#[ on the off chance any other koreans following this blog hope you and your loved ones are safe as well
pirateborn-a · 2 years
Lil heads up might not be active on the blogs ( ic or ooc ) for a few days!
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dojae-huh · 1 year
hi huh 🫶 so many good news happened in just a span of one day yesterday, the reaction on X is chaotic so your blog is my safe space!
i love jaehyun's new song! it showed a new color of his vocals, and his lyricism (though i'm not really fluent in korean, i can't say much about it) and the chance for him to be creative and do what he wants. it was nice and refreshing 💛
do the ever supportive "co-worker", posting about every neo solo on his ig each time. it's endearing 🫶 has become a thing for jaedo, they really do have a special connection hehe
nct 2023 announced a few hours after jaehyun's solo, which i would admit a very bad move on sm's part. though i'm excited really, with the return of t7s unit and the upcoming nct concert. but i do notice one thing - where is nct japan unit??
i did my basic google search, lastart will be around 5 eps and this week is the 3rd eps. So 2 weeks more and we have the final lineup for nct's last unit. and it's just right before the nct concert and album release, so i was expecting them to be included in 😔 i feel very bad for these trainees, all these fans doomsaying and planning to boycott any nct activities is just evil they're innocent :( the fandom, at least on twitter is a whole mess, i can only hope that nct 2023 is as successful as the other nct albums. i feel it's safe to hide behind ask and say about this, and i love reading your replies so i hope you don't mind my thought dump haha
i'm also curious about your thoughts on riize? i've been actively following them and they're really good!! all the boys seem promising and i'm shaking with anticipation for new content haha. they just had their first ig live last night, it's cute how shotaro was suspected as the leader since he's leading the group greeting!
link for group greeting -> https:// twitter.com /riizepics/status/1688883426659872768?s=46&t=m039VaKV8OZmu71_7XkSMQ
hope u have a good day and thank u for readinggg 🫶
X is like a busy market where everyone hurry, shout and shove others with their elbows, meanwhile small blogs are like bars with regulars.
I can't say much about Jae's lyrics as well. As English is not my native language, I can't even feel how off the English parts are.
Many pop songs don't have intricately crafted lyrics, they just rely on words of association, a few sentences that vaguely paint a scene or describe a feeling, therefore, Jae shouldn't be much worse than the average male singer nowadays, me thinks. He does try to be poetic, describe love taking certain moments in daily life, states of "being/existing" as a starting point (spending time alone in a room, longing; daily life on the road; yearning after parting), which is nice.
NCT2023 album will be released in less than three weeks, there is little time for promotion. If the shops are ready for pre-order, it is time to make the fans know. It's inevitable that announcements overlap, NCTLab is a side project, like SM Classics, not a solo album. Sm moving to NCT2023 doesn't mean the promotion of "Horizon" has stopped. "Forever only" was included in several articles with best songs, there was a remix.
The MV has Mnet 2023.08.03 stamp at the very beginning. Seems like the MV was originally scheduled to be released earlier, on the 3d and not on the 8th?
Fans are quick to say SM does something intentionally to undermine their artists, when oftentimes it's circumstances and SM's lack of staff to properly manage everything. Which should be fixed, for sure.
Let's appreciate that Jae's MV was shot in Italy, has the boyfriend vibe that will give the song a bigger chance to take off, and not in a studio with a few hung lights like Moon Sujin&Taeil's The Moon.
The last unit is scheduled (tentatively) to release the first solo at the end of 2023. The unit need to train together, shoot some promotional content (like NCT LIfe). Quite possible they will start with a showcase in Japan to launch them. It is Riize' time now.
NCT2023 will have merch. And you can't make one for NCT Japan while the members are still unknown. Plus, the fans will hate the new unit for "riding on the coattails". They haven't earned the NCTnation concert yet.
It's OK. SungTaro were accused of every possible evil as well. A couple of years later the same fandom was crying over their departure.
Every NCT album was planned to be boycotted. Didn't happen.
Riize group greeting
I've checked Riize IG and the first track video, I will observe their debut. I have a feeling they will become like WayV for me: I'll tune in only for the albums and won't follow closely. The concept isn't for me. I have no interest in bands and the garage group aesthetics. Seunghan and Shotaro are the only attracting factors, the new members didn't pick my interest. I might as well just subscribe to a Seunghan stan acc to not lose the sight of him.
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straykidsreactions · 4 years
Reaction To: Foreign S/O Debuts in a Kpop Group
S T R A Y   K I D S  R E A C T I O N   T O : Foreign S/O debuting in a K-pop group + how you met
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A/N: Thanks so much for requesting and being patient @lovemyhyunjinnie​ , and for supporting the blog!
Genre: Fluff
You’d started seeing Chan a little over 8 months ago after meeting him completely by accident at a noodle shop down the road from your trainee dorm. You’d only been in Seoul for a little over a month at that point, after being accepted into the Big Hit Entertainment trainee program, and that noodle shop was the only place you could find that had pictures on the menu. At that point you could probably count on two hands the number of phrases you could say in Korean, so you’d resorted to nervously pointing at pictures on the menu to order your food- fortunately the older couple who ran the small eatery grew accustomed to seeing you late at night after long hours of practice and welcomed you despite the obvious language barrier. The night that you met Chan had been a particularly hard night, after 10 hours of dance and vocal practice with an additional 2 hour Korean lesson- you were feeling drained and at your wits end. It was probably around 2am at the time, and the shop was entirely empty save one tired, hardworking young man in the corner who was downing a large bowl of black bean noodles while working furiously on his computer. You didn’t pay each other any mind at first, but as you sat in front of your soup bowl with tears bubbling up in your eyes- feeling entirely alone and lost in the world- you’d felt a soft tap on your shoulder, only to look up and find the soft and sympathetic gaze of the strange young man as he extended a napkin in your direction. You’d gratefully accepted it and dried your eyes, trying to mutter through a somewhat cohesive sentence of gratitude in Korean before Chan had interjected- letting you know that he spoke English. Though it was already late when you met, it felt as though you talked for hours after that. He’d consoled you and encouraged you to keep going, despite how tough it was going to be. He’d given you his phone number at the end, after walking you back to your dorm, and told you that if you ever had time he’d like to see you again. That’s how it started and now 8 months later the two of you were closer than ever, despite both of your busy schedules. 
Standing backstage at the Mnet Countdown show, you took nervous breaths as a stylist fitted a mic headset against your face. You were finally debuting and, though you knew your time as a trainee was short compared to that of other idols (especially to compared to your boyfriend’s), it had felt like a lifetime. Looking around at your group members, you felt a small ounce of consolation knowing that you weren’t the only foreign member- there were 3 of you in total- but still you were prepared for the backlash you might face. You’d already accumulated a large fan following as trainee’s through rookie showcases, especially overseas, but the nerves in your stomach were still overwhelming. Just as you heard the MC’s announcing your group’s name and you prepared to take the stage, you felt a tap on your shoulder reminiscent of that night so many months ago when Chan had helped you out of your darkest moment.Turning quickly, your eyes met the loving gaze of your boyfriend as a small smile flickered across your face, spinning you around in his arms as he took in how good your stage costume looked. 
*blushing as you unintentionally breathed out a sigh of relief, something that had become a habit for you every time you saw Chan’s face*
“Yahh, what’re you doing here- we’re going on stage any second!”
*smiling as though he didn’t seem to care that you were short on time and his presence there at all was risky if any photographers happened to be near by*
“I don’t care, baby- you know I had to be here for this. God...look at you.”
*smiling shyly before turning away as you heard one of your member’s call your name and wave you over*
“I’ve gotta go, babe but...thank you for being here. Are you gonna stay and watch?”
*nodding as he patted your head lovingly, letting go of you so that you could join your other members*
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Y/N...I’m so proud of you.”
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You’d been in Seoul for a little over a year when you met he man who would later become your boyfriend and, ironically enough, you met him on an idol survival show. Of course Minho wasn’t a contestant on Produce 101, but he was brought onto the show for a couple episodes as a guest judge towards the end of the reality show filming. He appeared as a judge for the last 3 episodes- when there were only a handful of trainees left- and you were among them. Though you hadn’t interacted a ton during the production of the show, the moment that sparked your initial crush was during a rehearsal leading up to the final episode where Minho was overseeing and choreographing the dance practice. You’d almost mastered the difficult and demanding choreo, but as you lept into the air for what felt like the 100th time that day you felt your ankle weaken underneath you and in an instant your body collapsed into a heap on the floor. As your fellow trainees and friend’s gasped, it was Minho who had been the first to run to your side- the look of genuine concern evident on his face. He’d offered to help you out of the studio, away from the cameras, and to the designated nurse a few doors down. In the quietude of the hallway, as the young man slipped his arm around your waist to balance you as you stumbled, you couldn’t help but feel your heart rate quicken. You were far from fluent in Korean but you conversation skills were passable after having lived and trained in the country for a year, so you muttered out a polite apology as you continued to lean on him for support. In that moment, he’d stopped you for a moment, turning his body to face you as he propped your back against the wall, causing a small gasp to escape your lips. He didn’t lean in when he spoke, keeping a professional distance between the two of you, but his voice was like honey and it almost made you wish that he had leaned in just a little. 
“Don’t apologize, Y/N...it’s my fault for pushing you too much during practice. I’ll take full responsibility.”
You shook your head, assuring him that you didn’t blame him and how sorry you were for taking up his time, to which he’d only smiled, helping you off the wall and towards the nurse’s door. Just as you were about to go inside and he was headed back into the practice room, he’d turned to you with that famous charismatic smile spread across his face. If his words hadn’t resonated with you so deeply, you almost would’ve not heard him over how focused you were on his ridiculously handsome features.
“Listen to the doctor, ok? Don’t give them a hard time just because you want to perform, you have to make sure you’re healed first...you have to win, Y/N, you deserve to win.” 
After Produce 101 had ended and you had placed in the top 3, earning yourself a spot in the nation’s next big group, all of the winning contestants along with the judges and producers were invited to a large celebratory dinner at the company. After the dinner had finished and you and the other winning trainees were getting ready to head back to your dorm, Minho had pulled you aside and congratulated you on winning. That same night he’d asked you out- and it was the first and possibly only time that you’d seen him truly nervous. You’d been a bit taken aback at the time but one date turned into 3 months and, despite your relationship being a secret from the public eye and having to work around both of your busy schedules, you could honestly say it was all worth it.
Your group went on to begin training and preparations for your big and highly anticipated debut, and when the time finally came all of the fans that had watched your journey from Produce 101 were more excited than ever. Minho had texted you to say that he’d be watching your debut stage and to wish you good luck- and despite knowing how busy he was you had to admit that it stung a little knowing he wouldn’t get to see you on the day of your debut. It wasn’t until you were backstage with your members, 10 of you in total, waiting to take the stage when you heard the voice of the special MC announcing your group- a voice you were all too familiar with. Your eyes widened as your members whispered to themselves, wondering if it really was the same man who’d been a guest judge on your survival show a handful of months earlier. A blush filled your cheeks as you tried to focus, not wanting to get your hopes up on the off chance that you were just hearing things, but as you entered the performance stage and took your place as you awaited the cues from the cameramen, you couldn’t help but smile at the MC in front of you- none other than your proud boyfriend staring back at you. 
“Everyone, please join me in welcoming the incredible new rookies on their debut- let’s show them a lot of love, ok?! Music, cue!”
It was only a flash of a smile that you caught before the music began and you refocused your attention on giving a flawless performance, but it was enough to give you the confidence boost you needed. After the show had finished and you were all on cloud 9 from your official debut performance, you searched backstage to find the man who’d given you so much confidence. You finally found him in his dressing room and the instant he saw you he’d light up, pulling you into a warm embrace despite the risk of cameras around. Laughing, you pushed him lightly as he only wrapped his arms around you tighter, shaking his head as the smile on his face only widened. 
“You did so well today, Jagiya.”
*blushing as you stared down at the floor, finally loosing his grasp on you as he took your hand in his*
“You didn’t tell me you’d be MCing, Minnie.”
“I wanted it to be a surprise, hopefully it wasn’t too much for you.”
*smiling as you shook your head, squeezing his hand that was intertwined with yours*
“It was perfect. Do you think I’ll do ok though?”
*giving you a confused look as he played haphazardly with your fingers*
“Why...because you’re a foreigner?”
*nodding slowly as you bit your lip, despite having debuts the pressures as a foreign idol were weighing on you*
“You’ve made it this far, Y/N...if you can do that, you can do anything. Besides, I’m right here by your side. I won’t let anyone hurt you, I promise.”
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You’d met Changbin after being in Seoul for only a handful of weeks, after being accepted into the trainee program at SM Entertainment, and you’d been taking private Korean lessons at a famous language center. It was a popular place for companies to send their idols and trainees who needed additional language lessons, usually for Korean and English classes, and it felt as though you basically lived there. When you weren’t training at the company you were at the language center doing everything you could to improve your Korean and, though you could feel yourself progressing, you also felt the immense pressures to push yourself even farther. It wasn’t until one evening when you were up late studying at the language center, that a young man had come up to you with several English textbooks in his arms. He was barely recognizable as an idol at that point, wearing glasses and an oversized hoodie with slight bags under his eyes from staying up so late, but his cautious smile was warm and inviting. He’d asked in somewhat broken English if you spoke the language, and when you responded in very broken Korean that you did, he’d sat down across from you in relief. 
“I am trying to..uhmm..get better with my pronounciation. I think my English is..mmm, not that good. Is it ok if I talk to you?” 
It had been the first time anyone had attempted to make conversation with you in English since you’d been in Seoul, and though you didn’t know him at all you felt compelled to help him. You flipped through your Korean textbook, showing it to him and asking him if he would help you in return, which he’d happily agreed to. The two of you had spent the rest of the night trying to make converse with your limited knowledge of the other’s language but, despite not having a fluent speaker between the two of you, you’d felt like the conversations came naturally and you almost didn’t want it to end. He’d walked you to the bus stop once the language center closed for the night, and had put his number in your phone so that you could meet back at the same place to practice the next day. it went that way for a month or two, meeting practically every night to study together- and you found that you picked up the language best when you were jut talking casually between the two of you. You got to know each other through the conversations you had, talking about anything from family and childhood stories to your current professions. You talked about what it was like to be a trainee and having Changbin as a someone you could confide in during those first couple months in Seoul became a huge source of motivation for you to keep going. The first date the two of you went on wasn’t even really a date, you’d just become so involved in your conversation that when the language center closed he’d suggested going to a convenient store across the street and getting food. It was the first time that you’d successfully ordered something in full Korean, and Changbin had been so proud of you that in the moment he’d pulled you into an embrace in the middle of the convenient store- making you blush. He’d apologized afterwards, stumbling over his words until finally he took a deep breath, admitting that he liked you (which he was able to do in fluent English). You’d responded in fluent, though probably still somewhat broken, Korean that you liked him as well- and the rest was history. That was two years ago and after all that time dedicated to practicing and rehearsing tirelessly- you’d managed to be selected for debut. 
When you’d told your boyfriend, he was almost more excited than you were. He was so filled with pride that you’d achieved everything you’d set out to do- but it wasn’t until the night of the performance as he watched from backstage that he felt tears pricking at the corners of eyes. It would be a mix of pride and nerves for Binnie, knowing that you were so talented and deserved all the support and love in the world, but also being worried that you’d receive hate in the industry for being a foreign idol. He knew you were strong, but he also knew himself well enough to know that watching someone receive any kind of negativity would absolutely crush him. He wouldn’t bring it up to you, you knew what you were getting yourself into and he trusted that you could handle yourself despite being in such a tough industry. More than anything he was so proud, watching your absolutely flawless performance on your debut stage filled his heart with a sense of admiration he’d never felt before, and as you ran backstage after your performance with the other members of your group- you spotted him in an instant. He smiled, pulling you aside as the other 5 members of your group playfully teased the two of you, giving you some space. 
“Did we do well, Binnie? You can be honest?”
*smiling as he cupped your face in his hands, staring at you in silence for a moment as he he shook his head*
‘it was perfect, baby....you were perfect.”
*lighting up you blushed slightly, prodding him further*
“Are you sure? You can say if it could’ve been better, I’ll work harder and I know there’s still so much I can do better I-”
*shaking his head as he pressed a thumb to your lips, interrupting you as he blinked back tears in his slightly misty eyes*
“Wahh, you see this, baby? Your performance was so good your boyfriend is gonna cry- isn’t that enough proof?”
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You’d been in Seoul working as a trainee at JYP Entertainment for a year and a half, after being recruited from an international audition. Though you’d never met any of the members of Stray Kids (or any other JYP artist for that matter), you were very familiar with who they were and you looked up to them a lot. It wasn’t until a particular dance showcase that JYP announced he’d have an additional person watching the performances with him. You hadn’t even processed that it was Hyunjin walking through the door until he was practically seated at the supervisor’s table- all you could do was stand frozen as your heart rate quickened and your palms grew damp. He introduced himself politely and said a few encouraging words before sitting back down and calling the first group of trainee’s forward to perform the choreography. You were in the third group and, by the time he got to your name the butterflies in your stomach had only gotten worse. When he read your name of the list he paused for a moment, recognizing that it was not a Korean name. He looked up, his eyes landing on you immediately as the obvious owner of the foreign name. He smiled softly, waving you forward and you had no choice but to nervously approach the table. All eyes were on you as he leaned towards you slightly to speak in a soft voice.
“It must be difficult, huh?” You didn’t want to think of the way your face must’ve flushed when he made eye contact with you, so you just nodded softly and turned your gaze to the floor. 
“Use it, ok? You’re always gonna stand out, but don’t let it be a bad thing. Just keep trying, you were accepted for a reason...” 
It was the first time somewhat within the company had addressed your nationality in a way that was entirely encouraging and supportive- and it gave you the confidence you so desperately needed to perform your best at the showcase. 
After the performance had ended you didn’t have an opportunity to thank Hyunjin for his kind words, but over the course of the next couple weeks you later found out that he’d been trying his best to find your schedule so he could run into you again. He convinced himself that it was just because he wanted to show you support since he imagined being a foreign trainee must be very difficult, but deep down he knew it was more than that. He was interested in you, and when he did finally manage to run into you at the practice studios late one night he took it as a sign that he had to at least try. He’d offered to run through some difficult choreography with you and, despite you insisting that you didn’t want to take up his time, he assured you that it was no trouble. The two of you stayed up practicing until the early hours of the morning- but it was by far the most fun you’d had since beginning your training and you were endlessly grateful for that. Just as the two of you had agreed to call it quits for the day and began packing up, he’d asked if you were allowed to have a cell phone. You’d told him that you did, since you were a foreigner you needed to have it for emergency contacts and translation apps, to which he just smiled. He asked if he could see you again, gesturing for you to give him your phone. When he returned it to you there was an additional contact in your phone book- under the name “Grandpa”. You laughed, giving him a quizzical look.
“It’s in case anyone searches through your phone- I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble because of me, Y/N...I-I probably shouldn’t even be talking to you, I know you’re not allowed to date anyone...but I wanna get to know you. I’m sorry if that’s too forward.”
Over the next handful of months you and Hyunjin became closer, mostly meeting late at night in the dance studio to practice and, though your language skills weren’t exactly fluent, you had enough conversational skills between the two of you to create a dialogue. It wasn’t perfect, the two of you didn’t have a proper date outside of the company building for the first several months that you were seeing each other, but it was enough. On your 6 month anniversary, sitting on the floor of the dimly lit practice room for what seemed like the millionth time, Hyunjin had stared at you with an expression on his face that you couldn’t quite place. 
“Promise me something, baby.” You’d agreed, giving him a slightly confused look as he scooted closer to you.
“Promise me that when you debut, you’ll let me take you out on a proper date.” You’d felt slightly embarrassed at the time, saying that you didn’t know if you’d ever debut and that he shouldn’t wait for you if he didn’t want to, but he’d only smiled, cupping your face with his hands and assuring you that’d wait as long as it took. 
A full year after that night in the dance studio- you’d finally been selected for debut. You were beyond excited and, though you knew it’d be tough being a foreigner, you also knew there’d be a lot of support for you from international fans. When you told your boyfriend, he was absolutely elated. That is, until you told him that your debut performance (which he’d been promising since you met that he would be there for) was on the same day as Stray Kid’s comeback performance. Despite both performing on Inkigayo, you were on completely stages recording at similar times which meant that Hyunjin couldn’t physically be there to watch your debut performance in person. The one saving grace, however, was that at the end of all the performances on the show that night- every artist was brought onto a central stage to film the closing scene and thank their fans for tuning in. You hadn’t noticed it at first, but as Hyunjin took the stage with his members, still slightly sweaty and dressed in his stage costume from his recent performance, he was also holding a bouquet of roses. He glanced in your direction just before the cameras started rolling, smiling brightly and giving you a small thumbs up. It wasn’t until after the cameras were rolling and Stray Kids had said their closing remarks, however, that Chan stepped forward to say one last thing. 
“We’d also like to congratulate JYP’s latest group on their debut- we look forward to working with you more! Fighting!” Despite Chan being the leader, it was Hynjin who stepped out from his place and walked over towards your group, the five of you looking between each other in slight confusion as Hyunjin walked directly up to you. Handing you the bouquet of roses, he smiled and gave a polite bow. You were shocked by his bold action, though you were the leader of your group you’d never anticipated him handing you flowers on national television. Nevertheless, you returned the polite bow, thanking him. 
*flashing you a knowing smile as your took the bouquet in your arms, trying your best not to blush while the cameras were still rolling*
“Congratulations on your debut, Y/N.” 
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When you first met Jisung, you weren’t even officially in Seoul yet. You’d just been recruited as an idol trainee at Cube Entertainment and were flying to South Korea to begin training. Your flight had a layover in Singapore where, coincidentally, Jisung also was after visiting some old friends at the international school he’d attended in western Malaysia. He was flying back to Seoul after taking a short vacation and, as it turned out, the two of you were on the same flight. You couldn’t speak a word of Korean outside of a few basic phrases, so when you heard the warm voice of a young man sitting down beside you speaking in English you felt a small sense of relief that you wouldn’t have to take out your pocket dictionary. 
“Excuse me, would it be ok if we closed the blinds...just while the plane’s taking off? It makes me a bit dizzy.” You’d looked up to meet his polite, apologetic gaze and for a moment you almost couldn’t think straight. He was one of the most handsome men you’d ever seen, but you collected yourself quickly and nodded, closing the blinds as Jisung thanked you. That had been your first interaction however, after a completely chance delay on the tarmac for an additional 3 hours, your conversation slowly expanded as you began simple conversations with one another. He’d asked you why you were travelling to Seoul alone, and when you’d told him that you were a trainee his face lit up- explaining that he also worked in the industry and that if you needed advice or help with anything to let him know. By the time your plane actually took off the ground it felt as though you’d made a real friend- his amiable and laid-back demeanor felt welcoming in a world where everything else was so new and uncertain to you and you’d appreciated that. After an additional 6 hours in the air, however, watching a movie together and drifting in and out of sleep against Jisung’s shoulder- you felt that you’d made more than just a good friend. It was a completely chance meeting, and you weren’t sure when you’d be able to see him again due to your busy schedules, but you’d both felt in that moment that there was something between you worth not giving up on.
When you finally landed in Seoul it was late at night and, fortunately, no photographers had been tipped off that Jisung would be there. He helped you load your bags into the taxi, breathing out a nervous sigh at the realization that if he didn’t say something now he might never see you again. He’d hoped that it would be a bit smoother in his head, but as soon as he saw you opening the door of the cab he’d blurted out a jumble of nervous words. 
“Y/N wait- listen I know you’ll be super busy and I’m always insanely busy too but I-I wanna see you again and I wanna keep talking to you because I-I think meeting you was really special and the best luck I’ve had in a while so maybe if-if it’s ok with you I could get your number?”
You felt a weight lifted off your shoulders at the realization that he felt it too, and you happily agreed. You hadn’t even arrived at the dorm when you received a text from Jisung apologizing for uncool he must’ve looked and promising that the next time he saw you he’d be more put-together. That had been your first meeting, and 3 years later you were still going strong. 
You worked ridiculously hard at training and studying Korean in those 3 years, supporting your boyfriend over every comeback, and when you were finally approved for debut in the latest group at Cube Jisung was unbelievably excited. Knowing that he could be there to support you and your members on your journey would make his heart fill with pride, and he had to admit the added bonus of you no longer being under a dating ban would make going on dates a lot easier. He knew you’d have a hard time being a foreigner in the industry, it had been hard enough as a trainee, but he’d also been with you long enough to know that you were strong enough to take on any challenge. 
When your debut stage finally came around, Jisung wouldn’t miss it for the world. His heart was practically beating out of his chest as he watched on the large monitor from the guest room backstage, his eyes becoming misty as he watched your effortlessly perfect performance. You were so incredible, and you were his. After your performance had finished and you’d come backstage with your members, it wouldn’t take Jisung long to wrap his arms around you and pull you aside, not paying any mind to all the people around you. You blushed as he pulled you towards him, sitting down near the back corner of the bustling room filled with tons of people all of whom were eager to congratulate you and your members on your debut. All you could focus on was Jisung, though, as he smiled sweetly with warm and pride-filled eyes.
“You did so well today, baby...you know that right? You did so so well.”
*blushing as he cupped your cheek in his hand, a small teasing smile playing on his lips*
“You’re an idol now, huh? Are you still gonna want to date me? There are gonna be a lot more guys asking you out from now on, you know.”
*rolling your eyes as you shoved him playfully, assuring him that he was the only guy you wanted to be with*
“I’m gonna hold you to that, super star.”
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You’d met Felix while training in Seoul, after being accepted into Pledis Entertainment about two months earlier, at a gaming cafe of all places. You didn’t have much time as a trainee who was also struggling to learn the language, but when you could you tried your best to work late nights at the gaming cafe around the corner from your dorm in order to earn a bit of pocket change. It just so happened that Felix had agreed to play a match with a few old friends from Australia when his personal computer died- leaving him with no other option but to find a 24 hour gaming cafe. It’d started as only a one time visit for Felix, he hardly had time to drive the 15 minutes to a gaming cafe when he had his own computer at the dorm, but after seeing that you were the one behind the check-in counter he decided the 15 minute drive might not be such a horrible thing. You hadn’t paid him much attention the first time, you spent most of your time behind the counter studying your Korean textbooks and watching playback videos of the dance practices from earlier that week, but after a few hours of gaming as Felix was finally leaving the cafe (having been the only customer there in the first place) you glanced up. He was standing in front of you, bare faced and smiling as he brushed his fluffy, unkempt hair away from his face and adjusted the hood of his plain black jacket. 
“H-have a good night, sir.” You’d muttered in the best Korean you could muster at such a late hour, causing Felix to smile slightly as he raised a brow.
“How long have you been here? In Seoul, I mean.” When you gave him a confused look, surprised by his immediate switch into fluent English, he laughed slightly, apologizing for his straightforwardness. 
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m a foreigner too- I’m from Australia. Don’t worry, it get’s easier, I promise.” You smiled slightly, nodding as you glanced over at the textbook on the counter. Felix followed your gaze, his face brightening slightly as he pointed to the book. 
“Those books seem so childish, they really work though, I swear. I used the same ones.” You couldn’t place your finger on why exactly, but something about the stranger’s reassurance comforted you more than you’d known you needed.
“I’m Felix, by the way. What’s your name?” You’d replied with your name, taking his extended hand and shaking it softly as he smiled. 
“Will you be here tomorrow, Y/N?” You nodded and, though he hadn’t asked, you noticed yourself telling him every night that you worked at the cafe. You knew it was a stretch, and that your interest in him must have been so obvious from the way you told a complete stranger your work schedule unprompted, but you almost hoped that maybe he’d come see you again. He did, of course, and he felt a little better about his obvious tactics at trying to get to know you better by the fact that you also seemed interested in him. One visit to the cafe turned into several, always late at night and almost always when hardly no one else was at the shop. After a few weeks of his frequent visits, Felix stopped pretending that he was coming there to even use the computers, instead opting to sit across from you at the counter and just have conversations with you. They were mostly in English, but he also did his best to help you with your Korean and for that you were endlessly grateful. Though you knew who he was, his face was fairly famous across Korea after all, you never brought it up because it never came up in conversation. It didn’t seem to be something Felix had any interest in talking about, instead you spent most of your time talking about your dreams, things you wanted in life, the biggest abstract concepts and those most minute details. Mostly you just found ways to make each other laugh, and though neither one of you realized it at the time you were an escape for each other. In the same way that Felix hadn’t discussed his work with you, you hadn’t discussed your real reason for being in Seoul with him. You’d told him that you were studying Korean and that you worked part time at the gaming cafe, but it never seemed relevant to bring up the fact that first and foremost you were a trainee. It wasn’t that you’d intentionally hid it from him, if he’d asked you directly you would’ve told him, but there was something innocent and nice about discussing other things besides just your everyday activities and lines of work. it almost felt like a movie.
In fact, the night that Felix asked you out properly (to grab noodles from the convenient store across the street), he still didn’t know that you were a trainee. He didn’t know for a few months after that either- you’d only told him when it came up in conversation as he was driving you somewhere (this time in the light of day) and he’d asked where to drop you off. You’d casually replied, telling him Pledis Entertainment, causing your boyfriend to laugh and give you the strangest look. 
“Pledis? Yahh- Y/N! Are you not telling me something?” Fortunately your light-hearted boyfriend had found the humor in the situation, making you promise to not keep any big information from him like that and formally apologizing for also not talking about his work in the same way. It was only 6 months after that conversation that you were approved for debut.
Though Felix hadn’t been there for a good portion of your time as a training knowingly, he’d been there for you in the way you needed most. When your debut stage finally arrived he’d asked you if you wanted him to come, seeing as how he’d missed so much of your trainee experience. In all honesty you felt like your nerves might be too high if he were there and you didn’t want him to go out of his way, so instead you compromised and promised you could watch the debut stage together the next day when it aired. He’d agreed, meeting up with you at the cafe where you’d met that fateful evening several months ago and warmly pulling you into an embrace. After watching the stage performance on one of the computers several times over and pausing on every close up of your face to shower you with compliments, he turned to you with bright eyes and a wide grin plastered on his face. 
“Babe..just- wahhh....Wow. Oh my gosh.”
*giggling as you smacked him lightly, insisting that he was just hyping you up as he continued to tease you*
“My (girlfriend/boyfriend) is a celebrity, huh? Wahh, that makes me so cool. And you’re so talented too...Will you let me come to your next performance, baby? I’ve missed so much already, I really wanna watch you perform this live.”
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You’d been a trainee at KQ Entertainment for just under 3 years when you met your soon-to-be boyfriend. You’d just walked into a small coffee shop located on the outskirts of Seoul after a long day of training in hopes of getting something to warm you up. Seungmin also happened to be there, though not for the reasons one might think. He was dressed in full barista attire, standing calmly behind the counter with his phone in his hand as he snapped a few pictures of himself. A few crew members were staggered about the coffee shop, along with a few elderly customers who didn’t see to mind the intrusion. He was there taking photos for a comeback concept- but as you entered the shop and immediately focused your attention on the menu, you hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary about the young, handsome man behind the counter. 
“Can I get a latte please, and also maybe one of those muffins?” You gestured towards the baked goods on display, not paying much attention to face staring back at you with a small smile flickering across his lips. Just as one of the crew members was about to step in and assure you that the man you were talking to was, in fact, not a qualified barista in any sense- Seungmin waved them off. He nodded, placing your muffin in a small box and handing it to you, his heartbeat a little faster than he would like to admit. Though your eyes hadn’t met yet, he was looking directly at you- and something about you was alluring to him. He blushed slightly as he tried desperately to think of what might go in a latte, ultimately resorting to pressing several different buttons on machines that he had no idea how to work. Coffee began pouring out of every orifice of the machine, and loud whirring noises let him know that whatever he’d done it was horribly wrong. He gasped, cursing under his breath as the crew rushed in to help him. Only then had you looked up, eyes wide at the odd spectacle of several grown men trying to subdue a rogue coffee machine. Stifling a laugh, you got Seungmin’s attention and pointed towards the power cord, which he then hastily unplugged. The whirring came to a halt and half-brewed coffee stopped spewing- and in an instant the two of you were chuckling to yourselves. The crew members left to get cleaned up, leaving the two of you alone for a moment as you looked at the man who’s crisp white button up was now covered in coffee stains. Smiling softly, he apologized for the commotion, admitting that he didn’t actually work there. 
“I’m here for a..uhm, a photoshoot...thing. I, I don’t know the first thing about coffee.” You’d laughed gently in response, assuring him that it was ok. 
“Hmm, can you make tea?” Butterflies rose in his stomach when you looked at him with a playful smile, and he’d nodded, locating the hot water and pouring some into the cutest mug he could find. Placing the small bag of herbs into the water, he handed you the mug and warned you that it was hot. You’d thanked him, paying for your beverage and taking a seat near the back of the cafe. Only a few minutes had passed before you were joined by the same smiling man, asking if he could sit with you and- though you didn’t know the first thing about him- you’d agreed. Maybe it was his trustworthy eyes or the fact that you couldn’t supress the heat that rose to your cheeks whenever he smiled at you- whatever it was something made you feel compelled to keep his company. You talked for a while, though it wasn’t long before the crew members came back and started rushing Seungmin out of the shop. He apologized for having to leave so suddenly, and as you stood to watch him go you’d called out to him.
“W-wait..I know you’re probably way too busy but- well...” You didn’t have the nerves to ask if you could see him again, though you desperately wanted to. He read the emotions on your face, smiling as he was guided out of the shop by the staff. Motioning towards your mug of tea, he gave you a thumbs up and just before he was out the door he gestured for you to call him. Then, in a flash, he was gone. You stared down quizzically at the mug of tea he’d prepared for you, and after a moment of staring at it blankly you noticed the small tag on the end of the tea bag had small writing scribbled on the backside. You couldn’t help the ear-to-ear grin that formed on your face when you realized that it was a phone number. 
From the inception of your relationship with Seungmin, things had been very secretive and under-wraps. You met when you could, always late at night and in the oddest places possible to avoid cameras, especially since you were still a trainee and technically under a dating ban. On top of that, the tabloids would have a field day if Seungmin was spotted with not only a trainee, but a foreign trainee. It had only been a few days after you’d been approved for debut, one year after that fateful night in the coffee shop, that you and Seungmin were caught by one of the managers at KQ Entertainment. You’d only been having a simple meal together, but of course the two of you were in a mountain of trouble. Because you’d technically already been approved for debut they were a bit more lenient with you, but nevertheless your phone was temporarily confiscated and the two of you had to agree not to let your relationship get caught by photographers or anyone else outside the company. In the few weeks preparing for your groups debut you weren’t allowed to go anywhere without supervision and Seungmin was no longer invited to your debut stage. That being said, Seungmin had a way of getting what he wanted- and there was nothing that he wanted more than to see all of your hard work come to fruition. 
The day of the debut, you and your members were already on edge, rehearsing in your dressing room over and over again as giddy nerves bubbled up on your stomach. You wished that your boyfriend could be there with you, as he always knew exactly what to say to calm your nerves, but you knew he’d be thinking of you and that was enough. Your performance, of course, went smoothly without a single hitch, and you almost didn’t want to leave the cheering audience as you and your members took a bow, exiting the stage. It wasn’t until you wer backstage, however, that one of the assistants came up to you with a look of urgency on her face. 
“Y/N? This is for you.” Handing you a small coffee cup, you gave the woman a confused look. Asking who ti was from, the woman only shrugged, stating that she only knew it was supposed to go to you and not to let anyone else have it. You frowned, definitely hesitant to accept a drink from a stranger. In fact, you’d almost thrown it away until you saw small scribbled handwriting on the side of the cup- trying your best to read it without drawing attention to yourself. 
3rd floor dressing room A16, down the hall on the right. 
Love, your favorite barista
Smiling, you clutched the cup to your chest, letting one of your members know that you were going to use the restroom as you quickly made a dash for the back stairs. When you made it to the mostly quiet 3rd floor and found the correct dressing room, you opened the door to see a completely empty room, save your boyfriend smiling from ear to ear. He ran up to you, pulling you into a bear hug and placing his hand over your head as he stroked your hair. You could tell from his casual attire that he’d tried really hard to get into the building without being noticed, teasing him slightly as you adjusted the hat on his head. 
“You did all this just to see me after the performance?” 
*nodding as he smiled widely, blushing slightly at his bold move that was definitely putting both of you at risk for getting in trouble if anyone found out*
“I have my ways, Jagi- I had to see you. On of the producers let me watch from the soundroom...you did so well today!” 
*humbling deflecting his compliment, assuring him that it was a group effort as he stepped closer to you, his bright smile never wavering*
“Baby, give yourself credit, hmm? You were amazing out there. I know how hard it’s been for you, but everything was perfect.” 
“You mean it, Seungminnie?” 
*nodding and flashing you a wide smile to assure you that he was being serious*
“I mean it, Y/N...now aren’t you proud of me for sneaking in here?”
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You met Jeongin after training at P-Nation Entertainment for a little over a year and a half and, though your Korean skills were still developing you had a decent grasp on the language and managed to get by fairly well. Besides being a trainee at P-Nation you were also a backup dancer for some of your label’s big name solo artists and, on the particular occasion where you met Jeongin, you were backup dancing for Hyuna. The solo star had just comeback with her latest single and was performing it on Mnet, coincidentally the same day that Stray Kids was also promoting a comeback on the same show. You’d been in the dancer’s dressing room amongst a sea of other dancers for various artists performing on the show that day- all of you in a variety of different costumes and aesthetics. Being that you were a backup dancer for Hyuna (who is famously known for her sleek and sexy concepts on stage), your garment was a little on the revealing and tight side. It was flattering, of course, but nevertheless it was a little out of your comfort zone. You had just finished getting ready and were standing in the hallway of the backstage area as you waited for the other dancers- when several idols began walking past. You could feel their eyes on you as they passed by, making you slightly uncomfortable as you tried your best to place your arms over your body. You tried to adjust the fabric so that it would cover you a bit more, but it was no use. You didn’t mind it on stage because that was part of the job, but just standing still with stranger’s eyes on you made you feel a bit embarrassed. It wasn’t until you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder that you pulled your gaze away from the floor, looking up to see a young man with a sympathetic smile and warm eyes in front of you. He was clearly dressed and ready to perform, a mic pack was already attached to him and his hair was perfectly styled, yet he was extending his arm towards you with a jacket in hand. You gave him a quizzical look and he just smiled bashfully. 
“Oh, um..I’m sorry. I saw you standing here and you look a bit, um, uncomfortable? You can wear this if you like.” He gestured again to the oversized leather jacket in his hand that had clearly been a part of his stage costume just moments earlier. You smiled softly, feeling heat rise in your cheeks but this time in a positive way. Shaking your head, you insisted that you shouldn’t accept the jacket when he was supposed to wear it on stage, but he persisted. 
“No, it’s fine really! It’s too heavy to perform in anyway. Just wear it until you have to go on stage, you’re a dancer right?” You’d nodded, telling him that you were going on stage shortly for Hyuna’s comeback. He laughed slightly and nodded his head, though there was something you really appreciated about the fact that his gaze never drifted below your eye level. 
“That explains the costume. Here, wear the jacket until you have to go on stage. You can return it to me at the end of the show, deal?” You’d hesitanttly agreed to the kind stranger’s proposal, putting the large jacket on and immediately feeling more comfortable. You thanked him and he waved it off casually, leaving to get ready for his own performance. After the show when you returned the jacket to him, he admitted that it looked much better on you and that he’d hoped you would keep it. When you insisted that you couldn’t dream of keeping a stranger’s jacket he’d just grinned from ear-to-ear and, though his nerves were bubbling up inside him, he kept a cool and collection disposition when he replied, 
“Hmm, maybe we don’t have to be strangers then.” He apologized almost immediately afterwards for the bold line, but when he saw the way it made your face light up he couldn’t help but push it one step farther, asking in a slightly more bashful tone if you’d like to get lunch sometime. You’d agreed, and the rest was history.
A year later, P-Nation Entertainment announced it’s first group was scheduled to debut, and you were among the members. Jeongin would be so incredibly proud of you, feeling an array of emotions at the fact that his (girlfriend/boyfriend) was finally debuting. Dating in secret over the past year had been especially difficult for Jeongin, since he knew that if you were caught it would especially risk your career since you hadn’t debuted yet- and on top of that he’d hate hearing the comments you received for being a foreign idol trainee. Though there was a lot of support as well, Jeongin desperately wanted to speak up publicly and shame those who had negative comments to say towards you, but he couldn’t when your relationship was a secret. The night of your debut, as Jeongin watched from backstage in a private viewing room, he knew in his heart that you were more than just someone special to him. He’d wanted to be someone who could protect from the moment he met you and gave you his jacket and, despite any criticism the two of you might face, he wanted to be that person for you publicly. After your debut as Jeongin pulled you into a warm embrace, showering you with praise for your incredible performance, he took a deep breath, whispering softly as he took your hand in his.
“Jagi...I-I wanna be your boyfriend, publicly. For the whole world to see.” When you gave him a confused expression, he’d explain.
“Not right now, I know you only just debuted...but someday. When I’m worthy of it.” 
*blushing softly as you insisted that he was by no means unworthy of being your boyfriend*
“Innie you know I’d love that...but it’s just so hard to say with something like that, what if people don’t like us together or-”
*shaking his head as a smile rose on his cheeks, interjecting*
“When we win Album of the Year. How about that, hmm Y/N? Once...once Stray Kids has won album of the year...and once your group has won Rookie of the Year. How does that sound?” You’d laughed at the time, feeling that awards were still so far off in the future for your newly debuted group, but nevertheless you agreed. 
A mere six months later, taking the stage with your 6 other members at the MAMA’s to accept your very first Rookie of the Year award, you felt your heartbeat quicken and butterflies rise in your stomach as you looked out of the crowd as they applauded. You caught your boyfriend’s eyes as he proudly stared up at you. It wasn’t even an hour later that Stray Kids took the stage to accept their 3rd and most prestigious award of the night- Album of the Year. As each member gave a short acceptance speech of gratitude and love, Jeongin expressed much appreciation towards his fans, his family and his members. He hadn’t told you that he’d received permission from the company, so despite your promise 6 months earlier you weren’t expecting anything grand during his speech. That’s why it took you by surprise almost as much as the rest of the audience, when he called out your name. 
“Uhm, actually- there is one more person I’d like to thank. (She’s/He’s) helped me through so much over the past year and a half, and I’m very lucky to have (her/him) in my life. Truthfully, I-I don’t know if I’m good enough for (her/him)...but I promised this person that if we won Album of the Year we would stop hiding our relationship, so thank you Stay’s for making this dream of mine come true. And Y/N...thank you for being such a good (girlfriend/boyfriend)- congratulations on Rookie of the Year, Jagiya.”
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474 notes · View notes
tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 3.7k
Alternative Universe: CEO! AU
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut!
Warnings: Sexual Language + a bit Dirty Talk; Dom-/Sub-Themes (Dom! Hoseok x Sub! Reader); Sadism; Masochism; Degradation; Oral (m); Deepthroating; Cum-Eating; Sextoys; Lingerie; Pet-Play (Collar + Leash); Bondage; Spreader-Bar; Exhibtionism/Voyeurism; Teasing + Edging; Begging; Praising; Orgasm Control; rough (!) unprotected vaginal Sex (please stay safe!); very light mentions of alcohol (one sentences)
A/N: Over the weekend I looked through my old writing folders and... I think I've found some little diamonds in there.
Honestly, I'm impressed by myself.
I've rewritten the perspective of this story here and added some little details but in general I translated the original.
I hope you'll enjoy my old work as much as I did it. 😈💜
By the way... I wrote this story with barely 15.
Let me know what do you think about this story~ 👀🙈
Sneak Peak: "Laying open, completely helpless and so vulnerable in front of him. Presented like a meal on a silver tablet. His meal, his prey. Your wolf is starving, licking his lips with an animalistic and devilish smile at the sight of your parted pussy lips. Revealing his most desired things, this swollen and sensitive clit and this pretty tiny pussyhole. Clenching around nothing, literally begging to get filled with his fat cock and stuffed up with his cum until it’s leaking out of his little sweet swan..."
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「© tipsydipsydo」
The following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
Do not repost, plagiarize, translate or use any of my work in general!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms as well, even when you link me as the original author.
Please respect that. I’ll fight any illegal use of my work!
Thank you.
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With a soft, barely audible click you open the door. A cold breeze welcomes you and caresses your body, giving you goosebumps. Slowly you step out of your bedroom and walk down the long corridor with well-considered steps.
The bright light of the full moon falls through the white, wide open double doors and guides your way. Your black heels clicking softly on the expensive parquet floor and the chains on the straps jingle seductively with every step, giving you self-confidence. Let you sound erotic and elegant without Hoseok even having seen you.
You pause within the frame of the double doors. Looking at the tall man, who’s standing at the huge panoramic window and looking down at Seoul. On the 20th floor you have a breathtaking view.
The moon is full and round, bathing everything in a soft, mystical light. The light breaks in Hoseok's dark hair and makes him look almost angelic. Even though you know he's the devil in an angel’s costume. 
He doesn't turn around to you, waiting for you to come to him.
You look at him closely. The tailored suit fits perfectly around his muscular body. His body proportions are in perfect harmony, he’s a breathtaking attractive man. Add this to his height, it makes him look really intimidating. Sublime.
His face has sharp, masculine features. Controlled. He controls everything. He loves to possess power and to demonstrate it all too clearly. He never loses his temper or acts impulsively. When it comes to those sessions between you two, there are no actions leaded by emotions, only controlled and thoughtful activities. He knows behind every single one its meaning, why he does this.
His skin has a sensual and seductive honey-gold tone. In stark contrast, his eyes shine in a cool, almost black brown. You have never seen such a dark eye colour and maybe that’s it what attracts you to him. 
This special, rare thing about him makes him incredibly attractive for you. It's like having a very rare diamond. It's the uniqueness of it that makes you want to own it. But in your case, it's the other way around. He owns you. And that's what makes you feel fulfilled.
Even though others may not see it that way, he gives you so much of himself. With it you not even mean the material things, he gives you so much of his love.
Yes, it’s love. His affection and loving torments, how he cares for you, the way he gives you commands and taking control. That is what fills you the most and it’s also the reason why you can give yourself completely to him. Hoseok takes your control and turns it into his own.
Others would panic if they were deprived of personal control. But if he takes it from you, then he will take care of you, so you can let yourself fall. Giving you more control than before. You trust him, he knows your limits and keeps to them strictly. He has control over everything and leaves nothing to luck or chance. That’s the reason why you trust him so much. He doesn’t act impulsively and rashly, he never crosses the boundaries.  
This control, this power that he has and exercises on others is what fascinates you so much. You love this dominance in him, it gives you a sense of security and safety. He doesn’t make any mistakes, you can completely let yourself go with him. Finally you have found the person who fits you perfectly. He has this special power, dominance and control and what you want is to submit to him completely, to obey him. 
Just the sight of him and this dominant aura around him excites you. You breathe out audibly and can hardly take your eyes off him. You know that you’re not undiscovered. Hoseok knows perfectly well that you are standing here, shamelessly staring at him. But he doesn't say anything, doesn't rebuke you, because he loves your awestruck, admiring gaze.
He knows exactly what kind of effect he has on you. He knows, no, he feels it in every fiber of his body how much you want to submit to him and beg him to give you any kind of relieve or satisfaction. His self-satisfied smile is already visible on his lips.
Your breath hitch, you shallow hard, your décolleté rises and falls quickly. Now you realize how hard your buds already are under the very fine tip of your negligee. The reason for this are these wild fantasies that are haunting you in your pretty head.
How you would love it to be tied to the bed again. Lying completely exposed under him, while he pours champagne over your breasts and letting it run over your stomach onto your until it collects in your navel. How much do you long for him to punish you when you are dying of lust and can't keep still... 
Every warning bite on your nipples sent a wave of sweet pain through your body, causes that a lot more of your juice is flowing out of you. You can remember how you moaned as you writhed under him, completely exposed and helpless to face his punishments. You thought at first, he’d give you finally some relieve when he pushed the vibrator into your clenching hole. But still, he refused to let you cum... 
His face was filled with pure satisfaction, he enjoyed hearing you beg... even dirty words left your otherwise shy mouth, out of pure desperation. That brought an amused smile on his lips. 
Hoseok loves to demonstrate his power and influence, it amuses himself how quickly you've fallen for the devil. No wonder he keeps calling you "my defiled angel." But you are so aroused by his arrogance, his self-confidence and cockyness. There's nothing you can do about it. You've gone right into his trap. The big bad wolf has captured the innocent Swan. The dying swan. Blood, the dark red blood stains the snow-white, pure feathers, while the black wolf's canines around her throat. 
"Turn the music on.” It’s the first thing that Hoseok say to you this night. His voice is deep and commanding, you obey his commands all too willingly. 
You step quietly to the stereo and turn it on. His chosen CD must be already in the music player. Now the sounds of slow piano play and the dark, erotic voice of a woman fill the plain, unadorned room.  White walls with light wooden beams, white leather couch and some fake fur blankets lie over the armrests of the furniture, which however look very real. A huge plasma TV dominates the room, together with some large boxes. On the right wall there is a huge bookshelf. Only filled with works in their original languages. Hoseok knows them all perfectly. 
Your ears focus on the slow but stimulating song that comes quietly out of the speakers. Toxic. Involuntarily you have to think immediately of this korean man, who still looks unperturbed at the huge metropolis to his feet. 
Too much time has passed, you made him wait, which he absolutely hates! You swallow nervously, at the sound of his voice you should have noticed it immediately! He sounded a little annoyed and waiting. Others would not have heard it, but you have already learned to hear that little difference. The emphasis of the words alone! God, how stupid and inattentive you are! Hoseok hates it when his counterpart doesn't concentrate completely on him and his wishes. Then he becomes very unpleasant and just his cold gaze punish you more than any spanks. 
With a weak stomach and chewing nervously on your lower lip, you start moving and slowly walk towards him. The translucent chiffon hugs your naked thighs tenderly and the cool air on your uncovered womanhood shoots a stimulating tingle through your body. Under this almost completely transparent black negligee you’re wearing nothing.
Your face is adorned with a filigree venetian mask. It is made of black metal and the transparency of it gives you just little anonymity. At the ends it is adorned with dark green diamond particulas and and on the bridge of your nose sparkles an emerald diamond. At his request you wear this outfit.
Your breasts sways gently with every step, the lace fabric rubs against your hard nipples and let the hot ball in your abdomen grow bigger. The small lust balls swings a little in yourself, let hot shivers of lust running down your spine. The light swinging of the balls in your sextoy heats your desire up with every step, so that your arousal is already running down the insides of your thighs. Let the beguiling smell of femininity exude.
You have to bite your lower lip in order not to whimper out loudly and your hands turns into fists, you wish, you could touch yourself for some relief. You’re so unbelievable desperate, even you would call yourself pathetic. But without his own instructions, Hoseok wouldn't find this funny at all and would punish you without any mercy for your indiscipline.
"How can I serve you, Master?" you ask quietly, your head lowered submissively, after stopping a few meters behind your dom. At first, Hoseok doesn't react until he slowly turns around after two minutes. "Why did you wait so long, Y/N? Why were you late?" he asks in a calm, demure tone. 
"I...I...", you start stuttering, looking for an excuse that doesn't sound as pathetic as the actual reason. That you were dreaming away and forgot the time. But Hoseok knows you and sees through your intentions immediately. 
He steps towards you, threatening you and overtowering your small frame. His aura is suddenly freezing cold and even if you can't see his face, you know that you would only find cold anger and displeasure in it.  How his jaw would be clench and his nostrils would be flaring as if he had actually problems to control himself. But his gaze is the most humiliating. 
Cold, icy dark brown, almost black eyes. Showing only resentment and disappointment. 
"Are you thinking about lying to me right now, Y/N?", he asks with a harsh and growling voice that has nothing in common with anything melodic anymore. You should have known never, really never lie to Mr. Jung Hoseok. 
"Answer me!", he groan angrily and impatiently, assessing you like a hungry predator. As soon as you admit you wanted to lie to him, he will pounce on you and tear you apart. But that's what makes you hot, you like to play with fire, you like to test your limits with him, love the thrill and excitement of being punished again. 
You’re so uncomfortable right in the moment, your gaze searches over shiny parquet floor, not daring to look up. You don't even know if you are allowed to. But this dangerous aura of Hoseok's dominance lets a little moan escape your throat. Lust takes over your body, taking every fiber of your whole being.
Finally you dare to look up carefully, but you doesn’t look him in the eye.  "I-I'm sorry, M-Master..." you mumble inaudibly. A sigh comes from your husband, who shakes his head. The moonlight shimmers in his hair, reminding you a bit of the velvety fur of a black panther. 
"...And I thought I reached you better. Why are you always so dreamy and inattentive? Is it that what you want? Do you long for punishments, my little swan?," he cooed as he approached you and grabbed your hair, pulling it not really gently back so you would look at him. His black eyes searching yours, looking inside you. He can read your mind you like an open book. 
He sees all your desires, your desires for him. The desire to submit to him and to let the dirtiest things be done to you. It makes you hot, it makes you horny. Pure desire, lust and despair pulsates through your body. Sexual need, the longing for sex, naughty play sessions, punishment and redemption dominates your mind and body.  A greedy fire of passive passion blazes hot inside you.
His gaze, which consumes everything of you, frees you with his eyes from the little bit of cloth, which you still carry on your body. Exposes and humiliates you. But you love to e under control of this dominant Korean man, following his will. The confirmation can be seen on your body, your arousal can almost be smelled. 
You want to swallow, but your body trembles with excitement like aspen leaves and a thin layer of sweat lies on your skin. The tight-fitting choker collar with its many details and chains reminds you at this moment more of a dog collar... It turns out for a good reason.
A pant leaves your full lips and you look at him with eyes, veiled in lust.  "Please punish me, Master! I-I want, I need to be punished for my stupidity! M-Make anything you want with me!" it bursts out of you, your voice trembles in lust. He begins to smile arrogantly and amusedly, releases your hair from his merciless grip and instead gently caresses your neck.  
"Good girl...", he says tenderly, praises you for having realized that you deserve an appropriate punishment for your misconduct. Suddenly he pushes your hair on your left shoulder, to get to the clasp of the chocker. Then something very cold hits your warm neck, causing you to flinch. You look up confused and discover a black leather leash, that is attached to your choker. Hoseok encourages you with an uninterpretable smile and tug on the leash.
"Come, my little.", he commands and you follow him well-behaved. A wild tingling sensation takes over your body and you are so curious to know what he has planned for you.  A lustful moaning escapes your mouth when you see where he is leading you.
To your pleasure room.
He opens the room quietly and you enjoy the smell that is still hanging in the air.  Suede, lacquer and a little bit more of the sparkling sweetness of your past play sessions. The light is dimmed, gives the whole thing an erotic-sensual touch. Your relationship is a little different.
Of course, he punishes you with tender slaps and spanks, tortures you until you die of sweet pain that’s paired up with irrepressible lust, but with you everything is based more on the balance of power. 
You enjoy being submissive, being given orders and being dominated. He loves to demonstrate his power to control you.  It doesn't have to have anything to do with physical pain, it's simply about the principle of power play. It excites you to be led and humiliated by him. To see his proud and superior, but also lustful smile.
Your master goes to the restored, antique-looking wing chair with the mahogany wooden feet. He sits down in it and straightens up in the armchair almost threateningly.  "On your knees," he says in a commanding tone, that is otherwise only found in the military and make an elegant gesture to you, to get down on your knees. 
Your heart makes a jump, his commanding voice only makes your pussy lips and clitoris swell even more. What would you give to have him eating you out. What... what would he do it if you’re literally offering yourself to him? But you do what you are ordered to, kneeling down to his feet and waiting for that what comes next.
"And now... lick them off", the order comes from above and he holds out his shiny polished brown suede shoe. You falter... You have to lick his shoes...? Unsure you look up to him with an questioning look. A nod of encouragement is returns to you. You swallow before carefully taking his left foot in your hands and holding it to your lips. 
This really makes you a bit uncomfortable and that's exactly why there is such a treacherous pull in your abdomen. Only more of your juice is flowing down your thigh. A little bit awkwardly you start to lick over the leather, getting over the time more and more eager and you end up enjoying it even in a precarious way.  The bitter taste of material is new for you, but with shy looks you squint at Hoseok, who obviously enjoys the sight. Lust seizes your body anew and you surrender completely to your humiliating punishment.
He grabs a handful of your hair and pulls you up a little. Between his legs, to his crotch. You look at him excitedly and this animal lust in his dark eyes says more than every word. 
Eagerly you open his trousers and pull down the waistband of his black shorts. His rock-hard cock jumps towards you and almost unrestrainedly you give yourself to his unspoken command. Licking all over this gorgeous shaft, massaging his balls and inhaling this musky scent of his groins. Pulling the foreskin back from his tip to give sweet kitten licks on his exposed crown. 
Hoseok's lustful look lies heavy on you, until he puts a hand on the back of your head and decides for himself what you do or don't do. He fucks your mouth in a controlled manner, guides your head and you enjoy the salty taste of his presumably on your nimble tongue. A muffled groan rises up Hoseok's throat before his cum runs down your throat. Willingly you swallow everything, licking lasciviously over your lips and give him a seductive look. You love that smug look on his face. 
"Such a good little swan you are for me...," he rewards you, gets up an lead you to the finally giant king-size bed, which is covered in black silk. 
He ties your leath tightly to the metal crossbars on the headboard so that you can hardly move. Exactly this fact causes a wave of electrifying lust flickers through you and you whimper willingly as you have to pull your knees up to your chest, as he ties your wrists with red rope to your ankles and attaches a spreader bar between your knees.  
He smiles smugly at you, your whole body is almost completely consumed by the pleasure you feel in being so exposed to him. His hand tenderly caresses your sweaty thigh and his fingertips play with your swollen clitoris. Then he clears his throat.  
"My little swan... You have mastered your punishment so well, now you may have the right to choose a reward... what would it be?" he asked tenderly and his dark lustblown pupils look into yours.  You tremble under his haunting gaze, your body soon burns from the inside out, such heat rages within you. The wish is already on your tongue, but your shame is still too big to say it out loud. 
"What do you wish, my beautiful swan?," Hoseok encouraged you with his dark, erotic voice and a... kinda diabolical smile. 
"Fuck me, Master! P-Please! I-I want you to stretch my tiny pussy open with your hard cock, I want you to be merciless, ruin me like you desire and fill me up with your thick cum!", you almost scream out with dark red cheeks. In that moment, he had pulled the lustballs out of you, with only one single tug.
You breath quickly, panting almost like a dog bitch in heat. Laying open, completely helpless and so vulnerable in front of him. Presented like a meal on a silver tablet. His meal, his prey. Your wolf is starving, licking his lips with an aminalistic and devilish smile at the sight of your parted pussy lips. Revealing his most desired things, this swollen and sensitive clit and this pretty tiny pussyhole. Clenching around nothing, literally begging to get filled with his fat cock and stuffed up with his cum until it’s leaking out of his little sweet swan.
Without any warning Hoseok sinks mercilessly and deeply into you, didn’t let you adjust to his long and girthy length. The rhythm is hard and fast. It’s exactly what you were begging for. Lust has taken over your mind and there was no room for shame. Hoseok pants heavily and bury himself deeper and deeper into you, reaching your cervix what let you cry out in pain and pleasure. You hardly know how to handle your lust, it feels like as if everything is already too much but still not enough to pleasure the greedy desire in your body. He fucks you so good, you’re overflowing with juices.
Your pussy makes lewd squelching sounds, these noise turns you on beyond belief and let your desperate cunt literally dripping onto the sheets. The smell of primal, animalistic and uninhibited sex is hanging heavily in the air.  Hoseok's white dress shirt gets sweat stains and this sight, this feeling of his pure lust makes you float.
You’re getting closer and closer in no time. The fact of getting brutally used only for Hoseok’s own pleasure let your own lust increase, building it higher and higher into the sky. The thought alone to know, that he’ll take you this night definitely to the point of pure exhaustion gets you high. Yes, maybe you are a nymphomaniac, but at this moment you want nothing more than to get fucked and breeded by Hoseok like the cockslut you truly are.
Your body burns, is ablaze with light and finally... finally that moment comes when all that pent-up lust bursts out of you. Your body trembles and you scream, whimpering out the lust of your orgasm. The world explodes before your inner eye in the most beautiful colors.
Only a few minutes later, Hoseok is already sitting in front of you again, smiling devilishly and watching his cum slowly dripping out of you. 
The night has just begun.
Yes, you are the fallen angel who has fallen to the devil. 
You are the white swan who fell victim to the black wolf.
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mykrokosmos · 4 years
ult group tag 💜 -  rules: answer the following questions for your ult group
i’m so thankful to @taehyungsupremacy @dongkwan @dumplinjin @kooseokss @flowerseokjin @cherryjk @luvsjoon for all tagging me!! is it a good time to tell you all i love you ��� ty for tagging me and thinking of me!! hope you’re doing well and drinking water and taking care of yourselves!!
my apologies in advance if you’ve already been tagged to do this, because i feel like everyone has done this tag (i did it in my head, but always forgot to post it).
tagging angels like @blueandtaes @fakelovedotmp3 @rainbepourin @sweetnightsjimin @seokjinmango @blondesuga​ please feel free to ignore if you’ve already done it or tag me in your other one or like you totally don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! :-)
i’ll do a read more because it’s long and i talk way too much so here we go
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Who was your first bias?
my angel my love hobi 💞 i was scrolling through the comments of the carpool karaoke video and they were all gushing about the sunshine in the middle and i was like ‘oh fuck’ and then immediately watched all of the jhope videos to exist
Who is your bias now?
jung hoseok still owns me, but part of my heart also belongs to jeon jungkook. maybe i am projecting my virgo 5′10″ brunette ex onto him, but also i just love his little big ol googly eyes and boopable nose and bunny smile and —
What was the first mv you watched by them?
i have a deep down feeling i’ve seen bwl and put off liking them because i didn’t want to be another asian who liked kpop (can you tell i live in a v whitewashed community), so dynamite is the first video i can consciously remember watching
What’s your favorite mv?
on kinetic manifesto...... i just could watch their dancing forever and ever 🤩
If you could listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?
UGH this isn’t even a fair question...... i want to say outro: tear, but i think my heart wants an ot7 song, so probably mikrokosmos 💫 lol my url is v fitting
Who would you want to see them collab with?
i would love to see another steve aoki collab, but honestly i support any of their collabs as long as it’s mutual respect. or the other artist worships the ground the boys walk on (as they should 😤)
What mv concept do you want to see them do?
i would love to see a dark theme like a lot of other people said, or maybe a historical one like daechwita, because it would be so cool to learn more about korean culture and history. or like 1d’s night changes where they give us the full bf experience and i D*E
Have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
i feel like i do pretty often? i sleep with music, so i hear their music in my dreams sometimes or i fall asleep watching a concert or live, so i end up dreaming abut them. nothing sticks out too prominently in my memory.
If you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?
UGH i want to hang out with all of them like go shopping all day with hobi, museums and riding bikes with joon, but i feel like i would truly love hanging out with jimin. he seems like such a good time (hello clubbing in paris 🤪) but also other times he just binge watches tv and same.
Which member do you think you’d get along with the most?
i think hobi and jimin would be the easiest to get along with because they’re both such warm individuals, but i feel like i would end up vibing the most with joon. i LOVE virgos and we’re both 94s with ambiverted tendencies
Which member do you think you would argue with?
omg i genuinely do not know... maybe jin? not because i don’t think i would get along with him, but probably because i would fight him if given the chance lol
If you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
honestly i’d let any of them go through it? i’m sure i would actually die from embarrassment, but maybe the amount of times i’ve proposed to them via the tags on my tumblr.com blog will finally pay off
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woozi · 3 years
l&r shua and specially studio choom l&r shua... i still have no idea how i survived that, also it gave us blue hair cheol too <3 ... him sleeveless with blue hair, there are so many happy things just from this cb jdjsksskks i adore it.
wonshua fr were something else during l&r... omg after school, I'm guessing you've been into kpop way before me. anytime any clip from 17tv pops up i'm just ' they're so smol here they're so cute ' but also most of the time i have no context as well it's djjdsjskks. idk why but svt club is still something i find myself watching again i really liked its concept and them talking and sharing their thoughts it's very simple but also heart-warming.
is it creepy if i say i kind of did sghjkk i actually got to know you are interested in got7 recently when i ended up clicking the links in your bio. i swear im not a weird stalker jdjeekke i've been following your got7 blog way before than this one djdjdjjddj i only found this svt one recently after i decided to completely move back to tumblr and started following svt accs. I didn't know both blogs were you for a long time jddjdkd i apologize if it does seem lil creepy JDJDKSKSLS
jinyoung and mark are my biases, my ults actually <3 and yess i'm keeping up w/ their solo projects even more than before 😭 it's so jdjdkdkd. 2017 was the year i started listening to kpop and around that time or lil later i came across ' you are ' this song is so dear to me i loved it in first listen, its lyrics i love its lyrics sm i made everyone i know listen to it dhjddk yet i didn't dive in deeper bc i was caught up with other group at that time but slowly I started watching their content from 2018. it's like got7's been w/ me since the start & at the same time not </3 but look, lullaby and more importantly spinning top came and everything changed with that album it's so goood from then i started keeping up with their music and check their cbs. i knew jype was meh even when i didn't stan them but i didn't know to what extent, i only got to know after 2019. so far it's all so good and i hope it stays like that. all of their different companies treat and promote them nicely 🥺.
with svt it was instant love i got to know abt them during march 2019 ig, their songs grew on me so fast and boom by the time may came i was a carat, with got7 it was gradual love, it increased lil by lil it's nice but i do wish i could've stanned them earlier. the only cb experience as an official birdie i have is nbtm and last piece 😭 anyway both of these groups are very dear to me not just musically but emotionally too. i love them very much 😔.
also omg those are some of the great artists!! i honestly have no idea how khh and krnb are i mostly listen to kpop and kbands more. i actually listen to a lot of artists but regularly only zayn, svt, got7, the rose (ik we're talking abt kpop but i can't leave zayn out of this djdjdkdk he's the first ever artist i have stanned <3)
also onewe, n.flying, a.c.e, gaho ( i love his voice <3) woodz, day6. yk when you want new music but also something which you'd instantly enjoy otherwise you don't want new music sghjk, when i feel like this i just go to any of their discography. also special mention to hoppipolla and lucy bc they always bring something new to the table i love them for it. i love these artists but honestly i listen to them when i am in mood. i listen to gotsvt and zayn the most at the end of the day. goodnight <3 i love talking to you too 🥺🥺🥺 also feel free to answer late when you're free. hoping i made sense in this one and answered everything bc i am too sleepy rn fjdjkd - 🪂
iconique if u ask me <3 i heard lnr was indeed a good era for everyone!! wasn't it also cheol's first cb after his break? y'all must've had Fun fun
yes i have 😭 i grew up w koreans so... i guess that's also an influence. i got into kpop on my own volition during 4th grade though, so that's prob 2009/10??? GOD I FEEL SO ANCIENT RN!!!! honestly i still dk what 17tv was about i feel like we were just watching streams of some boys w no context as well 😭 AND YES OMG I GET THAT!! svt club is super chill and it's a great way of learning more abt the members!
JKDFJKKJDFFDKJ HELP!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT OH MY GOD YOU WERE IN MY G7 BLOG 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 IM SO EMBARRASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 as i've mentioned last time, got7 got me back into kpop and consequently tumblr 😭😭😭 i 'left' tumblr too and was just checking in occasionally, so when i made that g7 sideblog i was WAY behind the times and my first edits were so fucking- 😭 everything about me then was also so performative idk why i felt the pressure to be in on the club 😭 why were you not annoyed with me then 😭 i'd block me if i saw me on the dash KJFKJFDKJDF thank god i got over it though (or should i be.. i'm a menace on the dash now <3 KJDKKJDFKJF) AND NOOO OMG it's not creepy at all. i put those links in for people to see them after all!! and i'm actually kind of honored you followed me even w/o knowing its me <3 i feel like i've passed the vibe check JJFDKJKJFD do you also follow my main 👀 i rmb someone greeting me here on my bday who said the exact same thing you did 😭
U LIKE OLD MAN JINYOUNG 😭😭😭 ok that makes sense w ur svt bias line tbh <3 i like jinyoung a lot too he's such a smug pain in the ass <3 ALSO MORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i l*ve mark oh my god i- i know i keep saying this... but ur taste <3 AND YOU ARE 😭😭 THE ERAS YOU DISCOVER/GET INTO GROUPS ARE SOOOO GOOD </3 you are was so meaningful to them, and i'm still so incredibly proud of them for this regardless of commercial success. also what group were u into that time omg 👀 I ALSO GOT INTO THEM DURING SPINNING TOP ERA KJFDKJFDKJFJKFDJKFD WHY ARE WE SO SIMILAR!! u seem to like jaebeom's songs a lot <3 AND MS LULLABY!!! oh my god that's my favorite era <3 and yeah, so true bestie, i couldn't be happier for them they're doing FAR better than they have ever had compared to when they were in that shitty company. i'm still so amazed how they pulled all of this off though. jaebeom's must've went thru loads of papework he was prob so determined to show that old man what they are capable of FDJKDFJKD
NAURRR OMG IT'S SO CUTE HOW U PUT IT THAT WAY!! and i'm sure you'll get to experience more cbs with the 7 <3 they were already hinting at it yesterday on twt JKFDJKJKFD
OHHH THAT'S COOL!!! i haven't had a chance to listen much to kbands now, and if u ask me abt them the first ones that come to mind are ft island and cnblue bc im a kpop hag 😭 OH WAIT MAYBE DAY6 for the new ones?? my friends have also been recommending n.flying, the rose, and onewe to me. which bands do you listen to? and zayn??????? <3 ur so right abt that DFKJKJDFFDKJFD also omg go listen to khh they changed my life <3 i can give u a playlist if u'd like!! <3
OH WAIT THERE GOES THE BANDS FKDGKJKJF i usually reply paragraph by paragraph without reading the whole ask so JDFKJDFJK WAIT WOODZ????????????????????????? HELLO???????????????????? I LOVE THAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S SO SEXIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he's so cute too if that helps </3 ALSO MOOD I CANT BRING MYSELF TO LISTEN TO NEW MUSIC NOWADAYS EVEN IF I WANT TO BC OF THE SAME EXACT REASON 😭 the way we get each other is so- and i've never heard of hoppipolla omg i'll go listen to them now!! indeed <3 gotsvt is our home <3
and nooo u are so cute omg </3 and don't feel pressured to respond immediately to me as well!! i'm a v late replier but i'll always reply JKJKFDJKFD AND DW everything u said made perfect sense <3 i hope u get/got a good night's rest!! and that you'll have an awesome day ahead <3
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Juliet
Writing Blog URL(s): @wonderlustlucas
Nationality: American
Languages: English, beginner level French, teeny tiny bit of Korean
Star Sign: Virgo
Favorite color: Pastel yellow
Favorite food: My mom’s Sunday gravy
Favorite movie: Howl’s Moving Castle (The Lion King is a close second though)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Specifically Turkey Hill’s Double Dunker (get it— it’s so good)
Favorite animal: Humpback whale
Go-to karaoke song: She’s Kinda Hot by 5 Seconds of Summer
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Neurosurgeon! Or a Twitch streamer HAHA
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?  Ahhh probably coffee, I love tea but I need my coffee </3
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? Shapeshifting! Clearly the superior superpower I don’t take constructive criticism.
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? This is weirdly specific, but I would love to be in Scotland during the 1700’s. Alternatively, the 1980’s.
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? 100%. I know everything happens for a reason but getting a redo and being able to fix all the big mistakes I made would be pretty nice.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? One horse-sized chicken! 100 tiny horses would be crazy tiring.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? I would probably be the gay side character that gives good emotional advice but is hella lonely LMAO
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? Yes, both!
What are some small things that make your day better? Driving with the windows down and music blasting, picking up coffee, playing video games, & talking to my internet friends on Discord.
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? I discovered my love for writing through Warrior Cats roleplay😭
What fandom(s) do you write for? Right now, only Kpop, but I wouldn’t mind writing for 5SOS or some of my other fandoms!
When did you post your first piece? On WattPad, December 2015. On Tumblr, April 2018 :)
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? I write everything! Fluff/smut/crack is my favorite and slight angst (usually just slow burn though cus I’m soft).
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? Again, I write anything and everything! Currently, second or third person reader inserts are my main style, but I also do ships and would love to write more OCs.
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? Before Tumblr, I was on WattPad for different fandoms but eventually fell off. Then, when I got into Kpop in 2017, I found that urge to write again and decided to move to Tumblr since WattPad was becoming… weird. Plus Tumblr was a better fit for me!
What inspires you to write? To be completely honest, it’s the little things throughout the day that inspire me. For example, “Honey” was inspired by me not being able to open my locker in high school. “I Hemoglobin You” was based off my friend giving me a head rub while I was donating blood. Kpop idols just so happen to be my muses that I like to put into random moments of inspiration!
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? High school or college AUs are my favorite, along with some good ol’ friends to lovers slow burn. Angst isn’t my forte so I usually just stick to fluff, smut, and some crack. I haven’t written any but fantasy AUs are some of my favorites too! (RIP to my League of Legends AU that I started and haven’t touched in months.)
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? Just like other fanfiction authors inspire me, I hope some of my work inspires others. Considering fanfiction is free, there is so much out there to read and when I find a good story that inspires ME to write better, I’d love for my writing to do the same.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? 3 options: 1) Skip that scene and jump ahead to one I’m excited to write; 2) Erase what part I’m on and completely redo it; or 3) Drop it. The majority of my works usually take a few months to write as I will completely stop working on it until I find the right inspiration again. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? “Four” is definitely my favorite work. It’s one of my longer pieces and there was a lot of raw emotion in there on my end. I love the relationship between Hyunjin and the reader and especially love the ending. “Greatest Gift” for Chanyeol is my most successful, and one of my other favorites!
Who is your favorite person to write about? Easily Hwang Hyunjin. It’s so easy to place him in any of my works, and sometimes it’s a struggle to NOT write him. It sounds stupid but sometimes I really feel like I “know” him so being able to describe him physically and mentally is easy for me.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? Yes and no. Yes, because most of the time, fanfiction is totally original as well and requires just as much thought as a 400,000 word novel. No, because fanfiction uses a specific person as a muse.
What do you think makes a good story? Detail and realistic dialogue! Of course, everyone has their own style of writing, but detail is especially important to me. Sure, you can have a great plot, but having concise, detailed writing to get immersed into makes a story so much better. I also find realistic dialogue to be a big deal— I hate when teenage characters are speaking in deep analogies because, if we’re being honest, my daily language is 95% just “Bruh.” If you’re like me, I’d actually prefer realistic dialogue over anything else.
What is your writing process like? Process… yikes. Sometimes… I have a random thought and then I’m like… hell yeah let’s write that. I actually have no process. I don’t outline, I just start writing and keep writing until I’m finished. Then I’ll read it all over to make edits, then I’ll use the Read Aloud feature to catch any mistakes I missed, then I’ll run it through Grammarly before posting!
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? Hm, maybe? In the future, possibly, but as of right now I wouldn’t use any of my fics to do so.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? Oh, gosh, tropes. Gotta love them. Friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, stuck together (AKA forced to share a bed), and fake relationships are my favorites. They may be corny, but I also love truth or dare or 7 minutes in heaven games in fics cus… they’re just classics. Also love fics with a popular x shy pairing. I can’t say I dislike many tropes, but I definitely have a love/hate relationship with vampire and werewolf tropes because of how romanticized they are.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? Hm, to be completely honest, only a little bit? I mainly write for myself, it’s like a guilty pleasure to just get all my thoughts and desires out, and then I just so happen to make it public on Tumblr. Nevertheless, receiving comments and asks actually make my day, and sometimes I still struggle to wrap my mind around people enjoying my writing! So, thank you to everyone who has ever left me a kind message, I truly appreciate it ♥
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? Getting involved! I think one of the best ways to grow is to join networks, which not only gives you the opportunity to share your work on a greater scale, but also allows you to make connections. Like real life, making connections and making friendships with other writers can play a huge role in growing as a writer and growing your account.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? Yes :( As someone who’s involved with other fandoms, I’ve heard the way some people think of fanfiction and it’s really sad. People do not know how much goes into writing and just see it as cringey and disgusting when it’s just… not.
Do you think art can be a medium for change? Yes! In all its forms, art is something a creator can use to influence their audience (in a good way, hopefully).
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? Like I said in #40, I mainly write for myself. Even when I’m writing a request, chances are if I like the request enough I’m going to create a story out of it that fits my personal desires the most.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?  No! However, I’d still consider myself a small account and do not have TOO many works posted. But so far, I don’t think I’ve faced this problem :)
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? Only a few! My best friend Maggie is on Tumblr with me and only 2 of my other pals know I write fanfiction.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? How much I love each and every one of them for supporting me and sticking around even when I won’t post for months🥺❤️
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? Don’t psych yourself out! In the time I’ve spent on Tumblr, I’ve never received any substantial hate. My main advice is don’t write fanfiction to get popular on the app, write fanfiction because you love to write and love your muses!
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? No, as much as Tumblr can be annoying at times, I love the people I’ve met and the content I’ve found and wouldn’t have wanted to use any other platform.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? @pinktea99 — Mo, you’ve been around since the beginning honestly, and without you I wouldn’t have been able to come out of my shell! Thank you for all your love & support & for being my SF9 buddy❤️
Pick a quote to end your interview with: 
“Like mate, stop procrastinating.” — 3RACHA
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sammy8d257 · 4 years
Masterlist For Object Head Media
LAST UPDATED: April 1st, 2020
Google Doc: HERE
Welcome! Ever wanted to find out if there’s any types of media that feature Object Head characters that aren’t just one-off or background characters?
Well you’ve come to the right place!
Here I hope to create a comprehensible list of all types of media that contain Object Headed characters!
But I’m only one person who doesn’t know every piece of Object Head media out there
SO IF YOU have a suggestion for a piece of media that would fit on this list
Send me a message through my Tumblr @sammy8d257 ​  
or on Twitter under the same name
With your help, I hope this list becomes very long with all sorts of amazing Object Head media!
Other than that, have fun exploring to your heart's content!
- Sammy
(List under “Keep Reading”)
Saga - written by Brian Vaughan, illustrated by Fiona Staples
Gene: Space/fantasy
Rating: M+
Language: English
Status: 54 issues, On Hiatus (as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Physical Comic
Description: Saga is an epic science-fiction/fantasy drama about two lovers from long-warring extraterrestrial races, Alana and Marko, fleeing from authorities from both sides of a galactic war as they struggle to care for their daughter, Hazel.
Object Heads: TV Heads, in Saga there is a whole race known as Robots Kingdom that are made entirely TV Headed characters.
Character Status: The object head characters turns from side to supporting character in the main cast
Warnings: Nudity, Sex, Death, Violence, its a war setting, blood, drugs, etc.
MyStereoBot - by bioatomic
Gene: Sci-fi, Romance, Comedy
Rating: M
Language: English
Status: 537 pages + 24 page Epilogue, Completed on 6/6/2017
Read On: Smackjeeves or Tapas
Description: Infinity, a stereo head robot, finds himself conflicted with his worth as a person, as a partner, and as a friend. Having trouble with feeling at home on Planet Ribbon and finding happiness, his boyfriend, Cloudburn, and his cousin, Ohm, do the best they can to help him feel worthy. Things seem to go downhill when Quence, a new friend, worries Cloudburn about Infinity’s motives towards him. That is, until an outer-worldly encounter changes all of their lives, for better or for worse, and may just show Infinity what home really is.
Object Heads: Stereo heads, radio heads, tv heads, box heads, etc. There's a lot of different Object heads in this comic
Character Status: Main characters and other side characters are object heads
Warnings: Swearing, partial nudity, drugs
Notes: You can find more information on Tumblr - @mystereobot
Sebastian - by Amanda Heard
Gene: Slice-of-Life, Romantic, Comedy
Rating: pg-13 to M
Language: English
Status: On-going, 80+ pages (as of 4/1/2020), Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays
Read On: http://www.sebastiancomic.com/, Tumblr: https://sebastiancomic.tumblr.com/ or @sebastiancomic
Description: Sebastian is about a pessimistic thief and a happy-go-lucky dork finding each other through unexpected circumstances and learning about forgiveness, love, and loss. Also CRIME!
Object Heads: Pumpkin Heads
Character Status: Main characters are object heads
Warnings: Swearing
Notes: Created by @batberryboo on Tumblr
The Property of Hate - by Sarah Jolley
Gene: Fantasy/Adventure
Rating: Pg 13
Language: English, translations in French, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Japanese, Norwegian, Dutch, Portuguese, Breton, Brazilian, Tagalog, German, Chinese, Swedish, Spanish, Esperanto, Latin, Korean, Italian, Hebrew, Greek, Czech
Status: On-going, 400+ pages(as of 4/1/2020), Updates Sundays
Read On: http://jolleycomics.com/, Smackjeeves
Description: When offered a chance to be a hero by a strange figure with a TV for a head, a young girl is whisked away to a whimsical land in desperate need of a hero. This journey will take them across the lands where emotions manifest into physical forms and the inanimate becomes animate.
Object Heads: Tv Head, Radio Head, etc.
Character Status: One of the main characters and a few secondary characters are object heads
Warnings: None
Notes: Created by @modmad ​ on Tumblr
The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn - by Tri Vuong
Gene: Fantasy, slight horror
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 100 Chapters, Completed on 5/21/2019(maybe on Hiatus?)(as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Webtoons
Description: Follow the journey of the world's greatest paranormal investigator - Oscar Zahn. Friend to lost souls, enemy of evil, he may lack a body but that doesn't mean he's missing a heart!
Object Heads: Skull Head
Character Status: Main character is an object head
Warnings: Some disturbing imagery
Robot Dream - by Robot Dream, written down by Paulie Godbout, illustrated by Sandra Grygier
Gene: Action, Drama
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: On-Going, 70+ pages (as of 4/1/2020) No Solid Update schedule
Read On: https://www.robotdream.com/mystory (up until page 73), Tapas (up until page 70)
Description: When a lonely human-robot-hybrid refuses to live a life of seclusion, he discovers a community of outcasts in the world of electronic music. But, when he begins creating his own remixes, and discovers they somehow have the power to heal broken hearts and minds, he must learn that revealing who you truly are comes at a price before he is captured by the people who “created” him.
Object Heads: TV Head
Character Status: Main Character
Warnings: References to manipulation and abuse
Notes: You can also read it on Webtoon under the same name but it is only up to page 32
Third Shift Society - by Meredith Moriarty
Gene: Supernatural, Adventure
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 24 Episodes, On Hiatus(as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Webtoon
Description: Life’s funny. One minute you're jobless, deep in debt and on the verge of eviction; the next you’re in a fight with a monster and getting a job working for a Paranormal Detective with the head of a Jack-o-Lantern. It’s an age-old story. Now the financially-challenged Ellie (who’s just discovered she has strong psychic powers) and her Pumpkin-headed boss Ichabod have to team up and fight the things that go bump in the night.
Object Heads: Pumpkin Head
Character Status: Secondary Main Character
Warnings: None
Notes: Created by @meredithmoriarty ​ on Tumblr
Rice Boy - by Evan Dahm
Gene: Surreal fantasy, Adventure
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 439 pages, Completed as of 2008,
Read On: http://www.rice-boy.com/see/, or on Soft/Hardcover Graphic Novels,
Description: Rice Boy is a simple creature torn from his mundane life by an immortal “machine man” called The One Electronic, who suspects that Rice Boy may fulfill an ancient prophecy. Now tasked with trying to fulfill a prophecy he did not choose, Rice Boy must explore the vast, fantastical, and surreal world of Overside and encounter the dangers that it hides.
Object Heads: Circular TV Head
Character Status: Secondary Main Character
Warnings: Chapter 19 contains one page of suggestive incest, Slightly disturbing imagery, violence, drug use
Notes: Dahm also runs a Rerun blog of Rice Boy where he does commentary on the pages as he posts them on Tumblr: @riceboycomic ​
FLCL (also known as Fooly Cooly) - written by Yōji Enokido, directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki
Studio: Gainax
Gene: Comedy, drama
Style: 2D Animation
Rating: PG 13
Language: Japanese, with an English sub and Dub
Status: 1 season(6 episodes), Completed as of 2001
Description:  A boy's humdrum life turns upside-down when he encounters a maniacal girl who causes strange things to grow out of his forehead and draws him into conflict with a mysterious, otherworldly organization.
Object Heads: TV Head Robot
Character Status: Side Main Character
Warnings: Sexual innuendos
Notes: There are 2 more seasons of FLCL known as FLCL Progressive and FLCL Alternative, I haven’t watched them but I don’t believe there are any object head robots in them
The Amazing World of Gumball - created by Ben Bocquelet
Premiered on: Cartoon Network
Gene: slice of life, comedy
Style: Mixed Media Animation
Rating: PG
Language: English,
Status: 6 seasons(240 episodes) + a 6 episode miniseries, Completed as of December 2019
Description: The series revolves around the misadventures of blue cat Gumball Watterson and his adopted goldfish brother and best friend, Darwin. Together they spread mischief across the weird and wacky city of Elmore.
Object Heads: Bomb Head, Boombox head, whatever rob was
Character Status: Secondary and background characters
Warnings: None
Notes: This one really shouldn’t be on the list but I added it because I literally could not think of another show or film that has Object Head characters
Video Games:
Cuphead by StudioMDHR
Gene: Classic Run and Gun
Style: 2D Handpainted Visuals
Rating: E
Language: English
Released: 9/29/2017, DLC (coming soon 2020)
Playable On: Steam, Xbox, Windows 10, Mac, Nintendo Switch
Price: $19.99
Description: Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930s, the visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era, i.e. traditional hand-drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds, and original jazz recordings.
Play as Cuphead or Mugman (in single player or local co-op) as you traverse strange worlds, acquire new weapons, learn powerful super moves, and discover hidden secrets while you try to pay your debt back to the devil!
Object Heads: Cup Heads, Apple Head, Dice Head, Fork Head, etc.
Character Status: Playable Main Characters, some secondary characters, and some of the Bosses
Warnings: Cartoony violence
BattleBlock Theater by The Behemoth
Gene: Platforming, comedy
Style: 2D Graphics
Rating: E
Language: English
Released: Xbox Live-4/3/2013, Steam- 5/15/2014,
Playable On: Steam, Xbox, Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Macintosh operating system
Price: $14.99
Description: Shipwrecked. Captured. Betrayed. Forced to perform for an audience of cats? Yes, all that and more when you unlock BattleBlock Theater! There’s no turning back once you've started on your quest to free over 300 of your imprisoned friends from evil technological cats. Immerse yourself in this mind bending tale of treachery as you use your arsenal of weapon-tools to battle your way through hundreds of levels in order to discover the puzzling truth behind BattleBlock Theater.
If solo acts aren't your style, go online or bring a buddy couch-side to play a thoroughly co-optimized quest or enter the arenas. The game also includes a level editor so you can craft your own mind bending trials!
Object Heads: Heads are customizable but the main game gives you many heads to choose from. Block heads, Shape Heads
Character Status: Playable Characters
Warnings: Cartoony violence, crude humor
Pumpkin Noir by PumpkinNoirDev
Gene: RPG Adventure
Style: Pixel Graphics, RPGMaker
Rating: E
Language: English
Status: Demo as of 6/19/2017
Play On: PC, demo link - https://rpgmaker.net/games/9817/
Price: Not available
Description: Stop, Drop, Noir!
Perched on the precipice of endless void-- a single seedy city. Detectives “Smoke & Fire” Rem and Wednesday face a puzzling situation as the curtain lifts on Halloween night. Go broke, or investigate a rollickingly risky mafia mystery? The answer is clear.
Search for the void’s greatest criminal minds, uncover the shocking secrets of the underworld!
Object Heads: Pumpkin Head
Character Status: Main Character
Warnings: None
Notes: This game is still under development, for more information visit the dev’s blog- https://pumpkin-noir.tumblr.com/ or @pumpkin-noir ​
Object Head Zine - hosted by @potentialforart on Tumblr
Style: Mostly 2D Illustrations and short comics
Gene: Genes differ per year
Rating: PG-PG 13
Language: English
Status: On-Going Project, This zine is a yearly thing
Read On: Tumblr- https://objectheadzine.tumblr.com/ or @objectheadzine, Buy Physical/Digital Copies here - https://gumroad.com/objectheadzine
Price: Prices Vary
Description: The Object Head Zine is a collection of artwork from different artists coming together for a common love of object heads. The Object Head Zine is a yearly project with a new theme chosen for each year. Such themes include Forks and Utensils, Spooky, Flora and Fungi, Superstitions, and Science and Technology.
Object Heads: Yes
Character Status: Main Focus
Warnings: None
And if you have any more suggestions for this list, please let me know!!
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kmelanin · 6 years
Permanent Ink \\ 1 // kth
Tumblr media
A/n: So lately, i've been feeling almost nervous to post. Because I know that what I post most people don't want. So you've missed out on like five different oneshots. Lolll. But i don't know why I was feeling like that when this is MY blog. Soooooo, the recent request for the Stoner Tae, I was tooooooooooooo excited for, soooo here is part one of who knows how many. Lol. This and Prince J are the only multipart stories i'm working on. Even though I will posting oneshots. Anyways here it issss….
Main Masterlist~
( Permanent Ink ) masterlist~
word count: 4k+
Request: So tattoo artist stoner tae (I want tae to be intimidating and have an intense aura, bold and blunt) (y/n) daddys girl spoiled brat that owns a fashion company (personality i want her to be confident, honest and daring) she’s brown skin with a fat butt lol that’s it, you can turn it into a series if you want but no pressure. I forgot to say I made their personalities like that so (y/n) don’t walk all over tae, i want her to find him intimidating and challenging and for tae to not be that impressed by her.
three years earlier~
“Wake up! You are so late!” A familiar voice popped into your lovely date night in paris. Your blurred face dream man slowly turned into your best friend in whole world.
“Ro?” You mumble, everything crumbling and reality setting in. Your eyes started to open, regretting it soon after since Rowan opened all of your curtains. The morning sun was seeping in and right into your face. You groan and roll over, covering your head with the closet pillow. You were happier since you black silk sheets somewhat block the sun out.
“No, no. You have a meeting in a hour. You need to get up.” She says yanking the cover off of your body. The sudden cold air made you groan again. But she was right, today was the day. In a hour you were suppose to meet with your father and explain your project to him.
About a year ago he gave you the chance to make your dream come true. To become a fashion designer. Not only did you want to design clothes, but you wanted to own your own company. Your father had quite a bit of money, and he told you if you convinced him with a layout and perfected plan then he will support you financially.
Not only did you draw out amazing sketches and clothing ideas, but you have a estimate on how much you would need.
With your father's company, it allowed us to live very well. And with the help of social media, you were pretty well know, which you hoped would help with your clothing line.
You didn't have time for a shower, and you thanked the universe you took one before you went to bed. You went to the bathroom and did your hygiene routine.
You got your hair done currently. A simple blow and press, with some extensions. You quickly went to your closet and pulled out a strapless tube dress, that went down right to your knees. You then grabbed a leather jacket and some black shin socks. You put it all on and slid on some black ankle booties. You went to your vanity and did a natural glam. You loved having a pro mua come in and glam, but only on days you really felt like looking good. You grabbed your brush and gently brushed your hair down in it's natural flowy way.
Some things you were known for was your fashion and hairstyles.
“Here, here. The car is outside, so eat this because by the time you get there you won't have time for your usual.” Rowan comes in holding a water and breakfast bar. You grabbed your purse and phone and headed out.
You pulled into the private parking ramp of your fathers building. Rowan lead you in, you nod in acknowledgement to the lady at the front desk. You made your way up and to your father's office. When you got to the door. Rowan hands you the binder of all your ideas. You take a deep breath and enter.
You see your father sitting at his desk with his hands folded in his lap with  a big smile on his face that you loved to see so much.
“Hi Dad.” You smile talking a seat in front of him. You instantly start showing him everything that was in your binder. You made sure to keep your voice professional and to let him know what you want. You show him everything from the types of fabric you would be using. You let him know that they would be made towards the warmer weather and also autumn. You also let him know that you want to keep things classy with a tingle of edge and sexiness. You continue to show him other things like how many people you need on the team and the equipment you need.
You were finishing you final sentence and take a deep breath, you smile and nod you head, letting him know you were finished. You weren't really sure what he was thinking, he kept that same smile on his face.
“Already, I'm so proud of you. I'm so happy that you realize that you have to work for what you want. I would be happy to help you financially, but other than that you are all on your own. Don't disappoint me.” He stands up opening his arms. Your heart was beating in your ears, so it took you a minute to process, but when you did, your body automatically ran over to your fathers. You chant thank yous over and over again.
You sat across your best friend and now PA, Rowan, at a nice dinner. In three days, part one of your clothing line is going to finally drop. After three long years, everything was perfected and a two part series will drop slowly as the year goes on. So you both say here in one pieces of the new line.
You had on high waisted, long baggy black pants that's went all the way down to the floor, causing you to have to wear heels. You also had on one of the many halter tank tops on as well. Rowan stuck with the simple rose gold slip dress and some heels.
“So I was thinking, everyone in the world right now is talking about your clothing line. I've read some articles saying how it's a luxury brand. And not trying to brag or anything but I agree.” Rowan goes on as she twists some noodles up with her fork.
“Luxury? I'm not making this brand specifically for the rich.” You say frowning. Some pieces were a little higher in price, that's only because the materials themselves are expensive. But there were pieces affordable.
“I mean come on, you are using silks and jewels.”
“There's only two pairs of diamond earrings releasing.” you laugh at her. “Come on Ro, get to the point.”
“Fine, we need to celebrate, doing something other than eating a over priced plate of noodles.” She sets her fork down and picks her phone up. She goes to a instagram account and hold it up to you. “Here look, I think we should get tattoos and by him.” she says picking her fork up again.
You look at the account and see all different types of styles in tattoos and in different places.
“How many artists are there?” You ask and hand her phone back.
“It's just him and another. His name is Kim Taehyung. He’s Korean and he owns his own shop about a mile from here. And the others name is Soobin” She shrugs. “I think both of us getting a tattoo, would be cute and help celebrate this big moment coming for you.”
“And you want to get it right now? I don't even know what to get.”
“Exactly, which is where my role as your best friend and PA come in, I know you pretty well. Soooooo…” she taps her phone a couple of times then hand back. “Swipe left.”
You first seen a rose with a cute diamond floating above it. Then the next one was a pretty jeweled out snake. Then the last one was a butterfly of some sort.
“These are pretty fucking sexy. I’ll probably do the rose and something else. I think this idea is cute.”
“Ill call the driver. Even though I know how to drive, and have my license unlike you.”
“Hey, chill. Father hired a driver for me, there’s no point.”
You and Rowan met in high school. You both went to a private school and met in english class. You sat next to her and you looked at her once and you knew you wanted to be friends.
You two did become friends, and quiet fast. You found out that she wasn't from here, she was from China. She was chinese and black. She was happy that she made a friend so fast. After meeting that day, you two were stuck to each other. Your father was so happy that you made a friend that you could trust. He gave you and Rowan the best birthdays, since her family wasn't able.
It's crazy how long and stuck still you both were. Which is why you would be willing to get tattoos with her.
“The fuck do you mean you can't pay the full amount.” Taehyung was quickly getting annoyed with the teen in front of him. “The price of that tat is $530, and we agreed. So no, I will not take only $400.” Taehyung's face wasn't moving, it was the same as any other time, emotionless and scary. The way his eyes never leave your, it makes anyone nervous. Taehyung wasn't small either, he was almost six foot, his shoulders broad, his arms thick.
The teen who just got a half a sleeve done, which took Taehyung all morning, sighs. He takes his wallet back out and gives him the rest of his money.
“If you had the money, then why lie?” Taehyung asks, his voice going lower.
“I'm a student, it's habit I guess.” The teen shrugs. His really didn't look like he was a true problem, and Taehyung knew he was telling the truth because they were talking about how ugly his student ID looked. Taehyung sighed.
“Look here, I’ll make it 500 even, stop spending money on tattoos.” Taehyung hands back thirty dollars and the teen leaves.
“Soobin, clean my station up and Ill give you my next appointment.” Taehyung yells back towards where their stations were. He smirks a little when he hears lots of noise and feet running, knowing he ran to do it.
Taehyung was checking the calendar when when the door ringed, letting him know that someone was coming in.
As you and Rowan enter the building, you could easily tell that it was a tattoo shop. Even though from the outside it was a all black brick building. You follow Rowan up to the counter, your eyes all over the paintings hung up on almost every inch of the walls.
“Hi, welcome. What can I do for ya?” A deep voice catches your attention. You turn your head towards the desk where Rowan and the man stood. When you first look at him, you felt frozen for a second. He was fucking perfect. He was taller than you, his jawline sharp, and his eyes intense. He seemed really scary, which is why you were stuck, unable to say anything.
“Um, yes. We are here to get some tattoos, I'm not really sure what she wants, but I know what I want.” Rowan says nodding. The guy behind the counter nods and leans up off the counter, he runs his hands run through his ashy brown hair. He had a long sleeve shirt on, hiding the tattoos you see peeking out on his hands and neck. God, you wanted to see what was under it.
“Soobin!” He yells behind his back, within a couple of seconds another guy comes out. He was a little taller, but also lankier. He had a short sleeve shirt, showing a full sleeve on one arm and a couple on the other. His hair was a dark brown and it was kind of in his eyes
“We have two tattoos to do.” Ashy brown hair guy says. “You can take her, and I’ll take miss quiet over there.” He says, his eyes finally landing on yours. He frowns slightly and his hand drops, he doesn't look away for a second. Soobin speaks up.
“You can come this way, and I can start sketching up.” Soobin waves Rowan over.
“Good luck.” You whisper to her as she walks by giving you a okay hand symbol. Once she was gone, you slowly look back towards him. He eyes were already on you, it was like they never left. But he was leaning against the counter, with one hand on his chin holding his head up.
“I'm YN.” You say trying to break the awkwardness you felt.
“Taehyung.” He says, his voice sent shivers down your spine, it was low and sexy. “So what were you wanting?” he asks leaning up again and walks towards the doorway that leads to the back. He waves you to follow him. You do and follow him all the way down to the last door. Once you were in, he shuts the door and he sits at a desk.
“You can sit here.” He says pointing to the tattoo chair next to his desk. You walked over and sat down trying not to expose yourself in anyway. Once you were comfortable. He pushes a button on the side that makes you sit up some.
“So, what would you like?” He asks getting out some paper and pencils.
“Um, I'm actually not really sure, but I think I want it under my boobs.”  You say trying not to look into his eyes. You could feel his warmth from where he was and it made your cheeks feel warm. “I seen your instagram, so I trust your opinion.”
“And you said under your breasts? Can you lift your shirt up until it's under them?” He asks. Your eyes bugged out for a minute at the straightforwardness. But you nodded and did it anyways. You pushed them up as far as your can and leaned back. He pushed the button again making you lean back a little. He scooches up a little in his chair, he grabs the hangover light and turned it one, letting him see his clean surface. He raises one of his hand up and over your torso.
“Tell me a little about yourself.” he says. His fingers grazed over your rib cage, making goosebumps rise on your skin.
“Uhm, I'm releasing a clothing line in a couple of days. Rowan, the girl who came in, she's my best friend and PA. My father owns a really big company, and he helped me actually make my fashion future even possible.” You say looking up at the ceiling trying to ignore his fingers going over your skin.
‘The typical daddys girl’ Taehyung thinks as you keep talking. ‘Probably going to pay for the tats with her daddies card.’ He tried to keep a scoff in.
“Okay, I think two koi fish would look beautiful right here.” He says tracing a circle into your skin. “Like a in the shape and shaded like the yin and yang symbol, but separated.” he pushes himself away and picks his pencil up to start sketching. You went on your phone to distract yourself as he draws again.
“How long have you been tattooing?” You ask.
“I picked up the gun around age 13.” He says, as his hand was going crazy on the paper.
“Oh, nice.” You say trailing off, unsure on what to say next. Then you get a idea. You go to his Instagram page. You see that he has almost 50k followers. You smirk when you think about your couple of million. You click out and go to your camera. You take a couple of pictures of your legs and shoes in a cute position and you go back to instagram and pick the best on to post. When you chose, you captioned it with the eyes emoji and below it something about the pants being in your clothing line. Then you tagged his account and you post. You turn your phone off and wait, maybe he will notice maybe not. He had some pictures of himself on his account, so it wasn’t just his artwork. Within the next five minutes, you go back into your instagram and see that your post had a couple thousand likes, you quickly edit your post saying to follow him.
Within the next couple of minutes, he was done and he showed the picture to you. As soon as you seen it, you knew that you would love it. He explained that what ever white you see other than the background would be your skin and the rest is ink.
“God, I'm so excited for this.” You say as the chair starts to lean back. You stick your shirt into your bra so it would stay up and he starts to prep. Before he put his gloves on his takes out his phone and pushes himself over to a speaker in the corner of the room. He plugs his phone up and turns some on. You peek over trying to look over his shoulder, the only thing you notice, is he pulling his notification screen down. You smiled to yourself when you see the white rectangles going down super fast.
“Holy fuck.” You hear him mumble.
“I tagged you in my post, I hope you don't mind.” You smile. His head snaps over to you and back to his phone, he had a slight frown.
“Uh, Thanks.” He nods his head and sets his phone on the speaker and scooches over to you and continues prepping. His reaction wasn't what you were expecting, but something is better than nothing. You went to look at his account again and noticed that he had over 100k. You felt like a proud mother, but he didn't seem to be too happy about it.You sighed. You weren't sure what to do, he was so closed off. Keeping things professional. But all you could think about it how fucking beautiful he is.
Once his gloves were on he grabbed a wipe and cleaned off your skin, in the area was going to tattoo. You closed your eyes to try and control your breathing, and calm your nerves.You felt as he transferred the drawing to your torso. As soon as you heard the sound of the tattoo gun buzzed you knew you couldn't go back.
Throughout the whole process, he would hold you down when you flinch when he hits the ribs. He would whisper helpful saying like ‘it's okay, this line is almost over’, or ‘You got this, you're strong.” It wasn't even the sayings that helped, it was how he said it, and his voice was low and rough. You kept peeping down, looking at his neck tattoos, or just how his hair laid on his head.
Your mind finally calmed down when he switched the gun off.
“You did a lot better towards the end, good job.” He says taking his gloves off. He grabs some paper towel and a spray bottle. He sprays the paper and he wipes and dabs it against you. He then grabs some plastic and lays it over the tattoo with a little bit of skin tape. He then bends down and pushes the button letting you sit up. He helps you stand up and pull your shirt down. You went to go look in the full body mirror he had on the back of the door but he stops you and stands in front of you.
“No, I need you to come back tomorrow. I take pictures, so I wanted to take a picture of this with my professional camera. If that's okay?” He ran his fingers through his hair, exposing his brows a little, showing that they were frowning a little, which made his eyes look so intense when his hair cover his brows. “So I need you to keep that covered because I put this ointment on it that will help the swelling go down.”
So he wants you to come back tomorrow? You could do that.
“Okay, sure. But I can't look at it?” You ask, feeling the stiffness of the plastic.
“Nope, I like to show my clients the picture first. It will give you a different feeling when you see it then look at it on yourself.” He says looking down at you. You look back at him and nod.
“Um, time?” You ask. Your throat was suddenly dry, and he felt way to close.
“Okay, I’ll come in the morning, I have afternoon meetings.” You say nodding. You grab your purse and walk out behind him. You see Rowan getting her card back from Soobin when you come out. She smiles towards you as you walk up.
“Lemme see!” She says excitingly.
“Nope, I haven't even seen it. We can tomorrow.” You say.
“Oh, well I can show you mine.” She says and lifts her other hand up and on the inner part of her upper arm was a rose that wasn't shaded, it went across the whole space.
“That's so pretty!! I like how the stem goes into your armpit.” You joke. “You don't want a pity rose.” and you both laugh at your horrible joke. Soobin even joined. After Rowan was done, she told you that she was going to wait out in the car. Soobin leaves to the back, leaving you with Taehyung.
You take out your card. You father made sure to get you the black one. You had it to him and rings you up.
“Um, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?” You blurt out. Your face burned at 450 when his head pops up to yours. He scoffs and looks back down to what he was doing. Once he was done he hands you back the card. But before you can get it back completely he holds it still.
“I don't know if times had change, but last time I checked, you don't try to guilt someone into hanging out with them.” He says, letting the card go.
“What? No-”
“So drooling over me, then give me over sixty thousand followers, then you wanna hang out.” He makes air quotes with his fingers.
“No, I didn't mean it like that…”
“I’ll see you tomorrow. I open around 8am.” He says then he nods his head and heads to the back.
The next day, in the morning, you got up around 7 in the morning and got ready for the day. Since you had two meetings to go to today, you put on some casual clothes, consisting of some leggings and a oversized sweatshirt and some sneakers. You finished getting ready around 8:30. You quickly got into your car and headed back to tattoo shop.
You quickly parked and went inside. You were so excited to finally see your tattoo, but you weren't as excited to see Taehyung. You hated how a simple glance your way made your cheeks burn and your heart race, but yet he was so blunt and rude. You didn't know why you felt like you had to, but you wanted to try a different way. Maybe not do the first thing that comes to your mind.
You just, you just really wanted to kiss him, fuck.
As you walked in, you noticed how much smokier it was in the place. The door dinged as you walked in, so Taehyung was walking out pretty quickly, spraying some febreeze. That's when it hit you, the smell.
You didn't know why,  but the fact that he smokes marijuana, just makes you feel so much hotter inside. When you walk up to the counter and his eyes were so much lower than yesterday.
You’ve always wanted to smoke weed. You did in high school, but after you found out you can't always trust who you were getting it from, you were scared.
“Ah, fuck. I'm sorry.” He says laughing a little. His smile wasn't huge, but since his eyes were low, his eyes went more smiley, making your heart race.
“For?” You ask confused.
“The smell.” He says also confused, did you not smell it?
“Oh that's okay.” You smile to him. “I actually smoke myself. Well once.” You mumble the last part, kind of embarrassed.
“Only once? Why only once?” He asks tilting his head. “What? Did daddy threaten to take away your allowance if you did?” he waves his hands around and scoffs. You were shocked to say the least.
“Um, one, I don't call my father daddy. Two, he doesn't care what I do, as long as I don't end up dead or locked up.” You put all of your weight on foot.
“Ah, sure sure. Let's just get these pictures over with.” He says and turns walking back, you follow. Instead of going to room you went to before, you turn right and make your way into another room. On one side there was a white screen posted up with light in front, and on in the back.
“I have a sports bra on.” You say and pull your sweater over your head.
“You didn't have to take it all the way off.” He says quietly. You look over at him, and his eyes were on you. When you looked at him, he quickly looked down at the camera he was holding.
“Well it's hot and smoking in here Taehyung.” You say in a duh tone.”Plus, I don't feel like holding this is up.” You say, folding your sweatshirt up and setting it on the chair.
“Whatever, go stand over there.” He says pointing towards the screen. You nod, ignoring his rudeness. You stand in front and feel the make sure your bra wasn't covering anything. He sets the camera down, and he grabs a couple of items you couldn't see because of the lights in your face. When he walks in front of you, you notice three different things in his hand. A spray bottle, a towel and a tube of some sort.
He throws you off guard when he drops to his knees in front of you. He puts everything on the ground and reach up. He pulls the plastic wrap off and then he grabs the spray bottle and sprays. You didn't think it was going to be so cold, so the water made you flinch.
“Don't move.” He grumbles. You just rolled your eyes and his attitude. He then grabs the towel and dabs at tattoo. He sets that down then grab the tube and opens it, he pushes some white cream on his fingers and he rubs it between his fingers before rubbing it on you. His fingers were soft on your tattoo so it doesn't hurt. You wished he would bring his hand farther down. His fingers left, and he stood up grabbing the other stuff and he wipes his fingers off.
“I put on some non scented lotion and rubbed it in all the way.” He mumbles and brings the camera up to his face. You nodded and stood still.
Taehyung zoomed in to the tattoo, snapping a couple of pictures. As he did, he couldn't help but to look at you, really look at you.
You were actually beautiful as fuck, and he knew that the first time he looked at you. But he doesn't hate anything more then a spoiled rich girl.
Make sure you like, and reblog if you enjoyed what you just read :) 💜
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jae-bummer · 6 years
My Idol 2: Part Thirty
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My Idol
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Thursday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in specific missions to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what three idols will move on to the second date.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 -
Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 -
Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 -
Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31
"Thank you,” you whispered, letting Yongguk pull you into him for the dozenth time that morning. “For everything.” 
“You had fun?” he hummed, sitting your suitcase on your doorstep. 
“Fun is an understatement,” you chuckled. “You’re in charge of planning all vacations from now on.” 
“From now on, hm?” he said quietly, biting his lip. You glanced up at him through your lashes, slowly realizing what you had said. “Think I’ll make it that far?” 
“Maybe,” you nodded with a sad smile. If you said you had hoped so, you would immediately be damning Wonho; which was something you definitely weren’t willing to do yet. He had just as much of a chance as the man who’s arms were wrapped around you. If things were already easy with Yongguk, they had grown even more so over the weekend. It felt natural, and it felt right. 
Not that it felt wrong with Wonho, no, not even in the least. While you felt as if you had known Yongguk for a decade, you had fresh feelings for Wonho. Nervous laughs and heart flutters seemed to dominate your body when you were around him, and you wanted to explore that. Just because things were familiar with Yongguk, didn’t mean they were any better. Each man had their strengths, just like you had your weaknesses. 
One of those newly discovered weaknesses being Yongguk’s lips. 
“Well,” he sighed, pressing a kiss onto your forehead. “I guess this will be the last time you see me before the final voting ceremony.” 
“I guess so,” you said quietly, unsure if you were about to cry. “It’ll be fine. Everything will be fine.” 
“Absolutely,” he nodded. “What will be, will be. And we’ll both be better people for it.” 
“I hope so,” you swallowed, pulling away from him. Balancing on the tip of your boot, you gave him a soft kiss, perfectly placed on his plush mouth. The fireworks festival he had taken you to hadn’t been the only fireworks you saw that weekend. Every time you pulled away from a kiss, it felt as if you saw stars all over again. You had never thought the simple action of pressing your lips against another’s would be so profound, but it was. There were no words to describe how he made you feel, even when he was doing nothing at all. 
“I know so,” he whispered, pulling away from you before nodding his head in reassurance. “I care about you, so much. No matter what happens, that won’t change. Understand?” 
You nodded as well, chewing on your lip to limit any whines or groans. There was no breaking down in front of Yongguk. You wouldn’t allow it. 
“Have fun with Wonho, okay?” he said genuinely. “I’m sure he’ll be great competition.” 
You let out a small cough, hardly believing that Yongguk could still root for the man he was up against. 
“You’re unbelievable,” you hummed, slowly unlocking your apartment door. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he grinned. “See you.” 
You watched him wander down the hall, the two camera men normally glued to you now following him instead. Surely they’d be filming some sort of reaction or commentary from Yongguk in regards to the weekend, and that suited you just fine. As long as they weren’t following you into your hallway, you’d be happy. 
Glancing toward the opposite end of the hall as you pushed open your door, you felt as if all oxygen had been pulled from your lungs. Just out of sight, tucked near the stairwell, was a familiar face. You’d recognize him under any circumstance, even through the mask he wore.
His eyes were cold as they searched your face, an unmistakable hurt that could be read from even a few feet away. 
“Yoongi, I-” you began, everything you had rehearsed saying over the past week struggling to find it’s way out of your mouth. 
 “You’re sorry?” he said bluntly. “You didn’t want to hurt me like this? You didn’t want me to see you sucking face with-” 
“That’s not fair!” you cried. “What are you even doing here?” 
“To think I used to miss hearing you say that,” he laughed bitterly. “You hadn’t responded to my Kakao message in two days. I thought it was time I check up on you, but you seem just fine without me.” 
“Yoongi,” you whispered, begging him with the simple use of his name. “It was the weekend dates and I-”
“You had a great time,” he nodded. “Which is great. I’m really, very happy for you.” 
You stood in silence for a moment, simply staring at each other as you both shook with labored breaths. “I miss you,” you said simply. “You have no idea how much-” 
“You aren’t allowed,” he bit back. “You aren’t allowed to miss me. You’re the one who pushed me away, and you don’t get to have both, Y/N. Just like you said, you’re sick of playing these games with me, but you know who’s sick? The guy being jerked around. You tell me you don’t want to be with me, but proceed to make out with me in the pillow fort. You push me away and say you don’t want me “like that,” but you still need me? It doesn’t make sense anymore and I’m done.” 
“You’re done?” you croaked. “You’ve been my closest friend, Yoongi...the only one I have-” 
“And what have you been for me, Y/N?” he said harshly. “Other than a reminder of something I’d never have?” 
“You aren’t being fair,” you argued. “I tried to be your friend, I didn’t ask you to do all of these romantic things and pressure me into kissing you.” 
“No,” he whispered, shaking his head. “No one forced you into kissing me and as much as you hate to admit it, you wanted it just as much as I did. I’m not warping any situation, and as soon as you realize that, and realize that you participated in this just as much, maybe I can forgive you. But as long as you keep blaming me for the decisions you can’t make, think of me as a ghost.” 
Shaking his head, he gave you one last glare before turning on his heel, his footsteps echoing across the cement stairwell. 
“Yoongi,” you whispered, tears falling from your eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
You played nervously with your fingers as you kept your attention on the clock hanging just above your television. A packed suitcase was sitting beside your couch with a jacket draped over the top, all set and ready to go for your next adventure. 
But you weren’t. 
Ever since your confrontation with Yoongi, you felt as if you had swallowed a stone. It had been just short of a week and the feeling stayed with you. With every gulp, you seemed to feel it. With every motion you made, it weighed you down. 
And you had little idea of how to fix it. 
Shortly after the exchange, you swallowed your pride. You sent Yoongi another message on Kakao. You apologized for everything you could possibly be responsible for in the entirety of your friendship. You apologized for participating in whatever it was that happened that last day between you. For wanting him and never being able to admit that you were indecisive about it. You apologized for sharing in that kiss, for flirting with him, for making him feel deeply about you, just to take all of it away. You had made the decision for him, and you realized that now. You were the one playing with him all along. 
But you also realized that some things weren’t your fault. You were not responsible for Yoongi’s relentless attempts at swaying your affection. You asked him to be friends on several occasions. You told him “no” even more often. You were admittedly at fault for your fair share, but so was he. 
Just because he was upset, did not mean you made the wrong decision. 
And you wouldn’t apologize for not giving up everything for him.
Needless to say, he hadn’t responded. 
But now you were expected to go on a date with one of the most precious human beings you knew. How were you supposed to maintain any sort of normalcy with a man who deserved your full attention, when your thoughts were so heavy on matters outside of the competition? 
A knock sounded lightly on your door, only a mere fraction of the strength Wonho could have put behind the action. 
Taking a deep breath, you pushed yourself up from the couch and attempted to get yourself together. You couldn’t disappoint yourself and you really couldn’t disappoint Wonho. You would love to vent about your problems, but you certainly couldn’t do that on a date with another man. Time to push all thoughts of Yoongi from your mind for two days. You could deal with all of the aftermath later. 
Tugging at the sleeves of the sweatshirt he had given you during your last date, you couldn’t help but smile as you thought “soft, just like Wonho.” 
“Hey beautiful,” he whispered as you swung open the door. 
“Hello,” you cooed in return, trying to hide your laughter as you noticed he too, decided to wear his matching sweatshirt. “I can see great minds think alike.” 
“I have to say, I’m a bit relieved,” he laughed. “I didn’t want it to seem like I was trying too hard.” 
“Definitely not,” you grinned. “At least this way, we’ll never lose each other in the airport.” 
“Lose each other?” he said, his wide smile dazzling you with how sincere it was. “Like I’d ever let you out of my sight!”
“Is that a promise?” you chuckled, wiggling your eyebrows. 
“A for sure guarantee,” he nodded. “How could I take my eyes off of someone so perfect? If even for a second? I’ve been training myself to sleep with my eyes open, prepping myself for this very moment.” 
“I’m far from perfect, Wonho,” you hummed, shaking your head. “And I’m going to choose to ignore the last comment.” 
“Perfect is relative,” he said quietly. “And to me, you’re the closest a person has ever gotten to the word.” 
“That’s very kind,” you croaked, feeling a heat begin to creep up your neck. Leave it to Wonho to turn your insides to mush after a mere two minutes. “Where are we headed today anyway?” 
“On an adventure,” he stated as if the answer was obvious. You tugged your suitcase out from behind you and over the door frame. Taking the handle from your hands, he let his fingers brush over yours. “And just for the record, I missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” you grinned, turning to properly lock the door. “I can’t wait to get to spend some time with you in a mysterious, nonthreatening location.” 
“Another guarantee,” he laughed, motioning to your walking boot. “I won’t be putting you in any more dangerous situations any time soon.”
At least he had gotten to the point where he wasn’t guilt tripping himself every time he discussed your broken ankle. 
But you didn’t think he realized he had you in the most dangerous situation of all. 
Falling in love. 
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velvetchen · 7 years
Anonymous | pt. i
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[ back to masterlist ]
Scenario: Tumblr AU Pairing: Chanyeol/Reader Word Count: 1671 Rating: T 
Summary: You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them… 
next part >>
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You found out when your friends all started calling you. That morning, you woke to your phone bursting with notifications – your twitter, tumblr, texts, everything. You picked up your friend Jia’s next call, your groggy hello met with the sound of her excited screaming. “Y/N! You’re famous! You’re all over the internet today?”
Groaning, you rolled over and checked the time. 8:37, too early for anything. “What?”
“I said, you’re internet famous,” she said. “Strawberry Shortcake just hit it big.”
That shot you awake. You jolted upright and pulled your laptop towards you, logging in and opening your tumblr. “What? Oh my god.”
“I know!” Jia squealed. “Oh my god! You totally deserve it, Y/N, you’ve worked so hard on it. Congratulations!”
Your activity page had numbers you’d never seen before. Reblogs with comments. Your inbox, full. You felt dizzy. “I’ll call you back, Jia,” you said. You didn’t wait before you hung up.
What had just happened?
Opening a new tab, you typed ‘strawberry shortcake tumblr’ into the search bar – and nearly fainted at the results. The first link was your tumblr. The second was an article about it. About you. About your webtoon.
You didn’t know what to feel. The webtoon you’d been working on for more than six months, so far resigned to a few reblogs and barely more than five hundred followers, was suddenly famous.
We Can’t Get Over This Super Cute Romance Webtoon, And Chances Are You Won’t Either
Strawberry Shortcake, a super sweet love story written and illustrated by the owner of the strawberryshortcakecomic tumblr – known only as S – is something we just can’t get enough of. The cute story, light humor and to-die-for cold-hearted, bad-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold love interests will have you rushing through the chapters and smiling like a fool. The webtoon is available in English on Tumblr and translated to Korean on LINE Webtoon.
You scrolled down to the comments.
iluvBTSxox: aha wow so cute ~ ^o^ prettyboy88: ㅋㅋㅋ so nice blossom3bunny: i love it so much, thanks mika-chan for recommending it~~~
So that was how it had gone viral. Mika-chan, another webtoon artist, ultra-famous for her anime-style webcomics on LINE and tumblr. You felt flattered beyond belief. Immediately, you pulled up her tumblr – and there it was – her reblog of your latest episode along with the caption “one of my favorite webtoons ;o;”.
strawberryshortcakecomic asked: mika-chan!!! Thank you so much for liking my webtoon ;;;;;; I’m so happy you liked it <3 I hope you enjoy my work in the future too!
You’re welcome ㅋㅋㅋ it’s very cute
You couldn’t believe she had replied to you. Much less reblogged your work. It felt surreal. Opening your tumblr inbox, you got to work answering, still on the high of your newfound fame.
Anonymous asked: author-nim~~~~ the last chapter is so nice, please update, when does jinho take yoon ah on the date
I will be updating soon! thank you for liking it
Anonymous asked: that lake scene is so sweet omg
Haha I know right! Thanks :)
You won’t have to wait much longer, the next chapter will be up soon !!
 You moved to the kitchen with your laptop, setting it down on the counter and opening the fridge to get some yogurt and fruit for breakfast. You sat back down immediately, intent on answering as many new messages as you could.
snsd-superfan asked: i love jinho he’s so hot ugh
Anonymous asked: mika-chan brought me here and can I just say I’m in love with you and your work
Thanks! Love you too anon
The next message stood out, because while so far you had only seen one-liner compliments and messages about your work, this one was much longer. You read on, intrigued:
Anonymous asked: Dear S, I’ve been following you almost since the beginning of Strawberry Shortcake and I wanted to congratulate you on your newfound and very well-deserved fame! I know how hard you’ve worked and how much effort you put into making the chapters for us, your readers. I’m so happy to see you get the fame you were destined for! Now, about the last chapter, hmm. I feel like something is going on with Seong-jin...is he plotting something behind Yoon-ah’s back? Sincerely, C
You thought a minute before you wrote out your reply, pausing in between words to make sure it was perfect. This ‘C’ person had obviously put a lot of thought into their message. At least that’s what it looked like.
Dear C, Thank you very much for your long and thoughtful message! Honestly, I feel extremely surprised. I don’t know what to do with all this fame, haha. I’m so flattered you think I deserve it, and that you’re a long time fan. How long have you been here?
As for the plot...you’ll just have to wait and see. I have a lot of things in store for Seong-jin!
Love, S
You continued scrolling through your inbox, but that was the only message of its kind - which only made you more intrigued. When a reply popped up, you felt yourself swell with a strange excitement.
Anonymous asked: Dear S, you’re very welcome for the praise ^^ I’m sure things will only get better from here. I meant it when I said you deserved all the fame. I’ve been following your blog since the third or fourth episode I think. That was a long time ago! You’ve come so far since then. Your art has improved a lot too. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for Seong-jin. He’s my favorite character (yes, I don’t like Jin-ho! I think he is too perfect...something’s wrong...haha) Sincerely, C
Was it too soon for you to reply? Shrugging, you started typing anyway.
Dear C,
Aw thank you, you’re making me blush lol. Thanks so much for your support! And wow, since the third episode? I don’t even remember that far back, you’re right when you say we’ve come a long way. Thanks for the comment on my art, do you really think so?
I should be offended you don’t like Jin-ho, but maybe you’re on to something ;) kidding, kidding, I don’t want to give away any spoilers. Seong-jin is my favorite character too, he’s very close to me. He was the first character I came up with for SS. At first he was going to be my main character but I made Yoon-ah the main character at the last minute.
Love, S
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Anonymous asked: Dear S, I clearly remember the day I found your comic. It was actually reblogged by one of my real-life friends. I was crazy about webtoons so I was super excited to find a new one to read. You didn’t disappoint :) Am I really on the right track about Jin-ho? I mean, he is a vampire, but he still doesn’t have any flaws. I’m guessing that’s intentional. Maybe he’s hiding some dark secret lololol. I hope Yoon-ah ends up with neither of them though, they’re not that nice to her :( Sincerely, C
Dear C,
Oh, please thank your friend then! They must have known me from my other blog ^^
You’re right, it is intentional, but there aren’t any dark secrets coming up...yet. Haha. Jin-ho is that very cliche k-drama character isn’t he! Hot and cold and handsome as hell. I have a lot of fun drawing him. ;) And yeah, neither of them treat Yoon-ah right, but that’s plot progression for you. I’ve already confirmed on this blog that she will end up with one of the two. The ending is still a long ways away but I hope it’s satisfactory!
Love, S
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Anonymous asked: Dear S, yes, I’ve been following your other blog too since then! You’re very private haha. But you’re very nice and friendly too ^^ Jin-ho is total eye-candy! My friend has lots of screenshots of all the shower scenes lol. She sends them to me. He is definitely a cliche character, but those can be very fun to read and write too. Even if there aren’t any dark secrets I’m sure he’s still hiding something. Oh well, I hope Yoon-ah ends up with the right one then. I like her a lot and hope she gets a good relationship. I don’t doubt in your ability at all to come up with an amazing ending :) Sincerely, C
Dear C,
Am I private? I guess I must be, since I don’t even have a proper pen name! Aww, you think I’m nice and friendly, thanks, you’re not too bad yourself :)
Your friend has good taste lol. I’ll draw more shower scenes just for her ;) You’re right about cliche characters not having to be one-dimensional. I put a lot of thought into Jin-ho when I was creating him and he’s actually very similar to me. Stubborn, secretly caring, introverted (unfortunately not I’m not as hot lmao). You seem to know a bit about this writing thing, do you write?
Yoon-ah will get the happy ending she deserves! She’s my precious little flower baby.
Love, S
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 Anonymous said: Dear S, it’s okay, you can be as private as you want,. I’m just warning you that fans can get a little crazy about finding out who you are...so be careful. No, I don’t write, unless you count writing music, which is a lot different from making webtoons I imagine :) Are you really similar? I guess I’ll have to start paying more attention to Jin-ho from now on. Sincerely, C 
Dear C,
Thanks a lot for the warning! (wow, do you have experience with this fame thing?) I know, just a couple of hours since the explosion and I’m already getting hate. Writing music could be like making a webtoon, hmm...you’re making a story without words. Or with only dialogue. Huh, I guess not really.
Oh no, have I revealed too much? ;)
Why don’t you come off anon? I’d love to talk to you some more.
Love, S
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a/n so a little background - like all the scenarios i’ll write this is set in an ambiguous location with no set culture/mix of cultures, so you can take it to be anywhere (i intended korea). webtoons esp. romancey webtoons however are pretty popular in korea so a bunch of the comments and etc will be like on a korean website. after this part the story will mostly be told through a collection of messages, articles, posts & dialogue. also i know asks don’t let u write that much but bear with me ok
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peabangtanch7 · 7 years
Fighting Fire With Fire – Pt. 2
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: nah
Words: 839
Request: Hey I'm new to your blog and can I just say thAT I FUCKING LOVE IT.I also would like to make a request for admin peach since I peach handles the angst and fluff?? OK SO, like, I was thinking a x reader where the reader is also a famous Korean rapper, and in on of the readers new songs her company makes her diss Min Yoongi/Agust D for promotion/attention purposes. And it blows way out of proportion. So they both have to fix it somehow. So they decide to fix it during a concert. Sorry it's so long
tags: @suckmysalt
Italics are thoughts.
-Admin Peach
“H-hello.” you returned, looking down because this was going to be awkward.
“I think we should have a word, don’t you think?” he said, his voice strangely calm.
You nodded as he turned around motioning you to follow him. He aimed for the door in the very back of the building and went upstairs to the roof. You followed him, your head hanging low because you couldn’t help but feel guilty for what you did, even though it wasn’t your own decision.
He walked up to the edge of the roof, looked down and turned around to face you. His eyebrows shot up at the sight of you. A sigh left his lips and he walked back to where you were standing with your head tucked in between your shoulders.
“Y/N, right? Listen, if you think you’re getting away with that song, you’re wrong but I can assure you I won’t kill you for what you did.” he said.
Your head shot up at his words because you really did think you were screwed.
“I’m really sorry for what I did. I didn’t mean to…I probably shouldn’t say this but my boss decided to do this track…for attention purposes I guess. I’m really-“ you were cut off by his chuckle.
“It’s alright. I knew you weren’t the one to initiate this, don’t worry. You’re forgiven. “ he laughed.
A wave of relief washed over you and you let out an awkward laugh.
“What are we going to do now?” you asked, this time looking into his eyes.
“Well, I can’t let it slip, though. I guess we have to do a rap battle.” he sighed.
There was an awkward silence afterwards and the two of you just looked at each other before he started laughing. You couldn’t help but join in.
“Well, this isn’t such a bad idea after all I think.” you laughed out.
“Oh, really? After what I heard in your rap you aren’t really fond of my ideas.” he joked.
“Let’s just not talk about this.” you smiled.
“Alright, for now…Why not meet at BigHit tomorrow so we can talk about everything?” he requested.
You nodded, “Yeah, I think that’s alright. How about 4?”.
“Alright, then it’ll be that time.” he returned “I think it’s time for your performance now.” looking at his watch and then back to you.
“Oh, damn, you’re right. Thank you, I’ll see you!” you waved and run back backstage.
 Your performance went smoothly and your fans apparently liked it. You were exhausted, tired and happy that it was over. Back in your changing room you changed into something more comfortable and decided to not stay here any longer, so you went home.
He watched your performance on one of the flat screens that hung behind the stage.  Your stage presence was really great and you were capable of convincing the audience to like the song.
“Wow, your live rap is even better than the one in the video. “ he mumbled to himself.
“Who are you talking to?” Jin asked, sitting down next to him “Oh, your predator” he chuckled.
“Well her rap is really good and I already talked to her about it.” Yoongi returned and averted his gaze to look at the self proclaimed Mr. Worldwide Handsome.
“You did? I assume she was intimidated by your personality and you told her you won’t kill her, didn’t you?” he asked and raised his eyebrows.
Yoongi just scoffed looked back at the screen where your performance was already ending. He felt like he should check out some of your other works – he would need it anyways for his version. Well, I guess sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. With this last thought about you he entered the stage for his own time to shine.
You were comfy on your couch, drinking tea and watching the rain fall against your window. The trees swayed left and right in the wind and it wasn’t shortly after that you heard the sound of thunder rolling through the clouds. It was surprising to hear this sound which you associated not with fall but with summer. You stood up to open your window a bit so you could listen to the thunderstorm. The sky was constantly enlightened by lightning as the thunder growled somewhere far away. You moved to sit in front of the window and while you watched the thunderstorm outside you let your thoughts wander. Unsurprisingly, the only thing you were able to think about was tomorrow. You were excited because you got the chance to work with someone really talented and you hoped it would go well. You actually had to tell your boss and manager but you found that it would be alright to tell them some time later. Both you and your cat were startled at the sudden and air-cracking thunder outside. Your former thoughts were washed away and so you just sat there and observed the natural phenomenon from your place in front of the windows.  
A/N: Well, this turned out shorter (and with much more talking) than I intended. Anyways, there will probably be only one chapter left sooooo, we’ll see. Hope you enjoyed this, too.
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memento-mariii · 7 years
11 Questions!
 First of all, huge thanks to @words-not-working-for-mouth for tagging me! It’s my first time doing ask memes on this site, so bear with me if it’s a bit wonky
So, rules: Answer your 11 questions, add 11 of your own, then tag 11 people.
1.  What fictional character do you relate to the most?
If I’m allowed to get really obscure here, then right now it’s Moon Yoo from the Korean webtoon Moon You. I was feeling a bit lost after first coming to college, so the theme of isolation hit home, and his character growth was awe-inspiring.
Otherwise Don Camillo or grandma Dowdel or Scrooge McDuck or any other grouchy old character who’s actually a papa/mama bear at heart. Or characters like Hercule Poirot, who’re great people but have a bit of an ego(Hey, Poirot earned that ego, thankyouverymuch) .
…This question just devolved into me listing my faves, didn’t it.
2. Watercolors or acrylics?
Acrylics, they’re such a versatile medium! You could have both watercolor(ish) and oil painting(ish) effect with them, and it’s easy to paint over when you mess up.
If we’re talking purely about aesthetics and not the paint, then I prefer watercolors.
3. Dream trip to anywhere in the world.
Am I allowed to say space? Seriously, I don’t even need to leave Earth, I’d be happy with those insanely expensive jet trips to stratosphere. That, or a ride on a zero g plane. That’s cool too.
4.  Favorite plant/flower?
Pine trees. I’m partial to them because I share a namesake with them, not to mention here in Korea, they’re associated virtues like loyalty and commitment to conviction. Also they smell nice and are fun to decorate on Christmas.
5. Hogwarts House?
Probably Ravenclaw. My favorite houses are Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, though. 
6. Any pets? (or dream pets?)
Sadly, none at the moment. I had a red eared slider turtle that passed away recently. I had her(not sure about its actual gender, turtles are hard to sex) since I was five.
My dream pet would have to be a dog, preferably one of the less energetic breeds.
7. Rogue, mage, or warrior?
I’m one of those people who always go for the mage, all the while thinking ‘man, rouges and warriors are so cool, I gotta try them out sometimes’.
8.  Do you like ghost stories?
Yes. So much yes. I’ve always liked them since I was a child, and I subscribe to so many horror blogs(not at this site, though).
If anyone’s interested in Asian scary stories, message me-I can send a ton.
9. What’s the last show you binge-watched?
My brother and I had a sudden hit of nostalgia, so we watched Phineas and Ferb. Still a good show. 
10. What does your dream home look like?
I’m the kind of person who likes nature in theory but not in practice(bugs are fascinating when they’re trapped behind a sheet of glass, but I’d be darned if I have to share a living space with one), so I’m pretty content to live in a tiny high-rise apartment, just like pretty much everyone in Seoul. I’d throw in more plants, and replace all the furniture with real wood.
If I’m willing to go all out, I’d like the house to have some Hanok flair to it. They are traditional architecture around here and they are gorgeous.
11. Gimme your favorite cool fact that you know! :D
 Have you ever noticed how you breathe through only one nostril at a time? Most people do that and this is called nasal cycle. The left and right nostrile trade turns breathing after a few hours.
All righty, my questions are;
1. What’s the one crazy dream you had as a child, that you still low-key hope for it to come true?
2. Sci-Fi or Fantasy?
3. What are some of your pet peeves?
4. Favorite animal?
5. If you could go back 5 years in time, what would you tell your past self?
6. If you could save one extinct species from extinction, what would you choose?
7. Your idea of a perfect afternoon:
8. Favorite season?
9. What’s your first fandom? Are you still active in it?
10. Do you think love is a choice or a feeling?
(this one’s not mine, but I saw words-not-working-for-mouth get it and I liked it a lot so I’m stealing this one.)
11.  Gimme your favorite obscure fact! >:D
(Again, stealing. >:^D)
I don’t know that much people on this site, so I'm tagging a bunch of cool people I follow. I can only hope these people aren’t creeped out. So, if you can find the time;
@mels-my-olympian, @astralspork, @piefanart, @clear-elphaba94(saw you get already tagged, so if you’re busy you don’t have to do this one), @leskywits, @leskybits(pretty sure they’re the same person but I’m somehow mutuals with both the urls, so in the off chance they’re not), @spear-180, @byakurenbreak, @elvenwhovian, @mint-strawberry65, @thewheatleyisalie
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yummynutrition · 5 years
Plant Based versus Animal Based Diets
Today, I will be talking more about eating vegetables. Frankly speaking, I am not a big fan of vegetables but I don’t hate them either. I could say…I am trying to have a balanced diet although it does not always work out. But we all know that vegetables are good for you so let’s talk about this plant based diet, shall we?
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[ Photo by Christine Sponchia, www.pixabay.com ]
▣ What is the definition of a plant-based diet?
Kathy McManus, Director of the Department of Nutrition and Director of the Dietetic Internship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital wrote in Harvard Health Publishing that plant-based diet is not something you must have vegetables only for the rest of your life(Katherine, Harvard Health Blog). Plant-based diet would be eating patterns focus on foods primarily from plants, not all of them. This will include not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans.  Rather, you could say you are proportionately choosing more of your foods from plant sources and that is exactly what I always think about although somehow it feels like I am into meat-based diet adding vegetables on it, instead. But, now I am interested in this plant-based diet.
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[ Photo by FotoshopTofs, www.pixabay.com ]
▣ 3 health benefits of following a plant-based diet versus the currently high animal based diet that is generally followed.
1. Reduce the risk of cancer(Publishing, Harvard)
The researchers from World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research(WCRF/AICR) compared the records with several established nutrition plans and found that the people who most closely followed the WCRF/AICR diet* had 12% lower risk of cancer over all. The diet appeared to be especially protective against certain cancers, such as prostate and colon cancer
* WCRF/AICR) emphasizes a plant-based diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes like beans and lentils, with limited amounts of red or processed meat (no more than 18 ounces per week) and a strong emphasis on eliminating all processed foods, sugar-sweetened drinks, and alcohol
2. Lower risk of developing coronary heart disease(Nutrition 2018)
Nutrition 2018-the flagship meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, held in Boston in 2018, the researchers shared some of study results found in plant-based diet. In Netherlands, they researched almost 6,000 people; and the team found that those who ate a high ratio of plant-derived protein to animal-derived protein were at lower risk of developing coronary heart disease later in life.
3. Prevent premature death(Heidi Godman, Harvard)
In the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers looked at the dietary habits of more than 10,000 women in their 50s and 60s and compared them to how the women fared health-wise 15 years later. Women who followed a healthy diet during middle age were about 40% more likely to live past the age of 70 without chronic illness and without physical or mental problems than those with less-healthy diets. The healthiest women were those who ate more plant foods, whole grains, and fish; ate less red and processed meats; and had limited alcohol intake. That’s typical of a Mediterranean-type diet, which is also rich in olive oil and nuts.
▣ In my future culinary profession, can I see myself incorporating plant-based foods in my menus? Why or Why not?
I always thought plan-based diet would be something truly vegan, and frankly speaking I am not a big fan of vegan menus. I would love to put a lot of vegetables on any main course but thinking of vegetables being the main course, it just did not come to my heart directly. I just love the sound of steak crackling and the taste of those fats and meats.
However, after seeing one of my best friend getting a heart attack last week(he survived thanks to an unknown passer-by), I am thinking that maybe I should start to add more veggies on the plate. And the fact that plant-based foods does not have to be all veggies, it really relieved me in a way. I am thinking of creating a menu using a good meat as garnish rather than a main meal.
Not all are crystal clear yet, but I may start to create something I never had a thought about. Still, having my kids eat all those vegetables on plate would be my major problem to be solved at home.
▣ Share a vegan recipe, in a standard recipe format
I thought about what I should prepare for this mission for a quite long time and I decided to make up a new one based on popular Korean soup. It is called “된장찌개(doen-jang-jji-gae) and it would be “soybean paste soup” in English.
Base stock of this soup would be usually made from beef or kelp and dried anchovies. However, since I was going to make a vegan menu, I decided to use vegetable stock!! I’ve never done this before but really hoped it would work out well.
So I started off with veggies stock.
- 1kg Onions - 500g Carrots - 500g Celery - 2 Bay Leaves, 20 Black Peppercorn, Thyme, 15g Garlic) - 4L of Water
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I added garlic in the stock because I thought if I used the original vegetable stock, it would be too much different from original menu. I wanted to add something that has a lot in common with Korean recipes. I simmered it for 45 minutes and now the stock is ready.
“Doen-Jang-Jji-Gae” Recipe
Ingredients(2 Servings)
- 110g (White) Zuchinni, small dice - 120g (White) Potato, small dice - 60g Button Mushroom, small dice - 100g Onion, small dice - 15g Garlic, minced - 20g Go-Choo-Jang(Korean Red Chili Pepper Paste) - 80g Doen-Jang(Korean Soybean Paste) - 1.5~2.0 T Perilla Oil(or Sesame Oil) - 500ml Vegetable Stock - 3g Red Chili Pepper - Enoki Mushroom(preferred) - Tofu(preferred)
- French Knife - Cutting Board - Scale - Measuring Cup - Ttukbaegi (Earthen Pot) : keeps soup hot(or Regular Pot)
1. On a medium high heat, place the pot until it gets hot. 2. Put oil in the pot and put minced garlic in. 3. After 1~2 minutes, when garlic aroma comes out fully, add onions and stir. 4. When onions get translucent, put potatoes in and stir. 5. After 3 min, add zucchini and stir.(Vegetables do not need to be fully cooked) 6. Add pepper and soybean paste and stir well. 7. Add stock and bring up to boil. 8. Lower the heat to medium and skim the bubbles from time to time. 9. Add button mushroom in and bring the heat up once again to boil. (You can add diced tofu with button mushroom if you have it ready)   10. Add enoki mushroom and slice pepper as garnish just before turning down the heat. 11. Serve whole pot.
Step by Step
[Oil in the hot pot. Olive oil would not be preferred.]
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[Garlic in. Stir well until garlic aroma comes out fully.]
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[Add onions and stir well until onion gets translucent]
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[Add potatoes in and stir well. If it gets too dry, you can add more oil in.]
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[Add zucchini as well. cut off the seeds if possible]
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[Add both of the pastes and stir well]
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[Add the stock and bring up to boil]
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[Skim the bubbles and put button mushroom in]
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[Add enoki and sliced pepper. It’s good time to add tofu]
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[With tofu in, a nice bowl of soup with steamed rice]
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▣  Reflect on my experience. How easy was it to find ingredients? Did I learn a new culinary skill while making the dish? What were some of my challenges? Would I make this recipe again?
Since this is a bowl of vegetable soup, it was not difficult to buy all the needed ingredients from local market. However, the taste of vegetables are not the same from the ones I had back in Korea. Of course, it would be awkward to expect something exactly the same with the ones grown in Ontario and the other ones grown outside of this country.
I did not learn any new skills, but I did find out how different the food would taste when other types of stocks are used. The first impression from my family was that it tastes like western menus and not Korean. My wife also mentioned that this menu reminds her of goulash with just a little bit meats although she knew that this was a vegan. Even to myself, it tasted quite different from the original soup and it even felt like a loaf of bread would be matched better than rice.
I prefer this soup with beef stock in it. Korean version of beef stock for this menu would be using marinated beef instead of using bones and meats from the oven. That said, this new menu did not make it to the top of my favourite menus but it surely gave me some insights.
I would make this menu once again for friends who has never had any chance to taste traditional Korean menus. I am thinking of making this one and original one separate and have them taste both at the same time. I think it would be a good opportunity for them to taste and evaluate. Or...I would make this vegan version when I get sick. They were so easy to digest on the night I had them for dinner that I had to eat something before I went to bed. Either way, I think it was a wonderful experience!!
Works Cited
Katherine D. McManus, LDN. "What Is A Plant-Based Diet And Why Should You Try It? - Harvard Health Blog". Harvard Health Blog, 2019, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/what-is-a-plant-based-diet-and-why-should-you-try-it-2018092614760
Publishing, Harvard. "Specialized Diet Gets High Marks For Preventing Cancer - Harvard Health". Harvard Health, 2019, https://www.health.harvard.edu/cancer/specialized-diet-gets-high-marks-for-preventing-cancer
"Nutrition 2018: New Data Confirm Health Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet". Medical News Today, 2019, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322072.php#2
Godman, Heidi. "Adopt A Mediterranean Diet Now For Better Health Later - Harvard Health Blog". Harvard Health Blog, 2019, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/adopt-a-mediterranean-diet-now-for-better-health-later-201311066846
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jae-bummer · 7 years
My Idol 2: Part Nine
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My Idol From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Wednesday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in specific missions to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what three idols will move on to the second date.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 -  Part 10
It was much too bright to see the stars in Seoul when you were perched directly beneath the unforgiving light of a streetlamp. The upside to the situation was that you didn’t need the stars hanging in the sky when you had the brightest one sitting beside you. Wonho simply radiated beauty, his skin illuminated by the harsh lighting. Puffing out your cheeks, you exhaled with a small smile as your breath turned to a cloud of vapor. The chill in the air was enough to simulate a dragon effect as you continued to breath, finally glancing up at Wonho as he began to laugh at you. 
“It’s getting cold, isn’t it?” he hummed, setting his steaming bowl of ramen on the curbside beside him. He stretched his arms upward before shimmying out of the coat he had on over his sweater. He set it lightly across your shoulders before picking up his noodles again. 
“Wonho,” you sighed. “Why are you like this?”
“Uh, what?” he choked, mid-slurp through a mouthful of ramen. 
“You’re too good,” you groaned. “Too pure. Too sweet.” 
He glanced up at you, his expression was one of confusion as he finished chewing. “Is...is that not a good thing?” 
“It’s a very good thing,” you whined. “But it makes my life so much more difficult.”
“Uh...I’ll um...try to do...better?” he winced, unsure of how he should respond. 
You shifted your sore leg with a sigh, hesitantly reaching over to grab your set of chopsticks in the shared bowl of noodles Wonho held. 
“Can I ask you something?” you said quietly, stirring the food around a bit. The question wasn’t one you cared to verbalize, but figured it would have to be addressed at some point. 
“I’m not here to further my career, Y/N,” he said promptly with a small nod. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his rapid response to an inquiry you hadn’t even asked. 
“While that is comforting, it’s a different question,” you laughed. 
“Oh,” he grinned, the tips of his ears become red with embaressment. “Well...yeah, of course it is.” 
“So...I wanted to ask...you know...while there aren’t any cameras around,” you hummed, glancing away from him. He was looking at you expectantly, his face placid and pleasant. It was as if you were talking to a puppy. 
“That sounds...not good,” he whispered, looking toward his lap. He played nervously with his fingers, a small tick that made your heart ache. Without putting much thought into your action, you reached over and pulled his strong hands into yours, letting them rest on his knee as you gave them a gentle squeeze. 
“I just...I have to know something,” you nodded, trying to be as direct as possible. “Before I joined the show, I obviously watched the first season...”
Wonho’s face grew grim with your words, but he nodded calmly, certain of what you were about to ask this time. 
“I assume you did as well. At least if you didn’t see it while it was airing, you most certainly did before actually joining the second season,” you continued. “So, my question...Jooheon was a finalist last year...and well, he lit a lot of things on fire.” 
“My question, Wonho,” you nodded. “What is your opinion on the scandals he caused? About everything he did? And I guess more importantly...are you here to clean up his mess?” 
Wonho gulped as he set down the ramen again. His body remained still as his eyes bounced from one miscellaneous item in the parking area to another. “That’s...that’s a big question.” 
“I know,” you whispered. “And I’m sorry to bring it up...but I didn’t know if we’d get a chance again...at least one without a camera.” 
“Right,” he nodded. “No, yeah, I totally get it...and I’ll do my best to answer.” 
“Thank you,” you said quietly. He looked up at you through his lashes before sighing. 
“I love Jooheon,” he hummed. “My members are my brothers. And just like with any family...we don’t always approve of each other’s decisions or methods of handling a situation. Jooheon is extremely passionate. He cared so much for that girl and when he wasn’t chosen...he was crushed. That didn’t make what he did okay though. There were plenty of ways he could have handled it...he created controversy, but a lot of it was him simply following the directions of the My Idol crew. If it’s one thing Jooheon is good at doing, it’s following direction, especially if it guarantees him to win a situation. He was told that he was the main contender, he was going to walk away as the winner...I think it was his pride that made him act the way he did...his pride trying to mask that he had a broken heart.” 
You opened your mouth to speak, only to close it again. 
“And he thought she deserved to know,” he continued. “She deserved to know the flaws in the system because she had no clue. Could he have done it differently? Sure. But in the end, he was the only idol to be truly honest with her. And he still supports her and the relationship she is in to this very day...
...now as for me...I’m his friend, his group-mate, one of his six confidants. It’s not my job to pick up the mess he created here. He didn’t create a mess with you, Y/N, so what do I have to prove?” 
You lifted your brows, amazed by his honesty, and judging by the look on his face, he had surprised himself as well. 
“Sure, when Monsta X is associated with My Idol, there’s some room for a little bit of clean up,” he chuckled. “But it’s over. That chapter of My Idol and Monsta X’s television appearances is over. This is me. This is us. This is now.”
“Okay,” you said quietly, unsure of what else to say. 
“Good answer?” he grinned. 
“Great answer,” you whispered, with a small nod. You glanced to your foot, now throbbing with a new pain you weren’t familiar with. You winced as you attempted to readjust it again. 
You let go of Wonho’s hands and tried to pull your limb in toward your body, letting out a groan as you did so. 
“Are you okay?” he gasped, immediately springing forward to hover above your wrapped ankle. 
“I don’t know,” you admitted, continuing to slowly slide it. 
“Let me help,” he hummed, his hands already beginning to peel back the layers of bandages. He worked methodically to unravel your leg, looking up in immense horror as you would hiss in pain. “I’m taking off your sock.” 
“Okay,” you whispered, your emotions somewhere between discomfort and nausea. Closing your eyes, you mentally prepared for the cold breeze to hit your skin. Instead of the winter air, you felt an intense pain radiate up your leg. 
“Shit,” he croaked, sliding off your sock with a swift motion. 
Opening your eyes slowly, you chanced a look toward your foot, immediately feeling sick to your stomach as you saw the discoloration. 
“It’s okay, right?” Wonho whispered, his voice not so convincingly hiding his emotion. He gazed up at you, his eyes obviously brimming with tears. “Like, is that color is normal for a sprain?” 
“I don’t know,” you whined, tilting it the best you could to get full view of the swelling. “Wonho, this doesn’t look good.” 
“Okay, so there’s no way you’ll be able to walk on this,” he nodded, swallowing the tears he had remaining. He knew he was going to have to be the strong one in this situation. “Put the hospital address into your phone and give me directions. I’m carrying you.” 
“You are doing no such thing!” you gasped. “It’s way too far!” 
“It really isn-” he began, only to be cut off by the sound of footsteps.
“There you are!” one of the camera men gasped as he rounded the corner. “We don’t have enough footage to finish the episode! And there’s a punishment and- why does your foot look like that?!”
The second camera man came wheezing behind him. You were unsure if his face was red with anger or from lack of oxygen. Initially, he glared at you before his eyes panned down your body, resting on your ankle. “Shit kid, we have to get you to a doctor.” 
You slumped against the window of the My Idol SUV, attempting to get comfortable with the limited amount of leg space. 
“Nervous?” one of the camera man said casually, giving you a side eye as the vehicle began to slow. 
“Hardly,” you muttered. You were on edge today and the intense pain radiating through your body probably wasn’t helping things. 
“It’s getting down to the wire,” he continued, shifting his equipment as the car halted. “Three dates left.” 
“Why do you care?” you huffed, turning to him. 
He narrowed his eyes as he shifted as well to look at you more directly. “Contrary to popular belief, as part of the crew, we are mildly interested in your well being. Last season’s contestant was a pain too, but we still liked her. She went through a lot of shit, but she could hide it.” He glanced down at your leg and your still bandaged wrist. “You on the other hand.” 
“Do I sense...worry?” you asked, lifting your brows. For a moment, the camera men had surprised you. You never expected for them to ever care about you. 
“If you fall off a cliff, we lose a paycheck,” he sighed. “So sure, if that’s what you want to construe it as.” 
And there it was. 
You rolled your eyes and gripped the handle of the SUV. “You guys suck.” 
You hopped down on your good foot and reached back into the vehicle to retrieve your crutches. Sighing, you looked down at your ankle, cursing quietly. 
Your full body weight being pulled in the opposite direction of your foot had definitely been enough to fracture your ankle after all. You had been hoping for the best as Wonho had sat beside you in the Emergency Room, his face near green with nerves. Unsure if he would start crying or vomiting, you had patted his back gently as he remained silent. 
When the doctors had come back with the findings from your x-ray, you were certain he would pass out. You, on the other hand, were almost at peace with the inevitable prognosis. 
You could have gotten along without the bulky cast though. 
Wonho had felt terrible. If you had a dollar for every instance in which he said “I’m Sorry” on the ride home, you wouldn’t have to worry about making rent that month. You attempted to comfort him, insisting that none of this was his fault, and apparently My Idol brought out the clumsiness in you. He refused to listen though, carrying you to your apartment door once everything was said and done. You left him with a small kiss on the cheek and hope to redeem himself next time. 
But for now, you had more dates to attend to. 
Hobbling away from the My Idol SUV was no small undertaking. Tucking your crutches, beneath your arms, you shuffled toward a small opening in the trees. You had been dropped off in what could only be described as the middle of no where. The crisp, winter air cut through your body and you tried not to shiver, hoping the shaking wouldn’t make it down your bones and to your injured foot. 
“Where in the hell are we?” you grumbled, attempting to bury your chin in the scarf you had wrapped around your neck. Both camera men shrugged, looking back at you blankly. “Why do I even bother asking at this point?” 
The crew had parked in a large clearing, outlined by a thick line of trees on one side. You shuffled along the brush and brambles, the only possible route to take considering you had yet to see your date. He had to be somewhere past the intense amounts of nature you were surrounded by. 
You kept your eyes toward the ground as you moved, hoping to avoid any possible trouble that would cause any further injury. As your eyes stayed locked on putting one foot before the other, you hardly noticed as you cleared the trees. Admittedly, you hardly noticed anything until you saw a pair of shoes appear in your field of vision. 
Looking up slowly, you tried to take in the towering form before you in increments. His shoes were untied, but incredibly clean. His jeans were ripped tastefully and belted around his narrow waist. Stuffed into his pants was a shirt that was at least three sizes too large for his lanky frame, but he had tossed a coat and scarf atop of it. Above the scarf sat a beaming smile, strong jawline, and lusciously disheveled hair. 
“Damn, you look like hell,” he chuckled, shaking his head as you limped toward him. 
“Well, thanks,” you hissed with a glare. “I’m going to go ahead and get back in the car now. See you later.” 
You attempted to turn, but he angled himself in front of you, making it difficult to accomplish the task. 
“Agh, I’m sorry,” he groaned. “Sometimes I stay stuff that I fully intend to keep in my head. It’s really an affliction at this point. What I meant to say was, oh my gosh, your cast is so cute, where’d you get it?” 
Blinking up at him, you remained unamused. He grimaced and finally gave a short bow. “I’m Day6′s Jae and I’m really, very sorry for my existence right now.” 
“Y/N,” you muttered. “And don’t be sorry. I know I’m damaged goods.” 
“You said it,” he chuckled. “Not me. Just for the record.” 
Against your better judgement you let a smirk begin to tug at the corners of your lips. 
“There we go, laugh at my poor attempts at humor,” he grinned. “You know you want to. Come on, let it out.” 
You let out a small chuckle, immediately covering your mouth with your hands as best you could considering you were teetering on crutches. 
“Where are we?” you managed, glancing past Jae and to the gorgeous winter scenery behind him. 
“Pfft, where are we?” he gasped. “You don’t know?!” 
“No,” you said simply. 
“Me either,” he smiled sadly, shaking his head. “I have to be honest. I googled ‘Best Winter Dates in Seoul’ and picked from a list on CNN’s Travel site...
I am really, really, bad at this.” 
You pointed down to your cast and grinned, “Apparently, I am too.” 
“The blind leading the blind, I like it!” he chirped. “Just call us Stevie and Ray.”
You looked at him with wide eyes, hardly believing the things coming out of his mouth. 
“Right, so, where are we?” he nodded, spinning toward what appeared to be a frozen pond. 
“What does CNN have in mind when thinking of winter romance?” you sighed, shaking the previous conversation from your thoughts. 
“I know this is going to seem a little too obvious,” he nodded, placing his hands on his hips as he glanced toward you. He stuck his chest out with confidence as he spoke his next words. “Ice fishing.” 
“Ice...ice fishing?” you stuttered. After a moment of him staring at you, you immediately burst into laughter. “Oh! You’re joking.” 
His smile began to slide from his face and his cheeks grew a bright red. “Uh...actually...not so much.” 
“We’re...we’re seriously ice fishing?” you asked. 
“It involves limited movement,” he said quietly. “I watched the last episode. I know things.” 
“It’s so cold though,” you argued. “Granted I thought for a moment that you were about to say ice skating, so I guess this is better.” 
“Much better!” he nodded enthusiastically. “Have you ever been ice fishing before?”
You remained silent as your eyes spoke all of the answer he needed to know. 
“Right, judging by your reaction, apparently not,” he chuckled. “Believe me, I’m not one to go outside much, so the allure of this idea shocked me as well.” 
“So...you aren’t even an outdoorsy type?” you asked, already soured by this idea. 
“I’ve gone out doors before,” he nodded. “And I watched a few youtube videos-”
“Okay, I’m really getting back in the car now,” you nodded, beginning to turn again. 
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,” Jae repeated, wielding his tall frame to hinder your escape. “Just trust me on this, okay?” 
“No offense,” you hummed. “But I’m running low on trust these days. I don’t have many limbs left.” 
“The thickness of the ice has been tested,” he urged. “It’s completely safe. You see that little blanket pallet right on the water’s edge? We just sit there, and wait for fish or something, I don’t know, the guy in the video was from Busan and I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what some of the words meant, but I really think it’ll be fun.” 
“Jae,” you hummed, shaking your head. You weren’t sure if you even knew him well enough to use his name as part of an argument yet, but at this point you didn’t care. You weren’t in the market for any more injury, and trusting a man you just met made you incredibly uneasy. 
“Please,” he whispered, biting his lip. 
He was handsome, you could admit that. His eyes sat behind large, thick glasses, but you could still see them pleading behind the lenses. He knew what he was working with, and he planned on using it against you. 
And unfortunately, you were falling victim to said plan. 
You grumbled quietly to yourself, thinking you should have an immunity to good looking men built up by now. 
“Alright, fine,” you groaned. “But if I fall into that water, I’m never going on another date ever again, and especially not with you.”
Jae chuckled, his smile more wide than it had ever been. “Deal.” 
To Be Continued...
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recentanimenews · 5 years
RISE up with FAITH: Find out Who Inspired MADKID to Be Musicians!
  Last year's Crunchyroll Expo was an amazing show, and during it we got to chat with a variety of amazing guests. Coming off of last year’s reveal of The Rising of the Shield Hero, this year we got to talk to the band responsible for the amazing songs RISE and FAITH, covering a range of topics with members YOU-TA, SHIN, LIN, KAZUKI, and YUKI. We had a pretty amazing conversation, ranging from where they got their inspirations, types of music they’d worked on in the past, baseball, and even their thoughts on the Shield Hero anime itself!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us! How has your trip to San Jose been so far? Are you enjoying the convention?
YOU-TA: It’s the first time for us to come to an event like this. The flight was very long, but even though it was long, we’ve really been enjoying ourselves! We haven’t really checked out the convention yet, but we hope to get a chance to do that.
  Have you all had any time to go sight-seeing?
YOU-TA: We had a bit of time, but rather than sight-seeing, it was more like we took some time to walk around the area near the convention center.
  How would you describe the style and sound of MADKID?
YOU-TA: In Japan, it’s rare to see a group where there’s 3 vocalists and 2 rappers, but we want to challenge the kinds of norms that have been set; we want to improve and go past that.
    Which musicians, bands or artists have the biggest impact on your music? Who are your inspirations?
SHIN: I started with J-Pop, and then in middle school and high school I listened to Justin Bieber a lot. And right now, I draw a lot of inspiration from Sam Smith.
  LIN: I’ve been doing dancing and acting since I was 8 years old, and I got a lot of inspiration from R&B and Rap. One of the Japanese rappers that I often listen to is S.L.A.C.K / 5lack, and I also listen to Virtual Riot, but that’s not even all of them! I listen to a lot of artists that influence my work.
  YOU-TA: Up until I was 18, I played baseball, and after that, I started my music career. There’s an artist known as Tamaki Koji, and his singing is a huge inspiration for me, in the past and now too. He’s the one I look up to the most!
  KAZUKI: I’ve been playing classical music on the piano since I was 4 years old, but being part of a vocal and dance group wasn’t what I was aiming for until I saw the Korean group known as Tohoshinki / TVXQ. After watching them, it became my dream to be a part of a group like that!
  YUKI: In elementary and middle school, I had a lot of influence from Kageyama Hironobu, who does a lot of songs for anime. Around when I was in middle school, I heard that Michael Jackson died, and that’s how I learned about him and his music, so I got into dancing and singing. During that time, I also learned about Usher’s and Chris Brown’s music, and I started listening to similar music. As far as rapping goes, the K-Pop band BIGBANG and Jay-Z are my influences.
    YOU-TA-san, since you devoted yourself to baseball in high school, what made you decide to pursue a career in music instead of sports?
YOU-TA: When I was a senior in high school, I saw one of my friends cry after hearing a song, and after seeing that, I became obsessed with music! I essentially retired from playing baseball and started my music career after that.
  LIN-san, what was your first experience with rapping? Did it immediately inspire you to try it yourself?
LIN: In this age, because everyone can get access to a computer, anyone can make music with it, right? Because of that, I was able to stream music and listen to a lot of different singers and rappers. Luckily, since I owned a computer, I was able to make my own music, so I picked up the mic and tried my hand at rapping. Right from the beginning, I really liked challenging myself, so if I think I can do it, I’ll try it!
  KAZUKI-san, before MADKID, you mostly acted in stage plays. Does your acting experience influence your musical career at all?
KAZUKI: The emotions from acting and singing on stage… you could say that they’re the same, but there’s also a part that’s not related at all. With acting, the way you behave on stage, you’re projecting a specific image to the audience, but with singing, you are putting yourself into your song. However, there are people who don’t feel anything when they’re singing their songs, and you can definitely tell the difference with the way that they sing and present their song.
  YUKI: I feel like there’s no relation between acting and music, because how you behave on stage for either acting or signing will be different depending on which one you do.
  YUKI-san, I read that you are the band’s main lyricist. What did you want to express in the songs RISE and FAITH?
YUKI: We all participated in writing the rap for RISE and FAITH! For RISE, it has to do with the word “rising” from the anime’s title, The Rising of the Shield Hero. The idea is that there’s nothing and nobody around, but you’re still able to stand up and rise from that. With FAITH, it starts off with you being with your friends and having your faith in each other, you rise together. To sum it up: in RISE, you’re by yourself, but in FAITH, you’ve got your friends. When we were working on the songs, we felt a connection; for a long time we were working on our music separately, so when we were writing the lyrics for both of the songs, the themes of rising and faith it really resonated with us. So we felt the songs were a perfect fit, not only for us, but for the anime as well!
    SHIN-san, I understand that you were in a few different music groups before MADKID. How do you feel now that you have found a home in this band?
SHIN: The groups I was in were nothing like MADKID; they were more J-Pop and Idol groups. Joining MADKID is a whole new experience, and with them, I’ve been able to do a wider range of music.
  Could you explain how you felt when your music was chosen to be featured on The Rising of the Shield Hero anime?
YOU-TA: It was our first time writing songs for another work, and the pace in which it was completed felt so fast. So when we received the script, read through it, and worked on the lyrics together, it felt like we had no time to react as we were going through the motions. But after watching the video for RISE, we felt really lucky that we were able to do something like this.
  Were any of you fans of the Shield Hero novels or manga before RISE and FAITH made their way onto the anime?
SHIN: It’s my absolute favorite anime! I really got into it; once I started watching, I couldn’t stop until I watched all of it! Before Shield Hero, I’ve never watched any other anime; I just didn’t have the interest in it before.
  YOU-TA: Well, that’s because you haven’t watched anything else before, so obviously this would be your favorite! (everyone laughs)
  LIN: In Japan there are a lot of anime that are very similar, set in another world, where the main character already has all these friends, and they have the special abilities to get by in this new world from the get-go. But watching Shield Hero, Naofumi doesn’t know how to use the shield properly, and he can’t really do anything at the beginning, so because of that, we were able to relate to the show, and while writing the lyrics, we were able to pour our feelings into it.
    Thank you all so much for talking to us today! As we wrap up, do you have any messages you want to say to your fans?
YOU-TA: Through working on the songs for The Rising of the Shield Hero, MADKID has been able to come to America and participate in a wonderful convention like this. For all the fans that didn’t know about us before and became our fans through Shield Hero, we’re very grateful! We probably won’t have another chance to come to America any time soon, but you should be able to hear us online, and we’d be so happy if you listen to our works and come to our concerts in Japan!
    We want to extend our thanks to MADKID once again for talking to us, we had an absolute blast! We hope they got the chance to enjoy Crunchyroll Expo as much as we did, and we’re pretty sure they were blown away by how popular Shield Hero is. We hope to see them back at Crunchyroll Expo again in the future, and can’t wait to hear what new songs they come up with next!
  Which Shield Hero opening song is your favorite? Do you find yourself dancing in your chair while listening to MADKID's songs? Let us know in the comments!
  ➡️ Watch The Rising of the Shield Hero on Crunchyroll! ⬅️
➡️ Get your Crunchyroll Expo 2020 tickets today to join the celebration of everything anime! ⬅️
Nicole is a frequent wordsmith for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
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