#[ i'm sorry-- no. i'll stand here and die on the hill where i say that not all portrayals are even. ]
irkimatsu · 13 days
physical or emotional characteristics you would like in a human husk
Sorry for sitting on this for a bit! I'll admit, part of me was being autistic and overthinking this. Is this about what I'm personally attracted to in Husk, or what I think would be best for his story in canon? Is this about what he was like before he died, or what he'd be like if he could be human again after everything that's happened to him in hell?
I'm going with "how I see him as a human on Earth before death, and who I thought he was regardless of my own personal attractions and biases". (Well, a little bit of my own biases. No such thing as unbiased fiction. But accuracy is my priority on this one.)
First and foremost - human Husk is black. I will die on that hill until canon tells me otherwise. There could be other pieces of heritage in there somewhere - I don't think I'm qualified to speculate on that too hard - but as far as skin tone goes, he's black. I also like when art gives him dreads, it just looks right, though I'm not as much of a stickler on that matter. Gotta have some scruffy facial hair, though, I demand that much.
As for why... is it all the good fanart that made other options look wrong in comparison? Is it because he's voiced by Keith David and I just can't imagine a white guy sounding like Keith David? Those are definitely pieces of it. I know it's not canon and I'm not out here attacking people who lean otherwise on Husk's race, but as for me, he's black, end of discussion. On the shorter end of the average as far as male heights go, but he's not noticeably short in isolation. Definitely taller than my short and stout self. Weight probably fluctuates depending on his situation - his finances as a gambler would be all over the place, and so would his diet, varying between lavish meals in overpriced steakhouses, and dinners at home consisting primarily of cheese puffs and bottom-shelf beer. I do like him with a gut, though. Maybe he's just naturally predisposed to having a gut, even when he's starving. (Told you there'd be some bias.)
I'd definitely want to put decent thought about what it was like for him as a black man growing up in early 20th century Las Vegas, but without being 110% certain that anything I'm saying makes any fucking sense, I'm biting my tongue on that one. Definitely a topic I'm interested in, though.
I should also probably mention that yes, I know it's a common headcanon for Husk to be a trans man. It's interesting! I have no actual reason for not writing it myself. Not sure what to do with it, I guess? If it was canon I'd of course pay more attention to that aspect, but for now, whoops. You guys have fun, obviously! Just like with the popular ship, if anyone ever took "Irk doesn't write this thing" as "Irk thinks that thing is bad" I'd cry, don't do that
I like the name Oscar for him while alive. Saw it in a post on here once and it just felt right. Thank you, random Tumblr user I forgot who you are whoops again! Until canon tells me otherwise, he's Oscar in my heart.
I think his dress style while alive would match a similar trajectory to his Overlord-to-servant transition - a snappy dresser when he can afford it, would never be caught dead looking the least bit disheveled. Button-up shirts, freshly ironed suits, the finest colognes! But after he's a washed up divorced drunk, who gives a shit. His clothes are a lot more tattered now... but honestly, living in a place like Vegas where half the population are various flavors of downtrodden, washed-up addict, he doesn't stand out. At least he has that going for him.
Personality-wise, I think as a child and a young man, he was a big dreamer, even a bit of an attention whore. He's wanted to be a performer for as long as he can remember, ever since he started seeing magic shows and jazz bands as a kid. He may still be introverted in the sense that putting on a show is exhausting and he needs his space, but when he's in the right frame of mind, the stage is where he belongs. He worked so, so fucking hard to be a performer! He really could have been something if Vegas didn't chew him up and barf him out...
That dreamer attitude also made him a serious romantic when he was younger. If you accept a date from that man, he will spoil you. Flowers, fancy dinner (if he can afford it), a personal serenade... he doesn't fall into actual honest-to-god love very often, but when he does, he falls hard and puts everything he has into showing the person he loves that he cares. He does lean toward monetary gifts = affection, though... please, Husk, sometimes your partner really would be happiest with a hug and a song. But he doesn't see it that way, he has to keep gambling to be able to afford the lavish lifestyle his lover deserves. Fucking Vegas.
As an older man on Earth, after a turbulent divorce and decades of addiction and depression, he's a lot like the version of himself in the hotel. Doesn't give a shit about much besides where he's going to get his next drink. He does miss his dreams and wonder what could have been if he didn't screw it all up... but there's no point thinking about wasted opportunity. It just hurts. Drink it away instead. He spends his last few years alone, gambling and drinking and just waiting to finally fucking die.
Death was supposed to be a second chance for him, you know? He could pick himself, become someone again! Too bad for him that "someone" was once again a gambler, and that addiction is always going to catch up with him...
This is a rambling mess. I apologize! I just hope I answered the question correctly! Sorry if I messed it up!
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nxptvne-13 · 10 months
A Great Sacrifice. (Scaramouche x reader)
Inspired by Avengers Infinity War: Scene. Thanos sacrifices Gamora.
Summary: Scaramouche will finally get the heart he wanted, but was it really worth it?
Note: Reader is Scara's ex and closest friend who still loves him (unrequited-or is it-) and sacrifices herself to make him happy because that's how she wants him. Happy.
2nd Person Pronouns used.
TW: unrequited love, angst, death (yours), Scara regrets things, add more, swearing, hanahaki disease
Rose. Bright red ones symoblizes romance.
"That looks like you." You point at a cloud that looks like a cat.
"It looks nothing like me, idiot." Scara grumbles. Translation. 'Why?'
"You're like a little grumpy cat." 'You're adorable.'
"That's you." He points at a flower looking one.
"Oh?" 'Why?'
"You're weak." 'You are to be protected and cared for. You're precious to me.'
"Charming." Eyeroll.
"Here." A red rose. 'I love you.'
"I'll make it a bookmark." 'I love you too'
Tulips. Represents unrequited love. Has a deep connection to abandoned or forgotten loves.
He was becoming more and more distant for the last few weeks.
Yes, we're both Harbingers, we're always busy. But we always made it work.
Should I have known then? It was the start of the coughs.
Perhaps I already did, why didn't I stop him?
...because nothing could ever stop him once he sets his mind to it, wasn't that what you loved about him?
"Let's break up." Translation. I'm sorry. I don't love you anymore. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
You were not surprised when he said this.
You only sigh and say 'ok.' I understand.
"But." He added, before you could walk away.
You turn around with a raised brow.
"Let's stay friends." I can't love you anymore, but I still need you. I'm not ready to lose you yet. Please, don't go.
You know it's a bad idea.
A day.
Cough. Yellow petals.
A week. Cough cough. More yellow petals.
A month. They're recognizable. Yellow tulips.
Oh. Its hanahaki.
It's ok. If its to die loving him, then its ok.
Hyssop. “With great love comes great sacrifice.”
He calls your name.
"I found it." He says with a grin. "A heart for me."
There was a glint in his eyes.
He's happy.
"Then what are we standing around for?" 'Let's go get it.'
You both trekked up the hill that led to a cliff. The place was cloudy, no sources of life, and it was quiet. But in a way, it was beautiful. A resting place.
A dark hooded fugure appeared when you reach the peak.
"Welcome, son of Ei, the Electro Archon. And (it welcomed you). I suppose you are here for the 'heart'."
"Yes, what do you want from me?" It was Scara who replied.
"A heart comes with great love, and with great love comes great sacrifice."
"What?" He did not understand.
But you did. "Let's negotiate."
"Excellent." The hooded figure outstretched his hand.
You step forward, but when Scara went to follow, the hooded figure blocked his path.
"Only them."
Scara looks at you for a sign. 'What did he mean?'
"He'll be back for you." You smile at him. The last image of me should be a smile. "Just wait for a little while, I can convince him."
For once, he doesn't argue. He nods at you. 'I trust you. Come back with it.'
You look up to the hooded figure. "Shall we?"
You both continued up the path and disappear from Scara's sight.
“Will it be enough?”
“More than enough.”
Something was off.
What did that hooded figure mean?
What did you understand that he didn't?
Why did he take you?
What great sacrifice did he want?
Where are you?
Finally, the hooded figure returns.
No sign of you.
But something floats above the hand of the hooded figure.
A heart.
His heart.
Where are you?
"Where are they?" Scara hesitates before taking the heart from the figures palm.
"You haven't figured it out yet? Great love comes with great sacrifice."
Great love comes with great sacrifice.
Great love comes with great sacrifice.
Not you, please.
Please, not you.
Anything but you.
Scaramouche didn't even realize that he ran up the path.
He didn't know how far he ran.
He didn't know.
He just knew.
That he can't be too late. This is the one time he can't be too late.
He reaches the edge of the cliff.
But where were you?
He screams your name. "Please answer me!"
Come back.
He screams your name again. Don't go.
"Where are you!?!" Please, just please
He runs to the edge of the cliff.
Look down.
He doesn't want to.
Look down.
But he needs to see it for himself.
He looked down.
And there you were.
You looked so peaceful. You looked asleep. But the blood and the flowers proved otherwise.
No, it's not real.
That's not real.
This is a dream.
This is a dream.
Why can't i wake up?
I need to wake up. I need your smile, your warmth, you, i need you.
This doesn't mean anything without you.
"Bring her back," he tries to shove the heart back to the hooded figure. "This doesn't mean anything without her. Take it back."
"The dead stays dead, nothing can undo that."
His agony was heard by miles.
Orchids. "I will always love you."
He did it.
He is now a god.
He has a heart.
But why does he feel more empty than ever?
"Did you do it?" It was you. No, a vision of you. Healthy, happy, beautiful.
Tears threatened to spill. "Yes."
"What was it worth?"
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Here I'll write the comments as I watch the new Teen Wolf movie, so SPOILERS!!
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1) WTF! Why would you keep a evil spirit IN A RESTAURANT?! Easily accessible to anyone. And what if you open the wrong jar while cooking?!
2) All the Scott's first scene... kinda cringe
3) I'm not gonna lie, I missed the intro song 🎶
4) I've never heard Deaton speak so much (and for my Italian friends: lo vedo un po' sciupato)
5) Derek, my beautiful love! And hello, Stiles and Derek's son (called like Stiles' grandfather, Elias. iykyk)
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6) Why do they talk about the Nemeton like they don't know it?
7) I love Derek as a dad. My heart is melting.
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8) Parrish and Malia don't make any sense.
Update from the end of the movie. Ok, I kinda like them, but they still don't make any sense.
9) Apparently Deaton can fight now. Plus every time I see the nogitsune all I can see is this:
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10) For a moment I thought I was watching the Winx... I guess some things never change. I surely didn't miss the bad special effects.
And why does everyone needs to be naked??
11) OMG!!! VICTORIAAA. This woman scares me even now
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12) I've always dislike Allison, now even more: my poor poor Derek! 😭
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Ok no, false alarm, but I don't change my opinion.
I really love Dad Derek btw.
13) I missed Peter and Chirs together. My other ship
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14) Scott to Eli: "Find your dad". What if instead you tell him where his dad is too, since you do know Derek is at home but Eli doesn't *facepalm pt.2*
15) The parallel between Dark Allison and Scott and Dark Allison and her killing spree against my precious Erica and Boyd. YOU SEE WHY I DON'T LIKE HER?! (She didn't even say sorry for that btw)
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16) The Sheriff killing Oni while sitting on the couch is on another level
17) Derek dies pt.2 (my heart can't take it anymore)
18) What?! Why, tell me why did you run against theirs swords. You literally killed yourself, Eli. *facepalm pt.3*
19) Peter, that was cringe af. And Chris wdym with 8 hours at most when we know from the show that it takes about 24h before the death?? Omg I can't with this movie
20) And now why do they care about the game? Hello, your father's going to die, Eli!!
21) Oh, she's really doing it. I didn't expect it (Allison shooting at Scott)
22) Ouch, that must hurt (Nogitsune with a new hole in the middle of his forehead)
23) I missed Chris and Peter's duo, but please give me back Peter's old hair style, this one is a death crime
24) Jackson my beautiful little lizard. I've always loved you ♡
25) How disgusting! It's like Rufus (from Kim Possible) became the Darach:
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Do you se the resemblance too? Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the nogitsune unmummified.
26) The scene is kinda cheap but gods if I missed them
27) Why are Derek's eyes blue?? They were yellow again after the the Mexican fountain of youth
Update: nevermind. They reminded me that after Derek evolves his eyes go back to blue.
28) Can anyone stay dead in this city?? Harris too, come on!
29) You're giving your son TO SCOTT?? Are you serious, Derek?? It's like a big child, he can't take care of Eli. If Stiles was there, he would tell you the same (but if Stiles was there, Eli would be with his other dad -Stiles- so Scott wouldn't be even an option but I stand for my objection)
30) HIS EYES!! HIS EYES TURNED RED LIKE A TRUE ALPHA (btw, Derek, you've always been the alpha to me)
31) They've vanished. No corpse no death. And even then, we're in Beacon Hills so what is one more resurrection, right? Right??
And why are you kissing anyway! Derek's dead*! (*to them, 'cause in reality Derek's alive, safe and sound. I know it)
33) Excuse me, can I see at least one tear for Derek Sourwolf Hale, please? Are y'all being serious? Scott is almost smiling!!
Also, they had a funeral for Derek but didn't invite Cora, his sisters... they didn't even tell Isaac that Allison is alive (you know, Allison, your boyfriend. I know you kinda forgot him even when you were dying but if you remember everything then Isaac is supposed to be in that everything too). They didn't even call Stiles!
35) Why does it seem that when the Sheriff was talking about the jeep he was actually talking about Stiles and Derek (or sterek as a ship/concept). No matter what, we sterek shipper will stand. Always and forever.
Final thoughts
I thought worse but at the same time it felt rush. I wanted to see more Eli and Malia bonding. Also the way the Sheriff cares about Eli it seems more like a grandfather to a grandson (if you know what I mean) but we couldn't really see that. And can we talk about Derek and Noah (John for the friends)'s partnership? Or how Derek speaks about Stiles with Noah as he's still in touch with him??
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And where is Eli come from anyway?! Are we finally normalize mpreg?
Final final thoughts
I didn't like this movie. It was like a big bad Scallison fanfiction found on wattpad (ao3 is better). A lot of things were forgotten and other changed.
There's always a but (as in the Derek's "death" *wink wink*).
This movie gave us a lot of sterek material.
I'm afraid of what Jeff Davis' mind could possibly come with for another movie, probably more about Eli's past which means a mother for sure (unfortunately the world isn't ready for mpreg yet I'm afraid) and less sterek material. But at the same time I want to see Derek alive again, I want to see how they would manage with two true alpha and how Derek and Eli's relationship would evolve.
I want a lot of things to see but I'm afraid they won't give me any of them, so I can't decide either I want another movie or not.
What do you think?
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nagdabbit · 1 year
we collide with shoulder and steel, an official soundtrack
where light divides the holler by knocked loose
and from within you, i hear a whimper // a voice echoes in an empty form // inside my head, you say, "i told you so" // we should've left before the storm
there is trouble by the taxpayers
do you realize you are bound to hit the floor? // do you realize that the walls you make and the places you stay // will get beaten by the wind and erode?
shrike by death goals
i’m so sick of feeling like i’m nothing // a wallflower with no petals // and a head full of static
gnostic flesh/mortal hell by health, backxwash, ho99o9
sky gets black when the time is up // try to run but i have to look // pray to god, stay safe from me // heartfelt from a casualty
colossus by idles
forgive me father, i have sinned // i've drained my body full of pins // i've danced til dawn with splintered shins // full of pins, full of pins
remedy by hot water music
i woke to the sound and the rhythm of rain // dancing down on the windowpane // comatose, eyes half-closed // arms wrapped up with the wounds all sewn
the hunger by the distillers
holy eyes // i never knew i'd beg down at your feet // hold on tight // i never knew id know much more than this
they fear us by ithaca
i held my breath on the way down // your tangled hair became my gown // i'll never tell you what i found // now look who's finally got the crown
fear and trembling by every time i die
i am sorry, it's not right // but you are mine to sacrifice // i was hopeless, i was tired // and we all kill to survive
don’t come to the woods by backxwash
turn 'em to into runes and slabs // brutish plan, revenge on stupid man // do it damn, casket is suit for them
acid rain by lorn
daylight // in bad dreams // in a cool world // full of cruel things
skin by zola jesus
in the city, you find pain // and the people you see there // that remind you of your role // let me go
flood by vagabon
i'm laying my life down // i'm due the gold crown // to be near you // i'll be near you
i’m a monster by austra
i'm a monster  // i am on fire, i'm blooming, baby // why don't you care for me anymore?
giver by k.flay
i got high hopes lots of potential // i’m high, broke, searching for symbols // and i will not let go of what is mine
panic attack by liza anne
my words disappear on a dry tongue // and i am trying to let you know it // but i am drowning by the moment
the beast by austra
the morning that i was born again // i was made into a beast // am i free now, am i at peace? // is that the ground below me, or your feet
burn it down by daughter
momma told me all of this is // just a place we have to settle for // less than anything we dream on // we’ll continue to be disappointments
a burning hill by mitski
and i've been a forest fire // i am a forest fire // and i am the fire and i am the forest // and i am a witness watching it // i stand in a valley watching it // and you are not there at all
a song for ted sallis by the mountain goats
wherever my former self went // it was an accident // try to picture him in my mind's eye // say goodbye
the swimming pool song by laura jane grace
and when my body has been spent, my soul here will remain // graffiti on a wall for all eyes to see
set the sails (ellis demo) by dan mangan
the storm's coming down // these old walls are wearing thin // there's an ache to this town // and something's gotta give
flash by joan as police woman
oh my lover, let me tell you now // all the things that i feel // i already cried a river so deep // now i'm ready to heal // now i'm ready to kneel
spent gladiator 2 (jordan lake sessions) by the mountain goats  
like a fighter who's been told it's finally time for him to quit // show up in radiant colors // and then stand there and get hit
thin line by honeyhoney
sometimes i'm doing things half-ass wrong // sometimes the words i sing are just some half-ass song // i get lost and i get found // oh, and i'll be good until i need another round
wolf like me by lera lynn, shovels & rope
hey, hey, my playmate // let me lay waste to thee // burned down their hanging trees // it's hot here, hot here, hot here, hot here
darling by mannequin pussy
i’m spinning away // my body’s contagious // how brave of you // to walk from my greatness
drag my body by hot water music
i found the pedestals and burned them down // to kill my idols and to bury the thoughts underground // i'm no longer deaf to the sounds
maybe i’ll catch fire by alkaline trio
well maybe i'll fall hard // something tough to break me // something sharp to rip into my insides // and bleed out all that pain
screamy dreamy by laura jane grace and the devouring mothers
walk with you through hotel gardens // overlooking the balearic seas // columbus flowers and belladonna blooming // into the ether forever vanishing
also available on tidal
now also on spotify cuz @shes-a-voodoo-child is the best!
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unpleasant-ghoul · 4 months
Found myself reading Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde today. Realized that that's it, I'm in deep, I'm reading a motherfucking WARCRAFT BOOK, so might as well...
So after a bit of searching found a private server that seemed agreeable (BFA, 1x rates available) and yep. That's it, I'm in modern WoW instead of pretending nothing beyond WotLK exists.
So far I'm loving it. Trolls look goooood here (Well, they always do. But now they look the high-polygon kind of good).
Still made the same char as my main in WotLK, though - class, color, face, hair... Even name (it wasn't taken, lucky me. Pity same was not the case for my warlock's name - gonna have to make a separate one once I can think of something)! Here he is, in all his low-level, still-basic-armor glory.
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Okay, so, you see the beginning. And now onto the other shit. That being bugs of that specific server (lots and lots AND LOTS), opinions on stuff, and an occasional rant.
The first thing I've found was with the "the ancient enemy" quest. Vol'jin, buddy, pal, my beloved leader... Not that you don't look lovely jus' standing there, but I've read how it's supposed to go and "standing there, then giving the speech, then standing in the statue, then fucking leaving" as I slowly, sloooowly chip away at that Sea B... Err, Witch's health for 15 minutes straight is NOT it. No, the fact that the quest is considered already done while she's still very much alive does not improve things. I may be a filthy pirate, but I'm a proper player, too. I want to DO quests.
And not that I don't love your voice, but that post-quest voice line? Got it from the first time just fine. No need to repeat it until I relog.
Another thing is the Spirit healer of the Darkspear Isle's graveyard. Look, girl. I'm glad you're friends (or more. Not judgin') with your colleague at Sen'jin Village's graveyard, but maybe visit her when off duty? Not fun to run all the way there for a rez.
That next one I should have discovered earlier, but oh, well. So that moment when you talk to that troll with the raptors and get a ride to where you're supposed to fight nagas. Heh. Not that I don't appreciate an early taste of riding a flying mount, but I prefer my raptors to be running, not flying through the air sideways. Ending up dropped off where I'm supposed to rather than amidst a bunch of very much HUMAN (no tails or scales or anything) enemies would have also been nice.
And speaking of rides. Raider Jhash, whether you like it or not, Master Gadrin says you're supposed to give me a ride to Razor Hill. So, maybe less "you're annoying my dog", more wolf-riding? Eh? What, not even a non-working option for that? FINE, I'll walk. Asshole.
The shaman says that he'll tell me a story. Tells nothing. Guess I'll have to think on my own. Lucky him that I need no tale to disagree with Garrosh: never liked that guy in the first place.
Sorry, guys-that-maybe-drowned, can't save ya. Can't FIND ya. Because I'm supposed to use the spyglass at the top of the watchtower, but apparently the top is not the top, since it just doesn't work. Look, I tried. Not my fault.
Sorry, Zen'Taji, those plainstriders ain't getting saved. No self-preservation, they'd rather die than run.
Aww, one escort quest that has a chance to be fun, and it's not working. No caravan defence for me! I guess at this point it can be safely assumed that any "take quest, talk to the NPC for the next part" types are broken here. Pity.
Echeyakee, what the fuck are you doing? Are you pretending to be a druid? Are you evolving? No, seriously, what's up with that staff in your paw?
No Captain Longshore fo' me (because, again "talk to the NPC to continue), and no checking the caravan wreckage either (because... just because. Nothing happens.). If it wasn't my only option for BFA, I'd leave already.
I have found it. The shining, flawless gemstone of my bug collestion.
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You get it, yes? No? This fella here, I'm supposed to kill him. For a quest. Kill a bunch of centaurs, he appears, you kill him. And he even appeared fine!
But allied to the Horde. To Orgrimmar.
He had slain the remaining centaurs himself and I can't do shit to him because, well. I'm a troll, very much a Horde member even if the way it is now is not exactly the way I like to see it, and he's apparently on my side now. Had to abandon the quest.
Made a goblin since with those graphics I CAN, for once, take the gobs seriously.
Of course I've found another glitch there!
Now, the quests, so far, work fine (then again. None were of the variation that tends not to work on this server). But there's two things.
I am pretty. Fucking. Sure. That the spotlight is not supposed to be permanently attached to the car and remain where you have dismounted form it until you use the key again. Seriously, for all the love of shiny things that the goblins possess, and for all their genius with technology, I really don't think that "light shining onto a car from the skies, all the time, following it perfectly" is something they could have done. So, pretty sure it's a bug.
The PC's companions. There's that lady among them, forgot her name. Point is, there's that ONE lady among them. And then there's the quest with pirates and suddenly there are five more following me. Same name, same looks, they're all the same gob girl. Just six of her for some reason. Lasted until I summoned the car again, since there's only enough room for one of her in it.
Oh! And I've found a third thing. near the mine, when you're on the few final quests before finally heading to Durotar, the enemies are all dead. Maybe they should be dead, maybe they shouldn't be... But they sure as fuck shouldn't be sliding on the ground as if still patrolling the territory!
And again to my very much non-goblin main character's encounters with the many, many bugs: that quest with the boat ride? Yeeeah, that ain't happening. No option to even talk to the guy. Sorry, whoever I had to deliver the semi-precious gems to, you're not getting them because arriving to you through any other means apparently doesn't count.
The Valentine's Day quest (the one with the goblin detective): broken. The orc lady wants you to see the fuck her beloved is doing, but once you're done with that and come to tell of your findings? That question mark ain't yellow.
The normal, regular, quest chain where you, on the request of another orc lady, gather fel fire and talk to the warlock, and bomb the elves, and all that: broken. No imp transformation, the towers, again, aren't towers enough to use what you have to use on them, and there's no "persuading the warlock" (or, indeed, talking to him at all outside of taking the non-working quest). Yaaay.
Also, found another misplaced Spirit Healer. Don't know which graveyard she's missing from, but the one closest to that place with the satyr and the demon portals has two.
But I'm still staying. I wanna see Zandalar for myself (with a non-Zandalari char because Talanji's fine, but I'm not here for her), and that'll take actual progression because the portal doesn't work (fine. That's meant to be. Never went there. Makes sense) and the ship doesn't either (considering my previous experience of successfully traveling via ships/zeppelins to the areas I have no busyness being in yet, that one's probably not supposed to be like that)
Sorry, Gurtar or whatever's your name, Draaka's not getting that flower braid. It's not that i want her to forget you, you seem like a somewhat okay orc, I'd be glad to help, it's just that the bloody flowers are NOT cooperating! They're there. They're sparkling. Interactable alright. Loot window is there. Notification in the chat about receiving said loot is there. All fine and dandy... Except for that part where they should appear in my inventory.
Non-bug talk again. Ranting about stuff instead. Warcraft makes me feel saaaad. On the BfA server, aside from all the bugs, I'm sad because the Horde is not MY Horde, and I only see Vol'jin alive because I'm early in the story, and I'll have to go through THAT to get to Zandalar, so sadness is unavoidable. And on my usual, fine and non-buggy (aside from pets sometimes running in place when the owner stops. Annoying when fishing. Just tap-tap-tap in the background) WotLK one I'm sad because... Well. I'm a VERY TROLL player. Sure, I got some undead. But other than that? Very Troll. Love 'em. Love my trolls, love NPC trolls. So Sen'jin Village being just that tiny thing, and the state of Echo Isles at that point of the story? Sad. Master Gadrin not having unique voice lines there yet? Sad (after hearing him in BfA I maybe got a bit obsessed? Maaaybe? I have maybe visited the Village SPECIFICALLY to click him repeatedly, like, five times already? He. Just. Sounds. So. Nice. I wanna hug him. Or draw him, which with my shit skills is not, in fact, any more possible than hugging him). Hell. Vol'jin, looking non-unique, like just another troll, young and alive and not dying any time soon? Well, now I know it won't last. So I see him like that and I'm sad because I know what's coming.
So to put it in fewer words, Playing Warcraft makes me sad, not playing Warcraft would also make me sad. It's just sadness all around.
But to lighten things up a tad: summoning a rat (battle pet) creates a rat (WILD, capturable battle pet). Rats function fine other than that. have it in your party, it does its thing fine. It's just trying to summon it to follow you that's bugged. Just endless wild rats. If I were less of as-lawful-as-you-can-be-while-still-pirating-shit kinda dude, I'd probably try to see how many I can make happen.
Still at it, because even despite all the bugs (and having a char on a perfectly working, bug-free so far, pain-free due to the timeline, MoP server) I keep having that MIGHTY NEED! Of getting to Zandalar, and dying there, and being laughed at by Bwonsamdi. And all that.
So! O miracle of miracles! A quest that requires gathering something, making something else out of it and using it on an interactable object WORKED! And another one, that required using a thing in a specific place worked, too. Pretty sure there were supposed to be visual effects of some kind, but I'll take what I can.
Too bad Blastranaar doesn't work. Because, again. It's a "talk to the NPC to proceed". Those are fucking broken here. Killing the targets manually might be possible, but likely won't count, seeing how a similar quest went when I tried it (it didn't).
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Guys. I don't think that's how you're supposed to ride. I'm no expert, but generally the rider tends to go on top of the mount.
Sorry, dude, those mines are staying disarmed. They just refuse to cooperate.
Also, a few more things to say: 1. That bear dude (furbolg? I think they're called furbolgs) you should kill for his totem. Hoo, buy! For starters, the flag-placing counts as done as soon, as you take the quest. And all those guys you have to survive? They're already on the hill. All of them.
The bear leader himself is, too. Well, not on the hill, but near it. And once you kill him, there, of course, is the totem! That you can't pick up. Quest unfinishable!
Earlier, when you take a quest from the orc lady, a shaman I suppose, to meet some person from the Earthen Ring. Person in question is not there. The question mark is alright, but not the dude/dudette it belongs to. Quest unfinishable!
Also, pet battles. A lot of things you'll find are DEAD. As in, it's a species-wide thing, not individual critters slain by something. You want a coral snake? Lol, nope, they're all dead from the very start. Can't fight 'em, can't capture 'em. Cheetah cub? Dead. Creepy crawly? Just get a dung beetle and pretend that that's what you wanted. Gazelle fawn? Yep, sliding on the ground while dead as a fucking doornail.
Oooh, and when you have to kill That guy, Keeper whatever-his-name, started with O. The deer dude.
First of all, before you get to him. There are some orcs nearby, and some are friendly alright, as they should be. Others, though... Guys! Guuuuys! I'm a troll! Like, part of the Horde? Like you? I get it that our species are not on the best terms right now (through no fault of ours), but do you really have to attack me? Well, if anyone asks, it was self-defence.
And secondly. The Keeper himself. I understand he is supposed to be inside one of the tree-tower's rooms. Well, he ain't there!
He and his deertaur buddies decided "eh, deer, goat, both have cloven hooves, they're basically the same thing" and climbed onto. The. Fucking. Roof.
Killing him required abusing my pet's ability to phase through the walls in pursuit of prey (and he probably shouldn't be able to do that. Dude is a normal, living raptor, not a vengeful ghost of one! Though that'd be SICK) and some switching between passive/defensive mode of said pet as well as a bit of maneuvering on my part.
Definitely not how it's supposed to go.
A fresh bunch of bugs! And a bit more:
The cannon that I'm supposed to shoot gnome planes with doesn't work, the balloon doesn't work either (but hey! At least the ride counts as taken, so I can just arrive to the goal through other means and finish the quest!), the bomb in the spy quest is usable, but useless due to spies not being stealthed in the first place, I'm pretty sure that falling rocks are supposed to be visible, not just mysterious death outta nowhere, those warmachines don't work either, that's another quest un-doable.
Also, not bug, but daaamn! Three (three!) last places I've been to while on quests had no vendors. Guess I'll have to go elsewhere to free up some bag space. Maybe Orgrimmar - so that I can check if profession trainers got anything new and exciting for me. And maybe gonna go visit Sen'jin Village too, while I'm at it. Not for any real purpose, just to click Master Gadrin a few times. Sure, I can just listen to his voice on Wowhead, but where's the fun in that?
For once, glad a quest didn't work. "To be Horde" sounds like something I very much don't want to actually go through, accept-reject-go for the next that probably shouldn't be available without it, but is is juuust fine by me.
And yea, went to Orgrimmar to sell some stuff and learn some recipes, got some fresh armor (sure, I get plenty for the quests... Problem is, I like challenge, and quest ones often turn purple, while before finishing I was promised green/blue. Purple is a bit too strong for my tastes, so I mostly use what I make myself instead).
And visited Sen'jin Village. Even without actually doing that damn quest, I was still in need of lightening the mood a bit, so pestering Master Gadrin was a must.
Another thing:
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See how the pridemanes sparkle? That's because they're skinnable. But no, they didn't "die weird", ending up standing as if still alive. They ARE alive. And skinnable (or show as such. I'm not a rogue, if that raptor by my side wasn't a clue enough. I can't sneak close enough to try). They aren't the only ones, there's also wolves like that, and that one giant fish.
Stiiill at it. Changing of... Forgot his name. Doesn't matter. That orc Warlord in Desolation Hold. Point is, ya go to the top of the tower, because he asks you to go with him, thinking you'll help him. But you kill him.
And oh, you can kill him alright. That part works. And counts for the quest!
But the tower, as usual, is not tower enough. So killing counts, going doesn't, quest half-done and unfinishable.
But on the positive side, that quest where you blow up siege engines that look like firepowder stuffed in greasy socks? It works THE BEST! The siege engines actually fall to pieces, and there's "BOOM!" and you can't just blow up the same one over and over like you could with the tent-incinerating quest!
The sparks stay after the siege engine is gone, the ones that indicate that something can be interacted with, but it's a minor thing.
Silithid mounds are either not Silithid enough, or not mounds enough. What I'm saying is, I can't pour pitch on them, so I can't do the quest. Fortunately, ones running freely near Fort Triumph count just fine.
Griffins are where they're supposed to be (though they spend a lot of time standing in the sky, rather than flying), and the hook works! But there is just tiiiny little problem:
That quest requires me to kill the RIDERS.
Griffins are on their own. Unmounted. Owners nowhere to be seen. Can't do that quest, either.
So that's ALL quests in that zone undoable (at all or in the intended way). At least the silithid quest gave me my next target, so I guess in a way that was the one most important. And it means I don't have to go to Desolace yet! I have a quest for that but not really looking forvard to it. Visited it briefly on the WotLK server. I know pre- and post- Cataclysm things may be quite different, but I really don't think it became any more enjoyable.
Found a working quest! A line!
And it's a good one so far. Doesn't hurt. Just helping a guy make his dream come true. Sure, the guy is undead. And the "dream" in question is to build an abomination. But still. He's eager! He has a sense of humor! He, so far, haven't asked me to kill allies!
I mean, look at this! How can I walk past him and not help? I can't!
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Mankrik stands, surrounded by Quillboars. The quillboars are mere animated models, just walking around, nameless, levelless, untargetable. He asks me to kill 13 Quillboars. Were I to count ones around him, the number would likely match. There are proper ones nearby, quest-marked, so I can do it. Still, a strange sight.
Sooo, Desolace! And that dead elf, Furien. The fact that I had to ride my very much terrestrial little raptor instead of taking Furien's Dragonhawk and flying to his sister because, as always, that kinda thing is broken? No big deal. Used to it. Expected it.
Furien's Footsteps (where you ALSO have to go on your own, because any sort of "tell the flight master, and they'll get you there" doesn't work either. You can use their services, but you can't talk to them) is where the fun REALLY starts! And ends.
Because you can't do it. Going to the places where you're supposed to go doesn't count. Doing the quests? Well, it counts for the quests themselves, but as far as Furien's Footsteps are concerned, those shrines, and statues and whatnot are still very much unvisited.
Quest undoable! I just hope it wasn't supposed to be a long line spanning the whole location and kicking me to the next with its last quest. That'd be awkward.
"The Emerging Threat" worked!
And yes, it's a big deal. It's a "speak to the NPC for the quest-important thing to happen", and until now I thought ALL of those were broken on Firestorm's BfA servers.
Sure, it didn't work from the first try.
And it didn't work well:
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Two of Korrah's mounts, one for me to ride, green-named, other - yellow, just following partially clipped through "mine", both running in the air instead of flying...
Took a long time to scout those nagas like that!
But still. I was placed onto a mount, even if only on a second try, I did a circle above the naga-infested areas, I was returned to the starting point. And it counted for the quest.
That's unusual and also wonderful.
Guess there's no "lifting of the tired soul" for me: mounds of fertile soil aren't themselves enough to plant the Cenarion seeds.
Also, breaking the Magram spirit or whatever? Ain't happening either: the spear is already there (and wandering around), the centaurs are already there, and no matter how many I kill, it doesn't count for the quest (also, the Magram chieftain is also already there)
Ended up going to Feralas on my own, because there are no more quests in Desolace.
As in, ones I can do: Smeed is not interactable, so I can't give him the harnesses.
Furien's Footsteps, as I've mentioned before, can't be done because the quests at the shrines can't.
Planting seeds and dealing with the centaurs - nope, not workin'
And that one where you're supposed to take control of a demon... You get the "channeling" you get the effect, but you do NOT get the demon. he is still very much loyal to his master and won't tolerate an attack on him.
And there's nothing else. Probably supposed to be, but nope. Nada. Nothing.
So I'm walking into Feralas blind, gonna have to piece together what's up with everything there without having a starting point.
Decided that nothing will cheer me up better (and after losing all but three chapters of a fic I liked re-reading I did need cheering up) than being mocked by Bwonsamdi for dying.
So I went into the game with my untouched, made-him-and-left-him Zandalari priest.
No Bwonsamdi.
Ran all the way to Nazmir.
And, okay. He's there. Found him in two spots plus (obviously) in Necropolis.
Got mocked, feeling better now.
As for bugs - pretty sure he's not supposed to be carrying fishing rod EVERYWHERE. I mean, I appreciate the thing being made of bones. Great style!
But, Bwonsamdi, dear, sure you need it even when away from water? Whatcha fishin' for in necropolis?
Back to my main character and back to Feralas. An amazing-sounding quest about shrinking giants and, naturally, it doesn't fucking work. Pity.
Also, still not sure what's the deal with the Dragon-lady. According to her I have apparently dealt with some problem. but I didn't. Either it was a continuation of Furien's questline and therefore inaccessible, or it's just straight up missing.
Hmm. A variation on the trouble with wingrider masters: the option to talk to her is there, but clicking of it (or on the normal flight option) does nothing.
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characteroulette · 1 year
DIRECTOR'S CUT! give me the rundown on Lemon Boy!
Oh god uhh. That is three whole chapters lol it's gonna be a bit long oof
Okay so like. The concept started from this Cavetown Album (called Lemon Boy, fittingly) and me singing Lemon Boy to myself one day and going, "huh. Apollo and Snufkin both fit this song. I should do something with that." (I pretty easily spiraled into shipping the two help)
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I wanna be ten feet tall!! I wanna grow big red horns!! I wanna eat fire and snow!! And scare everyone!!
Uhh yeah go listen to Ten Feet Tall it's a good song. Very Apollo vibes.
(I love to write to music, if you couldn't tell. Sprinkling in the motifs or imagery of them is like my fave thing to do it's so much fun.)
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It is very important to me that you understand that Apollo's love language is to shove. This is my headcanon and I will go to the grave pushing this agenda. XD
The concept of Apollo tracking down one of his old foster caretakers was actually something I came up with while jamming out a different story with Tega. It was a nice little heartbreaking thing to include in Apollo's backstory and so I put it here. Shit's fucked, my boy, I'm sorry.
(Maple and Ginger were purely named for food. Also lesbian couple because idk I will also die on this hill that Apollo is gay and had a lot of gay in his life.)
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I am pushing an Agenda and y'all will have to live with it. XD
But for real, I just like the concept of a young Snufkin, not really knowing any other way to console his friend, kissing him first and explaining it after. Snufkin and Apollo can understand each other in a way not a lot of the other kids around them could, so of course they'd also have a bit of a different relationship than those others.
This was also a good setup for the final chapter but it's really the entire reason I wrote this fic, I wanted this scene where Snufkin kisses Apollo and then Apollo pays it forward later in his life.
so uh I wrote the Clay chapter *after* finishing the first and last chapters!! I was originally just not gonna include a Clay segment (he was giving me too much trouble), but then I had a burst of inspiration and slammed it out so hey Clay gets to be in this lol.
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Also furthering my Apollo will bite agenda. I love the idea of Apollo not actually getting bullied because he fought back, but getting ignored and avoided actually because, again, he fought back. I think it fits his character pretty well to have that in his background, considering how desperate he is for validation.
Clay is also weird to me. Like, he's such a blank slate for characterisation that I end up not knowing what to do with him half the time and that kinda makes him boring to me. He's only fun because *I* made him fun, which can be nice but like. The Ace Attorney roster is filled with too many good characters for him to stand out at all. Dual Destinies made Clay an important fixture in Apollo's backstory, though, so fuck me I guess.
Finally, Klavier chapter!! I got to start off with Apollo just buying the concert tickets Klavier sent, which as you know is my favourite little detail. Klavier sending these tickets is such an unhinged move but Apollo then buying them without a second thought is just as unhinged, these two are dumbasses and perfect for one another. XD
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IT'S ME I'M STILL MAD ABOUT THIS. Phoenix goddamn Wright you cannot make Apollo present two (two!!) pieces of forged evidence and then never apologise for it!!! And then Spirit of Justice rolls around with Dhurke's whole deal and!!! Makes everything worse!!!
I have a whole ten or so rants about how AJ's ending is made worse actually by SoJ's inclusion (because how could Apollo be "too new" to law when he grew up with a literal disgraced defence attorney?? How could he have nothing to say on the poisoned system when he's known Dhurke and Khura'in's whole deal for all his life??? I'm upsetti I am so upsetti about this) but I'll save that for another time >T
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I just really like this bit. Absolutely added this scene it does not exist in canon, but. I like Apollo's last line. Maybe one day you won't be such a coward, Klavier. Maybe one day you'll stop running from the truth.
And agh. The whole conversation scene in the lobby is just. Catharsis but not. I ended up playing the comfortable-but-also-not mood the two got stuck in, Apollo reaching out and Klavier dodging his advances (like the coward he is lol) until Klavier finally does accept that offer. I just like their dynamic, two men touched by ruin and reacting to it in vastly different ways. Klavier runs until he sees someone else in need and Apollo reaches out against all of his better instincts. They're my faves <3
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I like the whole scene of them talking outside the car (and fun fact, I have an actual location in mind for them to be at; it's near the Conejo Boulders, which isn't LA whoops but is a view ingrained into my mind), but particularly this bit (of course) --
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YEAH KISS!! it's a parallel (or rhyme??) to the one Snufkin gave him in the first chapter!! It's Apollo internalizing that lesson and paying it forward!! Yeah.
The end bit is funny specifically to me. Like yeah Apollo just spent a whole day making out and talking with Klavier and only when Klavier is like, taking care of him (making breakfast) does Apollo go "oh. Shit. I might desire this man romantically." Like lol amazing my fave. XD
ANYWAY YEAH LEMON BOY. I LIKE IT. At some point I'll finish the two sequel stories I've got in the works....
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theaverewrites · 2 years
Yokai and Yaksha - Playlist & Note
i'll die anyway. - girl in red
✧.* I reach for me, but I'm not there
It's so lonely, but who cares
It's fine, it's okay
I'll die anyway
Juliet - Cavetown
✧.* Sometimes I act like I know
But I'm really just a kid
With two corks in his eyes
And a bully in his head
Exhale - Laureli Amadeus
✧.* Show yourself to me someday
I will be speechless
But for now let me
Lay it all down
As It Was - Harry Styles
✧.* In this world, it's just us
You know it's not the same as it was
In this world, it's just us
You know it's not the same as it was
Million Years Ago - Adele
✧.* I know I'm not the only one
Who regrets the things they've done
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
Who can't stand the reflection that they see
Cat And Mouse - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
✧.* Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Hole In The Heart - Rachie
✧.* That’s why a hole had opened up where my heart is
Pounding, my heartbeat tried to fill up the nothing
But when i tried to say it loud, the words that left my mouth
Were nothing more than excuses
Hawk In The Night - Madds Buckley
✧.* Sharpen your talons and fight
Claw at the world as it claws out your eyes
We raised you right
Hawk in the night
Overfly - Amalee
✧.* Hands up high
Raise them high
And cast your worries to the sky
If you can't stand, then take my hand
Recently, - Liana Flores
✧.* But recently
Everyone says they are seeing less of me
I could do better if I had energy
Be like I used to be
Old Friend - Mitski
✧.* You'll meet me at Blue Diner
I'll take coffee and talk about nothing, baby
At Blue Diner,
I'll take anything you want to give me, baby
Should've Been Me - Mitski
✧.* Cause, I haven't given you what you need
You wanted me but couldn't reach me
So you went into your memory
Relive all the ways you still want me
listen before i go - Billie Eilish
✧.* If you need me
Wanna see me
Better hurry
'Cause I'm leaving soon
brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
✧.* All I did was try my best,
this the kind of thanks I get?
Unrelentless upset
They say these are the golden years
Crossing Fields - Amalee
✧.* I know your strength is what I lack
You've got my back and now that I've got yours
I have you to thank for lighting up the dark
Because you're here with me, our dreams will soar free forever
Meteor Shower - Cavetown
✧.* Missing pieces of my skull
I'll sew on patches of my own soul
There's nothing you or I can do so let the stars fall
'Cause from up here the sky's my thoughts and we're all so small
A Burning Hill - Mitski
✧.* And I am the fire and I am the forest
And I am a witness watching it
I stand in a valley watching it
And you are not there at all
Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens
✧.* Did you get enough love, my little dove
Why do you cry?
And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best
Though it never felt right
Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery
✧.* Baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you
I need you here to stay
I broke all my bones that day I found you
Crying at the lake
Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny
✧.* But when he loves me I feel like I'm floating
When he calls me pretty I feel like somebody
Even when we fade eventually to nothing
You will always be my favorite form of loving
rises the moon - Liana Flores
✧.* Oh-oh, close your weary eyes
I promise you that soon the autumn comes
To darken fading summer skies
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Thought Crime - Rachie
✧.* The birds cry out their song in the sunset!
The empty ache I feel starts to sing a swan song too
And yet you linger still in the shadows, standing on your toes, sky a flaming red hue
Slipping off my tongue was my goodbye to you
1. Constructive criticism is okay as long as it is legitimate feedback and not just hate.
2. There are a lot of musical references in this story, particularly in reference to the songs listed in the earlier chapter.
3. Please refrain from overly sexual comments.
4. The Xiao that I write is more akin to his Chinese portrayal than his English one. In other words, he's going to be more apathetic than angry.
5. The reader is based on a Japanese mythological creature. It's not a completely accurate representation, as they're only based on that creature, but quite a few of their characteristics have been adapted.
6. The reader is referred to using they/them pronouns, but may present as mostly feminine.
7. This takes place in the canon universe, and thus has canon level violence.
8. This story has topics that are not suitable for everyone, such as themes of grief and trauma, abandonment, and minor s/a. If any of these topics make you uncomfortable, I suggest you click away now.
9. This story will be posted on wattpad (@-AEONSTYX), Ao3 (@aeonstyx), and tumblr (@theaverewrites). Any and all updates about this story and others will be posted on wattpad, so I suggest you follow me there to keep up with changes.
10. Genshin Impact is owned by Hoyoverse. Please support the official release, and enjoy this fan-made story.
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holeynightsky · 2 years
overthinking albums: midnights pt. 1
welcome back, lovelies! today's Long Rant is brought to you by all the beautiful RWBY art i've been seeing as we get hyped about vol9.
today, we'll be thinking way too hard about the lyrics and general vibe checks of taylor swift's midnights album, and how each song was specifically written with a RWBY character/relationship/arc in mind. this is going to be split into two parts, because i, ahem, hit the character limit for a text block post on tumblr.
(what's that? sorry, i can't hear you, but if you're suggesting the album was not in fact written about a niche animated show, i'm replying with shhhhhhhhh.)
the album can be found here on spotify, if you're interested in listening along.
lavender haze - okay guys we gotta start with a bumbleby song. and this one--whoo boy. are you kidding? hell yeah! you don't really read into / my melancholia.... i just wanna stay in that / lavender haze. i mean come on. can't you just see blake singing about yang? staring into her eyes? the epitome of sapphic love??? also, obsessed with the way adam didn't scare yang off in conjunction with the line they're bringing up my history / but you weren't even listening. i know it's not a one-for-one match but i'm gonna die on that hill.
maroon - bear with me for this pain, but: a jaune-grieving-pyrrha song. the visual of the two of them over time, all those shades of red... the tension just before and during the vytal festival arc (how the hell did we lose sight of us again? / sobbing with your head in your hands / ain't that the way shit always ends).... jaune in the forest during vol4 (and i wake with your memory over me / that's a real fuckin' legacy)... him standing in front of her statue, finally putting his ghosts to rest (the rust that grew between telephones / the lips i used to call home / so scarlet it was maroon)
anti-hero - a hot take, but i feel like this is a song for oz/oscar/ozma. i have this thing where i get older but just never wiser is him struggling under the weight of everything he knows and all the ways he's fucking it up anyway. not to mention this whole thing: i end up in crises / tale as old as time / i wake up screaming from dreaming / one day i'll watch as you're leaving / 'cause you got tired of my scheming / for the last time. i--i don't even think i need to explain this one? are we good to move on?
snow on the beach - a qrow/clover song. you might think this is qrow thinking about clover, because of lines like you wanting me / tonight feels impossible--but ohoho, slow down there my friend. i will die on my headcanon hill that clover was just as traumatized as qrow, just with different coping mechanisms, and that he was absolutely whipped within hours of meeting him. plus, qrow just deserves at least one (1) nice thing--and don't you want to see him getting all flustered and happy when someone else looks at him and thinks of the lines i searched 'aurora borealis green' / i've never seen / someone lit from within / blurring out my periphery? akjsdbfkasjfh and the pause after can this be a real thing, can it? with their hands gently brushing.... hello? my heart?
you're on your own, kid - yang. yang alllllll the way. am i maybe projecting the oldest-female-child-syndrome? yep. but i mean--oh my god how could it not be??? i didn't choose this town / i dream of getting out / there's just one who could make me stay doesn't have to be romantic. that can be her thinking of ruby. my friends from home don't know what to say / i looked around in a blood-soaked gown / and i saw something they can't take away is living at the dorms in vale and leading up to the fall of beacon, 'cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned / everything you lose is a step you take is her recovering her confidence in vols 4 & 5. you're on your own, kid / yeah, you can face this / you're on your own, kid / you always have been is that moment where she steps past raven and ventures into the spring portal alone...... i'm simply not okay.
midnight rain - raven and ty. we were all thinking it, right? i mean. i mean. how could it be anything else? my town was a wasteland / ... / my boy was a montage / a slow-motion, love potion / ... / i broke his heart 'cause he was nice. the way she left but didn't feel guilt that we really see at any point in the show? he wanted it comfortable / i wanted that pain / he wanted a bride / i was making my own name pretty much sums up that dynamic. ty is a himbo and i love him but as soon as we met raven i was like "oh, obviously that wasn't gonna work." also, i peered through a window / a deep portal, time travel / all the love we unravel / and the life i gave away is so perfectly on the nose it's not even funny.
question...? - blake and ilia!! blake! and! ilia! specifically, ilia being bitter as she watches blake move through various relationships with various levels of health, and never once look at her. good girl, sad boy / big city, wrong choices / we had one thing going on / i swear that it was something / 'cause i don't remember who i was before you. or, or!! she was on your mind / with some dickhead guy / ... / it was one drink after a another / fucking politics and gender roles / and you're not sure and i don't know / got swept away in the gray. i simply cannot. i shall pass away before i ever make my peace with this level of pining.
stay tuned for part two, coming soon! <3
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 month
My dog always likes to pick my least favorite walking route because there are almost always other dogs. She doesn't want to play. She just wants to sniff them and keep walking.
So I give in and let us walk the way she likes.
The reason it's my least favorite is not because it's busier. It's not because it's along a loud street. It's not because of the train that occasionally passes by and leaves us stranded on one side or the other for 10 minutes.
No. It's because of the crowd this one local brewery brings in. It's almost all rich white people - arguably one of the most horrific demographics in the US today. Every single time we walk by there, there's some rich, entitled White with their big ass untrained dog sitting right against the sidewalk.
Today, it was two Great Pyrenees that were both highly aggressive. We walk by the first time and both dogs - neither of which is tethered to anything - lunge at my dog. I could tell from the stances they took that they weren't friendly, so I had her practically walking in the street. Sure enough, they start aggressively barking and try to come at her, and some massive guy holds them both back. Doesn't say shit about it except, "Yep, that's my boys," to the other people at his table.
I know I'm gonna have to pass by here again, so I'm already preparing myself to have to fight 4 adults and 2 dogs if anything happens to my dog.
My old ass dog tells me it's time to go home by turning around and retracing our steps. We go by the table again.
Both dogs lunge. They're attached to the table now, but it shifts because there's only one person sitting on it now. And I hate people with untrained dogs, so I turn around and say, "You know, it doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to know you shouldn't bring aggressive ass dogs in public. Train your fucking dogs. Jesus Christ!"
The woman sitting at the table stands up and yells, "What did you say, you ugly little dyke?"
And I just yelled back, "If your dogs get any closer to me, I'll fucking kick them in the face. Take some out of your plastic surgery fund and use that money to train your fucking dogs."
And this like 45 year old woman starts bawling, in that way that only entitled white women can. That crying where she's not the victim but she'll be damned if anyone else thinks differently. I'm sorry you failed at training your dogs. I can't imagine how awful any kids you have are. Control your fucking dogs or leave them at home. Why is this such a difficult concept?
My dog listens when I say shit. When we're walking, I barely have to move the leash in a certain direction and she knows what that means. She knows when I tell her to wait at a street crossing. She knows to move over if I tell her to get over. She has a very large vocabulary and responds to like 50 commands. And this is with me not having a clue how to train dogs! I was given a puppy when I was 17 and was winging it, and she's a perfectly behaved old bitch. There's literally no excuse why someone dressed as nicely as these people were can't afford to pay someone to train their dogs since they clearly can't be bothered to do it on their own. I have no sympathy for people who put other people and animals in harm's way just so you can see they have the money for purebred dogs. Your dog is not an accessory. That's a living thing that if, much like a child, is not directed on how to behave will be wild and out of control and hurt someone. Your fake ass victim tears mean nothing. I will continue being aggressive with people like this until they stop existing. I will die on my hill of "leave poorly behaved animals at home" until the day I die. Fight me about it.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months
You guys want to hear some real petty drama
This couple (nasty they are) keeps sitting with me at lunch (disgusting)
Lemme set the scene so at my school we have like tables and booths and two of the booths are up against the wall and there's two long seats facing each other yk restaurant style and then they are more booths off to the side of those I normally sit in the first booth against the wall so that's where encounter 1-4 happens the fifth one is in the booth behind the first one so and also everytime I have sat in the booth first and then they go and just decide to sit with me (this actually makes me boil with anger)
First time this happened I was already having a really pissy day so I just glared at them. I was so uncomfy I didn't eat my lunch. so these two are like all up on each other 24/7 and like kissing and sharing food and like sitting on top of each other. if you're in your own booth sure maybe it's weird but you're in your own area not my business but like I was sitting in the booth first and then you come and sit down next to me unprompted and I'm just supposed to be chill with you trying to jump each other's bones every two seconds? And one of them got a slushie and then they were sharing it with two spoons (sure whatever) but then they did that thing where you cross arms yk the thing ppl do when they eat wedding cake and the guy missed the girls mouth and the slushie got on her shirt and he went "oh no baby 🥺 you got it on yourself you made a mess 🥺" like in a baby voice yk you get it and then wiped her shirt for her. dude get away from me
Then second time at this point I'm boiling dude pick somewhere else to sit it's not like they ran out of seats these two get there relatively early so they're just sitting there for funsies and I'm like annoyed and uncomfortable bc again they are all up on each other
Third time again I'm sitting alone Im in a booth and these two walk over and sit on the other side of this booth and are again all. Up. On. Each. Other. Get a room it's nasty people are trying to eat
Fourth time I'm sitting with my friend same booth same side and they come and sit on the other side
Then today I sat in a different booth near the first one that I normally sit in bc they make me so incredibly uncomfortable that I'd rather just move someone else and then I see them and there is a girl sitting in the first booth right and they're standing there next to her like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️ okay and then they ask the girl if she can move bc it's "their spot" which bitch this is not an assigned seat situation this is first come first serve eat or eaten (it's a highschool cafeteria its not that big of a deal) and this girl obviously goes "uh no?" And they're like "but it's our spot" and she's like "still no?" And then they just stand there like they've lost all options (which they haven't btw there was another open booth next to them) and then they come and SIT IN MY BOOTH and they drop their bags and the girl walks off to go get a tray but her boyfriend stays there and I'm upset and frustrated so I said "why do y'all do this?" And tbh I thought I whispered it to myself but then he turns around and goes "you're one person stop hogging it😡" which first of all there are so many other seats youre the one hogging up other people's personal space and secondly I'm not one person so now you just look foolish and they sat there for the rest of the lunch period all up on each other
And I know it's a dumb hill to die on and it's really petty but these two gross me out so much and they're just so entitled that I've started plotting how I'm going to get them to go away
Here's my plan next time I get there I'm going to sit in the other booth not the first one they have decided is theirs the one behind it and I'm putting my bag on the other side and sitting opposite my bag and then if they say anything "sorry someone's sitting there" and then if they say anything after that I'll just be crazy petty and be like "I wouldn't want to hog a booth but I have friends I'm eating with today sooo"
0 notes
maifromshowfall · 10 months
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
Cut to Barry's room, where he's picking out what to wear.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Yeah, let's shake it up a little.
Barry uses honey from a dispenser to style his hair, rinse his mouth, and then applies it to his armpits.
Mom (Janet Benson)
(calling from downstairs:) Barry! Breakfast is ready!
Coming! (phone rings) Oh, hang on a second. (adjusts his antennas into a headset) Hello?
Adam Flayman
(on the phone) Barry?
Can you believe this is happening?
I can't believe it. I'll pick you up. (hangs up, sharpens his stinger) Lookin' sharp. (flies downstairs)
Barry, why don't you use the stairs? Your father paid good money for those.
Sorry. I'm excited.
Dad (Martin Benson):
Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. And a perfect report card, all B's.
Very proud. (touches Barry's hair)
Ma! I got a thing going here.
Ah, you got some lint on your fuzz.
Ow! That's me!
Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.
Bye! (flies off)
Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house!
(Barry drives his car to pick up his classmate. Adam's outside his house, reading the Hive Today newspaper. The front page headline reads "FRISBEE HITS HIVE ! Internet Down. Bee: 'I heard sound, then Wham-o!'")
Hey, Adam.
Hey, Barry. Is that fuzz gel?
A little. It's a special day, finally graduating.
Never thought I'd make it.
Yeah, three days of grade school, three days of high school.
Those were so awkward.
Three days of college. I'm glad I took off one day in the middle and just hitchhiked around the hive.
You did come back different.
(a bee calls out as they drive past)
Hi, Barry.
Hey Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.
Hey, did you hear about Frankie?
You goin' to his funeral?
No, I'm not goin' to his funeral. Everybody knows you sting someone, you die. You don't waste it on a squirrel. He was such a hothead.
Yeah, I guess he could have just gotten out of the way.
(They make various noises as the car goes up and down some hills and does a loop on the road.)
A & B
Woah! Oooooooh!
I love this incorporating an amusement park right into our regular day.
I guess that's why they say we don't need vacations.
(They arrive, fly in and take their seats.)
Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances.
Well, Adam, today we are men.
We are!
A & B:
Hallelujah! (bumping each other) Aaaaaaaaaaaah!
Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell.
Dean Buzzwell walks onto the stage and taps the microphone.
Welcome, New Hive City graduating class of... (presses a button to change the timer on the podium from 9:00 to 9:15) ...9:15. And that concludes our graduation ceremonies.
(Students cheer, throw their caps into the air as helmets are placed on their heads.)
And begins your career at Honex Industries!
Are we gonna pick our jobs today?
I heard it's just orientation.
Huh. Woah. Heads up! Here we go.
(The stands for Winger University the students are sitting in begin converting into tram seating.)
Female announcer:
Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. (flies down to go in the tram as it starts moving and repeats it in Spanish:) Mantenga sus manos y antenas dentro del tranvía en todo momento.
I would have you sent you the entire thing, and by god I tried, but it crashed tumblr twice in the process, so consider yourself spared
Please Stop Sending Me Asks.
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bemylord · 3 years
↠ toji with a virgin s/o ↞
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pairing: toji fushiguro x fem!reader.
warnings: nsfw, aged up, size kink [?], oral [fem!receiving], virgin reader, first time, lost of virginity, praising, toji calls himself daddy, grammar errors.
word counter: 3.2k
rq: I would like to request a oneshot? a hc would be appreciated too though. Toji with a virgin gf who can’t even make herself cum? Just how he would like to destroy her :)
butler's remark: (◕‿◕) hello lord, i'm back with an oneshot with toji being tremendously tender with his lover for the first time. in addition, reader is a citizen. sorry, i did it soft, bc i think toji will super-extra-super soft for the first time with his s/o, only for the first. i hope you'll like that, thanks for the request ;)
disclaimer: everything you read is purely my opinion - any detail, sketch, or event is a figment of my imagination.
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you've been an ordinary citizen and had never planned to date a sorcerer or someone close to this specialty. you ain't cowardly, merely as you were thinking you'll marry a simple man and will have kids with him, and die in one day like lovebirds.
you had never considered yourself being stuck in a relationship with a sorcerer killer.
you were overworked, virtually sleeping as were walking in the empty street, dreaming to get home as soon as possible, to feel the silk sheets against your back. the area where your office was located had little street lighting, although, you hadn't felt the anxiety of being robbed or something worse. the day went lingeringly and horrible due to the boss who declared you as a temporary deputy, piled you up with a stack of papers.
but, this is life, anything might happen. all of a sudden, you overheard something behind you but as you looked back - there was nobody, as soon as you turn your head to the starting position, you saw a young, skinny man who is holding a knife in his hand.
'hmm~ look who's here, a young, gorgeous lady..' he said with his disgusting, lewd voice, coming closer to you. 'would you mind playing with me? don't be shy or els-'
you have a perky personality, no doubt, but because of how hard the day was, you had one option - run for the hills. before you could do any movements as if hit the man or run away, something prompt hit him, like a swift meteorite that you couldn't see. a cloud of dust grew around you and the man, so you hide your face in the elbow curve, covering your mouth with another hand.
as soon as the dust had settled, in front of you opened up on the view of an adult man. he was high, had an athletic, broad-shouldered, pretty impressive figure. your savior held the blade in one hand, flopped on his back.
'he ran away like a coward. don't worry, girl, you saved, thanks to me' he laughed, he stroked himself on the shoulder, as were about to leave the dead body.
'no i'm not! i'd have protected myself on my own'
you refuted his smugness, watching as he slowly moves his torso in your way, flaunting his outlining muscles through the fabric of the black t-shirt. his complacent eyes and the sharp scar over the right side of the mouth on the edge of his lips. you took a deep breath, continuing on your path as he isn't standing there, not hadn't protected you.
'you're too weak to beat even him, if not me, you'd be-'
'i am stronger as i may look'
he giggled, in a flash stood in front of you, bending over to your face, by finger tugs your face up to look at him directly in eyes, smirked.
'are you sure, girl?'
those green, almost emerald, but cold eyes looked directly into yours as two faces were as closed as you could kiss his lips.
'i'll walk you home'
'i don't want to, and anyway, maybe you're his partner in crime, leave me alon-'
previous to you had finished your phrase, he threw your tiny body on his shoulder, leisurely walking, better say, carrying you home. you beat his back, softly reminiscent of a parody of the word 'let me go, moron, i can walk by myself'
'tch, fine, idiot,' he deliberately shrugged his shoulder to close your mouth as heard the name you had given him. 'by the way, what's your name or you prefer the name idiot?' you said sarcastically.
'for you it's toji'
as a result of your crawl and also being talkative when clearly you shouldn't be, you ended up being in a relationship with a man, who'd obviously fuck you on the first date, as it may count as a 'date', anywhere-anytime, by the way.
although you wouldn't ever say he isn't hot or sexy, conversely, you willingly allow him to breed, precisely you'd beg toji to breed you on the straightaway on the cervix, but for one thing.
you're a virgin.
hilariously - it's true. nothing bad to be in your age a virgin, but if you weren't dating toji it'd fine: his dirty jokes and lustful eyes which are maddening you insane, also his fucking athletic body which is outlining through the t-shirt or white cotton shirt [he wear it once] you thought he did it purposely: he knew your secret, undoubtedly could sniff your chaste nature as if you can emit fragrance.
on the second date, it had been nine days since you got acquainted with him, as you moved in with him. toji was exceedingly obsessed with every step of yours - he followed you from the work, in the mall or market, for your security and control every guy who'd be close to you.
although, you couldn't hide your addiction - he's a drug you should be careful with or you might be addicted as if you ain't. he isn't wearing pants in home, walking in front of you solely in underwear. he could walk from the shower in a terry towel wrapped around his torso as he buries his hands in his dark hair mess it up.
'what are you looking at, girl?'
you couldn't take your eyes off his bulging..
'you. just you. i'm gonna cook dinner, something.. special?'
'eggs, baby'
fushiguro put hands above the door frame, exhale and tensed every muscle, narrowing predatory eyes as you were the extraction he was target for. you're laying on his king size bed [lol i'm sorry i'm out], wondering is everything he has gotten measured in king size as he interupted your reflection by putting the knee on the edge of the bed.
'mine. in your pussy'
as if you're bewitched - you couldn't talk, just contemplate as he leisurely moves towards you. you couldn't contravene as he tugs your face to ogle in your absentminded eyes as you're avoiding his gaze, looking at the ceiling or door or even window. not. at. his. bulge.
your heart had stuck in your throat when toji ran his hand under his shirt, certainly, he has a kink of dominion, when he suddenly stopped. despite of your uncertainty and timid of subsequent play, you looked at his emerald eyes as he licks his lips with a tongue.
'are you sure, baby girl? i mean, it's your first time after all'
you quell your forthcoming question staring deeply into lascivious eyes, put hands on his massive shoulders. as you anticipated, his cock twitched as toji letting out a low groan in your ear, kissing your temple. you're absentmindedly running finger pads on his back, not knowing the proximity of bodies that are readiness wanted to intertwine together. not knowing how much it turns him on.
'stop me if i go crazy over your body, okay?'
as if. as if you dare would rip out his tongue off your crotch as he makes you his woman. toji left on your red cheeks quick kisses, took off the towel. you shut your eyes tight, still holding his shoulders barely squeeze them, letting out a hushed moan.
after you quelled your moan, toji touched your lips against his one, running fingers on your lower stomach to the cup of the breast without touching the hard nipple. light movements mixed with his muted groans. his pads deftly touched one areola as you emitted a sharp purr, arching your back a little as a dulcet sign for toji.
you dug your fingers into toji's back, as he put a finger on your hard nipple, holding himself as to grab your tits and clench it in his large hand.
you gasp for the air as if there was a catastrophic shortage of it due to the pressed body of toji. you responded at his deep kiss, wrapping hands around his neck, apparently begging for something more.
he pulled away from the kiss just to take off the shirt he has given you, baring your untouched by no one but him tits, leading palms onto breasts, skipping nipples between the gaps through fingers. he reached down to your lips to give a bit of warning kiss as he slightly bit your lip, kissing all the way down to your collarbone, finally leaving there manifestations of hickeys.
for how long toji has been stopped from leaving on your stunning skin his marks? it seems it has been absolutely not many days but toji, as you may see, clearly has to leave labels on your neck.
he dug his teeth into your neck, frantically wants your area to be dotted by him as a token for everyone meaning: she's taken, dude, don't mess up with her.
for how long toji has been stopped from touching your sensitive area as having been feel warmth and tenderness is emitted from your body?
toji squeezes your nipple imponderable, to make you feel some kind of power over you becoming submitted by toji fushiguro, a sorcerer killer, a man who owned you, spinning the pea between pads, making you let out whimpers.
'you drive me insane, little one,' he approached his face close to the breasts, touched your pea with his tongue cautiously, as not to frighten you away. 'i'm gonna make your pussy drool beneath me, completely own you as my little girl'
you feel yourself gush beneath him, burying hands in his messy hair as your breath has stuck in the throat as toji snuggles his lips on your tits, sucking your hard and probably swollen from teasing. fushiguro has made you became wet in your panties as he's moistening your breast, hearing your precipitous whimpers.
'toj-toji, i don't know-'
'tch, little girl, relax your body and let daddy do the rest'
as he pronounced, he moves down, leaving the trace of wet kisses on your stomach, massaging your hips, stopping his action to look at your red face. your chest heaves heavily every time you feel toji's silky lips on your belly as his finger pads caressing your thighs. as if something weighty is resting on your chest you take deep breathes, breathlessly exhaling.
'spread your legs'
you obediently did what he said, hesitating a bit as the only fabric holding him back to bury his mouth against your pussy, assembling all juices, tasting your cum as if it's his meal. he rested kisses on the fabric of panties, couldn't sate with tender kisses he spreads on your body.
deliberately run tongue on your labia through the thin fabric as you were about to push his hand from your crotch as toji grab you by the hips, pulling you closer. he slackens his teasing actions by kissing your inner thighs. as your cunt was lack of attention from toji, you let out a pliant whimper, approximately woefully have purred.
toji's self-restraint thinning as you're silently begging with your eyes and your hands immeasurably are burying in his dark hair. the tip of his tongue deftly sideline panties, flicked it, as he discovered a divine view on your drooling hole.
'stop me now, because i won't be able to hold back later'
teasufully kissing your labia and area around the place he should be playing with as anticipating for some pliant whimpers of you, deliberately showing you he'll lick that swollen clit, pressing a soft kiss on the skin instead. fushi's shattering your hopes of being eating every time he kissed literally everything and lick everywhere besides your hole and clit. he acts like an inexperienced teenager, notwithstanding, you know that toji'd ruin or demolish your holes like a monster.
'yes, my little girl' he pressed the tip of his tongue on your clit, hearing those moans he's willing to listen for the rest of his life, then take away as you were about to press his mouth back again, digging his tongue deep inside you, although he obviously couldn't reach to your cervix, barely permeate in your hole.
'you want me to eat your little pussy?'
as if you can't talk, you nodded. scarcely reached up to take off the last thing, leisurely pulling down the panties, staring at you as a predator. toji is standing on his knee on the bed, threw your ankles on his shoulders, smooching ankles watching as to how your cheeks are becoming pinky, as you try not to look at his dick. still, you're a timid one, despite your words.
he reached to your face to give you a voluptuous kiss, returning to the starting position.
'look at your pretty pussy'
he kissed your clit in a flash replace into the tongue, making a circles on swollen and needy spot, decisively giving you what've been begging for. running the tip of the tongue on your virgin hole, leaving it for the dessert, returning to your clit.
you'd swear to god you can see stars in the ceiling as toji squeezing your nipples while moistening you. the proximity of his face in your pussy is driving you insane, for the days of cohabitation you understood he isn't a tender one, vice versa, he'd fuck you whenever his dick gets erect. maybe it's a rush of tenderness, maybe it's the fear of hurting his girl. nevertheless, you not scared to give toji full control of your body and bring you to your first orgasm by ripping the hymen. if that's i may call the way he's licking you, it'd be make-out with your pussy, due to his relentless movements by flicking his tongue on the clit.
'baby,' he pulled away from it, as you squeeze a sheet, making your knuckles become whiten as you spread legs wider, watching his mocking grin appeared on the face. 'i'll be gentle' he pressed his lips on your forehead, taking from the bedside table lubrication to low the friction. although, the thought of his dick ripped the hymen, putting all his tenderness in your first time, make your knees get shaken.
he put a soft kiss on your lips, smearing lubrication on his dick, substitute cock on the entrance. abrupt and penetrating pain wavily covered your body as you feel soft lips covered your mouth, blunting the pain with one hand being dug in your hip, painting illegible traces. another hand he put on your cheek, drawing circles with his thumb, waiting till getting used to the pain.
toji will find lots of red stripes from your nails on his back, smirked, as reminiscing about that special night when he made you his woman. his broad back was made merely for you to leave thousand and thousand fingernail impressions every night. toji had let a low groan as he feels as you move fingertips to the neck, exhaling in his chest.
he entered all his dick inside you feeling as your walls compressing the base, getting used to being full with his thick cock. you're indulging at the new, mind-blowing feeling, give him sheepish kisses as you're scared to be rejected. he moves his palm from the cheek to the ear, running fingers through your tangled but soft to the touch. you nudged your hips up, intermittently letting your breath out.
'tch, if you're not feeling well, i can come-'
'more, toji, more'
without breaking up kiss, he pulled out cock to the tip as pulling it again slowly, stretching your walls, touching with the tip your cervix as his balls touching your ass, groaning in the kiss, softly caress your thigh. you moved your palms to the shoulder, touching the musculature, going down to the biceps wrapping his arm as another hand attempting to draw patterns on the back as if it a canvas for you.
you can feel every vein, curve, and the way his tip is expanding gummy walls, as toji diligently coming in, adjusting inside you then pulling out. you're focusing on how full you're with his cock inside, your clarity gradually getting mushed as the sharp pain turning into a pleasurable and delightful feeling. sating to the new feeling might get addiction, but you're far beyond to accept that, surrendering to your lover as he gets addicted to it. you grasp for his shoulders, as he nudged in you, leaving whimpers from your mouth.
'like that, huh?' he pulled his cock out to contemplate as your facial expression have changed: you furrowed eyebrows as felt your hole being empty without thick toji's cock, practically purring like a march cat. 'beg me for it, baby'
what an insatiable man you've got. he licked his lips, looking down on it. your hymen has left blood, as he glanced at you to see his future wife your reaction.
'i-i toji, it's..'
he hummed, returning to your lips, slowly giving back the missing part.
'you okay?' you nodded as a response; he's perceiving fullness as wants to fill you up, but desperately be tempered himself, blaming he didn't wear a condom to do it. a dozen of half-moons will be littering your hips as toji's digging nails, scrambled your mind with squelches pushes in your hole. 'relax, baby girl, i'm here' he thrusts inside the spongy spot, ripping another moan out of you, voluptuous to his ears. 'baby~ you tease me with those moans of yours'
his cock was aimed at a place inside your vagina, with a slow but deep thrust skillfully reaching your cervix, massaging with the tip of his cock that spot. toji's staring at your pleased, satisfied face as he found that needy place of yours.
holding on to the headboard in the bed as support, clutching the sheet with his other hand like the composure he was rapidly losing with each thrust into your hole, formerly virgin cunt, letting out a heavy sigh, tilting his head back.
wiggling the pelvis backward and forwards as heard beneath his body your whimpers, feeling replenishment on his skin to his previous strips, losing remains self-control as your walls have been clenching his cock, as your body gets shaking as his, preparing the body for the coming ecstasy.
'toji, mh~' you tilted the head back on the pillow, wrapping legs around his pelvis, quelling moans while arching back against his chest. you're milked [? correct if i'm wrong] his cock, shuddering. you felt his lips on your cheeks, as he's covering your wet face in kisses, pulling cock out.
'damn, baby, probably-' he stroke his hard cock a couple of times before releasing his cum onto your belly. fushiguro ran fingers from the hairline, wiping beads of sweat from the hairline through hair. 'are you good?'
as you're still catching your breath you rested on your face a slight smile, closing eyes. he giggled, getting out of bed.
'almost made a baby' it took him a second or two, to lift you up in my arms, leading into the bathroom. 'i'm gonna clean you up, my baby. but you could fall asleep in my arms, you did such a good job by taking my cock' he kissed your forehead, wiping your drops of sweat.
'i love you, toji'
he put you on the washing machine, turning away from you to fill the tub. what went unnoticed was his relaxed smile after your phrase.
'i love you more, little one'
↳ back to the main master list.
i feel i made lots of mistakes, like, idk. correct me if smth i did wrong.
i remember my promise to do one more work with toji, so lately i'll write hdc + drabble with him.
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X-Files cancer arc 3am angst session mixtape [spootify]
The Modern Leper covered by Julien Baker — "you must be a masochist to love a modern leper on his last leg" // "you're not ill 'cause I'm not dead, and doesn't that make us the perfect pair?"
Francis Forever by Mitski — "I don't need the world to see that I've been the best I can be, but I don't think I could stand to be where you don't see me"
mirrorball by Taylor Swift — "hush, I know they said the end is near, but I'm still on my tallest tiptoes," // "I'm still a believer, but I don't know why"
Killer by Phoebe Bridgers — "I hope you kiss my rotten head and pull the plug; know I've burned every playlist, and given all my love," // "I am sick of the chase but I'm stupid in love, and there's nothing I can do"
Headstones and Land Mines by Lizzie McAlpine — "headstones and landmines, flowers and red wines," // "and it all hurts, but it's fine"
the lakes by Taylor Swift — "is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me?" // "...with my calamitous love and insurmountable grief"
Last Words of a Shooting Star by Mitski — "carefully, I was going to live," // "you'd say you love me and look in my eyes but I know through mine you were looking in yours," // "I always wanted to die clean and pretty, but I'd be too busy on working days"
Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers — "now I am dreaming and you're singing at my birthday and I've never seen you smiling so big; it's nautical themed and there's something I'm supposed to say, but can't for the life of me remember what it is"
Chinese Satellite by Phoebe Bridgers — "I want to believe; instead I look at the sky and I feel nothing, you know I hate to be alone; I want to be wrong"
Historians by Lucy Dacus — "this is what I want to talk about but somehow the words will not leave my mouth; was i most complete at the beginning, or the bow? if past you were to meet future me, would you be holding me here and now?"
A Burning Hill by Mistki — "so today, I will wear my white button-down; I can at least be neat, walk out and be seen as clean; and I'll go to work, and I'll go to sleep, and all of the littler things; I'll love some littler things"
Bag of Bones by Mitski — "flourescent store lights, you shine through the night, illuminate my pores and you tear me apart," // "I'm tired of this searching, would you let me let go?"
Appointments by Julien Baker — "well, don't argue, it's not worth the effort to lie," // "maybe it's all gonna turn out alright; oh I know that it's not but I have to believe that it is"
Painkillers by Gracie Abrams — "I almost liked the way you fooled me to make me think that this would last forever,"
Learning How To Die by Jon Foreman — "all along i thought I was learning how to take, how to bend not how to break, how to live not how to cry; but really, I've been learning how to die"
Claws in Your Back by Julien Baker — "I'm conducting an experiment on how it feels to die... or stay alive," // "it's more than the skeleton next to my coat, the black that I held in the back of my throat follows you straight into the dark; the easy way out and the hardest part"
Give Me A Minute by Lizzy McAlpine — "I'll say goodbye to cloudy blue skies; I'd trade all I've got in my name for you instead of this pain"
epiphany by Taylor Swift — "something med school did not teach you," // " 'doc, I think she's crashing out,' some things you just can't speak about" // "just one single glimpse of relief to make sense of what you've seen"
I Know The End by Phoebe Bridgers — "went looking for a creation myth, ended up with a pair of cracked lips"
Tokyo by Julien Baker — "a seven-car pileup of every disastrous thing that I've been"
Organs by Of Monsters and Men — "I am sorry for the trouble, I suppose; my blood runs red but my body feels so cold," // "and I cough up my lungs, 'cause they remind me how it all went wrong; but I leave in my heart because I don't want to stay in the dark"
Repeat Until Death by Novo Amor — "snow, brother I'll bet it all gold; shudder with blood in my nose, I had it almost" // "I can't seem to not need to need you, but I can't breathe anymore"
Conversation Piece by Julien Baker — "'cause it already feels when you hold me that your hands could pass right through my body; so do you think when I die I'd get a second try to do everything right i couldn't the first time?"
Try A Little Tenderness by Otis Redding (or the cover by Florence + the Machine) — "you know she's waiting, just anticipating for things she'll never, never, never possess" (p sure this song is in the background during that one part of Small Potatoes)
Sprained Ankle by Julien Baker — "whenever I'm alone with you, can't talk; 'isn't this weather nice? are you okay? should I go somewhere else and hide my face?'"
Coming Back to You by Sara Bareilles — "I made a list of what I love to make a document that shows what I'm made of," // "these days it's harder to breathe; I'm no saint and sometimes I barely believe"
Repeat by Julien Baker — "doesn't matter what you tell me, I just need to hear you speak; all my greatest fears turn out to be the gift of prophecy; all my nightmares coming true, come do my outline in the street"
Red Door by Julien Baker — "bend my knees and paint the concrete the color of my bloody knuckles, pulling splinters from the chapel door, and do you see me anymore?" // "a ruined sinner and a wasted soul; and i want you"
Come In With the Rain by Taylor Swift — "talk to the wind, talk to the sky, talk to the man with the reasons why, and let me know what you find; I'll leave my window open, 'cause I'm too tired tonight to call your name"
Funeral Pyre by Julien Baker — "call me a coward, but I'm too scared to leave, 'cause I want you to be the last thing I see," // "and i would have loved you with a dying fire, let you smother me down to the embers, frostbite turning my limbs as black as cinder; a funeral pyre"
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
Ok, so I might as well post the first part now since I already have it. Fun fact, it's four pages in a google docs. I'll give you the second part as soon as I'm done writing it.
Tommy glanced at Cedric questioningly. The older teen just waved him on, leaving the trophy open. Tommy shot another glance at Harry, eyebrow raised. “We’re all champions,” the dark haired teen said. “Besides, you and I never put our names in the Goblet. I don’t see the harm in letting him take the cup.” “No, no,” Cedric said with a small shake of his head. “You two have won basically every challenge so far. You deserve the trophy more than I do.” “Together then,” Tommy said, shifting Harry’s weight and reaching his hand out to Cedric. “After all, we are all Hogwarts champions.” After a moment of hesitation, Cedric accepted the hand, and together the three of them limped towards the Triwizard Cup.
Once they reached it, a glance passed between the three of them, and slowly, they reached out for the Cup. As soon as they did, Tommy felt a sharp tug in his belly button and he was yanked forward. He felt his hand slipping from Harry’s, and he held on tighter. Faintly, he thought he heard Cedric’s voice calling them. Then just as suddenly as it had stopped, the dizzying tug stopped, and dumped Cedric, Harry, and Tommy into a damp field of grass.
It took Tommy a moment to regain his bearing. He was still disoriented, but he saw a small hill rising to his left, dotted with tall, rounded stones. It took him a moment to realize they were graves. He was in a cemetery. His brow furrowed. “Where the hell are we?” he asked, helping Harry to his feet. “I dunno,” Cedric said confusedly. The teen was disoriented, but he seemed to have more of his wits about him than Harry did. “I think someone turned the Cup into a portkey.” “Well, obviously,” Tommy said, hand dipping into his inventory for his sword. “Still doesn’t tell us where we are though.” Suddenly, a small, snake-like voice croaked out, “Kill the spare.”
“Avada Kedavra!” A bolt of sickly green light shot out from behind the graves. It hit Cedric square in the chest before Tommy had even so much as a chance to cry out a warning. The older teen dropped to the ground silently, a tangle of robes and limbs. Harry checked him over, but Tommy could tell by the paleness of his skin that he was already dead.
He drew his sword, but before he could find his enemy, a bolt of red light hit him, and he dropped his blade. Tommy fell to the ground frozen, and after a moment, Harry fell beside him. “Very good, Wormtail,” the same snake-like voice said. “Now, as we discussed.” Tommy heard footsteps, and then there was a small hand twisting into the back of his robes, nails digging into his skin. There was a soft grunt, and then his captor was dragging him across the damp grass. “Tommy,” Harry whispered, scared. “What do we do?”
Tommy’s mind was whirling, but he was frozen. He was frozen in place and at the mercy of Wormtail. There was nothing he could do. Not yet, at least. Suddenly, he was slammed up against something hard and rough. A small shockwave rang through his skull and dirty hands yanked his arms behind him. Coarse rope wrapped around his wrists. The stupify hex he had been hit with was wearing off by now, but he was already trapped. There was nothing he could do. He heard Harry hit the grave next to him with a small thud, and after a moment, he too, was helpless.
Wormtail yanked the teens’ wands from their robes and stuffed them into his pocket. For the first time, Tommy managed to get a good look at where he was. He was at the top of the hill. A mausoleum rose in front of him, a cauldron sitting at the base of the steps, a small bundle fo black cloth at the foot. Wormtail aimed his wand at the base of the cauldron, and flames erupted under its base. Sparks danced across the surface of the water, illuminating the grave in a ghostly white light.
Wormtail bent down and undid the bundle of cloth, lifting a small creature into the air. It was grotesque and only vaguely human shaped. It was the same size as a newborn child, but there was nothing innocent about it. Wormtail raised the thing above the cauldron and gently lowered it into the water. Tommy saw Harry murmuring a prayer under his breath. “Please let it have drowned. Please.” Tommy knew they weren’t that lucky though. He still whispered the prayer anyways.
Wormtail raised his wand slightly and began to recite a spell. “Bone of the father.” The ground at Harry’s feet cracked and greyish white dust floated up. “Unknowingly given.” Tommy craned his neck to see that Harry’s grave read “Tom Riddle.”
“Flesh of the servant,” Wormtail continued, voice beginning to shake. “W-willingly given.” From the fold of his robes, he drew a knife. The metal gleamed in the moonlight, and too late, Tommy realized what he was going to do. He turned away as Wormtail brought the knife down on his arm, and tried to ignore the sounds of metal cutting through muscle, skin, and bone.
Wormtail let out a single whimper of pain, but then he forced himself to his feet and lurched towards Tommy and Harry. The two teens scrambled back, but they had nowhere to go. Tommy’s eyes darted around the graveyard, looking for a solution, but Wormtail was too close. He raised his knife above his head, and Tommy braced for the blow. Instead, the point of the weapon dug into the skin of Harry’s forearm.
A jagged cut stretched from the boy’s elbow to halfway down his forearm, and Wormtail’s knife gleamed red. “Blood of the enemy, unwillingly given.” Wormtail’s voice shook with pain, but he held his knife steady as a drop of blood splashed into the cauldron. “You will resurrect your foe.”
The light of the cauldron suddenly turned to a dark, crimson red and sparks danced along the surface of the water. Wormtail dropped to the ground in a heap, clutching his arm to his chest. Tommy watched as the spell performed it’s magic, hardly daring to breathe.
Then, as suddenly as they had appeared, the sparks were gone. White light filled the sky, turning night into day, and thick fog filled the air. From in the cauldron rose a slim figure, everything about it radiating wrongness. Everything in Tommy was screaming to run, but he was trapped. The figure spread its arms and said, “Wormtail.” It was the same snake-like voice as earlier. Wormtail whimpered, but he stumbled to his feet anyways. “Robe me,” the figure commanded. Wormtail grabbed the bundle of cloth and awkwardly slipped it over his master’s shoulder’s. The figure turned around and Tommy finally got a good look at his face.
It was flat, the eyes barely more than slits, nose flat and grotesque. He was pale, paler even than Cedric had been in death. He wasn’t supposed to be here. “Harry,” Tommy whispered, a note of fear beginning to creep into his voice. “Who is that?” “It’s him. He’s back. Lord Voldemort.”
Voldemort slithered over to Wormtail, who was now kneeling on the ground, sleeve of his robes covered in blood. The Dark Lord rested his hand gently on Wormtail’s head, and the man glanced up, pleading in his eyes. “Please, my lord. You-you promised.” “You’re arm, Wormtail,” Voldemort commanded. Wormtail began to extend his injured arm, but at his master’s sharp glance, he bared his other one.
Slowly, the Dark Lord reached for a dark mark that rested in the crook of his servant’s arm. As soon as he touched it, Wormtail doubled over in pain, and Harry cried out scar burning. “That should summon them,” Voldemort said. Then, he smiled. He turned and crept towards Harry and Tommy. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the boy who lived,” he greeted, cupping Harry’s chin in the palm of his hand. The teen’s breathing was shallow, face tight with pain. “How ironic that you’ll die tonight.” There was silence for a moment, but then he turned his attention to Tommy. “Ah, and the fiery friend.” Tommy’s jaw clenched in defiance, but his heart was hammering in his chest.
“Why are we here?” he spat, struggling against his bindings. He had an axe in his inventory, but it would do him no good if he was still trapped.
Voldemort shook his head as if he was explaining something to a child. It irritated Tommy. “Well, you see, I needed the famous Harry Potter here for the ritual. And now that he’s served his purpose, It’ll be my pleasure to finally finish what I started the night I killed his parents.”
Harry still looked terrified, but Tommy could see the hint of anger that crept into his eyes at the mention of his parents. “And I needed you,” Voldemort continued, digging his fingers into Tommy’s hair, and forcing the teen to meet his eyes. “Because a very special ally of mine requested your presence here tonight.” “W-what ally?” Tommy hated the fear in his voice. Voldemort laughed softly under his breath. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll understand in no time. After all, he seems quite certain the two of you know each other.”
Suddenly, a loud crack filled the air, and Tommy glanced up to see that a figure in dark robes and white skull-like mask had appeared in front of the mausoleum. “Ah,” Voldemort said, standing to greet the newcomer. “You’ve finally arrived.” More cracks filled the air, and a few seconds later, a total of fourteen death eaters stood in the clearing.
Voldemort examined them and no one dared utter a word. Then he rattled off a list of names that Tommy didn’t recognize as he surveyed his servants. He paused on one at the end of the line. “Lucius,” he greeted. “Wonderful that you could join us tonight.” The Death Eater shuffled awkwardly, but didn’t say anything. So Malfoy’s dad really was a Death Eater. Tommy couldn’t help but feel sorry for the kid.
Voldemort’s gaze drifted towards the Death Eater at the back. They were different from the others; their cloak was bulkier and their mask sent a shiver of fear down Tommy’s spine. “So you came yourself,” Voldemort said, a hint of surprise to his voice. The Death Eater simply nodded. “So,” the Dark Lord said, now addressing the whole group. “You are my most loyal followers. How disappointing. Of course, there are those who are still trapped in Azkaban. And we mustn't forget our two fellows trapped at Hogwarts. But so few of you heeded my call. I must say, I was expecting more.” No one said anything.
After a moment, Voldemort said, “I have called you here today, not only to see that your master has been resurrected, but also so that you may finally see me triumph over the great Harry Potter.” An excited murmur ran through the group. “Wormtail,” Voldemort commanded. “Free the boy. Return his wand. It would be best to kill him in a duel. Prove once and for all that I am stronger than a pathetic teenager.”
Wormtail did as he was told, freeing Harry from his bindings, and shoving the boy’s wand roughly into his hand. Harry was clearly still disoriented, and Tommy wouldn’t be surprised if the teen’s scar was brutally painful. He was shaking, injured leg barely supporting his weight, but Harry looked every inch a match for Voldemort. He stepped towards his adversary, and the Death Eaters closed around the two, blocking them from sight. There was silence for a moment, but then two voices shouted “Avada Kedavra!”
Tommy’s fingers worked at the knots frantically, desperately trying to free himself. If only he could get his axe, he could help Harry. Finally, he felt the rope fall away and loosen. But before he could draw his weapon, the strange Death Eater stalked towards him, sword drawn. Tommy leapt to his feet, yanking his axe out of his inventory, and barely raising it in time to block the blow.
The metal of the Death Eater’s blade dug into the hilt of his axe, splintering the wood. Tommy twisted his own weapon, disentangling himself from the Death Eater’s blade. He stumbled back, dodging the Death Eater's thrust at his abdomen. He caught the edge of the sword on the crook of his axe, and twisted it upwards, knocking the sword from his opponent's grasp. He slammed the hilt of his axe into the Death Eater’s head, and the wizard stumbled back with a grunt.
Now the other Death Eater’s began taking notice and drew their wands. Before Tommy could do anything though, the air filled with phoenix song, and everyone turned to see a net of golden light surrounding Harry and Voldemort as they rose into the air.
Tommy took advantage of the distraction to make his way over to Wormtail, Quickly he searched the man’s robes for his wand, and sighed in relief once he found it. Unfortunately, the Death Eater’s had recovered from their shock, and stunning spells were flying past Tommy.
He dove to the ground as curses flew over him, firing back at as many targets as he could. At least three of his spells hit, and the volley of curses lessened just enough that Tommy was able to scramble to his feet.
He fired spells blindly as he sprinted down the hill, trying to reach the sword he had dropped. A jelly-legs jinx curse hit, and suddenly, he was tumbling head over heels down the hillside. He crashed into a gravestone, knocking it askew. Quickly, he cast the counter curse and scrambled to his feet. He braced himself for more spells, but none came. He turned his attention towards the top of the hill.
The phoenix sound had grown louder, and the light from Harry and Voldemort’s wand was blindingly bright. The two weapons were connected with a beam of golden light, and figures surrounded Harry, protecting him. Tommy couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw Cedric among them. Suddenly, the net dissolved, and Harry dropped to the ground. “Harry!” Tommy cried out, worried.
Suddenly, the dark-haired teen came sprinting out from the mass of Death Eaters, green Avada Kedavra spells just barely missing him. “Harry!” Tommy called again, waving to him. Harry dove to the ground, rolling down the hill, trying to dodge the killing spells. Tommy scooped up his sword, and dropped his axe into his inventory. Behind him, the Triwizard cup began to glow blue. “Tommy!” Harry yelled frantically, skidding to a stop at his friend's side. “We need to get out of here!”
Tommy nodded, and pointed to the portkey. “It’ll take us home. But we need to go. Now.” Harry nodded. He grabbed the portkey, other hand resting on Cedric’s back. At the very least, the boy deserved to be brought back to his family. Tommy grabbed the other handle of the Cup, and suddenly, he was yanked forward. It was only then did he realize that the strange Death Eater’s robes were green. Green robes and a white mask.
-Gemstone Anon.
Oh my god. Okay. This is beautiful. I have read this like 10 times now. Oh my god. This is- This is brilliant.
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Go Go Nekoma! Push it, Push it Nekoma! Coaches Chemisty (pt. 1)
Warnings: Angst, breakups, mention of virginity loss, Swearing
Word count: 6000+ (split into 3 parts)
"I'm really sorry Y/N. I just don't see this going anywhere. We are both leaving for college soon and going to different schools at that" your boyfriend of the past 2 years, Naoi Manabu said as he looked down to the ground kicking the dirt below his feet.
Your eyes watered as you drown out the words he's saying.
"B-but we can make this work. I can come see you on weekends and we can still see each other over holidays and school breaks" you plead trying to save a relationship you know is doomed.
The past weeks had been rough to say the least. Manabu had been growing distant from you. Making excuses and staying later for volleyball practice to avoid walking home with you. To say it hurt would be an understatement. It broke your heart.
"Y/N I'm sorry, I just can't do this" Manabu said as he looked up seeing tears welling in your eyes.
"I love you. Doesn't that mean anything?" You say sternly as tears roll down your cheeks.
"Y/N-" he starts saying as you place your hand in front of his face.
"No. Don't. I gave you everything. I stuck by you through it all! I stayed late to walk with you home from volleyball practice. I came to as many games as I could! I stayed up late helping you study! Fuck I gave you my virginity!" You scream.
The emotions are just too overwhelming.
"Y/N-" Manabu tries to say as you turn.
"No. I'm done. Good luck with your life Naoi" you turn away letting the tears flow as you start to jog away.
Almost on cue the sky opens up and rain pours down on your head. This is just like one of those awful romance novels. The girl gets dumped by the love of her life only for rain to continue to dampen her day. Just fucking fantastic.
This was quite literally the worst day of your life.
*8 years later*
"Y/N darling can you please water the flowers outside. I forgot to have Vee do it this morning" Your boss asks you politely with a smile.
"Of course! Let me just finish this arrangement and I'll get to watering. You can head home if you like Bella. I know your poor husband must be starving waiting for you" you giggle as Bella rolls her eyes.
"Let him die. No good worthless piece of crap. Couldn't even take the garbage out last night like I asked him too" Bella huffed as she walked over to your table.
"Stay single Y/N, trust me getting married is for the birds. Sure you meet some handsome young man and he charms his way into your life but the MINUTE he says 'I do' its all down hill from there" Bella says to you as she sternly shakes her finger.
You can't help but laugh. Bella is in her 70s and has been married to the same man for 50 years. He's really very kind and helpful in the shop when he comes and visits. Sometimes you think Bella expects too much from her husband but she's quick to shut you up.
"If you don't establish dominance Y/N, these men will walk all over you! You are young and beautiful. You don't want any man. And if you do, find one who will worship the ground you walk on. A man who will lay his coat over a pile of manure for you to walk. A man who will put your pleasure before his own" she says as she lectures you for the 10th time this week.
Bella loved you like her own daughter. Her son had moved away years ago and wasn't around much. She often invited you and Vee to have dinner with her and her husband. The dinners were entertaining to say the least. Usually ending with Bella ranting about how naive women now a days are or how shallow men are.
You enjoyed your time with Bella and her husband even if you didn't share the same sentiment as Bella did.
You hadn't been on a date in over a year. Every relationship seemed to go the same way. There was never a connection. You tried hard through college and after to find someone but always managed to come up empty.
After you graduated college, you took a high paying job in Tokyo. While you were more than qualified for the job, it provided you with little pleasure. It wasn't until you stumbled into Bella's flower shop that you found yourself truly happy.
Surrounded by beautiful flowers and arrangements. It was like heaven. You returned to Bellas weekly to get a bouquet. Soon you found yourself becoming friends with Vee and Bella. It wasn't until Bella mentioned needing help that you made the decision to quite your job and start anew. While the jobs pay was much less than you had become accustom too, your lifestyle really didn't change. You sold your suits in exchange for overhauls, shorts and t-shirts. You got accustomed to dirt below your fingers rather than finely manicure nails. Sure it was a big change but you were so much happier.
You're days were long and busy. Often starting early and closing late. You didn't have family close by, and no significant other so you often took extra shifts and offered to help so the other two ladies could enjoy their husband's.
Both ladies knew about your past dating relationships and the "one that got away" as they so ironically referred to it.
You couldn't lie to yourself. You often thought of Naoi Manabu.
What was he doing?
You were sure he had to be married by now. It had been 8 years since you had last seen him.
After you broke up, you avoided the man like the plague. It helped you only had a week before school ended and you graduated. It didn't seem like he was too worked up over your break up. You had spent far too many nights crying over him.
You felt like you had lost the love of your life.
You, in fact, had.
"KENMAAAA" Coach Nekomata screams "stop running from the ball! We've been over this a million times!"
"I'd like to keep my limbs thanks" Kuzome Kenma whispers as he turns back to see Kuroo Tetsuro snickering.
"Kenma you act like you've never blocked a ball in your entire life" Kuroo teases the setter mercerously.
"Well I wouldn't have to if someone had read into the switch" Kenma glares at Kuroo who's smile drops.
"Alright that's enough" Naoi shouts as the boys return to their practice match.
He sits next to Coach Nekomata as he sighs "do you think they will be ready for nationals? We've only got a month before we leave. They've still got a long way to-"
"Naoi have faith. They will be ready. They are strong" Coach Nekomata smiles as he watches the boys continue to practice.
The game ends as the boys begin to pack up the gym.
Yaku Morisuke sighs as he finishes his stretches.
"Yaku what's got you bothered" Kuroo says as he kneels down to the team libero.
"I'm just thinking about Mai. I really like her but how do I even tell her. Confessing isn't really my strong suit" Yaku says as he rubs the back of his head.
"How about chocolates? Or maybe flowers?" Kuroo says with a smug grin "girls love flowers!"
"Tsk like you'd know Mr. Periodic Table" Kenma says non-chalantly as he walks by.
Yamamoto Taketora and Haiba Lev laugh at the rooster headed team captain as he glares at the 2nd year setter
"Are you even sure she likes short guys Yaku?" Lev laughs as the team shakes their head.
Yaku runs up to Lev kicking him straight in his back.
"Dumbass" Yamamoto shakes his head as he puts the remaining volleyballs away.
"Why don't we go check out that flower shop on the way home? What's it called like Bella's or something. It looks pretty nice" Kuroo says as he gestures to Yaku.
"Kai, you coming?" Kuroo says to his fellow third year and co-captain, Kai Nobuyuki.
"Sure I'll tag along" Kai speaks softly with a smile.
"Alright guys good practice! Remember we have practice this Saturday as well in preparation for nationals" Naoi shouts as the boys groan.
"And Kenma no skipping out. I'll have Kuroo drag you here if he has to" Naoi glares at Kenma who shakes rolls his eyes and huffs.
The boys showered and change, preparing to head to the flower shop as they wave their fellow teammates off.
Naoi boards the train heading home to his small apartment. To say things have gone to plan in his life would be an understatement. While he was doing what he loved, his love life was lacking to say the very least. He had tried numerous relationships, only to have them fail because he could never fully commit. He often found himself in a one-sided relationship where his partner would confess their love but he couldn't.
It became draining for the people he was with so he ultimately stayed single. He knew, in fact, what the problem was. The problem was that he had messed up the only relationship that mattered to him. He'd blown his chances with the only person whom he ever truly loved.
He had blown his chance with you.
When he decided to break up with you, he really thought it was for the best. He knew you had a bright future ahead of you and he couldn't help but feel like he was weighing you down. He thought it would be best to let go before it became impossible. Not that it wasn't hard to do. It broke him.
He found himself unable to date for years. You had been his first everything and you had been it. He eventually forced himself to move on. Having one night stands and short term relationships but never more. Commitment was hard when it wasn't you. He still kept the ring he had wanted to give you for your third anniversary.
Unfortunately he never got the chance to after he inevitably broke you heart. He often found himself staring at it, wondering how life would have been if he had in fact stayed with you.
By now you must be married with babies he thought to himself. It hurt to think about but he knew it would never be. You'd never be his. And he'd never be truly happy.
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
8 || Found him
Series: Treasure Hunt | Without a Paddle
Word count: 1.5k
"Freeze, perverts!" Man yells making the four jump up and put their hands up. Tom lowers one of his hands to push Parker behind him to hide her body from the man.
"Hey, wait, wait, wait. Just... Please... Please don't shoot us, okay? This isn't what it looks like." Dan tells the man.
"If you're gonna rape somebody, rape Dano." Tom tells the man making Dan look at him.
"Did I ask you to talk?" He asks Tom.
"No." He answers.
"Come with me, or I'll shoot your testicles off, and stuff 'em and mount 'em on my mantelpiece." He tells them.
"That's gonna be a ugly mantelpiece." Parker makes a face as they follow the man.
When they get to the man's place and the guys were terrified while Parker stayed calm. Tom still made sure to keep Parker's body slightly hidden behind him which she appreciated thought.
"If you're going to kill us, just do it already. I am sick of waiting to die." Dan tells him.
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"If I was gonna kill your, I would have done it outside." He makes them sigh of relief.
Jerry sees a B.D Copper map and gets the man a little moody. "I tell you what's not ancient history, though. It's four naked deviants on my mountain." He points the gun at them again so Jerry explains what they're doing out there. "First thing... I want you to put some clothes on. And then I'd like to hear this story." He pulls out a suitcase and we open it. "I'd get dressed faster if I was you men, cause I've been alone in this cabin for 30 years." Parker laughs getting dressed while the guys hurry up.
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Since they were still cold, they get a blanket to cover up with too. While the guys tell the story to Del, Parker finds a spot to fall asleep and get some rest.
At some point she feels someone next to her and actually cuddle with her. "What are you doing?" She whispers to Tom because it felt the same from inside the cave.
"I'm still cold. What happens on the Mountain stays on the Mountain." Tom shushes her so she just fall asleep again.
"You can let go of me now." I wake up the next morning slapping Tom.
"Sorry." He gets up.
"Mmm, bacon." Dan gets up.
"Squirrel." Dal corrects him.
"Nice T-shirt, J.J." Dan chuckles at Jerry's shirt.
lThat's my J.J. Walker T-shirt. Dy-no-mite." Del does a dance.
"Dy-no-mite." Dan copies him.
"Dy-no-mite." Del does it again.
"Dy-no-mite!" Dan goes big.
"That's too big." Del tells him.
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Jerry goes outside to use the bathroom and Dan and Del keep going Dy-no-mite. "Creeping me out." Tom says in the same tune. "How did you sleep?" Tom asks me as I stand up stretching.
"Why are you asking? But I slept well." I yawn.
"What? I can't just ask." He shoves me to sit back down.
"Dick." I get back up kicking his butt.
"You two still play fight the same after all theses years." Dan shakes his head at us.
Jerry comes in excited because he found Dan's phone in the bear shit outside. He call Denise and I can tell by his face something wasn't okay.
Suddenly gunshots making us, except Jerry, get down and crawl.
"Listen up. Go due north till you get to the top of the ridge, then you go directly west. Just keep going, you'll come to an old mining trail. Follow that right down to the bottom of the mountain. You go right, I go left." Del tells us where to go.
We run out while Del shoots at the guys. "West is this way." Jerry tells us.
"We're not going west." Tom tells him.
"Yes, we are. The compass says so." Jerry looks at it.
"The compass came out of a cereal box, so why are we running the wrong way?" Tom asks.
"The iron." I stop jogging. "There's iron in the hills. It's throwing off the magnet." I explain to them.
"We're still going the wrong way." Tom tells me.
"Which means Del's compass, it wouldn't work here. If D.B. was supposed to land three degrees northwest of Devil's Ridge, it would've come off as directly west." Jerry explains.
"Who cares about D.B?" Dan says.
"Which means he would've landed somewhere..." We all yell falling into a hole.
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"Oh my throat, neck, chest, back." Tom groans.
"Sorry about your back." I roll off of him.
"Guys, I think we found him." Dan says making us look forward to see D.B.'s skeleton.
We were happy we found him and realize he burned the cash to keep warm during the winter. "Being alive, that's the treasure. Here he is, boys. The great D.B. Cooper and his treasure. And we found it, so we get our most valuable possessions back." We stand up giving each other our things then toss it to D.B. "Time to leave this stuff behind and get home." Jerry says.
"Well, boss. What's the plan now?" Tom looks up at the hole.
"First we gotta find our way out of this hellhole, and then we make a run for it." Jerry looks around.
"No. No more running. After everything we've been through, Dr. Mott has finally run out of things r be afraid of. Do you hear that? I'm not scared if you Neanderthal dicks!" We grab Dan to shut him up.
"Guys. Look. A tunnel." I go over to it.
"We're never getting through there. Tom, Parker." We all look at Dan.
"Dano." I smile at him.
"No. No. Uh-uh. No way. Why can't you do it?" He ask me.
"You're smaller than me." I explain.
"She's right. She has more meat on her than you." Tom adds motioning to her chest and ass earning him a punch in the shoulder.
"What happened to the badass over there?" Jerry asks him.
"What happened to running out of things to be afraid of?" Tom ask making Dan studded.
"This could lead out of here. Dan, you're the only one small enough to go through." Tom tells him.
"That's what she said." Jerry says making me hit him.
"Not the time." I glare at him.
"It's a mine shaft. They had to get the ore out somehow. It's our only chance, Dano." He explains.
We watch him crawl through and he starts to panic so we try to calm him down by singing Do You Really Wanna Hurt Me.
"Yes, we really wanna hurt you. Yes, we really wanna make you cry." We hear the guys and we panic.
"Well, well, well. We got you city boys and lady now." The bigger guy tells us.
"I think this is just a misunderstanding." I shout up at them.
"That was quite a run you gave us." He tells us.
"You ain't running nowhere now." The shorter one says.
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Suddenly they both fall in so we look up to see Dan. "Good work Dan." Tom tells him before but guys knock down Jerry and Tom.
"Kick!" I shout moving out of the way so Tom kicked the gun out of Elwood's hand. "Hey, dick." I make Dennis look at me and punch him in the face after he hurt Jerry and Tom.
They then each punch him too. They clothesline Tom so Jerry jumps on their backs. Jerry was on top of Dennis, and Elwood was on top of Tom so I jump on top of him pulling his hair.
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"Hey. There's a grenade up here." Dan yells making all of us shout no to him.
"No bitting!" Jerry tells and there was no way I was going to bite this man like Tom was.
I get tossed off him landing on my butt hard. "My ass!" I groan rubbing it as I get up.
We all dive for the gun and all fight over it. "Having a spot of trouble are you, city slicker?" We look up to see the sheriff.
We all climb out and realize the sheriff is also a bad guy. Dan passes the grenade to Jerry and he talks to the three walking closer to three. Jerry pulls the pin and the guys rush up to him while I stand back.
"The plan was for me to sacrifice myself if need be while you two run for it with Parker. This is why she's the smartest." Jerry explains to them.
Jerry gets hit in the stomach with the butt end of the gun making bins drop the grenade. He picks it up tossing to the way the guys went making a tree end up falling on them.
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