealing with transphobes and accepting your slay self queen/king/my liege. And that's good. It's cool. But I feel I've seen that so many times now I know the basic plot beats. And ISAT throws in a unique twist to it that I rarely see and the influence that their past combined with cultural pressure it's just, it's SO GOOD. You gotta see it to believe it man, I'm leaving out so much shit here you need to check it out yourself.
4. It will reach into your chest and strangle your heart with its claws
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Despite how cute both games can be, they can bash the back of your head with a steel chair of emotion.
You know that feeling you get when you complete a lot of bugsnax sidequests? When you realize Triffany will never get the closure she wanted; when you've helped Wiggle chase this dream of a muse that doesn't exist, and that it was (at least partially) your fault? Well how about if that was the entire game?
This game has some of the highest highs and lowest lows, emotionally speaking. A lot of ISAT also has that same sort of emotional ambiguity Bugsnax has; certain plot points will never be resolved, because that's just life. And you're forced to sit with it, sit in that guilt and resentment because this isn't a problem that can be solved so quickly but you still tried and that arguably made things worse.
Yes, an argument could be made that because Siffrin is not a self insert like The Journalist, then there's a layer of disconnect. But remember what I said in point two: you understand every step Siffrin takes the whole way through because you play it. You sit in it. And no matter how dramatically Siffrin acts, it will be hard to deny that you wouldn't do the same in their place.
5. A big mysterious twist that will emotionally gut you and leave you to dry
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Obviously I can't put much here. It'd spoil Bugsnax for ISAT fans and spoil ISAT for Bugsnax fans, more than I already have. But for the fans of each respective games, you KNOW what I'm talking about. And there is an equivalent in the other as well.
If the image of Siffrin making that face intrigues you in any way, especially compared to what I've already shown you. Then go in the game blind. The scene this is from blindsides so many people and once you hit That Face, you know the true game has begun.
That's about the best pitch I can give for Bugsnax fans to play ISAT. I really do feel there's a lot of emotional overlap between these two, even if they're completely different games by nature. There's a lot to love and sink your teeth into.
If this is your first time hearing about either of these games and any of this sounds intriguing to you? Trust me. GO IN BLIND. The gameplay/story blend may not click for everyone right away, but if you let yourself sink into this game, if you let yourself connect with it, boy oh boy does it connect. There is truly nothing like In Stars and Time and/or Bugsnax, and the more people experience this game, the better. Trust the process, slink into it.
I promise you won't regret it.
Thanks for making it to the end have some silly little guys
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so, im a hugeeee pokemon fan, and i couldn't resist giving some LI's full teams, i'm posting them for peer review (and also i have no idea what nicknames they would give their pokemon, so uhhh help ?)
I tried to take pokemon solely from the Galarian pokedex, cause it's the UK equivalent and I thought it'd be fun :
Kylar's team:
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Chandelure was a Litwick he found in his house a few days after his parents had "the accident", and it brought him some much needed warmth. The things about Litwicks, is that they leech off of people's life force, but is also said to guide lost children to the spirit world, but Kylar was too stubborn to die, so the Litwick stayed and grew up into his Chandelure.
The Absol he found when he was in middle school, he was fleeing from bullies and ducked into an alleyway, where he found an injured Absol staring intently at him. Absols are seen as doombringers because of their ability to foresee imminent disasters, so this one had been chased off and thrown rocks at, meaning it was in bad shape. Kylar took it home and nursed it back to health, and it has since refused to leave his side.
Decidueye was the offspring of his parents' pokemon, and has been his since the egg hatched, so it's very attached to its master, willing to do everything for him, it was here for the accident and remains highly protective of its master. (also owl motif hehe)
The Alolan Ninetales I have less of a reason for, but it is said to act as a guide to people when they come to its mountain, and I had this idea of Kylar coming up the snowy mountain for some reason, and the Ninetales growing fond of this tiny shivering kid, and just following him and cuddling him until he caught it. (idk i just want good things for Kylar ig sue me)
The shiny Galvantula was for me a result of Kylar trying his hand at breeding Joltiks for fun, and this one being in the first few eggs he finds. He decides to keep it, at first for bragging rights, but he really does take good care of it, so another pokemon is added to his ever growing cuddle pile.
Finally, the Crobat was probably found in the rafters of the mansion as a small Zubat, around the time Kylar only had the Litwick and Rowlet. Kylar, having leftover pokemon food, decides to just feed the little fella, and a good friendship blooms. Crobats are said to be extremely stealthy, and can drain people of their blood, so Kylar has gained himself a convenient way of scaring off rivals.
Whitney's team:
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Cinderace probably came up to Whitney when he was a child as a Scorbunny, seeing him play football with his friends and wanting to play too. A fast friendship, I'd say, I think Whitney would have been a super energetic kid, and a Scorbunny is perfect for him.
The shiny Togekiss was probably a Togepi gifted by his uncle, and technically a Togekiss, which usually avoid strife, should never stay in Rapeshire, this one likes Whitney too much to leave, it wants to bring him as much joy as possible.
I mean come on, Obstagoon is THE deliquent pokemon, of course Whitney has one. Maybe gifted to him by one of his gang's members ? I think that'd be cute.
Drednaws are seen as highly aggressive so I'm thinking one might have been rampaging through "Whitney's territory", and he wrestled it into "submission", gaining its respect, not before he gets bit through a little tho. He still has the scar from the incident, and the Drednaw sometimes licks at it in apology, now that its been caught.
Alright so I have the headcanon (or maybe it was canon and I forgot) that Whitney has had a garden since he was a kid, and maybe the Roserade came from there as a little Budew ? As in, it was interested and just started staying around, and Whitney couldn't get rid of it, so he just caught it.
Lastly, Sylveon. Sylveons evolve when they have high enough friendship with their trainer (and a fairy move), and obviously Whitney has been pampering it, but I'm thinking it probably doesn't come out of the ball in public much, it's kind of his secret ? But yeah, it's still very much loved.
Robin's team:
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Dubwool was found as a Wooloo by the PC when they were going around the moors, it probably escaped from a farm and PC just brought it back for Robin to take care of as a gift. Its wool is said to be bouncy, but I think it can also be a way for Robin to ground themselves if they ever panic, as in they can bury their face in the wool and just shut the world out, I think that'd be sweet.
Goodra has been with Robin since it was a little Goomy, which are considered the weakest dragon type (the pokedex says it not me). Goomys are very good at detecting danger, and can hide very easily, so, sensing little Robin's good intentions, it probably helped hide him from Bailey. Apparently, Goodras give amazing good hugs, even if they do cover their trainer in slime, but I don't think Robin would mind.
Quagsire, similarly knew Robin as a Wooper. Woopers, when walking on land to find food, develop a toxic membrane on their bodies, but this one couldn't quite manage it, and was attacked by predators when Robin was passing through. Robin chased off the predators and gave the Wooper some fruits to help it recuperate, and its been attached to them ever since. Quagsires are very carefree pokemon, and they make great pillows. Basically I'm just giving Robin a perfect team for a cuddle nest.
Victini is the only legendary on this list, and I felt it was only right to give Robin the ever cheerful Victory Pokemon. Victini probably found Robin either after they were taken to the docks, or if that hasn't happened, after they confess to PC. Robin keeps Victini secret at all costs, as it would be hunted for its ability. Having Victini around probably helps Robin regain some self-esteem, and they make a great duo.
Boltund is a dog Robin found in the park one winter day as they were selling hot chocolate, a poor cold mutt with no identifiable traits proving it was owned. Robin secretly took it home and made the split second decision to keep it, now they've got a very excitable dog that's unflinchingly loyal. Boltund acts a sort of guard dog as well, reassuring Robin when they're walking past the docks.
Whimsicott had infiltrated the orphanage, and pulled a prank on Bailey, as Whimsicotts are wont to do, covering his office in its excess cotton. Bailey was furious and looking everywhere for the mischief maker, but the little ball of trouble had hidden itself in Robin's room, and the latter decided to keep it out of trouble and continue hiding it. Ever since then it's felt indebted and stays with Robin. It also quite likes to play pranks on Bailey, and that brings a smile to Robin, so why not continue to do it?
Sydney's team
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Inteleon was actually gifted to Sydney as a Sobble by Sirris, reasoning his child should have a partner pokemon, so Sydney is the only one of this list with an actual starter pokemon (in the sense that he was supposed to go on a pokemon journey but ultimately stayed home). Inteleon loves its trainer very much, even if it has to force them to take breaks every now and then. A laid back pokemon and a hardworking trainer is a good duo, they influence each other a lot.
Audino was actually the temple's pokemon at first, acting as an aide to the temple's nurse, but it liked Sydney a lot and always fussed over them much more than any other initiate, so the temple relented and allowed Sydney to keep the Audino. Audino is actually the first one to pick up on Sydney's crushes, since it can use its feelers to sense its trainer's emotions. It subtly pushes Sydney to confess every time.
Dragapult was a lonely Dreepy haunting the temple's cemetery, having been left behind by its pack, it was letting out little mourning cries, which naturally attracted the curious little Sydney, who started leaving some food out for it, since it was too flighty to be approached at first. A few more weeks of getting it used to their presence, and it let itself be caught and taken care of.
Lilligant to me, was originally Sydney's other parent's pokemon, and acted as a sort of mother to them from the start. Lilligants release a soothing aroma, and I think in a time of mourning, or when Sydney lost Kylar, it would act as an aid and smother Sydney in the fragrance to help him feel better.
Okay so work with me for Volcarona here, because in multiple pokedexes, Volcarona is said to have been revered as a sun deity, and while that isn't the case today anymore, it still is a very significant part of Volcarona's history, so finding one in the woods while on a walk someday and being followed by it to the temple, all the while acolytes and initiates are falling to their knees around you is not the thing Sydney was expecting, but still, Volcarona has chosen them, so might as well roll with it.
Finally, Dedenne was a living in the school library before Sydney found it chewing through books and decided to give it a better home, and now it lives with them. It likes to take care of the books as well, and has become the library's unofficial mascot.
so uhh yeah those were my thoughts, tell me what you think ?
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iifoundjoy · 3 months
phantom headcanons
i will be adding some pictures in for reference, including some monsters from horror movies! just a quick notice :) ALSO slight nudity (attack on titan titans) okay so we all know about the normal phantom's we have right now and the weird centipede one. i was thinking about this for a while and im currently struggling to input it into another fic but i was thinking, what if there are different species of phantoms? and obviously each phantom species would reside in a different part/habitat, you know? Like for example... -rivers/lakes/ponds - phantoms would be slimmer, maybe longer? could possibly have some sort of webbed spines, perhaps like a spinosaurus, or maybe even a structure similar to that of a spinosaurus as well? you know, minus the long head. they'd probably have webbed talons and have excellent night vision or might even be blind since it very well could be dark as shit down there.
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-forests/tall hills/mountains - the phantoms residing here i was thinking could fly? instead of long or tall, they'd be sort of like birds of those flying monsters from 'the silence'. i wanted to keep the blind aspect and excellent hearing. they're kind of like bats i would assume, hanging around in the trees and eating dead things possibly (im not sure if phantoms eat, i doubt it.) but just to add into the horror we're going to say that they do. they're pretty dangerous, seeing as they can fly around and have sharp teeth and a whip thing tail that very well could cut into you. but i think as long as you're quiet and don't attract much noise to yourself, you would be okay.
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-forests/plains/flatlands - i imagine these are the phantoms that we have to date right now that hunted the kids down from the start. i do have some personal headcanons for these phantoms as well! i imagined them to have excellent hearing, don't ask me why. and i also think theyd have kind of shitty eyesight, don't ask me why either. i also think they would range heavily in heights and body types as well. think of attack on titan maybe? since they are in towns, i think they might just be the "shadows" of real people in town. so that includes children, athletes, short people, tall people, etc. so i think we'd have more diversity in that prospect as well. no big changes though!
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i lied. this is future joy. i also thought that maybe the phantoms we've dealth with most of the story might have abnormal ones as well? again, think attack on titan. maybe these abnormals can speak or communicate in their own language, can even understand them like they did with ashlyn? or maybe some kinds are infectious, that can possibly speed up the process of turning you into one of them? and similarly, phantoms that when they hurt/scratch/bite you, the wound, instead of healing speedily like they usually do, never heals? instead starts to rot, turn black and the skin around it begins to ooze and drip, much like the skin and form the phantoms hold onto until they are in the light or wounded.
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then finally, for now, we obviously have those centipede phantoms. -forests/caves/rocky features - they first appeared in the forest but it also as well as when the terrain began to morph into rocky pillars and everything. i saw someone say that this creature was formed by hundreds of phantoms morphing together into one giant monster and i personally love that idea! i personally think this phantom would either have really bad eyesight seeing as there's so many bodies morphed together and the skin might bubble/pool up kind of like a pugs and effect their vision, or they'd build up all that eyesight and max it out having some op vision instead- no in between. but either way, i lean more toward the blinder part and having to rely on hearing as well. and obviously, this type of phantom is fast, but i also imagined they'd have a hard time making quick, agile turns seeing as their body is just so big.
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i write a lot and i just love making horror more horrific 😭plus i feel like it ups the stakes and the shadow realm just a teeny bit, especially with having to figure out how many different kinds there are and how they all function. im also trying to think of a kind that relies more heavily on smell, more animalistic instead of humanoid in body as well. PLS EXCUSE ANY TYPOS THIS WAS IN A RUSH HAHA
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lixxen · 10 months
Danny Fenton and his gas station job
This is a joke I made in the Ecto-Implosion server and had made pictures for. This is a Headcanon list for that.
Specifically made for @lavendarlily
Danny got the job originally because he did not want to get a job at Nasty Burger with Valerie. He needed money to pay for things, as his parents were starting to take away his allowance.
Danny doesn't actually hate working at the gas station. It's not horrible pay and not a lot happens at certain times of the day.
He can't use the trash compactor, since he isn't 18. But he enjoys doing trash. It gets him off register and his coworker can cover reg until they have to work the compactor.
He hates making coffees. They take forever and Danny simply doesn't have the attention span to remember that he had coffee running.
He forgets to pull the coffee a lot.
Danny gives out free slushies to his friends and family. He doesn't get the point of charging them, especially if he gets them.
He likes to mix banana and mountain dew flavored slushie. He did it originally to make Sam pissed, but now he genuinely likes it. He committed too hard to the bit.
He hates IDing people. The company passed a policy where you have to ID everyone and it is the bane of his existence. Everyone argues with him, even if it isn't his fault.
Danny now judges people on what cigarettes they smoke. Oh? You smoke L&M Menthol longs? What are you. 45 and divorced? Marlboro NXT? What are you, a 28 year old frat guy? Get out of here.
When Vlad caught wind of his new job, he makes a purpose to stop in and bother Danny. He orders too much and makes Danny bring out fresh everything. It makes Danny's blood boil.
But Danny got his payback when Vlad went to buy wine and his ID was expired. No wine for Vlad. Not that he'd drink gas station wine anyways, let's be honest. He bought it to piss Danny off.
Danny has arguments with people all the time, as best as he could while keeping composure.
One time a lady complained about how the cold creamer she added to her smoldering hot coffee made it slightly less hot. He had to calmly explain 10th grade chemistry to her.
Danny has had to chase off exactly 16 birds that have wondered into the store to steal food. Six. Teen. Birds.
He's also experienced bird on bird violence that ended with a cup of ranch and other stuff on the window. They held a funeral that day in the fuel shed.
Danny has never been robbed at the gas station. The movies lied and he can't tell if he's disappointed or not.
Danny is always one fussy customer away from going intangible and knocking out a tail light if someone tells him the wrong pump for gas. Just one. He'll do it.
Danny hates the uniforms, by the way. They're itchy and he can only reasonably wear long sleeves underneath during the winter.
Also, the hats are ugly. He hates them. Why does he need hats?
His coworkers are pretty cool, though. They take smoke breaks (camel crush menthols or L&M full flavor shorts) a lot. Not that he minds, but he thinks it's ironic in all honesty.
Ghosts for some reason never show up while he's at work. He wishes they did because it can get boring.
On boring days, him and his coworkers will take pickle slices and throw them at the roof to stick them up there.
There are six pickles on the roof.
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dexlabs · 10 months
Headcanon: Anodite Mandark
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I'm going to make a bulletpoint thing because there's A LOT of stuff. This is a headcanon based on the Fusionfall Universe (of course DUH XP)
About his Parents:
Oceanbird is herself an anodite, arrived on Earth after hearing about it from Verdona, Ben and Gwen's grandmother;
She met Windbear in a secret USSR facility where he worked as head scientist studying alien life. She was captured right after arriving on Earth;
She convinced him to leave the job and follow her around to explore the world and he did, being fed up with all the atrocities he had to see in name of science;
Oceanbird completely fell in love with Earth and Windbear and decided to abandon her anodite form and live with him in Flowertopia.
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Before the war:
Mandark doesn't know about his parents past and tbh doesn't really care about it;
His first encouter with magic was because of science, when he used an old jewel case (the one from Mandarker) from his mother to build an interdimentional portal. It just happened that that particular jewel case was infused with magic, so the portal directly opened into Legerdomain;
Unlike in the cartoon, here he actually met someone else who taught him about magic and its powers and how they could be used to rule the world. That someone was actually Charmcaster;
She lied about her name to him (called herself Jojo) but decided to reveal him some secrets since she felt he had something more and evil deep inside and she was actually impressed he managed to get there in first place;
Charmcaster also made a deal with him: once he would be older and in complete control of his powers, he would join her side and become loyal to her. He accepted, knowing too well somehow that that was never going to happen (and it didn't... for now);
Just to be sure, Charmcaster altered his memory so he wouldn't remember about visiting Legerdomain.
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Even with this new knowledge, he was still more interested in science, and didn't use the book too much;
He can actually read minds as shown in Dexter's Rival, that's the first sign of his powers awakening, even if he didn't realize it at first;
He used the book again at the science fair to get Dexter, summoning a monster he actually believed to be the Jojo he met years before;
He decided to let go of magic completely because he wanted to get Dexter using science only. He also started hating it because Dexter did.
During the war:
We have an actual mission from him called "Mag-ICK" where you need to investigate magic readings around Steam Alley. Even if you find the Wishing Skull, Mandark tells you to "Stick with science and avoid magic at all costs. It's for losers!" Which tells us that, again, he DOES know magic exists. He just hates it. Honestly this mission is what started this whole mess you're reading lmao. Anyway:
Here we go with my favourite dynamic coming from this headcanon, which is Gwen and Mandark interaction;
Somehow (gotta work on this tbh) Gwen gets to know that Mandark owns a book about magic, and asks a recruit to go get it from him so she can study it;
Mandark actually forgot he had that book, but asks the recruit to go search his old lab for it;
The book is found and Gwen gets it, and immediately knows Charmcaster had something to do with it, so she asks Mandark to get to her on Pimpleback Mountains so they can discuss about it;
Mandark is against the idea, claiming the book is only "a mistake his younger self used when he didn't know better";
Gwen manages to convince him, so they meet at her station to talk about it;
The girl is disappointed he can't remember how he got it, but also realizes Charmcaster might have altered his memory, so she tries to detect magic around him and almost has an heart attack finding out he has MORE than she expected;
She immediately feels he is an anodite and that his powers are right there, ready to pop out anytime, but he keeps repeating it is impossible because his parents are just normal humans;
Gwen manages to convince him to try something, and with ease manages to have him form a mana energy ball in his hand;
She's excited about it but Mandark just freaks out and she has to calm him down. She actually explains him how mana works and they end up talking the whole night, not only about mana and magic, but about the universe, science, the war, dreams and fears. The next day Mandark goes back to Tech Square being... actually happy. Not about magic itself, he still doesn't want to use it. But that he actually found a... new friend. His very first friend.
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Mandark makes her promise not to tell anyone about magic powers or the fact he is an alien magic being, because he wants to first study the thing himself and find out where this could come from;
Because of the war he doesn't have time or resources to investigate it, so it's a thing that's gonna come back when the war is over.
The rest of the headcanons come from my other "5 years after the war" headcanon, where Mandark starts a long journey to understand and accept himself completely and finally be happy with who he is.
Let me know what you think!
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spacebarbarianweird · 7 months
Hello Darling
Summary: Tiriel desperately searches for Astarion as he loses his immunity to sunlight.
Pairing: Astarion x OC (Tiriel)
Tags: fluff, hurt/comfort, post-game, named Tav, established relationship, f!tav, patch 6 update
Thanks @themadlu for beta-reading!
Read on AO3
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The burn left from the fight and dulled by the tadpole pierces  Tiriel’s stomach and she falls to her knees, paralyzed by the pain.
 It's over.
The tadpole is gone. She is free. She will never become a mind flayer, she will never have to face  that blasted dream visitor. 
Then, she hears the scream. It's a cry of pain, of despair, familiar and shocking.
Astarion is burning in the sunlight.
His beautiful face is gray like ash, his eyes white as if he were blind. Astarion reaches out his hand for Tiriel as if she could save him from  this peril. She has saved him so many times, she can do it again!
But her own pain pierces her body. Tiriel presses her arms to her stomach. She is going to die, she thinks. They both are.
"Astarion, hide!" someone cries out, and Tiriel loses consciousness.
The blissful darkness takes her.
No nightmares, no horrors, no dream visitors. Nothing. Just beautiful nothingness.
She wakes up in a dimly lit room. Her head hurts as if her skull had been crushed by a hammer. She is half naked, her belly heavily bandaged. The throat is sore and her legs are numb.
Tiriel is so exhausted she could sleep for a few weeks.
Four months of non stop traveling. Of fear, anxiety, and never ending stress. Tiriel had never had to make so many decisions in her life. Excusing orders, negotiating, and planning. She is just a lonely traveler, for fuck sake, not a warlady!
And now she can just rest.
The memories slowly crawl into her head and she remembers Astarion’s desperate cry.
A wave of panic  crushes her.
Where is he?!
Tiriel’s only known him for four months, but she is sure they were meant to meet each other. She had never loved anyone before him. His cold body, his pale skin, his sharp mind, his… radiant hope. 
What if he died?
Tiriel makes herself sit up. The idea that her love turned into ashes horrifies her. He was in such pain, he was so afraid. What if he is gone?
Life is truly unfair, isn’t it?
It couldn’t end well. No happily “ever after” for the undead.
Tiriel makes an effort to calm herself down. There are many places to hide. Basements, houses, debris… The whole city is in ruins, he has enough shadow to hide in…
The other realization makes her sick.
Sunlight isn’t his only enemy anymore. He also can’t go inside without an invitation.
He could have burned down in front of the open door to the darkest room in Baldur’s Gate because no one invited him in!
Still dizzy, Tiriel puts on her camp clothes (no need to attract unnecessary attention with her shiny Drow armor) and rushes outside the inn.
The city has been truly destroyed by the Netherbrain, and whatever future lies ahead Baldur’s Gate will never be the same. 
Tiriel wanders the street for hours—she visits the graveyard, the ruins of the vampire lord’s mansion, dozens of places but  Astarion is nowhere to be seen.
He’s known the city for centuries. Tiriel, whose first impression of the city was ruined by the mind flayers, stands no chance of finding the vampire.
By the end of the night, she feels like a lost child. Tiriel hasn’t felt so miserable since the day she woke up in the mountains all alone and cold. She was fifteen, and her rage blurred her mind making her run away from an abusive household. She wanted to go back, to the warmth of the house, to sit by the fireplace even if her stepfather would have beaten her again. To just be somewhere she belongs, not in the middle of nowhere with no weapons or armor.
The sun is slowly rising above the sea and the skies slowly turn blue. Tiriel sniffs. She's gotten too used to NOT being alone, a very unfamiliar concept to be honest. 
Well, if Astarion isn’t back, if she fails to find him, she will have to go. This city makes her sick, it’s too big, too dirty, too crowded. She will walk the roads of Faerun just like she has ever since she was fifteen. The memories will fade and she will probably question why she fell for Astarion in the first place. He is a difficult person, traumatized, angry, his bruises and wounds are invisible to anyone, and the facade of lies is inseparable from his personality.
Tiriel’s heart sinks at the very thought she might not ever see him again.
A tear flows down her cheek and she immediately wipes it away. She is a warrior. A barbarian. No one must see her cry or in pain. Women like her are alive as long as people perceive them as emotionless marble statues. Weakness turns people like her into victims.
But it felt so nice to be weak in Astarion’s arms. To let him tend her wounds, to cry in his arms… He would never admit it, but she knew he loved protecting her.
The night search exhausts Tiriel and she returns to her room in the inn. The warrior locks the door — she doesn’t want to deal with intruders —and falls on the bed, pressing her face against the pillow.
Astarion is gone. If he is alive, she will never find him. If he is dead, she will never bury him. In any case, Tiriel the Barbarian is on her own again.
She  makes herself a promise not to fall for anyone ever again.
When she wakes up hours later, her head doesn’t ache anymore and her whole body feels rested. 
“Hello darling”
She startles at the familiar voice.
Astarion lies beside her, with the palm of his hand under his cheek. His eyes are soft and tender and he has the stupidest smile shining on his face.
“You…” she gasps. “You are back!”
“Of course I am”, Astarion leans to her and kisses her forehead, and then rests his head on the pillow. “You are so adorable when you sleep.”
“I thought you died,” she whispers. “Where were you?”
Astarion touches her cheek. “I was hiding.”
“But you could have returned to the inn once the night fell! I was looking for you!”
His face darkens. “It’s because of hunger. It…blurred my mind. The sun damaged me and once I got to the shadow I was starving and just forgot everything. Who I was, who you were. I fed on… something… I don’t remember what and my mind returned to me. And I was so embarrassed by what I truly am and was afraid to come back”
“But you did.”
“I did.”
They lay in silence contemplating each other’s faces. Tiriel's heart melts at how adorable he looks. He doesn’t pretend, doesn't play, doesn’t act. That’s him, that’s the real him. Hidden and concealed for two hundred years.
“How did you get inside?” she asks. “This isn’t the room we lived in. I thought you needed an invitation?”
Astarion shrugs. “I do need to be invited if I don't want to bump into an invisible wall I can’t go through. When I picked the lock I was sure I would just stand there unable to enter. But apparently… I was invited anyway.”
Tiriel nuzzles his collarbone and wraps her arms around him.
“You aren’t going to… break up with me, right?”
His voice sounds so helpless and vulnerable that it makes Tiriel hug him tighter. 
“Of course not.”
He cups her cheeks and kisses her. Tiriel leans to him pressing their bodies against each other.
Then Astarion starts talking.
He speaks about freedom, the future, the places they may visit, and things they can do.
“What is it, my love?”
“I need to… rest. Can you stay by my side until I wake up?”
Tiriel kisses the tip of his nose. “Sure. I will be right there.”
Astarion buries his nose in her chest, and Tiriel lulls him to his trance.
As she promised, she doesn’t go anywhere. Time to time she moves a bit not to let her limbs stiff.
Then, she notices Astarion slowly waking up. His eyelids are half-open, his mouth cracks a smile. Tiriel draws an invisible line along his nose.
“Hello, darling,” she whispers to him.
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