#[ mmmmmm the good stuff ]
naixaie · 2 years
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. 🌙 ✨✨
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
..i have a plot for the soulmates as horror fic finally
the problem is i also have two other longer projects going on at the moment along a few others that ive already started ages ago so its like. i really shouldnt start another multichapter thing
but god im just so happy to have a plot
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teamfortresstwo · 10 months
So what I thought was art block might’ve just been dizziness from not having eaten all day on accident. Uhhhh whoops.
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transiplier · 1 year
today we’re gonna learn if i remember how to take cosplay photos
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doodoosimp · 3 months
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Sophisticated woman throughout the years
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thewirewitch · 6 months
Was looking at Insomnia Cookie's website last night and found this:
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...I wanna make a cookie like that in a cake pan or something.
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i-run-with-scissors39 · 8 months
I AM someone’s double shot of tequila.
Tequila also loosens my brain and fingers
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kennedysbaby · 1 month
pretty baby — leon kennedy.
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wc: 3.1k
pairing: re6! leon kennedy x fem! reader.
content: age gap, smoking, alcohol consumption, fake-dating, two pretentious people engaging in a conversation, leon saying "women", kissing, reader is apart of leon's squad.
honorable mention: claire redfield.
a/n: mmmmmm re6 leon (i'm losing my mind). posted this from my patio because the weather's finally getting better <3.
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contrary to popular opinion, dreary, rainy nights were one of your most favorite things—amongst many other stuff you cherished—but you held nights like these dear to your heart. the soft pattering from rain droplets hitting against the window, a warm blanket, and comfortable pajamas, coupled with a cup of hot coffee and a book was, in your opinion, a perfect way to wind down after slaving away at work all day.
however…you just wished for one more thing.
a boyfriend. a man. someone to call your own. 
someone who'd let you rest your head on their lap as you flipped through the pages and took sporadic sips of whatever hot beverage you were drinking at the moment. someone who'd thread their fingers through your hair and press soft kisses on your forehead. your entire body yearned for such a thing, but it always felt so out of reach.
unfortunately, men didn't commit, or think, like that. they just took what they wanted like dogs and then headed out the door, not a single care in the world. it was pathetic and desperate. 
hook-up culture irked you. so did "talking stages," or anything of that caliber. why would any sane person waste their time and energy like that on someone they'd meet for no longer than a week? maybe you were just a hopeless romantic. 
maybe you were the pathetic and desperate one.
none of the men at your workplace interested you in the slightest—as they all had that mindset you loathed. you were a special government agent, trying to save the world from bioterrorism. all the male agents were arrogant, wanna-be jerks. they'd call themselves "esoteric" when really, their favorite movie directors were quentin tarantino and christopher nolan.
you just rolled your eyes and sighed. how deplorable.
there was one guy, however, but you deemed him out of the question. a forbidden fruit, in other words. for starters, he was a good ten years—maybe more—older than you. he also happened to be the leader of your assigned, specific, squad. and ironically enough, a mercenary had him twirling his dirty blonde hair and blushing like a schoolgirl. she was very gorgeous, in his defense.
leon kennedy was just so damn handsome, it had you acting a fool. you couldn't help but swoon when he called you "sweetheart" casually, as if it was second nature. he'd put his hands on your waist while walking past you, muttering a quick, "sorry, sweetheart." he had really good taste in films, music, and books too, surprisingly. he treated you like a real person, not a piece of meat like most men did.
he even made you laugh at his insanely stupid jokes.
you often wondered if you were in love with him, or if it was just a fleeting crush. or maybe you adored the attention he gave you (more than your other peers). but then again, was there really a difference between love and attention?
as you tucked your knees beneath yourself, sinking down further into the couch, your cellphone vibrated right next to you, the caller id reading leon—how fucking cliche. your heart then dropped, wondering why he'd call you at eight pm on a saturday. swallowing the lump in your throat, you answered quickly, "um, hello?" 
"hey sweetheart," leon's low, smooth voice said on the other end of the line. it sounded like he was driving. maybe to see me, you thought, before chastising yourself for being delusional. he couldn't fawn over you when ada wong existed. a beat later, he added, "i know this is a little out of the norm, but i was just wondering if you were free tomorrow."
free tomorrow? for what? was this seriously happening? you dumbfoundedly stammered, uttering something so laughable out, "i— uh— are you sure you have the right number?" your whole body recoiled with cringe the second those words rolled right off your tongue. you resisted the urge to groan in annoyance.
and laugh is exactly what leon did. it was short, almost a scoff. "nah. but it isn't what you think, don't worry," that little bit confused you, before he elaborated, "i'm not trying to be some creepy boss. long story short, i need a date for an event."
"a date..? what kind of event?" you queried, sitting yourself upright. your mind was still barely registering the fact that you were having this conversation with leon, quite literally moments after fantasizing about him.
he let out a soft exhale, "one of my old friends is hosting this get together, and lets just say i've been lying to her about having a girlfriend—" leon groaned at how juvenile he was sounding, shaking his head in disbelief. "i'm too old for this shit." he chastised, before getting back on track. "anyways, she's been on my ass about it, telling me i should find a girl, and that i'd be a lot happier, or something like that." 
debatable, he thought, given his experience with a certain woman in the past.
"so i lied to her, and said i was talking to this girl, so she's expecting you. you don't have to if you aren't up for it, but i won't let you go back home empty-handed if you do end up coming through."
pretending to be leon's girlfriend—even for a day—sounded like heaven on earth to you. 
without even giving the offer a second thought, you said a little too excitedly, "yes!—i mean, sure, why not." a poor attempt at playing it cool. "i haven't got anything planned tomorrow, so…"
leon chuckled lightly at your enthusiasm, finding it endearing. unbeknownst to you, the man did actually think about you outside of work, even if it swarmed him with guilt. you weren't a rookie, but still, it felt wrong. he was thirty-six, he shouldn't be giving a girl in her early-to-mid twenties second thoughts. he really did feel like a "creepy boss."
but he couldn't help himself. not when you were so unfathomably pretty. his lips parted at the way you'd smile up at him, nodding your head as you quickly scurried off and followed orders, or how you'd always offer to help him with filing mission reports—a very tedious task that no other agent on your team would ever volunteer to do. 
he also wasn't an idiot, and knew that you held him on some sort of pedestal, whether it be a crush, infatuation, or simply admiration. 
"alright, cool." leon affirmed, now pulling into his driveway, the asphalt crackling beneath the tires. he pulled the keys out of the ignition, and shoved them into his pocket, whilst staying on the phone with you. "i'll pick you up around six. we won't stay too long, leave around eight. okay?"
your mouth had went dry by this point, but you quickly agreed, "yeah, sounds good."
what the hell just happened? 
holding onto leon's arm, the two of you walked into his friend's—who you later found out was the claire redfield—house, and you couldn't help but marvel at the place. clearly, the woman made relatively well money, and it showed itself in flaming colors through her subtle decor. dressed in her classic red leather jacket, she greeted you and leon with a smile, "hey leon, and…the mystery girl he's been telling me about," the woman chuckled. she was so pretty.
you introduced yourself to claire, surprisingly not feeling nervous in the slightest, as you usually were when you meet people for the first time. it wasn't that you were shy, you were just reserved. but claire was sweet. some people take ages to warm up to, but she wasn't like that—instantly likable. 
"i honestly don't know how a girl as pretty as her is into you leon," claire teased, a knowing smirk on her maroon lips. leon just scoffed, rolling his eyes as if he was used to her tormenting. "drinks?" she asked, not waiting for you two to respond as she handed the two of you glasses of red wine.
you mumble a quick thank you, then raising the glass to your lip gloss coated lips, taking a sip before laughing, "maybe i'm just attracted to losers." which wasn't exactly a lie—you were in love with leon, or something like that. he just didn't know. yet…
"a loser?" an offended look crosses his perfect features, as he looks down at you in surprise. he just shook his head and sighed, "women." the comment earned a chuckle from both you and claire—laughing at leon's misery would always be funny. he could only purse his lips and keep his peace.
your eyes dart around the room, noticing a few familiar faces, others not. a couple of bsaa agents, sherry birkin—to name a few—and more. the next hour consisted of repeating your introduction to a few more of leon's friends that you didn't know, and leon sporadically leaving kisses on either the top of your head, or your arm, as any "boyfriend" would. he was doing an awfully good job of playing the part.
almost too good. if only you weren't so oblivious.
the atmosphere was becoming disgustingly stuffy, so you free yourself from leon's arm wrapped around your waist from behind, and told him, "hey, i'm gonna step out on the patio for a second." 
"wait, i'll go with you." and you didn't protest against it.
leon was fighting the guilt that was regurgitating to the surface, telling himself that he shouldn't pursue you in any way possible. he couldn't entertain whatever feelings you were harboring for him, not when he was the older, more experienced individual in this scenario. but he was weak. so inexplicably drawn to you, like a moth to a flame. 
the two of you slipped out to the patio, standing side-by-side as the cool breeze blew threw your hair, the skirt of your dress billowing in the wind. leon stared at you, lovelorn. you pulled a pack of parliaments and a fancy lighter out of your purse, flicking it and lighting your cigarette.
"i didn't know you smoked." leon said plainly. he himself didn't—never did, never will. it was a bit ironic how he was comfortable being an alcoholic, though.
you shrugged, exhaling a plume of smoke into the air, "eh. i'm not addicted, like you might be assuming. i just do it for shits and giggles, i don't know," another puff, another cloud of smoke.
"shits and giggles?" he mused, laughing lightly. "that's a juvenile way to put it."
his laugh alone pulled a smile onto your lips, as you couldn't fight the heat that spread across your cheeks like a wildfire. "i guess. but hey, everyone has their vices, don't judge." 
"hey, i'm not judging." leon raised his hands in surrender, a soft smile of his own forming. "you just didn't strike me as the type, that's all."
you just shook your head with a grin, looking away from leon bashfully, trying your hardest to ignore the fact that your heart was beating out of your chest. he was a horribly charming fake boyfriend. it didn't help that you were already pining for the man, even if you wanted to pretend like you could never have him. that was beyond your concerns in this moment. 
"what kind of girl do i strike you as?" you ask curiously, turning your head to meet him staring right at you. oh shit. you bit the corner of your cheek anxiously. whatever, i'm probably misreading things, you console yourself. no, he couldn't be. this wasn't some cheesy romcom. 
he feigned mulling over the question for a moment, before replying in a tone softer than silk. "well," leon got a little closer, just a teensy bit, and said, "you're a good girl. tooth-rottingly sweet, does her work before its due, volunteers when she doesn't have to, not to mention she graduated top of her class. you're also bit of a stickler, no offense," his sharp eyes met yours, sending a shiver down your spine.
"i am not—!" he gave you a knowing look, before you sighed, "i guess you're right. but whatever, you like jane austen novels," you fired back, "you, who enjoys bands like alice in chains and the foo fighters, reads authors like dostoevsky and nabokov—your favorite movie is the french connection for christ's sake! jane austen is very out of character, i'd say."
leon couldn't describe the swell of adoration he felt for you as you judged his tastes, going on a whole tangent; if he had no self-control, he'd kiss you without hesitation. but he played it cool, his eyes narrowing as he countered, "that's different." 
you remembered that stuff about him. his heart skipped a beat, making him feel like an anxious teenager.
"it's different? how's it different?" you retorted playfully, and the two of you went back and forth for the next five minutes over the most ineffably stupid conversation known to mankind. the whole scene was so awfully picturesque, straight out of a movie. 
"whatever you say, sweetheart," was what leon said sarcastically, ending the banter between the two of you, even if he was enjoying it beyond belief. it had been a damn long time since he'd felt something this warm inside of him. leon mentally chastised himself for being so self-indulgent—even if he really deserved it.
his pale blue eyes glance over at his watch, reading the time: 8:04 pm. leon then looked up at you, and asked, "you wanna head out soon?" 
you take a final puff from your lit cigarette, softly exhaling the smoke, before answering weakly, "hm? oh, uh, sure." 
that definitely put a damper in your mood, and leon took very well notice of it. after tonight, you wouldn't be leon's pretend girlfriend. you'd go back to being his subordinate, just someone who he worked with on the field, and maybe considered a friend. you really enjoyed spending time with more veteran agents tonight, more importantly, you enjoyed spending time with leon. 
this all only made your lovesick self worse. you felt slightly mad at him for playing his part so well.
"you okay?" leon asked, a concerned expression etched onto his features as he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. his hand, typically so calloused from the rough years, felt so delicate. it was jarring, yet swoon-worthy. he was a little confused as to why you were so upset now.
you swallowed the heavy lump in yout throat, unsure of how to proceed, so you resort to simply mustering up a half-hearted smile, "yeah. just a little exhausted."
"exhausted?" he repeated incredulously. "just a minute ago you were spewing nonsense at me. tell me the truth, sweetheart." a genuine look was plastered on his face, one you couldn't argue against. but it wasn't like you could confess to leon just like that, with zero repercussions. no, that wouldn't work.
he teased slyly, in an attempt to lighten the mood and cheer you up, "was i too mean?"
"nah," you couldn't bring yourself to stifle your chuckle, "it's just…" your voice trailed off, not knowing how to proceed. "well…" leon lifts his hand from you shoulder, up to your hair, tucking a loose strand behind your ear, allowing him to get a better look of your face. your lips part slightly in awe at his sweet gesture—you weren't by anyone now, you didn't have to pretend to be a couple. 
"c'mon, lay it on me."
you sucked in a deep breath, before swallowing your pride, and confessing, "leon, i— look, i know it's not allowed, and quite frankly, inappropriate, but…" 
and that was telling enough. he knew just what you were trying to tell him, and to save you from any further embarrassing stuttering, he leaned in closer, his lips grazing overs, your breath mingling with his.
"that's alright," leon cooed, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. "i'm flattered, really."
his mind was yelling, praying for him to stop and get ahold of himself, but his entire body was working on autopilot, fueling his desires. here this pretty girl was, handing herself to him on a silver platter—how in god's name could he refuse? he was just as eager for her, to feel her soft skin, kiss her sweet, full lips. his breath hitched as your hand lightly trailed up his arm. 
his lips then left a soft, gentle kiss against yours. you sighed contently, leaning in closer to his touch, deepening the kiss. leon's hands roamed a bit more freely, crawling up your sides, lingering on your hips. he pulled away for a moment, and mumbled, "you're so pretty baby," a light chuckle erupted from his throat, the sound alone making your heart flutter. "such a sweet girl." he left another kiss on your jaw, then on your neck, his light stubble prickling your skin.
a shaky breath slipped past your lips, escaping from the depths of your lungs. his words alone made your knees weak—this seemed so surreal, but nice. here leon was, a man you thought you'd never have, kissing you as if he really was your boyfriend. you lifted your hands, bringing them up to cup his cheeks, and smiled. 
"so…are you just getting free kisses out of me, or what?"
leon shook his head, "nah, no way." another quick kiss against your lips. "i'm taking you out for dinner next weekend. i won't take no for an answer." he stared at you intently, as he plunged right back in for another kiss—this man was starved. 
you reciprocated each and every kiss, letting out a soft moan as he slipped his tongue past your lips, fingers tangling into his dirty blonde hair. leon was at war with his mind, his body betraying his thoughts. he really shouldn't be doing this—entertaining the notion of a relationship between the two of you—but he couldn't bring himself to. he was only human, after all.
"fine by me," you replied, pulling away momentarily to catch your breath. "b-but what about the rules? wouldn't this get us both in trouble?"
"again with the stickler act." leon chuckled amusedly. "sweetheart, nobody has to know. this'll be our little thing. we can keep this under the wraps, can't we?—if it all works out, that is. believe it or not…i've had it bad for you too." he reassured you, the words coming out smoothly, as if he'd been planning this moment for ages. i've got it bad for you too. 
"if you say so," you conceded with a stupid smile, leaning in to kiss him again. leon pushed away any regretful thoughts, not allowing them to consume a good moment—they were as rare as they come with him.
you both really were a bunch of self-indulgent, pretentious losers.
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iced-souls · 2 years
What did I do before I slept last night? Ah. You know. The usual. Just thinking of a large amount of un-canon angst with the characters I love.
*skadoodles over to papyrus* *pat pat*
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worldlxvlys · 6 months
the fic u wrote called “use me” WAS SO GOOD OMG. you should write smth where chris is sub and the reader overstimulates him (like he cums like 6 times & he's crying & has to use there safe word) it’s kind of a similar request to the one u already did but idk maybe u could creative w it and do other stuff then like just head and riding. this is so aggressive but idc im a SLUT for sub chris & overstimulation.
dwb! chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: ummm this is straight filth so don’t read if you don’t want to , oral (male receiving), p in v, overstimulation, use of vibrator , use of wrist tie, use of safe word
dwb! chris masterlist
thanks for the request !! hope you like <333
“you’re so needy tonight, baby” i said to chris, who kept rubbing his bulge against me.
“really need you to fuck the shit out of me ma” he said as planted kisses down his chest.
“you sure ? cause if you want, i can get that bitch whose hands are always on you” i said in a firm, annoyed tone.
“she’s just a customer princess, no one fucks me like you do”
“i know” i said, looking meeting his lust-filled gaze.
eagerly, we quickly helped each other out of our clothes.
“wanna try something new?” i asked, remembering that i had received a new toy in the mail earlier.
“always, baby” with that, i reached into my nightstand grabbing a vibrator and a wrist tie.
when he saw this, his eyes widened. “am i tying you up baby?” he asked.
“nope, i’m tying you up. unless you don’t want me to?”
“of course i do baby, love when you take control” with that i tied his hands together, behind his back.
“you know your safeword?” “pepsi”
“perfect, baby” i said as i gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“are you using the vibrator on yourself ma?” he asked, eagerly. i switched it on.
“nope” i said as i placed it on his tip, making him buck his hips in surprise.
“holy shit ma, fuck fuck fuck” oh he’s in for a long night.
“feel good, chris?” i asked as i moved my face closer to his dick.
“yea ma, holy fuck”
i licked a stripe up his member, watching him squirm.
“jesus baby”
“hmmm you think anyone else can make you feel this good?”
he was feeling so much pleasure, all he could get out was strangled moans.
i grabbed his dick and squeezed the base of it, never moving the vibrator from his tip.
“shit yes!” his eyes widened. “i mean no! no! no one makes me feel like you! oh my gosh”
chris was never usually this vocal, so i was eating this up.
“hmm chris, what’s wrong? can’t even think straight huh?” i asked teasingly.
i took his balls in my mouth, now moving the vibrator up and down his shaft.
“m-ma, if you keep doing that i’m gonna cum”
i briefly paused to answer, “good” and went back to work on his dick.
his hips started to sputter, and he shot out thick white ropes of cum.
without a moment of hesitation, i liked him clean.
“holy shit baby” he said, breathing heavily.
i switched the vibrator off, setting it aside and moving my face back to his cock.
i swirled my tongue around his dick, making him buck his hips up and accidentally pushing himself to the back of my throat.
“baby, baby i’m so sens-“ he cut himself off with a moan as i continued to deepthroat him.
i reached down with my free hand, and played with my clit.
his groans turned into whimpers as i began to moan against him.
“feels so, fuck,so g-good baby”
i moaned in response to his praise, and he fell over the edge again.
i gave him a chance to recover, running my hands up his thighs soothingly and leaving kisses on his abs.
“gonna ride you now” i said moving my legs on either side of him, straddling him.
i didn’t wait for a response as i lined him up with my hole and slowly lowered myself onto him.
“mmmmmm” he whined. i watched as his arms flexed while he tried to fight against his restraint.
i waited a few seconds, and started to move in circular motions loving the way his dick pressed against my walls.
“mmm hm hmmm” more whines, before i started to bounce on his dick.
“ughhhhhh chris you feel so fucking good” i said feeling his dick deep inside of me.
he didn’t last long, already pretty sensitive from his previous orgasms.
“mmmmm- cumming cumming” he whined out as he released inside me. i kept going, determined to finish.
he continued to whine and whimper, while i fucked myself on his cock. his head was thrown back, overtaken with pleasure.
“c’mon chris, know you can make it baby” i said. i was so close to my orgasm.
“fuck chris, i’m cumming baby” i said. shortly after, i released on his cock.
my own release seemed to trigger another from him, taking us both by surprise as he let out a deep moan.
“tell me baby, does anyone else make you cum this much?” he didn’t answer.
he was in a blissed out state, eyes glazed over with lust, his hair sticking to his forehead, and a thin layer of sweat covered his skin.
i grabbed the vibrator, turning it on quickly and placing it where his dick and my pussy met.
“i asked you a god damn question chris”
“no no no no, no one, fuck, no one else. no one else”
the vibrator was hitting my clit perfectly, and i started to rock my body into it.
“shit chris”
chris’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as tears started to fall from his eyes.
“too much, too much baby”
i started to bounce again as i kept the vibrator against my clit, getting closer and closer to another orgasm.
i clenched around him as i released all over his cock again. i then lifted myself off of him and began to jerk him off to help him finish.
his hips twitched violently and i watched him squirm as he got closer and closer.
then, finally, strings of cum shot out of his dick. the more i pumped, the more cum flew out. i was milking him dry.
“OK OK! PEPSI PEPSI!” he yelled.
immediately, i let go of him and untied his wrists.
“shit baby, are you ok?” i asked, becoming concerned.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry chris”
he then cupped my face. “it’s ok baby, no need to apologize. that was hot as fuck, i just didn’t know if you were ever gonna stop”
“i don’t know if i was either, honestly” we both laughed.
i gave him a kiss to the forehead, “i’m gonna go run you a bath, baby” i said.
“thanks ma”
idek what to say.
i need holy water.
can you tell i love sub! chris ?
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @chrissturnioloswifey @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn
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novaspurgatory · 11 months
! Uhm. Just going to say this now but this is literally the only post that I get notifications from 😭 So like. If you like this post maybe consider looking at my other posts too ^^ I post other good art and stuff so I'd appreciate it if you checked my account out !
What if I told you that I had a thought
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Update: mmmmmm ability to think good 🤤🤤🤤🤤
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
Ohh love the drunk Neteyam. What about drunk reader ?
i like the way you think, anon.
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there’s a ceremony being held tonight for all of the omatikaya warriors who participated in the successful raid earlier today.
neteyam is stationed with jake and neytiri, in front of everyone as jake gives a post raid victory speech. you stand with kiri, lo’ak, and tuk, eyes only on neteyam. he looks so gorgeous you could cry. he’s wearing his omatikaya cummerbund, a new armband, and new feathers in his hair. his beauty is breathtaking.
after jakes speech ends, a group of warriors approach him and neteyam to congratulate them. you and lo’ak do a bit of crowd spotting, watching a group of adults chant “näk! näk! näk!” (drink).
lo’ak decides it’s best to swoop in on the action, swiping two bowls of liquid. walking back over to where you two are stationed, he hands one to you.
“ladies first.” he smirks, holding the bowl out for you.
“lo’ak…i don’t know if we should…” you hesitate, looking down at the dark liquid sloshing around the bowl.
“come on. don’t be a wuss.” he nags, eyeing his own bowl.
you hesitate a bit, taking a deep breath before bringing the bowl to your lips. chugging quickly, you drink all of it, wincing as you hand the bowl back to lo’ak.
“oh shit!” lo’ak laughs and begins chugging his, trying to catch up with you. “i’ll go get us two more!”
before you know it, you two are drunk off your asses. neteyam was finally able to break free from the group of warriors, looking around for you. he finally spots you with lo’ak, off to the side, tucked away from everyone.
giggling. swaying. dancing. well, trying to. his sole focus is on you as he approaches your party of two.
a strong hand grabs your arm, immediately pulling you to his chest.
“teyammm!” you smile, grabbing both sides of his face and eagerly crushing your lips to his.
although a bit taken back, he reciprocates the kiss, his large hand resting on your cheek.
you pull away, looking his body up and down, giggling as your hands moving over his arms, to his chest, and lower until he stops you.
“my love? are you feeling okay?” he raises the back of his hand to your forehead “you feel warm.”
lo’ak is laughing watching all this go down, saying “bro. we drank the good stuff!”
“WHAT! you skxawng! you gave that to her?!” neteyam yells, concerned now as he holds you up.
“she chugged first bro. pretty impressive, if you ask me.” lo’ak says, rolling his eyes.
“teyammm. wannnaaaaaaakisssyouuuuuu” you mumble against his chest, running your fingers along his arm.
“i’m taking her home.” neteyam confidently states.
“idontwannaagohomeyettt!” you whine, shaking yourself out of his grasp.
“my love, please. you’re not thinking clearly. let me take you home.” he calmly says.
“mmmmmm.” you mumble against his chest. “wannaa liee downnnn.”
“all right, let’s go.” in one swift movement, he lifts you up, cradling you in his arms as he begins the walk back to your marui.
you begin to play with his new armband, toying with the feather between your fingers. “i liiikkkeee thisss.”
“oh yeah?” he chuckles, brushing a braid from your face.
“aaaaaaaaand theeeeeeseeeeeeee!” your hands reach up to play with the new feathers in his hair.
“maybe i’ll keep them in a bit longer, just for you, hm?” he places a gentle kiss to your forehead as he opens the flap to your shared marui.
you giggle as he lays you down, settling himself beside you.
“teyyyaammm? i feeellll fuzzzzzyyyy.” you whine, burying your face in his chest.
“i know, i know. we’re gonna try and sleep it off, okay?” he runs his fingers down your back, gently tickling it.
easing into his touch, you feel your eyelids droop. running your fingers through his hair to play with his new feathers again, you find yourself drifting to sleep.
“that’s it, pretty girl. go to sleep.” he continues to tickle your back, as your eyelids remain closed for the night, finally succumbing to sleep.
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giddyfatherchris · 5 months
Bunny threat
Pairing: bts x gn!reader (platonic)
Genre: crack? comedy? all good stuff haha
Warnings: None
Word count: 820
Requests: Open for stray kids and bts!
A/n: okay so funny thing. I wrote this a billion years ago, and forgot it existed (tbh i also forgot i had this account lol). Since i want to bring this page back to life i thought i could update the original version (and correct some grammar mistakes lol) and bring it back as my first official post. So here we go! I hope you like it :))
*gif is not mine
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“Stop practicing and come eat!” shouted Jin for the fifth time.
You were all at the studio rehearsing a few new choreos for an upcoming performance. It was now 8:00 pm, and the delivery guy just came in with his precious cargo. As soon as the good smell of the local Korean meals filtered into the room, your seven friends instantly stopped what they were doing to rush on the food like starved men. 
“Y/N! Come before Taehyung eats everything!” urged Yoongi. You faintly heard him scold his younger brother, as he was probably trying to steal said food. 
“Won’t be long. Just let me get this last move right!”
Still in the dance studio part of the room, you just couldn’t be satisfied with the execution of a certain move. It wasn’t precise enough, and you couldn’t eat without having this part right. It would be a defining moment in this new choreo you created for the boys, so you had to get it right. 
Minutes passed, bowls emptied themselves, and you still hadn’t eaten anything. 
“Y/N, stop it now. Too much is like not enough!” advised Joon with his father-like tone. His concern and the smell of the delicious food almost made you stop, but you took a deep breath to focus and went back to dancing without a word. 
“Tae has gotten to the bowl of samgyeopsal!” tried J-Hope to make you rush in to get your hands on your favorite dish. 
“Mmmmmm, SO GOOD!” added the boy while making huge slurping sounds, though you weren’t sure if those disgusted you more than they made you envy him. 
They sat still, waiting to see if you would stop your tireless rehearsing, but you were so intent on doing it perfectly that it felt like they didn’t even exist. 
“They really won’t come to eat.” pouted Jimin while he looked at Namjoon with the saddest puppy eyes. 
“Makes me think of someone,” mumbled Yoongi, not without earning an annoyed sigh from the talented dancer. 
“Alright, Jungkook, I think we need to take drastic measures.” sighed Joonie, already wincing at the idea of your reaction. 
The youngest boy simply nodded, finished his bite, and headed out of the little room without saying a word. The other boys stared at the door, waiting for what was coming. It started with the music stopping abruptly, then you whining, “Oh please, one last time! I was starting to get it. AH JUNGKOOK LET ME DOWN! JEON JEONGGUK!” Some laughed, but they all winced when you started screaming like a lunatic. Jungkook entered the room with you thrown over his shoulder, screaming and whacking his back. He dropped you on a chair and went to his plate with the most unbothered expression. You opened your mouth to start whining again, but Jimin and Tae were faster and stopped you by dropping a steaming portion on your plate.
“Eat. You don’t want to overwork yourself, don’t you?” encouraged Jimin with a caring look. You reluctantly looked at the bowl he nudged in front of you.
“And if you faint, you will forget all the progress you have made, and you will be back to step one,” mocked Yoongi with his nose still in his plate. You rolled your eyes at his remark but still felt a pang of stress from the thought. 
“Funny, but seriously," You started getting up. "One more time, and I’ll-”                                                                                                                                                   
You were cut short by a pretty mad Jungkook as he reached for your wrist across the table. 
“If you get up one more time before you’ve eaten all of this goddamn plate. I will tie you down to this chair and feed you each bite until you’re done, and I won’t be gentle this time.” 
He uttered his threat in a growl, and just at the thought you gave up, suddenly plopping down on your chair. Once he felt your body relaxing he let go of your hand, still looking at you, then at the bowl until you ate four big spoonfuls of the dish. Only then did he focus again on his own, going back to being the cute little bunny he was. All the other members stared silently at you guys, too shocked to say a word. Until they exploded in laughter, you and Jungkook quickly joining in. The bantering followed right after, the atmosphere finally lightening up.
“Don’t be upset Y/N. We just want you to be okay and healthy, but don’t worry we'll help you with the choreo,” assured Jimin as he stood up, finished with his plate, and encouraged you to follow through. 
“Thank you, but… I still have some food left, and I don’t want Jungkook to put his threat into execution.” 
They all laughed at your comment as the brown-eyed boy on the other side of the table shot you a huge bunny-like smile.
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sabosbabygirl · 6 months
A Special Christmas
Gojo x Geto x female reader
NSFW, +18, 3 Sum, Sex, Cream Pie, Smut
2.3K Words; Green is Geto, Blue is Gojo
You receive a text message from Gojo: “Come to the bedroom. Your Christmas gift is waiting for you ;)”. You smile at the text message. Work has been stressful lately: long shifts, all nighter, horrible bosses, etc. All you want to do is be with the one you love: Gojo. You weren’t sure what the gift would be. Neither of you really discuss what to get each other since you both go out of our guys' way to get each other's stuff at random times. Regardless, you will be happy. Gojo knows you better than anyone, so whatever gift it is, you know it will be amazing. 
Later that night: 
You arrive home. There’s candles lit, candy canes everywhere, mistletoe hanging, and even string lights. It was like Christmas came to your house and threw up but it was beautiful. You head to the bedroom, like Gojo told you and open the door. 
You stand there with your eyes wide. Gojo was laying on the bed facing the door with nothing on but a candy cane thong on and at the foot of the bed was Geto. Geto was tied up with strong Christmas lights and a tiny cloth over his cock. 
“I read your aO3 and your tumblr page,” Gojo said, “Based on what I read you seem to like 3 sums," he looks up at you and sticks a candy cane in his mouth. Geto was smirking, looking you up and down. 
“Now, how about you be a good girl and go put on something sexy and quick. We are hungry and you are the only thing on the menu tonight,” Gojo says smiling and winking. Geto licks his lips looking at you. His eyes follow you as you walk into the bathroom. 
After a few minutes of deep breathing in the bathroom and refreshing up, you come out in your sexy red Christmas lingerie. I got it specifically for this moment, although you didn’t think there’d be an extra person, let alone Geto. 
Geto mutters under his breath, “fuck…” when he sees you come out. The sexy red Christmas lingerie hugs tightly to your thick figure. 
Gojo blushes slightly, “mmmm, you never disappoint y/n,” he says smiling and biting his lip. 
Gojo sits up on the bed, “Now how about you show us the things you want to do…show us how naughty you truly are," he says in a challenging way. “Start with Geto. I want to see you ride him,”  Gojo says in an eager tone. 
You nod and go over to Geto who is tied up in the chair at the foot of the bed in string lights. 
“Don’t untie me,” Geto says in a demanding voice. “I want to struggle,” Geto says, smirking. 
You bite your lip and remove the cloth from Geto’s lap revealing his 7.5 inch, slightly curved, bit tipped cock. His cock is semi hard. You kneel down and lick the shaft of his cock all the way to the tip. Geto moans quietly, meanwhile Gojo bites his lip watching you. You look into Geto’s piercing black eyes and wrap your mouth around his cock, sucking just the tip like it was a lollipop. Geto smiles in a very sexy, horny way. Gojo’s hand goes to his cock, feeling himself get hard while watching you suck Geto’s tip. 
“Let me see you take the whole thing, y/n,” Geto says while biting his lip. You give him the devilish eyes and your mouth moves all the way down his shaft. The slight curve hits your uvula causing saliva to form over his cock. 
“MMMM that’s a girl. Keep taking me,” Geto demands, watching you with lustful eyes. Gojo begins stroking his own cock, slowly, the eagerness rising inside him. 
Your mouth starts sucking his cock up and down. Your tongue feels the veins on his shaft. His cock gets harder in your mouth and Geto lets out a low moan. The only sound filling the room is the sloppy blow job and the desire both men feel for you. Gojo moans quietly while he strokes his cock watching you suck his best friend’s cock. 
“MMMMMM. You were right Gojo, her pretty mouth is quite good,” Geto says, his eyes never leaving you. “How about you sit on my cock for a little bit. Let me stretch that pussy before we get into some fun,” Geto smirks. You slide your mouth off his cock, saliva dripping slightly from your lips. You stand and remove your slightly wet thong. Geto watches you, “Put your thong in my mouth. I want to taste you,” he says with his mouth open. Gojo bites his lip harder and strokes himself a little faster, careful not to go overboard so he doesn’t cum yet.
You stick your thong in Geto’s mouth like a good girl. You see Geto suck on your slightly wet thong, causing your stomach to flip. His eyes then go to his cock back to your face, telling you to sit. 
“Sit on him babe….please,” Gojo says while stroking his cock. You bite your lip and lower yourself onto Geto’s lap. His cock slides into your wet pussy. The curve and big tip stretch you open. You moan slightly as you feel his cock hitting your g spot. Geto continues sucking on your thong while his eyes flutter slightly as he feels your wet pussy. 
“Oh God!! Ride him,”  Gojo moans as he strokes his cock faster and stops himself from edging too much. You start bouncing on Geto’s cock. All the way to where just the tip remains in your pussy and all the down so that his entire shaft is in you. Your pussy gets wetter each time you move up and down his shaft. Geto moans and spits out your thong. His head tilts back and eyes close. “FUCK!! Gojo!! You weren’t kidding. Y/n, rides sooo fucking good,” he moans. 
Gojo watches the scene play out, licking his lips and taking off the candy cane thong he had on. His cock is 8 inches, long, medium size tip and his happy trail as white as the hair on his head. 
Geto groans as you continue riding him. You feel your pussy pulsate and your nipples harder slightly. Geto leans in and puts his mouth to one of your breasts. His tongue feels your hard nipple through the fabric. You moan, “Geto” quietly. Geto looks up at you and starts sucking your hard nipple through the fabric. Your eyes roll back and you feel yourself ride him a little faster. 
“There you go baby,” Gojo says while watching you two. 
Geto pulls his head away from your breast. “MMM, I can’t take this…I think it’s time we show you your fantasy,” Geto says while breaking his hands free from the string lights and lifting you off his cock. 
Your eyes widen as Geto tosses you on the bed. Gojo pulls the rest of your sexy red Christmas lingerie off. 
“Get on all fours now, y/n,” Gojo demands. You listen and get on all fours on the bed. Gojo takes rope from the head posts and ties them to your hands. Geto does your ankles with the rope of the feet of the bed posts. 
“So you don’t squirm or try to get away. You stuck in that position until we cum,” Geto says in an evilish, sexy tone. 
Gojo leans down to you and kisses your lips. He pulls away and traces your lips with his thumb. “Open your slutty mouth for me baby,” he says while his cock gets closer to your mouth. 
The excitement builds inside you. You only ever read about 3 sums, but to experience one with your boyfriend and his best friend, who happens to be sexy, you are in a dream. You open your mouth and Gojo sticks his cock inside. Moving his cock in and out; in a slow and sensual manner. Feeling your tongue and hot saliva against his long and hard cock. His hands are on your head, his fingers massaging your earlobes. 
Geto smiles at the interaction before touching your clit with his fingers. Your bold jolts by the surprise but a moan escapes your mouth as you feel his long fingers teasing your clit, moving it back and forth, up and down and in different motions. He slides his fingers inside, “Damn you are so fucking wet. Such a sexy pussy,” he says as he pulls his fingers out and tastes his fingers, humming as he tastes your wetness. 
Gojo thrusts his cock deeper into your mouth causing you to gag slightly and drool appear. “Just how I like it, baby. Sloppy. Such a slut,” Gojo says as he continues sliding his cock in and out of your mouth. His hands are gripping your head tighter. 
You feel Geto slap your ass as he slides his cock into your pussy. You feel his cock all the way, causing your stomach to twitch. “FUCKKKKKK!! Your wet pussy is already tight again. Don’t worry I will loosen it,” he smiles while he thrusts in and out of you. The curve of his cock feels different in this position, it feels more pleasurable and addicting. 
Gojo looks at Geto, “Shall we give her a show? Show her the true meaning of being fucked brainlessly?” Geto nods, “Yes. Let’s make y/n, more of slut. Perhaps that will teach her about the true meaning of a 3 sum.” 
You feel your body heat rise. Something about being called a slut by both and having both their cocks in you…amazing. 
Gojo grins and his hands go to your throat, gently squeezing. “Let us do the work,” Gojo says. “Your body's for our pleasure tonight,” Geto says as he starts humping you faster. You feel his hips pound into your ass and his cock reach a new level inside your pussy. Instantaneously, Gojo starts thrusting into your mouth faster and faster. The grip he has on your neck tightens slightly. His cock hits your uvula repeatedly. 
Geto’s hands squeeze your hips as he thrusts in and out of your soaking pussy. “Y/N, your pussy is getting more wet by the minute,” he says, slapping your ass hard, leaving a red mark. You try to moan but Gojo’s cock is stuffing your mouth. The sound of your saliva sloshing over his cock is the all that you can hear and him moaning, “Fuck. Fuck. Your mouth is sooo fucking warm, baby.” He pushes his cock into your mouth and slows his pace, feeling your warm tongue on his shaft. His hands move to your shoulders, massaging slightly as his head falls back. 
Geto shoves his cock deep inside you and stays there for a second while bringing one of his hands to your clit and massaging your clit in circles with his long fingers while his cock rests inside your wet pussy. You can feel his cock pulsate inside you and your clit heats up against his fingers. Your legs twitch. Geto moans and leans down biting your ass cheek. 
Gojo grins at Geto and nods. Both men pull their cocks out from your mouth and pussy. You feel empty. You look up at Gojo, “Please…Please..Keep fucking me,” you whine. 
Gojo looks down at you and smirks, “Oh? You will be getting more, my pretty slut.” Gojo and Geto switch spots. Geto’s cock is covered in some of your juices and his precum. Geto lifts your chin up and he black eyes examine you and he leans in to your ear, “I’m going to fucking destroy your mouth,” he says, kissing your cheek. 
Gojo plays with your clit with his cock, causing your clit to twitch. He leans against your body and shoves his cock deep inside you. “AAAMMMM” you moan out. Geto grins down at you, “Open your mouth, beautiful” he says, his hand still on your chin. You open your mouth, eager to take his cock again. He pushes is cock inside your mouth. You roll your eyes back. 
You feel them both fuck you. Gojo fucking your pussy fast, his hands rubbing your ass. Geto fucking your mouth, his hands holding your head forcefully. 
Your entire body feels amazing with them thrusting in you. You want this. You dreamed about it and read all the different fanfics. But to experience it was completely different. And the fact that this was Gojo’s gift to you. The man hated when other men flirted with you, but here he was. Allowing his best friend to fuck you. 
Gojo picks up the pace. His cock shoving in and out of your pussy. Each time he entered it felt like he was pushing further into you. Your stomach did a flip. Geto matched Gojo’s speed and your eyes started to tear up. His cock was hitting your mouth hard and the sound of you gagging was not heard among their moans. 
“YES!! YESSS!! Y/N!! I’m going to cum inside your mouth,” Geto shouted out. 
“MMMMMM, my fucking slut. My babygirl. Damn your pussy feels good. HMMMM!! I’m going to fill you up,” Gojo moaned. 
They were at their peak. You felt them entering in and out of you at such a high pace that the bed was squeaking, the moans were louder and your body felt like a rag doll being tossed around. You closed your eyes tightly while drooling from your mouth was going all over the bed. By far the sloppiest head you had ever given. Your pussy started to leak, you felt your clit squirt on Gojo’s cock inside you. That caused him to go crazier. Fucking you harder and harder. His tip smashing your g spot with so much force. 
“AAA!! AAA!!! AAA!!! AAA!!!” were the only sounds you could make out with Geto’s cock stuffing your mouth. 
“OOHH FUCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!” Both men release into you. Gojo fills your pussy up more than a Boston Creme doughnut and Geto fills your mouth up like cream puff. 
“AAAAAA!!” Gojo yells while pulling out of you. His cum and your cum ooze out of your pussy and down your thigh. 
“Swallow,” Geto says as he pulls his cock out of your mouth. You swallow, tasting his salty yet sweet cum. 
“Good girl,” Geto says, while brushing drool off your mouth with his thumb. 
Gojo rests his head on your ass, “MMM, you never disappoint baby. I hope you enjoyed your gift. Maybe we can make this a regular thing” he said, exhausted. 
“I don’t mind having y/n’s mouth on my cock more often,” Geto says, brushing a strand of hair back. 
Both men untie the rope on your wrists and ankles. Your body is weak but you feel happy and beyond satisfied. Never did you think it would feel this good. 
Gojo looks at you and picks you up. Geto stands and goes to the bathroom to start the shower. 
“Now let's wash up and then the three of us can cuddle,” Gojo says, kissing your forehead and taking you to the shower. 
Hands down best Christmas ever!!!
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t0ast-ghost · 2 days
Hmmm mmmmmm I have so many boys thoughts and since I’m not sleeping tonight I guess I’ll write them down:
(Spoilers for the Boys season 4. Don’t cry over spoiled milk show! Go watch it for yourself)
- Truthfully I didn’t like Hughie in the second episode they just made him (super forcefully) bring up his mom. I did really like all his other bits though especially the stuff we’re getting into with a-train (really hope they actually go through with giving him plot, since he’s supposed to be the main character and all that or whatever)
- every time a character got close to another I legitimately asked if they were gonna kiss
- butcher is my wet cat sad puppy murdering babygirl, he’s slaying this season by actually communicating and I hope it stays that way
- This is the second time I’ve seen Jeffrey Dean Morgan play a horrible person willing to weaponize children for their cause… and he’s good at playing that part (I feel they gave his character a lot of what Butcher was in the comics)
- I really do like what they’re doing with A-Train
- I really do hate what they’re doing with Annie and Firecracker, I get they have to have personal conflict but this feels shallow and although it’s believable that this grudge would last I think there should have been more thought put into the stakes of their relationship (Curry and Moriaty’s acting was so good for the bit where Firecracker threatens her but the stakes are so low and the hatred in the writing doesn’t feel built up enough for her to have that big of a reaction to the threat)
- Going back to Hughie and his mom, I think Quaid’s acting for the bits with his mom were phenomenal, I could relate to his frustration and his sadness was palpable. I think a lot of their moments didn’t feel great and I couldn’t put my finger on it but the conversation about how her depression lead to her leaving felt like the truth finally came out and now it’s hopefully going to feel a bit more like things are moving forward for them
- I’m a little surprised they actually had a character like splinter. Simply because he felt straight out of the comics, and I know how much they’ve veered away from the comics. I really liked the scene where Butcher got to take out a bunch of them simply cause he got to be good ‘ol Billy Butcher
- Homelander has me on a roller coaster because I was going to write a post while watching about how they write him really well in a mindfuck kind of way because you slowly start realizing you’re relating to his character and you can understand his actions, and right before I wrote that post he told the deep to suck off a train and I stopped dead in my tracks. I was legitimately scared in that moment because that also felt like something out of the comics but the difference is that the tv show wouldn’t or at least didn’t go through with it
- Homelander this season is even more brilliantly acted, and seeing him with Sage is a new interesting experience. I was trying to figure out Sage’s motivations and I thought I knew but really I didn’t know because I was trying to say she was fighting for a cause. That is wrong. She is constantly manipulating the people around her but it is solely to benefit herself and her happiness. Yes, she helps Homelander and is honest with him because that is the best way to keep herself happy and alive. She’s smart enough to know that manipulating him or trying to agree with everything he says will be a dead end. She’s still trying to please him and is ultimately playing by his rules but she’s the smartest player because she knows being inauthentic will only end up losing you power, and if you’re on the end of two hot glowing red orbs anyway, why not at least have an actual say
- The gore is going well so far. I’ve appreciated it. Especially the beetlejuice-esque scene where Kimiko has her face torn off and you only see the back of her head and the reactions
- Ryan has so many good scenes. His scenes with Homelander are punctuated by quiet, you can hear every thought screaming through, but what would saying any of it actually accomplish? His scenes with Butcher are so heartfelt, I’m glad they’re finally able to talk. But Ryan still dealing with his grief and guilt is heartbreaking. And on top of that him thinking that the closest person to his mom seemingly hates him and would never want him adds so much to the emotional confusion that he’s experiencing. He obviously needs to leave Homelander, but he still doesn’t want to leave his dad which makes sense because this is currently the only source of love he has from anyone and it was promised unconditionally (even though it is very conditional)
- Frechie’s gotta tell that guy that he killed his family but I was really glad they gave him a boyfriend. I forgot that him and Kimiko weren’t a thing so I got really excited that Frenchie was getting to be awesome and polyamorous. I am glad that Kimiko has asserted that they are friends tho
- I am so intrigued by the brain worm
Thoughts upon second rewatch:
- Opening could’ve been bloodier or more horrific. They toned it down :( but the flesh and blood melting off that guys face was pretty good. And the Todd scene is pretty horrific.
- The way Ryan and Homelander speak in unison about people being ants is so telling, and makes sense with the later context of Homelander wanting Ryan to be an exact replica of himself
- The way that Ryan in this season is so focussed on fear, because he is scared but the people around him won’t admit to that, so when Butcher finally communicates with him and tells him that he’s most afraid of dying without making amends I think that finally gains Ryan’s trust back
- They really are changing Butcher’s character, he’s not just ‘do thing to get thing and it’s justified by the end result’ he’s finally thinking about the people around him and considering them even if the results aren’t fast. He doesn’t give the info to Vick, he doesn’t drug Ryan, and he’s really trying to help even if he is still being a shit about it
- The talk between Vick and Homelander in the opening is sooooo good cause of HL’s little voice crack, he’s losing it
- KIMIKO PAINTS HER NAILS!!! they’re blue :)
- I feel like Hughie’s hatred towards Vicky is forced upon him. Like I guess he hates that she lied to him (but if he thought about it he’d realize that it’s reasonable for her to want to hide her powers especially since she’s been shamed about them for most of her life) and I get they have very different views with her under vought’s thumb and all. But since they’re recruiting A-Train I’m wondering if there’ll ever be a bit of a redemption for her cause I feel like wanting supes to be allowed to live like normal people is not a bad thing, it’s just that she’s working with people who view supes as superior
- “He killed that poor cunt in broad daylight, and they fucking cheered.” Alongside Homelanders “I save people, they cheer. I fucking kill people, they cheer.” is like, they both understand this fact. Homelander will get what he wants no matter what and Billy wants to take him down a notch. Same as always and yet so many changes.
- I missed that the acid that Hughie threw on Vick was Frenchie’s creation the first time around. Also missed Hughie’s failed pep talk, I love that loser. I didn’t miss that no one else is able to understand Kimiko, which sucks
- I want Karl Urban and Simon Pegg to be in the same room again but that’s just my star trek fan talking
- Is that the first time Hughie and Butcher properly hug in the series?
- There’s a weird obsession with phones this season. Especially with hanging up on people. Also an obsession with “no/yes, sirs” which I think is them upping the show of power dynamics
- I thought that octopus sounded familiar. It’s Tilda Fucking Swinton.
- “He always knew he was destined for greatness, because he came from greatness.” Good job guys. I see your little joke
- I did not notice that all the guys setting up Firecracker’s stage were splinter who is played by Rob Benedict (Chuck in Supernatural)
- One of the background noises at the Truthcon mentions an “Alex Jones look alike contest”
- When Ryan throws Koi against the wall in other shows that would be his turning point. The point in which there’s no going back for him. So I’m really glad that it’s just the point in which he needs to talk to someone, that it really does upset him. Unfortunately he goes from one horribly emotionally repressed man to a slightly less emotionally repressed man who is dying
- I hope whoever that person that Kimiko knows turns into a new found family member
- M. M slowly realizing why Butcher was such a bitch to everyone on the team. And it’s because no one listens. Ever. Unless you’re actively threatening them in one way or another
- I don’t know what that bloody metal rod in Sage’s room means even after a rewatch. So I guess I’ll find out.
- Closing thoughts; bring in more A-Train and Hughie moments (also get people to call him Reggie so I don’t have to write A-Train every time)
Hughie has weed in his desk
If y’all wanna talk about this with me (especially after reading all that) feel free to do so
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phoebepheebsphibs · 22 days
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 27: Ecology
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Casey is helping Mikey to pack essentials.
Mikey nods.
Mikey nods.
"Any clothes?"
Mikey stops mid-nod.
Huh. He actually hadn't thought about that...
Mikey looks down at his bare self. Casey wears clothes, April wears clothes, Drrrrrrrrraxum (he forgot his name for a sec) wears clothes, even Splinter wears clothes! His brothers wear clothes, to some extent. Sometimes they wear sweaters or hoodies or shirts, but mostly they wear things like masks and belts and gloves or wrappings over their arms. Mikey doesn't wear anything at all.
"Mmm, yes, pack clothes. Wwwwwhat, uh... what should Mikey -- I, what should I pack?"
"Well, in case it gets cold, maybe a sweater or something," Casey offers. "Do you wanna look through some of your stuff?"
Mikey nods and creeps next to Casey as he opens up a dresser drawer. It's filled with sweatshirts and jackets and pullovers.
"Which one looks good to you?"
"Mmmmmm.... um, I-I don't know," Mikey mumbles, somewhat overwhelmed by the number of choices.
He didn't think there would be this many clothes to pick from...
Casey sees the slight agitation on Mikey's face.
"Well, we should probably pick one that will keep you warm, so a thicker one is best," he suggests. "And maybe something soft? Oh, and let's look for a bigger size to fit over your shell..."
Casey starts to rummage through the drawer. He pulls out a hoodie with a sun decal and examines it.
"How's this one?" he asks.
"Looks good," Mikey says, sniffing it. It smells kind of like him! A little different than he smells now, but still similar... "W-will it ffffit?"
"Let's try," Casey replies, spreading it open and helping to direct Mikey's head and arms into the corresponding holes.
It's a big size, and Mikey vanishes in the hood. His talons are hidden by the sleeves, he flaps them around with a giggle. It's a surprisingly big hoodie, and Mikey wonders why he ever got something so huge. He doesn't recall that it was a gift for Raph but he'd outgrown it quickly, and gave it to the sunniest brother in the group.
"I like this one," Mikey chirps gleefully. "Can I keep it on?"
"Sure," Casey smiles. "It's yours anyway. We should find a few more to pack, though..."
"Big one!" Mikey requests. "Like this big!"
"Uh, well, I think that might be the biggest hoodie you have... Raphael might have a few we can borrow. I'll find some extras of yours to pack, though... while I do that, why don't you go get your blankets and pillows ready?"
Mikey chirps and crawls over to his bed -- whoop!
Mikey trips on his sleeve and crashes.
"Mikey! You okay?"
"Mm-hmm!" He says quickly, regaining his balance. "All good!"
Mikey shakes himself out and goes again -- whoop!
Mikey tumbles slightly, but catches himself. He tries folding the sleeves up above his wrists, but they fall loose and drape over his knuckles and drag across the floor as he trots. Mikey grumbles softly as he tries to figure this out...
"What's wrong?" Casey asks.
"Mmmngh... can't move right," Mikey groans. "Sleeves too long..."
"Do you need me to cut them or --"
"No, just... hmm. I can't mmmmove. Won't fold up right... can C-C-C-Casey help?"
Casey looks over the situation carefully, coming up with possible solutions.
"Well, if I fold them, they'll probably just fall loose again," he says. "You won't be able to crawl around in that."
"Do I have to take it off?"
"No, but there is another solution."
"Eh?" Mikey perks up. "What to do?"
"Have you tried walking upright?"
Mikey pauses, mouth open. His hands fidget.
"Haven't tried yet.... a l-little nervous..."
"Do you wanna try now? I'll help!" Casey offers, standing up and offering a hand to him. "I'll catch you if you fall."
Mikey swallows nervously. He reaches out for Casey's hand and takes it, careful not to grip him too hard for fear of cutting his skin with his nails. Casey pulls him up, causing Mikey to stumble with a cry.
"I got you, I got you!" he reassures him. "You're okay... Okay, you've got your balance?"
"Mm-hmmmmmmm," Mikey says with a nervous twinge in his voice.
"Alright, so follow my lead, one foot out --"
Casey swings his right leg forwards, taking a small step. Mikey watches as if Casey just jumped fifty buildings in one leap. He shakily lifts his own leg, and follows. He wobbles as he moves, almost losing balance and tipping over, but Casey holds his hand with determination.
Casey then moves his left foot to match. Mikey follows slowly, weakly. His legs shake. It's mostly just the balance that's his issue. The new tail is throwing him off, trying to readjust to the new center of gravity. But Mikey is figuring it out. Casey holds his hand like he's a toddler, walking with him around the room and giving words of affirmation and praise as he starts to pick up the pace. Casey steps further and further away from Mikey the longer they walk, letting him gain confidence in himself and get used to walking alone. The two get distracted from the packing and start roaming the halls. Casey lets go of Mikey's hand --
"No wet go!" Mikey scolds.
He's only a year old, and can barely get his points across, but he's trying. Splinter holds his tiny, stubby hands and uses his own claws to keep him upright as the tiny tot tries walking for the fourth time today, sixteenth time this week, fortieth time this month.
"I won't," Splinter promises with a sigh.
It's only been a year since the mutations, and he's still getting used to walking himself. Every once in a while, his tail will smack him in the leg, he'll forget it's there and think a strange snake got into the lair and try to protect the boys from it before realizing in embarrassment what it actually is. He's getting better with it, though...
Though parenthood is a new challenge he can't say he ever expected. The worry that he may mess up irrevocably without realizing it, the fear that maybe there will be an issue in health that he doesn't know how to solve, and even small things, like the differences in each son and learning curves or gaps.
The rest of the boys are walking. But Mikey is the baby, he's having trouble. He seems to be the 'special' baby, the late bloomer. He can crawl like his brothers do, but not as fast. They all can walk, Raphael can even run by this point! And the others can swim like experts. But Mikey almost drowned in his very first bath. Splinter might be babying him a bit, taking extra caution with him in some aspects... he does it for each baby. He's terrified of Donatello getting hurt because of his soft shell, so he is extra gentle. He's sure that Raphael is never alone because he'll start crying, and he lets him sleep in bed with him at night rather than in the box with the others. Leonardo is an attention hog and cries when he doesn't have the spotlight, so Splinter has to praise him a lot to help him feel validated. And Michelangelo is smaller than the rest, and for whatever reason he can't seem to stay on his feet for very long.
Despite all this, Mikey is determined and optimistic. But he's still nervous, and holds his father's hand with all his might. He fits within Splinter's palm, and Splinter helps to balance the baby boxshell as best he can without knocking him over.
Mikey takes a deep breath and swings his leg out. His foot hits the floor with a loud 'plap', and he swings his other leg out as well.
Splinter holds his hand behind him gently, his youngest son clinging to his fingers. Eventually, he takes the hand behind him away. He slowly leads Mikey around the area, guiding him by moving his finger in certain directions.
"Mikey say no wet go!" the baby shouts again when his father's hand drifts away faster than Mikey can keep up.
"I'm not letting go," Splinter explains. "I'm just moving my hand a little."
"Dada go too fast," Mikey scolds. "Dada no wet go."
"I won't," he promises.
Splinter and Mikey travel all around the room, with the little baby toddling around as best he can. It seems like he might be getting the hang of it!
Mikey trips and tumbles, having been distracted by the memory.
Casey grabs his arm as he reaches out for him, pulling Mikey back up as best he can.
"Whoah! Mikey, you okay?"
"Uh-huh," Mikey mumbles quickly, regaining his footing and holding onto Casey as though his life depended on it. "I'mmmmmm okayyyyy... jus' tripped."
"Okay," Casey says with a smile. "But so far, are you okay? Walking all good?"
"Shaky," Mikey says. "T-r-r-r-ricky... but, okay."
"Great," Casey nods. "It'll be a little difficult at first, but you'll get it!"
"Casey doing good job helping," Mikey says with a chuckle as he takes another step forward. "Thank you..."
"It's no problem," Casey says with a soft chuckle in return. "It's nothing compared to helping Sensei with his physical therapy after he lost his arm..."
"Huh?" Mikey asks in confusion. He's mentioned 'Sensei' before... who is he?
"Oh, n-nothing. Just something that happened in the alternate future..."
"Casey wanna talk about it?" Mikey asks.
Casey looks at Mikey in surprise. Everyone has been avoiding the subject of the future as though hearing more about it will bring about a crazy time curse or something.
But... if Mikey wants to know... what can it hurt?
"Well... okay! See, in the future..."
Casey talks on and on, explaining how Leo had lost his arm and had difficulty getting used to the physical therapy, and Casey helped him to adjust. Casey talks about how Donatello created a prosthetic arm that was equipped with weapons and equipment, and when Casey (who eight years old at the time) wanted one, Donatello made him a special glove fitted with a grappling hook so he could match his Sensei. Casey talks about how Mikey was an inspiration and kept the positivity in the Resistance, using his mystic powers to create all kinds of beautiful magic for the people and immeasurable protections and attacks against the Krang.
Mikey listens to Casey intensely, despite the fact that none of it makes any sense whatsoever to him.
Leo walks out and places his stuff down by the exit. There's a pile growing already, with duffel bags and totes and a few boxes of things that the group will need to occupy themselves. Leo packed several comics for himself, as well as puzzles and games for Mikey so he can exercise his brain. Raph packed up a flurry of stuffed animals, and was also tasked with packing Mikey's memory goop. April finished packing snacks for them to munch on while at Draxum's, and she also took the lead for gathering up Mikey's art supplies, too. Donnie packed an army's worth of purple jackets and hoodies and all of his tech and information on Mikey's double-mutation. He still hasn't given up trying to find a cure, despite knowing that there won't be one. Splinter packed up a few robes, his Lou Jitsu film collection, and as many scrapbooks as he could fit.
Leo notices that -- despite the enormous pile -- there are still a few bags missing.
Specifically orange bags.
Casey was supposed to help Mikey get packed up, but he hasn't seen or heard from either of them for a while. What are they up to?
Leo searches the lair, finding the two walking along one of the halls together. Mikey is standing upright, rather than crouched down on the floor on all fours. He's walking! Actually walking? Leo had been wondering about that, whether or not Mikey could still stand up or not.
He's a little shaky, but he's got the spirit. Mikey looks happy, but not completely confident in himself; he's holding onto CJ like a lifeline, refusing to let go as they roam around the rec room together, arm in arm.
Casey keeps Mikey entertained as they walk, talking on and on about...
Leo stops and feels his head go numb as he hears what Casey Jones Jr. is talking about.
"...And then Sensei grabbed the Krang dog by the leg and threw it at --"
"Hey, guys," Leo says, waving at them. "What's going on in here?"
"Oh, hey Leo!" CJ says with a nervous smile. "I was just helping Mikey try walking again. And, uh, we just started talking, and..."
"Casey is confusing!" Mikey announces proudly, stating it like it's an award or title that Casey earned. "Learning a lot!"
"Learning?" Leo asks.
"Future," Mikey explains. "You have an arm -- uhh.... Casey, what is the word?"
"Yeah, that. Leo gets a cool arm! Like a gift! You lost your old one, so Donnie made you another! Why did you have multiple arms?"
Leo turns and stares at Casey, his eye twitching.
"...It's.... uh.... a long story," Leo manages. "But, um, maybe we can talk about it later."
Casey shrinks a bit, his head goes low and his shoulders slump. Mikey notices the shift in the room, and is about to ask why they're both acting weird when Leo changes the subject.
"So, are you all packed?"
"Oh, uh, n-no, not yet, we kinda got distracted..."
"Well, why don't I help you out real quick?"
Leo pulls the two back into Mikey's room. He has Mikey pick out several more sweatshirts and hoodies to wear while Leo and CJ go to bag up his blankets and pillows.
Mikey listens to them as they whisper; eventually they catch on and sign to each other instead. Mikey watches from his peripherals, trying to not let them realize he's eavesdropping on them. It's tough, they both turn away and he can only catch bits and pieces.
'...why would you tell him...'
'...didn't think... issue... he asked....'
'...he's confused...'
'What do you mean?'
'Memory... doesn't know... aliens...'
'...sorry... didn't know...'
'...don't want to make it more confusing for him...'
'Besides... talked about this...promised to keep it secret...'
'...just wanted someone to talk to...'
'....why should they know... painful... don't want them to hurt...'
'What about my hurt?'
Casey and Leo turn away from Mikey fully. He can't see the rest of their conversation, but by their body language he can tell it's not going well. CJ gets up and storms away. Leo sighs and droops in the corner of the room. Mikey hops over to him and nuzzles his back.
"Leo okay?"
He turns around and fakes a smile at him.
"All good, mi hermano. Just... trying to figure some stuff out with Casey."
"Is Casey okay?"
Leo heaves a sigh.
"...Let's just get you packed up. Do you wanna bring your chucks?"
Leo holds out the sticks he tried to give Mikey a few days ago. Mikey still doesn't understand what they are.
"No," he says with a shrug. "I don't. Unless you want them..."
"No, I don't -- Mikey, they're your weapons!" Leo clarifies. "You use them for your ninpo, remember?"
"What's a ninpo?" Mikey asks as he starts digging through his shirts again.
Leo is silent for a while. Mikey gets nervous that he said something wrong and turns back to look at him. Leo's eyes are wide and his face is shaken. But he blinks and resets, his expression changes to a feeble smile.
"Uh, nevermind. I'll tell ya later..."
Once Mikey's supplies are all compiled, the group meets in the garage.
Leo pulls out his katanas and slashes the air, creating a portal.
"All right everyone, let's go!"
Leo directs the group as though he were directing traffic, each person jumping through with their stuff one at a time. Mikey and Leo are the last two left in the room.
"You ready?"
Mikey nods, slowly pushing himself up and standing with a wobble. Leo takes his hand, and the two step through the portal.
It disorients Mikey more than he expected, and he stumbles after the second step, almost falling over before Leo wraps his arms around him and steadies him again.
"Well well, it's nice to see you finally arrive," Draxum grumbles as he greets Donnie. "Although, I didn't expect you to bring so many guests... I thought you said it was just your family?"
"Yeah, that's me, Mikey, Raph, Leo, Splinter, April, and Casey Jr.," he explains without looking up from his phone. "Oh, and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.2.0."
Mikey notices CJ perk up with a smile when his name is mentioned in the list of family members.
But Draxum sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I see. I didn't account for that... I'm afraid I don't have enough room for everyone."
"I won't be staying overnight," April offers.
"Still, the addition of the rat and the time traveler was unexpected."
"Well, it's a good thing you have a certified genius to help with construction, then," Donnie says, cracking his knuckles. "S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., prepare the schematics!"
"On it, dude," the robot says with a laugh as he starts to scan the building.
"You don't honestly think that we can add two extra rooms from scratch by this evening?" Draxum challenges.
"You doubt my skills?"
"In addition to the rest of the renovations? Finishing by tomorrow night would be a miracle," he growls. "We'll have to find somewhere else to house you all until it's finished..."
"Like where?" Raph asks. "Not the Hotel Nexus..."
"Big Mama is not the only hotel proprietor in the Hidden City," Draxum huffs. "I know of a nice resort that could take us in..."
"Wait, resort? Not the one that only takes in people with hair, right?" Leo fidgets, his hands reaching to cover his bald head.
"I do have a membership there," Draxum says. "But there is another one --"
"Not the one across the street!" Leo begs, almost falling to his knees.
"No, of course not. There's more than one, don't worry. I'll call for a coach, and you can stay there until my home is repaired."
Draxum summons a flying cart with a pegasus, and the group fill the trunk with their belongings and climb in. The winged horse brays and jumps into the air, carrying the cart away.
"Not exactly a simurgh ride, but still pretty cool," Leo smirks. "Whaddya think, Mikey?"
Mikey leans over the side of the cart, the wind in his face and the underworld beneath him. It's so pretty, incredibly bright and colorful! For so long, all he knew was white coats and grey tiles and pitch black machines...
Mikey hoots as the cart flies. He loves this! Raph reaches over to keep him safely in the wagon when he thinks Mikey might fall out.
Mikey takes in the many smells... there's an entire world down here! And another world above! Mikey starts bouncing with excitement and anticipation...
The cart lands in front of a large Yokai resort, multicolored palm trees dotting the lawn and enormous shells decorating the entrance.
The group step out, oohing and awing at the underground beaches and beautiful views from behind the building.
"How do they have a sky and ocean?" Raph asks, pointing.
"It's a form of portal magic," Draxum states.. "There are many parts of the world still uninhabited by man, hundreds of undiscovered islands in the ocean. The Yokai use special spells to create bridges between those islands and their own cities, folds in space and reality, creating the illusion that the sandy shores are here, when in fact we are --"
"Less talking, more vacay!" Splinter shouts, running into the hotel. "Papa needs a suntan and a fruity drink with a tiny umbrella!!"
April cackles as Draxum rolls his eyes.
"And to think I chose him as the mightiest warrior for my experiments..."
Mikey turns to look at Draxum when he hears the word 'experiments'. But no one else seems to mind. Leo notices Mikey's nervous twitch and pats him on the back.
"It's okay," Leo whispers. "He means something else. He is a good guy. I promise you're safe."
Safe. Safe. Safe.
Mikey trusts Leo.
The duo follow after the rest into the lobby as Splinter rings the front bell several times over.
"Be right there!" a surprisingly cheery voice calls out.
A moment later, two small bat-like creatures fly out to greet the guests.
"Hi, and welcome to -- DRAXUM?!"
Draxum's eyes widen.
"Huginn? Muninn? You work here now??"
"Yeah!" Huginn cheers. "Can you believe it? We got such a cushy job here! I mean, well... it's okay. The pay stinks, the manager is the owner's son, we have to give rent for our own room, which is actually the supply closet..."
"But at least we have dental!" Muninn chimes in.
"...You're gargoyles. You don't have any teeth," Draxum states flatly.
"Yeah.... we didn't really think this through," Muninn sighs.
"Well, you're looking... um, good," Draxum says quickly. "I wasn't sure what happened to you two after the incident with the Dark Armor."
"We kinda... went off the grid after you disappeared and the arrest warrants went out," Huginn sighs. "It was tough finding work. But you're off the hook now! Congrats!"
"We've never been prouder!" Muninn smiles. "So, what's up with you? Looks like you finally got the turtles to team up with you!"
"It's a long story. But I've, uh..." Draxum swallows. "Been busy. Restoring my old home."
"Wow, really? Still?" Huginn asks. "Well, if, uh... you ever need someone to perch on your shoulders again, or y'know, do menial tasks like bridling ravenous ponies or filing taxes..."
Draxum smiles.
"I'll let you know. In the meantime, do you have any rooms available?"
"For you?" Muninn grins wide. "Private luxury suite!"
He tosses the key to the warring warrior scientist, who catches it with ease.
"We'll take your bags up for ya!" Muninn says, fluttering over to the pile. "You guys can go check out the pool, spa, bingo hall, buffet, and beachside!"
The teens immediately run out the back door to explore the beach as Draxum and his former goyles start to gather up the luggage.
Huginn notices Mikey scurrying past.
"Hey boss, isn't that...?"
"Like I said, it's a long story," Draxum says with a sigh.
The teens rush out and explore the beach. An aurora of rainbows wrap over the edge of the property, creating an archway that leads to a hidden tropical paradise. Mikey can feel the breeze and smell the water from where he is. Casey stares in shock at it all. He starts to tear up.
"You okay, CJ?" April asks.
"...I... huh? Oh, yeah," he says, coming back to reality, sniffing a bit as he wipes his eyes. "I just... I never knew that the world looked like this... it's so beautiful, and intact, and... big..."
April smiles, taking his hand and leading him to the beach.
"Come on, future kid. We're gonna introduce you to the magic of a beachside vacation."
Mikey chirps happily as he runs alongside them. Leo and Raph are already at the water's edge, splashing in the tide. Donnie watches from just beyond their reach, smiling softly, letting his feet sink in the sand as he basks in the sun.
It's so warm here, the sun is so bright and the water is so sparkling...
Mikey presses a hand into the wet sand. It squishes under his pressure. Casey mimics him, pressing his hand into the soft sand. He laughs. Mikey laughs with him, digging his claws deeper and deeper. His knuckles feel something hard with ridges. He pulls out a shell. Casey awes at it, staring in wonder. Mikey hands it over for him to examine.
Open. Space. Run. Free. Zoom.
Mikey starts bolting, running along the water's edge and kicking up sand as he races against the wind. He shrieks with laughter. He circles around and races back, zooming back and forth over and over again. He can hear Casey and April laughing at his speed, enjoying the fact that he's enjoying himself.
Mikey turns to the water. Leo and Raph are up to their knees in the waves. Leo beckons him out to join them.
Mikey, crouches, getting ready to pounce...
His animal intuitions take over. Rather than jump in the water... he runs. His legs speed under him, his back straightens and he runs on two feet instead of all fours. He bolts across the water, going past Leo and Raph in an instant and speeding away. He runs atop the water, the webbing in between his toes creating air pockets beneath that keep him afloat as he runs.
Mikey runs on water, never having felt more free in his life.
He can hear the others shouting for him and cheering him on. Mikey laughs loudly as he runs in an arc and returns quickly, coming towards Leo and Raph, who realize too late what Mikey's plans are.
Mikey leaps and jumps them. The two shout in fear as he pounces, knocking them into the water.
Donnie howls with laughter. April woops and Casey cheers. Leo and Raph are sputtering under Mikey but laughing all the same. Mikey cackles with joy as Raph splashes Mikey in retaliation and Leo flips him over, crashing him into an oncoming wave. Mikey swims around them like a snake before jumping out and pouncing on Raph again.
Splinter watches from the shore with a smile as his family lets themselves be kids for the first time in a very, very long time.
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