#[ he's terrible at everything. even swordfights lol ]
vxctorx-archived · 2 years
His bejeweled hands are clasped behind him where he stands before the luminous canvas of the great windows which guide the afternoon breeze into the crimson drawing room. The burden of the years spent in governing and refining an empire has etched its weight into the fine lines drawn across his features, yet despite the ridges across the edges of his eyes that have grown more defined with age, that fiery gleam which had come to be the favoured subject of portraitists and bards throughout the commencement of his reign, still burns within his gaze, albeit somewhat dulled with the quiet grief concealed beyond his hardened heart. 
  ❝—I have been told that you once again lost your temper during your training.❞ His commanding voice reverberates across the ornate walls, as those anticipated footsteps come to a pause at the other end of the hall; he need not turn in order to discern their headstrong possessor. To see the other’s youthful figure in this particular lighting, with those benumbingly familiar eyes staring back in accusation, could be just the thing to break his spirit this evening. ❝—How do you expect to control your blade, when you can hardly control your own mind?❞
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sevi007 · 8 days
Warning! I will be blogging about my first Tales of Abyss playthrough here. If you don't want to see it or be flooded or smth, blacklist "sevi plays tales of the abyss"
@magicmetslogic get tagged!
Soooo started Tales of the Abyss now! (I kept thinking it's called Tales of Abyss, without the "the", RIP me) Must say, this immediately felt incredibly different of a premise to Vesperia (the only Tales I have finished til now) and Zestiria (which I... maybe barely passed the prologue, lol). I think a lot of that is because of Luke and his situation. Getting into that later on.
But! Let's start from the top.
Absolutely gorgeous opening for one, really loved it. I probably got spoilered without realizing it, but with no context, that's not terrible. I remain blissfully unaware!
It immediately felt a bit faster paced story-wise. A bit more emotionally taxing on the protagonist, too. To start, I open the game and get immediately met with red-headed, hot-headed Luke (who is fittingly spoken by Yuri Lowenthal, who voiced Tidus in FFX) and Ithink he's an upbeat headstrong guy - which he is but -
I barely leave his room to get thrown a skit immediately:
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I hit the mental breaks when I read that because what. What. You just kept your kid inside like a pet or something?
I mean, in Vesperia, Estelle had a sheltered upbringing as well, and was certainly a bit on the naive side, but she at least was acutely aware of the world outside of the walls of her prison. Luke is not even given that, which you realize approximately two minutes into the game since his only contact to the outside world seems to be his swordfight trainer Van. I am absolutely flabbergasted. This is damaging to a kid!
(And no, this is no normal response to your kid getting kidnapped. Protecting him is one thing. Putting him on house arrest a whole other. I suspect it's not just a security thing but there is more going on here.)
And then next mental break: What the hell is Flynn Scifo doing here?
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I'm joking, I'm joking. And yes I have been informed that technically, Flynn is a copy of Guy since Vespy came out later. But still. With my minimum knowledge of Tales, forgive me for immediately drawing connection to Versperia at every turn. And the likeness is startling! XD He seems to be a good guy that Guy (pft) so for now, I like the boy.
(Stop climbing outta windows like a thief though!)
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Ah. Really glad I decided to explore the rooms a little. This is...
Well. I assume this was meant to be one of those anime-typical jokes of "haha, he's afraid of this or that" but... call me old-fashioned or a snowflake or whatever the correct term is but I don't think this is very funny. These two quite literally have him cornered, and he looks outright terrified of them. And instead of backing off - or Luke rescuing him - we just have to leave again? Uff. Don't like.
Never quite liked making fun of things others are afraid of, not even if it seems silly from outside.
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... Oh wow. Luke is even more sheltered than I thought. This seems to be general, public knowledge, and he got nothing? Does he not get any kind of schooling while on house arrest?
From their reactions, this is not something he is supposed to know but forgot, but more like, nobody even told him. That's... okay. I seriously question his parents right now as well as Van for not teaching him even basics of the outside world.
(On the other hand, in a sense of dumbing it all down for a new player, this is quite genius. Given that Luke needs to be explained everything, so does the player learn at the same time. but still. Questionable decisions all around.)
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Utterly. Questionable. Decisions.
Yes I'm already going full on protective mama bear mode on Luke. Give me a caged, sad kid who tries to put on a loud and confident facade and I immediately go "mine" XD
And now, for that faster pacing...
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Ma'am I JUST finished the tutorial would you please refrain from killing me til I got to practice some more!
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That Hondo/Bane post....I would like to see (read about) the baby (babies?) *eyes emoji*
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OH NO. LOL. Are you sure, anon? It’s an idea for an AU I had but it is very not-safe-for-work, total crack scenario, and involves alien biology and eggpreg/mpreg because how ELSE are you going to get these kids?
Essentially, I plan to write an entire Cad Bane series that will cover his life from pre-bounty hunter days to death ( or not death?? ) the way *I* see it and with the ships *I* want. One of those is Cad Bane x Hondo Ohnaka, which I dub Banaka.
Like, what's the point if you can't make your favorites kiss each other?
Anyway, if I allow it, I could branch off into an AU scenario and things get weird.
Expand your disbelief here. Duros and Weequay are, lets say compatible. They both remind me of reptiles, Hondo more so like a bearded dragon with the frills, but let’s say both species can lay eggs. Maybe both have an internal dick and a cloaca. Maybe Duros can act as either gender depending on the situation. Heh Heh. Anyway, you can bet Hondo does most of the pitching and Bane fucking LOVES it.
Bane didn’t know Weequay and Duros are compatible. Neither does Hondo. Let’s assume they are totally, madly in love in their Cad Bane and Hondo Ohnaka way, and in comes Cad feeling different. Pants too tight, they won’t fit, he’s extra irritable. Lo and behold his eggs were fertilized. Now he’s gotta carry the clutch to term.
Hondo is freaking out. He’s beside himself. He doesn’t know what to do. He’s scared. Bane is too, but he’s trying to hide it. I imagine he’s emotional. His back starts to hurt. He’s not as fast as his movements slow down the heavier he gets. Everything you might experience during this time, but it’s Cad fucking Bane.
Oh, and Hondo also feels terrible. This is technically his fault. He may try to shift the blame at first but ultimately accepts their predicament.
His caretaking side kicks in. He waits on him hand and foot. He tries so, so hard to do good. He’s there for him every step of the way. It is SO SELF-INDULGENT AND SO DAMN CUTE.
He lays his eggs. He protects them with his life (Bane) because attachment is real even though he never asked for these damn brats.
They hatch. Hondo is a GREAT FATHER. He lets them crawl all over him, sits them on his knee and tells them stories, bathes them, puts them to bed, keeps them out of blue dad’s way so he can nap, and as they get older … he teaches them skills.
Pickpocketing, thieving, how to tell a believable lie, how to escape binders, how to swordfight (maybe), how to easily distract someone, etc, etc.
Maybe one or two also take to Bane – I am going to say he lays 6-10 eggs here – they have a whole brood -and he winds up teaching them all about bounty hunting. Hondo gets the idea he can create his own ARMY. The Ohnaka gang will truly be a gang!  He wants more. Maybe he can convince Cad to give him more. Maybe they get married and live happily ever after LOL.
Also, I had a name in mind for the subspecies. “Durwee,” SO CUTE. Maybe they have slightly smaller heads, Weequay’s skin ridges, but their flesh is blue. Maybe they have the same red eyes, but frills! Maybe they grow hair from he base of their skulls like Weequay and Hondo teaches them all how to braid!
That is the breakdown. Maybe I will write this one day. Maybe. Shoutout to @allsystemsblue for helping me brainstorm.
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andthebubbles · 1 year
leonardo 2x13 (+ overall ramble of s1 and s2)
ohhh that was WAY better than 1x13!!!!!
the only things i didn’t like was the fucking flashback things; once was fine, but THREE times? no thank you. and the other small thing i didn’t like is that somewhere in the final fight scene, the pacing was off/could’ve trimmed it a bit, i think it was in leo and piero’s fight, but like, only just a few seconds off somewhere and it would’ve been fine. (or maybe it was the music? idk, but it felt like the flow went off somewhere, but yeah, it’s only very minor)
jb’s line delivery!!!!!!!!!! so many good moments in this ep, but my favourite is probably the one at the end of his swordfight with piero, the ‘you are the killer, not me’ like grrrrrrrrr yeah that was nice
it’s actually a really good ending, and i can see they were leaving it open for a third series which obviously never happened... but yeah, the way it ends is excellent
i was terribly worried that lorenzo didn’t grow some fucking balls AND more importantly, a brain, but yeah. looks like he got redeemed lmao
when leo got handed the sword i was like, does he even know how to use that skjfngkjfng (somehow i think mac would’ve gotten better use of it, but maybe that’s why he got the mug SKDJGN)
yeah. nah that was pretty cool. jb acted his socks off in this one, and so did colin ryan, and so did the actor for piero. and when you have a smaller budget it’s nice to bring the drama back towards the characters rather than grandeur/spectacle.
okay soooo as an overall note... i still think that s1 is better overall/a more fun watch... 1x01 was okay, 1x02 was better, then the next few eps were okay/cute/nothing special, then 1x06 was good all the way to 1x12 (with the exception of how imo leo wouldn’t have gotten so easily tricked by piero in 1x12); then 1x13 was... well, now after finishing s2, i’d say it wasn’t that great at all lol.
as for s2... 2x01 and 2x02 were pretty good, then there was nothing much/eps that actually bordered on boring, until 2x06, which was an okay-decent ep (i think it just seemed better because it was preceded by really boring eps), and then 2x07 was AMAZING (as good as 1x10, if not better), and then, actually, everything from there till the end was very good. it’s just eps 3-5 of s2 which were duds/inconsistent writing, and also... i think part of the frustration of s2 which made me like it a little bit less than s1, is that lorenzo became so unlikeable for most of s2
i really do appreciate that they changed the actor for piero in s2. idk if it was intentional (probably not lol) but the second guy brings a whole new level of menacing to the role. the s1 guy was great too but very camp; i’m not sure he could’ve pulled off what s2!piero did (in fact i’m pretty sure he couldn’t have). and to think i wasn’t such a big fan of s2!piero at first... /is resistant to change haha
anyway OMG i finished the show, what am i gonna watch now?? (nothing new for jb for a while, that’s what!! skjfng) gonna be in post-show blues for a while. i love leo, not as much as anthony ofc but i love leo a lot. he’s just less interesting than anthony because he’s such a pure, good character. when he yells/loses his temper over whatever, he does get more interesting to me lol, but by and large... he’s just a really nice guy with no prickly arsehole traits. anthony on the other hand............. :3 :3 😁
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behindthekitty · 3 years
Apple Juice Royalty au!
Some of you might have seen my posts about it but basically i have created an au in which Epel is a prince and Deuce is a knight. I will talk more about them with their chatacter sheets ♡♡
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First up our new prince Epel! If you cant read my handwriting I'll type it all out here
☆ Generally pretty emo
☆ Hates the cape and crown, but secretly likes the rest of the outfit
☆ likes horses and swordfighting and sports
☆ Was a boy in the village doin alright then he became a prince overnight now hes gotta figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the c-
Epel is new prince adopted by the king. Under what circumstances, I'm not sure. Its possible his parents died and he was left all alone before Vil scooped him up. Despite what hes been given he's really miserable having to stay in the castle and learn a totally new dialect and manners and study all the time. He hates it. He wants to leave, and so he does. Epel escapes his home often. Also he's basically a disney princess at this point lol
About the outfit: Its based off of epel's dorm uniform and i also used some references from pinterest and Halloween costumes lol
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Next is King Vil!
☆ In his 20's or so
☆ sighs a lot
☆ Having ro lead a country + lowkey raising a teen + looking good all the time is stressful
☆ But he manages
☆ Help
Vil became king, most likely when his father died. He decided to adopt an heir early on to save himself the trouble, but it really caused more trouble than it prevented. Epel's a handful and also really angsty. Dealing with him is bothersome, especially when he somehow keeps escaping even when Vil posts more and more guards around the castle, he always gets out somehow. It used to make him angry but he decided it wasn't worth the stress after a little while. Now he just sends people to go look for him whenever he escapes.
About the outfit: I used the same combination of references as I did for Epel, but i was also able to take influence from the evil queen.
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Knight Deuce Spade!
☆ Takes his job seriously!
☆ a little too seriously!
☆ Obviously in love with Epel but will deny it to hell.
☆ Can't tall to Epel without blushing and sputtering
☆ Has a weakness for pretty boys
Deuce is a new knight trying to do everything right and make his mother proud. His backstory is the same as it is in canon. Wanting to do right by everyone ends up with him taking his job a little too seriously but he's also terrible at the job he tries so hard at. He's not a good fighter and also dumb. But lucky for him, nothing truly dangerous ever happens in their country.
His conflict is wanting to do his job right and also being head over heels for epel and wanting to see him happy.
About the outfit: I didnt design it, i stole it from some kid. But it fits him doesnt it? source
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Chief Riddle Rosehearts!!
☆ Bite-sized knight
☆ Will actually destroy you
☆ Also tired of Epel's BS
☆ I wanted to draw him holding a sword :(
Riddle is another who takes his job very seriously. And he has to. He's the Chief knight and is thus the leader. Everyone has to follow his lead, no ifs ands or buts about it. If you argue, he'll yell at you and thats never fun.
Riddle is the guy Vil calls on whenever Epel escapes. At this point whenever Riddle is called in, this is what he expects the reason is. Riddle puts his all into finding Epel everytime and honestly cares more about it than everyone else does.
I wanted to draw him holdinga sword but couldn't figure it out
About the outfit: I couldn't find many refs of the kind of armor i was going for but it was fine. I took a lot of inspiration from his overblot form. Ignore the fact that he's on a tilt.
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Other less important characters!
☆ follows Riddle around
☆ Help
☆ literally only became a knight to get closer to Vil (simp)
☆ commissions many paintings of himself
☆ Messes around, isn't taking this seriously
☆ bad influence
☆ Royal advisor
☆ What does he do? Vil doesnt even know.
Everyone else in hearstlabyul is a knight and so please imagine them in the same outfit as Deuce but with their respective symbols.
A lil plot i guess
Epel started sneaking out not too long after he became a prince. As soon as he had settled in he got tired of it. So he'd just leave. These early escapades happened at night whenever Epel was feeling especially emo. He'd normally go to the horse stables and take a ride to clear his mind, or climb a tree and stargaze, something like that. Stuff princes shouldn't do. He'd never leave the castle grounds, though. His secret was only exposed when Deuce found him. He should have reported Epel but that weakness for pretty boys and the empathy he's known for prevented him. It was basically love at first sight when Deuce saw Epel up close for the first time, not that Epel could tell.
After that, Deuce and the other knights (besides riddle) who gradually found out began helping Epel truly escape, like out into the real world. With their help, He could be out for a few days, or weeks even. And as Epel and Deuce start spending more time together, they get closer and closer 👀
My other ships might be here too but I don't really want to design an outfit for Rook lol so mostly just TreyRid on the sidelines maybe.
I do want to make a comic but uhhghnbchg i always quit those lmao I get so unmotivated.
Anyway thank you 4 reading! If you have any suggestions for this au, lmk. If you're wondering, I probably won't add any more characters to this au, since i see no reason to. this is it 4 now
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charleecat-bat · 6 years
Fandom Meme
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Uuuh, well, lemme think, for fantoms that aren’t sonic stuff, I enjoy Retsuko and Haida because adorable. Angus and Gregg from NITW is too adorable for it’s own good. 
Sonic wise, well, I’m not strong on my ships but they’re are some I do think about or do think are matching, I think Shade and Knuckles are a good match, I enjoy Espio and Tikal, especially in my canon. 
I do love Locke and Luger a lot though, since I can see them working in my canon, but other then that, I’m not huge on ships so eh. 
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Locke and Luger, mainly because they were related but then with some fanart and talking with friends of mine, especially @terraqua111, I started to like it and my friends had a point that they were too distantly related for it to matter anymore. She also showed me Lien-Da and Xenin which I liked. 
I also didn’t consider Locke to be paired with anyone else before Luger, then I saw @lockewat‘s ship, Chuck and Locke... and I thought it was quite suiting as well. 
Two other ones are Vanilla and Big because that was so adorable and that would be such a peaceful relationship good god it’s what they’d both need, so many picnics for dates. and @motobugg did some work on Rouge and Wave which I have never considered and I immediately thought... damn that would actually work a lot. XD Also Shadamy at some points due to a friends artwork and Shadow would be balanced from Amy’s personality that he would need.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will. I’ve never been big on Julie-Su and Knuckles, in the comics it felt kind of forced to me, same with Sonic and Sally, that I don’t see them suiting each other at all. 
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Ummm, I don’t know, I can’t think of one. 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh, I don’t know. 
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Sonic fandom. XDD Been in that for around 8-9 years. Since I was 9 or 10 years old. 
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
I think it would’ve just been Shade and Knuckles. lol Again ships aren’t my life. 
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Mainly ongoing stuff, I know it started with games, so I guess games? But I enjoy shows/series as well. 
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Ummmm... not that I know of. 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Animal Crossing? I didn’t start playing the phone game until I saw people talking and reblogging stuff about it, then I tried it. 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Well, in Steven Universe, a lot of the character have great arcs, that who their true opinions and colours, like how Amethyst had self-hating habits, Pearl didn’t think she was worth much, and seeing Peridot’s growing into a whole different gem, it’s really cool.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I’ll go with um... Lars from Steven Universe, I didn’t like him much as a character at first, but I could understand his insecurity and being unsure on how to act and how to show himself, and being scared to show his true colours... but now he’s showing his own worth and letting himself be who he is with the Off-colours, which I can genuinely appreciate about him, he’s much better as a character now. 
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Can I say the entire brotherhood? XD I would love that like you wouldn’t believe. 
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Just more Brotherhood content in general, uuuummm more monster-related AU’s? I don’t know, maybe more merchandise too? I don’t know I’m not all that demanding about content. o-o I’m terrible at this. 
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
All the Way (Jacksepticeye fan song) is the one that came up on shuffle, and it reminded me of Hawking, at least my version. I could imagine he would listen to this to motivate himself or something like that. 
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
...Trying not to say Monster AU for any sort of fandom CRAP TOO LATE-
But what about a Shape of Water-esque AU? 
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
I haven’t really abandoned any fandom? o-O R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
When they’re not a couple and they’re just best friends, Locke and Luger I guess, they act like big dorks. I don't know, I don’t think about relationships much besides family ones. 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Hmm, well, I feel while Locke doesn’t know what his main sexuality is right now, he’d feel he’d be in writing (sexuality)/Asexual, as he never really had sexual feelings, he only had sex in order to have his son, and he honestly never liked it all that much. 
I also have a head canon that Steppenwolf is afraid of humiliation, or just making a fool of himself in social situations (he’s got a very well hidden social anxiety), so if he saw a bunch of people staring at him and whispering to each other, he’d instantly become worried about what he did. 
Another head canon is that I love to imagine Sabre can swordfight very well, and the person who taught him is surprisingly Tobor. As he was very good with a sword and shield combo back in the day (before his injuries). 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
That Steppenwolf is a werewolf okay not really, I’m not really about strong head canons that I would ‘die defending’. I just like the thought of him being one because it’d be ironic for his name... and it’s just with me for so long man. 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Steppenwolf (Sonic Fandom I guess)- I still don't fully understand why I liked him, I simply did but nowadays I just find the character I made him an extremely interesting character and every time I’ve wrote something or drawn something to try and cheer myself up, it made me feel he’d be a very strong, protective and oddly supportive in his own way. I’m not sure. I’m weird. 
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe Fandom)- I just want her to be happy, I find her really interesting, her powers are really cool and I just want to know how things turn out for her, it just sucks that she tends to disappear for long periods of time. 
Angus (Night in the Woods)-He’s a bit underrated but he’s just so cute to me, especially with how others draw him, I love his character and I feel bad for him when he takes about his abusive childhood and issues growing up that made him who he is today, made me want to give him a big hug. 
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Well, I feel I can relate to Angus at a few points, always feeling like I have to be the responsible one, being usually quiet and wanting to hide in corners in parties (and your friend that you stick to is your corner in those situations), 
I also feel I can relate to Retsuko from Aggretsuko, always trying to keep calm and from losing my temper, also Mister Ton kind of reminds me of my dad at some points... and he can piss me off just as much as he does with Retsuko so yeah. 
Part of me also feels like I relate to my version of Rembrandt, he’s an artist, he deals with a lot of emotional issues, he’s insecure about his body size/weight, very motherly/fatherly and protective. 
I dunno. 
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Annoying characters that think they’re full of themselves and practically perfect while thinking everyone else is below them and everyone is unworthy of their ‘greatness’... or mary-sues. 
Or just a needlessly dramatic moments or moments of anger and arguments that don’t need to happen. 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Kind of the big strong protective one with a heart of gold and is very loving whether they show it or not, or big ass ones who are strong as hell but are really just gentle giants.
And probably monsters stuff like werewolves or stuff but sometimes that can backfire and become annoying. 
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Team Fortress 2 is one, have a few friends who like that game while I don’t like it much anymore for personal reasons, some horror fandoms like Five Nights at Freddy’s, Little Nightmares all of that. Idk
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Umm... I always strive to make my Guardians unique in different situations, hell, I imagined they were in certain AU’s or in certain video game situations, like a fighting game, I’d like imagining like ‘finishing moves’ they’d have or the type of weapons they’d have, or even simple stuff like hobbies or favourite foods. Just stuff like that... and I will try everything in my power to be unique, like in my Gem AU, wanted all the gems to be different and at the least unique, and the same with the Monster AU, only Thunder and Steppe’s are the same but they have a difference. 
Okay that’s enough. ^^; This was really difficult surprisingly. 
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ask-fraustria · 7 years
💫 Have they ever been hit/struck by a partner?
good grief! technically, the answer is yes. but not in a relationship context, if you see what i mean. she’s gone to WAR with ALL of her major partners, so there’s always the chance of someone getting hurt. she didn’t really fight with Spain- halfheartedly at best- so i don’t think Spain ever hurt her physically at all, not on purpose anyhow. Hungary, i can’t see them fighting one-on-one, i think he’s sort of too honourable of a guy, but things got heated between them so it’s not out of the question- and more to the point, when they were kids he definitely pushed her around! but that was long before they were together in any sense. Prussia…things between them have definitely deteriorated to a physical brawl, lol. with nyo!Prussia, i mean i’d like to think she has enough of a handle on herself not to mercilessly beat on Austria or anything, but they’d scrap. with male Prussia which is my preference, yeah, he’s gotten rough with her in a way that he really shouldn’t, but he hasn’t hit her exactly. their fights range from like, cartoonish rolling around with him just laughingly restraining her, to taking potshots at each other(!) (her aim is way better than his) to swordfighting which, as you can imagine, greatly disadvantages her most of the time, so that doesn’t reflect well on him and she’ll never let him forget it, lmao. but i want to stress that none of this is between partners, it’s all on the battlefield between nations, you know. and he wouldn’t directly or deliberately hurt her hands-on, he has restraint. he would NEVER so much as think about it outside of battle. at the absolute worst, he might grab her arm a little too hard without meaning to, say if they argued.H O W E V E R. SHE would absolutely give him a good slap, and has done on occasion. then there’s the whole smacking Spain with a book thing that she does. the thing is, even though she’s not exactly a saint to do things like that, she’s both so much weaker physically than her partners (especially Prussia who straight up laughs it off), and they do such terrible things to bring it on (to wit: start wars with her, try to marry Italian children!??!) that it’s something she just gets away with, i guess. she wouldn’t do the same to Hungary, probably, i think she respects him in a way she just doesn’t respect her other partners, LOL. i forgot France too, she outright catfights France at times, depending on provocation. i personally think France gets off on it. all in all i’d say there’s a thread of violence to relationships between nations as politically powerful as she has been, and on a personal level she’s a little sadistic, so…but i’m kind of exaggerating too, she spends the vast majority of her time being perfectly gentle, lol. and when she’s not, it’s often by consent…
cut for length, another mild nsfw answer
💦 When did they lose their virginity?
not until she was lawfully married!! to a woman. in the 1500s. basically, she married Spain in 1496 or so, at which time she was in her mid-late teens i guess, physically. i don’t want to put too fine a point on it because age is impossible to tell down to the exact year by looking at anyone, and she was like, over 500 years old in reality. anyway, they didn’t have any kind of relationship at first and it was very stiff from Austria’s side. i’m certain Spain tried immediately to be affectionate and got rebuffed, lol. it took a while of first sort of becoming friendly, then Spain trying to court her, for her to warm up and for them to actually be together. i’m not sure if Spain was just attracted to her, or kind of fell in love (“love”, you know Spain) with her at first sight or also gradually warmed up, or what, but it happened. i guess this would be like the mid-1500s or something, i’m not gonna date it too directly. enough time for Austria to grow a little bit older and shake off the remnants of her rather grumpy, neurotic earlier adolescence, so she was like, on the verge of growing up for real, you know. Spain was probably a little older and more experienced…as an aside, i believe Phillip and Joanna (the couple that coincided with Austria and Spain’s marriage) were like 18 and 17 respectively, so that’s sort of a guideline. anyway, yeah, Spain seduced her and everything. it was Romantic. and probably involved some mishaps but to be fair, i think it’s less likely they injured themselves compared to their canon counterparts.if it had been male Spain…i tend to think she was nervous about sex and particularly about sex with men (despite being attracted to them) so he might have had more of an uphill battle to get her to respond positively to him, but on the other hand i think he would have relieved her concerns rather well, to put it politely. if anything, being married to nyo!Spain means she doesn’t ‘need’ men so she’s more distant from them and more perplexed by the whole thing for longer, LMAO.in that version of events, Hungary is the first guy she sleeps with, and that’s the fic i’m working on right now, actually…i have them going for it around the time of the Thirty Years’ War. er, in a barn. yes, she’s still married laughs. tthanks to the era and the physical element of virginity for a woman, she considers herself still like, half a virgin or something. it’s kind of nervewracking because Hungary is a…big guy. but he knows what he’s doing! suffice it to say she goes on to enjoy herself a lot in future.
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seigaku9th-blog · 7 years
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japan week three ➜ FATE/grand order & jinro game
kicking off the week with double sana content!! as well as reo & shuuti ❤ this post contains spoilers for both FGO and jinro game.
FGO was quite a strange experience compared to the other shows and events i’ve been to, as the theater was filled with fans of the gaming/anime franchise, and not of actors or theater. i had a pleasant meeting with a girl who was also looking for the way to access the theater tho! i did enjoy the fate/zero anime from a few years ago so i kinda have enough knowledge of the franchise to discuss it www
however i got really unlucky with my seat, as i was in the second to last row ((i feel like i can’t complain when i have amazing seats for everything else but...)) and was surrounded by smelly guys who hid part of my view despite my own height... help i just want to see my boys and my girls i didn’t ask for this otaku immersion... on top of that i feel like people weren’t as familiar with theater etiquette and kept getting up to go to the washroom in the middle of the show and the like...
so, yeah, that made the experience SUPER weird, but!! it also made me even more proud to overhear & see these people who know nothing about actors complimenting the guys hehehe...
okay, on to the production itself!! i was obviously interested in seeing it thanks to the great cast of actors. sana and reo aside, takahashi yu, who plays saber, has been one of my favorite lady actresses since the olden days of kamen rider kiva, so it was such an honor to see her perform. she was so gorgeous and cool and regal and powerful... kento (A yanagi) was also super handsome, hearing his extreme lisp/potato in mouth voice in person made me very emotional okay. and talking about lisp, shunsuke who played aka ninger!! his costume was terrible but he was cute. i’m that one fan of ninninger so i was really happy to see him. and finally, ririka, a takarazuka graduate from the flower troupe!! she was so gorgeous and her singing... chilling. it’s always such an incredible honor for me whenever seigaku kids get to perform, and especially sing, with takarazuka actresses. my favorite boys & favorite girls. XD
oh, and this production had a double cast for the protagonist/player character? like the persona 3 stage from a few years ago, some shows featured the female protagonist and others, the male one. i hit a ticket for the show with the girl protagonist, which i ended up being happy about since her two main servants were also girls, so it was really cute to see them together. (and there was absolutely no heterosexual content at all, something that worried me and would worry anyone who has witnessed the mess that can be the fate franchise)
as for the negatives... well, i’ve never been much of a fan of projection mapping. i think the naruto stage handled it masterfully and tenimyu knows how to use it effectively and reasonably, but otherwise... yeah. and FGO went. way too far lmao. it was overwhelming, distracting, and, frankly, ugly. it just felt like they were covering up their own inability to come up with professional staging and lighting.
but when it came down to it, the actors’ performance was enough to make up for everything. i want to talk about reo first, because, quite frankly, he totally stole the show. aside from the opening & intermission numbers, his solo performance was the ONLY moment where the crowd applauded. people went wild, it was adorable. and... when i went to buy his bromide set after the show... it was... sold out... how does that even happen how did i buy kuroba mario bromides last week but now i can’t even get his less infamous son
reo sang with a voice much deeper than his usual, obviously way deeper than in tenimyu (LOL) but even deeper than in cheer danshi, too. honestly, if i didn’t have my binoculars to watch him sing, i wouldn’t have believed it was him LOL. i can’t wait for the DVD so everyone can hear this. and needless to say, his dancing was amazing. i think his number was approximately 3 minutes, but i didn’t want it to stop. i was on the edge of my seat expecting his acrobatics to kick in, and they did!! i think that was what probably impressed the crowd the most, since as i mentioned, most weren’t familiar with actors. oh and he looked sooo pretty... i really wished i had a better seat aaah.
and of course, sana in the leading role. he had three solo numbers on top of participating in group performances. if you’ve seen patalliro, then you know that sana is a wonderful singer, with that incredible low and raspy and s*xy voice... i was so happy to hear him singing more. ((i still loop his solo & duet from patalliro approximately 100 times a day and it’s been like 7 months. help))
the variety in the roles sana gets makes me so happy... his character was better than i anticipated based on his design, and i really enjoyed watching sana get so emotional, with both anger and sadness and admiration and betrayal. i feel like sana always puts a lot of drama in his acting while still managing to keep it believable and not too over the top. his acting during his final scene was especially incredible. i enjoyed watching him crawl around the stage
sana was really, really skilled at the action/swordfighting scenes as well. he moved so fluidly and it was so believable despite his big armor and all... so cool... 
i also thought he had a lot of chemistry with his co-actresses, especially takahashi yu, something that was really important considering sana’s character’s admiration and dedication to hers’. it made me really happy to watch sana work with girls for the first time in a while knowing sana is really close to his older sister and is so in touch with his own feminine side as well LMAO.
and then he died and it was great. the performance i went to actually got a standing ovation!! this is pretty uncommon for japanese theater. the cast came back on stage 3 times.
jinro game!! i went into this movie with incredibly low expectations lmao, and it was definitely highly questionable and classically japanese-thing-featuring-teens-in-uncomfortable-settings... but i actually ended up having a lot of fun. once again, the acting cast really made up for everything else.
the two main girls were so cool... they were so cruel and chill about everything happening LMAO. there was a really cool twist at the end too. i think they were lesbians but it’s always hard to know what with the constant blatant queerbaiting in japanese media. anyways
i think i spent half of the movie trying to not laugh over sana and shuuti’s characters THEY WERE SOOO GOOD. THEIR ACTING WAS RIDICULOUS AND GREAT TO WATCH... i actually haven’t seen shuuti in anything since tenimyu so seeing him in such a different role was a lot of fun. there was this scene where he removed the crusts from sana’s pieces of bread and that was my favorite scene of the movie
no actually my favorite scene in the movie was sana’s entire existence. it was so funny oh my g o d. you know horror anime/games always have that one guy who’s a total asshole and kind of a creep but you somehow can’t help but love him. well. that was sana.
sana hiroki callout post: - forced a guy to lick his shoe - made a guy eat food off the floor - shoved his fingers in a dude’s mouth - made every other boy become his “dogs” - except shuuti who was his massage giving, bread crust removing manservant
oh also at some point one of his “dogs” got pissed off and beat him up and he looked really good with all the blood+bruise makeup. wow my review is extremely objective and professional isn’t it
right before he dies we find out that he’s actually been scared and anxious all this time and was just putting up a facade to defend himself in front of the others lmao. and that’s how i watched sana die a second time in two days
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Episodes 11-13
Brock confuses a piece of grass for a bug just to make Misty freak out.
Ah shit, Charmander, not this episode. The feels are coming back already.
Why does Misty keep trying to catch non-water Pokemon? These people and their elemental ethics.
The entirety of Pikachu trying to explain what Charmander said pisses me off. Every bit of it. How does Ash speak Pikachu but not Charmander, and why does he have to have the last bit of everything Pikachu relays to him be done in charades? How was Charmander caught at all if he belonged to another trainer? Don't Pokeballs just bounce off Pokemon owned by others?
Fucking Charmander in the rain with the leaf over it's flame, come on heart, we can survive another break.
How does this shitty english accented Damien have so many Pokemon with him? I wish I could have more than 6 at a time. He has like 16.
Damien is such a dick to Pokemon, how did Charmanader ever like him in the first place?
Is there Pokemon abuse laws in this universe? There should be if not.
Pokemon aren't supposed to be used in personal fights, ruining all of my rival battles in every video game so far. Sorry about that Dickbutt (my rival of course).
Misty in the span of one sentence says that this is dangerous and they shouldn't be doing it and then follows that up with a wink and "Gotta help a Pokemon in need." Everyone is so fucking wishywashy in this show.
Spearow are just real dicks.
Damien and his gang leave the Pokecenter in the middle of the night during a pretty bad storm cementing my speculations on his intelligence.
Ash without a hat ruins my headcanon.
Charmander was in a glass rehibilation thing last we saw him, but somehow opened a window and bailed during the night.
Brock gives more of a shit about Charmander than Ash, but he ends up with that shitty Zubat. I hate that thing.
Jesse and James syncing for their motto was a little off and it bothered me much more than I anticipated it would.
More pitfalls.
The giant drill machine has legs and hides behind a thin tree. This works.
Team Rocket calls themselves geniuses for digging a hole. For the second time.
This balloon bazooka thing just weirds me out. It somehow followed Pikachu, moved super slow but caught it still, and somehow the balloon absorbed Pikachu and then shrank to a fourth it's normal size.
Charmander keeps doing the gimme hands and it's adorable.
Charmander flamethrowers the group but doesn't melt the rubber balloon to Pikachu's flesh, disfiguring it for life.
Damien left in the middle of the night but ends up where Ash and co. are at the most coincidental time.
Damien is still Charmander's trainer, can Pokemon just choose to release themselves if they dislike their trainers too much? Did Ash steal Charmander?
Not gonna lie, Charmander is the most hype part of the series so far for nostalgia reasons. That dude is a hero.
That makes pitfall number 3 for the series.
Brock asks a bunch of Squirtle who they are like they're gonna answer him in something other than "Squirtle"
Second to the right Squirtle gave his life for the horde.
Old Western shootout theme is dope, no lie.
Can Jenny stop her bike in anyway other than a sliding drift?
Jenny and Joy are the laziest shits animators could do, but I love it.
"They're not troublemakers they're just misguided" excuse for the Squirtle Squad.
Jesse's rant about world domination being greater than lunch is ended with her stomach proving her wrong.
None of these sunglasses should be able to stay on the Squirtle's faces.
Pitfall number 4.
Terrible translation about jelly doughnuts meme.
So like, Meowth can speak to Pokemon in human speech and they understand him just fine? This does nothing to help my understanding of interspecies conversations that take place in this show.
Pikachu Thundershocks everything but it's target.
Rapid Spin, not a Gen 1 move, Squirtle is cheating.
Oh God, another Goldeen.
This Goldeen is pissed.
Just fucks Pikachu up out of the blue.
Where did the Squirtle Squad get all this rope?
Pikachu requires specifically Super Potion to heal from the Goldeen attack. Nothing else will suffice.
Where did the Squirtle Squad get purple hair dye, and WHY do they have purple hair dye?
You can tell someone is doing something important by the way they fall when doing normal activities in this show.
Ash's upper body strength is really impressive for a 10 year old.
Gary mothafuckin Oak, ladies and gentlemen.
Jesse pulls a bazooka on the people in the shop. A bazooka.
The bazooka fire cherry blossom petals?
So many guns in this episode but didn't they ban a later episode for having guns in it? What makes these guns okay? Is it the cherry blossom bazooka?
Jenny knows a secret passageway to the hidden cave where the Squirtle Squad stays?
Charmander's voice is the best.
The end of the secret passageway was blocked by a rock so how did Jenny even know about this passageway to begin with or that it would lead there? I'm so confused.
Purple hair dye was just a prank bro.
Squirtle fell over and it can't get up.
Ash had two literal bombs thrown on him and just gets his clothes dirty.
Squirtle going ham and picking Ash up over it's head while crying made me legitimately laugh.
Even Team Rocket doesn't understand how Ash and Squirtle got from the cave entrance to the top of the cliffs.
Smokey was wrong, only the Squirtle Squad could put out forest fires.
Ash has gotten so many freebies in his journey so far. 4 of his 6 Pokemon just kind of rolled with him, 1 of the other 2 was Caterpie so who counts that. Two free badges on top of that?
I fear I'll memorize the PokeRap by the end of this.
The very next episode actually just rails Ash for all the freebies he's gotten. Dope.
Krabby just foaming at the mouth always cracks me up.
Ash tries to swordfight Krabby with a stick to weaken it instead using any Pokemon.
It works.
Why did Damien's excess Pokemon not phase away like Krabby did?
Why in the world was there a random cut to Oak making ramen thrown in lol
Brock gets them into the lighthouse by offering to make bacon cheeseburgers for the guy running it.
Bellsprout phone makes me jealous I don't have a Bellsprout phone.
So much random ass tofu in this episode.
Of course Gary caught a Krabby too that's three times bigger than Ash's.
More mouth foaming, love it.
Bill just chills in the best Kabuto cosplay of all time.
I want to see Jesse and James do their random motto and movements from someone else's point of view.
The acoustics in this lighthouse are stunning.
So Dragonite is the Pokemon Bill was referring to being the last of it's kind but that is prove to be untrue. Is this a diffent kind of Dragonite or Pokemon?
This is also legitimately one of the most vivid memories I have of the original series, watching Godzillanite come out of the water.
Second size matters joke made in this children's show.
Godzillanite knows Bill isn't the one who fucked with him but leaves anway, leaving it all alone again.
Dragonite cloud doesn't help not make me mad that they never come back to Godzillanite in a future episode.
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