#[ liminality verse ]
little-pondhead · 1 year
After Danny is crowned Ghost King, Amity Park becomes detached from the mortal realm and is suspended between the two realms, much like Danny is. In an effort to combat this isolation from the rest of the world, Danny opens up his castle to the residents of Amity. (Not his Lair, just the castle he earned via conquest.)
Now the castle is more like a community center, and it’s constantly filled with both humans and ghosts coming and going. The Amity Parkers are already liminal, so visiting the Zone is actually healthy for them! The school takes the kids on regular field trips, ghost vs. human competitions get very heated, and overall everyone bonds over their shared freakiness and comes to terms with the fact they’ll never venture out into their world ever again.
But just because they’re detached from their world, doesn’t mean the residents of Amity can’t visit other worlds. :)
And it just so happens that their new community castle is filled to the brim with magic doors and ancient treasures to help aid on their noble quest of inter-dimensional grocery shopping.
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dietc0kehillbilly · 7 months
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Joel 2:1
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mxthbladed · 2 months
Stopping at the gas station had been the last thing on her mind while on the way to pick up Andres from her sister's house but after a full day at a teacher's conference since seven in the morning and then having a meeting with the other teachers from her school, she needed some caffeine to make it through the rest of the day.
But it was while she getting her coffee that she saw a figure out of the corner of her eye. Instinctively, she tensed and looked at the person but then she paused, realizing the face was...very familiar. "Lily?"
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the-liminal-place · 10 months
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s0larize · 1 year
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mesonoxian-maxx · 6 months
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For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
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onceapirateprincess · 5 months
Flashback to this thing I wrote when I was high on bang in November of 2023 (first time ever trying a bang 300mg of caffeine and I drank it all)
“This world has far too many hues.” The cat said, looking up at the pastel sky. Bright colors float everywhere. The cat himself is bright red.
“I disagree. It needs more.” The blue cat said next to him.
A sparrow lands next to them. It is bright green.
“I think you are both right. For you cannot oversaturate a world with too much, or else it will simply rip under the colors, like a paper stretched thin by paint layers.”
The blue cat looked at the sparrow. “And how would you know this?”
The sparrow paused before answering. “Long ago I attempted to paint a world much like this. I found one day when adding yellow, it was too much.”
“Perhaps it was the yellow, and not the color amount.” the blue cat suggested.
“Maybe. Or perhaps, the world was never meant to take on every color, but be taken on by many who see in different colors, and combine their view.”
“So if the world was black and white, would they still fill in their colors?” The red cat asked.
“Perhaps. Even if the world had no color, they would still see different shades of gray.”
I swear I saw God
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The stage directions of this translation are an absolute joy, easily one of the best things if not straight up my favourite thing in this edition. At times I want to bite them off the text and drink them like marrow ("But this speech, rendered rapidly and unrhetorically, is a kind of handkerchief").
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dietc0kehillbilly · 7 months
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Isaiah 146:9
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the-liminal-place · 5 months
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zacksnydered · 1 year
Still kind of obsessed with the Gwen trans propaganda, not in a bad way, but in an it makes my heart ache in a wonderful beautiful way because of how intent transcends meaning, because art speaks to the soul itself, and just her overall arc of struggle, grief, anger, accept and hope is always so rejuvenating to see in a youth. And if they do canonize it even better. If not, I'll take the symbolism for myself. Because superheroes have always been meant to speak to the Outliers. And we should even be louder now when it feels like we're in the first act and anything but what is not acceptable is staring down at the end of their life. Just Jesus, still obsessed with this movie.
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This place feels
like it should be full
full of people drinking and shouting
dancing and sitting and talking
but it is empty
a basement
a hollow space
with bright beautiful art on the walls
they are washed out with emptiness
the walls are
and the art is
so saturated with lonely color
that it pains me to look
and the only sounds
are rattling air ducts
which make it far too cold
for just us to warm up
there is something sad
about a space that is meant to be full
to be drunken with joy and anger
and it is instead empty
the atmosphere permeated by only us
empty and numb and frustratingly un-quiet
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suicideandcheese · 1 year
Mall Parking Lot
Often the fog, clearly Spaces the liminals, their full Capacity for emptiness, uneased. Observed, somehow at ease. This gravity of wonders. Eerie are the ethers Permeating cosmologies, please Breathe a little. Carbons, dioxides In the after-lefts. The spirits Ambient their traces. Little to show. Shown little More than gratefuls. Certainly, uncertainties inhaled, Eternities at rest, wrestling Naked restlessness, smoke In the chest, treasurely. Windows to the world, '95.
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laufire-writes · 2 years
loot box tag meme
I was tagged to do this a loooooong time ago by @aninkwellofnectar (*hides* xDD)
Inside your exclusive “Liminal States” loot box you receive:
A map of Redstart, the ship, with detailed features.
A small notebook with drawings and specifics of the alien species, flora and fauna you meet in the book.
A folded flag with Captain Latoya’s personal design.
A Leena-approved hair care package (with a hidden multipurpose knife).
A replica of the Magpie’s pendant.
I don’t know who did this but I’m tagging @starry-sky-stuff @chishiio @malandanti @equusgirl-writes @missbrunettebarbie-writer and whoever else feels like doing it.
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herawell · 2 years
BTS for Liminal?
You’ve read Liminal?!?
This passage from Chapter 13 was the first snippet that came into my head when I read the original fic. I wanted to explore how Mary went from resenting Arthur, to tolerating him for her mother and brother’s sake, to liking and genuinely grieving him.
She hadn't expected to grieve Arthur like this.
She had expected to cry for her mother, who had lost her husband once more, and this time for good; for her father, who had had to execute his own brother; for little Owen, who would never know his father; but not for Arthur himself, and certainly not for her own sake.
It seemed she had misjudged her own heart.
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As I write I’m in betweenthe space of workand home yet seenI fill my time in this nowhere landwriting poetrywithout a brandbrandless poetrythere’s a thought cos without a brand it comes to noughtdo I care?not really noI do it for pleasurenot for the showbut if I’m honestI’d like it seenby some of the publicah, that’s just a dreamI sit on the trainI write in betweenI write and think what does it…
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