#[ yeeEEEAHHH ]
p1x1x · 11 months
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emperornero · 1 year
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jacksmusesdrv3 · 1 year
ive been watching a blind ndrv3 playthrough from The Bittersweet Gamers and they have a LOT of interesting theories on kokichi i think you might be interested in, the duo is known for really diving into the theories and ideas and knowing a lot about japanese culture, for instance they get basically nearly all of tsumugis references, and they currently are wondering about if kokichi is in some sort of loop with the game because of how often he seems to just nudge things juuust right. They get so deep into their theories it took them up to the THIRD TRIAL for them to actually admit that kiibo might actually be a robot and not just someone in a robot costume who just THINKS they are a robot that's how deep they dig into these things
So I finally got a start on this, might as well embed the first part- finished the first 13 episodes now! I'm loving the energy from these two as well as a bunch of the commentary, though I haven't got to Ouma in details just... yet (I'm pushing on trying to get to that now that you mention it, haha). Love how they took the time to make a themed outro for this series too this stuff is extra
It sure is fun to see them get so suspicious of Kiibo's robot-ness, I could see why they did from their comments (also heartening since I too was suspicious of Kiibo's nature, but for a whole other reason). There's more details they picked out too that I never noticed before, such as a book from DR:AE on the floor of the library- I'm already suspicious about the library books because of how the books on Jabberwock Island were similarly in different languages, not to mention there's Sparkling Justice's mask in Korekiyo's lab, so to see another physical connection to lore is... curious too bad it was left there to gather dust but alas there was no motivation to look at it
Thank you for sharing this, Anon! I've a lot to catch up on but at least it's still ongoing and it gives me energy, might even get to see what they make of Chapter 5's craziness in due time :'D
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bruisedconscience · 2 years
"Dont mind me, I'm justing.... hiding, from a jackass." (From Wilson to ned :o)+
Ned usually had Olive approach the customers and speak with them, figure out what they wanted (both in life and in regards to the Pie Hole). Today, she was very busy, and since Ned could see the animated sweat droplets (gross) flying from her despite the ceiling fans in full swing, he was doing double-duty while the pies baked.
He didn't need to watch the metaphorical paint dry, anyway.
About to open his mouth to ask for an order (coffee, pie, ice cream (with the agreement that this would also come with pit)), but then...
"Oh." Ned's eyebrows raised and he tried to smile, awkward a sentiment as it was. "Well... I hope your....person you're hiding from is....not a fan of the flaky, flavorful, decadence of pie?"
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omg HEAR ME OUT kappa being gentle and whiny as he eats out reader and he’s kissing and biting at their thighs and being soooo needy and desperate :((
Y'all...I'm about to start with the ovulation horny, have mercy!
Hedonistic Tendencies
Summary: Neither Kappa nor you have the slightest grip around consuming things in moderation.
Pairing: Kappa x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1k
Content Warnings: Smut Bomb 18+!, Oral (F Receiving), Consumption Of Substances (Pot and Alcohol Because Everyone's Getting Crossfaded In Here), Gooning (Here I Go With My Slightly Obscure Kinks), Orgasming While Tripping (IFYKYK)
A/N: Okay, y'all hear me out. So, Gooning apparently is something in between a tantric sex practice (don't nail me down on that!) and, simply put, prolonged, predominantly male, masturbation. Like, a constant state of edging for hours until your brain shuts down because you are so consumed by keeping that state of sexual arousal intact. Reading about it had me going from "Hmm, interesting! 🤔" to "Oh, yeeeeeahhh, that's very Kappa coded!" in 0.6 seconds.
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @alalalaaallaaalaaa @star-milk-tea @milsthouqhts @roryculkinsbf @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl
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More power, more pace
More money, more taste
More sex, more pills
More skin, more shills
More wants, more needs
More hits, morphine
- We Love You By Avenged Sevenfold
There were days when you had your act together, where you knew when to keep a sober and sharp mind but today was clearly not one of those.
Taking another deep hit from the joint between your fingers before putting it to rest in the ashtray next to you, you let your drowsy head loll back against the wall, reveling in how the tingling sensations of your buzz ebbed through your body like a lazy tide.
It washed down from your head, through your torso and clashed with equally fuzzy warm pangs of arousal emitting from amidst your thighs. Everything felt slowed down and yet amplified as you looked down between your legs with heavy, half-lidded eyes.
It's been hours since Kappa propped you up on his desk, eagerly burying his face into your throbbing pussy that was screaming for his attention all around the clock, even more so in your increasingly intoxicated state.
By now you had lost count on how many orgasms his tongue and nimble fingers had pulled from your body. All of it was but a wash of time, space and sensations mixed into one massively hedonistic trip of pure indulgence.
"Fuck the world, am I right?" It trickled out of your somewhat dry mouth in a dragged out groan.
To help with that you reached for an already half-way empty bottle of wine right next to the ashtray. The potent mixture of THC and alcohol in your blood made you feel like your body was nothing but a random array of colors slowly leaking out of their confines, like a rainbowy smear of oil spreading over water.
"Good fucking god, this feels so good." You exhaled into the room after taking a large swig from the bottle.
Kappa beneath you answered with a low hum into your oozing cunt, his tongue flat against your clit, lapping at it like a man parched.
He was even further gone than you were with his face against your thoroughly slik-coated folds and his hand fisting his cock in a slow pace, seemingly endless spurts of pre-cum leaking and pooling around his fingers. His brain lost any touch with reality hours ago as he had edged himself up to the brink of spilling his cum all over your thighs for the first time and keeping himself right there on the thin line of overstimulation and ecstasy ever since. In that very instance he had only two things on his substance and sex-corrupted mind: To get you to cum all over his face once again and to shoot his load right at the same time.
As if in trance, Kappa worked his tongue over your swollen clit over and over, the tip of it nudging softly, hitting that spot he knew you were the most sensitive.
At that you allowed your eyes to flutter back shut completely while your mind got lost in some place that was much closer to a colorful astral plane than planet earth. Images of softly flowing prisms fogged your mind as gravitation seemed to double down on your body. You were glued to the wooden desk underneath your bare ass and yet you felt like levitating off the ground by your power of will and imagination alone. With the last hit of the joint truly hitting your system it got harder to pinpoint what your body was experiencing exactly, all you knew was pleasure and exquisite numbness to anything else.
Was Kappa finger-fucking you or was it his tongue pushing into you? You couldn't differentiate anymore and, honestly, you didn't care too much. All that mattered was the rising feeling in your lower abdomen. A spark of arousal growing into a wildfire with every touch of his against your throbbing cunt. For a moment you were convinced that you were burning from the inside out, your body filling with warmth, spiked blood rushing through your veins like magma.
"Shit…oh, fuck!.." You felt your pussy clenching in the first contractions of an oncoming orgasm.
The sensation shot right to your head and your upper body slumped against the wall behind you as jolts of white-hot bliss had your muscles trembling and twitching.
You were so lost in the experience, seeing stars behind closed eyes, that you barely took notice of Kappa moaning and mewling beneath you, increasing the pace of stroking his cock, eventually pushing himself over his own threshold as thick, sticky ropes of his seed splattered against your quivering thighs.
"Fuck.." He groaned into the thick air that was heavy with the pungent scent of weed, bodily fluids and sweat as he pulled his soaked face from your cunt to lean back into the creaking, old chair.
"Fucking hell…" He exhaled, his cock still in hand and pupils blown out wide.
Both of you were panting heavily, filling your lungs with much needed oxygen before you couldn’t hold back an almost maniacal avalanche of giggles falling from smiling lips, dopamine and oxytocin clearly putting in their work.
"Happy, huh?", Kappa chuckled, his chest still heaving up and down strongly, "How about I roll us another one and we give it another go? You think you can take that, sugar?"
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
Back in February I learned that not everyone can taste/smell the liquids when they get an IV. The nurse said it's less common to be able to. If you've ever had an IV can you smell/taste it?
A few ideas that sprang to mind. Sherlock can and it makes him feel othered until Greg says he can too. Alternately Sherlock cannot and John can. John makes a comment about how bad it is and Sherlock is immediately interested and asks John to describe exactly how each drug he is given smells and tastes. He later tries to convince John to let him experiment with other drugs and concentrations (within reason of course John) and John declines.
Do you have opinions or ideas about this that you'd like to share?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.*
Hey Lovely!
I've never had an IV, so I can't say for sure at all, LOL. But I DO have STRONG aversion to smells I am unhappy about, like perfumes and colognes. I HATE them. THOSE I can taste as soon as I smell them, so perhaps that would happen with me with IVs. I know that penicillin and amoxicillin has a GHASTLY smell to me near the end of my prescriptions when I get them, so yeeeeeahhh. Being hypersensitive to sights, sounds, and smells is ANNOYING.
But that's an interesting principle for a fic idea, so I will add it to the prompt tag, LOL.
Sadly I don't have anything really to add, except that the body is such a funny thing, LOL.
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slayer-of333lies · 2 years
I'm a huge fan of the books and usually am a bit suspicious about any changes (especially after got (as I've said I'll never get over it))
I'm just so happy to have him alive
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Laenor Velaryon (House of the Dragon episode 7)
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mr-humphries · 1 year
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I really wanted to experiment with the watercolour brushes ngl <3
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no-mans-land-spooky · 2 months
Moshing out!!!
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possible johto gym challenge mayhaps???
//:) Yeeeeeahhh
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I Send you a double character because they must not be separated : Yuma and Astral
favorite thing about them: For Yuma! I,, fucking love that this kid is kind of a loser. LIKE FOR A YUGIOH PROTAG THATS SUCH A COOL THING TO SEE it helps play up this idea that you can grow and get better at dueling and that anyone can be a great duelist if they work at it! Let us see our protagonist lose sometimes!!! It's a good thing!!!! He's just such a believable middle schooler to me. For Astral! I love just how deadpan he is, I've always loved "alien/nonhuman entity comes to earth and has to learn earth things" and Astral's just so great with that. He's so FUNNY. I love watching him learn about the power of friendship it rules!!!!
least favorite thing about them: im going to be real, I can't actually think of anything really concrete for this for yuma or astral?? I just like 'em. I wasn't expecting to be this into either of them but I've ended up really enjoying their characters!!
favorite line: I can't think of one for Astral off the top of my head but I'm very excited to see if anything in the zexal 2 dub goes as hard as Yuma yelling at Vetrix and telling him "you think they [the Arclight brothers] owed you their lives because they're your kids, but youre wrong!" because jesus FUCK i still think about that.
brOTP: each other of course!!!! Not particularly engaged with them in a romantic context (as i said when I talked about Trey, in general I just don't particularly care much about shipping younger teen characters) but platonic soulmates let's fuckin GOOOO!!!!! I do also in general love Yuma's little friend gaggle it feels like such a middle school weirdkid friend group ;___;
OTP: See above. sidenote idk who people even ship Astral with otherwise?!?!? Dark Mist maybe??? sure alright
nOTP: Not a fan of Kite/Yuma. Yuma is 13. Be normal please.
random headcanon: For Yuma, I think he would be really good at running cross country (didn't his sub VA outrun a horse once?? yeah.) For Astral, I think he would really like ASMR. Like if Yuma showed him ASMR videos that would be it, he'd be all about it. He'd be listening to them constantly and putting Yuma to sleep in the middle of the afternoon.
unpopular opinion: i love dub yuma to bits this kid is a bouncy little doofus and he's funny and GREAT. I actually dont think I've seen enough Zexal to have an unpopular opinion about Astral? Maybe once I'm more fully done with the series.
song i associate with them: I WISH I HAD ONE ;__; i dont rly have any zexal character songs just cuz these guys havent finished simmering in my brain yet. much like with trey im sure i'll find one for either of these guys eventually
favorite picture of them: IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO PICK ONE FAV PIC OF YUMA THEY MADE THIS KID SO EXPRESSIVE!!!! every time he makes a goofy face is my favorite. so instead heres one of my fav pics of (zexal) yuma and astral together
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it really feels like the platonic ideal of their personalities, this image.
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if youre trans guy bait then my ass is carp hell yeeeeeahhh
Fish want me, men fear me, or however it goes >:3 `
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stanleyslayer · 2 years
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blackchantilly · 10 months
✨when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favorite followers beloved beauties who live in ur phone✨
Tagged by @lisa-and-shadow yeeeeeahhh. We're going with recent fixations and/or sentimental songs because otherwise I don't know how to narrow it down.
"M.E." by Underworld
"The Machineries of Joy" by Die Krupps
"Never Ever" by Body of Light
"Far Away" by Sacred Skin
"Stripdown" by Agent Side Grinder
Do it if you want to!
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sg-chat · 2 years
Ahri: Welcome girls! We are glad to have you in the star Guardians!
Kai'sa: Thank you Ahri...
Taliyah and Rell: *Crying their hearts out*
Nilah: Let's go girls!!
Ekko: Hell yeah! * hugs jinx*
Quinn: Oh my god i can't belive * really happy*
Ahri: Oh god this is going to be a mess...
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No, but like, I can't get over Amity telling Luz "but no more hiding, okay?" at the end of Thanks to Them because Luz is going to hide the fact Hunter knew before she did.
She's not going to tell her, either because she doesn't want Amity to feel a certain type of way or she's just not going to tell her because she thinks it doesn't matter at this point. Since everyone now knows she helped Belos meet The Collector, it's not a big deal that Hunter knew her secret before she did, right?
That's why I don't see Luz telling Amity about it. I can 100% see his secret getting passed on to Amity through someone else.
Either it goes like Hunter->Gus->Willow->Amity or Hunter->Gus and Willow at the same time-> Willow->Amity.
I don't see Hunter telling Amity directly because out of all the members of the Hexside gang he's the most distant with her. He's not buddy-buddy with her like he is with Willow and Gus.
But yeeeeeahhh, it's going to come to the surface and I don't see how it wouldn't spark a blow-out between Luz and Amity lmao.
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