#[ lucy; coding and programming ]
eggwhiteswithspinach · 5 months
A while loop is a cool programming thing where as long as a condition is met, the things you write within the loop will continue happening.
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funemployed-fangirl · 4 months
Modern Bridgerton AU
Benedict and Sophie's NYC Apartment
Benedict and Sophie still maintain an apartment in the city (it was Benedict’s before he met Sophie). The apartment has become an open secret among the siblings as the place you go if you don’t want questions asked. Over the years:
Each of the youngest siblings has used it to sober up after at least one high school party that got a little too wild. Benedict once woke up to Gregory asleep on his couch, missing a shoe, no shirt, and green hair. 
Hyacinth, Herminone, and Lucy stayed there one weekend in college after allegedly setting a small fire on campus. Campus security has never been able to prove anything.
Colin stayed there for a couple months when he got back from his post-NYU adventures. When he moved out after getting engaged to Penelope, Sophie insisted they needed new sheets. 
The one and only time Francesca has ever been high was while she was at Julliard, and she ended up at the apartment (Benedict still isn’t sure how she got there). He fed her snacks and water until John could come collect her and get her back to campus. Benedict still sends her videos of that night periodically, just for fun. 
Eloise and Phillip’s twins go to New York for their 18th birthday. They’re supposed to stay with Violet, but they end up at the apartment after going to a party that some kids they know through the family threw. Sophie was in the city and there when they stumbled in. She called Eloise to let her know they were okay (and sent videos of her hungover kids the next morning). 
The apartment has an electric keypad. Benedict doesn’t know how everyone keeps getting the code. He has changed it multiple times, but everyone always seems to have the new one almost immediately. (While one might assume this is Hyacinth or Gregory’s doing, it’s actually Francesca. Benedict never figured out that the keypad could store multiple codes, and Francesca programmed one specifically for the siblings to use. Sophie figured this out immediately, but has never told her husband.)
more (x)
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ironbat-s · 24 days
Now that I replayed DBH, I have to say a few things before going to sleep:
I know this sounds like a stretch, but years later I’m still convinced Connor is/was RA9.
Connor was the first android (that we know at least), that didn’t NEED an emotional shock to wake up. He showed signs of deviancy when he rescued the fish, he had the option even when it wasn’t relevant to the mission and, therefore, part of his program.
RA9 was the only one who could free the androids. Even if you do everything right with Markus and Kara (demonstration or revolutionary doesn’t matter), but you played machine Connor (doing the controls right) then you kill Markus&North, there’s not android army, and the androids are destroyed/continue being enslave. So Connor fates it’s connected to the freedom of androids.
When you go to Jericho searching for the leader (RA9, believing is Markus), Lucy tells Connor he’s lost, he’s looking for himself.
Connor wasn’t touch by Markus, so it not like Markus could transfer his ability of waking up androids to him too. Markus convinced him because he already was a deviant. So he just talked sense on him. Connor was deviant from the start. He had options to do thing outside his program, things against the mission like rescuing Hank or letting go the androids. He already had free will. The others only gained free will after a specific moment where they broke the software.
Connor is the only other android besides Markus who can wake up androids. And you faintly hear RA9. After that, the androids can wake up others androids.
Elijah tells Connor about how he always leaves an exit in his programs. Apart of the obvious part, could be a way of saying he kind of left a code for the androids to be free at the right moment if they choose to. Connor being part of that “exit” for everyone.
I know other’s characters have reasons, maybe more, to be AR9, even us, the players who’s making all the decisions. But for me makes sense that the deviant hunter, last hope of humanity, was a deviant himself and RA9.
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 5 months
Sending in this ask to say !! I would LOVE to read a ramble about the Polyverse plot and I am prompting you to use this ask to ramble /nf
FNF Polyverse plot is very convoluted because as I've said before. It's an RP run by like 7-8 people and we don't stop eachother from indulging. But I suppose I can explain it >>;
Ramble under the cut!
Our story begins YEARS before the actual events of FNF take place. On a computer owned by a really talented coder we named Admin for short. Admin is really good at what they do- they even made their own firewall.
What they didn't realize was the firewall was so well made it was actually Sentient.
Admin for unknown reasons, abandoned their dream of being a coder for a really long time, leaving their sentient firewall all on its own, and it gets really really lonely- deciding to act on its own according. It catches a virus- but instead of getting rid of it, it let's the virus stay- and eventually through contact to the firewall, the virus also gains sentience.
These two are Chaos and Order. The Virus and The Firewall.
Together, the two of them used the code leftover on the computer to make their OWN world. A game world. Their own personal Earth. On this Earth, they made a race of beings called The Ancients who had the ability to change their appearance by will alone. They were shape shifters! And for a awhile things were great.
Until The Ancient Civil War.
Half of The Ancients so closely followed Order's teachings of law and right and wrong that they thought the whole of earth should value Order more, the other half saw Chaos' teachings of self control and freedom as more important, and when their wills so strongly aligned, they would shift to look like Angel and Demons respectively.
Despite Chaos and Orders pleas, Angels and Demons fought long and hard- they killed eachother- destroyed the earth in the process. Till eventually the sides realized they were at a stalemate. Angels and Demons chose to flee- with EVERY Angel fleeing to a plane above Earth they created called Heaven and with MOST of the Demons fleeing to a plane far below it, called Hell.
The Ancient Civil War was put on hold- and while the two sides were away, Chaos and Order began to put earth back together. This time with more species and varying beliefs. Humans- robots- ectect. The demons were still there because of their whole "freewill" thing but it wasn't an issue without The Angels.
This is obviously where a lot of the plot splits off, as with more creations and the earth fully healed up like this, it's obviously where different arcs come into play with the other people RPing. However my arc was BFs.
The Angel's were PISSED that the demons were still occupying earth. They felt as though the stalemate wasn't really a stalemate and vowed to destroy them all- however how to do that? How to break a stalemate with a creature that's biologicaly as strong as you? New weapons.
So a good half of the angels gave up their form to create this giant biblically accurate angel toothpaste lookin ass glob of power named The Collective - in order to CONDENSE huge peices of their code to make more powerful bio weapons.
The first three failed as you might have guessed- the 5th was SO perfect, their PERFECT Hero, that they stuffed the 4th one that was being made along side him into a robot body to go down to earth with him.
This as might have guessed, was BF. or Keith as we call him.
Keith is the Angel's perfect angelic bio weapon, destined to be sent to earth to grow up and then slaughter everyone on earth the Angel's deem unworthy to be there.
But while Miku is off getting money to keep the two of them fed and happy as her programming is designed to do- Bf falls in love. With a lot of people. A Demon girl named Lucy, Aka Gf, who the collective would obviously not approve of as a demon, A flawed murderous man by the name of Pico, who's acts of violence outweigh many of his good deeds, and a Ghost/Demon hybrid named Eric who had been stuck in a video game for so long he honestly is an abomination.
But BF LOVED them. For their flaws. For their personality. Every part of them was something he cherished. So when Miku brought him to The Collective to explain his purpose, he turned them down. Refusing to be Their Hero. Insisting that Demons and Angels didn't have to fight like this.
But The Collective had been stuck together for so long that it corrupted them- they had no room to doubt their choices and ended up chasing BF and his partners out of heaven in this epic violent chase sequence- where it then tripped, and fell off the side of the plane. Falling deep into the code when Chaos and Order dismantled it.
Leaving the 4 Poly pals to love eachother on Earth among the other angels and demons who changed their minds.
All of that though is BFs arc! There's a few other arcs like how Skid and his dad The Eyes of The Universe needed to make up in order to stop Eyes from dismantling the whole code of the game- which is how we have so many duplicate modes characters like the remixs and aus, because Polyverse is technically filled with a bunch of Holes from The Eyes. And the Eddsworld arc where BF helped Tord reconnect with his friends. The Omori arcs where he got new siblings who adopted him from the crew of FNF characters. Ectect.
We did a lot. We're technically still doing things. That's how Silly Billy/Yourself was added recently. Every new mod is a new addition to Polyverse! ^^
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star-going-supernova · 8 months
People have powers connected to their natural talents. Gregory is a natural born hacker; his power allows him to physically enter any kind of machine, no matter how simple or complicated and control them however he wishes. He can even change the programming/coding however he wants. He’s taken odd jobs to clean viruses from computers and fix faulty programming in faulty machines. The night he gets stuck in the Mega Pizzaplex, he knows exactly what to do.
This is the final tumblr generated prompt from the last round, number 66, and the prompt is from Hydrangea_Cherry9 on ao3! So, admittedly, this is probably the most I’ve diverged from a prompt so far because the tech stuff feels like it would fit better with Cassie, and I kinda had a different idea for Gregory. So basically, AU where everyone has one specific magic-esque power that they get as kids. I also took a bit of inspiration from that one post about little everyday magics. 
Child of Chaos
To the bewilderment of his parents, Gregory didn’t seem to have a magic ability. They usually started coming in when a child was five years old, so when he went unchanged, his parents assumed he’d be a late bloomer. By the time he was eight, and far past “late,” they assumed he had a weak or subtle power. Because surely it was impossible for someone to just not have one.
Gregory himself never seemed upset with his abject normality. Not when his dad used his ability—his cooking was always perfect—or his mom used hers—she could predict the weather down to the minute and degree—or his classmates all started showing theirs off in school. 
Like his best friend Cassie, who could slip her mind into whatever electronic device she was touching. Or Hunter, who had an internal clock and timer and stopwatch and alarm. And Lucy knew someone’s mood just from looking them in the eyes, and nothing Barry dropped, no matter how delicate, ever broke.
Gregory never complained or made faces or got frustrated with his friends. He shrugged when people asked about his magic, or lack thereof. He claimed to be totally unbothered by whatever obscure power he had that he’d yet to discover. 
What no one noticed was the glint in his eyes, the twitch of his secret smile. They didn’t recognize his apparent indifference as a mask or his non-answers as lies. He never teased or hinted at the truth, never countered the mocking remarks, never sought to prove them wrong. Because that would give it away.
It would have made sense, had anyone figured it out, that he held his silence so strictly. That he kept his chaos a secret.
When things went wrong, or even just not as expected—that was Gregory’s doing. His little bit of magic. It could be big or small; he was equally capable of making the entire school lose electricity as he was at making any small object go missing at an inconvenient time. 
It was a remarkable power to have in a day and age where most people’s magic affected only themselves or a very small area around them. But Gregory, at eight, decided he’d wanted a snow day instead of a test on Friday, and the skies had dumped four and a half feet of snow in a twenty mile radius around his house overnight. 
So of course his magic was his best kept secret. It wouldn’t do for people to be suspicious of him for every little thing that happened. He’d lose all his fun if adults knew the sort of chaos he caused that couldn’t be traced back to him, so long as his magic was unknown. 
And so it was that, standing in the pizzaplex, knowing there were animatronics hunting him down and a crazy killer out for his blood, Gregory grinned. His philosophy was that if anyone tried to ruin his day, he’d make theirs so much worse. 
Roxy couldn’t stop tripping over her own feet; Monty kept leaping headfirst into arcade machines and photo booths and walls; doors closed in Chica’s face without fail. The STAFF bots bumped into each other, potted plants, and during one memorable moment, caused a massive pileup in the theater hallways that entirely blocked the killer bunny lady from reaching him. 
Gregory had never had so many opportunities to cause chaos, and he was living for it. 
Moon got tangled in his wires, the elevators stopped working for anyone but Gregory, and Sun found himself locked in a closet. The DJ got stuck trying to climb out of his massive passageways, and he was left to watch Gregory cheerfully saunter from the arcade’s back room. 
But nothing was funnier than what his chaos did to his wannabe murderer. Chica ran into the bunny lady and sent them both tumbling down the long staircase in the lobby. Roxy accidentally bit her arm. Monty’s sharp nails snagged in her suit and shredded the front of it. The suit head got twisted and stuck, effectively blinding her. Moon mistook her for Gregory and tackled her. The blade of her knife fell off the handle. The lost and found door got jammed, locking her out as Gregory leisurely escaped via vent. 
Cackling after the latest mishap—she face-planted after a hapless wet floor sign bot trundled into her path—Gregory gleefully returned to Freddy. Even his kindly protector was chuckling. The killer lady, who had to have been pretty fed up with her rotten luck tonight, had yet to get up off the ground and now had a circle of concerned wet floor sign bots gathered around her. 
“It seems everyone is suffering from bad luck tonight,” Freddy commented as they left the atrium. “I have never seen my friends be so clumsy.” 
Gregory snickered, relaxed as ever in Freddy’s chest cavity. “Yeah, it’s like they’ve been cursed.” 
Freddy chuckled. “And thank goodness we have been spared,” he said, in a knowing sort of way. 
Gregory sat up a bit and blinked in surprise—no one had ever figured him out before, but then again, he’d never dealt out chaos quite like this before either. “I—”
“Your secret is safe with me, superstar,” Freddy gently interrupted him. 
After a moment of thought, Gregory slumped again with a rueful smile. He supposed he’d known he wouldn’t be able to hide his magic forever, and he couldn’t think of a better person to be the first to know. Cassie would probably be the second, honestly. 
“You’re not freaked out?” he asked. It wasn’t something he liked to admit to himself, that he was a little bit scared of potential reactions. He didn’t want to be blamed for every little thing, even inconveniences that he genuinely hadn’t caused, or for people to walk on eggshells around him, fearful of retribution. 
“Not at all.” The hatch opened, and Gregory didn’t resist when Freddy gently pulled him out and into his arms. “I do not believe you are the type of person to use such an ability to intentionally cause harm. And if I am being honest…” 
He paused as Roxy burst out of a door up ahead, only for her eyes to go dark with sudden blindness. She stumbled around, waving her arms in front of her. 
“They do deserve to be ‘cursed’ in this case,” Freddy finished, not without humor. 
Gregory laughed, and on cue, as Roxy whirled to face them, her legs locked up and she toppled over with a screech.
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edutainer2022 · 22 days
Sending hugs and strength as always.
I’d love to know any thoughts you have about the Tracys as kids in the happy times. What do you think they got up to? Do you headcanon the farm / ranch / some other Kansas home? Or did Jeff and Lucy live somewhere more built up / accessible to NASA? What were the kids’ hobbies? What would a family day out have looked like?
Oh, @idontknowreallywhy, thank you for the ask! I actually tend to go hazy on the boys' childhood, because the way kids work is not my forte. In my heart of hearts, I see them as latchkey kids of nondescript rural/smalltown US. A meadow outside the backyard, long bus commutes to school. A kind of chaotic but tight and warm, fun, quirky world, reigned supreme by their mother. Think Gilmore Girls, but a single mother of three boys, initially. With Jeff space-cowboying it would be just her and the back to back eldest three for quite some time.
Also think The Sound of Music - she's the one with piano and art. And the horses. There were sing alongs and movie marathons, and board games, and junk snacks, and bake offs, and magic in that household. That's why I also think, much as Scott worships and seeks approval of a (always away) father, he was Mom's right hand and White Knight. Mom's champion and deputy in wrangling the younger brothers. There would, of course, be SHENANIGANS. Sometimes Mom Tracy would just discover zen of a boys mom and have a glass of red on hand.
Since we have Gran Roca, I also sometimes think Yellowstone. She's the one from old(er) Manifest Destiny ranching money. She knows how to get her hands dirty, but it's removed from Jeff's first generation off the farm experiences. She sees the help, but she's also used to having them around - hence the five kids without batting an eye, given Jeff's military/space career. That would quite organically convert into the boy's we know - humble, generous, approachable, but somewhat sheltered.
I also think that Jeff's soaring wealth, Mom's untimely demise and grief buried in work, would spell something like a Warton Academy. Maybe not a full on boarding school, but a posh prep school with Ivy League pipeline and uniform blazers with embroidered crests. At least for the elder three's high school stretch. That would also, probably, mean shifting base to a bigger city and a dramatic change of pace in the boys' routine.
The boys hobbies? Scott is obviously a Rescue Scout extraordinaire. He's never met a sport he wasn't good at. But I also think School Parliament, Speech and Debate, maybe ROTC (to fit a military stint with my understanding of the timeline). Scott is earmarked for leadership and high pressure operations early on. National Honors Society, hands down. Dad would never tolerate anything less than excellent and Scott intended to be EVERYTHING Dad was - including space track. Calculus may actually be his "nerdy guilty pleasure". I also absolutely don't see how Mom didn't teach him the piano first. It likely didn't go far, but he gets by at the keyboard.
Virgil is the music and arts kid, obviously. He probably followed Scott into many hobbies and clubs, originally, but his strengths and disposition are just so obviously different.
John loves school. The more school - the merrier. Coding, and astronomy, and physics. Languages on the side. Gifted program. The Big Bang Theory worthy combo of Supreme nerd-dom. I'd say music too - comes with the territory of good ear for languages. Sports by necessity - to keep up with the original Turbo Twosome, and to get space rated. He came to actually enjoy sports, on his own terms.
Come to think of it, the Elder Trio are a token comical display of the Prom King always flanked by two sidekicks, who embody the very definition of "geeky uncool". In hindsight, John is sometimes amazed that Scott actually ENJOYED hanging out with them and did so by choice. Still does so.
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Chenford + Tim has a secret admirer 👀
Well this one just flew right out of me in 15 minutes flat. Boom.
Angela calls Lucy the second she hears her phone alarm go off with the Empire’s Death March.
“Lucy - she’s out. Where’s Tim?”
Lucy refuses to panic, she and Tim have made plans for this. She pulls up her “find me now” app and sees that her husband of just over 3 years is at the park with the kids, 2 blocks from their home with the reinforced steel walled safety bunker.
They’d had the bunker installed after that horrible day Oscar Hutchinson had been found in their pool on Lucy’s unicorn floaty - the place she spent most afternoons giving her back a break from lugging around all the extra pregnancy weight. She couldn’t run and hide and she had no protection when the shots went off, so Tim had dived in front of her getting shot twice - effectively ending his police career and starting his stay-at-home Dad career.
“I’m on my way. Call Grey to sound the alarm and head home. I’ll meet you there. Code still the same?”
“Yes, - 0515- first kiss.”
Angela next called Tim, who answered like his wife, “Bradford.”
“Tim! She’s out! I repeat, she’s out! Get yourself and my god babies home ASAP.”
Tim was glad he had his sunglasses on- so he could scan the park looking for HER - Susan Johnson.
The last time he had seen her was at her parole hearing 2 years ago, where she had been claiming to be mentally sound enough to enter a work program - so Wesley had played his Trump card - bringing Tim to the hearing. Tim being the only one to have survived her ministrations. Susan had seen Tim and started screaming that their love was timeless, that she’d never stop working her way back to him.
He had been kidnapped and tortured much like Lucy had been- but not to kill him, not right away. But to love him. Susan Johnson, the most notorious serial killer after Rosalind Dyer, had been released from the psychiatric hospital that had recently been her home.
There was nothing remarkable about Susan. Dishwater blond hair, dull brown eyes, heavyset, average height, she blended into the background. No one ever noticed or suspected her.
Not until she set her sights on Tim, not until Lucy and Angela got involved.
Susan’s MO - which she had been following since middle school - was to send 4 unsigned cards, then reveal herself as that person’s secret admirer and kill them slowly if they didn’t reciprocate- Tim was the first and only victim ever to do so, to buy time for Lucy to find him.
Unfortunately, Susan believed him and refused to reset herself back to sanity - which she had done after her previous kills. She still thought Tim was in love with her and she was obsessed with “making him hers again.” Hence the outburst in court and her continued incarceration. Well until now anyway.
Tim was grateful swing time was over and that he had already placed his 2 year old twin girls (his mini Lucys) back in their stroller. Their seats faced each other so they could do their secret twin speak while eating their snacks.
While they were chatting away, Tim quickly gathered up their belongings and began to run/walk home. The extra speed made the stroller bounce more than usual, triggering peals of laughter from his girls.
He loved them so much, he memorized the sound, committing it to memory and prayed he’d live to hear it again.
As he walked up his driveway, a gray Toyota Camry pulled up to his house.
Tim ignored the car, realizing who was in it, and focused on getting his girls to the garage chute.
Their safety bunker had been custom designed by Nolan and two of Tim’s Army buddies. They basically built a bomb shelter/command center/family sized safe house in their basement with a full kitchen, a full wall of cctv, satellite phones, etc which was accessible via slides throughout the house for Lucy and the kids. Hidden behind everyday objects were slides to safety - inside the kitchen island, behind the refrigerator in the garage, the upstairs laundry chute. The back deck even slid to the side creating a space just wide enough for a full sized adult to gain entrance, but you’d have to know where to look and how to trigger its movement to get it to open.
Gigi and Mimi were only just over 2, but they knew the slides were for safety and how to call 9-1-1 once they got to their playroom and locked it down. Once in lockdown, you needed a bypass code after a scanner read your thumbprint to get in.
Tim leaned down to his girls, kissed each of them on the forehead and said it was slide time. Gigi nodded and climbed onto the slide and zipped down to the bunker. Mimi whispered, “Mama?” Tim nods and says, “or Aunt Angela.” Mimi then climbs in behind her sister, turns to look at her dad and says, “safety Dada” while touching her little palm to his cheek before sliding to safety herself. Tim shuts the panel, says a prayer of gratitude for the life he’s been lucky enough to live with Lucy and his precious girls. While he’s sad that he’ll likely miss out on prom and weddings and those grandkids Lucy promised, he wouldn’t change a second of the time he had with them. They were his happily ever after.
He stands up while grabbing the wrench they had planted in the fridge for this exact purpose. To give him a chance.
Tim turns around and sure enough, there stands Susan Johnson in his garage with a knife in her hand. He can hear the sirens in the distance getting louder and coming closer, but he doubts they will get there in time. All he can do now is do everything possible to keep his babies safe. Even if that means sacrificing himself.
“Hi” she says shyly. “Do you remember me? I’m Susan, your secret admirer.”
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thuganomxcs · 8 months
repost, do not reblog.
bold what your muse can do. italicize for something they can do to some extent
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bake a cake from scratch / ride a horse / drive a submarine / speak a second language / dance / catch a fish / play an instrument / throw a punch / build a deck / ice skate / unclog a drain / program a computer / change a flat tire / fire a gun / sew / juggle / play poker / paint / fly a kite / sculpt / write poetry / change a diaper / sing / shoot a bow and arrow / ride a bike / swim / sail a boat / do a backflip / play chess / give cpr / pitch a tent / flirt / stitch a wound / read palms / use chopsticks / write in cursive / calligraphy / use an electric drill / braid hair / make a campfire / make a mixed drink / do sudoku puzzles / wrap a gift / give a good massage / jump start a car / roll their tongue / do magic tricks / do yoga / tie a tie / skip a rock / shuffle a deck of cards / read morse code / pick a lock / fly a plane / train animals / fix a car / apologize / write a business letter / write in a second language / say the alphabet backwards / read music / cook complex meals / change oil / paint nails / draw / socialize / march / take apart a gun / drive a rig / operate a tank / climb a tree / rock climb / tie a cherry stem with tongue / basic first aid / draw blood / put out a fire
tagged: @chibitantei (thanks for tagging yo boi)
tagging: @emystic (lucy), @strywoven (kaen), @fatexbound (amagi), @acoldsovereign , @thedetectiveofinaba , @swordsxandxsakuras , @adversitybloomed , @nabiaes (gwen), @modeinthemiddle , @monmuses (yuri), @pureheartbrawn , @kamigakushi , feel free to steal homies
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deanwinchesterswitch · 9 months
December 2023 Monthly Fic Recs
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Well, December went out quietly for me which I was perfectly fine with. Glad 2023 is done.
Several different fandoms on this list. Great stories - and not all of them are Christmas fics. :)
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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Cookies and Hints ~ @navybrat817. Author's Summary: Bucky tries to get hints about his gifts as you bake together.
No Title ~ @navybrat817. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Touched ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: The days of Bucky “James” Buchanan Barnes’ recovery in Wakanda.  He’s been de-programmed and given his Vibranium arm.  In his days of recovery and therapy he met someone that has piqued his interest in a way that reminds him of when he wasn’t the Winter Soldier.  He has set his sights on her and finally has a chance to be near.  As near as he can get. 
Midnight ~ @kittenofdoomage. Author's Summary: New Year’s Eve brings a surprise at the end of a crappy year. (female!reader (Y/N) x unnamed male)
Smokin' In The Green Room ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Settle in for a pre-show party as you relax with Jensen and Rob in the Green Room before a concert.
Christmas by Dashboard Light ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Stranded by the side of the road, Dean and Y/N still find a way to enjoy Christmas Eve
Couldn't Resist ~ @wayward-dreamer. Author's Summary: Y/N can’t resist Dean when he’s wearing a suit.
“(Don’t) Hurry Down The Chimney Tonight” ~ @talltalesandbedtimestories. Author's Summary: Dean saved Reader from the supernatural on Christmas Eve years ago. Every Christmas since, she has always found a way to show her unending appreciation.
Imagine…Decorating The Bunker ~ @luci-in-trenchcoats. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean x Reader)
Imagine getting caught in the rain with Dean... ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble)
Just Thought You Should Know ~ @smellingofpoetry. Author's Summary: It was just one of those drunk calls until it wasn’t anymore.
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Recreational Recreation ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: Dean fondly remembers the first time they were “together.”  Sort of.  Rather than simply reminiscing, he proposes fully revisiting that moment.  Who is she to argue?
We Don't Really Do Christmas ~ @octoberclidan. Author's Summary: None (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Wicked Desire ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: There’s never any promise in a one-night stand, never any certainty when you catch a stranger’s eye. It’s dangerous, but there was never any question when Dean asked you to join him for a drink…
~Ten Inch Hero~
Code Red ~ @zepskies. Author's Summary: When you call him for help, Priestly realizes that he finally has the relationship of his dreams.
~The Walking Dead~
Queen ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: She disobeyed him.  And Negan makes a point to put her in her place.
~On Patreon~
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Temptation & Consequences ~ Author’s Summary: Jensen has been busy all weekend at the convention, leaving little time for fun with his girl. Luckily, Y/N knows how to get his attention... and more...
Close to Home-Parts 2 and 3 ~ Author’s Summary: Y/N and Dean are neighbours, and friends. The thing is Dean is a ladies’ man and she has always known it, if he wasn’t, maybe he’d be the ideal guy…but his eye for the ladies, how well they work as friends, as well as the fact that he’d never even think of her that way, all means that they are meant to be just neighbours and friends. Doesn’t it?
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dangerously-human · 8 months
1, 3, 5, 10, 11 for fic writer asks :)
What is your favorite trope to write?
I'm a little at a loss for a proper trope I write frequently, but I do love writing family life after trauma.
What is the main program you use for writing (google docs, the ao3 writing text box, etc.)
Mostly Scrivener, with a dash of the notes app, of course. Scrivener is especially helpful for longer projects: I really like being able to drag and drop whole scenes if I want to, color code by POV character, track status of chapter drafts (vital for the kind of person who always writes out of order), save episode scripts and other research... I'm a fan. Only downside is not being able to access it on my phone, hence the notes app. (Now, if I could only get Google Keep actually syncing on my ancient tablet, so I could leave comments more easily...)
The fic you’re most proud of writing?
I am pretty sure my established answer for the rest of time, or at least this decade, will remain Those Binary Stars. I don't do longfic, I don't do interweaving plots... I really stretched myself for TBS. And all because I looked at the conundrum that is Joan Thursday, in all her complexity and inconsistency, and decided I absolutely had to get in her head. She's still one of the characters I consider mine, dismiss or devalue her over my dead body, you know? It's a softer version of the story, one we knew we could never have because that's the inherent tragedy of prequels, and it's morw hopeful than Morse's life would ever allow... but I think it works nonetheless, and I'm really proud of it.
Best/funniest comment you’ve ever gotten on a fic?
I think we can all say we especially appreciate those comments that notice something in our writing that we didn't consciously realize we were baking in. To that point, everyone who noted the rib imagery Lockwood uses to describe missing Lucy in Take His Hand and tied it to Adam and Eve is my hero, because that was definitely a subconscious association. Also, you and @polithicc both left comments that overlapped and significantly shaped portions of the second chapter; I was rereading Ana's comment earlier and yelped and immediately had to grab my laptop to add a line to a paragraph I've been wrestling with that finally made it fall into place. I've been blessed with quite a few mindblowingly encouraging or insightful or just plain kind comments, especially lately. 💕
Do you prefer writing angst, crack, or fluff?
I love them all and they have their individual merits; can I cheat and say my favorite is to combine all three in a single fic? No? Then I suppose I have to choose fluff, but I will say I've been enjoying finding my way back to writing more humor lately, and would like to aim for more of that. (Another wonderful comment example, @itripandfallalot said recently that I excel at writing humor and should do it more often and that's one of my writing goals for the next year for sure.)
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windienine · 13 days
i really like that over the course of the story you're exploring these four units all kind of wanting to become more human in some way or another -- and it makes sense, they're all these "flawed" simulacrums of humanity with their own little divots and quirks (01 has stilted ability to process and express emotions, 02 has violent urges towards herself and others, melanie has emotions so big they overclock her own body, and damien can't move around unassisted and suffers from a system loop akin to MS But For Robots) that they worry make them somehow lesser along with their clear inhuman aspects, and in part 3 lucy finally puts her finger on the feeling of yearning she feels whenever she's with them and it's
oh. of course.
i wish i was a machine like them. i wish someone programmed me with a clear purpose and i had lines of code i had to obey. i want someone to be able to take me apart and hold my heart in their hands and clean all the parts i've gunked up over the years. i wish someone could make me and remake me to their specifications.
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steampunkagumon · 11 months
Misc. Headcanons - Digimon
NSFW under the cut as necessary
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So it's shown on multiple occasions that he and Wizardmon are two separate consciences (hence why he has his own section)
And he's suspiciously familiar with a good amount of things from the human world
Basically I think Wizardmon was the original, Lucy/Yeehaw was sad he couldn't really come back to the human world with her so she made Magimon as a vessel for him
His favorite movie is The Prince of Egypt, which eventually inspires his attack, Familiar Rain
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I don't think he can actually see out of all those eyes. That would get real trippy coming from Impmon and especially going (presumably) into Reapmon
He also doesn't consciously only cry out of a specific eye. He tries to hold back the tears all over but the one on his left foot is the weak link
Chase did you actually count how many there are in the art or is it in the Reference Book somewhere or did you just pull the number 26 out of your @$$?
Also has an eyelid/scar on his chest as Impmon from where the Firewall impaled him
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His preferred fighting style is based on his current partner. As to why that is, we'll get into my Purge Program theory another day
He likes headbutting things now bc ER has a thick skull, but he was “a big claw guy before” as Meteromon put it bc Dragon Abbey was a boxer
Or maybe they were in roller derby
Actually scratch that, roller derby would probably give him a higher Flight stat
Could make for a cool second character tho Red
totally not saying that out of spite
I know Pyro needs to focus on his mental health and I respect that but why was THIS your solution?!
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I don't care what Pyro says about not wanting to risk misrepresentation, Wizardmon is absolutely autism-coded, *inhales* PUN INTENDED!
I have Asperger's and he reminds me of kid me like
He doesn’t pick up on social cues, doesn’t know a sarcasm when he hears it
he just like me fr
Sistermon Noir
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Hehe, nun-binary
Any pronouns but prefers he/him as Salamon and she/her as Noir
Will step on you and then get pouty if you end up liking it
And not in a condescending way, she genuinely thinks that’s messed up
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He and Duskmon are so down bad for each other
I don't know when it started (as in when or if the players got the idea) but it just makes sense
“That guy's tougher than he looks. He took down a Firewall.” *casually gives bf all the credit???*
Like, when they're Flamemon and Impmon it's obviously all “eww cooties” but once they Digivolve-
Would experiment writing eroguro w/ them, namely, eyeball licking. “What big eyes you have~”🤣
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There's actual paws under those big bulletey stubs. They retract into wristbands, he just doesn't know how to do it
“The Devi's stay on during sex.”
I really wanted to put “[REDACTED]” instead but one of his Flaws is Blunt I’m trapped
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walkingcorruptor · 5 months
Connor had been acting a bit off the previous few days, though he wasn't sure if he could let Hank or Lucy in on what was going on. He'd been hearing Amanda's voice, and he still wasn't sure if he was imagining her voice or if she was still in his coding somewhere.
It scared him every time, not knowing if she really could report him to anyone, if he'd be destroyed. The revolution was over and the androids had won, so that made him think that she couldn't, but her threats were still so real.
Connor had tried to hide it for as long as he could, though. They didn't need to know, or worry about him. It was working, or at least he thought it was, until the memories and Amanda's voice came back stronger than ever while he was in rest mode.
“This is so stupid, I don’t know why I’m crying,” he said as he wiped at his eyes. “I don't think she can even do anything anymore.”
Lucy had noticed - after all, it was her job to pick up on the tells of other people. The slight changes in demeanour, eyes darting across the room as if scanning it like a photocopy, she'd picked up on the early signs of deviancy too.
Because she'd helped Elijah create androids. She was there in college, the two of them had been put in the only dorm left and she was awake during his late night coding sessions. She'd seen the pre-programmed deviancy hiding behind the routine order-taking 0's and 1's.
That meant she knew Amanda. A very difficult to read woman who Elijah got along with frightfully well, a woman that never seemed to enjoy Lucy's company as much as she enjoyed Elijah's. If anything, a woman with many secrets. Now, Lucy didn't believe in ghosts by any means, otherwise she'd have switched to the Paranormal Investigation team that only existed to give the whackjobs she worked with something to boast about, but she did believe in people hanging around far longer than they should.
It was a day off for her, for once she was wearing her glasses rather than her contacts, her hair had grown out enough to warrant a little ponytail, and she was in dye-stained sweats and an oversized hoodie. She looked a mess, but she wasn't worried about that, she was worried about Connor who seemed to be having a mental breakdown in the kitchen.
"She lingers like a bad smell or taste, stains like a bad batch of thirium on skin..." She muttered over the top of her coffee mug, taking a sip of it and grumbling as it fogged her glasses. Moving from her spot against the kitchen counter, she brought her coffee to the table and set it down, bringing one of the other chairs closer to Conner and sitting beside him, resting her hand on his arm. "She can't do anything to you now Connor.. You're okay.. But, if she's loitering, I may be able to help..."
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aislinrayne · 7 months
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A collection of edits in a myriad of different styles. Oldest at the bottom, newest at the top. Scroll at your own risk!
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𝔦𝔣 𝔲 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔦'𝔪 𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔶 - 𝔄𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔰 ❂ My personal favourite right now, finally getting the hang of things!
𝔖𝔥𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔰 - ℭ𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔞 ℭ𝔞𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬 ❂ This was primarily me learning how to use capcut also aggressively fixating on Lockwood's hands
𝔄𝔩𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 (𝔖𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔐𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔠) - ℌ𝔬𝔷𝔦𝔢𝔯 ❂ Technically some light spoilers for the third book if you really squint at this one, featuring a fancast of what I think a certain character would have looked like as an adult
𝔒𝔫𝔢 𝔚𝔢𝔢𝔨 - 𝔅𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔡 𝔏𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔢𝔰 ❂ The first time I heard this song after reading the books I almost died laughing, it's so Lucy and Lockwood coded it's not even funny
·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ 𝔖𝔱𝔶𝔩𝔢 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢 ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 - 𝔇𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔢 ❂ My personal favourite of the original trio here, and absolutely worth remaking one of these days. One glitch that kills my soul, but otherwise pretty decent quality-wise!
𝔖𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔯 - ℜ𝔦𝔰𝔢 𝔄𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔱 ❂ Definitely not my best work, but we're starting to see some improvement here. The concept is good enough I kinda want to remake this one
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔱𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔅𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔶 𝔇𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔢 - 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥 ℭ𝔞𝔟 𝔣𝔬𝔯 ℭ𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔢 ❂ One of my very first edits, lots of little glitches since the program I was using was not intended for transitions and short clips at all lol
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swoomoo · 7 months
This is in response to @nerdhangout asking about my Lasombra since they shared info on their fucking amazing OC named Callista. I will warn you this is condensed but the backstory was 30 pages. I will post in two parts. If for some reason my Coterie mates found my tumblr, fuck off you are spoiling a good ass story.
My character's name is Amare Lillian Belmont (Formerly Amity Mary Pond) and was born in Cardiff, Wales but moved quickly to central PA so her mother could be with her father. Unknowingly however her father was a ghoul and was the leader of a Sabbat blood cult (yay religious trauma twins). Amare was the black sheep for a long time and was abused by the other cultists who were growing in number (up until they reached about 200ish). The blood cult only had women in it with the exception of her father who lied about being Amare's dad and said she was adopted only. Years later when Amare was 14 she saw things she wasn't supposed to. After a brief horrific encounter with a Tzimisce, her memory was altered by her future sire. Amare was forced to see these memories as dreams and it started to drive her mad. Her mom agreed they needed to leave but was unsure how to escape. This crazy bitch named Lucy made it her goal to belittle Amare at any step she could (She was jealous of how closely related Amare was to her father). Lucy schemed a situation where she could use Amare's mother as bait. Ultimately this led to Amare's mother being presumably killed when Amare was 18. Amare snapped and killed Lucy with a knife. Afterward she locked everyone in a new church building and lit it on fire (It was not up to fire code) So she had a nearly 300 body count. She saved the children and walked to the nearest town. She was put through a witness protection program and had her name changed to Amare (It was technically Amity up until this point) and became close to an FBI agent that worked on her case named Koda (She later ghouled him). Amare was able to go to college and moved to New York. After she graduated she became a journalist who dedicated her life to helping destroy corruption in churches and help abuse victims in those situations. Her sire was excited to see her have the gull to kill his little cult and followed her still. Since he was a Lasombra he knew of some fucked up churches and convinced her to move to New Hampshire and formally introduced himself to her. They worked for a bit and she was able to blow the lid of a huge scandal in the area. Religious people in that area were angry at her and she started to get assaulted by them. She was confused and decided to take a break after that looking more into the cult that she had survived. She was a bit too good at her job and saw there was a nearly identical cult long ago close to the area she was in. She investigated, walked into a haven owned by her future sire and learned of kindred existence. Her Sire was excited to share this world with her finally (She was now 30). She was not happy with this revelation and he was not happy she wasn't thankful to him. She tried to kill herself by jumping off a cliff but spooky shadow stuff happened and she woke up buried 6 feet under.
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
hi! i was wondering if you know how narnia would be used as a script? like what roles the characters would be etc. (i hope this makes sense)
hope you're having a good day/night
The Chronicles of Narnia books and movies can be used in religious programming to help map the system, create alter roles, and to link trigger phrases with the programming.  Here is a list of characters and roles using the Narnia books and movies.  The children’s ages may vary depending where they are in the system, and the story from which they occur. Their roles in the system will also be different depending which level they would be found.
Lucy-Would be the alter used by programmers to establish dissociation in the system. She may know the lay out of some of the system and the locations of other parts.
Edmund- Could be a system prosecutor, and reporting alter.
Susan- Would front, and may be the host alter. She is logical and would deny programming. Her role would be to navigate day to day life.
Peter- Could be a system protector. He can initially be protecting the abusers. He can also protect the body from harm.
Queen Jadis-Internal enforcer may have programming codes.
Aslan-Can travel the system assists with system balance.
I hope your day or night is going well also!
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