#Jamie bower campbell
p3nope · 2 years
Old Hollywood Bloopers|| Jamie Campbell Bower
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Pairing: Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
WC: 1,556
Warnings: Swearing, I think that’s it
Summary: Have you seen the old Hollywood bloopers? So I had the idea of Jamie Campbell bower and Reader are in a film together and they’re on the tonight show and Jimmy Fallon shows the bloopers
A/N: Did I use the plot of “makeup”? Kinda. Do I care? No because the only good thing about that movie was the premise and Joseph Quinn
You were sat next to Jamie on the Tonight show with Jimmy Fallon to promote your upcoming movie you both were in. Jamie sat closest to Jimmy and you were next to Jamie as you three chatted and talked. You were sipping on your mug of water when Jimmy started speaking, “So this film is truly a work of art. It’s called ‘Indecency’ It’s a period thriller/psychological horror set in the early 1900s where, Y/N, your character-Charlotte- is plagued by the idea of her husband, Miles-played by Jamie- cheating on her with his secretary and she does everything in her power to try and save the relationship and get to the bottom of things.” You and Jamie nodded along as Jimmy spoke, he held up a cardboard poster with a screen grab of ‘Charlotte’ and ‘Miles’ holding each other and you smiled with pride as the audience applauded. Jimmy continued, “What kind-if any- preparation did you do to get ready for these roles?” You motioned for Jamie to go first, “Well-to premise, Y/N and I would get our hair and makeup done at the same time together so that we could continue creating that ‘long married bond’ dynamic and so the two of us would listen to older love songs when getting ready like Dream a Little Dream, We’ll Meet Again, or, Fly me to the Moon..Personally, I did extensive research on the way people would speak back then and such and Y/N was actually requested to have a Marilyn Monroe esc accent-Yaknow that iconic way old actresses would speak in old films?” Jimmy nodded and turned his attention to you when you started to speak,
“That is true, I went to a dialect coach just so that I could really nail that Old Hollywood accent.” Jimmy laughed to show he was engaged in the conversation before he started to speak, “It’s funny you mention that actually, because, I was told that there are a number of bloopers with you still speaking with old slang and that accent am I correct?” Jamie burst out laugh and you smiled while chuckling, “Yes that’s true, honestly I think it added to the charm.”
“Well, luckily for us, we were sent over those very bloopers-“ He pointed to the large screen the cameras didn’t catch that showed videos, “let’s take a look.”
You and Jamie were in the middle of a tense scene as you cowered in character behind him, holding onto the back of his steamed suit, “He’s here..to poison me. For Every Instant I am in danger until the next one-“ Jamie was turning to look at you to time him catching your now collapsing figure per the script. You gripped onto his arms for dear life as you whispered, “Help me…” You were supposed to look up at him but when you tried to move your head, your earring had caught onto the button of Jamie’s suit jacket. He hadn’t noticed and was confused when he saw you smile, “Help me dear god help me-I’m caught on his button.” Then you pulled away slightly and Jamie then realized what the problem was and he started chuckling as you continued to tug you earring away from him.
“Sandra just told me…That I was only-Nuts! That goddamned line I cannot remember it.” You looked at Jamie who was smiling ear to ear trying his best not to burst out in laughter at your struggling. You yell out to the director, “Let me do it again! Right now! Keep rolling!!”
You reset the scene and had gotten past that line you were stuck on for a bit and you looked at Jamie with fake anger as he yelled in character, “But I didn’t die, and I haven’t stayed away and I want that child!”
“Well you’r not going to have it!” You caught the fact you said ‘it’ instead of ‘her’ but Jamie hadn’t so he went on, “Is that so-?” “Son of a bitch I messed it up.”
You were holding hands with Jamie as you stood across one another “My darling, you need to get your head on straight, you’ve completely lost it..anymore of this nonsense and you’ll be sent off to the looney bin.” “Oh no, Miles…I have not lost-“ You stumbled over your words, “Oh my go- son of a bitch.”
“Charlotte, you must realize that he is not taking extra shifts, he’s probably off on cloud nine with that young secretary of his by now.” You were speaking to who played charlottes best friend in the film, the one who started the mental spiral. You two heard the *fake* buzzer of the door go off and you smiled taking out a match from the small matchbox in your hand as you started to unsuccessfully light the match, “Nonsense..That must be Miles now..I..I told him to meet me here.” You then gave up on lighting the match and huffed in frustration, “The goddamn match won’t strike.”
One of the bloopers, however, was all Jamie’s fault. His character was talking to you explaining how one of Miles’s good friends had been killed but he had forgotten the way the character had perished, “He flew one over there and never came up, never came back, never showed up-“ He snapped his fingers in defeat then smiled looking at the camera, “The son-of-a-bitch drowned!”
Charlotte was yelling at the secretary your husband was accused of cheating with, “And if this case isn’t settled by then, I’m going to give the estate away to the Salvation Army- and I knew goddamned well I was going to say it!” The extras standing around the fake office and the actress playing the secretary all burst into laughter as you smiled in defeat.
During one of yours and Jamie’s faux heated arguments you were chasing after Jamie while yelling but you were so in it that you forgot a whole line, “You know good and well I don’t care anything about your-! AHHHHH I FORGOT THE FIRST PART!!” You yelled as you quickly whipped around and ran back to your starting place.
As the scene continued (correctly) you both weren’t one hundred percent sure the blocking of the cameras, which is what lead to Jamie’s second screw up, “Oh, well I can’t be around you when you at like this!!” He yelled in anger at you before starting to storm off, but when the camera moved to follow suit he accidentally looked right into the lenses and he stopped in his tracks, frazzled, “Oh! You’re following me! I didn’t know that!” He exclaimed as he started laughing as he turned to walk back to his original place to find you keeled over laughing and holding your stomach.
In one of the more passionate scenes you were in Jamie’s arms, slightly dipped as you two had just departed from a long and loving kiss and you started to speak. Your overwhelming feelings for Jamie messed you up, “What was it? What was the bury-the-…son-of-a bitch.” Jamie smiled down at you and your heart did flips. As you stumbled to make the mess up an external responsibility, “That-that line was screwy!”
Charlotte had to talk to a doctor a bit of ways into the film, “Do you think this mania comes from the fact that you feel threatened by this Sally-Anne?” You rolled your eyes as smoke left your slips from the cigarette that you were smoking, “Isn’t it obvious? There isn’t enough uh…god- I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about I’m sure. Why did you-Why did you-? I don’t know why you hired me..Oh nuts.”
A scene of the first meeting of Charlotte and the infamous secretary, Sally-Anne. You waltzed through the door to the office and stuck out your right hand and spoke, “How do you do? I’m very glad to meet you-“
“Wrong hand!” The director yelled out and you started to walk backwards while stating “I knew as soon as I did it!”
A flashback of Charlotte and Mile’s wedding night; You were standing across from Jamie as he was handing you a glass of fake wine, “Don’t spill your drink” It was written to be a funny smart-ass remark and you had a line to speak but something came over you to just stand in front of him shooting daggers from you eyes and he whispered, “are you alright..?” You continued staring until you brought the glass to your lips and muttered, “Schmuck.” And as soon as you finished the word the two of you burst into contagious laughter.
Later in the same scene You were in the most luxurious wedding gown and flowy veil as you sat on a bench and you were supposed to turn to look at him after he had spoken his line but all you could do was speak while facing away from him, “I can’t-I can’t move my head because my whole goddamned wig will fall off!”
Applause and laughter erupted throughout the live audience as you and Jamie laughed while leaning on one another and you spoke between giggles, “Wow, I never realized how funny I could be without a script!” and Jamie turned to you while shaking his head, “Oh hush, love, a script can’t write your quick wit.”
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oskea93 · 2 years
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☨ Fire Away ☨ Chapter Two: Part II
▾ Caius Volturi x OC ▾ ▲ Warning: NSFW. Cursing, physical contact, talk of forced sex, sexual language ▲
⍏ Taglist: @xoxoindigo @vampluv3r @ladysybilchronicles @badkitty83 @volturgeist @theplagueworm @dogmom2014​
★ Taglist now available ★ 
▿ Author’s note: Hi guys!! I hope you all enjoy the new chapter. As you will notice, Caius and Vanessa are still bickering a lot but as the chapter goes on, you can see that there is something there between them. It’s just gonna take a while for it to be concrete. Also, I hate to leave you all on a cliffhanger but the document was 8 pages and I feel like the next chapter would be a good time to pick back up. I also want to thank you all again for supporting this story. It really does mean so much to me. I’m not a writer by profession. This is just a hobby of mine and I enjoy sharing my stories with you all. If there are any mistakes, I will try to go back and fix those. And, if you are interested, I have a link to the taglist above if you would like to be added :) Let me know what you think and if you have any questions regarding the story, I would love to answer those as well! ▿
He slept on the floor that night while I took the bed. 
He wasn’t going to let me out of his sight, not even for a minute after my disastrous, failed attempt. I woke up a couple times during the night, just staring at the ceiling, contemplating what my life was becoming. I was a wife. His family wanted me to become a mother. All of these things were foreign to me. I didn’t want children. I didn’t even know if I wanted to be married but yet here, we are. I stared at the wedding ring on my finger – twirling it around. I would glance down at Caius from time to time. Sometimes just staring at him, while also thinking of a way to smother him. Would I be able to do it without him waking up before I reached him? 
I woke up the next morning to the sound of the bathroom door closing. “About time you woke up.” Caius spoke. I watched as he walked around the room, a towel wrapped around his naked waist. His hair was darker due to being wet, making his blue eyes shine. “We have a flight to catch in 30 minutes.” His deep voice even deeper in the morning. 
I waited until he was out of the room, pulling the covers off my body, slamming the bedroom door closed. I stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath in. Today was the start of my “honeymoon.” The weather matched the occasion – dark and bleak. The rain drops slapped against the high-rise windows, creating a peaceful melody. I made my way over to the bathroom. The site before me even worse than the night before. My poor face was swollen – deeply purple. Bruising had popped up under my right eye now due to my broken nose. How was I supposed to cover this up? Makeup could only do so much. 
Heavy footsteps carried me to the bedroom door, swinging back open as I walked through the suite. “Caius!” I yelled. 
He quickly emerged, slipping his black, long sleeve shirt on. Confusion and worry written on his face. “What- what’s the matter?” 
I aggressively pointed to my face, “How the hell am I supposed to go out looking like a fucking punching bag?” 
His face quickly relaxed, “You have plenty of makeup, love.” 
I rolled my good eye, “I’m sure you don’t know how makeup works but there is not enough makeup in the fucking Revlon factory that will cover all of is this up.” 
He stared at me for a moment, “Well-“ He spoke. “I advise you to cover it up the best way you can.” 
He turned back towards his room, checking his watch as he walked. “People will think that you did this to me.” My words making him stop in his tracks. “I mean you were the cause of this even if it wasn’t your own hands that did this.” 
You could cut the tension between us with a fucking knife. His whole body had gone rigid, like a rabid dog about to attack. “You think people will believe I did that?” His voice low and dark. “You don’t know the pull I have in this town, sweetheart.” 
My breath became ragged as I stood toe to toe with him, “Having a battered woman with you won’t make you look any better. Just worse in the eyes of the public.” His eyes stared into mine. “People knew what I looked like yesterday. I didn’t have a single cut or bruise on me and now-“ I paused. 
He chose to walk away, the sound of his door slamming shut making me jump in fear. I must have stood there for a moment before retreating back to my bedroom. I decided to take a quick shower, dressing down in sweats. I made sure everything was packed before slipping on a pair of sunglasses – wincing as the bridge of the nosepiece rubbed against the split in the skin. I could hear Caius speaking with one of the hotel employees, their voices hushed as I entered the room. Caius slipped him a hundred-dollar bill before closing the door, leaving the two of us alone once again. 
“He’s going to pick us up in the garage.” 
I nodded my head. 
The room fell silent again as he took a seat on the edge of the couch. I watched the clock, praying the driver would hurry and call. 
“You know I would never lay a hand on a woman.” His voice snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced over at him, watching as he twirled his wedding band around his skinny finger. “My uncles may have taught me a lot of bad things but hitting a woman is not one of them.” 
I stayed silent. I didn’t want to push the issue any further… 
I traced the raindrops as they marched along the tinted window. We were parked outside the airport – a private plane awaiting us. Caius had stepped out once we arrived, speaking with the driver and pilots of the plane. I watched as several men surrounded them, some standing by Caius, while others walked around the plane. 
Moments later, Caius opened the door, his hand reaching for mine. I stared at it for a moment before hesitantly placing my hand in his. The guard next to us held a black umbrella, shielding us from the falling rain. Caius’s grip on my hand was soft- not forced as he led us to the jet. He introduced me as his wife to the flight staff – their smiles greeted me. I could sense that the flight attendants could see the colors on my face, not daring to say anything though. 
I took my seat, watching as the men that remained outside spoke to one another. Caius spoke with the pilot, laughing and speaking animatedly with him. I would catch their eyes casting over to me from time to time, finally shaking each other’s hands before Caius made his way towards me. He took the seat across from mine, taking his phone out, messaging whoever. The plane soon started up, the flight attendants asking us if we needed anything before take-off. I declined their offer with a smile, bringing my attention back to the passing scenery. I still had no idea where we were going. Caius only mentioning to make sure I had a swimsuit. 
“My uncles have us scheduled for lunch and then I have some business to do.” I looked over at him as he spoke. “Shouldn’t take more than an hour.” 
“You’re doing business on your honeymoon?” His eyes glanced up from his phone. “Isn’t the point of a honeymoon to spend time with your significant other and forget about work?” 
“I thought you hated me and didn’t want to be near me?” A smirk formed on his face. “Why are you suddenly worried about me working and us spending time together?” 
I rolled my eyes, “I could give a rats ass what you do.” 
His smirk turned into a wide smile, “Now darling-“His accent deep. “If you want to spend time with me, I will gladly drop everything and fuck you senseless on the beach. I mean if you want, we could go in the back and I can induct you into the-mile-high club.” 
“You’re a pig.” I muttered. 
He sat there smugly, placing his attention back on his phone. Silence overtook the cabin as we sailed in the air. As the time passed, he spoke on the phone with his uncles, making sure everything was ready for us. He would look over at me every once in a while, his eyes sometimes lingering too long. After a while, I must have fallen asleep – waking up as the plane touched down on the runway. 
The denim jacket he had been wearing earlier was now draped over me, giving me the warmth, I needed during my nap. Caius was nowhere to be found as I looked around. The flight attendants were seated, waiting for the captain’s word that it was clear to get up. I looked out the window – greeted by brilliant sunshine and a crystal-clear ocean. The island was surrounded by small and large huts, each settled in the water on wooden stilts. 
“Good afternoon, Sleeping Beauty.” Caius smiled down at me, “Sleep well?” 
I didn’t say anything, simply nodding my head and handing him his jacket. The flight attendants soon stood, opening up the door, welcoming in the hot air. Caius and I were both dressed for winter – sweats and denim not a welcomed site for such a tropical environment. 
“Welcome to the Maldives, Mr. and Mrs. Volturi.” 
I felt Caius grab my hand, leading us towards the front of the plane. He quickly thanked the flight crew before escorting us off the plane and into the heat. There was a blacked-out SUV waiting for us, the poor driver dressed in a black suit and hat. 
 I listened as Caius spoke to the man in Spanish, shocked that he could speak a foreign language. I only knew certain words, so their conversation was unknown to me as he welcomed us into the vehicle. 
“Miguel is gonna drop you off at the villa so I can get to my meeting.” 
I looked down the bridge of my sunglasses, “I thought we were having lunch?”
He kept his eyes focused on the windshield, “I’ve set up for the staff to bring you lunch – My associates are wanting to meet earlier than planned.”
This was my first introduction of cancelled plans and rushed meetings. 
“So, I’m going to be alone?” 
“I’ll be back later on tonight.” His voice sounding annoyed. His whole demeanor had changed since we exited the plane. 
I decided not to say anything else. Once the car came to a stop in front of the luxurious villa, I didn’t even bother to wait for the driver to open the door. “Vanessa!” Caius’s yelled. 
I muttered a thank you to Miguel as he handed me my bags, marching towards what I assumed was the building where we were staying. I could hear Caius running behind me, capturing my arm in his grip once he caught me. He swung my body around - crashing into his. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” He asked.
I pulled my arm out of his grasp, shaking my head in silence. I didn’t bother glancing back towards his as I walked into the villa, slamming the wooden door behind me. I didn’t expect him to come after me – soon realizing that was the case when I heard the car drive away. I let out a sigh, looking around the huge area. The furniture looked expensive as the view of the ocean overtook the room. I slowly made my way to the next room – the bedroom. There was a huge bed sitting in the center of the room, another view of the ocean sitting behind a set of glass doors. The bathroom housed a porcelain tub and a walk-in shower, little windows sitting in the floor, showing off the water below. 
I decided to change into my bathing suit, laying a towel on the lounge chairs outside on the deck. I pulled my hair into a high bun as I sat and felt the hot rays soak into my body. I was finally at some sort of peace. Maybe it was the heat getting to me, but I was feeling comfortable. My thoughts of Caius and this whole relationship had slipped my mind. 
“Mrs. Volturi?” 
I practically jumped out of the chair, wrapping the towel around my body as the man’s voice neared closer. He soon appeared at the door, a friendly smile on his face. “Didn’t mean to scare you, ma’am.” He had a nametag present on his lapel and the resorts name embroidered on his polo shirt. “Mr. Volturi wanted to make sure you were treated to lunch. Oh-“ He turned around, walking back towards the front entrance. I slowly followed, watching as he retrieved a vase full of roses. “He wanted you to have these as well – told me to tell you that he was sorry.” 
Blood, red roses spilled from the crystal vase. They were absolutely beautiful. “Thank you.” I gave him a small smile. “They’re gorgeous.” 
“Well-“He smiled. “Mr. Volturi looks like a man that has great taste.” 
I simply nodded my head. 
“If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask and we’ll try to accommodate the best we can.”
I thanked him before he exited the house. I turned my attention back to the roses, placing my nose close enough to smell their aroma. I sat them down on the kitchen island, smiling as their beauty brought a glow to the tan walls. I dropped my towel on the bar stool as I walked towards the food that he had brought. Burger and fries – along with all the fixings and condiments. Attached to the ketchup bottle was a note. 
Even though you say you hate me, I know that you’re upset about my meeting. If you will allow, I will make it up to you tonight. I hope you enjoy your lunch – Your mom said this was your favorite meal. Xo, Caius. 
I quick smile formed across my lips as I placed the note to the side…
The vase flew against the wall, shattering into tiny pieces as the roses laid helplessly in the glass. 
“I can’t believe you agreed to that!” My voice loud. “I’m not fucking doing that.” 
He ran his hand through his growing hair for the hundredth time since being back. “You don’t have a fucking choice, Vanessa.” 
“Oh yes the fuck I do, Caius. Just because you arranged this fucking circus doesn’t mean I have follow your commands.” 
He finally returned from his meeting five hours later. The words from his note no longer true as he sat outside, smoking a cigarette. He wouldn’t even look at me at first – his body signaling that something was up. Against my better judgement, I decided to ask him. He ignored me at first but then dropped the ball that brought out the anger that destroyed the beautiful bouquet. 
“They have to have proof, Vanessa!” His voice boomed. “I should’ve fucking did it last night and then we wouldn’t be in this mess.” 
His uncles had somehow found out that the marriage wasn’t consummated. I don’t know if they had spies come in the room in the middle of the night while we were sleeping, or fucking cameras set up in the hotel room to show that he slept on the floor while I took the bed. He explained that his uncles wanted it done tonight and to make sure that it was complete, an associate of theirs was to be present. 
“I’m not having sex with you while some creep watches.” 
“It has to be done.” His words slow. 
I collapsed into the chair, placing my face in my hands. I could feel tears forming in my eyes as my anxiety and anger bubbled over. “Fuck you and fuck this-“ I bolted up. “I want a flight back to America- I’m fucking done with this charade.” I stomped past him, only for his hand to grab my wrist forcefully. I let out a yelp as he pushed me against the wall, his towering frame looking down at me. 
“You’re hurting me.” I whimpered, struggling against his hold. 
My arms were pinned at my side as his body pushed into mine. “Calm the fuck down.” His voice low. We stared into each other’s eyes, both too stubborn to look away first. “Now-“He spoke. “Victor is on his way-“His grip slowly letting up. “You’re gonna freshen up and put on the wedding present my Aunt gifted you. After that, you’re gonna come back out here and we’re gonna get this over and done with. Do you understand?” 
I shook my head no as tears streamed down my face. “I’m not doing that.” 
He looked annoyed, “It’s either this or your family loses everything.” 
“Fuck them.” I whispered. 
He stayed silent for a moment, “You and I both know you don’t mean that.” 
A knock sounded on the front door, Caius loosening his grip on my arms. I rubbed the skin that he held pressure on, wincing as bruises were starting to form. “You said you would wait until my face was better. It’s worse today than it was last night.” I argued, causing him to stop midway. “Please.”
“I’m sorry.” He spoke before turning back towards the door. 
I watched as the man slowly entered the house, giving a Caius and slap on the back before looking at me. His eyes glared into mine, a smirk present on his face. “From the way her face looks, I can already tell she’s a feisty one.” 
I turned my face away from his view. “It was an accident.” Caius spoke behind him. 
Victor muttered something before walking past me, slowing down to fully check me out, as he entered the bedroom. I glanced as he made himself comfortable in the chair across from the bed, shielded in darkness from the lights outside. Caius joined me at my side, staring down the older man. 
“Caius.” I pulled at his jacket in desperation. 
He looked down at me, his eyes softer than before. “I’ll make sure you’re protected.” His lips met my forehead before walking off towards the bedroom. 
I stood there for a moment before stalking off towards the bathroom. I softly closed the door behind me, sliding down the cool, wooden structure. Tears fell as I hugged my knees close to my body, rocking in panic. This was wrong on so many levels. If is uncles cared and loved him, they wouldn’t be putting him through this either. If they respected us as a couple, they would just take our word for it and wouldn’t be putting us through the humiliation. This was an invasion of fucking privacy. I wanted to march right out the door and tell that bastard to go to hell, making sure to take Marcus and Aro with him. The only thing was that my feet weren’t doing what my brain wanted. I knew that if I was to make a show and try to leave or kept on denying, Victor would get back with Aro and Marcus and tell them. Who knows what would happen to my family if that were to happen?
I carefully wiped away the tears before getting up, looking at myself in the mirror. I looked like a disheveled mess. My hair was knotted from the salt water. My face, still very much bruised, was red and tear stained from crying. I looked down at the “wedding gift” his fucking aunt had gotten me: A black, lace teddy. The sheerness of the outfit already making me uncomfortable. 
“Fuck.” I leaned against the vanity, deep breaths in and out. 
I wasn’t fucking wearing that. I wasn’t going to go out there and show that man my body. Caius, who didn’t deserve to see my body, was the only person I was obligated to show. Whether I fucking liked it or not, he was my husband, and I didn’t need to put on a show for anyone else. I took one more deep breath before reaching over, grabbing my sleep shorts and t-shirt. If I was going out there, then I was going out there covered. 
Once I was dressed, I pulled my hair into a messy bun before opening the door. The conversation between Victor and Caius ceased to exist as they awaited my presence. 
“Where’s the fucking outfit?” Victor spoke. 
I looked over at Caius, his face stoic as he took in my appearance. “My body isn’t yours to see.” Victor’s eyes burning holes into my soul as his anger grew. “I’m not wearing something that makes me even more uncomfortable than I already am. You’re just here to make sure my husband and I fuck each other. You don’t need to see what my tits and ass look like in a piece of clothing made from dental floss.” 
I could hear Caius let out a loud sigh as the bed dipped. His shirt was already off, his belt unbuckled as well. “If I’m gonna do this then I want the lights off and I want to be under the covers. None of that over the covers bullshit. The only light allowed in this room will be from the moon or else the deal if off. Understood?” 
Victor’s face hardened, “You’re giving me demands?” 
“Damn right I am.” 
“Who the fuck do you think you are, little girl? You were instructed to wear that outfit and that was a fucking order. Now you’re barking orders at me on how this is going to go – I don’t play by that game, sweetheart.” 
“An order made by who?” I questioned. “All of our clothes are gonna be on the floor in a matter of minutes. Why does it matter if I’m in a lace teddy or a pair of shorts and ratty t-shirt? You may be used to women obeying your every word, but I don’t play by those rules.” 
“Enough, Vanessa.” Caius’s voice stern. 
“No, Caius-“Victor smiled. “Let the little bitch talk. Maybe in a few minutes when you dick is in her mouth, she’ll fucking choke to death.” 
I let out a laugh, “Well we won’t have to worry about that because he’s not getting his dick sucked. This is just strictly missionary and that’s it.” 
“Yeah, we’ll see sweetheart.” He winked. 
I rolled my eyes in annoyance before getting up and walking towards the light switch. The room was casted into darkness, the moon providing a natural light in the room. I watched as Caius slowly rose from the bed, his hand reaching out for my own. The courage from moments ago leaving my body as my nerves returned. 
“Fuck her right, Caius.” 
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moonlitdark · 5 days
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4K notes · View notes
bebx · 10 months
“I don’t need therapy because my comfort characters are my therapy” and it turns out the comfort characters in question are the ones who need therapy the most
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Limiting the choice to the shows and movies I have seen/know of. I'm not asking who the first actor you have seem playing Arthur was, rather the one you instinctively think about when someone mentions him or the one closest to your heart.
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nicostiel · 2 years
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these two keep getting gayer and gayer with each other. that’s it, that’s the post.
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steddielations · 2 years
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and if I say Joseph Quinn has the same effect on men as Andrew Garfield then what
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felizzlemynizzl · 2 years
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entitled-fangirl · 4 months
The human did interrupt.
Caius Volturi x human!reader
Summary: The reader is sitting with Caius when Valentina interrupts.
Author's note: This is so short but it just came to me when I remembered that scene lmao.
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A knock on the door interrupted their thoughts.
Aro stood, greeting whomever had dared to enter without announcement.
"Ah, Valentina has brought us something!"
Caius grimaced. His hand came up to rest on the leg of the pretty little human mate of his that currently resided in his lap. "She should not have interrupted."
Aro turned with a gracious look, "She's new."
Marcus' head turned, "Aren't they all?"
Caius smiled wickedly, pulling the girl in his arms closer.
Valentina simply stood at the base of the stairs, nervous and unsure of what to do.
Aro looked rather annoyed at this, motioning for her to step forward to meet him.
As she does, she presents a silver platter with an envelope on it.
Aro opens it, gazing at the handwriting within. "Ah!  L'amore ci mantiene giovani (Love keeps us young). Edward and Bella are to be married."
The girl in Caius' lap turns slightly to see his reaction. He watched his eyebrows furrow carefully in thought, anger beginning to take over his features.
Marcus simply turned his head, his expression anything but an emotion, "What. Joy."
Caius finally spoke up, "This is the Cullen's way of announcing her transformation. They mock us with their delays…"
Aro looked over his shoulder, his attention now away from Valentina, "Patience, brother." Aro then set the envelope back on the platter. "Though, you do have a point," he gently caressed Valentina's face as his voice lost its kindness, "the human did interrupt."
Caius pulled his pretty mate to her feet, pulling her with him as the three Volturi kings began to exit. 
Felix and Demetri appeared on either side of the secretary as Aro walked on, "I do love weddings."
Caius' mate turned to look over her shoulder to see what would become of the girl, but Caius gently caught her jaw, keeping her from looking back. "…C…Caius?" She asked hesitantly.
"Shh. Come, Bella Amora," he leaned to whisper in her ear, "Let the human learn her mistake."
Caius pulled his mate from the throne room, the sound of Valentina's screams being heard throughout the entire castle.
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djo · 2 years
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#that’s how you know they’re best friends
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oskea93 · 2 years
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moondustpugh · 22 days
yk who i'm missing sm right now?
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