#[ chiaki nanami intro ]
thebusytypewriter · 1 year
equal and opposite - socmed au spinoff - intros pt. 3
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meet the cast: everyone else (fr this time?)
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thetorturedmusesdept · 3 months
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Was that [YOSHIKAWA AI]? Oh no no, that was just [CHIAKI NANAMI], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [DANGANRONPA]. They are [TWENTY-ONE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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FULL NAME: Chiaki Nanami AGE: 21 SPECIES: Human FANDOM: Danganronpa GENDER IDENTITY: Cis female; she/her SEXUALITY:  Bisexual NATIONALITY: Japanese ETHNICITY: Japanese HOW LONG HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN HERE?: One Week JOB: Youtuber WHERE HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN PULLED FROM IN THEIR FANDOM?: (tw: death, spoilers) She is basically pulled form a mixture of her real life and the ai generated version of herself. It was like something glitched bringing her into this world, like it wasn't sure which Chiaki to grab. As a result, she is comprised of the memories of her death as well as the memories of what happened when she was an ai program. It's all very mind blowing and confusing to her. HAS ANY MAGIC AFFECTED YOUR CHARACTER?: No, she just has too many memories.
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SIBLING(S): None PARTNER(S): None atm. CHILDREN: None atm. PARENT(S): Mr. and Mrs. Nanami.
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- blah - blah - blah - blah - blah - blah - blah - blah
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platonic connections: Friends, friends are so important to her. (tw: spoilers, death) She has and would literally die for her friends. more platonic connections: Anyone from Danganronpa please!!! video gamers: Fellow Gamers unite! Chiaki is the Ultimate Gamer, so she's great to talk to about video games! fans: Chiaki also has a youtube channel where she does Lets Plays and Gameplay Walkthroughs for people who need help. She is pretty popular since she's the best gamer and can beat any game. So a fan or two would be nice! someone to figure her out: Chiaki is an enigma. She's is an intangible concept. She's a very complex being. Someone who wants to and does figure her out would be so so welcome. romance: A good friendship to lovers ship would be nice for Chiaki, I think. She's not really the type for hook ups or one night stands.
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ouma-kichi · 1 year
Mahiru Koizumi, Peko Pekoyama, Ibuki Mioda, Mikan Tsumiki, and Chiaki Nanami with a crush on yo
LOL SO LIKE. i completely abandoned this account but i felt a little nostalgic and checked on it and this draft was here, it was originally gonna be the whole drv2 cast but i am not finishing this so here is all that is left because if youre for some reason still here you at least deserve this
Info/Warnings: no warnings, besides things that could be considered spoilers for the game ? reader is gender nonspecific, though pronouns r not even used !
---also these first few are from april 14 holy shit---
Mahiru Koizumi:
i guess this would be the most obvious thing, but she would definitely take pictures of you basically constantly
she cant help it okay !! its like every single moment shes with you is so so important to her that she can't help but just snap pictures at every moment
like she already takes pictures all the fuckin time but NOW....
now that she has a subject that she believes to be so effortlessly breathtaking.
now that she has a model who can do something simple- quietly flipping through the pages of a book, breathing softly in peaceful moments, looking at her with sleepy eyes- and look so utterly captivating.
now that she has something worth taking photos of.
she really cant help but take a picture every time you turn to look at her.
its like she sits there for a moment; her eyes widening in the same way the aperture of her lens widens, to take in more light, to take in more of you
and she absolutely makes sure her camera is in focus . she constantly has her focus on you, it simply wouldn't do you justice if her camera didn't do the same
you make her so blushy.
before either of you realize it, she has her camera pointed toward you, with a giggle and a red face
she secretly thinks its a disservice to ignore how perfect you are to her. with a sigh, she believes art with your beauty as the focal point is simply something you deserve.
her camera serves as her eyes, she uses the lens to look at the world
but most importantly, she uses them to look at you
Peko Pekoyama:
oh she is super protective but not in the LOUD CHARISMATIC GOOFY WAY (like akane p much hehe)
instead she's protective in a very silent way
like she doesn't protect you by goin LEMME BEAT THE BAD GUY UP she simply protects you because that's what's natural to her
she would never be the type to scream out how much she cares about you from rooftops, but she's always there beside you
you know she likes you in every moment you're together, she shows it in very quiet and subtle ways
in the way she walks silently beside you, eyes carefully observing for any sense of danger or even just annoyance that threatens you
the way she gently pushes you behind her, when she comes to defuse a heated argument you're in
the way she grips you tight in any possible moment of fear
the way she plays with your hair, her calloused and tired hands gently touching your hair, as she waits for you to fall asleep at night
the way she looks at you, warm eyes and slightly red cheeks
the way she carefully remembers things about you, everything you've ever told her
the way she makes you feel safe
the way she makes you feel held
the way you want to be protected by her
the way you want to be held by her
Ibuki Mioda:
oooowowoowo she would definitely be like super straightforward about it
i mean this is ibuki we're talkin about !!
and shes very loud about it too
like she'll do shit like stereotypical shit like writing songs about you or serenading you at concerts
she probably named an album after you, and she used like a voicemail from u as like the intro to one of her songs
its like her brain just NEVER EVER shuts up about you
first of all, she is barely ever apart from you .. she absolutely will constantly be at your side just because she wants to laugh with you
but even when you're apart she's still just !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thinking about you !!!!
so of course she just writes every single soft feeling for you and word vomits it all into songs
the first few months after she realized she really liked you was a period where literally every song she wrote was just .. about you
there's a solid chunk of her discography that is just
(listen i really wanted to write nonsense song titles for ibukis section)
Sugary Sweet Lovesick Girl
Butterflies In Digestive Organs
An Eye For An Eye (And My Eye's On You)
Crushing Hard, Ms. Hydraulics
Puppy Love For Barking Dogs
I Should've Brought My Inhaler (With The Way U Take My Breath Away)
Sights for Sore Eyes, Touches for Tired Hands
it's easily her biggest form of expression, and she has so much to say about you
so be prepared for her next album to be full of references to the days you spend together
references to your face and the way your eyes look at her
and references to all her feelings for you
Mikan Tsumiki:
oh man she is so obsessed with you
like at first shes like U-UM A-A-ARE Y-YOU P-PRANKING ME ? bc youre so fucking nice to her
obviously she is not used to gentle treatment, i think that's partially why she fell for you so fast
she has never been treated in a kind and soft and loving way in her entire life, and now ?? some mf just genuinely wants to be around her
you just wanna be with her
and she very much wants to be with you
i mean she has never been treated with any sort of respect ever, and she is so insecure and afraid ..
and suddenly, you come along and you treat her with care and with love
slowly but surely, she starts to realize that you genuinely care about her and you're safe and you're not tricking her and she is just. so smitten
very much following her whole "you... are the one who has forgiven me..." dialogue from the game
she realizes, every time she cries out and begs for you to forgive her (for something you didn't even care about), you will always just look at her with a smile
you'll always look at her and say it's okay
because you forgive her.
so she never wants to be away from you, and most of the time you're never separated anyways
she clings to you, because you make everything feel okay. you make her feel okay when she panics or starts to tremble.
when she can hardly speak from anxiety, when she starts to spiral
when it feels like the entire world is falling apart, you make it okay
even if it's just for a moment,
everything's okay
because she knows you'll forgive her
---this part is frome june 25 lol---
Chiaki Nanami:
oh she is really fucking soft and cute
i think this is really obvious but she would absolutely make you play games with her constantly
she basically lives, breathes, and eats games so its kinda a no brainer here
and it's very important to her
because she isn't good at dating games, she doesn't quite understand the inner workings of human interaction, and she certainly doesn't know where to even begin with talking to you
she really doesn't want anything to be awkward or weird
and so... games
sometimes when you're playing, she sits there, with her cheeks all puffed up and her cat hood on, focused on whatever game she decided to show you that day
before sneaking small glances at you, glances that probably go unnoticed on your end
but man those small glances and the little moments she spends playing with you really mean a lot
because she only really knows how to connect with people via video game
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animefeminist · 3 months
Chatty AF 202: Revolutionary Girl Utena Watchalong – Episodes 13-20
Cy, and Chiaki, and Vrai return and dive into the Black Rose Saga, the importance of the secondary cast, and Anthy’s deepening characterization.
Episode Information
Date Recorded: February 11th, 2024 Hosts: Vrai, Cy, Chiaki
Episode Breakdown
0:00:00 Intros 0:02:34 Content Warnings 0:03:09 Note on translation 0:05:05 Catching Up 0:07:00 The economic bubble 0:08:37 Filler 0:11:52 Nanami episode 0:14:22 Anthy 0:24:15 Symbolism 0:26:52 Adult content 0:29:12 Shiori 0:38:53 Wakaba 0:41:00 Saionji 0:46:30 The Onion Prince 0:53:25 The death tower? 0:55:36 Next time… 0:57:34 Outro
Further Reading
Empty Movement
Series Content Warnings List (with spoilers)
Vrai’s Utena Episode Analyses (with spoilers)
Dear Brother Watchalong
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MC Having a Death like Chiaki Nanami
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AN: Hi! This is my first time posting on tumblr, or anywhere really. I plan on posting this to AO3 as well, so you can read it there under thrice_in_a_void_moon. I'm excited to share this with anyone who is interested, and I'm not really into danganronpa anymore, but the thought of this has been in my head so here we are. Please let me know if there are any mistakes that I missed or if there's anything that I should change. Also, this fic is meant to be read altogether, but you can just read the characters separately, but there is an intro and a conclusion, so do with that as you will. Anyways I hope you enjoy! :)
TW: Gore, blood, mentions of abuse/torture, mentions of death, character death, slight spoiler in Belphie’s??
MC is gender neutral :)
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The room lights up suddenly, and the boys have to quickly adjust their eyesight. Taking in their surroundings and noticing that they had been transported to a different location than where they were moments ago. Everyone checks on each other, making sure that no one has been harmed, when they realize that they are one person short. The multiple TVs that are displayed on the walls of the room suddenly come to life. There you are, in a daze, unsure of what’s happening, taking in your surroundings to find cold, gray flooring and walls that stretch and constrict in different directions, something of a maze. Matching abstract patterns surround you from every angle. Everyone’s attention is set on you. Fear, anger, confusion in the futile shouts to get your attention. A loud booming voice, one that Lucifer, his brothers, and Simeon know all too well, overpowers the twelve and announces the start of a game. A game of one. A game of life and death. And you are the star. 
All Lucifer sees is red. In a flash, he is in his demon form and immediately begins to tear at the nearest exit, he will not stop until you are safely in his arms. He will take any pain, any punishment to get to you. The first blood curdling scream causes his attention to falter at the task at hand. Whipping his head towards the nearest TV, Lucifer sees you with such a pained expression. Looking towards what might have caused you to cry out like that, he notices a metal rod lodged into your arm, your opposite hand cradling the wound, and fixing up the courage to yank it out. He forces himself to look away, as another cry escapes your lips. He begins once again, trying desperately to get to you, though nothing he does seems to be working.
Several minutes have passed since the start of the game, and Mammon has been trying his hand at what looks to be another exit. His muscles are burning, his breathing erratic, and his throat has become dry and hoarse. He was determined to make the first scream the last one you made. He was going to get you out of there. He made a promise to you, and he would be damned if he broke it. He’s your first man, and he’s going to be the first one to reach you. Gearing up to start his pounding again, he uses your desperate cries as his motivation, ignoring his pain in hopes of reaching you in time. 
As much as Leviathan wants to, he can’t seem to move a muscle. His feet stay planted as he watches the TV screen closest to him. The first scream gutted him. He knew he should be trying to find a way to save you. Tears form in his eyes as he silently cheers for you every time you dodge the obstacles that are thrown at you, and they fall when you don’t move in time. He feels useless. The Lord of Shadows would never let his friend Henry go through such trials, he would have fought til the bitter end to get to his friend. And yet Leviathan doesn’t move. He watches in silence as you get beat up, beating himself up as well. 
Satan was in a blind rage from the start. You were the only one to see past his wrath and see him as an individual. You saw him for who he truly was. If only if you could see him now as he darted from exit to exit in hopes he could cause enough damage to one of them for him to be able to get through. He channeled all of his pent up anger into getting to you. His throat became scratchy as he bellowed for the mastermind to end this mess and let you go. Another loud scream ripped from your throat as a spike tore through your shoe and impaled your foot. Satan’s eyes darted to the screen and his wrath flared up again seeing your face distorted in pain. He starts again, ignoring the growing pain in his knuckles and the blood they left behind on the exit in front of him. 
Tears ran down Asmodeus’s perfect face. If he could see himself right now, he would be ashamed of how red and puffy his eyes had gotten. But in this moment, he wasn’t concerned for himself. He noticed Leviathan standing alone, so he quickly ran to him, wrapping both of his arms around one of Levi’s and watched the carnage on the screen. Leviathan made no move to shake him off, both finding comfort in each other’s presence. Every scream and cry that came from you, made Asmo tighten his grip on Leviathan, sobbing harder each time you got hurt. At some point he started begging whoever was behind this to stop, wailing as he wondered why they were doing this, and never getting a response back. He wanted his MC to be back in his arms, he wanted to take the pain away from you. He wanted to save you, but he knew there was nothing he could do. 
Beelzebub being the strongest demon in the room, had hope that he could get through to you. He put all of his strength, energy, and training into every move he made. He kicked, punched, he head-butted, he tore, he screamed and shouted as nothing seemed to work. Sweat poured off his face, his bottom lip red and swollen from him worrying it as he worked. Beel knew that it was useless, that these exits were unbreakable. He turned to look at the others who tried their hands at breaking through, with no better luck than him. His eyes gazed up at a screen and watched as you dodged the saw blades that jutted out from the patterns in the walls. He saw the blood that trailed behind you, and just hoped that you would make it out. 
Belphegor watched on in anger, teeth clenched as his fingernails left harsh moon shaped crescents into his palms. He had finally gotten close to you, like his brothers had. He came to care about you. He knew he had harmed you before, but with time you had forgiven him and given him your trust. And he knew he didn’t deserve it. But now he watched as someone else hurt you, and knew that the attempts the others were making were futile. If Beel, Satan, or Lucifer, as much as he hated to admit it, couldn’t break through, then there was no way to get to you. Belphie knew that you were a strong human, he just hoped you were strong enough to endure this torture. 
As prince of the Devildom, Diavolo had demanded that whoever was behind this monstrosity to end it. He had taken his demon form, just like the others who battered and fought for a way out. A way to you. He hoped it would make whoever was causing harm to you to stop, as he only transformed into his demon form for formal events. It was rare that he had to transform for serious offenses. And this certainly is one of those times. This was treason. When that didn’t stop the offender, he began assisting Lucifer, teaming up to find a weak spot in the room. Each time a scream bounced off the walls, Diavolo grimaced. Why were you the only one being tormented like such? He wasn’t trying to be a pessimist. At first, he believed that if not him, one of the others would get through an exit and get you to safety. But now he wasn’t sure anyone was going to get to you in time. 
Barbatos stood in the center of the room and watched the screens around him. His face was emotionless, and his eyes stayed glued to your now beaten and ragged figure. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to get to you. No, he would’ve loved nothing more than to rescue you and bring you back to the castle and see to your injuries himself. But as a demon who has inflicted his own sadistic torture on others for centuries, he knew that there was no way to get to you. The walls that surrounded the group, were not unlike the walls in his own torture room. They were made to be impenetrable. The beings that were taken to the torture room were there for a reason, to receive punishment for their crimes and wrong doings. Barbatos knew all too well that the efforts the others made were futile, but said nothing to stop them. He knew this was a lost battle before it began, but who was he to crush what remaining hope everyone had left. 
Luke has his face hidden in Simeon’s torso, gloved hands cover the younger angel’s ears. Luke had witnessed the first hit, and Simeon had been right to hide him from the gruesome scenes to come. Though, hands could only do so much to block out the blood curdling screams and occasional blood splatter that came from you. Tear stains left on the older angel’s shirt had only gotten bigger as time went on, and Luke startled each time he heard a noise. All Simeon could do was hold the smaller angel closer to him, in hopes of bringing him comfort. Simeon watched everyone work around him. It kept him occupied from looking at your wellbeing. Which he knew was no longer well. Simeon did all he could to hold his emotions together. He needed to be strong for Luke. He wanted to be strong for you. 
As calm as Solomon usually kept himself, it would have been a shock to anyone that witnessed him as he unleashed his true power. After today, no one would ever question why he was considered the most powerful sorcerer. He cast spell after spell, racking his brain of ancient incantations that he had learned so long ago. Explosions went off countless times, but only leaving scorch marks in their wake. Solomon heard yet another cry from you, and he fell to his knees, eyes fixed to the floor. He was exhausted. He had used so much of his energy, giving more than he actually had. You were the first human in centuries he let his walls down for. He showed you sides of him he’s never shown anyone before, confided in you, and he was about to lose it all. About to lose you. Solomon’s vision had become blurry as he glanced up to the screen and watched as you approached a door. A hope sparked within him, a hope that you would be safe. 
The mastermind’s voice suddenly interrupted everyone’s thoughts and ministrations, signaling that you had reached the end of the maze. Everyone watched with bated breath as you reached a bloodied hand towards the door knob. Slowly turning it, you looked inside and smiled widely, although the other’s could not see what was on the other side. Tears filled with relief began to stream down your face as you stepped forward, your arm stretched out as if to reach for something. Something you never grab as a spear launches itself from the other side of the door and through your chest. Gasps, shouts, and screams erupt the silence that had fallen around the boys. As you fall backwards, your body becomes suspended by dozens of spikes that impale you from every angle. No one dares say a word upon witnessing your body in such a state. The spikes retract, releasing you as you fall to the floor lifeless. 
Luke is the first to break the silence, as he lets out a wail. Simeon immediately pulls Luke into him once more, as tears he had been holding back stream down his face. Asmo hides his face into Leviathan’s shoulder as he sobs. Levi’s lip quivers, tears well up in his eyes, as more leave trails down his face. Satan’s chest constricts in fury and sorrow, unable to tear his gaze away from the blood that pools around your body. Beel and Belphie are both abnormally still. Neither one knowing how to process what just happened. Diavolo's eyes well up with tears, as only a few shed, he questions the next best step to take for everyone's sake. Barbatos shows up beside Diavolo to provide some comfort for the young prince. A sharp ache reverberates in his chest. Solomon who hasn’t moved from his position from the floor, looks at your lifeless form. Mouth open slightly in shock as the tears that had been collecting in his eyes begin to fall to the floor below him. Mammon has his back turned towards the others, a hand over his mouth as he desperately hides the cries and screams that he feels bubbling up inside. Lucifer’s breathing is erratic, as his gaze hardens. He glances around the room taking note of the heartbreak that is written across the faces he can see, and watching as others shudder from the cries they let out. Lucifer locks eyes with Diavolo’s. An unspoken conversation held between them. From watching the one they all loved perish in such a way, oh, there will be hell to pay. 
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internetxstarz · 6 months
‌Hiya! New Tumblr user here! Since this is my first day at tumblr i decided i want to do the get to know me thingamajig, so without further ado,,,,,
• you can mainly call me Aubrey, but i also go by Cara, Chiaki and/or Camellia!
• im multi fandomed, but ill mostly post omori, cookie run and dangonronpa! (This is was a tough decision bc i love so many fandoms.. fun fact! the first fandom i joined was Fnaf)
• my drawing sucks! but you'll still have to look at them anyways since that's what im aiming to post these days.. so prepare the bleach if you could..
• minori hanasato, caramel arrow, chiaki nanami, aubrey = kin (i love them so much)
• i probs have adhd so um like.... yeah???
• i have this weird passion of writing/story making so ill always randomly drag you into looking at it/J (oh yeah and i use tonetags as well)
Thats it! For now i guess,
Aubrey out!
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ratlesshonret · 1 year
maybe i should finally make an intro post
Maybe I should make a post that like... tells people who happen across my blog who I am and what I’m about. That sounds like a good idea.
I’ve never been good at intros but... hi, my name is Honret, or RatlessHonret, or AirOfRatlessness, or KindaChaoticGood, or IWantToLivePlease, or... whatever else I’ve gone by before. But Honret is my main online name rn.
I’m a chronically online, fandom-obsessed they/them who will physically fight to defend any characters I love. My biggest hyperfixation is Danganronpa, but I have several (if several means many) others that I will list at the bottom of this post.
Anyway, if you ever see me make a cool post, or just think I’m interesting for whatever reason, I’m always open to chat! Talking to people makes my month because I don’t get any social interaction otherwise. Also, ask me about my favorite ships and characters any time.
Now, for the list of games and other media I really enjoy (note this list can be changed at any time): -Danganronpa (Game) -Project Moon Franchise -Code Vein (Game) -VA-11 Hall-A (Game) -Death Palette/Matsuro Palette (Game) -Lily’s Well and I Cannot Drown (Games) -Mili (Music) -Pocket Mirror (Game) -Ender Lilies (Game) -Bag of Milk Series (Games) -BNA: Brand New Animal (Anime) -.flow (Game) -Hollow Knight (Game) -Celeste (Game) -Pokemon (Games) And a list of characters I like a lot (this list can also be updated whenever): -Hiyoko Saionji (Danganronpa) -Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa) -Yui Samidare (Danganronpa) -Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa) -Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa) -Jill Stingray (VA-11 Hall-A) -Anna Graem (VA-11 Hall-A) -Io (Code Vein) -Mia Karnstein (Code Vein) -Lisette (Pocket Mirror) -Michiru Kagemori (BNA) -Basically all of the lobcorp sephirah Anyway, that’s about all. Now, time for me to figure out how to pin a post to my blog.
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lewdiverse-archive · 2 years
A note regarding all muses; please feel free to change my muses into femboys or futas should you so wish, just remember to state it too~! As for male muses, I write them as femboys for personal preference but feel free to change them into females or futas too~!
Smash Bros/Nintendo
Bayonetta, Byleth (Female), Daisy, Pit, Dark Pit, Link, Palutena, Peach, Rosalina, Samus, Dark Samus, Wii Fit Trainer, Zelda, Midna (Twili and Imp forms), Hilda (Pokémon), May (Pokémon), Dawn (Pokémon), Booette, Sonia (Pokémon), Ankha
My Hero Academia (up to season 5)
Ochako Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Mei Hatsume, Midnight, Nejire Hadou, Himiko Touga, Toru Hagakure, Camie Utsushimi, Izuku Midoriya, Rumi Usagiyama
Raven, Harley Quinn, Zatana, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Black Canary, Power Girl, Killer Frost, Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Super Girl, Blackfire, Punchline, Dr Harleen Quinzel, Arella Roth, Mera, Terra, Joker (Female)
RWBY (up to season 3)
Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Nora Valkyrie, Glynda Goodwitch, Neo politan
Widowmaker, Mercy, Mei, D.va, Tracer, Junker Queen, Ashe, Kiriko
Kyoko Kirigiri, Celestia Ludenberg, Aoi Asahina, Junko Enoshima, Mikan Tsumiki, Peko Pekoyama, Sonia Nevermind, Chiaki Nanami, Akane Owari
Gwen Stacy (Marvel), Black Cat (Marvel), Quiet (MGSV), Cindy (FFXV), Female Pyramid Head (Silent Hill), Lola bunny (Loony tunes), Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Rodger Rabbit), Lara Croft (Tomb raider), Vault meat (Fallout), Vault boy/girl Fallout, Jill Valentine (Resident Evil), Sadako (the ring), Nico (DMC), Bubblehead Nurse (Silent Hill), Jessica Vorhees (Fem! Jason from Friday the 13th), Michelle Myers (Fem! Michael from Halloween), Pennywise (IT), Domino (Marvel), Fubuki (OPM), Do-S (OPM)
Link to my intro post for any other info you may need~!
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gmanwhore · 10 months
SDR2 Intros:
Ultimate Imposter: "For most of it my life has been living hell, so better be prepares"
Teruteru Hanamura: "They call me the Ultimate Cook but. . Ultimate Chef has more of a big city flavor y'know?"
Mahiru Koizumi: "GEEZ! Now i see that i have to do everything out here, huh?"
Peko Pekoyama: "It might be a bamboo sword but it is because of that it can be deadly if not careful"
Ibuki Moioda: "Give me an Ib give me an Uki give me a Mio give me a Da. Put it together and what's it say? IBUKI MIODA!"
Hiyoko Saionji: "What am i doing? Squishing mr. Ants of course! Wanna join or what?"
Mikan Tsumiki: "My name is M-Mikan Tsumiki from the bottom of my heart. I hope we have a fair fight!"
Gundham Tanaka: "Are you gonna give up? That would be an insult to life itself!"
Nagito Komaeda: "You know, i believe there is no way a small dog could ever hope to become a big dog"
Chiaki Nanami: "You got that wrong! I can do just fine at fighting games, actually"
Akane Owari: "As long as i can eat and as long as i can move i know i am alive, so come at me!"
Kazuichi Souda: "What are you aiming for? Depending on your answer your clock might become a time bomb"
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "Don't act all friendly at me, i could totally kill you, you know that, eh bastard?"
Sonia Nevermind: "We musn't fight between friends! This is a matter of royal discretion"
Hajime Hinata: "You are wrong! I am not Izuru Kamakura. . I know exactly who it is i am!"
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013hasablognow · 1 year
blog intro 😋
hii!! im buffporcupine but this is my rp blog!! i’ll use it occasionally since i won’t post many starters, but i’ll use this blog for rps as to not clutter my main.
everything is below the cut bc this post is kinda long!
~ stuff I WILL rp:
-oc x canon (I can play the canon character or the oc)
-oc x oc
-angst (including heavy angst, but I won’t go beyond what the other person wants to have in our rp)
-implied angsty stuff
I’ll add to this list when i think of more stuff lol, if it’s reasonable and if it’s not in the no-go list, then go for it lolz.
~ stuff i WILL NOT rp:
-large age gap, stuff of that sort
-unhealthy stuff
-i don’t do 18+/smut rps (I’m a minor)
-just don’t do anything repulsive and you’ll be fine
~ Anyway, my main muse list is ocs, but I can also do canon characters from Danganronpa, Your Turn To Die, BNHA, Death Note, and some other stuff. i’m also better at playing girls and genderqueer characters than boys.
when listing ocs, I do their name, an additional name if possible in brackets, then gender in parentheses. genders I list are male, female, and gnc/gq (gender non-comforming/genderqueer).
also, i hope i’m using the word muse right! i’m not good at rp vocab.
ocs (i’ll link the intro posts as i make them):
-Kiyomi Itō (f)
-Rosa [Clover] (f)
-Akira Itō (m)
-Aurelia Scott [Aurie, Scotty] (F)
-Kirumi [kiru] (gnc)
-013 (f)
-R [Raye, Ricky] (f)
More ocs to be added soon lolz!!
Canon Characters I will Play:
For these, I’ll bold any character I prefer/ like especially.
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
Sayaka Maizono
Toko Fukawa (Genocider Syo as well)
Mondo Ohwada
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Chihiro Fujisaki
Kyouko Kirigiri
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Mikan Tsumiki
Ibuki Mioda
Mahiru Koizumi
Peko Pekoyama
Akane Owari
Gundham Tanaka
Hajime Hinata
Chiaki Nanami
Sonia Nevermind
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Kaede Akamatsu
Kirumi Tojo
Rantaro Amami
Korekiyo Shinguji
Tenko Chabashira
Himiko Yumeno
Miu Iruma
Kokichi Ouma
Kaito Momota
Tsumugi Shirogane
Death Note
Light Yagami
L Lawliet
Misa Amane
Kiyomi Takada
Your Turn To Die
Sara Chidouin
Joe Tazuna
Kanna Kizuchi
Reko Yabusame
Alice Yabusame
Gin Ibushi
Sue Miley
Tia Safalin
~ If you wanna do a ship rp for two (or more, idc) canon characters, then just say so, and as long as it’s in the realm of reasonability, then I’ll do it.
~ Thank you for reading!
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danganwlw · 1 year
Just made this sideblog to put all my Danganronpa shit. Tbh can’t believe this username was free lol. Anyways get ready for this shit now. Intro stuff under the cut
anyways hi I’m Phoenix. I’m a nblw(they/he/it/fleur) Danganronpa enjoyer(derogatory). The games are mine now and I do what I want. I like some of the Danganronpa dudes but mostly Women and wlw ships(especially rarepairs). I do doodles that I occasionally digitally render, once in a blue moon I do a fanfic, and I have Many Many Dr ocs. But anyways here’s some of my favorite shit for you.
TOKO FUKAWA(favorite ever)
Sonia Nevermind(2nd fave)
Kyoko Kirigiri(3rd fav)
and then in no particular order
Sayaka Maizono
Chihiro Fujisaki(transfem Chihiro truther here. dldl)
Ultimate Imposter
Rantaro Amami
Mahiru Koizumi
Chiaki Nanami
Komaru Naegi
Fukagiri(Kyoko/Toko, most favorite ever I captain this shit I think)
The next four sorta shift around my top 3 favs but
and in no particular order
and more. So yknow. Fun times all around.
that’s it
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animefeminist · 3 months
Chatty AF 203: Revolutionary Girl Utena Watchalong – Episodes 21-27
Vrai, Cy, and Chiaki return to cover the conclusion of the Black Rose arc, the beginning The End of the World, and Akio being both the worst and relentlessly sexy on convertibles.
Episode Information
Date Recorded: March 12th, 2024 Hosts: Vrai, Cy, Chiaki
Episode Breakdown
0:00:00 Intros 0:01:03 Content warnings 0:02:08 Feelings 0:05:59 Keiko 0:09:46 Mikage 0:22:45 The End of the World Arc 0:29:02 Akio 0:32:36 Cycles of abuse 0:35:49 Kozue and Daddy Longlegs 0:41:30 Anthy and Utena 0:45:17 Nanami 0:49:10 Touga 0:56:34 Ohtori’s OSHA compliance 0:59:12 Outro
Further Reading
Empty Movement
Series Content Warnings List (with spoilers)
Vrai’s Utena Episode Analyses (with spoilers)
Dear Brother Watchalong
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vampthropologist · 2 years
there is much more i could send u that’ll be greater than the klm song like any of the websites but this’ll probably just take years off ur life lol /lh
https://youtu.be/vpTT4M6Okes (Dream)
https://youtu.be/ZQt9rWYhv7E (Gamzee)
https://youtu.be/b8feTDua8EE (Sans)
https://youtu.be/kcAuiWNABpY (Wilbur soot vs Nanami)
https://youtu.be/7aUKQMU-VH4 (Dream)
https://youtu.be/sf6JGu6MaII (Monokuma)
https://youtu.be/D1mMbhPM5x8 (Luke Skywalker)
https://youtu.be/L2jqGb82zuE (LaLa)
https://youtu.be/G3uaroAWGoE (hot human lighting mcqueen)
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<3 luv u!
NNOAISNDONASOIID NOO NOOO NOOOO why do the lyrics make sense 40% of the time? Why is the video like that??? I think all the songs will suffer from poorly placed Danganronpa references but ALSO HE IS DISSING HIM FOR BEING ILL??? AND NAGITO RETURNS WITH SLUR ACCUSATIONS?? THOSE ARENT EQUAL
Nagito you are a stoner too even if it's not shown, also the voice doesn't match him. HONK?? WHAT IS A HONK??? HUH??? This guy says mf a lot doesn't he? I am not far enough into Homestuck to understand all these references. Also it's hilarious to think that in preparation for this Nagito has read all of Homestuck. I wanna see a homestuck nagito sprite. actually i don't. please don't bring that into this world. FINGERS IN HIS ASS WAS THE ONLY GOOD REEFERENCE it's too bad it's sandwiched between mf and mf and mf and mf. GOAT DADDY??? GOAT DADDY?? ultimate bottom. bottom. sir. SIR.
Before starting there must be a fingers in his ass in here. Ok now I'm starting. THE SANS VOICE NOOOOOO. Everyone is making fun of Nagito for being gay. Sans isn't dissing him, he's just explaining Nagito's plot poorly. What does Kanye have to do with this? You better make a fingers in his ass joke. Nagito sounds like a nerd character from a cartoon. This rap battle was just simpsons vs nerd kid roleplaying as sans and nagito with no rap experience. Truly a disappointing performance.
Oh lordy I saw this in the reccomended before checking the list. They said her name out of tempo I'm already aggravated. What are Pants and ConnorEats? Are these references? YOUR LYRICS ARE SHITE BRITISH BOY. Stop saying her name it's not helping your horrible flow. His references don't hold any weight because I'm not an smp fan and then he comes out here calling her a camgirl. HAMILTON REFERENCE??? Her wordplay is better than his.
Another Dream one? Okay. WAIT THIS CHANNEL HAS LESS THAN 400 SUBS?? Let's see how it compares to the first one. Is the same guy doing both voices? NJASSNKJDkK DAMN THE CALLOUT. That line dropped flat Nagito I'm dissapointed. Oh they were 2 different guys doing the voices. Huh. This was mediocre.
The intro and the 200 subs really sets the scene. AHSKDJJBKKAHKASDDBKHDB UKELELE BACKING TRACK AND GUY JUST DOING HIS BEST. "You're just a twink with fucking yellow hair"- Monokuma. There are nagito napkins? HE JUST FINISHES WITH fuck you. MEGALO VANIA NOOOOO. this is just improv. This is literally improv. Or for Nagito's side it's improve because it really feels like when your classmates make a beat on the desk and another comes to rap to it freestyle. fuck you no fuck you no fuck you no fuck you <- basically. "I killed all your friends." "I again don't appreciate that." That's why in this Danganronpa, my hope is all that. Truly words to live by.
Sky, Elijah, Gabriel, how did you find this video? The person has 39 subscribers. This video has 229 views. How? MS paint opening scene. What accent are they doing for Luke?? He's BRITISH! lymploma. lymploma. your dead dog run over is the only time you're feeling "ruff". I have chills. Followed by I'm a Jedi from tattooine weilding a cool stick the only schtick you see is Hajime's which you'll never get. This is said by MS paint Luke skywalker. While you die like Chiaki. NAGITO DIES TOO??? HE IS DEAD??? HE LITERALLY DIES IN THE GAAME??? was star wars once considered neo nazi fodder?? WHERE DID THAT LINE COME FROM???? HELLO??? he keeps going "hah?" in between his lines. WHY WAS HAJIME THERE WITH A CENSOR BLOCK??? I applaud the creator for attempting to do fast lines. They just rhymed poo, goo, R2D2, fortune, and Beru.
Who is Lala, I guess I'll find out. Once again a small channel. I don't know where you keep finding them. Those lines were all flat and bad. Wait that's it?? Okay. Less than mediocre and not amusing.
This better be good with such an absurd catch. BJHJHBKHASBKJbSAKJ OKay I'll take it.
This was an exploration to the obscure corners of the internet. Do not try this at home. Thank you for your sacrifice of actually finding these.
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thetorturedmusesdept · 3 months
Pinned Muse and Link Post
Below will be a list of links to my character's intros, threads, and tasks! The intros have helpful details and wanted connections! Here is also my generic plotting/shipping doc!
Megara (Disney's Hercules) Threads || Tasks Jim Hawkins (Disney's Treasure Planet) Threads || Tasks Lilo Pelekai (Disney's Lilo and Stitch) Threads || Tasks Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Threads || Tasks Vanessa Shelly/Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) Threads || Tasks Alice Kingsleigh (Disney's Alice in Wonderland) Threads || Tasks Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Man) Threads || Tasks Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body) Threads || Tasks Abigail (Stardew Valley) Threads || Tasks Hans Westergaard (Disney's Frozen) Threads || Tasks Misa Amane (Death Note) Threads || Tasks Melody (Disney's TLM 2: Return to the Sea) Threads || Tasks Evelyn Serpeni (Twilight) Threads || Tasks Marie (Disney's The Aristocats) Threads || Tasks Violet Bridgerton (Bridgerton) Threads || Tasks Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa) Threads || Tasks Miu Iruma (Danganronpa) Threads || Tasks Inuyasha (Inuyasha) Threads || Tasks Woody Pride (Disney's Toy Story) Threads || Tasks Millie (Helluva Boss) Threads || Tasks Dash Parr (Disney's The Incredibles) Threads || Tasks Angel (Disney's TLATT 2: Scamp's Adventure) Threads || Tasks Milo Thatch (Disney's Atlantis) Threads || Tasks Connor RK800 (Detroit: Become Human) Threads || Tasks Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) Threads || Tasks Bernadetta Von Varley (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Threads || Tasks Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) Threads || Tasks Zeldaborn (Disney's The Nightmare Before Christmas) Threads || Tasks Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) Threads || Tasks Rosie (Hazbin Hotel) Threads || Tasks Kim Possible (Disney's Kim Possible) Threads || Tasks Gareth Parry (Howl's Moving Castle) Threads || Tasks Thorn/Sally McKnight (Scooby Doo) Threads || Tasks Mittens (Disney's Bolt) Threads || Tasks Prudence Featherington (Bridgerton) Threads || Tasks Pam Beesly (The Office) Threads || Tasks Anastasia "Anya" (Anastasia) Threads || Tasks
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chiakiwrites · 1 year
intro post :)
hi, you can call me mod chiaki! this is a danganronpa writing blog lol. pls read rules before you request :) <3
i don't have a limit to the amount of characters but the more characters you request the longer it will take to get out so keep that in mind :)
pls give as specific an idea as possible! i want to make sure i can do exactly what you want but i'm not the shsl mind reader so being specific is helpful haha X)
also pls specify if you want bullet points/paragraphs!
i will not write for (sorry!):
anything nsfw
teruteru hanamura
haiji towa
warriors of hope
stuff involving vomit (i can still write sickfics! its just that it won't involve vomit lol)
that's pretty much it lol i'll write for most stuff!
these characters will probably be written faster (because i <3 them):
Kokichi Ouma
Shuichi Saihara
Chiaki Nanami
Kaede Akamatsu
Nagito Komaeda
Kirumi Tojo
i don't really have the energy to write a dni rn but basic stuff yknow!
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pechebeche · 3 years
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Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy - Despair Arc Intro
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